#editing to add that I now recognize why I find him so handsome
metal-mouse · 1 year
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I have writer's block today and haven't finished any of my works, so I did the Jackdaw quest with Arioch today and took a billion screenshots. I'm in love with his new outfit.
lore tidbit: Arioch's father died in Azkaban. He was imprisoned after being framed for the murder of his muggle mistress. It was actually Arioch's mother who did the killing. She's still alive, she married a really rich pureblood wizard. Arioch has his father's eyes.
@anto-pops have some pictures of ur boyfriend
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Time In A Bottle(young!Howard Stark X reader)
Paring: young!Howard X Carter!Reader
Summary: after a time machine going wrong a few faces from the past get knocked into our century.
A/N: this is an old story of mine that I posted on Wattpad a while back. It's not edited but I hope you all enjoy.
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"can't believe how long it's been since you've been in the ice" I mumbled looking through a magazine that was just published. It was full of articles and pictures of Steve, my aunt peggie, and Howard Stark. I kept flipping through when I stopped on a picture of my aunt.
"you know you kinda look like her" Steve said standing behind the stool I was sitting on and looked over my shoulder looking at the picture of Peggy. I smiled and nodded. I was proud to be a Carter and I didn't hide it like my sister Sharon did. Before I could say anything else there was a loud crash coming for the lab. "what the hell was that?" I asked Tony who was sitting on the couch with pepper.
"you didn't leave anything on did you?" pepper asked. "it's probably just Bruce" Tony mumbled and got up.
"no because Bruce and natasha went on vacation... Remember?" tony stopped in his tracks and looked guilty. He knew exactly what he did he just wasn't ready to admit to what he did. "I'll be back" he said running towards the lab.
"miss. Carter, Mr stark has requested your assistance in the lab" I hear Friday call out from the speakers of the lab. I sighed and threw the magazine onto the coffee table and walked towards the lab. "Tony way do I always have to save your ass" I asked walking into the lab.
When I looked up I saw a treo of people serounding the time machine we've been working on for months. "who's your friends?" I asked crossing my arms. Tony tried to talk but I ignored him looking at three people. One that I recognized made my heart skip a beat.
"aunt Peggy?" I mumbled. She didn't hear me which I was thankful for. No need to add more to the confusion.
"how did you guys get here?" I asked my question was competly ignored and my aunt Peggy started to attack a man who looked like Tony. "Howard you buffoon I told you to not mess with that damed robot again"
"time machine!" Howard correct. "it's a time machine and it obviously worked so I'm a genius" he said with a smirk and crossed his arms over his chest with pride. Now we know where tony gets his ego. "what year is it miss?" the third one asked. He sounded like Jarvis just more human.
"2022" I said crossing my arms. As the three conversed with Tony and I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me I looked over and noticed Howard staring at me. Howard was pretty handsome in his younger years. He looked at lot like Tony but maybe a bit taller. They both seemed to have the same attitude and the same eyes and hair.
I looked at him and raised an eyebrow questioning him. He simply winked and tried to get his two since in the conversation. After a few minutes of arguing we finally came to agreement.
"okay so they'll stay here In till we can figure out how to send them back home" I said walking to the time machine. It looked burnt to the crisp and refused to turn one. I sighed as I picked up a piece that fell off and sat on top of the waist of space.
"(y/n) why don't you show our guests around and show them where the extra rooms are" Tony said before I could escorts them to their destinations Peggy chimed in. "that won't be necessary" she said to me. "I think I can find my way around" she left the lab and literally walked the opposite direction of where she was supposed to go. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at the woman I shared blood with. "she's going the wrong way isn't she?" Howard asked clearly reading my expressions right.
"yup" I said turning to him. He flashed me a smirk and looked me up and down. "if the offer of a tour of our new living facilities are still open I would love if you'd show me around" I rolled my eyes at him. He was definitely cocky and very brave you could also tell him and Tony are related. I scoffed "fine" I then started to walk down the hallway as Howard tried to catch up with me.
-----------(1st pov)-----------
I tossed and turned in my bed. Once comfy bed felt like a brick and the room felt like a hundred degrees. Millions of things ran through my head. From the simplest things to more hectic things. My first thoughts were on my aunt and how hard it felt to tell her I was her blood or the fact me and Tony couldn't figure out how to send her back to the right time period.
It also felt wired that I couldn't get Howard out of my head. The man was indeed a charming man much like his son. He also held the same ego and sarcasm but he seemed to know when to hide it unlike Tony.
The man wouldn't leave me alone the rest of the day. He would follow me around the compound like a lost puppy or try to 'help' me in the lab. On the contrary I don't need help in my lab and I felt that he needed to know I don't need a man to help me get my job done. That's why I own my own lab because dispit Tony being my best friend it was always hard to do a job with out him breathing down my neck.
I sighed giving up on sleep and left my room. I quietly walked down the hallway trying not to wake anyone and headed into the kitchen for some tea and maybe a snack. I sighed rumgimg through the cabinets in the dim almost dark room.
"can't sleep either?" I voice said making me jump. I quickly turned around and saw Howard setting at the counter in the middle of the kitchen. He looked just as tired as I felt. His brown hair slightly wet from a shower but in some strainds of hair were fluffy and Stubele peppered his jaw. He was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans that Tony possibly gave him. Above all he was handsome I wasn't denying that but in the end I would have to stop myself from getting close to him. For his, mine, and especially Tony's sake.
"no I can't sleep too much on my mind" I sighed setting a crossed from him. He simply smirked and shook his head. "this hole thing is a mystery to me too. I think this is an amazing experience but then I want to get Peggy and Jarvis home where they belong"
"if ony Bruce was home, he's just as smart as you and Tony"
"your pretty intelligent yourself doll" he responded. His brown eyes looked at me and he smirked making me blush.
"me and Tony will try to get you home" I said. "I mean no rush... This time period can't be that bad could it?" he asked.
I titled my head to the side and my straight face broke to a smile. "are you kidding? I would love to live in the 40s"
"why?" he asked with a chuckle. "I Love the history, the music, the cars are my favorite" I smiled.
"you like cars?" he smirked like he was surprised. I slightly nodded and He looked amused.
"what was Steve like back then? I mean before the serum?" I asked breaking the silence.
"much like he is now I'm guessing. I didn't really know him much before he took the serum" he said drinking the last of his coffee. As we fell into comfortable silence I started to feel my eyes get heavy. I rested my elbow on the tabe and my head was supported by my  fist. "you look tired.. You should go back to bed..we gotta lot of work to do tomorrow" Howard smiled at me. I only nodded and stood up from the counter. I smiled and padded his shoulder. "get some sleep too Stark" he only nodded.
"good night doll" he called out as I left the room.
The next morning I woke up before anyone else. It was pretty quiet which in my opinion was good. That ment Tony was getting the right amount of sleep he deserves and hopefully the rest of the team was doing the same.
I really didn't feel like working on the time machine before Tony and Howard got up so I just went down to the grauge where all the cars we owned sat. All of them were different in size in color. To Scott's rust bucket of a van to clint and Steve's motorcycles. I like to think my baby out shined them all. My car is back 1967 chivy impala. I worked hard to keep in shape and always made sure I ran to perfection.
I smiled at the black automobile and turned on my CD player. The silver machine flashed one and played Elvis Presley on a low volume. Tony and Clint always called me old school. I didn't use Bluetooth speakers to listen to music and I never saw the reason to by modern cars. I hated New music and new anything. I'm a old soul as steve would say. I loved old movies like Alfred Hitchcock movies or Friday the 13th. I refused to listen to any new music which annoyed Wanda and Peter in some ways.
I digged out the tools I needed and started tinkering under the hood. Things were going through smoothly in till I felt one bolt that wouldn't loosen. I grunted getting aritated and started to pull harder while cussing under my breath.
I then herd the door open and close. I ignored it and continued to work. So after the noises disappeared I felt someone come up behind me. The figure the bigger than mine and I felt his arms reach and grabbed the rinch I had. When I felt his chest against my back I quickly elbowed him. "hay doll I'm only trying to help" it was howard. I rolled my eyes and moved away from the car. "thanks but I got it" I said crossing my arms.
As I turned back around and finished my work on the engine. As I had my back to him I heard him snort and let out a sigh. I quickly wiped around and crossed my arms and Clinched the wrinch I had. "what?"
"nothing" he smiled and moved closer. I stepped back and leaned on my car. "your different from anyone I've ever met"
"oh?" I said not really amused but wanting to know what he meant. "you don't fall at my feet and you stand your ground" he explained. "your kind to me with out trying to be a flert and I really admire how smart you are"
"well... Thanks I think" I slightly blushed and turned back around before he could see. When I leaned over into the car under the hood I saw him move over to the side of the car in the corner of my eye. I sighed as he watched me closely as I worked.
When I went back to the bolt I was struggling with I pushed down as hard as I could and got it lose. But when I did I smashed my had making me hiss and pull back. I grumbled and shook my hand to hit rid of the pain. I squeezed my eyes shut not seeing Howard come up and grabbed my jammed hand in his hand. I opened my eyes and saw him looking down at my hand and rubbing where it hurt. "what are you doing?" I asked stepping back slowly.
"it's bruised let me see" he said taking my hand back and examining my thumb and palm. "im fine really" his chocolate eyes looked up at me making my heart race. My cheeks faded into a pink color and this time he saw it.
"I'm making you nervous, aren't I doll?" he asked kissing my knuckles then Releasing my hand. "n-no you don't" I said trying to stand my ground. I quickly turned around to my car and shut the hood. As soon as the hood shut with a thud I felt him behind me.
"so now your being shy around me?" he asked and kissed my cheek then my jaw. "what happened to your little attitude?" I sighed and turned around facing him. One of his hands fell to my hip and his other went under my chin lifting it up so we made eye contact. "we should see if Tony's up" I whispered.
He leaned in closer brushing his nose to mine. "he's not up yet" his brown eyes stared into my soul as his free hand moved to the back of my neck and pulled me closer. "can I kiss you?"
His question surprised me. I wanted to say yes but when I stared into his brown eyes all I saw was tony. What would he think or react to his best friend kissing a young version of his father. He would always tell me how much he hated Howard and I was always Tony's shoulder to cry on and was always there to listen when he needed to rant about his father.
"I can't" I whispered as I placed my hands on his chest as a single tear left the corner of my eye. "we- I cant do this to tony" he looked at me with hurt and confusion glossing over his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to over step-" he started but I cut him off.
"I'm sorry... It's not you" I shook my head and left his arms. "I should get to work Tony's probably waiting" I said leaving him alone in the garage.
"sorry about intrupting your vacation Bruce" I said crossing my arms and looking at him through the screen. "we wouldn't have called you unless it wasn't important" I said.
"don't worry about, sorry I cant be there to help" he responds. "no, you and natasha deserve to get away"
"wait I've got a quick question" Scott said behind me. "what?" me and Bruce said at the same time.
"so if Howard doesn't get back to his normal time period doesn't that mess up Tony's chance of being born?"
"no not necessarily" I said hoping up on my desk and flipping through my notebook of notes we've taken the last month.
"most likely when Howard and Peggy went into the future they made a different time line" Tony chimed in.
"wait, what do you mean?" Peggy asked crossing her arms. I looked over to my aunt and Howard. Howard avoided looking at me which made me upset but that was the least of my problems.
"okay like 5 or so years ago a member of the X-men had to trave into the future to fix something. Now when he did he made two different time lines. The one he was originally from the a different one...kinda like an alternate reality" I explained. "now if Tony's right you being here won't affect the past."
"so ignore everything you learned from back to the future Scott" Bruce committed through my computer.
"what if we don't want to go back?" Howard spoke up. Peggy whipped her head around and glared at him. "and take the chance of messing up the future? Messing up the chance of your son being born?" he said kinda shouting at him.
"aunt Peggy" I started she turned around and looked at me without any of the aggretion she gave Howard. "if you trave to the past or the future, that becomes your future/past and the your  future becomes the present. Which now can't be changed by your new future"
"so we could stay here if we wanted?" she asked looking at Steve. He was in the back of the lab trying to stay out of the way. "it's a risk to take, but most likely yes" Tony responded.
"we need to look more into it before you guys make any decisions" I said looking at Peggy then Howard. He immediately looked down and started to fiddle with button on the sleeve of his gray dress shirt.
Another week passed and we got a little bit closer at cracking the codes. Last week we were lucky enough to get Shuri to trave from Wakanda and help us. Me and her worked into the night so Tony and Howard could get sleep and then we got sleep in the early mornings.
"almost done with the coding on this" shuri said taping on one of the hologram screens in the lab. "I'm putting in the last of the wiring now" I respond twisting the red and blue wire together then closing the lid to cover it. Before I could continue with anything else the alarm went off signaling there was a mission.
I sighed and ran off after apologizing to shuri for ditching her. "what do we got?" I asked running into the jet were everyone else was. "just a standard Hydra base, nothing we aren't already use to" steve said.
The mission was longer than we intesapated and a lot of us got engerd especially me but I didn't really care. When we got home I tried to go to bed but Tony and Steve dragged me to the lab were Howard was working with Shuri. "what happened?" he asked as steve picked me up and sat me on Tony's desk. "I'm fine" I mumbled.
"Howard check her enjeries will ya" Steve said walking out of the lab. "I'm fine really" I said as Howard rolled up my sleeve to check the cut on my arm.
"so what happened?" he asked cleaning the cut that was on my forehead. "it was just harder than we expected... More weapons and better sacurity than we thought" I replied and tried to leave but he pushed me back down. "come on Stark"
"you know it's not a bad thing to get help some times" he said kinda irritated. I sighed and let him help. "thanks" I mumbled.
"your welcome" he simply replied and wrapped up my forearm with a bandeges. "I'm only trying to help ya know" he said breaking the silence.
"I know" I mumbled looking down not wanting to face him. He didn't seem to like that so he gently lifted my chin with his fingers. I looked into his brown eyes and felt the familiar feeling. My heart pounded as he leaned in closer than pressed his lips to mine softly. I surprisingly didn't push him away I let it happen. I felt his hands move to both sides of my jaw and pulled me close as he depend the kiss. "Howie.." I said.
He only hummed. "I like that" he said against my lips smirking. He tilted his head to the side for another but placed my hands on his chest stopping him.
"okay I'm sorry" he whispered.
"I'm not, but I can't get attached" I said. "why?" he asked looking scared of rejection. "because we live in two different worlds and time periods.. We have to get you back home" I said tearing up. I moved away and left him but he quickly grabbed my hand before I could get to far.
"you can honestly tell me you feel nothing for me" he spoke.
"yes... I have feelings for you Howard" I said with a whimper.
"then-then what's wrong? Why can't we be together?" he said stepping up closer. "you really want to know why?" I spoke getting frustrated.
"yes! I want to know why" he said shouting. "because I don't trust myself with you" I whispered. I wanted to hug him, kiss him, but I couldn't. The idea of being with someone always seemed to be slim or negative for me. I did care about him but I was scared.
"have you seen my father?" Tony asked coming into the kitchen where I was reading.  "how should I know? I'm not his babysitter" I said not looking up from my book.
"well I just noticed how he started following you around like a lost puppy" he said setting down in front of me. I looked up from my book and locked eyes with genius. "what are you implying?"
He tilted his head to the side like he didn't know what I was talking about. He gave me the soft puppy eyes he always gave me when he knew something was wrong. "okay forget my father, are you okay?"
I shook my head and felt the clinch in my chest as I tried to hold back the tears. "me and Howard kiss" I sob and covered my face afraid of his reaction.
"did he kiss you?"
"yes" I responded
"did you kiss back?"
"I'm sorry Tony, I tried to not get close bu-"
"I'm not mad" he said cutting me off. I raised my droppie head and gave him and questioning look. "why aren't you mad? You always told me how much you hated your father, now I'm starting to fall for him"
"it's okay" he whispered then wrapped his arms around me. "he just better not hurt you"
"it doesn't matter" I spoke pulling away from his arms. "once we get the time machine to work he's going back home.. It would have never worked between us"
"I'm sorry (n/n)" he wrapped his arms around me again and rested my head on his shoulder. "we'll figure this out okay?"
"okay" I mumbled.
----------(Howard's pov)----------
"okay let's start it up" Tony shouts. The machine that's supposed to take us home fired up. I stood there not really wanting to leave and I could tell Peggy didn't want to leave either.
I watched the time machine glow and slightly shake signaling us it was time to leave. I sighed feeling bad that I didn't tell (y/n) goodbye. She was probably the first woman a genuinely loved and was more than a fling or lust. She was smart and sarcastic and didn't fall to my feet when first met her. She made me work for her affection and attention which I actually liked and I worked hard for it.
The times she pushed me away only told me she cared more about other people's happiness than her own. She had a heart of gold and I admired that. She pushed me away because she was afraid of hurting Tony.
"wait" Peggy's voice said grabbing my arm. I looked at her kinda sad and stood in my place. "do you love her?"
I tilted my head to the side trying to play dumb. "don't you look at me like that, you know what I'm thinking about" she said.
I dropped my head and sighed. "I do" i shook my head and started fiddling with the insides of the pockets of my jeans. "than go to her" she said crossing her arms. "stay here and be happy"
"what if effects something? What if I screw up the time line?" I asked pacing back and forth.
"you won't" Tony butted in. "I've talked to Bruce and Strange, and they both said you can't mess it up" I looked down not wanting to look at the man that would be my son in the future. "look she loves you so just stay with her" he said with a sigh. He had the look of someone being forced to say something they didn't.
"I don'-" I started. "go!" Jarvis and Peggy both said at the same time cutting me off.
I nodded and ran out of the room than down the hallway looking for her. I frantically looked around and found a lot of dead ends before I found her in one of the labs. "hay" I said casually.
She quickly looked at me with big dough eyes. "aren't you supposed to be back in the 40's now?"
"I've come to a conclusion" I said walking up to her. "and what is that?" she said crossing her arms. "I'm staying here"
She stared at me with shock painted all over her face. "why would you? What dose this time period have to offer really?"
"you" I said truthfully and stepped up closer maybe only leaving five inches between us. "I want to stay here with you"
I placed my hand on her cheek and slowly leaned in connecting my lips to hers. I felt her arms slowly wrap around my neck and deepen the kiss.
"I love you" I whispered against her lips.
She slowly pulled away and smirked. "I know" I playfully rolled my eyes knowing she was joking. I kissed her forehead and smiled. "your gonna have to teach me about modern time though"
"oh that should be tons of fun" she chuckled than wrapped her small arms around my waist.
"is Peggy staying too?" her small voice spoke making me sighed. She's going back for me, for us. She was on of my closest friends and she's giving up the opportunity to be with steve just so I could be with (y/n). She told me of one of us stays someone needs to be on the 40's keeping it safe. She also told me to keep her safe because (y/n) was her niece. Even though the the two just met you could tell how much Peggy loved her. "she's going back so I could stay with you"
"she also told me to take care of you and if I break your heart she'll come back and kick my ass" I said trying to make her smile. She sadly smiled and looked up at me with her (e/c) eyes.
Everything happens for a reason. I was supposed to screw up with the time machine so it would take us into the future. I like to think I was supposed to find (y/n) and maybe I was supposed to make myself a better father to tony. What ever it supposed to be its definitely a second chance and I'm grateful for that.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
CPN: sweets from our dear bunny laoshi 🧁
what the title says, some things we picked up from the past day or two that made our cpn brain act up. lol. since wyb is basically nowhere to be found, we have zz to the rescue.
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same disclaimer applies, for turtles only. if you are not a bxg just skip this one.
• the meaning of infinite possibilities ♾️ ; ZZ answered this to describe gucci this mfw and tho it is a good answer, we find ourselves wondering why. this concept is not in any press for their mfw line and so we look into something that he was wearing and wore for some time now connected to the brand.
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which leads us to this 18k icon necklace. it is not a jewelry that he actively did a campaign for like the gucci link to love series, so we are looking at this as more of a personal choice. of course he still wore this as their global spokesperson and at events but it’s in line with zz’s jewelry aesthetic. he is known to use more dainty ones with small pendants. but the feature that caught our eyes with this necklace is how the “g” was designed, making it look like the infinity sign and the number 8. 8 = bo.
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but another interpretation would be connected to yibo-official’s post during yibo’s 8th year anniversary. where they used the 8 and then flipped it to show the infinity sign. the caption on the video itself also has those words written:
For eight years, the stories written with love have been transcribed and engraved on the wheel of light and shadow. One frame at a time, using dreams and courage to cross the unnamed mountains and seas, flying to the ideal sky with the original heart and enthusiasm, and extending the infinite possibilities in the future in 8 years♾️! 📽️ @UNIQ-王一博Happy 8th anniversary of his debut!
the cpn here really is, it adds fuel to the thought that gg wrote the words and made the design for wyb’s anniversary video. the idea was his, doesn’t matter who actually edited the video. his answer here to the interview and his ( alleged ) affinity to the ♾️ in the necklace is because he used that symbolism before. he recognizes it. it’s him as an artist who made the correlation.
for more on the CPN related to that video, @potteresque-ire has created a lovely post explaining it all here.
• In ZZ’s sina fashion interview, he was asked if there is a recent popular trend he wants to try and he answers “veteran cadres”. Look, it’s not even the answer— it’s how he laughs after. like it’s a private joke and well I think it is. This kind of style he is talking about is being old-fashioned/vintage style. and it’s really more of a person who does not care about trends and will wear what he always did.
What comes to mind really is this character from a popular c-drama called The Knockout. A lot of people are watching it and has a high score, so maybe ZZ is watching that and saw it?
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but then, what are the chances that the day WYB went back to Beijing for not even a full day on 2/18 he was seen wearing a similar style? BXGs were even clowning him that he had the same style as that character. ZZ’s laugh in the interview gets me, it’s like he is recalling something. Maybe they saw each other on the 18th and he was surprised by WYB’s chosen style. He thought it looked good and wanted to try it. Or he thought the love of his life looked so handsome and he remembered it in this interview. we get the joke xiao zhan! we really do! 👍🏻
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i’m so soft thinking that his mind is still on the day they met ( allegedly ) right before he left for his italy trip. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
• same emoji brain cell again for photosets taken abroad. ZZ added a man walking just to change it up, but we see you. 👀
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• ZZ is not eating drunken shrimp of course and WYB was eating his as his character Mister Ye. but just look at them. Why did he add that bit in his douyin specifically?
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• ZZ was wearing acne studio beanie. I was surprised cause I thought he is gonna be decked out in Gucci from head to toe. I guess not. This brand is one of their favorites 🤍🤍🤍
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gacmediadaily · 10 months
Tis the season for Christmas movies and holiday spirit, and Great American Family is celebrating with a Thanksgiving weekend full of romantic premieres. Nestled between My Christmas Hero with Candace Cameron Bure and A Christmas for the Ages with Natasha Bure and Cheryl Ladd (See 11 Photos of Cheryl Ladd Today That Prove The ‘Charlie’s Angel’ Star Doesn’t Age), Danica McKellar and Damon Runyan get into the holiday spirit with A Royal Date for Christmas.
Woman’s World sat down with McKellar in an intimate interview and in addition to previewing her onscreen romance with Runyan, she got personal about why she loves making feel-good movies like A Royal Date for Christmas, how she handles holiday stress and what helped her find herself after The Wonder Years. Plus, she reveals she’ll be live tweeting Saturday’s premiere and offers two stocking stuffer ideas!
Danica McKellar has herself a Royal Date for Christmas
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Having starred in ten Christmas movies and countless rom-coms on the Hallmark Channel, Lifetime and now Great American Family, 48-year-old McKellar understands why so many of us need our fix of holiday romance — and family-friendly romance, in general.
“We live in a very challenging time,” McKellar tells Woman’s World in an interview on November 21st. “In some ways, the world seems to have lost its mind. It’s nice to help create this safe haven for people. I love these movies, and I love putting positivity into the world.”
The actress — who is also delighted to be an executive producer, involved in everything from scripts and props to editing and music — adds that films like A Royal Date for Christmas offer more than pure escapism.
“I believe we are modeling aspirational behavior,” McKellar maintains. “A lot of the stuff on television is pretty dark. These movies show struggles and dilemmas, and even frustrations, but everyone is trying to solve them in earnest. You don’t see people just trying to take advantage of each other. Nobody wishes evil or harm on anyone else. Everyone’s just trying to do their best. It’s so refreshing.”
What we can expect from A Royal Date for Christmas
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In her newest holiday flick, McKellar plays Bella — a stylist who stumbles into a fairy tale romance without even realizing it. The holiday tale begins when Bella agrees to not only dress a handsome Brit who’s lost his luggage (Runyan), but also be his “official plus one” for the highbrow events he’s attending while in town. After Bella accepts with good humor, she’s stunned to realize her demanding new client “Stefan” is actually Stefan William Francis Brown, the Duke of Tangford!
Like Bella’s coworker, most viewers will immediately recognize the chemistry between these two strangers. Bella and Stefan, however, can’t see past their own histories and drama.
“This movie is about healing each other and how the holidays can bring up stuff that you can either ignore or you can look at and face,” McKellar teases. “I love seeing healing and redemption onscreen. It’s such a gift.”
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“I felt like this movie would only work if we found a costar who is emotionally available,” says McKellar. “That’s not so common for the guys in these movies! But when we were talking about casting, I remembered working with Damon [in 2018’s Very, Very, Valentine, alongside General Hospital’s Cameron Mathison]. He was the guy I didn’t end up with and in the breakup scenes, he got emotional. So I said, ‘He’s tall, with this very royal look. And he’s the guy because he can go there, emotionally.’”
McKellar adds that once she and Runyan reunited for A Royal Date for Christmas, “it was easy to connect with him because of how big his heart is, and how he just wears it on his sleeve.”
McKellar’s secret to a merry blended Christmas
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While the holidays are about cheer, we can all face challenges during this time — just like the characters in A Royal Date for Christmas. For McKellar, one of those challenges has been balancing her real-life blended family.
“My son’s father and I are divorced, I’m remarried, and we all celebrate Christmas together,” McKellar shares. “It’s going pretty well these days, but there were a few years where it was not. I had to kind of get over myself and say, ‘My ex’s wife is one more person to love Draco.’ If you keep your kids in mind, you can have a nice holiday. It’s a challenge… but it’s worth the effort to keep reminding yourself!”
During the hectic season, McKellar reveals her secret to maintaining her calm is her solitary, late-night gift-wrapping ritual.
“I don’t want to be around anyone else when I’m wrapping presents — and not just because what I’m wrapping might be for them,” she shares. “I line up my Great American Family Christmas movies and wrap my presents. It’s a meditative time for just me. It’s my quiet time.”
Danica McKellar reflects on graduating from The Wonder Years
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For some fans, McKellar will always be tied to her The Wonder Years character Winnie, not to mention Fred Savage’s character Kevin — and the beautiful brunette admits that after the show wrapped in 1993, it wasn’t easy to find herself. At the time, she was a teen eyeing a degree in film. Instead, she graduated from UCLA summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, in 1998.
“I’ve always loved solving puzzles and anything that’s a good challenge,” McKellar reveals, and after one college-level math class, she was hooked. “It didn’t come easily but I loved it. And I found this new identity.
“As a child actor, when your show is over, you’re trying to figure out who you are and you think your value is attached to this thing that doesn’t exist anymore,” McKellar continues. “That’s hard for an adult, but for a teenager, it becomes, ‘Am I worth anything?’ Math was my answer to that. It made me feel strong, capable, and glamorous.”
Even as McKellar has continued to build her career in Hollywood, she’s also released 11 math books for kids of all ages – and today, that educational work feels even more important to her. “Because of the pandemic and a lockdown, kids have fallen behind,” she explains. “I like to be part of the movement to help them catch up and get back on track.”
While her books may be the perfect holiday gift for the little ones in your life, the Daily Dose of Dharma DVD that McKellar made with her mother could just work for the adults in your life. “They’re 20-minute yoga and meditation segments, and they’re just so healthy for you,” McKellar says. “They’re great stocking stuffers for women any age!”
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ppersonna · 4 years
i’ll float away - myg | m
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they show you how to swim, then they throw you in the deep end. what if I don’t float?  - float, the neighborhood.
↳ summary- years after the breakup, yoongi, a successful award-winning rapper with an unhealthy addiction, finds your wedding invite on Facebook.
↳ rating- explicit/18+
↳ word count- 12.6k
↳ pairing- yoongi x reader
↳ genre- idol!au, postbreakup!au, very heavy angst, smut, fluff
↳ warnings- discussions of drugs and death, penetrative sex, oral sex (m/f receiving), creampie, dirty talk, min yoongi being a mental health king
↳ a.n- hi everyone! some of you may recognize this fic.  this fic is my baby. i went through and edited it a little more and put all the chapters together to make it a one shot.  i think it flows better that way!  i hope you enjoy this.  this fic means so so so much to me and while it’s heavy, i hope you enjoy the ride it will take you on.  this fic got me back into writing and i will forever be thankful for that.
↳ this fic contains adult content, such as drug use, discussions of suicide, accidental overdose, discussions of drugs and addictions.  while this is not romanticized, or idolized, it is discussed.  please take care of yourself and proceed with caution.  18+ | discretion is advised.
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‘We cordially invite you to the wedding of…’
Min Yoongi felt numb.
Yoongi always felt numb, but this felt different, wrong.  Like he was falling and had no ledge to grip.
It felt as if the world had stopped on its axis, and at any moment, gravity would turn off and he would just float, float away to nothingness.
There was no sound. Everything existed in silence.
His fingers couldn’t move. Eyes were glued to his phone screen where he stared at the wedding invite on fucking Facebook.
He wasn’t even sure why he was seeing it, considering you had blocked him on nearly every form of social media. Likely it was from your family, someone that still kept him around despite a million reasons not to.
It felt like centuries before Yoongi noticed his heartbeat again. And when it did, it hurt. It threatened to break his ribs, tear through muscle and sinew, erupt from the skin to go, get away, run run run from this.
The numbness was gone. Now all he felt was the pain.
Yoongi felt like his every cell, every fiber, was burning. Perhaps, they were mourning.
Perhaps, they were dying.
Water dripped onto his phone and it took him a few stunted breaths to realize the water was coming from him, pouring from his eyes like open wounds.
The numb silence surrounding him left him, and now he was too alert, too aware.  The sounds hit him like a tidal wave.
His body was reacting years before his brain could catch up. He could hear himself crying, choking on his sobs, and at first, it didn’t register as his own voice wailing your name.
And then emotion erupted and smashed into his psyche, nothing standing in his way to protect him.
He was heartbroken.
He had felt nothing in years, refused to face the sorrowful demons lurking around him. It was easier to hide, to run. It terrified him to think of what would happen if he allowed himself a chance to feel again. He didn’t think he would make it out alive.
Was he? Had he been living since that day?  He wasn’t sure. He breathed, ate, drank, fucked, but he wasn’t positive he was alive at all.
Living? Sure. Existing? Yes. But alive, he couldn’t determine.
Now that he could feel every ounce of pain, his body accepted it tenfold. His throat felt angry and raw. He must be screaming—he thought. His fingers pricked with pins and needles as if they hadn’t moved an inch since the day he last touched you, refusing to believe you were gone. His arms wrapped around his own chest as his body wracked with sobs.
Yoongi hadn’t cried in years.  He hadn’t allowed himself to cry, hadn’t given permission to his mind to even think about it. Surely, once he started, he was confident he would never stop.
His mind reeled. He was only half aware of where he was, what he was doing. It wasn’t until he felt his legs moving, feet shuffling to his nightstand, that he realized what was happening.
He didn’t want to feel. His mind, in an effort to protect, to avoid, was doing the only thing Yoongi knew to do.
He grabbed the bottle of Oxy’s, poured out a handful and contemplated swallowing them.
He didn’t think he wanted to die. To be frank, he felt he was already living in purgatory. He just wanted it to stop, to end, to retreat into nothingness and stop fucking crying.
Swallowing them wouldn’t do. He would fall asleep, and likely stop breathing. Too much. He couldn’t die. He knew in his mind he would feel too guilty to die. He didn’t want death; he merely wanted respite, sanctuary.
He could continue surviving as long as his nerves dulled and frayed, mind sticky and hazy. Exist. Don’t feel.
With skilled hands and tools, Yoongi crushed some pills into a fine powder and sat on his bed to arrange the drug into 4 lines.
He always felt better this way.
He would add a line of coke had his situation been different. It was his go-to, enough to keep himself present, to do what he needed to get through the day while still feeling dissolved.  Sing, dance, record, smile for the cameras, sign for the screaming girls, plaster on that boyish smile, repeat.
He just wanted to sleep.
His body worked on auto-pilot. Yoongi was sure he was still heaving with sobs.  He could feel his chest shaking, and his hands were unsteady.
You were getting married.
One bump. Inhale. Hold it. Don’t think. Breathe.
Someone else was holding you, smiling as bright as your future. Handsome. Kind. Family man.
Second bump. Inhale. Don’t let it go. Breathe.
He imagined your hands on someone else’s body, your voice crying out in throes of passion in someone else’s ear. Whispering someone else’s name as you succumbed to your climax.
Third bump, then straight to the fourth without stopping. It burned as it passed through his nostrils, straight to his bloodstream.
Children, a home and a dog. Family dinner. Movies, laughter. All of them without him. An outsider staring in through the window, wondering what it could feel like to be within; wondered what it was like to get what he wanted.
Yoongi leaned back on his bed, feeling the slow, syrupy wave wash over him.
‘Please, take it away’ he pleaded silently as if the drug were his doctor, his therapist. It was, in many ways. ‘I’m not strong enough.’
His eyes drooped and felt like lead. He was tired. So tired. He could feel his sobs slow, before ending in quiet little whimpers and sighs. His breathing mellowed, and he felt his chest deflate for what felt like hours before his lungs pulled in harshly more air.
He ached but felt as if someone had pulled a blanket over him, over his tortured heart and crumbling brain. No more thinking, just sleep. Can’t feel, can’t cry, don’t want to face it.  
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Warmth surrounded him. It felt as if he were napping in the shady grass during summer. Warm and comforting.
You were there, in the meadow of his imagination. You were walking to him, a white dress and pretty flowers. Yoongi felt his heart tug at every artery in his body, as if begging him to stop, heel, resist, don’t go.
“Yoongi,” You called across the valley. Your dulcet voice rang through his head as if you spoke directly to his mind.
“Where are you?” You asked.
In a blink, you were in front of him. Your eyes were searching for him, even though he stood inches away.
He opened his mouth to beckon you, but no words came out. He was desperate to call out to you, embrace you. He strained to move his hand. He wanted to touch your cheek, feel real and alive again. His body would not respond.
“Yoongi, go!” You pleaded, eyes filling with tears, still seeking the male. “You can’t be here!”
His body stung, wincing at your words and aching at your distress.
“Yoongi, you need to wake up!”
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The warmth faded.
It felt as if something had ripped his comfort blanket from him, exposing his body to the harsh chill of reality.
He could sense he was in a bed, and the lights were bright, so bright. He tried to open his eyes and groaned as the halogen pierced through his skull.
“Yoongi?! Oh my god, he’s waking up!” Distressed voices were too loud all around him, and he felt pokes and prods and beeping of machines.
“Ow-… loud.” His voice was rough as if he hadn’t used it in days.
Yoongi felt more acutely aware of his body as he struggled to wake up. He was so nauseated, stomach churning ferociously, even though he hadn’t eaten since… how long? He wasn’t sure. He wanted to vomit.
He wanted to sleep.
He lifted his eyes again and peered through the harsh lighting. His best friend Hoseok stood over him, along with Namjoon, his manager, and Jimin, his assistant.
Hoseok had tears in his eyes, and the sight made Yoongi wince with grief. Hobi hadn’t cried since high school when he got cut from the dance team. Something awful must have happened.
“Hobi…,” he murmured, coughing to clear his throat. “What happened? What’s going on?”
Adjusted to the light, Yoongi finally glanced at his surroundings and took stock of his environment.
He was in a hospital; he was the patient. An IV was stuck in the crook of his arm, his skin ghostly pale, enormous bags of saline attached overhead. He felt faint.
How had this happened? Did he hurt himself at practice? Was there a car accident? Yoongi could remember driving home from the dance studio but felt foggy about anything else. He didn’t even know what day it was.
His friends blanched at Yoongi’s questioning, side-eying each other.  Who would have to be the one to tell him?
Hoseok’s eyes flooded with tears again as he looked at the rapper and spoke. “Yoongi… you-… you OD’d.”
The words hit him like an oncoming train.
It had never happened to him before.
He nearly died.
He had, unfortunately, been in the game long enough to watch it happen to others. Some were lucky to make it out okay, most weren’t.
It all flashed painfully in his mind as it all flooded back.
You. Marriage. OxyContin.
Inhale. Don’t breathe. Don’t feel.
“Oh, my god.”
Hoseok let out a soft sob. “Jimin found you in your bed.  Thank god you keep Narcan.”
Yoongi turned to glance at the gentle, pink-haired boy who had already done so much for him. Yoongi felt wrecked, utterly guilty for putting him in such a situation. How many times had Yoongi had to force a needle into a friend’s thigh, watch as their pinpoint pupils widened and lungs gasped for air as their synapses released?  Too many. Each time kept him awake all night and petrified for months. He regularly kept the overdose reversal drug on him, in the studio, in his home.
“Jimin,” he croaked, his own eyes filling with tears. “I’m s-so fucking sorry.”
Jimin couldn’t hold back the tears in his eyes anymore. “It’s okay, Yoongs.” Jimin’s voice was quiet, trembling.
Yoongi felt the tears slip down his cheeks at his best friends and team. He had put so much on them. So much.
“You saved my life, Jimin.” Yoongi’s quiet voice made the assistant cry more.
“You’d do it for me.” He whispered through tears as he pushed forward and fell into Yoongi’s chest, holding the rapper close. “Let’s just… get better, y-yeah?”
The rapper’s heart seized up.
What was better?  Surely, Jimin meant rehab. Sobriety. Meetings and sponsors.
To Yoongi, it meant feeling. It screamed hurting. It oozed heartbreak.
When Yoongi had been introduced to drugs at the beginning of his rap career, it had been fun and sexy. They used coke at the hottest parties, weed at all the clubs, acid at the raves. Yoongi sampled each like a buffet, found out which made him feel lightheaded and loose, which made him dizzy, which made him ache.
The drugs led to the girls. So many women begging for him. The cloudy haze of his mind found it hard to resist, even knowing you were still his, still waiting for him as you and he promised with thin silver bands symbolizing your shared devotion and dedication.
Therefore, drugs led to regret.
He left you. Days before your wedding. He exposed all of his misdeeds, his infidelity, his vices. He had promised you after he was famous, rich, well known that he would come back to you, start a family with you.
Instead, he turned away and left.
It was easier to avoid it all and leave; he rationalized. Seeing your heartbreak had been his undoing.
After the breakup, Yoongi self-medicated daily. He stuck with opiates and cocaine, finding it just the right combination to get him pleasantly numb from the guilt and loss of you while giving him the euphoric high he needed as a rising star rapper.
He had tried to keep it to himself as long as he could. Hoseok knew about the recreational use but hadn’t realized the extent of the problem until he found Yoongi too high to function, slumped in a chair in the recording studio.
Hoseok told Namjoon, his manager, who interrogated Yoongi’s assistant, Jimin. None had known quite how far Yoongi had spiraled down. And none had an idea to pull him out.
Yoongi didn’t want to go to rehab. He didn’t want the forced positivity. Group therapy. Social workers discussing ‘goals’ and ‘treatment plans’. He would risk his reputation. He was now a top-earning Grammy-winning artist. He was fucking Agust D. He couldn’t be just another celebrity who ended up in rehab. It would ruin everything he built.  He could do it himself, fix his problems alone as he always had.
“Yeah.” Yoongi croaked to his assistant. “I’ll get better.” His smile was weak, and probably unconvincing to the three men who knew him best.
As Namjoon opened his mouth to speak, a knock sounded at the door of his room. Yoongi’s brow furrowed in confusion. He did not know who it could be, the three people he interacted with most already present. His accountant? Wouldn’t seem likely. A fan? Definitely unlikely, Jimin and Namjoon had likely taken major strides to ensure his privacy and ask the hospital to provide security. Was it… you? Yoongi stopped breathing at the thought.
Namjoon strode to the door and opened it a crack, peering out. Yoongi couldn’t see who the manager was whispering too, but moments later watched as the door swung open.
It wasn’t you. He felt relief. He wouldn’t have been able to look at you. But the guest was only slightly better.  
Your mother.
The matronly woman’s eyes were full of tears. Yoongi’s mother had been your mother’s best friend from childhood, to the very day Yoongi’s mother passed away from breast cancer. Yoongi had been 17, void of any motherly contact at such an impressionable age.
Your mother had stepped in, no doubt or worry in her mind about caring for the teen. He was already such good friends with you and she even encouraged and supported the underlying feelings the two had for each other. Yoongi became family and nearly a son-in-law.  
Even after the breakup, after breaking your heart and leaving you at the altar, your mom still kept in contact with him. She still reached out, celebrated his achievements and ensured he was well. She was the picture of forgiveness and compassion.
Yoongi crumbled at the sight of her, suddenly feeling like a teenager again, and sobbed as she moved forward quickly to embrace him.  Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin stepped outside to allow privacy and Yoongi clung to the only mother figure he had.
“I’m sorry. I’m so s-sorry.” He bawled. 
He didn’t know exactly what he was apologizing for. For hurting you? For avoiding her and the entire realm of anything concerning you? For almost killing himself? Maybe a mix of it all.  
His chest hurt, god it hurt so bad. It felt as if all ribs snapped from the crushing weight of his sorrow and guilt.  
Her hand smoothed his hair, mint-colored now, and held his face to her neck and cried with him.
“Shh,” She soothed. “It’s okay, little lion.”
Yoongi cried harder at the childhood nickname from his deceased mother that followed him to adulthood with the woman holding him.
Yoongi couldn’t stop crying. It wouldn’t end. It felt like an endless river, a torrential storm that never passed. He felt raw, ripped from the inside out.
“You’re alive, Yoongi.” She whispered and kissed his forehead. “You’re still here.  I love you.”
He wasn’t sure what he had done in a past life to deserve this kindness and unconditional love. Yoongi knew he didn’t deserve it, especially not from the mother of the girl he loved and broke completely. Not from the woman who he promised to make a grandmother, only to turn away and leave destruction in his wake.
“She’s getting married,” He choked out, the pain in his chest overwhelming him at his own words, so consuming he felt devoid of air. He gasped, struggling to breathe at all.  “T-that should be me.”
She sensed this and squeezed her eyes tighter, hugging the boy closer to her as sobs wrecked his tired, thin body.
“I know, love.” She whispered. “I know.”  She had no words to quell the heartbreak, just as she had many years ago when you laid across her lap, crying over the boy you loved completely.  Words wouldn’t fix the wounds.  She could only provide comfort; a band-aid on a bullet hole.
Yoongi allowed himself to sob, fully cry until he felt he might pass out. She held him, rocked him like a child, whispered words of comfort as his breathing eventually slowed and even out. His sobs turned to sniffles, and though he stopped crying, his eyes remained glassy and broken.
He had stopped crying; he noticed.  The tears had stopped flowing, the thick pleas escaping his throat dried. But he hadn’t stopped the hurt. It felt as though the hurt was a gaping, infected, open sore that would never heal. He could hide it from the world, cover it up for none to see, but he couldn’t ignore the sting or the pain with every breath.
Yoongi steeled himself to look into the eyes of his comforter, preparing himself for the look of pity or disappointment in her look.
He bit back another cry as he only found compassion, comfort and unconditional love in her gaze. He didn’t deserve her.
“Please, don’t tell her,” he pleaded. “I can’t…,” he gulped. “I can’t let her know about this.”
She grimaced.  “I’m afraid it’s too late for that.” She sighed, stroking her fingers through his mint colored hair. “She wanted to come to see you, too.”  Yoongi groaned and felt his heart clench. “I told her it wasn’t the best idea.” She murmured.  Yoongi was suddenly comforted and struck by how very much he did not deserve the grace of this woman.
“Fuck,” he sighed. “She thought I was clean. That was the last thing I told her.”
He recalled the last time you two had spoken when he promised to get clean. Instead, he had left and spent the next few years in a haze.
“I think you should talk to her,” she admitted. “Not now. Not until you feel better, but she was distraught at the news.”
The idea of seeing you again plowed through him like a freight train.
“Sure,” he whispered. He couldn’t understand why you’d be concerned. You had swung choice words at him as he left, insults he deserved. “Maybe.”
Yoongi spent more time with his mother figure, comforting him and whispering sweet revelations and promises to keep in touch before his doctor interrupted and encouraged Yoongi to get rest without distraction.
Soon enough, he was alone again. Stuck in the too bright, too white, sterile room he had landed himself in because of his grief.
His attention diverted between the discomfort of his withdrawal and the gaping wound of having to see you again.
Even if he made it out sober, withdrawal free, he wasn’t sure he would make it out for long.
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He tried to stay away, stay clean. He managed for a few weeks, immersing himself in writing an album and using his creative expression to medicate his wounds.  And it worked.
Until it didn’t.
It started with the marijuana. He couldn’t resist the way it helped soothe everything. Not just the pain, but the world around him. He could sink into his bed, write away his feelings and worries, and relish in the sensation of absolutely nothing.
That lasted for a few weeks. He’d try to smoke every day, but the darkness continued to creep up, wrapping around his throat like a vice.
He demanded his schedule to get busier, to get tighter, despite the warnings from Namjoon. He insisted on shows, award dinners, radio interviews, everything. If he was busy, he wouldn’t think about you. He could survive another day if you weren’t the first thing on his mind.
That’s when the cocaine started again.
It helped him muster the energy he needed to plaster on Agust D, rapper extraordinaire. He could sing, rap, dance, wink at the girls, sign the scantily clad flesh, throw back a shot of vodka and charm the press.
A few lines of coke every few hours pushed him forward, and towards his end.
But he was handling it. Wasn’t he? Wasn’t he working, being successful, making money?  He was rich. He was famous. He was beloved.  He was shining.
Did it even fucking matter?
The shine made his shadow darker. It made his fall from grace longer, more painful.
It didn’t fucking matter.
Yoongi found himself at the corner of the park, the same one you two had grown up playing in. It was in the center of the neighborhood you two lived.  It was where he first chased you around the swings, laughed with you over comics at the picnic table, and fucked you for the first time in the parking lot in the backseat of his car.
He couldn’t stop the memories rolling over him like a boulder, crushing his lungs and threatening to snap his bones into nothing more than dust.
It stunted his breath. He felt as if pulling in a full intake of air was impossible.
He finally sucked up his faux courage and scheduled a time to meet you here at this park. The park that held such significance to both of you.
If he thought it was hard to breathe at the memories of the park, it was even worse when you walked towards him, and planted your feet in front of him.
There was nothing. Stillness. Absolute silence as you both felt as if the barometric pressure dropped around your vicinity. A vacuum. Nothing but you two, and so much hurt it was palpable.
“Y-You’re getting married-..” Yoongi broke the silence, voice dry and quiet. He wanted to say more, but couldn’t. He couldn’t look anywhere but his feet.  Didn’t want to see a ring around your finger that wasn’t from him.
You nodded, tears welling in your eyes. “Yeah, I am.”
Yoongi couldn’t look at you, couldn’t look you in your eyes.  It was too much. Too painful. Those eyes used to look at him with so much love, so much pride. He couldn’t bear to see what you held in them now.
“Great, that is great,” his voice was flat.  “Happy for you.  I hope it goes well.”
You cringed and turned your face up to stare at the mint-haired boy. The man of your dreams. The one who took so much and left you with nothing.
“Hoseok told me what happened.”
Yoongi closed his eyes, as if blocking out the words.  Fuck. Of course. You and Hoseok were still close; it was bound to happen.
His world now was so dark, so ugly. Yoongi couldn’t bear ruining you any more. You had been the iron rod and lamplight that led him through the darkness. You were his lifeline. Without you, all stability, all light, gone.
“Yeah,” was all he could muster, flickering up to look at you. You were staring back, eyes full of unshed tears.
Yoongi inhaled sharply, feeling each tear from your eyes as a knife to his chest. He hadn’t seen your eyes in so long. Staring at you was like leaving a hand on a burning stove.
“Are you still using?” You asked. Your words weren’t callous or cruel. You asked to gather information, to determine an opinion, not to pass judgement. Yoongi knew you meant no harm and found himself powerless to lie to you, anyway.
“Just…,” he let out a puff of air anxiously.  “Yeah, sort of. Weed and some coke, I guess. Nothing else.” He rubbed his neck anxiously.
Your lips set in a line, and your eyes flicked back down, sadness washing over your features. He could feel it rolling off of you in waves, lumps building in his throat.
“I miss you,” He admitted, words tumbling out before he could catch himself. “So fucking much.  I know this isn’t fair, and I know that I fucked up. I just miss you more than anything else in the world.”
At first, you laughed.  Yoongi felt as if someone had punched him.
Then you cried. Yoongi felt as if he had been shot, point blank in the chest.
“You’re right, Yoongi. It isn’t fair,” You walked closer to him, a mix of grief and anger. “You ruined my fucking life.”
You pushed against his shoulder. “You left me at the fucking altar.  You cheated on me.” The tears came faster down your cheeks. “Then, you almost fucking died. And my mom won’t stop crying. And I can’t stop crying, I fucking cry my eyes out because my wedding is in 2 months and I realize I will never get over you.”
Yoongi felt another shot, execution style, to the head. He couldn’t speak and watched your anger, accepting the jabs to his chest.
“I thought I was happy, Yoongi. I really thought I would get the wedding and life I wanted so badly, and you took it away from me. Twice!” You were sobbing, pushed even closer against him. “You almost fucking dying made me realize I don’t want that life with him.  I want it with you, you fucking inconsiderate asshole!”
Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to speak. Any elation he might have had about hearing your revelation was quickly quelled by the fire of your anguish.  
“And, now you’re still using and there’s no way I could even think about seeing you high. I love you so much and it fucking hurts me knowing you do that to yourself, accepting no sort of fucking help. You can’t do it all yourself, Min Yoongi, no matter how fucking great you think you are!”
He couldn’t reply. He had no words, nothing of value to add. You were right. He couldn’t find a single argument. Your body pressed so close to him and his body ached. It yearned to close the distance and feel your shape against his, slotting together so easily as you always had. It was magnetic. He could almost weep at how badly he needed to hold you, to feel you, to touch you again.
You watched him, unable to stop the flow of tears you promised you would never shed for him again. “Look at me.” You asked quietly.
Yoongi’s own red-rimmed eyes lifted to yours. He looked so broken. So raw. He was crying, years of built up sorrow pouring down his pale cheeks.
You closed the distance and pushed together your bodies, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your face against his neck. He smelled as he always did. Dove shampoo, Old Spice, laundry detergent. You knew Yoongi nearly down to his DNA.
You lifted your face level to his and pressed a kiss to his lips. He felt no heat in the kiss, no desire.
It felt final, resolute.
“Goodbye, Yoongi.” You whispered, pressing your forehead to his.
And you turned. And you left.
And another piece of Yoongi’s broken heart slipped away with you.
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Yoongi avoided any semblance of routine. He couldn’t focus. He couldn’t feel anything but ache. He saw you in everything he did.
He tried to stay away from the drugs.  He sincerely did. He knew the risks. He knew he had nearly died.
But he could not bear to take the pain anymore. He could not continue fighting his very breath, forcing himself to breathe even though it hurt too much.
He was still standing on the outside of your world, so far away from you. It was so cold. He didn’t remember what warmth was. He didn’t think he deserved to remember, either.
It was easy to score a baggie of smack.  Yoongi had plenty of money and connections. But Yoongi had never done heroin intravenously. He had smoked it with his old dealer, the first man he ever had to revive with Narcan. IV use scared him. But it was what he could get a hold of, and what he needed.
Tie off. Fill up. Inject. Hold it. Breathe. Don’t feel. Release.
It washed over him quickly, the same fuzzy warmth that started at his toes and slithered up to his head. It felt headier than snorting it, less of a slow rush, more of an instant dive into warmth. Comfort.
The knot in his stomach loosened. Yoongi relaxed against his pillows and inhaled deeply before exhaling. He could breathe again.
He was so sleepy. So tired. He could sleep again without the torment of his dreams. He could live again without feeling his shattered heart. No hurt. Only comfort.
His only love.
He wasn’t sure how long he slept for. He didn’t dream. He couldn’t recall if five minutes had passed or five days. His head pounded him back to reality as he woke, and he realized it was dark outside his bedroom.
His phone was still on his bedside table. He checked it and groaned. It was the next day, next evening really. He had slept over 24 hours. He felt like shit.
The nausea and the chills came soon after. He felt as if he was burning. He couldn’t stop puking, even with minimal content in his stomach to begin with. Sips of water would come back up. His fever got worse. He became so drenched in sweat he stripped his clothes and sat in a bath, hoping to sweat the fever out. It chilled him to the bone.  He was so hot, and so fucking cold at the same time.
Yoongi cried as he held himself in the tub. He was alone. He was withdrawing. He wanted more, god he wanted to sleep and feel good again, didn’t want the sickness or the grief. It was so much. So fucking much.
His fingers danced along his phone, dialing your number out of habit, out of a need to hear you.
“Why are you calling me, Yoongi?” Your voice, flat, asked through the phone.
Yoongi croaked. His voice was hoarse due to disuse for over a day. “I fucked up, baby.”
Your heart clenched at the sound of the pet name. It had been so long. God, you had missed it so much. You missed him. You fucking hated him for it.
“Are you okay?” You asked, concern edging out the anger at his call.
“No,” he sighed, shivering and holding his knees to his chest. “I sh-shot up.”
He could not stop the whimper leaving his mouth. “I’m withdrawing. I w-want to keep using it, but I can’t!” Yoongi sobbed, openly weeping at the physical and emotional pain. “I’ll fucking die again. I don’t want to die. I love you.”
Tears poured down your face, heartbroken at his words and actions.
“Yoongi, where are you?”
Yoongi quickly replied. “I’m at home, in the bathtub. The front door is locked,” He whispered.  “I don’t think I can stand.”
“I still uh… have my key.” You admitted. Yoongi felt his heart clench, unsure of what to make of that idea.
Yoongi remained in the bathtub, holding himself and shivering violently when you arrived on scene. Your heart, already so broken, shattered at the impact of seeing the love of your life and the cause of your heartbreak, suffering.
“Fuck,” you whispered, quickly grabbing towels and kneeling by the tub at his side. “Yoongs, let’s get you dry, okay? Can you stand with me?” You grasped his clammy arms and allowed him to use your weight to balance himself on shaky legs.
You were so gentle. So compassionate. Yoongi felt his resolve breaking, wanting nothing but to wrap you up and never let you go again, tell your future husband to fuck off and allow the rapper to take his rightful place.
With your help, Yoongi stood and allowed himself to be dried. He normally would have felt the stirrings of arousal at such an intimate gesture, but all he felt now was unbridled affection and overpowering guilt.
You led Yoongi to his bed, settling him on the soft surface while you moved to dig through his drawers for clothes.
“Don’t make me go to the hospital,” he pleaded softly.  You stole a look back at him, at his words.  
“Yoongi, you need to see someone.  You’re not okay.”
He shook his head. “No, I’m… I’ll be okay.  I’ve gone through the worst of it already.” He rubbed at his sweaty forehead. “Will you just stay with me? I’m so cold.” He shivered.
You glanced at the man on the bed.  He was thin, so sickly thin.  While he had always maintained a lean physique, it looked as if the rapper hadn’t eaten in weeks.  His skin was sallow, paper white with bruises on his arms and legs that seemed onyx against his alabaster skin.
You weren’t sure you could argue with him, but he definitely appeared less ill for wear now that he was out of the bath and dry.
“Yoongs,…” you breathed, dropping the clothing in your hands. “Let me hold you.”  All reservations were held back. The anger dissipated. You couldn’t fight the need to help him, to nurture and hold him.
You moved to tear your thick jacket off your frame and toe out of your shoes before making towards the bed.  Together, you took hands and slid gently in between his sheets.  Yoongi’s body was trembling.  He didn’t know if it was from the withdrawal or his proximity to you.
You pulled the blanket up and over your bodies, pressing yours against his thin body. His skin was freezing, forcing out a shiver of your own.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, forehead leaning to press against yours. You didn’t reply, not sure you’d be able to form words.
You laid in a long, comfortable silence as your warm hands rubbed along Yoongi’s arms and back, willing the blood vessels in his body to expand and return his heat. His breathing was even now, but occasionally let out a groan.  He couldn’t tell if it was a groan of pain, or of pleasure. Your hands on his skin felt like heaven and hell, wrapped in one.  
Everything he loved and lost in one package.
Bringing him to life and sentencing him to death.
“I love you,” his voice was shaky, quiet.  
You nodded, tears now easily slipping past your cheeks. “I love you too.”  There was no use denying it. It was clear in the way you ran to him, in the way you held him tightly, as if he would disappear without you pressed up against him.
His lips found yours easily, as if magnetized.  The kiss was slow, gentle.  You felt your own tears slide down your cheeks and meet his own.  Yoongi couldn’t help them, couldn’t help the simultaneous ache and burn of your touch again.
His hand slid to rest on your hip, underneath your shirt, pulling you even closer.  The kiss deepened, tongues swirling in each other’s mouth, searching for each other in the only place you knew.
It didn’t take long for your shirt to come off, and Yoongi’s hands to slide down your hips to push at your jeans.  This wasn’t passionate or steamy.  It was broken, desperately seeking comfort in the solace of each other.  
Once your clothing laid strewn across the floor, Yoongi wrapped his thin arms around your waist, pulling you as close to him as he could.  He could feel your breasts press up against his chest and was positive you could feel his hardness pressing into your thighs.  
He didn’t want to fuck you.  He wanted to love you, to feel you again. He wanted to hide inside you. He wanted the security that being buried deep within you once gave him.  He wanted to feel alive, feel you. It seemed he could no longer separate the difference.
His tears wouldn’t stop flowing, neither would yours.  
There was no foreplay, no teasing or edging.  Yoongi laid you back against the pillows and kissed at your tears, eyes boring into yours to seek consent.  You nodded, opening up your legs as a response. You needed to feel him too, fill the ache inside of you that widened each day without him. Yoongi lined himself up and slid into the familiar, inviting heat.
You muffled a cry, thrilled at the feeling of him filling you completely.  You missed him.  You loved him.  You hated him. You never felt more complete.  The thought made you cry more, both in pleasure and in sorrow.  The man bringing you so much pleasure had wrought so much sadness and pain.
Yoongi kept a slow pace, uncaring about orgasms or getting off.  His desire to be within you was void of sensuality at this point.  Yoongi only wanted to be within you, to feel safe, to feel anything again.  He felt alive.  
His thrusting moved quicker as your lips met and danced together, pouring out emotion through unspoken gestures. He didn’t have the words, couldn’t tell you every single thought ran through his brain.  He hoped he could convey them to you here, in each roll of his hips.
Yoongi felt his release quickly approaching, unsure of how to proceed. He wasn’t sure what the moral code for cumming inside your ex fiancé was. He groaned as he kissed you.
“I love you, I’m close.  Where…?” He hoped you would understand his broken question.
You sighed with relief, feeling yours coming quickly too. While there had been no fire, no passion, the unadulterated emotion coursing between the two of you was enough to bring you close to completion.
“Inside me, please,” you sniffed, gasping at the tendrils of orgasm beginning to wrap around you.
Yoongi pressed his face against your neck, leaving salty kisses as he felt your channel pulse around him in completion, triggering his own end. He momentarily thrilled at his cum coating your cunt again, but the thought quickly left him.  Not that kind of night, nor that kind of fucking. Your moans were quiet, and he merely breathed a soft sigh into your neck.
It only took a moment for the reality of it all to hit you.
You had just fucked your ex. Who was in the middle of a withdrawal. While you were engaged to another man.  Who you had no desire to ever see again.
Yoongi pulled himself out of you, but pressed you close against him. Despite the agony in his head and his stomach from the pain of withdrawing, he felt secure again. He felt, for a minute, like he was finally on the inside of his dream, no longer looking in from the outside.
It was quickly wrenched away as you slithered out from under him, your tears quickening.
“I need to go,” you murmured. “I can’t believe I-we…,” you shook your head as you pulled your clothes on quickly. “I’m engaged.”
Yoongi winced and sat up as he watched you. “Yeah,” he felt his own tears slip down his cheeks. “I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re always sorry, Yoongi,” you snapped. It felt like a dagger to his heart.
He was. Always so sorry. He rarely felt anything other than sorry.
You felt guilty at the look that crossed his features.  Fuck.  
“I’ll-… I’ll call Hoseok to come check on you. Okay?”
Yoongi remained solid and didn’t move, only tracked you with his eyes as you shoved yourself into your coat and cried as you put on your shoes.
“Goodbye, Yoongi,” you whispered. He wondered if it was the last time he’d see you.
The door closed; all that was left of his weak heart left with you.
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Sorry. Always so sorry.
Yoongi mulled that phrase through his mind since you left.
He was sure at this point sorrow and grief fueled his body alone.
He stopped caring, only subsisted on weed and whatever cans of food he found in his kitchen, or what Jimin would leave out for him.  He stopped caring. The minuscule amount of care inside him evaporated.
He felt like he was wandering an empty, dark pathway with no light. No end in sight.
He hid from the world, stopped all the press conferences, the interviews, the shows. He dropped out of a three-month tour of Europe, one that would have brought him significant money and status. He wasn’t sure he could even perform anymore, drugs or not.
The tabloids started running about him then, too. Tales of drug addiction, of his deep and dark secrets he tried to keep away. They spun false tales of illicit sex, arrests, gang connections, violence. His career was on the precipice of crumbling around him.
He shined, he burned bright and fast.  
Now, he was ashes on the ground.
He burned through his money, ate nothing but packaged ramen and beer, and cried himself to sleep at night.
His life was fucking pathetic.
Namjoon avoided him, only talking to him about business-related concerns and the press. Jimin remained steadfast and loyal, constantly checking in, but only looked at him with pity and sadness.  Hoseok refused to spend time with him, citing his concerns about watching his best friend die in front of him.
Losing everything eventually broke him.
He stayed up all night, every night, so drugged out his mind, and cried. He looked at old pictures of you and him, of his best friends, memories of a time much easier and happier.
He had lost all of it.
For something that was going to fucking kill him.
He let you get away. He lost his friends. All for trying to be rich and famous. And that was quickly slipping through his fingers too.
It was time to stop. It was time to stop fucking around.
It was time to end it all.
With one last jab of the needle, Yoongi slid away.
Far, far away.
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Rehab wasn’t as bad as Yoongi had painted it out to be.
There were group meetings, individual therapy, social workers and their treatment goals.  There was crying.  There was pain, so much it felt overwhelming. There were the withdrawals, likely the worst aspect of it all. The nausea, the fever, the stomach churning.  He wanted so badly to end it, just use one more time to stop being sick.
But there he found healing. He found each time he cried, a piece of his heart built back up, sturdier this time.  Each dry heave of sickness brought him one step closer to never feeling it again.
He found camaraderie.  He found wellness. He found his muse and his passion again.
He met new friends, Taehyung and Jungkook, both fellow opioid addicts. Through them, they formed a bond of sobriety and perseverance. They held each other accountable and held each other close through their subsequent relapses and returns to rehab.
Yoongi started working out, started putting weight back on in places it was meant to be: his cheeks, his arms and thighs, around his ribs. Jungkook was a personal trainer and guided him through personalized workouts and a nutrition plan. Yoongi found peace in each 60 minute cardio or weight-lifting session with his new best friend.  He realized he could pour out all his pent-up emotions through his sweat, his hard work.
Taehyung was an artist, a phenomenally gifted and talented man. Yoongi felt inspired by him. Yoongi wrote and wrote. He wrote songs, poems, stories, rap lines. He found that what he couldn’t release physically through his training, he could release through his gift of creative writing.
Yoongi released his album from rehab, with the help of Namjoon. He merely titled it ‘goodbye’. Taehyung’s creative muse helped him finish the lyrics to all his songs. Yoongi felt cathartic, releasing his last record, an ode to Agust D and a goodbye to the live fast, die young lifestyle he no longer wished to partake of.
Yoongi’s therapist, Kim Seokjin, likely made the biggest impact on him.  Yoongi learned about love, actual love. Loving yourself, respecting yourself, allowing yourself to feel the entire scope and range of emotions.
It was amid a therapy session with Jin that Yoongi decided he wanted to be a therapist.
Yoongi stepped out of the spotlight, out of the lifestyle of the rich and famous, and Yoongi returned to school in the fall for his Master’s in Social Work, with Jungkook at his side working towards a degree in exercise science and Taehyung working towards a Master’s in Fine Arts.  
Yoongi followed the Narcotics Anonymous guidelines to a T.  He admitted to himself his faults, his addiction.  He attended all meetings, called his sponsor regularly and in emergency situations where the need to use was so overpowering he felt he might give in.  He apologized to Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin. It was important to him to mend those relationships. He felt it was important to right the wrongs he brought upon them over the last five years.
He apologized to your mother.  He visited her weekly, checking in on her and surprising her with her favorite foods and flowers.  She bought 6 copies of his newest album, and together they wept over the lyrics, the intricately weaved storyline, and the stunning change the boy made.
She attended his graduation, too. She cried when Yoongi slid the tassel on his cap to the right, to the left. Yoongi felt a rush that drugs never compared to as he shook the hand of the president of his university and held that thick roll of paper.
He had accomplished something. He had done something; he had worked through incredible odds stacked against him and achieved it. No longer was Yoongi content with watching his life slip by in a haze.
Yoongi became a therapist, a social worker. The same people he thought would drag him down and ruin his career and reputation were the same people who lifted him out of his darkest place.
Min Yoongi, social worker.
He liked that better than Agust D, dead rapper, anyway.
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Yoongi was leaving work, a group home for adolescent men suffering from addiction, when he ran into you.
His horn-rimmed glasses framed his face and newly bleached blonde hair fell around his forehead.
His heart stuttered at the sight of you. It all came rushing back.
Pain. Sadness. Drugs. Addiction.
You smiled at him, surprised to see him looking so healthy.  You had heard all about his progress from your mother, eagerness and pride in her voice. But seeing him was as if walking into another dimension.  He looked fit, strong, healthy, intelligent. Frankly, he looked sexy.
“Hi,” you meekly croaked, a blush floating to your cheeks at the thought of finding your ex so dashing.
“Hi,” he replied, a soft smile filling his lips as he practiced his mindfulness to allow the self-sabotaging thoughts to work themselves out, replaced with hopeful and insightful ones.  Min Yoongi wasn’t afraid to feel anymore.
He wanted to talk to you. He wanted to ask you out. He wanted to kiss you. He wanted to fuck you.
He felt mildly guilty about wanting to fuck another man’s wife, but shook the thought away. He would settle for talking. You may have been his ex fiancé, but you were also his childhood best friend. He craved to just settle back into that role, alone.
“Do-…” he faltered for a moment, then swallowed harshly and summoned courage. “Do you wanna grab a coffee with me? I was just headed to get one.” He pulled his backpack tighter to his back, unable to part with the bag that guided him through school and into a real-life job.
You nodded, finding it hard to speak. “Yes.”
Yoongi couldn’t stop staring at you. You looked so beautiful, so different while still so similar. Your hair was longer, healthier. Your clothes fit well to your body, accentuating your curves and sliding down elegantly and conservatively. Your eyes glistened with something. Maybe it was hope. Maybe it was desire.
“I heard you’re a therapist now,” you murmured as you clutched the hot matcha latte in your hands, sitting across the tiny wood table from the ex-rapper.
Yoongi blushed and nodded. “Yeah, I am.” You didn’t miss the way his voice sounded so confident, so proud.  “I work at a group home for young men with substance abuse addictions.” He smiled, poised and content. The pride clear on his face had never been there when he was a musician.  
You couldn’t help the hard beat of your heart. “Wow,” you sighed. “That’s incredible, Yoongs. Mom said she’s proud of you,” you gulped.  “I’m proud of you, too.”
Yoongi took a moment to nod graciously, feeling a swell within him.  You were proud.  Of him.
“How’s errr…” he faltered, not remembering the name of your fiancé, or husband now, he supposed. “Your husband?”
You blanched at the words. “Oh, we, umm, didn’t get married. It didn’t work out.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea.”
You looked at the blonde boy, a smile reappearing on your features.
“It’s okay.  It was for the best,” you surmised. “Everything happens for a reason.”
Yoongi caught the look you sent and smiled. “You’re right.”
You two fell into easy conversation.  He told you all about his new best friends from rehab, Jungkook and Taehyung, and how seamlessly they fit into the friendships he already had.  He discussed stories of their escapades in graduate school and how Namjoon, his manager, quickly fell in love with Seokjin, his therapist, and how Yoongi had played matchmaker for the couple. He discussed concepts he learned in therapy, in school, and now in his practice as a therapist.
You were enthralled and captivated. You were so unabashedly in love with Yoongi and realized you had never stopped.
“Care if I walk you home?” He asked, standing suddenly as he finished his chai, holding out his hand.
Your heart leaped, and you nodded, chugging down the rest of your drink and slipping your hand into his.  He felt warm, strong. So much different from the pale, thin, clammy man you slept with years ago as he suffered through withdrawal.  
This wasn’t the Yoongi of your childhood, who wanted to be famous. This wasn’t the Yoongi who broke your heart, who wanted to hide away in his substances.  This was a culmination of all the Yoongi’s he had been and became. A strong, broken, healed, confident, loving man.
“I would love that.”
This was the Yoongi you were meant to be with. The man who you loved more than life itself.
Yoongi had courted you again since that initial coffee date. He sent flowers to your workplace, asked you out to lunch, kept things simple, proper and conservative.  Yoongi was in this now, for the long haul, and wanted to prove his devotion to you.
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While in rehab, they had forced Yoongi to face the fact that everything he did in relation to you was self-sabotaging, self-deprecating; a self-defeating prophecy. Facing that was his greatest struggle through his entire treatment process. He fought against it, even relapsed a few times because of it, and refused to accept that as a possibility.
Yoongi, with the help of Seokjin and his new friends, found that a world that didn’t revolve around you was finally a world he could live in, possibly thrive in. While you could exist in his world, making you his sole singular reason for breathing was dangerous. In that mindset, being without you meant dying.
Yoongi had finally lived for himself.  Not for the money, the fame., the status, the reputation, or even you.  Yoongi loved himself, as he was.  Broken and healing.  Addicted and sober.  Yoongi lived for Min Yoongi, alone.
When he started seeing you again, he reached out to Seokjin. He was terrified that diving back in to you would be his undoing. Seokjin, in all his wisdom, spoke words of comfort.
“She is not your entire world, Yoongi. You are your entire world,” he spoke gently through the phone. “She can be part of your world, an enormous part of your world, but she cannot be the entirety.  Life does not stop without her. Life is better with her, but does not end without her.”
Yoongi had been so obsessed with the idea of never having you, that he lost you.  He stopped loving himself, stopped caring about anything but you and the pain he caused you.
“You hurt her, yes. But, it appears she is ready to forgive you now. Are you ready to forgive yourself and allow yourself to be vulnerable?” He asked the blonde boy.
Yoongi rolled the idea through his mind. “Yeah, I think I am.”
“You are allowed to love and be loved by who you want, Yoongi, but do not make your entire existence rely on that. Loving yourself will extend into all other relationships. And do not allow yourself to be consumed with the mistakes you made a long time ago. Focus on what you can do today. Living in the past causes us the most pain.  Do not run from the pain, allow it to sit within you and give yourself permission to hurt, and then move through it.”
Yoongi allowed it all. Every emotion, every feeling. He cried.  Jesus, he cried so much.  He remembered that he used to think if he started crying he would never stop.
It was true, mostly.
But what Yoongi didn’t know was that within all the crying, all the pain, was a high unmatched by any substance that could be snorted or injected or smoked.  
Yoongi no longer hid himself from feeling the darkness, but he allowed himself to remain in it until the light came back. And it came back ten thousand times stronger.
Yoongi felt encouraged to continue seeing you and progressed in his career and treatment. He took you on dinner dates, movie dates, picnics and theme parks.  The only reservation was the lack of physical intimacy.  He would hold your hand, kiss you, rub your back, but he always left your apartment without lingering. He wanted you to get to know him again, all of him, before he took that step. He wanted to do this right.
It was at the most recent date where things changed. It was a relaxing picnic in the park, the two of you laid in the soft sun-warmed grass, your head resting on his chest.
Yoongi felt content at the feeling of holding you against him. He thought of the dream he had when he was overdosing, nearly dying. Being so warm in the valley and meadows of his imagination, brain synapses firing off as his body shut down. You had been there, pretty white dress, telling him to go back, to wake up.
He admitted this to you, spoke out what he had told no one before. While he knows Jimin, with the help of Narcan, saved you, his subconscious attributed his revival to you.
“I’m in love with you, Yoongi,” you admitted, gently and easily with tears clouding your eyes, as you both watched the clouds roll by.  
Neither of you had uttered those words since you held him in your arms and within you as he came down from his high so long ago.
Yoongi let the words soak over him. If he thought drugs had been like a warm blanket wrapping him up, this was like an absolute inferno of satisfaction and comfort.
The arm he wrapped around your shoulder pulled you close.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
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Yoongi pressed you up against his wall, lips crashing into yours as his hands desperately sought the skin of your waist.  
After the picnic, Yoongi suggested taking you back to his place for a movie. The charged energy in his car on the way there spoke volumes, knowing you wouldn’t be watching a movie by a long shot. A giddy grin lit up your features.
“God, I missed this,” he mumbled against your lips as his hands lifted your white sundress you bought specifically for the date with your ex-fiancé, now-boyfriend.
You moaned an affirmative reply, gasping as his hands rolled over your breasts, encased in creamy satin.
“I missed you,” he mumbled over your lips, hands tugging down the cups of your bra to rub against hardened nipples. “You’re so pretty, so warm.”
You couldn’t hold back any sound, gasping and keening at his touch. You were soaked, absolutely dripping, from his ministrations against your neck and breasts.  You missed him too. Your short-lived engagement had ended without a wedding, for the second time in your life, and you pined after the boy who stole and broke your heart completely.
Yoongi pulled away from you, using the separation to tug the dress up and over your head and to gaze at you. Your breasts were haphazardly pulled out of the bra, your panties becoming slick against your core. Yoongi was sure he had never felt a pleasure this strong in any high.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured.  Your cheeks heated, you couldn’t help it.  Hearing him speak so gently, so lovingly, after so long and after so much pain flooded your senses pleasantly. His words wrapped around you like cashmere, warming and smoothing every inch of you.
“I need you, Yoongi,” you whispered, hand reaching towards his erection tenting his jeans. “Want to please you.”
Yoongi hissed at the feeling of your hand against his length. He nearly came right then. He hadn’t slept with anyone since your last time, the most heartbreaking sex he had ever had. 
The feeling of you both crying as he entered you kept him turned off of it for over a year. And now you were back, pliant in his arms, and most of all, happy. He never wanted to see your anguished grief during sex again, or ever, if he could help it.
Your eyes looked so determined to please him, how could Yoongi say no?  He nodded and leaned forward to kiss you, before switching positions and resting his back against the wall.
You thrilled at the switch and quickly dropped to your knees.  Being on your knees in front of Yoongi was so familiar, so comforting and so incredibly hot. He looked so good.  You could tell he had been working out. Muscles shone through his skin, and detailed lines appeared at his obliques and hip flexors. He was mouth watering.  You missed him.
You loved him.
You made quick work of his jeans, unbuttoning the black denim and pushing down the zip and sliding the tight pants down and off his legs. He stood in his tight underwear and shirt, eyes so full of love and grace, staring down at you. He couldn’t believe it was happening again, and on such better terms.
Yoongi knew he had so much to make up to you, so much trust to build and apologies to promise you daily. Yoongi was grateful you were giving him that chance again.
Within moments, Yoongi’s boxers laid on the floor next to his jeans and his thick, heavy cock laid hot in your delicate hand.
Yoongi nearly cried at the sensation. Not only had it been long since any stimulation, it had been so long since he had been with you. The fact it was you again after all this time held the most significance to him.
Your eyes flicked between Yoongi’s thick and delicious cock, and his own face.  No longer was the selfish, uncaring man present from so long ago.  No longer was the drugged out, sorrowful, too thin addict in front of you.  
As you pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of his cock and swirled your tongue around the tip, you felt amazed that you now had the confident, lovely, compassionate Yoongi you were in love with.
Yoongi groaned out loud, uncaring if Jungkook or Taehyung heard from their respective rooms in his shared apartment.  
“Oh fuck, baby,” he whined, sucking air in through his teeth harshly. “So good.”
A smile danced upon your features as you stroked each vein and ridge of his cock with your tongue, flicking at the space he liked most.  The resulting gasp encouraged you more. With a quick, deep breath, you lowered your mouth and fully encompassed his length in the hollow of your throat.  
Yoongi nearly screamed, pleasure coursing through his veins as you allowed him to fuck your throat, a mix of gentle and rough. Your moans spurred him on and the visage of you with your lips wrapped around his cock and saliva streaming down the sides of your mouth nearly forced his undoing.
“Shit, C-Christ, baby,” he gasped. “I’m gonna cum if you keep that up… fuck.” He grabbed at your hair to gently pull your mouth away from him.
You pouted for a split second, already missing the luscious heat and weight of his hard cock gagging you. The pout was quickly wiped away as he wrapped his arms around your waist and carried you to the bed, unable to stop the giggles escaping.
“My turn then,” he grinned as he pushed you down to lie on the pillows. He quickly disrobed you of your bra, tits now fully on display.  He sucked one into his mouth, tongue swirling over the bud, while his other hand pinched and tugged at the opposite. He remembered how much you enjoyed the pain of nipple stimulation. The thought made you wetter.
“Yoongi, holy shit,” you cried, dazzled at the pain in your nipples as he bit down gently at the one in his mouth. “Yes!”
Yoongi couldn’t help the smirk on his face as he switched hands and nipples, sucking the other harshly now and twisting at the wet and red nub he released.
“So good, princess,” he cooed. “So good for me.”
His mouth moved south, kisses burning up your skin as he trailed. He suckled at skin here and there, leaving delicious marks on your abdomen and thighs. You loved being marked by him, even more so now.
Yoongi groaned as he pulled your satin panties down your legs. Your cunt was slick and sticking to the fabric. His mouth watered at the sight.
“My sweet, you’re so wet for me. All from sucking my cock?” He murmured, teasing you by kissing at your thighs. “My dirty little princess.”
You mewled in response, aching to feel him where you needed it most.  Words escaped you, unable to speak except in moans and sighs.
Yoongi looked up at you, watched your cheeks turn pink, your nipples hard and moistened from his mouth, marks of him all down your body.   His cock throbbed, and he rubbed himself against the bed once to relieve some tension. He could hold himself back for now, but he knew as time passed he would be absolutely aching to plunge into your depths.
“I missed this cunt,” he pressed a kiss to the mound. “I’m sure you taste just as perfect as you always have.  I’m drooling for you, baby.”
“P-please, Yoongi, I need you,” you begged, squeezing your eyes closed in desperation. “So wet.”
“I love hearing you say please, little princess.  So sweet.” He kissed the outside of your lips, between your thighs. He loved teasing you, getting you absolutely fucked out before he even touched you.
“Please, oh god Yoongi! I need you so badly!” You were desperate now, nearly tearing up at the ache in your pussy.
“I can’t resist you when you put it like that,” he teased, before finally descending on your cunt. His mouth swirled around, sucking on your clit. You gasped your satisfaction at his touch, finally satisfying that burning desire.
Yoongi took his time, ensured pleasure at each twist and flick of his tongue.  He fucked into your cunt with his tongue, groaning at the sweet taste of your channel. His mouth suckled at your clit, transitioning between harsh sucks, and tongue flicks. As he flicked up against your bundle of nerves, he slid two fingers into your pussy, hissing at the tightness.
“So tight, my sweet,” he whispered. “Can’t wait to feel you on my cock.”  
You groaned in reply, nodding quickly.  Your fingers tugged at your nipples, relishing in the painful stimulation there and hot mouth coaxing an orgasm out of you.
“Close, Yoongi!” You gasped, unable to complete a sentence. “Right there! So close!”
His fingers thrusted faster, slipping a third to stretch you out. His tongue fired rapidly against your clit, suckling and swirling as he went.  
“Yes, baby, cum for me. Cum on my fingers, my love.” He encouraged, panting with excitement, to watch your undoing.
It only took Yoongi’s salacious words and skilled mouth and fingers toying a few more moments for the orgasm to completely take over.  It rolled over you like an avalanche. You screamed in delight, gasping as you felt your channel grip his fingers and milk them as if it were his cock.
Yoongi believed he was watching heaven, itself.  You looked divine, radiant. The feeling of your convulsions around his fingers made him whine, cock head oozing pre-cum and begging to be stuffed inside your heat.
“Fuck, my love. You came so good, you did so well for me,” he praised. “I love this cunt. I love watching you scream for me.”
Your breath was heavy, chest heaving with exertion. Every nerve, every synapse felt alive, alight with ecstasy.
“I’m going to fuck you, my sweet. I will fuck you and love you, all fucking night.” He sucked at the wetness on his fingers as he pulled out of you, before he kissed back up your body to your lips. The kiss was hot and messy, all teeth and no grace or finesse.
“Please, Yoongi, I need to feel your cock,” you gasped.
Yoongi could not delay any longer. His cock felt as if it might implode if it wasn’t buried into you. He pulled your legs up to his shoulders and gazed at your open slit.
“Mine,” he whispered as he lined himself up and allowed your pussy to swallow his length.
There were no words, no accurate description or way to describe how being inside you again felt. He couldn’t put into words the feeling of your slick heat hugging his cock close, your body heaving with ecstasy, your mouth crying his name in joy and pleasure. Yoongi would go through hell a million times over again to feel this again, to feel the physical and emotional love and pleasure he felt here.  
You were his, again.  He could work to make it right.
Yoongi started a slow pace, transfixed at the vision of you taking his cock so well. Your gasps and whines encouraged him.
“You were made for me,” he whispered as he quickened. “This tight little pussy was made for me, to love and to fuck and to ruin.” His words left his mouth without thought, acting on instinct alone. “You’re all mine. Only mine.”
You clutched at his arms, lifting your hips to meet his harsh thrusts. “Yes, baby, yours!” Your voice was five octaves higher. “All yours!”
Yoongi turned feral, his dominating internal narrative spewing from his lips. His cock thrusted into you quick and fast.
“That’s right, my love.  All fucking mine. Gonna fuck you so good every fucking day,” he promised through gritted teeth. His thumb ran down to the apex of your thighs and rubbed at your clit. “Gonna fuck all my cum into you, baby.  You’re mine.”
He continued his ministrations and your pussy felt like the definition of pleasure, itself.  Sparks felt as if they erupted from your coupling. You cried his name, gasping at his possessive promises.
“Gonna marry you, baby,” he intoned. “Gonna make you my wife.”  He felt his end coming close, your shattered cries and impossibly tight cunt bringing him soaring to the edge.
“Gonna fill you with my cum, gonna make you nice and fucking pregnant with our children,” the idea thrilled both of you. “My fucking perfect wife all swollen with our children.”
You agreed loudly. “Yes! Fuck me! Fuck, I want your baby!”
“That’s right, my little love.  Your greedy cunt takes me so well. I know you want all my cum, wanna be nice and full for me.”
The end was nigh, you could feel the burning in your stomach blaze higher and higher. You begged him for more, harder, deeper, which he was more than happy to oblige.
“Fuck, babe, I’m gonna cum, gonna coat your tight little pussy.”  
It only took a few more rough poundings before Yoongi crushed your lips together.  Your orgasm washed over you with the power of the sun.  Your eyes nearly rolled back into their sockets, gasping for air against his lips as your body convulsed.  You moaned loudly as your walls pulsed around him, as if begging him to give you more and more.
Yoongi closed his eyes and soaked in the feeling, biting your bottom lip as he spilled into you, moaning your name with each pulse. The feeling of emptying himself into you rivaled the highest emotion he had ever felt. It felt like the ultimate expression of his love, his devotion.
He held you close as you both breathed heavily, allowing the afterglow of intense orgasm to bathe you in serenity. He carefully slid his cock from within you, groaning at the sight of a slow drip of seed following out your lips.
“I love you,” he murmured, leaning to kiss your lips tenderly this time. “I meant what I said. I want you to be mine again, forever.”
Tears sparked at your eyes, feeling more full, more loved, more warm than you had ever felt before.
“I love you, Min Yoongi.”
Yoongi held you in his arms as he showered you, kissed your body in the warm water, dried you gently with soft towels, and pulled you close in his bed.  You melted against his body perfectly, two puzzle pieces who had been trying to force themselves into the wrong spot, finally coming together.
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‘We cordially invite you to the wedding of…’
Min Yoongi felt anxious.
His stomach flipped. His palms were sweaty. His breathing was faster.
A warm hand landed on his back as the ex-rapper stared at himself in the mirror.
“You did it,” a gentle voice spoke. Yoongi looked at the male through the mirror.
“Jimin,” he breathed, feeling a bit of his anxiousness float away with his friend’s words.
Jimin smiled, pink lips puffy and sweet as always.
Yoongi felt his heart clench slightly.  Jimin was the one who saved his life, who stuck a needle in his thigh and revived him when Yoongi was on the verge of death. He choked up at the idea that being here wouldn’t have been possible without the pink-haired boy.
He gazed at his trusted friend, no longer an assistant but a constant companion in the tight group of 7.  He wanted to tell Jimin so much, thank him for saving his life, for pressuring him to check into rehab, for feeding him when he was too drugged out to care.  
Yoongi didn’t need to say anything.  Jimin understood at the tears pricking Yoongi’s eyes.  Jimin’s cheeks turned pink, and he nodded slowly.
“You deserve this and more, Min Yoongi,” his voice was full of such care and sincerity. “I may have revived you, but you saved your own life. I just gave you the spark to continue it.”
Yoongi had started his adult life as an addict, as an award-winning musical artist with platinum albums and money, status, reputation.  Grief had consumed Yoongi, along with regret, sorrow, loneliness.
Yoongi fought back, pushed against the odds.
Yoongi was beginning a fresh life—as a recovering addict, a therapist, a best friend, a husband.
He smiled at himself in the mirror as his groomsmen surrounded him and joined in the moment of happiness. It was peaceful. It was joyful.  Yoongi smiled at each of the 6 men who affected him.  
Hoseok, from childhood who allowed him to face the ugly fact that he was killing himself.  Namjoon, his nurturing manager, who protected him at all costs and stood by his side through each dirt-dredging tabloid. Taehyung, his creative muse, his inspiration. Jungkook, his reason for health and wellness, his comedic relief.  Seokjin, the therapist that changed his life and course of his future. Jimin, the man who saved his life, who accepted and expected nothing in return except Yoongi’s sobriety and happiness.
Together, the men walked out of the dressing room and orderly into the reception hall.
Yoongi took his place at the altar, the very one he left you at, and inhaled a breath.
The piano played gently, a soft and light version of the traditional song. It sounded ethereal. Yoongi felt as if he was flying.
The large, oak double doors swung open and the parade of flower girls and bridesmaids walked down the aisle to stand opposite the groomsmen.
Yoongi stopped breathing as the music played louder, more intently, more beautiful.
You appeared.
You looked like an angel.
Your mother flanked you to give you away. You both looked more beautiful than he could have ever recalled.
Yoongi couldn’t stifle the tears that poured out of his eyes. He couldn’t pull his gaze from anywhere but you.
There you were. Walking towards him, as if a dream. The loveliest of dreams. Wrapped in silk and chiffon and lace, delicate pearls around your neck.
Yoongi would endure it all again, feel every ounce, to have this moment.
It was complete as you stood next to him, hands clasped in each other, tears sliding down each other’s face.
At the word of the pastor, Yoongi leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours, sealing you as husband and wife, finally.  
Yoongi was on the inside of your orbit now, basking in the warmth he had desired before on the outside.  Yoongi simmered in the sweet, gentle glow of you and your encompassing love.  
Now, Yoongi knew what it felt like to be the one on the inside of your world, instead of looking in from the darkness. Yoongi knew it now, and knew, with all his heart, that he deserved to remember it for the rest of his long, healthy life.
Yoongi was living.
Yoongi was finally, truly,
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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yn-x-animeboy · 3 years
Jungkook x y/n (as a famous artist) Pt.2
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pArt 1: here 
pairing: reader x Jungkook
genre: fluff, romance, for entertainment purposes
BTS x Fem Reader
sinopsis: You are a popular artist in America, pretty famous, loved and well-known by the general public (actually you were one of the top 10 artists in the world but you are pretty humble and naïve to realize your popularity), one day during one of your fan meets you talk about how much you love BTS, and not only how you wish to meet them and work with them but how Jungkook is one of your celebrity crushes. During the meet you fangirled with other ARMYs in the crowd; video clips of you fangirling and talking about BTS at your meet where posted and reposted all over social media. This obviously broke the internet because you were not only a famous singer but you also were always accepted and loved by ARMY and this made a lot of people happy. Suddenly it felt like everyone wanted you to meet the seven handsome and talented idols and collaborate, but you could only wish, you believed they didn't even know who you were...or so you thought
Part 2- BTS x Y/N You went to bed, turned your phone on silent mode and looked at your ceiling,  replaying that fake scenario you talked about a few hours ago, oh how you wished it could become real. Finally dozing off and resting for the work-packed day you had tomorrow; unaware that your social media was currently going crazy and how they yearned for your new weekly EPISODE to come out.
While you were peacefully sleeping social media platforms like twitter and instagram where going crazy all over the world, headlines with titles like: “Y/N FINALLY CONFESSES”, “Y/N AND JUNGKOOK RELATIONSHIP WILL SAVE 2021”, “ARMYs BIGGEST FEAR… Y/N+J&K''. People demanded the episode of the leaked videos to be uploaded as soon as possible, even though it was the middle of the night were you where; your international fans where active and ready for some content after watching the “leaked” videos; they exploded your teams’ contacts; your team left with no other choice but to actually speed up the process and upload said EPISODE; your manager contacted the main editor and offered him two days off if he could finish the video that same night. 
The episode was uploaded at around 2 am; meaning in Korea, the video went up at around 4pm.
4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, a beautiful day outside Seoul. The guys were currently about to shoot a new episode of RUN BTS; on set,  the guys were standing in the middle of a room as some hair and makeup staff fixed their appearance. Cameras were being set up around them by the camera crew. Staff spread around the room doing their respective tasks. The guys did have their cell phones with them but they were all turned to airplane mode so they wouldn't disturb the shoot. Just like you, they were unaware of what was happening on their social media platforms.
“ACTION!” the director started. RM lead the opening line “1,2,3…”, “Dallyeora Bangtan!” (RUN BTS!) they all said in unison, and the episode began. behind the cameras, staff were learning about the ``BTS x Y/N'' ordeal as the seven boys were filming. The “Hybe Corporation '' (RIP big hit) would normally would see this type of situation as a negative thing for their Idol Star Group’s image, immediately clearing  up any misunderstanding and false info that was being spread online; but the head of the company, Bang Si-hyuk, decided to first watch the video himself and look into it this time. 
Again, the head team would’ve even ignored this situation, but this time it was different. Bang Si-hyuk actually knew who you were, and was surprised when he saw your name pop up. After a quick meeting the next step was decided for BTS in regards to this situation. “Just to make sure, the boys are still shooting right? Bang Si-hyuk asked his assistant, “Y-yes sir, they are in the middle of a game, no news have been broke to them”; Bang Si-hyuk nodded and looked around the room of people that attended the emergency meeting, “Okay so, like we agreed, we will surprise they boys with this, they are big fans of y/n, and I really do like her too, she is a good girl who goes well with BTS. SO... after their scheduled shoot, send them to the other room and let them react to y/n’s episode highlights, and tell them what is happening, I think this could be the beginning of something good” Bang Si-hyuk concluded the meeting at that. Staff quickly went and prepared everything.
After shoot the guys were expecting to get into their assigned cars and go home like they normally do when they are done on set, but they were stopped by staff; “Guys okay so you are done with this episode, please now direct yourselfs towards the meeting room, the company has treated you to some refreshers, snacks and drinks; you will be told what to do'' The small woman stepped aside to let the boys go to where they were asked to go. The guys didn't think too much of this, brushing it off as a probable “catch-up” meeting.
Once they got to the meeting room they sat on one side of  a wooden table, a laptop sitting in the middle, and a single camera behind the table. Jungkook took a seat in front of the laptop, Jimin to his right and Suga to his left; J-Hope, V, Jin and RM sitting in higher chairs behind them in that order, with a clear view on the computer.  They all looked at the staff for answers, this was not one of their weekly meetings… The staff allowed them to have the promised snacks, instant noodles and beverages for this. One staff member told them what they were going to do “Okay so before you all go home we need you to react to this video, it is only a couple of minutes long, we have edited it and cut some parts out; you are allowed to eat and loosen up; you can react as you wish and add any comment as well, any questions?” They shook their head as they had done this before so many times. 
The video started and a preview came on screen, it was your intro music, on screen a quick preview of your complete episode was shown. The boys immediately recognized the images, they had seen your show many times before. “Oi, it’s y/n'' Jin immediately said as soon as your face appeared on screen, “Is this a new episode?” JImin asked out loud, “Wait what day is it? they normally go up on Friday, did we miss it?” Taehyung spoke, mouth full of spicy noodles, J-Hope and RM reached out and cleaned Taehyung’s face with napkins  as if he was a child, before he made a bigger mess. 
“Hello everyone welcome to another episode of…. f** I don't even know what we call these videos, jajajaja” “Wait what?... jajajajaja omg guys thank you, I'm so sorry, yeah you heard them, welcome back to y/n’s camera roll, I can’t believe I forgot that, anyway today’s episode is a little different……” Your introduction from the episode played on screen, making the boys chuckle at your genuine personality “hahaha gwiyeoun” (haha cute) Suga added, J-Hope agreeing with him as he gave Suga a piece of the food he was having. Kookie was currently watching the screen not even blinking, he hadn’t taken a bite out of his noodles or a sip out of his banana milk, Jimin noticed and pointed at him looking back at the guys with a silent laugh, they all knew Jungkook was your biggest simp.
The video continued, they kept adding comments and watching with interest. The staff had actually reedited your original video to make it shorter and show the parts where you mention BTS.
“Hi, y/n, can I ask you another question?” you nodded and signaled him to proceed; 
“I saw that you liked an instagram post about BTS a while back uploaded by a fan account and I also saw that you actually follow their personal twitter account. ALSO in your behind the scenes video for your music video shoot you can be seen in the background dancing the Boy with luv choreo. So I wanted to ask if you were an ARMY and if you know them personally? and like should we be expecting a collaboration soon?”
You chucked at his talking speed, curious questions and great detective skills.
Jimin reached over and paused the video before they could hear what you answered next. “No way….Omg what she says she hates us” Jimin said. “Imagine if she said she hates us, is this why you guys are making us watch this?” Suga looked  at the staff. “Can we keep watching hyungs…” Jungkook said looking around at the others, a bit desperate to find out what you said next. “Oi, wouldn't you want to know guki…” Jin teased him, wiggling his eyebrows and slapping the back of his head playfully. Before Jungkook could fight back RM reached over them and pressed play, preventing a ‘playful’ fight among the youngest and oldest member to take place.
“OMG hahaha I love you so much, what an amazing question, Okay so first off no I don’t know them personally and sadly no plans of collaboration are on sight. Oh wow I have never been asked if I liked BTS before, I’m excited hahaha. Yeah I am an ARMY, I love them so much I am one of their biggest fans, and they are also one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to work ethic and professionalism, listening to them or watching them gives me motivation to keep doing what I love, which is this. 
anyway I am rambling I should stop; you guys can say y/n stop whenever I start rambling okay? hahaha''
As this part of the video played, the guys seemed to lean closer to the screen as you spoke. Once you finished your answer they paused the video again. RM stood up with hands on his head; Jin and J-Hope held on to each other with their mouths wide open looking at the screen; V was still sitting in the same spot, frozen, as if he was paused in time along with the now paused screen; Suga stood up with his hands on his mouth bouncing his knees lightly; Jimin reached to RM behind him and stretched his arms out with a ‘Did you hear that?’ expression; Jungkook leaned over the table and pulled the screen closer, he was smiling from ear to ear letting out a small “wow” under his breath, then he replayed your answer to listen to it one more time, rereading the subtitles under the video making sure he did not miss any words.
 “OMG NO WAY, NO WAY DUDE” Tae came out of his frozen state and held on to Jungkook's shoulders shaking slightly; They all looked at eachother surprised, they couldn't believe that ‘the one and only Y/N’ was an ARMY. They composed themselves and played the video to proceed once the staff told them there was more. 
The video resumed: 
“Guys should we actually talk about BTS for a bit? hahaha” you asked your fans
A girl spoke after: “Can I ask you a BTS question then? Okay so, who is your favorite member?
“Well first off, I don't have a favorite member. I really mean it when I say this. I love them all equally and I love them all as a group. I don’t prefer one over the other or like one better.  I really do support them equally. I mean there is nothing wrong with having a bias, as long as you also respect the other members, hope that all made sense lol” Everyone seemed moved by your support towards them and nodded.
Again the boys reacted, they were so surprised they paused again and walked back and forth making sounds of excitement; They loved the way you answered the question and were so moved by your love and appreciation towards them and the way you saw them as a group. They felt like jumping and celebrating. They sat back down again to keep watching their favorite american artist talk about them some more.
Your episode was again cut and it skipped to another question: 
“Y/n so you don’t have a favorite, but do you have a crush on any of them?, like if you could date one of them right now, which one do you pick?” A fan asked.
The guys chuckled at the question, they thought there was no way you would answer such a question.
“okay...well...Like I said just to be clear I don't have favorites amongst the group members, but I do have a type…. I consider one of them to be my celebrity crush”......
“So in that case, if I had to pick someone that I would date in real life...i would say…. Jungkook” 
The. Guys. Went. Nuts. Jungkook immediately stood up and lifted his hands up in the air as if he had won an award, he paused the video and started smiling like crazy; his cheeks tinted in a redish pinkish tone, he covered his face as he was at a loss for words, he knew he was seen as attractive by female and male artists, he even knew of a couple of well known idols who had admitted to having a crush on him; but this was different, he had considered you to be his celebrity crush for years now, ever since your debut in america when you were just 15 and he was 16; he was a big fan of yours; he knew everything about you, he loved your music, he thought you were one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen, he even had a picture of you performing as his wallpaper currently; he constantly watched your videos and wished he could someday date a girl like you. 
A staff member spoke, taking Jungkook out of his trance state: “How do you feel Jungkook?” He lifted his face from his hands and ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes were glossy and his smile wide. “I-I don't know what to say, I can’t believe it,” he said as he sat down looking  at the pause screen, looking at your still image. His hyungs patted him on the back; Jimin turned his head to the staff as he was rubbing JK’s back with one hand, “You know Jungook has had the biggest crush on y/n for so long now” Jimin told the staff. The other members agreed and nodded. Jungkook looked up and spoke to the staff: “Yeah I remember listening to her debut song for the longest time without really thinking about who the artist was. When her first studio album broke records I decided to look her up, I watched a video of her talking about the album and her experience as a new artist and I think ever since then I have had a crush on her; she is my ideal type”
“Why is she your ideal type?” a staff member in the back asked JK. “Ha. um. well  I think my ideal type of girl is someone who is funny and has a bright and cool personality; someone who as soon as they step into a room they immediately light it up; someone who is goofy and isn't afraid to become a joke or mess up; A confident person; someone who isn't too girly or too boyish; someone who likes to learn new  things and from who I can learn new things too; someone who is younger than me; Someone who loves dancing and singing a lot, etc. And y/n is kinda all that and more tbh; He rambled, the guys were all used to his ‘secret fangirling over y/n’ habit, but the staff was taken aback; they only thought the guys thought highly of you as an artist, but this… they felt moved. “Ay ay, stop drooling, lets keep watching hahaha” Suga poked at JK’s side and pressed play.
The video time skipped again: “...I love that question, and your scenario is so cute, you should write a tumblr post about it, well yeah I obviously have created fake scenarios in my head about BTS, past crushes, fake arguments even hahaha, there are so many BTS fake scenarios in my head…. hmm oh I know which one, okay so this fantasy of mine is about how I would meet them irl and work with them, I will make it quick”
“Okay so, my literal fantasy is to one day meet them at a talk show, you know how hosts like to surprise their guests with something/someone they like?, I believe Ellen has done it multiple times where she surprised a guest with their idol or celebrity crush, you know?” The group nodded, invested in your fake scenario “Well i would be invited to like the Jimmy Fallon Show, where he would just randomly surprise me with BTS. Then I would be given the opportunity to introduce myself and tell them how much I love and support them. I would also be able to show them my korean speaking skills, I learned Korean and Spanish back in school and I have never been able to actually use either them, lol, anyway...well after that we would all become really good friends, and we would collaborate and put out one or multiple songs for you guys. I mean that's basically it, I wish I could meet them, and become their friend and write songs with them, even produce songs with Suga or RM if I could'' 
“What???? does she speak korean?” 
“OMG Jungkook is she speaks korean marry her” 
“OMG I wanna meet her now”  
“That's so cute” 
“She is so cool” 
The guys added and all looked adoringly at the screen; RM and Suga also commented about how they would love to work with someone like you and produce a ton of music together and that they wish you all could collaborate in the future too.
And That is how the boys learned about the video and your view on them….not only that they also  learned about your embarrassing fantasy and celebrity crush…. After finishing their day at work, they went home and watched your episode complete this time. They felt like they accomplished something so important by just leaning your perception on them. Jungkook also felt that but he was even more excited than the rest, his celebrity crush had admitted to crushing on him back, he knows that the chances of meeting you or even having a friendship with you were probably non existent. And even if they did meet you, the idea of dating you in real life seemed impossible to him due to you both being artists, under strict and powerful companies, living opposite sides of the world, in different time zones even; but he was still happy, and the guys too; they all went to bed wishing they could someday meet you.
Part 3- Jimmy Fallon Show ------> here
ily:) Xx, plis give me a lil’ <3
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flying-nightwing · 4 years
Act II: The Racetrack
Hey guys! I’m not sure I’m entirely satisfied with that one, especially the dialogue feels off. But this is something to drag me out of my writers block so yeah I’m not at optimal capacity. Anyhow, I hope you still enjoy!
Side note, I think this is the fic I used the least italics lmao. Also this is semi edited
Part 1 in Masterlist! 
Part 3 is out now!
Pairing: Tim Drake x Reader
Word count: 3256
 regular amount of violence, language
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At the sound of his name, Tim jumped up from his sleep. He had no idea he had even closed his eyes, but there he was, sleeping perfectly still in his chair in front of his open computer. He blinked, looking down to his coffee, then up to Bruce.
“I’ve got a location”
That woke Tim up better. He was suddenly alert and attentive. “Where is it?”
“The Gotham Cup” Bruce replied, showing him two VIP passes to the Nascar race later that day. It made sense now that he said it, as the big crime families would meet there, as each one of them owned a racing team. “It’ll have to be a no cape mission, we’ll have to operate in broad daylight”
Tim nodded with a sigh. He wasn’t a fan of that type of recon, as he’d have to socialize as Tim Drake-Wayne the CEO and answer questions that would distract him from his mission. It also meant potentially dealing with press corps and cameras, which meant he’d have to be extra careful in his recon. At least the attention would be divided between him and Bruce.
“What time?” He asked.
“It starts at two, but the social event is on at one”
Tim looked down to his watch. It was now almost 11:30. He finished his now cold coffee and stood up with yet another sigh. “Guess I’ll have to go make myself presentable, then”
Bruce chuckled, but didn’t add anything more.
The sun was high in the sky and the racetrack was buzzing with activity. People with teams’ shirts and caps were mingling around, and the line of the bet counter was stretching all around the building. Tim walked beside Bruce, both of their VIP lanyards hanging from their necks and contrasting with their black dress shirt. They turned heads as they passed the lines and different booths, mostly ignoring the whispers that arose around them. They soon reached the VIP entrance, getting in without having to raise the badge or lower their sunglasses.
It still surprised Tim, even after all this time, the sheer power of the name Wayne. 
They climbed the stairs to the terrasse, where there were considerably less people, and those who were there were dressed in fancy clothes rather than fan gear. There was s soft ambient music playing in the background and plenty of seats under the roof’s shade. The whole place screamed money, yet Tim found it extraordinary bland. 
“You take ten o’clock, I’ll take two” Bruce instructed. “Meet at the bar for the start of the race”
“Got it” Tim nodded, checking his watch. He had exactly one hour and three minutes to try and find out more about which big shot would have beef with city hall. He began walking towards the rail, leaning on and pretending to be interested in whatever the entertainers were doing on the turf in the middle of the track. The seats around were gradually filling with fans who were willing to sit still for hours under the sun to watch cars drive in circles, eating their overpriced hotdogs. Tim didn’t understand the fun in that, but then again, they would probably not understand his idea of fun either.
With a sigh, he pushed himself from the rail and returned to his task. However, he didn’t see the person walking by and bumped into them. “Oh f--” He stopped himself from cursing out loud. “Sorry”
He paused, squinting at the semi familiar face in front of him. You smiled.
“What, no champagne to spill on me this time?” You teased as you recognized the handsome face from the gala the other day. The connection clicked in his eyes as he understood where he saw you before.
“Oh, hi!” He hurried to answer. “Uh, it’s you”
“So I’m told” You chuckled. He wouldn’t have recognized you on the spot, with your wide hat and brighter clothes. At first glance you seemed like a totally different person, but as he took in your features, it was obvious it was you.
He could recognize those memorable traits everywhere.
“So uh, you left before I could talk to you, the other day” He scratched the back of his neck. “I haven’t seen you much around either”
“I’m not from Gotham, so that would be pretty normal” You replied as you leaned on the rail. “I’m only here for a few days”
“Oh?” He asked, suddenly a little more interested. He raised his sunglasses on his head, looking at your directly. “I hope you weren’t too spooked by what went down at the gala”
You tsked, shaking your head. “Poor mayor” You sighed sadly. “It’s terrible what happened. At least no one else was injured. I was terrified when the smoke went off, but I’ll be okay”
He gave you a small, awkward smile. “Glad to hear it”
“So, do you have a name?” You changed the subject.
“Tim” He nodded, then told him your name in return. “Nice to formally meet you”
“Pleasure’s all mine” You gave him a charming smile. “So, what does such a handsome man do in such a place?”
He visibly blushed at your compliment. You could see he was not used to receiving blunt raises like that, but he really was handsome and you had to say it out loud. His bright eyes and sharp features drew you in just as much today as they did a few days back at the gala, where you had desperately wanted to stay and chat for a while before kidnapping the mayor. You still had time to spare today, so you wouldn’t miss your chance now.
“I- uh” He scratched the back of his neck, chuckling nervously. He didn’t seem like someone who would get nervous, but you thought it was cute. “My father, he wanted me to come with him. Publicity stunt I guess. What about you?”
“My cousin is a pilot” You lied easily. “I’m here for support”
“Oh! That’s great” He lifted the corner of his lips into a small smile. “Which car?”
Your expression turned sheepish. “... 43? 34?” You tried. “Something with a 4. I don’t know! I don’t follow the sport at all”
He chuckled. “Here for the free cocktails?”
“Guilty” You gave him a complicit grin. “Honestly my family just said ‘hey, let’s go to Gotham for the Nascar cup!’ and I followed because why not”
“I get it” He nodded as you began walking around side by side. He was more relaxed now, his hands in his pockets and his head tilted toward you. “My family does that all the time too. If one wants to go somewhere, usually the bunch follows”
“You have siblings?”
“Yeah” He grinned. “Four brothers and one sister, and I’m the middle child”
“Oh wow” You blinked. “How do you even deal with this?”
“By outsmarting them at every turn” He replied with a sarcastic sigh. “That and arming myself with enough information to blackmail them into doing my shit”
You laughed, throwing your head back slightly. You didn’t know, but his heart skipped a beat at the simple action. He thought it sounded like the sweetest melody he wouldn’t mind hearing again. “Sounds like a good survival strategy” You said. “So, you’re the smart one, eh?”
“I think I’ll go ahead and take this one” He nodded after a small pause. “You have no idea how low the bar is”
You laughed again, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “It sounds like a lot to deal with” 
“Do you have any siblings?”
You were walking slow around the outside part of the VIP lounge, under the sun. Clouds were coming and going, giving you intermittent moments of shade. It really was a nice day outside. You looked down. “No, not really”
You could feel his eyes on you, but it wasn’t harsh. Just curious, like he didn’t want to pry and ask. However, he had a gaze that seemed to see through everything at that moment, and you really didn’t want him to see through the half lies you built to avoid the truth. 
“I was adopted” You admitted, looking back up to him. That wasn’t a lie.
“Oh” He blinked a few times in surprise. “So was I”
Your eyebrows raised at his quick answer. You half expected the bundle of invasive questions that usually came with it, but at that moment it was clear he wouldn’t require further explanations. You were glad he understood.
“We already have more in common that I would have expected” You smiled sweetly. “I’m glad we bumped into each other again”
“Y-yeah, me too” He nodded with a timid smile this time, like that little shy front took over again. You deducted it returned when you made a move on him so far, but he didn’t seem to dislike it either. 
“Maybe we--” You paused when you caught a glimpse of the time on the giant board on the other side of the track. If you kept going on like this you’d miss your window. Shit shit shit. “Oh shoot”
“What’s wrong?”
You recomposed yourself and gave him an apologetic smile instead of straight up bolting away. “I told my mother I’d be down by the pits for the beginning of the race, she’s going to start calling me non stop soon”
His face dropped slightly in disappointment. “Oh, yeah, maybe you shouldn’t worry her”
“Sorry, Tim” You pouted, before lifting your finger and going to the nearest bistro table, and took a napkin from the fancy display. You then snatched a pen from a man walking by, ignoring his protests, and you wrote your number on the fragile material. yOu handed back the pen without looking at the angry man and went back to Tim, who had an amused expression on his face. “Here”
“Thanks” The smile returned on his lips as he glanced down quickly at the digits.
“Call me sometimes, yeah?” You winked, walking backwards. He lifted the napkin and nodded, then you were gone.
As you jogged down the secondary staircase, you forced yourself to put Tim at the back of your mind. There was no rule in your contracts to regulate your private life, but it was obvious you couldn’t let anything get in the way of your mission. You got down to the pits and sneaked in a small storage room, where a change of clothes was waiting for you. You pulled off the stupid hat and took off your clothes to change into a tight black suit and a holster belt for your gun and the roll of duct tape at the bottom of the bag. You finally pulled the black helmet as the finishing touch and got out undetected.
You returned into the pits like nothing, blending with the flow of people gradually becoming more important as you got closer to the garage #29. You really looked no different from the staff with darker suits, only missing the sponsors patches. Behind your visor you spotted the driver you were looking for, seemingly arguing with a blonde girl and walking away, throwing his hands in the air.
The timing couldn’t be more perfect.
You followed him as he watched intensely his cellphone, going somewhere quiet. He paused in a corner away from prying eyes, typing quickly. You stepped in front of him and waited a few seconds until his eyes lifted up to you.
“What the fuck do you want?” He grumbled. “Go back to work”
“If you’re asking so nicely” You said, pointing your gun at him as you dropped your bag on the floor. 
“Yo what the f--” 
You used his momentarily surprise to side step him and sneak an arm around his neck. He trashed in your hold until he went limp. You let him drop on the floor and began undoing his suit, pulling it off with a few difficulties when the limbs were concerned. You then slipped it on and bound the driver at the wrists and ankles, then taped his mouth and threw the roll on him. You returned to the pits, ignoring people who tried to talk to you, including the blonde from earlier. You went straight for the car and slipped in, only waiting for the crew chief to place one last word before you headed for the start line, getting into your designed position. As the other cars joined the start grid as well, you warmed up your tires like the rest of the pilots around you. You observed the commands of the car, making sure you hadn’t forgotten a function since your quick training in nascar driving. 
Soon enough, the lights turned green. You didn’t hurry like some cars, you opted to lay low in the main platoon. You would avoid getting attention to yourself that way. You especially chose an average team to hijack, so nobody would expect you to be leading or trailing behind. You made sure to spot your target a few cars in front of you; a bright orange car with the number 12 painted in blue. 
The pilot was your target. He was one of Gotham’s influential men, drawing attention with his sudden philanthropy gestures and involvement in city politics. He liked to flash his money out, and that apparently went through buying an entire nascar team and racing as the pilot as well. But his fervent support for Batman and his bunch of vigilantes got him a big red dot on the forehead by other influential characters of Gotham. Falcone did not appreciate the support for his enemy. 
You counted your laps, getting closer to the 34th. You launched your offensive, accelerating and taking your curves more towards the center. You swerved around cars to come head to head on the right of 12, taking your gun from the inside of your suit. You rested the nozzle on your elbow to stabilize your aim, then waited out the curve. As soon as the track hit the straight line, you shot three bullets in his neck and retreated your gun again. You saw the body fall back into the seat, the car losing control and crashing in another one. 12 went up in the air, flipping several times before the yellow flag went out. 
The medical staff hurried to the accident, and you knew they’d soon see the bullets and stop the race. So when the pits came into view, you got in. Staff were flagging you off, yelling at you in confusion as to your presence there. You only accelerated, knocking equipment as you went. You pulled the hand brakes to realize a 90° turn into the garages. People jumped out of your way as you escaped by the pits and to the outside of the stadium. You drove into several metal fences until you ended up in the fan zone. Only the security was there, but they were on foot or on segways, so they didn’t stand a chance. You tore through the Cup banner and drove straight for the highway. 
Drivers honked as you speeded by them, heading for the city before the police helicopters could spot you. The buildings would provide you with a much needed cover, even if the risk of you crashing would be greater with significantly more obstacles. As you entered the first shadow of the skyscrapers, you took an exit ramp to Chinatown. You accelerated in the traffic, rolling on the sidewalks and knocking down trash cans as you went. You crossed through five just-turned red lights, causing one small pile up at the junction of one of the big avenues. You knew the helicopter was hovering somewhere close, and the police began tailing you once you entered Gotham Lower. However, the motorcycles were no match for a Nascar grade car. 
However, you knew the game was on when you heard something being thrown onto your door and denting in the metal. A pointy end got through, and immediately, you knew what it was: Batman had entered the game. You were surprised he’d show up in the daylight. 
You were even more surprised when you noticed it wasn’t in fact Batman, but his pupil in red. He was on an unmarked motorcycle with a black helmet, trailing slightly behind so you couldn’t shoot him with a good aim through the window. So instead, you took a series of sharp turns in hope you could shake him off, as you didn’t have a rocket launcher to deter him from following you this time. You ended up in the Diamond District, where you decided to change your strategy. If he wanted a piece of you, he could have it. 
You made a last turn into a dead end alley, then made a U-turn and waited at the end. Soon enough, you saw Red Robin pull up at the other end. He put a foot down as he came to a halt, no doubt staring at you through the tinted visor of his helmet. You revved the engine a few times, your foot pressing on the gas pedal in controlled movements. He leaned on the bike, ready to accept your challenge.
Before he could prepare too much, you shifted gear and took off, clouding the brick wall behind you with smoke from your tires. He pushed the bike straight and accelerated too as you drove toward each other full speed. You were about to start a manoeuvre, but had to abort as three shurikens shattered your windshield. You stopped at the other end and faced him again, before punching your what remained of your windshield. Immediately after, you speeded toward him again. This time however, you didn’t leave him time to take out weapons. You deployed the emergency brake and gave a tug left to your steering wheel, making the rear of your car tracing an arch. Red Robin deducted your intention last second, and had to swerve into the pile of trash bags so as to not get violently reaped. You took the opportunity to drive off back into the streets, where the police presence had quadrupled and the traffic cleared. 
But you had a plan for that too.
As if on cue, two identical cars to yours pulled out from garages on both your sides. You changed formation, placing yourselves one after the other and changing the order every two intersections. When you felt like you had confused the police enough, you drove into an underground garage, forcing the police to slow down. You however, cruised over the speed bump without a hassle. After a tight, 180 degrees turn, you slipped into a side unit, where a member of your team closed the door right after. You stopped the car and heard the police fly by, holding your breath. Then, silence fell. You pulled off your helmet, then slipped out of the car through the window.
You took the phone your team member handed you, pressing the first and only number saved.
“It’s me” You spoke up when the other end picked up. “It’s done”
“Great work, (Y/N). Meet back at the corner of sixth and 24th” 
“Copy that” You replied and hung up, letting the phone fall on the ground and crushing it with your boot. You caught the bag with your change of clothes, slipping out of the suit and putting on the clothes to blend in outside. 
You sneaked out of the garage, regaining the busy streets of Gotham with a smirk.
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shra-vasti · 4 years
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Pairing : wonwoo x reader
Title : Annoyingly mine
Genre : fluff, crack
Warnings : drinking, guns, cussing and club.
Synopsis : In which a heartbroken visit to club leads wonwoo to meet you, his forever.
A/N : The gifs used here isn't mine and the credit for it goes to its original owner. This is a one shot I wrote when I was maybe 18 so it might have some mistakes and the writing style a bit different too. I have edited it too but if you find any mistakes do tell me. Have a great day ahead and enjoy your read <3
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"Come on hyung you have been sulking over the same thing since 2 weeks already", Seungkwan said.
Everyone was persuading Wonwoo to join them to go to club, but he won't move. He had recently broke up with his girlfriend after he found her parents decided to marry her to son of one of their family friend and is already engaged. 
'He is more stable and rich than you, Wonwoo. He will keep me more happy and we will have a stable future ahead beside we are already engaged', she said to him while breaking up with him.
She treated Wonwoo ever so nicely that he thought she was the one. He never thought she would leave him. He sure didn't had a stable job right now but he was trying his best.
But, now he won't go out from his room. His ex was now already married and he still can't get over her. They had to marry early since they had to move out of the country to start their university.
He sighed, he knew he can't be like this forever. She is already married and it's a sin to think about someone else wife.
After arguing with himself for almost 30 minutes or so he decided to go to the club. Sighing again he got ready for the club.
All of his friends were tired of him behaving like its the end of the world so they left him in his lonesome and headed towards the club.
Maybe he should really move on it's not like she is going to come back.
He got his car but then frown, he doesn't know which club his friends have went to. He tried calling all of them but they won't pick up, 'the music must be too loud for them to hear' he thought. 
He was nicely dressed black ripped jeans, white t-shirt and a black coat that fits his body perfectly.
He sighed, now all of his hardwork is going in vain as his friends are not even picking his calls.
He doesn't want his 'hardwork' to go in vain and so decides he will go to some random club and drink his lonesome out. He doesn't like drinking but one or two shots here and there won't tear apart the whole world right?
After 10 minutes here he is, in front of a club he has never went before. He sure has passed many time through this club but never actually got the chance to enter it. So now that he doesn't have any company and needs a place to crash might as well go in this club he thought.
He entered the club, the club was far better than what he thought, at least people are not making out on the couches or on the dance floor.
The dance floor was purely used for dancing purpose yes some people were drunk and grinding each other but it's better than making out right? and the couches, they were also only used for sitting purposes. This club was somewhat 'his type'.
He dragged his lazy self on one of the bar chairs and ordered a drink. He was seated right at front of the dance floor, he noticed that the dance floor actually has another stage upon it where some of the people are dancing too, behind the dance floor are the stairs to go up to the stage which is upon the dance floor.
He looked here and there to see if there are any chance of his friends to be there but man, he was wrong.
The drinks came and he took one shot looking towards the dance floor. He was actually enjoying his lonesome here. The sight of people making out on the stage really make him puke.
I mean everyone sure enjoys 'sex' but doesn't want a live broadcast of it in front of their eyes. But in this club it was different. He was actually looking to the people dancing, laughing at their stupid dance steps or at the silliest expression on their face.
This club sure diverted his attention from his broken love life. As he was enjoying the view in front of him, a figure bumped into him.
"Oops sorry! Make me a drink please!" a girly voice said.
The bartender gave you the glass and you sprinted towards the dance floor. 
Unknowningly, he kept looking at you who just bumped into him. He was not attracted towards you nor you seduced him but he still looked in your direction a bit curious.
He observe how you went from bar to the middle of the dance floor. You were wearing jeans and blouse. 'Sexy without being slutty' you can say.
You danced crazily in the middle of the dance floor alone yet you enjoyed yourself way too much.
After sometime a figure hugged you from behind, a boy to be exact which was your boyfriend. You pushed him aside a few times but he would eventually come back.  You pushed him again and came to the bar section again to order some drinks beside Wonwoo.
"Oh hey handsome", you said to wonwoo grazing his face with the tip of your index finger.
He pushed your finger away.
"Sorry but stay away and enjoy your night", he politely rejected you. He was so not in the mood for this.
"Hey enjoy the night boy will ya? There is a drunken girl right in front of you giving you the permission to take advantage of her condition and you are rejecting her?", you questioned him, slurring a bit since you were a bit drunk.
That caught him off guard. Were you even in your right mind? oh no you weren't cause you were drunk. He mentally facepalmed himself.
Just as he was going to say something the waiter gave you the drink. You 'accidently' pour your drink on Wonwoo's coat. Hewas outraged, he knew you did it on purpose.
He stood up.
"Oh god. I am so sorry. Here let me help you with your shirt." you said 'innocently'.
Wonwoo was trying to stop you but you were too stubborn. You started cleaning his coat with the tissue provided by the bar and in that process you tore the pocket of his shirt which was on his coat in the chest area.
He gasped, seriously few minutes ago he thought that this place was actually good and then he bumped with you. Can the world get any cruel?
"What the hell is wrong with you? you fucking tore my pocket!", he said while looking towards his pocket.
It was his favourite coat. He felt like crying, yes he loved this coat too much. And he was so broke that such trivial thing drag him to the verge of crying.
Your boyfriend walk up to you and Wonwoo, his eyes digging holes in Wonwoo's body. He was angry anyone could say that but what did he do?
"Hey Mister, stay away from my girlfriend will ya?" your boyfriend said.
Wonwoo couldn't believe his ears, he didn't do anything and now he is even getting blamed for flirting when it was you who tried to flirt with him.
And to add salt to the wounds of the jealous boyfriend, you hugged Wonwoo. He couldn't believe his own eyes. He sure was getting dizzy.
"Dude, do you want to fight? Stealing my girl in front of my eyes?", your boyfriend said as he balled his fingers into fist and jumped front and back like the boxers do.
To say wonwoo was amazed was an understatement.
"YEAH! YEAH! fight!! fight yeah!!", you started jumping and cheering them. Wonwoo just rolled his eyes and 'tossed' you back into your boyfriends arms.
"I don't wanna fight. I am not even interested in her." he said.
Your boyfriend sighed in relief but you went ahead and once again hugged Wonwoo, when your boyfriend tried to hold your hand. 
Your boyfriend pushed Wonwoo away from you.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? You are hugging a stranger in front of you but not giving a chance to hold your hand to your own boyfriend?" your boyfriend yelled.
Wonwoo shook his head as he thought it's your personal matter which he should not interfere so slightly chuckling and slightly sulking over his pocket he continued the drink.
He was listening as you and your boyfriend bickered well only the your boyfriend was the one bickering you were practically ignoring him and continuing your drink.
You once again ordered a drink and when you got it you sprinted towards the 1st floor, with your boyfriend still bickering and tailing behind you.
He could clearly see you both from where he was seated. He doesn't even know the reason why is his eyes following you two.
Your boyfriend once again tried to dance 'dirty' with you, when you was dancing like before.
Feeling irritated you grabbed the bottle of drink from the table nearby and tried to aim at your boyfriend but he was quick so he dodged the bottle and it landed on the head of the man dancing on the dance floor below them.
You lost your balance and fell backside where the table from where you grabbed the bottle.
Unfortunately the man who got hit by the bottle look up to see who threw the bottle on him and saw your boyfriend since you fell down.
The man was outraged, but your boyfriend didn't know. You picked yourself up with the help of some people nearby and once again headed towards the dance floor with your boyfriend tailing behind and telling you to least pay attention on him.
While on your way to the middle of the dance floor you crossed path with the man who got hit by the bottle thrown by you so by instinct your boyfriend followed you too and crossed path with the same man.
The man recognized him and punched his face making him stumble backward and hit another person on the dance floor.
Your boyfriend tried to escape so he went towards other direction. The man who got hit by your boyfriend looked backward to see who hit him and punched another innocent man on the dance floor. And soon all of the men on the dance floor started fighting with each other.
You were on the stage above the dance floor, one beer bottle in one hand and other in the air dancing to the music.
Wonwoo watched everything and he was sure shocked as hell that at you who was dancing on the stage alone enjoying her night was the reason for all the drama that was happening right now in this club yet you were oblivious to it.
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a gunshot. He looked towards the direction and saw a random man was already shooting his gun in the air on the dance floor. Another man joined the former one taking his gun with him.
You were still dancing like there's no tomorrow. The two men who had gun were on each side of you a bit front, pointing their guns at each other.
He was amazed. How can they have each other on gunpoint with no particular reason? 
Wonwoo ran towards you, grabbed your hands and ran towards the exit. Even he is unaware why he saved your annoying ass.
You kept dancing even after being outside the club and clinging onto him.
"Where is your car?", he asked you.
You were drunk and he couldn't leave you just like that, his parents taught him better.
"The car?! it was here a moment ago!" you said pouting as he sighed.
"Give me your car keys!"
You looked towards him smiling sleepishly,
"My place or your place handsome?"
Wonwoo himself didn't know why he was doing this.
"Car keys."
"Can I tell you a secret?"
He looked towards you titling his head as he motioned you to continue.
"The secret is I don't have a car so how will I have car keys?"
Wonwoo once again faceplamed himself mentally and shook his head at the sight of you laughing hysterically and decided to take his own car.
You both made your way towards parking lot.
"Hey you fucking bastard. You think you can take away her from me that easily?" 
You boyfriend came from behind you and Wonwoo and the look that boy had made Wonwoo cringe.
The people inside the club made sure to destroy the pretty face of the boy.
"Jaesung!!" you shouted, laughing and waving at him stupidly as you went closer and hugged Wonwoo.
"So you wanna play hard to get?" Jaesung asked you as you continued to ignore him while playing with Wonwoo's jacket.
"Do you think I can't break your pretty boy's face out here? Come on be a man. Let's fight and whoever wins will take her with him."
Jaesung suggested. 
Wonwoo rolled his eyes again.
"Ouch! I am afraid to fight. I am too scared ahhhh", Wonwoo's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "Here, I lost the fight now go take her", he said sternly and tossed you towards your boyfriend.
Out of the blue you got your car keys and started driving in Wonwoo's and Jaesung's direction.
They were behind a white BMW, which Wonwoo noticed was of Mingyu? What was he doing here?
Before she could hit them, Wonwoo moved out of her way but your poor boyfriend was crushed in between both the cars.
"What the fuck is going on here? Who crashed onto my car?" Mingyu yelled.
Wonwoo noticed he was have 'fun' when this happen and he chuckled. Jaesung was crying in agony although you didn't hit that bad but it sure must be paining.
You just laughed at him making Jaesung more outraged. Seeing Jaesung's expression Wonwoo pushed you to the passenger seat and took off with you while driving.
Jaesung was shouting behind your back and he too took his car and started following you.
Wonwoo was still trying to find a reason why the hell is he in this situation but couldn't find one.
"Hey man that's my girlfriend." Jaesung kept yelling from behind.
Wonwok asked where your house was and you told him the address. He was driving fast when he noticed that there was a car infront of him and he was stuck between the car in his front and Jaesung's car.
And he knew well that Jaesung will try to hit his car so he skillfully moved his car to the other side of the road.
Jaesung's car collided with the car which was in front of Wonwoo's a new moments ago. The owner of the car came out and started hitting him and that's how he lost you and Wonwoo.
He reached at the address given by you but there was no sign of a house.
Asking you for the answer again would be useless so he scanned through her car to find the car papers.
He saw your address there and found the house. He dragged you in front of your house.
You punched the code and entered the house as wonwoo followed suit and closed the door.
Why didn't you tell me you chose my place?" you asked as you cling onto him.
You came towards him just few inches away from his face and then softly touched his lips with your making him freeze but quickly relaxing when you didn't go any further and collapsed.
He sighed and pick you up bridal style and entered into your room. How he knew it was her room? well you wrote 'Welcome Beautiful' on the door.
He placed you on the bed and tucked you inside the blanket and started to leave when you held his wrist.
He looked towards you noticing that your eyes were still closed.
"Don't go." you pouted.
He smiled, he genuinely smiled as he pulled out his shoes and coat. He went on the other side of the bed took her in his arms hugging her waist and drifted towards dreamland.
Who knew that this incident of him with this drunken girl would lead him here. Where they became close friends in mere few months, Couples in 2 years and Married after 6 years of dating.
It gave wonwoo a good laugh whenever he thought of the moment that led you two to meet each other. He was glad that it happened but that doesn't necessarily mean that his friends will never not tease him.
You would blush in embarrassment whenever the topic was brought up. And about your boyfriend, he was forced to be with you by your parents since you never really brought any boy in the house but when you introduced Wonwoo as your boyfriend your parents were supportive enough to rethink their choices.
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monstercupcake61176 · 5 years
Conspiracy Theory!!!!
This is a little theory I had about the recently released “Don’t Make Me” music video featuring two of the best people on the planet, Malinda Kathleen Reese and Thomas Sanders.  Seriously if you haven’t watched it yet please do it’s a work of art and the song is catchy as heck even if I still don’t know all the lyrics... 
Also there will be SPOILERS in this theory so if you don’t wanna be spoiled, go watch the video, then come back.
Did you watch the video? Good. 
Okay, here’s my theory I like to title as: “The Twisted Version of the Story Theory”
Or the “One-Sided” theory if you prefer that...
@hitmewiththatfanart33 you wanted conspiracy theories so here you go!
Okay so if you’ve seen the video you know the main gist of the story. A prince and princess get married, everything seems perfect, until we learn that this happily ever after is about to be ruined by the prince hatching a plot to kill his newlywed wife. She finds out about the plot just in the nick of time to hatch a plan to save herself and hurls the evil prince off the castle wall to his supposed death. Finally, a happy ending! 
Except it’s not. 
Something that really confused me about this video was why the princess (who I will now refer to as Malinda because I’m going to get tired of typing out “the princess” every time I refer to the character) considered herself to be the bad guy for defending herself against someone who was literally trying to kill her. 
Like, I’m pretty sure that’s self-defense. One could make the argument that she had truly loved the prince (who I will now refer to as Thomas for the same reason stated earlier) and was torn between saving her own life and sparing his. Cue the “Don’t make me be the bad guy” chorus. 
Now, this would make sense, if she actually felt remorse about her actions.
I mean, it’s obvious that this video is a flashback of previous events. But for someone who’s adamant about not being made into the “bad guy” Malinda doesn’t seem too bothered by what she has to do. 
Also, just look at some of the lines in this song:  Turning the other cheek to see you less 
All of our friends are my army, yeah 
Let's say it right: not my fault you got regrets
Can I offer you a little salt for that wound?
And might I add my favorite line to overanalyze: 
Never was built to be this way
But turns out the villain is fun to play
There’s a lot more to unpack here, and eventually, I’m gonna go through the whole song and break it down. But for now let’s get back on track.
This continued to bother me for a while, along with the random tone shifts throughout the video. For such a serious plot, there’s some pretty goofy moments going on. 
For one thing, the entire scene where Malinda finds out about the threat on her life. We see Thomas standing around a table with two guards, and on that table is a pretty childish drawing of the queen being killed. 
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Um, okay? I get it if you’re not a good artist but like, you know you could have just told the guards to get your point across instead of leaving evidence out in the open like this.
And then there’s this moment...
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Like, dude. Is this some kinda sick joke to you? Which if it is then I am disturbed. But the reason I bring this up is that this moment clashes with how Thomas has acted throughout the video so far.
He’s been calm, elegant, poised, kingly, regal, confident, charming, handsome, and I’m running out of things to say-
So seeing him act like this is kinda weird, right? Especially considering how no one else acts like this. His two guards are pretty emotionless. The only other time something similar to this happens with another character is later during the sword fight, which I’ll get to in a moment.
So after this scene Malinda runs off in again, what I found to be kind of a weird editing choice. She’s sped up while running, proceeds to run into a maid, then drags said maid behind her all while being put on a fast forward. Something in editing that is normally used for comedic purposes. 
Two other tone shifts that I can remember are near the beginning when Malinda notices Thomas’ eyes glowing red she gives an awkward reaction that I first found comedic. Then later during that sword fight scene, after Thomas runs off, she rolls her eyes before following.
Okay first of all: I thought this was a serious issue. You were panicking lady! And now all of a sudden you’re gonna roll your eyes because he’s fleeing for his life? Unless you just got super confident all of a sudden and recognize him for the coward he is in which case, good for you girl! 
But again I had to wonder, why these random tone shifts? One could say that this was just Malinda’s way of lightening up the video. Both her and Thomas have been known to make silly content, while both being able to mix the silly stuff with more serious story elements. 
However, what if these random moments weren’t random at all? What if they were intentional?
Backing up a bit, we know that things are being told from Malinda’s perspective. She’s the one singing the song, she’s the one we see in present-day after the video’s events, and she’s the one whose point of view we get. 
So Malinda is established as our narrator after the first narrator lady who established the setting (sorta) and who our main characters were was cut off after saying that the two would live happily ever after. As Malinda spoils for us later:
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The ending ain’t happy
Now here’s the thing about narrators, they have the most power in a story. They’re the windows to the outside world that the viewers are looking through. One could say this whole video is Malinda explaining what happened to others, while also stating that she didn’t want to be the “bad guy” but just look at her in that above shot! Does that look like someone who doesn’t want to be the villain? I daresay she’s enjoying her new role! Heck she says it herself, playing the villain is fun. 
So what I’m getting at is this: What if Malinda in being an unreliable narrator? What if we’re not getting the full story here? 
So far, Malinda is our only window into this world. We don’t get to see Thomas’ perspective or those of the maids or guards. Speaking of these side characters, notice how the guards are blank slates. Sure, one is seen smiling during the wedding, but during the scenes where they’re alone with the prince? Nothing. 
Now the maids, they’re more expressive. But they too act somewhat cartoony. During the fight, the two manage to take out both guards, unarmed. (Although one does end up acquiring a knife) but it seems highly unlikely that two untrained maids would be able to take on two armed guards with years of fighting experience. 
Also Malinda suddenly being able to use a sword out of the blue is rather suspicious, unless she (and possibly her “Maids”) have had training before. Those two could have actually been her bodyguards posing as maids, but if they were then why wouldn’t they have weapons on them? And again, the prince’s soldiers are taken out quite easily, and again in a rather comedic fashion. 
Even Thomas’ character seems inconsistent. Being all regal and serious one minute then goofy and cowardly the next. Something isn’t adding up here.
Almost like someone isn’t getting their story straight, or should I say, her story straight. After all, it is her story right? She’s the one telling us what really happened. Or is she? 
What if the real villain of this story isn’t Thomas, but Malinda? And the entire song and the video itself, is her fabrication of the events that took place. So if Malinda is the villain, does that make Thomas the hero? The one who’s trying to protect his kingdom? 
Well, I don’t really have an answer for that. There are some scenes that make me question his credibility as a villain, which I’ll probably cover in another theory since this one is getting WAY too long. 
But I’ll close off with this: Remember Thomas’ “death” at the end? He’s pushed off the roof and we’re led to assume he’s dead. But we never actually see his body. We see those of the two guards, but never Thomas. 
Maybe this is implying a possible sequel? Will Thomas come back to get revenge?
Or maybe this time, we’ll get to see his side of the story.
But hey, that’s just a theory! 
theory theory! 
(Honestly none of this is to be taken as fact this is just speculation and me overanalyzing a three minute video and not having anything better to do with my life) 
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jarienn972 · 5 years
I Remember it Well
I know that I should have been working on the last chapter of my CSSNS story, A Simple Spell, but whether it was due to the influence of Valentine’s Day last week or thoughts of my own wedding anniversary this week, this little bit of angsty fluff got stuck in my head and I just had to write it.  This is a little flashback AU where Deputy Emma Swan reminiscences about the fateful Valentine's Day when responding to a serious accident became more than just a job. It’s mostly fluff but there is some mildly graphic description of a vehicle accident and it's aftermath.  It’s intentionally a little choppy as I wanted it to read like little bits of memories popping into Emma’s head. (This was as a quick write and is unbeta'd so please forgive any typos. Edited to add links.)
AO3  FF.net
She should have been getting dressed but couldn’t get that afternoon out of her mind for some reason.  The afternoon that had changed everything about how she’d perceived Killian Jones and her memories of the incident that brought them together were just as vivid now as they’d been three years ago.
Three years ago tonight. The anniversary of that fateful day and her brain wanted her to experience it all over again.  The day she’d nearly lost the love of her life before she’d even found him.
Of course she was the one stuck working on Valentine’s Day.  She was the only deputy in the Storybrooke, Maine Sheriff’s department who was single and everyone knew that Emma Swan didn’t have a date.  She wasn’t really resentful of the fact that she was single or the fact that she’d been scheduled to work tonight, it was more hurtful that everybody just automatically assumed she’d be spending another Valentine’s alone.  
She’d had boyfriends.  A few of them, at least. So she hadn’t dated anyone steady since high school… It wasn’t that big of a deal.  She could have found a date for tonight if she’d wanted to, but she hadn’t bothered. David and his wife Mary Margaret were expecting so this would be their last Valentine’s Day without needing a babysitter for the next decade.  Emma wouldn’t have denied them a quiet evening. And Graham - he and Ruby had been getting pretty serious since they’d started dating last fall and because Ruby was one of her best friends, Emma couldn’t say no to her. (And she’d get all of the salacious details later because Ruby wasn’t one to keep exploits to herself.  The stories that girl could tell!)
So, here she was - sitting at her desk listening to her fellow deputies hash out their lovey-dovey plans for tonight while she’d be here awaiting the inevitable drunken domestic disturbance calls later when romantic plans begin to go awry.  It was almost an annual event that her buddy, Leroy, would be spending the night sobering up in holding. Ah the things she had to look forward to she mused as she overheard David confirming a dinner reservation at Tony’s.
The call came in at a little after 4 that afternoon.  Car versus motorcycle on Main Street. According to the eyewitness who phoned in the report, there were serious injuries involved.  An ambulance had already been dispatched to the scene by the 911 operator and they needed law enforcement. Emma already knew all of this though because the accident site was only a block and a half from the Sheriff’s station.  She’d heard the squealing tires and the dull thud that followed. Seconds later, she was out the door trying to see what had happened while concerned citizens rushed toward the accident scene. Emma’s radio crackled with information relayed by the emergency operator, but she was already seeing the events unfolding before her as she elbowed her way to the front of the crowd.
Half of the population of Storybrooke must have been gathered in the street, blocking her view.  The first thing she could make out was the smashed rear door on the driver’s side of a dark blue sedan.  The young woman who’d apparently been driving the vehicle was standing off to the side, visibly shaken as strangers attempted to calm her.  It wasn’t until Emma shoved her way into the clearing that she noticed the mangled motorcycle and the unfortunate man pinned beneath it.  
The bike’s front axle and wheel were bent nearly 90 degrees from where they should have been.  One of the handlebars had been sheared off along with the mirror and the windshield was shattered, but that wasn’t the worst of the carnage.  Most of the body of the motorcycle was resting atop its unconscious operator’s leather-clad left leg. The way the victim was laying in the street suggested that he’d made a drastic turn to the left in hopes of avoiding colliding with the car head on but there was no doubt that he’d suffered the brunt of it.
Emma had immediately known the man’s identity.  She’d recognized what was left of the Harley Davidson’s custom paint job - the skull and crossbones flag emblazoned across the fuel tank.  She also knew that jet black leather jacket. The one that belonged to the retired Royal Navy lieutenant turned History teacher, Killian Jones.  He’d only been in Storybrooke for a couple of years, having accepted a teaching position here after leaving the Royal Navy. Her path had only crossed with the handsome Englishman’s a few times but she knew he was a loner who lived on a boat down at the harbor.  By all accounts, he was an excellent teacher who spoke at least 5 languages, but he kept to himself outside of the school. Rumor had it that he had a dark past, but Emma had only seen a brooding, not very social introvert who either took to the local highways on his motorcycle or sailed out into the open sea every weekend.  No one had really gotten close enough to ask why.
She tasked herself with crowd control as Storybrooke’s lone fire truck and paramedic unit arrived on scene.  She shouted at gawkers to move back to the sidewalk until her voice was hoarse. Why were people so obnoxious?  She made sure that the rescue crews had plenty of room to do their job as she tried to interview witnesses for her report.  So far, all of the stories were the same: teenager driving the sedan had made a left turn onto Main Street from 2nd Avenue but hadn’t seen the motorcycle.  She’d tried to stop but was already too far into the intersection. Jones had swerved to not strike the vehicle head on, but couldn’t escape her path in time. He’d broadsided the vehicle with his bike, rotating the front axle further than mechanical limits allowed before it toppled over onto his leg, pinning him to the asphalt.
It had been no easy feat to remove the motorcycle wreckage from atop Killian Jones’ leg, but with the assistance of a tow truck winch, the rescue crew freed him about twenty minutes later.  Paramedics did their best to immobilize him until they could get a clearer look at his injuries, finding his left leg twisted unnaturally and unsurprisingly fractured just below the knee. They maneuvered him cautiously onto his back, suspecting fractured ribs that had possibly punctured his lung.  They placed a stiff plastic collar around his neck to stabilize his head before even attempting to remove his helmet although his head seemed the least problematic at the moment.  
The injury that most concerned them had been hidden from view until Jones had been rolled onto his back and even from her vantage point, Emma could see it.  When the motorcycle had struck the pavement at nearly 20MPH, the same force that had torn off the left handlebar and side mirror had also severed Jones’ left hand at the wrist.  Emma’s breath hitched in her chest for a few seconds at the macabre sight before her. Her heart was suddenly breaking for this man she barely knew as she and the rescue crew did their best to keep onlookers back.  
In minutes, the paramedics had him loaded into the back of the waiting ambulance and whisked him off to Storybrooke hospital.  Emma had to remain at the accident scene for another half an hour while the damaged car and totaled motorcycle were carted away.  She took photographs of the scene before anything was removed, then helped sweep up the broken safety glass and metal shards littering the street.  Nearly an hour after the accident had occurred, she had to write out the traffic ticket and hand it to the traumatized teenaged driver before releasing the girl to her parents and opening the street to traffic again.  Good thing this was a small town so she didn’t have to contend with a gridlock of other vehicles. Now the folks of Storybrooke could get back to their regularly scheduled Valentine’s Day plans while she returned to the station to write up her report.  
Long after her reports were filed and the station was locked up for the night, Emma found herself nearly dozing off in the hospital’s waiting room.  Officially, she was here to get a statement from Killian Jones when he was coherent enough to answer her questions. But that wasn’t the only reason she was sitting here at nearly 11PM on Valentine’s night.  She just felt compelled to be here. Was it pity that he had no family to check in on him or was she feeling something else?   She hardly knew him. She should be heading home after a long day at work - a day made even longer by the accident investigation and clean up... and all of those witness statements… What was she doing here?
She’d nearly drifted off to sleep when a nurse approached to let her know that Jones was alert.  He was still in serious condition with three fractured ribs, a punctured left lung and ruptured spleen.  What resonated with her most was the fact that the surgeon couldn’t reattach his severed hand. Emma would be allowed a few minutes to get a statement, but she was warned that he’d probably be a little drowsy and might not be able to recall much of his ordeal.  She didn’t really care though. In truth, she had all of the information she needed. She knew he wasn’t at fault for the accident. Maybe she just needed to tell him that in person...
Maybe she just needed to see for herself that he was going to be alright.
Emma wasn’t sure if he was sleeping or just lying there with his eyes closed when she entered the room so she pushed the door closed as quietly as she could. She took a seat in a chair at the foot of the bed and just watched him for a few minutes.  Even battered and bruised, he was still roguishly handsome and she had to chastise herself for staring (although if teachers had looked like this when she was in school, maybe she’d have actually paid attention).  
Killian took a deep breath, grimacing at the accompanying discomfort.  He recalled someone in blue scrubs telling him about broken ribs and something about a punctured lung, but the morphine-induced haze in his brain wasn’t processing everything yet.  There were flashes of a car and perhaps a collision? That was why everything hurt, right? He could hear a faint beeping sound off to his left and something was making his hand itchy.  His eyes flickered open to take in his surroundings and he immediately remembered he was in a hospital room - and he wasn’t alone.
He wasn’t sure whether he should be embarrassed by his bedraggled appearance or grateful for the company as he noticed the woman across the room.  An awkward grin crossed his lips as he tried to feign an air of self-confidence. He couldn’t quite make out her face, but she wasn’t dressed like any of the medical staff.  All he really could see was a halo of blonde locks that had him questioning if she was an angel here to usher him into the afterlife, although were that the case, he shouldn’t be in so much pain…
“I’m sorry,” Emma apologized.  “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No apologies necessary, lass,” Killian replied as best he could, his voice deep and raspy as it escaped his parched throat.  “Although I appear to be at a loss as to why you’re here… I can’t say that I’m my most dashingly handsome at the moment…”
Was he really this much of an egomaniac or was he genuinely trying to flirt with her right now?  
“I’m Deputy Emma Swan of the Storybrooke Sheriff’s department.  You were involved in an accident this afternoon and I just wanted to follow up on your condition and get a statement from you, if you’re feeling up to it?”
“Does everyone get such personalized attention from the Sheriff’s deputies here?”
“Not everyone,” she responded sheepishly, scrambling to think of something that wouldn’t sound as though she held some weird obsession.  “I uh…, I knew you didn’t have any family here so… so I thought you might appreciate the company…”
“If you’re not put off by my ragged appearance and obvious shortcomings, then yes, I appreciate the company.”
“You honestly look pretty good for someone who just crashed his motorcycle into the side of a car.”
“Ah...so it wasn’t just a dream…,” he sighed.
“Afraid not.”
“My bike?”
“Totaled,” she replied, immediately regretting her bluntness.  “Sorry, I should have been more tactful with that.”
“There’s no need to be gentle.  It’s hardly my first tragedy…”
“How much do you remember about the incident?”
“I was riding down Main Street, heading home after work and a car pulled out in front of me.  I tried to maneuver around the vehicle, but there wasn’t time…”
“The driver didn’t see you,” Emma explained.
“No, they certainly did not…” he responded, now alert enough to realize that his left arm was immobilized and he vaguely recalled the doctor’s words.  Hand severely mangled and severed at the wrist by blunt force.  Yeah - blunt force of striking asphalt at 20MPH…
“Are you alright?”  Emma wondered as she sensed him growing quiet. “I should probably go…You suffered some pretty nasty injuries and I’m sure you need some rest…I’m really sorry they couldn’t save your hand though…” She regretted those words the moment they crossed her lips.  “Let me get out of here before I shove my foot in my mouth again…”
“No, please, Emma - I’d like you to stay…” he assured her. “If you’re not horrified by the sight of me…”
“Should I be?  You don’t think I’ve seen bruised and bloodied accident victims before?  Like I said earlier, you look pretty good for someone who just slammed into a car…”
“Why, Deputy - a gentleman might take that as you flirting with me...”  Emma flushed with embarrassment as his statement caught her off guard. She glanced over to the bed to catch the lopsided smirk stretching across his face.  Was this guy for real?  “It may be that I’m a smidge under the influence of these painkillers, but dare I say that you do look quite beautiful this evening...”
“Now, who’s doing the flirting, Mister?” she chuckled, the reddening of her cheeks even more evident now. “Maybe it’s just some lovey-dovey Valentine’s influence...wait...is it still Valentine’s Day?” Emma questioned herself as she glanced up at the clock mounted on the wall.  11:48PM. “I guess it is still Valentine’s Day - for a few more minutes at least…”
“Deputy Swan - exactly how long have you been sitting over there?” Killian wondered, not understanding why such a gorgeous woman would be spending Valentine’s Day waiting for a wounded and now deformed man to awaken.
“Well...here?  Maybe half an hour or so.  They wouldn’t let me in to see you until you woke up since I’m technically here to get your statement…”
“You didn’t spoil your plans for this evening on my behalf, did you?”
“Uh, no,” she replied shyly, probably more embarrassed to reveal she hadn’t had a date than she’d been during their mutual flirtation moments ago.  “I was on duty tonight because I was the only one in the department without a date.”
“Ah, I see…,” he mused. “Well, Love, if you’re not horrified by the current state of my being, perhaps we could enjoy the remainder of this fabricated holiday together?”
“You’re asking me to be your Valentine’s date while you’re lying there all banged up and half stoned on morphine?”
“If you’ll have me…” he smiled as Emma stood, taking a few tentative steps closer to the bed while Killian extended his uninjured hand towards her.  Their paths had crossed a couple of times since he’d arrived in Storybrooke, but he’d never really taken time to appreciate her beauty - her hair the color of spun gold and eyes that sparkled like twin emeralds.  
She didn’t know how to respond to his offer at first, eyes dipping to the floor as she contemplated the awkwardness of the situation.  Would she be taking advantage of a wounded man if she said yes or would she look like a judgemental bitch if she said no? She hadn’t even yet considered how unprofessional this could appear but to hell with it all, she told herself at last as she wrapped her fingers around his. “Alright - for the next ten minutes, I’ll be your Valentine.”
“Good,” he grinned, a hopeful twinkle brightening his blue eyes. “And I promise you, the next one will be far better.”
“You’re pretty sure of yourself there, buddy,” she teased him as a little giggle escaped her throat.  “You don’t even know me.”
“Well then, I’d very much like to get to know you, Ms. Swan.  I’m not going anywhere.”
“I don’t even know where to start…”
“How about like this:  Greetings, I’m Killian Jones and it is a pleasure to meet you…”
Present Day
“Are you nearly ready, Love?” Emma heard Killian shouting from downstairs. “Our reservation is in twenty minutes and you can be assured that Tony won’t hold the table…”
She shook her head as she rooted around inside her jewelry box in search of her other earring.  She couldn’t go without it, not tonight. The emerald solitaires were his favorite as he always insisted that they matched her eyes.  It was pure BS but she still appreciated the flattery. All wouldn’t be lost if she couldn’t locate the earring though. She knew he’d be too preoccupied staring at her curves in the little black cocktail dress she’d bought for tonight and he wouldn’t see it until she removed her coat at the restaurant.  She’d never get him out of the house if he saw it too soon.
“”I’m just looking for my earring.  I’ll be right down,” she shouted back from their second floor bedroom.  “Besides, I’m the Sheriff. Tony wouldn’t dare give up my table tonight.”
“Are you willing to take that chance?” she heard him ask as her fingertips finally located the second earring.  She quickly donned it and checked her makeup in the vanity mirror one last time. Everything still looked perfect so she grabbed her black wool dress coat from atop the bed and tugged it on, buttoning it while descending the stairs.
At the bottom of the staircase, Killian was impatiently awaiting her, attired head to toe in black, save for the crimson hue of the vest she noticed peeking out from beneath his leather coat.  Even three years later, he could still manage to hitch her breath in her throat and give her butterflies in all the right places.
“I took a chance on you, didn’t I?” she answered his rhetorical question as she slipped her arms around his waist and pulled him close.  “I still remember that night… Can you believe that its been three years already?” The same lopsided smirk that she remembered so well crossed his face just before his lips caught hers, responding with a passionate kiss that she didn’t want to end.  “Now we’re really going to be late…” she laughed as they embraced each other breathlessly.
“To hell with dinner then,” he responded, arms encircling her even tighter as he sported a salacious grin. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Swan.”
She pressed her lips back into his, not caring that her deep wine tinted lipstick was smearing everywhere. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Killian,” she murmured into his kiss.
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flowerpowell · 6 years
Forbidden Reading (Chris x MC)
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Author’s note: I did change quite a few details from the original story, The Freshman, so it would fit better with the character of MC. Hope you’ll enjoy this anyway!
All rights go to Pixelberry, I don’t own them.
Rating: Normal, fluffy
Tagging (perma + Chris tag): @kickbuttbookworm @damienazariostan @gardeningourmet @littlegreenmoo @jellybean-marshmellow @syltti78 @jared2612 @choicesgallery @flynnomalleys ♥
Exhausted after a long day full of editing her articles, writing a few subchapters to her senior thesis, and helping Zack with another of his existential crises, Amy is finally home. 
Surprisingly, it was rather quiet out there, usually Chris would sweep her in his arm and they would start talking about their days. Slowly, she takes off her coat and tiptoes to their bedroom, where the light is on. She finds her boyfriend completely lost in something he was reading. 
“Whatcha doing?” Amy asks trying to peek at Chris’s book. He is startled by her voice but grins when he turns to see her. 
“Just reading your porn.” 
Amy chokes at his words, “My what?!” 
Chris stands up and waves at her with something she begins to recognize. “Oh my gosh, Chris! That’s not porn, that’s my diary!” she chuckles while trying to take her diary back from Chris’s hands. 
He escapes her and starts reading the last sentence with his deep voice, “It was the most amazing night I ever had. Chris is the most amazing lover I ever had. Especially when he did that thing with his--” 
Amy tries to catch him but he is running away from her, laughing. 
“It gets better later on, just listen.” 
“Stop it, ugh, you’re so annoying, give that back!” 
They start running in cirles around their kitchen table, Amy throwing leftover popcorn from the night before at Chris. 
“I’m not giving you this back, this boosts my ego!” Chris yells as he jumps on the kitchen counter. 
“Oh this is good, I love Chris’s abs, O-M-G, they are so hard and I absolutely love touching them whenever I can.” 
“Christopher Powell, come down for the love of your mother, sister, and brother, and gimme my diary back!” Amy sees that her orders don’t make any difference and Chris is unlikely to stop reading her precious journal. 
“Chris, baby, please, it’s personal,” she makes a sad face, pretending to be deeply hurt. Chris jumps back on the floor as he carefully approaches his girlfriend. He gently puts one arm around her tiny waist and whispers to her ear, “You gave a permission to read it, remember? But if you really don’t want me to read it, I won’t.” She looks up and bites her lip slightly. “I just wanted to learn more about you, but here,” he gives her the diary back, “take it, I’m sorry.” Chris hugs her tightly and a relieved sigh escapes her. 
When they pull away, she’s smiling mischievously. “You know, maybe you reading out loud about our first time wasn’t my cup of tea, what do you say we read some other, less intimate parts, huh?” Chris grins at her pulling her into another hug, “I’d like that. Although not gonna lie, I would like to read what you thought about our first time too.” Amy blushes and Chris kisses her cheeks. “Maybe next time, tonight let’s keep it PG-13, okay?” He nods, “Of course.” 
Chris takes her hand and leads them to the bedroom, where they both settle on the bed. “So where should we start?” Chris thinks for a moment. “What about the day we met?” Amy flips through the pages and finds the date. “Here we go.”
Dear diary,
Today is my first day at Hartfeld and even though I haven’t started my classes yet, it was pretty eventful. I met my roomates, I played a weird day called “Truth or truth” and decorated my room. They all seem pretty nice, Zack is so far my favorite, he told me everything from the start, about his crush on Brandon, about Abbie and Tyler (our roomates) and he even asked me to help to set them up! Now that’s something I like! Kaitlyn is pretty awesome too, a little too wild for my introverted mind, but I liked her. And I also met Chris, another roomate... He was the first one to meet actually. I bumped into him on the campus. He even got down on one knee to apologize to me for that but some guy thought he was proposing! OMG that was so funny and weird. He has those pretty blue eyes and I wish I could stare at them for the rest of my life. He is so freaking handsome I can’t even deal with it. I had no such boys at highschool. But then this girl came, spilled her coffee on me (lol?) and claimed he was her future boyfriend and I’m confused now. During the game he said he didn’t want to start a new relationship, which broke my heart a little but maybe I’ll be able to convice him otherwise someday. Anyways, I think I have a new crush now and he’s living with ME so that’s awesome. I really hope I won’t screw that up! Although to be 100% honest he did seem a little bit into me as well...
“A little bit?” Chris laughs, “I was already head over heels in love with you! I was just afraid of jumping in another relationship.” He strokes her red cheeks. She looks at him, narrowing her eyes, “So you say you fell in love with me right at the moment we met?” 
“Well, I definitely felt something for you, then we started talking and living together and I just kinda fell in love” Chris plays with his T-shirt to hide his cheeks blushing. Amy chuckles, “I wish you wrote your diary, that would be fun to read!” He rolls his eyes, “I don’t think so. Now, go on, read the part about our first kiss.” 
Amy flips through the pages again. “It didn’t happen that night even though I had a feeling you wanted to kiss me at some point.” He smiles at her, “I actually kind of wanted you to invite me to your room but holding you worked pretty nice too.” He kisses her and after a few moments she pulls away. “I would never! We only met that day and I wasn’t that drunk!” She laughs as her boyfriend joins her. “I know, I know, you were just messing with my mind, you still do,” he winks at her and she rolls her eyes. “Okay Powell, first kiss is coming.”
Dear Diary,
I KISSED CHRIS TODAY! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! It all happened at the sorority party that I obviously wasn’t invited for because Becca is a real bitch and she thinks Chris belongs to her but HE KISSED ME! Ha! Anyways, he was with Becca alllll the time and I wanted to talk to him but Becca said I had to win the time with him (like seriously, who does she think she is?) so I DID and we went out, and started arguing a little because I just really thought Becca had a bad influence on him so he got defensive and said he actually admired Becca cuz she knew what she wanted and he was confused andddd I asked him what could I do to give him that clarity and he started stumbling anddddddddddd WE KISSED!!!! I leaned towards him, but just a little, and we touched each other’s lips and he pulled me closer (!!!!!) and I literally felt like all the electricity in Hartfeld went through my body and back! And afterwards, he said it actually MEANT something and that we have a connection andddddddddddd HE KISSED ME AGAIN, but this time HE.FREAKING.PRESSED.ME.AGAINST.THE.WALL!!!!!!!!!!!! And then he kissed my neck and I was just praying it would never end. I am officially so in love with Christopher Powell it hurts. And you know what? It did hurt, when he told me after everything, that he still isn’t ready for a new relationship and he DOESN’T want to be in one now and that he’s sorry and I deserve someone much better...Why can’t he see he’s already the best? Then, he left with Becca and I just couldn’t get back to that stupid party. And here I am, in my room, crying, because I got to kiss my crush and I felt like the happiest person on Earth just to feel super heartbroken next minute. Oh, why is everything so hard?
“I’m so sorry for what I said that night, I didn’t think clearly, I thought I was doing the right thing.” Chris saddens as he realizes how much he hurt that one person he never wanted to hurt. She smiles weakly at him, “It’s okay, after all, we’re together now, that’s what matters the most.” 
Chris kisses her lightly and she deepens it till they both pull away, breathless. He looks up to her, grinning, “So you liked it when I kissed your neck and pressed you against the wall, huh?” Amy chuckles, “I definitely enjoyed that.” “Should be doing that more often, noted,” Chris smiles at her so widely she help but laugh. His face falls again after a minute. “Seriously Amy, I am really sorry for that. Not only for what I said but also for what I did. Being with Becca just to be able to be away from you was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done and--” Amy silences him with yet another kiss. 
When she pulls away the sadness is gone from his eyes. “Let’s just move to something more...pleasant. Maybe our first time?” Chris offers, suggestively raising his eyebrows. She shoves him with her diary, giggling as he tries to tickle her. 
“Come on, I wanna know all the details!” He asks again as she’s trying to get out of bed and his embrace. 
“Not a chance Powell, some...things...are not meant...for you..ahh” Amy speaks in broken sentences while her boyfriend tickles her more. “I’m not gonna stop until you give me at least a sneak peek!” He threatens. “What if...instead...I read....ahhh stop it....the story of....when we said....I love you for the...first time?” She tries to bargain and Chris stops to think about the offer. “Hm, I might be intrested in that too. For now,” he adds winking at her. “Ugh, you’re incorrigible” she sighs but he catches her smile when she looks for that certain page in her diary. 
“Um, so here it is, but please don’t laugh, I just got very emotional about this one.” He raised an eyebrow, “More excited than the first kiss? Man, I can’t imagine how you described the first time we slept together.” 
“It’s not gonna happen Chris,” she teases, “not tonight anyway.” Amy finds the date and sighs. “That was during the boat dance, right after--” 
“Right after we had sex” Chris grins at her. 
“Look at you so thirsty for compliments!” Amy laughs. 
“I need validation that’s all. I just want to know how I make you feel,” he admits and she blushes. “I think you know.” He wants to add something but she cuts him off. “Back to the dance, right to the moment after,” Amy hears Chris’s groan, “after we hooked up.”
Dear Diary,
Today, “blablabla” Amy looks for the moment of their little confession after writing so much about that particular day. “Aha! There it is!”
As if that wasn’t enough, right after we did it, I was lying on his chest and he was playing with my hair. And then he suddently spoke my name and I was afraid he wanted to get back to that party, and I was soooo not ready and still sweaty, but he just looked me in the eyes and started with “Amy, I..” And I was already overthinking every single thing he could say so I asked (casually, not trying to freak out or anything) what did he want and then HE. SAID. THAT. He said “I LOVE YOU” he actually said these three words first!! He said he loved me from the bottom of his heart and I never felt happier. And he actually said that he felt the happiest with me! He thanked me for my encouragement and support and believing in him, and honestly I was nearly crying, I mean he’s such a wonderful person and I am so so so lucky to be his girlfriend. And then he went on with these compliments and I just couldn’t hold it anymore and I said I loved him back!! And OMG, if you could only see the smile on his face when I said that. And the relief on mine! I’ve been wanting to say that for so long! And he admitted he thought about it for a while too! I was so happy I started chanting “I love you” to Chris until he interrupted me with the softest kiss ever. After a few more minutes we headed back to the party but...I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And diary, I do love him. I love him so much I could explode (and not because I ate so much)! I love Chris Powell, I love Chris Powell, I love Chris Powell--
“I love you Chris Powell,” Amy finishes looking into Chris’s eyes. He smiles at her softly as he caresses her cheek. He presses a gentle kiss to her lips. 
“I love you so much Amy. I hope one day you’ll be able to write there about our wedding day.” She returns the smile as the familiar warmth overwhelms her body.
“I’d very much like that.”
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writingwitchly · 7 years
New Year's Eve Prank
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Word count: 2k
L/N: your last name
Fun fact?: This was originally planned to get posted on the 01/01 at 12:00am, then it became 31/12 at 10pm and then I switched it to 10am, and it ended up being 12pm... I couldn’t wait for it to come out! 
A/N: Agkdlghkefgkkljfkjfj (this sums up the whole process, I’ve edited like a 10000 times, and I'm still not convinced, though) / The Marauders are such good characters to put on paper, but I still prefer the Weasley twins. Anyway, may this post bring you a happy, happier, happiest New Year! 
Being in couple with one of the Marauders is quite difficult, but having the handsome, hilarious, and turbulent Sirius Black as a boyfriend can be exhausting! What if he decides to ruin New Year’s Eve countdown? Hopefully, he knows a good way to be forgotten.
“Did you see his face?” bursts a loud male voice from behind the corner. Its tone is very jovial, which says much about its owner's personality.
“Of course I did! I was sitting right in front of him,” answers the buoyant boy's  friend. He’s taller than him, with a few scars spread across his face.
“D’you reckon he knows we did it?” asks the smallest one. He’s on the right side of the group, and he’s having a hard time to keep pace with the others.
“I don’t think so. We’ve never used pink sticky glitter before,” assures the fourth, pushing his glasses back on the top of his nose.
The boys chuckle.
The four Marauders, the worst troublemakers and best pranksters that Hogwarts has ever known, are on their way to the Great Hall, discussing about their latest joke.
They’re on their seventh year, but instead of fully focusing on their N.E.W.T.s, they prefer to give the school the best - or worst, it depends of the point of view - ten months it has ever had. Basically, they want to seal their educational years with a loud bang.
Of course, yesterday’s Christmas banquet could not have been left out of their record.
“I’ve never seen old Dumbdy looking so astonished,” says the dark-haired one.
“Mind you, with sparkles all over his beard, he didn’t look as solemn as usual,” adds the one with extremely messy hair. He has nothing to envy to his other friend: they’re both extremely good-looking.
“You had the best idea, Prongs. Offering him a Liquid Sticking Glitter Spell in a flask of one of your father’s beard lotions was brilliant. Not that difficult to figure out, but too simple to think about when you’re about to use it, ” reflects the most serious-looking of them. Many get confused by his looks of responsible young adult, but he is as mischievous as his friends.
“Yes, but still. He wasn’t so amused after all. Are you sure he doesn’t suspect us?” asks the plump boy with a worried look on his face.
“Oh, come on, Wormy. Don’t ruin the mood. Plus, he was too occupied by rubbing his beard to see us cackling madly.”
Sirius’ reprimand ends the conversation, but not for long.
As soon as the four young men step in the Great Hall, an angry voices rings in the room. “James Fleamont Potter! What have you done?”
As a rush of long, red hair, storms toward the group, several people at the nearby table giggle. Obviously, the rest of the Marauders shot them angry looks and they quickly get back to their porridge.
“How. Dare. You?” shouts Lily, so close to James that he is squinting to look at her. “I was talking about it with Y/N and…”
Your friend can’t finish her sentence as Sirius pushes her away to get to you. In two steps, he reaches you to leave a loud kiss on your lips, playing with your tongue for a few seconds. That is how you like to start a day.
“Anyway,” continues Lily. You were so absorbed by your boyfriend that you didn’t noticed her speech has been going on. “What you did was just stupid. It was not funny, it was-”
“Hilarious,” you conclude. She turns toward you, and a shadow of relief on her face proves that your suppositions were right: she is not really upset about her boyfriend’s behavior, she just wants to avoid him getting into more trouble. “Come on, Lily, let’s say it. Pink just suits Dumbledore perfectly.”
“By the way, you should be happy, we were reasonable. This time we didn’t prank Sniv-Severus,” remarks James
“So you aimed for the most powerful wizard of all times. Very reasonable, indeed,” you sigh.
The whole group laughs, and James kisses his girlfriend on the cheek. The peace is back, for now at least.
“What about that Hufflepuff boy from third year?”
“He’s too short, wouldn’t be noticed in the crowd.”
“So Helena, from Slytherin?”
“Are you crazy, Pads? Last time we pranked her we got body binded for the whole charms class! She said it was a mistake, still Flitwick couldn’t find a countercurse. We better leave her out of this.”
“We said we wouldn’t bother the first years, and we can’t target Ed and Maddy again, we’ve done them three days ago!”
“That’s the problem, Moony. We’ve pranked half the world, who’s left here in Hogwarts?”
“We can’t do this to Minnie, Wormy.”
Just like you thought, the quiet couldn’t last long.
As the six of you walked to your favorite spot on the grounds, the tree next to the lake, Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter were already discussing about who their next victim would be.
“Why don’t you guys take a few days off,” you suggest.
“And leave everybody else a rest too,” adds your redheaded friend.
The four boys look at you as if you had just proposed to cut their hands off.
“We can’t,” says James.
“It’s a matter of principles,” agrees Remus.
“It’s funny,” pipes Peter.
“Everybody knows that a prank is the best way to end the year,” finishes Sirius.
You scowl at your boyfriend. How irritating he can be sometimes. “For you, maybe, but not for the poor person that will be bathed in pumpkin juice or whatever else you’re planning.”
Kissing your hand,  that he was holding in his, he chuckles. “No risk that we’ll bath somebody in pumpkin juice, darling, I promise. That’s too simple-minded. We want something bigger for New Year’s Eve.”
You were about to fake hurt because he called you simple-minded when a bell rings in your head. “You won’t do it during the countdown, will you?” You frown, afraid that the answer may contrary you.
“And why not, sweetheart?” His raised eyebrow just makes your anger get worse.
“You’re- You’re supposed to… I don’t know… People just…” you mumble.
The silky black hair of your loved one dance in the air as he laughs. “You mean, I have to kiss you?”
“That’s the idea,” you agree. “So we can get a- a good start.”
Your boyfriend gets silent for a moment, which leaves you the opportunity to shoot a glance at Lily and James. They too have stopped talking. The girl is looking at her partner rather indignantly.
“Sirius Orion Black, if you prank anybody during the countdown, I swear that I’ll never want to hear about you again.” Your tone clearly demonstrate that you won’t accept to come in a second plane after a stupid joke.
“That goes for you too, James.” Lily doesn’t sound very friendly either.
Remus and Peter haven’t said a thing since the beginning of this conversation, and their facial expression translate their relief to be single. However, they’re used to supporting their friends, so they don’t last long before opening their mouth.
“Maybe there is no reason to be this categorical, you know,” points out Remus. “You can put up a bet.”
James’ girlfriend was visibly interested. “What kind of bet?”
“Well, let’s say that if your boyfriends don’t resist the urge to prank someone during the countdown they will owe you, well, we can say-”
“A ton of cookies!”
Peter’s idea is quite funny, but both Lily and you nod. If there is something that these guys hate more than boredom, it’s cooking.
“Seems fair, but what if we do resist-”
“Now don’t make me laugh, James. You guys never miss an occasion to make somebody else look like a fool.”
And after Lily’s honest and, you unfortunately have to recognize, accurate comment, the conversation switches to more frivolous topics.
“Ten!” That’s it. A new year is about to start. The whole lot of students that stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays are watching the sky apprehensively, waiting for the fireworks. Peter is among them, his chubby face lightened with happiness. Remus is among them, holding hands with a girl you’ve seen a few times in the corridors. James and Lily are among them, in each other's arms.
“Nine!” And what are you doing? You’re watching the happy crowd from a dark corner. Not so far, though, just a few feet away.
“Eight!” How did you get here? Easy, Sirius’ ultimate idea of a prank. 
“Seven!” Couldn’t you say no? Of course, you could!  But he just insisted so much, and he put on that puppy face. He’s such an idiot.
“Six!” Right now he is pointing his wand at something that’s floating toward the crowd. It looks like a gigantic soap bubble. He will make it pop so slug slime will splash on everyone.
“Five!” Now that you come to think about it, the plan feels a bit blurry. You’re not really sure it will work without harming anyone.
“Four!” Maybe you should stop this, you’re running out of time.
“Three!” You turn to warn your companion, but he squeezes your arm to reassure you.
“Two!” The voices become louder, if it is even possible, and you can barely hear the music in the background. This is not going to end good.
“One!” Your boyfriend is about to-. Why did he drop his wand?
“Happy New Year!”
Is the crowd still shouting? It’s impossible to know. Things fall in your hair - confetti? coils? probably both - and people pat your back, but you vaguely feel it all.
Sirius’ lips on yours make the rest of the world disappear. It’s just the two of you in your bubble, floating like on a cloud.
You are not sharing the usual sticky, wet kiss. This one is soft, delicate, tender. It almost feels like your boyfriend is trying to apologize for all the pranks you had to suffer, the admonitions and the warnings you had to give. It almost feels like a promise to always try to make you happy, to spend the rest of his life with you, to share your days and your nights.
But deep inside, you know that this kiss not about the past, nor about the future. These are not the tenses you are living in. It is not about yesterday or tomorrow. This kiss is about how much he loves you, and how well you complete him. It’s about now.
With your eyes closed and your fingers running through his always perfect hair, you try your best to say that yes, you feel the same way. You love him. He completes you.
After a few moments of this mute talk, when the bubble bursts and the loud cheering make its way back to your ears, you open your eyes to take in your first vision of this new year. Sirius is looking at you, smiling, saying with his gaze what he was saying with his lips some seconds ago. It couldn’t be better.
“So what about that, L/N? Is this start good enough for you?” he asks, tightening his grip on your waist.
“Yes, I guess it’s okay,” you answer in a playful tone. “But that’s not what I’m thinking about right now, Black.”
“Oh, really,” he whispers, still grinning. “Then what are you thinking about, darling?”
“I’m thinking about…” you pause, wanting to add as much suspense as you can to your words. “The huge amount of cookies that you’ll have to bake for me. You pranked me, you... you daring... piece of clown. I thought I wouldn’t get my kiss!”
His reaction comes as a roaring laugh. “ I just wanted you to think that we were going to ruin everybody’s countdown. But fine,” he says. “I’ve lost the bet. But I hope that you’ll help me. I’m not good at cooking.”
“Of course I’ll help you! I don’t want to eat carbonized biscuits for the rest of my life!”
There is more laughing, and you know that you’ve said the right thing. Sirius much prefers a well shot sarcastic comment rather than a long and dull declaration of love. After all, you’ve just said that you want to spend the rest of your life eating his cookies.
“I love you,” he breathes. “Happy new year, Y/N.”
“I love you too,” you murmur between two kisses. “Happy new year, Sirius.”
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princessnowvie14 · 7 years
My Top Romance Anime
I made a new set of list of my fave romance anime series since I guess i deleted my post accidentally w/c i always update ( i dont wanna talk about it i'm still in shock lol) so here it is i made it as simple as possible, no long description. Just my collection of anime that caught my heart while watching it. 
1. InuYasha
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InuYasha follows Kagome Higurashi, a fifteen-year-old girl whose normal life ends when a demon drags her into a cursed well on the grounds of her family's Shinto shrine. Instead of hitting the bottom of the well, Kagome ends up 500 years in the past during Japan's violent Sengoku period with the demon's true target, a wish-granting jewel called the Shikon Jewel, reborn inside of her.
Inuyasha has always been my fave since childhood. I love the love and hate relationship they have. Inuyasha being stubborn but ever since he met Kagome he learned a lot of being a good person. I just hate their love triangle with kikyo nevertheless I love how it ends. It's really worth it after so many years of watching and waiting for it.
2. Kamisama Kiss
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 Nanami immerses herself in her divine duties. But if she must keep things running smoothly, she will need the help of a certain hot-headed fox. In her fumbling attempt to seek out Tomoe, she lands in trouble and ends up sealing a contract with him. 
I’ve never been so satisfied in my life until after watching all the episodes of this anime, the twist is amazing . It ends well. My heart was happy.
3. Wolf Girl and Black Prince
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 Erika Shinohara has taken to lying about her romantic exploits to earn the respect of her new friends. So when they ask for a picture of her "boyfriend," she hastily snaps a photo of a handsome stranger, whom her friends recognize as the popular and kind-hearted Kyouya Sata.
This is the first time i tried to watch anime series continously, i mean i never wanted to stand up while watching it haha it was good . I love how Kyouya manage to be so mean while everybody thinks he's a perfect prince, but i fell in love with this couple, theyre so perfect. 
4. Noragami
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Just as things seem to be looking grim for the god, his fortune changes when a middle school girl, Hiyori Iki, supposedly saves Yato from a car accident, taking the hit for him. Remarkably, she survives, but the event has caused her soul to become loose and hence able to leave her body. Hiyori demands that Yato return her to normal, but upon learning that he needs a new partner to do so, reluctantly agrees to help him find one.
aahh yatori makes my heart crave for more haha i mean dont expect a lot of romance on this, it highlights friendship . Yato being so childish and Hiyori is such a good girl, i cry whenever she loses her memory. The story is fun and I hope for the next season they will give exposure for my fave couple.
5. Inu X Boku SS
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But Ririchiyo's troubles have only just begun. As a requirement of staying in her new home, she must be accompanied by a Secret Service agent. Ririchiyo's new partner, Soushi Miketsukami, is handsome, quiet... but ridiculously clingy and creepily submissive.
I love the twist, i dont mind watching this all over again. Their personalities is quite interesting, the story is cute with mix of mystery.
6. My little Monster
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Shizuku Mizutani is apathetic towards her classmates, only caring about her grades. However, her cold view of life begins to change when she meets Haru Yoshida, a violent troublemaker who stopped attending class after getting into a fight early in the school year. He is not much different from her, though—he too understands little about human nature and does not have any friends.
oposite attracts haha Haru is so adorable. And their relationship is quite bumpy and unsure. But i think their feelings for each other are genuine.
7. Hatsukoi Monster
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After meeting her rescuer yet again and discovering that his name is Kanade Takahashi, she confesses her love to him. Kanade says he would like for them to be a couple, but that Kaho may not want to date him after she finds out his secret. To her shock, Kaho discovers the startling truth: Kanade is a fifth grader!
 Hatsukoi Monster follows Kaho's first steps into love with Kanade, her immature, yet kind, fifth grade boyfriend.
Age doesn't really matter lol. Its kinda weird as it may seems but who cares as long as you love each other then jump and take a risk. You can wait for the right time anyway haha. This anime is funny and i love how their friendship show. Accepting the situation and learn how to deal with differences is the lesson.
8. Guomin Laogong Dai Huijia
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Lu Jin Nian and Qiao An Hao were not married by choice. On the first day of their wedding night, Qiao An Hao made three rules regarding their marriage. One, you are not allowed to touch me. Two, you are not allowed to announce publicly that I'm your wife. Three, you are not allowed to say that we are living together.
I've watch only the first two seasons. and i loved it. Its like a prequel to the story but i dont know why im satisfied with it haha, the truth is i dont have the strength to watch the season 3 and i dont even wanna know how it ends. haha while watching i was desperate and frustrated them to be together, i want a happy ending. But all I can see was barriers and situation wont let them be happy together. I hope they will make a movie based on this. All i know is it was too depressing but definitely has a good story line.
9. Red Data Girl
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Izumiko begins by cutting her bangs, which shocks both her classmates and protectors. And that's only the start! Her guardian, Yukimasa Sagara, forces his son, Miyuki, to come to the mountain shrine and become Izumiko's lifelong servant and protector. Too bad Izumiko and Miyuki cannot stand each other. They have known each other since they were children, and Miyuki bullied her terribly.  Will Izumiko and Miyuki work past their differences? Is she actually a literal goddess? Find out in RDG: Red Data Girl!
This anime left me hanging and didn’t give me the ending i crave for, i hope they gonna make a next season. but i enjoyed it so much, i love the main characters and the vibe it gives me. It's a serious mystery and a little bit of romance but not much. anyway i love this, never regret watching it.
10.  Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?
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Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. 
Not every story has good ending but im glad i watched this. The couple reminds me of kaname and sagara of full metal panic but in different way. Their personalities are so perfect for each other. I wasnt really into anime girls with different hair colors but Ctholly change my point of view, she's exactly one of my fave girls now, her being childish, jealous and innocent around Willem caught me. Funny moments will be present too and their feelings for each other blooms slowly every episodes that you just wanna watch more. I wish the last episode ended the way I wanted, anyway, I still dont get why Willem is involved into two different girls in the past, i guess it wasnt explained that much, i just hate the flashback how he remember the girl while he's with Ctholly,. Well all in all, i enjoy much I just hope they add new season, but i dont know how it will start haha. Im just happy to meet and add this perfect couple in my list.
 So that’s it, i’m still in search of finding good anime romance. I hope i wont let my foolish hand delete this post again lol. Im definitely gonna edit this and add more . Hope you enjoy reading. :)
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Duology Review
Happy Friday Bookworms! 
I have big news! Reads & Reels is getting some new blood, and it’s about time! It’s just too much blog for little ole me now, so I’m thrilled to introduce one of our new writers to the team. Please give a warm welcome to Maggie!
Today, we have a review of not just one but both books in the Pivot Point duology by Kasie West!
Pivot Point (Publication Date: February 2013 – First Edition)
Pivot Point: Knowing the outcome doesn’t always make a choice easier…
Addison Coleman’s life is one big “What if?” As a Searcher, whenever Addie is faced with a choice, she can look into the future and see both outcomes. It’s the ultimate insurance plan against disaster. Or so she thought. When Addie’s parents ambush her with the news of their divorce, she has to pick who she wants to live with—her father, who is leaving the paranormal compound to live among the “Norms,” or her mother, who is staying in the life Addie has always known. Addie loves her life just as it is, so her answer should be easy. One Search six weeks into the future proves it’s not.
In one potential future, Addie is adjusting to life outside the Compound as the new girl in a Norm high school where she meets Trevor, a cute, sensitive artist who understands her. In the other path, Addie is being pursued by the hottest guy in school—but she never wanted to be a quarterback’s girlfriend. When Addie’s father is asked to consult on a murder in the Compound, she’s unwittingly drawn into a dangerous game that threatens everything she holds dear. With love and loss in both lives, it all comes down to which reality she’s willing to live through… and who she can’t live without.
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Split Second (Publication Date: February 2014 – First Editio)
Split Second: Life can change in a split second.
Addie hardly recognizes her life since her parents divorced. Her boyfriend used her. Her best friend betrayed her. She can’t believe this is the future she chose. On top of that, her ability is acting up. She’s always been able to Search the future when presented with a choice. Now she can manipulate and slow down time, too… but not without a price.
When Addie’s dad invites her to spend her winter break with him, she jumps at the chance to escape into the Norm world of Dallas, Texas. There she meets the handsome and achingly familiar Trevor. He’s a virtual stranger to her, so why does her heart do a funny flip every time she sees him? But after witnessing secrets that were supposed to stay hidden, Trevor quickly seems more suspicious of Addie than interested in her. And she has an inexplicable desire to change that.
Meanwhile, her best friend, Laila, has a secret of her own: she can restore Addie’s memories… once she learns how. But there are powerful people who don’t want to see this happen. Desperate, Laila tries to manipulate Connor, a brooding bad boy from school—but he seems to be the only boy in the Compound immune to her charms. And the only one who can help her.
As Addie and Laila frantically attempt to retrieve the lost memories, Addie must piece together a world she thought she knew before she loses the love she nearly forgot… and a future that could change everything.
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Overall as a duology, I gave both books 3 stars. So it’s an in the middle read for me. I didn’t love it, but I prefer the contemporary romance Kasie West writes much better.
I chose to read this duology because I realized these were the only Kasie West books I hadn’t read. When the library has both available, I decided to give them a chance to see why this series looks so different from her cute romance books I’m used to seeing from West. I know authors branch out and try other genres, but I had a hard time with these books because it wasn’t what I used to from the author.
Pivot Point starts out with Addie finding out her parents are going to get a divorce, so her parents ask her to Search the future and decide which parent she is going to live with. She can stay in the Para world with her mother or go into the normal world with her father. Both will lead her different ways, and she has to decide which one will be a better future and life.
Reality one has her stay with her mom in the para world with Laila and she ends up dating football player Duke. Reality 2 has her in Dallas with her dad and she meets Trevor who starts out as her new best friend. Both of these paths are shown in different chapters so you see them as they unfold and each path becomes a memory for Addie so the one she doesn’t choose will be erased by Laila who can do memory mods as her power.
Here’s what I liked about the first book:
The chapter titles being labeled either para or normal, so you’re seeing both of the futures Addie is seeing as well.
Addie is a reader so you get some references to Harry Potter and X Men.
Trevor is a fabulous love interest.
This is what I didn’t like about the first book:
Addie finds out something intense in one of the futures, but she never tells anyone?! Like it’s super important, but she doesn’t say a thing.
Plus, she’s labeled as having divergence and there other words to use since… there’s already a book series which features the title very prominently.
Overall, it’s an intense book and has a unique premise for a YA book. It still lacked mystery and excitement I craved from the book so I didn’t love it as much I thought I would…
Split Second picks up a few weeks after Pivot Point. Addison has the Search erased from her memory so she doesn’t remember Trevor. This book is told in a linear fashion, from both Addie and Laila. This was a little confusing for me at first, and sometimes they just sounded the same I had to check to see what POV I was reading about.
The sequel was okay, but I ended up kind of bored too.
I didn’t really like the second book because:
Laila is withholding this letter from Addie, and I thought she would tell her what’s going on since they are supposed to be best friends.
This second book just seems a bit disheveled to me. It’s like Addie is so obsessed with Trevor and Laila becomes obsessed with Connor so it’s just all about their love interests and not about restoring the memories.
It’s in there, but I just found the story was lacking interest compared to the first.
Trevor and Addie find each other again, but I’m sad their story changed since it was adorable in Pivot Point.
Connor is just there to be the love interest for Laila, and I had no interest in him at all. I think Kasie West just added him so each character had a romance, but it just was like an add in. I would have cared more if I could have gotten a separate story for Laila and not just lumped in with Addie for the sake of advancing the story.
I liked this series fine, but I wasn’t blown away at all. Both books are just okay. There was nothing extraordinary or worth remembering. I have already forgotten a lot of the plot despite having just finished these books. There’s just that thing missing from this series that would make it stand out or make me go out of my way to recommend it.
I love Kasie West for her romances, but I think I’ll skip the third book of this series if it’s ever written.
Maggie – Storme Reads
I’m is a stay at home parent to a tiny human and two cats. I read a lot and write snappy reviews. I’m also a Hulu connoisseur – mostly sitcoms or crime shows.
I write bookish things at Storme Reads
Pivot Point Duology by Kasie West: #Review by @hybibliophiliac #Books #YAReads #BookBlogger #Bookworm #Paranormal #YoungAdult #HarperTeen Duology Review Happy Friday Bookworms!  I have big news! Reads & Reels is getting some new blood, and it's about time!
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