#edser reaction
olko71 · 1 year
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New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/06/interest-rates-bank-of-england-governor-admits-rise-painful-for-many
Interest rates: Bank of England governor admits rise painful for many
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By Daniel Thomas, Nick Edser & Faisal Islam
Business reporters and economics editor, BBC News
Interest rates have risen by more than expected in a shock move as the Bank of England battles to slow soaring prices.
The Bank raised rates to 5% from 4.5%, the highest level in 15 years. Most analysts had expected a smaller rise.
“I understand the difficulty and the pain that causes for many people,” Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey said.
The move will lead to higher repayments for people with loans and many mortgage holders, but it should benefit savers if the rise is passed on.
Mr Bailey said that if the Bank did not raise rates now, “it could be worse later”.
“Many people with mortgages or loans will be understandably worried about what this means for them… but inflation is still too high and we’ve got to deal with it,” he added.
He warned that to get inflation lower, wage rises “cannot continue” at the rate they have been.
But he denied the Bank was trying to cause a fresh slump by putting up rates so sharply.
Nevertheless, mortgage rates have soared over the last year and a half:
The average two-year fixed residential mortgage now stands at 6.19% while the five-year rate is 5.82%. In June last year, those rates were closer to 3%.
Those on a typical tracker mortgage will pay about £47 more a month. Those on standard variable rate (SVR) mortgages face a £30 jump
Since December 2021, that is an increase in monthly repayments of £465 on a tracker and £297 on an SVR.
Borrowing costs are also likely to rise. Currently the average annual interest rate is 21.86% on bank overdrafts and 20.13% on credit cards.
The dramatic move comes as the Bank tries to show it is in control of inflation, the annual rate at which prices go up, which was much higher than expected in May and far above levels seen in other countries.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is also under pressure to tackle the problem, having vowed to halve inflation by the end of the year.
On Thursday he said the job “has got harder” but added he was “totally 100% on it”.
“Rooting out inflation is not easy. It requires difficult decisions,” he added.
He added that people’s weekly shop had “gone up far too much” and the government would make sure supermarkets behaved “responsibly and fairly”.
In a letter to Mr Bailey, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said he would meet regulators next week to discuss how it can make sure falls in wholesale costs are passed onto customers. It comes after supermarkets have been accused of making too much money from rising food prices.
However, they have denied profiteering, with the British Retail Consortium saying stores are working to keep prices “as low as possible”.
Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves said families would be “desperately worried about what today’s interest rate rise might mean for them”.
Latest reaction to the interest rate rise
How the interest rate rise affects you
Five tips for saving money on your mortgage
‘I have to find £400 more each month’
Ewan Cameron bought a flat in London two years ago and has just managed to secure a new fixed-rate mortgage deal, but not before he had two mortgage offers pulled.
He has now got to find an extra £400 a month to pay for his home, and is considering renting out the spare room to help pay for it.
‘I moved abroad to save but still can’t afford a mortgage’
In theory raising interest rates makes it more expensive to borrow money, meaning people have less to spend. This makes it harder for firms to raise prices.
However, the process also drags on the UK economy, which is struggling to grow. Higher rates are also forcing mortgage lenders – who are affected by the Bank’s decisions – to put up their own rates.
Matt Smith, a mortgage expert at property portal Rightmove, said the rate rise would not be “much of a shock” to lenders.
He said the Bank had opted for a large hike in part to reassure the financial markets – though it remained to be seen whether it would work.
“If today’s news does provide some reassurance, then we’d hope to see some stability return to the mortgage market which will help those looking to take out a mortgage this year to plan ahead,” he said.
There have been calls for the government to step in and help homeowners, but Mr Hunt and Mr Sunak have so far dismissed suggestions that ministers could intervene.
However, Mr Hunt is set to meet with banks on Friday as pleas grow for more to be done.
Labour has also said it would not intervene. But it has said the government should force banks to help homeowners struggling with mortgage payments, for instance by allowing them to switch to interest-only payments for a temporary period.
Consumer champion Martin Lewis has warned “a mortgage ticking time bomb is now exploding”.
The Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), which sets UK rates, voted 7-2 in favour of a half percentage point rise – its biggest hike since February.
Two members of the committee voted to keep rates on hold.
In a letter to Mr Hunt, Mr Bailey said that overall inflation was still set to fall “significantly” during the course of the year as energy prices come down.
But he added that the Bank would continue to monitor inflation closely, and would raise rates further if necessary.
Interest rates remain the Bank’s primary tool to lower inflation, despite debate over their effectiveness.
The Bank said it was “continuing to monitor closely the impact” of the significant increase in the Bank rate so far.
It added that given the number of people yet to come off fixed-rate mortgage deals, the full impact of recent rate rises would “not be felt for some time”.
What do I do if I can’t afford to pay my debts?
It is important that you do talk about financial difficulties before finding yourself in a spiral of debt. The earlier, the better.
If you think you cannot pay your debts or are finding dealing with them overwhelming, seek support straight away. You are not alone and there is help available.
A trained debt adviser can talk you through the options available.
What help and options are available to people struggling with debt repayments?
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Personal finance
UK economy
Bank of England
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How the interest rate rise affects you
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lizacstuff · 4 years
Thank you for all your SCK gifs they are really good, clear and most importantly very up close. :) What do you like most about Serkan and Eda ? I love Eda impusilvity and how she express her anger very loudly and openly. I think Hande did a fantactic job in the last episode because I was super tense during this while scene. What I love most about Serkan are his kisses to her mom on her head when she stilled feared to go out, and to Eda at the beginning on her dimple and her cheek, the cutest !
Hello, thanks for the nice words about my gifs! I like what you picked for your favorite traits/moments.
For me I think the thing I love about Eda is that she is so self-possessed and knows exactly who she is, and what she wants at such a young age. No matter what happens or what situation gets thrown at her, she’s herself at all times. Over the course of the series she’s acquired some polish and a lot of professionalism, but she’s still essentially Eda. Sometimes Ayfer annoys me, but serious props to her for raising Eda, she did a smashing job.
There could have been such a natural power imbalance between Serkan and Eda because of their situations. Think about it, Serkan is older (30), rich, successful, educated, a public figure and the boss. Eda is younger (23), hasn’t finish school, has no money, and has been stymied by this loss of a scholarship. 
However, there is not a power imbalance, from the first minute of their acquaintance, Eda goes toe to toe with him and is never intimidated by him. I think it’s one of the things he loves most about her. She never cows to him, she always challenges him, they are equals. At the same time, as episodes go by, she realizes she has a lot to learn and has grown both personally and especially professionally being around him. 
As for Serkan, I really love how the show sort of slowly uncovered his big, mushy marshmallow center. Like peeling layers of an onion his humanity and depth of feeling was slowly revealed as he became closer to Eda. When we meet him he’s arrogant, autocratic and a bit of a dick. Honestly, he’s still those things, but he’s so much more than that. I think the moment I feel in love with Serkan was this one: 
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The second she jumped in the pool, he didn’t hesitate, he didn’t think, there was no logic, no thought of the flight/meeting he was going to miss. His brain registered that she was in peril and nothing else mattered, he acted on instinct. Even though even one second of reflection would have told him that diving in like that wasn’t necessary in making sure she was okay, since, you know, she jumped in about a foot from the side of the pool and it wasn’t that deep to begin with (lmao). 
I just love this moment because he was on the verge of pulling his biggest dick move to date, abandoning her to entertain his ex and her fiancé BY HERSELF after they’d planned and prepped for the dinner all day, but this move showed that when push came to shove his heart was in the right place and his priorities were straight. Also its satisfying because we get the trope of him swinging into action to save her, the hero rescuing the damsel in distress, however Eda is never actually in any peril, she’s not a damsel in distress, she’s completely in control of the situation all all times. They’re so dramatic; it’s delightful. 
From here, as the episodes progressed, he opened up more and more until we get to episode 12 and the romantic robot fully emerged after he realized and accepted that he’d fallen madly in love with her. So that’s what I love about him, that his hard, serious, dictatorial outer shell can coexist with his mushy, romantic, emotional center, and Eda’s the one that punctures that shell and brings it out in him.
These two. They were made for one another. 
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giffan · 2 years
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aslibekroglu · 4 years
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I didn’t notice that I did that...
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bookdork1 · 4 years
a turkish drama suggesting you can fall in love more then once??? i may be shocked but i love to see it 
even if we all know eda and serkan will come back to each other, i loved the scene of his mom comforting eda and promising her she’ll love again
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acertainsomeone · 4 years
Surrendered-EdSer OS
Eda did not know what she was doing, or why she was doing it. This was the first time in 25 years of her life that she had felt defeated and helpless. Caught in a series of unfortunate circumstances, and life’s treacherous ploughs, she was once again left alone. Her parent's untimely death had left scars on her soul, she could not escape the demons of her past. When Serkan entered her life, she believed that life would be easier. She will finally have someone, who will help her to breathe in the confines of a dark, closed room.
Little did she know, life does not work according to our beliefs. Destiny had plans for her, thrilling yet gruesome. She had imagined getting graduated, with a degree in landscape architect with hope and happiness in eyes. She did graduate, but there was nothing instead of anguish, and loneliness in her eyes.
Not even in her wildest dreams she had imagined to lose Serkan, her first true love. She was so used to be pampered by his love and affection that for once not being on the receiving end broke her into pieces.
It had been eight months since that fateful day. They heard that his plane went missing, they were supposed to get married. Once she had waited for her parents to come and take her away, but they never came back. This time she waited for Serkan to come and make her his lawful wife but he never.
If this trauma wasn’t enough already, she was met by another volcano that hit her so hard that she couldn’t believe she had managed to survive that pain.
He forgot her.
He didn’t have any memories of her.
He hated her.
Serkan Bolat was no longer her Robot Bolat.
After his arrival to Art Life, Eda had imagined it would be difficult to revive those memories he had forgotten but she hadn’t imagined that it would be nearly impossible to win back his love. It was as if he had returned with a stone instead of heart.
Her numerous attempts, pleadings, actions, could not move him. She wondered what was missing that he could not see her as his soulmate anymore.
She tried and tried and one fine day, Eda gave up, for his sake. It took a great deal of courage for her to accept the fact that he was not in love with her, and he won’t fall for her again. It was useless to torment him with her forceful behavior.
He wanted the holding. Of course
It was exactly why he had borne her existence around him for six months otherwise, he would have kicked her out of his life the moment he back to Art Life that day.
Yes, she was giving up on love. Not because she was a coward but because she was selfless, and she chose his happiness over hers. His happiness lied with his work and Selin.
Selin was his logical decision. She was the one, who fitted his lifestyle.
After the failure of her attempts, Eda decided to accept the job proposal from a renowned architect company in Paris, Alcmea.
She had been disregarding it for his sake but eventually Eda decided that it was meant for her. She was longer meant for Serkan or Istanbul. She had to leave for his peace and her sanity. There was no point of living in Istanbul after selling her shares to Serkan, there was no point of breathing the same air after losing him to Selin.
One last time
She breathed nervously, wearing her silver earrings gifted by Aydan Bolat herself as a graduation present. Ferit and Ceren had thrown her a part before her farewell party, there was no excuse to avoid for otherwise they all would have thought that she is leaving with a sad heart.
Not that they were believing her otherwise.
She had to wear the mask of a jubilated Eda, who finally got the chance to work abroad, and make her dreams come true. She had a long way to go and Eda had decided that she won’t allow her failed love story to come in the way of her career. That’s something she was assertive of.
Clad in a long black evening gown, she looked breathtaking like always.
Yet he won’t notice. Neither her dress nor the charm bracelet she was wearing tonight. Not as a hope but as a way to get rid of some memories.
If she had decided to move on, and leave everything behind, she had to let go.
Eda arrived late at the party; it was her way to avoid him. She wanted to meet everyone one last time for few minutes and leave as soon as possible.
He was looking for someone, her heart did not skip a beat because it wasn’t her. His eyes immediately caught Selin’s and she could tell his eyes only searched her.
Ferit announced everyone to get on the floor with their respective partners for a dance. Well, she didn’t have one so he offered her his hand immediately. Probably to save her from the embarrassment.
“You don’t have to, I’m fine.” She muttered shyly.
“Oh, come on! By the way, I wasn’t going to invite Selin, Ceren insisted because then it would’ve been odd.”
“That wouldn’t have changed anything! There’s no way he’s coming back even if Selin isn’t around.”
“He’s brainwashed by her Eda-”
Eda cut him off immediately, “Don’t- Ferit please Don’t. Have you brought the ring? Ceren is anticipating the proposal, if you’re late this time she will probably fly to Paris with me.” She joked, hiding the pain behind her eyes.
“All’s set. It will be soon, and you’ll be the first person to hear about it.” He winked and twirled her.
He caught her.
She was in his arms just like old times.
Breathe Eda. Not Anymore.
She held her head high in defiance, acting unaffected by his touch. She didn’t blame him for anything. It did hurt her though that he didn’t keep his promise of falling in love with her hundred times.
He had said that if he was born a hundred times, he will fall for her. He couldn’t live up to his words in the same life. Yet, she had no complaints, she accepted this as destiny’s decision and decided to remain determine in her stance.
She was acting good enough, not even for a second he could feel her nervousness or accelerated heartbeat.
She remained silent, closely following their twirling feet, and entwined hands. Acting as if perfecting this dance was the only thing she was interested.
He broke the silence by clearing his throat. “When is your flight?”
“Tonight” Her reply was simple, devoid of any emotions.
“have a safe flight Eda Yildiz.”
“Sao” She passed an awfully professional smile, avoiding to look at him in the eye. Though she could feel his gaze on her. His eyes hadn’t left her face for a second.
Why does he want now?
He placed his hands on her waist, his masculine hands perfectly fitted her petite waist like always.
Her arms were entwined around his neck securely. One last time, she wished to touch him. There were boundaries by inhaling his wood scent was more than enough.
Gladly, he pulled her closer by himself. She didn’t have to struggle. There was nothing intimate about that gesture. He was just dancing.
‘You look beautiful.’ He uttered silently. Eda knew him enough to tell that his compliment escaped his lips without taking permission from his mind.
It doesn’t matter.
“You too.”
“Beautiful? Me?” He raised his eyebrow in curiosity.
“Pardon if you don’t appreciate to be referred with a feminine adjective.” He was trying to be funny but Eda was beyond exhausted to indulge in a friendly conversation. She was not going to surrender.
‘I- I didn’t mean that.” He attempted to explain himself. “Where would you be staying in Paris?”
Eda wanted to tell him that she had chosen the apartment that he had bought for them few days before their wedding. She wanted to tell him that their apartment in Paris was waiting for them but she decided against it.
“Deniz arranged a place.” Something inside her pushed her to say that.
“His place?” He asked incredulously, tightening his grip around her waist.
“You need not to know.” She denied him simply. A part of her knew that he wasn’t affected by these childish jealousy stunts but yet her impulsive self couldn’t from being so open about it.
“I’m sorry, it wasn’t my place to ask you about it.”
He waited for her to say anything but she remained awfully quiet. He was not used to this. He was not used to her ignoring him.
Eda began to feel suffocated, the tips of his fingers were drumming against her bare back, synching with the music of piano. She had to let go or she would faint in his arms or breakdown into tears immediately.
“Excuse me.”
She distanced herself from his embrace, they hadn’t realized in the darkness of the room that they had been barely inches away from each other.
This place was special, they had their contract right at this spot, fought, expressed love, he broke up wit her here, and the last beautiful memory was, when he gifted her that charm bracelet.
She was wearing it tonight.. Of course, he hadn’t noticed that too.
Eda was staring at the stars, this was her last night in Istanbul. She didn’t plan to come back ever.
“It must be hard for you eda hanim” Her thought process was disrupted by Erdem. Their bond had strengthened over the course of eight months.
“You know very well that I have seen experienced something even harder than this Erdem.” She replied in misery but both knew that Eda was talking about something. Something that was known by him but not anyone else in that office.
“Don’t you think he should know?” Erdem said, scared of her reaction
“There is nothing he should know, as if what he knows already had made any difference”
“I always wonder if I had told fifi about my feelings in a much serious manner, she might had stayed.” Erdem sighed. This side of Erdem was only known to Eda, even she was amazed that this one existed.
“We can't stop the ones who want to leave”
“But he deserves to know- at least- about the baby” Erdem hesitated, he did not want to bring this up but considering this as her last night in Istanbul he wished she’d listen to him.
“Erdem git.” Eda looked at him surprised. Her eyes brimmed with tears and pain. She wasn’t mad at him but surprised that he chose to remind her of that night.
“I’m stupid, an absolute fool but I do know one thing that no father deserves-” He wasn’t stopping, he mustered the courage to finish his sentence.
“I’ve already burdened him with the forgotten memories of our love. I can’t make him think about a baby who died before coming to this world.” Hiding her pain behind her mask, she took a sip from her wine. Showing as if talking about this wasn’t shattering her soul into a million pieces.
“Erdem, You and leyla are the only ones who know about my miscarriage. You have kept your word till now, I expect that both of you will keep your word and continue to hide this truth from everyone.”
“Till my last breath, Eda hanim.” Erdem’s voice broke, he hugged Eda instantly. She led out a chuckle and hugged him back.
Erdem was indeed annoying but he had been there for her at a very crucial stage of her life. His support helped her through the most difficult phase of her life.
She had kept her pregnancy as a secret. She was not in the condition to come to terms with the fact herself.
It was only leyla and erdem, who knew. They were there, that night when it happened.
“I have to go.” She sniffed.
Erdem bid her goodbye and turned his back to find a stumped figure of none other than Serkan Bolat himself.
They froze.
What do you know about pain?
It never ends
What do you about healing?
It takes time
What do you know about realizations?
They arrive when it’s too late
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moodypetrichorlove · 4 years
Sen Çal Kapımı
Okay, so I had a bit of free time yesterday and so I watched all Edser scenes in the episode. I'm also very aware of the fans having a meltdown over Serkan being "OOC" (out of character). And, I'm sorry, but this just needs to be said, so I'm going to go ahead and say it. 
(This got way too long so I’m adding a cut.)
Serkan is not pretending to have forgotten Eda. He was on a plane that crashed and, as a result, he lost his memories. It is not Serkan Bolat's fault he was on that plane. And it is certainly not Serkan Bolat's fault that Selin manipulated his memories even further when he was in a vulnerable spot. In this situation, Serkan is no less than a victim. Because after the accident, the one familiar person around him who could've genuinely helped him, decided to use his vulnerability to her advantage (yes, I mean Selin). The poor guy doesn't know that, though. He believes Selin and everything she told him about Eda because he himself has zero recollection of Eda and all his time spent with Eda. Like he told Eda the day he returned to Artlife 2 months later, it was the first time had ever seen Eda. As much as it hurts, Eda is a stranger to this Serkan (which was a nice 💔 parallel to when Eda compared him to a stranger after finding out the truth about her parents' deaths).
This is the old Serkan Bolat. I feel like this is probably the Serkan who was in a relationship with Selin the first time around, the one she was used to - the one we never got to see. I don't think he's really OOC. Yes, he may seem "colder", but I don't think calling him insensitive is fair. Serkan Bolat, old or post-Eda, doesn't do well with strangers. He doesn't get all chummy with them. Yes, it may feel like this isn't the Robot Bolat who was all stuffed teddy bear on the inside. But, don't worry, guys! He's in there. The entire episode proved that because Serkan was not at all unaffected by Eda.
First, with that new hearbeat thing. Soon after Serkan enters the office, Eda's heartbeat speeds up (it does speed up, right? Or is it just looooouuddd beating?) along with Serkan's. And by Serkan's reaction, I'd say his heart doesn't just beat fast, it hurts! This is actually a good thing for Serkan. It proves somewhere in his mind and heart, he still remembers Eda; the memories just need to be brought to the surface. And this is exactly what the Edser conversation before Eda kissed him was pointing towards. (This heart thingy reminds me of Her Yerde Sen. Selin's and Demir's hearts used to hurt a lot when they were apart from each other or in a fight.)
Serkan also got certain flashbacks to his fake engagement party with Eda. Good thing yet again!
Also, that last scene, after his conversation and kiss with Eda, was extremely important. Yes, we all can't believe Serkan proposed to Selin, but we'll get to that in a bit as you read on. Serkan stumbled and stuttered throughout his speech there. That, in my opinion, is a big hint that the man is going against everything his gut instincts are telling him. Serkan has always been very intuitive. Right now, his heart and body are telling him that Selin isn't the right choice, that there's something between him and Eda that runs way deeper than what he has with Selin, but his mind is telling Serkan to be logical and stick to what he knows. As of this moment in time, what Serkan knows is Selin, and unfortunately, not Eda. Let me reiterate, that is not Serkan's fault. Seeing his pictures with Eda isn't enough for him right now because Selin feels more familiar to him and he's just clinging to familiarity. See, without him saying anything, Eda knew why he put his hand over his heart - when she dropped that line about his heart still remembering her, he looked blown away - and then she kissed him and he felt way more confused than before. His mind is now getting further confused because of Eda's presence and I'm pretty sure it's total chaos inside of him which is why he's running away from Eda.
Every bone in his body is telling him he's making a mistake, but the guy is back to running solely on logic and as per logic, how could he have been in love with somebody he doesn't remember even seeing until now (aka someone he doesn't know at all)?
The proposal was a stumbling mess and he looked far from happy and content. I mean, the guy was teary-eyed and looking at Eda when proposing to Selin, for God's sake! And according to the fragman, while his wife-to-be hugs him immediately after the proposal, his teary eyes are busy following Eda out the door.
So, you know, the entire fandom needs to calm the heck down and stop blaming Serkan for something that is not his fault. He's not insensitive or cold, he just doesn't have time for all this drama and only wants to focus on work, which is a very Serkan thing to do, if I recall correctly.
Serkan will get his memories back (I'm just hoping they don't drag this amnesia storyline; I'd like to see it being resolved in episode 30, but I know that's too much to hope for, lol) and trust me, he'll beat himself over all the pain Eda is in way more than the fans ever could and way more than required.
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giulsherondale · 4 years
"We can handle this together"
Eda is always there for Serkan. She never doubt him. And the fact that she cries for him show us how much Eda loves Serkan.
"Tell me the password"
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Sooo you are telling me that Serkan's computer password is the number of coordinates of the star he gave to Eda?! My babe, Serkan, you are sooo good at hide your feelings for Eda. And her reaction when she finds out was like "Okay Serkan Bolat now explain me this... You don't love me right?!"
Sooo my dear Selin... After the conversation with Efe about dark times you don't suspect him, and when Serkan told you that he's sure Efe is plotting against him you have the courage to look at him like *Serkan what are you saying? You're so wrong*?! Nice way of supporting the person you love...
And you're telling me that the same Selin just staring at Eda, who is talking to Piril and Engin, has immediately understood that she was asking about her?! Okay...
Serkan honey what the hell? Why are you yelling at Eda like that? Bad move...
"Until today I did not care anyone as much as I care about you "
"How did you care? Talking to me like that in front of Selin? Or leave me for work? Is that how you care me? Do you know what interests me? After everything you've been through, after what you've done, being so close to Selin, how can you be so rude to me? What I did to you?"
"I have never loved her. Alright ? I can't see you there anymore"
"Do you want me to leave? Because you are scared of the woman who loves you more than anything else. Get away."
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The most hilarious scene? When they are watching the surveillance videos😂
Ayfer knows that Serkan is helping her and all she says to him is to don't upset Eda? Well I didn't like that, but I'm glad that she noticed he's still has the ring on.
Library scene and walk scene I don't think that I have to talk about them, they speaks for themselves😍
I love child Serkan using the curiosity card about new house so that Eda would come at home with him.
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Eda always telling Serkan how a great architect he is. She really admire him and his work skills.❤️
So proud of Aydan . And I like that the first thing she asked when she was out was to see the sea. And then when they got at Serkan's house it was so funny. Aydan telling Selin about hotels and the fact that she's always around her son, love her. And the mug scene... Serkan was so proud when he sees that the mug was turning red.
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Loved the dinner scene. Serkan and Eda were so jealous about each other, and Serkan's faces elwere so funny. But I didn't like how Efe confessed HIS truth about the blue prings and how he get away with it without any consequences.
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P.s: This episode was the weakest one, I did enjoy it but I think that we are in a dead point. Basically in this episode nothing happened a part for Aydan getting out of the house. I think that every Edser scene was beautiful but there was something missing. But I can't wait to see the next episode.
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yourpakichic · 4 years
Episode 11 thoughts ⁃ A hand hold and a cheek kiss all within the opening scene? Someone call me an ambulance cause I’m dead. Also peep that smug smile on Serkan’s face after grabbing her hand. Sir sit down, you are already doing too much! That’s the most natural skinship scene I’ve seen between these two. Serkan has always looked a little bit uncomfortable with hand holding and other things but that was just so natural and just flowed! ⁃ The lyrics of that song and their expressions throughout were absolute perfection! ⁃ Gosh I really have a love and hate relationship with Aydan. She keeps pushing Selin and Serkan to be together I’m like so over it but on the other hand, she’s had such sweet and heartbreaking scenes and moments and my heart goes out to her. I know she’s a complex character and I love that about her but it’s also so frustrating to watch. ⁃ The similarities and contrasts in Eda/Ceren and Serkan/Engin conversation were so cute. The way Eda is so hopeful and Serkan is still in denial, like y’all need to get it together! Ceren being very straight about Serkan and Eda’s journey and feelings while Engin uses reverse psychology to get Serkan to understand was interesting cause being straight with Serkan never works out. ⁃ Serkan gets his pettiness, attitude, and jealousy tendencies from Aydan and no one can tell me otherwise. ⁃ I will forever love and cherish scenes where he comes to pick her up/drop her off. They might be the smallest scenes but they are the true evidence of their chemistry/attraction. Not to mention they always are witty and playful and shows the way their conversations flow and the little hints of magic their words contain! ⁃ So the grandmother is Ayfer’s mother and clearly they blame her for, I’m assuming, Eda’s parents death which is why they have kept their distance. But from the call Ayfer made, it seems that the grandmother still loves and cares for Ayfer and Eda and will do anything for them. Her entry will absolutely change everything for the family and Serkan/Eda as well! ⁃ “You never worked for me, Eda Yildiz.” Those words. I had to pause and just think. Serkan never considered Eda as his subordinate. She was his equal. To him, she was always a free bird. To come and go as she pleases. He never could or will cage her and I think that is absolutely beautiful and powerful. He acknowledges and accepts her carefree nature and presence and understands that she will fly as she pleases. For Eda, that freedom is necessary and core of her being. To be limited was never Eda’s style. So can you imagine? Being in a relationship where you have complete freedom to be what and who you are without any hesitation with a man who appreciates and loves your talent/knowledge and is always supportive of your endeavors. And that too with Serkan Bolat who has a controlling nature and being. Just need a moment to process that. ⁃ THAT IS GOING TO BE THEIR HOUSE. I’m calling it now. The show NEEDS to end with them in that house with their two robot-like children playing in garden designed by Eda and them over looking that beautiful view from their bedroom. ⁃ Serkan going FULL PANIC over Eda leaving and telling Engin to make her offer was the most pleasing to my eyes. That man out here creating a crisis over this. ⁃ The defeat in his eyes when she tells him to leave her alone. ⁃ Eda claiming her man in front of Selin was top notch! She said girl, I can take care of my man, no need for you. ⁃ The entire Serkan’s sickness scene was just heartbreaking. We knew Serkan had a tragic past and was still suffering because of it but to find out about his trauma was just... I have no words. To be so young, sent away abroad without knowledge about your brother, away from your family. To be left alone so young to grow and work through your trauma all by yourself. No wonder he doesn’t trust anyone. No wonder he doesn’t let anyone in. His own parents abandoned him so young, how is he supposed to rely on anyone else . And he has clearly internalized everything really deep. It’s one thing to have traumatic childhood experiences, but in Serkan’s case, he never worked through it at all. And now as an adult, due to that fact, it manifests itself into actual physical sickness. I literally just wanna give him a hug and make all his problems go away. ⁃ One more thing on this scene, one of my favorite things about their relationship is that despite their differences and previous conflicts, Eda and Serkan can both be easily open and vulnerable with each other when the other needs it. Just how they were sad/angry at the office early, but Eda came to take care of him and not only that, they had a conversation and were so open with each other as they read from the book. To have that openness with someone is just absolutely precious. ⁃ NOT THE WAKING UP WITH EACH OTHER SCENE I WANTED. I DESERVE BETTER! ⁃ Okay. That’s it. I’m never forgiving Aydan for breaking Eda’s heart like that. After everything Eda has done, she deserved to be said goodbye to properly. She made my girl cry after getting what she wants from her. I hope Ayfer goes in on her as their relationship progresses. ⁃ I FUCKING HAD A FEELING LAST WEEK AND THE FACT THAT  AND THEY JUST CONFIRMED IT. So last week when we found out about Eda’s parents death, Serkan’s face reaction made a small little voice inside my head go “that’s gonna be related to their relationship and be an obstacle in some way” BUT I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO BE TRUE LIKE THIS! Alptekin is responsible for Eda’s parents death. That is going to be the breaking point for these Eda/Serkan. Serkan already has issues with Alptekin but this is gonna push him over the edge. Also, I do not like the fact Ferit has this vital information. At this moment, I absolutely do not trust Ferit. ⁃ That was Ferit’s breaking point. Being left all alone while prepping for the wedding. I’m pretty sure he’s not gonna go through the wedding and he will blame Serkan for that I can already tell he’s gonna use his position as a shareholder and the secret about Eda’s parents to destroy Serkan. Not to mention, he’s probably gonna find a way to use the fact that Eda covered for him and Selin about the contract leaking to create a conflict. And here I was thinking Kaan would be our biggest problem.  ⁃ THAT FINAL SCENE WAS ICONIC AND EVERYTHING. I don’t think they could’ve chosen a more EdSer style to do the confession! After everything they’ve been through and the situation, it would’ve been totally weird to have a sweet, slow confession (yet at least). The arguing, the sunset, the slight hint of humor WERE ABSOLUTE PERFECT DIRECTION FOR THIS CONFESSION! the way he stopped the cab, got her suitcase, straight up told her to not go like multiple times and then said those magic words we’ve been dying to hear AND THEN GRABBED HER AND KISSED HER! Perfection. Just literally got goosebumps and was giggling like a child throughout it! 
Overall: THEY ARE OFFICIALLY TOGETHER. That is literally all that matters in the end. Hands off to Kerem and Hande for their amazing acting and expressions, cause this episode was strong solely due to their performance. There was no room for weakness or downplaying any emotion, and man did they deliver every line and every emotion absolutely perfect. We’re finally onto the next phase, which will be going through conflicts and working through family issues which is going to very exciting but also filled with angst. As per the 2 previews, the next episode seems to have a lot to offer: their romantic scenes, the bolats learning about Eda, Ayfer confronting Serkan, and of course Selin/Ferit wedding. Tbh, I am no nervous for this next part because how they choose to handle Serkan/Eda and  portray their relationship at this new starting point is so important in solidifying their bond and their love. 
I’m going to be mess until all these issues resolve and I already don’t have good coping mechanisms!
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sweetrupturedlight · 4 years
This week on Sen Çal Kapımı
Serkan's inability to articulate his feelings for Eda has him literally man down, while Eda contemplates their kinda, sorta, maybe mutual feelings and her future. Other stuff happens, but come on, with this episode, Edser takes centre stage as the ship sets sail on the high seas.
Before we jump right into it, last week in this post, I bulleted the things all of us expected was coming. 
Let’s take one moment to note the glorious ways in which all of these things unfolded?
Nursing back to health
Severe angst
Breaking point
Dear writers of this show, we appreciate you. We are truly blessed.
Now, on to this week. The episode picks up where we left off, with Selin giving Serkan 2 days to decide whether she drops Ferit like a hot potato on the eve of their wedding. Let’s be clear, she wants to dump a man she is supposed to marry in two days to resume a logical and clinical relationship? Is Selin even in love with Serkan? It doesn’t seem like he treated her very well – but then again, it seems their relationship had a very logical genesis – no sweeping romantic gestures, no sweet words, no compliments it would seem! etc. So objectively I’m not sure what exactly makes that prospect better than the one with Ferit – who clearly does love and care for her. But I digress. 
Essentially, this is how it plays out:
Selin: “Let me know in max 2 days if you want to be with me, k.”
Serkan: ...
Eda: Simply exists.
Serkan: Stares directly at Selin as he deliberately grasps Eda’s hand and holds on for dear life.
Now, they say actions speak louder than words... so how is Selin still not clear on the fact that Serkan not rushing to end her marriage means he’s not interested???
Anyhoo, Serkan and Eda spend most of the episode circling around the same.
Did you say yes to Selin?
What is your opinion on my situation with Selin?
Would you stay?
I can’t stay because… reasons
If either one of these to love-struck puppies took a second to reflect, they would realise that they actually have the answers already. Eda in fact, does consider for a minute that Serkan might actually have feelings for her. Serkan however, is convinced Eda cannot wait to get out of his life - which makes his bold move at the end of the episode a great moment for his own growth as a character. He was operating on his feelings and taking an emotional risk, having no idea how she actually felt. Yes, he had the note she left, but up until 20 minutes earlier, he was still fighting Engin on the notion that she could genuinely have feelings for him.
Speaking on Engin, writers, I have faith that we will see Engin mercilessly tease Serkan in the next episode about his heart eyes and his newfound familiarity with the language of love. This is likely going to bring great comedic gold. Its also not lost on me that Engin can so easily see the love between Serkan and Eda, but is totally clueless about his own romantic entanglements. To be honest, I’m not invested in this romance, so whomever he ends up with - or doesn’t - is fine by me.
Listen, I’m high key bursting at the fact that Eda and Serkan both already see the other in their bed(s). Them facing “each other” with longing was one of the smaller moments of the episode, but one of my favourites. And because this show is so good at parallels, I’m putting it out there that we will get a scene of them sharing a bed without Serkan needing to turn his back to her, but also without Serkan ruining the mood once daybreak arrives. Eda is a snuggler and she loves to sleep. I’m looking forward to bedroom shenanigans. Also, can Eda (and Engin) find the pictures of them he’s clearly carrying around in his wallet at this point? Please and thank you.
SIDE NOTE: according to Laila, Serkan has a conference in London “next week” which has been reserved for two people. Since I’m going out on a limb and saying Serkan won’t be travelling with Selin, will Eda accompany him to the UK? One can only hope for a honeymoon romantic getaway business trip.
Adore the “don’t leave” parallels that the show has been dropping like golden nuggets for the past few weeks. Serkan has spent multiple episodes in a struggle with himself. If Eda wants to leave, he insists its not his style to ask her to stay. But by episodes end he is so frenzied at the thought of his life without her, he’s ready and willing to say it m u l t i p l e times. We love a glow up.
Things I loved about this episode:
The handhold 5 seconds in & Eda’s impulsive kiss on his cheek.
The super cheesy let’s-randomly-turn-on-the-radio-and-awkwardly-listen-to-the-exact-song-describing-our entire-love-story. The way I was lapping it up with shovel. Also, Başak Gümülcinelioğlu’s (aka the actress playing Piril) song Sen Çal Kapımı is beautiful. All the fanvids, all the time please oh talented vidders.
Serkan’s meltdown at the office the minute he realised she’s about to leave. Hilarious. I truly enjoy seeing him a little off kilter and a lot out of control. Just looking at how his employees have relaxed since he’s been more relaxed - due to Eda’s influence - is a great subtle storytelling mechanism as well.
Immensely enjoyed Nurse Eda - especially her traditional approach to checking temperatures. LOL. Just a comment that despite Eda believing Serkan and Selin are most likely a thing, she refuses to leave his side in deference to Selin. I totally loved seeing her stake her claim. And judging by the never-you-mind, irritated way with which Serkan basically told Selin to move along, Serkan doesn’t want people around when he’s sick - but he certainly wants Eda.
Serkan going from unable to communicate to “you’re constantly in my head, in my every thought! You’ve taken over my brain! You’ve taken over my entire life!” #FlingsSelfIntoTheSun
THE KISS. Beautiful cinematography, beautiful direction, gorgeous cast, amazing script. Loved everything about it.
Things that broke/confused me
Serkan being a complete dolt and instead of enjoying the woman he loves cuddled up beside him, he takes the time to reiterate that he doesn’t remember their conversation from the night before. SMH. Eda was about to risk it all one last time, and Serkan’s poorly timed dose of realness is the final straw.
The tears in his eyes when she left the office. He was still fighting being vulnerable, even after Eda basically gave him the roadmap with an x for how to achieve success. Thankfully, by episodes end his own desperation at potentially losing her outweighed his “logic” and self preservation. Eda is teaching Serkan that its okay to need other people and that he doesn’t have to shoulder everything alone. #MyEndlessFloodOfTears
Aydan being unable to see how very much Serkan loves Eda and her - bordering on delusional at this point - push for Serkan to marry a woman who inspires no passion, no interest, no life, no spark in him! I understood it initially. But now it’s just comical. Seyfi is clearly team #Edser. I know the Bolat’s have a history of trauma. But pushing Serkan into a loveless marriage, while hurting Ferit and potentially Eda (and Serkan himself) seems absurd to me.
Ayfer’s reaction to the contract was OOT IMO. The show has been quite light handed with drama and this was the first time I thought the hysterics was over done. I understand that it was a shock, I understand that feelings of betrayal and hurt are natural. But a moment of reflection - as well as allowing Eda to explain - would have easily highlighted what Ayfer already knows - that there is a lot more happening between Eda and Serkan than a mere contract. Furthermore, this “Serkan Bolat is the devil incarnate here to take advantage of our poor Eda” is ridiculous. Serkan is a good person - logical and sometimes aloof - but he isn’t devious. If anything, Ayfer getting to know him during their terrarium creating afternoon left her with a good impression of who he is. So unless there are missing scenes somewhere, her suddenly being anti-Serkan feels like a necessity to serve the upcoming plot, as opposed to an organic happenstance. Not my favourite development. This includes her orchestrating Eda’s scholarship in Italy. Feels out of character. But let’s see how it all plays out.
Things I know is coming:
From the fragman, Serkan names a star or something after her #squee
Selin finally getting it
Aydan not getting it
Seyfi being over the moon - along with Melo no doubt
D R A M A about parents and death and cover-ups but I’m ignoring that for now
And most importantly:
#FlingsSelfIntoTheEverLovingSun #NotPrepared
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ladylillianrose · 4 years
Thoughts on Episode 11 (take 2):
Alright I’ll get this out there right now…OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! ASDFGHJKL!!!
I haven’t fangirl squeed like this since the Max/Zoey moments in Episode 12 (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist)!!
*deep breaths* okay I’m calm….for the moment.
I’ll go into everything else before I touch on Serkan and Eda.
I really really really hate how Selin treats Ferit, he deserves better, someone who truly loves him. Honestly I’m kind of hoping he will decide to leave Selin at the altar. A man can only be ignored for another man so many times before he’s done!
Ayfer’s reaction to the contract is a bit over the top, granted she didn’t have all the facts, but still it’s not as though they eloped and are actually married. Especially because she is now deceiving Eda with the scholarship money, which we all know Eda will find out the truth about.
Aydan’s talk with Eda is not terribly surprising all things considered. Yes they’ve grown close and Eda has helped them all, but Aydan is not a woman who embraces change. Selin is the model wife for Serkan, she will listen to whatever Aydan says and wants (something Eda does not do), and because Serkan is not in love with Selin their marriage should ve “safe” from heartaches. Aydan wants to keep her only child close and to protect him from the world, even at the cost of losing the woman he loves.
I’m glad all the girls know the truth now, it was hard for Eda to deceive everyone, though in the end she wasn’t acting anymore, she does love Serkan. But it was causing a strain on the friendship so I’m pleased that they all made up.
I love Eda and Leyla’s relationship. Eda has helped Leyla grow and Leyla has gotten easier and I’m 100% here for sassy/snarky Leyla!
I really do love Engin, he’s just so sweet but clueless when it comes to the women in his life.
So I realized writing my last post that Engin is in a similar situation to Sekan with the two women in his life. On the one hand there is the woman who they’ve known, worked with a d been friends with for years, who has feelings for them (Piril/Selin). And on the other you have the newcomer who helps pull them out of their shell, gets to know the real them outside of work (Engin claims to have a life outside of work, but we have yet to see proof if it), and they are so different from the other women in their lives like a breath of fresh air (Ceren/Eda).
I hope that Engin forgives Ceren because I like them together, they’re adorable and sweet together.
Alptekin’s bombshell, wow, I mean WOW! It definitely sheds light onto why Eda doesn’t want her grandmother’s money. They say the money is Eda’s by right, which it would be since she lost both her parents. It would also explain why Eda and her grandmother do not speak, Eda would see taking the money as a betrayal to her parent’s memories. If Alptekin covered it all up, he would have paid an exorbitant amount of money to the family to keep it from being investigated or in the news (something neither family would want as it would be unseemly). Eda views the money as blood/hush money, gotten at the cost of her parent’s lives, so she wants no part of it. I think this will make the fact that Ayfer went to her mother for the money for Eda, a bigger issue for Eda, with Ayfer going behind her back against her wishes.
The way Ayfer insists that Eda have nothing to do with any of the Bolat’s makes me wonder if she knows that the holding is responsible for the death of Eda’s parents and that Alptekin is the one who arranged to have it covered up.
Now onto our favorite couple!!
The interlocked hands and cheek kiss in front of Selin and Ferit were just so natural, they both forgot that they were just playing parts.🥰🥰
Telling Serkan’s fortune with the song? Oh yes most assuredly, and of course now we have the reason for the show name (apparently it is also Piril’s actress doing the singing, which is lovely and awesome)
I love Ceren and Engin offering advice and the parallel shots/dialogue. Engin is really trying to get Serkan to realise that Eda does love him!
Ugh and the sleeping on “their” sides of the bed with the picture and guitar pick?😭😭😭 Also I love that the picture is from when they had to “make up” after a “fight” on the balcony while the girls listened in. You know Melo was the one to take the picture, print it out and give it to him (I love her and Serkan’s relationship!)
Lmao at the watch coming back! Always beeping around Eda, despite his claims that the watch is broken he still wears it 🤣🤣😉
The doctor’s rose house and story were so lovely and beautiful. That is totally going to be their home together, he had her designing the house and gardens to what she would want. She even said she would want to live in a house like that (so would I!). He could use it once it’s all fixed as the place to truly propose!🥰🥰🥰
Serkan desperately trying to keep Eda at his side in the office. He’s just so sure that she wants to get away from him because she doesn’t like him. 🥺🥺🥺
Bless Seyfi for always looking out for team Edser! He knows who and what Serkan needs! (If this was Shakespeare, Seyfi would be Robin Goodfellow/Puck bringingnour lovers together). And Eda dropping everything to be at his side.
Also Eda telling Selin she would stay with him, despite Selin saying that Serkan likes to be alone when he is sick. Selin may have known him for longer, but she only knows the facade that Serkan puts up to keep people at a distance. Eda knows the real Serkan, he trusts her and is open with her in a way he isn’t with anyone else.
Telling one another’s fortunes with pages from The Little Prince was so sweet (made me want to go back and read it again since it’s been at least 20 years since I last read it).
Serkan’s painful memories 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺. My heart aches for him so. I feel for the whole family, but he was so young and he needed love and support, but instead was sent away. It sheds light on why he’s so reserved with his emotions and trust, and I hope he will be able to share the whole story with Eda (and us) someday.
“Eda do not leave me.” “I’ll go too. Wherever you want.” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰 Serkan is so vulnerable here. And of course he doesn’t remember any of it until it’s almost too late!!!
Eda telling Selin the truth, ugh my heart 💔💔💔. And then looking like she might faint from the stress and heartbreak of it (though she’s fainted less and less with Serkan around to help with her anxiety/stress, though he has caused his fair share too!)
I was wondering when we would get to see Sirius again! Sweet boy just wants Mom and Dad to be happy together. And Serkan trying to use Sirius as an excuse to see Eda again😭😭😭
Serkan giving us a heart attack calling Selin to meet him. I don’t think he ever intended to say yes to Selin, he was just stalling for more time till he could come up with a different solution. I certainly hope Selin gets a bit of a backbone after this realizing that she needs to stop dropping everything for Serkan (even when it isn’t him doing the calling/asking).
Serkan making the taxi pullover, declaring that Eda is his bride, and taking charge!😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥 Serkan is always hot, but there is something about him taking control that is just 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵
Asking about packing flip flops in her suitcase because it is so light 🤣🤣🤣. Serkan mark my words she will get you in a pair of flip flops someday!
The confession🥰🥰🥰 so complete them, arguing, talking about how Serkan can’t get her out of his head! ❤❤
And finally a real kiss!!! All their other almost kisses (and the first kiss) are so charged with UST (which I love), but this one was so sweet, loving and romantic!😍😍😍😍
Now I’m off to watch the end of the episode and the fragman for 12 on repeat until next Wednesday!!
Alright I think that was everything I had written before. If not I’m sure I’ll add some random posts later lol.
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cofficionado · 4 years
So bölüm 25 was bad, huh?
I think it got a really bad reaction because they used that proposal scene the whole week to promote the episode and in the end... well, you saw how that went. I always tell people not to rely on any of the fragman stuff cause it’s not real. I guess they used that scene because it was literally the only EdSer thing they had to call the audience this week, off. Also I believe this episode was a lot more plot driven when it should be character driven. It’s why I had a lot of issues with how some of the characters behaved. I hope the audience remains stable. Also, here’s hoping Serkan punching Prens Seymen is not a dream cause I really really want to see that🤞🏼
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lizacstuff · 4 years
I feel like this has been the longest week in a while? I completely forgot about the shower scene after the 2nd and 3rd fragmans.
Here I’ll remind you:
Tumblr media
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Yesterday's episode was entertaining. Erdem always makes me laugh. He never knows what he is doing 😂. Also, the scene where everyone was being honest was hilarious. Loved Serkan's reaction when Seyfi mentioned that Aydan and Kemal are a couple and the moment he won the bet.
Adored all the Edser scenes and moments with Kiraz. Can't wait to see more of them together 💕.
I didn't like seeing Melo sad. Hope she finds someone better than Burak. I loved what Serkan said about her. It was so sweet 😊 and it was nice that he cooked for Eda.
The kids are the cutest and the scene where Kiraz called Serkan baba was touching 🥺.
The next episode will be so good and hope we listen to Gold. I'm still waiting for it to happen.
I LOVED episode 45. Honestly, I think it’s one of the best ones in the entire show. It made you feel all the emotions! I do agree with everything you said, but my personal favourite part of the episode was Serkan and Kiraz scenes. Watching three build their bond and seeing Serkan slowly grow into a great dad… it’s really heartwarming. I love every second of it. And seeing Eda have a soft spot for Serkan regardless of the situation is also very enjoyable.
And honestly, I’ve also started to like the side-characters storylines. Before I either didn’t care, or I found them annoying. But aside form Ayfer (I still hate her), I’m enjoying everyone else’s stories. Melo finally going through all the steps of love and heartbreak, Aydan wanting to be a great grandmother and at the same time dealing with the Kemal situation, Engin struggling with being a stay-at-home dad, and Kerem not believing in himself and having Eda and Serkan by his side to guide and mentor him. Overall, I’m enjoying all the side stories too. They have added a certain charm to the show.
Like I said before, this season has been pleasantly great. Everything about it is top notch.
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aslibekroglu · 4 years
Btw, is it only me who starts to find Ayfer really annoying? She’s getting on my nerves, acting like Eda isn‘t a grown woman who can‘t make her own decision. Wasn‘t she the one telling Eda in episode 2 that she has to stand on her own and has to make her own decisions?? And now she‘s being dramatic, acting like Serkan hurt her deeply or forced her to do anything regarding the fake engagement.
No, I agree. I get that she’s trying to protect eda and a part of her feels like she failed eda, but like eda said a few times in ep11, she made the choice to do it, no one forced her into anything.
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bookdork1 · 4 years
okay, i’ll admit upfront that this episode was slow in the ship department. it happens. they have 2+ hours of content to write every week, which means sometimes that content can’t focus on just the same two people and their one storyline of accidentally falling in love with one another. that being said, it was still a very good episode for edser, even if they didn’t have a ton of screen time together. yes, they are both angry at each other (highlighted best when they talk to one another’s respective mother figures and defend their own side in the couple’s fight). but they are also both missing and pining after one another. they spend the majority of the episodes finding ways to accidentally run into one another and the other half finding ways to avoid one another. its frustratingly fun to watch, but definitely something that has a short shelf life. lucky for us, the writer knows this, meaning that we end the episode with the main conflict being resolved: eda finds out who stole the patent and goes to serkan to prove her innocence. serkan, very belatedly, tells eda he doesn’t need proof, he believes her. he admits he has serious trust issues but that he knows she was innocent of his charges regardless of proof. unfortunately for serkan, he forgets the most important words “i am sorry” and “i apologize for how i treated you.” since no apology was truly made, eda doesn’t accept it. instead, she hands back the ring and tells him they are finished. its a wonderfully angst filled cliffhanger. do i wish we had gotten to that point 45 minutes earlier? yes. but its an excellent setup for episode 9 in which i envision a serkan who grovels. a lot. 
additionally, since edser had such little actual forward progresssion until the last five minutes, all the side characters recevied amazing treatment this ep. usually i don’t care about the side characters in turkish dramas. often they are overwhelmingly flat and are only used as plot devices to keep the main couple apart. in SCK though we have a plethora of interesting side characters and friendship groups who i can’t help but like. 
i’ll start with seyfi, who served some stinging one liners this episode. i loved how he immediately sided with eda, refused to pack her things when serkan asked him to, and even went to eda’s house to check in with her that she was okay. overall, seyfi is amazing and we love seyfi. example a: ”seyfi, have you seen eda around?” “no, but i’ll tell you what i do see. a lonely man” yes keep on serving those truth bombs seyfi!
i also really liked the small progression with aydin and alptekin. alptekin dropping everythign at work and returning home proved that he does care about his wife and aydin is slowly working up to telling him about her progress with her agoraphobia. both characters were also excellent in their response to their son’s behavior towards eda. aydin firmly chastised her son, scolding him for yelling at not only his fiance but any woman and alptekin came in later telling his son that having no trust in otheres is a mistake. three cheers for the good parenting (even if its of their adult son). 
the piril/engin/jeren love triangle of sorts is also heating up. i think i’m piril/engin at the moment but i honestly don’t know which direction the drama will take with these two ships. i will say that i am firmly in love with the idea of jeren/engin just being best bros who give relationship advice to each other, it would be nice to see that kind of male/female friendship represented in a drama. also piril is ridiculously repressed with her feelings and therefore i strongly relate to her so that may be why i’m rooting for her. 
it was also interesting to see more about ferit and his relationship with selin. i really feel so bad for this guy. he loves his fiance a lot and has already put a lot of trust in their relationship watching her work, day in and day out, with her ex-boyfriend, a guy whom ferit knows she still has feelings for. it was so sad when he found that note “from serkan” in selin’s desk. i did not approve of his decision to follow her but the drama surprised me again. instead of having ferit go psycho with jealousy he and eda quietly listened to their respective fiances discuss their old relationship. things obviously went better for eda in that discussion (serkan’s “there is no logic to my being with eda” is 10000% better than selin saying logic is what keeps her with ferit) and i really felt so bad when he told eda that he always knew selin wasn’t with him because of love, but because of logic. i just really want selin to stop pining over what she never had with serkan and realize that a great love is sitting right there in front of her. 
and of course we must mention melo. ohh i was so worried about her reaction to finding kaan’s nefarious purposes but she handled it really well. i love that the drama didn’t waste uselss time with her not telling eda the truth for some stupid reason. instead as soon as melo realizes what happens, she tells eda and they piece together how kaan got his hands on the patent in the first place. the way all the girls immediately rallied around melo was heartwarming, to say the least. i love this friend group of four distinctly different but distinctly strong women. fifi’s decision to then chloroform kaan and get the truth out of his phone was kind of amazing, not gonna lie. also, i want to add a shout out to eda’s aunt. her immediately knowing that kaan was untrustworthy was epic. 
oh! one more side character to mention! sirius was honestly the mvp of this episode. his acting on the stairs when serkan was walking away but eda was just arriving? oscar worthy. that dog is tired of his parents fighitng and would just like everyone to make up with one another, please and thank you.
well, that was an essay, please let me know if you have any thoughts about the episode you want to discuss! while the episode wasn’t my favorite, i did enjoy it and i think it promises a great set up for episode 9. 
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