#edward deagan
blazefire2012 · 2 years
Does anyone else have to wrestle with lore in game that doesn't click together perfectly and have to fix it with your own headcanons? I'm doing laundry and thinking about how even though Diamond City says 'No GhOuLs AlLoWeD' l, the guards never really do anything??? Yeah they tell you Hancock can't be there and to get him out of there like hes your off leash pet, but they never interject enough to have actual dialog. And still, they allow Edward Deagan to be in the Dugout Inn as one of his spawn locations to kick off the Cabot quest.
It makes sense that Deagan has the powerful ties with the Cabots that helps him from being kicked out but they don't care enough about Hancocks status of Mayor to not berate him. So I like to think that Sole bribes the guards. Just enough that they still tell him to gtfo but not kicks him out. Before people can complain, the guards will say something loud enough for the citizens to hear so there will be no more conflict. Because the guards are handling it right?
Now imagine Hancock not knowing the guards are getting slipped caps under the table and he feels like he's in the damn twilight zone. He seizes up waiting for them to start pushing with their bats when they about-face and walk the other way leaving him blinking without a word. When Sole finally admits to it, probably pretty quietly incase he's mad about it, he looses his mind and laughs his ass off.
"My brothers convinced he's running the most secure settlement in the commonwealth while his guards are taking chump change to let a ghoul run amuck in the upperstands! Priceless!"
So yeah, I think about this game too much.
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warrenwoodhouse · 4 months
Bobbleheads - Fallout 4 Guide (Game Guides) (Guides) (Warren Guides)
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Guide and Photo Mode photo by @warrenwoodhouse #warrenwoodhouse
CLICK HERE to see an archived version of this list. The location of the Endurance Bobblehead was changed in the Update Patch v1.12 on the PS4, Xbox One, Steam, Bethesda Launcher and PC version of the game.
Luck Bobblehead: Spectacle Island: In a locker on the 2nd floor of a green boat
Agility Bobblehead: Wreck of the FMS North Star: On a wooden platform on the edge of the bow of the ship
Endurance Bobblehead: Poseidon Energy in Quincy: original release: On the central metal catwalk on a metal desk with a magazine near the steamer trunk | v1.12 update: It’s in a room near the central metal catwalk
Unarmed Bobblehead: Atom Cats Garage: On the hood of a rusty car in the main warehouse
Small Guns Bobblehead: Gunners Plaza: On the broadcast desk in the on-air room, ground floor, west side of the building
Big Guns Bobblehead: Vault 95: In the living quarters area, northernmost room, on a radio
Medicine Bobblehead: Curie’s Office in the Secret Vault in Vault 81: In the Secret Vault area, in Curie’s Office, south-west corner of the room on top of a table
Melee Bobblehead: Trinity Tower: On a table in the cage where Rex Goodman and Strong are being held captive
Intelligence Bobblehead: Boston Public Library: On top of the computer bank in the mechanical room, north-west corner of the library
Energy Weapons Bobblehead: Fort Hagen Command Center in Fort Hagen: South-west kitchens on a small table between two fridges
Speech Bobblehead: Overseer’s Office in Vault 114: On top of the Overseer’s Desk in the Overseer’s Office
Strength Bobblehead: Mass Fusion Building: add
Repair Bobblehead: Corvega Motors Assembly Plant in Lexington: add
Barter Bobblehead: Longneck Lukowski’s Cannery: add
Explosives Bobblehead: Saugus Ironworks: In the Blast Furnace area of the ironworks
Perception Bobblehead: Museum of Freedom, Concord: In the room where the settlers are holding up
Science Bobblehead: Vault 75
Charisma Bobblehead: Parson’s Insane Asylum: On a table in the room where you find Edward Deagan near the lift/elevator
Sneak Bobblehead: Dunwich Borers: add
Lock Picking Bobblehead: Pickman’s Gallery in the North End District of Boston: In the catacombs deep underground inside a secret section of the gallery
2nd June 2024 at 7:00 am: Moved post to my Tumblr blog
10th June 2018 at 11:00 am: Updated post with new location of “Endurance Bobblehead” as of the recent update of v1.12
14th September 2015 at 9:00 am: Created post
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Probaly an unpopular opinion but, do you think Edward Deegan & Ham from Goodneighbor look pretty or something? Could be the ghoulfucker gremlin inside me saying that but I was wondering if you could possibly write some hc of them as lovers or just general hc of them if it's okay, thank you so much since it might be harder than most since they don't have much information about them. Again, thank you so much!
Edward Deagan:
•Really sweet partner. I know, he seems all tough and stuff but..excuse me? You can't convince me he doesn't have a heart of gold.
•Totally would be the kind of boyfriend to get jealous easy but try to hide it. So please, reassure him that you aren't gonna leave him for that "smooth skin" with the pretty eyes that was talking to you.
•Which brings me to this point. He can easily become overprotective when it comes to you, often times feeling anxious if he doesn't see you for extended periods of time or if something seems off. That could be written off as his career ethic bleeding into his domestic life.
•Domestic..oh yeah. Even though he is a ghoul, I can picture Edward one day wanting to have a kid with you one day. He would make an excellent father, plus the two of you would have the privilege of your child being raised up in the Cabot house.
•Speaking of which. Jack Cabot..the poor dude has interrupted the two of you having sex almost too many times for you to still think it's accidental.
•Leans more towards being dominate in bed, but he's like a soft! dom. He'd never degrade you, tie you up, or do anything of the sort. It's just not within his nature.
•In the beginning stages of your relationship, Ham is admittedly kind of awkward. He gets his words jumbled up, his stomach goes into knots..and Magnolia won't stop screwing with him over it.
•He can't quite fathom what it is about you that makes him act so weird, but it's probably one of the things that keeps him wanting you more.
•Eventually once the two of you have blossomed into a matured relationship, he will settle down. So no worries.
•Repeat offender of using really bad pick up lines and making cheesy remarks. Let's not forget his choice of nicknames for you either.
• usually can't spend as much time as he would like with you because of his job, but makes up for it by the way he holds you close at night. He clutches you each night like he is afraid to lose you, planting soft kisses onto your forehead and apologizing for his absence.
•sex with Ham is nothing short of exciting. He knows his way around the bedroom, and he isn't afraid to show you as soon as time permits.
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portergage · 4 years
3 4 7 8 9!
thank you for asking! <3
3 - Can I say Nate and Arthur? Because yeah, Nate and Arthur are giving me life 😍😍
4 - I already answered here, but I’ll add Jack Cabot x Edward Deagan. Again, sorry for shippers but I see them too much as employer/employee
7 - Gage, Maccready and Cait <3
8 - I don’t dislike them, I’ve just not traveled enough with them : Longfellow, Ada and Strong
9 - I already answered this one with Kent and Arlen, but I’ll add my boy Edward Deagan, he’s a total BAMF and I love him <3
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format taken from @madddraws thanks! 
under read more cause it long
Name: Vaughn Zander
Nickname: Vonny, Blue
Age: 32 
Height: 1.80 M
Weight: 85 KG
Specials: 11 ST, 6 PE, 5 EN, 11 CH, 12 IN, 4 AG, 4 LK
Eyes: steel-grey
Hair: light brown
Body type: tall, muscular, mesomorph type, broad shoulders
Status Pre-War: family doctor, veteran combat medic
Status Currently: General of the Minuteman, Paladin of BOS, Agent of Railroad, Atom Cat, Friend of Far Harbor, Protector of Acadia, Atom’s Fave Child
Relationship Status: widowed, then remarried
Spouse(s): (past) Nora (deceased, killed)
(present) John Hancock, Nick Valentine
Orientation: panromantic/polyamorous bisexual
Gender: cisgender male
Ethnicity: white (has greek heritage from his mother)
Family: (past) Ryan Hudson-Zander (father), Olivia Zander (mother), Vincent Nathaniel Hudson* (cousin), Michael Hudson (uncle), Nora Zander (wife)
(current) John Hancock-Zander, Nick Valentine-Zander (husbands), Shaun John Zander (adopted son), Codsworth, Dogmeat
Languages: English (first language), Greek, German, Spanish, Italian, can understand Russian and Chinese, sign language
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: myopia, damaged nose (his sense of smell is weak to almost non existent), left leg being shot (has difficulties in running or walking for a longer time, tends to limp), anxiety, depression, highly sensible at high/loud noises, insomnia
Allergies: dust, wool
Scars: one small scar above left eyebrow, one on the left cheek, a cut between his eyes, cuts and scars on the left side of his mouth, several scars on the chest, a scar on left leg
Physical traits: tattoo flower with the name “Olivia” on it (his mother’s name) on left shoulder, broad shoulders, muscular frame, muscular arms, steel-grey eyes
Voice: calm, deep, soothing, can change his accent easily, can adapt it to any situation
Clothing: old Vault 111 suit (now its a faded blue with patches around), leather pieces of armor (one simple chest piece made from a strap with pockets that goes on his right shoulder; one fully piece of leather that covers his chest and back, full of pockets, shoulder protections with spikes on them, and his legs are covered in studded leather armor), Vault 81 suit, Vault 88 suit, drifter outfit, road leathers, General outfit, casual outfit, army fatigues, military fatigues
Weapon of Choice: Wazer Wifle, Kellogg’s Pistol, Furious Power Fist, Lucky Shielded Gauss Rifle, Wounding Missile Launcher, Irradiated Fat Man
Skills: advanced medical knowledge, cooking, melee attacks
Weaknesses: sneaking, running for long time
Poor skills: shooting at normal or long range
Affiliations: Minutemen, BOS, Railroad, Atom Cats, Far Harbor, Acadia, Children of Atom
Former Affiliations: Institute and Raiders of Nuka World
Enemies: the Institute (destroyed), Nuka-World Raiders (defeated), Gunners, Rust Devils, Trappers, Triggermen
Neutral Affiliations: Scavengers, Traders
Religion: none
Likes: helping people, cooking, reading, listening music, collecting different stuffs, picking locks, sorting out the stuff, taking care of the radchickens, playing with Dogmeat, spending time with his family and friends
Dislikes: lying, betraying people, raiders, Gunners, loud/high noises, rude people, violence, stealing
Hates: murder, cannibalism, abuse of any kind towards anyone, refusing to help people, racism towards ghouls and synths
Friends: John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Codsworth, Preston Garvey, Danse, Robert Joseph MacCready, Curie, Deacon, Piper Wright, Cait, Daisy, Ingram, Teagan, Cade, Haylen, Sturges, Debbie*
Acquaintances: Edward Deagan, Jack Cabot, Old Longfellow, Glory, Magnolia, Desdemona, Arturo, KL-E-O, Kells, Richter, the Atom Cats, Cricket, Kessler, Wiseman, Fahrenheit, Doc Weathers, Doctor Sun, Bobrov brothers, Ellie Perkins, Ronnie Shaw, DiMA
Former friends: X6-88, Gage
Enemies: Kellogg (killed)
Pets: Dogmeat, Gracie (mutant hound), Misha (wolf), lots of radchickens
Other friends/family: Courier Tamir, Dovahkiin (Khajiit) Kahurangi (my other OCs)
(other people’s OCs) 
- Dovahkiin (Dunmer) Saigera - belongs to @knightamer
- Deborah “Debbie” Gaines* (companion!AU Debbie adopted in canon story), Ellie Connor* (companion!AU Vaughn adopted in her canon story), Rosaline Dupart* (companion in same verse as Ellie and companion!AU Vaughn), belongs to @lilyblue-bubbles
- Vincent Nathaniel Hudson* (cousin in canon story) - belongs to @theartofblossoming
Personality:  Good traits: intelligent, adaptable, loyal, kind, helpful, logical, honest, charismatic, protective, patient, calm, gentle, observant, supportive, respectful, neat, has a soft spot for children and animals
Flaws: lazy, coward, naive, sensitive, anxious, sometimes arrogant, clumsy, sometimes nervous, sarcastic, insecure, low self-esteem, hoarder
Favorite color: blue
Favorite foods: blamco mac and cheese, carrot, cooked softsheel meat, corn, cram, deathclaw steak, fried fog crawler, gatorclaw steak, gazelle steak, gourd, grilled nukalurk, grilled queen nukalurk, grilled hermit crab, grilled radstag, iguana on a stick, iguana soup, instamash, melon, mirelurk cake, mirelurk jerky, mirelurk queen steak, noodle cup, poached angler, pork n’ beans, potato crips, radscorpion steak, radstag stew, razorgrain, ribeye steak, salisbury steak, squirrel on a stick, tato, tarberry, vegetable soup, wolf ribs, yao guai ribs, yao guai roast
Favorite drinks: beer, bourbon, dirty wastelander, gwinnett ale, gwinnett brew, gwinnett lager, gwinnett pale, gwinnett pilsner, gwinnett stout, ice cold beer, newka-cola, nuka-berry, nuka-cherry, nuka-cola, nuka-cola dark, nuka cola orange, nuka cola quartz, nuka fancy, purified water, refreshing beverage, vim, vim quartz, vodka, whiskey, wine
Favorite Sweets: bubblegum, cotton candy bites, dandy boy apples, fancy lads snack cakes, funnel cake, sugar bombs
Other AUs: 
- Companion!AU Vaughn Zander (x) - official AU
- other AUs, not named
- his parents, Ryan Hudson-Zander, his father, was a Brigadier General, his mother, Olivia Zander was a pharmacist;
- graduated Harward Medical School, he works for a while as a family doctor in a small clinic, also meets Nora in that time (their parents were friends);
- his father forces him to join the army and signs as combat medic;
- stays 1 year in the army, signs off when he finds out his cousin and his father were killed on the battlefield;
- tries his best to recover from the army and from the lose of his cousin, Nora finds out and decides to help him, even convincing him and helping him to retake his job as family doctor;
- later he married Nora, and moves to Sanctuary Hills, in the house that Vaughn’s mother bought for them.
- being driven by revenge, he has nothing on his mind but to kill Kellogg
- passing close to the Museum of Freedom, he first refuse to help Preston, but then he and Codsworth were driven by raiders in the museum, helps them and escort them to the Sanctuary, but refuse to help them further, going to DC;
- meets Piper, gives the interview, goes to rescue Nick and finds Kellogg and kills him;
- joins the Minuteman later after he and Nick gets out from the Glowing Sea;
- meets and recruit Deborah Gaines (@lilyblue-bubbles’s OC);
- both of them joins BOS for spying on them and getting more intel;
- rebuilds the Minuteman, retakes the Castle and helps the settlements;
- befriends Hancock, MacCready, Piper, Cait, Curie and Danse;
- joins the Railroad, later he also helps Debbie to rejoin RR and she becomes Agent Bloom, heavy for RR;
- gets in the Institute, tries his best to bond again with Shaun but with no success, both arguing on the current situation;
- saves Danse and threaten Maxson to never hunt down Danse; 
- after the battle of Bunker Hill, he returns the synths to the Institute, and when Desdemona finds out, she banishes him from the RR, despite Deacon's and Debbie's arguments
- being stressed out, later he hurts a scientist after they insult him constantly, and gets banished from the Institute; 
- 2 weeks later, Sanctuary gets attacked by the Institute synths but its saved; 
- Vaughn gather the Minuteman and some of the companions and launch an attack to the Institute; 
- saves little Shaun and adopts him; 
- later on, Vaughn gets married with Hancock and Nick, all moving to the newly constructed house in Sanctuary;
- gets reaccepted in RR, but he doesnt wish to come there often;
- continues to help the Commonwealth with the Minuteman;
- later, he joins Nick to Far Harbor;
- they help the people of Far Harbor, gaining their trust;
- meets DiMA and agree to help him out;
- joins Children of Atom “by mistake” - tried to sneak into their base, they were caught and Vaughn wanted to join them (despite Nick’s protests)
- finds DiMA’s memories and helps Nick figure it out his past and accepts DiMA as his brother;
- agree to hide DiMA’s secrets and helps him out with the Children of Atom and finally make peace;
- months later, on a patrol mission, Vaughn and Danse were caught up by the raiders in Nuka World and survive the Gauntlet, Vaughn becoming the Overboss;
- making plans, Vaughn and Danse agreed to earn the raiders’s trust and attack them when they wont expect;
- later after the raiders were defeated, the Nuka World is freed and is under Minuteman’s control
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chubbyarcade · 5 years
I just saw ship art of Edward deagan and the cabbot guy and I'm really not sure exactly how I feel about that.
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benrleeusa · 6 years
[John K. Ross] Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Robin Hood, affordable housing cronyism, and a free nipple split.
Please enjoy the latest edition of Short Circuit, a weekly feature from the Institute for Justice.
This humble roundup is not a place for braggadocio. But this week IJ won big at the U.S. Supreme Court, striking a blow against excessive fines. And last week IJ won huge at the New Jersey Appellate Division, striking a blow against the abuse of eminent domain. CAN YOU HEAR THE FREEDOM RING?
Allegation: Developer spends $500k on plans to build 50 homes for low-income residents on long-vacant Buffalo, N.Y. lots. But the mayor kills the project after the developer declines to hire the mayor's political ally as a contractor. Second Circuit: There is troubling evidence of cronyism, but the developer's claims can't go.
Inmate at Fishkill, N.Y. prison (who is unrepresented by counsel) alleges an officer pushed him down concrete stairs. He names "John Doe" in his complaint but also refers to the officer as "C.O. Deagan." Later, he amends that to "Joseph Deacon," after a court orders the state to name the officers working during the shift in question. District court: Took too long to identify the correct defendant. Case dismissed. Second Circuit: Vacated. It was essentially a spelling mistake; it's implausible that the officer didn't know he was the one being sued.
The federal government gives out grants to state and local law enforcement under a program called the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program. May the Attorney General withhold grants from cities—like Philadelphia—that refuse to share information with ICE about the immigration status of arrestees? Third Circuit: Like multiple other courts to consider the question, we hold that Congress never gave the Attorney General that authority.
Roanoke, Va. ordinance imposes stormwater utility charge upon properties with a certain amount of impervious surface—about 86 percent of the city's parcels. Railroad: Our crushed-rock rail beds are as pervious as lawns, which are exempt from the charge. The rail beds should be exempt, too; the ordinance violates a federal law prohibiting discriminatory taxes against railroads. Fourth Circuit: Ah, but this is a fee, not a tax. Judge Wilkinson, concurring: The company is just trying to get out of paying its fair share for environmental remediation, and its position would threaten numerous cities' clean-up schemes.
In 1873, the Supreme Court infamously suggested that the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects only a rather paltry set of rights such as the right to use the navigable waters of the United States. And indeed since then the right to use the navigable waters has been more or less ignored. But was the right really so obscure and unimportant in the wake of the Civil War as it seems today? Nope, it was a super big deal, argues the Fourth Episode of the "fascinating" and "riveting" Bound By Oath podcast. Subscribe today.
Intelligence officer works long hours managing high stress situation—Edward Snowden. She's diagnosed with depression; her once "outstanding" performance deteriorates. She takes medical leave, is recommended for another position by an interview panel but is blocked by management. Fourth Circuit: Her claim that the agency interfered with her ability to take FMLA medical leave ought to go to trial.
Fact disputes and qualified immunity doctrine fuse into a headspinning medley in this case out of Kaufman County, Tex. Police respond to reports that a black man in a brown shirt is brandishing a pistol in public. The man fires at officers, then disappears. Minutes later, a black man wearing a blue jacket enters the road, over 100 yards away from officers. Claiming he's brandishing a pistol, officers shoot him four times, then tase him. He dies. Turns out he had a toy gun on him, not a real gun. And his dad, a witness, says he wasn't brandishing anything. Parents sue. Fifth Circuit: Parents' version of the facts supports a Fourth Amendment violation, but police officer is entitled to qualified immunity. Kaufman County, however, doesn't get immunity, so the parents can proceed against it. Dissent: "In that split second, [the officer] was justified in concluding that the individual riding at them while their guns were drawn was the armed suspect."
Company runs auto service centers across the southeast U.S. under the name "Tire Engineers." Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers & Surveyors: Change your name. Consumers might think licensed Professional Engineers are changing their tires. Fifth Circuit: Most people who don't work for engineering licensure boards probably realize that the word "engineer" can mean lots of different things. And under the First Amendment, the board can't use speech bans to impose its "preferred definition" of words on the public at large.
Trumbull County, Ohio corrections officer repeatedly demands that 19-year-old inmate expose herself to him and masturbate. (She does.) And if true, says the Sixth Circuit, that misconduct would so clearly violate the Eighth Amendment that the officer is not entitled to qualified immunity. So to trial the case must go.
Fort Collins, Colo., imposes no restrictions on male toplessness but prohibits women from baring their areolæ. Free the Nipple-Fort Collins sues, and, with the aid of a district court preliminary injunction, frees all nipples in Fort Collins. Tenth Circuit: Just so. Notwithstanding many other courts' decisions to contrary, we agree that the city has likely discriminated on the basis of sex and violated the Equal Protection Clause. And the city's citation to a Wikipedia article on "Breast" does not change the analysis. Dissent: "The proper standard of review is the rational-basis standard generally applied to economic and social regulation."
Allegation: Motorcyclist flees from aggressive driver but after a quarter of a mile realizes for the first time that it's the cops. He pulls over. A LeFlore County, Okla. deputy drives into the motorcycle, flinging the cyclist into a ditch. A second officer strikes the unresisting cyclist, breaking his face. After he's cuffed, the second officer repeatedly knees the cyclist in the ribs. District court: Qualified immunity for ramming the cyclist into the ditch. Tenth Circuit: But no qualified immunity for the second officer.
Developer seeks to develop its Pasco County, Fla. property into retail shopping. County officials demand that the developer dedicate 50 feet for a road, later raising the demand to 140 feet—more than a quarter of the total parcel. Alas, says the Eleventh Circuit, no substantive due process claim arises out of an unlawful application of a land use ordinance. (Fret not, years ago the county paid nearly $5 mil to settle the takings claim.) Concurrence: The attempt to revive a dropped takings claim and infuse it with new life under substantive due process is "not how constitutional law works."
Pelham, Ga. prison guard discovers that inmates are operating a phone scam, tricking people into giving them prepaid debit card numbers. Casting himself as "Robin Hood," the guard seizes the numbers. Eleventh Circuit: But you left out the critical part of the Robin Hood mythos in which he returned the money to the commoners. Conviction affirmed. (Bonus: Part of the case turns on the fact that the guard is known to be an "asshole.")
Do you want to use your law degree to litigate cutting-edge constitutional cases, stop government abuse of power, set long-range precedent, and champion the rights of all Americans? IJ is on the lookout for energetic and entrepreneurial attorneys with 2-6 years of litigation experience for its Arlington, Virginia headquarters. Attorneys at IJ bring creative, intellectually-rigorous cases in federal and state courts around the country. Within a supportive, team-based culture, attorneys develop their own cases, direct legal strategy, take depositions, and present oral argument through every stage of litigation, maintaining ownership of their cases up to and including the Supreme Court. Often, attorneys gain deposition and oral argument experience within their first 18 to 24 months. To learn more and apply, visit www.ij.org/jobs.
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circacinema · 8 years
2002 in Film
Best Picture
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-8 Mile
-25th Hour
-Far from Heaven
-The Pianist
Best Director
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Todd Haynes for Far from Heaven
-Paul Thomas Anderson for Punch-Drunk Love
-Spike Lee for 25th Hour
-Rob Marshall for Chicago
-Roman Polanski for The Pianist
Best Actor
Derek Luke as Antwone Fisher in Antwone Fisher
-Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill "The Butcher" Cutting in Gangs of New York
-Edward Norton as Monty Brogan in 25th Hour
-Adam Sandler as Barry Egan in Punch-Drunk Love
-Robin Williams as Seymour Parrish in One Hour Photo
Best Actress
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Julianne Moore as Cathy Whitaker in Far From Heaven
-Diane Lane as Connie Sumner in Unfaithful
-Maribel Verdu as Luisa Cortes in Y Tu Mama Tambien
-Naomi Watts as Rachel Keller in The Ring
-Renee Zellweger as Roxie Hart in Chicago
Best Supporting Actor
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Barry Pepper as Frank Slaughtery in 25th Hour
-Cedric the Entertainer as Eddie in Barbershop
-Dennis Haysbert as Raymond Deagan in Far From Heaven
-Ray Liotta as Henry Oak in Narc
-Dennis Quaid as Frank Whitaker in Far From Heaven
Best Supporting Actress
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Catherine Zeta Jones as Velma Kelly in Chicago
-Kim Basinger as Stephanie Smith in 8 Mile
-Queen Latifah as Matron Mama Morton in Chicago
-Julianne Moore as Laura Brown in The Hours
-Emily Watson as Lena Leonard in Punch-Drunk Love
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