#edit: i see someone wondering abt my name in the tags so
sanjisboyfie · 8 months
one piece smau: dating eustass kid edition
-> male reader <333 + kid is so unhinged but this is how i truly believe he'd act on social media to be really real + also him being the definition of "i'm mean to everyone but u"
-> nsfw (mentioned and implied)
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liked by dr.law, k1ller, and 7k others
iloveeustass: this is crazy he's actually doing the work instead of trying to kill a random passerby
tagged: [name]s.man
[name]s.man: if it's not you, i could honeslty care less on how i treat other people
-> k1ller: this is definitely not how u shd be living life
-> h34ttt_: and u wonder why no one outside of our friendgroup likes u
-> [name]s.man: i've never wondered this, i don't need other ppl to like me when i already have a wonderful boyfriend to call mine who very much likes me.
uso_pp: how a sweetheart like [name] is compatible with an ASSHOLE REPULSIVE AND RUDE man is beyond me. but as long as he's happy !!!
-> iloveeustass: he's not as bad as everyone says i swearrrrr
-> uso_pp: that's only cuz u don't have to suffer like the rest of us [name]. ur mans is fuckinhg terrifying to be around
[liked by dni_nami, bonneys.jewels, and 120 others]
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liked by h34ttt_, k1ller, iloveeustass, and 10k others
[name]s.man: i lovveeeee my possessive boyfriend
tagged: iloveeustass
iloveeustass: you're the exact same way pls what is this post
-> [name]s.man: match made in heaven
dr.law: do u have to constantly post abt ur relationship eustass?
-> [name]s.man: someone here is just jealousssss
dni_nami: thankful everyday that we don't see each other at school i think id rather kms than see ur nasty ass (not [name] though, pls tell him we all miss him <3)
[liked by roro.zoro, uso_pp, and 40 others]
-> [name]s.man: WHAT TH FUCK IS THIS
-> iloveeustass: aww i miss u guys too nami hopefully we can hang soon
-> dni_nami: ofc! jus dont bring ur stinky boyfriend
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liked by iloveeustass, bonneys.jewels, and 11k others
k1ller: someone save me they're gonna start eating each other
tagged: iloveeustass and [name]s.man
bonneys.jewels: i ran away from them the moment i saw kid's lipstick on his face
-> [name]s.man: u guys are acting like we fucked on the couch and made everyone watch
-> bonneys.jewels: that's not what u guys were doing? i could've sworn ur pants were off or smth
-> [name]s.man: u fucking liar wtfff
h34ttt_: a business meeting and they couldn't be serious for a second of it.
-> iloveeustass: wym me and kid were very serious???
-> h34ttt_: serious in trying to suck each other off in front of everyone??? yeah. u two were very serious
dr.law: knew i made the right decision in staying home
[liked by k1ller, bonneys.jewels, and 90 others]
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liked by dr.law, iloveeustass, dni_nami, and 11k others
bonneys.jewels: thank god [name] and kid started dating because kid's outfits have gotten monumentally better
tagged: [name]s.man and iloveeustass
iloveeustass: those leopard print pants he owned....
-> bonneys.jewels: tell me u burned them
-> iloveeustass: burned them and threw their ashes in the ocean
[name]s.man: i'll excuse u posting these photos of us without my permissions solely because he looks so good in these wowowwww
-> k1ller: [name] existing saving us from hearing kid rant for hours on end about smth unimportant <3 thank god
godfatherbege: eustass' fashion was always questionable to me, i assumed all kids your age dressed purposely terrible
[liked by hawk_ins, dr.law, and 100 others]
-> iloveeustass: LMDOOAOD BEGE IM DEAD
-> [name]s.man: don't show your face to me ever again bege or i'll kill you
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liked by freeluffy, [name]s.man, and 12k others
iloveeustass: his new haircut is so sexy oh my god
tagged: [name]s.man
[name]s.man: i'm gonna have sex with you in front of everyone
-> k1ller: no fucking thank u
-> h34ttt_: OH MY GOOOOOODDDD a day of peace woujld be great thanks
freeluffy: OOOOO was the food yummy guys???
-> [name]s.man: fuck off my boyfriend's instagram bastard
-> iloveeustass: it was rlly good luffy <333 i know you would've love their steak, i highly reccommend!!!
xxxdrake: i bet kid didn't even pay for half off of the bill, his broke ass
-> uso_pp: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT [liked by dni_nami, robinkills, and 90 others]
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liked by freeluffy, iloveeustass, and 13k others
dr.law: all these two do is sit in a corner and bully ppl on their phone
tagged: [name]s.man and iloveeustass
iloveeustass: it's only kid that makes fun of ppl i'm the one telling him to stop
-> dr.law: fine i'll give u that one
[name]s.man: all i'm saying is - if you're not [name] why on earth should i b nice to u
-> dni_nami: a somewhat respectable trait to have
freeluffy: not true traofoyyy ! me and [name] played supermario kart :)
-> iloveeustass: and i won all of the races >:)
-> [name]s.man: why is he flirting with my boyfriend right in front of me
iloveeustass' story:
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stole his lipstick just for this pic
[name]s.man replied to your story: we should both wear my lipstick the next time we have sex it'll b like a painting
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making-noodles-png · 6 months
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Question in context anyways les go. I wanted to edit a few bits anyways so yeah
• ever since I had that tumbler poll I'm questiong myself if wallace should work 3 jobs rather then just one bc no way can he afford that bad of a apartment and provide for himself and scott on a 15$ paycheck so yeah it's reasonable. Wallace works as a telemarketer or some office job (makes more but is fucking boring). Old navy (makes less bit is pretty simple and he can hear his coworkers gossip and pick a few songs) and at a diner (it's in the middle honestly. Makes a god amount of money and is decent, works his ass off but still gets to hear whoever can gossip but sorta wants to quit. Stays at the job bc of one coworker who begged him to stay)
• Mobile works in a library or Spencer's (IK mobile works in some random ah office job but seeing how the rest of the crew in the scott pikgrim series has a pretty minimum wage job I sorta see him start off slow in a new province and have a relaxing ot fun job. Library seems to suit the guy because uts laid back and quiet. Also I took the inspiration from the anime "book seller Honda-San". BUT...but (idk my friend suggested this to me) but mobile: the most average lookin ah guy in the whole entire franchise working...in a Spencer's...it's pretty fuckin funny- just imagine you see some office worker lookin ah dude stocking up on the spiked collars with the most bland lanyard) but I'm sticking with the library idea
• Mobile is a music nerd. He plays a few instruments when he was younger and sticks to playing the piano and sometimes the violin. He likes jazz but likes fast paces music for one thing....rhythm games- idk why but I sorta imagine wallace, scott and mobile going to the arcade one day, scott showing off his epick DDR skills and mobile absolutely DESTORYS HIM. DOUBLE PADS. EXTREAM OR INTENSE IDK AND ALL PERFECT TOO...and then scott never brings walace to the arcade again because he knows mobile would just show off again-
• Wallace is filopino (idk I just see him loving filo food, karaoke, bejng loud af at parties and come on. He loves to gossip) and mobile is half veitnamese and half Korean but is extremely white washes but by the time he reaches freshmen year of collage he actually wants to learn a bit more about both cultures and sorta enjoys trying to get in touch with his roots
• Mobiles parents names are Sam jin and April Nguyen-jin (nick named apple) (divorced) now you might he wondering abt thier names and...I just thought it would be funny to sorta name them after phone companies (like SAMsung and APPLE) because...COME ON THERE HAS TO BE A REASON WHY HIS NAME JS MOBILE
• Mobile likes cold weather meanwhile wallace likes hot. Mobile likes to wear alot of layers during the winter so whenever ut gets too cold wallace immediately just snuggles up with him :)
• Mobile visits wallace whenever he's on break from the library job and helps him (ex: whenever wallace is at old navy or something he drops by and helps walace folds or tag any of the clothes while they talk)
• Joseph and mobile work at the library while wallace and Jimmy both work at the diner
(Those were from my notes onto a few new headcannons-)
Since Todd's pyshic powers are green. I look into the color wheel to see the opposite of green which is likena sorta pink and I just imagine that's what's mobiles powers might look like :) (also TV girl reference)
Mobile is one hell of a quiet guy. Dosnt like to talk often at parties or at clubs and tries to survive any sort of small talk BUT when it comes to wallace he enjoys long conversations about the most random shit that pops into thier heads. Eaither it's gossip from work, some random ass fact that mobile found out, or how to do X thing for Y...thing?
MOBILE CANT READ TONE like sorta- whenever someone is joking around him (especially wallace or other scott) he sorta...takes it seriously? Like a joke when other scott said and mobile just spitting out random facts on how its basically impossible for the chicken to cross the road without getting hit, depends on how fast the cars are going, What time of the day it might be, if the chicken were to walk to cross the road or jumo over cars. Really comes off to being defensive and he dosnt mean any harm so whenever someone like wallave was telling a joke he laughs it off, realizes mobiles confused as hell expression and just says "...that's a joke-" With mobile replying with "....oh yeah-"
Mobiles and wallaces dates usually consist of: museums, the aquarium, some fine dining. Any fancy shit mobile can afford, wallave would LOVE
Mobile overworks himself often and sometimes dosnt realize it. He sorta sees himself just simply finishing a task that he's SUPPOSED to finish in reality it was justa. Option if he wanted to do it or not. Even when he's working in Nintendo he gose into crunch mode often and gets tired more easily WALLACE on the other hand reminds mobile to be on breaks whenever he needs to and takes care of the guy (awh :))
In collage mobile majors in computer science or coding or game development. Whatever computer techy course, he just takes it and then ends up working for Nintendo so :)
Wallace has bad posture. Trues to go ahead and fix it himself but just gives up easily so whenever wallave is with mobile. Mobile just random slaps (lightly) wallaces back and reminds him to stand up straight
Wallace cracks his knuckles often or pops his neck and whenever he dose it makes a loud Crack or pop sound (yk the ones) and it freaks mobile out sometimes
Mobile is prone to carpal tunnel and migraines and has to wear those arm braces often and take those migraine pills too.
Like I mentioned before mobile is a deadpan sorta dude, monotone voice sorta stuff but when wallave is around he's...a bit more expressive.
EDIT: BOUNUS. MOBILE DOSE TAROT CARD READINGS i had this headcannons for MONTHS now and thought it would be silly and then i realize I did this so....yeah. I imagine whenever mobile and Wallace do morning cuddles and shit wallace is like "...yo what's my daily reading" mobile:"...okay let's see, 3 of cups-". Mobile learned how to do traot card reading easily. Like Todd mentioned before he had this picture memory thingy and can remeber scripts easily but its weak sometimes (*FLASH BACK TO THE TRAILER INCIDENT-*) so I imagine mobile dose the same when it comes to memorizing tarot cards meanings
Wallace/ or mobile sits really weird in chairs. Before living with scott, Wallace would sit... Basically like L from a death note or some shit, or one leg up while the other is crossed. He's been used to doing this a lot when he was still in high school while eating dinner with his family, but he soon grew out of it once he reached college. Meanwhile, for mobile, he's just been doing it. Somehow, he is still managing good posture tf
Mobile eaither has a good and fashionable wardrobe comsisting of dark or light academia sort of clothes (wallace didnt know what it was called so one day he just called it "collage professor drag") OR he has that one goofy ah cartoon character looking closet where it's just the same thing over and over again
Mobile tends to chew on his pen often. Was a bad habit he had back in elementary, worsen when he was in highschool due to alot of extra credit and after school programs he was in, collage it got even worse because he mainly used pens and got ink EVERYWHERE
Like hollie and Kim. Joseph and mobile work together in the library, they don't...really talk to eachother but he dose eyeball Joseph sometimes whenever knives brings stephen along to the library and joseph just stares at stephen. Mobile couldn't tell if Joseph likes stephen or just hates him
Wallace brings mobile to some of the sex bob-ombs practices and shows. mobile just watches patiently like romona, wallace and neil would but afterward give pretty decent advice to knives since... he experienced piano player. And whenever stephen ask mobile for advice in general; mobile would just give them a rating out of 20
Another reason why mobile dosnt show alot of expression and is mainly just a deadpan sorta dude is because when mobile was in highschool he had braces and it sucked ass for him. It hurts all the time and he had those rubber band things in his mouth MEANING whenever his friends made him laugh or he had to yawn THAT SHIT HURTS WHEN IT BREAKS. Later in his adult life he just gets retainers instead
Sometimes at night. Whenever mobile comes home tired and worn out He and wallace just silently ea0t dinner and cuddle while they drink wine
Wallace is a vodka mom. Mobile is a wine mom. Change my mind
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drawnaghht · 5 months
Yuichi Usagi is [SURNAME] [given name]
lol I've written abt it before going into more specifics & making theories, but this post is just to clear it up again as a general ref for newer fans reading old or new posts abt it and finding themself confused... edit3(15.1): rightfully so! if you've ever watched more than 5 anime or just read some manga, you might recognize that Yuichi is most commonly a given name in Japan. Even viewers familiar with japanese would have made the same assumption. But the show itself uses it as a first name, so it becomes confusing. After jan 6th we found the behind-the-scenes lore for that too.
- clearest tell in the show itself that Usagi is his first name - his auntie calls him Usagi. What auntie calls their sole nephew or close family member by their family name? ... which would have to be her own family name then too...???
Secondly. He introduces himself as Usagi the more he's in the city. First as Yuichi Usagi, but then after a few chases, he gives up and introduces himself to Kitsune as "Usagi"in the 1st episode. boy wants to be known as Usagi haha.
edit 2 (8.1.2024): as of 6.01 we have official confirmation that this is fact + a little backstory! Yuichi is the boy's surname
the whole show, all the other characters use japanese naming convention - e.g. Gen introduces himself as Murakami Gennosuke to the Bat Squadron. it seems the other younger characters call each other by given name basis because they're either all around the same age or don't feel like using family names for each other. Often characters don't have family names because they're orphans (Chizu, Kitsune, Hana). Or it's the only name they go by in general (Tetsujin, Lady Fuwa).
it's that simple! you can headcanon whatever but at least know the show itself has named him this way.
I've already written about this b4 too but Yuichi can very rarely be a family name (apparently). there might be other reasons the show crew gave him Yuichi as a family name, but if that doesn't cut it, you can always adopt my theory that he has a rare two given names.
But yeah, the show makes it clear that Usagi is his first name. It's a spinoff based on Usagi Yojimbo and some of its stories and ideas, and made by fans of the comic and Stan's work. They decided to give him this name, for whatever reasons, and it's his name used in the show. There's too much much work in the show itself for them to give him a random name either, "just because they're ignorant" or even just bc they didn't research. They clearly did or the show wouldn't have some surprising elements to it as a spinoff or as a past+future combo of japanese aesthetics.
Him and the comics' original Usagi, Miyamoto Usagi can share a first name. I know it looks confusing coming from other shows where evryone has specific names. I know it's just generally confusing as a tmnt fan... but their names and tags can co-exist as-is. maybe i don't get out enough into other shows but I've never seen a fanbase stretch themselves so into a pretzel over characters sharing their first name. also Miyamoto Usagi is based on a famous historical samurai, more precisely - Miyamoto Musashi. His movie depiction was what inspired Stan Sakai in the 80s... ppl in real life share first and last names very often so it just doesn't bother me personally that they share one name, but not their family name. So I don't get anymore why ppl are upset that his name is a combo of two first names... I believe there's also a irl children's book author named Usagi Yuichi (maybe pseudonyms being animal names is more common in japan?idk) so I wonder if the crew knew about that 🤔
clearing this up again bc every time I see someone say smth about this show and it's some misunderstanding on top of a misconception, I just wanna make a simple chart to explain things lol. but i don't know if ppl would care even. I know ppl sorta dislike this show or don't care abt it anyways. but then... why talk about it? why share info like a fan who knows or cares about it... and then it's false info... so idk, if they're not a fan, don't take them at face value, but even if they're a fan, it's easy to share info without a source and have others think it's real. Be ready for info to change or your first impressions to break. I've mostly only theorised or drawn from the show itself so far, but even things I say might change if other evidence is provided. So... lol lets all just read into this show calmly I guess.
edit (7.1.2024): lol another thing to add that I didn't think about: there's a 1000 years between the generations of Miyamoto Usagi and Yuichi Usagi. so them not having the same surname would be considered quite normal (and so far, no evidence to conclusively say that M! Usagi is a grandpa... the scene between Usagi and his auntie in the evening in ep 1 also seems to allude that there are many generations between the og era and the future era and that Usagi's auntie is speaking of her own direct great grandfather and Miyamoto Usagi separately...
Anyway. That's all! Hope this is helpful to newer fans.
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
is this ordeal with dream making you reassess rpf fandoms in general or anything?
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edit i realize i went on a mostly irrelevant tangent bc of my posts where i said ive always disliked the dsmp fandom, but if you were wondering Solely because of the allegations, no. stanning a real person always comes at a risk and while it sucks when things go awry i do think i'm normal Enough about my parasocial behaviors that i'll be fine mentally regardless of the outcome and will leave if i must. ok now onto the rest of the post
oh i'm ok discussing the community, just not like. the details of the allegations.
and the answer is: not particularly. the dsmp fandom is a pretty unique case, not in terms of content (i dont wanna sound like the kinda person who thinks minecraft rp is new) but in terms of community.
this is not to say that other fandoms surrounding real people are better, much less perfect, but they're definitely a more comfortable thing for me.
for one, i've seen a lot of people having the dsmp as a "baby's first fandom" sort of moment. i think this is because its something really popular that is harder to enjoy passively - while you can watch stranger things with your family and get the whole experience just by watching the show, with the dsmp you need to keep up with cc twitter pages and stuff to be fully in-the-loop, and this leads into fandom pretty easily. this means you have a lot of people going around getting into their very first discourse All At Once. and people who get Really attached to one thing and feel lost when suddenly the fandom they literally learned to draw/write/etc for goes quiet.
for two, the dsmp is a category that is broad as hell. its not like i watch all the ccs. i think that would probably make my brain melt from my ears. but when you have a category that is Broad As Johnny Bravo's Shoulders, its more like a million little fandoms than one big one, and they all overlap but don't really Share A Space. u can like someone's tubbo fanart and then see in their bio that they like, have a really strong vendetta against quackity or something. or vice versa. you also have a lot of shit to keep up with, which is simply too much for me. i will continue just having like. three dudes to think abt from now on rather than 30
thirdly, the thing Above about there being so many ccs does make the fandom more Baffling for everybody, and the community seemed to repeatedly add to that. i am not going to be like "hari and every popular blogger is evil! what about people who ARENT popular >:(" bc that is downright ridiculous, but think abt stuff like duo names, oddly specific tags, referring to ppl solely by nicknames, spreading conversation back and forth between multiple social media sites rather than just tumblr, etc - all of those things had a purpose and were perfectly fine (anyone who tells you that you must refer to your friends by username only just to make Their online experience more accessible is an idiot) but they did make things tricky for newcomers. friend groups aren't inherently cliques, but some of the ppl ive seen claiming that its "super easy to pop in and join no problem!" are the Exact folks ive seen unintentionally exclude others. again, not a moral failing, just a consequence of What Its Like in the fandom, especially to people who havent been around forever. and if you don't like a popular blogger youre kinda fucked bc they're everywhere- like can u imagine if there were Multiple clones of isa in the jse fandom, and they were like. your Only window into updates and shit etc etc? not to compare isa to anybody else. sorry to anybody who feels like theyre being compared to isa even if u dont know who that is. sorry
there's also an age difference in the fanbase And in the content creators. some of my favorite fic writers in the jse fandom are young, but some are also literally in their 30s with children and jobs. meanwhile a significant number of ppl in the dsmp fanbase making art n posting hot takes n stuff are under 17. particularly with tommy, ranboo, etc. and when so many of the streamers themselves are young, it can cause Problems - a lot of the adult ccs are at my college level, peak time for stupid behavior. not to mention,,, when you look at the jse/markiplier fandoms and see a fan being really sexual, its just like, "oh, maybe this is a little weird, but relatively harmless as long as they aren't being invasive about it." when you look into the fandom of a youtuber who isn't even old enough to vote yet, and see a fan being really sexual, it's more of a "holy shit that is predatory and fucking disgusting" moment.
^ continuing off of that, or at least the cc ages, their fame skyrocketed after a much shorter time than a lot of other creators. they did not have a normal adjustment period to being fucking everywhere. i'm not even one of them, and i didn't have a normal adjustment period to seeing them everywhere. older ccs with more professional stuff going on don't make the same mistakes as the newer folks. they know when to step away, too - as much as i wish jack was back on tumblr due to the theory content here, i also get why he's gone and understand that the environment would be Shaken tf up by his return.
having them be such a trend also meant that while the fandom is big, the anti-fandom is just as prevalent. in the jse fandom we have blue and their pals (yikes!), as well as a group of people that have generally negative feelings towards sean but are normal about it. we do not have entire communities dedicated to stalking him for "crit" and the amount of people speculating on his personal relationships have pretty much dwindled. we don't have people casually dropping his address and information about his family every time they meme about him. i can talk about watching jack and mark around ppl ive never met without starting off with a disclaimer! in fact, i frequently have to do the opposite with jack and mark, because their discourse is so Out Of Sight from the majority these days that some people just fucking ignore their friendship with pdp or past transmisogynistic jokes or etc etc etc. literally see ppl calling them "unproblematic kings!" every 2 seconds and gotta be like what the Fuck are you talking about
u also have the fact that the dsmp fandom became Such an ordeal during a really shitty time of fandom discourse in general. while people arent like going batshit insane over steven universe or whatever so much anymore, the moral arguments about fiction right now are hell on earth. it is pedophilia to watch cartoons and abuse apologism to think a character who was mean one time is interesting and if you are personally attached to a character then your feelings can just override canon in theory discussions. literally the worst time for anyone to be in a fandom regarding very morally/politically funky roleplay. as evidence i present whomever the fuck thought up the idea of posting proship discourse on r/dwt2
lastly i am far more invested in the egos as far as hyperfixating goes rather than the actual creators (as much as i love them) and would have zero problem just taking anti and making him My Own Guy (considering ive already basically done that) in the case that jack. idk. killed someone and was promptly cancelled on twitter for murder.
so yeah no. my deepseated hatred of the fandom in general (despite my love for much of the art and the wonderful people ive met) does not extend to all real person fandoms
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druid-for-hire · 5 years
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SO, this is PART 2 of that AU i have going where Orpheus gets locked up in the deepest & most remote part of Hadestown! i’ve decided to flesh out some more about orpheus and eurydice’s experiences before eurydice locates and rescues him ;)
(part i) (part ii) (you are here) (part iii) (part iv) (pt. v) (epilogue) (askblog)
hadestown (the place not the musical) fucking sucks and because this place is even worse i don’t feel bad about kicking orpheus around
the pit has a real name now! thank you @fauxtoshop for suggesting The Great Beyond, and i’ll be abbreviating it to the Beyond. can’t believe i didn’t think of this but ur wonderful
and the AU itself has a name! thank u @signorbenedick for inspiring “unswayed au”
and thank you to @unholy-boi for providing me a clear vision of orpheus’ failure in what should have been epic iii
we put so much trust and faith in orpheus’ abilities that we forget what unbelievable stakes he was up against when he sang to the king of the underworld. there was no room for even a feather-light mistake in music’s unforgiving mathematical certainty.
and god how lucky he was to step exactly where he had to in the normal canon timeline
unholy-boi wrote me a beautiful passage of orpheus’ banishment:
For a moment, as Hades delivers the sentence, his voice shakes. If Orpheus were not so in-tune to voices and tones, he wouldn’t have noticed. He barely catches it, even then. The boy’s head sticks to the ground, and his heart feels like it might drop through the center of his chest. One off note, one faltered line, one stumble, is all it takes. A song that just barely fails, and a rumor that teases the God’s ears and taints the mortal’s reputation.
Despite Hades’ momentary tremble, he proceeds. He makes good on his hateful promise, the one soaked in rage, and the shackles materialize around Orpheus’ wrists. Hadestown is silent. All eyes are on the event. Hades can’t meet any of them, especially not Persephone’s. He keeps his stare on Orpheus. Orpheus, who has the audacity to lift his head up, and give a shaking “Wait”, as though to start one more song, before those shackles pull him through the ground. Hades turns his eyes away.
Hades turns, and he walks away, and he locks the doors behind him. And Hadestown falls back into its wretched rhythm.
they’ve given me permission to make a minor tweak for this au:
the chains don’t just materialize. orpheus’ voice fails, and hades’ eyes narrow, and the workers’ hearts break, and they step forward to shackle him wrist to wrist to be dragged into the depths of the earth.
they have to.
everyone give unholy-boi a hand! this is honestly a pretty beautiful passage
thank you to @strawberrieskies for helping me out w this bit:
orpheus’ imprisonment/banishment/whatever is a devastating blow to not only the people of hadestown but also persephone and hades’ relationship
persephone, enraged and heartbroken and This Close to completely walking out on her husband, does her absolute damndest to help the unfortunate lovers
even she doesn’t know where orpheus has gone. but: she catches shreds of his voice from the walls echoing his songs in the most distant parts of central hadestown
she catches these dying dregs, sends them on a spring wind to eurydice’s ears
eurydice is fueled by the two hopes of the surface world and orpheus’ song. persephone makes sure she does not forget to look for him. 
she hears him calling where orpheus failed to hear her
persephone’s meanwhile rampage—created and spurred on by orpheus’ imprisonment—has its own effect on hadestown. the speakeasy keeps its attendance, but she rages through the factories and causes upheavals with the foremen, and her determined absence from hades’ side gives him grief. hades takes this out on his workers.
how that manifests, i’m not entirely sure; i’m inclined to think he pushes the workers harder, which in turn enrages persephone even more, and it’s kind of a cycle
initially, when she’s asking around and searching through places where normally nobody goes, eurydice gets a lot of suspicion and weird looks, refusals for aid
but she still finds kind souls. ones who can’t give her directions or info but offer a place to stay because the way back to where she bunks is so far. an extra coin. spare food.
as eurydice keeps searching, word of her spreads
more folks are willing to take care of her
more doors open to her
more hands are willing to help
more ears are willing to listen
more eyes are willing to look
more heads are willing to question
and eurydice is sowing persephone’s seed for riot
there’s reason why Orpheus can’t sing his way out, and that reason is the forewoman/guard of the Beyond
the guard and forewoman is a vicious lady, whose loyal hounds always follow at her feet, armed with a pistol to scare em straight, brass knuckles on one hand and two decorative claws on the other.
she's oldest living thing in the underground. she’s older than even hades or persephone. she used to be a prison warden before she was the forewoman of the pit, but lbr the job description’s hardly changed
and she's deaf. the reactions of her dogs make up for detecting sounds, which certainly means she knows when orpheus is trying to run for it. and him trying to charm the dogs will definitely get her attention. 
and orpheus can sing nothing to sway her 
her name is kampê, who was, in the myths, the guard of the imprisoned Cyclopes and Hekatonkheires in Tartarus (deep abyss and prison for the wicked) in the beginning of the world, long before the gods were born
yeah all of u calling this place tartarus... u feel me
Orpheus definitely makes repeat attempts at escape, which definitely means she kicks his ass more than once
the Beyond has a clinic, actually, but it’s small and only enough to keep the workers going when they get injured. it treats the basic things and can only do so much
orpheus ends up there multiple times for relatively minor things and one time after a particularly nasty slash on his arm from kampê 
(that’s the injury eurydice spots)
and part of the reason the Beyond is so outdated is just... it’s so fucking far away for one, two, hardly anybody actually knows where it is and it’s practically on its own, cut off from the rest of hadestown aside from the occasional ferry of materials/supplies, and the “road” to and fro is hardly a road at all
the newest thing is a set of power lines that are dangerously decrepit, despite the workers’ best efforts of keeping them in top notch order
the workers do occasionally alternate jobs
orpheus has been on the power lines before and hooooly shit it is... dangerous and frightening
he had the lovely privilege of being traumatized when he saw someone get shocked and fall from the lines
it was a loud pop, a taser’s sizzle times thousandfold, an explosion of light and acrid flesh-smoke
and they fell
the other few workers just... turned their heads away, maybe one or two took them out to the clinic to see if they can do anything. otherwise the others on the lines just kept going like nothing happened. 
so orpheus too.
(if you want to keep your head)
oh and speaking of: the other workers, obviously there to overhear every time orpheus scampers off to sing for help, are there to bear witness as his voice slowly fails him. it’s a little soul-crushing and a reminder that this place sucks the life out of anything that dares to try to grow past the cracks of the concrete, to speak in metaphors
orpheus probably sings his own reprise of Flowers, having forgotten Eurydice as much as she once forgot him
with the nature of his heart and soul, it’s taking a long and longer time to break his spirit and his back, but he still erodes, and that’s enough. his eyes start to fade. he forgets his name. his melodies slip from his lips
(but sometimes, sometimes, a measure of a forgotten song will appear again, and if he follows it, his muscle memory knows how to pick it up from there)
there’s a point where he’s practically forgotten everything besides the love motif (the la la la la la la la) so that’s all he’s singing when he’s singing for help
and suddenly eurydice hears a wrong note, sung like a question
and suddenly he’s forgetting that too
tune in next time for part three! 
(part i) (part ii) (you are here) (part iii) (part iv) (pt. v) (epilogue) (askblog)
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jungwookjins · 3 years
Hi! I'm introducing some friends to the untamed and making some notes on where the netflix subs don't give enough information/good translations, according to the fandom. I saw your translation of the 'to die by your hand' scene and it KILLED me, so I was wondering if there are any other particular scenes you think it's important to note a different translation? Thank you so much if you can!
ooh so there aren't any scenes i can think of where the translation falls so so short of the actual emotion and meaning as much as that one, however there are definitely some less dramatic instances.
in general, i would say that mandarin (and a lot of other languages from what i've heard) has a lot more inherent emotional depth than english, so in translation, a lot of the subtitles sound very emotionally neutral or ambivalent when they really aren't.
the instance of this that sticks out to me the most is during the confrontation between wei wuxian and jiang cheng at the guanyin temple (ep 48, ~9 minutes in) where wuxian says to jiang cheng「都不要放在心上了」(dou bu yao fang zai xin shang), which the subtitles translate as "please don't keep it in your heart," which i'm actually not really mad at as a translation, but it's just not a phrase used much in english, so it sounds slightly awkward/doesnt convey the emotional context of that phrase.
so for context, mandarin has multiple ways of saying, loosely, "don't worry." there's「不要擔心」(bu yao dan xin), which is probably the most common and versatile to say it, and there's「不要放在心上」(bu yao fang zai xin shang), which is the one wuxian says to jiang cheng. (there's other ways too, they're just not rly relevant here) the literal translation of it is "do not put it on your heart," which the netflix is pretty close to, but ofc that doesn't tell u much abt usage. the way i've explained it in the past was, say u made a mistake at work and were beating urself up over it.「不要擔心」is something your coworker or boss might say to you to essentially say "hey it's no big deal, don't worry about it, ur fine;" it can be very casual. whereas, once you get home and start talking abt ur bad day at work,「不要放在心上」is more likely something your parent/sibling/partner/other loved one would say to you as they put a bowl of ur favorite soup in front of u. it has a level of inherent familiarity and deeper desire to comfort the person ur talking to than「不要擔心」. (note: i say inherent bc「不要擔心」doesnt have to always be casual/relatively emotionally neutral, it can be said w emotion ofc but the words themselves do not carry as much emotion as「不要放在心上」.
other than that, i’m not remembering any other specific scenes rn (if i remember smth, i’ll rb w the addition and @ you), but one thing that happens throughout the show is translation discrepancy when characters are addressing each other. for example, when wuxian and jiang cheng talk to yanli, the subtitles always have them both addressing her by name, but in chinese, family members often dont address each other by name, like my younger brothers both call me 姐 (jie), which means older sister. jiang cheng calls yanli 阿姐 (a-jie) most of the time (the 阿 at the beginning is just a prefix used in front of names and other forms of address to express familiarity, it’s the same character used in a-yuan). wuxian calls yanli 師姐 (shijie), which is what you call a senior female fellow student studying under the same master/in the same school/etc.
(rest under the cut bc this got rly long)
nie huaisang calls mingjue 大哥 (dage)/哥 (ge); 哥 means older brother and 大 means big, so 大哥 is often used for the eldest brother (esp common if there are multiple brothers). an interesting thing is that wangji does not call xichen 哥 or any variation of it, rather he calls him 兄長 (xiong zhang), which also means older brother but is a term of respect and much more formal, so that’s also a reflection of their characters and upbringing. 兄長 is not in common use nowadays but 哥 very much still is.
after nie mingjue, lan xichen, and jin guangyao take their oath of sworn brotherhood, they also change their forms of address with each other. for example, guangyao calls xichen 二哥 (er ge), which means second older brother (since xichen is the second oldest) and calls mingjue 大哥 (like huaisang does). (i feel like i vaguely remember guangyao being called 三弟 (san di), which means third younger brother, by someone but don’t remember if it was xichen or mingjue.)
(also impt to note that in chinese culture, familial terms as forms of address aren’t strictly reserved for family (whether that be blood or found). for example, in a casual setting, you can address any woman who is your parents’ age or between their age and your grandparents age as 阿姨 (a-yi) (or name + 阿姨), which is the term for your maternal aunt, and you can address any man of the same age range as 叔叔 (shu shu), which is what you’d call your paternal uncle. similarly in a familiar/casual setting, you can call women older than you but younger than your parents 姐姐/name + 姐, like the daughters, who are all younger than me, of my parents’ friends call me jessie jie-jie. and you can call men in the same age range 哥哥/name + 哥, like how wang yibo calls xiao zhan, zhan-ge. the same applies for people younger than you, with which you would use 妹妹, younger sister, and 弟弟, younger brother.)
another example is that jin guangshan calls jiang fengmian 江兄 (jiang xiong), 江being his family name ofc and 兄 meaning brother (same character as in 兄長, which wangji calls xichen), since they’re of the same age and status and their wives are sworn sisters. xichen, on the other hand, calls fengmian 江宗主 (jiang zong zhu), which means sect leader jiang. in the subtitles, these are often just translated as “you,” when they’re talking directly to him. 
so in general, there is a lot of information abt characters’ relationships, level of familiarity with each other, age, etc that is contained in their forms of address that just doesn’t come across in the netflix subs, since those default to their names like 80% of the time.
hope this helps!! if u (or anyone else) have other questions/scenes ur wondering abt, feel free to ask, i’m always down to talk translations. and if you want to see more of my beef w netflix subs a;lskjdf, all of my cql gifsets with dialogue on them have either been translated from scratch by me or i’ve edited the netflix translations, and i usually put some notes abt my translation in the tags. any sets that i’ve translated from scratch are under my translations tag, though most of these are actually for word of honor/shan he ling and not cql.
edit: check my reblog in the notes for some more additions!!
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grxtsch · 3 years
lyin’ eyes
[jimmy page x reader]
summary: after relationship troubles, (y/n) decides to leave and hopefully forget all that’s happened. but when she reaches a place that holds many memories, a certain old friend who she shared those memories with was waiting for her to return.
notes: i don’t know what that summary is but i made it up on the spot so don’t even complain abt it :P
also i personally think that this is my best fic so far so yeah enjoy ig 😩🤚
edit: LMAO this was supposed to be based off of the song by the eagles but my brain had other ideas rip
warnings: cheating (idk if i need to warn u abt that but i’m being safe), swearing, fluff
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“(y/n) please wait!” a voice sounded from behind you as you dragged a suitcase filled with your clothes and other possessions to the front door.
“no chris, i’ve waited long enough at the damn restaurant and where were you?” you said, throwing your free hand up in the air. “you were fucking this bitch in our— no, your house.” you seethed back at your now ex-boyfriend, who stood with an expression of grief.
“in fact, i don’t want to wait at anymore restaurants for your stupid ass.” his grief soon turned into anger as you spun around on your heels and walked out the front door.
you could hear him shouting some profanities out of the open door, but you managed to block out his voice and instead focus on the sound of your shoes on pavement as you walked with your suitcase to wherever your feet would lead you.
you were completely done with his bullshit. coming home late claiming he was “working”, flirting with other girls when you two were out shopping, and, just like this night, leaving you stranded at some restaurant for some other chick. it wasn’t even the first time he’s done that. you were ready to leave him before this day had even started; you had spent a few days secretly putting all of your possessions into your handy suitcase, only putting away a couple things at a time so he wouldn’t notice the lack of your items in the house.
before you knew it, you were standing in front of a bar that you used to always go to with one of your dearest friends. “maybe he still comes here.” you thought as you made your way through the bar door and straight to a small booth in the far corner of the building. the same small booth that your friend and yourself had always sat at when you both would come here.
his name was james page, which he preferred jimmy, but you just used james instead to pick some fun at him. the two of you were the closest of friends, ever since your childhood where you fell off of your bike and he ran over to check to see if you were okay. he even went with you to your house just to make sure that you weren’t hurt. even as you both had gotten older, you would both help each other out with homework, watch movies together, and he even taught you some guitar chords and tricks.
the downfall of your friendship happened a while after he joined one of his first bands; the yardbirds. he would always be traveling, performing at different concert venues around the country, and even the world. at first you would just call him or he would call you on these tours, which worked well for awhile, until he got so busy with the band that he didn’t have any time to return your many missed calls.
you missed him dearly, thinking of him from time to time during the day. you often wondered what he was doing at the time when you thought of him, whether it was playing his guitar or just relaxing at wherever he may call home.
you stood up to go grab a beer, hoping to wash your thoughts away, when a very familiar sound reached your ears. it was his laughter. the same sweet laughter you grew fond of whenever you’d be around him. you didn’t know how much you longed to hear that sound again until that very moment, it almost held you in a trance until the beautiful sound melted away and the song that the jukebox was playing had replaced it.
“i was probably just imagining it.” you thought. running a hand through your hair to try and focus back on reality, you continued to the bar, a fairly large opening right in front of you that you could get to quickly. when you reached the bar, you heard a familiar voice say, “(y/n)! long time no see!” you looked up to see the bartender, florence. she has been the same bartender since you and jimmy started coming to this bar, usually just to hang out and talk about different things. you were still surprised that she still worked here, she’s not as young as she used to be, but you were glad that she was here and not some other new bartender.
“hey flo! how’s everything been recently?” you smiled lightly, not really in the mood to talk a lot, but willing to make small conversation with your old friend. “quite good dear! it’s been boring without yourself and jimmy constantly making a ruckus in here though, i kind of miss having to tell the manager about how you two broke the jukebox again!” florence joked, causing you to let out a small laugh. “yeah, those were the good old days, weren’t they?” she smiled. “they really were. anyway! how about a drink for you aye?”
“whiskey. any kind will do.” you replied, which flo nodded and went off to get your drink, coming back in record time with a glass about half way filled with the golden-brown alcohol. you smiled and said a quick “thank you” and carefully took the glass, bidding flo a farewell and she returning it.
you walked back over to your seat, the chat with florence clearing your mind of the earlier events and bringing your mood up a bit. she always had that effect on people, making them crack even a slight smile when they’re feeling blue. right as you were about to sit down, the voice that you never thought you’d hear again called out, “(y/n)? is that you?”
you set your glass down, mentally preparing to see him for the first time in a long, long time. holding your breath, you turn around and see him, the jimmy page, your old best friend. “james?” his hair was longer, barely reaching to his shoulder, and it was slicked back slightly, showing his beautiful green eyes. his smile was still the same, and you swore your heart did a backflip when he smiled at you and said “oh (y/n) i knew it was you! i couldn’t miss that gorgeous hair of yours anywhere.”
you were pretty sure that your face was bright red as you smiled bashfully. “oh thank you jim. and i see you grew yours out hm?” he chuckled, running his hand through his hair softly and said “yeah, i just thought why the hell not you know?” “mhm! i like it a lot, it suits you.” you said back, nudging his shoulder with your knuckle.
he grins and mumbles a quick “thanks”. he then looks back up at you and says “wanna sit and chat for awhile? catch up on all the times we missed?” you nod, motioning for him to sit at the opposite side of where your drink is, and he sat, you following his actions and sitting down as well. you grabbed your glass of whiskey and took a long sip of it, leaving only a small amount left in the bottom of the cup. jimmy’s eyes followed your hand as you set it back on the table, then his eyes flicked back up to meet yours, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“is everything alright? i haven’t seen you drink like that in, well, i’ve never seen you drink like that.” you sighed, drawing your finger around the rim of the cup gently. “if i’m being honest, no. a year after we, y’know, stopped talking, i found a guy and we got along quite well and started dating.” you noticed jimmy’s hand clenched into a fist, so you continued.
“everything was fine between us, until recently. he started going after other girls, even with me around him. he even asked me on a date just so i would stay, because i told him that if he doesn’t get his shit together then i’m just going to leave. we were supposed to meet at a restaurant, but of course he didn’t show up even when he’s the one who wanted me to go with him and not the other way around. so i went back to our former shared house and found him fucking some random chick that i’ve seen him flirt with before.” you stared at your drink, before grabbing it and finishing it off. as soon as you set the glass back, jimmy’s hand softly reached for yours and held it, caressing his thumb over your knuckles.
you rose your eyes up to meet jimmy’s, his eyes holding a soft, caring look, the same look that you’ve longed to see for many years. “it’s fine though, really. it’s not like i really loved him anyway..” you lied, thinking of when you first met chris, how happy he made you. but you realized that a certain someone, perhaps the someone sitting across from you, had made you happier than chris could’ve.
“(y/n) love, your lying eyes really give away that you did love him at one point, and it’ll take a while to try and un-love him, trust me.” a soft hand came in contact with your cheek, gently wiping a stray tear away that you didn’t notice had fallen. looking back up at jimmy, you smiled at him and brought your hand that wasn’t occupied and rested it against his. “i know jimmy, but i think i’ve already moved on from that asshole.”
his eyes flashed with a glimmer of hope, and he softly nodded, a small smile painting his face. he paused, then cautiously asked; “i know we’ve only talked for a few minutes, and you can refuse this offer, but how about we ditch this bar and go somewhere else?” you brought jimmy’s hand down to rest on the table, holding them both with your warm hands and nodded. “yeah, i’d like that.” he stood up from the seat, pulling you up with him.
“well then, what are we waiting for?”
tag list: @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @asetcrowley @reincarnated70sbaby @thebeatlesuniverse @princesspagey @jonesyjonesyjonesy
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
I am curious: what are your favorite scenes from your main ships (date, dair, derena...)?
scenes involving milo don't count, sorry!
for me, it's really not just scenes, but body language & just in general, how they are with each other, you know? dan and serena grin at each other and hug SO much, you can tell that being around each other in s1 made them both so happy, and even after that glow fades the way they look for comfort in each other... top level stuff. the way blair looks at dan... we never see her as radiant at any other point. she was not looking at anyone else like this. and gosh, dan and nate. they're both so comfortable around each other that there's absolutely nothing weird about like. discussing that one ex girlfriend whom they both share AND both were in love with. there is literally no other duo who trusts/enjoys each other's company so much that they're comfortable in a love triangle. (probably because they're more in love with each other than with the girl, but that is not the point. or is it?)
anyway, more specific answers. under the cut. this is one of the longest answers i've ever written on this blog possibly but you KNEW that would happen when you sent this ask, didn't you? (affectionate)
derena: i tagged one of my ds reblogs as 'the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one' and like. look at them! this hug from 1x10 kills me in the best way. they are both the literal embodiment of :D when they see each other! i love 1x10 as a whole moment, their entire thing at cotillion is so sweet and they're both so happy. the fact that he is talking about his chemistry teacher during this kiss in 1x07. that bit at the end of 1x05 when they talk about their siblings (being there for their sibling because of fallible parents being a derena parallel makes me simultaneously really sad and really soft, tbh). 1x05 gives me SO MUCH SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT but the way they walk off together arms around each other does something to me - these are two people who are still getting to know each other but who really like what they see, and who trust each other and. are just having a good time together! back when derena was my OTP, the 1x11 "your story's about me?" was absolutely a fave, too, and i still adore it, albeit in a different, more nostalgic way. i like a dan who writes cute stories about serena. no empty shell sabrina van skoneker bullshit. she is so much like you, daniel! you'd be shattered if she did this to you. don't do this to her. tbh, most derena moments from s1 are just A+ romance. the bit in 2x02 in the jitney is so funny, they're SO bad at being exes. the bit in... 3x03 i think?? i don't remember... on the contrary. when they're talking about dan's fling w/ georgina and serena's relationship with carter, the ease with which they talk and how happy/supportive they are of each other's new relationships... yeah. love to see it.
i also really like any instance of them having honest/open conversations. 1x13, talking about how serena is concerned about blair. 1x08, serena talking to dan about feeling jealous of vanessa. this bit from the touch of eva or whatever that episode is. 4x04 i think. this is the conversation everyone is trying to get dan to have and he's avoiding EVERYONE else. derena interactions in 3x21 (can't find a gif right now) - the fact that dan is with serena when her dad abandons them, the fact that he goes all the way there with her. 2x07, "i'm really glad you're nate's friend. he really needs someone like you right now" (though i'm cheating, that's technically a d/n moment too klhdflkgf). there's a bit in s4 where he's advising her against having an affair w/ colin, i don't remember the ep number, but the way he takes her side so easily and naturally and puts due blame/responsibility solely on her professor... yeah. 4x10 i think this ep is?? idk. but like my tags say, im sentimental about this moment because while what dan was doing was irresponsible, sneaking her out of the ostroff, he was the only person in this episode who was actually talking to her and listening to her and taking her seriously. nobody else was doing that!!
i probably have more moments i'm not remembering, but we're only 1/3 into this answer and LOOK AT THE WORDS, good lord, i'm sorry.
dair: my favourite dair episode is hands down despicable b (5x21) which i have heard is an uncommon answer. i just love the conflict resolution of it all, okay!!! 1x04 & 2x08 are like. standard answers any dair shipper will give, and i'm no different. i love dan being able to give blair advice and blair actually taking his advice even though they're not friends yet!!! be right back, yelling at the intimacy of it all!! 5x16, with their getting together (this little kiss and dan being so startled by it), blair admitting a flaw she genuinely does have and dan saying it's not awful because it's her, which is just. romance at its finest. those vows, good lord. 5x18.... they're having fun! blair showing up at the loft in lingerie for dan... the delight on her face.... (i know this moment blows up in their face but when she's there she looks so happy and proud of herself and this was like THE moment when i was like. oh. dair is really the heart of this garbage show huh).
i think for me, the thing that really sells dan & blair together is the serena of it all. both of them love serena more fiercely than anyone else, and that is what brings them together. (fwiw i definitely think nate loved serena this much and this deeply, too; the writers just wanted to pop the serenate balloon, which even i think was extremely unnecessary and ooc.) but (& i have so much meta about this) their relationship grows beyond serena. their entire s4 arc is SO good. i love how comfortable around each other they are, in such an adult way, in the sense of like. they both bring so much stability to each other? morgan tagged this edit "the marrieds" and like. yeah. b offers to help him shave. they're having breakfast & reading the paper together.
all the love declarations we got that weren't a simple 'i love you.' be your charming wonderful self (how could she not love you/ tell me what would make you happy, dan) i told chuck he doesn't have my heart anymore (you spent your life earning the keys to set you free when you were free all along!!!!) dan's pep talk to blair in 5x21 (already linked a gifset earlier, here's another one if you want i guess). there's definitely more... but honestly, the way the dair arc was executed was so good - while i do have my complaints, i also think keeping those aside, it was SO close to perfect. i love dan & blair's banter and gradually becoming closer and closer and closer. it felt very organic and real and GOSH. the way penn & leighton looked at each other while playing dan and blair...... it's just SO MUCH.
date: this is the hardest, because it's. *screams*. maybe you saw me losing my mind over those 2 seconds of nate handing dan a waffle? i love almost every scene with these two, even the hellish s6 breakup scene. my favourite episode for d/n (& also favourite gg episode in general) is 2x06 - i love the homoerotic subtext of it all. nate pretending to be dan because dan's name is the first name that came to his head. dan flirting w/ nate while tied to that thing, in his underwear. them becoming friends. and 2x07 as a follow-up to that! dan getting nate to live in the loft with the humphreys for a while. i am so soft.
4x09 is a terrible episode in general, especially for serena my beloved, but the d/n moments in that one? off the CHARTS. this weird overly macho flirting, in some ways THE most iconic d/n line. this entire finish each other's sentences nonsense. someone (i think it was ana but im not sure?) compared the energy of those scenes i just linked to the book blairenate love triangle resolution, blairena choosing each other over nate in the books, date choosing each other over serena in the show (if only! RIP.) after the saints & sinners ball, this cute little moment of 'youre the only one who understands me. please tell me they went home together. i mean. how could they not have.
3x07, them watching vampire porn together. a tag i used on ao3 (& also on here, once) is 'nate brings out the himbo in dan'. here is a prime example. 'is she levitating?' i don't fucking know, dan, what do you think?? (i was telling my partner that that's what i love abt dair vs date. around blair dan is an intellectual, a librarian, an art historian, a museum curator. around nate it's like dan is competing to be #1 himbo on the show. can my girlfriend actually fly? i don't know, dan. i can't believe you're seriously asking such a question.)
3x12 pep talk. (sorry about the shitty quality!) essentially nate telling dan that he (dan) is hot and that he shouldn't talk himself down so much.
dan making nate gay in his book. you know. his book from which blair found out he was in love with her. nads (who i will not tag in this billion word long gushy meta, because i value her sanity) once called inside "wish fulfilment' and. i mean. yeah
nate checking dan out at the derena wedding continues to be hilarious. hilarious in the same way as dan sexually fantasising about nate. canon really went 'let's give ivy some special easter eggs' and i appreciate them a lot!
i love the way they are around each other - so quietly attuned to each other. i showed my sister my date!husbands gifset, and she was like. yeah they're so married. and it's just stuff like how dan looks for nate over his shoulder, it's not even an active action, it's as easy and natural and intuitive as breathing, checking to see if nate is still there.
oh, that wasn't as hard as it could've been! okay. cool. im SURE there's more things i could scream about, because it's DN, the fact that they're non-canon makes me THAT much fiercer about them than dair/derena, to be honest. so many dots to connect!! anyway.
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hqrbinger · 3 years
lets play a game! tag and associate your mutuals/friends with colors + a song and why! and name one thing you love about their work! have fun! (o^▽^o)
ooooohhh now this is interesting !!! thank you for the game anon, i had a lot of fun :> (someone asked me this twice HAHA they rlly wanted me to do it ig-) i did these blogs bc they're the ones i interact with the most!!
@alonelysimp ⁺◟ a burning hill- mitski // a forest of maples in the middle of october
idk what it is abt the warm colors... maybe they remind me if the color of ur hair 6 months after u dyed it red, or maybe fall feels homey and warm and that's how it feels in our dms and when i talk to u <3 mitski just has ur vibes idk what to tell u LMAOAOOAA its funny bc u mostly listen to hyperpop n shit n this is the opposite of that but the lyrics and everything just remind me of u HELP IDK I CANT DICTATE THE VIBES UR WORK ALWAYS MAKES ME SMILE SM AND UR SOOOO TALENTED LIKE WAHT????? THANK U FOR ALWAYS FEEDING ME W BRAINROT ILY
@hushyouu ⁺◟ここにいる- aiobahn // the soft blush pink of a cherry blossom
U GIVE SUCH SOFT VIBES VEN !!! my IMMEDIATE thought was this color and this song bc they just,,, IDK HOW TO ELABORATE HELP ITS JUST HOW IT IS- ur always so nice and wonderful to talk to... and i think that pastel-y pink just captures that energy rlly well SDFKLJHSDFS also if u were a season u would b spring 100% this song is also the personification of this color i don't make the rules :> i LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE UR ARTWORK AND ICON EDITS, UR SO TALENTED AND I HOPE U CONTINUE TO POST <333 LOVE U
@starglitterz ⁺◟wings- so!yoon, phum viphurit // the colors of the sky during a breathtaking sunset
okay so this one MIGHT SOUND A LOT LIKE DANGOS BUT LISTEN sunsets arent just the gold and reds of the horizon, but also the dark blues and purples, and the possible greens of the darkening sky above and all of these colors together just scream QUILL!! u have such a fun and energetic personality and ugh yes these colors just remind me of u iDK HELP THIS SONG IS VERY CUTE JUST LIKE YOU don't even get me started on ur work.... MY GOD ???? THE TALENT U HAVE ??? U ARE SO GOOD WITH IMAGERY AND FEELING, I COULD READ EVERYTHING U WRITE A MILLION TIMES OVER ILY
@teyvattales ⁺◟my jinji- sunset rollercoaster // a golden yellow sunflower against a dazzling blue sky
REBBYYY u just give off pure, loving, warm energy.... ur always SO NICE and remind me of a pleasant summer day <3 everytime we interact it feels like ive known u forever idk LMAOOAA this song is just so comfortable and gives off very similar energy to u AHHH UR FLUFF WRTING IS SOOOOO GOOD !!! u are extremely talented and i cant wait to see what u put out next <33 much love !!
all of u are free to do this yourselves with your own moots/friends as well !! love u all lots and lots
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kelieah · 4 years
no way (peter parker x reader)
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summary: it’s your first day of work and you run into someone oddly familiar
warnings: fluff, normal au, based on a real experience lol 
edited: this is rlly shitty i havent written in forever im sorry ksdjfbdh also i wanna add onto this mini “series”, bc like if this cute guy rlly is my old crush i-
a/n: so ofc i have like no motivation to catch up w my requests atm- im so sorry skjdfbhgdj but i had my first day of work the other day so why not write a quick blurb abt how that went hehe
Honestly. I’m more excited than nervous. Right? Maybe because of that cute boy I saw the other day when I came into the store for my interview, but he’s irrelevant. Kinda.
You remember waiting in line and seeing him bag groceries. His brunette curls were all over the place and his pair of pretty brown eyes were focused on his task. 
Ugh, I could just tell he’s gorgeous, even if half his face was covered because of his mask. 
You thought to yourself as you slyly checked him out from the corner of your eye. He was wearing the stores’ shirt with some baggy jeans and worn-out new balances. For some reason, that was the most attractive thing ever to you. Maybe quarantine really was getting to you.
After the not-so-nerve-wrecking interview, you felt even more excited to start working. If they accept you of course. What made you feel that way was the fact that someone who has been working there for a while will help you out, if you do start of course. At least, that’s what the manager who was interviewing you said.
A couple of days later, you get the job. Which seemed pretty obvious, but you were stoked nonetheless. Mainly because you actually got the job and because you might get to work with the pretty boy. Then again, might. 
You’re probably barely going to see him around the store and maybe that’s a good thing. You can be awkward as fuck even though you act confident from time to time. Attractive people make you nervous, you can’t help it.
Your first day starts and everything’s pretty chill, just had to sign some papers. Now you’re in some office room starting a couple of video training modules. You lean on the palm of your hand and scroll through the list of the videos you had to watch. About 33 videos and documents, fanfuckingtastic.
Some time passes by and you glance at the computer’s time realizing it’s time to start your lunch. You shift off the headphones you were using and stand up, telling your newly acquainted coworker that you’re taking a lunch.
Okay. What do I do now? I clock out, right? Then go grab some lunch. Okay? Cool. I got this.
You breathe out and walk to the back of the store, then towards the break room to clock out. You let your manager know you’re going to go the nearby Starbucks to grab some lunch and begin to head out the store with a sense of relief rushing through your body.
That sense of relief immediately diminishes when that cute guy, stops you from leaving. “Hey, are you a courtesy clerk?” he asks, smiling at you beneath his mask.
You notice his eyes slightly squint from smiling making your stomach fill with butterflies. You nod slowly, “U-Uhm, yep.”
He stifles a laugh and holds up some empty bottle, walking up to you. You gulp and glance at him, “Could you please refill this with sanitizer for me? It’s in the back of the store, by the janitor’s closet.”
“Yeah sure,” you take ahold of it but instantly realize you don’t know where that is, “I-I’m sorry, where is that a-again?” you let out a breathy laugh.
He chuckles, “It’s uhm, somewhere in the back. I have to help these customers out but just ask someone. They’ll know. Thank you!” he walks back out to the front of the store.
Okay, fuck. Just help the cute guy. Doesn’t matter that you’re on lunch, just go. 
You inhale deeply and quickly walk away, doing his favor. You come back and walk up to him, keeping a distance. “H-Here,” you say quietly but notice he’s too focused on helping others to hear you. You bite your lip nervously out of habit and watch him. 
His eyes look so familiar. Almost like. No way? Could it be, Peter Parker from freshman year? Shut the fuck up, no way.
You feel your heart begin to race at the thought. You glance at his outfit to check for a name tag but didn’t catch anything.
You look back up at him when you notice him come close, “Sanitizer, right?” he chirps.
You nod, “Y-Yeah.”
“Thanks,” he goes back to his job. You make your way past him with widened eyes and walk out the store to Starbucks.
That did not just fucking happen. He’s so cute, oh my god. Wait, could that really be him? It went by too fast, shit! Oh my god. I got over Peter Parker two years ago, did he really have to show up now? No, no fucking way it’s him. Whatever. I’ll find out his name eventually. Then, I guess we’ll see.
taglist form + list under the cut, thanks for reading ツ 
leave a comment, give me some feedback pls! it’s greatly appreciated mwah
click here to be added to my taglist!
all @parkershoodie @annamckayla @spideyparkerstark @pluckypete @lovewolfspirit @sky-cosplay @averyfosterthoughts @ivvitm1109 @yoinkyourheart @tomsppsleeve @st4y-g01d3n @notaroyal @abitofeverythinggg @holywater-burns @americaswritings @t-monosapiens-h @marshmallow-babe @hollands-osterfield @galaxystern08 @emistrash @softeststark @popluckbih @tom-holland-is-spiderman @tiannanicole @futuremrspcy @hollandbitch @my-super-musical-life @mytonycinematicuniverse @marvelofcontent @breadbudzo @thegirlwiththediary @ximaginx @eridanuswave @spideygirl2003 @i-put-the-win-in-winchester @big-galaxy-chaos @hardcorefanofeverything @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dreamofaprilsblog @marvelenthusiast3000 @halparkebitch @spn-assemble-seven @5-seconds-of-mendes @isleofnajera @peter-tiingle @unbelievableholland @slytherinambitious @mjsholland @b-buckys @cianne @eddiesbifocals @just-alysssa @spiderwcd @softkidinlove @babebenhardy @write-from-the-heart @iguessthefloorislava @liberty0123 @tom-hlover @itstaskeen @parkerpeter24 @parker-barnes-af @peepeeparkerr @halfblood-princess-505 @whycantibeskiny @me-a-hopeless-romantic @thorsangel @peter-tiingle @zhangyixingxing1 @incorrectfalice @lmaotshollandd @hoellandsx @flyingburrito123 @fangirldreamer99 @cosmicholland @whovianfromgallifrey98 @petertiingz @wonder-spidey @jillanaholland @whatareyouhidingpeter @tomhollandssecurityguard @wannabewithanxiety @shawnmarvel @oncergleekpotterhead @teenwishes08 @beverlyparkerr @lovinthemelanin @leasly @rosieholland @fallinfortom @the-crazy-fanfictionist @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @purplesapphire04@happytsholland @starlight-starks @ptermjs @champagne-tommy @howdyherron @itscaminow @tomholland-mcu @starstruckharmonyblizzard  @marvelenthusiast3000 @sweetlittlegingy @smiithys @keithseabrook27 @parachutepants @bitter-post-millennial @multifandomgirl-us @peterandtom @nj01 @hollandfangirl @itstaskeen @underoosjae @tom-hollands-wife @lil-ava @musicalkeys @the-crazy-fanfictionist @viagracex @beverlyparkerr @starlight-starks @starlight-starks @fallinfortom @spideygirl2003 @murdermornings @serasara809 @thwippeter @just-alysssa @little-miss-naill @auggie2000 @motheroffae @massivecomfortable20 @hollandfangirl @spideysparklee @marshxx @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @fandom-phaser @ivegotthepetertingle @spideyyeet @anapocalypseinmymind @tikapollak @jjandreidsgirl @alilovesshawn @marvelobsessedteenager @yazmin626​ @tonguetiedholland​
blurbs @zoey-one-oh-fun @tomholland-mcu @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts @quaksonhehe @danicarosaline @jerr004 @donut-crazs @kickingn-ames @sirtommyholland @kiritokunuwu @abrielleholland @markleehee @pretty-parkers @parkerbxby @notasofti @ifangirlninja @itscaminow @xashkufax @herondalism @jaimewho @hello--zuko-here @sweet-stethoscope @wendaiii @teenwishes08 @strangeartisasoulgiant @theamazingtomholland @whosroselyn @drishtisikarwar @sweetpparker @juliebean247 @bxmaaa @marvel4geeks @tom-hollands-wife @agusdoti @panickedbrain @itscaminow @alwaysbafangirl @katiejupiter @pcterparxer @peterbxrnes @realityisabitch07 @mayadreamer-x3 @marvelhoesworld @lavender-writer @joyleenl @alissaginger​ @shorty-nat​ @plantsarenice-love @bbypaperflowergirl @godricsswords​ @jusajalyn​
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satoruvt · 3 years
for now; forever -- teaser
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pairing → kwon soonyoung x reader
word count → 1316 (full fic is ~9k!!)
genre → mostly fluff? a solid amount of angst ↳ tags: ooh boy. firewatch au, banter, like a little bit (a lot) of pining, strangers to friends to... something, FLIRTING, reader’s kinda fucked up but its ok, hoshi’s weird and endearing (as always), a tiny bit of hurt/comfort, minghao best boy, soonyoung is very sweet it makes me want to cry
synopsis → after an unfortunate burnout that lands you in every critic’s negative and all-seeing eye, you decide to take a break from the one thing you know. you’re not sure if you’ll find what you’re looking for out in the middle of the woods - if you’re looking for anything at all - but at the very least, soonyoung will make the hunt a little less lonely. 
warnings → there’s eventually a forest fire that leads to an evacuation but it’s not super detailed, mentions and descriptions of creative burnout/breakdown
a/n → AHHHH!!!! so excited to finally tell yall abt this ive been working on it for about a month now <33 the teaser is just like an honestly solid section of the fic itself, so. idk yeah!!!! i’m very excited i loved working on this i still have some editing to go but the full thing will be out soon <333 hope you enjoy!! let me know what u thought!!!!
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So. You’re… out here, now.
Save for the bugs you have to swat at every fifteen seconds, the outdoors don’t seem that bad. The weather isn’t too hot (yet, your mind reminds you) and there’s something about the color of the sky that makes your heart constrict in your chest. You can’t tell if it’s good or bad, but given your luck recently, you’re hoping it’s not a warning for the coming months - God knows you need a break. The weight of the journal in your bag feels heavier than any of the camping gear you brought with you.
You debate texting Minghao that you’ve made it to the park safely, but when you check your phone after deciding yes, you see the words no service instead of the familiar lines of a signal. It’s not that big of a deal - you’d told him when you left that you probably wouldn’t have service at all - but a little part of you feels the tender shake of anxiety at the thought of not being able to contact your best friend. 
He was the most worried out of everyone when you told him you were leaving for the summer. You can’t really blame him - it was abrupt, you saw the flyer at the grocery store and took it - but after what happened… doing something felt, feels, better than sitting around and waiting for nothing to happen. Waiting for a healing you aren’t sure will ever come, at least not completely.
“Is this really…” Minghao had started upon first entering your apartment after getting your text. Clothes were thrown all over your bedroom floor in an attempt to pack. “Do you need to do this?”
The tone of his voice told you he wasn’t going to try to stop you, that he just wanted to make sure this was what you needed, what was best for you. You had only nodded, sitting down on the edge of your bed to fold clothes and pack them into your suitcase.
“I just don’t want you to run away from it all,” Minghao said softly, sitting next to you. “You’ll need to face it eventually.”
“Is escaping really such a bad thing?” You asked, looking at Minghao. He gave you the look he did when you said something stupid, and if you weren’t still so wired from everything, you might have laughed. Instead, you sighed, placing a pair of pants into your suitcase. “I just need some time.”
Before you can face it, before you can come back, before you can write again… you still don’t know. Minghao had placed a kind hand on your shoulder to tell you there was no rush.
It’d taken no more than two days for you to get everything ready - including buying some apparently necessary survival equipment from Target. In a matter of a few hours you had gathered everything up, texted some other friends and your family that you might not be available the next few months and then… you left. 
(Your manager was pretty pissed off that you left so suddenly, but she was also pissed off at you when you told her you needed a break for at least a few weeks, so you’re not really offended.)
You take one last longing look at your car before locking it, pocketing the keys, and starting on your hike.
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The hike takes almost the whole day. 
You think you almost cry when you finally see the watch tower you’re supposed to be staying in, your legs barely able to hold the rest of your body up. The hike wasn’t hard, really - long, though, and for someone who usually spends a work day sitting at a desk, you’re surprised you’re still alive. You find the little lock that holds the keys to the tower at the bottom of the stairs, fastened onto the railing. It takes a few seconds for you to enter the code you’d been given earlier, relishing in the soft breeze the cools the sweat on your face and neck. The sun is just barely starting to set beyond the mountains, a beautiful sight that you can’t properly focus on because all you want to do is pass out. You’re pretty sure you almost do on your way up the stairs.
The cabin at the top of the tower is pretty scarcely furnished, save for a few basic necessities (a gas stove rests on one wall, a small desk opposite to it by the door, a mini-fridge, and a bed in the corner plus what looks like a map table in the center of the room). It’s a little weird, a feeling caught between the nostalgia of moving into a new place and something you can’t quite name, but you figure you have a few months to make it all a little more comfortable.
For now, though, you feel like you’re on the last leg of your energy. Your mind is saying eat, sleep, eat, sleep on repeat and you have to agree with it, so you change the sheets on the bed, take down the boards over the windows while you wait for the macaroni from the Kraft box to cook. You end up eating a few forkfuls of poorly-made mac and cheese before crashing.
When you wake up, it’s to gentle static and a semi-clear, unfamiliar voice. It takes you a minute to remember where you are and what you’re doing, too disoriented to even think about the voice, but then - oh. Forest. Watch tower. Escape. Okay.
“Yo, Cottonwood! Am I coming through okay? Pick up your radio!”
Right. The voice. Radio?
“Come on, I saw you get in yesterday, I know you’re there. Unless,” a gasp, “you died! Oh my God, this is like a horror movie… and I’m next!”
You manage to wake up enough to locate your radio (a walkie-talkie resting on a charger on the desk) and, after a few seconds of gentle struggle, work it. “Not dead,” you say, then clear your throat because your voice does not sound good right after waking up. “I mean… almost. But not dead.”
There’s barely a moment of hesitation before the person on the other end hoots, apparently excited. “Arisen from the dead! Brought back to life by none other than the legendary Hoshi!”
A brief thought crosses your mind about having to listen to this guy all summer, but you quickly shoo it away. You won’t have to deal with it for the whole three months, right? “Who… who is Hoshi?”
“Me!” The voice answers, sounding a little too smug. “But it’s really just an alias. You can call me Soonyoung. I’m at Twin Peaks tower, west of yours!”
You spin around your cabin, looking through the windows cluelessly - how long have you been asleep, it’s practically afternoon - until you see a very small silhouette of another tower in the distance. You nod, then realize Soonyoung can’t see you. “Oh. Cool.”
“Aren’t you gonna tell me your name?” Soonyoung asks, but his tone is light, breezy. You blink, reciting your name to him in a daze. “Pretty! So, what brings you out here?”
You weren’t expecting that question. “What?”
Soonyoung giggles into the radio. “Everyone comes out here for some reason. Like… Jihoon says it’s ‘cause it helps him write music. And Joshua loves the outdoors, so… what’s your reason?”
“You…” you start, not exactly wanting to tell a stranger the reason you ran away from everything you know. “Do you normally ask this many questions?”
You feel yourself sigh, already tired again.
“I… just wanted to get away for a while,” you end up saying. A half-truth. “I live in the city.”
“No way,” Soonyoung gasps excitedly. “Me too! I wonder if both of us have ever been walking and, like, passed each other without knowing…”
This isn’t exactly what you had in mind when you thought of escaping.
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kiwikyuu · 3 years
˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ my top 10 posts of 2020
i saw this done by @katsushimaa and thought it'd be fun to see my results! their top 10 post can be found here and the link to the website used can be found here!
edit: lol i wasn't tagged by anyone i just thought it'd be fun :)
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1. touch starved — tsukishima kei
this was actually one of my first works on this account if not the very first work i posted so it's kinda gratifying and reminiscent to see this here :)
summary tsukishima needs a hug but only from you / wc 690 / genre headcanon ; fluff / warnings i mention making out like once, cursing, not edited
2. my name — tsukishima kei
tsukki nation rise! another one :)
summary tsukishima wonders why you don't call him by his first name, so one day he asks / wc 530 / genre imagine ; fluff / warnings not edited
3. sugar, spice, and everything nice — kozume kenma
this was written literally right after i read ch. 269 because of the panel where kenma was aggressively eating a banana and the others in nekoma were babying him with food lol
summary kenma gets a bit grumpy when his sugar level is low / wc 664 / genre imagine ; fluff / warnings forgetting to eat / disregard of self because of gaming, grumpy kenma is a bitch, cursing, not edited
4. a list of my favorite haikyuu works
ngl this one had me laughing because lmaoo y'all really like my recs huh?
anyways this is as described: a list of my favorite haikyuu works across tumblr. it's not in order of preference and includes works that might be nsfw/18+ which i usually don't reblog and works that are sfw which i do usually reblog.
5. clingy boyfriend — tsukishima kei
y'all really eating up my tsukishima works. tsukki stans are so active on tumblr lol
summary yes, that's right you heard it here first... tsukishima kei is actually a very clingy boyfriend / wc 481 / genre headcanon ; fluff / warnings skinship, suga bonks the first years so daichi doesn't roll over in his grave, death in a figurative sense, cursing, not edited
6. only for you — oikawa tooru
ah yes the way to my heart and apparently a lot of y'all's too: jealous hq boys
summary jealous oikawa ft. clueless akaashi / wc 702 / genre imagine ; fluff / warnings um someone gets a ball sent flying to his face oops, said someone gets a bloody nose oops again, cursing, not edited
7. chihuahua baby — kozume kenma
fun fact: kenma used to be my favorite which is why i used to write a lot for him in the beginning but then i kinda fell for yams and decided to spread out my works better lol
summary kenma doesn't fare well when he's jealous / wc 683 / genre imagine ; fluff / warnings a little out of character, jealous kenma, uncomfortable situation with a guy who cannot take a fucking hint!, cursing, kenma swings at lev with a chair, not edited
8. i'm sorry — nishinoya yu
this one is a bit of a surprise to me ngl. i don't write a lot of nishinoya in general so i lowkey forgot abt this post lol but i will definitely be doing more!
summary things aren't always meant to be, but with him, you wish it had been / wc 529 / genre imagine ; angst / warnings heart been broke so many times break up, heartache, the trials of a relationship, not edited
9. greatest asset — oikawa tooru
y'all don't understand how much i simp for this man. this was my first work over 1k words because i just absolutely love oikawa
summary there was only one thing you could think in that moment; oikawa could not lose his greatest asset no matter the cost / wc 1.3k / genre imagine ; enemies to lovers, slight angst, fluff / warnings car accident + coma, self sacrifice (read: not death). sort of cliché oops, cursing, not edited
10. 7.38 — tsukishima kei
no surprise here! all my tsukki works are on this list lol considering that they all do super well.
genre timestamp ; fluff
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imchangkyuns · 5 years
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hi everyone!! it's your local hyungkyun enthusiast rachel!! so i somehow (???) hit 5.5k a while ago and i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who follows me for supporting my gifs/gfx, even though i’m not as active anymore ♡ 
anyways i really wanted to take this time to do a moot appreciation to all the lovely people that i follow!! i don’t follow a lot so this ff is kind of small but i want to shower you all with love!! a lot of the people i knew when i first started this blog are gone, so y’all are the real heroes - thank you angels for filling my dash up with all the good mx content! it’s a little long but i wanted to write about each of you so please bear with me hehe 
@bluehairjooheon​​ |  n..... you make some of the best gifs (all the great jooheon content thank u!) and i love love seeing you on my dash bc your tags are also so fun to read (lol) + i can’t imagine all the work you’ve put into making podsta x come to life, you’re.. royalty
@calemiel | emy, you’re one of my fav multifandom blogs! your colouring on your gifs is always so sexy and nice and your edits are truly the cutest thing ever :(
@chachayeon | hi nicole! i can’t believe you follow me on this blog too lol but i’m glad!! god i love all my multi stans and i adore how friendly and lovely as a human you are!
@changkyuns | arin, you radiate so much positivity and cuteness and i love seeing kyunbebes on my dash!! also your url is godly and all your graphics are the cutest n cleanest thing! truly queen
@ckyun | hi nat!! i don’t know if you’ll ever see this but you were probably the og kyunbebe from when i first made this blog?? i miss seeing your content bc you rly did have the most godly graphics and i hope you’re doing well!
@coups | hi sally! you make the cuuuuutest edits and the colouring on your gifs is always the softest ever!! i love seeing all the content you produce, thank you for feeding my multi ass heart!
@dearmingki | romi you’re a fake monbebe smh (hehe) but thank you for providing all the good ateez content!! when we first became moots, you were still a mx blog but now that you’re also an atiny i’m v v glad! so happy to have you providing all the good mingi content
@hyungkyun | cristina, your tags are so fuckin funny sometimes i lose my mind, also your gifs are wonderful!! i love the moments you always choose to gif and thank you for making so much changkyun content!!
@hyunqheon | hi hi! i haven’t seen you on my dash in a while so i hope everything is okay with you! i love that you post a lil abt everything including girl groups bc it’s rly nice n refreshing to see!
@hyxngwons​ | agnes i really have to say we’re hive mind.. i think we stan all the same groups hehe... anyways! you’re such a sweet person and i love love all your content bc the colouring and topaz is always so beautiful!!
@insmiles | lauren! honestly.. feels like i’ve been following you forever and we’re moots on like 3 (?) of my blogs lol, you’re the one who feeds me the most with all my fav groups and thank you for always bringing my attention to new/underrated groups!
@jookyun | shrad ugh my good kyunbebe gal sorry i’m so terrible at keeping in touch i hope you’ve been doing well! you’re a little angel but also so so funny and i love talking to you! thank you for reaching out to me when we first became moots, you truly are.. Angel!
@kihyunslips | hi lovely!! feel i like followed you back in mar 2017 when i made this blog, thank you for being so active and keeping up w all the mx content + good text posts and memes hehe 
@minhyukie | hi amy! honestly think i followed u when i saw someone rb ur selfies n i was like. is this. Angel? u are so so funny and your love for minhyuk is so so pure! you’re one of my fav gifmakers so thank you for always gifing all the good content w the cutest colouring, hope you’re taking care of yourself!
@mxluv | cheryl! you make such lovely content and i’m so glad the fandom (read: me) has you! i always adore the colouring you do on your gifs as well!
@naekkung​ | dani.. how long have we been moots... so long.. you’re one of my fav people on here and so so friendly to everyone and i adore you! ur multi ass out there stanning all the good bgs and ggs too, love that.. thank you for spreading so much love and good content.. truly heavenly cc.. your graphics. chefs kiss
@nubebe | fucking no offense but i’m a fool and only realized days later... i can’t believe i FORGOT U bitch someone kill me! anyways going back to write this even though u may never see it bc :( kei every graphic u make is honestly the sexiest and loveliest thing ever, you have SUCH a galaxy brain and are so so talented and i adore u and all ur creations!!! anyways feel free to slide into my dms and kill me in one shot for forgetting u bc ur truly one of my favourite ccs on tumblr!
@showbebe​ | yoelin baby!! can’t believe you knew me from my mx blog and then i migrated into the fantasy world and you were there again... that’s Fate. you’re such a sweetheart and so so enjoyable to see - i know you’ve been busy lately but i hope life has been treating you well!
@spookiheon​ | amanda, you truly say some of the funniest things that crack me up.. i think you’re the earliest mx blog i followed that’s still active here so wow ur the true number 1 of tumblr user changkyunned’s heart
@sunnpils | i honestly feel like i’ve been following you forever sam haha, thank you for making gifs for so many groups, esp the rose!! i feel like i never see them enough
@thekihyun | amanda... ur probably like. The OG mx blog i followed i feel like it’s been so long since i clicked that lil follow button.. you’re probably one of my favourite ccs on here and all the gifs you make are always of the funniest content
@wonsheon | lissa!! you always provide w the good mx content n i didn’t realize u also liked sf9 too?? you’re so pure and i love that you’re also multi hehe i hope you had a nice time on your vacation!
@wonstal | hi angel!! please do drop your name in my dms sometime.. i’m dying to know! your gifs are always the top tier quality and i’m so happy you’re not into skz too!! your colouring is always the softest and cutest + your topaz settings!! thank you for always blessing me w your god-tier gifs
@yoonqiful | ash!! you’re a lovely human being and so friendly, can’t believe you sucked me into the hole of long haired hyungwon :( all of your gifs are really lovely and i adore seeing them!
@17dad | not sure why you follow me gen... you’re one of my fav svt blogs, thank you for always bringing so much content of them onto my dash! 
@190629seonghwa​​ | nat.. why do u even follow me on this BLOG LOL anyways i adore you, adore all your mx content, adore how sweet and friendly and loving you are and think u are a goddess.. queen of providing all the good hq ateez & seonghwa (satan) gifs 
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batsysims · 5 years
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didnt wanna do an actual Simself Edit™ so have an arrested development reference
i was tagged by @0cherub & i tag any1 who hasnt done this yet bc who doesnt like answering 125 questions abt themselves oh also @flavortowne im forcing you to do this sry
get to know me tag
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? its batsy dont worry abt it
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? its batsy dont worry abt it
3. BIRTHDAY? september 15
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? ummmm idk lmfao i havent “read” a “book”” in like 5 years 
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? 35 & 36 on sirius are like basically the exact same station but that doesnt mean i dont constantly alternate between the two whenever im near a radio
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? pink is a v trustworthy flavor
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? what kinda question is this wt f ive currently reobsessed myself w marina and the diamonds so honestly any of her discography
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? idk any words :^/ sry
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? wheels on the bus im exhausted
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? man in the high castle. man in the high castle. man in the high ca
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? almost exclusively sims and fallout but every once in a while some indie game i find on steam so. yea
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? never doing anything in my life and having nothing 2 look forward to!! yay
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? probably my resiliency, maybe?? idk
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? my habit of allowing bad things to happen to me lol
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? cats but im sorta kinda indifferent 2 both i think i might 1 of the 5 ppl on earth who dont like having pets
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? summer and fall
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? @flavortowne eye emoji
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? its natural brown but im thinkn abt going either red or blonde again
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? like 3 ppl irl and everyone on discord u guys legit
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my person and @flavortowne eye emoji
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? tom hardy. what is his end goal
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? tbh going 2 basic lmfao im!! lame
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? as of right now,, spiderverse lol
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? teletubbies was fckn legit and so was old school spongebob
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? im not superstitious,,, but i am a little stitious
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? i cant deal w fishing poles idk
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? sims or stitching play foods 4 the kid to use on her play kitchen
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? stop asking book questions
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? piano & i try 2 pretend i know what im doing w a ukulele
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? i had an oc that could read ppls memories like a scrapbook if he touched them and i always honestly thought that was. cool
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in my house!! the door b locked bitch!!!!
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? toddler being an idiot toddler
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY?  its not really,, a sport,, but i bike
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? cream soda in those glass bottles is top tier non-alcoholic beverage
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? i wrote a letter 2 my person telling him he was an idiot and by the time it was mailed 2 his house i was already living there lol
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? either ppl blowing vape in my face or holding something so close to my face i cant see i just go ballistic
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? nope unless u count a sesame street liveshow like 10 years ago
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? this is horrible but the setting of new vegas i just feel like id be at home there, w the radiation and constant danger and dehydration
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? only when im looking in the mirror adlkfj start thinkn abt a different face showing up instead of mine idk
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? skipped a whole year adlfkj
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? this is basic but i miss the tri-state area
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? this is basic but i miss nj
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? yea :^/ a dog, a cat, and uhhhh 14 fish
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? night owl but honestly im just always tired
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? headphones. they just work
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? nah but i need em
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? i listen to everything tbh
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? michael cera
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? i used to read them religiously but not so much any more. i am reading the TAZ graphic novel tho
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? having to repeat myself 20 times. or being an idiot when i wanna start a new hobby
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? honestly i had a blast in econ and my law enforcement class
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? a bro, another sibling, and a half-bro
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? every time i measure myself im 5′2″ but the government insists that i am 5′3″ so w/e
75. CAN YOU COOK? yeap
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? alcohol, bike riding, wearing stupid makeup
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? ppl holding me back, bird box, when my nail breaks before i can file it so its all oglee
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? uh idk?? i dont have,, many,,,, friends
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? 2 nights ago the kid pistol whipped me in the chin w her phone and it just hurt so bad it legit made me lose it
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? ok this is dumb as shit the kid is obsessed w Blippi and i have a mom crush on him afdslfkjs
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? i am currently obsessed w L.O.L. Surprise! Pop but all in all probs Pocket Camp
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? bad as parents but theyre fine now that im an adult and they have a grandkid they can like
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? i dont like a majority of them lmfao but idk maybe uh?? irish
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? rly wanna go to nevada but im moving to the mojave soon anyways so
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? nope
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? i was raised christian but i dont rly give a shit abt any of that
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? outer space my dood the ocean is dumb and scary
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? i mean. im lactose intolerant but thats abt it
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? forest ig bad choices
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? i dont think i was ever given advice, ever. maybe thats why im like this
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? idk i try not 2 lie unless its like. an obvious exaggeration for the lols
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? wtf idk ok i just did one of those quizzes & im a slytherin?? what does that mean
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? more of an introvert but im ok w going out there if i gotta
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? i keep one for the kid but thats abt it
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? nah. unless it was something stupid like burning food like im not gonna ban u from the kitchen
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? if theres an id i guess mail it 2 the address on there?? idk ive never just. found a wallet. i think this happens a lot less than all the hypotheticals make it out to be
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? if theyre dedicated to it. i dont think ppl can just do it over night and i dont think its ever a 100% change
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? dont touch me
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? 2 in both ears but thats it
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? no :^( once im cleared for them tho deffo
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? i hate that this is the answer but enlisting adlfkjs
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yeah ig??
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? idk?? i get embarrassed but also get over it quick so like. idk
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? i was on nickelodeon back when they had those cuts to the Live Studio Audience™
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 21
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory i almost never eat anything sweet
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ohallows · 7 years
tagged by @timbarts (matthias ily ur a #icon)
Rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people
the last:
1. drink: sprite
2. phone call: fed ex i think? and im still mad abt it
3. text message: probably jess
4. song: wonders by the script
5. time you cried: i honestly don’t know? i had some angry tears on wednesday but thats about it. 
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nu-uh
8. been cheated on: i’d have to um have a relationship for that to happen lol
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: lol probably *finger guns*
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: sadly yes. know your limits kids
favorite colors:
12. maroon
13. blue
14. that nice dark olive green
15: gray/white
16: black
in the last year have you:
17. laughed until you cried: most definitely
18. found out someone was talking about you: uhhh not really?
19. met someone who changed you: YES
20. found out who your friends are: i’ve known since freshman year but yea i guess?
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: ... yes?
22. made friends: yup
23. fallen out of love: would have to be in love first lol
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i went to class and also a meeting and then had ice cream. dont grow up
26. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all but like, 1 i think
27. do you have any pets: i have a chocolate fish
28. what time did you wake up: 11am
29. what were you doing at midnight last night: reading loaded march :’)
30. name something you can’t wait for: turning! 21!
31: what are you listening to right now: quantum immortality by crywolf
32: have you ever talked to a person named tom: yea thats my dads name and my grandpas name
33: something that’s getting on your nerves: people dismissing my role on a team because its ‘less important’ than what they do
34. do you want to change your name: sometimes i guess. but not really
35. hair color: blonde? strawberry blonde? ash blonde? idk
36. long or short hair: long
37. piercings: just ears. i never wear jewelry so
38. tattoos: check back with me in a year or so
39. blood type: ???? fuck lol idk
40. nicknames: bri (and from my grandmother: bri-la, bria hamm, bri-tzi)
41. relationship status: single llmao rip
42. zodiac: libra
43. pronouns: she/her
44. most visited website: tunglr dot hell or twitter
45. right or left handed: right
46. surgeries: yeah - tonsilectomy
48. favorite tv show: brooklyn 99 and gravity falls
49. vacations: we go to florida every year and we used to go to my cousins cottage on lake ontario but //// we dont do the last one anymore bc they sold it :(
50. sneakers: do vans count
more general:
52. eating: chinese food soon
53. fave drink: soda
54. what you’re up to: doing this (also making edits for tim drake week)
55. waiting for: people to EMAIL ME BACK so i can DO THINGS!
56. want: to be successful
57. get married: yes
58. career: public relations
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: depends on my mood but por que no los dos
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: taller
63. older or younger: older but im not like picky
64. nice arms or stomach: hmmm depends but probably arms
65. hook up or relationship: again depends on the mood but rn relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: yea i was drunk and at a pizza place it was great
68. drank hard liquor: hell yes
69. lost glasses/contacts: yup rip
70. turned someone down: would uh.. i would have to be asked out to turn someone down lol 
71. sex on the first date: ppppprobably not
72. broken someone’s heart: very doubtful
73. had your heart broken: not really
74. been arrested: no im a good citizen tbh
75. cried when someone died: obviously?
76. fallen for a friend: kinda but in that middle school way where it was more puppy love than anything else
do you believe in:
77. yourself: hahahahahhahahahahahah good one
78. miracles: im a firm proponent of seeing is believing so at this point no
79. love at first sight: depends i guess
80. santa claus: nope
81. kiss on the first date: sure
82. angels: ...not really lol
83. current best friend’s name(s): jess, joe, lily, darcy, crystal, katie, the entire ecocar team basically, idk, the dickwallynet bc y’all are great...
84. eye color: blue
85. favorite movie: this changes daily but rn treasure planet (harry potter is the eternal favorite tho)
im tagging: @timotydrake @theblackbat @stephoniebrown @bludhavan @bludhavenz and anyone else who just wants to do it feel free
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thefreshchannel · 7 years
Hey I'm newish to the td fandom so do mind me asking who Tasha is?
I guess since she seems to have deleted i can tell the story now lmao
She was basically a fake identity created to harass """the populars™""" like if u heard of jaded teenage girl tashalovesnirvana u probably already know what her personality was like, but the td fanbase was basically her origins and it is an incredibly long story to tell u every little thing shes done so a tl;dr would be tasha is basically a harasser/stalker who traumatized a lot of people for many years. like she pretended to be so many other people and was very out for blood lmao. Also she was a fake persona, along w many others, created by the creator of theconfessioncam herself cherri (who hasnt been online since new years 2015) to make everyone miserable for “kicking her out the td fandom” 
I already spoke abt theconfessioncam so we'll just skip to the day the person behind it was exposed. The person behind it was called cherri (isabelle was her real name but we all called her cherri bc it was in her url)
Cherri was infamous amongst the fanbase bc she shipped chrindsay and wouldn't understand why others didn't, was mostly anti sj/w, liked and defended the one character who shall not be named at the time people were calling out the issues they had w the character (all ppl calling out the issues being neurodivergent while she was neurotypical also this is discourse i am not willing to touch again so dont even think abt sending asks about this lmao), created the phrase "screw you i'm getting my duncney on" and constantly commenting abt why the fandom was toxic and shit like that. Most people would ignore her at first until after theconfessioncam turned out to be her. Many people presented proof and evidence and now she was public enemy #1 like no one liked her and one night everyone started calling her out for her shit and like she immediately blew up. On everyone. I'm p sure after that night the whole plot started.
So like. Shortly after comes a person called "holly-so-jolly" (who then became holly-smokes-molly for a short period of time in late 2015? 2016? fuck idk but her fame was very short but thats another story)Holly befriended cherri and her group of uglies so fast by always being like "wow fuck the populars"  
the populars, a term coined in by theconfessioncam's anons, referred to ppl who would argue a lot abt smthn and others would agree w over well, cherris gang. Anyways holly would almost immediately always start a fight w the populars or say some problematic shit or stan for cherri a lot. I know y'all are wondering what this has to do w tasha but trust me we'll get there lol
A few days (maybe a day or two) after holly joins the fanbase, a new hateblog (SPECIFICALLY MADE TO SEND HATE ABOUT THE POPULARS) popped up. The populars would get anons about the hate blog seeing as it was so brand new that it wouldnt show up in the tag just yet. And these confessions were CRUEL. Like wishing death/murder upon these ppl, encouraging self harm, harassing minors (literally under 16 at the time), ableist comments, racism, transphobia, homophobia like it was all there. Someone else faked a new blog agreeing w these confessions and managed to speak to the new hate blog (this was someone who was undercover and managed to expose the person running that hateblog, which ended up being holly)
Holly then changed her url to winner-challenged to try to impersonate ryan, but them claimed to be other 2 people making an april fool's joke (in february no less lmao) and then she changed her persona completely to desireesparx and tried to pass off as a new person in the fanbase. But it didnt work and she deleted as fast as she came in. Antitotaldramapopulars only lasted one day. On the same day, theconfessioncam was deleted. People suspected cherri was behind all this all to which she claimed she wasnt but we all know the truth lol.
After holly hell, tasha fiasco started. And boy was tasha fucking persistent. Like she came in early 2014, and only JUST NOW DELETED. It is 2017.
Tasha-loves-duncney was ?? I guess ur basic td blogger who just loved duncney? No one had any thoughts of her at first until she made a post about not understanding why people hated mike. So people went on to explain. And i forgot rlly what happened but like tasha started getting more aggressive. Like she would reblog "the populars'" personal posts and mock them, she even added a comment hoping for the person's house to fall on them. Someone then made the "fly away tasha" comment and she CRIED because apparently she had been bullied for having a bird nose and been told that before so it only made the phrase stick. She then made an entire post saying rape wasnt bad or some weird ugly shit like that, and even after that she still had a few ppl supporting her (mostly other anti s/jws in the fanbase and cherris old friends ((also CHERRI WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND OR SEEN! SHE DISAPPEARED DURING ALL THIS LOL))) And that's when we all were all over her and i'm p sure it was when all the hate blogs came back.
I'm not sure if maybe i'm confusing it for another hateblog or if there was another one before this one (or i'm getting the timeline wrong bc is2g tasha deleted and came back so many times) but a confession blog popped up called "camerainthepotty" or smthn along the lines that just seemed to post whatever random weird asks ppl would send them. Then during that night it converted to tdgossipgirls and ?? It was such a weird blog lmao like just like antitotaldramapopulars, it aimed to bully the fandom populars in burn book style ? Tabloid magazine style? Point is we all knew it was tasha lmao and at this point it started to become clear who tasha really was. Whatever hateblog it was it would post fake edited asks allegedly sent by the populars themselves which gave us great classics such as "king bee ryan outtie!"
Anyways tasha liked another populars' personal post and people told her to delete bc it was a super heavy personal post. She claimed it was for support but like she finally deleted. And we were tasha clear for a few months? Weeks? (someone even took the url i think) so she then came back as "tashasbackbitches" and boi was she mad lmao. The whole tag asked her to fly away and she took a screenshot of it and claimed bullying. She then tried to ruin ale//noah day by posting pics of dunc/ney which compared to all she's done this is the most tame thing she had done but ppl were still mad abt that anyways lol. So i think a day later she made the anti-winnerchallenged blog specifically aimed at ryan for whatever reason. She ""accidentally"" made a post for anti-winnerchallenged on tashasbackbitches but like once ppl pointed it out something even weirder happened like it sounds fucking unreal but apparently it was a fake tasha???? According to real tasha??? Who was now back as "tashalovesduncney" with no hyphens?? And going to people's inbox saying that tashasbackbitches WAS NOT HER And that she had proof on her blog bc there was a pic of her holding a piece of paper w her url written on it and also an audio post explaining what happened.
So tashasbackbitches was deleted and now we were stuck with tashalovesduncney. Which at first was??? Idk but the audio post on her blog sounded high pitched like. It didnt sound like no human voice lmao. Also the pic of her had the piece of paper edited in. So someone pointed it out and like. She immediately assumed another ""popular"", cass, had sent it. And when i tell u this tasha was DARK AND OUT FOR BLOOD, I MEAN IT LMAO. Like tasha clung on to cass ever since. She would @ them and all that shit on posts and like. This tasha was out to attack. She would constantly say awful shit abt the populars and @ them in her posts, or she would @ well known anti sj/w blogs (such as p0ppypicklesticks, swimmninda/privilege u name it) and encourage them to slay our sjw asses. Not only that but now there was an anti-deadbyshawn blog to aim hate at cass specifically.
I guess at some point someone else came in the fandom by the name of staceyd123 and was received in many different ways like1. People assuming this was tasha2. People defending her bc she was a minor3. Tasha encouraging her to befriend her
However a lot of ppl started to believe this was a different person. She did befriend tasha and a lot of the ppl in the fandom and bc she was a minor a lot of the older kids protected her from tasha and constantly warned her. Sometime between that antitdpopulars came back and more fake asks were posted, populars were being blamed on for the blog to bring attention to themselves. Not sure if it was earlier or at this exact time but i think it would tie into the next event better.
so tasha and stacey had this BIG FIGHT i guess cause stacey outed tasha for running the new anti populars blog and in this fight tasha blamed stacey for staceys parents divorcing and stacey claimed tasha clipped her toenails in a voice call and like. It was so odd at this point tasha started making fake asks about the people who supported her lmao. Then she would submit herself to blogs to send love to ppl being bullied and then those ppl would fight us and the whole night was a mess. Stacey had deleted and then tasha kept her url. I'm p sure sometime later tasha deleted too?? She came back as a sideblog the next time.  
Stacey came back a bit around the same time and ofc had ppl on her side welcoming her back. Almost immediately. Another new persona came in at the time too known as ""fucknmacine18??"" He changed the url to "thechazmeister" or whatever but he was basically a dumb white straight dude fake persona that claimed to have abandoned the south park fandom. Once in the td fandom, he would reblog a lot of the girls selfies and make comments on them also claiming to fall in love w one of the populars? Two of the populars? Idk but point is him being there was. Irrelevant for a while. He would send uncomfortable asks to stacey apparently and also told tasha to fly away/rejected her or some weird shit that happened there idk the story of that but i know tasha was trying to befriend him and flirting w him lmao.
Several hateblogs came out too, one being psychoanalyzing the populars which would reveal incredibly personal information about them (based on their personal posts) and evaluate them. It was a really fucked up blog and no one knew how on earth she managed to get that information. The other one was very tame, it was battleofthepopulars or smthn like that which consisted of the populars being in a td  like setting and each being voted off everyday and like. No one rlly paid attention to it lol. In the end when she booted off one of the populars, she ranted that it was bc she had blamed cherri for something she didn't even do. Which was suspicious seeing as tasha wasnt here around that time, meaning this person knew about cherri being exposed as theconfessioncam.
During that same time, tasha was still very much clinging onto cass. Sending them fanmails as she couldnt send asks since she was on a sideblog. Meaning she followed ppl on an unknown main blog. Cass would receive over 200 fanmails a day from tasha. Tasha even changed her blog's url to match cass'. One night tasha got tired of being ignored and blackmailed cass into talking to them, or their friends would be harassed. The main tag was full of tasha posting edited pictures of ryan on the main td tag, personal posts of another one of cass' friends with the read more code taken off. It was a horrible night. But in the end tasha exposed her main blog was staceyd123. Tasha had faked being stacey which would explain how she managed to get the personal information for her psychoanalyzations blog. She explained it was because she was someone who got kicked out of the fandom by “tortellani and the other populars” and that she finally knew what it was like living like a popular. She then proceeded to spam the tag w animal gore knowing it was a heavy trigger for one of the populars. Stacey/tasha then deleted. Never to be heard of until...oh no wait, we almost forgot our buddy chaz.
So chaz stuck around and made dumb posts and like. No one really cared for him. Until he wanted to be seen as a threat so he made a hate blog on american thanksgiving day taking the populars' descriptions on their mobile blogs and making them bad adding racist/homophobic commentary. It was here where he stole 2 urls belonging to two other populars and tried to pass off as them. Cass had remade, but chaz took their current url (hottiemcfright) as well as the tortellani url belonging to the other person who had changed urls to avoid traffic from TiA. So that night chaz. God it was a blur but he pretended to be those two people and filled the tag w a bunch of animal gore. Tumblr did jump on that and deleted him. Chaz was another of tasha's personas so, NOW we don't hear of tasha until february of 2015.
So now under the url: tashalovesnirvana, she sent popular bloggers racist slurs thinking she was on anon and then begged for them not to be posted and theyre posted for everyone to read. No one thought twice about it when the screenshots were going around but eventually ppl in the td fanbase noticed that tasha had sent those. And i mean, you can basically look this up as it spread from just the td fandom to literally all of tumblr knew about her. They made her asks into copypastas. And it got rlly funny bc at some point she didnt even know who kurt cobain was.
Anyways after this mess she deleted but she came back. Except this time tumblr updated the blocking system so it could actually work. And boy did it work well. Tasha did get 15 minutes of fame (or less) again when she came back but everyone would just block her and she would never be heard of again. She was still there reblogging posts from the ppl she hated toLet them know. She would try to get their attention but. The moment she would contact them she'd get hit w the block button. So naturally she brought back her persona "holly" as a stoner girl "holly-smokes-molly" who also had a short lived fame but then, again, people stopped caring after they had blocked her.  One of her comebacks was her coming back as a woke feminist but no one else cared about her. Tasha was an old meme, so 2 years ago. No one else gave attention to her.
In 2017 she finally deleted. Like the url isnt even hoarded so that's how u know that it's all done. It took 3 years for her to leave us alone. 3 traumatizing years. A lot of the people involved were minors too.
I know i probably messed up some parts of this or got confused w the many hateblogs she made but like. Trust me when i say that she remade so many times it's hard to keep track of all the weird shit she has done. Also i've been typing this since 8am and i still shake a bit thinking about this lol.
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