#snitch anon (s)
ask-the-nine-links · 1 year
Soooooo we have gotten news that wild is getting a second adventure, i honestly dont know if hylia will send wild on this adventure in the middle of the "black blood" quest or after it. I just wanted to give a heads up.
But at least ik that wild wont be alone on this adventure!!!! So thats one sliver lining.
-one of the manny snitches
(how manny of us are there??? Qwq, you know what ima make my sighn of text blue that might work instead of a number)
Wild: I am *this* close to beating the shit out of Hylia with a spoon.
Twilight: Wild, your fingers are touchin'.
Wild: Exactly.
Sky: Please don't beat up my girlfriend. :(
Wild: ...I will beat the shit out of Hylia in my time.
Sky: :)
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blueiight · 2 years
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Coming slowly to know his evil, or being catapulted into it ... was all the same. I wanted none of it finally. And, deserving nothing better, I closed up like a spider in the flame of a match. And even Armand who was my constant companion, and my only companion, existed at a great distance from me, beyond that veil which separated me from all living things, a veil which was a form of shroud. (IWTV, 1976)
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robilover · 3 months
-🐣 anon (can u see the link? It's a knight!robin 🥺)
AAAAHHH KNIGHT ROBIN!! I loved how the artist drew her, she’s so charming. thank you for reminding me of that beautiful art, 🐣 anon <33
Medieval!AU: Knight!Robin Headcanons !
pairing(s): knight!robin x princess!reader
cw: purely sfw, men and homophobes dni.
god, imagine knight!robin being your knight in shining armor, who’s assigned to be (mainly) by your side!! she vowed to protect you, the beloved princess of her kingdom.
she would always wait down the stairs every morning when you wake up to greet you with a smile. as soon as you reach where she was at, she would hold out her hand to you and take your hand in hers, planting a soft kiss on your knuckles. you would blush every time she does this because of how charming she is!
“good morning, my lady!” robin greets you with a smile.
“good morning, robin. I thought I told you to call me by my name?” you replied with a shy smile. robin let out a soft chuckle at that before replying.
“oh, my apologies, my la— I mean, y/n.” she smiled, as you could’ve sworn that your heart skipped a beat at her smile and the way she said your name.
since she is always by your side, she would be very protective of you!
you would always have to reassure her that nothing will happen since she’s there for you. you feel very protected whenever she’s around. she’s a very skilled and trained knight, after all!
“my princess.. er, y/n, are we heading to the woods? you know that you are forbidden there,” robin said with a concerned and worried tone. “if the king finds out, he might replace me with a stricter knight..”
“don’t worry, robin! it’ll only be for a little while. it’s fine, he won’t,” you giggled as you led her to the woods. she sighed and decided to go along with you.
as soon as you reached a stream, you took your shoes off and went over to the water. robin was quite surprised at this but decided to just take her armor off and follow you. duh, she’s still wearing something underneath that armor of hers.
both of you were then just playing in the stream, your feet both in the water as you both splashed at each other, giggling like two people in love.
...some of the knights caught the both of you all wet because of the water. one of them decided to snitch (out of jealousy) and told the king about it.
the king, your father, scolded you and robin for going into the forest without permission. it was dangerous, you could’ve been in danger, he said. however, you did your best in defending yourself, by which robin did as well—she did most of the talking.
in the end, the king couldn’t resist both of you. you are his beloved and only daughter his kingdom has. besides, he entrusted robin with you and he was glad that you weren’t hurt; he dismissed both of you.
you were escorted by robin to your room. you could hear her sigh.
“I told you that the king will find out.” she chided softly. you let out a small giggle.
“but it ended up well, no?” you shrugged. it was your turn to sigh, but it was out of fondness.
“thank you, robin.” you would say as you leaned up and kissed her on the cheek. without waiting for her response, you went in your room, closing the door at robin’s face.
robin was left dumbfounded, her hand reaching up to her cheek as she blushed. she held back the urge to squeal as she earned a kiss from her princess! ah, what a happy day for the knight <33
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lazycats-stuff · 11 months
Okay, so I want some angst, so could you do something with Bruce and batbro where reader is the newest member of the batfamily and also a vigilante. His backstory is really sad and never had a parental figure. So when he does something stupid on a mission with no regard of his own health, Bruce scolds and lectures him about it, so reader snaps and says something like “I don’t know why you care so much!” And Bruce reply’s back with something like “because I am your father.” But the reader isn’t having it, overwhelmed with his feelings, he yells something like “you are NOT my father and I’m sure as hell not your son!” And runs away After that. Honestly I’m not sure how to end this so maybe you could think of something 😅😭
Oh anon, it's going to end with fluff. You are going to get angst, but the end will be fluffy. I can't handle pure angst.
Summary: (Y/N) has no regards to his own health and Bruce reprimands him. (Y/N) lets his feelings be known.
Warnings: Angst and fluff essentially, minor cursing, (Y/N) is confused, mentions of injuries.
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(Y/N) struggled badly with fitting in. Getting adopted by Bruce Wayne wasn't in his life plans. (Y/N) was fine on the streets. He educated himself in the library and he didn't need to go to school. Well, prison according to (Y/N)'s words. He didn't see a point in sitting in a classroom for hours on end.
And what was he going to learn there? He knows the basics of mathematics and he knows how to read and how to write. What more do you need in life? Equations?
Not in (Y/N)'s eyes.
It happened by pure accident. He was looking for his friend, hearing that he might have been in danger. Local gang was working through their neighborhood and he didn't like it.
He made sure to stay out of their way and he has advised his friends to do the same. However, people are not known to listen to directions and advices are they? The friend went missing and (Y/N) had to find him.
He didn't have many friends on the streets. It wasn't a bad thing, but you need to have some acquaintances. (Y/N) tried to be nice to everyone he came across, of course, he can't make everyone like him, but he tries.
He doesn't want any trouble. He just wants to get on his life easily.
During that fateful night, Batman and (Y/N) met one another for the first time. (Y/N) was shocked to find him here, but has guessed that he was just investigating. Bruce observed the boy for a moment before starting his interrogation.
He saw (Y/N)'s fear. His eyes widened, hands trembling at the sides. Not to mention the fact that (Y/N) was high on adrenaline. Bruce saw that he wasn't an enemy, just a scared kid. Bruce relaxed and asked (Y/N) some questions.
(Y/N) was stuttering as he answered Batman's questions. It was scary to see the Dark Knight in such proximity. (Y/N) knew that one wrong more will cause him to be maimed.
Of course, Batman wouldn't harm kids, but he is not really known to be patient for information so there was this inate fear that Batman might beat him up. (Y/N) doesn't have any type of medical insurance and...
But Batman was nice to him ever so gently asking him questions about the local gang that's moving in the neighborhood. He offered (Y/N) a position on an informant, but (Y/N) had to decline. Snitches get stiches and (Y/N) didn't want to die.
Bruce nodded at that statement. He understood. Nobody wants to be put in that type of situation. The stress, pressure... Bruce went home that night and he couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N). There was something about the kid that Bruce couldn't stop thinking about.
Maybe he sensed a lack of parental, more so a fatherly figure. Afterall, Bruce has a problem with adopting children and more so, taking strays in.
One night, he was taken to CPS and from there to an orphanage. He was shocked at how fast it has happened. From the cold streets to at least warm bed.
The kids there are not really something that he... Liked per say. Growing up on the streets, he didn't trust anyone, except one person, from whom he was now far away from. Unfortunately, he had no way of getting out, even after observing the pattern of how things to work around here.
Their patrols were good and chances of him escaping are slim. No, not slim, they are non existent. So he gave up after a while. He sat on his bed, reading a book from the library. Somehow (Y/N) ended up in a Wayne Orphanage and it had a library. Bruce Wayne is posh as hell.
(Y/N) looked from his book when he heard a knock on his door. It was Lisa who entered. She is a nice lady and (Y/N) liked her a lot. She understood him and she was never pushy with him.
" Hey (Y/N). There is a man here who wants to talk to you. " She said, all smiles. (Y/N) raised his brow in curiosity. He closed the book and put it aside, standing from the bed.
" What for? " (Y/N) asked as he followed Lisa through the halls. He wondered what it was. If it was GCPD, he won't talk. Again, he isn't a snitch.
" Oh don't worry, it's nothing really serious. Well- You know, you will see. " Lisa said, all smiles still.
" Oh no. " (Y/N) said quietly as they stopped at the director's office. She knocked before entering, letting (Y/N) go to the chair first then closed the door before sitting down herself.
(Y/N) turned his head and it was Bruce Wayne himself. What the hell?
" (Y/N), I have some good news for you. " The director started and (Y/N) felt nervous beyond belief now. And it had to involve Bruce Wayne somehow? Oh dear God.
" Bruce Wayne wants to adopt you. " The director said, clapping his hands. (Y/N)'s mouth dropped a little bit.
" What? " (Y/N) asked quietly, wondering what was happening. His mind couldn't even wrap itself around the concept of adoption.
" I know, it seems like a lot, but you are going to be adopted. " Director smiled and (Y/N) tried to say something, but couldn't.
" Now, you can go back to your room to pack up. " Director said and (Y/N) stood up, feeling like he could keel over at any point. Lisa went with him, seeing that he is very shocked. She saw that he didn't want to talk, but she was worried about him passing out on the way.
" Are you happy? " Lisa asked as they walked into (Y/N)'s room.
" I mean... " (Y/N) started talking as he took a sports bag. " I'm shocked. " (Y/N) whispered, packing his clothes. He took his personal stuff and put them in the bag.
" I know. But you have a chance to have a great life. " Lisa said, trying to help him out. (Y/N) sighed quietly as he packed up. He didn't have a lot either.
" I know. But still. " (Y/N) said, putting the bag on his shoulder. He looked back once more to see if he missed anything.
" Hey, if you ever need to talk, you can always talk to me. " Lisa said, giving him a quick hug before stepping aside to walk (Y/N) back to the office.
(Y/N) has never felt so nervous in his life. He only had his mother, but when she passed away, he ended up on the streets. Having a father figure now is something new to him. He didn't really don't know how to feel.
" Hey, don't worry. " Lisa said, putting a hand on his shoulder to bring him back from his head. (Y/N) nodded, but Lisa still knows that he never had a father figure. And fathers and mothers are very different parent types.
" He is aware of what you have been through. " Lisa tried to console him, but he didn't find any comfort in her words. He didn't like it at all.
It has been a year since he started living with Bruce Wayne and (Y/N) felt like he was out of place. The other kids are okay and they actually like him, but (Y/N) feels like he doesn't belong here. He is only used to mother like figures and connecting to Bruce in general is hard. To (Y/N) he looks like he is allergic to emotions.
Not to mention the fact that he is Batman and the others are Robins. He fainted when he found out and he was offered training to become a vigilante himself. (Y/N) thought about it for a long time.
It's a big commitment to become a vigilante. You need to keep your head calm and you yourself need to have the nerves to be patient. (Y/N) didn't think he could do it because there was so much anger inside of him.
It wasn't loud anger, no. It was quiet anger. It's a more dangerous type of anger and it's the one that eats you from the inside out. Not to mention, you need to be talkative, you need to talk through the comms and what not.
But (Y/N) didn't really enjoy it. He is an introverted person and he didn't really like to talk or go out somewhere and fight crime. But in the end, he thought about making a difference.
Will he make it though?
(Y/N) remembered every time he was out on the street. He stayed out of every ones way. Even though he had a great friend on the streets, he still never opened up to him fully. He has never bared his soul open for anyone to see.
He probably never will bare it to anyone. And one thing that made him think against being a vigilante was the fact that he can't really follow direction and orders.
But then again, maybe he is could make a difference. Batman can't eradicate crime, but he can give the city a boost and he has already given the criminals the fear. (Y/N) knew the fear very well. There was often a thought on his mind, whether or not Batman was watching.
But in the end, he decided to join. Bruce trained him and it felt weird to have some sort of guidance. And to have a support from a male figure is something... Nice and yet confusing beyond belief.
But he still couldn't quite wrap his mind around the fact that he had a father figure. And he felt some of the quiet anger disappear. It felt nice.
All of (Y/N)'s feelings boiled over when patrol went wrong. He disobeyed Bruce's direct orders. (Y/N) knew that he was in so much trouble, but the night has been so tiring and so exhausting. He got hurt, his body bruised and everything in him ached. He just wanted to take a cold shower and go to bed.
But that won't happen ever so easily.
(Y/N) walked off, not in the mood to listen to Bruce's lecture. It was just the two of them, since the others were busy with their own things. He didn't want to prolong this shit.
" (Y/N)! Stop right there! " Bruce yelled and Alfred turned his head. He knew that (Y/N) has put himself in danger by disobeying an order, but he couldn't stop his worry from showing on his face.
Oh no.
(Y/N) listened to Bruce, refusing to turn himself to face Bruce. He could feel anger rolling off of him in waves. He had to think of something that wouldn't result in him further angering Bruce.
" Turn around. " Bruce said, ever so calmly. (Y/N) knew that this is anything but calm. (Y/N) listened to the order, slowly turning.
Bruce's face was neutral, but (Y/N) saw anger in his eyes. Oh, he was in for a treat.
" You disobeyed a direct order! You could have died! " Bruce started and (Y/N) felt his fists clench. There was something building in his chest, something hot and heavy, settling near the heart.
" I had a plan! When I tell you to do something in the field, you listen to me! " Bruce kept on yelling and (Y/N) felt like he was going to keel over. He tried to unclench his fists, but he couldn't.
The anger had kept growing and growing.
" Why do you even care?! " (Y/N) yelled back, allowing the anger to take over. Bruce didn't even flinch at the yelling and he seemingly got louder.
" Because I'm your FATHER! " Bruce said, making sure to put importance on the word father. Something got triggered in (Y/N) and the thing that has settled near the heart exploded.
" YOU AREN'T MY FATHER AND I'M NOT YOUR SON! " (Y/N) yelled back with so much ferocity and so much anger that Bruce had to rear back a little bit.
The words stung a little bit and Bruce saw tears falling down (Y/N)'s face. (Y/N) took a deep breath before walking off up the surface and out of the cave. Bruce stood still and Alfred looked at one another.
" Well, I think he finally let it out. " Alfred said, trying to light up the mood, but it didn't work.
" Should I let him be for now? " Bruce wondered rubbing his face.
" Yes. He is at the moment angry and he needs to let it out. " Alfred said, rubbing the back of his neck.
While the two are having a discussion on what to do and how to approach (Y/N), the said boy ran to his room breaking down in the hall, just before entering. He fell down on his knees, sobbing quietly. He wiped his face before entering his dark room.
He quickly removed his suit before stepping into the shower. He showered with ice cold water to ease the pain of some bruises. He tried to calm down, but nothing worked. He changed into his pajamas and just crawled into bed.
He had no interest in staying awake anymore. But he couldn't go to sleep. Did he have to yell like that? Probably not. But those feelings are something that have been bubbling for a little over a year and if he kept them in for a while longer, it would eat him up completely.
But Bruce was very nice to him for the time (Y/N) has been here. (Y/N) closed his eyes as he tried to sleep, but he couldn't. His mom once said to never go to bed angry, but he was to stubborn too look for Bruce.
But it seems that fate would have it that Bruce seeks (Y/N) out first. Bruce entered the room quietly and (Y/N) was just still, pretending to be asleep. Bruce knows this trick very well, but he played along for (Y/N)'s sake.
Bruce sat on the edge of the bed, near his back. (Y/N) felt the bed dip and he remained still as possible.
" I know you think I don't care, but I do. You are my son no matter what and seeing you hurt on patrol made me feel scared. I shouldn't have yelled at you, but I was scared and angry at myself. " Bruce said and (Y/N) moved closer to Bruce, trying to find some comfort in his arms.
Bruce didn't say anything else as he embraced his son, who sobbed quietly in his embrace. Bruce knew that (Y/N) has never had a father figure in his life, but he didn't realize it was that bad.
Bruce would try to be better for (Y/N), but for now, the night is too fragile for something bigger. It was just enough for tonight.
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rainba · 5 months
Thank you for always doing my requests! It means a lot to me!
I had more ideas that you can answer on your free time when not answering any other questions.
1. I’m imagining the reader as some type of god/goddess, so how would they react? (I bet that Kairos would be their most loyal worshipper 🛐)
2. Reader being a criminal (Serial killer, robbed a bank, etc)
And finally 3. If the reader has depression or is suicidal (I asked this because I suffer from some bad depression and suicidal thoughts as well 😢😭)
Sorry for always asking stupid requests but I hope you enjoy writing about them!
-🇰🇷 anon
It’s no problem! Thank you for sending them 🇰🇷 anon!~ (*ノωノ) All of these prompts/questions are very interesting...
I hope I answered them properly!!! >_<
(Also, on a more serious note, I'm glad that you're alive and still here, anon! I might not know you personally, but I sincerely hope that things get better for you soon! Life will always get better in the end; you have to believe that it will. Always keep moving forward. I wish nothing but the best for you.) ღ
GN reader!
TWs: depression, suicidal ideations, toxic behaviors, dark content all around, yanderes
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Darling as some type of god/goddess.
You’re absolutely right about Kairos being the most loyal worshipper. He would take his role as a follower very, very seriously. Praying to you both day and night, offering his mind and body to you, giving you sacrifices, researching and studying every single detail about you, and so much more. It's his life's purpose to worship you!
If you were a god/goddess, Kairos wouldn’t hesitate to tattoo your religious symbol(s) onto his body. He would make it known to everyone that he is your most devoted worshipper, and that nobody else is as loyal as he is! (シ_ _)シ
As for Luka, he would be absolutely thrilled about his darling being some type of god/goddess. He, too, would be an extremely loyal worshipper– and he’d be far from an innocent one. To him, everyone who doesn’t worship you is less than human, and he treats all non-believers as such. Day in and day out, he would work to make sure that people put respect on your name. Much like Kairos, he would also get multiple tattoos that symbolizes your divinity– and he’d proudly show it off. ( ´ ꒳ ` )
Oh, also, he’d be dead set on catching your attention, if it's possible. While he wants everyone to worship you, he wants you to recognize only him and his devotion. The harder he works and the more he sacrifices, the more he expects you to reward him. So… Be a good god/goddess, and give him just a small taste of what he wants. ~ (=`ω´=)
2. Darling being a criminal.
One thing is for certain with this one: they would both be enablers. o(>< )o
Kairos won’t tell a single soul about what you’ve done…! All of your secrets are safe with him– nobody could waterboard the information out of him, even if they tried. While your behavior may not be the best, Kairos knows that his behaviors aren’t that much better. ^^;
His darling being a criminal would kind of turn him on...! You’re so dangerous, so wild, not even the law can stop you from doing what you want! It sends intense shivers down his spine.
With Luka, he just really has the tendency to want to blackmail you in a lot of situations… So, with you being a criminal, he would use your crimes as blackmail.~ ( ̄  ̄|||)
You don’t want the police to find out about what you’ve done, do you? Luka has all the evidence right in the palm of his hands. If he wanted to, he could waltz on down to the police station and have you imprisoned. So… You best do what he asks you to do~ 
...But, of course, he wouldn’t actually snitch. Not in a million years. He just likes to see you squirming under the shadow of his threats. If you call him out on his bluff, he will stop using your crimes as blackmail. ^^;;;;;;;
Also, if you need a partner in crime, he’d be willing to join you. Ღ
You need someone to wait outside of the store while you go inside and rob it? He'll wait outside for you on his motorcycle. Just hop on the back when you're done robbing the place, and the two of you will always manage to escape. ♡ ~('▽^人)
3. Darling who has depression/suicidal ideations.
Hearing that you have depression would, honestly, make Kairos equally depressed. He understands your feelings– and all he wants to do is stay by your side and help you through your dark times. If you want to lay in bed all day? That’s okay… He can lay in bed and cuddle with you, if you want him to. He’ll also always offer to let you sleep in his bed– he wants to make sure that you’re never alone. He wants to be there to comfort you when you cry.
Kairos wouldn’t really know what to do about your suicidal thoughts, though. All he would say is that you don’t have to be afraid to tell him– he’ll never judge you for anything. Before he met you, Kairos was also extremely suicidal, unsure of what he wants to do in life, unsure if his pathetic life is even worth living.
However, you simply existing gave him a reason to live– you breathed life into his soul, you showed him that he’s capable of love and that he needs to keep going…! If he can help you find a reason to live, too, then that’s exactly what he’ll do. He’ll stop at nothing.
Luka’s approach to a darling with depression is… A little rockier. He understands that you have no motivation– he understands that it’s incredibly hard to wake up in the mornings and hard to go to bed at night. Life itself feels so grey and dull, hardly anything makes you happy anymore…
Luka knows this, so he becomes determined to help add some color back into your bleak world. Luka will always be sure to make you the best of breakfasts every morning; breakfasts packed full of good nutrition. He'll walk up to you and give you a fresh plate of food, then he’d sit beside you and touch up your hair while you eat.
After that, he’d basically make you go on a walk with him– because fresh air is said to be really good at helping with depression! He read that somewhere online. If you really don’t feel like walking, though, he’d ask you to at least sit outside on his front porch with him, just to get some fresh air.
However... There may be times where he gets somewhat frustrated. If you refuse his food, refuse to go outside, refuse to do anything at all, he’ll become very upset. At first, he’d be upset at you– his ears falling flat as he grits his teeth, storming away and leaving you all alone in an empty bedroom while he goes to clear his thoughts. After a while, though, he’d realize that he shouldn’t be mad at you. He should be mad at the depression itself…
None of this is your fault.
When some time has passed, he’ll come back to where you are, and he’ll apologize. Luka will then slide behind you and try to cuddle up with you, not saying a single thing. Sometimes a comforting silence is worth more than words, anyways.
But for the suicidal thoughts, Luka really wouldn’t be able to understand. He doesn’t know what it’s like to feel that way– he’s never felt suicidal himself, and he’s never met somebody who's felt such things before. He does even more research online, tries to find ways to help you cope, and reassures you that he’ll listen to you at the very least.
Luka would end up monitoring your every move, truly making sure you don’t attempt anything. Luka, ultimately, just wants what’s best for you, and he yearns to keep you around for the rest of his life. Luka will set aside his ego and all of his little games in order to see you happy and healthy.
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panandinpain0 · 1 year
Can Hermione x fem!reader (or any you’re comfortable with) exist where the reader’s a slytherin but actively a good person-
like she’s a pureblooded snake but like, the cute ones with big eyes and that smile at you
like she’s a super competitive quidditch captain, and has slytherin friends, but she also shows the nervous ravenclaw first years around and has study groups with her hufflepuff friends and eats at the gryffindor table sometimes??
ok bye I just think it could be cute
Study Group
My favorite kind of character to write for deadass.
Requested by: Anon
Hermione Granger x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
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Literally Reader ^^^
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“Slytherin wins!” the announcer shouts over the sounds coming from the stands on the quidditch field. A mixture of "boo"'s and cheering were heard, a conflict seemingly starting out in the Gryffindor stands.
(Y/N), a chaser and Slytherins quidditch team captain, flew over to her seeker, holding up the arm that held the snitch and cheering with everyone. Patting the seeker’s shoulder, (Y/N) smiled and congratulated him.
The team flew back to the ground, heading to the showers before being intercepted by the crowd.
“You fly better than Angelina!” Fred shouted, his arm going over the captain’s shoulder.
“Don’t let her hear you saying that,” George warned, arm going around (Y/N)’s other shoulder. 
The Weasleys were a family friend of the (L/N)’s so they'd grown up together like siblings. When they started at Hogwarts and (Y/N) was sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor they were disappointed, but got over it pretty soon after. Well, it took Ron a bit longer, but he got there. To make up for it, (Y/N) would sit at the Gryffindor table at dinner sometimes.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and ducked out of their hold, wiping the sweat from her brow.
“Thanks boys, we worked hard,” (Y/N) replied, patting George’s arm before going to walk away again.
She was startled when Ron was suddenly in her face, Harry and Hermione behind him.
“Bloody Hell, (Y/N)!” Ron shouted, grabbing her upper arms and shaking her around. “That catch, and the pass- and when you-!” He continued to stutter out incoherent praises.
“You did great out there,” Hermione congratulated for him as Harry tried to calm him down.
(Y/N) replied with a laugh, “Thanks Hermione. I’m really proud of my team, they really gave it their all. You should’ve seen how hard I’ve been working them, I’m surprised they don’t hate me.” She smiled jokingly at Hermione.
“No one could hate you,” Hermione responded seriously to the joke. (Y/N) seemed to soften at that, her exhaustion beginning to show.
“Thanks, ‘Mione.” She patted her shoulder.
(Y/N) would have hugged her but she didn’t want to get Hermione dirty.
“Mind helping me escape?” (Y/N) laughed, gesturing to the crowd surrounding them. Hermione laughed and nodded, grabbing (Y/N)’s hand and pulling her away.
When they got to the Quidditch showers, Hermione let go.
“Do you think we’re safe now?” (Y/N) whispered conspiratorially, a laugh lilting the end of her sentence. She tried to stop herself from reaching out for Hermione’s hand.
“I think we are,” Hermione laughed back. The Gryffindor herself was missing the warmth. 
There’d always been tension between them. When they’d first met Hermione was intimidated by (Y/N), seeing as she was in the year above her, and also a Slytherin. Hermione never had much luck with Slytherins.
Not to mention she was gorgeous, and it’s terrifying talking to beautiful people. (Y/N) had always sensed Hermione’s discomfort and was always trying to make ‘Mione feel comfortable. They’d grown closer over these past 5 years, but the tension was different than before.
“Well, I’d better shower before dinner,” (Y/N) lazily pointed behind herself to the door.
“Want me to save you a spot at the Gryffindor table? You know Wood will want to talk to you about Ravenclaw’s defeat.” Hermione really wanted her to say yes. They hardly spent enough time together as it is, and even if she doesn’t have a chance with (Y/N) she still enjoys her company.
“For sure, Granger. Make sure it’s next to you, yeah?” (Y/N) winked with a mischievous smirk. (Y/N) would often playfully flirt with Hermione to see her reaction, heat spreading up her neck and around her face.
And that’s exactly the reaction she got, Hermione’s gaze shy as she looked to her feet. She nodded and bit her lip, watching (Y/N) walk through the doorway.
At Dinner…
All of the Gryffindor’s were shouting over each other, the twins practically on the table as they argued with Oliver, their own captain. They’d already talked about the game, Wood practically interrogating the game plans they used from (Y/N). Now he was red in the face, scoffing at the twins.
(Y/N) and Hermione were on the sidelines, having a conversation about her study group. Ron and Harry would pop in every once in a while, but were also having a conversation about what Draco was up to this week.
“Lila, she’s from Hufflepuff- a third year- was having some trouble with Care of Magical Creatures. Something about nifflers? I don’t know, that girl is so quiet I have to have Becca translate for me.” (Y/N) shook her head sympathetically.
“Poor thing,” Hermione agreed, putting down her cup after having a sip. “Maybe I could come to the next one? It could be nice to have another person to help.”
“Sure, we’re meeting tomorrow in the library after lunch. Have you got a free period then?” (Y/N) asked, taking a bite of the food in front of her. Hermione hummed in confirmation, not trusting her voice.
She was so excited. Maybe she could start going to all of their study groups! She smiled to herself as she continued eating.
The Next Day…
Lunch was ending and Hermione stood up excitedly, practically buzzing.
“Someone’s excited,” Harry teased in a sing-song voice.
“It’s because she’s off to see her girlfriend~!” Fred and George replied.
“Oh, ‘Mione’s got a girlfriend now? Looks like I’ve got competition,” (Y/N) announced her presence, smiling at Hermione. She blushed at the quip and smiled back.
“Ignore them, they’re idiots.” Hermione shot the boys a glare.
“Trust me, I know. Shall we?” (Y/N) held up her arm, beckoning Hermione to wrap her arm around hers. Once she did they were off, leaving the boys behind.
When they got out into the corridor (Y/N) didn’t pull away like Hermione expected. They made small talk, (Y/N) waving to her friends when they passed. Hermione slowly trailed off her sentence when (Y/N) stopped walking.
“What’s wrong?” Hermione asked, looking around herself to assure they weren’t at their destination yet.
“Look.” (Y/N) pointed at a Ravenclaw, seemingly a first year. He was crying, sitting against the wall and shielding his face as his body shook. (Y/N) unhooked her arm from Hermione's and walked up to him, crouching down to his level.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” (Y/N) asked gently, but still frightened the first year. He flinched, uncovering his face to look at (Y/N). He seemed confused after he saw the color of her robes. Why would a Slytherin be nice to him?
He sniffled, “My classroom changed places and I can’t find it. I just got its new location memorized and then it moves! I’m gonna be late for Transfiguration and lose house points again.” He groaned in frustration, hands covering his face. (Y/N) gently took his hands and held them, giving him a comforting smile.
“Professor McGonagall can be very forgiving, as long as you tell her what happened. I’m (Y/N) (L/N), what's your name?”
“Conner,” he muttered through his tears. “Conner Wimble.”
“Well, Conner, I’ll walk you to Transfiguration. And teach you some tricks to find your classes. Is that okay?”
“Yes… thank you.”
Hermione shook herself from her thoughts, seeing (Y/N) being so kind to the first year did nothing to stifle her feelings. She rushed forward to join the conversation, crouching down as well.
“I know a spell that makes a string appear in the air that guides you to your classes. I could teach it to you,” she spoke gently to the Ravenclaw, bringing him to stand.
“Please, I need all the help I can get,” he sniffled out.
“Come on, let’s stand up now.” (Y/N), who still held his hands, pulled him to stand.
At the Library…
(Y/N) held open the door for Hermione, entering after her. She waved to Madam Pince before gently cupping Hermione’s elbow, guiding her to the study group.
“Look who decided to show up,” Becca giggled, a yellow ribbon holding her dark brown hair back.
“Yeah, sorry guys- got a bit distracted.” Her hand found the small of Hermione’s back. “This is Hermione-!” (Y/N) whispered before she was cut off.
“Everybody knows who she is. Harry Potter’s friend, right?” Suzie, a fourth year Ravenclaw, asked rhetorically. Her tone was a bit harsh, distaste following Harry’s name.
“Yes, but she has a name. Hermione will be joining us today, if that’s alright with everyone?” (Y/N) eyed Suzie with a warning gaze. After she got head nods from around the table she pulled out Hermione’s chair for her. Hermione blushed and gave (Y/N) a shy smile in thanks, earning a nod in return.
“So, how is everybody? Lila, how was Care of Magical Creatures today?” (Y/N) paid specific attention to the Hufflepuff as she pulled out her books. Lila murmured something nobody could hear, except for her best friend who sat right next to her.
“She said the niffler problem’s still got her stumped,” Becca repeated, going back to doodling on the corner of her parchment with her quill.
“We would have heard her if she would only speak up,” Suzie sassed as she rolled her eyes, playing with the end of her blond ponytail.
“Suzie!” (Y/N) scolded, looking concerned more than angry. “Please apologize.” She adopted a motherly look, eyebrows raised expectantly.
Suzie looked slightly ashamed, gaze lowering as she uncrossed her arms. She played with the edge of her blue sweater, the silver eagle on the sleeve catching the light. “Sorry Lila, that was mean.”
“It’s okay. You have a point,” Lila spoke a bit louder this time, giving Suzie a small smile.
“What’s going on?” (Y/N) gently asked Suzie, running a hand up and down her arm. Hermione watched with a bit of envy, but shook herself out of it when she realized her thoughts.
Suzie’s lip started trembling, her eyes blinking quickly to rid herself of the gathering tears. “David and I got into a fight. He’s been using one of the secrets I trusted him with against me in our arguments. It’s been going on all day.” She sniffled, sliding a bit of her sweater over her hand to wipe at her nose.
Lila, who was closest to her, put her hand on Suzie’s shoulder, rubbing it gently. Everyone sympathized and started helping her come up with solutions, and afterwards the studying quickly commenced.
One Hour Later…
Becca giggled at a joke (Y/N) whispered to her as they left the library, Lila smiling a bit. Hermione and Suzie were finishing a conversation while actively shoving books into their bags, trying to avoid the door swinging into them. Hermione almost got hit but (Y/N)’s hand stopped it, both of them looking surprised.
“Watch out there love, almost got hit.”
Hermione blushed at the pet name.
Suzie looked between the two of them for a second, sitting in their tension-filled silence.
Clearing her throat loudly, Suzie caught the girls’ attention, “I’m going to go talk to David now, I’ll see you two later?” Without waiting for an answer she walked off, waving behind her. She shouted goodbye to the two Hufflepuff’s and was gone.
“We’d best be off too. (Y/N), would you be a dear and ask Fred and George for more sugar quills? Lila and I have been craving them,” Becca laughed, joining hands with Lila.
“For sure! I’ll let you know what they say. Same time next week?” They nodded. “Make sure Suzie knows that too, please.” And they were off.
Hermione and (Y/N) looked at each other, still standing in front of the library. Taking in a breath, (Y/N) broke the silence.
“Would you like to come again next week? Suzie seemed to like having you around,” (Y/N) laughed a bit, smiling at the Gryffindor in front of her.
“Yes, I’m sure it was just Suzie,” Hermione giggled and nodded, not able to look away from (Y/N). Said Slytherin scoffed in surprise at the comment, her face heating up as she laughed in amusement.
“I’m glad we’re in agreement on that then.”
They smiled at each other for a bit longer, not wanting to part.
“Well, I think this makes you an official part of our group. What do you say?” (Y/N) stuck out her hand. “Want to join our study group?”
Hermione met her half way, shaking her hand.
“Well, we wouldn’t want to disappoint Suzie, now would we?”
Ta-da! Sorry it took so long, Anon! But I'm pretty proud of this final product. (I actually think it sucks a lot but maybe you'll like it. I hope you do.)
-Author Max <3
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buckyshairstylist · 11 months
Aww, your tony is so precious, can you write a very happy dad tony spoiling his pregnant wife?
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Tony Stark x Fem!Reader
Summary: Tony is truly the best husband Y/N could ask for.
CW: pregnancy, mentions of food, fluff. Not edited.
WC: 1,348
AN: Sorry it’s taken so long to get this done! College classes and work has taken up all of my time and I finally found a free moment to finish this. I hope you enjoy it and I’m so sorry for the wait, anon!
To say that Tony was surprised to find you sobbing in the middle of your bed was an understatement. He’d left you alone for fifteen minutes — long enough to shower to wash off all the dirt and grime that came with his occupation — and now you were on your bed, sobbing.
“Honey, what’s wrong?”
You sniveled miserably, looking at him with tear-filled eyes. “I just love you s’ much, Tony.”
Tony ducked his head to hide the small laugh, masking it with a cough. He made his way to the bed, climbing onto it and gently pulling you against him.
“I love you too, dear.”
One hand rubbed up and down your arm, the other resting on your swollen belly. You sobbed into his shirt, clinging to him.
“Don’t leave.”
“I would never leave you, honey,” he assured you, pressing a kiss to your hair.
Tony hummed in acknowledgement.
“Will you rub my back, please?” you requested, wiping at your eyes. “God, I’m such a mess.”
“It’s normal. Just… lie down for me.”
You huffed but did as you were told, awkwardly maneuvering to where you could lie down. Tony helped as much as he could, one hand pressing against the small of your back. Tony laid directly behind you, his hands instantly moving to your shoulders.
“You’re the best, y’know that, Tony?”
Tony smiled at you. “Of course I am, baby. I’m Tony Stark.”
“Rhodey says you’re Tony Stank.”
“He is never gonna let that die,” he huffed, working at the tight muscles in your back. “God, honey.”
“What?” You turned your head slightly so you could hear him better.
“Your muscles. They’re so tight. Stress isn’t good for you, you know.”
“I know, baby, but stress is normal for me,” you reminded him.
“Honey, stress isn’t good for you or the baby. Heck, it’s not good for you even if you’re not pregnant! Don’t make me install a protocol where Friday has to snitch—“
“Don’t you dare, Anthony Stark.”
Tony giggled. You huffed, gently (or rather, lazily) swatting at him.
“I can’t believe you’d even suggest it.”
“Alright, since the protocol is a no, how about I find someone to keep you company?”
“Tony, I swear—“
“Just someone to keep you company when I’m gone.”
You hesitated, thinking about the potential victim of that scheme. Realizing who Tony would volunteer for the position (and who would happily take it if asked), you sighed.
“Tony, do not bring Peter into this.”
“I never said Peter. You did. And it’s a brilliant idea.”
“Hi, Mrs. Stark!” Peter chirped as he entered the penthouse, waving.
“Hey, Peter,” you smiled kindly at him. You took in his appearance and quirked a brow. “Lab day?”
“Yeah. Mr. Stark wasn’t in the lab, though, so I came up here.”
You hummed, grabbing a second mug out of the cabinet.
“You want some hot cocoa?”
“If it’s no trouble, Mrs. Stark.”
“It’s no trouble at all, Peter. And you don’t have to call me Mrs. Stark. Y/N is fine,” you reminded him, though you’ve nearly given up on him ever using your name.
Peter smiled cheekily. “Okay, Mrs. Stark.”
You groaned playfully, earning a laugh from the boy that had stolen both yours and Tony’s hearts. Peter had one of the strongest support systems in the world — you just weren’t sure he was aware of that.
“How have you been?”
You placed a mug in front of him as you huffed. “I’ve been okay. Emotional, but only Tony gets to deal with it.”
Peter snickered.
“How about you?”
“I’ve been great, Mrs. Stark! Aunt May—“ Peter launched into a rant, rambling about everything that had happened since the last time you saw him. You listened attentively, interjecting where appropriate and responding to the conversation.
Tony stepped out of the elevator around the time he started to tell you about the new Lego set he’d been working on with Ned.
“Underoos, kid, I’ve been texting you for the last twenty minutes.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, Mr. Stark. I’ve been talking to Mrs. Stark.”
“I can see that,” Tony smirked. “Change of plans, kid. It’s now movie night.”
“Oh, okay! I, uhm, are you sure, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked uncertainly.
“Positive, Pete. What are we thinking for dinner? Pizza?”
“That’s fine, Tony,” you smiled at him. Tony smiled softly, giving Friday the order to order the pizzas from your favorite pizzeria.
“Hey, Pete, why don’t you go grab some blankets?”
Peter nodded and took off down the hallway.
Tony moved to where he stood beside you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “C’mon, Mrs. Stark. I think some cuddles are in order, don’t you?”
You ducked your head as you felt your face heat up, a smile flitting across your lips.
“I think so, Mr. Stark.”
“You know, I went out today. It was supposed to be just to get a part for the car I’m working on, but I ended up seeing some things that I thought you would like and some things for the baby.”
“Let me finish. They’re already in our room, they’ve been put where they won’t bother you. You can look at them whenever you want, you don’t have to do it today. But I think you’ll like it.”
“Tony, I’m happy with you just being here. You don’t have to buy me things to make me happy—“
“I know that,” he sighed. “I like to buy you things. You’re important to me. You should have everything that you desire, even if it’s something as ludicrous as the moon.”
“—and you know we have more than enough baby stuff, Tones.”
“This—you are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, honey. And our baby? That’s the best gift. I’m so grateful for you and for our baby, I’ve just—I’ve got to spoil both of you. So let me spoil you, and let me spoil our baby. It’s not gonna break me.”
After a few seconds of silence, the two of you merely watching each other as the silence dragged on a few seconds too long, you smiled at him.
“Well, I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to you spoiling me a little bit. But don’t spoil the baby too much, Tony.”
“I would never do such a thing,” he denied instantly. You scoffed. “What, you don’t believe me?”
“Not really, no.”
Tony snorted. “Fair. C’mon, I wanna show you this really quick. It’ll take Pete at least another five minutes to find the best blankets.”
You giggled, knowing that Peter would probably find every blanket he could before deciding which ones were appropriate for movie night.
“You know… I know that you purposely sent Peter up here.”
“I did not.”
“You did, Tony. You’re testing the theory you mentioned last night. Don’t bring Peter into this.”
“Peter’s already involved, Y/N,” Tony reminded you dryly. “He’s our unofficially adopted son, remember? Therefore, he’s our child’s unofficial older brother.”
You hummed as you followed Tony down the hallway, fingers entwined. Tony gently tugged you into the bedroom, where you noticed several bags dropped in one corner.
“Don’t worry about those. Some of it is genuinely for the lab.”
“It better be, Tony, or I swear—“
“It is, I promise. Now would you come over here? I want to see how these pajamas look on you.”
“Pajamas?” You raised a brow. “Like really soft pajamas?”
“The softest for my beautiful wife,” Tony beamed at you. “I saw them and I thought you would like them. I’ll show you the crib I bought later.”
“Tony, I thought we promised to do that together.”
“Baby, trust me, you’ll love it.”
He handed you the pajama set he’d mentioned, desperately hoping to take your mind off of the crib. You ran your hands over the material — soft, fluffy, and warm. You wasted no time in changing, much to your husband’s amusement.
“There’s my pretty girl,” Tony murmured, pressing a kiss to your lips. “C’mon. I’ll rub your back while we watch the movie with Peter. I’ll show you the rest later.”
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egrets-not-regrets · 5 months
Guesthouse of the (Lost) Astartes: To Render Aid (3)
Erriox and Lenora provide aid to a lost chaos space marine and his young bonded human.
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Dialogue spoken in the Gothic language are bolded and italicized.
Author's Note: This is part 3 in a multi-part story: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.
It is not the end yet. 😅 We get to meet some more characters though!
This story focuses on the relationship of a chaos space marine who is intensely bonded to his human and touches upon the issue with Black Templars bonding with humans.
Also, Erriox is a responsible space marine and does responsible things. And no, he definitely does not do it for his bonded human's approval.
Thank you @squishyowl for making the fic dividers! Also thanks @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Sirass.
@kit-williams, @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @shadowfirecat, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan,
@sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bispecsual
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Tunes from the radio played quietly in the truck while Lenora drove through the snowy landscape. Her eyes scanned for signs of their bonded Astartes occasionally. They should be halfway there, she thought, judging from the familiar landmarks they passed by. Once they hit the S-curve in the road, the next turn at the intersection would be a clear shot straight to the base. And that was a well-built road too.
“Do you think my mom would still want me back?” Ben asked, forlorn and unsure.
Lenora eyed her passenger strangely, “Now why would you think that?”
“She stopped showing up a month ago. It’s like she disappeared!”
Ben continued, “I don’t know how to contact her. My friends tried to help me find her online, but someone snitched to my dad.” He ended with a growl.
“Ben, do not believe for a second that your mom doesn’t want you!” Lenora replied, feeling a wave of protectiveness well up inside, “She tried to meet you before, right?”
“Yeah…” Ben nodded, his voice quiet, “She used to wait for me after school before my dad came to pick me up.”
“Did she say where she was living?” Lenora pressed on.
“She said something about outside the Fortress? Something about where the kingfisher lives?”
Where the kingfisher lives? Huh… Lenora thought, trying to piece together the clues. She knew several locations where kingfishers nested outside of Steelix Fortress, but those are still multiple areas to narrow down. Maybe Ben’s mom meant that figuratively…
A knock on her window drew her attention. She looked and breathed a sigh of relief at the familiar figure running next to them. Erriox signalled for her to keep going. She smiled and nodded, putting her foot to the pedal to speed up.
Elsewhere, the snowstorm died down as Malaran ran westward from the trail end. It wasn’t long before he heard the familiar heavy footfalls of another Astartes following him. He knew it was the Black Templar. At least this meant their plan had worked for now. He easily crossed the trenches following the Iron Warrior’s instructions and pressed on. It was tempting to turn around and fight the Black Templar, but his need to reunite with his bonded youngling weighed heavier on his mind. Malaran chuckled when he heard a stumble and fall behind him.
He was about to turn to follow the southwest road when he dodged to one side, a bolter shot just grazing his armour. Malaran turned around, firing back at the offending Astartes.
“Return the boy, chaos scum!” Came the Black Templar’s voice.
The Black Legionnaire snorted as he hurled the bundle he held at the other space marine. The templar rushed forward to catch the bundle only to watch the backpack and heat packs fall to the ground as the cape unravelled in the air. He roared, unsheathing his power sword, “You… and the Iron traitor! Where did you hide the boy?!”
“You don’t deserve to know, corpse worshipper!” Malaran bellowed as he clashed with the Templar, his chain axe revving. He couldn’t resist the Khornate pull for an exhilarating battle. His blood sang savagery and bloodthirst into his ears. It was a good night for a fight.
It was uneventful as Erriox followed Lenora’s truck for the first hour or so. On the one hand, he was thankful that it had been uneventful as Lenora and Ben were able to safely drive through the snowstorm, but now that the storm died down… it was too quiet.
Erriox knew that something went awry. His feeling was only confirmed when heard the footsteps of the Black Templar running toward them. He quickly turned and ran towards the other Astartes to cut him off. Alarms raised in his head when he saw the raised bolter. Erriox fired a shot, hitting the Templar’s gun, throwing off his aim and drawing his attention to him instead.
Lenora pressed her truck to speed forward, trying hard to ignore the sounds of the gunfire and Ben’s whimpers. Then it went quiet. Fear gripped her heart, what if Erriox… Ben looked at the side view mirror and yelled, startling Lenora out of her thoughts, “It’s the asshole!”
At any other time, Lenora would have laughed at that sudden statement. She glanced at her rear view mirror and felt the cold rush of dread down her spine. It was the Black Templar. Despite what looked like obvious injuries, he was gaining on them. Fast.
The S-curve was coming up soon.
With a surprising burst of speed, the Black Templar pounced on them. Ben screamed.
“Hang on!” Lenora shouted as she accelerated and steered into the sharp turn, swinging the truck end just out of the templar’s reach, drifting the curve of the road, and counter steering the other way to straighten out the truck again.
Erriox’s hearts nearly froze at the sight of the truck careening out of control on the snow-covered road before correcting its course. He raced towards the templar again, seeing his arm about to throw his combat blade, tackling him just in time to throw off its trajectory.
“Dagger!” Ben screamed as he saw the glint of the weapon leaving the templar’s hand.
“Head down!” she yelled back.
Can’t worry about that now! Lenora thought, gritting her teeth as she desperately focused on making it through the next turn at high speed. Both her and Ben screamed as the blade thunked into the truck, embedding deep into the truck chassis.
The Iron Warrior saw red, how dare this Imperial Fist knock-off try to kill his bonded! He stabbed his chain sword into the templar’s body, hearing the satisfying grunt of pain as his blade cracked through the armour bit into flesh. The power sword flashed as the Black Templar swung down. Erriox dodged, but not before the sword left a deep score in his pauldron. Both Astartes stood and charged at each other again, their blades clashing.
“Iron traitor! You and your brother will pay for your sins! He was not yours to take!” The Black Templar accusation was laden with ire and venom,
“It was none of our business until they made it so! This would not have happened if you treated the boy better!” Erriox reproached him.
“This one is mine!” The Black Templar suddenly turned as Malaran’s roaring dark form came swinging down with his axe, crashing against the power sword.
“It’s Orca!” Ben exclaimed, his excitement soon waning to worry as he noticed the slightly unbalanced movements of his bonded Astartes.
Lenora glanced at the rearview mirror at the three battling titans as the truck sped forward. It was easy to forget how dangerous space marines actually were with how gently Erriox treated her in the time they’ve been together. Moments like these served a stark reminder at how vulnerable humans were compared to the Astartes. Like great predators in a sea of fish. She shivered, her hands white-knuckling onto the steering wheel. Hopefully the Black Templar was the only one they had to worry about.
“Will they be ok?” Ben’s worried voice piped up.
Lenora gave him a strained smile, “They will be.” They have to be, she prayed to whatever gods that were out there.
It was tense and silent as they turned onto the road leading to Steelix Fortress.
“One day, I’m going to be strong like Orca. Then I can help him fight the bad guys too.” Ben vowed, his voice quiet and resolute.
Lenora laughed uneasily at his naive declaration, “Well, focus on getting stronger first.”
They soon arrived at the fortress gates, smoothly proceeding through to the vehicle bay.
Lenora parked and shut off the truck. Leaning her head back and closing her eyes, she slumped into her seat, letting out a breath of relief. Soreness slowly creeping up her arms after gripping the steering wheel too tightly for so long.
“Ms. Lenora?” Ben asked timidly.
She hummed in question, not bothering to correct him.
“Sorry for giving you guys so much trouble.” His voice was morose and full of regret.
Lenora chuckled and reached over to give the boy a reassuring hug, “Don’t feel bad now, we’re here right? We’re safe here and you’re going to see your mom, and Orca and Erriox are on their way. Everything will be okay.” Ben hugged her back.
“Besides, that was a good test for this truck and my driving skills.” Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, “It was pretty fun drifting around those curves like that.”
Ben laughed, feeling more at ease, “Yeah, that was like the Fast and the Furious movie!”
A knock at her window startled her. Laughing at her own reaction, Lenora turned to see the face of Sirass peering in. They both hopped out of her truck and she turned to greet the Iron Warrior.
“Hello, Sirass! It’s good to see you.”
“You too.” He gently clapped against her shoulder in greeting, “Erriox is still out there?”
She patted his armoured gauntlet affectionately, but her eyes couldn’t meet his gaze, “He and Malaran were still fighting the Black Templar when we left.”
“Brother Alcyon is on his way to meet them.” He replied, easing her worries. She smiled wanly at him, “That’s good. Give him my thanks.”
Sirass went and pulled out the combat knife embedded in the truck chassis, “I’ll hand this over to Erriox once he arrives and see to patching this hole before you leave.”
“Thank you, Sirass. It is much appreciated.” Lenora replied gratefully as she left her truck key on the dash before closing the door.
“I’m ready, Ms. Lenora.” Ben chirped.
The boy smelt familiar, Sirass noted “So you’re Amelia’s son. Ben, correct?”
Ben nodded, reaching a hand to him, “Yes, sir.”
The Astartes chuckled and gently shook his hand, “I am Brother Sirass and I will be guiding you to the medical wing.”
As they walked to the medical wing, Sirass idly asked Lenora, “Did Erriox tell you about the cookies?”
She laughed, “No, he didn’t! Other issues were more pressing at the time. Did you like them?”
He grinned, “They were very good. He said you will bring more next time.”
“Which ones did you like?” She asked.
“The ones with the chocolate pieces on them.”
The oatmeal chocolate chip cookies… never could go wrong with that recipe, she thought. Lenora smiled at him, “I will bring more of those cookies next time. Good thing you told me.”
Sirass dropped them off at the doors of the medical wing, waving goodbye before parting. Lenora and Ben went inside, making their way to where there was a young man in scrubs manning the administrative desk. He looked up, recognizing Lenora.
“Hey! Long time no see!”
“Hey Eric! It’s been a while. How’ve you been?”
Eric waved his hand nonchalantly, “You know, the usual. Always learning. Coffee’s my savior.” Lenora laughed.
Standing up, the medical technician finally got a good look at Ben, who’s hair just crested the top of the desk and had been silent up until now, “Hey! You’re Amelia’s son! You are so much taller than I expected. She talks a lot about you, you know!” He cheerfully greeted him, “Apothecary Osteron is expecting you guys. Room One, if you please. Lenora, you can go with him.”
“Thanks Eric.” Lenora nodded as she directed Ben to the appointed room.
Apothecary Osteron was an imposing Astartes, what with the various medical implements attached to the mechanical arms on his armour and all; that and being one of the few marines that towered a foot above most Astartes at the base. For an Iron Warrior apothecary though, he had surprisingly good bedside manners with baseline humans. Thus, treating humans at the base tended to fall on him.
Ben shuffled in closely behind Lenora, using her body as a shield of sorts.
“Lenora.” His sonorous voice greeted her.
She dipped her head respectfully, smiling, “Apothecary Osteron, it’s good to see you.”
“Good to see you in good health. I see you brought the boy.” He looked over at Lenora at Ben peeking out from behind her.
She nudged the teen, encouraging him to move out into the open, “Hey, it’s alright. Apothecary Osteron is a lovely man, he’s the doctor that takes care of the humans at the base. Don’t be scared.”
Osteron chuckled. He recognized Ben’s scent, “He certainly is Amelia’s boy. She was such a shy thing when we first met too.”
Lenora grinned wryly, “To be fair, you are rather intimidating at first meeting.” The apothecary laughed at that.
“You know my mom?” Ben asked curiously.
“Indeed, youngling. She works with Eric here.” Osteron answered patiently, “Get on the bed, and I will check you over. Erriox said you caught hypothermia?”
Ben shrugged, “Lenora said I had frostnip.”
Lenora answered Osteron, her voice clinical, “Ben was cold and barely awake when he got to us, so we suspected hypothermia. Thankfully, he seems to have recovered once we warmed him up. I checked on his digits thinking there may be frostbite, but it only looks like frostnip instead. We thought it would be better for a doctor to check him over just in case.”
The apothecary nodded, scanning Ben for other injuries once he did his initial check, “The ends of toes are still red, but it is on its way to recovery. The boy is slightly dehydrated as well, but is otherwise fine, he just needs good meals and rest.”
Osteron addressed Ben, “Your toes will be sore for a few days, but as long as you get rest and sufficient food and water, you will be fine. If you feel your toes swelling or you start to feel ill, make sure to come back here, alright?”
The teen nodded, “Okay.”
Satisfied, Osteron patted his head and led them out the examination room, “Good lad. You can wait in the hall for your mother to arrive. If you need anything, just ask Eric.”
Lenora paused as she remembered something, “Osteron, do you know who Amelia is bonded to? Erriox didn’t mention it before we left. I only know that he is one of the chaos Iron Warriors.”
“Brother Alcyon is her bonded.”
She hummed thoughtfully as Osteron left them with Eric.
“My mom! She’s here, right?” Ben asked, his voice hopeful and excited.
The teen deflated at Eric’s answer, “Sorry, Ben. She’s not here yet, but she’s on her way.”
Lenora gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze, “Hey now, you’ve come so far. You only need to be patient and wait a little longer. Your mum’s coming, and Malaran is on his way. Why don’t you take a seat? I’ll join you soon.” Pouting, Ben went and slouched onto one of the Astartes-sized chairs, looking comically small.
Lenora covered her smile at the cuteness. The medical tech gave her a clipboard with some forms to fill out, with a chuckle, “Cute kid. Here's some forms. Just fill out what you can and the rest we can hand it over to Amelia to finish. I’ll have you know, she works with me in the medical ward here. Lovely woman. She misses him. A lot.”
Lenora smiled sadly, glancing at the teen before grabbing a pen from the container, “He missed her very much too.”
“You were thinking about something earlier.” Eric asked thoughtfully, “Something about Brother Alcyon?”
“Yeah, something about his name sounds familiar, but I’m sure I’ve never heard his name outside today.” She replied then shrugged, waving the clipboard of forms, “I’ll hand it back once I’m done.” returning to sit next to Ben.
“You hungry?” Lenora asked the boy.
Ben blushed when his stomach growled, “Yeah, kinda.”
“No worries, you’ve only drank hot chocolate all day, but hadn’t eaten anything yet. Take a look inside your backpack, there should be food and water in there.”
Ben did as she instructed, “Woah! You didn’t have to put so much stuff in there!” he exclaimed. He pulled out a peanut butter and jam sandwich and a bottle of water.
Lenora laughed quietly, “I don’t know where you and Malaran planned to go after. Having some extra food and water is always good just in case of emergencies. Don’t worry about it, I have enough at home.”
She urged him, “Eat up and make sure you drink some water too. You only had hot chocolate the entire day.” Ben didn’t argue and started on his sandwich.
Lenora looked through the intake forms, filling out the blank fields where she could. She paused when she got to the address field, “Hey Ben, where did your mum say she lived again?”
“Somewhere outside the Fortress.”
“And… where the kingfisher lived?” Lenora recalled. Ben hummed an affirmative, mouth full of sandwich. It was then it clicked in her mind. She grinned, “I think I know who the kingfisher is.”
Ben swallowed the last bite of his sandwich, finally satisfied, “Who?” he whispered.
“Alcyon, your mum’s Astartes.” she replied, her voice, equally as hushed.
The boy pursed his lips in confusion, “I don’t get it.”
Lenora chuckled, “Alcyon is the latin species name for the Belted Kingfisher. Though the word can just mean kingfisher in general.” She pulled up the belted kingfisher entry in one of her bird identification apps on her phone, “See?”
“Oh…” Ben took her phone, looking at the picture of the blue and white bird with fascination, then swiped to another bird, “Can I look through this?” He asked.
“Of course.” Lenora said warmly, showing Ben how to back out to the main list of bird species for him to browse. She went to return the forms to Eric while the boy was occupied.
“Where’s Erriox? He’s usually attached to you by the hip.” Eric asked.
Lenora laughed, “Oh come on! No he isn’t.”
The tech snorted, “Well, every time I see you, you’re always together.”
“We make that much of an impression, huh? Maybe it’s only when you see us.” She teased him, her voice then lowered with concern, “He’s out dealing with a Black Templar with Ben’s Astartes. I am worried that they’re not back yet, to be honest.”
Eric hummed thoughtfully, “They’re big tough boys. I’m sure they’ll be okay.”
Lenora gave him a smile, still worried, “I hope so.”
She returned to Ben’s side. The teen handed the phone back to her, “Is there something for fish and marine animals?” He asked.
“I’m not sure, I never used it so never looked for that kind of app.” Lenora replied, “I’m sure there should be something available out there. I can ask my friends if they know.”
“Your friends are marine biologists?” Ben’s voice was full of awe.
“Well… no, but they do know marine biologists.” Lenora laughed.
“Then what do you do?” He asked her.
She smiled, “I’m a wildlife biologist.”
“Like you work with tigers and bears?” Erriox was not far off…, she laughed to herself.
“I work with birds mostly and sometimes reptiles and amphibians, but we also have wildlife cameras to catch some of the bigger animals. Would you like to see?”
“Yeah!” Ben leaned against her as she swiped through the gallery of wildlife camera photos. He’s pretty clever, Lenora thought, listening to him point out the animals in the pictures.
He suddenly laughed, “Who is that?!”
Lenora looked at the image of a jovial Space Wolf grinning at the camera. She giggled, “Sometimes we get space marines passing through. Some of them like to have some fun, when they don’t destroy the camera.”
“Ben?” Both their heads turned at the sound of the voice.
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ask-the-nine-links · 1 year
Im curious about what the chain thinks of the depths, or just what they think about the gloom hands xd
Also the chain should get some kind of "secret word" that only they know, since the yiga now can disguise themselves as pepole wild has traveld his hyrule with
-one of manny sniches
Warriors: As a representative of the 4th Wall-Breaking Club, our response to the gloom hands is this:
Warriors: Burn it with fire and bombs.
Warriors: But a code word isn't a horrible idea... we haven't seen any Yiga dress as us and infiltrate yet, but it's better to be safe then sorry.
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sgiandubh · 8 months
It's been so many years, but I think the driver who called fans c*nts was Cait's driver Finnie. All while reaping the very generous rewards of said fans. He was reprimanded soundly for some heinous transgressions from him and that (Italian?) woman he was having an affair with. The things that have happened in this fandom would make a fascinating case study of some kind.
Dear Generous Rewards Anon,
I am not very sure it was so, but definitely stand corrected. As far as I remember, it was that horrible little man, who was brought by people like Lasagna to NYC. I may be completely wrong, again, but in my mind this is somehow connected to S being Grand Marshal for that Tartan Day Parade, or something.
If there is one part of my job I hate (HATE, HATE, HATE) is to see our driver acting like he was our Permanent Representative to the United Nations or something. You cannot imagine the degree of entitlement and insolence technical staff sometimes displays. And you would be wise not to say a word - these people are the first to gladly snitch on us. So S trying to make friends with him was not a surprise: I did the same, but never let my guard down.
Again, if I am wrong, please someone correct me. I will edit this post immediately. Thank you!
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puckpocketed · 5 months
did you see PLD living his best life?? if not look at @siannickson ‘s story
shes flourishing <3
anon you were the last one to make it before i blasted my inbox of weirdos who cant remain normal about sports. hello <3 im so sorry i took so long to get back to you. my amazing colleague in PLD curation @kmercer posted the photos here they are TRULY the images of all time. like it's giving yuppie white boy who listened to one kendrick album + maaaybe an singular MF DOOM song (im talking shallowest cut!!! like, rapp snitch knishes foodie era at BEST.) and then got shitty flash tattoos and a snapback to complete his gangsta transformation. the poses are so fucking goofy and cringe and terrible. BEHOLD our disasterwife.
anyway. here's the karaoke video because i didn't see it floating around yet? i could say something here about how Mr. Brightside is the song clubs play to end the night, and how it is the perfect capstone to the Kings' utterly miserable season. but . well. the video speaks for itself:
[ID: 3 LA Kings players at a bar, singing "Mr Brightside" poorly on stage. From left to right: Pierre-Luc Dubois, Blake Lizotte, Cam Talbot. Dubois moves with the music enthusiastically. Lizotte plays guitar. Talbot stumbles on some of the words. The lighting is bisexual and everyone is having a great time. /.End ID]
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
(Patreon anon) Here's the last of what I have of my QnA archive, I don't plan to repledge so cheers to whoever uses their money to snitch like me.
-HB season 1 takes place within one year
-Wally Wackford won't appear much in season 2 but will be important in the future.
-Vivzie would love more Wally merch but her merch lead doesn't feel confident in it selling well.
-Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
-Vivzie claims the whole show is a celebration of pride and doesn't feel the need to make pride merch but would be down to making if there's a demand for it. (With the amount of fan merch I've seen, there is)
-She claims to do general research for the HH character time period but doesn't integrate the history into their backstories as of now.
-Viv's open to oversea convention appearances and has been trying to get a booking agent to travel more for European conventions.
-Paimon's a big shapeshifter and is only an owl because that's what he needs to be.
-There was a time where Vivzie hated Zoophobia, saying if something doesn't work out, keep trying new projects that excite you.
-One hell year equals a lot of Earth years, so stolas existed well before 1985.
-Vivzie actually loves Mammon's design, she conceptualized it and had someone else finalize it. Sort of like how Oz was designed by someone on the team with Vivzie finalizing it.
-Vivzie wanted to show men can be abused too with Stolas
-Jeremy Jordan might join be cast by Vivzie since she knows him
-Stella may not want Stolas dead right away anymore, just at a later time. (This was asked pre-Western Energy)
-It's currently unclear when we'll get HH merch with their full series designs since they're owned by A24. (This was months before the recall of that Sir Pentious keychain that used the full series design)
-At the time, they were aiming for a three month wait period between HB episodes for season 2.
-Unlike HH, HB isn't considered a musical to Vivzie but will have elements to it in season 2.
-Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
-Sinners technically don't need food and water to live, it's mostly out of habit and indulgence. Electronic sinners like Vox find a way through cartoon logic.
-Because of how long episode 8 was taking, Vivzie and Adam have started making HB comics of what happens between the episodes. They're still figuring it out with HH.
-If Oz ever met Valentino, he would hate him. The team jokes that Val would be very "notice me senpai" with him.
-Stolas is confirmed to be 8ft tall with Blitz at 5ft.
-Fights between an overlord and a goetia would barely happen so Vivzie wouldn't know which one would win.
-Tilla was removed as a sibling because Blitz's family was still in the early works, she's going to be renamed.
-Vivzie doesn't have a specific favorite villain archetypes, she enjoys ruthless mean girls and dramatic, and theatrical messed up villains like The Joker.
-Episode 6's collaboration was fun for Vivzie but complicated because she had to manage an entire second team, There were file issues and they had to go back and forth to make sure they were correct.
-Vivzie's interested in making more Zoophobia merch but doesn't wish to for other older projects. She mentions it'd be hard to convince her merch lead that anyone would want to buy anything from her older works.
-Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
-Leviathan will have a cameo in season 2
-Vivzie can't give specifics but Stolas doesn't have many friends who we might see them in the future. Stella has two friends who at the moment of that QnA don't have names.
-White marks on Imps are scars, and can be added for aesthetics (Unsure if she means design wise or in-universe cosmetics, possibly both with how Barbie looks)
-Stolas's job is to look into the skies of Earth and find prophecies in them and inform Hell of what's to come in the future, he doesn't do much other than that.
-Oz has a broad range of powers, there were too many to list in the timespan of the QnA.
-Octavia takes after Stolas in that she's socially unaware, Vivzie claims she also unaware of her parents's relationship because of Stolas trying hard to make it seem things are fine and does that to a "good extent".
-we'll see what Octavia and Stella's relationship is like later.
-Vivzie would like to release an artbook bigger than their con-exclusive one for HB after season 2 and when the team is free to organize the production art, she's unable to do one for HH at the moment.
-DHORK will return
-She's still figuring out the sins but don't want them to be fallen angels since it doesn't matter in HB, but it will for HH. So she wants to wait until HH to decide. (Possible they figured it out with HH season 1 done)
-She finds people saying the childhood friends trope with Stolitz being fanservice frustrating. (As seen with her recent rant of the overall story)
-Vivzie adopted Pixel a year and a half after she graduated SVA. She didn't explain how she got Honeybee and Nugget.
-full quote "There would be demons from the ring of Lust who would be asexual, and they will get to that in the future. But she generally imagines that lust demons wouldn't think it'd that much of a taboo. Lust demons would generally be confused by the concept, but they wouldn't have any hate.
Asmodeus would be an example of someone who wouldn't understand asexuality"
-She would like region-free dvds of HB but it would require re-negotiations with everyone who was involved with the show, if they do release it, it'll be difficult to make it region-free.
-Stolitz didn't interact at all between the 25 years apart.
-She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
-Viv put aspects of herself into Octavia but claims to not be a self-insert. Fizz has an aspect that is directly from Viv that we'll see in season 2 that she feels needs to be shown.
-HB was spun off because IMP was originally for HH, with Vivzie thinking they were better off as their own thing. HB's also about exploring Vivzie's hell like the demons that possess people.
-HB/HH was inspired by Batman and various musicals with the idea that she wanted a worlds with nothing but villains.
-The fan interpretations of Andrealphus were pretty close to what she's written for him.
-Vivzie's interpretation of Stolas's "I used to think that I was bold, I used to think that love was for fun" is meant that he's never gotten the chance to experience true love with him being gay and he had an arranged marriage.
-She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
-The Von Eldritches will not appear in HH season 1
-question "How did Viv get to where she was? How did she get Hazbin and Helluva produced?"
answer: "She has reps who set her up with people very interested in her show. It was the producers who pitched their interest in her. This is what happened with Hazbin in that production companies showed what they would do for that show. When A24 showed interest in Hazbin, that's when she started pitching it to others (No mention of that those others are)"
-The certificate on Loona's adoption paper was signed by Beelzebub.
-HH will have the same level of NSFW and dark as HB is at the time of season 2's beginning, (I'm not sure why people are thinking it'll be even more if she has to obey S&P with a TV show) she admits to not having a good gauge of what's too extreme as she just does what she wants to do to tell her story. HH is new territory since it's more story based than HB.
-YT doesn't allow the use of the word "cunt" so Mammon will be heavily censored with the amount of time he saids it. There's also a scene in HB that a storyboard artist went too extreme on and Vivzie was afraid it would be rejected but turned out to be okay. (This ask was in September 2022, she didn't mention which scene but if I had to guess it might have been the dildo room)
-Oz is aware of Fizz being an imp, but Vivzie doesn't know if it's an open fact and she might use it as a story element someday.
-Rosie is an overlord, that's all Vivzie can say when asked what kind of demon she is.
-At the time Vivzie was still figuring out how time works in hell, Sinners are stuck at the age they died as while Hellborns do age.
-Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
-Blitz's horse obsession started as an inside joke among the team
-Vivzie can't say if season 2 will have a Stolitz kiss
-Episode 6's collab started 4-5 months before the episode came out, There's no plans for season 2 to have one but Vivzie would love to do it again.
-When asked if any new characters will join IMP in season 2 Vivzie said "Not this season!"
-Stolas can transform into other things, but Vivzie is still deciding if it's something he can do on his own or needs the grimoire for it.
-Vivzie uses Google sheets to write and takes the complete draft to something called Final Draft to finish it
-That white cyclops guy that shows up in Cherri Bomb's segment of Addict is likely to change but that's all Vivzie can say.
-Striker was confirmed to be a hybrid hellborn.
-The client giving birth button in episode 1 was an oversight on Vivzie's part but did say that IMP had hellborn clients before
-Any remaining reveals of HH characters will be minor characters from the pilot, the final reveal will be a brand new character. (This was before the Adam reveal, so he could have been the final one)
-The thing about the sins being a pseudo-family with "nice and asshole" ones were accurate to what's been told to you, same with them technically being goetias, they're just in a different category.
-We'll see Oz and Mammon's relationship in the middle of season 2.
-A lot of material things have been made in the greed ring, it's very industrial, full of banks, smoggy and crime ridden like that was seen in the Chaz episode.
-HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
-Vivzie's still deciding what special powers Striker would have as a hybrid.
-If Vivzie had unlimited funds, she would love to make a movie for HH and HB and to speed up her production pipeline. she had issues in 2022 with her working more on HH.
-Claims that HH will definitely come out in 2023, but she also mentioned season 2 of HB will have a more consistent release schedule at the same time.
-Vivzie would like to make a height chart for the HB characters but claims the team doesn't need one because they know the size of them already.
> Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
Says Vivzie as she can't put out Sallie Mae merchandise fast enough, despite her having one speaking line and about five seconds of screen time.
> -HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
She's flip-flopped on how planned out the show is so many times it's not even funny anymore.
> Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
Figures this was before both scenes where he says he has zero guilt and would feel bad if he thought he did something wrong but doesn't.
> -Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
What a fascinating character trait that we were all looking forward to seeing more of after Blitzo told him off in Ozzie's and popped his delusional bubble! What a shame it was downgraded to "Stolas, as always, did nothing wrong."
> -She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
> -She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
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> -Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
Remember when we all thought that was important? Oh Vivzie, you fucking hack.
Thank you so much for all of these, Patreon Anon. Hopefully someone else will step into your shoes but for now know that you're braver than any Marine.
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belle--ofthebrawl · 8 months
ahem—Swiss can (s)cream all he wants?!! BELLE WHAT. i am positively vibrating with need at the mere thought of this 👀
(to the anon who requested this back in September when I was on my vacation. I am so sorry. I'm trying.)
"Then let them hunt him." Aether says simply. "Few hours. One night, tops. Both of them are Quintessence, both of them should be able to siphon the heat out of him."
The line fizzles as Aether chuckles.
"He's been pestering Omega and I for a threesome anyway. Hopefully this gets it out of his system until you come home."
"Thank you." Copia says fervently. "And, eh...the Cleaners? For the footage."
"Already working on it." Aether says warmly. "Now tell Aeon to stop eavesdropping and grab Aurora."
"Hey!" Aeon shouts, sticking his head out of his bunk. Copia yelps and drops the phone with a clatter on the floor. Aeon scrambles to snatch it up so he can yell right into it: "Snitches get stitches, asshole!"
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nrcnewspaperclub · 6 months
Okay! Third out of the way!
This is a higher risk factor because anybody could snitch on you to Azul or the tweels
Very slippery roof bc it has a lot of curves
Again, depends on where you stand
Sunscreen isn’t recommended but a disguise is.
Could very well be easy in merform(I haven’t tried it yet)
Overall rating: 5.7/10(tweels caught me a few times and I regretted climbing this roof ever since.)
- Lost anon
//ooc lore drop: he’s a jellyfish merman :) @micah-del-rey from @nrc-confessions was right on the money with that
I’ve never gone to the dorm’s roof, but I might just do it now.
//lore drop 4 lore drop! 🪸’s initials are NM. Your OC sounds really freaking cool btw :)//
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dia-smthidk · 7 months
So hiiii Diaaa!! IM the anon that dropped Sethe lore and I wanted to know something about the mafia thing Thats going on, what is your mafia about? (if I can explain myself well)
I mean, if its an organized crime, sure thing all your sonas are enough CAOTIC to Just make caos and destrucion because ✨yes✨, but you (as the mafia boss) must setle WHAT is the thing you do that is ilegal.
Assuming this mafia thingamajick happens in the 1920's, the golden era of animation and mafias, here are your options:
1- Alcohol traficking: With the Drougth law (a law prohibiting alcohol and its sale), a large part of the mafias took advantage of it to illegally sell alcohol, (which was relatively easy to get and make) and create speakeasies where they sold their alcohol and played music. The pros of this is that ALL kinds of people were involved, from the neighborhood rat to the puritanical politician, so you had them all tied up so that no one would talk about it too much. The cons are that, being the most well-known crime of that era, it was much more likely to turn the Police against you, plus it's an easy crime to charge.
2- Money laundering: A crime so popular that even now it is still being done. Although I don't know its mechanisms, you are all artists, so copying Ben Frankling face and printing it can't be more difficult than drawing Pomni demogorgon, or Corrupted Gangle. The pros are that it's easy, it's hard to identify (if you do it right), and that it has a lot of facades that are very easy to put up (e.g. the classic laundromat). The cons are that if you don't do it right, you're going to get caught right away and it got some REALLY hard punishment.
3- Drug dealing: This is one of the most popular crimes where I live in (if you can guess ;). Easy to do (growing marijuana or tobacco is ridiculously easy, trust me I have experience) this is one of the must-haves for beginner mafias. The pros are that, by making your clients addicted, no one is going to talk at all. The Cons are that (just like alcohol trafficking) it's super wanted, and there are entire institutions after you.
4- Cabarets & Pleasure Houses: *sigh* Do I really have to put this guys? (Yes, we're paying you for this!) As you can imagine, these are houses where people offer their "services", which are usually sexual. I don't want to say anything else, but technically it's legal in many countries and it's almost the same as with drug trafficking and addiction, no one wants to snitch. The Cons are, by having lots of workers, there are more probabilities that some one It's going to talk.
5- Hitmen: Although not very accessible to the common human, it produces far more profit than the rest of the crimes on this list. The pros are that your sonas are so violent and strong that they will clean the floor with the other shoddy killers. The Cons is that if your agency's existence is publicly known, you screwed up.
6- Trafficking in favors: The very foundation of the mafias, this "trafficking" consists of: You, a poor person, want to pay for your university or get a job, or whatever. This kind and wealthy mafia offers you money, help, or whatever you need, in exchange for you returning the favor in a while. The favor you return may be to give money, asylum, weapons, sell what your mafia sells, or not tell the police that the money your community uses is fake. And so, the rest of the poor people, taking pity on their own friend, don't speak out to protect and help him, and just like that, you, the mafia, become untouchable. You already know the pros, and the Cons is that, if some foreigners who doesent have debts to pay tries to do something, Maybe, just Maybe, they could defeat you (in a VERY unlikely scenario)
So, tthese are the options! What do you want your Majesty? Its up to you to decide! If this is a question already answered Im really really Sorry for Messing with you. And if your mafia happens in the actual times, you still can use all of them (except the alcohol traficking)
Goodbye, and good crimes!
I’m really busy at the moment so uh-
I’ll look over these in my freetime 👍
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panandinpain0 · 1 year
hihellohowareyougoodgoodokayso could I request a fic where it’s Harry Pottah x Male Reader where they’re alrdy dating, but it’s the reader’s first time to watch his quidditch practice?? If possibly a bit of simping reader would be 👌👌 but ykyk
Quidditch Practice
Quidditch Harry >>>>
Your wish is my command, this is gonna be fun!
Reader's house is unspecified, so reader is any house you want reader to be <3
Requested by: Anon
Harry Potter x Male!Reader
(Harry is so boyfriend it's insane)
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"Wood is really working you all to the bone, isn't he?" (Y/N), Harry's boyfriend, asked as they walked hand in hand towards the quidditch field.
"He's just worried about Slytherin winning, they usually cheat anyways so I don't know what more practice is going to do for us," Harry replied, rolling his eyes and rubbing his thumb across the back of (Y/N)'s thumb.
"I'm sorry about our date..."
Wood had sent an owl to Harry while they were waiting for the Hogsmeade carriages announcing an "emergency practice". Harry felt horrible for having to cancel their Hogsmeade trip, but (Y/N) didn't mind as long as he was with Harry.
"It's alright, Harry. At least now I get to watch you practice!" (Y/N) tried to look at the bright side. "I've never seen you practice before.)
"But you've seen me in the actual game, how is practice any different?" Harry asked with an amused smile as (Y/N) began to swing their joined hands back and forth.
"Official games and practicing are two completely different things! At practice you can mess up, at games you're all serious, it'll be nice to see you joking around with the boys."
"If you say so," Harry gave in, smiling at his boyfriend.
Up in the stands, (Y/N) sat in the front row, eyes trained on his boyfriend. He worked marvelously with his teammates and his determination was cute.
His eyebrows would crease and his eyes squinting every once in a while as he searched the field for the snitch.
(Y/N) realized he was getting closer and and gasped when the snitch started fluttering straight for him. Flinching back, not wanting to get hit by a tiny golden ball, (Y/N) was taken aback by the sight of his boyfriends face right in front of is own, hand clutching the golden snitch.
"Hello, Darling," Harry huskily whispered, inches away from (Y/N)'s lips.
(Y/N) scoffed and rolled his eyes, dragging Harry into a kiss (and almost making him fall off his broom).
Sorry, I need to write more for Harry but I couldn't figure out how to go with this one. I might rewrite it in the future but for now this is the best I can do.
Sorry Anon! Hope you liked it
-Author Max <3
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