#edit: my dumbass forgot that i turned off asks to check something real quick and forgot to turn them back on
ask-the-nine-links · 1 year
Hello snitch number... honestly, I have no idea. Let's go with number 9, I like 9. Anyway, Legend, I have some information for you. In our world we are a total of 8 billion people (more or less) That is, 8000000000000. But don't worry, not everyone is interested in your adventures. Although being so many, even if only 0.001% of us are snitchs, that makes a total of 80000000 snitchs, that is, 80 million of us. So... good luck sleeping tonight.
Legend: Hey Four?
Four: Yeah?
Legend: Can I have some of that caffeinated sludge you drink when on your nerdy binges? And don't say it's coffee, that shit is nowhere near it.
Four: They aren't nerdy binges, sure, and why?
Legend: If I'm not sleeping tonight, might as well makes sure I'm alert for when the Snitches come knocking.
Four: A responsible teammate would tell you hell no and force you to sleep tonight...
Four: Eh, knock yourself out. Or in this case, become incapable of it.
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Playing Cupid
Pairing: Tom Holland x fem!reader
Warnings: Fluff?? Hopefully lmfao, a sprinkle of angst, My Best Friend’s Wedding Spoilers? (edit: cuRSING LMFAO COMPLETELY FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE)
Summary: You’ve been playing Cupid your entire life, setting people up left and right, and have never put much thought into who would be your eternal soulmate. That is until you met Tom Holland. But you don’t know if he feels the same way you do, and you only find out when someone else decides to be your matchmaker.
A/N: Heyo! First fanfiction piece and mAN am I nervous, haha. Enjoy? Also, the scene that I’m talking about below is linked for those of you that haven’t seen the movie :)
“I don’t know what to say, y/n/n. I’m going to look like a div and-“
Not wanting to hear Harrison’s complaining, you quickly pinch his lips in between your fingers and shush him, “First of all, you already look like a div and that’s pretty much never going to change.”
Haz rolls his eyes and grunts as you continue, “Second of all, it’s just a conversation, Haz. Amelia’s pretty chill and is probably the easiest person to talk to. You’ll easily fall into conversation with her. You guys like the same things, why do you think I chose her out of all the girls?”
Ah, yes. That was your job after all. Well, not a job job, though you wish you’d get paid for setting people up with each other. You’d be a billionaire before you reach the age of 25.
But it was your job as a friend to be like a bachelorette for others and help them reach the love they crave. It was quite simple, really. Harrison claimed it had been a gift you were born with - a power sent by the gods above. It seemed like everyone you’d pair up ended up thriving as a couple.
Perhaps it really was a gift, and you were destined to you use it for good.
Right now, you, Haz, Tom, and Harry were inside a cafe giving Harrison the pep talk before his blind date. Amelia was practically your best friend - besides the three dumbasses you were currently with - and was constantly grumbling about not being able to find a guy she genuinely likes. When asked about her interests, you noticed they were strikingly similar to Harrison’s, who was, coincidentally, also single. Ergo, you set them up, knowing they’d be the perfect couple.
“Now,” you run your hand through his untamed hair that he’d spent hours stress-tugging, “Go out there and talk to her. You’ll do great, Hazzy.”
He stares at you intently, blue eyes boring directly into yours, clouded with immense fear. You could tell he was on the verge of backing out, so you take this as your chance to lighten up the situation.
You sigh as you fix his collar while maintaining eye contact, “I’d totally be in love with your dazzling ocean eyes but you’re not my type so stop staring at me, and go stare at her.” You tease and look up at him through your eyelashes, tilting your head towards where Amelia was sitting, waiting for Harrison to ‘arrive’.
He chuckles, “Right. How could I forget?” He gives you a sly smirk, and leans down to whisper in your ear, “Your type is everything Tom is.”
He pulls back fast enough to catch your fleeting eyes and the slight blush that crept up on your cheeks at the mention of your crush.
Well, less of a crush and you’d admit, you’re maybe, slightly, completely and utterly in love with Tom.
Harrison, the one who’d introduced you guys - stating ‘fate has brought you two together’ - effortlessly guessed that you were head over heels for Tom. He even began calling you ‘Cherry’ whenever he saw you go red at the mention of his best friend.
Your friendship began when you went to your local pub for a light drink with one of your closest co-workers. She’d spotted a cute guy whose eyes never left hers, even from across the room. A pub quiz was starting in a few minutes, and you’d told her that that was her chance to go and see if the chemistry was as real as it looked.
Of course, being the good friend she was, she immediately tossed that idea out the window.
“I can’t leave you here alone,” she’d said. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for you to convince her to go. With the quiz starting in a couple seconds, you searched around for a lonesome guy and spotted Harrison.
You downed the rest of your scotch and strutted over to confidently sit beside him.
Before he even got the chance to speak, you opened your mouth and blurted out everything in a word vomit: “Hey, I’m y/n and my friend’s watching because I told her that I’d talk to you and start up a “romance” since that was the only way I could really push her to leave me to talk to the guy that she’s had her eyes on so please just shake my hand and we’ll sit here and talk or do the quiz or whatever the fuck you want, just go along with it?”
You ended it with a lopsided smile, your hanging hand awaiting his own.
Luckily, he’d laughed it off and clasped your open palm. You and him got on like a house on fire, and instantly became close. Later on, he introduced you to Tom.
You never believed in love at first sight, but, fuck, Tom sure was a sight.
“Oi, hurry up, it’s hot as shit in these disguises,” Harry whines as he tugs the collar of his hoodie, interrupting your train of thought.
You shake your head, “Anyway,” you clear your throat, “Remember, it’s just a girl.”
He closes his eyes, chest rising as he takes a deep breath and nods, “It’s just a girl.”
“Attaboy,” you turn him around and push his shoulders, “Go get her, tiger.”
You take a seat with the boys at a booth that was directly in the sight of your friends with Amelia’s back pointed in your direction. You watch with pride as Haz rolls his shoulders and walks over to Amelia, politely touching her arm. He sits in front of her and starts up a conversation, and has her shyly tucking her hair behind her ear and giggling.
“So,“ Tom says lowly, making you jump slightly at the sudden close proximity, “we just sit inside in these ridiculous disguises and watch them?”
You gasp, offended by his words, and playfully slap him across his chest, “These are not ridiculous. they’re fool-proof.”
“Right. ‘Cause no one wonder why we’re wearing hats and sunglasses inside. And it’s totally normal for the three of us to be hiding behind our menus.” He mocks, sending you a quick wink that would’ve made you weak to your knees had you been standing.
“Shut up Thomas, let me concentrate.” You giggle, pushing his face away, despite the gnawing feeling of wanting him even closer.
For an entirety of 3 excruciatingly long hours, you intently watch the couple, paying extra attention when they finally - finally - stand up to say goodbye.
You gasp as Harrison charmingly holds her hand and plants a kiss on it. You grab both Harry and Tom’s cheeks, shoving them into yours as you squealin delight, “It’s working!”
You feel Tom smile into your cheek, “You love playing Cupid, don’t you, y/n/n?”
“Oh, you bet. It’s kinda sad I don’t get to shoot people asses with an arrow to get them to fall in love but the reaction is enough to satisfy, I guess.”
Harry and Tom let out a loud laugh as you watch Haz walk Amelia out and return to the group with a dreamy smile.
“I take it it went well, didn’t it lover boy?” Harry cocks an eyebrow, as Haz jokingly punches his arm.
“She’s so..perfect. Honestly, it’s- I’m literally speechless. I asked her if she’d like to go on a second date and she said she’d love to.”
You grin widely at the revelation and was about to say how proud you are when you receive a text from Amelia, and immediately check to see if she was right. To your horror, she was.
You facepalm and slide your hand down your face as you bring your eyes to meet Haz’s, looking at him in disappointment.
What a fucking idiot.
His face drops, and he tenses, instantly panicking, “What? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something? Did she say something?”
“Haz, honey.” You smile sympathetically, “Maybe next time, check to see if your fly is down before the date.”
When the four of you return home, you cross out Haz’s name from the list on the whiteboard, and happily clasp your hands together as you turn to face the trio.
“All right, Haz’s mission has been a success.”
Harry snorts, “Yeah, even if she saw the Spongebob Squarepants underwear. Tell me, which character did she see? Sandy or Mr. Krabs?”
Harrison lets out an exasperated sigh while Tom and Harry high-five each other, “I told you guys, I was in a hurry this morning and this was the only one left.”
You let out an amused giggle but stop when Harrison glares at you and clear your throat. “Children,” you lightheartedly scold with an accusing finger, “settle down, it’s not that funny.”
“Yes, it is!” Tom manages to say through his wheezing, and your heart squeezes at how adorable he looks when he throws his head back in laughter.
“Anyway!” You yell, rolling your eyes, successfully grabbing the boys’ attention, “I believe it’s Harry’s turn” you turn to smile mischievously at Harry, who was now cowering in fear.
He fidgets in his seat and profusely shakes his head, “Oh, no, no. I’m good, honestly.”
“Harry, I’ve seen you cry while watching Bride Wars and cuddling a life-sized teddy.”
“So? It’s sad.” He mumbles.
“It’s a comedy, for god’s sake.” You frantically dismiss the subject, "Look, I’ve already found the perfect girl. Her name’s Sarah, she goes to the University of Arts, London, and has the same interests as you. Plus, she’s super smart, which should come in handy, especially for you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He raises his eyebrow.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” You chuckle, waving your hands around.
He shoots daggers at you before his face shifts, and you can practically see the light bulb go off in his head, “You know, you keep talking about us guys getting girls, but what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Cupid fell madly in love with Psyche. If you’re Cupid, there must be someone you fancy. Isn’t there, Cherry?” Harrison grills you, and you figure this is his way of getting back at you for calling the boy’s attention to his zipper.
“Uh,” you gulp, mind completely blanking. For the first time in your life, you practically had no comeback. No snide remark. No sass. Nothing. Your mouth went dry as your eyes briefly connect with Tom’s. He clenches his jaw and bows his head, trying to keep his lid on his simmering jealousy at the thought of you liking someone.
Someone besides him.
See, Tom was also completely head over heels for you. But because of your personality, it was hard to tell whether your flirting was just a part of you, or if you were genuinely into him.
There was always an unspoken spark between the two of you, and even if it was regularly being pointed out by friends and family members, neither of you have talked about it, nor confronted it.
It was just..there. Existing in every space, no matter the time, and though the both of you longed for one another, the profound fear of rejection and stepping over the ‘friendship’ line terminated the thought of any sort of engagement from both sides.
You simply dismissed the electricity in the air with a white, yet massive lie: “We’re just friends.”
“Well, this Cupid isn’t done with her job just yet. I still have to work on Tom, too.” You stupidly point out, mentally facepalming. Why would you say something like that?!
Great, you thought, I just forced myself to set up the love of my life with some girl and watch him happily fall in love with her and then he’ll get married and have kids and-
“I’ve..actually already got eyes on someone.”
Wait, what?
“Wait, what?” You raise your eyebrows, flashing him an incredulous look.
“Yeah, I like someone. I might even be in love with her.”
“Oh.” You slap on a plastic grin before anyone notices your crest-fallen face, rapidly blinking away the tears that have gathered in your eyes, “I’m..happy for you.”
You feel hot flashes run down your spine and your heart shattering into multiple little pieces, each bit slicing your lungs until you felt like you were suffocating. You couldn’t help but feel like an idiot, once succumbing to the hopes of maybe, just maybe, he would’ve fallen for you, too.
But, then again, who were you to get your hopes up? It’s Tom. There was no way in hell he would’ve wanted someone like you.
You clear your throat to try to get rid of the massive lump that was lodged in your airpipe and give him a humorless laugh, “Well, I guess you’re off the list, too.” 
You turn and bit your lip, supressing the tears that were just on the verge of falling as you cross his name out. You sigh and make up an excuse to leave the boys’ curious stares, saying that you needed to go shopping for groceries and snacks for the upcoming movie night that you suddenly dreaded.
Maybe you should grab an extra bucket of ice-cream for yourself.
“Heyo! I got double the amount of snacks because I know you fat fucks will probably focus on the food rather than the mov-“ You look up and furrow your eyebrows at the unusual sight of an empty and peaceful living room. You couldn’t help but feel your heart lighten just a bit. Maybe you really need some alone time to think.
“In here, darling!” Tom’s wavering voice calls out from the kitchen.
Or, no alone time.
Regardless of what happened a few hours ago, butterflies erupt in your stomach at the nickname before you attempt to shake them away, telling yourself he wasn’t yours, berating your body at its inability to control itself. You sigh, placing yet another plastic smile, and stroll over to the kitchen.
“Hey, Tommy. Where are the rest of the dudes?”
“Just you and I today, love.” He beams, and you could’ve sworn you caught a glint of impishness in his eyes as he walks back to the living room with a large pizza box in his hand.
But, no. Again, he isn’t yours. 
Though that didn’t stop the fire in your chest to grow with curiosity, nor did it stop the thoughts of something special happening tonight. Maybe a confession, your brain hoped.
Oh, great, you roll your eyes, now my mind and my body are betraying me.
You feign a sigh and look down at your arms that were filled to the brink with snacks, “Well,” you shrug, “can’t let the snacks go to waste.”
Once you were sure his hands were empty, you drop all the snacks on him, giggling when he threw his fists up, ready to punch.
“Y/n!” He lightheartedly rebukes you.
“Sorry, my love.” you mockingly apologize and plant a sweet kiss on his cheek, “I’m gonna go get changed.”
You run out into your room before you see his reaction and slam the door, placing your head into your hands, mouth dropping at what you’d just done.
Did you just kiss him?! 
Wait, no. 
Don’t get ahead of yourself. It was just a kiss on the cheek. A friendly kiss, no less. It’s not like you made out with him and told him you’re madly in love with him.
Wonder what would’ve happened if I went a little to the left and- no. No. Get a grip!
“Why can’t my body understand he doesn’t like me?” You whine in annoyance.
After putting on your comfy pj's, and cursing yourself underneath your breath, you waltz back into the living room, situating yourself at the other end of the couch, ignoring Tom’s confused gaze. Usually, there was not a single sliver of space between the two of you, but you figured tonight you’d have to control yourself.
“So, what’d the boys pick out?” You wonder out loud, trying to get rid of the tense awkwardness that settled in the gap between your bodies.
“Some movie called My Best Friend’s Wedding and- why are you sitting so far away?” You jump a little at the quick change of subject within a sentence.
“Wh-uh,” You stammer, rummaging through your brain for an excuse, “I might have a fever?” You state, though it comes out as a question. You add a fake cough to cover up for your lame excuse.
Tom stares at you skeptically before rolling his eyes, “You suck at lying. Come here,” He pulls you by your arms and places them around his waist while his circle your shoulders. Your typical position.
You felt confused. He liked - possibly loved - someone, yet continues to cuddle you and give you pet names. It felt like he knew something, a very specific secret, and was toying with your emotions. 
He offers you a slice of pizza when he saw your dazed expression, which instantly melted away as you began eating.
Neither of you focused on the movie, too busy moaning and eating away at the delicious pizza. Blindly, both of you reach for the last slice, resulting in mild hand-to-hand contact that set your body on fire.
You slowly look up at each other, eyes alight with warmness, before you narrow yours and snatch the slice away, “Mine!”
Tom seemed to snap out of his daze when you made a run for it, “Hey! That’s my slice! Y/N!”
He staggers to his feet, immediately running after your giggles that led him to the kitchen, where each of you was on opposite ends of the island.
Your lips curl into a menacing smile as you slowly bring the slice to your open mouth.
“Don’t,” Tom warns, gradually inching towards you.
“Or what?” You challenge.
“I..won’t talk to you for a week!”
With pursed lips, you look down at the slice, pretending to contemplate your decision before you shrug, “That’s not even a punishment-“
In a quick moment, you feel your stomach flip as you squeal and hit a hard surface, only to realize that surface is Tom’s rigid back. He’s currently holding your thrashing self over his shoulder, arms tightly gripping your legs.
“Put me down, you buffoon! I do not enjoy being this close to your ass!”
“Oh, please. Anybody would kill to be in your position.” He begins his walk back to the living room when you realize the slice laid face down on the ground, completely forgotten by Tom, but not by you.
You gasp loudly, attempting to reach for the idle pizza that seemed to be getting farther and farther away, “Wait, Tom! The pizza!”
He laughs and throws you onto the couch and lays on top of you, head on your chest. You pout and hope and pray to the gods above that he doesn’t hear the wild thundering of your heart.
You’re at the part of the movie where Julianne takes Micheal somewhere secret to confess her feelings towards him, and a snide remark casually slips from your lips.
“Those glasses make her look like Yzma from Kronk’s New Groove.”
“Oh my god, I can’t unsee that now.” He chortles wholeheartedly, and you feel the vibrations from his chest rattle your body. A jolt of love and happiness surges through your veins. His laughter was like music to your ears. You would listen to it all day if you could.
God, you’re so in love with this boy.
“Why didn’t she tell him before the wedding?” He questions after calming down, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You huff out in slight annoyance and pause the movie, turning your head to look at him, “Did you not just hear her whole rant?”
“I still don’t understand it, honestly.”
“Well..would you?” You ask, slightly afraid of the answer. You knew this question was a loaded one, that this wasn’t about the movie anymore. That is was time to confront him about what was killing you inside.
He furrows his brows, obviously caught off guard, “Would I what?”
“Um,” You suddenly sit up, body facing his, “Let’s say that we’re best friends-”
“You’re saying we’re not?” He cuts in, jokingly placing a hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt.
“-And you’re in love with me.” You roll your eyes, despite the ache in your ribs resulting from the intensity of the banging of your heart. I’m actually doing this, you think. “You’ve been in love with me for a while now. But you’re scared that I might not reciprocate those feelings. Would..would you tell me anyway?”
You knew that that was not the plot of the movie, nor was it the reason Julianne didn’t tell Michael. This was your plot now. Your story. 
He blankly stares at you for a moment before he speaks, “Well,” he starts off softly, grabbing your hand, and for a moment, you fear this might be his way of letting you down easy, “Maybe I do want to risk it. If I want to let you know, maybe I’d set something up. We’d be at home, alone, watching a romantic comedy that seems to almost match our issue. But, maybe I don’t want their ending. The one where one ends up heartbroken and the other marries someone else.”
His gentle eyes finally meet yours, and you feel yourself softening, “And maybe I’m hoping you don’t want their ending, either.”
At last, you feel most of your insecurities melting away, knowing he felt the same way you did. He cautiously inches towards your face, and you do the same, lips merely centimeters away when-
“Wait,” you push at Tom’s chest, causing him to look at you with wide, panicky eyes, “So, I was the girl you were talking about earlier?” You wince, just an ounce of anxiety lingering.
Tom scoffs and shakes his head lovingly, “Yes, you dumbass.” He goes to lean in again, and you stop him. Again.
“Wait, wait, wait.” At this point, Tom closes his eyes and huffs in frustration, “Did you just spoil the ending for me?” You ask with wide eyes, staring at him in disbelief.
“Oh, for the love of-“
He crashes his lips into yours, and you freeze for a moment before melting into him. He pulls at your waist until you’re practically straddling him, lips never detaching from one another. They move in sync, almost like they were merely made to fit and function as a unit.
Just when it was getting heated, you reluctantly pull away when you hear a ruckus near the front door.
“YES! WHO’S CUPID NOW?” Harrison barges in, pumping his fist in the air.
“You set this up?” You disbelievingly question in between your pants.
“Well, I did most of the work.” He smirks and shrugs his shoulder, just as Harry appears from the doorway, punching him in the arm, “I helped, too.” He grumbles.
You glance at Tom and your eyebrows shoot up, lightbulb instantly going off in your head, “Wow, guys.” You praise, voice dripping with slick sweetness, “I can’t believe you finally got me and Tommy together. Now I can finally kiss him whenever I want and call him whatever I want.”
“Isn’t that right, babycakes?” You dramatically coo, cradling Tom’s red face in your hands.
His eyes light up as he finally gets it and plays along, “That’s right my cuddly-wuddly.” He murmurs, rubbing his nose against yours before pulling you in for another kiss.
You titter into the kiss when you hear gagging noises accompanied by “Ugh, gross!” And “Get a room!”
Tom pulls away, resting his forehead on yours, “I love you.” He whispers, almost afraid to break the fragility of the situation. 
“Likewise, movie star.” You tease with a suppressed smile.
He shakes his head and lovingly rubs small circles on your waist when you hear Harry’s booming voice, “Why is there a dead pizza slice on the ground?”
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sapnapsimparc · 3 years
Dream Team (mostly George) do tiktok trends - part 1.
relationship: georgenotfound & sapnap (/p), georgenotfound & dream (/p but could be read as somewhat romantic)
word count: 1199
summary: george finally moves in with his boys and is determined to try out some trends he saw going around on tiktok.
note: not proofread, english is not my first language, etc. feel free to point out flaws! if i ever get around to writing more of this, it include some more romantic ones of dnf, but that is not the main focus of this one :)
George moved in with Dream and Sapnap a few weeks ago. He was supposed to stay for six months, and he wanted to get the most content out of it, part of it being trying out tiktok trends he saw going around. He had a full list.
''pretend to be asleep and see what they do''
George set up his phone, leaning it against a book on the coffee table and got comfy on the couch, pulling a thin blanket half over himself.
His plan was to pretend to be asleep on the couch, and wait for Sapnap or Dream to find him and film their reaction. He ended up actually falling asleep though, so he didn't notice when Dream came out of his room and crossed the livingroom to the kitchen. He refilled his waterbottle and on his way back, he adjusted the blanket over George's sleeping body, softly petting his hair and leaving him be.
Thankfully for George's phone's memory card, Sapnap came down the stairs soon after, and had a very contrasting reaction.
''Googyyy why the fuck are you sleeping on the couch'' Sapnap whined loudly and pushed George's legs off to make room for himself.
''What the f-'' George mumbled as he was rudely awoken. ''Go away'' he kicked Sapnap's thighs.
''You're the one taking up the full 4 person couch. Go the fuck to your room, dumbass, I wanna play'' Sapnap reasoned, reaching for the Xbox controller laying on the coffee table, accidentally knocking off George's phone. ''Why the fuck are you recording yourself sleep? You're so weird, dude'' he huffed, and George suddenly realized he had a plan. He grabbed his phone, stopping the recording and checking how long the video was.
''I was gonna film a tiktok of pretending to be asleep to catch your reaction but I actually fell asleep'' he mumbled, skipping through the 34 minute long video and stopping at the part where Dream came in at 17:08. ''Dream tucked me in'' George narrates the video, then edits it real quick, cutting it down to only the important parts, adding text to the video and saving it to his drafts to be posted later.
Needless to say, it is a hit with the fans. They go crazy over every dream team interaction, but according to their comments, this is exactly how they imagined their dynamics, and they are satisfied.
''yell for them like you're mad at them and then just say 'i love you' when they come in''
''Sapnap'' George yelled from his room, knowing the other was just chilling in his room a few doors down, door open, messaging his friends from Texas. George had his phone in his hands, recording already, his laptop on his lap, editing software open with the unfinished video he was taking a break from in it.
''What?'' he heard the yell back.
''Come here right now, what the fuck'' George tried his best to sound mad.
''No'' came the easy reply.
''Nick I swear to God!'' he yelled again. Ge heard growling and angry mumbling from the hallway before Sapnap actually showed up in his doorway.
''What the fuck do you want?'' he asked with a frown.
''I love you, man'' George said with the sweetest smile he could muster up.
''Fuck you, dude'' Sapnap said as he left. He turned back after a few seconds though. ''I love you too, dude'' he said sincerely, and George already debated cutting this part out of the tiktok, keeping the rare soft moment for himself instead of posting it for the world to see.
''Clay!'' George yelled, this time from the kitchen, phone leaning on the side of the microwave, showing George with his hands on his hips, actually looking quite cross.
''What's up?'' came the reply from somewhere in the house.
''Come here right now!'' George screamed.
''Is everything alright?'' Dream walked in shortly after, sweatpants and a worn, almost see-through white shirt hanging wrinkled on his body in a way that George almost forgot the reason he called for him. Dream saw George's distressed face, and decided to push. ''Did I do something? You never call me Clay. Did I leave the butter out of the fridge?'' he asked, genuine apology in his voice.
''I love you'' George said it suddenly, for multiple reasons, the first being that it actually just rolled out after Dream's concern over butter, but also to stop him from rambling. Oh, and to film the tiktok.
''Oh'' confusion was visible on Dream's face for a few seconds, then his body relaxed and he smiled. ''I love you too, George. Is that why you yelled for me?'' he opened his arms slightly, as a silent but unsure invite for George to hug him. George fell into his arms easily, mumbling something into his shoulders. ''What was that?'' Dream asked softly.
''I said'' George lifted his head. ''I was filming a tiktok, but you were so cute I kind of don't want to post it anymore'' he giggled.
He posted the two videos edited together, Sapnap's ending after he left, and Dream's ending right as they go for the hug. Some moments are only for them.
''randomly lay on them to cuddle to see their reaction''
George and Sapnap were hangin out on the couch in the living room, Sapnap playing something on the Xbox, George on his phone. George was in a clingy mood already, so setting his phone leaning on the books on the table like before came as an easy decision. Sapnap was kind of focused on his game, so George had the time to set it up right, and then he kind of just leaned onto Sapnap.
''George?'' Sapnap asked softly. ''You alright?'' He put his controller down and gently wrapped his arm around George's shoulder. ''What happened?'' he started stroking his back, uncharacteristically light for him.
''Just wanted to cuddle'' George murmured, getting comfy in his friend's arms.
''You wanna watch something?'' Sapnap reached for the remote, and George decided then and there to stop recording tiktoks like this with Sapnap, because it's gonna have to be cut anyway. Maybe he would just record them and not post them, keep them as little memories.
Cuddling with Dream was usually initiated by Dream himself, as he was much bigger on pulling George into himself whenever he felt like it. So George setting his phone on Dream's bedside table upon barging in, and inserting himself into the tall boy's side on a Saturday morning was quite a surprise to both of them.
''Hey there'' Dream dropped his own phone from his hands and pulled George close so they would be comfy. ''You alright?'' he asked,and George started to think he needed to show affection more, because both times he did for a tiktok, both boys asked if he was okay.
''Cuddle'' he answered simply, and he knew he would cut the video off right there, because Dream pressed a soft kiss to his head as he burrowed into the boy further.
Fans, for once completely ignored the ''dnf'' content at the sight of Sapnap being so ready to cuddle George.
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Chapters: 3/20 Fandom: IT Rating: M Warnings: No warnings at this time Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh/Ben Hanscom Additional Tags: PunkRocker!Eddie, Writer!Richie, Beveddie!Friendship, No Clown Written by: myself & @ahardlife​ Tag list: @richietoaster, @beproudtozier, @that-weird-girls-blog, @s-onora, @s-s-georgie, @bellarosewrites, @iamcupcakefrosting, @reddieonwheels, @ghostnebula, @madidraw @madi-main, @gazebobullshit, @thoughtfullyyoungduck​, @airbenderking
Puff piece writer Richie Tozier is given the chance of a lifetime to interview his celebrity crush: Dr. K, the lead singer of punk rock band, Trashmouth. Dr. K is about to release his first solo album and Richie wants to get all the dirty details. But all is not what it appears to be and the two realize they know each other from a different time, in a different place, when they were both very different people.
Chapters One, Two 
Kill My Mind - Louis Tomlinson 
You kill my mind Raise my body back to life And I don't know what I'd do without you now
Kept me living From the last time From a prison of a past life On a mission just to feel like When you kissed me for the last time
While he may not have been the most studious of those who worked at Paper Boat magazine, Richie was anything if not professional. He stayed up throughout the night as he pieced together the interview to send to Bill. He wanted to ace that job, mind you. Even if he just did fluff pieces and bullshit reports, he always made sure his work was coherent and easy to read.
When the following day came, he made his way back into the studio, clutching a large coffee with a double shot, recalling what the singer said again and again.
What the fuck did he mean by it was nice to see you again?
He thought about all the people he had met throughout the years in the industry and nope. Dr. K wasn’t on that list. He had been a fan of Trashmouth since he was a junior in college, there is no fucking way he would have forgotten meeting him even if it was early on in his career.
As he made his way to his cubby, he stumbled into Georgie, who was adjusting his camera and making his way down to the designated photoshoot area.
“Jesus, you look terrible. What happened to you?” Was the first thing he asked him.
“Thanks for the support, little man. I appreciate it,” he commented with a chuckle. “I had to edit the interview and it took longer than expected.” He admitted sipping at his coffee, trying to make it seem casual.
He also stayed awake, examining the selfie he had taken moments before the bombshell. He had seen Dr. K’s face nearly every day for the past eight years. Richie was very sure if they had met before, he would have recognized him.
You don’t just forget about meeting a fucking rockstar even if you met them before their star status.
“Oh, right,” the guy nodded, going back to set his camera. “He’ll be here in five. The singer guy. His assistant just called me,” he informed.
Sometimes he forgot that Georgie was nearly ten years younger than Bill. Still in college with a lush career on his shoulders all thanks to his brother’s connections. He would be jealous of the little fucker if he wasn’t such a damn sweetheart.
“Cool. Cool cool.”
“You can come along if you want. No one is allowed access other than me and Bill, but since you’re doing the expose on him, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be there too.”
“Oh. Right. Thanks.”
And he was panicking again. He really shouldn’t be because like Georgie said, he was just a singer guy. Except he wasn’t. He was Dr. K. Lead -- former -- lead singer of Trashmouth. A band that meant more to Richie than he is proud to admit at this very moment.
As they made their way down to the secluded area, Richie’s mouth started watering. Was that normal? He’d have to check with a doctor. A real one. True to words, Dr. K and Beverly arrived a few minutes later with Bill in tow. Georgie greeted them kindly, while Richie just stood off awkwardly to the side, staring out at him like a psycho as Georgie explained what they wanted him to do.
It wasn’t going to be anything wild. Richie had seen other promotional photos of the man and while some of them helped him get through some very lonely nights, this wasn’t going to be like that. They weren’t giving him stupid props or greasing him up.
He would wear the clothes he came in with (black jeans and a black and white checkered button-down), and Bill would talk to him throughout it just to keep him confident and relaxed. It was pretty standard with Paper Boat. They wanted real people so having a photoshoot that was more photoshopped than anything wasn’t their cup of tea.
Giving Georgie a minute to set up, Richie watched as Dr. K approached him, that particular smile sitting so comfortably across his lips. It only made Richie more nervous.
“Hey Richie,” He greeted him casually.
“Hey! Hi. Good morning,” He rambled out, his hand still clutching his coffee. “Excited for the shoot?”
“Nothing new to me to be honest, though I do appreciate your boss not lathering me up in lube.” He admitted with a small shrug.
“That was a great shoot. I mean, I doubt it was comfortable and it had to be a bitch to wash off, but ten out of ten stars for me.” He mentioned, rolling on the balls of his feet. He was teetering. Waiting. Waiting for what though? If he didn’t spit it out he would miss his chance and then the mystery would only continue. “Hey, can I ask you something real quick?”
“Yesterday, at the interview before you left, remember? You- you said it was nice to see me again,” he started, pausing as Beverly came over, passing Dr. K his own cup of coffee.
Richie took a slow sip of his mouth, hoping to quench his throat that was suddenly very dry.
Dr. K thanked her, sipping at his cup as Beverly left them again. “Mhm, I remember.”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about it and honestly dude, I don’t remember ever meeting you.” He finally confessed. “Did we like, have a class together in school? I highly doubt it because you were touring while I was getting my bachelor's, but I really can’t find you anywhere in my mind. And trust me, I would remember someone like you. Cute, and sexy, and talented. You’re like a triple threat and I have like, seven shirts with your face on it, plus multiple pictures of you in my apartment, and I’ve seen you perform sixteen times in the past eight years, and I should stop talking now because Bill is literally right there and told me I shouldn’t embarrass myself and me-“
Dr. K started laughing then, soft and sweet. His smile only grew and those dark eyes shimmered almost lovingly. “Beep beep, Richie.”
And after that he was whisked away by Georgie. They didn’t apply much makeup other than some powder to help with the shine. Richie was left standing like a fool, watching as Dr. K was placed where they wanted him and Bill began talking to him as the photoshoot began.
“Beep beep?” Richie muttered aloud, trying to remember where he heard that before.
Until it clicked.
“Beep beep, Richie!”
Richie laughed aloud, turning back to make sure the other boy was still behind him. It was summer and they were kids, which meant they were going to do whatever the hell they wanted to do without a single care in the world. Their town was small and boring, so what else were two ten year old kids supposed to do? Sit at home and watch cartoons?
They rode their bikes around town, finally making it to the standpipe where they could have a bit of privacy. They went there more often than not, as it was the only place in the whole damn town that wasn’t a waste of space.
They hurried inside, just as they had so many times before. As children, preteens, and then finally teenages. Sure, two ten year olds running a muck was pretty annoying, but it was the thirteen year olds that caused the most trouble, with their potty mouths and terrible ideas.
Richie lead the other boy inside, sneaking through the rickety door and up, up, up the stairs until they reached the very top. It was the only place high enough where you could see beyond Derry. See the horizon as the sun set down and actually know there was more of this world than just their shitty town.
“All right, Rapunzel! I’ve brought you back to your tower, far away from that terrible, terrible witch that kept you captive!”
“That’s not even how the story goes, dumbass.” The other boy laughed.
His words were meant to be cruel, but they weren’t. And his gaze wasn’t one of disdain but appreciation. Richie adjusted his glasses, moving closer to the other boy. “Either way, I’m still the prince charming, here to save the beautiful prince.”
The other boy rolled his eyes fondly.
“If your mom puts you under a sleeping spell, I’ll have to be the one to kiss you awake.” Richie announced.
“Wrong princess, Richie.”
“You do look rather sleepy, Eds. Maybe I should try it now? Just for practice?”
“Beep beep, Richie.” The other boy replied, pulling the taller boy in to kiss him softly.
Richie hurried out of the studio, going up the stairs and out onto the street to gather from fresh air. He felt a tightness in his stomach that he hadn’t dealt with in a very long time. He was sweaty and jumpy as people moved along the street beside him. It was as if he had seen a ghost and in some ways, he had.
There was only one person in his life who said those words to him; the mocking clown nose sound that would be used to sensor him or shut him up.
It was him. After all these years. After all the nightmares. After all the therapy sessions he finally walked back into his life.
Eddie Kaspbrak.
They had been friends since kindergarten. Best friends almost right off the bat. Eddie was a shy kid who didn’t do well with crowds and Richie was a class clown who was shunned from all other cliques due to how obnoxious he was even from an early age.
They were two people who didn’t belong in the small town they were trapped inside. Two boys who shared common interests and scars, and more importantly, secrets.
Eddie Kaspbrak was the reason Richie turned into such a basket case, so afraid to come out of his shell and be proud of who he was.
And it was Dr. K that helped Richie step out of the darkness and into the light.
Now it appeared they were one in the same.
There was no other way around it. Nobody else had ever said such a thing to him. “Beep beep” had been their thing, the thing Eddie would say to get him to stop talking back when they were just kids. There was no possible way anybody else would know that.
After finally realizing he wasn’t happy with the life had been living Richie went to therapy where he basically cried out every sad story he had to tell. In the end the therapist suggested he reach out to his old pal. Richie looked him up on every social media account he could but there was no sign of him anywhere.
It was like he didn’t exist anymore.
In the back of his mind Richie thought the worst and he had good reason to. Things didn’t end well for them back when they were kids. They were torn apart due to the prejudices of society and the pure hatred from Eddie’s mother. He always wondered what happened to his friend, especially since it was very clear that he and Eddie were more than friends.
There was a time when he used to think they were fucking soulmates. It was silly to think and he was just thirteen when those thoughts popped into his head into his head but back then he didn’t care.
It was just him and Eddie against the world. But the world ended up winning in the end.
Richie left the studio then, unsure of how he was supposed to carry on with the rest of the day with the knowledge he now had. He had practically gotten sick of it, thinking back to his childhood and how terrible things had turned out for himself.
He felt sick, like every time he got nervous about something. He felt sick and scared and happy? All of a sudden. Yes, he went to therapy because he thought his best friend was gone for good. Shit, he even called to as many conversion camps he could find information about across the country. Really, Sonia Kaspbrak would do anything to keep her son for herself.
And now Eddie was back in his life. How could he not see it? He went to sixteen concerts, got a poster of the band in his house, he even got cold showers courtesy of Dr. K. It was going to be a whole lot to process it. Process, first of all, that Eddie was alive. Two, that he was in his life again and even remembered him. And three, that he was Dr. K.
What. The. Fuck.
Richie went home hoping to collect his thoughts though it didn’t turn out the way he hoped. He was going absolutely bonkers trying to control all these new revelations that were coming his way.
He tried to get his mind off it; even jumping into the shower hoping the warm water would make him feel like a normal person again but that was all for nothing.
He had to talk to Eddie. Obviously he remembered him. Remembered the things they used to say to one another. He felt like he was going out of his mind.
Looking at the clock, he swore sharply. He would be gone from the studio by now. Richie was mentally kicking himself for running away but it’s what he did best.
There had to be another way. He was desperate but he didn’t want to give up that easily.
So he called Bill, hoping to use his small amount of improv and acting skills to get him in good. “Bill! Buddy! Shit man you’re never gonna believe this.” He spoke drastically.
He told Bill this wild story about how he was watching a documentary on Galaxy Quest that got him excited, resulting in him knocking over his coffee cup onto his computer, which short-circuited as he was editing the interview.
“I got it back up and rolling but I wasn’t able to save. Yeah, it’s gone man. All of it. I was hoping you had the number of his assistant so I could reschedule another one on one.”
“You gotta be more careful, Rich. MacBooks aren’t cheap.” Bill replied with a laugh.
He texted him the number of Dr. K’s personal assistant.
Easy as that.
Richie was ready to relay the whole story back to Beverly and when he did he thought that maybe it would be just as easy. Of course, it wasn’t.
“Mr. Denbrough asked enough questions during the photoshoot to qualify as an interview. Surely that shall suffice, Mr. Tozier.” She spoke coolly.
“It could but it wouldn’t answer the hard-hitting questions that our readers want to know about,” Richie replied. “Look it will only be a few minutes. I’ll even come to him if you give me the address.”
“I very well can't just give you the address of Dr. K’s home.” Beverly laughed off dismissively.
“Bev — can I call you Bev? — I need you to work with me here. I know I sound desperate and pathetic but I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, I am both.”
He wasn’t going to sugar coat it. He ran away because he was a weak bitch but he had to talk to Eddie about this. Needed him to fill in the gaps of their lives.
“Ten minutes, that’s all. I don’t want to waste his time, I just want to talk to him. You can even supervise if you’re worried I’m gonna jump him or anything.”
“You don’t give up easily, do you, Tozier?”
“Actually I’ve been known to give up very easily. It’s just different this time around,” Richie confessed.
The line was quiet for a moment; too quiet that Richie thought that maybe the call dropped. He pulled away to look but found Beverly continuing.
“He’s not at his current home. He’s staying at the Waldorf Suites until further notice.” She explained.
He told her the name that he was staying under and explained he would be there for the rest of the night. Richie looked down at the paper, his heart jumping in his throat when he saw the name he was currently listed under “Spaghetti” which just hit too close to him.
“Don’t do anything stupid, Mr. Tozier.” She warned lightly.
“I make zero promises, Ms. Ringwald.” He said before ending the call.
He jumped up from his seat then, rushing off to change back into his clothing so he could hit the road and get some answers.
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