#edward redmayne
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Old black and white photo of a young Eddie photographed by Grant Scott, at The Apollo Theater UK, in May 2004.
📸 Source: Grant Scott Photography
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itsmeasherlockian · 1 year
So… I was scrolling through Pinterest today and this popped up. And I just thought… there aren’t only 23 times Eddie was too precious for this world. There are at least a thousand more. Any time Eddie goes to a premiere or literally anywhere he is perfect. So Buzzfeed, start adding things to the list.
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spacesistersimp · 2 years
Me 🤝 My bestie
Being in love with people called Eddie/Edward
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midnightsaboteur · 2 years
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Tagged by: @writermuses​
Tagging: @spellbindingnights, @utterxdesires, @siiinfully, @douchebagiism, @dark-n-dreary and whoever wants to do it!
top, from left to right:
Can kill you in an instant and will: Ivar Ljungberg (for pay or pleasure, he’s not bothered lol)
Can kill you in an instant if deserved: Max Tudor
Can kill you in an instant but won’t: Walt McAllister
middle, from left to right
Can fairly beat you up and will: Sean Fitzgerald
Can fairly beat you up if deserved: Noah Edwards 
Can fairly beat you up but won’t: Ramon Delgado
bottom, from left to right
Can hug you and will: Camille Montcroix
Can hug you if deserved: Dorian Gatsby
Can hug you but won’t: Arya Redmayne
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milknhonies · 4 months
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Wails of Wedded Bliss
Chapter 6 || Masterlist || Chapter 8
Chapter Summary: Upon meeting the Baroness you are enamoured by her devotion.
Pairing: Sherlock Homes x wife!reader
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, (No Smut), typical historical misogyny and sexism, mentions and discussion on miscarriages. Implied domestic abuse and infidelity.
Word Count: 9k
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Author Notes: This is an important but rather sad chapter. I beseech you all to read the warnings. The details of this chapter are important to the plot of the missing Baron Thaddeus Pennicott.
Inspiring Song: "Flightless Bird American Mouth" by Vitamin String Quartet
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8:30am Wednesday 7th May 1890, Grovelands House, The Bourne, London, England. 
Sherlock tucked your arm into his side as you three entered the Groveland house foyer. The floor was made of fine marble tile and with ever step a light echo raced down the halls.
The inspector called upon a nearby dusting maid to fetch the head of the house. Who returned was a thin and tall man in a butler’s uniform with a sliver pocket watch hanging from his chest. His hair was the colour of autumn leaves and his face littered in freckles.
He bowed, “I am mister Edward Redmayne, head butler of the Groveland estate, how may I assist you?”
The inspector shook his hand and stated quickly, “We spoke on the telephone yesterday? A telegraph was sent.”
The butler smiled with a relieving gasp, “Detective Holmes?”
Lestrade sheepishly looked over his shoulder to you and your husband. He nodded. His expression wore a emotion of embarrassment mixed with annoyance. Perhaps he was jealous of your husband’s successful published case stories. You wished you could have told the constable not to fret as Sherlock was nothing short of a arrogant mule...yet again- the mark on his face...he probably already knew that.
8:42am Wednesday 7th May 1890, Grovelands House, The Bourne, London, England. 
Upon meeting the lady of the house, you stood frigid by your husband. You felt somewhat self conscious by her grey eyes that lingered over your dress. Perhaps you should’ve worn your Sunday best before meeting a woman of such a high status.
The baroness was unmistakably pregnant. Her belly was bold and rounded beneath her maternity gown. She had been sitting calmly on a resting chaise, knitting a small bonnet for her future child. Her hands were covered in fine burgundy velvet gloves to match her modest dress.
Her face was framed by a light brown curls, that appeared almost white in some places, twisted into a bum at the base of her neck. Her pale face was blotchy with pink flecks and slight acne.
“Lady Pennicott, I am Inspector Braydon Lestrade of Scotland Yard,” the British officer proclaimed as he bowed dramatically forward. You withheld a girlish giggle by how low the man had bent his head and presented himself foolishly, and from the corner of your eye you manage to catch the whisp of Sherlock’s smirk.
The inspector waved his arm behind him and moved aside, “-and with me is Detective Sherlock Holmes and his wife, Mrs Holmes.”
You produced the baroness a respectable curtsy, your eyes glued down to the beautifully patterned carpet. You wondered how the servants could keep it so clean and freshly unstained by dirty guests. It must have been new.
The baroness shuffled her knitting needles and ball of woollen yarn into a Whicker basket and disposed of it beside her.
A slow stretching smile graced her thin lips as she spoke to you, “Oh, are you the little dear who solved that factory match girl incident?”
You weren’t sure how to answer her question. You weren’t entirely sure what the baroness was referencing until Sherlock stepped closer with your arm still cradled in his.
“No dear Baroness,” Sherlock pat your hand gently, “That would have been my sister Enola Holmes, she has her own detective office at present moment. My wife is here on my invitation. I wished to gift her a sight of the grand park and estate while I was here upon duty.”
The Baroness cocked her head, from her ears hung pearls that swung and hung like rain drops.
“Come forth dear,” she lifted her hand and beckoned you, “I would like to have better view of you.”
You wondered if she could smell the sweat beginning to drop down the back of your neck. You bit your tongue and tried to refrain from trembling. You were nervous. Her eyes were cold but her smile warm, two conflating details that you couldn’t understand. The last thing you needed now on top of a terrible start to your marriage was to be scrutinized by a haughty pregnant baroness.
She flickered your fingers for you to bend down to her. As you leant down, you swore you could smell copper, a metalic scent. A vein on your scalp pulsed. She scanned your face of its details. You dared to wonder what she was searching for. And then it clicked...the smell...
‘Dear god, you prayed, please don’t let her smell my blood, please let this not be my blood...’
You should have sprits on some perfume before leaving baker street.
She glanced behind you and questioned angelically, “How does it feel having such a clever husband?”
Your lips opened and closed. You resembled a fish. You were stumped to answer quickly.
‘Miserable, infuriating, torturous, pleasurable mixed with a cup of agony...’
She lifted her brows until you hurriedly blurted, “He is...formidable and righteous...” you stood up tall and took a step back, adding with a monetarism of truth, “I am very lucky to have become his bride.”
‘Lucky, while incredibly resentful.’
You reached back, Sherlock adopted your arm back into his hold once more.
Lady Pennicott rubbed her belly, her eyes started to twinkle, “And soon you will have a plethora of children that will look like him I gather.”
Your eyes fluttered. Sherlock’s hand tightened around your glove and his throat bobbed. You felt hot in the face.
Yes that’s right, that’s what normal husband and wife did isn’t it? They have children. That was your role, to be the mother of Sherlock’s offspring...
You couldn’t answer.
And there. That dear girl is when you questioned for the first time. ‘Is this what I want?’ and ‘Do I want Sherlock’s children.’ Because having a knowing of his barbarism conflated a fear in your belly...would Sherlock hurt his own children if he could easily hurt you, his wife?
When you hesitated for too long to answer her again, Sherlock said with a strained tone that was masked in a hopeful joy, “One may only hope, Baroness.”
“Lady Pennicott,” Graydon interrupted, “We have come to ask you on the whereabouts of Lord Pennicott and the evening he was last sighted.”
Her eyes narrowed at the inspector and with an annoyed twinge she muttered and wiped her hands on a nearby blanket, “I already informed the police of what I was informed of by our butler Edward.”
She glanced up next her right. Mister Redmayne observed her, looking down. The pair smiled to each other. She reached out to him. She grabbed his hand and they squeezed.
The inspector laughed nervously, “Indeed but Detective Sherlock Holmes was not presently involved in the case until yesterday.”
Her eyes flickered quickly to your husband and her face flared with confusion quickly to be matched with a impressed smile, “Of course, please sit all of you as I am near a indisposition with my child,” she gestured to the mirroring chaise and a chair beside the fireplace, “Edward, please tell Martha to bring tea and biscuits for our kind service men and Mrs Holmes.”
The butler bowed to you all and left the sitting room.
Lestrade took his place on the lone chair while Sherlock sat you beside him on the chaise. You took your time to lower yourself. Sitting on your bruises was uncomfortable while another cramp hit you. Your fingers dug into his palm.
From Lestrades breast pocket he pulled out a notebook and small pencil.
“Lady Pennicott,” Sherlock softly hummed, “Please, could you tell me what your husband is like as a person?”
The woman who you believed was in her late thirties smiled and stated softly, “My Thaddeus is a noble man, good taste in wine and very devoted to his work. He likes to go hunting and we share a passion for gardening,” she glanced up at the ceiling and paused, “He prefers to plant vegetables to donate to the church and orphans, whereas I have always loved to grow my flowers.”
The way she described him, her devotion was deep and honourable. She touched her round belly.
Sherlock looked over to the fire place behind the baroness. On the mantle was a magnificent portrait twice your height, painted on the canvas was who you recognised as Lord and Lady Pennicott. He was sitting up straight on a fine red cushioned chair with his dirty blonde hair and softened mutton chops while she stood at his right and her ringed hand on his shoulder. The similarities were there but Lady Pennicotts hair had lightened in reality perhaps from all the years that separated her likeness and her reality.
“I was informed Lord Pennicott is a father of five?” Sherlock asked.
The Baroness smiled proudly and pat her tummy softly, “Six soon.”
You couldn’t help notice something was missing from the painting, Sherlock also had a similar thought.
Where were the children in the portrait? Where was a family portrait in the house?
“Forgive me,” a breath of air escaped from him, “are the children away at school?”
“Oh,” her uncanny smile remained while her brows angled down, her throat tightened as she spoke, “I fear they are in the loving embrace of angels now. All of them were taken from us by God,” her eyes glanced to you, “They came out sleeping.”
Your heart sunk to the pit of your belly with sorrow and pity.
Five babies lost, five babies gone…five pregnancies… four and a half years of pregnancy and for what? Five angels.
A woman had one holy role in life, to bare her husband children, and when a woman was defective or produced a sickly child, it was a symbol of failure in society. But you never saw it that way...you imagined it must’ve been agony to lose so many babies. One or two was a common occurrence but five? Five was a curse to experience and relive over and over.
“Well,” you interrupted Sherlock rudely, cutting him off from his next abrasive question by squeezing his hand a little too hard.
You could see the mourning in the baroness’ face. You saw the classic look of all women made uncomfortable by something a man has said. What the hell would the detective know about a woman’s emotions after how coldly he has treated all women and yourself.
You shuffled on the opposite chaise and smile softly, “I will pray this one will come swiftly and feel the warmth of their mother.”
The baroness’ face lifted and warmed. She smiled happily and nodded, “Thankyou, oh I’m just so excited! This one really is a big one, I can feel it. I hope it’s a boy.”
Sherlock was staring at you intensely as the maid Martha finally delivered a pot of tea and poured the steaming liquid. His brows were knitted and his eyes held suspicion as he kept you in his sight. You politely nodded your head once at him before reaching for a hot cup and lifting it to your lips.
Sherlock sighed and turned back to his questioning, “You would say you liked your marriage?”
The baroness appeared offended by your husband as her face wrinkled and a sneer spread her thin lips, “Of course, any woman who doesn’t like her marriage should not be married in the first place. She is a burden to her husband if she cannot perform her duties as a wife.”
Lady Pennicott leant forward and collected her own cup of tea, she delicately pinched a biscuit and dunked it into the contents.
…you felt Sherlock drag his thumb across your fingers. You felt chilly, could he read your thoughts? Did he know truly how much you already hated him and his ideas of intimacy in your marriage? He clear his throat when both your glancing eyes caught each other.
“Can you tell me what happened,” Sherlock pressed, “The night of your husbands disappearance?”
“Well...after dinner,” the baroness sighed in thought and nibbled on her moist biscuit, “Thaddeus wanted to speak with me in his office about a spending I had made a week ago. You see, I had bought a cradle for the nursery. The one we had originally was broken and beyond repair, we disposed of it a month prior. Thaddeus was not pleased with the price and claimed it was an unnecessary purchase,” she paused and set her cup aside before she touched her belly again; rubbing in soft slow circles, she began to blushed, “He was sorely hurt by my choice. He then became very cross with me and left his office in a huff.”
She looked to the yarn, to the tea pot and then finally to the painting on the mantle, “I deemed that he would find forgiveness in his heart by the morning and brush it off. I returned back to the nursery to tidy up before I went to my rooms and went to bed to sleep in my quarters of the east wing. Thaddeus keeps himself to the west wing most nights.”
The detective nodded, “What time do you believe it was when you went to your bed, Baroness?”
She hummed softly while pursuing her lips, “A quarter to nine in the evening.”
“And how did you realise your husband was missing?” Sherlock stole a scone off the tea tray and lifted it to his lips. He paused amidst chewing it slowly.
The noble woman sighed and recollected, pragmatically, “In the morning Mr Redmayne informed me on how Thaddeus took off into the night astride Arion, our prize stallion Clydesdale. Thaddeus had not returned by the next morning and that is when concern drew near. I sent members of my staff to the factories to investigate his whereabouts and none had come upon him. I knew something had to be wrong so I alerted the authorities by the second morning.”
Your husband took a deep breath and discarded the half bitten scone, he wiped his hand unceremoniously on his jacket and throatily asked, “Do you recall if Lord Pennicott has any potential persons he might be deemed as an enemy towards?”
“Only his company competitors, Detective,” She said saccharinely with her smile, “He was a very loveable man.”
“Do you have a list of the names of staff who were working that evening here in Groveland House?”
The butler stepped forward and cleared his throat, “That would be in Lord Pennicotts office,” he pulled out a pair of keys, “I can you show you gentlemen in and where he keeps his accounts and other paraphernalia to his business if you’d like?”
Both Sherlock and Lestrade smiled and stood up.
“Baroness,” Sherlock gently requested, “Would it be overly bothersome if my beloved wife remained and kept you company while the inspector and I look in your husband’s office.”
Your heart jumped to your throat. What was Sherlock doing leaving you behind with the Baroness by yourself!?....what if you spoke out of turn or said something too presumptuous for your status!?...
“Most certainly not,” she beamed “I will gladly accept such delightful company,” She held out a hand, palm down to her right. The butler speedily stepped to her side and leant her his hand. She winced as she scooted forward on the cushioned lounge before struggling to rise to her feet.
Sherlock leant down and kissed the back of your wrist again, so scantily in front of the baroness. You tried tor refrain from loudly gasped and bringing anymore dangerous attention to yourself. Your husband left your side and followed the butler with Lestrade out of the sitting room.
So the party turned to two married women. The baroness was pleased.
She stepped closer to you and reached for your arm. You were surprised by her familiarity but you would not deny the assistance of a woman so desperately swollen and ready to birth any day.
“My dear, would you care to have a stroll with me in my garden?” She smirked and jerked her chin, “Knowing how dear Thaddie kept his space organised I suspect the gentlemen might be a while.”
You nodded and quickly made the warning assurance, “Are you in a condition to move great feets Lady Pennicott?”
“Fret not,” She giggled girlishly and waved her hand casually, “The physician told me fresh air is delightful for the health of the babe,” she tapped the top of her belly, “I have a month or so before they come.”
Your eyes widened, she looked huge enough to give birth now, surely she wasn’t a month away!! Maybe she was going to be blessed with a pair of twins. You had such a limited knowledge of pregnancy in women. Your grandmother hadn’t given birthed a child in the last forty years before your birth!!!
She pointed the way out of the main mansion to enter the garden paths. The sun was perfect today amongst the clouds. It was neither cold nor hot nor humid and dank...it was pleasant and you could smell the fresh nature of bushels and flowers.
“How long have you been known as, The Mrs Holmes?” She inquired cheerfully with her shining silver eyes.
“...Not very long,” you replied warmly before risking a white lie, “We recently finished our honeymoon.”
She grinned and waddled passed a wooden bench, she took a quick stop to rest and pat the seat for you to join her instead of standing dumbly.
“Shall I share some words of advise?,” She hummed, “From a woman that has been married for twelve years?”
“I would be ever so grateful,” you said rushed and desperate. You wouldve listened to anything she had to say. A woman of her standing must’ve held adequate wisdom.
She warmly cupped both your hands and squeezed them. And yet there was an ice creepy into her gaze. She appeared to dissociate, her voice losing its youthful lilt. Her lip wobbled slightly.
“Men are visual creatures. While you are so young and beautiful, you must become pregnant as soon as possible,” Lady Pennicott ran her palm across your waist, her eyes like razors cut across the yard to a bush of red rose buds, “It is inevitable that our husbands will stray their gazes to other women, it is in their nature,” those grey stones in her face rolled back and weighed you down, “as I said- visual creatures. The sooner you make a babe, the easier his devotion comes,” A joyous grin returned to her thin lips, she playfully tapped the tip of your nose and stated, “Trust me upon this.”
You clenched your hand behind you and strained a smile, “I thankyou for such wise words Baroness. I will endeavour to do what I must to conceive.”
At this moment in time Sherlock had proved himself a monstrous villain. Would it be possible for you to fall pregnant?
You looked out at the divine lush greenery and exhaled softly.
“Do you garden Mrs Holmes?” the baroness queried.
You chuckled softly and removed your gloves, you flashed her a sight of your palm, “I am afraid my hands have never been introduced. My grandmother preferred I focus on mastering piano and embroidery.”
The grey orbs fluttered back at you with a surprised him, “Embroidery is a lovely skill,” she pat your hand and pointed across the field, “Please help me up Mrs Holmes, let us take a look at my lilacs.”
You stood straight up and leant out your arm, she was surprisingly light for a woman her size. She leant against you and took small timid steps to her flower patches.
She stood and admired the flower patches, pointing to different types and explaining the breeds of flowers she hoped to grow in the future.
You finally bent over enough and cupped the petals of purple to hold up to your nose and took in a wiff “They smell lovely,” from the corner of your eye was a line of crimson, “I see your roses will soon be in bloom.”
She pinched a bud that was peaking to bloom soon.
“Oh yes, the soil is rich and healthy,” she giggled, “I can’t wait for Thaddeus to return, he liked the roses. He would stand here for a while and think. I know he will love the red colour. It is his favourite shade you see...” She sighed dreamily with her eyes scanning the bushes of scarlet rose buds, “I miss him terribly. I hope he’s alright. I want him to come home soon before the baby arrives.”
A fly smacked into your eye and you sputtered, battering it away. When you gracelessly composed yourself, you stood back up to your feet beside the Lady of Groveland.
You could see how her eyes puddles with droplets of mournful tears. You felt bad for any woman that did not know where her husband was. Especially if there was a rumour about him fleeing the marriage and abandoning her in her serious pregnant condition.
Taking the chance, you boldly took both your hands into yours and now squeezed them. Another buzzing from a fly sat on your shoulder.
The day was growing warmer and a bead of sweat rolled down your neck. The fly tickled your neck and suckled along your salted skin.
You tried your best to ignore the annoying creature.
“I am sure he will Lady Pennicott,” you soothed with a soft welcoming grin, “And he will be most happy when he returns.”
She sighed solemnly and glanced back at the rose bushes. You felt obligated for her happiness in that moment. Glancing back to the house you felt a opportunity come to you.
“May I visit your nursery Lady Pennicott, so I may have references for my own in the future?”
Her eyes flickered up, her face shine bright and her hand tightened over your wrists excitedly as though she was still as youthful as a school girl.
“Why of course Mrs Holmes,” she spun on her heel and wobbled a slight, she lifted her hand and called to the maid Martha still packing the china set inside, “Please inform the detective that I am taking his wife up to the nursery.”
“Yes Baroness,” she said with a humble curtsey and scurried off while Lady Pennicott took you totally inside the house and up a grand stair case from the foyer.
9:03am Wednesday 7th May 1890, Grovelands House, The Bourne, London, England. 
Up, up, up you both climbed the stairs. You noticed how the stairs didn’t bother her ladyship once, she was fit and stridden widely whereas you were breathing a little hard by the top step.
She pulled you down a hallway to a white painted door.
She excitedly opened the door wide and practically skipped inside to show you around her future child’s room.
The walls were covered in light blue and yellow paint. There were small peonies covering the trim of the room. There was no carpet but who needed one when you had a newborn.
“Welcome to the resting nest of my baby,” Lady Pennicott proudly exclaimed, spreading her arms out at the room around you.
There was a tall shelf filled with stuffed animals and teddy bears. There was a rocking horse, a doll house, spinning tops, tin cars and rubber balls all waiting, collecting dust, awaiting the arrival of a playmate. There was a permabulator by the window sill. There was a rocking chair in one corner and against the wall closest to the door- you smiled and swaggered over curiously, “Is this the cradle you bought?”
It was made of fine cream painted wood. You chewed your bottom lip in the thought. It was a lovely crib, why was Lord Pennicott so upset by such a delightful purchase? He didn’t have money issues. You put it down as that you didn’t understand the way men thought and men will never know what women think.
“Yes,” Lady Pennicott chirped, “it is from William Whitely department store in Baywater next to the Howard & Co dress department.”
The Baroness sat down into her rocking chair and slowly moved it back and forth, watching you admire the nursery she spent hours and years consistently curating.
You clenched the edge and looked over the railing down at the empty bedding. There was a teddy lamb in the corner, you pinched it’s fluffy white tail and sighed. For a brief moment you let your eyes close and your imagination wander far.
One day you’d have this...with Sherlock. An empty cradle to be filled. You caught the vision of a tiny hand squeeze around your finger and the sound of soft gurgles with the warm pressure of a hand on your waist...was that Sherlock’s hand? Was that your child?
One day you’d have a baby to care for, to provide these things that meant love...yet, was any child of Sherlock’s capable of love? He certainly wasn’t as far as you were concerned.
You bit down a shudder and opened your eyes, feeling hot tears glide down a cheek. You pushed back and sighed, “I am most confident on one thing Lady Pennicott.”
“And what is that Mrs Holmes?” she said softly, she could see the unspoken pain in your face. You swallowed hard and your face fell into a smile, you flashed her a wink.
You laughed softly, “Your child will be spoilt rotten by the love you give.”
She chuckled with you and nodded.
“Have you thought of a name?” you inquired, waltzing over to the chested drawers of baby knick knacks on display.
“Thaddeus Colin if it’s a boy,” she hummed, “or Theresa Grace if it is a girl.”
She giggled gently, “That is my name dear.”
Mrs Theresa Pennicott. It suited her. Her old soul eyes reflected her devout name.
A shine of glass pierced a ray of sun into your eyes, you pinched the glass object carefully. You touched a long black tube pulling out of it. You couldnt understand it’s purpose, your eyes narrowed at the rubber end that was shaped like a thumb or a cows udder. There was a second tube attached to the first with a rubber squeeze ball at the end.
“What is this?” you humoured.
“Oh that? It’s a fantastic invention,” The baroness said, “It’s a pump for breast milk with a tube that syphons the milk into this baby feeding bottle. When babies start to teeth they can scar your breasts. This is an effective and modern method I look forward to trying.”
Your eyes widened, scarring!? Babies teeth could scar a breast!?
You placed the bottle bump back and helped Lady Pennicott when she beckoned to stand back up from the rocking chair.
“Have you ever felt the sensations?” She suddenly, “In which they kick within?”
Your face must’ve looked idiotic as you asked plainly, “Kick?”
She giggled and nodded, “Give me your hand, perhaps you may feel them moving.”
She plucked your palm and pulled your glove off your fingers. She pressed your entire hand intimately to her belly. You felt a sense of taboo shame, she was making you touch such a beloved spot.
“Do you feel it?” she then asked.
Felt what? Confusion flooded your mind. Your hand moved around her belly slowly.
“I am afraid I don’t know what I’m meant to be feeling?”
She moved your hand and again you felt absolutely nothing.
“They are very brutal on my body,” Lady Pennicott sarcastically assured, “trust me there is a kick.”
She made a point to push your hand harder, but all you felt was the hard material of her corsetry beneath her main dressing materials.
“Baby’s kick you inside?” you marvelled with stunned horror. This was the first time you’d ever heard of such a notion of a baby beating it’s mother inside.
“Not out of malicious intent Mrs Holmes,” she reassured, “mostly it is the baby using its limbs to move their cramped bodies inside or excitement at the sound of voices, I truly believe they can hear us while still inside. Fear not, to you it will feel like a faint touch like this-”
Lady Pennicott softly tapped your wrist, “Like that.”
And there again was new knowledge you heard from a woman on matters of pregnancy. You moved your fingers around, seeking the supposed feeling of a kick...
Still nothing. You frowned, was there something wrong with you that the baby was choosing not to reveal itself.
“How interesting...”
A soft knock on wood alerted you both to glance at the door.
“Mrs Holmes,” the butler from earlier politely spoke, “the detective is requesting your return, I believe he intends to depart.”
Your face fell. You couldn’t believe it but you’d found this experience immensely enjoyable. You had surprisingly made a friend of the Baroness.
The fair lady hugged your side and sweetly exhaled, “Then I shall escort you back to your husband, Eddie fetch me my cheque book.”
He nodded and walked ahead of you both. You solemnly shut the nursery door, trying to remember every precious detail as possible. It was a innocent place to escape from the crude world.
You returned to the bottom of the foyer and smiled at your husband that stood by Lestrade at the front doors.
By the bottom step you faced the noble woman and curtsied.
“Thankyou Lady Pennicott for your kind hospitality and agreeable cooperation to the case,” you heard Sherlock’s voice float over your shoulder.
“Of course detective, please,” the Butler returned with her cheque book, “find my beloved Thaddeus.”
She scribbled speedily with a modernised ink pen, a sharp tear of paper flashed to his direction, “Here. Thirty pounds. I am sure you are busy with other clients considering your reputation, but I beseech you to seek out my husband quickly.”
Sherlock bowed his head as he deposited the cheque into his pocket, “We shall try our hardest. Good afternoon Lady Pennicott.”
Your mouth might’ve collected flies. Thirty pounds. THIRTY pounds. That was a hefty wage for a year to many men.
Sherlock was granted his coat and walking cane along with Lestrade.
He opened the front door and left slowly, glancing over your shoulder back at the heavily pregnant Baroness.
9:21am Wednesday 7th May 1890, Grovelands House, The Bourne, London, England. 
Sherlock and you walked up the gravel path in silence for sometime. You weren’t in much of a mood to speak to him despite well knowing conversation would need to spark eventually.
The three of you slowed down beside the inspectors horse cart.
Thankfully it was Sherlock who destroyed the silence with a stretched sigh. Lestrade grimly smiled at that sigh and rocked on his heels.
“Lestrade, show a useful skill,” Sherlock slapped a coin purse into his chest, “Find my wife and I a decent ride homeward. You still need to return back to the office and finish writing those reports on the Spring heeled Jack sightings....” he snickered.
The mutton chop male grumbled and left you pair alone to walk down the path into the main parklands to hail a cabriolet or another hackney carriage.
Sherlock pulled out his pipe and lit it quickly, he inhaled fast and asked curiously, “Did you learn anything else from our suspect?”
You squinted and felt a gasp pop from your lips, your hand snapped out and dug your nails into his arm with a scolding hiss, “Suspect? Look at the state she is in Sherlock. She clearly loves her husband. How could such a indisposed woman do anything to her husband?”
He smirked, “Perhaps a jealous one?”
Your brows pulled together. Jealousy wasn’t something you would’ve describe Lady Pennicott as especially with such a privileged life. Such an emotion wouldve been beneath her...but.. ‘It is inevitable that our husbands will stray their gazes to other women, it is in their nature.’
Sherlock pinched out a piece of card from his pocket, a business calling card, he flashed it through his fingers and let you carefully pluck it from his hand.
“it is no wonder Thaddeus Pennicotts name was so familiar,” Sherlocks huffed a puff of air, “He visits a like minded establishment.”
On the front of the card was a single image, a dove holding a olive leaf, and when you turned the card around there was a woman modelled in immodest clothing with text and an address in perfect hand writing.
“The Mayfair Row Dove club.”
You almost dropped the card in the mud at your feet.
He tucked the card back into his breast pocket and hooked his arm around yours, walking you closer to Lestrade waving his hands back at you both.
“I’m curious who his go to bird is there,” He chuckled.
You shook your head and scoffed in disbelief, “but she’s pregnant.”
“Men have needs,” Sherlock sighed, “I thought you’d have learnt that from last evening?”
Your nails dug harder into his arm and grit your teeth. Not everyone was as depraved as Sherlock, surely not. You couldn’t imagine Mycroft or your grandfather practicing such atrocities on women, especially women that weren’t their wives.
You noted snootily, “She said her husband liked to stand out by the roses to think. Perhaps he regretted his choice.”
Sherlock laughed cruelly and hard enough to almost drop his pipe from his lips. He plucked it out of his mouth and kissed you hard and squarely in front of Lestrade and any passing people that shook their heads in disgust at such public affection.
The taste of his tobacco filled your cheeks and floated down your throat into your chest. You could feel how his breath became your breath. Your head grew dizzy from it. His release left you trembling and collapsing against him briefly. His arm grabbed around your waist and held you totally against his chest.
“You see too much good in the worst people,” he whispered wetly into your ear.
“Not true,” you panted, you blinked your eyes hard and tried speaking again. You weakly pushed away from him back onto your own two feet. From the corner of your eyes you could see the inspector standing beside another hackney carriage.
“Not true,” you repeated and swallowed hard, “...I don’t see any good in you Sherlock.”
He grinned devilishly and walked you both to the carriage, He ignored Lestrade entirely except for retrieving his own purse.
“None at all?” Sherlock asked as he helped you step up inside of the carriage. It jostled as he plotted himself next to you instead of opposite.
You thought hard on his question for a time. You shouldn’t have ever been as petty as him. So you kept your silence before you could decide on a eloquent response. You did try to find the good in him. The trouble was you barely knew Sherlock and the side that you’d encounter was nothing short of a blagged, insufferable man that happened to be very experienced in the arts of the bedroom. So you tried to think about qualities you hadn’t seen in him but had at least heard of him.
“You help solve cases and even sometimes restitution, these deeds could be counted as decent and beneficial...perhaps good...”
He smirked until you finished hastily, “However your mistreatment and lustful addiction is nothing short of that than a person that suffers in his sin.”
A long annoyed sigh drew from his lips, however the corners jerked up.
He tug out his pipe and tapped it’s contents out the moving window, “Might I ask Mrs Holmes...” he inquired as he tucked in his pipe, and wiped his lips thoughtfully, “Do you think yourself better than me?”
The silence shared between the horses trotting along the cobblestones allowed you a chance to glare long and hard at Sherlock.
It was a jab, a jibe, a joke, a trick, a trap...
He wanted you to say yes... You could see it in his eyes the way they flicked to your lips and almost drooled with anticipation. He wanted to start a fight.
You didn’t give him the satisfaction of looking at you, you turned your head away and scoffed, “You may have quick wit and a expansive knowledge Sherlock, but I at least carry myself with the fairest morals.”
And that? The reply was granted a omen of Sherlock’s sickly chuckles and his heavy warm hand to sit over your thigh, running his them over the fabric of your skirts.
“We will see how fair a baker street whore morals really are when we arrive home then shall we?”
You leant against the wall of the carriage and chose to ignore him. You closed your eyes and held Sherlock’s hand to prevent it wandering anywhere else. His thumb rubbed along the back of your gloves hands.
You couldn’t understand Sherlock. And feared you never would.
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If you are a victim of sexual abuse, assault or domestic violence or know someone who is please reach out to these links that share helpline services, phone numbers or emails. Consent and respect is important in every relationship whether between friends, family or even strangers.
Australian Helpline Services
UK Helpline Services
American Helpline Services
India Helpline Services.
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awardseason · 1 year
2023 BAFTA Awards — Winners
Best Film “All Quiet On The Western Front” — WINNER “The Banshees Of Inisherin” “Elvis” “Everything Everywhere All At Once” “Tár”
Outstanding British Film “Aftersun” “The Banshees Of Inisherin” — WINNER “Brian And Charles” “Empire Of Light” “Good Luck To You, Leo Grande” “Living” “Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical” “See How They Run” “The Swimmers” “The Wonder”
Director Edward Berger, “All Quiet On The Western Front” — WINNER Martin McDonagh, “The Banshees Of Inisherin” Park Chan-wook, “Decision To Leave” Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert, “Everything Everywhere All At Once” Todd Field, “Tár” Gina Prince-Bythewood, “The Woman King”
Leading Actress Cate Blanchett, “Tár” — WINNER Viola Davis, “The Woman King” Danielle Deadwyler, “Till” Ana De Armas, “Blonde” Emma Thompson, “Good Luck To You, Leo Grande” Michelle Yeoh, “Everything Everywhere All At Once”
Leading Actor Austin Butler, “Elvis” — WINNER Colin Farrell, “The Banshees Of Inisherin” Brendan Fraser, “The Whale” Daryl Mccormack, “Good Luck To You, Leo Grande” Paul Mescal, “Aftersun” Bill Nighy, “Living”
Supporting Actress Angela Bassett, “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” Hong Chau, “The Whale” Kerry Condon, “The Banshees Of Inisherin” — WINNER Dolly De Leon, “Triangle Of Sadness” Jamie Lee Curtis, “Everything Everywhere All At Once” Carey Mulligan, “She Said”
Supporting Actor Brendan Gleeson, “The Banshees Of Inisherin” Barry Keoghan, “The Banshees Of Inisherin” — WINNER Ke Huy Quan, “Everything Everywhere All At Once” Eddie Redmayne, “The Good Nurse” Albrecht Schuch, “All Quiet On The Western Front” Micheal Ward, “Empire Of Light”
Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer “Aftersun” – Charlotte Wells (Writer/Director) — WINNER “Blue Jean” – Georgia Oakley (Writer/Director), Hélène Sifre (Producer) “Electric Malady” – Marie Lidén (Director) “Good Luck To You, Leo Grande” – Katy Brand (Writer) “Rebellion” – Maia Kenworthy and Elena Sánchez Bellot (Directors)
Film Not in English Language “All Quiet On The Western Front” — WINNER “Argentina, 1985” “Corsage” “Decision To Leave”  “The Quiet Girl”
Documentary “All That Breathes” “All The Beauty And The Bloodshed”  “Fire Of Love” “Moonage Daydream”  “Navalny” — WINNER
Animated Film “Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio” — WINNER “Marcel The Shell With Shoes On” “Puss In Boots: The Last Wish” “Turning Red”
Original Screenplay Martin McDonagh, “The Banshees Of Inisherin” — WINNER Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert, “Everything Everywhere All At Once” Tony Kushner, Steven Spielberg, “The Fabelmans” Todd Field, “Tár” Ruben Östlund, “Triangle Of Sadness”
Adapted Screenplay Edward Berger, Lesley Paterson, Ian Stokell, “All Quiet On The Western Front” — WINNER Kazuo Ishiguro, “Living” Colm Bairéad, “The Quiet Girl” Rebecca Lenkiewicz, “She Said” Samuel D. Hunter, “The Whale”
Original Score Volker Bertelmann, “All Quiet On The Western Front” — WINNER Justin Hurwitz, “Babylon” Carter Burwell, “The Banshees Of Inisherin” Son Lux, “Everything Everywhere All At Once”  Alexandre Desplat, “Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio” 
Casting Lucy Pardee, “Aftersun” Simone Bär, “All Quiet On The Western Front” Nikki Barrett, Denise Chamian, “Elvis” — WINNER Sarah Halley Finn, “Everything Everywhere All At Once”  Pauline Hansson, “Triangle Of Sadness”
Cinematography James Friend, “All Quiet On The Western Front” — WINNER Greig Fraser, “The Batman” Mandy Walker, “Elvis”  Roger Deakins, “Empire Of Light” Claudio Miranda, “Top Gun: Maverick”
Editing “All Quiet On The Western Front” “The Banshees Of Inisherin” “Elvis” “Everything Everywhere All At Once” — WINNER “Top Gun: Maverick”
Production Design “All Quiet On The Western Front” “Babylon” — WINNER “The Batman” “Elvis” “Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio”
Costume Design “All Quiet On The Western Front” “Amsterdam” “Babylon” “Elvis” — WINNER “Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris”
Make-Up & Hair “All Quiet On The Western Front” “The Batman” “Elvis” — WINNER “Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical”  “The Whale”
Sound “All Quiet On The Western Front” — WINNER “Avatar: The Way Of Water” “Elvis” “Tár” “Top Gun: Maverick”
Special Visual Effects “All Quiet On The Western Front” “Avatar: The Way Of Water” — WINNER “The Batman” “Everything Everywhere All At Once” “Top Gun: Maverick”
British Short Animation “The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse” — WINNER “Middle Watch” “Your Mountain Is Waiting”
British Short Film “The Ballad Of Olive Morris” “Bazigaga” “Bus Girl” “A Drifting Up” “An Irish Goodbye” — WINNER
EE Rising Star Award Aimee Lou Wood Daryl McCormack Emma Mackey — WINNER Naomi Ackie Sheila Atim
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Fandoms I write for and who I write for
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotcner
Michael Myers
Corey Cunningham
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Ghostface (Billy And Stu)
Jason Vorheez
Billy Lenz
Brahms Heelshire
Oswald cobblepot
Edward Nygma/Riddler
Harvey Bullock
Jim Gordon
Alfred Pennyworth
Victor Zsasz
Jerome Valeska
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Otto Octavius
Norman Osborn
Harry Osborn (maybe)
EVERYMANHYBRID and Marble Hornets
Tim Wright
Brian Thomas
Alex Kralie
Evan Myers
Habit (technically Evan but yk)
Eyeless Jack
Ticci Toby (Tobias Erin Rodgers)
Jeff The Killer
Liu Woods
Bloody Painter
Andrew Garfield
Will Poulter
Eddie Redmayne
Doctor who
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
I'll add more if I have anymore (btw you can straight up ask for a character even if they aren't on my list...just as long as if it's a male/masc character/person)
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shiftingaround · 8 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Hogwarts University DR
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This has been such a long time coming now, but I'm FINALLY sitting down to actually do it!
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This DR follows the plot of the books and movies of Harry Potter, however, there are some small changes. Kind of similar to real life, a lot of the prejudice lies with our parents and their parents etc., this does lead to us getting dragged into the mess of the war and Harry still being seen as the 'Chosen One'. But, none of the actual students at Hogwarts hold the same level of prejudice our parents do.
In this DR, witches and wizards are sent to study at special Wizarding and Witchcraft Primary and Secondary schools where they are taught how to read and write, basic maths and English (because where do they actually learn this stuff?) as well as some simple charms, transfiguration and potions etc.
After they finish secondary school and turn 20 years old they are then sent to study at Hogwarts for University before they decide what they would like to do for a job after school, and to learn more about the magic they possess. Depending on what they want to do they can leave school early if they should so choose too.
None of the students die (so Fred is safe, as well as Lavender and anyone else who canonically dies who was a STUDENT at Hogwarts throughout the series). But Remus, Tonks, Sirius or any of the older characters that canonically die, still do die.
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BACKSTORY: I was born into a pure-blood family, but I am actually a half-blood.
NAME: Lucinda Rosier (the canon Rosier family were scripted out)
AGE (at the time of shifting): 20 years old
DATE OF BIRTH: 26/08/1991
WAND: Beech wood wand with a Dragon heartstring core 12 1/2" length
My mother fell in love with a Muggle man, and accidentally fell pregnant with me. Before anyone found out she confided in a very close friend of hers named Reagan Rosier and they decided they would marry to protect both her and me. It would also help Reagan, as he's gay, but due to his family desperately wanting an air they are very unaccepting of that side of him. So, they continued as friends, and were wed for convenience.
They never wanted to lie to me about my background or about who my real father was, so as soon as I was old enough to understand why it needed to be kept a secret, and to even understand the concept, they told me. And luckily, from then on, I was able to have a relationship with my biological father Edward.
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MOTHER: Merula Fleur Rosier (nee Crowe)
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STEP-FATHER: Reagan Aurelius Rosier
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BIOLOGICAL FATHER: Edward Redmayne (and it's just Eddie Redmayne. I'm going to be honest, with all these strange names flying around, I found it disturbingly difficult to come up with a normal name... I also just love Eddie Redmayne, so...)
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FRIENDS: My closest friends are mostly just members of Slytherin house, so, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott etc.
I did script that everyone gets along quite well regardless of house so I have friends from all houses. I am also quite close with the Weasley twins and the Golden Trio.
And I of course scripted my IRL best friend into this DR as well!
I didn't script Mattheo Riddle in, because if I'm really honest, I don't fully understand who he's meant to be. Nothing about his fanon backstories makes sense to me.
S/O: Draco Malfoy
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Hopefully this gives at least a little insight into the mess that is my Hogwarts University DR! I don't think this is super interesting and some of it is probably a little bit cringy, but it might help give people some ideas for their DRs?
I'll most likely do my 9th Member Stray Kids DR next as that is currently my main DR. If my main DR changes though, that will most likely change!
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New post: "Taylor Sheridan’s ‘Landman,’ ‘The Day of the Jackal’ Starring Eddie Redmayne Lead SkyShowtime’s Upcoming Content Slate (EXCLUSIVE)".
By Ellise Shafer, Jun 3, 2024.
SkyShowtime has revealed its upcoming content slate for 2024 and beyond, including the anticipated new series “Landman” from Taylor Sheridan and “The Day of the Jackal” starring Eddie Redmayne.
Landman,” starring Billy Bob Thornton and Demi Moore and described as a “modern-day tale of fortune seeking in the world of oil rigs,” is coming exclusively to the European streaming service later this year. Meanwhile “The Day of the Jackal,” which also stars Lashana Lynch, is a 10-part series adaptation based on Frederick Forsyth’s novel and the subsequent 1973 film that follows a lone assassin (Redmayne) and the MI6 agent (Lynch) determined to hunt him down. The streaming date for “The Day of the Jackal” has yet to be announced.
(Excerpt) The Day of the Jackal”: TBA
This contemporary reimagining of the iconic thriller stars Academy, Tony and BAFTA award-winner Eddie Redmayne as The Jackal, an unrivaled and highly elusive lone assassin, and Lashana Lynch as Bianca, a tenacious MI6 agent in a relentless, global pursuit to catch him. Úrsula Corberó, star of global hit series “La Casa De Papel” (“Money Heist”), stars in the series as Nuria, someone at the heart of The Jackal’s personal life, entirely unaware of who he truly is. Other stellar cast include Charles Dance featuring in the role of Timothy Winthrop, Richard Dormer as Norman, Chukwudi Iwuji as Osita Halcrow, Lia Williams as Isabel Kirby, Khalid Abdalla as Ulle Dag Charles, Eleanor Matsuura as Zina Jansone, Jonjo O’Neill as Edward Carver and Sule Rimi as Paul Pullman. The 10-part adaptation is based on the seminal novel by Frederick Forsyth and subsequent award-winning 1973 film from Universal Pictures.
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
One more awards show down. We next have the SAG Awards (Feb. 26th), the Independent Spirit Awards (Mar. 4th) and the Oscars (Mar. 12th).
I must say if we get these exact same winners for the major category at the Oscars I would be very happy.
Except for score. If Justin Hurwitz doesn't win an Oscar for the BABYLON score I tear the Dolby down.
The Winners and host Richard E. Grant
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Leading Actress Viola Davis, The Woman King Danielle Deadwyler, Till Ana De Armas, Blonde Emma Thompson, Good Luck To You, Leo Grande Michelle Yeoh, Everything Everywhere All At Once Cate Blanchett, Tár – WINNER
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Leading Actor Colin Farrell, The Banshees Of Inisherin Brendan Fraser, The Whale Daryl Mccormack, Good Luck To You, Leo Grande Paul Mescal, Aftersun Bill Nighy, Living Austin Butler, Elvis – WINNER
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Supporting Actor Brendan Gleeson, The Banshees Of Inisherin Ke Huy Quan, Everything Everywhere All At Once Eddie Redmayne, The Good Nurse Albrecht Schuch, All Quiet On The Western Front Micheal Ward, Empire Of Light Barry Keoghan, The Banshees Of Inisherin – WINNER *He thanked his baby Brando.
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Supporting Actress Angela Bassett, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Hong Chau, The Whale Dolly De Leon, Triangle Of Sadness Jamie Lee Curtis, Everything Everywhere All At Once Carey Mulligan, She Said Kerry Condon, The Banshees Of Inisherin – WINNER
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Best Film
The Banshees Of Inisherin
Everything Everywhere All At Once
All Quiet On The Western Front – WINNER
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Outstanding British Film
The Banshees Of Inisherin – WINNER
Brian And Charles
Empire Of Light
Good Luck To You, Leo Grande
Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical
See How They Run
The Swimmers
The Wonder
Director Edward Berger, All Quiet On The Western Front – WINNER Martin McDonagh, The Banshees Of Inisherin Park Chan-Wook, Decision To Leave Daniel Sheinert, Everything Everywhere All At Once Todd Field, Tár Gina Prince-Bythewood, The Woman King
EE Rising Star Award (Voted For By The Public)  Emma Mackey – WINNER Aimee Lou Wood Daryl Mccormack Naomi Ackie Sheila Atim
Make Up & Hair Elvis – WINNER All Quiet On The Western Front The Batman Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical The Whale
Production Design Babylon– WINNER All Quiet On The Western Front The Batman Elvis Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio
British Short Animation  The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse– WINNER Middle Watch Your Mountain Is Waiting
British Short Film  An Irish Goodbye – WINNER The Ballad Of Olive Morris Bazigaga Bus Girl A Drifting Up
Costume Design Elvis – WINNER All Quiet On The Western Front Amsterdam Babylon Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris
Sound All Quiet On The Western Front – WINNER Avatar: The Way Of Water Elvis Tár  Top Gun: Maverick
Original Score  All Quiet On The Western Front – WINNER Babylon The Banshees Of Inisherin Everything Everywhere All At Once Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio
Documentary Navalny – WINNER All That Breathes All The Beauty And The Bloodshed Fire Of Love Moonage Daydream
Special Visual Effects Avatar: The Way Of Water – WINNER All Quiet On The Western Front The Batman Everything Everywhere All At Once Top Gun: Maverick
Original Screenplay The Banshees Of Inisherin – WINNER Everything Everywhere All At Once The Fabelmans Tár Triangle Of Sadness
Animated Film Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio – WINNER Marcel The Shell With Shoes On Puss In Boots: The Last Wish Turning Red
Outstanding Debut By A British Writer, Director Or Producer  Aftersun – WINNER Blue Jean Electric Malady Good Luck To You, Leo Grande Rebellion
Cinematography  All Quiet On The Western Front – WINNER The Batman Elvis Empire Of Ligh Top Gun: Maverick
Editing Everything Everywhere All At Once– WINNER All Quiet On The Western Front The Banshees Of Inisherin Elvis Top Gun: Maverick
Casting Elvis – WINNER Aftersun All Quiet On The Western Front Everything Everywhere All At Once Triangle Of Sadness
Film Not In The English Language All Quiet On The Western Front – WINNER Argentina, 1985 Corsage Decision To Leave The Quiet Girl
Adapted Screenplay All Quiet On The Western Front – WINNER Living The Quiet Girl She Said The Whale
Some of the fashionable people at the BAFTAs.
Is Martin Freeman's partner going for the Sigourney Weaver in GHOSTBUSTERS look?
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*See Emma, if Sir Kenneth Branagh hadn't cheated on you with Helena Bonham Carter you would have never married Greg Wise and in him you found a partner who is game with wearing trainers on the red carpet.
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A ROCKETMAN and KINGSMAN mini-reunion for Taron Egerton
*Taron and Kit Connor - Then and Now.
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Taron and friend Jack.
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Everyone should look at Angela Bassett like this.
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Another mini-reunion: Florence Pugh and her LADY MACBETH costar Naomi Ackie. I highly recommend that movie. It's a whole trip.
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Her after-party fit.
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I really thought Sophie Turner was Karen Gillen for a moment.
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Best Dressed Man.
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Best Dressed Woman.
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Her after-party fit.
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Runner Up
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itsmeasherlockian · 1 year
Happy 41st, Eddie!
It’s the day. You know it. It’s January 6th!!!
We all know who the birthday boy is, right?
As we all know, our beloved Edward John David Redmayne is now… 41 years old!
I want to wish him a very happy birthday, filled with joy and many presents from his loved ones. ❤️
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wolfs-likesmeat · 2 months
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¿Aburrido? Tengo el fanfic perfecto. P1
Este fanfic relata la historia entre dos actores muy famosos, Jude Law y Eddie Redmayne. Cuales están envueltos en una trama casi sin sentido, con mucha actividad sexual y poco desarrollo de personaje.
Este Ship llamado LawMayne, surgió debido a un AU Scamandore. (Albewt/AlbusxNewt) Y es uno de mis favoritos.
Usuario: Wolfs_likesmeat
Plataforma: Wattpad (próximamente AO3)
Ship: ScamanDore /AlbEwt/LawMayne/LemonCase
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Written and directed by Gregory J. Read, Like Minds (South Australian Film Corporation; 2006), is a psychological thriller in which “Alex Forbes” (played by Eddie Redmayne); a pupil at the English boarding-school of which his father is headmaster, meets “Nigel Colbie” (played by Tom Sturridge); a new-boy who is placed in Alex's room.
The film was shot on location in Giggleswick School, an independent school near Settle, in North Yorkshire.
Born in Westminster, on January 6, 1982, Edward John David(Eddie) Redmayne OBE, an alumnus of Eton College, began his professional acting career as a youth in West End theatre. His first film roles came in 2006, with “Like Minds”, and “The Good Shepherd” (an American spy-movie with Matt Damon).
In 2014, Eddie Redmayne portrayed Stephen Hawking in “The Theory of Everything”; his portrayal of the English physicist winning an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a BAFTA Award for Best Actor.
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kristenswig · 1 year
The Fabelmans
The Banshees of Inisherin
Top Gun
All Quiet on the Western Front ------bar of certainty------
Avatar (I want to drop this so baddddddd)
Nightmare Alley Babylon
The Whale SandraBullockWell.jpg - Women Talking Neon is busy trying fill up as much of Best Documentary as possible - Triangle of Sadness Fell off - Glass Onion The Year is 2080 and We Have Spent Half a Century Honoring Chadwick Boseman’s Monumental Contributions to Film, Television, and Humanity - Black Panther Luckily the internet can’t make everything happen - RRR
Steven Spielberg - The Fabelmans
The Daniels - EEAAO
Todd Field - Tar
Martin McDonagh - The Banshees of Inisherin
Edward Berger - All Quiet on the Western Front Don’t encourage him - Baz Luhrmann - Elvis The bright side of this would be that it would humiliate the CCA - Joseph Kosinski - Top Gun I’m starting to doubt - James Cameron - Avatar Was he top 3 at BAFTA? I have questions - Park Chan-wook - Decision to Leave Todd Field is an Honorary Woman - Sarah Polley - Women Talking, Gina Prince Bythewood - The Woman King, Charlotte Wells - Aftersun
Cate Blanchett - Tar
Michelle Yeoh - EEAAO
Viola Davis - The Woman King
Ana de Armas - Blonde
Michelle Williams - The Fabelmans Just feels like it’ll slip through the cracks - Danielle Deadwyler - Till They just love nominating them! not enough though - Margot Robbie - Babylon, Olivia Colman - Empire of Light Knows what happened to Shelly Miscavige - Andrea Riseborough - To Leslie
Colin Farrell - The Banshees of Inisherin
Brendan Fraser - The Whale
Austin Butler - Elvis
Bill Nighy - Living
Hugh Jackman - The Son (don’t @ me if this happens I’m not manifesting) Good luck diva - Paul Mescal - Aftersun Movie doesn’t exist - Adam Sandler - “Hustle” Your boots sir - Tom Cruise - Top Gun
Supporting Actress
Kerry Condon - The Banshees of Inisherin --------bar of certainty---------
Angela Bassett - Black Panther (imagine having her career and finally getting nomination #2 for this)
Jamie Lee Curtis - EEAAO 
Hong Chau - The Whale
Nina Hoss - Tar (you CAN @ me if this happens I AM manifesting) This movie will probably end up leading the nominations but the cult needs this snub so they still feel like they’re rooting for an underdog - Stephanie Hsu - EEAAO Girlboss - Dolly de Leon - Triangle of Sadness Gatekeep - Jessie Buckley - Women Talking We specifically decided to not do this so she wouldn’t win - Michelle Williams - The Fabelmans Gaslight - Janelle Monae - Glass Onion Girlboss - Carey Mulligan - She Said Gaslight - Claire Foy - Women Talking
Supporting Actor
Ke Huy Quan - EEAAO
Brendan Gleeson - The Banshees of Inisherin
Barry Keoghan - The Banshees of Inisherin
Paul Dano - The Fabelmans
Eddie Redmayne - The Good Nurse (I don’t buy this) Or this - Judd Hirsch - The Fabelmans Or this - Bryan Tyree Henry - Causeway Or this - Ben Whishaw - Women Talking Who is this - “Albrecht Shuch” - All Quiet on the Western Front
Adapted Screenplay
Women Talking
Glass Onion
The Whale
All Quiet on the Western Front Not exactly what they’re looking at here - She Said Presumably “Written” - White Noise Sequels! Remakes! Reboots! - Pinocchio, Top Gun, The Son
Original Screenplay
The Banshees of Inisherin
The Fabelmans
Triangle of Sadness You had a good go at it...thanks for your input - Aftersun WGA bait - Elvis I’ve been sensing this lurking - Nope Mubi will not shut up about it - Decision to Leave
Anyone ever seen a plane? (Top Gun)
Roger Deakins (movie irrelevant)
Not Emmanuel Lubezki (Bardo)
Shiny Objects! (Elvis)
This branch likes him more than the guild (The Fabelmans) I think I might be predicting this movie in all the wrong tech categories - All Quiet on the Western Front If this gets nominated it’s probably gonna win - Avatar Obsessed with people predicting a 2/5 ASC overlap - The Batman
Black Panther
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
Corsage ???? - The Woman King That’s all I got but here are some more movie titles - EEAAO, Living, The Fabelmans, Amsterdam, All Quiet on the Western Front
Film Editing (bombing this category as usual)
Top Gun
All Quiet on the Western Front
Tar (sticking with the overperformance narrative) They’ve snubbed Michael Kahn for flashier work - The Fabelmans Certainly a Best Picture frontrunner! - The Banshees of Inisherin Sound! Light! Movement! - Avatar
Makeup and Hairstyling
The Batman
The Whale
the first name I randomly pulled out of my hat...Babylon
the second...Blonde The third - Amsterdam The fourth - All Quiet on the Western Front I didn’t put them in the hat - Les crimes du futur, Emancipation
Production Design
Black Panther
All Quiet on the Western Front in descending order of likelihood - The Fabelmans, EEAAO, Pinocchio, Bardo
The Fabelmans
Women Talking
The Banshees of Inisherin
Pinocchio  I’m making this up - All Quiet on the Western Front, Black Panther, The Woman King
Black Panther
Top Gun
Till I don’t know which one is the title of the movie and which one is the title of the song - Applause/Tell It Like a Woman Hague - Crawdads White noise - White Noise
Top Gun
All Quiet on the Western Front
coin toss EEAAO coin toss - The Batman They prefer Elvis - Babylon
Visual Effects
Top Gun
The Batman
All Quiet on the Western Front
Thirteen Lives annual bullshit nominee alert - Jurassic World annual bullshit nominee alert part 2 - Fantastic Beasts and your guild nominations? - Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Nope
Animated Feature
Turning Red
My Father’s Dragon
M*rc*l th* Sh*ll w*th Sh**s *n
Inu-Oh Continuing to pretend that they don’t like sequels - Puss in Boots Maybe if it were better? - Wendell and Wild Disney payola - Strange World
Documentary Feature
All the Beauty and the Bloodshed
All That Breathes
Fire of Love
Moonage Daydream Literally started typing my international predictions which should tell you how much thought went into this - Descendant See also - The Territory, Bad Axe, Retrograde, Last Flight Home
International Feature
All Quiet on the Western Front
Argentina 1985 
Decision to Leave
Joyland A24 forgot they had this - Close GROUP A Alternates (potential replacements for #2-4 above) - The Quiet Girl, EO, Holy Spider, Saint Omer, Corsage GROUP B Alternates (potential replacements for #5 above) - Return to Seoul, Last Film Show, The Blue Caftan, The Artist Formerly Known as Boy From Heaven
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bespokeredmayne · 1 year
Classic casting: New/old role for Eddie
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News today that Eddie Redmayne is about to take on the starring role in a limited series with a global reach through Peacock and Sky TV — the 1970s geopolitical thriller “Day of the Jackal.” The series will be updated from the original Frederick Forsyth novel and 1973 film. He’s also taking on the role of executive producer.
The role couldn’t be more perfect for Eddie — a stylish, enigmatic Brit whose ability to transform himself makes him a top international political assassin. Edward Fox starred in the original:
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Here’s more on what’s in store with Eddie. And we can’t help but note that at first glance, the production would likely qualify for Emmy consideration — the “E” in EGOT.
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boardchairman-blog · 1 year
2023 Oscar Predictions
Best Picture
All Quiet on the Western Front
Avatar: The Way of Water
The Banshees of Inisherin
Everything Everywhere All at Once
The Fabelmans
Top Gun: Maverick
The Whale
Women Talking
Best Director
All Quiet on the Western Front- Edward Berger
The Banshees of Inisherin- Martin McDonagh
Everything Everywhere All at Once- Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert
The Fabelmans- Steven Spielberg
Tár- Todd Field
Best Actress
Cate Blanchett- Tár
Viola Davis- The Woman King
Danielle Deadwyler- Till
Michelle Williams - The Fabelmans
Michelle Yeoh- Everything Everywhere All at Once
Best Actor
Austin Butler- Elvis
Colin Farrell- The Banshees of Inisherin
Brendan Fraser- The Whale
Paul Mescal- Aftersun
Bill Nighy- Living
Best Supporting Actor
Paul Dano- The Fabelmans
Brendan Gleeson- The Banshees of Inisherin
Barry Keoghan- The Banshees of Inisherin
Ke Huy Quan- Everything Everywhere All at Once
Eddie Redmayne- The Good Nurse
Best Supporting Actress
Angela Bassett- Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Kerry Condon- The Banshees of Inisherin
Jamie Lee Curtis- Everything Everywhere All at Once
Dolly De Leon- Triangle of Sadness
Stephanie Hsu- Everything Everywhere All at Once
Best Original Screenplay
The Banshees of Inisherin- Martin McDonagh
Everything Everywhere All at Once- Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert
The Fabelmans- Steven Spielberg and Tony Kushner
Tár-  Todd Field
Triangle of Sadness- Ruben Östlund
Best Adapted Screenplay
All Quiet on the Western Front-   Edward Berger, Lesley Paterson and Ian Stokel
Glass Onion-  Rian Johnson
Living-  Kazuo Ishiguro
The Whale- Samuel D. Hunter
Women Talking- Sarah Polley
Best Animated Feature
Marcell the Shell with Shoes On
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Turning Red
Wendell and Wild
Best Documentary Feature
All That Breathes
All the Beauty and the Bloodshed
Fire of Love
Moonage Daydream
Best Foreign Language Film
All Quiet on the Western Front (Germany)
Argentina, 1985 (Argentina)
Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths (Mexico)
Decision to Leave (South Korea)
The Quiet Girl (Ireland)
Best Original Score
Carter Burwell- The Banshees of Inisherin
Alexandre Desplat- Pinocchio
Hildur Guðnadóttir- Women Talking
Justin Hurwitz- Babylon
John Williams- The Fabelmans
Best Original Song
“Applause” from Tell It Like a Woman
“Hold My Hand” from Top Gun: Maverick
“Lift Me Up” from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
“Naatu Naatu” from RRR
“Stand Up” from Till
Best Cinematography
Greig Fraser- The Batman
James Friend- All Quiet on the Western Front
Janusz Kaminski- The Fabelmans
Claudio Miranda- Top Gun: Maverick
Mandy Walker- Elvis
Best Film Editing
All Quiet on the Western Front- Sven Budelmann 
The Banshees of Inisherin- Mikkel E. G. Nielsen
Elvis- Matt Villa and Jonathan Redmond
Everything Everywhere All at Once- Paul Rogers
Top Gun: Maverick- Eddie Hamilton
Best Costume Design
Jenny Beavan- Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
Ruth E. Carter- Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Catherine Martin- Elvis
Gersha Phillips- The Woman King
Mary Zophres- Babylon
Best Production Design
All Quiet on the Western Front- Christian M. Goldbeck and Ernestine Hipper
Avatar: The Way of Water- Dylan Cole, Ben Procter, and Vanessa Cole
Babylon- Florencia Martin and Anthony Carlino
Elvis- Catherine Martin, Karen Murphy and Bev Dunn
The Fabelmans- Rick Carter and Karen O'Hara
Best Sound
All Quiet on the Western Front
Avatar: The Way of Water
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Top Gun: Maverick
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
All Quiet on the Western Front
The Batman
Crimes of the Future
The Whale
Best Visual Effects
All Quiet on the Western Front
Avatar: The Way of Water
The Batman
Thirteen Lives
Top Gun: Maverick
All Quiet on the Western Front: 10
The Banshees of Inisherin: 9 
Everything Everywhere All at Once: 9
Elvis: 8
The Fabelmans: 8
Top Gun: Maverick: 6
Avatar: The Way of Water: 4
Tár: 4
The Whale: 4
Babylon: 3
The Batman: 3
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: 3
Women Talking: 3
Living: 2
Pinocchio: 2
Till: 2
Triangle of Sadness: 2
The Woman King: 2
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