#edward l of england
wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Castle of Caernarfon or Carnarvon built in 1283 by King Edward I of England - Gwynedd, Northwest Wales
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autumncottageattic · 3 months
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A Dorothy L. Sayers Mystery (1987)
Part II - "Have His Carcase"
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
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Please note: the actual anniversary was yesterday - EY
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legallybrunettedotcom · 8 months
As promised @possession1981 and I have compiled a list of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and Angel) related academic text and books. I think this is a good starting point for both a long time fan and for someone just getting into the show, or just someone interested in vampire lore. I have included several books about the vampire lore and myth in general as well. Most of these are available online.
Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer; edited by Rhonda V. Wilcox & David Lavery
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy - Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale by James B. South
Buffy Goes Dark: Essays on the Final Two Seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Television, edited by Lynne Y. Edwards, Elizabeth L. Rambo & James B. South
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Myth, Metaphor and Morality by Mark Field
Televised Morality: The Case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Gregory Stevenson
Undead TV: Essays on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Elana Levine
The Aesthetics of Culture in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Matthew Pateman
Girls Who Bite Back: Witches, Mutants, Slayers and Freaks by Emily Pohl-Weary
Why Buffy Matters: The Art of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Ronda Wilcox
Into Every Generation a Slayer Is Born: How Buffy Staked Our Hearts by Evan Ross Katz
The Lure of the Vampire: Gender, Fiction, and Fandom from Bram Stoker to Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Milly Williamson
Blood Relations: Chosen Families in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel by Jes Battis
Sex and the Slayer: A Gender Studies Primer for the Buffy Fan by Lorna Jowett
Diseases of the Head: Essays on the Horrors of Speculative Philosophy; edited by Matt Rosen (chapter 2 Death of Horror)
Public Privates: Feminist Geographies of Mediated Spaces by Marcia R. England (chapter 1 Welcome to the Hellmouth: Paradoxical Spaces in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Open Graves, Open Minds: Representations of Vampires and the Undead From the Enlightenment to the Present Day; edited by Sam George and Bill Hughes (chapter 8 ‘I feel strong. I feel different’: transformations, vampires and language in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The Contemporary Television Series; edited by Michael Hammond and Lucy Mazdon (chapter 9 Television, Horror and Everyday Life in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Joss Whedon and Race: Critical Essays; edited by Mary Ellen Iatropoulos and Lowery A. Woodall III
Buffy and the Heroine's Journey: Vampire Slayer as Feminine Chosen One by Valerie Estelle Frankel
The Existential Joss Whedon: Evil and Human Freedom in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly and Serenity by J. Michael Richardson and J. Douglas Rabb
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 20 Years of Slaying: The Watcher's Guide Authorized by Christopher Golden
Reading the Vampire Slayer: The Complete, Unofficial Guide to 'Buffy' and 'Angel' by Roz Kaveney
Hollywood Vampire: The Unnoficial Guide to Angel by Keith Topping
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Monster Book by Christopher Golden
Slayer Slang: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon by Michael Adams
What Would Buffy Do? The Vampire Slayer as Spiritual Guide by Jana Riess
Bibliographic Good vs. Evil in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by GraceAnne A. DeCandido
Undead Letters: Searches and Researches in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by William Wandless
Weaponised information: The role of information and metaphor in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Jacob Ericson
Buffy, Dark Romance and Female Horror Fans by Lorna Jowett
My Vampire Boyfriend: Postfeminism, "Perfect" Masculinity, and the Contemporary Appeal of Paranormal Romance by Ananya Mukherjea
Buffy, The Vampire Slayer as Spectacular Allegory: A Diagnostic Critique by Douglas Kellner
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer": Technology, Mysticism, and the Constructed Body by Sara Raffel
When Horror Becomes Human: Living Conditions in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" by Jeroen Gerrits
Post-Vampire: The Politics of Drinking Humans and Animals in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twilight", and "True Blood" by Laura Wright
Cops, Teachers, and Vampire Slayers: Buffy as Street-Level Bureaucrat by Andrea E. Mayo
"Not Like Other Men"?: The Vampire Body in Joss Whedon's "Angel" by Lorna Jowett
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Domestic Church: Revisioning Family and the Common Good by Reid B. Locklin
“Buffy vs. Dracula”’s Use of Count Famous (Not drawing “crazy conclusions about the unholy prince”) by Tara Elliott
A Little Less Ritual and a Little More Fun: The Modern Vampire in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Stacey Abbott
Undressing the Vampire: An Investigation of the Fashion of Sunnydale’s Vampires by Robbie Dale
"And Yet": The Limits of Buffy Feminism by Renee St. Louis & Miriam Riggs
Meet the Cullens: Family, Romance and Female Agency in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Twilight by Kirsten Stevens
Bliss and Time: Death, Drugs, and Posthumanism in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Rob Cover
That Girl: Bella, Buffy, and the Feminist Ethics of Choice in Twilight and Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Catherine Coker
A Slayer Comes to Town: An Essay on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Scott Westerfeld 
Undead Objects of a “Queer Gaze” : A Visual Approach to Buffy’s Vampires Using Lacan’s Extended RSI Model by Marcus Recht
When You Kiss Me, I Want to Die: Gothic Relationships and Identity on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Ananya Mukherjeea
Necrophilia and SM: The Deviant Side of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Terry L. Spaise
Queering the Bitch: Spike, Transgression and Erotic Empowerment by Dee Amy-Chinn
“I Want To Be A Macho Man”: Examining Rape Culture, Adolescent Female Sexuality, and the Destabilization of Gender Binaries in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Angelica De Vido
Staking Her Claim: Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Transgressive Woman Warrior by Frances H. Early
Actualizing Abjection: Drusilla, the Whedonversees’ Queen of Queerness by Anthony Stepniak
“Life Isn’t A Story”: Xander, Andrew and Queer Disavowal in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Steven Greenwood
S/He’s a Rebel: The James Dean Trope in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Kathryn Hill
“Once More, with Feeling”: Emotional Self-Discipline in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Gwynnee Kennedy and Jennifer Dworshack-Kinter
“The Hardest Thing in This World Is To Live In It”: Identity and Mental Health in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Alex Fixler
"Love's Bitch But Man Enough to Admit It": Spikes Hybridized Gender by Arwen Spicer
Negotiations After Hegemony: Buffy and Gender by Franklin D. Worrell
Double Trouble: Gothic Shadows and Self-Discovery in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Elizabeth Gilliland
'What If I'm Still There? What If I Never Left That Clinic?': Faërian Drama in Buffy's "Normal Again" by Janet Brennan Croft
Not Gay Enough So You’d Notice: Poaching Fuffy by Jennifer DeRoss
Throwing Like A Slayer: A Phenomenology of Gender Hybridity and Female Resilience in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Debra Jackson
“You Can’t Charge Innocent People for Saving Their Lives!” Work in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Matt Davies
Ambiguity and Sexuality in Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Sartrean Analysis by Vivien Burr
Imagining the Family: Representations of Alternative Lifestyles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Vivien Burr and Christine Jarvis
Working-Class Hero? Fighting Neoliberal Precarity in Buffy’s Sixth Season by Michelle Maloney-Mangold
A Corpse by Any Other Name: Romancing the Language of the Body in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for the Adam Storyline in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Amber P. Hodge
Sensibility Gone Mad: Or, Drusilla, Buffy and the (D)evolution of the Heroine of Sensibility by Claire Knowles
"It's good to be me": Buffy's Resistance to Renaming by Janet Brennan Croft
Death as a Gift in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Work and Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Gaelle Abalea
“All Torment, Trouble, Wonder, and Amazement Inhabits Here": The Vicissitudes of Technology in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by James B. South
Staking Her Colonial Claim: Colonial Discourses, Assimilation, Soul-making, and Ass-kicking in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Jessica Hautsch
“I Run To Death”: Renaissance Sensibilities in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Christine Jarvis
Dressed To Kill: Fashion and Leadership in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Christine Jarvis and Don Adams
Queer Eye Of That Vampire Guy: Spike and the Aesthetics of Camp by Cynthea Masson and Marni Stanley
“Sounds Like Kinky Business To Me”: Subtextual and Textual Representations of Erotic Power in Buffyverse by Lewis Call
“Did Anyone Ever Explain to You What ‘Secret Identity’ Means?”: Race and Displacement in Buffy and Dark Angel  by Cynthia Fuchs
“It’s About Power”: Buffy, Foucault, and the Quest for Self by Julie Sloan Brannon
Why We Love the Monsters: How Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Wound Up Dating the Enemy by Hilary M. Leon
Why We Can’t Spike Spike?: Moral Themes in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Richard Greene and Wayne Yuen
Buffy, the Scooby Gang, and Monstrous Authority: BtVS and the Subversion of Authority by Daniel A. Clark & P. Andrew Miller
Are Vampires Evil?: Categorizations of Vampires, and Angelus and Spike as the Immoral and the Amoral by Gert Magnusson
The Vampire Lectures by Laurence A. Rickels 
Our Vampires, Ourselves by Nina Auerbach
Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality by Paul Barber
The Secret History of Vampires: Their Multiple Forms and Hidden Purposes by Claude Lecouteux
The Vampire Cinema by David Pirie
The Living and the Undead: Slaying Vampires, Exterminating Zombies by Gregory A. Waller
Vampire Forensics: Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend by Mark Jenkins
Slayers and Their Vampires: A Cultural History of Killing the Dead by Bruce A. McClelland
The History and Folklore of Vampires: The Stories and Legends Behind the Mythical Beings by Charles River Editors
Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology by Theresa Bane
Vampires of Lore: Traits and Modern Misconceptions by A. P. Sylvia
The Vampire: A New History by Nick Groom
Vampyres: Genesis and Resurrection: from Count Dracula to Vampirella by Christopher Frayling
Race in the Vampire Narrative by U. Melissa Anyiwo
Vampires, Race, and Transnational Hollywoods by Dale Hudson
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whencyclopedia · 15 days
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Henry VII of England
Henry VII of England ruled as king from 1485 to 1509 CE. Henry, representing the Lancaster cause during the Wars of the Roses (1455-1487 CE), defeated and killed his predecessor the Yorkist king Richard III of England (r. 1483-1485 CE) at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 CE. Known as Henry of Richmond or Henry Tudor before he was crowned, Henry VII was the first Tudor king. Despite having to deal with three pretenders to his throne and two minor rebellions, Henry's reign was largely peaceful and prosperous as, like a master auditor, he steadily increased the health of the state's finances. The king died of ill health in April 1509 CE and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE).
The Lancastrian Claim
Richard III was one of England's most unpopular kings, and he was accused of being involved in the murder of the two sons of his brother Edward IV of England (r. 1461-70 & 1471-83 CE) who disappeared from the Tower of London. Richard, having eliminated his nephews, made himself king in 1483 CE. His reign would be short and troubled; it was brought to an end by the rise of Henry Tudor, at the time better known as Henry, Earl of Richmond.
Henry was born on 28 January 1457 CE in Pembroke Castle, the son of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond (l. 1430-1456 CE). Henry was the grandson of the Welsh courtier Owen Tudor (c. 1400-1461 CE) and Catherine of Valois (l. 1401 - c. 1437 CE), the daughter of Charles VI of France (r. 1380-1422 CE), former wife of Henry V of England (r. 1413-1422 CE) and mother of Henry VI of England (r. 1422-61 & 1470-71 CE). Henry Tudor's mother was Margaret Beaufort (l. c. 1441-1509 CE), the great-granddaughter of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and son of Edward III of England (r. 1312-1377 CE). It was not much of a royal connection, especially as some regarded the Beaufort's as illegitimate, but it was the best the Lancastrians could hope for as their dynastic dispute with the House of York, the Wars of the Roses, rumbled on. Thus, Henry Tudor, returning from exile in Brittany, became the figurehead of the Lancastrians who aimed to topple the Yorkist king Richard III.
Henry Tudor wisely allied himself with the alienated Woodvilles, family of Elizabeth Woodville (l. c. 1437-1492 CE), the wife of Edward IV. Other allies included such powerful lords as the Duke of Buckingham who were not happy with King Richard's distribution of estates, and anyone else keen to see Richard III receive his just deserts. These allies even included the new king across the Channel, Charles VIII of France (r. 1483-1498 CE). The first move by the rebels proved premature and poorly planned so that Henry's invasion fleet was put off by bad weather and Buckingham was captured and executed in November 1483 CE.
Continue reading...
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littlemoriflower · 7 months
Mori Book Recommendations, by littlemoriflower
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Hello, dear-friends!
It's been a while since I have done one of these "longer" posts. I have been very absent, not only from this blog, but from the internet at large. School has been killing me lately, and I let the tiredness get the best of me more often than not.
However, I'd like to state that I continue to love AND wear mori everyday. not that anyone was accusing me of not doing it lmao I've simply been lacking the motivation to make more posts, but I hope that that's about to change! I won't be posting every day, but I'll try to come by and be more active in the community where I found so much happiness and lovely people in!
On another note, I have noticed more people joining the community! ^^ That is so exciting!!! I welcome all of you to our humble corner of the internet, and I hope you find peace and happiness in mori kei, as much as we mori folk do! (✿◡‿◡)
Now, to the post!
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The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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Mary Lennox, a spoiled, ill-tempered, and unhealthy child, comes to live with her reclusive uncle in Misselthwaite Manor on England’s Yorkshire moors after the death of her parents. There she meets a hearty housekeeper and her spirited brother, a dour gardener, a cheerful robin, and her wilful, hysterical, and sickly cousin, Master Colin, whose wails she hears echoing through the house at night.
With the help of the robin, Mary finds the door to a secret garden, neglected and hidden for years. When she decides to restore the garden in secret, the story becomes a charming journey into the places of the heart, where faith restores health, flowers refresh the spirit, and the magic of the garden, coming to life anew, brings health to Colin and happiness to Mary.
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Anne Of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery
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This heartwarming story has beckoned generations of readers into the special world of Green Gables, an old-fashioned farm outside a town called Avonlea. Anne Shirley, an eleven-year-old orphan, has arrived in this verdant corner of Prince Edward Island only to discover that the Cuthberts—elderly Matthew and his stern sister, Marilla—want to adopt a boy, not a feisty redheaded girl. But before they can send her back, Anne—who simply must have more scope for her imagination and a real home—wins them over completely. A much-loved classic that explores all the vulnerability, expectations, and dreams of a child growing up, Anne of Green Gables is also a wonderful portrait of a time, a place, a family… and, most of all, love.
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Howl's Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones
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Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle. To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl—and herself—than first meets the eye.
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Inkheart, by Cornelia Funke
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One cruel night, Meggie's father reads aloud from a book called INKHEART-- and an evil ruler escapes the boundaries of fiction and lands in their living room. Suddenly, Meggie is smack in the middle of the kind of adventure she has only read about in books. Meggie must learn to harness the magic that has conjured this nightmare. For only she can change the course of the story that has changed her life forever.
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By Ash, Oak And Thorn, by Melissa Harrison
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Three tiny, ancient beings - Moss, Burnet and Cumulus, once revered as Guardians of the Wild World - wake from winter hibernation in their beloved ash tree home. When it is destroyed, they set off on an adventure to find more of their kind, a journey that takes them first into the deep countryside and then the heart of a city. Helped along the way by birds and animals, the trio search for a way to survive and thrive in a precious yet disappearing world...
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Alice In Wonderland, by Lewis Carrol
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When Alice sees a white rabbit take a watch out of its waistcoat pocket she decides to follow it, and a sequence of most unusual events is set in motion.
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richmond-rex · 7 months
Hi there
So I follow the Tudor Trio and Nicola Tallis, Matthew Lewis and Nathan Amin were doing a debate today on the Princes in the Tower with the quote on quote new evidence that has been revealed from Philippa Langley.
I still firmly believe Richard III killed the Princes and find many of Matthew Lewis' arguments bizarre. I'm not sure why he thinks the Princes weren't a threat to Richard but were to Henry VII. If the Princes weren't a threat to Richard then why would they have been a threat to Henry VII? I can't understand why Richard would ever let them escape England of his own free Will. There is almost no chance they could have escaped without him knowing about it.
Also he claimed that Henry VII sent Elizabeth Woodville to Bermondsey Abbey and that she was supporting the Lambert Simnel Rebellion. Is there any truth to that? Thanks!
Hi, sorry for taking so long to reply! Lewis' arguments are so incredibly ridiculous — they largely rest on accepting at face value people's signatures and on the claim that Maximilian and Margaret of York were too blue-blooded to ever lie for political ends: essentially, he claims lying was for peasants. And yes, the princes would absolutely be a threat to Richard III as he found out as soon as he left London after his coronation — there happened a rebellion made by former Edwardian servants that aimed to free the princes from the Tower, very possibly to restore them to the throne. The princes had been raised all their lives to regard the English throne as their birthright — you're telling me they would grow up abroad and would neve try a restoration aided by one of England's political enemies such as France?
The ricardian claim that Richard III sent them to Burgundy is incredibly ridiculous to me as well: even if they stayed with Richard's sister, she wasn't the one ruling Burgundy — Maximilian of Austria, the husband of Margaret's deceased daughter-in-law, was. How could Richard be sure Maximilian wouldn't take the princes the minute Richard did something that went against Maximilian's interests and use them to either blackmail him or depose him so Maximilian could have his own English king? Burgundy had displayed lancastrian loyalties not so long ago in the past and the political game in Europe changed constantly.
It would have been absolutely STUPID of Richard III to deliver the strongest weapon anyone could use against him to a foreign power. Let's also mention that Maximilian at the time was struggling with controlling his own children, the actual Burgundian heirs, because some Flemish cities had rebelled against him and had his heir (Philip of Burgundy) in their power and were up in arms against his regency. From June 1483 to July 1485 Maximilian couldn't have control of his own son. You're telling me Richard would have sent the biggest assets anyone could use against him to that unstable scenario?
The truth is that Ricardians like Matthew Lewis benefit from the fact that people study/know about the Wars of the Roses from an impossibly anglocentric lens, ignoring that the conflict was also the outcome of the multiple iterations of power play between Western European powers: 'the Wars of the Roses were an extended episode in a European conflict, not just a murderous private dispute'. It really is inconceivable, when it comes down to logic, how Richard was one step ahead of everyone during the mounting off to his takeover of the throne (bamboozling and imprisoning the Woodvilles, executing and imprisoning Edward V's strongest supporters such as Hastings) but would commit such a basic political error as sending other claimants to his own crown to a foreign power.
As to Elizabeth Woodville going to Bermondsey Abbey as a way of punishment for her supporting a rebellion against Henry VII, it makes little sense as well. Henry VII carried on with the marriage negotiations with Scotland that involved Elizabeth and two of her daughters until James III's death in 1488. Again, it would make little sense for Henry VII to have found out Elizabeth was conspiring against him but keep wanting to send her north as an ally to Scotland, a country that could easily make war on him and create problems. Why would he deliver an enemy into the hands of another possible enemy, if Elizabeth truly conspired against him? Again, it's the lack of perspective into Europe and international politics that jump out in Lewis' logic.
Do my words make sense to you? I truly cannot comprehend how Lewis can say the stuff he says and no one really contradicts him in his logic.
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Books for the Hierophile #2
A continuation of the first list. Once again, all titles here are a variety of het, MLM, and WLW romance and erotica and may be purchased in most major in-person and online book sellers in either physical and/or digital form. Everything is listed in alphabetical order and a synopsis.
A Leap of Faith by Mel Gough - South Africa, 1953 – Father Daniel Blakemore is happy on his missionary secondment in a small, rural Providence Hospital on the Eastern Cape. Being away from England makes it easier for him to conceal his homosexuality – a secret that would destroy everything he’s ever worked for.But when Doctor Eddie Raleigh takes up his new position at Providence, the two men are instantly drawn to one another. Their liaison represents both Daniel’s deepest desire and his worst nightmare. If the archdeacon in London learns of his true nature, Daniel’s life in the church will be over.Broken-hearted, Daniel breaks things off with Eddie. And to get away from his sorrows, he leaves his beloved missionary work behind, and returns to Stepney, London.Will time and distance alleviate Daniel’s pain, or will happiness be forever elusive? Or will love, finally, find a way?An evocative tale of love, fear and duty, set against the backdrop of the nineteen fifties, with the emergence of apartheid in South Africa and the criminal nature of homosexuality in the UK.
Blow Me Father, For I Have Sinned (4 part series) by Dirty Mary - This collection of erotic shorts (1. Bad Habits, 2. The Good Wife, 3. Confession, and 4. The Bride) feature various women and their encounters with priests, nuns, and sin. Only available in eBook Format.
Broken Vows by MJ Williamz - Sister Mary Margaret has been a devout nun for twenty years and has never questioned her devotion to the calling. But when she develops a crush on one of her parishioners, Maryann Foster, the passion between them is irresistible and her vow of celibacy isn’t enough to keep them apart. But can she love both Maryann and the Church? She prays for an answer, only to question whether God has truly given her a sign or if she is just afraid to leave the only real home she has ever known. Mary Margaret must reconcile her divided heart or risk losing a love that just might be heaven sent.
Billionaire's Sins: A Forbidden Hot Priest Romance By L. Steele - Part of Big Bad Billionaires series. Father Edward Chase. Brooding. Growly. And... unavailable. He's the hot priest. I am a belly dancer. He's haunted by his past. I am trying to carve out a future for my studio. He’s at war with himself, and I am the casualty. There is nothing he will put before his calling. No stone he will leave unturned for his flock. He’ll never give in to the attraction between us, So what if he stars in all my dreams? He may be a man of God. But for me, he is temptation personified. Making him fall for me is all I ever wanted. Until he reveals his secret.
Cardinal Sins: Seducing the Priest by Liz Steel - “I was never the church going, confessing type—until the hottest priest in a ten state radius showed up. I have to have him. I just need to get him out of his priestly robe…and into his pants. I knew he isn't exactly a saint. But can I pull it off? Will he commit cardinal sins with me? I have to find out. And I'm going to.”
Confessions: Justin’s Penance, Lust and Ecstasy by Luke Jameson - "It can't be wrong if he's a priest." Now, in one complete volume, is the love story between a priest struggling with his beliefs, and his student who goes to great lengths to justify his growing attraction for another man. Justin's Penance tells the story of how Mateo and Justin first meet, and how their explosive attraction forces them apart. In Justin's Lust, our lovers reunite at a monastery in the mountains of Virginia. Both men have taken vows to the church, but as you'll discover, promises are often broken. After an illicit encounter, Justin flees the monastery, praying to a God who isn't listening. In Justin's Ecstasy, Mateo is devastated, and goes to a strange city in search of the man who claimed his heart. Will Justin return Mateo's feelings, or will his promises to the church keep true love apart? ​​Two men are destined to be together, and the only things holding them apart are the vows they have made to the church. Will love win, or will their beliefs be their undoing?
Cardinal Sinner (Divine Domination Book 2) by Megan Michaels - Eliska Petrova grew up as a good Catholic girl in Prague, attending Catholic school, even obtaining a job in the Vatican City working for the Cardinals in the Apostolic Palace. She couldn’t imagine anything better than her job in Rome. That is, until she met the tall, dark, and handsome Cardinal Petr. The problem wasn’t that he was her boss and mentor. The problem was that she was helpless to resist her desire for him. Realizing her deep-seated, dark fantasies of pain and pleasure, power and submission/surrender with a prominent Cardinal seemed like a recipe for disaster. But that hadn’t stopped her from diving in anyway. Her temper got her into trouble with the Petr – often – and he had very creative ways of tamping down her fiery ways, the least of which was an old fashioned, bare bottom spanking. Petr Novak had studied underground in oppressive, Communist ruled Prague, even completing and receiving his doctorate in secret. The Pope ordained him as a Bishop in St. Vitus Cathedral once the Iron Curtain had crumbled, and he’d begun working his way up the ranks of the Roman Catholic Church, becoming a Cardinal in Rome. He’d never planned on falling in love with the young flaxen-haired Czech beauty. Her fire called to him though, and he couldn’t deny himself – even if that very fire threatened to consume them both. How could she commit to a man who had his eye on becoming Pope? Would she be enough – or too much? Could they find happiness with each other and the Church? 
E Pluribus Unum Book 1 - Lesbian Lust By Rowan Buchanan-Brown - 1621....Sister Benedetta is very sick. She has become plagued with demonic hallucinations; all telling her she will rot in Hell. As ministers from the government arrive at her convent to investigate; they uncover a secret relationship she has been having with a fellow Sister....2006....Marcia and Naomi are two lovers who stumble upon a dark cult when on holiday in the Amazon Rainforest. Though they escape to civilisation again, they bring back an ancient evil with them, the same evil which plagued Sister Benedetta and which threatens to turn all the women on Earth to its own wicked ways....
Emily and the Priest by Selena Kit - Her first year away from home has been a disaster for shy, awkward Emily, falling in with the wrong crowd, just trying to fit in with the other girls. When Mark, the campus psychologist, takes her under his wing, she's more than grateful, and under his tutelage, Emily blossoms into ripe, luscious fruit, just ready to be plucked. By the time Mark realizes his mistake, it's too late--Emily has fallen for him, and he for her. God help them both. Available only in Kindle and eBook Editions. Part of the Power Play series.
For I Have Sinned: A James Bay Novel by Kathleen Irene Paterka - Cursed or Blessed? A Man of God Must Make a Choice...Father Greg, a Catholic priest and recovering alcoholic, took a vow of obedience at his ordination-but thirty years later, that Roman collar chafes his neck. His love for God is not in doubt, but the same can't be said for his faith in the church. After a young interracial couple joins his parish in the small exclusive resort community of James Bay, Michigan, Father Greg finds himself waging a fierce battle fighting parishioners' prejudices. When an attractive widow from the parish joins hands with him to befriend the young couple, the problems only escalate-and so do the rumors about a romance. Caught up in a war with church leaders and his own guilty conscience, Father Greg is trapped. He's good at standing up for others, but now he needs to learn how to stand up for himself. It's the only way he'll become the man he was always meant to be-with or without the Roman collar. Part of James Bay series but can be read independently.
For I Have Sinned by Alex Grayson - “Twelve years ago, I vowed to stay celibate when I gave my life to the church. For twelve years, I've kept that vow, and not once have I been tempted to veer away from it. Until she walked into my life. Jersey, the homeless girl who sneaks into my church to steal food. From the moment I first saw her, something about her called to me. She was sent to tempt me down a sinful path, and I have no hope of denying her. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.” A Part of the Itty Bitty Delights series but can be read independently.
For I Have Sinned by Dakota Rebel - “I’ve never been much for church or religion or faith of any kind really. So I never expected to become friends with a priest. And I certainly didn’t expect to fall for one. I spent most of my life pretending that I was a good son, a good brother, a good man, in an attempt to earn my parents’ approval. And now I’m just tired of pretending. Because the closer Father Luke Stone and I get to one another, the harder it becomes to deny the attraction between us. I’m not sure if he’s fighting it, too, or if he honestly doesn’t feel it. He says he wants to save my soul. But I can’t help wondering. Am I even worth saving?” Available only in Kindle Edition.
Fuck Me Father, For I Have Sinned by Naomi Ace - Warning: This 3500 word shorty story is for adults only and features delicious and vivid interactions between three consenting priests. Available in only in eBook format.
Fall Into Temptation: A Forbidden Romance Between a Naive Catholic Girl and a Transitional Deacon by Katy Fox - She’s a naive catholic girl. He's a transitional deacon. Will they succumb to the wild flames of passion? Christie Hart is raised by strict catholic parents who never let her have her freedom. But when she finally goes to Britain to attend her aunt’s wedding, she falls hopelessly in love with Vincent Knight. Fantasizing over a hot downright sexy transitional deacon? Terrible idea. But Christie can't help it. There are many rules a transitional deacon can't break. A transitional deacon cannot marry. A transitional deacon cannot abandon his flock. Vincent has always been good at following rules until Christie shows up and turns his world upside down. Can they overcome the temptation or will they fall deep into it? Find out how this totally unputdownable forbidden steamy romance ends.
For Love of God by Robin Reardon - It’s Manhattan, 1983. The Rocky Horror Picture Show is going strong at the 8th Street Playhouse. HIV/AIDS is still called “the gay plague.” The Twin Towers still stand tall. And Spencer Hill is convinced God has called him to the Episcopal priesthood. There’s just one problem. He’s gay. Determined to stay the course, Spencer avoids Donald Rainey, a young actor he’s attracted to. Then he tries dating a woman, another candidate at General Theological Seminary. Then, as a last resort, he considers a life of chastity. His attempts to deny his orientation fail, and he has a crisis of faith that nearly sends him over the edge. He’s saved by an insightful therapist and by his relationship with Donald, which he can no longer avoid. Then his life is in disarray again when Donald’s life takes a religious turn Spencer cannot accept, and he must find a path where there is no conflict between God and gay.
Grace but No Mercy by Lynn Cooper - “My name is Father Troy Hampton. From the time I was old enough to talk, my words came out as prayers. My life belongs to the church. It’s true that I’m nothing more than a mortal man made up of all the same parts as other men. However, through my devotion and unwavering commitment to Christ, I have been able to resist that which is carnal. I never succumb to the natural, sometimes overpowering yearnings and desires that rampantly pulse through the veins of all mankind. Daily, I rebuke all that is unholy. I cling to my vestments, resisting all fleshly pleasures. Forsaking all others for Him. Until her.”
Heathens (Heathens Series Book 1) by Amanda Richardson - Lily Damewood is trying (and failing) to claw her way out of her dark memories. Her weekly visit to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is supposed to be a way to help her move forward, even though she’s far from the praying type. She catches the eye of Salem Tempest, a seminary student at Notre Dame. When an unlikely friendship forms between them—followed by a white hot attraction they desperately try to ignore—a revelation shakes them both to their core. Lily and Salem soon find themselves connected in powerful and unexpected ways. Turns out, Lily isn’t the only heathen, and Salem is just the right person to stoke the fire within her, despite his sacred vow of celibacy.
Her Priest (Divine Domination Book 1) by Megan Michaels - Divorced and working in Amsterdam as a reporter, Chelsea never dreamed that opening a simple social media account could bring the love of her life back to her. Especially when she still isn’t convinced she was his first love. Despite being his devoted submissive—in all things—she’d let him slip through her fingers—and paid the price of ten years of yearning for him. But could an independent, strong-minded woman be just as accepting of his dominance now? A dream one quiet night in college had shown Emerson his true calling. And that calling meant leaving his girlfriend, his lover. His soul mate. But now he’d found Chelsea again, that calling seemed a world away, his need and his lust for her as overpowering as the first day he’d laid eyes on her. He has to have her kneeling at his feet once more. Even if that means leaving the priesthood. His decade long sojourn has changed him in ways he’d never expected. And now he has his Chelsea under his dominion once more, she is going to find he is even more demanding than he was as a young man. Ten years in a position of power have left him with a taste for commanding obedience. And he intends to exercise that power on his yielding, submissive soul mate. She’s won him back, but is she ready for the new Emerson? Is she ready for his particular brand of religion-tinged, taboo kink?
Lead Me Not: A Gay Christian Romance by Ann Gallagher - Isaac Morris has devoted his life to preaching against the sin of homosexuality. But when his sister proposes a documentary to demonstrate once and for all that it’s a choice—with Isaac choosing to be gay as proof—he balks. Until he learns his nephew is headed down that perverted path. Isaac will do anything to convince the teenager he can choose to be straight…including his sister’s film. When Isaac’s first foray into the gay lifestyle ends with a homophobic beating, he’s saved and cared for by Colton Roberts, a gentle, compassionate bartender with a cross around his neck. Colton challenges every one of Isaac’s deeply held beliefs about gay men. He was kicked out by homophobic parents, saved from the streets by a kind pastor, and is now a devout Christian. Colton’s sexuality has cost him dearly, but it also brought him to God. As the two grow closer, everything Isaac knows about homosexuality, his faith, and himself is called into question. And if he’s been wrong all along, what does that mean for his ministry, his soul, his struggling nephew—and the man he never meant to love? 
The Lake Michigan Affair by JacquelIine Thomas - Rosalie fell into her life, a life she didn’t want. She met Richard, her brilliant surgeon husband, and fellow Catholic as a teenager. One night in the back of Richard’s car, her fate was sealed, to be Mrs. Richard Russo. Her strong Catholic family, where faith dictates all actions, left Rosalie no other choice but to marry Richard, a man who she did not love. Rosalie’s life looked perfect from the outside, the brilliant surgeon husband, a tight-knit Catholic community in Chicago, and friends. One evening in the halls of the Field Museum, she meets the man who will change her life forever, Catholic Bishop Sebastian Cole. The Lake Michigan Affair is a story of a woman finding true love, learning who she is, attempting to flee an abusive marriage, and ultimately risking it all to be with the man she loves. Set in a tight-knit, Italian-American neighborhood on Chicago’s Northside, tradition, religion, and culture collide. The Lake Michigan Affair looks at love, not what it is supposed to be, but how raw and powerful it can be and the force it has on the lives of Rosalie’s community.
My Priest, My Husband by Deede Kress- Last night Alaina agreed when Fr. Ryan said they were an exception to the law of celibacy. But this morning she admitted she was a mere woman involved in a forbidden love affair but Ryan was no mere lover. Unwilling to give him up, how could she compete against God?
The Priest's Virgin Sinner: A Taboo Erotic Short (Her Forbidden Men Book 2) By J. C. Hardin - “I never used to be this person. I never used to have these shameful desires. I was an innocent 19-year-old who went to college while living at home with my family. I went to church every Sunday like you're supposed to. I kept myself away from boys and tried to be a good girl. I never used to be this type of person. However, things changed. Dark desires grew within me. I thirsted hard for my family's priest. It wasn't supposed to happen. But it has. Now, the only thing I want is for this holy man to show me just how unholy this world could be.” Available only in Kindle and eBook Editions.
The Priest and the Prodigal by S. Adam - Only available in Kindle Edition, The Priest and the Prodigal: A Story of Taboo Love" suggests a narrative that revolves around a forbidden romantic relationship between a priest and a prodigal. The title immediately sets up a power dynamic between the two characters, with the priest being in a position of authority and the prodigal being a rebellious figure. The use of the term "taboo" implies that their love is considered socially unacceptable or morally wrong, adding an element of danger and risk to their relationship. The title also suggests a story of redemption, as the prodigal character may be seeking forgiveness and guidance from the priest. Overall, the title suggests a dramatic story of love, morality, and the consequences of going against societal norms and religious teachings.
Pleasing the Pastor by Daisy Jane - “The Pastor looks enormous behind that podium. Almost Godly. He looks at me like I'm unexplored territory and his life's dream is exploration. When I look at him, I’m mesmerized. But you can't fall for your Pastor ten years your senior... can you?”
The Priest and the Princess by Kathryn Kaufmann - She prayed to find Mr. Right… but this has to be wrong.Is asking for a commitment-minded man too much? Laura Daniels didn’t think so, but after wasting too many years on too many losers she’s giving up hope. That is until a chance encounter with a childhood friend sparks some new feelings. He’s exactly the kind of man she wants: sweet, funny, handsome… Except Heaven help her, he’s a priest—the new interim priest at her church. Worse, despite his vow, he has feelings for her and struggles with the pain-staking guilt of believing she could be his one true love, while Laura’s heart is torn between her lifelong love for God and her newfound love for Father Carl. It will take nothing short of a miracle to find a happy ending.
Priest: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance By Flora Ferrari - Stand alone novel in A Man Who Knows What He Wants series, available only in Kindle and eBook Editions. “Coming out of the jungle after almost twenty years, I’m not grappling with my faith as I reconsider my future in the priesthood, it's a different sort of calling. Something I don’t even know yet, until I meet her. I’m not grappling with my faith, but I’m sure as hell gonna be grappling with my Grace. In the horizontal position, if I’ve got anything to do with it.  Her dad Carl is my best friend, we grew up together and he’s saved my ass so many times it hurts to think I’m breaking his heart by loving his daughter, but that fresh calling I got? The one that drew me from the jungle, it all makes sense as soon as I see her, and I know, right there and then that she’s my woman and I have to make a family of my own with her. Starting right now.”
The Priest by Erin Pim - When a good-hearted young woman becomes stressed at her workplace, she ends up doing things she regrets. Unhappy with her immoral actions, she decides to visit the one person she knows can set her back on the right path: a male dominatrix known only as ‘The Priest’. This mysterious character advertises an ability to purge women of their sins - exactly what our woman needs. Available in Kindle Edition.
Priest: True Love by Pamela White - Father Daniel is unlike any man Kelly Hall has ever met; while she struggles to adjust to her federal detention at Carlyle. But even within the mysteries surrounding events leading to her sentence, and her wayward boyfriend still living at home, a growing affinity for the priest of Carlyle church mass cannot be avoided forever. Father Daniel, who has been the priest over Carlyle church mass for two years, is stricken with an attraction for Kelly Hall. When the beautiful young woman begins working for him in the chapel, Father Daniel feels drawn to her and despite his protest, is weakening in withholding himself from the attraction between them.
Playing With Her Priests by S. E. Law - When Pastors Jordan and Jason stepped up to the pulpit, the breath caught in my throat. These were the new pastors at the Village Church? The men had perfect lips, tattoos swirling up their forearms, and cocky, knowing smiles that made my heart race. In fact, all the female congregants let out a collective sigh when Pastors Jason and Jordan got up to preach. But Jason and Jordan are no average men of the cloth. The two handsome priests are godliness personified, yet with a taste for sin. Book 3 of the Playing With Them series, available only in Kindle and eBook Editions.
The Priest’s Lover: A Romance by Maria Avery - On the surface, 19 year old Jessica is demure, shy, and retiring - the very image of what a good Catholic girl should be. But the holier-than-thou teen has been in love with Father Damon for as long as she can remember, and she's convinced that if she can light the fire of passion within him, his desire will turn him away from his holy devotion and towards her. As his lust turns blossoms into love, it the relationship is threatened by Jessica's jealous best friend who uses blackmail to get what she wants. Available in Kindle Edition.
Priest’s Curves: Curvy Girl Romance by Kelsie Calloway - “Ten years ago, my best friend and high school sweetheart left me to become a priest. He says he came back to town to change lives, but I know it's because of me. I'll bring this priest to his knees. Sorry, daddy, I've been bad.Or whatever it is you say in the confessional.” Book 11 in the Curvy Girl of the Month Club series but can be read independently. Only available in Kindle Edition.
Rebel Priest by Adrianne Leigh - A priest is expected to protect his flock, observe a strict vow of celibacy, and honor his vow to God. “I've always been good at obeying the rules. And then she came.With her, I'm eager to desecrate every sacrament. One filthy taste of pleasure and pain--one stolen touch of heavenly blasphemy--a lifetime of sacred torment.Forbidden love is more dangerous and more intoxicating than any other kind, and the sweeter the sin, the greater the catastrophe.By the edicts of my church, I am no longer in a state of grace. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I am a priest and she is my obsession. This is my unholy confession.”
Sexpulsion by Jorge Smith - Having been visited by awakened ghosts throughout the night, a troubled single lady feels she must seek the assistance of a local priest. She complies to cruel and sexual rituals after hearing his perverted directions, in order to restore her tranquility.
The Sinful Priest: MM First Time Straight to Gay Age Gap by M. M. Cummings - James couldn’t let the image of last night go. Ambrose was among the pews doing everything but pray with that man. And now Ambrose was ready to confess his sins. But James isn’t prepared for the truth or the sinful words coating the young man’s tongue. Each one unlocks hidden, forbidden desires inside James. Wicked desires to be with someone. Worse, to be with a man. To be with Ambrose and make him scream. Desperation floods the air. Suddenly, the priest’s collar is suffocating. The confession box, too small. Slight flecks of pleasure peak from the lattice barrier with devilish movements. James is losing it and there is nothing he can do to calm his throbbing need. He wants Ambrose. He needs him. And maybe a fall from grace could land him in a world of happiness and bliss. Only available in Kindle and eBook Editions.
Say Your Prayers by Crystal Ash and Cathryn Moon - Hell has taken over. And Earth’s last sanctuary doesn’t stand a chance. A young woman with horns was the last person Father Stavros expected to see approaching his gate, begging for sanctuary. As a man of God, he learned to never turn away someone in need, especially after Hell’s Rising. But the sinful cravings that follow him and his fellow priests are a whole new obstacle. The horned woman is a succubus--aligned with the very evil they are the last stronghold against.Which begs the question, why would a succubus seek refuge in a church?Spat up from Hell, Deyva’s arrival has made the three priests of Bethel question everything from their faith, their integrity, and the very enemy they face. She may not actually be a monster, but a person truly in need of protection, in need of love, and that rattles the Fathers to their very foundations. When Hell’s Kingdom sends the least likely adversary to Bethel’s gate to retrieve the wayward succubus, the priests are faced with a choice. Throw Deyva back to the pit that spat her out, and take a final stance against Hell with everything they’ve got. Or protect her, give in to their feelings, and risk losing the last grip on their faith.
Sweetest Sin by Sosie Frost - “The priest responsible for my salvation is the man leading me into temptation. Or maybe I’m the one corrupting him? Father Raphael St. Lucian shares my desire, but even he can’t fight our twisted thoughts and fantasies. He promises that we will be saved if we confront our lust and resist this dangerous attraction. But an innocent kiss becomes a forbidden touch, and midnight secrets destroy us in beautiful blasphemy. What happens when our faith is tested and my most honest confession threatens to break his sacred vow? How long can we deny the sweetest sin?”
Stepbrother Priest: A Taboo Love Story by Riley Jones - “I didn't care if it was a sin, I had to have him. None of it should have happened the way it did. I wasn't supposed to fall in love with Jonah. Everything about it was wrong. Not only was he my stepbrother, he was also a celibate priest. I had no right to convince him to break his celibacy, but I couldn't help myself. Jonah was sweet and muscular, the perfect man for a girl like me. So what if the church forbade our relationship? The heart wants what the heart wants. At least that’s what I had to keep telling myself. I just hoped that God would forgive us.” Available in Kindle Edition.
To Become a Priest by Den Adler - Thirteen-year-old Danny Bates is obsessed with becoming a Catholic priest, and he enters Southport, Wisconsin's, Resurrection Seminary in 1957. But a tragic fire in Chicago ignites doubts about the God Danny is so eager to serve, and he falls in love with Jessica Fernettan, his best friend Pat's twin sister. As Jessica urges both Danny and Pat to leave the seminary, and with the Church in a period of dramatic change following its second Vatican Council, the young seminarians face agonizing choices.
This is My Body by Elena Graf - The new rector of St. Margaret's by the Sea Episcopal Church has a secret. Lucille Bartlett was a rising star at the Metropolitan Opera, but she disappeared from the stage and no one knows why. Philosophy Professor Erika Bultmann is a confirmed agnostic, who doesn't have much use for religion, but she is fascinated by Mother Lucy. When Erika returns to her summer cottage in Hobbs to finish her last book before she retires, Lucy is drawn to the enigmatic professor, but she wants much more than a casual affair. Erika has been in open relationships; Lucy wants a commitment. Lucy believes marriage is sacred; Erika thinks it's a vestige of the patriarchy. When Lucy's secret is revealed, she needs Erika's support more than ever. Can they put aside their differences and find common ground?
The Temptations of Heaven by Greg Kauffman-Starkey - Father Leo Brannigan has been a man of deeply religious faith all his life. He is a respected pillar of his community and a man everyone turns to when they’re in need, spiritual or emotional. A chance encounter with a disturbed parishioner after a fire-and-brimstone sermon about homosexuality threatens to turn the good Father’s entire world upside-down. He finds himself strangely drawn intimately to the man he is counseling and is constantly thinking of him in ways he’s not ready to admit. The night he has his very first bombastic erotic dream about the fellow quickly has him questioning everything he thought he believes. Is he falling victim to the very lust he preaches so strongly against? Has the man made him wonder what he’s been missing by being a man of the cloth? If so, can Leo remain faithful in his religious convictions while growing closer to having a sexual relationship with this alluring stranger who has suddenly taken over his every waking moment and many of his sleeping ones?
Vatican: A Novel by Malachi Martin - The subject of this long and intriguing novel is the Vatican's elaborate bureaucracy, in particular its powerful financial network, headed by a mysterious figure known as the Keeper. Another central character, who gives the story its slant, is American Richard Lansing, who joins the Vatican as a young monsignore in 1945, and becomes the confidant of five successive popes. When he reaches the apex of his career, he staunchly opposes any Church bargain with Mammon. (Note: this book is not a romance or erotic story but I include it in this list because it might be of interest nonetheless).
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adarkrainbow · 7 months
Dubois' bibliography: Fairy books (1)
I talked a LOT before of Pierre Dubois, his famous "Fairy/Elf/Lutin Encyclopedias", his collections of fairytales, and so forth and so on. And yes we have to agree that he has a very free, inventive, poetic style when it comes to retelling the various myths and legends surrounding the fair folk and other supernatural beings. As such, while his books are very entertaining and very beautiful, they are not to be used as a serious research material and can be quite misleading between Dubois' personal inventions, crafted genealogies and fictional history of "Elfland"...
BUT the wonderful and very pleasant thing with Dubois is that at the end of each of his Encylopedias he leaves us with a complete bibliography of all the books he used when writing them. I have rarely stumbled upon such complete bibliographies about the "fair folk", "good neighbor", petit peuple" and so forth, and while it goes a bit beyond what this blog is about (fairy tales proper), I still thought of sharing some of it here because my Dubois posts were all here.
Now, I can't share the entirety of the bibliography because it would be too big. However what I will share is all the books Dubois placed in his bibliography... in English. Indeed, Dubois reads the English and as such a good chunk of his bibliography is English-speaking (there are also some Spanish, Italian and German books in his lists). As such, if you are an English speaker you can easily go check these texts. (Note, this comes from his bibliography of his "Encyclopedia of Fairies", so that we stay within the "fairy tale" theme of this blog)
Tolkien's On Fairy-Stories
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Beatrice Phillports, Mermaids
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Richard Carrington, Mermaids and Mastodons
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Gwen Benwell and Arthur Waugh, Sea Enchantress
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The Lost Gods of England, Brian Branston
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Wilfrid Bonser, A bibliography of folklore
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Masaharu Anesaki, Japanese Mythology (also known as the History of Japanese Religion)
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F. J. Child, The English and Scottish Popular Ballads
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Moncure Daniel Conway, Demonology and Devil Lore
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T. C. Croker, Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland
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N. Belfield Dennys, The Folklore of China [The book has the very unfortunate subtitles "and its affinities with that the Aryan and Semitic races", but it was written in the 19th century so...)
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David Crockett Graham, Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miao
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Thomas Keightley, The Fairy Mythology
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P. Kennedy, Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts
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John Rhys, Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx
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Sir George Webb Dasent's translation of Popular Tales from the Norse
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The Norse Myths (as rewriten by Crossley)
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Delaporte Press' Great Swedish Fairy Tales, illustrated by John Bauer
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Inger and Edgar Parn d'Aulaire, D'Aulaire's Trolls (also known as D'Aulaire's Book of Trolls)
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The Florence Ekstrand edition of Theodore Kittelsen's Norvegian Trolls and Other Tales
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G. Fox, The Archaeology of the Cambridge Region
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Edward L. Gardner, Fairies
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M. Geoffrey Hodson, The Kingdom of the Gods
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Coming of the Fairies
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Walter Burkert, Ancient Mystery Cults
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Sabine Baring-Gould, Curious Myths of the Middle Age
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shinyasahalo · 5 months
Top 100 AO3 Anime/Manga Ships 2024
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (MHA) 45,256 fics
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou (MHA) 32,554 fics
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (BSD) 32,229 fics
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice) 27,957 fics
Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto (MHA) 24,587 fics
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (MHA) 23,532 fics
Iwaizuma Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu!) 21,002 fics
Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio (Haikyuu!) 19,622 fics
Levi Ackerman/Eren Yeager (AOT) 18,405 fics
Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku (MHA) 18,295 fics
Akaashi Keiji/Bakuto Koutarou (Haikyuu!) 17,649 fics
Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) 15,335 fics
Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru (JJK) 13,661 fics
Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith (AOT) 13,320 fics
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku (MHA) 13,215 fics
Miya Atsumo/Sakusa Kiyoomi (Haikyuu!) 13,174 fics
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto (MHA) 12,303 fics
Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks (MHA) 12,244 fics
Rorona Zoro/Sanji (One Piece) 11,394 fics
Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou (Haikyuu!) 11,383 fics
Sawamura Daichi/Suguwara Koushi (Haikyuu!) 10,481 fics
Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi (Haikyuu!) 9,815 fics
Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 9,653 fics
Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi (MHA) 9,461 fics
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (BSD) 8,345 fics
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky (Yuri on Ice) 8,246 fics
Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might (MHA) 8,083 fics
Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke (Naruto) 8,023 fics
Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (BSD) 7,958 fics
Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto (MHA) 7,841 fics
America/England (Hetalia) 7,834 fics
Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito (Dangan Ronpa) 7,661 fics
Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 7,297 fics
Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein (AOT) 7,220 fics
Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi (Dangan Ronpa) 7,201 fics
Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka (Naruto) 7,126 fics
Bakugou Katsuki/Reader (MHA) 7,040 fics
Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu!) 6,740 fics
Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo (MHA) 6,646 fics
Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi (MHA) 6,622 fics
Kakyoin Noriaki/Kujo Jotaro (JJBA) 6,333 fics
Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki (Sk8 the Infinity) 6,258 fics
Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku (MHA) 6,204 fics
Nanjo Kojiro/Sakurayashiki Kaoru (Sk8 the Infinity) 6,137 fics
Fushigura Megumi/Itadori Yuuji (JJK) 6,135 fics
Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou (MHA) 6,088 fics
Dante/Virgirl (Devil May Cry) 5,632 fics
Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece) 5,590 fics
Katsumi Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice) 5,515 fics
Gon Frees/Killua Zoldyck (Hunter X Hunter) 5,160 fics
Gojo Satoru/Reader (JJK) 5,150 fics
Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi (MHA) 5,142 fics
Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang (FMA) 5,119 fics
Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito (Naruto) 5,019 fics
Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu (Haikyuu!) 4,970 fics
England/France (Hetalia) 4,918 fics
Nanase Haruka/Tachibana Makato (Free!) 4,840 fics
Mikasa Ackerman/Eren Yeager (AOT) 4,806 fics
Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 4,795 fics
Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) 4,772 fics
Leone Abbacchio/Bruno Buccellati (JJBA) 4,701 fics
Miyaka Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun (Ace of Diamond) 4,690 fics
L/Yagami Light (Death Note) 4,670 fics
Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail) 4,665 fics
Edward Elric/Roy Mustang (FMA) 4,527 fics
Higurashi Kagome/Inuyasha (Inuyasha) 4,482 fics
Levi Ackerman/Reader (AOT) 4,456 fics
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi (MHA) 4,444 fics
Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Tri-gun) 4,439 fics
Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir of the 104th (AOT) 4,434 fics
Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo (MHA) 4,354 fics
Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji (Banana Fish) 4,349 fics
Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou (Haikyuu!) 4,249 fics
Hyokuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou (Seraph of the End) 4,214 fics
Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki (MHA) 4,084 fics
Armin Arlent/Eren Yeager (AOT) 3,948 fics
Gojo Iatoru/Itadori Yuuji (JJK) 3,942 fics
Levi Ackerman/Hange Zoe (AOT) 3,890 fics
Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei (Haikyuu!) 3,887 fics
Bulma Briefs/Vegeta (Dragon Ball) 3,851 fics
Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Shigaraki Tomura (MHA) 3,845 fics
Matsuoko Rin/Nanase Haruka (Free!) 3,759 fics
Edogawa Ranpa/Edgar Allen Poe (BSD) 3,747 fics
Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Reader (MHA) 3,657 fics
Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler) 3,624 fics
Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou (MHA) 3,622 fics
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cappymightwrite · 2 years
I think Rhaegar and Lyanna were in love but they had a sad sending.
And you're very much entitled to have that opinion, anon.
For me... I do lean towards it being a tragic story in a different way and actually it's kind of interesting to think about, since I did watch 'The Princes in the Tower: Lucy Worsley Investigates' last night.
Obviously those two stories seem unrelated, but it's notable that when you have these kinds of mysteries, what happened to such and such, there is a tendancy to romanticise the outcome, e.g. a substantial group of people believe that Edward V and Prince Richard weren't killed under Richard III's orders, but instead survived into the reign of Henry VII to challenge him as the pretenders Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck, respectively. I think Aegon/Young Griff's narrative is a play on that and I like the idea of the ambiguity around his identity never truly being put to bed. He could be the real deal, he might not be, but his story harks back to these real historical figures and the impact they had on succession during the Wars of the Roses. It's more interesting, narratively, if the question is never answered, I think, but instead strong cases can be made for both sides and how does that impact the characters Aegon comes into contact with.
But anyway, back to R + L. Whether there was love involved, what I am certain of is that Rhaegar was probably far more goal-orientated and manipulative, rather than romantically tragic, dying for love etc., than most people in this fandom are willing to admit/consider.
You know, he's described as having been very bookish as a child, keeping to himself, not really playing with other children. And as an adult, it is said "no man ever knew Prince Rhaegar, truly" (ASOS, Daenerys I). This paints an interesting picture of a man, still kind of vague, but potentially quite an insular and closed off person. Add to that the Targ exceptionalism and the weight and expectation of being heir, could this be someone who perhaps only thinks of the bigger picture in terms of their own involvement, their own justifications? Someone who only thinks of the individual, if that individual is himself? My point is, I find his characterisation, what we get of it, as not the least be ominous, rather than signaling a romantic hero.
Indeed, not unlike Edward I of England, who was himself obsessed with Arthurian prophecy, it's strongly suggested that Rhaegar apparently read something in an ancient scroll — the Azor Ahai/PTWP prophecy — that changed his outlook substantially and prompted him to make a commitment to training as a warrior.
To circle back to Richard III and the Princes in the Tower, I can understand why people want to believe him incapable of such coldness, that like stories of the Romanovs, the princes might have survived, and undoubtedly Shakespeare's play exaggerates Richard and plays into ableist tropes, NEVERTHELESS... there's also no doubt in my mind that he did have them killed because why would he keep threats to his power alive? But I digress, my point is... Rhaegar like Richard, had a certain goal that took precedence over moral mores — Richard's was seizing the throne and Rhaegar's, which perhaps harks back to an earlier period of English medieval history, was this obsession with and the subsequent fufilment of this prophecy. In both cases, other individuals, innocents even, become collateral damage in the pursuit of these higher purposes.
So, no. I don't read R + L as a tragic love story, I see it as more reflective of the ugliness and ruthlessness of medieval monarchies, because the thing is... for the War of the Roses, which ASOIAF apparently takes strong inspo from, was very much a dog eat dog period in history. And killing off your opponents to power was the accepted mentality, but it was actually during the Victorian period (see Millais' famous painting) that the story of the princes took on this romanticisation in the way we recognise it today. That's not to say people weren't interested by the story earlier than that (see Thomas More, whose writing Shakespeare based his play on), but their treatment of it was different. What I'm trying to say is, for me, it's a more interesting reading to consider Rhaegar having a particular, very goal-orientated medieval mentality of I have to father the prince that was promised by any means necessary for the sake of an unindividualised concept of humanity... and also the glory of my house and my own personal legacy.
But much like Richard, we may never know if Rhaegar ever grappled with any of this, if he ever felt guilt or regret for the murders that resulted from his actions, if he did love Lyanna in some way... or if she, like perhaps the princes for Richard, were just something to take possession of and then a means to an end. And I hope we don't ever know, because that's more reflective of real history, but the important thing is we do consider that ugly, ruthless side of things, rather than brush it under the rug in favour of a prettier, gentler story.
Thanks for the ask, anon! And once again, just want to reiterate that I completely respect your own interpretation. To each their own! 😊
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autumncottageattic · 3 months
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A Dorothy L. Sayers Mystery (1987)
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heartofstanding · 3 months
Will queens who pass away before the king in England not leave a will? Did Anne of Bohemia leave any wishes for her husband before her death?
A married woman required her husband's formal permission to write a will, since all her property technically belonged to him. It wasn't necessarily strange or rare for women to do so but it's hard to tell exactly how common a practice it was since we're dependent on the wills surviving and they don't always do. Isabella of Castile, Duchess of York (d. 1392) and Elizabeth de Bohun, Countess of Northampton (d. 1356) both left wills made with permission by their husband. We have evidence that Edward II granted Isabella of France permission to make an will when she was around 8 months pregnant with the future Edward III but her will doesn't survive (she appears to have made a will after she was widowed, however). Since Edward II's permission was recorded in Rhymer's Foedera and in the Calendar of Patent Rolls, it seems possible that if other queens had made their wills in their husband's lifetime, we would have evidence of the king's formal permission in these records and it doesn't seem like that is true.
We don't know enough about Anne of Bohemia's death to say. There is no evidence that Anne of Bohemia left behind a will and there is no record of a deathbed conversation between her and Richard II. As Louise Tingle says, Anne may not have made any deathbed requests "because she died at a relatively early age, and with no children or grandchildren to leave legacies". As Anne's biographer Kristen L. Geaman points out, Anne seems to have died quickly and suddenly which could have meant she had little time to prepare for her death. It is generally accepted that she died of plague (i.e. the Black Death) and if so, the high fever that's symptomatic of plague might have meant she was not in fit state to make any requests. Given how contagious plague was known to have been, it's possible that Richard II wasn't able to attend her deathbed. Her tomb monument was commissioned after her death and by all accounts, her death was sudden and unexpected - there's no evidence of a long term illness - so it is unlikely she had any input on its design. @shredsandpatches might have more insight than I do, however.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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Sophie, Countess of Wessex wearing an E,L & J necklace for Edward, Louise & James during a visit to Sunnydown School on September 8, 2022 in Caterham, England.
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whencyclopedia · 23 days
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Edward VI of England
Edward VI of England reigned as king from 1547 to 1553 CE. Succeeding his father Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE), Edward was only nine years old at the time and so the kingdom was ruled by a council of nobles, foremost among whom was Edward's maternal uncle, Edward Seymour (l. c. 1500-1552 CE) until he was replaced by John Dudley, the Earl of Northumberland (l. 1504-1553 CE). During Edward's reign, Protestant religious reforms continued as the Church of England broke further away from the traditions of the established Catholic Church directed by the Pope. There were also popular uprisings as the economy faltered and inflation was rampant. Edward's reign was short as he died of tuberculosis aged just 15. He was succeeded by his cousin Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554 CE) until what the majority of the people and nobility regarded as the rightful heir, his elder half-sister, was installed nine days later as Mary I of England (r. 1553-1558 CE).
Henry VIII & The Succession
Henry VIII married six times but it was his first three marriages that each produced a future monarch. With Catherine of Aragon (1485-1536 CE), Henry had a daughter, Mary (b. Feb. 1516 CE). With Anne Boleyn (c. 1501-1536 CE), there was another daughter, Elizabeth (b. Sep. 1533 CE). With wife number three, Jane Seymour, who was a lady-in-waiting at court, Henry had his first and last legitimate son, Edward, born on 12 October 1537 CE in Hampton Court Palace. At the joyous news, there followed 2,000 cannon shots let off in the Tower of London, bells rang out across England and there were 24 hours of parties and feasts but, tragically, Jane died 12 days after giving birth, most likely from post-natal fever.
As the first marriage was annulled to permit the second and Anne Boleyn was executed on charges of adultery, so each of their children was disinherited and it was Edward who became the official heir to the throne. As more wives came and went and no more children were forthcoming, Henry changed his mind in 1544 CE and declared that Edward could be succeeded by his half-sister Mary with Elizabeth next in line.
Henry VIII's health declined rapidly in his later years as the king became seriously overweight and suffered a badly ulcerated leg. The king died on 28 January 1547 CE at Whitehall Palace in London; he was 55 years old. Henry was buried in Saint George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, next to his late third wife, Jane Seymour, and he was duly succeeded by Edward who became Edward VI at his coronation in Westminster Abbey on 20 February 1547 CE. Henry, having split the Church in England from Rome to acquire his first marriage annulment and gone on a massive spending spree on palaces and wars, left his son an impoverished kingdom split over religious issues and, particularly, whether or not to press on with reforming the Church.
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holycolorfulpig · 2 years
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"Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery" - Official LFF Photo Call & Press Conference
LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 16: (L to R) Janelle Monae, Edward Norton, Kate Hudson, Daniel Craig, Ram Bergman and Rian Johnson attend the official photo call and press conference for "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery" during the BFI London Film Festival at The Mayfair Hotel on October 16, 2022 in London, England.
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