#eddy whopper
raralabelle1studios · 2 years
Eddy Lays Robin Eggs
I was inspired by the candy eggs that look like jawbreakers to make this drawing. This drawing will hopefully make it to the district art show.
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By the looks of it, the Robin Eggs container was seen on set… it could mean that The Eds try to make up this imaginary photo… but I believe Eddy could lay eggs.
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🧠🪱 Wiggly Wednesday 🧠 🪱
I was tagged by @runninriot - thx love ❤️
Today I'm thinking of ...
...Eddie, stupidly high and with a mad case of the late-night munchies, stumbling his way up to the fast food counter. The guy behind it has his back turned, talking and laughing at the freckled girl in the kitchen, but when he hears Eddie approach, he turns. 
“Hi,” Eddie mutters. “Can I have a- fuck!” 
“I'm afraid we're not that kind of business,” says the apparition behind the counter. 
“... huh?” says Eddie. 
The apparition laughs, a sound like bells. “Never mind, what can I do for you?” 
“Are you an angel?” Eddie blurts, and scowls when he gets another laugh in reply. He thinks it's a fair question. Regular humans don't have eyes with golden flecks of toffee and hair like spun honey and sun-kissed, caramel skin that looks good enough to lick, and fuck he is so hungry!
“No, man,” says the guy, gesturing at his name tag. “I'm Steve. I work here.” 
“Steeeve,” Eddie slurs. Even the name tastes sweet. “Hi, Steve, I'm Eddie, it's a pleasure to- … Wait, is God, like, in trouble or somethin’? Forcing his angels to work in the service industry? I've never been much for organized religion, but-” 
The girl in the kitchen doubles over laughing, sending a large, silver tray rattling to the ground. It goes boioioing. 
“Okay, listen,” says Steve. His voice is so gentle and slow, Eddie could listen to it for hours. “How about you just let me take your order?” 
Right, food. He needs food. Like a whole truck full of it. 
“Stevie,” he declares, letting the v sound linger on his tongue, soft and velvety. “I'd be forever grateful to you if you could fast forward me one of your finest Whoppers. No, you know what? Make it a Double Whopper.” 
“Oh,” says Steve. Those pretty eyes go serious, and oh no, Eddie has disappointed him! “I'm afraid I can't.” 
“What?” Eddie croaks, blinking tears from his eyes. “Wha- … Why not?” 
“Because, Eddie,” Steve smiles, and taps his name tag again. Or the logo on it, more specifically. “This is a McDonald's.”
He gets Eddie a Big Mac. Eddie returns a few nights later, more sober, to discover that Steve is still just as angelic. Him ordering a Whopper becomes their little running gag. Their first date is at a Burger King.
Tagging: @rozzieroos @stervrucht @arelliann @dartlekey @eyesofshinigami
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hotluncheddie · 3 months
ur my burger king
written for the June @steddiemicrofic prompt 'stuff' !
wc: 483 | rated: M | cw: weed | tags: idiot4idiot, Chubby Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson is a sweetheart
🍔 ✧
‘Five whoppers.’ Eddie says, with an air of gravitas. ‘And then, five more whoppers.’ Flicking his wrist at the little drive-thru speaker. 
Steve giggles in the passenger seat, his little cardboard crown shifting as he turns to grin at Eddie. 
‘Do you require anything else my liege?’ Eddie’s ears stick out between strands of hair, his own crown sitting so low Steve can’t see his eyebrows. 
‘Dr Pepper?’ 
‘But of course!’ Eddie gasps. ‘And two of your finest Dr Peppers, if you would!’ 
‘…Next window.’ the workers bored, tinny voice replies.
Eddie pays and drives them over to the deserted end of the parking lot. Both moving to the back to get comfy and smoke, September sun beginning to set, lighting everything up golden. 
By the time the munchies are in full swing and Eddie’s eyes are rimmed red, Steve, slouched heavily against the vans side, sighs. ‘I miss Bobbie.’ He pouts. 
‘Ah Stevie, I know you do, but you’ll see her soon. Winter road trip, remember?’ Eddie swings his arms around, holding fries as if they’re pompoms. 
‘Yeah. Sorry, didn’t mean to ruin the high.’ Steve smiles a little sheepishly. ‘I’m, thanks for uh, all this.’ Steve finishes the last of his burger and looks at Eddie, his hair curling around his cheeks, soft smile crinkling the corners of his eyes.
Eddie winks, crawling to change the tape. 
Steve shifts, placing a hand on his food baby, that’s pushing slightly against his polo. ‘Oof, I am stuffed.’ He sighs.
‘Yeah.’ Eddie sits back down, eyes his chubbier middle, lighting a fresh joint. ‘Is it like, a feelings thing? You okay?’ He asks, leaning closer. Their shoulders brush and Eddie’s eyes are so big, and kind. He holds the joint up to Steve’s mouth for him, everything fizzes where they touch, everything warm, and electric.
‘Nah.’ Steve exhales, waving his hand uselessly against the thick mist that fills the space. ‘It’s just, sometimes if I eat a lot my dick gets hard.’ He shrugs, not really thinking.
Eddie stares at him, mouth a little open. 
Steve pauses, the hand on his belly feels heavier. ’I, uh. Shit dude, I, think I’m really high.’
But Eddie’s mouth splits into a surprised grin, face and body collapsing into fond laughter, which turns into uncontrollable hysteria. 
He tips forward until his forehead rests on Steve’s thigh. Steve slouching even further against the vans interior, but that squishes his packed stomach. Which makes him groan, and makes them both double over with even more giggly laughter. 
Steve shifts until he’s laying prone, no longer inclined to move, the weed hitting his limbs. Eddie wiggles next to him. 
‘That uh, honestly?’ Eddie says through a final giggle, leaning up on his elbow, wiping a tear from his eye and looming over Steve. ‘That sounds kinda hot.’ 
‘Yeah?’ Steve asks, grinning as Eddie nods ‘Wanna, make out?’
‘Fuck yeah.’
🍔 ✧
Tag list (open) : @pearynice @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @scoops-aboy86 @chickensinrainboots @cheesedoctor
@marvel-ous-m @tangerinesteve
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staceymcgillicuddy · 1 year
#12. "Just do it."
Thank you for letting me indulge yet another one of my "fifty different ways they could have met that didn't involve anyone dying" daydreams. Mwah!
“Just do it,” Eddie says to his reflection in the cracked bathroom mirror. “Today. Today’s the fucking day, yeah? Just do it.” 
How can he do it, though, with a zit on his nose? Eddie doesn’t spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about his face or anything, but like… that dude’s a whopper. Red with a white center, and he should probably squeeze it, but if he does that, it might bleed, and he can’t decide if it’s better or worse to ask Chrissy Cunningham out with a zit or the bloody scab of where a zit used to be. 
Probably he should just pop it at home and wait until tomorrow. That’s the solid course of action. Besides, he has Hellfire after school, and if he asks her out today, he’ll be distracted, and the sheepies deserve his full and undivided attention.
Plus—plus!—he and Chrissy have been partnered up for a month on this stupid English project, and it’s due on Friday and today’s Wednesday, so if he asks her out and she says no, that’ll throw off the whole vibe of their presentation. Which, if he says so himself, is a pretty badass show. Funny what happens when you actually make an effort in school, even if it’s just to impress the pretty blonde who initially didn’t seem thrilled to be partnered with you but now laughs every time you make a dumb joke.
It’s a lot easier for Eddie to concentrate on a task when he knows Chrissy’s gonna smile and say something like, “Eddie, that’s so good!” or “I never would have thought of that!” when he’s done. 
“Friday,” he says to his reflection just as the door to the bathroom opens and some bespectacled freshman stumbles in, sees Eddie, and beats a hasty retreat. 
Yeah, that feels about right.
It’s his free period, and he was originally gonna meet Chrissy in the library to work on their poster, but she put a note in his locker this morning saying it was a lovely day and could they please work in the quad instead? 
She’s got the girliest handwriting, and he definitely sniffed the paper to see if it smelled like her perfume. 
(One time, she left her scrunchie on the table, and Eddie stole it while she was in the bathroom. It’s uh… seen some things. He’s a dick. But, whatever. She has eighty of them.) 
When he arrives, Chrissy’s already sitting at one of the four painted-green picnic tables that decorate the quad. Her hair’s in a ponytail, which he pulls to announce his arrival because he’s five and she’s cute, and he wants to shove her down a slide on the playground to tell her he likes her, or whatever.
Jesus Christ, life would be easier if she hadn’t dumped Jason Carver two weeks ago, thus opening herself up as an actual option rather than a fantasy. And, sure, Eddie gets that he’s not even remotely close to her league, but whatever. Even a first date would be more than he deserves.
Chrissy twists at the tug on her hair, and her mouth’s painted with his favorite shade of peachy-pink, lips twisting into a smile. “Hi, Eddie.” 
“Hey, sunshine. I finished those drawings.” 
“Oh, let me see!”
Their presentation is on A Tale of Two Cities, which Eddie actually read (because he really is determined to fucking graduate this time), and also sort of dug because there was a lot of war and intrigue. It’s not Asimov, but he can see the appeal. For the presentation, he and Chrissy are doing a poster depicting the major plot points, and when she found out he wasn’t the world’s worst artist, she asked him to draw and…
Yeah, he’s been making an effort. Not just because he wants to get in her pants, either, but because he likes her as, you know. A person. She’s kind of weird, and he likes how her brain works.
Sitting across from her, he tugs out some loose printer paper from the ream Wayne stole from the plant a year ago. Management would be furious, Eddie’s sure.
Fuck management. Every time he rips the edging off a fresh piece of paper, it makes him smile.
“Oh, wow, Eddie,” Chrissy says when she sees the final piece, which is Carton approaching the platform with the guillotine. “This is amazing.” 
“Ah, thanks,” he says. “It’s no big deal.”
“No, it’s perfect. And I lettered the quote.” That had been Chrissy’s job—picking out the appropriate sentences and hand-lettering them on paper she soaked in tea to make it look old. “Once we have them pasted on, we’re done.” 
“So… cool, yeah. Done.” 
Chrissy carefully places his final drawings in her folder and shrugs. “We don’t have to meet tomorrow, I guess.” 
Shit. Eddie leans forward, fingers digging into the edge of the table. “Uh. Oh. I guess not?” 
“Maybe just Friday, before we present?” 
“Cool. We'll kick butt, and then hang out Friday night.”
Eddie's brain stutters to a halt. "We're hanging out Friday night?"  
"Yes. You're taking me out to the movies."
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powderblueblood · 9 months
I’m a slut for a good heist, what’ve you got cooked up so far? 💜
cee my love let us walk and talk
so the conman!steve au has been once again on my mind like a hat for many a hundred of year mostly because i want him to have his danny ocean moment!!!! and danny ocean isn't full smooth either, he's got a little goofy energy like steve has
this really came to light after i got this whopper prompt request from my love cherry @stveharringtn
and with this i formulated the plan.
steve is fresh out of the joint, and you're a former mark of his. you met him while working at a country club in order to put yourself through college. during this whirlwind little affair, he (stupidly?) had you stash a number of stolen pieces of jewelry on his behalf. he eventually went to jail for this and the running theory is you're the one who ratted him out-- the main runner of this theory is robin buckley, president of the don't shit where you eat club, and steve can see where she's coming from. but still. love prevails and makes you do dumb shit.
you, on the other hand? well, since steve's arrest, you changed your career path-- studied to become a gemologist so the next time some bastard in a linen suit asks you to hold a couple of sparklers, you'll at least know what they're worth. you're currently working as a fence in new york's diamond district.
and steve harrington is back on the streets. and old habits die hard.
supporting cast of characters include but are not limited to--
the aforementioned robin buckley as steve's partner in crime (our resident rusty ryan), dustin henderson as the bright-eyed young pickpocket-turned-professional conman under steve and robin's detailed tutelage, eddie munson as our beloved munitions expert, lucas sinclair and mike wheeler as the resident getaway drivers and will byers as the surveillance expert.
and on your end? you've got jane hopper and max mayfield working as your very own diamond scouts-- two former teenage cat burglars who you weren't about to leave starving in hell's kitchen.
the student becomes the master.
but then the master approaches you with a plan to lift millions of precious jewels from a prestigious new york exhibit (one that nancy wheeler happens to be managing (robin? your wife is calling)). he also plans on lifting YOUR HEART!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!
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@disabledbillyandsteveweek Day 5 - Relationships
My whopper ficlet to celebrate my 18th birthday!
Trigger warning for Nancy
Nancy undoubtedly was Steve’s first love. He loved her laugh. Her smile. Her hair. Her brains. He just loved her. He loved when he cuddled her. He loved when he made her happy. He loved that he could give, give and give. He loved that Nancy loved him.
Their entire relationship gone in one word.
It broke Steve. Nancy had never loved him. Nancy cheated on him with Jonathan. Sure, it was at the very end of their relationship when they had fallen apart. But they were still together.
Steve had given Nancy his everything. King Steve was gone. The act was all he had back then. His shield because he wasn’t quite like everyone else. But he had given it up. Because he had Nancy. But now he didn’t have Nancy.
No Nancy. No title. Nothing. What was he now?
Steve had a broken crown and a broken heart. He had the fact that he had become a glorified babysitter. He had the kids. One of which was Nancy’s little brother. He couldn’t escape her. That used to be romantic. 
Now she had Jonathan with her. Now Steve was broken and useless without her. He had nothing to fill that hole in his heart that longed to love and be loved. No fake popularity. No one who loved him. Just a bunch of kids he could drive around and the constant sight of his ex and the man she cheated on him with.
Then he started at Scoops Ahoy and the summer from Hell began. But he met Robin.
Boy, if Steve thought that he loved making Nancy laugh, he was wrong. He really, really loved making Robin laugh. So much made Robin laugh. Not jokes like King Steve made. Not Nancy laughing at him being stupid. Robin and him laughed at everything. It was them.
Steve had finally found his soulmate. The one who could make him laugh alongside them. The one who would give as much as Steve would give. Someone who could match his energy and made him feel like he didn’t have to be someone else. Someone who got when everything became too much.
At first, it felt like a punch to the gut that Robin didn’t like him back but the second that Steve imagined him and Robin kissing, he shuddered. Robin and him were not romantic soulmates. Just platonic with a capital P. 
They found similarities. Robin was autistic. And it turns out so was Steve. It was hard to stop after so many years of pretending that he was “normal” but he finally had somebody who wouldn’t judge him for it. Not like Nancy would have.
Robin and Steve. Steve and Robin. 
They did everything together.
They talked about girls together. Vickie. Whatever girl Steve had a date with. The ultimate wingman or woman for one another. It felt like Steve could be happy without romance. Like he was worth more than just what he could give to people.
Really, Steve wouldn’t be surprised if they were twins separated at birth. 
Twin souls.
Eddie Munson was a first for Steve. The first crush on a guy he registered. Looking back there were others. But Eddie?
No, that was so obvious to Steve.
He wanted to hold him close. Kiss him. Listen to him. To be part of Eddie’s life. He felt the urge to give as he often did in relationships. To give his all and his everything. Like he needed to unload all of his love.
Robin was ecstatic when he told her. She asked if he could be bisexual. Steve hadn’t known what that meant but after a quick talk, yeah. Steve was bisexual.
But he couldn’t have Eddie Munson. No, Eddie hated him. For what he did in school. For who he used to be. He didn’t fit with that image anymore but no one could forget King Steve. 
Billy Hargrove died thinking that Steve was just King Steve. And when Steve thought about it, holy shit, he had definitely been attracted to Billy. Despite everything.
But this was about Eddie. Did Steve have a thing for bad boys? Unattainable bad boys.
Because he could never have Eddie Munson.
Because Eddie had a girlfriend.
Steve didn’t mean for it to happen. But him and Eddie practically had shared custody over the kids and were basically forced to become friends.
As such he became friends with Eddie’s girlfriend, Chrissy.
Shit, he could see why they loved each other. Whilst Eddie was all metal on the outside and dorky on the inside, Chrissy looked perfectly preppy but was a absolute badass on the inside. Chrissy was sweet but would definitely kill someone who dared to harm the ones she loved.
It wasn’t Steve’s fault that he fell for her too. That he wanted to be a part of Chrissy and Eddie’s relationship. He wanted them both in the most pure and the most dirty ways. Steve was convinced he was broken again. You couldn’t want more than one person.
Of course, Steve wasn’t the only one who fell. Chrissy was just so loveable. Robin had a big fat crush on her too. But it was okay because they knew that the other liked her. And Eddie in Steve’s case. But they would never get what they wanted. 
Because it was impossible.
They all had wanted out. Out of Hawkins. They had defeated Vecna. It was over. 
But still they couldn’t stay there.
So that was how Steve was sharing an apartment with his two crushes who were dating each other and his twin soul who were so alike they had a crush on the same person.
It was there that the doctor noticed something. Steve had his head bashed just one too many times. They found out that Steve had a traumatic brain injury. Not only that but Steve had lost part of his hearing. He had to get a hearing aid.
That was tough on Steve. He couldn’t get out of bed most days. But his roommates were the reason he was able to carry on.
Robin would treat him pretty much as normal. Like the entire world hadn’t shifted. But it was the little things for him. She encouraged him to learn sone sign language. She learnt with him. She encouraged him to take more breaks throughout the day. 
Eddie was a bit more tough love style. When Steve needed to get up but didn’t want to, Eddie dragged him up. When Steve needed to sit down but was too dizzy to move, Eddie would pick him up and bring him to his bed or the couch. He would bring him food and water.
Chrissy checked on him emotionally more than anything. She sat and talked with him for hours. She listen to him about his day or his past or whatever he wanted to talk about. She shared her troubles with anorexia or her more recent issues with being mostly blind which showed him that he wasn’t alone in some weird way. 
So a couple of months later, Steve was nervous when Eddie and Chrissy called a roommate meeting. Him and Robin had shared a glance to confirm that neither knew what this was about.
They never expected it.
Eddie and Chrissy came out. Eddie was omnisexual. Chrissy was pansexual. They were together but they were polyamorous. They wanted to date Steve and Robin. Well, Chrissy wanted to date Robin. Eddie didn’t want to date Robin. He knew Robin wasn’t into dudes.
And now?
Well, Steve and his twin soul had found romantic happiness. They shared a girlfriend. Then Steve and that girlfriend shared a boyfriend. They were actually able to have what seemed impossible.
It was a bit after that when Nancy came back into his life.
As Nancy always wanted, she went to a big university for journalism. She had the picture perfect life. Until she tore it all down.
Steve was the one who answered her call. Who sat talking to the first person to break his heart as she cried her eyes out. Jonathan and her had broke up. It was over tears that Nancy apologised, because she knew she had treated Steve badly and then she treated Jonathan in the same way.
But Nancy had figured out that puzzle now. She didn’t love Steve romantically. She didn’t even love Jonathan romantically. She apologised to Steve for not realising that she could never have loved him romantically, no matter how hard she had tried. Nancy didn’t like dudes.
Steve felt that old bitterness at Nancy, for she really had been awful. But he set it aside. He told her that it was okay that she liked women. Yes, her mum could kick her out. But Nancy would be okay. But she couldn’t lie to herself or others anymore. The only way she could find true happiness was being true to herself. She would be okay.
Steve fell asleep crying that night. In the arms of the three people who he loved most in this world. And Steve would be okay.
After Nancy’s call, it seemed that the past wouldn’t leave them alone. 
They got a new set of neighbours. The kids from before had moved out. A new trio of young adults moved in.
The first one he met was a dark haired person called Eden. Eden seemed friendly enough and was also definitely queer. Robin thought to ask their pronouns. Eden was non-binary. They were dating one of their roommates. A queer solidarity formed between the two apartments.
It wasn’t until a week later that Steve met Eden’s roommates. 
He hadn’t recognised Argyle. He had only met the man once. Jonathan, however, he registered immediately.
And it was awkward.
But they tried. And they tried.
One night, Jonathan asked to speak to Steve. Alone. 
They talked about Nancy. Nancy who had broke both of their hearts but they were both glad she was happy now. According to Jonathan, Nancy moved to New York to further her journalism. She had also found a girlfriend who she was extremely happy with. Who she was in love with.
And Jonathan was in love too. With Argyle who was also dating Eden.
And Steve melted the fear off Jonathan’s face when he told him about his polycule. How in love Steve was. 
They got along much better after that.
It was Chrissy who suggested it.
She had said it to Steve, Eddie and Robin first. She liked Jonathan. She wanted to date him. She wanted to ask him out. And she knew that Eddie and Steve felt the same way. Chrissy was always the most perceptive out of them despite her not being able to actually see anything.
It was Steve who made the second suggestion. Really, he enjoyed spending time with Argyle too so he might ask Argyle out as well.
Robin nodded and continued to slurp down spaghetti.
They asked Jonathan, Argyle and Eden the next morning. The date was due for that evening.
Steve and Jonathan found themselves alone together in the kitchen. They cooked popcorn together and made fun of each other. It was easy in a way that they hadn’t quite managed before. 
Jonathan kissed Steve on his way out. 
Argyle did too obviously.
If you had told King Steve what his life would look like now, he wouldn’t have believed you.
He would have said that he wanted to work for his dad, marry Nancy and carry on his family legacy.
But Steve was happier than ever.
He didn’t speak to his parents. 
He didn’t speak to Nancy.
He lived with his best friend and twin soul, Robin Buckley, who made silly jokes with him and taught him to be loud and proud with his differences.
Eddie Munson was his boyfriend. They tumble around in play fights and Steve watches Eddie run the Hellfire club. He would sometimes even join in.
Chrissy Cunningham was his girlfriend who cuddled with him on the couch and was the person he confided all his secrets in.
Jonathan Byers was his boyfriend. He posed for Jonathan’s photos and they kissed over a pot of buttery popcorn.
Argyle was his boyfriend who also had a scary amount of weed. But he was soft and sweet. He calmed Steve down with his smooth tones and relaxed attitude. He grounded him.
Yeah, Steve was content with his life. Ready to take whatever comes next face on with his partners.
For once in his life everything was not…
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theevilpickler · 2 months
Rating ST ships names 1/?
Note: this is only based on the ship name, not the ship itself
Steddie: Solid, easy to pronounce, but it feels like there's too much Eddie(but the E could be part of either). 8/10
Ronance: Sounds like romance, don't like it using Nance instead of Nancy but that's just personal taste. 9/10
Byler: It took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out why it was called that. There are also a ton of ships that are technically Byler, but it's better than Wike or Mill. Also, it's a disease. 6/10
Mileven: I know it's was around before s2 but I'm mad that it's wasn't renamed Whopper. 8/10
Jopper: Fun and cute. 10/10
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
ok but the eddies as halloween candies?
omg I love this
ok so mafia!eddie is snickers… idk like off vibes alone he gives snickers energy. but not the itty bitty bite size ones like the true fun size in the brown wrapper.
janitor!eddie cookie and cream hershey the fun size ones that are like little tomb stones? those specifically.
older!eddie just gives whoppers energy to me. I tried to think of something old man ish lol but that’s the closest I got besides the sugar babies 💀
modern!eddie gives big nerds energy. either the grape halloween ones out of the teeny tiny cardboard boxes (has to be those tiny ones for the extra flavor) or I’d also accept the nerd clusters.
rockstar!eddie is fun dip but only the blue one. his whole mouth turns blueish green and he always eats the stick down to a nub before the powders gone so his fingers are blue and coated and sticky.
cowboy!eddie is reese’s but only the pumpkins not the shitty ones in tin foil that taste stale as fuck.
bouncer!eddie is skittles. his favorite one is red but you’re not really sure how he even knows that bc he takes the fun size packs and eats them all at once to make like a mega skittle. “i’m literally tasting all of the rainbow, babe.”
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Billy and Eddie got a little place together after highschool.
It’s nothing fancy, really. But it’s nicer than the house on old cherry road, and nicer than Wayne’s trailer. Which yes, is Eddie’s home, and he’d never speak bad of, but god knows is held together by duck tape and prayer.
Honestly it’s only nice because it’s new. It’s a little 2 bedroom apartment above one of the stores on main. The owner used to use it as storage but since the mall opened he could used the extra income from converting it to a little apartment.
It’s got steady heat and electric. And they can even make the room to splurge on a basic cable package. they both know just how much that is to have. just how lucky they are to have that much.
they both know how lucky they are that the fridge isn't overflowing but always stocked enough. that they can afford a few meals out a week when they’re lazy, or as a little treat. that they can have days off during the week, fucking weekends!!! like they're middle class or some crazy shit. ends are met, and there's still some give. fuck, there's even a tiny savings account ($10 a week in the big shoebox Billys work boots came in. they deposit it when it fills up).
The entirety of the apartment is pretty humble. the “new” bed frame was from ikea, on sale because it was the display. the nightstands were from one of the thrift stores. the couch was from garreth’s place before his mom decided to redecorate, and garreth told them if they would lug it it was theirs. the coffee table was a house warming gift from Joyce Byers (and Billys still not sure he deserves her forgiveness or love, but that’s besides the point), the kitchen table from a flea market and the chairs (which honestly look like they could go, right eds? they're a great match we’ll take em) from a yard sale (same as their dressers). but everything works damn fine.
And best of all they were able to take Max in.
See, when Billy got the fuck outta dodge Neil got real mean to Max.
nothing happened, at least they were told so by the girl. and if she lied? billy wouldn't hold it against her, he'd been there- lying to anyone and Eveyone about what went on in that house. but assuming it didn't happen, it did still come too damn close.
And when max called one night and said “Billy I’m scared”, the boys were over with Eddie’s van in a half an hour and packing her shit while eddie Called in a favor from Steve harrington who called in a favor from Jim hopper, who just stood menacingly in the doorway, daring Neil to say or do a damn thing.
And this town is too damn small. Because Jim told Joyce, (the boys guessed), and Joyce must have called around, because when they got home Nancy wheeler was standing outside their door with an air mattress, a shopping bag full of some twin size linens, and a bag from melvads, just of “what her and her mom thought max might have forgotten or might need. there's some uh, snacks too. whoppers are mikes favorite so-”.
And max settles in easy. Eddie took her to the mall that Saturday to pick up some “posters and shit” for her new room, because “babe come on it’s the least we can do, that room is fucking sad”. she replaced a couple of the tapes she left at Neil and Susans, and even got 2 new ones. she picked up some posters for her wall, some stickers. some fuckin girly bath shit or something, Eddie was trying not to get a headache from how much that store smelt like one of Santas elves hurled, and some odds and ends clothing wise. (”you forgot your raincoat but not your boots?” “no you need a real jacket for the cold its fucking November your bother would kill me come on, pick one” “how many pairs of socks- no honey we don't do laundry that fast you need another pack... maybe two”) 
and billy spends the morning calling around the thrift stores, flea markets, the god damn churches, to see if anyone has anything for a bedroom set for a teenaged girl. saint some-fucin-one had a dresser he could come get, and the sally anne had a decent bed frame and a desk too (fuck the kid needs a desk doesn't she, billy realized), and he saw a little nightstand on someones curb that was fucking fine condition just needed a good cleaning. but he had to bite the full price bullet on a mattress and that hurt a little but okay. and... shit she’d like that rug. it'll make it more homey. the kids had to hard, she deserves it.
after everything they were a little low on their usual comfy pocket change and 80 bucks into the shoebox fund, and fuck were they so lucky to have it. max was overjoyed, and so happy with it. and she looked so relaxed, so comfortable. 
they never even mentioned kids. not even in a far out future way, but here they were.
max slowly casually slips into calling billy her brother. and then one day her and Eddie are getting tacos on the way home from a movie billy thought was “way too stupid to sit through, you two dorks have fun” and they bumped into one of max’s classmates and she introduced Eddie as her bother in law and fuck, did Eddie feel a lot of things at that. not as many as when he heard her on the phone say “sorry my brothers hosting his d+d thing tonight and its like, a family thing so I can’t”
the apartment is a weird mix of metal and Kate bush, but they’re all so comfortable with eachother.
Eddie hosts his D+D nights in the apartment and the kids are still a little bit skittish around Billy but he’s getting better. He stays out of the way, spends most of the nights in the bedroom, but occasionally comes out to make the party snacks and put out some water or iced tea. Interrupts with a kiss to Eddie’s cheek, saying “time to take a fucking break there’s snacks on the counter”, virtually court ordering a 10 minute recess so he can ask Eddie to catch him up on the campaign. And Max, who only really comes out of her room on these nights to bully Lucas and sit with El on the sidelines spectating (making fun of the boys), realizes that Billy doesn’t give a fuck what the campaign is, or how it’s playing out, he just wants to see how excited Eddie gets talking about his hobby, watching with soft eyes as he gets the full eddie munson: DM experience. And it seems like even if he doesn’t understand, Billy does encode what Eddie tells him, with the questions he asks and the comments he makes. Her brother is in love. And yeah she kinda knew that, they did move in together after all, but he’s really, really in love, Max realizes.
Billy’s a better cook than Eddie. And Billy isn’t great by any means, but Billy had to learn how to keep himself alive at a young age, whereas Eddie kinda always had Wayne looking out for him. So Eddie’s in charge of toast and coffee in the morning (which he burns more often than he’d like to admit) and Billy does the honors of real breakfast on the weekends, when they aren’t rushing around for work and school. Billy usually handles Dinner, and Eddie tries to help, god knows, but he’s a safety hazard and a half, as max has screamed while shooing him out of the kitchen many times.
Eddie takes good care of Billy too. It’s like he reads his mind, face getting worried and asking if he’s okay out of no where, catching a triggered Billy before even billy knows sometimes. Eddie takes care of Billy emotionally, which Billy’s never had before. He holds his hand and rubs his knuckles and promises him the world and delivers it. Max never really saw Billy cry before she started living with them. And it’s only happened twice, but she’s caught Eddie holding Billy while he honest to god Sobs, and she thinks it should probably freak her out but it’s kinda comforting to know Billy feels safe enough to do that, and that Eddie’s gonna take care of him.
Max thinks that maybe this is what normal parents are like. Loving each other, looking out for each other, taking care of each other. Trying to appreciate the others interests.
And they support her too. Much to her discomfort. Her report card is on the fridge, (held down by a magnet that’s a bottle opener) and both young men had stars in their eyes that she did so well her first quarter living with them because that means they haven’t fuck up too bad. (“It’s 4 Bs and 3 A’s Billy it’s not that great” “it’s better than I ever did! Fuck, Eddie get over here look that this! Isn’t this amazing!” “Yeah max holy shit! I had to re do senior year like, twice, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten an A in my life!”) Eddie was digging through the drawers desperately looking for anything magnetic to hang it up the second he finished talking. Eddie never really got into skating himself but some of his friends did. He gives max rides to the park a few towns over some evenings, swears it’s no sweat because he likes the record store here better anyway. And sometimes cassettes just show up on her desk randomly, songs and albums she maybe said she liked once on the radio in Billy’s car.
At first max doesn’t know how to interact with Wayne. She never knew her grandparents too well, and neither her dad or step dad were worth their weight in salt. So the first dinner he’s around she’s a little stiff. So stiff that Billy takes her aside to make sure she’s alright.
But Wayne’s alwyas been good with skittish kids with fucked up families, and he gets on her good side pretty fast. Wayne helps max replace her old skateboard wheels that Sunday.
It’s not a normal family, Max is well aware of that. But it’s the best she’s got, and the best she’s ever had. She likes it fine enough.
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whataboutthefish · 2 years
About me
HI there, I’m Fishie!
If you have come here from my Stranger Things work, welcome.
I’m just finding my feet in this fandom, I fell for those wonderful gifs of Eddie and binged the show. I am now fully immersed and latched on with the obsession of a new hyper-fixation.
I’m a multishipper and enjoy and write any combination of Steddie, Harringrove and metal sandwich/harringroveson, Hellcheer, drumcheer, Stopper, Whopper, the list goes on!
I’m a fandom old, and I have no tolerance for any fandom hate, I’m proship and I also write dead dove content. I won’t stand for hate on any character or ship, regardless of my opinion of them.
I’ve been blessed since I joined this fandom with the amazing interactions I’ve had with people. I’ve met some amazing creators and the support from readers is so awesome.
I accept prompts and headcanons, I love interacting with people and bouncing ideas around.
I will write most things, if you’re unsure I’m happy to talk about it, I don’t kink shame. My favourite flavor of fic will always be Alpha/beta/omega dynamics, ageplay is a close second. I have no problem switching tops and bottoms.
My asks are always open if you want to chat!
Below are my tumblr ramblings about Omega Steve/Alpha Eddie
The drabble that started it all - Pen Pal Steddie A/b/o
The continuation Pen Pal Steddie a/b/o part 2
This is when I made myself and all of you sad talking about Omega Steve and his nest iykyk read with a tissue
Some angst fix it a/b/o Steddie plus Uncle Wayne
New Years Eve True mates first kiss
Unplanned pregnancy Single Mom Omega Steve
While you were sleeping, here on tumblr and also on ao3
A little thing about Alpha Eddie’s nest
Boarding school au - Omega/omega
Nesting angst - omega steve, pre steddie, religious trauma, neglect
whumpy a/b/o Steddie thoughts. Eddie lives, Steve has ptsd
Harringroveson ficlets
Metal sandwich (harringroveson) a/b/o ptsd
Ao3 - I’m what_about_the_fish on Ao3
one shots
We could plant a house, we could build a tree  -  Steddie, breeding kink
While you were sleeping - Steddie, omegaverse, mpreg
Finger Food - Steddie, double date, smoking weed, love
Find the Light -  Steddie, omegaverse, ptsd, nesting
Harrington’s Milk Bar - Steddie omegaverse, omega Eddie, prime alpha Steve, breast milk
If I should fall - Steddie, omegaverse, sex pollen
Show off - pre-steddie, Steve/unnamed female, voyeurism, exhibitionism
You can be my sugar, baby - Harringrove, omegaverse, alpha/alpha
Dear Mumma - Steddie, teen and up, mentions of suicide and mental health problems
I need to know - Hellcheer, voyeurism masturbation
Push and Pull - Eddie/Billy, D/s, sub Billy, Dom Eddie, bratting, pain play, discipline, punishment, aftercare
Take my hand, take my heart - Steddissy, A/B/O, Alpha Chrissy, Alpha Eddie, omega Steve, D/s, Dom Chrissy, speed dating, threesome
Everybody wants you - Harringrove - Song fic, rockstart Billy, Popstar Steve, Enemies to lovers
Alpha Darling - Steddie, A/B/O, D/s, Omega Steve, Alpha Eddie, Dom Steve, Sub Eddie, public play, topping from the bottom
multi chapter
Yeah, you made me feel    - Steddie, Omegaverse, Virgin Steve, hs au NOW COMPLETE
I’ve been in Chains - Steddie, omegaverse, sex slavery, rescue, healing, trauma
Sweet Drop - Stopper, omegaverse, traditional values, collared, spankings, domestic discipline
Sweet child of mine - Stopper, mpreg chapters related to Sweet Drop
One nest to rule them all - Collection of all my above threads in one place on Ao3
It’s a lonely world when everybody knows your name - Steddie Big bang A/B/O alpha Steve, omega Eddie, 90′s supermodel fasion au COMEPLETE
Made for you, Made for me - Billy/Hopper, A/B/O, omega Hopper, Alpha Billy, true mates, COMPLETE
And then you came - Harringrove Big Bang - D/s universe, Sub Billy, Dom Steve, daddy dom, Baby brat, slow burn, collars, D/s themes, kneeling, Dom voice  COMPLETE
One thing I love to do is horrible edits, I play with making gifs and video edits. I take great pleasure in abusing the small amount of skill I have and using it for evil.
Fire Elmo but make it Stranger Things
A Strange new dawn - Jim Hopper/Charlie Swan - the ship you never knew you needed, video edit
Don’t mess around with Jim - Hopper gifset
You might not like her - Chrissy’s Story video edit
Eddie Munson - Death by rock and roll video edit
More Serious Art
Back in the Saddle by @violetkaos - art for ST rare pair big bang - Steve/Eddie/Dmitri - cowboy au.
Take me away (A secret place) by @jordyn-undead art for ST  rare pair big bang - Steve/Dmitri - Steve is taken to Russia
This is where we part ways if you don’t enjoy content of the dead dove variety. I hope you’ve enjoyed you time here.
For those of you who do partake in a dove or two, below are links to my dead dove fics. All are clearly labeled and tagged.
Dead Dove
My arms will hold you, baby    - Hopper/Reader, Omorashi, piss kink
The Ultimate Sin - Steddie-spree, twincest, incest, omegaverse, camboy,
Monsters in my bed  - Steddie, extreme gore, non con, demon Eddie
This darkened street we travel - Steddie, serial killer Eddie, dark Steve, murder, fucking
Daddy’s Boys - Steve/Billy/Hopper - Little/caregiver au, little steve, little Billy, Daddy Hopper, sex... so much sex
Two of my favourite things - Steddie, ageplay, forced regression
Baby love, our baby love - Steddissy - age play, sexual age regression
Two of my Favourite things - Steddie, age play, forced regression, watersports, diapers
Daddy’s boys - Hopper/Steve/Billy - age play universe, sex aged up and down, extreme dead dove - read tags
Drink up - mungrove, omorashi, watersports, public play, dom drop, aftercare
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sofiiel · 11 months
What are your Halloween candy headcanons for ST characters? I think it'd be fun to hear.
Like in my head Robin likes that bubble gum in the yellow wrapper and Steve loves whoppers. They're both mortified by each other's top candy choices lol.
Nancy hordes Fireballs and Red Hots. I like to imagine Max and Erica like those too so they sit with Nancy and count to see who got the most, while El just thinks they're insane because candy should be sweet.
Eddie has a soft spot for jawbreakers, (get it? you get it.) 90s Eddie likes Warheads.
Chrissy strikes me as a sweetarts girl they're small and she may feel comfortable eating them. Or nerds.
Kali likes licorice and since it rare she gets extra happy to find some.
Axel is a Reeses dude.
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wordynerdygurl · 2 years
Someone to Watch Over Me
Part 2:  “Seek & You Will Find”
Author’s Note:  Listen, this chapter- it’s a doozy!  A whopper!  In the words of our favorite Metalhead, a “Big Boy”! My endless thanks to @sweetsweetjellybean for the sage-like advice.  Couldn’t have gotten here without you!  Seriously, I’m beyond thankful for your guidance!
Also, anyone want a playlist for this story?  Lemme know!
If you need to catch up:  Part 1 - Love is Blind Pairing:  Eddie Munson x Plus Sized OC Amanda Patterson Summary:  It’s love at first sound, pitch perfect and fated, everything in harmony.  If only life were a love song.  
When Amanda has a rotten rehearsal, Eddie finds a way to turn things around with the help of his friends.  Is it possible that these two lost lambs have found someone to love?
Warnings:  There’s some mild fat-shaming/ fat-phobia happening here.  Lots of making out and references to 80s relics such as MTV VJs.  Also, there’s junk food discussed and frankly, in my heart, I know Eddie is Twizzlers guy.  No, it’s not up for discussion!  
Happy Reading!
Tumblr media
1990 There was no end in sight.
Chuck kept asking questions.  Insipid and uninspired things like ‘What’s your favorite color?’  ‘Favorite food?’  ‘Favorite Soda?’
And every member of the band answered enthusiastically except for Eddie.  He couldn’t seem to stop his brain train from running down a track towards self doubt.  Why didn’t he just say that their new single was his favorite song?  Name a tune from any one of the thousands that routinely blasted from his Walk-Man or stereo or car radio. Instead, like an idiot, Eddie had let his mouth speak for his stupid, stupid heart.  The one organ that had no business talking out of turn.  Not in front of the guys.  Not to Chuck, the affront to fashion in front of him.  Not to all of America once the production team edited the band’s responses together into a clip package that could be shown over and over and over in between music videos and commercials for Diet Coke. The unending false cheerfulness of the interviewer ground down Eddie’s normally thick skin, turning him sullen, moody.  Of course, Eddie recognized that this could also be blamed on his bare honesty when asked a simple question about his favorite song.  Was Chuck, the walking graffiti wall, really to blame?  After all, the band had agreed to this list of softball questions. It’s just that Eddie hadn’t expected to be so honest.  Hadn’t counted on sabotaging himself.  And he was kicking himself internally for the over share. If anyone, including the doofus with his artfully styled mullet, realized how Eddie was feeling they didn’t acknowledge it.  Everyone just sort of carried on like normal, especially Chuck who cleared his throat, barrelling onward, “Indiana isn’t really known for it’s rock ‘n roll.  How did the band get started?  What brought Corroded Coffin together?” “Oh, that’s easy!”  Eddie felt the familiar hands of Gareth land noisily on his shoulders from behind, “Eddie and I went to high school together, started playing for fun in my garage.  Next thing you know we’re here, getting ourselves on MTV!” Bless him, Eddie thought, a half smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.  Gareth took the heat off of him, answering a couple more of Chuck’s neverending inquiries, effectively easing some of the tension that had wrapped itself around the front man.  It was nice, even if it didn’t last long. “Eddie, you’re a founding member of the group, the lead singer, lead guitarist, and primary song writer here.  I gotta ask-” Chuck leaned forward as if they were close friends gossiping over beers, the fakeness of it making Eddie’s jaw clench, “-Is there anything you don’t do for the band?”
It wasn’t meant to be prying, Eddie got that.  This whole thing was supposed to be cushy, simple, fun.  Another great way to get the band in front of audiences who were demographically appropriate for their fan base.  They had all agreed to sit down and promote the record, the music video, the tour they were opening for each night. Did Chuck, and by extension, America, really need to know that Eddie wasn’t looking forward to going back to Indiana?  Was that part of his obligation?  Putting his memories, his history, his heartbreak out there for everyone to look at in between Billy Idol’s new single and Madonna’s latest video drop?
Maggie kicked at his boot.  It was a warning from his faithful head of security, a soundless reminder to play nice with the other kids.  Especially since this was too big a moment to blow by being a pouty pants.
So Eddie did what he always did when he hated what was being forced on him by the institutions pulling his strings.  He leaned into malicious compliance while mentally giving everyone around him, including his beloved Maggie, an imaginary middle finger.  He smiled broadly, his laugh too loud.  It was such a tonal shift that Chuck jumped in his seat, nearly frantic, “Eddie?  Are you ok to continue?” Batting his kohl rimmed eyes at the poor man’s Kurt Loder before him, Eddie resigned himself to giving the producers a sound bite for the ages.  “Yea, yea.  Fine, Chuckie!  What, uh, what don’t I do for the band?  I guess-” running a ringed hand over the back of his neck, Eddie shook his head, holding his cheeks up through force of will, “-I don’t cook.  Not anymore.  Not since the uh, Grilled Cheese Incident of 1988.” The smile that Chuck flashed was pure, unadulterated Americana wholesomeness.  It was a Donny Osmond, Crest commercial smile.  Eddie hated it. Itchy from discomfort, he craved nicotine.  Caffeine.  Anything but sitting still in front of this dork who managed to keep his creepily perfect smile intact despite Eddie’s threatening to slip away.  “Oh, ho!  Sounds like there’s a great story there!” Shrugging, going for shyness, Eddie looked off camera, finding Maggie’s eyes below the lip of her scally cap.  It was a line almost as hard as her smile.  She was displeased but that gave Eddie new life.  Message received, he nodded, resettling his widest, grossest grin onto his face, “Yea!  Almost set fire to the hotel room in Atlanta by making a sandwich with the in-room iron.  How was I supposed to know that toast burns under the wool setting?  Am I right, Chuck?” A robust laugh from Chuck got the rest of the boys chuckling too, “An important lesson for the kids at home!  And, speaking of the kids at home, I hear you and the band have a surprise for some lucky Indianapolis Metal fans in the new year, is that right?” Faking it in a tone of voice typically reserved for ill fated travelers about to meet their doom around the DnD table, Eddie grinned wickedly, “Oh, that’s absolutely correct, Chuck.”
“Care to tell us more, Eddie?” Raising an eyebrow and its sterling hoop with it, Eddie clicked his teeth, “Ya know what, Chuck, it’d be my pleasure.”
He heard Maggie’s eyes roll even if he didn’t see it for himself. —
“Well?  Are you really not gonna tell me?”  Carly was staring through Amanda as if she could pull the information out of her brain by willpower alone.
Heat flared through Amanda, landing prettily along her cheeks as she shrugged, “Tell you what?” Snorting, just shy of angry, Carly’s wide set eyes bulged comically, “About the guy from the concert- Eddie?  Yea.  Eddie.” At the mention of his name Amanda felt a rush of shimmering excitement slip down her spine.  Eddie.  It seemed like that was all she thought about these days but Carly and the others didn’t need to know that little fact.  In the two weeks since their concert in Hawkins, the band had taken a little time off for class work and work work.  Amanda hadn’t seen any of them since that night. Clearing her throat, flipping through the sheet music in front of her, Amanda sighed, “Who?” She didn’t sell the put on bored tone, not to Carly anyway, who pushed back, “Uh uh.  No way.  I want details.  All of them.  Because that boy-” Carly’s voice turned wistful, “-was gorgeous.  And he only had eyes for you.” Even though she knew this was all fact, Amanda still felt the need to self-protect.  Shield whatever was growing between her and Eddie from anyone who might try and trample on the spring green bud of their romance because this was new for her, exciting.  The heady rush of liking someone and having them return the sentiment had been so far out of her experience that Amanda found herself treasuring even the smallest of gestures from Eddie.  Something her more experienced and frankly filthy friend would not be able to understand. And also, Amanda wasn’t entirely sure that she liked the way Carly got all glazed and gooey when she talked about Eddie.  It made her feel protective of him.  It made her want to keep him safe, and by her side, and away from cute, coquettish Carly at all costs. Stiffer than usual, Amanda turned to her friend, “Well, if you must know-” “I absolutely must!  You practically disappeared with him.”  Siddling closer, Carly’s voice dropped conspiratorially, “Mark was worried.” Snapping her head up, Amanda looked across the practice space to where Jim and Mark were chatting like normal, “He was?” “Yup.  Thought something bad was gonna happen to you after you went off with a stranger.”  “Um, ok, I mean, I was fine.  More than fine, actually”  The barest hint of a smile played out over Amanda’s lips, a phantom made of memory and moonlight and milkshakes. Carly smiled smugly, a knowing tint to her tone, “Oh, I know.  That uh, hickey speaks volumes.” Reflexively Amanda rubbed a hand over the narrowly exposed lavender stain on her collarbone, biting into her bottom lip, “Shh!  Not so loud!”  “Please!  Just, level with me, Amanda.  How was he?”  Wagging her eyebrows, Carly wasn’t going to stop until she heard all the sorted details, leaning over her keyboard with obvious interest, practically drooling. Rolling her eyes skyward, shutting them long enough to gather a thoughtful response, Amanda slowly leveled her gaze at her friend.  Risking a sideways glance at the boys, she pushed closer to the almost vibrationally excited Carly, swooning like a cartoon princess, “He was wonderful.” “And?” “And what?” Carly huffed in frustration, “What do you mean ‘and what’?  What did you do?  What did you do to him?  What did he do to you?”  She was very emphatically implying that she wanted the meat of the story.  The gory, bloody bits of what had transpired between Amanda and Eddie.  Pieces that she wasn’t sure about sharing.  Amanda though, was all too happy to play dumb, “Oh, well we went to the diner and had milkshakes and then-” Over eager, Carly cut her off with an excited flick of her hand, “Then you guys did it, right?  Was it in that shitty van?” A confused look clouded Amanda’s face, “What?  No.  We uh, we did hold hands under the stars and-” “Then you did it?” Laughing at her friend’s crestfallen face, she shook her head, “We didn’t do it, Carly.  Sorry to disappoint you.”
Groaning, Carly lightly shoved at Amanda’s shoulder, “You’ve gotta be kidding me!  Why the hell not?  He was clearly down for you and bad too.  What happened?  How come you didn’t-” Amanda watched as her friend made sure the boys weren’t able to hear them as she taunted, “-ya know, seal the deal?” Tilting her head, Amanda let her memories of that night fill her mind.  Full of small touches that lingered and the scent of vanilla ice cream, the heavy taste of greasy fries and the sound of rumbling laughter from below.  It had been perfect and complete, just as it was. After the diner, Eddie had driven out to Lover’s Lake, his hand never leaving Amanda’s, even when he had to flip the cassette tape.  He had popped open the back doors, inviting her to sit beside him under a quilt that usually cradled his amplifier.  Then Eddie started talking and Amanda found herself lost in the even cadence of his voice. And when he spoke about the last time he had been at the lake, about seeing things that hurt to remember, it was Amanda who threaded her fingers into his net of hair.  It was Amanda that turned Eddie’s starry eyes to hers.  It was Amanda who whispered, “I’m, I’m so sorry that happened to you.” Amanda did all that, working from some intrinsic biological knowledge.  But Eddie was the one who stole her breath under the moonlight.  And when sitting up was too much work, keeping them too far away from each other to be comfortable, the cargo space in his van was the only witness to their necking.  Humid kisses that scalded along the tender tension of Amanda’s throat.  Tiny, closed lip smacks to the skin under Eddie’s chin where even stubble refused to grow.  The unpracticed nip of his canine tooth tugging on Amanda’s earlobe, the ungainly groan Eddie uttered when she pulled his hair.  No one knew about that but the van, the night sky, and the pair of them. She would have gone further.  She wanted to, saying as much to Eddie in between ragged breaths and sugar spun sighs, but he shook the mop of curls that framed his flushed face, “Why buy the cow if you get the milk for free?” Protests started to form, Amanda’s mind ready to fight his logic, only to be subdued by another hot press of his swollen lips to hers.  Eddie’s endless eyes searching hers in the starlight confessed, “Need to see you again, Mandy.  If I- if we, well, ya know- then there won’t be much to look forward to.”
That wasn’t true.  Amanda’s head and heart rebelled against the thought because could already think of a million reasons to see Eddie Munson again.  Almost none of them had to do with getting him out of his exceptionally well fitted jeans.  Almost.
And maybe she would have fought back harder against his denial if he hadn’t freely admitted his own need.  Knowing that Eddie wanted more- another date, another chance to see her, another night shared under starlight, made the throbbing ache in her body a little bit easier to ignore.  Amanda didn’t have to have immediate satisfaction, despite how much she may have craved it, when Eddie slurped hungrily against the fragile skin of her throat, marking her as taken. Oh, yea.  Amanda could wait.  It would absolutely be worth it.  Eddie had pinky promised. But Amanda was not about to tell Carly any of that.  Those were porcelain, precious pieces of her night with Eddie.  She was holding them close to her heart but that didn’t mean she couldn’t give her friend something to chew on.  Shifting an eyebrow up, a sly smile curving over her lips, “Um, Eddie didn’t- well, we didn’t need to.” “What does that even mean?”  But Amanda didn’t get a chance to answer.  Mark and Jim were ready to start the session which brought their conversation to a stop even if she knew Carly wasn’t going to let it go. “Later, k?”
Checking her watch, Amanda was surprised to see that their booked practice time was nearly up.  It had been a good one, at least for her.  Singing all those pretty love songs while thinking about a certain long and lean leather wearing guy who could kiss like a sailor on shore leave helped Amanda put her heart into every note.  Not everyone in the band was having as good a night.  All practice long Mark had been full of criticism.  Carly was rushing the melody on one song, dragging down the rhythm on the next.  He questioned Jim’s ability to keep up during a run through of “Fever”, citing the bassline as too easy for it to sound so bad. With harsh comments about late entries or off key starting notes, a scowl practically plastered to his face anytime Amanda looked in his direction, Mark was clearly going through something.  Everyone was entitled to a bad day, Amanda had had a few herself over the years, but there was a meanness to Mark tonight that felt off.  Wrong.  There had been only one major critique from the stocky drummer about Amanda’s work this session, coming after the last note of Someone to Watch Over Me.  Mark’s ruddy face was redder than usual as he tossed down his sticks, “Yea, yea, we get it.  You’re desperate for love or whatever.  Do you have to sound so, so, I don’t know, shameless when you sing it Amanda?” “I’m sorry?” “It’s like you’re begging for a man by the end of that song.  Like you’ll take anyone home.” Carly was shaking her head, refusing to meet Amanda’s searching gaze, second hand embarrassment pinkening her cheeks.  Jim couldn’t stop staring at Mark, his mouth hanging open, his fingers frozen on the strings of his instrument.  Amanda shrugged, adjusting her microphone stand, “Uh, I sang it like I always do.” “Yea, that’s the problem, isn’t it?”  Mark’s too light eyes bored into Amanda’s, silently struggling to communicate something she wasn’t picking up. Jim cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention, and diplomatically offered, “Uh, we’re running out of time, guys.  Maybe let’s go over ‘I Can See Clearly Now’?  Carly?  Amanda?  That sound ok?” Nodding, Amanda agreed quietly, flipping through her lyric book for the right song.  Tossing her tight coils of hair, Carly nodded, squeaking out her reply without any of her usual playfulness, “Yup.  Fine with me.  Count us in Mark.” His sticks clicked together loudly, not bothering to count out loud for the benefit of his bandmates, not really acknowledging any of them, just jumping straight to the intro.  It didn’t matter, they all fell into the tune, years of practice making it easy even if the room’s energy was still wasn’t.  Mark worked the drums hard, without looking at his hands, instead watching Amanda like a hawk everytime she dared risk a glance in his direction.  
A heavy, weighted thing, his stare followed her as she confidently started to sing over the other instruments.  Amanda might have been unsure about whatever was bothering Mark, she may have been cautious about oversharing with Carly, but one thing Amanda knew with certainty was that she sounded good tonight.  So did the band, despite what Mark had alleged with his prickly, nit-picking comments.  So, despite how happy she had been with her own performance, Amanda was eager to get home where there was a hot shower and cold beer waiting.  Beyond ready to put this bizarro rehearsal behind her, when Jim called it, Amanda wasted no time packing up her things.  After all, Eddie would be calling soon and that was the wonderful thing to look forward to at the end of this long day. She was crouched down, wrapping up her chords and stowing things in their proper place, when Mark’s beat up Converse sneakers appeared in front of her.  He cleared his throat a bit too loudly to get her attention, “Uh, hey Amanda?” Was this the start of an apology?  God, she hoped so.  And not just for her but for Jim and Carly too. “Yea?”  It hit somewhere between disinterested and already engaged but still friendly, welcoming.  Without shifting her focus, Amanda carried on, situating her things inside the case which held her microphone and not the drummer standing with his hands in the pockets of his corduroys.  “Where- uh, where’d you disappear to?  Ya know, after the show the other night?” Looking up at him, Amanda blinked purposefully, not confused by the question but by the need to ask it.  “I uh, I went out with a friend.” Mark shuffled in place, dragging a hand through his close cropped hair, something clearly on his mind.  Watching him war with himself was tiresome and before he could say anything else, Amanda reached out, “Help me up?” Dragging her to her feet like he had done countless times, Mark didn’t let go of her hand right away so Amanda pulled it back, cocking her head with a small smile, “Uh, thanks for the assist!” Still he was silent.  Brooding.  Fidgety and nervous, behavior that wasn’t normal Mark.  Paired with his, frankly, shitty attitude all night long, it tripped Amanda’s emotional alert system.  Something was definitely wrong. The sympathetic friend to all in need, Amanda breathed out a sigh, “Are you ok, Mark?  You just seem a little-”  She reached for his shoulder comfortingly like she would do for any of her friends.  Only Mark brusquely jumped away from her touch, cutting through her comment in a harsh rush, “So, uh who’s the guy?” Stopping short, Amanda dropped her hand as if she’s been burned, cheeks flaming from the question.  From the tone of it.  From the implication it carried.  Shaking it off, she countered with a question of her own, asking lightly, “From the concert?  His name is Eddie.” “Eddie?”  Parroting her answer, Mark let his eyes linger on something over Amanda’s shoulder, unable to look at her now.  “Is he, like, your-” pausing, really working to dig out the word that he was reluctant to say, Mark finally settled his pained look on Amanda’s face, “-your boyfriend?” Was he?  Labels hadn’t been discussed, it had only been a few dates after all, but Amanda felt connected to Eddie in a way that was difficult to describe.  It was everything and nothing.  Life changing but life affirming, too. So, was she Eddie’s girlfriend?  Not in a junior high school dance sort of way.  She wasn’t going to start drawing hearts with his initials on her notebook or anything like that, but she also couldn’t deny that they were linked.  Bonded.  Fated. And Amanda felt all of that, her fingers brushing over the discolored skin at her edge of her blouse as evidence of her connection with Eddie, but what she said to Mark was, “Yea.  I- I think he is.” Curious stares from Jim and Carly followed the exchange happening smack in the middle of their shared practice space.  Their heads swiveled between the drummer and vocalist, not wanting to miss a moment, as Mark added hotly, “You think?  What the hell is that, Amanda?  Is he or isn’t he?” That tone was new.  She couldn’t think of a time when Mark had been anything less than complimentary, kind.  Until tonight, anyway.  Now he was tight lipped, clenched hands at his sides, the shoulders of his Rush t-shirt nearly grazing his ears. Facing him full on, Amanda straightened her spine, a pinched purse to her lips, struggling to keep things smooth.  Easy.  And feeling her way around the enigmatic energy that Mark was putting out. “Well, uh, I, I met him at work.  Yea, must be a couple of weeks back.  He plays guitar and came in for a score book.  I was uh, putting up flyers for our show and, he, ya know, came to see us.”  Scoffing at her, his voice raised, Mark’s already white skin was stained scarlet in hot patches along his throat and face, “A random guy?  A, a stranger?  You just, I don’t know, talk to men you don’t know and, like, invite them to see you sing?” Flinching, Amanda tilted her head his way, clarity coming all at once, “Are- are you mad at me, Mark?” “Yea.  Hell yea, I am.  I’m fucking pissed.  You, you just disappeared with some long haired dude out of the crowd like it was no big deal.  Not a word about where you were going or, or, when you’d be back.”  Stepping closer, voice dropping to little more than a whisper, Mark reached out a hand to rub along the sleeve of Amanda's sweater, “I-” he swallowed audibly, “-I was worried about you.” Oh.  That made some sense, Amanda figured.  Mark was looking out for her, keeping an eye on her.  Protecting her.  Fiercer than needed, maybe, but protecting her just the same.  It was kind of nice, even if it was entirely unnecessary where Eddie was concerned.  A friendly grin filled her face, relief replacing Amanda’s anxiety, “Mark!  That’s like, super sweet of you, but honestly?  Eddie is so-” giddiness welled up inside of Amanda at the thought of Eddie.  It turned her smile into something dreamy as she gushed, “-he’s so-” Biting into her bliss, Marks’ bitterness sliced into Amanda’s sentence, “So what?  Huh, Amanda?  What does this guy do?  Where does he live?  What do you even know about him?” Amanda wasn’t used to being on the spot, not like this and never with an audience made up of her friends.  It was nearly an interrogation and every time she offered a response Mark was there, waiting, with words to try and trap her.  “I know enough, Mark.  I know that Eddie’s been a perfect gentleman.  That- that he’s kind.  Gentle.” “Gentle?  Gentlemen don’t bruise girls like that.”  He pointed at the purple splotch peeking from under her collar as if it were evidence of some kind. Tugging her shirt closer, embarrassed heat roared through her, “That’s- that’s private.  It’s not what you think.” “It’s hardly private, Amanda, when you parade around here, showing it off for all of us to see.”  Squaring his stance, Mark looked down his freckled nose at her, questioning her the way a furious father might, “Did- did he hurt you?” The idea of it was so absurd that Amanda laughed directly in Mark’s face.  “Hurt me?  No.  No, Mark.  I- I wanted Eddie to uh, ya know-” bashfully, she let her sentence and its implication go unfinished. God, it was so difficult to talk about this stuff when her buddy and bandmate looked so irrationally mad.  Furious.  Frighteningly so.  She had thought, perhaps naively, that he would be happy for her the same way Carly had been.  In that teasing, ball-busting way that friends were supposed to support each other when a new relationship was starting.  It had never occurred to Amanda that Mark, or anyone, really, would be pissed about Eddie. “You, you wanted that?  From a guy like him?  I just don’t understand, Amanda.”  There was another layer to Mark’s voice this time, something closer to sadness than she had ever heard before.  Hurt.  That was the sour note, the discordant jangle, which flattened all the words that left his mouth. More confused than ever, Amanda swiftly switched into comfort mode, a place that was more than familiar.  After all, her’s was the dependable shoulder that people cried on and she put that emotional muscle memory to work, soothing, “Mark, it’s ok.  I’m ok, really.  Eddie, he’s a really great guy and, yea, we’re still getting to know each other. This, this thing with Eddie and I- it’s brand new and like, yea, I- we have a good time together.  I fully plan on having more good times with him.  He’s just like, really sweet and thoughtful and-” “Enough, ok.  I get it.  I just, I don’t know, never figured you for someone who’d get hooked up with some townie trash.  It’s stupid, Amanda.  Dumb.” Carly’s eyes went saucer wide and Jim physically winced at the heated words Mark flung at Amanda.  This was the first time any of them had argued over more than a late entry or repeating a chorus too many times.  This was serious. “Townie trash?”  Sputtering, fury filling all the available space in Amanda’s body, she couldn’t actually believe what Mark had said about Eddie.  
“You don’t even know him!”  Shrill and thin, Amanda was nearly hollering now, unable to keep the anger bottled up.  Tears gathered in her eyes, not from sadness but from the cruel unkind things Mark kept tossing her way. Braver than he had any right to be, Mark took a step forward, cold eyes narrowing sharply, “Do you even know this guy?  Know who he is?  I do.  I asked around, Amanda.  He’s a fucking drug dealer for one thing!  And someone told me that he, like, barely beat a murder charge years ago.  Murder, Amanda.” Waving a hand in front of her face as if she was trying to erase the terrible things coming out of Mark’s mouth, Amanda snapped back with a hiccup in her voice, “Well, he told me all about it.  Unlike you, I got my information from the source.” Scoffing, Mark rolled his head to the ceiling as if he was struggling to make a toddler understand, “And you think he told you the truth?  Amanda, come on!  You can’t really-” “Really what?  I can’t really like a guy who used to sell dime bags in the woods of his high school?  I couldn’t possibly be into someone who told me he had a reputation, told me that, that he had been through some seriously bad shit?”  She had gained ground as her rage swelled with the need to defend Eddie from Mark, glaring at someone who should have been on her side, should have been excited for her and instead was berating her.  Amanda’s heart was heavy from it when she asked, “Why do you even care?  What does it matter to you, Mark?” Mark took a tentative step closer, crowding into her personal space as his voice dropped lower trying to capture Amanda’s line of vision, “I think you know why.” “Mark-” “Amanda.  Come on.  You can’t not know, right?” “Know what?”  But in saying it, Amanda realized exactly what Mark was trying to say through all his clumsy blustering.  Something that he had been struggling to say wordlessly for a long time if she looked at it through the prism of Carly’s revelation.  Although, it still didn’t account for Mark’s not acting on any of his feelings in a meaningful way. And in that second Amanda was furious at him anew.  At all of them, really.  Because it was becoming more apparent that Carly and Jim had known about the depth of Mark’s feelings without ever once letting her in on the secret.  Even now, she had to watch as Mark stumbled through his admission, a nervous hitch in his throat that made the normally stoic guy sound small.  “That I- that I’m into you, even though I shouldn’t be.  Ya know?” Carly sucked in a breath.  Jim groaned and looked around the room for an exit.  Amanda blinked dumbly. “What did you say?” A cocky grin, starting small, started to spread over Mark’s freckled cheeks.  “Look, I know that you’re a, a bigger girl, and like, your choices are limited.  Most guys wouldn’t want that, but-” he was reaching up to tuck a strand of Amanda’s hair behind her ear when she jerked her head away, “-Amanda, I do.  I want you in spite of that.” All at once the room was too small.  Too hot.  And Mark was standing entirely too close. Again, Mark made to touch her, forcing a rough whisper out of Amanda, “Don’t.” “But, Amanda, I just told you that I-” Shaking her head, Amanda took a huge backward step, kicking her microphone case, “Stop!  Please, Mark.  Stop.  Don’t, don’t say anything else.” Her breaths were short, not enough air making its way into her lungs, and Amanda could sense the racing of her pulse.  Worry was late in arriving on Mark’s face but when it had, he reached out a hand, only for Amanda to bat it away, “No.” Carly was in front of her then, “Hey, Amanda, you need to breathe, alright?  Gotta take a deep breath for me, k?” Nodding her head, Amanda let herself be led to one of the metal legged chairs that was stacked near the door of the rehearsal space, Carly crouching at her side.  From a distance she could see Jim talking to Mark, a hand on the drummer’s chest, and managed to puff out an apology, “I’m- I’m so sorry, Carly.  I’m so terribly sorry about this-” Friendly fingers squeezed Amanda’s, “Hey, none of that.  You didn’t do anything wrong.  You’re ok.  You’re good.  Just a little upset is all.” Amanda closed her eyes, focusing on the inhales and exhales until she no longer felt a hitch in her sternum.  When she looked up again, Mark was gone and Carly was handing her a paper cup of water, “Jim, uh, well, he told Mark to take a hike.” A wet giggle burst out of Amanda and she drank greedily as Carly went on, “How ya feelin’?  That was, shit, Amanda, I’m so sorry.  Because that was wild.” It was late enough that no other students would be looking to get into the practice rooms, something that she was grateful for, since Amanda knew that she was a mess.  Tears and hyperventilation took a toll, not to mention the stuffy nose crying had created.  There was no way she could face anyone else but Carly just now. “Carly?” “Yea, babe?” “Did Mark really-”  She didn’t finish her sentence.  Didn’t think she could, really, when the recollection of all that had been said filtered through her head.  Carly seemed to know that too because she sighed heavily and nodded once.
Carly eyed her cautiously, rocking back on her heels, testing the waters slowly, “Look.  Mark went way over the line tonight.  He’s clearly-” “Don’t defend him, ok?  Please, Carly.”  Amanda rubbed her temples, a throbbing headache making its presence known, “I just don’t understand.  Why would he say those things?”  She struggled to condense her thoughts into meaningful words, words that made some sense, but came up lacking.  Something her friend picked up on.  “Hey.  I’m on your side here, Amanda.  And I’ve been telling Mark to talk to you for a while now.  It’s what you deserved, ya know?”  When the singer didn’t respond, Carly nudged her gently, “Wanna go get drunk?  Pour some sugar in Mark’s gas tank?  Order five dozen pizzas to his frat house?” Swallowing down some more water, feeling more in control of herself, Amanda’s weak smile met Carly’s, “Thanks, I- I think I need to get out of here.  Feed the cat, maybe call Eddie?” A slow grin grew across Carly’s friendly face, it was a knowing thing, but full of sweetness, “Uh huh.  Of course.  Maybe he could come over and make you feel gooooood!” The way she drew out the vowels made Amanda laugh, feeling lighter at the idea of seeing Eddie, “Maybe.” Carly pushed up on her knees, standing quickly, “Well, I imagine he could help you relieve some stress, is all I’m sayin’.” Heat crept through Amanda at the insinuation but she didn’t reject the idea outright.  Perhaps her little friend had a point.  Perhaps there was some comfort to be gained by having Eddie wrapped around her.  When Carly offered her a hand, Amanda took it before pulling the girl into a hug, “Thanks for hanging around.” “It’s the least I could do.” “Still, I’m so embarrassed about all this, Carly.  I can’t-” A firm shake of her head silenced Amanda, “No.  Don’t do that.  You shouldn’t be embarrassed.  Mark should be.  He’s the asshole here.” Agreeing numbly, Amanda grabbed her case by its handle, almost out the door when Carly called, “Amanda?  Are you going to be here next week?  Like, are you going to come to practice?”
She already had her answer ready, as much as she didn’t want it to be true, “Uh, we’ll see.  I’ll- I’ll have to let you know.” A long look passed between the keyboard player and song bird.  Carly bobbed her head once, “You call me, yea?” “Of course.”
____ Eddie was clingy, ok?  He knew that about himself.  Always the last person to let go during a hug, never in a rush to pull away, Eddie realized he had the potential to become a human sized barnacle, given the chance. And it wasn’t just physical.  He craved reassurance from any and everyone, returning it in equal measure.  Check in calls from Nancy or Robin, a drop-in at Family Video during every one of Steve’s shifts, dinners at the Henderson house each week, Corroded Coffin practice and, on rare occasions, a performance.  It kept Eddie connected to all of the little sheep in his flock.  But Amanda was something different, wasn’t she?  A woman who lived on her own, went to school, went to work, went to band rehearsals and was content with making her own way.  So independent it worried Eddie because he wanted her to depend on him.  Yea, Eddie was clingy and protective and he had a hard time not showering those he loved in his affection.  People who knew him, really knew him well, understood his blanket of affection.  For new faces though, it could be a lot.  Eddie could be a lot.  And he’d had more than one relationship end before it began because of his smothering, suffocating, face hugging alien level of attachment. This time, Eddie vowed that wasn’t going to let that happen.  He had a plan.  A campaign for himself, with the end goal of winning Amanda, heart and soul. So, he had told her, flat out, that he, Eddie Munson, was an all or nothing kinda guy.
It was over the phone, the morning after the concert, because Eddie also didn’t have great impulse control.  He’d just laid it out in plain English; he liked her.  Alot.  He liked talking to her and he liked kissing her even more.  Because he wanted to continue doing both things, and not lose sleep over it, Eddie proposed some guidelines. Graciously, grandly, his Amanda agreed to one phone call a day.  A check in, usually after dinner or a night shift, depending on the night, where they both unloaded the day’s events into the sympathetic ear of the other.  It was one call a day, yes, one call that usually lasted four or five hours, a fact which couldn't be laid entirely at Eddie’s feet. After all, it was Amanda who refused to hang up first.  Said it made her sad to say goodbye, which was just about the sweetest thing Eddie had ever heard, since most people couldn’t get rid of him fast enough.  Now they ended their calls with “Night, Night” as if they were children taking a nap at daycare or something, instead of nearly full grown adults who desperately needed sleep before heading out to work or school.  That was if they even remembered to hang up at all.  Wayne had come home on at least two occasions to find Eddie asleep, cradling the receiver to his ear, snoring away.  When he heard a matching set of heavy breaths on the other end of the phone, Wayne got the picture clear enough, telling his nephew to try and rehang the handset, if possible.  No need to keep the line engaged and stretch the cord like that just to fall asleep together. Amanda had giggled at that, promising solemnly to try and avoid any future overnight calls, despite how lovely it was to listen to Eddie sleep.  And the romantic in Eddie ate that shit up.  It was the stuff of legend.  And shit, did Eddie want to be legendary for Amanda. It was the heartsick, love hungry guy in him who had different ideas about what counted as romantic and that underfed goblin wanted all the rules thrown out of the window, even if they were ones Eddie had insisted on.  That green and greedy bastard who lived in his heart demanded longer conversations.  It didn’t want to wait until Friday night or Saturday morning to see Amanda, with her soft curves which he had recently discovered looked just as lovely in flowy dresses as they did in tight jeans, making Eddie thank a god he didn’t believe in for the hard work of the Jordache company.  
No, the already attached barnacle, the needy slice of his personality, wanted to wake up every morning with arms, soft and warm, curled around him.  Amanda’s arms.  And it required a goodnight kiss from Amanda’s sweet lips, no longer satisfied with a whispered wish of sweet dreams through the breaking, beige knot of curling cord that stretched tightly from the trailer’s kitchen to his bed.  But Eddie was trying to deny that feral critter.  He had to or the damnable thing would take over his body and mind, saying or doing something stupid, way too soon for either of them to be comfortable.  Something that might spook Amanda, something that he might regret.
Because Eddie Munson wasn’t ready for this thing with Amanda Patterson to end.  To be over.  Not so soon.  Not when there was still so much to see and do and talk about together.  Gnawing on his already shredded cuticle, Eddie worried at his nail, mind going as fast as a Hetfield guitar solo and twice as loud. If he really let himself break it down, Eddie supposed that he could charge the over eager attachments he formed with all creatures in need, great and small, on his lacking, slacking parents.  Wayne, the best man in Indiana and possibly the world, had gifted him with stability as a kid.  A much needed anchor in the swirling sea that was young Munson’s life until that point, but even the patient grit of his uncle’s love couldn’t quite scrape away the sticky residue of being leaveable.  Of being left.  Of being easy to walk away from.
Eddie did not want to think like that, he didn’t.  Because he had worked hard to keep those idle thoughts out of his brain.  But like an invasive plant, they managed to crowd his mental garden, taking over whatever good seeds were sown in love or friendship.  
It was the kudzu of bad thoughts that he liked to blame for driving a wedge into all of his important relationships, blanketing the peace and happiness that he craved with waxy green leaves that choked and strangled in their desperate climb towards the light.  Sure, he fought against it.  Hacked away at it bit by bit, and in time, some love had taken root.  And yea, he could thank the people who put in the time; Wayne, Dustin, Robin and Steve, hell even Nancy Wheeler and the Hellfire guys.  But, credit where credit is due?  Those connections flourished in the sandy soil of his heart mostly because Eddie was one helluva gardener. That reminded him, he should put killer plants in his next campaign, Eddie thought quickly, grabbing for a napkin and Sharpie marker that he swiped from Family Video, “Little fuckers won’t see that coming.” It struck him right then.  As he was tucking the now defiled and scribbled upon tissue into his vest pocket, Eddie realized just how lost he was for Amanda.  Knew with a fatal certainty that his heart was planting seeds with deep, thirsty roots.  Growing a field of wildflowers for a woman he’d known, what, two weeks? Only, if he was honest with himself, he knew it was a lost cause at the diner when they kissed over vanilla milkshakes.  Maybe he knew it before then, Eddie considered, teeth toying with his fingernail now.  From the second they met, her impossibly amazing eyes catching his own as Amanda grabbed him, holding on for dear life, instead of tumbling to the ground at his feet. Or, most likely of all, when that voice of hers dripped like honey, wrapping Eddie in a smothering blanket of loveliness that he still hadn’t been able to shake off.  Yea, he nodded to no one but himself, the sound of Amanda’s singing had pulled him under like a mermaid mirage and he had gone willingly into the deepest end of the ocean for just one more note. And that is why he was breaking his own rule about waiting until the weekend. 
Because when Amanda had called after tonight’s practice, her normally full and pleased voice was tight and thin.  Because when Eddie asked what was wrong he heard the two breaths she took and could picture how her brain flashed from keeping him out of it to letting him in.  Because when Amanda told him she’d had an awful night, Eddie gave the only answer he could, “I’ll be right there.” Now, despite the lateness of the day, Amanda was running into a gust of autumn air that tugged her hair wildly and scoured her cheeks raw.  Passing in front of the van’s headlights, she paused just long enough to smile at him, lit up golden against the India ink night.  Eddie returned the look, leaning over the console to pop open the door, welcoming his girl, as she surely was in his mind anyway, into the warm van, “Hey gorgeous.” Before he could retreat to the driver’s seat, Amanda’s cold hands were tugging against the patched denim cut, keeping him on her side of the cab.  Lips that Eddie dreamed about pressed to his own and as much as his manliness might want to deny it, he groaned against her mouth, pleased at her wanting him so recklessly.  There was something else in the kiss that Amanda greeted Eddie with, something bitter, something sad, and it shook him up to realize that she’d been crying.  That’s why he slowly pulled away from her upturned face, his ringed right hand curling to match the curve of her cheek, “Mandy, is- is everything ok?” With shining eyes and her bottom lip pinned between her teeth, Amanda shook her head, nearly sobbing, “No.  Nope.  Not even like a little bit.” “Oh baby, I’m sorry.” Letting her forehead lay against Eddie’s, his coarse curls curtaining them both, Amanda inhaled heavily, “Not your fault, just, stupid shit but, well-”  Now she looked up at him with a trembling bottom lip and shiny trails over her cheeks making Eddie’s thoughts jump between murderous anger at whoever did this to his girl and comforting marshmallow softness for the pain she was in.  
He settled on an encouraging head nudge, urging her to continue, “-I think I have to leave the band.” “What?” Her sigh was a wretched, wet thing and Eddie saw the effort it took for Amanda to steady herself, closing her eyes as she repeated, “I’m not going to be in the Indiana Four anymore.  I, uh, I have to quit”  The last word cracking through a shallow sob. A million questions flooded Eddie’s brain.  This was a big deal.  Huge even.  And Eddie wasn’t about to make it worse for Amanda by asking any of them out loud right now. Swallowing his own need for clarity, Eddie brushed his thumb across Amanda’s bottom lip, his personal favorite, and hummed, “Hey, hey, you’re ok.  I got you, baby.  It’ll be alright, yea?” Amanda didn’t answer in words.  She merely scooted closer, her arms threading under Eddie’s, hugging him tightly.  It was a few seconds before the fresh wave of tears dried up and all he did was hold on despite the damp spot on his shoulder.  Like all storms do, it passed, and when it had, Amanda sighed heavily, “I’m so sorry-” “Shh, I don’t care.  I just- damn, Amanda, I, like, hate seeing you so sad.  It’s breaking my heart, baby.” “Don’t- don’t say shit like that, Eddie.” “Why not?  It’s true.” Swallowing thickly, wiping at the twin tracks of dampness on her cheeks, Amanda huffed, “‘Cause you’re gonna make me cry again!” “Ok, ok.  I won’t say anything nice to you right now.”  There was a hint of mirth in his voice that he prayed Amanda would notice, a softening that Eddie was desperate to offer his lady in distress with the hopes of cheering her up a little. Sniffling, she tilted her head in that tell-tale way, biting her bottom lip to halt her half smile from growing, “Thank you for your, uh, understanding.” “No problem.  It’s good to know, for like, the future.  Mandy’s sad?  Don’t be nice.  That’ll only make it worse.” Giggling despite her heavy heart, Amanda playfully pushed against Eddie’s chest, her nose stuffy from crying, “That’s not what I said.” “Well, that’s what I heard, sweetheart.  And, lucky for you, I’m pretty good at being not nice, so I think this arrangement is going to work out just fine.”  Now he was openly teasing her, grateful to see that she was fighting back.  It meant she was feeling better and Eddie’s heart soared for knowing he was helping. Those eyes.  The ones that pinned Eddie in place, making his breath catch in his throat, were locked on to him when she said, “You’re pretty nice to me, so don’t sell yourself short, Munson.” Leaning in close, the console be damned, Eddie let his nose graze hers, “Hmm, you’re pretty and that’s nice, Miss Mandy.”
Humming, Amanda rested a palm against Eddie’s cheek, “See?  That’s what I mean.  You say the sweetest things.”
“What can I say?  Maybe you bring it out in me?” Shaking her head, Amanda snorted out a short laugh, disbelieving but flattered all the same.  Still, Eddie wasn’t entirely surprised when she changed the subject, “So, thank you for coming over.  For coming to get me.  I just-” her shoulders dropped as she deflated after a deep exhale, “-I want to forget about today.” Shyly he peeked at her from under the flap of fringe that hung haphazardly over his eyes, “If you wanted to, ya know, talk about it, I’m all ears Mandy.” And he saw the struggle behind Amanda’s eyes, the way she tipped her head, thinking it through.  Eddie wondered if there would ever be a time when telling him about her day might be a natural, easy, thoughtless thing.  Because that’s what he wanted.  He wanted to be the person she ran to, good or bad. But as they sat in her building’s parking lot, the van’s motor idling loudly, Amanda biting the inside of her cheek, Eddie saw the moment she decided against sharing.  Saw how she blinked away unshed tears before swallowing shakily.  Watched the way she tossed her head, like she was clearing away some bad thought or another. Damn it, she’s too pretty to be sitting so far away.
“Uh, I- I appreciate the offer, Eddie.  But maybe-” “Hey, I’m here whenever you need me.  You know that, right?” Her head dropped, focused on her fingernails, Amanda’s voice small as she answered, “Yea.  Yes.  I know that, Eddie.” Taking her hand in his, Eddie squeezed it firmly, happy when she lifted her lovely face his way.  “And, just so you know, I am gonna make you tell me all about it, Mandy.  Just yet, if that’s ok?  If you can hold onto it for a little bit longer, I uh, I think it’ll be worth it.” “Sounds like you have a plan, Ed.”  A tentative smile, damp at the corners, broke through the mask of pain she was carrying.  It felt like a gold medal win to Eddie.
Of course he did.  Eddie had already spent too much time thinking about how to spend this stolen night with Amanda.  He knew what his body wanted, what his brain wanted, but now, it wasn’t the time for all that.  There was another option, something different, something social.  But only if Amanda was up for it. “Yea, maybe?  Maybe I do.  Might be more of a distraction.  Dunno if it’ll work yet, but it's worth a try.”
“Just want to be where you are, Eddie.  That’s all.”  And even though she was resting her head against the seat with her eyes shut, he still felt like she was watching, waiting.  For him to deny her, maybe?  He wasn’t sure.
So, Eddie did what came naturally, pressing a kiss to her forehead, one to the very tip of her nose, “Sounds good to me, Miss Mandy.”
The radio was on low, barely audible over the van’s heater which was working really hard at filling the space with warmth, but all Eddie could hear was Amanda’s tiny moans of relief that ebbed out of her with every peck.  Somehow that made her lighter, unburdened, as he kissed lightly over the features of her face.  He was starting to think that he was the cause of that small, satisfying sound.  And Goddess above, but he wanted to hear it again. Soon Amanda was leaning into the palm of his hand, being petted like a contented kitty cat, soft and warm.  He hated to do it, disrupt the peace, but he was going to need both of his hands to drive carefully enough that his precious passenger side cargo was safe.  Though it went against all of his instincts, Eddie subtly lifted her chin, waiting for those eyes to flutter open, finding him in the pale dashboard light.  This kiss was firmer, fiercer maybe, and Eddie allowed himself to steal a bit more of her taste with every pass of his tongue.  If he was trying to wipe away some of her heartache and take it for himself, so what?  Amanda didn’t object.  It was the opposite, in fact, because her petal lips parted giving him the green light to kiss her properly.
With his tongue moving slowly, rhythmically, his hands cradled the back of Amanda’s head, her hair tangling under his touch.  She tilted, attempting to offer him the exposed column of her throat, but Eddie held firm, steady.  He wanted- no, needed, to show her how much he could care.  Eddie took control and Amanda let him. Pouring his feelings into her like he could fill her up, refreshing what today had wilted, Eddie carefully, consciously, guided Amanda with gentle hands.  Tipping her head back, swallowing her shallow whimpers, he damned the way his van was built.  It kept him from getting his hands on her the way he wanted to and the denial was frustrating. She felt it too, her own hands flexing, uselessly, unsure of where to touch Eddie.  The sounds Amanda made, music in their own right, became higher pitched, whinier, the longer Eddie limited where and how she could move.  Entirely at his mercy, when she melted into him, a strangled sob, “Eddie, please.” it took all the willpower he possessed to keep his ass in the driver’s seat. Breaking away was hard but Eddie was harder.  He couldn’t help the raw want that Amanda created in him.  She was vulnerable, open and she was here, with him.  Letting Eddie Munson kiss her, touch her, talk to her.  The seeds in his heart were sprouting already.
Still, if he didn’t stop now, they were going to be late.  And Eddie would hate for Amanda to make a bad first impression.  Reluctantly, he thumbed at her bottom lip, his fingers lifting her chin, “I’m sorry, sweet thing, but we have to get a move on.” Petulant, Amanda huffed out her short lived displeasure.  Her lids were heavy against the heightened color of her cheeks.  Eddie hadn’t thought she could look more beautiful, yet, here she was, begging him for more without making any noise. It would have been much too easy to pull her to his chest and never let her go.  Battling with his greedy gargoyle, Eddie shook his head, giving Amanda a shy grin, “Sit back, huh babe?  And, here-” leaning across her, Eddie snagged the shoulder belt, pulling it snugly over Amanda, “-lemme get you buckled in.”
“Ok, yea.  Thank you.  Ya know, for everything, Eddie.” There was no fight in her now, just comfortable compliance while she let Eddie baby her a bit.  She was still riding a wild combination of elation and heartbreak, Eddie knew that, but he couldn’t help staring at the pretty girl in his front seat.  Linking his hand with hers, squeezing her fingers, “For you, Mandy?  Shit.  I’d do anything.”
Amanda was dreaming.  She was so sure that what was happening couldn’t possibly be real life, because her life wasn’t like this- full of secret smiles and silly in-jokes.  Tiny touches that bordered on too much, lingering kisses that were definitely not enough.  This had to be someone else’s life. Only, when she pinched herself, the vibration of pain was real. She had waited approximately ten seconds to call Eddie once she'd gotten home from the disaster practice, flinging her bag off in a huff and collapsing onto her tragically broken-in couch.  Even Armando the Wonder Cat knew to steer clear, his one good eye looking her over before deciding to retreat into the bedroom.  Amanda couldn’t blame him.  The waves of despair, anger and sadness kept rolling over her.  So, for ten seconds she deliberated.  Make the call or don’t.  Dial him up or wait around for his nightly call. And she only let her mind go for ten seconds because Amanda was not the sort of lady who put their problems on other people.  Her life was entirely the opposite, really.  She held the secrets of the folks around her, burdened with their picadillos and problems like an emotional pack animal on a mountainous trail. Having learned through painful trial and egregious error that sharing her own worries was too much to expect in former friends, Amanda didn’t want to unload a no good, terrible, horrible, very bad day onto a guy who she’d only been seeing for what, two weeks now?  Still, she needed someone to hear her side of the story.  To commiserate.  To sympathize with where Amanda was coming from and validate her choices.  To distract her or make her feel better, hell, maybe both?
Plus, she reasoned, Eddie was very easy to talk to, something he proved at the diner and during every conversation since then.  That alone was enough to pick up the handset and circle the dial.  Sure, her fingers nervously drummed along the tattered wool plaid of the couch’s arm as she waited through ring after ring after ring, but the reward was hearing Eddie’s mid-range rumble when the receiver connected, “Big Ed’s House of Horrors!  We scare because we care!  How can I haunt you tonight?” He sounded so happy.  So full of life and warmth and all the lovely things that for an over long second Amanda couldn’t speak.  Wouldn’t, knowing that she had the power to put out his beautifully blazing fire with the rain cloud of her shitty night. “Amanda?  Is that you?  Are you ok?” There was genuine worry in his voice and that cracked through the fog of her self doubt.  Shaky but forcing herself to sound light-hearted, she managed, “Hey Eddie.” Eddie was not buying what she was trying to sell, because he sounded even more upset when he asked in a rushed tone, “What’s wrong, babe?” “Just-” pausing to drag in a ragged breath then another, Amanda barely managed to keep the sob inside herself, “-a real shitty day.” “I’ll be right there.” She hadn’t even had to ask him.  Eddie just came.  And when she was inside his van she thanked him with her mouth, parted and plush, feeling herself relax just being near him. Taking charge, Amanda gladly relinquished her head and heart to whatever Eddie Munson had in mind.  Settling back into the seat, she felt the press of his fingers against her own, happy to be in this place with someone who was just for her.  Only for Amanda, utterly and entirely. She didn’t ask any questions when Eddie pulled away from her place, the van rattling down the familiar streets of town.  His music played, the volume lower than ever before, but Eddie’s hand never left hers, grounding them together.  There was no conversation but it wasn’t weird.  It was nice, calming really, and Amanda willed all of the day’s tension out of her shoulders as Eddie drove. They’d taken a turn or two, sliding onto the main drag where Family Video and the arcade flashed their glowing signs.  Sensing the van slowing down, she turned Eddie’s direction, “Um, we getting groceries?” When he said he had a plan, Amanda hadn’t anticipated a trip to the market, which must have shown on her face because Eddie chuckled and lifted their knotted hands so that he could brand a kiss onto her skin, “I’m on snack duty.” “Snack duty?  Snacks for what, exactly?” Sheepish now, the fringe of his bangs made those wide brown eyes look rounder than usual, “So, you can totally say no, I know you’ve had a shitty day and I don’t want to make it worse.  But, it’s just, well, my friends and I, we kinda have this weekly tradition.  We get a movie, some junk food and, ya know, hang out.” “Oh, shit.  I didn’t mean to like interrupt your plans-” Waving a ringed hand in Amanda’s face, Eddie stalled her sentence, “No, no.  Don’t.  It’s not like that.”  Swiveling in his seat to make sure that Amanda was really looking at him, he carried on, words falling out of his mouth faster and faster, “See, we- uh, this group of people, we’re like more than friends.  They’re sorta my family? “And, we’ve been through some shit together.  Real bonding type stuff, right?  So, Harrington, who you’ll meet, if you want to come, which I really hope you do- anyway, Harrington is like, hey let’s do this movie night thing and whoever can come comes and if you can’t, it’s no big deal. “Only, he never buys the good snacks.  It’s always microwave popcorn and M&Ms and shit, but no sour cream and onion chips?  What’s that about?  And, sorry to say, but I’m a Twizzler guy and Robin, uh, yea, she’s so cool, you’re gonna like her, but like she brings Red Vines.  Red Vines!  So, yea-” And now that he was running out of steam, Eddie seemed to realize just how long his tirade had gone on, embarrassment tinting his cheeks pink in the glow of the store’s lit up sign as his always moving hands dropped limply, “-We need snacks, good ones, hence the grocery store trip.” Amanda had never heard anything so heart warming or chaotic in her entire life.  He wanted her to meet his friends, no, his family.  Grabbing for him, Amanda let her fingers notch between his, “Does that mean I can get some Goobers?  ‘Cause I sorta love chocolate covered peanuts.” Watching the dimples of his smile deepen was becoming one of her favorite things, so she wasn’t disappointed when Eddie’s grin widened, “Oh, absolutely you can.” It didn’t take long to march along the aisle loaded with bags of tortilla chips, assorted tinned dips and packages of cookies.  By the time they reached the check out, the basket Eddie had resting on the bend in his elbow was overflowing with rubbish treats and a two liter bottle of Mountain Dew, something he insisted was essential, before grabbing a Kit-Kat bar with a shrug, “For Robin.  She’s picky.”  His thoughtfulness shouldn’t be so surprising, but Amanda was continually amazed at the small gestures that came naturally to Eddie, like remembering to grab someone’s favorite candy bar.  No, he seemed perfectly content to spoil everyone he knew, including Amanda.  Anything that she dared to look at during their shopping spree somehow found its way into the purchase pile, which explained the box of Cookie Crisp cereal, sack of rainbow marshmallows and family size bag of pretzel twists which Eddie insisted on paying for, “Hey, lemme do this, alright?” “But there’s no way we’re going to eat all this, is there?  Is there?”  Amanda was half horrified, half hopeful at the prospect. Clicking his tongue as he handed off a wad of cash to the vested cashier, Eddie leaned into her ear, husking low, “All this and more, Mandy.  Wait ‘til you see what Nance and Jonathan roll up with, it’s wild!” He did let her carry one of the bags, the lightest one of course, because Eddie wasn’t a jerk.  Though he did bump against her hip with every step they took towards his van, the brown paper sacks rustled as she squealed playfully, “Eddie!  Jeez!” “What?  Is it my fault that you can’t seem to walk in a straight line?” “Hey, I can walk in a line!” “Coulda fooled me, sweet thing.”  It was a comment dripping with flirtatious energy as Eddie loaded their purchases into the back giving Amanda time to eyeball the man in front of her.  Frankly, she was mesmerized with how his body moved.  The way his leather jacket sleeves rode up, revealing loops of chain that formed a bracelet around his wrist, a black bat, one of many, flying just under the cuff.  It was striking.  Something about how those hands looked so rough and raw, calloused from guitar strings, nails split from over washing because getting the grease off is hard on delicate skin.  Yet, for Amanda they were also achingly gentle.  Eddie’s touch was quiet, calming, even if the man doing the touching was normally a riot of movement and motion.  She was so lost in the small things that made up Eddie Munson that Amanda didn’t realize he had crowded into her, the inside panel of the van’s backdoor digging into the space between her shoulder blades, those clever, distracting fingers grazing her waist.  Amanda could say something.  She could tell Eddie exactly where her wayward brain had wandered, but he already seemed to know. His look clouded over into something darker, duskier, and it caused the muscles in Amanda’s belly to tighten reflexively.  Normally so smiley, Eddie’s jaw was tense, his breathing short.  It made her think about a hungry animal that’s found its dinner, just waiting for the right second to snap their jaws shut.  “Eddie?”  But it’s barely a whisper.  She didn’t need volume to be heard when he was standing this close, those narrow hips of his resting against her own, pinning Amanda in place.
Dropping further into her space, his nose brushing her own, “Yea, Mandy.”
Her palms skated over the busted leather of his belt, fingers hooking into the loops and tugging Eddie closer.  Notching her head higher, Amanda let out a sound somewhere between a whimper and a whine, licking over her lips, “Will you-” “What do you need, pretty lady?  I’ll give you anything you want.  Promise.” And god, he smelled so good, Amanda ground her pelvis into his, panting now, “Kiss me, yea?” “Thought you’d never ask, sweetheart.” Only, it didn’t end at kissing.  Not tonight when Amanda’s mind was overloaded from worry and sadness, her body ready to take charge.  Her fingers latched onto the denim vest he always seemed to have on, wrinkling the heavy fabric with her grip, needing Eddie closer and closer.  Needing him inside of her where the wounds of everyday living threatened to rupture, bursting Amanda apart at the seams. Eddie’s arms posted over her shoulders, giving Amanda the chance to wrap her hands around his forearms, as he let his lips travel from her mouth to the hinge of her jaw.  Biting gently at the sensitive skin there, he licked against her ear, making Amanda shiver.  Deeper than she’d ever heard, Eddie grumbled, “You just taste so sweet, Mandy.  Like a cupcake or some shit.  Makes me think-” Sounding more than a little possessed herself, she answered innocently, “Think about what, Ed?” “How your body tastes.”
Said body reacted on instinct.  Her thighs squeezed together and the breath caught in her lungs making her stutter dumbly, “Uh, wh- what?” His swagger was in full swing now that he was free to move outside of the van’s front seat.  Grin showing too much teeth as Eddie looked down at her like she was on the menu, Amanda’s heart beat wildly at the idea that she just might be.  “Get a room, pervs!”  A shout from across the parking lot made both of their heads swivel.  Eddie, shielding Amanda from anyone’s view, answered, “Go fuck yourself dickhead!” “Nice language, asshole!”  From behind his shoulder Amanda heard the slam of a car door and a rapidly firing engine.  The unwelcome interruption peeling off into the autumn night. Unable to suppress her giggle, Amanda drew Eddie’s attention back to herself, “Maybe they have a point?” “Yea, Mandy?  What’s that, huh?” Looking around at the nearly empty parking lot, the bright lights beaming down in organized rows, she shrugged, “This isn’t really the best place to uh, get all, ya know, romantic.” Standing too close, breathing her air, Eddie pushed a shock of hair behind her ear, “I may have an answer for that.”
Who knew Amanda Patterson would love kissing in a rusting out van so much?  Meeting Eddie’s scalding mouth with her own in a space smelling of motor oil and boy sweat, trying not to kick over the bags of groceries they had recently bought, Amanda considered this a sacred space.  Holy.  A moving monument to the feelings she could feel growing steadily stronger every time she was around Eddie.
Feelings she was nearly desperate to explore further, her hand trailing down Eddie’s back, dragging him tighter by the belt loop of his jeans.  The leather was worn in, soft and supple, as she traced his waist before gripping the cooler metal of his handcuff buckle.  A firm hand gripped her wrist, foggy breath unfurling against her cheek in playful pants, “Mandy?  Whatcha doin’?” “Don’t you want to-” looking up at Eddie’s sweat damp skin from under her lashes, Amanda cooed her question, “-ya know?” A groaned laugh forced Eddie’s head back, his neck exposed, and Amanda didn’t hesitate to put her lips on his Adam’s Apple, sucking lightly.  She could feel every inch of Eddie where his hips straddled her wide thigh, the thought making her throat dry as she mewled, “‘Cause I want to- I want you, Eddie.  Please?” “Fuck, Mandy, of course I want you- want to do it.  Just-” rolling onto his back and taking his warm hands and pink lips with him, Eddie stared up at the exposed metal roof, chest pumping quickly, “-not here, ya know?” Leaning up on her elbow, fingers spread wide over the expanse of Eddie’s chest, she nodded, accepting his comment quietly.  And he must have recognized the bruising brittle texture of her silence because he sat up, holding her hand over his heart.  “Baby, you have no idea how much I want- how much I need-” but the sentence trailed off as Eddie dragged Amanda’s palm lower, lower, lower, the hard heat of his desire undeniable. “And that’s because of, of me?”  Wispy, the whisper carried over the thinning distance between her mouth and Eddie’s ear.  Amanda sounded almost unsure, like she didn’t entirely believe it.  Like she couldn’t believe Eddie might want her as much, in the same ways that she did, only to find out that she was dead wrong.  The evidence was stiff and throbbing below her. Groaning when her fingers reflexively pushed against his straining length,  Eddie gritted through clenched teeth, “Yes, Mandy.  And it’s like this all the time.” Giggling, feeling a bit powerful from the knowledge, Amanda ran her nails over the stressed denim, nipping at Eddie’s collarbone through a smile.  He bucked his hips into the friction, an embarrassing sound breaking from the back of his throat, “Fuck- I think you’re tryin’, tryin’ to kill me, baby.” Shaking her head ‘no’, biting her bottom lip, Amanda tipped her head like she did when there was a question worth asking hiding on her tongue, “You really do want to- with me, I mean?”
“Uh huh.  Someplace nice.  Soft.  That, ya know, smells better than my dumpster on wheels.”  Eddie gently shifted them both so they were sitting up, shoulders knocking against each other in the stillness of the grocery store parking lot, not looking at each other, but still touching.  “I- I wanna make you feel special, like how you make me feel.  And this-” Eddie’s hand waved at the dented walls, “-isn’t special enough.  Ya know what I mean?” Her head fit perfectly into the notch between Eddie’s chin and his shoulder.  Laying there, his heartbeat below her ear, a leathered arm around her back, Amanda agreed with a hum, “It’s more than ok, Eddie.  It sounds pretty freakin’ great, actually.” A sweaty press of his lips to her forehead precedes the air stealing one armed hug that Eddie trapped her in, their combined laughter filling the cool cargo space.
— They were late for movie night anyway.  Not by hours, but late enough that Robin was practically pacing the hallway at Harrington Manor, “Where the hell have you been, Munson?  Dingus here was worried!” “Worried?  No.  No way.  And you’re the one who was pacing by the door, waiting for a Kit-Kat, not me.”  Steve’s response came from deeper in the house, maybe the kitchen, and it sounds defensive against Robin’s obvious and erroneous assertion.  Eddie knew it was all an act though.  Robin liked to fuss over him and Steve liked to fuss along with her.  It was part of being loved by this motley crew of fantastic people, having a mom and dad who were actually years younger, but cared with all their hearts. “Uh, sorry?  I had to pick up a stray.” God, he loved the reaction that got.  Stopping dead still, Robin’s bright eyes flared comically, “You- you brought someone to movie night?  STEVE!!  Get in here!!” “What?  What happened?”  Steve slid into the foyer on socked feet, knocking into Robin clumsily, worry lines etched into his handsome face. “Munson has a date.”  Her tone was playful, an ashy eyebrow lifted in cartoonish glee as Robin grinned at the metal head still standing in the doorway. Steve’s head whipped toward his friend, luscious locks flying, all traces of fear erased.  In their place genuine curiosity bloomed, “You do?  Uh, you did?  Tell us man!  Who is this mystery date?” “Can I put this shit down first?”  He felt Amanda’s fingers tense in his grip, Eddie’s posturing keeping her out of view for another few seconds while he balanced his two bags of junk food. “Nuh uh.  Spill the beans.” “Don’t listen to Robin man, give me that.”  Steve swooped in, taking one of the bags from Eddie’s arms and moving back down the hall to give everyone a little more room.  It allowed Eddie to pull Amanda forward, her natural shyness keeping her wrapped snugly around the taller guy, as he tried to get past Robin without dropping anything. “Guys, this is uh, this is Amanda Patterson.  Mandy, these are my um, obnoxious friends, Steve and Robin.” “Hi.” Smacking Eddie’s arm loudly, Robin practically squealed, “Eddie!  She’s so cute!  You’re so cute!  Are you sure you’re with this guy?” “Ouch!  Hey Buckley, I’m standing right here and can totally hear you.” She just rolled her eyes, grabbing Amanda by the arm and dragging her towards the palatial dining room, away from where Steve was unloading the treats Eddie had delivered.  Eddie let her pass, flashing a small but encouraging smile in her direction as Amanda was yanked away, Robin’s mouth already going a mile a minute with questions and quips.  He already missed her. “So?”  Steve was leaning across the marble countertop, his elbows supporting his weight as he stared smugly at his friend. Grabbing for a glass, Eddie answered over his shoulder, “So what, Steve?” “How long has this-” he moved his hands between Amanda, caught up in Robin’s web and unable to get away, and Eddie, “-been going on?” Obviously, there were going to be questions.  Eddie knew that and thought he had prepared for the inevitable interrogation that bringing Amanda to movie night would inspire.  Still, the dramatic demon that lived inside of him wanted to drag this out, really savor the moment where he did what so many of the people around him thought was impossible: bring home a girl. So, Eddie took his time filling the glass with ice and slowly opening the electric green bottle of soda, keeping an even gaze on Steve the entire time.  Only when he was satisfied with the fizzing head on his drink, did he slurp down a sip, shrug, and answer, “Uh, like two weeks now I guess.” “Two weeks!”  It wasn’t shouted, but it was as close as Steve could get before drawing Robin’s attention. “Yea?” “Well, were you gonna tell us about her?  About your girlfriend?” Girlfriend.  The word alone conjured up images of high school dances and misguided make out sessions under the bleachers.  But was there a better word?  Damned if Eddie could think of one. “I just did, Steve.” “No, like when?  When were you going to tell us that you met someone?”  Stretching back, Steve took another good look over Amanda, now pouring a bag of Doritos into a dish on the dining room table, before adding with an appreciative air, “A very pretty someone with a great butt-” “Hey.  Eyes on me, Cassanova.  You’re my friend so I’m gonna give you that one, but that's the only time I wanna hear about you looking at Amanda’s ass.” Surrendering, Steve lifted his hands with a smirk that was too handsome by a mile, “Fair enough.  But like, what’s the deal with Mandy?  You guys really a serious thing?”  Eddie let his hip carry his weight, shifting so he could spy on her and Robin, “Yea.  Yea, man.  I think we are.  Remember that uh outdoor concert thing?”  When Steve nodded, crunching around a handful of pretzels, Eddie’s stare met his friend’s, “I went for her.  I mean, I had already bumped into her at The Music Shop and she told me about her show, so- I went.” “Aha!  Henderson told me there was a girl involved, but then, you never said anything.  Figured he was full of shit.” Eddie’s hair shook as he laughed lightly, “Nope.  Kid was dead on with that.  Anyway, I’ve sorta been seeing her ever since that night.” Once more, Steve’s eyes traveled from his old friend to Amanda and he wasn’t entirely surprised to see that her own gaze was locked on the leather and denim clad dude already adding more Mountain Dew to his glass as if Eddie was a knight from one of those novels he loved so much.  He knew the look.  Steve had been on the receiving end of it more times that he could count, speaking volumes silently and boy, was he happy for Eddie. “Wow.  That’s- shit, man, I’m happy for you.” “She’s totally amazing, Harrington.  I-” nervousness crept into the older guy’s voice as he peered down at the beige tiled kitchen floor, “-I don’t want to fuck it up.” Smooth and slick, Steve swung around the island counter, elbowing him roughly in order to get his full attention, “You won’t man.  You won’t.” “You sure about that?  Us Munson’s do have a way of-” “No.  No way.  I’m not gonna hear that shit.  The only Munson you are connected to is Wayne, and he’s one the best men I’ve ever known.  He took you in, after all.” and when he saw that his joke had landed, Steve bumped Eddie again, “You’re my friend, man.  You deserve good things.” “Shit, why do you have to say stuff like that?” “What?  You get choked up on me?” “Nope.  Never.”  But it was clear that he had.  Something about Steve pointing out that maybe, just maybe, Eddie Munson was good enough for a girl like Amanda made him believe it too. “Good.  Hey, Mandy?  What kind of movies do you like?”  With a wicked grin, Steve picked up a bowl of popcorn and headed straight towards Eddie’s girlfriend. — Robin Buckley could talk.  Thankfully, Amanda was an immaculate listener.  The entire time that Eddie stood by the large stainless kitchen sink, Robin was rambling, moving from one topic to another seamlessly, stopping just long enough to draw breath. But, honestly, it was refreshing.  Amanda found that she had things to add to the tirade that flowed constantly, asking her own questions here and there, including, “How long have known-” “Eddie?  God, years.  I mean, we went to high school together, but then, Eddie was in high school way longer than anyone should ever truly be.  He told you that, right?”  without waiting for a response, Robin carried on, “Anyway, I knew Stevie first.  We worked together at the mall, slinging ice cream and busting balls.  Then, well, some shit happened but he and I became platonic life partners and have remained entirely co-dependent since then.” “And Eddie-” “Oh, well, Eddie joined our group a bit later, but hey, ya know, the more the merrier.  Honestly, he’s just the best guy, ya know?  Of course you do, obviously, you’re like dating him or whatever.  Wait, are you dating?” There was a longer pause this time as it appeared that Robin was actually expecting an answer, so Amanda dipped her head, a pleased pull on her lips, “Yes.  Yea, we are.  We have been since-” “Good!  I mean, he’s been by himself for so long.  Not like, alone alone, more like just solitary, ya know what I mean?  Steve, he meets girls all the time and-” she rolled her eyes at the romantic debacles of her buddy, “-is still searching for his soulmate or whatever, but Eddie, he’s just been biding his time.  Maybe-” This time Amanda cut in, “Maybe waiting for the right woman?” Snapping her fingers, Robin grinned broadly, “Yes!  Exactly!” She felt the weight of Eddie’s eyes and turned to find Steve looking her way.  And yes, Amanda wouldn’t deny that he was a pretty boy, all swooping hair and fine features, but she could honestly say that he wasn’t her type at all.  At least not anymore. Now she wanted something rougher.  Untamed.  Wild and free with a deep soul.  Amanda wanted Eddie Munson. Swallowing, she willed her mind to refocus on Robin’s rambling, but Steve interrupted, calling out, “Hey Mandy, what kind of movies do you like?”
“Uh, Oh, well, I like all kinds really.” “Top three, go!”  It was Robin’s favorite way to vet new people and Amanda felt like it was a test, one she didn’t want to fail for Eddie’s sake. “Ok, wow, um, Casablanca, that’s like a classic.” Robin and Steve shared a happy glance.  It was obviously a good choice and a sign of Amanda’s excellent taste in movies.  But she was into more than that and thought it about for a second, nibbling on her bottom lip before adding, “I really liked Caddyshack, if I’m being honest.” Steve gave an enthusiastic thumbs up.  Robin wrinkled her nose.  Apparently comedy was a dividing topic. “And, shit, I guess I’d have to say Star Wars.  But, like all three of them.  Princess Leia is a total badass.” “Oh my god.  She’s perfect.”  There was awe in Robin’s tone as she made her declaration, staring at Steve with her hands clasped to her chest. Agreeing with a tilt of his head, Steve grinned at Eddie, “Absolutely and totally perfect.  Munson, you have to like, I don’t know, marry her.  Right now.  If you don’t-” Eddie stepped further into the room at that moment, his arm curving protectively around Amanda’s waist, his voice full of friendly warning, “Do not finish that sentence, Steve.” “I’m just saying!” Eddie pulled Amanda closer and she let herself tuck into his side, cheeks hot from the insinuations of his friends.  Still, she couldn’t help sassing back, “What makes you think we aren’t already married, huh?” That stunned the dynamic duo into shocked silence and despite knowing that they weren’t related, the look on their faces was so similar that Amanda could have sworn Steve and Robin were siblings. “What?” “No way!” Simpering, Amanda looked up at Eddie, “Do you want to tell them, darling?  Or should I?” Those damn dimples deepened, a clear sign that Eddie was on board with her plan for messing around with his friends.  Both of his arms twined around Amanda, dragging her as close as possible and his impish gaze never left her eyes, “Yea, ok, Mandy.  You’re right, honey.  We should just tell them everything, right?” “Uh huh.”  She lifted up on her toes to press a small kiss to his cheek, snuggling into Eddie’s embrace and really selling their ruse. Turning to face a silent and still Robin and Steve, Eddie cleared his throat, his tone pitched to seriousness, “You guys-” looking at Amanda who nodded reassuringly, he carried on, “-you should know- what first class suckers you are!” A shower of tossed popcorn met their announcement as Steve yelled, “You shit head!  I- We, like, really believed you!  Both of you!” Robin’s face had gone over red, her loud laugh echoing around the well appointed room, “Shit, Eddie.  That was a good one.  You two- you’re both troublemakers, aren’t ya?” Groaned out laughter filled the space and Amanda put her hands up in surrender, “I couldn’t help it.  You guys were just asking for it, but like, sorry if it was too much.” “No, Mandy.  It was, ya know, right in line with the sorta crap Munson’s always pulling.”  Steve gently shoved his friend, adding, “Any chance he has to make things memorable, he’s gonna take it.” “Hey, it was her idea!  I just ran with it.  So-” bowing deeply at Amanda, Eddie grabbed her hand as he straightened up and kissed her knuckles, “-bravo, my lady.  Well played.” And the theater kid that lived dormant inside Amanda preened, “Why thank you, sir.  Twas nothing.” “Jesus, Robs, there’s two of them now.”  “Yea, how are we gonna live through this?”
— Jonathan and Nancy arrived shortly after, equally as excited to meet Amanda, and carrying a sack of homemade cookies from Mrs. Wheeler along with two large pizzas.  Catching Amanda’s eyes from across the room, he nodded their direction and mouthed silently, “told you so.”  Shaking her head as she bit into the fat of her bottom lip, Amanda handed a plate over to Robin, asking for a slice.  Even at a distance Eddie could feel the thing that tied them together.  Connected to each other despite sitting on opposite sides of the room, he found that anytime his face sought hers, he found it.  Smiling, laughing and once even spitting soda from her mouth after one of Steve and Robin’s Scoops Ahoy stories got out of hand. Now, Nancy was almost interrogating his girl in the very specific way she had, making every question seem like it was going to be on the midterm final.  Jonathan had offered a thumbs up when Amanda wasn’t looking, a small gesture that Eddie appreciated for its simplicity.  Steve was playing host, enjoying running around and refilling drinks for everyone while Robin was doing her best to distract him from blatantly staring at this ethereal creature who was full of sweet smiles and thoughtful inquiries to the people he loved the most.  
It made Eddie feel grounded, right, having her here with these guys.  Friends who had seen him at his very best and very worst.  That they liked her as much as he did was the cherry on top of his sundae. And they even managed to keep the theatrics to a minimum, opting instead to settle in for movie night instead of sharing shameful stories or flipping through awkward photo albums from days gone by.  Honestly, it was a bit of a relief.  Tonight’s movie selection was in Harrington’s hands and they were out of vetoes, so his choice was unchallenged per the rules of their friendship.  And while not everyone was over excited to see One Crazy Summer, as a group they all loudly agreed to give it a chance.  Eddie didn’t care what they decided to watch, he was only interested in Amanda.
Eddie was all too aware her day had ended on a sour note.  When he suggested that she come to movie night he was half certain that she would say no, not wanting to be out when she was feeling so low.  But what he was discovering about Miss Amanda was that she trusted Eddie.  If he thought a night with his friends was going to be worth it, then she was all in. Not once had she mentioned her band.  Not once had she made the conversation about her and her troubles.  And she could have, absolutely, because his gang of goofballs were the type to sit through long winded explanations and offer the best advice possible.  Goddess knows Eddie had used their free therapy sessions on more than one occasion. But Amanda had, instead, seemingly let go of the hurt and the pain in favor of being here, with him.  She shrugged the worries from earlier off, along with her jacket, and made herself at home on the Harrington sofa.  Pressing herself small against the left arm with one leg folded underneath her and ample space next to her on the cushions.  Eddie could tell that she expected him to sit at her side.  Had planned on it, actually. But Jonathan was already pulling Nancy into his lap, taking up the middle seat and Robin had staked her claim, draping herself over the other arm of the sofa.  Steve was slipping the tape into the VCR, blabbing about how the movie blended animation and live action, and how cool that all was when Eddie dropped to the floor at Amanda’s feet. “Hey?”  It was softly worded one syllable question that asked so much more. Shrugging, but smiling up at her, “I don’t mind the rug.” “You sure?”  She asked because she clearly wasn’t and Eddie liked her even more because of that. “Uh huh.”  Flattening his back to the couch, Eddie tipped his head up, his face framed by those wild locks.  He was tall enough to let his cheek lay against the warm width of her thigh, his arm wrapping around her calf.  Unable to sit still, Eddie’s fingers traced words and shapes into the exposed skin of Amanda’s ankle, a mindless movement that was rewarded with a breathy exhale from his girlfriend. After Steve plopped into the armchair, grumbling about being boxed out of the comfy couch, the opening credits rolled.  There were some chuckles as the narrator started talking about fuzzy bunnies and love, so Eddie wasn’t entirely paying attention to Amanda, beyond the supple sensation of having her so close.  But then he felt her fingers running through his tangle of curls.
It started at the ends, Amanda twirling a strand or two around her index finger before letting the spiral unravel, only for her to do it again.  Then she was raking back the soft tendrils, almost petting him like a shaggy dog, and it took all of Eddie’s self control not to start drooling like one.  He was barely holding it together, the grip on her ankle tightening, until her fingernails dragged over his scalp. The tender touch sent electricity pulsing through his body, all that energy landing in the most conspicuous location making him squirm.  Eddie felt it was only fair to return the favor, letting his warm palm ride higher under the hem of her jeans, sometimes using the rough edges of his fingernails to apply added pressure.  She didn’t move away, in fact, it seemed like Amanda sought out more of Eddie’s barely there brushes, wiggling closer as the movie progressed. By the time the credits rolled on Demi Moore and John Cusack’s happy ending, Eddie’s head was laying in Amanda’s lap, her leg draped over his chest.  Robin was asleep, had been since somewhere around the mid-way point of the flick, but then, so was Jonathan.  The awake members of the party looked at each other, stifling a giggle. “I don’t know how she does it.  Robin can sleep through anything, I swear.”  Her platonic life partner ran a rough hand through his hair, looking down at her fondly. Nancy nodded at their slumbering friend, “Yea, but she’s cute and quiet when she’s knocked out.” Amanda leaned over, hoping only Eddie could hear her, and whispered, “Uh, think you can let me up for a trip to the ladie’s room?” “Nope.  Sorry.  I’m too comfortable.”  And Eddie managed to snuggle in tighter, hugging Amanda’s leg to his chest, his cheek at the bend of her knee. Her giggle was quiet enough that it wouldn’t disturb the sleepers as she drawled, “Don’t make me laugh!  I have to pee!”  Of course, that made Eddie cling all the harder. Groaning at the precious public display of affection, Steve butted in, “I don’t want any accidents in here Munson.  Let the poor girl up.” “Fine.  Fine.”  It was reluctantly said as he rolled to the side, giving his girl the chance to stand up.  She used the top of his head as a ballast, steadying herself, as she asked their host, “Uh, which way?” Steve pointed down the hall, following Amanda’s retreating form with his thirsty eyes before turning to Eddie, “She seems really great man, like way out of your league.” A snort from the couch let him know that Nancy was also listening in, so Eddie tipped his head in that direction, “What?  You agree with Sir Steve?” “Actually, no.  I don’t.  I think she’s kinda perfect for you.  And honestly, it doesn’t matter what I think.” That made Eddie sit up straighter, already on defense, “Well, I was hoping to bring her around more and if you guys don’t-” “No, you misunderstood me.  It doesn’t matter what I think because it’s pretty obvious.” Eddie exchanged a befuddled glance with Steve who shrugged, “What’s obvious?” “You’re clearly in love with her already.” Getting punched in the face would have been less dramatic to his psyche.  Eddie immediately recognized that what Nancy was saying was the honest to goodness truth because that was her way, direct and to the point, but that didn’t make it easier for the boy from the wrong side of town to hear.  Or believe.  Or trust. Love didn’t come easy to a guy like Eddie.  Guys with absentee parents who faded into memory long before lessons about connection could be learned.  Guys who found their family through battle and blood, sacrifice and scars, not genetics. And any time he had even considered loving someone it managed to go south, and fast.  “Shh!  She could hear you!” Rolling her eyes, Nancy, still trapped in Jonathan’s sleepy grip, turned away from Eddie, “I don’t think it’s a surprise.  In fact, she seems pretty smitten too.” “Smitten!  Yes!  That’s the word!  She’s totally smitten for you, dude.”  Steve snapped his fingers happily. Drawing his knees into his chest, Eddie dropped his forehead to the bony plates there, “Guys, I don’t know if-” “Can’t you just, like, I don't know, follow your heart here man?” Looking up at Steve standing in the doorway, holding up the wall with his right shoulder, Eddie raised his eyebrows, “My heart is not the most reliable of organs, Stevie.  You know this.  It made me think that I had a chance with Chrissy Cunningham and look what happened there.” Nancy winced, an audible huff of surprise leaving her lips as Steve dropped into a crouch at Eddie’s side.  “Hey.  No.  That- that was different.  You know that, Eddie.”  “I know what you’re saying, but, like, what if-” “What if?  What if the sky falls?  Or, or you get hit by a bus?  Or, ya know, some other fucking awful thing happens?  Are you not going to try because of ‘what if’?”
“Nancy, I don’t remember you being such a great orator before.” That made his friend smirk, full of sass when she snapped back, “Fuck you, Munson.  You aren’t the only one capable of verbal glory, ya know?” That made him snicker, rebalancing a bit of the energy in the room.  It also made him courageous enough to ask, “So, you guys like her too, then?” “Like her?  Shit, when you screw it up, I’m going to swoop in so fast-Hey!”  Eddie had pushed Steve off his feet, forcing him to the floor with a grunt and thump. The noise woke up Robin, blinking through bleary eyes, “What’s happening?” Steve had quickly maneuvered around Eddie, trying to work the boy into a headlock, only to be stalled by the placement of the couch.  Swinging to his knees, Eddie, gentler this time, tackled Steve around the knees, bumping them into the coffee table and Jonathan at the same time. “What?  What the hell?”  His voice was froggy but that only made everyone else laugh harder. “Boys!  Boys!  Enough of this!”  Robin’s motherly tone crept into her half hearted attempt at breaking up their roughhousing as she gingerly stepped around them.  “Uh uh, Buckley!”  Eddie and Steve, working together, each snagged a pant leg and before she could stop it, Robin was in the middle of a dog-pile free for all.  Nancy shook her head at the noises; squealing laughter, threats to keep on tickling, a groan from one of the boys after a misplaced kick.  Jonathan flopped back into the couch cushions, an amused smile on his face, as Nance skirted the squirmish, “Anyone need anything?” — Amanda washed her hands in the overly ornate sink, overcome by the well appointed space that was so pretentious in a way that Steve Harrington was not.  In a shocking twist of fate, she found that all of Eddie’s friends were far kinder and welcoming than she could have imagined.  Each one of the gang had made her feel accepted, and not just because Amanda was with Eddie. An excited smile reflected back from the gilded mirror.  Eddie.  Just the thought of his relaxed, easy grin made Amanda happy.  “Oh!  I didn’t see you, I'm so sorry!”  Opening the bathroom door, Amanda was shocked to find Nancy standing in the hallway, seemingly waiting for her. Waving her off with a raised hand, Nancy dismissed the apology, “No, I’m sorry for scaring you!”  As she moved past Amanda, one hand on the ornate woodwork of the doorway, Nancy turned to face the newcomer, “Uh, Amanda?” “Yea?” It took the brunette a second to crystalize her thoughts, allowing worry to slide down Amanda’s spine in the growing silence, but once she had, Nancy’s searching eyes found Amanda’s.  In a steady voice, she started, “Eddie- he’s, well, he’s a really great guy.” Unsure of where this was going, Amanda swallowed thickly around the lump in her throat, encouraging Nancy to continue with a wordless nod.  And Nancy did, explaining in her straightforward way, “We, uh, this group, we’ve been through quite a bit together.  I’m not sure how much he’s told you-” She paused, perhaps expecting Amanda to volunteer some insight into what Eddie may or may not have shared.  When she didn’t offer any response, Nancy carried on solemnly, her round eyes unwavering, “-But, Eddie- he’s faced more than most and lived to tell the tale.  There was a time when he almost, uh, didn’t.” Amanda absorbed the words with an anxious knot coiling in her stomach, reading the implied message there while Nancy pressed on.  Facing Amanda now, a firm look on her pinched face, sharp shoulders squared, “I won’t speak for everyone in there, I can’t, it isn’t my place.  But you should know that beneath all of his, his bravado, Eddie is sweet.  Tenderhearted.  And I wouldn’t be the only one who would hate to see him get hurt.”
There was a grittiness to the way Nancy said it, not a threat, per se, but edged with a protective venom that was impossible to ignore.  If Amanda wasn’t on the receiving end of her speech, she might have found it endearing.  And it was, in a semi-scary kind of way.  It really spoke to the love that Eddie’s found family had for him and clearly for each other.
All Amanda could do was blush hotly at the implied meaning for Nancy’s concern.  The idea that she had the power to hurt Eddie, to cause him any kind of harm, had never crossed her mind.  Yet, here she was, feeling like she had been put on the spot by the curly haired woman’s directness.  Desperate to defend herself and her intentions with Eddie, Amanda stumbled over the sentences, not able to get the words out fast enough,  “Nancy.  I, oh my god, believe me, I know.  I would never hurt him.  I couldn’t.  I- I love him too much.” It fell out of her mouth before her wayward brain could stop itself, confessing Amanda’s heart’s deepest secret to one of Eddie’s friends as if it were no more important than asking for a beer or to pass the chips.  And maybe that’s what made it feel real enough for Nancy to offer an appraising smile, tilting her head towards Amanda, “Yea, I got that feeling.” Realization about what she had admitted out loud must have shown on Amanda’s face, because Nancy laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, “Hey, I’m not going to say anything to Eddie.  That’s something for you two to talk about-” a half smile that spoke of shared secrets flooded Nancy’s face as she tacked on cheekily, “-if you can manage to do any talking when you’re, ya know, alone together.” And then she slipped into the bathroom leaving Amanda speechless and stunned in Steve Harrington’s hallway.  — Eddie left the tickle torturing of Robin to her platonic soulmate, his stomach muscles aching from laughing so hard, “A drink.  I need to wet my whistle.  Buckley?  Harrington?  You guys good?” Had he planned on tiptoeing down the hall, eager to find Amanda and maybe press a pretty kiss to lips he was suddenly desperate for?  No.  But Eddie did it anyway.
And he would have followed his plan to the letter if he hadn’t overheard the conversation unfolding outside of Steve’s bathroom.  Instead, he found himself tucked into the adjoining room’s entryway, holding his breath because the last thing Eddie wanted to do was interrupt.  Not when Nancy was treading the line between welcoming Amanda and warning her to be good to her friend. But then Amanda’s voice fluttered, rushed but strong, as Eddie heard her say, “I’m in love with him.” Him.  Eddie.  Amanda had told Nancy that she couldn’t imagine hurting him because she was in love with him.
That was… unbelievable.  Unreal.  Unfathomable.  
Footsteps moved his direction but Eddie didn’t hesitate.  Snagging Amanda’s arm, he tugged her into the unused room, taking her bewilderment in stride.  Pushing her into the wall making the sterling framed photos there jump, Eddie caged her under his narrow hips, his mouth silencing any of Amanda’s sounds.
Hot and hungry, Eddie was greedy with his lips, licking and kissing across Amanda’s.  His hands tipped her chin, moving her to where he wanted, where he had the best angle for slipping his tongue over her own, the warm wet of her mouth open just for him.  And unlike their spit swapping in this van, this was fevered, frenzied. Eddie kissed her like he might never get the chance again.  He kissed her with all the love he felt, safe in the knowledge of Amanda’s feelings, even if they had only been shared with his friend in a hushed confession.  Feelings he shouldn’t even know about since neither he or Amanda had talked about anything as serious as loving each other. Even if he was already madly, crazy, deeply in love with Amanda.  How could he deny the woman with the gorgeous voice and expressive eyes that saw more in Eddie than he could see in himself?  Not possible.  Not even a little bit. Breathing hotly across her ear, acting boldly, Eddie did something he never expected to do, he told Amanda what his heart could no longer hold.  Between hotly huffed breaths that moved the stray hairs on her cheeks, Eddie Munson fervently husked out his declaration, “I fucking love you, you know?” Panting from having the air kissed out of her lungs, Amanda slowly opened her eyes, taking in Eddie’s face with that questioning tilt of her head, “What?  What did you say?” “You heard me, Mandy.  I love you.”  There was no dramatics at play, no flourished hang movements or silly voices.  It was raw and real and terrifying. “I love you.  So much, Eddie.  It’s- it’s scary.” —
They wasted no time in saying their goodbyes, Eddie practically running to grab his stuff, dragging Amanda behind him in a rush of arms and socked feet.  If his friends thought it was weird, they didn’t say so.  Instead, Robin had squeezed Amanda in a tight hug, “It was so nice to meet you!  Please come again!  Eddie, you have to bring her next time too.  Promise me!” “I will, Buckley.  I swear to god, I will.”  He mimicked a boy scout salute, snapping to attention and making Robin laugh, “Good!” Nancy and Jonathan had lingered in the hallway while they sorted out jackets and shoes, offering waves and kind words but they let Steve walk them outside.  He’d draped his arm over Amanda’s shoulder, talking to Eddie the entire time, “Henderson’s gonna want an update on this, uh, situation.  You know that right?” “Who’s Henderson?”  Amanda asked innocently, stopping to look up at Eddie’s profile glowing yellow around the edges from the porch lights. The trio were standing at the passenger’s side door, Eddie already popping the handle, as Steve answered, “Uh, I’ll let Munson tell you all about him.  He’s one of the nuggets.  Great kid, amazing hair, attitude as big as his ego.” “That’s a fair description, but, like so many things, Sir Steve, there’s a bit more to the story than that.” A look passed between the boys, something unspoken but agreed upon and Amanda had the distinct impression that she had passed a test because the next thing she knew, Steve Harrington was wrapping her up in a bear hug.  “Hey, Mandy, take care of this guy, ok?  We kinda like him.” Solemnly, as if she was taking a sacred oath, Amanda pledged, “I swear I’m going to take care of him, Steve.”  And, taking Eddie’s offered hand, Amanda stepped into the van. Lingering, Steve shut the door for her, leaning at the window, “Good.  And if Eddie doesn’t take care of you, you know where I live.”  The megawatt smile that had been dropping panties for the whole of the 80’s flashed solely for Amanda’s benefit, bringing heat to her cheeks. “Hey, Harrington?”  Eddie had slid into the driver’s seat but bent forward to talk out of Amanda’s window. “Yea?” “Stop flirting with my girl.”
Oh, that only made Steve’s smirk widen, the patent charm practically oozing out of him, “Fine.  Fine, whatever you want Eddie.”  Turning his attention back to her, Steve kissed the back of her hand chivalrously, “Amanda, Mandy, it was lovely to meet you.  Hope to see you again soon.” Tapping on the door frame twice Steve added, “Oh, Eddie man?  Be good.” Grinning and goofy, Eddie started the van, “Dude, you know I can’t be good, so I’ll be careful.” “And if you can’t be careful, name it after me.”  They said it in unison, a chorus they had clearly repeated hundreds of times before, and even Amanda laughed at their brotherly bickering. But she got the last word.  Wrinkling her nose up, swinging her head between the two goofballs, Amanda sighed, “Steve Munson?  I’m not sure I like the sound of that.” Two pairs of eyeballs, stunned silent, turned her way before the cackling laughter started.  Eddie threw his head back, long hair moving with every shake of his shoulders and Amanda found herself staring at the sight of his open, happy face.  And Steve, recognizing that he had been dismissed, stepped away from the van, still smiling broadly, “Get outta here.  Go home!”
Eddie only ran two stop signs before pulling up to Amanda’s apartment building.  His heart was racing, the adrenaline making him feel higher than anything Reefer Rick had been lucky enough to sell, and he couldn’t hide the dimple deep smile that was plastered across his face.  Amanda was in love with him!  The gargoyle inside his heart was satisfied at last. Shifting into park, he twisted in his seat, already hating that he had to say goodnight.  But the night wasn’t over yet, not when Amanda’s expressive eyes met his burnt brown sugar ones, “Wanna come inside?” “You’re serious?”  He couldn’t help the giddy rush that fluttered through his gut at the idea of having Amanda alone in a comfortable place that hadn’t carried any of the gear or guys from Corroded Coffin. Holding out her little finger, Amanda lit up with a sweet smile, “I am.  Promise.”
Thank you for reading!  Part 3 is a work in progress!!
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stanstanthebirdman · 1 year
the losers as the echoes I’ve had over the past few months
(inspired by @antisociallilbrat ‘s post because I do the same thing and projecting it onto the losers is a brilliant idea)
Ben: let’s get one thing clear. I can brush my teeth all by myself okay! (from: this video)
Bev: You’re an engineer? Why don’t you engineer some bitches? (from: Jackbox with my roommates)
Bill: it’s not MY fault you don’t like girls (from: Stranger Things)
Eddie:  Motherfucking Jesse Eisenberg Jesus Christ fuck dude motherfuckin Facebook movie bullshit! (from: Game Grumps)
Mike: [literally just the entire Burger King Whopper commercial]
Richie: Pretty good, right, fucker? say hi to your MOM for me (from: SnapCube’s Pokemon X nuzlocke)
Stan: that’s why your WIFE LEFT YOU (from: Bugsnax)
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One Mile From Heaven
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Back when Allan Dwan was still a New Deal Democrat, he directed the surprisingly subversive ONE MILE FROM HEAVEN (1937, Criterion Channel through Thursday night), a film filled with gender and racial commentary. When fledgling news hen Claire Trevor’s colleagues send her on a wild goose chase to the city’s black district, she uncovers a whopper of a human-interest story. A widowed black seamstress (Fredi Washington) is raising a white child (Joan Carroll) as her own with the help of a tap-dancing policeman (Bill Robinson). Is this the child of a mixed marriage, something forbidden under the Production Code? Or is something more melodramatic going on? By the end of 67 minutes, this plot has made room for a jail break, blackmail, libel, a car chase and some welcome tap numbers. Trevor is a lot of fun as she keeps turning the tables on her editor and the rival newsmen who think journalism is no place for a woman, but the real honors go to Washington and Carroll. This was Washington’s last film before she fled a Hollywood that had no place for a light-skinned black actress specializing in drama (and one who refused to pass for white to get better roles). Her deep-felt defense of her rights as the girl’s mothers is powerful without indulging in what the studio’s considered “great acting.” And Carroll, six at the time, is a natural whose listening is unaffected and spontaneous. The film’s treatment of race is maddening at times, but ultimately comes down on the right side of history. Dwan introduces the black neighborhood with a long tracking shot as Trevor goes looking for the fake story she’s been sent after. He reveals it to be a thriving urban business district, something rarely shown in Hollywood films. But when Robinson dances at a police function, the camera pans over an audience of all white faces. The denouement, based on a real-life case, seems condescending today, but there’s a final scene that balances the police ball, creating a utopian space where white and black audiences mingle freely. The cast also includes Eddie “Rochester” Anderson as a meddling shopkeeper, George Chandler as a photojournalist, Charles Lane as a fingerprint expert and Lon Chaney, Jr.  as a non-dancing cop.
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andrescasciani · 1 year
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Gracias a todos los asistentes a la inauguración de "Sensibilidad y Materia", exposición colectiva, homenaje a los 90 años de la Escuela Provincial de Bellas Artes de Mendoza. En la fotografía: Eddy Whopper, Mariana Henríquez, Andrés Casciani y Richard Quevedo
*La muestra puede visitarse hasta el 5 de julio de 2023 Biblioteca General San Martin (Av. San Martín 1843, Cdad de Mendoza) Exponen Ariel Toba, Rosalía Flichmann, Rosario Moreno, Mauro Sepúlveda, Laura Rudman, Sonia Poyo, Pablo Pavezka, Nicolás Palacio, Andrés Llugany, Liliana Lorenzo, Nicolás Guercio, Julieta Diconto, Ángeles Díaz, Osvaldo Chiavazza, Alfredo Ceverino, Andrés Casciani, Natalia Cabrera y Federico Arcidiácono. Organización de Silvia Bove y Alejandro Iglesias
Entrada libre y gratuita, los esperamos!
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originalgravity · 3 years
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11 notes · View notes