#edge wwe fanfic
litaskick · 2 years
Hi! Can you do a dating edge includes imagine?
i am TERRIBLE at headcanons i feel like, but i’ll try for you anon
my requests are open, request here - who i write for - request rules -  Edge Master List
summary: a collection of headcanons if you were dating the rated R superstar
Dating Edge Includes....
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- let me just start off by saying that he ADORES you omg
- literally so in love with you
- absolutely whipped
- would actually do anything for you
- you are his favorite human (sorry christian)
- he always has a hand on you somehow
- adam will literally always find a way to touch you or just hold you
- always holding your hand, keeping an arm around your waist or shoulders, or holding you in his lap if he's sitting down
- adam also loves kissing you, ofc
- he isn't picky, he loves all the kisses, soft kisses, peppering kisses all over your face, rough kisses, or just making out
- he's called the rated r superstar for a reason, so you guys definitely enjoy and have fun with the sex
- adam is your biggest cheerleader, your #1 fan
- he is just so supportive of you
- he is very affectionate if you couldn't already tell
- if you were out with an injury, he would feel TERRIBLE leaving you back at home
- he will constantly worry about you the entire time
- you can count on adam to call you at least 3 times a day if you were out with injury
- literally gives the best hugs, they’re just so comforting
- cuddling is a must, he is all about the cuddles
- honestly, i could see him not sleeping good if you weren't cuddling him
- just because he's so used to it
- double dates with christian and his girlfriend
- when you two were younger he just dreamed of the day you two would get married
- pretty much since the beginning of your relationship he just knew that you were the one
- when you two do finally get married he is so emotional omg
- adam 100% cries when he sees you walking down the aisle
- like everything was about to become real, you were actually going to get married
- and once it was official, you remember that being the happiest you had ever seen him
- you two were just in absolute bliss
- you guys ARE the wrestling it couple
- and you have been for years
- literally the wrestling community's favorite couple
- at the beginning of your relationship you guys would sneak around
- adam didn't want to admit to christian that he was right about his crush on you
- eventually christian found out anyways though and told adam that he told him so
- when he was forced to retire, you retired just a few months after him
- you almost felt guilty to keep wrestling while he sat at home with a messed up neck watching you on the tv
- you also just worried about him being home alone without some one there 24/7, his mom would come in and help him out, but she would just stay for a few hours and leave
- when you went on raw to perform your retirement speech, adam still had no clue that you were retiring, you didn't really know how to tell him
- after you were done and trying to get back to your dressing room to call him, you kept getting stopped by all you coworkers, the women crying and telling you how much they would miss you, and the guys giving you a pat on the back or a hug and asking you why, to which you responded "My husband comes first."
- When you finally did get back to the locker room, you had dozens of missed calls from him, and few text telling you to call him
- of course you called him and he picked up before the first ring could even go through
- adam was just frantic "why are you retiring?", "you never told me about this" , "you don't have to do this because of me"
- you calmly just told him to relax "you come first adam, you always will. i love wrestling and i've had such a good career for the past 13 years but i just can't do it anymore, not without you here too. it just doesn't feel right, not with the thought of you sitting at home having to watch it all knowing that you can never come back again." you explained
- the phone call ended with you both in tears, adam stating that "i'm ok with you retiring if that's what you want to do, but i feel guilty about it." and you just stating "please don't feel guilty about it, honey. this is my decision. i'll be home tomorrow, i love you."
- when you finally got home the next morning and saw him, you could just tell that he was up all night thinking about it
- you went over and hugged him and you said "it's ok, it isn't your fault."
- it took him a few months to accept it fully, he secretly still had so much guilt over it though, but he let it go
- retirement life ended up being pretty good
- it took adam awhile to recollect himself after his neck injury, but after he did, he got right back on track
- he got roles in shows and movies, meanwhile you still did a few side things for wwe
- like training upcoming talent, doing commentary for PPVs, even helping write some stuff out for the creative department
- when adam returns to wwe, you are extremely nervous
- you would not be able to forgive yourself if he hurt himself out there
- but you watched him train his ass off and even helped him train, so you felt a little better about it
- but the nerves that hit you as you watched him get back in a ring and wrestle on a monitor in the gorilla were insane
- your hands were shaky for sure
- and you couldn’t help but silently cry, it was a mix of nerves and joy
- the obvious reason for the nerves
- but as for the joy, you were so happy seeing him back out there
- you knew how bad he had wanted this
- and you knew how much wrestling meant to him
- when he came back through the curtain you felt like you could finally breathe again
- he immediately came over to you
- adam knew how nervous you were about his return
- he pulled you into one of the tightest hugs 
- when he pulled away he wiped away your tears
- “i’m ok” 
- “i know you are, i was just worried”
- and then he pulled you into a hug again, this one lasting longer
- when he pulled away this time he gave you a kiss
- “i’m proud of you”
- i got carried away with the return thing
- being his girlfriend is amazing though
- 10/10 would recommend
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windhamsrotunda · 2 years
Omg that gif you used in your latest edge request was so hot! Could you do something where Edge finds out that his S/O gets turned on by his long hair and watching him mess with it? I hope this makes sense/isn’t too weird lolol! - xx anon
Hi anon, thank you! So sorry I left you on hold for so long :(( and yes, sure can do. Also, it does make sense actually lol -- hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting. <3
Your Hair Is So Nice - Edge (WWE)
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Pairing: Edge (WWE) x Female! Reader
Summary: You are with your significant other, also known as the Rated R Superstar, Edge. He finds out that you easily get turned on by his long hair, and teases you about it.
Warnings: Fluffy, Mention of Sexual Tension, Not very much warnings displayed.
Word Count: 682
It appeared to be a wintery, snowy night in Asheville, North Carolina. Your significant other, Adam, was standing in the kitchen fixing up something for dinner in his flannel pajama bottom pants, and a loose gray t-shirt on. The smell of delicious food breezed past your nose, making your head jolt up.
‘’What are you making, honey?’’ You inquired, hoisting yourself up from the richened, burgundy couch walking over to him.
‘’Don’t look, sweetie. It’s something I haven’t made in a while,’’ He told you, turning to face you for a second and planting kisses all over your face.
‘’Adam, oh my god.’’ You laugh in response, kissing him back.
Something right then and there caught your attention, it wasn’t about his biceps that were revealed, it was… something totally different in him that looked so appealing.
You didn’t want to seem weird about it, you creeped your hand into his long, flowing blonde hair.
‘’Hmm?’’ He hummed, raising an eyebrow at you, forgetting about what was cooking on the stove because he finally had his attention on you fully. Adam hands found your waist, pulling you closer to him.
‘’Eh, maybe dinner can wait.’’ He suggested, turning the stove off. Your lips crept into a big smile, fingers getting tangled into his hair.
‘’What?’’ He chuckled, watching you mess with his hair.
‘’Your hair is so nice.’’ You blurted the words you were wanting to speak out of nowhere, taking a step backwards.
He let out a little laugh, in amusement of what you have just said, knowing you’re a bit embarrassed by the looks of your facial expression.
‘’Thank you, sweetheart. And no need to be sorry.’’ He nuzzled his nose against yours, forehead touching one another. Your heart flooded with strong feelings for this man, your significant other who has been with you since the start of 2006.
‘’You get turned on by my hair, don’t you?’’ Adam mentioned, playfully playing with his hair, sweeping it to the side.
‘’Yeah, I do, babe. I was just too embarrassed to actually speak upon it. I just thought you were gonna judge me—’’
‘’No, not at all. I love seeing you all hot and bothered. Especially when it comes to my hair.’’ He took your hands, lifting them up for him to kiss them. His hazel green eyes bored into your’s, you were so damn lucky to have a man like him. A man who could understand what you’re thinking, damn he could read you like a book.
You dragged a sigh of relief out of you, your eyes locked on his once more, a kiss was sealed between your lips, the smell of men’s cologne singed through your nose, your hand found its way on the back of his scalp. Humming softly, Adam’s hand had a grip on your waist, softly squeezing as he deepened the kiss, never breaking it. It felt like fireworks going off right on the fourth of July, that’s how intense it really was. He hoisted you up, and backed you against a nearby wall.
‘’Please, never leave me Y/N.’’ He uttered, with hands grasped underneath your bottom.
‘’Never.’’ You replied.
The kiss was something out of a romantic movie, just like a scene out of The Notebook’s playbook. Your intentions for him were strong, not even words could explain how much you adored the living daylights out of him. You would go to hell and back for him, you just hated the thought alone of Adam finding another woman. But you knew in your heart it wasn’t going to happen. Ever.
He pulled away momentarily to catch his breath, a laugh escalated out of him.
‘’Are you still turned on?’’ He challenged, darting a hand through strands of his hair.
‘’Yes, yes I am.’’ You proclaimed, blushing a deep pink. He aww’ed at your facial expression, it never failed for him to be ecstatic with you, so excited about discovering one of your turn ons.
‘’Of course you are. Let’s take this on another level and head up to the bedroom.’’ He indicated.
Author's Note: Likes, Reblogs, or Feedback is appreciated <3
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Can I have prompts 15, 34, and 69 with early 2000's Edge plss where she is scared to be in love with them because of trust issues but sweet smut unfolds as they let the feelings out between them?
15: “I’m so scared…of you”
34: “shh it’s okay, I’m here now”
69: having your first time in bed with each other
Tag: @judgementdaysunshine
Word count: 2058
Warnings: mild swearing
Fic type: fluff and smut
Link to masterlist
Reader will be a wrestler, 2001. Will use Adam’s name. Feels silly saying Edge in this context. Christian will just be called Christian as using his real name doesn’t feel right for fics!
Being at large events was always difficult for you. Even if you did know most of the people there. You were still relatively new, only having been there for about three years about the same time as your friends, Adam and Christian. The three of you didn’t go in together. You had met them on your first day actually and hit it off with them immediately. They always had your back both within matches, and backstage. Being quiet made you an easy target for certain wrestlers to pick on you; they’d pull pranks (sometimes cruel ones) on you, be rough with you in the ring. It wasn’t the best time to be a wrestler but you weren’t about to quit. Plus, the two boys would back you up and protect you as much as possible, alongside two other friends, Jeff and Matt Hardy.
The event in question was an after party, following a successful episode of Smackdown. You hung around Adam and Christian who were talking with Kurt Angle and a few others, sticking closely to Adam’s side, while they chatted with other wrestlers. It wasn’t something you admitted to anyone just yet, but you had found yourself with feelings for Adam. There was something about how protective he was over you that just made your heart swoon and your body feel so…safe? Was that the feeling? It was hard to come to terms with how you felt. So many times had you been let down or betrayed by your previous partner that you didn’t know if you could go through with another relationship again. He had broken you in more ways than you’d let on to anyone. The idea of dedicating yourself to someone or letting someone into your heart terrified you.
“We should probably get going!” Adam nudged you, hoping you’d agree. He was enjoying the socialisation but in reality, he felt more comfortable in the idea of heading back to the hotel room you two shared. Saving as much money as possible was at the top of both of your lists so you had agreed to share with him. Tonight would be your first night alone with him, and a big part of you was scared. You nodded, agreeing that it was time.
“I’m going to stay a bit longer,” Christian said, giving you both a quick hug, “but I’ll see you guys later on!”
Exchanging goodbyes with the group, you both headed out to the car park to get a taxi back. Adam left the keys with Christian so he could drive back.
“I think…I might just shower and then sleep when we get back.” You told Adam in the car, sitting a seat away from him in the back, leaving the middle seat free.
“Oh. I was thinking we could watch a film but…yeah sure, if you’re tired, do what you like!” He replied, smiling weakly.
It was a strange response, you had thought. A part of you thought that maybe he was hoping for something more but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions. The rest of the ride was quiet, relaxed. Watching him from the corner of your eye, you made a mental note of the outline of his face from the side. There was no denying that he was gorgeous. With the way his long hair framed his face, the little point at the end of his nose. And his body! His arms were strong yet soft to the touch, very welcoming. Perhaps that’s why she always felt so safe? It definitely was his kindness that helped too. You didn’t realise that you had turned your head to get a better look at him, staring with a sparkle in your eyes. He turned to look at you with a smile and pink cheeks, winking slightly. You quickly looked away in embarrassment of being caught staring, hearing him chuckle at your reaction.
After arriving at the hotel, you both made your way up to the room and you rushed in the bathroom to get to the shower to wash away the naughty thoughts that began to cloud your mind. You got undressed with haste and stood under the warm running water, trying to clear your mind. It was getting harder to hide your feelings and anxiety built up in your chest over that fact. You were terrified of a repeat of last time. Deep down you knew he was different but still. What if he secretly was a terrible man? What if he was secretly just as horrible but was fantastic at hiding it? The thought was too horrible to imagine so you tried to ignore it, washing your body and your hair, imagining you were scrubbing that idea away.
Not spending long in there, you dried off and climbed into clothes that you had left folded in there before you left, ready for your evening shower. You looked into the mirror and took a deep breath, calming yourself so Adam wouldn’t ask any questions. You left the bathroom and made your way over to the desk where your hairdryer was ready for you. Except it wasn’t just that there waiting. Adam stood, holding your brush and motioning for you to sit down.
“I know you’re tired but I can…do this for you if you like?” He smiled sheepishly.
Returning the smile, you sat down in front of him. As he began you felt your cheeks and your body become warm with appreciation, the naughty thoughts coming back. He was so concentrated on making sure your hair was fully dry and brushed that he didn’t even notice you staring this time. After about 15 to 20 minutes, he shut the dryer off, just pulling the brush gently through your smooth and shiny hair.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked, finally looking up at the mirror to make eye contact with you. Adam noticed the nervous look that suddenly crossed your face, and he took a second to squeeze your shoulder to assure you that it was okay. Swallowing hard, you nodded.
“Um…are we just…friends? Or is there something else that you want to try?” He asked, his voice quiet and soft. You felt your throat run dry as the words settled in your brain. He decided to continue on with something that probably shouldn’t have shocked you all that much but it still did regardless.
“Because I don’t know about you but…I definitely have. Feelings. For you.”
You didn’t know what to say. Well, you did, but you were scared of saying it. Your silence scared Adam as he stood there still looking at you, waiting for you to just say something. Anything.
It felt like an eternity before you opened your mouth to speak to him.
“Adam…I’m not going to lie to you because I appreciate you and…what you do for me.” You started with a deep breath. It wasn’t fair to lie to him on how you felt nor was it fair to not tell him why you were afraid of it.
“I’m so scared…of you-“
“Of me? Why?” He interrupted, the shock breaking his heart in two.
“Let me finish, please.” You begged.
He became silent, placing both hands on your shoulders, letting he brush fall to the floor with a dull thud.
“It’s not…really you. It’s the idea of you, and liking you. I want to let you in but I’m scared of what will happen if I do. The last person I let into my heart treated me terribly. I know you’re not that guy but I don’t know if I can let myself trust someone again. I am so terrified that…it will happen again.”
You felt the tears well up in your eyes, sliding down your cheeks rapidly. Just admitting why you were afraid of love somehow felt worse than keeping it secret. It was the shame of talking about it out loud, and now crying about it. Let alone someone who had just admitted they had feelings for you!
You felt his arms wrap around your shoulders and his cheek rest on the crown of your head, Adam gently whispering ‘shhh’.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out, “I-I know I’m a mess right now and this isn’t what you want to see and I’m sorry I-“
“Shh it’s okay, I’m here now.” He muttered, rocking you side to side.
“I don’t know exactly what happened before in your last relationship,” he gently pulled on your arm to turn you around on the chair to face him, “but I am not him, okay? I need you to understand that. I can love you so much more. In the way you deserve. You just need to let me in to do that.”
He cupped your face, wiping tears away with his thumbs. You both stayed there, gazing into each other's eyes for god knows how long before you both leant towards each other to share a kiss. When your lips met in the middle, your body rushed with tingles as the familiar sensation came back. You hadn’t realised how much you missed kissing!
It wasn’t long before you were standing up in his arms as he led you to the bed, lips still interlocked as you both removed each other's clothes. You both mumbled sweet nothings into each other's soft lips as he pulled your legs apart, aligning himself with your wet and ready entrance.
“Are you ready, baby girl?” He asked, stopping to look at you. You nodded, throwing your arms around his neck as he slowly slid in, keeping his eyes on your face the entire time.
“Tell me if it hurts or if it’s too much. We can stop if you need it.” He reassured, kissing your cheek once he was all the way in. Adam stayed unmoving for a moment to allow you to get used to the feeling of him inside you, not wanting you to be in pain. After signalling to him that it was okay, he began to thrust, being slow and gentle. He buried his face in your neck as the pleasure and your warmth took over his body.
“Faster, please!” You called out to him, gripping his shoulders as the feeling of pleasure overtook your body. Adam picked up the pace while still not hitting too hard, groaning against your skin.
“You’re so gorgeous,” He muttered, littering your skin with small wet kisses as his hands caressed your soft body, “God, I’m so glad I told you…how I feel.”
Just hearing him speak those words sent your heart flying. You had completely forgotten what it felt like to be praised in this way. And to have it from Adam just made it that much sweeter. Already you felt yourself getting close to the finish line, him following behind closely. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you moaned out his name as you drew closer and closer.
“Let it out for me, baby.” He whispered, his lips just barely ghosting the skin of your ear. You gasped as your orgasm hit, Adam holding on to you tight as he continued on with whispering encouraging words of love to you while you rode it out. As you came down, he muttered a quick ‘oh fuck’ before pulling out, cumming on your stomach with a grunt. After finishing, he leant down to give you another kiss before getting up to grab tissues to clean you up.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to…you know…do it inside of you.” He smiled sheepishly, his body pink from the afterglow of sex. You smiled and told him that it was okay, you didn’t mind too much. Once he got you cleaned up, he crawled into the bed next to you and pulled you in for a cuddle.
“I meant what I said earlier, you know.” He said, turned your head to look at him. It had finally set in that Adam just wanted to love you in every way possible. It was still hard to believe that you could be loved that way after before, but you were willing to let him try. Smiling wider, you both shared another kiss, already becoming obsessed with the way you both tasted.
“Let’s give it a try. See where it goes. I…I think I’m ready for you to show me what it’s like to be appreciated again.”
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
Can i request a NSFW hc of Christian Cage's kinks?
Christian Cage's Kinks (Headcannons)
An: I already made a NSFW alphabet that includes his kinks (where you can find HERE) So for this I just thought I would include his kinks from that but explain exactly what those kinks mean
Christian Cage Masterlist Main Masterlist NSFW Alphabet Masterlist
Warnings: NSFW content 18+
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Daddy kink/ Dd/lg: This one's kinda self explanatory (if you know what I mean) I mean he does have a thing for fatherless wrestlers 🤷🏼‍♀️
Breeding kink: This man is obsessed with the  idea of knocking you up. He loves the sight of his seed pouring out of you. All he wants is to get you pregnant and show you off like a trophy. He get's off on what people would say about the two of you, how an older man like himself knocked up his controversialy young girlfriend.
Pregnancy kink: Once you are pregnant he can't get enough of you. The way your breasts grow and lactate has this man foaming at the mouth. There is something about the way you glow during your pregnancy that has this man on his knees for you. He's so facinated at watching your body change during pregnancy. He can't wait to meet your little angel and of course knock you up again.
Overstimulation: He loves to absolutely destroy you just so he can put you back together again. He loves to make you cry underneath him but in the most loving way possible. (if that even makes sense) After he fucks you into oblivion he will hold you close and kiss away your tears.
Orgasm control/ orgasm denial/ forced orgasm: Ties into overstimulation, he will be rough and ruthless with you just to spoil the shit out of you afterwards. "You did so good baby, I'm so pround of you" He knows he can be mean so he makes sure to make it up to you later. He's big on aftercare just so he can destroy you again once you're back in reality.
Spanking: This one's pretty self explanatory. (Ties into the daddy kink and dd/lg) It's simple if you've dissipointed him or have been bad you get a spanking. Sometimes you will mess with him on purpose just to be punished for it later. He's traditional with it too, he won't use anything fancy like a paddle. He will have you over his knee with your dress over your head, spanking you with his bare rough hand.
Cock warming: This man just loves to be in you 24/7. He can't get enough of you. He loves how close the two of you are. Whenever he can, he wants to be in you. Whether that's while watching tv, while you work on your computer, while you sleep or out in public. He loves the warmth you provide, he just can't get enough of the feeling of you around him.
Creampie: (ties into the breeding kink) He just can't get enough of the mess the two of you make together
(AN:I also wanted to put in here that I personally think dd/lg is gross but I have a feeling Christian would be into it. Due to that I will not be writing any fics around anything like that!)
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midwestmade29 · 2 months
Here For You ❤️
What a sweet request 🥺 I loved it! Thanks for sending it in. I hope you like how I used the prompts 🖤 Word Count: 746 Divider by: @saradika-graphics *GIF is not mine
Original Request from @judgementdaysunshine: Can I have Adam Copeland x Fem reader with the prompts “I’ll always be here for you, no matter what” + “You’re one of the best people I know”
Disclaimers: None! 100% fluff 🙂
When you're going through a rough patch, Adam Copeland is there to help you through it...
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Lately you’ve been down on your luck, most days it feels as if nothing goes right. There was one incident in particular that you felt set things in motion though. During Dynamite a couple weeks ago, you had a title match against the TBS champion Julia Hart. Everything was going well until the last few minutes when you slipped on something in the ring, causing you to stumble and mess up the move you were trying to land on Julia. In the end, both of you ended up getting hurt. Julia suffered a shoulder injury, and you sprained your ankle.
 While slipping wasn’t your fault, there were several fans and even a few coworkers that blamed you for everything. The number of hateful comments and posts you were tagged in on social media took a toll on your psyche, really hurting your self-esteem and mental health. You already felt terrible about the injuries you and Julia both sustained, but the added hate you were receiving made it that much worse.
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You were still traveling with AEW, even with your ankle in a boot and walking with crutches. You saw the way some of the people backstage looked at you making it clear that they were still skeptical or upset about the incident. You had turned off notifications for all your social media accounts and stopped checking it as often as you used to. One night during Dynamite, you were standing off to the side backstage watching on a monitor when you heard a familiar voice call out to you, “There’s my girl!” If it weren’t for Adam, the last couple of weeks would’ve been so much worse than they already were. While you were falling apart, he was there for you every step of the way. He was your protector and confidant, the giver of the best bear hugs. The weight of the world didn’t feel as heavy when you turned slowly and took in the sight of his bright smile, releasing a sigh of relief when he wrapped you in his arms. “I’m glad I found you, I’ve been looking everywhere. How are you?” Adam spoke softly with his cheek resting on the top of your head. You nuzzled in closer to him, enjoying the safety his arms provided from the world around you. “I’m fine, just glad you’re here now,” you replied timidly. Adam pulled back a little, not letting you go completely before he called you on your bluff, “That’s not very convincing. What’s wrong?” You tried reassuring Adam that you really were fine, but he knew better. He probably knows you better than you know yourself! He invited you back to his locker room so the two of you could talk more, and you happily agreed after getting a dirty look from a production team member.
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Adam closed the door behind him before taking a seat next to you on the couch. “So, what’s up? And don’t say nothing because you know I won’t let that slide,” he prompted. You took a deep breath and began explaining everything you had been feeling recently. “I just can’t believe anyone would think I would hurt Julia on purpose! That’s not my style or how I do things. It’s like no matter what I do or what I say, no one believes it. I talked to Julia about everything and she’s not even mad at me. It was an accident, but it feels like I’m guilty until I can prove that I’m innocent, you know?” Adam sat back and listened to everything you had to say, not interrupting you once or acting uninterested as you carried on. He knew that letting all your thoughts and emotions out would be therapeutic, so he didn’t want to say anything until you were finished. “The people who really matter know it was an accident Y/N. It’s easier said than done, but you just gotta ignore the hate. It’ll all blow over eventually and things will get back to normal. You’re one of the best people I know! You’d never hurt anyone on purpose,” Adam spoke gently. Your conversation continued for a while longer, and by the end of it you felt so much better. You thanked Adam for listening to you and for his advice, earning a warm smile from him in return. Before the two of you left the locker room, he reminded you of one last thing, “I’ll always be here for you, no matter what…”
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piledrivemytombstones · 3 months
My little brain is getting like too fanfic like again. I started to theorize again that what if Judgement day would start trying to get Punk to join them because punk after all kinda helped Damian to cash in.
Like if Drew wasn’t so obsessed with Punk, he could’ve been able to run away from Damian.
But no. Drew was too obsessed and started to do a peacock dance in front of Punk’s face
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whydontyousaeso · 4 months
Hi again! I was wondering if you can write me a story. It’s Edge x Reader and reader gets into a very bad situation (up to you to decide what said situation is!) and he almost loses her and he has to save her. I’m an absolute sucker for Edge and angsty stories that end well lol. Tysm!
“Hold on”
Edge x fem reader
Type- Angst to fluff
Warnings- close encounter with death, choking, mentions of head injuries, hospital talk, threats
A/n- im back 🤭 but fr i hope this is what you wanted angst wise! After this I’ll go and post tattooed in your brain when final changes are made. But for now enjoy this! And if you guys would like some more edge content lmk and I’ll get a tag list started for him :3
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“Oh my god! They’re stopping the match! I think y/n is seriously injured!”
You were.
You were extremely injured.
Your vision was going in and out, you could feel the blood dripping down your body.
It was bad.
Very bad.
Why wasn’t anyone stopping them?
You had been fighting Paige, you and her had a feud going on for a couple of weeks.
She had enough of you and was ready to put you away.
You thought she was joking.
Your head was busted open extremely bad, and there were cuts all over your body.
“I’m fucking done with you! I don’t want to see your dumbass face again! Not even at your own funeral!”
She grabbed you by the throat and started choking you, all the strength leaving your body.
You didn’t hear his music hit, you just saw Paige look over at the ramp and laugh.
You barely saw that though.
You were loosing air quickly, it wasn’t gonna be long before you were out.
Or dead.
She let go of you and rolled out of the ring, leaving you to gasp for breath while fading in and out.
“Y/n? Holy shit where’s the medics?”
It was edge.
Your boyfriend.
He pulled you close to him and yelled at the others around him.
You weren’t able to get enough air anyways.
As your vision blacked out you felt your boyfriend’s grip tighten.
“Y/n? Please hold on”
The ref’s bustled around edge, signaling the need for medical attention.
He was red in the face with dark red blood on his body.
Nothing like this had happened before.
No one had been this hurt before.
No one actually had to intent to kill someone before.
Everything around them was stained red.
Edge sat there, breathing heavy as he kept his lovers bleeding body close to him.
He was loosing his shit.
He kept yelling, even as medical staff surrounded him.
He didn’t want to give her up, he was too scared
Eventually they convinced him, allowing him to stay next to her at all times.
And he did,
He didn’t let go of her hand once.
Even as they tried to wipe off the blood he didn’t let her go
Even as they wheeled her into the ambulance and drove her away.
The only time they were able to peel him away was when they arrived and had to take you back.
Only then he was left in the waiting room with blood stained clothes and a racing mind.
Fuck Paige.
He turned around to see Paul behind him with a duffle bag.
“Go change, I want to talk”
“I don’t need it”
“Like hell you do, go change. I’m not leaving until she’s back.”
You woke up to bright led lights and extreme pain in your entire body.
It felt like you couldn’t move.
You groaned and started to panic, you had no clue what happened.
“Shhh it’s okay it’s okay, I’m here darling”
You felt rough hands around your cheek, seeing your long haired boyfriend come into your vision.
“Don’t panic, I’m right here I promise”
Your lip quivered, tears flooding your vision .
“It hurts”
“I know it does, but it’s gonna be okay”
You tried to move again, failing miserably.
“Don’t move dear, the doctors don’t want you to.”
He wiped away your tears and kissed your forehead.
“I’m scared”
He grabbed your hand, holding it gently.
“It’s okay, it’ll be over soon I promise”
You tried your best to nod, your head raging at you as you did.
You just wanted to go home.
“What happened with her?”
He looked up at you.
“There’s some things happening, she’s probably gonna be released”
You smiled faintly.
It was horrible.
She was borderline insane
But that was behind you.
“How long am I here?”
He shrugged, kissing your hand.
“They don’t know, depends on your recovery. But you shouldn’t be talking, they don’t want your throat fucking up more.”
You forgot about that
You could only imagine the bruising there would be on your neck.
He seemed to notice your upset look on your face and smiled.
“Don’t worry, it’ll go away eventually”
You looked and gave him a small smile again.
Throughout the recovery process he didn’t leave your side.
With every test, every check up.
He was there.
You kind of felt bad, he was doing so much for you.
But he didn’t care how much he had to sacrifice.
You sat on your bed dressed, waiting for him to get back from the paper work
After a week you were finally able to go home.
The doctors said your recovery time was insane, considering the extent of your injuries.
“You ready?”
You smiled and turned towards him, standing up as he walked over.
He rested his hands on your hips, kissing your lips and smiling into the kiss.
“I’m proud of you, you know?”
You just chuckled.
“You did all the work silly!”
He shook his head and held onto your hand, grabbing his bag and leading you out of the hospital.
“I would do it again and again just for you.”
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gargrizzled · 8 months
Blood Brothers: A Brood Origin Story
Or as I also like to put it - Vampire with the Moral Backbone of a Chocolate Eclair Forcibly Adopts Two Wayward Canadian Bimbos
11/11/23: Chapter 6 is officially up!
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lunarwritesthings · 19 days
Hey! I have quite a bit of free time this week, so I feel like nows a perfect time to get some request. Feel free to send some in, just read my request info first. It has all the rule and who I'll write. :)
Anyways, have fun, have a good day/nice, and take care of yourself, you are important. Peace.
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Can I have prompts 33 “Come here, baby” + 40 “If it ever gets bad again, can you promise you’ll tell me? I don’t want you to go through this alone” with Edge plss? I need some fluff of him helping with anxiety and depression
Tag: @judgementdaysunshine
Fic type: angst/fluff
Warnings: mention of medications and suicidal thoughts
Word count: 858
Link to masterlist
Sorry this has taken so long to come out, had a bit of writers block recently but I think I’m coming back around. Happy reading 🩵
“I’m still a few hours away, baby, but I’ll be as quick as I can to come home!” Was the last thing Adam had said to you before he hit the road again. He had recently suffered a minor injury while working so he had to come back home to recover and rest. Thankfully, he wasn’t too badly hurt, only suffering a sprained ankle. However since it wasn’t severe, at best he may only get a few weeks to recover.
At this point, he had been away from home for about two months and you were desperately missing him. More than you had anticipated. Since you had a part time job you couldn’t travel with him so you were stuck in your shared home. Alone.
Being alone was a massive fear of yours. Less so for the idea that something could happen with another person, and more so the idea that your thoughts might spiral out of control. The medication you would normally get was out of stock and you had been going without for about three weeks. Although you weren’t explicitly dependent on them and you could still function without, you found that taking the pills silenced certain…thoughts. And without them? They were running rampant. You had tried everything to distract yourself: walking, baking, having a shower, having a hot drink, or whatever else your therapist would suggest. But nothing truly helped. Besides the medication.
So you had been laying in bed for the last few days. No showering. No eating. No drinking. All you had the strength to do was get up to use the loo, and wallow in your own negative mind. It felt like you were glued to the bed half the time. You knew you had to get up and clean yourself and the room but you just couldn’t find the strength. All you could think about was those dark thoughts. Those scenarios. Those…solutions.
For the first time in days, you felt tears roll effortlessly out your eyes, down your cheeks. It was exhausting having to deal with depression and anxiety. You so badly wanted to fix the problem but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do that or anything for that matter. From somewhere in the house, you heard rustling. It was like the sound of bags being moved around, zippers being opened, but you couldn’t pinpoint the exact noise. Though when the TV turned on, you figured Adam must’ve finally arrived home. Secretly, you were dreading this moment that was fast approaching. You didn’t want him to see you like this. He was aware that you suffered from mental health issues but not to this extremity. And as the door slowly opened, you held your breath, hoping you’d wake up from a horrible dream again.
But unfortunately, you were wide awake. Adam walked into the room with a big smile, excited to finally see you again! But when he saw the state you were in, it dropped completely. He was completely speechless, heart shattered at the sight. Adam tip-toed over to you to properly look at you.
“Oh, come here baby.” He whispered, effortlessly lifting you from the bed into his arms. You were numb. Physically and emotionally. All you could do now was rest your aching head on his shoulder as he moved you into the bathroom, running you a hot bath. Once ready he undressed you, and helped you in the water.
“Stay here,” he smiled, kissing your forehead, “get nice and comfortable while I clean the bedroom, okay?”
His voice was so soothing, helping to melt away the numbness in your body. Laying back, you closed your eyes as the hot water stung your skin. It was a nice sensation. After days of nothing but a dirty bed, laying in something that hurt was a nice change. 15 minutes later, he came back in to help get you clean, scrubbing away at your body and hair. The feeling was amazing and you found yourself to slowly come around, just slightly though. It wasn’t until you were both laid in a clean bed that you started to feel more comfortable.
“I…I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that this was happening.” You admitted weakly, begging for the dark waves to disappear from your body. “I didn’t want you to worry about-“
“If it ever gets bad again, can you promise me you’ll tell me? I don’t want you to go through this alone.” He interrupted. His voice was desperate, breaking in the middle of his sentence. Looking at him, you could see tears well up in his eyes. You knew that as terrible it was for you, you were used to the effects of your mental health. For him, he didn’t see it as often. Certainly not the ugly side where you don’t clean yourself or eat for as long as you had done in his absence. Since you refused to ever make a promise you couldn’t keep, you told him you’d do your best. That was enough for him and he pecked you on the nose, pulling you in for a closer cuddle, terrified of ever losing you.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
Hi are requests open for Christian Cage? Can I request a fluff one where he and female reader just have a lazy day? Preferably 2000s long haired Christian if that’s okay!! Thank youuu <3
Rest Day
Christian Cage X Fem Reader
Christian Caga Masterlist Main Masterlist
An: Of course! My Christian Cage Requests are always open! I also love the early 2000s so I had fun writing this one. I made this while rotting away in bed like a sick victorian child instaid of going to work today, whoops. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Being two of the biggest wrestlers in the world ment constantly being on the road. It was exausing but rewarding. In the rare ocasions you had a day off all you wanted to do was lie in bed and do nothing.
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Christian and I had been on the road for the past four weeks. That’s a whole month being away from home. Normally Christian and myself wouldn't take four straight weeks of bookings but it meant that we would get a whole four days at home between Smackdown and Raw. Four days off back to back alone was worth the four straight weeks of hell. 
The moment I stepped through the front door I felt relaxed. The weight of the wrestling world would be lifted off my shoulders for the next four days. I couldn't help but collapse the floor, the cool tile on my face was refreshing. “You alright?” Christian asked concerned “I’m so happy we’re home!” I told him “I know, me too but I need you to help me with the rest of the bags in the car” he said laughing at my sprawled out self on the floor. 
Once all of our things were put away I had a hot shower where I let my thoughts fade. I had four whole days off. I know that doesn’t sound like much but when you are a wrestler it’s a miracle to have four whole days off in a row. 
When I got out of the shower I was greeted with the familiar blond who I was lucky enough to call my boyfriend. “I can’t believe we have four whole days off Y/n!” “I know, all I want to do is just sleep. We can spend the next four days rotting in bed ""I can’t wait to just do nothing” Christian told me. “How about we go to Blockbuster and get some new movies to rent?” Christian asked. How could I pass up that? “Can we get snacks?” I asked “Of course!” “Deal” 
Our four days off consisted of watching movies, sleeping in till noon and dancing around the house listening to different records and Cds. I know it doesn’t sound like much but to us it was everything. There was just something about spending all night watching TV with your boyfriend eating ice cream knowing you don’t have to hop on a plane in the morning. 
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midwestmade29 · 2 months
Trust 🩷
Thanks @judgementdaysunshine for sending in your request! Your prompts were helpful and I loved your idea. I hope you like it 🖤
Word count: 2,365 Divider by: @saradika-graphics GIF credit: @r-truth Original Request:
Can I have young Adam Copeland x Fem reader where he stays and takes care of her after being jumped and it leads to fluffy smut with friends to lovers? along with the prompts
"Can I trust you?" + "You mean the world to me" + "I want you"
Disclaimers: Cursing, black eye, concussion, cuts/abrasions, bruised ribs, unprotected sex. Read at your own discretion.
I wrote this story about a younger Adam Copeland, but he's in AEW instead. I don't know much about his time in WWE, so I wrote what I'm familiar with. Sorry if it's confusing 😅
Your relationship with Adam goes through some changes after you get attacked...
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The House of Black had it out for you, especially the TBS champion Julia Hart. Every week on Dynamite she made her intentions and feelings known to you and the rest of the world that she does not like you and would love nothing more than to take you down. She thinks you are weak and hates the things you stand for such as kindness and goodness. Your light shined brighter than her darkness and she was bound and determined to put it out. Something inside of you kept you calm and unafraid of Julia and the rest of the House of Black members. There was no way their empty threats and harsh words were going to get the better of you!
One of your coworkers you just started being friendly with reached out to you after Dynamite was off the air. He appeared genuinely concerned about you. “I heard what Julia said about you tonight and I just wanted to check on you. Are you okay?” Adam’s kindness was refreshing, especially after the things Julia said to you earlier. He was incredibly handsome, which made your stomach do a flip when your eyes met his. His long blonde hair, 6’5 body frame, and his bright smile made you forget how to speak momentarily. “Oh! Yes, I-I’m fine, Adam! I appreciate you checking on me, but It’s going to take a lot more than Julia to scare me. I stopped being afraid of the dark a long time ago,” you joked. The sound of Adam’s laughter made you smile, and from that moment on you made it a goal to hear it as often as possible.
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Time marched on, only bringing you and Adam closer. There was hardly a time where the two of you weren’t together. Your personalities complimented each other well, but there was something stronger that made both of you gravitate towards one another. The way he looked at you, cared for you, and his protectiveness over you was something that you weren’t accustomed to in your past relationships. Something about him made you want to trust him and believe everything he had to say and that scared you. You were afraid that you were getting in too deep with him, so you tried your best to keep him at arm’s length even when your heart begged you not to. The dreams you were having about Adam lately were anything but friendly. They were downright dirty! A couple nights you woke up panting with dewy skin from the sexy things he did to you, only leaving you longing for your dreams to be reality. Was it possible that you were falling for your closest friend?
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Late one night, you were leaning up against Adam’s rental car while you waited on him to finish up inside the arena. He needed to gather his things and change into street clothes before he could join you and drive the both of you back to the hotel. He was hesitant to let you go outside on your own, but you insisted that you would be fine. While you were lost in scrolling through your phone, someone walked up behind you and attacked you! You didn’t have any time to fight back as their blows to your body just kept coming. There was no way you could scream or cry out for help since the wind had been knocked out of you when your attacker kicked you in the stomach and ribcage.  Any of your exposed skin continuously brushed up against the rough pavement, giving you scrapes and abrasions all over. You could already tell your eye was starting to swell just moments after being struck by a fist. The attacker never spoke or made a sound, so there was no way you could identify their figure that was covered in all black clothing. With one final punch, you felt yourself falling in and out of consciousness. Your body was limp as you laid on the ground silently wishing the pain radiating through you would go away. You were unaware of how much time had passed when you heard muffled footsteps and curses getting closer and closer to where you were. “Shit, Y/N! Open your eyes for me baby, come on! Please be okay! You have to be okay!” a familiar voice cried out. “My beautiful Y/N, stay with me,”
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When you finally came to, you found yourself back inside the arena in what appeared to be the medical room. You heard Adam speaking softly to someone else nearby, explaining where and how he found you. “I walked up to the car, and she was lying on the ground next to it. There wasn’t anyone else around by the time I got to her, so who knows for sure who did this! In my panic I scooped her up and carried her to you. Y/N is going to be okay, right Doc?” Your voice was nearly inaudible when you called out for Adam, but he still heard it and rushed to your side. “Y/N! Oh, thank God! I was so worried about you sweetheart. You’re safe now, I’m not going to let anything else happen to you! I’ve got Doc Sampson here with us and he’s going to take a look at you,” he explained on the brink of tears. The grip he had on your hand was firm, but it brought you great comfort knowing he was there with you.
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Two weeks had gone by since you were jumped, that night still replays in your mind frequently. Doc Sampson had diagnosed you with bruised ribs and a concussion, along with several cuts and a black eye. Adam insisted that you come stay with him while you recovered since the doctor didn’t want you being alone until you were medically cleared. Tony Kahn granted you as much time off as you needed to recover, and he even launched an internal investigation to find your attacker! Considering how Julia was always vocal about her hatred towards you, her previous words and actions put her in the hot seat. Even if she wasn’t the one who laid hands on you, she had to play some kind of role in your attack.
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Early one morning, you woke up abruptly after having a nightmare. You tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall back asleep afterwards. You threw in the towel on getting anymore sleep so you made your way to the couch in the living room. You sat in the early morning silence, going over the recent events trying to piece the puzzle of your attack together. Your mind started to drift into darker places, and you began questioning everything and everyone you’ve ever known. Why would someone do this to you? What could you have done that was so bad to deserve this kind of pain? How could you trust anyone after all this?
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You were rounding the corner of the hallway on your way to the bathroom when Adam suddenly appeared in front of you, causing you to jump in surprise! “Whoa, hey! It’s me! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I thought I heard a noise, so I wanted to investigate. What are you doing up so early?” he said softly. When he saw the tears welling up in your eyes, he took you in his arms and embraced you tightly. “What’s wrong? Why the tears sweetheart?” Adam murmured against your hair. Your head rested on his chest, his scent floating around your nose giving you a momentary gift of peace that allowed you to speak, “I-I don’t even know anymore Adam! I thought I was brave, that goodness always wins, but now I’m not so sure. My attack has me questioning everything! I don’t know what to believe anymore,”
While running his hand up and down your back trying to soothe you, Adam asked you to elaborate, “What exactly are you questioning, Y/N?” “The choices I’ve made in life. If I’m strong or if I’m weak. Who I can trust! Can I trust you, Adam?” your words came out rushed and fragile. When you pulled your face away, the pained look Adam had on his face made you feel worse. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. You’ve done so much for me with my recovery, and you’ve always been there for me long before I was attacked. I’m such a mess,” “Look, Y/N. You mean the world to me, you always have. Of course, you can trust me, I will always protect you and do my best to help ease your worries. As long as you’re breathing, standing here with me, nothing else matters,” Adam’s hands were cradling your face, his thumbs wiping away the stray tears that fell from his sweet words. The vulnerability in his eyes made you melt into his touch, and it reminded you that Adam is one of the good ones. When he felt your body relax, he suggested you lay down with him in his bed and you agreed. He took you by your hand and led you into his room and helped you get situated.
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He propped himself up on his elbow, his head resting in his hand while the other ran gently up and down your arm. You reached over with your hand and brushed Adam’s cheek with the backs of your fingers, his stubble scratchy underneath them. You moved your fingers down his jawline to his neck, the feeling of his beating heart seemed to quicken as you traced along his collarbone. You ran your fingers through his chest hair which caused goosebumps to form on his skin and you couldn’t help but notice how well his body was responding to your touch. Your worry and anxiety seemed to suddenly dissipate, your body now consumed with want and need. You were craving Adam now more than ever before. It was as if he was reading your mind when he grabbed hold of your wrist, bringing it to his lips and planting soft kisses there. He kissed each pad of your fingertips, the tenderness of his simple act caused heat to spread through your entire body and rest in between your legs. “Adam…” you whispered. “I want you. Kiss me. Make me forget about everything, please,” There was a sudden hesitancy in Adam’s movements and expressions as he moved closer to you, making you wonder if your desire got the better of you in your recent plea. “Did I say something wrong?” you asked sheepishly.
“No, not at all. I’ve wanted you in this way for a long time Y/N. I don’t want you to force yourself, I know you’re still in pain. Are you sure you want to do this? What if we take our relationship to this next level and it messes everything up between us? What if-” You silenced Adam’s concerns when you pressed your finger against his lips, reassuring him with one last sentiment, “Don’t think, just feel. I need this, I need you,”
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In one fluid motion, Adam was hovering above you, making quick work of removing your clothes. You winced when you sat up to help him take off your shirt, but smiled to let him know you were okay. “If any of this becomes too much for you, please tell me Y/N. I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered against your lips. Your bare chest brushed up against his when he closed the gap between your lips, your nipples quickly puckering at the soft friction. You began to tug and pull at Adam’s shorts and underwear, trying to remove them simultaneously. He shimmied out of them and tossed them to the floor, your panties joining them moments later.
Adam positioned himself in between your legs, the tip of his hard length lightly pressing up against your entrance. The anticipation was killing you, so you tried wrapping your legs around him and push him into you, but he resisted. “Easy there beautiful,” he chuckled. “I want to savor this moment; I want to savor you. After you were attacked, I blamed myself for it since I let you go outside by yourself that night. You’re everything to me Y/N and I never want to lose you,”
You ran your thumb over Adam’s bottom lip, taking a moment to soak it all in before you kissed him sweetly. “That night was not your fault Adam. I’m so thankful you found me and got me the help I needed. You’re never going to lose me. I hate to tell you, but you’re stuck with me now,” you smiled before kissing him once again.
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With a gentle push, Adam eased himself inside of you, making sure to take his time so your walls could stretch around him. The sudden fullness you felt made you gasp. With each push, pull and rock of his hips, it brought you closer and closer to your release. The two of you were completely love drunk off each other, consumed by the feeling of your mind, body and souls connecting. Every sound Adam made excited you that much more, the sight of him completely losing himself in you was one you won’t forget. No one had ever been this gentle with you before, taking their time to please and satisfy your needs. 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” Adam murmured against the shell of your ear. “My beautiful girl,”
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Your breathy pants and moans filled the bedroom, intertwining with Adam’s as both of you tumbled over the edge. “Yes! A-Adam! Oh Adam!” you cried out as the waves of your pleasure threatened to drown you. Your body quivered beneath him as the pressure deep inside of you finally released. Adam came inside of you after his last few thrusts, his length pulsating against your walls while he filled you with everything he had. His breathing was unsteady as he came back down to earth.
 When you untangled yourselves from each other, sleep threatened to overtake you. Your mind and body were at ease now and you’d never felt more sated. Adam is your safe place, your best friend. You can’t imagine anyone else by your side.
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claymorexpunisher · 2 years
We’ll see if I get any writing done after finishing this module.
I wanna at least get part 2 of “My Ex’s Dad” up!
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thegrunkiest · 2 years
I constantly wonder if I keep overdoing it with dialogue in my E&C/Brood fic, but then I write gems like these:
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givethemsmut · 2 months
Dom Mysterio x Reader
I needed a place to write and this story has been running up the storage on my phone.
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Dom X Reader
Friends to Lovers
WWE mixed with real life
All fanfic, I don’t own WWE characters, etc.
Tons of Smut Chapter One | Where it all started…
I had known Dom since I was fourteen, attending the same Catholic school and wearing the same navy blue uniforms that felt too stiff to relax in.
I had been living with his family since it mattered and dating their son was not an option. No matter how much I wanted to.
We were both seventeen when I finally asked Dom to be my first. I didn’t want anyone else and I wanted to get it over with. Nothing about your first time is supposed to be heavenly. They scared us with pain and bleeding as women in health class enough to make anyone dread the first time. And who better than my best friend? 
Dom was eating Cheetos and bothering his mom cooking in the kitchen when I strolled up. 
Texting Dom even though I was right next to him was how we communicated without speaking a lot. A go to for us.
Me: Will you take my virginity?
I had no idea if Dom was a virgin still. He was attractive, wealthy, famous dad, and everything girls chased.
Dom: Are you serious?
Me: Yeah. Who else? I want to get it over with.
Dom had already properly stolen my first kiss and I was more than grateful. Drinking, smoking, every first a teen could have Dom was there for. He was my best friend but he was also a guy and living with him didn’t help those pesky hormones. 
Me: Aren’t you horny?
Dom: I’m a fucking guy and you live here. No relief, mi amore. Are you sure? Can’t take it back.
Me: Yes, I can’t take it anymore. I’m pretty sure your parents can hear my vibrator at night.
Dom: Fuck. That’s not helping.
I touched his leg and made an apologetic face while he winced with his head down. It wasn’t a secret we were attracted to each other. Even his parents made jokes about us spending time together or flirting.
Getting up Dom clasped onto my arm, stopping me, “tonight.”
We had kissed at parties, in his bedroom, even in the shared bathroom but nothing crazy. We hadn’t made out the way you see in movies. 
“Can you come with me? Right now. I need your help.”
Dom said something in Spanish to his mom before he followed behind me up stairs. Their house was lavish, big but modest somehow at the same time. Climbing the stairs he kept asking me what was going on when I kept shutting him up until we were behind doors.
Pushing him into his room I closed the door behind us. “We haven’t even made out yet. I don’t wanna skip anything.” I stood by the door watching Dom trying to calculate anything I was saying. Pulling the hoodie over my head and exposing my red bralette immediately made my nipples hard knowing he was about to look.
“Wait, hermosa. We can’t just rush into this. I don’t even know if I can make out with you and not wanna do more.” He sat on the edge of his bed holding his face in his hands and his elbows digging into his knees. “Okay, so we do more.”
Walking over to him I pushed him back, standing between his legs. “Do you not want to? It’s okay if you don’t.”
He sat back looking down at his crotch in his gym shorts. “Does it look like I don’t want to? I want to. I don’t want you to regret it. Regret me.”
Pushing Dominik back until he was flat against the bed I climbed on top of him, straddling his lap. His hands finally reached out and touched my legs but I could still feel the conflict brewing inside him. 
“Dom, just kiss me already.”
Siting up right his lips snipped at mine and his eyes locked into mine. We both pulled away enough to look at each other. Every nerve in me flared up and suddenly I was aware of my body, arching my back in his hands.
“You don’t have to try, mi armor. You’re already everything…” his hands traced up my sides, fingertips tickling the seam of my bralette. “I’m the lucky one here.”
Those hormones were waging a war between my thighs when I felt how hard he was under me. I wanted to give him all of me but every part of me relied on logic.
No one finds forever at seventeen.
“Are you virgin still?” I asked as he kissed my neck and his thumbs teased my hard nipples.
Smiling against my skin I bit down on my lip trying to hide every emotion. “I haven’t babe. It would be a lot easier right now if I had.”
“You can touch me, Dom.” My voice scratched the surface of a whisper.
Slowly his hands moved to cup my breasts, letting his fingers dig into me enough to make me jump. Immediately he stated apologizing, “I’m sorry, too hard.”
“No, no. It feels really good.”
“My mom is downstairs. We can’t be loud.”
“Just kiss me, Dominik,” I begged him to shut me up. 
Rolling over, he pushed me down, his legs under my thighs and my pussy so wet it was uncomfortable. “Oh my god.”
Our mouths were hungry, nipping and biting between kisses, our tongues wrestling every time our lips parted. Everything felt too good to be true. 
His hands pinned down my wrists when he pulled away. “Fuck. I -“ he couldn’t even say it. I knew he needed me to touch him too.
My hand snaked down between us and I smoothed over his erection when it jerked against me. Kissing his jaw and neck I felt so turned on it was hard to think straight. 
Lowering down into I felt him rock against my hand. “Fuck. I wanna fuck you. I wanna be inside you.”
His words made my body vibrate even more. “Fuck me, Dom. I want it to be you.”
Tugging my bralette down his mouth closed over my nipple, flicking his tongue over me like a professional. Pushing the waist band on my sweats down I let my hips grind against nothing as Dom tossed them behind him. 
“Fuck.” Something followed in his native tongue and I felt myself melt against the mattress.
“What does that mean?”
“You’re turning me on so damn much. Let me taste you baby.” He whispered his words as he slide down the bed. Opening my legs enough to look at me before he kissed down my legs. Pausing before his mouth collided with my pussy.
I felt his tongue lick my folds, pushing inside me, brushing my clit. I tried my hardest not to moan out loud but I couldn’t help it when it tumbled from my lips. Dom’s hand reached up my body covering my mouth while he licked. 
I was soaked, a mess, when I begged him to fuck me. “I can’t take anymore, please, Dom.”
Kneeling up right he pushed down his shorts finally letting me see him. He sprung out hard and angry like. All I wanted to do was touch him and give him relief but I waited. 
Dom’s hand closed around himself before dragging down his length as I gasped at his movements. “Jesus, Dom. You’re huge.”
“Just wait until you feel me baby. Tell me you’re on birth control.” Pulling him down to me I shook my head before kissing him.
We made out until we couldn’t take it anymore. Dom guided himself inside me and I forced myself to be quiet while every part of me stretched for him.
“Oh my god, mi amor. You feel too good. I’m gonna come too quick.” He said those words but I had already came so many times I contemplated how I was going to walk after.
He started thrusting himself inside me, pounding between my legs and trying to chase our moans away with kissing.
Twisting over he said, “Ride me baby. I wanna see you on top, Mami.”
Straddling him again I repositioned myself and shook as I felt him deeper inside me. I nearly came right then when his hands roamed my body so gently. Landing on my hips he guided me forward, swaying and grinding on top of him. 
Neither of us heard anyone coming, not the doorknob or his mom’s voice shout out before she opened the door in her own house. “Dominik, dinner is ready.”
All we heard was the gasp from the door way when Dom flipped us over working his hips slower, painfully slow. “Mami! Por favor!” 
Trying to hide under him I felt mortified. His family took me in, Dom was my best friend. They were going to blame and hate me now.
His mom immediately left, panicked and embarrassed as us I can only assume. “Hey, ignore that. It’s just us. It’s just me.”
Twisting my legs around him I felt my hips begs for more. “I need this, Dom. Every muscle, every smile, it’s torture living with you and not touching you. I touch myself every night just to keep sane but your family took me in. I can’t betray them. It’s just our virginities.”
“Betray them, hermosa. My family has nothing to do with this. You wouldn’t feel this good if it was wrong.”
Kissing me again I tried to push away the negative thoughts when my body was ready to orgasm again. Only this time was around Dom’s cock inside me. Grasping his biceps I felt my body tumble off a cliff. “Dominik, Dom.” I pleaded but for nothing. We gave each other everything tonight. I risked so much and yet none of him left a bad taste in my mouth.
We laid there for a while in silence, Dom still on top of me and kissing my face. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” 
“I’m okay. Sore but okay.” 
We would have laid there forever but his father’s fist pounded on the door. It was unmistakable, he was stern with us, me included but for reason. We were pushing the boundaries and they trusted us. They trusted me to act like a daughter or perfect house guest not the girl fucking their son.
Scrambling to his feet he yanked on his shorts again and I wrapped the sheet around me. I fled to the shared bathroom and closed the door behind me. Quickly turning on the shower I jumped in before it was hot. Anything to avoid their disappointment. His family raise me since I was fifth-teen, I didn’t want to loose them.
Every touch ran through my mind while I tried to hear Rey scolding Dom. “What are thinking? With your mom right down stairs? Mija, we took her in because she needed familia, not so she could be your friends with benefits.”
“Are you serious right now? You know how I feel. She’s not here to take my virginity and piss you off. We wanted to be each other’s first. That’s special.” Dom’s voice was steady and it was unnerving.
“She can’t live here and you two be sexually active. That’s final.”
“That’s so unfair! How was I supposed to know I would fall in love with her?”
“Dominik, listen to me. You’re a teenager. You are going to find your one at this age.” He was right. I twisted the knob to full blast before I actually showered off my first time. I had to break his heart to keep them as family. We would get over it one day. I knew it.
Getting ready I came down stairs like nothing happened. “I’m so sorry, I’m gonna skip dinner but leave the dishes. I’ll do them when I get back. Blaine asked me out.” I said everything while looking at the floor. Dom’s heart was breaking right in front of me. 
Dom stood up from the table. “Are you fucking serious? After what we just did?”
“Dom. We can talk later, okay?” I pleaded him with my soft voice to drop it. Not in front of his family but I knew better. Dom could be a dog with a bone when he wanted to be.
Swiftly moving around the table he followed me out the front door where my date was picking me up. It was all for show, I had no interest in Blaine but I needed him to understand that we couldn’t cross those lines again. Not anymore. He would forgive me later.
Blaine wasn’t at the end of the driveway the way I planned when Dom grabbed my arm and yanked me back. “What are you doing? We just had sex and now you’re going on a date?”
“I said get it over with. I never agreed to dating or anything else.” It hurt to say.
“Bullshit. I can fucking tell by every goddamn moan that came out of your mouth.” He practically spit the words in my face. We were standing so close I could feel the anger come off him. “Don’t do this. Don’t give me some bullshit about first. We both know what happened in there wasn’t fucking firsts.”
Blaine pulled up in his expensive car just at the right time when I managed to escape Dom’s grip. 
Later that night I came home and cleaned the entire kitchen when his dad came breezing in. “You don’t have to avoid us. I’m not kicking you out. Dom might have other feelings tho. I understand why you did what you did. It’s okay, mija. You’re family now. You don’t have to choose between us and Dominik.”
That was the last time we spoke of it and the start of a five month Cold War before Dom and I made up. 
I even contemplated crawling back to my family but just like my life up that point - nothing went as planned. I had missed my period by two months and I panicked. The only person I had to go to was Dom’s mom who knew I had deflowered her son.
At first she was furious but then she finally came around. She didn’t agree with my termination but I knew being a teenage mom to a boy I couldn’t even admit to loving wasn’t going to be my story.
Dom’s parents agreed to keep it secret from their son until I made the decision to come clean to him. I planned on dying with that secret. 
He was destined for greatness, following in his father’s footsteps while I was practically an orphan. I had no plans and no direction. 
When Dom finally came around it was to tell me he was moving to Florida for training camp and it devastated me just as much as I had done to him. “Dad said it would be a good idea to have someone I knew and trusted by my side. He already got us a condo in Miami. You in?”
I jumped at the invitation, I wanted my best friend back. That was all I wanted actually.
“I’m in. When do we leave?”
Chapter Two coming…
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all-risejd · 10 months
Chapter 18: A Picnic and a Declaration (A Poly Judgment Day Fanfic)
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Nessa starts to wake up to someone playing with her hair. She keeps her eyes closed and snuggles closer taking in the warm spicy scent of his fading cologne, his hand in hers resting by her head on his chest. "Mmm Good morning, Mariposa." Damian grumbles, feeling the shifting in her breathing showing him she is waking up. Nessa just groans and squeezes her hand. A tender arm wraps around her waist, and lips press against her shoulder, tracing her skin with warm pressure.
"Good morning Bunny." Rhea mutters and continues to kiss up her opposite shoulder, Damian still playing with her hair.
"Noooo I'm so tiiired!" She whines and hears laughter from the other bed where Finn and Dominik were cuddling, the pair are both snorting at her antics.
"Baby we gave you an extra hour but now we need to get up if we are going to eat before getting to the arena. You still have to train with Asuka, Indi and Zelina and you can't do that on an empty stomach." Dominik tries to convince her while snuggling closer to Finn, not proving his point when she finally picks up her head to see no one making moves to get out of bed.
"You first!" Nessa whines trying to snuggle back onto Damian and Rhea, but pouts when they slide out of bed and take the covers off so she can't get comfortable again. Nessa sits up and crosses her arms, staring at the tan of the hotel wall, pointedly not looking at any of her partners.
"Come on Bunny get dressed so we can go eat and get to the arena." Rhea gently grabs Nessa's arm and pulls her off the bed and nudges her towards the bathroom. Nessa instead swerves and goes to her bag, digging out her sports bra, Black Veil Brides tank top and a pair of jeans. She stands there and takes off her night shirt, leaving her breasts exposed.
Nessa pauses as she feels the air in the room shift. She glances around the room to the shocked faces of the boys and Rhea sitting on the edge of the bed, resting her chin on her clasped hands, her smile from ear to ear, a spark of joy in her eyes. Nessa blushes at the attention but continues, sliding her shorts down and stepping out of them, a whistle of appreciation coming from Damian.
She ignores it and shimmies into her pants first, turning her back to them, trying to keep the confidence she had a moment before. The others watch as she continues to get dressed, Domain bites his lip and eyes her up and down before meeting the looks of the others who look touched at how comfortable Nessa is with them and the effort she is putting out for them. "Mariposa, you don't have to change in front of us. We know how you feel you don't have anything to prove." Damian tells her, keeping his distance not wanting to seem imposing on her.
Nessa turns around a shy smile on her face. "Nothing to prove to you, but more so something to prove to myself. I'm comfortable around you all and can do the bing bing." She starts to explain, and the room breaks out in laughter except for Dominik who only smiles, just happy she isn't cutting him out anymore. He will gladly take whatever she is willing to give and if she is trying to return to how they were he won't argue that.
"Bing bing?" Finn giggles, as they move to grab their gear, and head toward the hotel door. "I love it." He promises as Nessa turns a bit red. They head as a group to the breakfast provided to them by the WWE and the hotel's partnership, before they make their way to the arena - the group is right, Nessa does have three very important female Superstars to meet. ___________________________________________________________________________
Nessa finishes changing into workout gear in the shared locker room as there is a knock at the door. Damian answers it to see Hunter standing there with Pearce. "We want to walk to the ring with Nessa and watch her training, to see how she is progressing. Between us I am hoping to have her ready for a match by Money in the Bank." Hunter smiles, trying to pass it off as a joke.
"Paul, I haven't agreed to wrestle but I'm not saying no. That seems too fast, people train for months, years before even getting to this company and that is on the training brand. I haven't earned it and I don't want handouts because of Jefe." Nessa counters.
"Sweetheart I promise it isn't a handout because of Rey. You are working hard and learning fast. You know the signals to take a move and to counter. You expertly maneuvered someone going off plan and still made sure they didn't get hurt. If your training continues to progress you can be ready for a small 5 minute match by Money in the Bank, now it might be a predetermined match that you job but you can showcase yourself and what you have learned." Hunter praises, Adam nodding along in agreement while Nessa looks at them with suspicion. They step out of the way so Nessa can leave the room, she looks back at her people who nod and gesture for her to go. She blows a kiss to them and walks out the doorway, Hunter closing it behind them and standing on one side of Nessa, Adam on the other.
"While we walk to the ring there are some things we need to discuss. First, the allegations against a certain superstar are being deeply investigated. I saw your reaction when his name was brought up, you don't need to say anything. Just know there is an investigation underway no matter what happens in the Draft. If possible, when you are ready to give me details that would speed it along but I understand if you are unable." Hunter explains as they walk, Adam clasping his hands in front of himself as they navigate the twists and turns of the arena, nodding to the backstage hands as they go. Nessa stays silent, staring ahead, surprising herself by keeping her composure.
Hunter then clears his throat and continues, "Secondly we wanted to talk about the plans for Backlash. We don't want you out there for Damian's match, it is a street fight and anything goes which for now would put you in too much danger to sell appropriately. There will be a bit where Finn and Dominik interfere with members of the LWO, you are to stay in the back and do a Vignette with Rhea to start pushing the story there. At the end you come out to tend to Damian's 'injury'. You know how the match ends, your cue will be once all the LWO are in the ring celebrating." He explains and Nessa nods along, committing it to memory.
"You have two promos that night, one with Rhea and the other alone in medical where Roman corners you about an alliance. We emailed you your script, though Roman doesn't have one, just a gist so play off of him. You have great mic skills and an instinct that can't be taught" Adam chimes in and Nessa preens at the praise and stands a little straighter as Hunter laughs at her reaction.
"Alright now show us what you can do." Hunter states, leading her up the steps of the ring and she enters and starts stretching with the others. She can't help the nerves she feels knowing her boss is ringside watching her train but she soon shoves that thought in the back of her head as they get started, practicing the moves she has learned the past few weeks and adding in a few more.
"Ok you can take normal bumps, throw believable punches, arm drags, DDTs, some counters as well as a new submission that you need to practice. You are picking up the basics quickly. Now I want to see you take a bump from the ropes." Indi instructs, gesturing towards the corner.
"It's no different than taking one from where you stand only higher." Zelina tries to convince Nessa who isn't buying it.
"No it is not no different, if I land wrong I could break my neck." Nessa harshly whispers not wanting Hunter or Adam to hear her flipping out.
"Just tuck your chin as you do on the mat. You took a beatdown from me and a swinging DDT you can do this. Now sit on the top rope and prepare for me to suplex you. Trust that I won't angle you wrong and remember in a match if I need you to counter I won't tap your back." Zelina pumps her up and reminds her. Nessa sighs and nods, getting on the top rope as instructed. Hunter and Adam watch her closely. Zelina smacks Nessa's back as the signal to give a little jump to assist in the suplex and they land on the mat. Nessa momentarily clutches her back and arches off the mat before turning over and forcing herself to get up and grapple with Zelina who gains the upper hand and twists Nessa's arm behind her back.
Nessa groans at the straining in her shoulder but goes to her knees and sweeps Zelina's leg out from under her and locks in a reverse figure four leg lock. Hunter steps back, looking in the ring proudly, recording a secret video as she has a mock match with Zelina. Asuka, and Indi yelling directions. They continue like that until Hunter calls for them to quit and go get ready for the show.
Raw May 1 2023 The Draft Day 2
With the show underway Triple H began announcing the rules of the Draft. The various members of the Judgement Day are in catering, Nessa on Dominik's lap and playing with one of his hands while the other alternates between feeding Nessa and feeding himself, careful to not get any food on their outfits. Nessa wears a cut up pair of pants and a Judgment Day shirt with the others' faces on it, tied right under her bust. Rhea is sat next to them, wearing her ring gear, Nessa's feet resting on her thighs across the bench. Finn and Damian sitting across from them.
Finn keeps glancing over his shoulder at the TV, to make sure they don't miss their Cue. Nessa watches the TV as well, smiling when Hunter announces Rhea as the Number 1 Draft Pick. Collectively they aren't surprised, having known that in advance but Rhea still blushes. She has come a long way in the company. Nessa lets go of Dominik's hand and grabs Rhea's hand, giving it a soft squeeze in support. Nessa and Rhea look lovingly at each other, the group just happy in their little bubble.
They are brought back to the real world by four people joining them at the table filling all the empty seats. Nessa looks around to see Jimmy sitting next to Finn and Jey sitting next to Damian, Paul joining Dominik and Roman next to Rhea. The twins begin shoveling food like it is normal while Dominik sits there confused as well as the rest of the Judgment Day. Nessa doesn't look surprised, having learned from her multiple interactions with them once they claim you it sticks and they all but claimed her when she did their checkups.
"Hiya Roman, Jimmy, Jey... Paul... Nice of you to join us." Nessa welcomes them to their table, the only one that shocked her was Paul joining them. She has only met him in passing a few times. She is even more shocked when he starts talking to her. So shocked she doesn't eat what Dominik is offering to her off their shared plate.
"Nessa, it is so nice to finally be able to sit down and meet you properly and have a talk." He begins.
"It's an honor to properly meet you. I remember seeing you a lot as a kid, loved ECW by the way and when you ran Smackdown." She praises, still eyeing him as he smiles at her. She notes it is different, a softer smile, more fatherly.
"That is high praise coming from you. I wanted to offer my services, if you need any advice, anything in general come find me or give me a call." He offers, and Nessa quirks her head to the side confused and Dominik pulls her tighter against his chest. The other members of Judgment Day are going on the defensive.
The others at the table try to diffuse the confusion and distrust. "Hey man it's nothing like that. I just see immense talent and potential in her and see the future of this company. You know how it goes." Paul defends himself.
Roman speaks up after eating another bite of food, not worried at all about the newfound tension in the table. "It's also a favor to me and to him. They are both Jews and he wants to make sure she succeeds and as a favor to me since we claim her as one of ours." He shrugs, Jimmy and Jey nodding along.
"Yeah man, he offered the same to Dom and Char and many others when they first started." Jimmy explains before letting out a string of expletives as Roman kicks him hard under the table.
"Hey stop kicking each other for fucks sake first them now you. Children behave, I swear you will be the death of me, is that what you want?" Nessa wags her finger at them making Paul laugh as Roman and the twins look down muttering apologies. Damian hides his smirk behind his bottle of water as he takes a sip, glad it isn't directed towards him that time.
"You are going to keep this whole locker room in line, I see it now. Running things behind the scenes and keeping the peace. The first piece of advice. Go meet more people in the locker room. Spend time in the communal locker room. Get to know them, don't just stay in your bubble." Paul advises before getting up. "Gentleman and Rhea." He nods to the others and turns to walk away.
"Roman what the fuck was that about?" Nessa raises her eyebrows and Roman smirks and shakes his head.
"What I told you. You work hard and it hasn't gone unnoticed. You are young and beautiful and have the potential to be the best of the best and we want to see that for you." Roman offers.
"Yeah Uce, even if you don't want to perform, we haven't been feeling this good or trusting the medical team like this for a while. You genuinely care, it's not just a job to you so whatever you want to do you got our support." Jey promises, winking at Nessa and gets up, Jimmy doing the same. Roman stays put and just continues talking with Nessa and the rest of the group until a stage hand comes and gives them a 10 minute warning to get to Gorilla.
Nessa stands between Damian and Finn on the dark ramp, Rhea next to Finn and Dominik ending the line as smoke billows at their feet on the dark ramp. They look up as the lights focus on them. Damian nods a long to the beat doing his thing as they start making their way down the ramp. Damian offers Nessa his elbow and she takes it with a smile, the crowd a mix of cheers and boos. As they make their way down the ramp Finn takes a step back allowing Rhea to step in front of him so she is in step with Damian and Nessa and he is next to Dominik for a moment, knocking their wrists together before all five of them line up at the bottom of the ramp, each of them smirking and looking around.
Finn bumps his fist against Damians in front of Nessa who steps into Damian's open arm. He wraps his arm around her shoulder and guides her down one side of the ring where people cheer for them. Nessa surprises herself and doesn't blush, staying in character and ignoring the cheers as she follows Damian up the stairs and steps between the ropes he and Finn hold open for her. The two men follow her into the ring and quickly cross it as Rhea jumps on the apron and poses behind Dominik. Finn and Nessa lean against the ropes as Damian climbs it and does his archer pose, cameras flashing grabbing the moment in time. Once everyone is in the ring they all get a microphone. Nessa is leaning against Rhea's shoulder that houses the title as Damian begins to speak loudly into the mic, the deepness of his voice sends shivers down Neessa's spine and she swallowed thickly,
"All rise to the Judgment Day staying united right here on Monday Night RAW, and all rise for tonight's First Draft Pick, Your Champion," He gestures to Rhea and Nessa steps aside as Dominik shines Rheas title belt and Nessa steps next to Damian and he continues "Our Champion Rhea Ripley!" He introduces and Rhea preens and sticks out her tongue for a moment.
Damian pulls Nessa possessively against him and steps back as Rhea raises the mic to her mouth and laughs into the mic. "I mean was there really any doubt who the First Draft Pick would be, Huh?" She turns towards Dominik and Nessa bites the inside of her cheek to prepare for the out of pocket thing Rhea is sure to say next. "Mami's always on top." Dominik can't control his face, Finn starts laughing and Damian pinches his nose to try to not break but is unsuccessful. Nessa smirks and nods like she is agreeing with Rhea as Damian tries to turn his face away from the cameras to collect himself. Rhea continues like she didn't just say something that could get them fined.
"And you guys thought that you could get rid of us that easily, nuh-uh. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Judgement Day, we run Monday Night RAW." Nessa applauds and responds "That's Right" before Rhea continues, "And this Saturday at Backlash Zelina Vega is going to regret everything she has done to Nessa and to me on Smackdown when I pretzel her and remind everyone exactly why I am the most dominant champion here in the WWE." She holds up her title, the rest of the Judgment Day clapping and sounding off in agreement.
Finn walks in front of Rhea and begins his part, "Yeah that's right, Rhea is going to roll Zelina up like a hot snot and flicker, and I got some news for Bad Bunny because my man Damian," He turns first to Dom then to Damian, temporarily forgetting their placement. Nessa places a hand on Damian's chest as Finn continues, "Is going to tear Bad Bunny apart, and leave little fluffy pieces of him all over Puerto Rico. Maybe he'll learn to keep his mouth shut about our little Nessa." He gestures to her as the others mock Bad Bunny. "Tell 'em Damian!" Finn steps to the side as Damian steps forward. Rhea pulls Nessa back to stand between her and Dominik. Rhea resting her arm on Nessa's shoulder and leaning on her while Dominik wraps his arm around Nessa's waist.
"Bad Bunny, I want you to listen to my words very carefully, Because I choose them very very carefully." Damian rapidly goes off in Spanish, clearly upset and Nessa can't keep up to even understand. He realizes how rapidly he was speaking and takes a deep breath apologizing to them and continues talking, "Sé que eres una superestrella de la música, pero este es mi mundo. Igual de niño ganaste una lucha, pero estás equivocado. Has engañado a todos tus fans. Ellos piensan que puedes ganar. En Puerto Rico, te voy a dar duro. And Bad Bunny, Benito, at Backlash you will receive your punishment. I warned you about disrespecting my woman and getting involved in Judgment Day business." Damian pulls Nessa to him again, by the back of the neck and capturing her lips in a searing kiss that she has to remind herself to keep it PG. Mercifully he breaks the kiss, pulling her to his chest possessively, playing up his character.
Dominik raises the mic to his lips as Damian and Nessa take a step back to allow him room. "I can't..." He is cut off by the roaring boos of the crowd and his hand drops to his side. All of them turn around looking annoyed, Rhea yelling at the crowd to shut up then turning to Dominik telling him to not worry about it.
Finn speaks up into the mic in defense of Dominik, "Hey, let him speak!" The crowd roars more to where they struggle to hear each other as FInn continues, "Dom pay them no mind!"
Dominik looks around and raises the mic again to try to speak, "I cant.." The crowd gets even louder and it makes Nessa's ears ring. She takes the moment to raise the mic to her mouth and the crowd quiets down interested in what she has to say.
"I have forgiven Dom his sins against me, he has proven to me he has earned it and The Judgment Day has welcomed me with opened arms, and I met my new man, Mi Rey," Nessa's ears twitch at calling Damian what she typically reserves for Dom but she continues without pausing, her hand resting on Damians chest "Let me put the rumors to bed. He doesn't lay a hand on me that I don't allow, any mark is something I've allowed and even asked for. Damian is a bad guy but he knows how to treat a woman right." Nessa smirks and pauses listening to the crowd cheer at the obvious implications. After a moment of taking in the cheers she adds on "And you all need to let Dom Dom speak and show him some respect!" She has to yell into the mic, the crowd switching from cheers to the nuclear level heat that Dom can't seem to shake.
Dom tries to speak again only for the crowd to start chanting you suck over and over again. "I can't wait until Mami and Priest dominate at Backlash!!!" He yells into the mic trying to be heard the crowd still chanting "you suck" and booing. Dominik repeats again and continues "And until the Judgment Day dominates Santos, Zelina and my dead beat dad in a six man tag match and since the LWO got drafted to SmackDown, looks like this is the last night I get to embarrass my dad along with his loser friends in the LWO who want to lay hands on Mamita who has done nothing wrong and who has graciously supported me against my deadbeat dad who also laid hands on her. He wants to accuse Priest of abuse when he bruised her wrist the other week. They can run and hide on Smackdown." Dominik yells into the mic.
He goes to add more but Rey Mysterio's music comes on and out he comes with Santos and Zelina by his side and a mic in his hand, he raises it to his mouth to respond to Dominik, "Dom, no one is running or hiding anywhere. I did not mean to bruise mi hija Nessa."
Nessa cuts him off, "Then you should understand this," She gestures between Damian and herself.
Rey continues on like she didn't buy in. "We were selected by SmackDown to compete Friday nights.Thats how the draft works, But I'm glad, I'm glad we're not going to be on the same brand, because if you thought getting whooped at WrestleMania with the belt was bad," he begins to point at Dominik, "Next time I would have busted out la chancla," Zelina and Santos begin clapping while Nessa rolls her eyes and whispers into Damian's ear where others can read her lips, "I'd like to see him try." Rey sees this and turns his attention to her, "And nessa you aren't excluded. I may be worried for your safety but you need to leave them and do the right thing. You are going down a dark path."
Damian steps in front of her cutting him off, "You don't get to talk to her or about her, do it again and I'll end you." He threatens. Zelina and Santos fake being scared, though there is a glint in Zelina's eyes that gives her true feelings away.
Rey waves off the threat and continues, pointing to Zelina. "And I can't wait to see Zelina leave Puerto Rico with Rhea's championship around her waist."
"Not a chance" Finn yells out, Nessa waves her arms in a no way fashion.
Rey doesn't stop talking which is beginning to annoy Nessa, the match is supposed to start soon and he is going to make it late. "And I am looking forward to watching Bad Bunny romper de toda la cara Priest and anybody else from Judgment Day who is stupid enough to get in Bunny's way at Backlash. Nessa you've been through enough I would hope you aren't that stupid to get involved in the men's business, then again you put yourself in the situation you are in..." Rey shakes his head to reorient himself, he got off track and immediately felt guilty at the look on Nessa's face, like he himself hurt her. (break Priest's face)
Damian and Dominik go off yelling at Rey for that comment, spouting threats, their microphones discarded so their curses wouldn't be picked up, while Finn and Rhea momentarily check on Nessa who waves them off. She can handle Rey when the time is right.
"But before all that, the Judgment Day is going to get smacked right now by the LWO!" The crowd cheers as Rey's music kicks back on and they approach the ring. Damian holds open the ropes for Nessa who quickly exits so she doesn't have to be in the ring when Rey enters. She takes her place by the steel steps as Damian takes off his jacket and hands it to her. She slides it under the ring for safe keeping, wanting to keep her hands free incase she is needed for this match.
Finn takes his spot next to her as Rhea and Damian stand on the apron, Dominik in the ring to start the match, Rey starting it on his side, staring down Dominik. Disappointment evident in his eyes. Rhea smirks, reaching forward and tapping his chest to tag herself in. She enters the ring like a predator, her eyes on Rey her prey. Nessa can't hear the taunts Rhea is giving but cheers her on all the same when she pushes Rey's head. Rey turns around and Zelina is in the ring, he picks her up for leverage so Zelina can wrap her legs around Rhea's head and take her down. Rhea flips onto the mat. Rhea quickly recovers and gets up, swinging at Zelina who dodges it.
However, Zelina can't dodge Rhea's kick, and she falls to the mat. Rhea turns momentarily to talk back to threaten Rey before focusing back on Zelina and going for the riptide. Zelina counters it to attempt to hit the DDT but the strength of Rhea is able to stop her, holding them in that position and Lifting Zelina up. Zelina begins to kick down with her knees connecting one to Rhea's head making Rhea lose her grip and Zelina breaks out of the hold. They turn to face each other, Finn keeping a protective hand on Nessa's shoulder to pull her out of potential harm if needed. Zelina drops down as they grapple, making Rhea hit her head on Zelinas and rapidly back up into their corner.
Damian immediately tags in, with Santos switching out for Zelina. Both of them rush into the ring, Damian hitting Santos with his knee making him double over. Damian then whips Santos into the ropes, he bounces off and dodges Damian's swing, bouncing off the ropes on the other side for momentum and lands a punch, both of them momentarily fall to the mat. They both get up quickly, going to separate corners. Damian stays in the corner and takes the hit from Santos and stumbles out of the corner. Nessa slaps the mat annoyed but she is aware that he agreed to take some hits in this match but the end is not determined due to the personal drama going on. Doesn't mean she has to like it. She gets more frustrated as Santos gains control. She glances at the corner where Rey and Zelina are, seeing Rey staring at her and Finn, his eyes narrow before returning his focus to the match where Damian had knocked Santos to the ground.
Damian then turns around and swings full force at Rey knocking him on the apron. Rey grabs his head where Damian made contact, the ref ordering Damian back. Damian looks at Zelina who looks legitimately scared and backs up. Nessa makes note to talk to her later to see how much of that was acting. Damian goes to the ropes and jumps up for Santos to counter, kicking Damian in the ribs. Damian goes to the floor and rolls out of the ring trying to collect himself. Dominik gets in the ring attempting to get a cheap shot but Santos counters it, picking him up and slamming him on his knee before tagging Rey in who jumps off the apron onto Damian knocking him back to the ground.
Rhea jumps off the apron and stands protectively in front of Nessa and Dom who is on the floor crawling backward, Finn pulls her behind him as Rey storms over toward them. Rhea points and yells for Rey to get back. Rey glances in the ring to see Zelina getting on Santos's shoulders and he slides in to pose in front of them, showing the "dominance" of the LWO. They pose for a moment and Damian gets back in the ring, Rey and Zelina returning to their corner as Santos and Damian continue the match. Damian is in control as he slams his body into Santos's and Nessa cheers him on, "Come on Papi, break him!!!"
Damian smiles and points to Nessa, bouncing off the rope, only for Santos to counter and drop kick him. Nessa grimaces and Finn gives her shoulder a comforting squeeze. They watch as Damian tags in Dominik and Santos tags in Rey. Rey immediately has the upperhand, throwing Dominik around, getting him in a corner and climbing the ropes and punching Dom repeatedly. Dom is able to slide out from under Rey and turn the tables, pulling him off the turnbuckles and flinging him towards the rope, bending over to hopefully flip Rey but Rey catches himself and kicks Dominik and regains control ending in the first pin of the match Rhea immediately gets in the ring and breaks the pin at two. Zelina gets in to defend Rey only for Rhea to drop her with a single punch to the head. Rhea turns and looks at Rey, Nessa sees the gears turning behind her eyes.
Rhea picks Rey up, slinging him over her shoulder and lifting him up above her head. Nessa looks on in awe at how strong her girlfriend is, and finds herself thinking just how much she wouldn't mind if Rhea would throw her over her shoulder. "Focus A Chroí," Finn whispers in her ear before stepping back and walking around to stand on the opposite side of the stairs. Rhea is right in front of the ropes and doesn't see Zelina go to deliver a 619, connecting to Rhea's midsection making her drop Rey, Rhea goes to swing on Zelina who drops down holding the top rope sending Rhea over and out landing on the ground. FInn checks on Rhea, helping her up and back onto the apron as Rey drops Dominik who turns and tags Damian in.
Damian gets in and goes to spear Rey but he quickly moves out of the way making Damian slam his shoulder into the post. "Damian stop doing that stupid shit every match you and Mami do that and it happens!" Nessa yells, giving a dose of tough love the camera catches, Nessa slamming her hand to the mat. Rey dropkicks Damian onto the ropes to set up the 619. As Rey goes to bounce off the ropes, Finn jumps up on the apron to distract the ref as Nessa grabs Rey's ankles making him fall to the floor. Santos gets in the ring and runs over diving out of the ring, Dominik pushing Nessa out of the way and into Finn's arms who gets her set back on her feet and brushes imaginary dirt off her shoulder.
Rhea dropkicks Santos who got back up after knocking Dominik down but Zelina gets up on the apron and jumps on Rhea landing the Meteora. Rey looks over to see three people on the ground. Damian uses that distraction to get Rey into position for the Razor's Edge, only for Rey to wiggle out of it and knock Damian back into the ropes, setting up another 619. Rey goes to connect the 619 but Nessa jumps up onto the apron taking the hit and falls off the apron into Rhea's waiting arms. "Are you ok Mamita?" Rhea asks. Nessa nods her head gripping it from the dull ache that is now there, and Rhea gently sets her down, Finn taking her into his arms and rubbing the back of her neck where Rey connected the move.
Rey looks to them remorseful, he didn't plan that, it wasn't supposed to happen. Damian capitalizes on that and grabs Rey by the neck, lifting him up and throwing him down on the other side of the ropes on the mat, landing the south of heaven and covering Rey for the win. Dominik is in Rhea's arms celebrating the win. Finn helps Nessa up on the apron and jumps up there, holding the ropes open for her to get in the ring so they can all celebrate the win. Once they are all in the ring they stand side by side, Nessa between Damian and Rhea, Finn and Dominik on the ends holding up each other's hands. ______________________________________________________________________
They get backstage and someone hands an ice pack to Damian who immediately tries to put it on Nessa's Neck. She flinches away from it and shimmies in between Rhea and Dom, resting her head against Rhea's arm. Rhea gently ruffles Nessa's hair. Nessa isn't shocked when she sees Adam Pearce storming up to them. "Hunter's office now. We need to discuss your breach of contract." Adam orders, his face serious.
Nessa deflates and goes to follow him to the office, her head hung low, her partners following close behind. Not wanting her to be alone now even more with who was drafted to RAW. They reach the office and Adam holds the door open allowing Nessa to step in, the others go to follow but Adam stops them and closes the door in their face. Nessa see's Hunter behind the desk pinching the bridge of his nose. "Sit down Miss Klein." Adam suggests, gesturing to the seat and he himself takes a seat on the edge of Hunter's desk.
"What possessed you to take that hit, that was meant for Finn, your contract stipulates both parties have to agree. No one did and I was not aware. Do you realize how incredibly dangerous that was for both you and him. I know you have beef with him and I understand it but out there you have to keep to the plan, especially keep to your contract. As this is your first offense on your end I won't fine you." Hunter signs and leans back seeing the look on Nessa's face. He continues, his voice softer this time, less like he was chiding her and more like he was concern, "That being said I am sorry that someone you are uncomfortable being near was drafted to this brand. I saw your reaction last week when his name came up and clearly there is history there. Now I am not going to ask for specifics if you don't want to give it. Just a yes or no answer. Are you one of his victims?" Hunter asks and Nessa lets out a shaky breath and nods her head, blinking back the tears that are pricking at her eyes.
"That's all I need for now on that. Keep one of your partners with you at all times at events for your safety, if not one of them let me know and I'll send a guard. If something happens you let me know immediately. Now go back and ice your neck. We don't want more bruises there. And for the love of god don't deviate like that again or I will fine you. I am tired of seeing you in my office every week at this point." Hunter jokes as Nessa gets up to leave, a soft smile on her face. She opens the door to see her partners looking at her worried, she steps out and into Damian's waiting arms. She jumps as he places the icepack on her neck.
Damian unlocks the hotel room and steps aside letting the women enter first and the boys follow in carrying in the bags, dropping them just inside the door. Nessa shuffles to a chair by the bed and plops down placing the ice pack back on her neck, waiting for the verbal lashing she is sure to come. She sees the tension in their bodies, all except for Rhea who looks at her with understanding. "Go easy on her, she made a call and it worked and she is ok. I'm going to shower." Rhea orders the group and disappears into the bathroom. The others wait until the water starts, Nessa still sitting there staring at the ground unable to meet their gazes. She hears someone clear their throat and she knows it is Damian.
"We aren't angry Mariposa, but you can't go off script like that, it is dangerous. You could have seriously gotten hurt." Damian kneels in front of Nessa grabbing her hand.
Finn steps to the side of the chair and gently takes the ice pack from her and inspects her neck. "There isn't a bruise that we haven't put there. It will probably just be tender for a few days. We will keep an eye on that." He announces to the room and bends over placing a gentle kiss to Nessa's cold neck. "You know that was meant for me A chroí why did you do that?" He asks, stepping around so Nessa can Look at him, Dominik stands behind the others with a fresh bag of twizzlers.
"Because you weren't at your mark and I wanted you guys to win since Rey made the match late. That gave the distraction needed. He deserved that South of Heaven which was harder than I have seen you do that." Nessa answers, blinking at Damian at the end.
The corners of his lips turn up unable to keep a serious face at how cute Nessa was being. "Well he hurt you... again... I had to make him pay and get some retribution for Dom." He smiles, resting his hand on her cheek.
"I had no problem with it. You've been training harder than some of the others on the roster. Plus to see the look on his face was great!" Dominik chuckles and hands over a Twizzler.
Nessa immediately grabs it and takes a bite. "I'll be more careful in the future and follow my contract. Honestly I'm surprised he didn't fine me." Nessa shrugs, taking another bite.
"Well I think that could be a few things dear, I was off my mark, and it worked in the story. Also the fans loved it. Brock gets away with a lot though I do not want you working with him ever." Finn comments, the rest making noises of agreement.
"Go sit on the bed Princesa, I'll give you a massage before you go shower after Mami, release that tension in your neck and shoulders." Dominik gets on one of the beds, his back against the headboard patting the spot between his legs. Damian stands up to get out of Nessa's way.
"And after we go straight to bed. We have a flight first thing in the morning, we start our lead up to Backlash appearances this week." Damian announces to the room, Nessa yawning and nodding her head as Dominik tends to her sore muscles.
Wednesday May 3 Puerto Rico
Nessa sits between Damian and Dominik in the back seat of the Suv rental, her leg bouncing up and down rapidly. Sometimes it is hard for Nessa to accept the whirlwind that her life has become. Especially when she's treated like a SuperStar. This was shaping up to be one of those times.
"Mariposa, why are you nervous? We are going to see sick kids and their families to cheer them up." Damian places a warm gentle hand on her knee to stop it bouncing. Nessa instead begins to chew on her nails but Dominik grabs her hand and stops that as well. She sighs and squeezes Dominik's hand.
"Are you sure I'm welcome?" She asks a little softly.
"Of course you are, Nes." Dominik promises.
"But, this was initially booked for just you guys. I'm a tag along. I'm nothing, nobody." Nessa frets, tugging at her shirt, and winding herself up more.
Damian sighs and leans over kissing the top of her head, "Aye mariposa, you are anything but a nothing and nobody. You are a kind soul, a nurse who wants to help people and who works hard. You won the hearts of the fans already if you can't tell they only boo you when you mention Dom. They love you like we... we care deeply for you so don't tear yourself down, ever." Damian catches himself, knowing it might be too soon for that type of declaration.
Damian has no problem with her telling Dominik she loves him, they have history but they have only known each other for a month and been together less than that. He doesn't want to scare her away. He relaxes as she leans against him. He wraps his arm around her shoulder and they relax that way for the rest of the ride to the hospital.
Nessa settled a little bit, but still wasn't sure this was a good idea. Dominik knew that, so he took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "Children love you, Mariposa. This is perfect for you, you will bring smiles to all their faces." Nessa nods her head still unsure.
"It could be like when I was on the Peds ward. Do you think any of them want to see me?" She asks as the car makes another turn making her lean harder against Damian. They both chuckle at how cute the question is.
"Of course they do, some of them might even try to make you and Dom get back together" Damian jokes, tickling the part of Nessa's side he can reach. She whines and wiggles, unable to get away from the assault.
"Damian stop please" She manages in between involuntary giggles. Damian to his credit stops and wraps his arms around her as much as he can in the limited space. Nessa smiles up at him to show she isn't upset with him and places a gentle kiss to his jaw which relaxes the affection. The rest of the ride to the hospital is made in comfortable silence, music from the radio filling it. _________________________________________________________________________
They arrive at the hospital and split up, each having their own assignments and rooms to visit. Nessa is secretly relieved that she is paired with Damian and Zelina. She may have forgiven Dominik but being around the children and him might make her waver and give in faster than she planned.
"Ok so we have these rooms to visit and after this we go to the outreach center to play basketball with the kids there." Zelina hands the lists to Damian and Nessa, and reminds them they are riding with her back from the hospital since they have separate engagements from the rest of their partners.
"Ok, uh if I have issues will you help me translate." Nessa quietly asks the others as one of the Nurses leads them to the first room. Damian and Zelina quietly agree as they enter and the little girl in the bed's eyes light up, focused solely on Nessa. Damian watches as a switch flips in Nessa's head and all tension falls from her body and she approaches the bed. Damian stays close to help her translate. He watches in awe as Nessa converses with the kid in broken Spanish but she is clearly trying.
"She is catching on fast." Zelina praises, Damian goes to respond but pauses when he hears the kid loudly whisper to Nessa,
"Sé que la lucha libre es falsa, pero ¿de verdad estás con Damian, es tu novio? Nessa blushes and nods her head, (I know wrestling is false, but are you really with Damian, is he your boyfriend?)
"Ah, sí, es mi novio y me gusta mucho. Me trata muy bien." (Ah, yes he is my boyfriend and he treats me well) Nessa stutters trying to remember the simple words. Damian chuckles and steps closer to her, grabbing her hand and gently tapping his forehead to hers since they are wearing a mask. The kid smirks and responds, "Bueno, es mi favorito y creo que deberías casarte." (good he is my favorite and I think you should get married). Zelina snorts and Damian laughs, his chest shaking jostling Nessa from their closeness.
Nessa relaxes by the time they are in the second to last room to visit, like she has been doing this her whole life. As soon as they walk into the room the kid is in the bed, looking healthier than the others they saw. A young girl around 12 waves at them excitedly. The three of them step closer to the bed conversing with her, learning her name, Angelina. Angelina excitedly talks to them, so fast Nessa can't understand. Thankfully Damian translates for her, whispering in her ear. "She thinks you are pretty and wants to be like you when she grows up. A nurse. And she said if you are with me can she have Dominik?"
"Maybe when you are a bit older, sweetheart, but then I think you'd have to fight Mami for him." Nessa responds in English, Damian translating for her. Angelina answers in English, her accent thick and adorable.
"For him, I'd fight God."
Nessa and Damian laugh, sharing a knowing look. Both of them feel the same way about him. Nessa's attention is grabbed by Angelina's mom calling her name, gently rocking a baby in one arm and gesturing for her to come over with the other. Nessa smiles, her eyes crinkling above her mask and goes over there. She is shocked when the woman shoves the baby in her arms and pulls out a phone to take a picture, talking a mile a minute. Nessa coos at the baby, adjusting so it is safely in one arm, letting it play with her fingers. She is so engrossed with the baby, she doesn't notice or care that the wwe camera crew focuses on her holding the baby for the promo. She doesn't notice Zelina nudging Damian who looks over and melts. He can see in that moment the future he wishes to have with her and the others. Children running all around them, being all of theirs. He is pulled out of his little dream of the future by Zelina nudging him again.
"She looks good holding a baby doesn't she?" Zelina winks and Damian rolls his eyes in response, unable to help the blush that creeps up his neck, Angelina in the hospital bed giggling maniacally thinking she is in on some secret that Damian doesn't have the heart to correct.
Thursday May 4th Puerto Rico
Nessa is lounging on the blanket laid out on the beach, enjoying the shade under the umbrella. Leaning against Finn's chest as Damian cuts his promo. Dom laying out as well, his head on Rhea's lap, Rhea playing with his hair. "Lean forward sweetheart, I'll put some more sunblock on your back. We don't want you to burn Mo Mhuirnin." Finn gently suggests and gently pushes Nessa forward. Dom looks up to Rhea and she nods, bending down and giving him a kiss before he gets up with a grunt and runs off disappearing from view. Nessa looks at the remaining two with confusion.
"He's just running back to the car, he forgot something, Bunny. Sit back and relax. Damian will be joining us soon and we can have fun for the rest of the day." Rhea explains and leans back on her forearms. Nessa can't help but stare at the marvel that is Rhea's body, the way her muscles flex and the way she looks in that tiny black bikini. Finn laughs and pulls Nessa back to their previous position, wrapping his arms around her waist. She wiggles to get comfortable and grabs her phone from the blanket and resumes reading her story. Looking back up when Damian jogs back toward them and plops down between Rhea, Finn and Nessa and shakes his wet hair making Nessa squeal and turn closer to Finn and Rhea jokingly smacking Damians chest. Damian's booming laugh fills the space while Nessa sticks her tongue out at him.
"I was just getting to a good part, you jerk!" Nessa complains dropping her phone between her legs and crosses her arms. Damian continues to laugh and just gently pulls Nessa off Finn's lap and onto his. Finn grabs her phone to check what she was reading, his eyes scanned the text, immediately dropping it as he realizes that one, it's fanfiction, and two is Ava and Dominik fanfiction, he immediately picks it back up to scan, the writing is really good, carefully he sends the link to himself, Family Roots is something he's curious about now.
"I'm sorry Mariposa, you all just looked so hot and thought you needed to cool down." He winks to Finn and squeezes Nessa's side. Nessa yelps and tries to get off his lap but it is useless. "Come on baby, I've barely seen you all morning because of my promos, let me have a little Nessa time." He begs and the fight goes out of Nessa. She doesn't respond verbally, only grabs one of his hands and brings it up to her lips for a little kiss. Dominik finally returns with a picnic basket in one hand and a shopping bag in the other. Through the bag she can see a bag of twizzlers and a pack of oreos.
"Oh what's this Dom?" Nessa asks as he sets the picnic basket down as well as the bag of snacks. Rhea leans over, her shoulder against Damian's arm as Dom takes a seat between her legs like Nessa is with Damian.
"Remember the other day when we woke you up and you said you were dreaming about a picnic on the beach? Well here we are on a beach and we are going to have a picnic. All of us, since tomorrow, we have a busy day between the press conference and Smackdown." Rhea explains and leans forward flipping open the lid to the basket and pulling out the bowl of mixed fruit she knows Nessa loves. Damian has already ripped into the packet of Oreos and offered Nessa one. She bites into it allowing the cookie to crumble onto her lap and Damian pouts at the waste of cookie.
"You have a habit of wasting these cookies. They are my favorite if you didn't know." He kisses her cheek and puts the remnants of the cookie in his mouth.
"Well I know you like them, didn't know they were your favorite. I'll keep that in mind." She smiles taking a bite of the piece of cantaloupe Rhea offered her. Nessa grabs a Twizzler and feeds it to Dominik. Damian switched between eating his oreos and feeding the others. All of them feeding each other in a moment of contentment and domesticity.
"Thank you guys for this. You don't know how much this means..." Nessa sniffs and Damian squeezes his arms around her waist, Finn flicking a grape at her to keep her from crying.
"Of course Mi Vida, you've been working so hard and have given up so much and have been so gracious to us. You deserve a little piece of heaven." Dominik explains, reaching over and resting a hand on her thigh. Damian adds on, "You made Dom's dream come true and we wanted to make one of yours come true... that we could" Damian kisses Nessa's shoulder as her breath catches in her throat at how sweet they are.
"Well what dreams can I make come true for you guys besides Dom?" Nessa asks them.
They all go quiet for a minute thinking, "Could we think on that and get back to you Bunny, we can't really come up with something right now. Just having you with us is a dream come true." Rhea reaches over and plays with Nessa's hair.
The food and snacks had been devoured, conversation flowing smoothly. Sometimes words do not even need to be said, just content in each other's company. Nessa begins to yawn and checks the time only seeing it be a few minutes past four. "I think I need a naaaap..." Nessa yawns again, Rhea begins to get up to pack things up but Nessa speaks up stopping her, "No guys, stay and relax and continue having fun. The rest of the weekend is going to be crazy and hectic. I'm just not used to traveling so much and my body is telling me I need to be unconscious for a few hours. Nothing serious. I insist stay." Damian lets her stand up and gets up himself, brushing off the bits of sand off his shorts.
"I'll take you back to the hotel. You aren't familiar with the area and can't really speak Spanish. I'll come back once you are settled if you are ok with that?" Damian offers the compromise and holds out his hand for her to grab.
"Take the car. if you aren't back by dinner we will catch a ride from some of the others that are still here." Finn tosses Damian the keys, Dominik winking at Damian who flips him off at the implication. He regrets telling them about what happened at the hospital. Should have kept that to himself for a while longer, and enjoyed that little fantasy... but no he wanted to bring that up with his partners who won't let him live it down. At least now there is another thing he has in common with Dominik. He finds himself thinking as he walks Nessa to the car and drives back to the hotel. He notices Nessa is a little more awake and alert than she was on the beach. He glances over at her momentarily enjoying the way the seatbelt is nestled between her breasts and finds himself wishing that is where his head would be and swallows thickly to control his thoughts so as to focus on the drive, his shorts uncomfortably tight for the majority of the drive back to the hotel. Nessa seemingly none the wiser.
Back at the hotel Damian lets Nessa in the room, following close behind her, closing the door gently behind them. Nessa immediately goes to her luggage, fishing out her bathroom bag.
"Luis you can go back to the beach, I'm just going to shower and lay down until dinner." She pauses in front of the bathroom door, turning back to look at him sitting on the edge of the bed, her leaning against the frame.
"Counter offer, I could shower with you and then nap with you. No pressure for more, just mutual scrubbing then sleep? They already plan for me not to be back by dinner." He offers, staying put on the bed until he gauges Nessa's reaction.
"Oh" She squeaks, a blush rising up her neck as she considers his offer. He holds his breath until Nessa nods, giving her permission.
"Use your words Mariposa, I don't want to overstep." Damian prompts, his heart fluttering in his chest but outside he is keeping it collected.
"Yeah that sounds nice actually." She vocalizes, her face getting a deeper shade of pink before ducking into the bathroom. Damian chuckles to himself and goes to follow her, discarding his shirt along the way. He sees Nessa start the shower and close the door to let it warm up, setting her stuff on the counter still in her swimsuit.
"We can stay in our swimsuits and change after if you want Mariposa." Damian softly offers, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her to him, her back flush with his chest facing the bathroom mirror. He hunches over and leans his head against hers and watches her blush come back in the mirror while his hands gently caress her sides.
"Why are you so shy Mariposa?, you are gorgeous and have nothing to be shy about. We all find you insanely attractive. Hell if I'm being perfectly honest with you, you make us all feel like teenagers fucking for the first time. Not knowing what to do or say." He kisses her cheek, watching a cute pink spreading down her cheeks to her collarbones and inching down her chest toward her belly button.
"I think we can... shower normally." Nessa softly answers, not answering his previous question. He wants to pry but thinks better of it when he sees her face in the mirror and opts instead to tighten his arms around her momentarily and kisses her shoulder. He takes a step back trailing his fingertips up her spine stopping at the tied strap to her bikini top. He catches her eyes through the mirror and she nods, giving him the ok to keep going. He pulls the string untying the bottom part of her top, her hand going immediately to hold it in place, nervous about being so bare, so vulnerable in front of him for the first time. Damian pauses again at the string on her neck, his fingers holding it, not yet pulling it.
"Mariposa you don't have to do this if you don't want to. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He gives her another out, a sense of unease filling him. The thought that he is maybe pushing her too far. She shakes her head and swallows trying to fight her mouth going dry.
"No, Luis we've done... I... I want to. I just..." She sighs trying to find the words. She fills with relief when he says what she is thinking.
"You don't like your body." He does his best to not look at her in pity, knowing that would only make the situation worse. "Mariposa, My Mariposa. You are one of the most gorgeous women I have ever laid my eyes on. You have nothing, absolutely nothing, to be ashamed or afraid of." He praises, his voice soft. Nessa is moved by the sincerity of his words and the soft care in his eyes as he looks at her through the mirror. She reaches a shaky hand back, gently grabbing Damians and makes him pull the string, her bikini top falling to the ground. She then unbuttons her shorts and Damian lets her slide them down, allowing her to lead the pace, whatever makes her feel comfortable.
"Do you want me to stay in my swim trunks, Querida?" Damian softly asks.
Nessa answers "No." Her voice is so soft he can barely hear it. He smiles softly and swipes her hair off of her shoulders, resting his hands on her shoulders and gently directs her towards the running shower filling the bathroom with steam, fogging up the mirror.
"Go ahead and get in the shower, I'll join you in a moment so you can collect yourself. You are clearly on edge. I'll give you a minute to collect..."
Damian was cut off by her firm "No." She turns to face him. "If you do that I'll overthink. I... Just get in with me?" Her sure tone fails a little bit but Damian nods, understanding. He slides off his shorts and reaches behind Nessa, opening the shower door. She slowly backs in the water pouring over her head, Damian stepping in and closing the door behind him. He turns her around once her hair is soaked and grabs her shampoo bottle, the water hitting him in the back. He pours some of her shampoo in his hand and begins to lather it in her hair, massaging her scalp. She lets out a little moan of pleasure and Damian can't help himself but his cock twitches at her sounds. He angles his pelvis away from her so he can keep washing her. He steps back as does Nessa, leaning her head back to rinse her hair and Damian just silently stares at her, smiling, admiring how the water rolls down her curves, dripping off her breasts as she turns to look at him expectantly.
Damian is confused, not knowing what she wants. He figures it out when she pouts and stomps her foot, the water splashing. He smiles widely and turns around, taking a knee so she can do the same for his hair. He laughs as she sputters as the shower assaults her face. He tries to get up to alleviate that but she grabs his shoulder to keep him in position until she deems it done. He gets up and rinses his hair as she quickly conditions her hair and rinses it out, grumbling about men and how it's unfair they don't have to do as much. He laughs and relaxes as Nessa relaxes. They take turns washing each other's bodies. Nessa tries to ignore the obvious arousal of Damian, but can't, and she is thankful hers isn't as obvious.
Once they are out of the shower, they are drying themselves. Damian wraps his towel around his waist and takes another towel and gently towel drying Nessa's hair. She drops her towel and looks up at him. His hands pause in their movements as their gazes meet. She wraps her arms around his neck and stands on her toes first just placing their lips together in a sweet little peck. Damian bends over slightly, letting Nessa's feet go back to flat against the floor, his forehead resting on hers, this time he kisses her, tender, multiple pecks turning into more. Damian nipping at her lips, their breathing getting shallow as they kiss. Nessa knots her hands into Damian's hair, making more water drip down his back and a groan come from deep in his throat. He leans his head back partially, his cock pressed against her.
"Mariposa, Nessa... please. If you don't want this, tell me now and we can stop. You have stepped out of your comfort zone so much I don't want this to be too much." He takes a shuddering breath waiting for her response.
"Luis, I want this, I want you, it's not too much." She barely finishes her sentence before he sweeps her up into the bridal carry and brings her over to the bed. Gently setting her down his lips first still attached to hers, then kissing down her neck, leaving soft bruises that will fade quickly and continuing down her shoulders until he reaches her breasts—licking and sucking on each nipple before pushing her breasts together and tending to both nipples at the same time. Nessa wiggling and whimpering at the attention, trying to create some friction between her thighs.
Damian continues to kiss down her body muttering, "You are so beautiful, every part, every bruise, every mark." Pausing to kiss every freckle, every mark he sees. Nessa shifts under the weight but doesn't pull away. She opens her legs for him as he adjusts his position, now between them. He runs a finger through her slit, feeling the wetness already there. He starts by sliding two fingers into her, bending down using his tongue to lick her clit, sucking at it making her whimper. Damian groans at the taste and how pliable she is under him making his own cock leak. Nessa's hand grabs him by the hair pulling his head closer and grinding herself on his face as he adds another finger. He continues expertly as Nessa continues to wither the sounds coming from her a mix of moans and whimpers. The sounds becoming more breathless whimpers as her breathing shallows the longer he does it, her pussy clenching his fingers letting him know she is close.
"Thats is Mariposa... let go... cum for me" He didn't even need to tell her because by the time he finished speaking she goes to cover her eyes, the lights temporarily too bright as she cums around his fingers, her juices joining Damian's spit in the wet spot on the bed. He lets her recover for a moment, appreciating the flush decorating her pale body as she takes shaky breaths, her legs trembling. He nips at her thighs. Nessa wasn't expecting it and slams her legs together on Damians head. He groans in pain making Nessa immediately open her legs again and sit up on her arms, apologies falling out rapidly. Damian laughs, making Nessa stare at him mouth agape.
"Mariposa, there is no need to be sorry. If that is the way I go, that is the way I'd prefer it. Neck snapped between your pretty little thighs." He begins peppers kisses up the thighs that almost killed him, and continues to trail those kisses up her body until he is passionately kissing Nessa's plump lips. She parts her lips allowing his tongue to enter her mouth, their tongues flicking against each other. Nessa moans and places her hand against his cheek, feeling the stubble under her hand. Their kisses turn soft, and gentle. Between the kisses and the soft touches, Nessa looks up at him, and Damian can feel a shared pulse between them, a intertwined longing, something alive and real, the trust for their future together, a longing for children that look like them both, but most of all, the settling of togetherness. Nessa is his, and Damian is hers, just like they belong to the others, but this moment, this tiny little bubble, it's the settlement of their bond.
"Luis please..." Nessa begs, breathless, feeling him twitch against her thigh. He readjusts his weight, pressing his cock at her entrance and slowly pushing forward. He lets out a shaky breath, feeling like what he described to Nessa earlier before their shower. He slowly rocks his hips, his face close to hers. She can feel the warmth of his breath on her face, little whimpers coming from Nessa's throat as she wiggles underneath him, her hands trailing up and down his body. Finding purchase on his shoulders, her nails digging into his shoulder.
That action makes Damian speed up, melding his lips to hers, muttering against them, "God you are perfect Mariposa, so fucking perfect." He kisses down her jaw and neck, going back to her lips. Supporting his weight on one arm, using the other to gently play with one of her nipples. Pinching and rolling it between his fingers. Nessa arches against him, the stimulation sending her closer to the edge again, her cunt convulsing around his cock.
"Fuck, Luis I..." She catches herself and bites her lip moaning as her orgasm washes over her again. Damian grunts, his pace faltering as he nears his own. Nessa grabs his hair at the base of his neck and tugs on it, still in the midst of her orgasm, Damian grunts "fuck" as he pushes fully in and empties himself in her, glad she allows it. Rhea won't even let them even while on her birth control, unless there is a condom. Nessa whispers something and Damian doesn't catch what she said, too caught up in his head and trying to catch his breath.
He is confused as to why she looks at him worried, "What was that Mariposa?" He asks, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose.
"I love you." She repeats, her voice just as soft as before but it floors Damian who almost collapses on Nessa. He almost admitted the same thing the previous day but now here she is admitting it to him. He rolls off of her and lays on his side facing her, making sure he is at eye level with her before responding and grabbing her hand.
"Nessa, I love you too, we all do already but we were too afraid to tell you so soon. We didn't, we don't want to scare you off. You are very much ours as we are yours and there is nothing we wouldn't do for you." Damian promises, pulling Nessa close and wrapping his arms around her and kisses her forehead. "Now I think we should take that nap you wanted earlier now. You've more than earned it Mi amor." he suggests and Nessa nods against his shoulder and yawns, Damian pulling the covers over them both. Nessa nestles into him, content and pleased.
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