#mb they should be on now!
ask-the-nine-links · 1 year
Hello snitch number... honestly, I have no idea. Let's go with number 9, I like 9. Anyway, Legend, I have some information for you. In our world we are a total of 8 billion people (more or less) That is, 8000000000000. But don't worry, not everyone is interested in your adventures. Although being so many, even if only 0.001% of us are snitchs, that makes a total of 80000000 snitchs, that is, 80 million of us. So... good luck sleeping tonight.
Legend: Hey Four?
Four: Yeah?
Legend: Can I have some of that caffeinated sludge you drink when on your nerdy binges? And don't say it's coffee, that shit is nowhere near it.
Four: They aren't nerdy binges, sure, and why?
Legend: If I'm not sleeping tonight, might as well makes sure I'm alert for when the Snitches come knocking.
Four: A responsible teammate would tell you hell no and force you to sleep tonight...
Four: Eh, knock yourself out. Or in this case, become incapable of it.
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reineydraws · 1 year
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so there's this post that talks about how people call jason's curved knife a kris but it's not a kris 'cuz why would he have a southeast asian knife? and op's tags say if you're gonna give him an 'exotic' weapon at least make him malay or something. a later reblog adds a filipino kris as an example, and then i was like, 'omg, jason in a barong tho.' SO i tried designing a bat-barong inspired by his hood logo, for a filipino jason haha. and now here we are! 😊✨️🇵🇭
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virtuosossqaure · 1 year
my quality on my drawing’s keeps getting worse when i try to post it on here and that greatly upsets my soul.
Maybe i should just start posting on computer???
to find more abt this ink go to @moonblossom-au their amazing
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onicole · 2 months
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YAYAAYAYAY CROSSFIRWBQ‼️‼️ hwlpwp i wokw up todwt thiwbking about them so hawrd i qm goiwng to go jajsjrjjwen over them
i suck at doing comics mb
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dobythealpaca · 10 months
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GG tori fans!!!!!!!! we went up against some pretty crazy competition this time around!! Its a shame we got taken out- but don’t give up larry fans,,,, next year we’re gonna get even further!!🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 days
I feel like I need to vomit but I physically can't
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miraculousbohemian · 3 months
Hello MCU fandom, I'm really bored now and I'm also pissed at Marvel for not knowing shit about countries and their developments so in retaliation I've decided to make my own version of where Sokovia would be located as a fellow Slav.
I'm pretty sure it would have been somewhere around what we know as Vojvodina today, and Vojvodina is really diverse, it's a melting pot basically, so it does make sense. And the Cyrillic they used was Serbian as some people on Reddit pointed out.
Y'all I'll develop an entire lore about Sokovia I'll go crazy I know it, but I swear I'll get it to reach Feige one day.
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thenamessparkplug · 5 months
shoutout to my old 4th grade teacher for being more supportive of me one time 6 months ago than my own mother's ever been< 3333
#it was like such a tiny interaction but i also never forgot#it was during some kind of family party thing for kids parents (and siblings) to come and eat pizza and some other stuff i dont remember#and anyways my brother(who currently goes to this school) wanted to go so my whole family went#and while i was there my mom saw my old 4th grade teacher and was like “omg you should go talk to her”#and i was like yeah i should she was a really cool lady actually#so i nervously was like “hi” and didnt think shed recognize me at all#but she IMMEDIETLY was like “ITS YOU! /pos”#she then points to my shirt and asks me “hey are those your pronouns now?”#and this was back when i still wore pronoun/pride pins in general#and i was like “yeah actually!” because no adult had ever asked me about it before and i was so happy to like be recognized as a person#and she gave me a hug and told me she was proud of me and how much id grown and i /maybe/ got a little close to tears but ignore that#and my mom just stood there the whole time#she didnt say anything#she didnt smile#and this was not my first time wearing my pronoun pin my TRANS FLAG pin even#never once did she acknowledge it#also like a month later she made fun of me for it and i havent worn one since#uh yeah anyways#sorry for ranting lmao#or ig venting?? this was not my intention mb mb#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgtbq#lgbtqia#(to be clear my mom has made it very clear she will never support me on numerous occasions it wasnt like a one time thing lmao)#tw vent??#tw vent
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 2 months
my favorite game to play with the ao3 search bar is looking up a thought i had in my head and seeing if anyone has written anything about it and then being disappointed but motivated.
*checks clipboard silently and crosses out something*
ice skating lumity fic
firefighter au
graveyard worker luz/ghost amity au
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raiiny-bay · 2 years
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1driedpersimmon · 3 months
i love your lizards so much,, i hope it's okay to say i'm a little obsessed with them,,, theyre so nicely written and i love how you draw them and have them interact with other people (´・ω•̥`) i'm cheering for kaiien hoping he can properly get his feelings for sesame be known!!
Oh thank you !!! 🥰🥰🥰 it makes me happy you like them sm hehehe
And no worries Kaiien will succeed soon ;)))
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121231212i · 20 days
favorite animes?
Suzume, Link Click (that's a donghua but IT'S VERY GOOD TOO), Violet Evergarden, Your name, Weathering with you, A whisker away, Silent Voice, Banana Fish, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, Anohana, Spirited away, The Wind Rises, Princess Mononoke, Castle in the sky, When Marnie was there, Howl's moving castle, My neighbor Totoro, Princess Kaguya, The secret world of Arrietty, Your lie in April, To your eternity, TBHK, Graves Of Fireflies, Hotarubi no Mori e, JJK, A sign of affection, KNY, Assassination Classroom, Given
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
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imtellingmummy · 1 year
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uh ohhh religious imagery even tho not really cause crosses aren’t only biblical but whatever
this took me a while LOL i was gonna colour the line art but then i was like nah i don’t want to so here we are
this wasn’t supposed to specifically look like one of his designs from one of the series, but i did have the 1975 mangas and OVAs in mind lol
and yes. i am a coward. i did not draw his boobs. i may have a pair myself, but i am still weak
anyway here’s what i kept on repeating from AWANAs in my head cause religious guilt(I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST PEOPLE WHO ARE RELIGIOUS. as long as you respect my opinions, i will respect yours. unless if you’re like killing ppl or smth idk)
i pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s holy word. i will make it a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. i will hide its words in my heart, so that i might not sin against God.
no i did not give him as many wings as he has. to be honest i just couldn’t bring myself to😭i feel so disrespectful to the bible about it so that’s how i’m justifying it to myself
if you wanna yell at me about how the blood splatters are unrealistic, dm me(THIS IS A TRAP I WILL MAKE YOU TALK ABOUT DEVILMAN WITH ME)
k bye bye
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zelda7999 · 1 year
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Disfaiust and Aegroul goin' for a stroll!~ Wonder what they're talking about...
Aegroul belongs to the lovely @secretsinthesilentdark! :D Disfaiust is my Sona/OC
I wanted to murder friend, and therefore I went all out 💛 hehehehe
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sophieswundergarten · 10 months
I can't stop thinking about that Wing AU and Sticky plucking his feathers...
(Weird, angsty ramblings that might require some knowledge of bird anatomy to fully understand to follow)
(Basically, when birds grow feathers they start as "blood feathers" which are basically just little sacks of blood and growing cells. After this, they are "pin feathers", and the blood is all inside where it belongs, leaving the feather all rolled up and covered in this papery stuff that rubs off and leaves a fully grown feather. Also, Primaries are the big "pointer finger" feathers at the tip of the wings, Secondaries are the medium sized ones from the "wrist" joint to the "elbow", where they get smaller and are referred to as Tertiaries. That should be it :>)
Because, in real life, it's quite common in pet psittacines (Parrots: so, macaws, cockatoos, budgies, lovebirds, etc.) especially when they are stressed. And it can get out of control really fast and take a long time to train the bird out of even though it's very obviously hurting it.
And I just keep thinking about how young he was when he started being on TV. And for a while the fluffy little baby feathers were cute but an entertainment industry seeking engagement instead of connection demanded he grow up too fast.
And so the make-up/wardrobe department for any competition he was on started pulling some of the downy feathers. There weren't that many left at this point regardless, but they assured him it would make him seem more mature and appeal to a wider audience. And it would be fine, it wouldn't really hurt him, especially since he was growing in big feathers anyway.
So it went. With Sticky being so self-conscious and anxious anyway, he probably kept his wings tucked in tight behind him no matter what people thought about them.
He had never put that much consideration into how he looked, but now he can't stop thinking about it. He doesn't know why it's so important, but apparently it matters to people. He doesn't want it to matter. He doesn't want to be seen or recognised. He just wants to be left alone.
He starts fidgeting with the pin feathers that will one day unfurl into adult primaries, and even though he knows it's counter-intuitive because removing the casings will only free the feathers sooner, he can't help it. A few times he goes too far and starts picking at blood feathers, and even though the red coats his finger tips more often than he'd like, he still can't stop his hands from scratching and pulling and yanking as he grows more and more agitated.
And then he ran away
He ran and he couldn't keep his hands off his wings for more than a few minutes. Tugging and raking his fingers through the feathers in a futile attempt to calm down. The first couple of times, it's an accident.
The first couple of times he's so caught up in soundless panic and all he can hear is his own breathing, it's only later that he notices a small cluster of secondaries, close to his body and almost never seen with how rigidly he holds himself, are missing. Small pieces of the night sky littering the alleyway ground where he'd been hiding.
His wings are so dark in colour, not to mention unkempt after a few weeks hiding and running and flitting from place to place trying to find safety, that the other kids don't even notice anything wrong.
It isn't until a few days later, when they're all in the backyard attempting to practice their Morse Code, and Kate does something that startles him that they really see what kind of a state his wings are in.
Most birds, when scared or on edge, will carefully spread their wings. Maybe not a lot, but they are preparing to fly away or make themselves look bigger in hopes to scare off the threat. (I imagine Milligan having great big owl wings that he puffs up to try and guard the children when the Recruiters come after them in the maze)
But Sticky just draws them in closer to his body. When he is scared, which Constance would note is often, he holds his wings so tightly to his back that they seem half their size. This would be considered odd and in some ways handicapping himself or keeping him from being able to react properly.
But this time, as Kate wobbles unstably out of her cartwheel and lets out a shriek of laughter, landing on the ground right next to him, Sticky jumps. He starts off the bench he had been sitting on, hunching his shoulders and reflexively spreading his wings.
And instead of the fully extended mix of fully grown flight feathers and occasionally wayward piece of down the other kids have, Sticky's wings are a mess. They have a skeletal quality, with just enough plumage that when they are folded in it's hardly noticeable, but when they are extended it's clear there are significant gaps. The remaining feathers have the dull, stunted quality of someone who has been under an incredible amount of stress without nearly enough nutrients to fuel them, and indeed Sticky looks rather like a feral cat in that moment: Spooked and curling in on himself as if expecting a fight.
He quickly realises his overreaction, and then processes that the girls are staring at his wings (Reynie's eye did dart up, but quickly returned to looking at Sticky's face), so he jerks them back into a resting position. Though there's nothing particularly restful about how stiff his posture is, back ramrod straight and muscles so tight he's beginning to shake.
However, this is something that the others know he doesn't want to share yet. And he doesn't need to. Not until he's ready.
So, Kate grabs the flashlight from where it had fallen to the ground, a sheepish grin on her face as she apologises for scaring him.
Reynie suggests they all go inside, take a break and get something to eat before they begin again.
Constance glares at Sticky suspiciously, but right as she opens her mouth she seems to think better of her questions and simply shrugs.
And Sticky is grateful for his friends, grateful that he has these people who love him enough to trust him with his secrets, even though they don't know each other very well yet. So he follows them inside, and if Kate dumps a little bit more food on his plate, and Constance doesn't try to swipe his juice glass this time, and if that night (for the first time) Reynie shyly asks if the two of them could take turns preening each others' wings, when it's just the two of them alone in the room, Sticky thinks he might be able to trust them too.
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