#call me ren
skyberia · 1 year
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on the agency of puppets
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dkettchen · 1 month
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she would've told them unlike her canon! version who decided not to be an ally smh
#one piece#trans!sanji#sanji#kiku#yamato#ワンピース#I'm practicing my japanese shhhhhh#(日本語のペラペラ人:俺は文法とか書く方とか間違ったら教えてください😅ありがとうございます)#translation:#Yamato: I'll be able to get as strong as Oden?#Sanji: Probably... 🤔#[meanwhile Kiku is remembering the time in the hot spring]#(Sanji: Nami-chan!!!)#(Nami: Shut up!! The women's bath is supposed to be a peaceful place!)#Kiku: I am also ⚧️ ... o.o#(y'all english speakers had me all to yourselves for a decade it's about time I start to also sometimes make stuff in my next language lol#notably for media *from* that language#same as it made sense to make fan content in english for [american superhero franchise we don't talk abt anymore] back in the day#(happy seasonal reminder that Ren Is Not A Native English Speaker and This Is My 5th Language hi 😅))#while looking up reference for this I learnt that the straps to tie back the kimono sleeves are called tasuki#also I decided yamato get big muscles cause he got them kaido genes in im (I also gave him his dad's young-man-facial hair)#the more I do transition projections for one piece characters while tryna adhere to the style the more I learn that sometimes stylisation#uses bones less as literal determinants for where things go and just kinda exaggerates shapes based on vibes alone instead#meaning trans characters' bones wouldn't literally stay looking the same in that stylisation in the way they do irl#they'd get exaggerated differently based on what the surrounding stuff is doing#I still think oda's transition demonstration when we first met iva was unreasonable even with that in mind tho
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briseise · 8 months
hiii for secret life requests… maybe tangskizz on their date with bdubs? owo
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i would like to also apply for secret life love island
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ca-3 · 10 months
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I don't think I've posted these here, but P5 shitposts from my twt again lolol
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that-one-p00k1e · 8 days
— the way I love you | ೃ⁀➷˚ ♡ ⋆。˚
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Their love language w/you ft. Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Ren Kaji, & Haruka Sakura | Demon Slayer ver.
c/w: 🎀OOC🎀, fluff, gn!reader (I think), use of "my lady" in Suo's, established!relationship in Umemiya's
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—Haruka Sakura being the easily flustered tsundere he is, words and physical touch aren't really in his dictionary of how to express his feelings. He isn't good at being forward verbally in the environment of love, nor is he able to initiate close proximity gestures.
Without realizing, one of his particular ways of showing his care was through acts of service. Helping each other around town has become a normalcy. Thus, he wouldn't stand out when doing you a favor purely out of his own will; he prefers to be discreet to avoid getting called out, not wanting to be viewed as soft and lose his dignity.
He'd claim that he couldn't give any less of concern for anyone. Yet, he couldn't help but feel an uncomfortable tug at his heart when you mentioned forgetting to bring an umbrella during the rainy weather. He contemplated whether to do something about it or not, torn between his pride and feelings.
Just as you were about to step foot outside, you felt a hand on your shoulder that brought you to a halt.
“The hell do you think you're doin’? Trying to get a cold?”
You weren't given enough time to let out a reply before a folded umbrella was held up to your face.
“You could've asked to borrow one, y'know. I have a spare, so save the fuss and just take it.”
With that, you thanked him and gave a smile of gratitude before taking your leave with the lent umbrella. Little did you know, that boy did not own a spare…
—Hajime Umemiya is so pure he's guaranteed to shower you with every. possible. way. imaginable to express his love. But physical touch would be one of the most prominent.
No matter the occasion, no matter the time, you somehow will always get pulled into an embrace one way or another. He loved the feeling of cradling your petite figure between his strong arms; it made him feel like he was shielding you from any harm. His hugs were warm, comforting, and provided a sense of safety. He'd wrap his arms around your waist from behind and spoon you in, he'd rub his hand up and down your back as you cry into his chest, he'll run up to you and let you jump into his arms, spinning you around as he lifted you off the ground.
He loves the feeling of your hands against his; your soft skin contrasting with his calloused palms. The comparison between the size of your hands and his was somewhat cute to him, making him want to protect you even more as if you were the most precious yet fragile treasure in this world.
“Next time you come in here looking all beat-up, I'm kicking you out and locking you outside,” you scolded him as you tended to his injured hands, irritation yet concern etched on your facial features.
Ume let out a chuckle at your threat, gazing at your grumpy yet worried facial expression which he thought endearing.
“Aww… You really have the heart to be so cruel to your beloved and caring boyfriend??” he whined as he looked at you with an exaggerated pouty face.
“So-called ‘caring’ but doesn't even seem to care about how worried his girlfriend gets when he comes over looking like a used dog toy.” He felt a twinge of guilt at your words, feeling bad for making you so worked up over his condition.
Gently, he held your wrist and brought your hand up to his face, softly placing tender kisses on your knuckles.
“I'm sorry for worrying you, sweetheart…” His deep, gentle voice conveyed such words so smoothly, like a soothing melody strumming its way through your ears and into your heart. You couldn't help but loosen the wrinkles that tugged your eyebrows, letting out a sigh as the tension slowly left your nody. You knew it was his duty to protect the town and all, but the amount of fight he gets into this week devastated you.
“Just… try to avoid doing it alone, please? I know you're strong, but it hurts me seeing you go up against many by yourself.”
“I'll try… Promise.” With that, he leaned over to plant a reassuring kiss on your forehead.
—Hayato Suo enjoys being discreet and mysterious. He finds amusement in seeing your confused face when you receive any form of gift anonymously. At first, he'll start out completely unknown; he wants to satisfy his curiosity on how you'd react for the first time. Once he saw the confused yet happy look on your face, it made him want to perform the act of gift giving even further.
The type of gift would often be small flower bouquets. Occasionally, a little pack of candy would be stuck to it alongside a little note. Written inside those little notes; through either riddles, poems, or song lyrics, he started giving subtle hints on who the sender was. Day by day, he watched patiently as you took your time to connect the pieces.
Until one day.
You were at Pothos, helping out Kotoha as the first-year gang hung out. While wiping the front counter, you overheard Nirei sharing his opinion on how cool Suo was that he understood flower language. You internally agreed. Suo was a man of many quirks, and you've secretly admired him for that. He understood trivial things that most people wouldn't; poems, flowers, riddles– Holy shit.
Your body froze up the moment realization kicked in, heartbeat accelerating as you tried to quickly form everything in your mind. The elegant handwriting, the heart touching poems, the beautifully arranged varieties of flowers. Could it be–
The crowd suddenly went quiet at the abrupt mention of one of the personel. You decided to take things somewhere a little more private.
“Please be honest with me,” you demanded as the both of you stood in front of the café.
“Are you the one who has been placing random flower bouquets in front of my doorstep? And before you come at me, there is no one else I know that understands flower language, poems, or-”
“Ah, so you've finally noticed,” the brunette chimed innocently with a sweet smile.
You blinked. “W-What?”
“Yes, I'm the perpetrator behind all those floral gifts you find every day. Are you uncomfortable with it? I can stop if you'd like–”
“NO! I-... I appreciate it. It's just… why? What for? Did you get a dare or something?”
Ever so subtly, his eyes softened at your words. “Why, it is simply because I like you.”
The moment the confession escaped his lips, it felt like your whole world was shaken. You were excited, happy, yet unsure. Unsure if he meant it or not. After all, you knew the kind of person he was.
“... Please don't joke about this.”
He understands what you mean, and he doesn't blame you for that. “My lady… I may be one to bluff, but involving one's feelings is where I draw the line,” he spoke with a tone oh-so gentle, wanting to convey the sincerity his words bore.
“Then… what are you trying to get out of doing all of this?”
“Your heart.”
Blood rushed into your cheeks like a marathon. Your heartbeat acceleration exceeded a speed limit you didn't know you had. With a deep breath, you gathered all ability left to respond.
“... You already did.”
Not even a second passed, and the young man felt a pair of arms embracing him tightly; a sigh leaving his lips as he looked down at the fair maiden in adoration and fondness.
Little did they know about the little audience they had through the glass window of the café.
—Ren Kaji has an aloof demeanor that he tends to keep to himself and distance his existence from the world. He's not one to listen nor speak, preferring to focus on the music blasting through his headphones. Though he enjoys being in rowdy places, he doesn't get loud and excited himself. All in all, quality time would be his best aspect in the language of love.
He'll accompany you on your walks, either when he bumps into you during patrol or when you're going home from school. He'd claim that walking you home was a part of his ‘duty’ and that you just happened to appear as an excuse. Along the journey, he'd listen to you talk your heart out while humming occasionally to let you know he was listening. Even if his headphones were on, he'd lower the volume to be able to hear your voice.
Never had he admitted how he felt comfortable with your presence, and maybe he never will. Words and touches weren't in his field of knowledge, making him seem to be difficult to approach. But little did you know that deep down, he held a spot for you as one of the exceptions – which he was clearly oblivious to.
“... Kaji… Kaji.” He rolled the sucker in his mouth and pulled down his headphones as he felt a poke on his cheek.
“Go on ahead without me. I'm gonna head someplace to eat.”
“I'll come with.”
“But you have patrol.”
“And I also have Enomoto and Kusumi. End of discussion.”
With a defeated sigh, you decided to eat at Pothos; the safest place to eat and thankfully the closest to your place. You offered to treat Kaji for dinner – not wanting to be the only one eating – but the young man declined and said he wasn't hungry. You didn't care; still getting him something as a way to thank him for his willingness to accompany this whole time.
“What? I said I wasn't hungry,” he claimed in defense while pulling his head away once he saw you bring a spoonful of omelette rice to his mouth.
“Just shut up and eat. I'm not living with the guilt for having you go through all this trouble for me.” You pulled out his sucker and replaced it with the awaiting spoon, not giving him time to argue back. He swallowed and looked away before muttering lowly.
“I'm not doing it for you.”
“Whatever you say…”
He begrudgingly let you feed him the whole food, chewing quietly and kept himself distracted on his phone. Unbeknownst to you and him, tints of pink adorned his cheeks.
Little did y'all know, Tamon's second year's vice captains had a good view, but decided to save themselves a scolding.
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14dayswithyou · 23 days
The 14DWY brainrot is real... >_< were ypu planning on sharing koi ren's design here too or is it discord only for now? remember to drink lots n lots of water today 🐸☔️
i don't rmbr if i included this but can you share any koi crumbs too?
✦゜ANSWERED: aaaaa I'm 14 years late to this ask (/silly), but thank you for reminding me!! I'll add the new Mer Ren design to da queue >:3
I'll also put the Koi Ren (I'm rocking with this new name!!) crumbs under the cut!!
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"Stop rocking the boat, Ren." Without sparing a glance in his direction, you continue to stare out into the vast, open lake. "You'll scare away all the fish."
Had you turned around, you would've seen the faux-deadpan look on his face as Ren takes in the irony of your words. As if to prove a point, he gently swishes his tail in the water, which causes small ripples to form and (eventually) disturb your bobber. "I don't think the boat is the problem here."
"Okay, how about this... One more fish, then we can go back." You finally look back at your scaley companion — who was still leaning against the edge of your tin boat with a lazy smile — and give him a resolute nod. "Promise."
"Sure," Ren casually reaches into the boat to pick and pluck at some of your live bait. "But you said that about the last three fish."
"This will be the last one. I swear."
"You... swear?" You try to ignore the way Ren swallows up one of your minnows as if you weren't using them for bait as he continues to speak, "Like... curse words? Humans sure are weird creatures."
As if realising his comment, Ren's ocean-blue eyes widen slightly and shift towards your form. "N-Not... Not you, though."
With a laugh, you playfully try to nudge him off of the boat. All it does is cause it to tip slightly, but Ren steadies it when you show signs of losing balance.
"Alright. One more fish, then?"
You nod and cast your attention back to your rod once more. You don't even notice the silence — nor Ren slipping away — until you suddenly feel a tug on your line and call out to your companion in excitement. "That was quick!"
Quickly reeling it in, you wonder what kind of fish you'd just caught — it's definitely stronger than you anticipated, given how the rod drastically bends and snaps at every movement from the fish. And just as you see the shadow from the murky depths get closer, the ripples get bigger and cause a stir underneath your tin boat. Standing up now, you try with all your might to reel it on board...
...Only for a mess of black hair to emerge from below and peer up at you with a smug look.
"Looks like you got a big one."
"C'moooon." You practically whine, though you allow Ren to haul himself into your tiny boat and rest his head in your lap. You can still feel his body shake from underneath your touch, no doubt still laughing at his poor attempt at a joke. "This doesn't count."
A beat passes before your fishy companion responds. "...Hm? Fine then."
Another moment of silence follows before he slithers back into the water without another word. Half of you worries that you might've said something to offend him (there was still the tiniest hint of a language barrier between you two). Still, it ultimately leads to nothing as Ren soon emerges once more — only this time, he's hauling the biggest largemouth bass you'd ever seen into your boat.
"This good enough?" He looks at you with wide, blue eyes. "If not, I can probably find a sturgeon and—"
"It's bigger than my boat!"
"Is this what your kind calls... exaggeration? Because your boat is big enough even for me to—"
"—Arghh! It's getting water everywhere! Put it back!"
It was almost comical how Ren tossed the fish over his shoulder and back into the water without breaking eye contact with you.
Another wave of silence hits, yet neither of you seems to move or break the awkward staring contest you'd somehow started. It's then when you notice Ren's grin get bigger — most likely at your resignation and embarrassment — which causes you to fall back into your seat in defeat.
"Fine. Enough fishing for today. Let's head back." Busying yourself with the bucket of fish and tacklebox in front of you, you secure your gear and pack everything away. But it seems Ren had other plans, seeing as he took it upon himself to climb back into your boat and rest his arms on your legs. No longer able to move as freely, you have no choice but to indulge in his carefree whims.
"But you caught me. Aren't you going to bring me home too?"
"As much as I want to," Truly, you do. You've always wanted to show Ren the world outside of Lake Bluemoss. "There's no way I'm carrying you all the way down the mountain."
"You never know until you cry."
"Try." You correct him. "Until you try."
"Your kind sure are funny." Ren nuzzles himself closer. "Perhaps another time, then... Stay here tonight."
Your body pricks up at his words, and you spare a glance at the abandoned boathouse near the dock. Despite its rough and rugged exterior, you and Ren actually made it quite comfy. It had some of your old blankets and sheets thrown over one of the boats to make it comfortable to lounge in — alongside a giant empty tank that you and Ren filled with water for him to sit in as well. Despite the lack of human traction, the place still felt homey and well-loved.
"...I guess I could."
"Then what are we waiting shore?"
You had to roll your eyes at his attempt at a pun.
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kinaesthetiqueer · 5 months
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no wonder Nora never took her jacket off; RNJR would have never gotten anything done.
i like to think this happens in v4 because Ruby makes an offhand comment about Nora and Jaune not having guns as part of their kits. and Nora whips off her jacket and cries "guns? oh i've got guns! 😏" cue Jaune and Ren having a crisis. Ren is, to quote a friend, "experiencing emotions previously unknown, possibly shrimp ones".
redraw of this meme, because i wanted to draw best girl flexing and being admired, as she deserves.
renorarc et al. versions under the cut. :) image ID in alt text.
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i don't have a twitter, so if you're inclined to share, please link back to this post rather than reposting it, thank you :')
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syncopatedid · 9 months
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"I love you in every universe."
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agni-ashes · 1 year
tag yourself
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I'm not dead, hello!! Life's been chaotic and a certain lil discord server has been keeping me extremly distracted (affectionally) But art has been happening slowly!
Here is some color pallete studies (soaproach edition, cus they are... plaguing my mind) I did some days(?) ago!! Most of these were requested (as you can see by the amount of... soap's (truly a fan favorite))
Part 1 (this one) - Part 2 - Part 3
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radioactive-mouse · 1 year
i have GOT to get more insane abt lifeseries joel and grian. they’re so fucking everything. late game last life for them really is like the both of us are at our absolute lowest and can’t really be bothered to care anymore, but there is a kind of freedom in allowing yourself to pretend you’re a monster without remorse, to let yourself grow vicious in a way you’ve been trying to rein yourself in from. the two of them take each other hands, all grasping claws and sharp-toothed grins, and say monsters it is then, just the two of us. they just. they understand each other in a way nobody else quite does. the two of them settle together in limlife and,,, they can just feel the seconds counting down until their names turn red and the world grows sharper and they grow sharper with it. they’re comfortable with what they’ve got— jimmy and the bad boys and the bread bridge and all of that, it’s lovely— but there’s an anxious, giddy anticipation growing between them and they can both feel it.
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fafrogke · 8 months
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who is making them worse
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theredcuyo · 28 days
I don't care for kisses hugs are the ultimate PDA and just DA in general
Because there's just something so Special about letting someone hold onto you, to feel each others' breath and heartbeat, to be embraced in the warm of a safe place we're while it might not be true, you feel protected from anything
And You are sure you're not alone, not anymore
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sometimes-rendog · 3 months
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day 32, ren & scott, reintroduced!
[transcript] Ren: "Hello! What are you?" Scott: "Fish... You?" Ren: "Rendog!" [end transcript]
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sohaoying · 1 year
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choose your fighter 🏏💎
(no really grab em here if u want 👉👈)
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observerkaine · 9 months
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It Spreads is a lovely comic created by the legendary @foxxology and in celebration of its 1 year anniversary they did a dtiys that I absolutely had to participate in!
Go check out the comic if you haven’t! Seriously, it’s a really good read with great art, go read it! (I linked it twice for further emphasis!!)
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