#egh maybe I'll get over it and come back
primusfortuna · 2 months
Mel ✦ Beginning of a Bond (05)
[01] [02] [03] [04] [XX] [06] [07]
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“Out of the Key”
Emma: Mel, could you come out of the key?
After Volks-san asked me to arrange a place to speak with Mel, I was trying to call him from inside the key.
Emma: (No answer... I'm sure he can hear me, though.)
(Mel appears)
Mel: ......What? Something you need from me?—ah!
Mel: ...You're here too, Volks?
Volks: Yes. I asked Emma to summon you for me.
Mel: You did, for me? O-Oh really? ....So what, you want my opinion on something again?
Volks: No, I wanted to thank you for your assistance with coordinating that outfit the other day.
Volks: Mel, this is for you.
Mel: Hm...? Uh, isn't that the garbage gem you showed us before? I don't want it.
Mel: You're gonna force something on me that's not just worthless, but garbage too? This is far beyond nonsense now, it's total harassment.
Volks: Hehe, you misunderstand.
Volks: As a jewel appraiser, I can assure you: this gemstone is an extremely valuable jewel.
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Mel: ...Hmph! Trying to fool me? Not happening. If this garbage gem's a jewel, then the whole world must be full of jewels too.
Mel: Ah-ah! I shouldn't have even bothered coming out of my key if it was just for this.
Emma: (It seems like he's in better spirits, a little bit... but he's more combative than usual.)
Volks: Mel, I have a proposal.
Volks: Would you agree to a competition with me?
Mel: ...Hah? Competition? What made you bring that up?
Volks: Please, give me a chance to explain first.
Volks: I'd like for you to polish this uncut gem into a proper jewel, using your own hands.
Mel: !?
Volks: When you are done polishing it―if it even remotely changes your values, then I win. If nothing happens, you win.
Volks: What do you say?
Mel: Uh, I-I'm not sure―
Volks: Ah, of course, as far as polishing is concerned―it will be deemed acceptable as long as it holds a shape. This is your first time, after all.
Mel: Er, I'm just confused. There's no reason for me to agree to this in the first place.
Volks: That is a fair reaction. This does demand quite a bit of your time and energy.
Volks: Therefore, I'll present a few conditions that may motivate you.
Mel: Conditions...?
Volks: In the event that you win, I will accept your argument and consider all uncut gems present at the scene to be garbage.
Volks: They'll be deemed worthless, just as you say. No processing will be done.
Mel: ......
Emma: (Volks-san...?)
Mel: ...Are you sure? Is it fine for a jewel appraiser to be saying that?
Volks: Well, this is a competition. Between your values and mine.
Mel: ...If you're that serious, then I'll accept. You're not going to back out and say "Actually nevermind" now right?
Volks: Of course not. I'm looking forward to seeing you make full use of your knowledge and insight to tackle this challenge.
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Under Volks-san's guidance, Mel immediately got to work polishing the uncut gemstone.
Mel: Polishing just one gem? Piece of cake. I'll make you regret underestimating me as an amateur.
Volks: Heh, the thrill is all mine.
Mel: ...Huh? I'm polishing this gem plenty, but I can't smooth it down at all.
Mel: Hey, Volks! This sanding tool is faulty, isn't it?
Volk: Oh? But I acquired it just recently.
Mel: Eh? Then maybe I've got to use more force―
Mel: Egh!?
Emma: (The tool broke...!?)
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Mel: A-All from this drab, worthless gem...! Agh, this is so annoying!
Mel: Fine, I'll just smash it with a hammer first―
Emma: Mel!? That'll crack the inside too...!
Volks: It's all right, Emma. For now, let's just watch over his work.
Emma: ...O-Okay. I understand.
Mel: Okay, first I'll clamp the gem into the vise... There. Get ready, you drab gem! Hup!!
Mel: ...No way!?
Mel: I can't believe the hammer couldn't crack it either... There's not even a scratch!
Undeterred, Mel went on to test out every lapidary tool he could find in the workshop.
And still, that raw gemstone wouldn't budge one bit.
Volks: Mel, I take it you need a hint?
Mel: N-No, I don't!
Mel: I know this isn't a normal rock, so I've just gotta polish it in a way that's not normal either!
Mel: I swear! I'll get this thing all polished up!!
Mel shouts at the top of his lungs, while bending his upper body further back than ever.
Emma: (Rather than motivated, he seems really worked up over this.)
Emma: (Anyway, I'll keep watching over him...!)
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[TL Notes]
"If this garbage gem's a jewel, then the whole world must be full of jewels too."
I'm not sure that I conveyed this line properly: he's supposed to be distinguishing raw/uncut gemstones from polished gemstones.
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decemebercircus · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland/Yuuta WORLD
Synopsis: It's time for Yuuta to go home (finally) but of course it's NRC and something goes wrong. Just as Yuuta is about to transport into the mirror Malleus appears distraught that not only was he left out again, his only friend is leaving.
Leona tries to stop him and unfortunately the power harnessed from the last overblot crystal which Yuuta was carrying exploded-- aside from hurtling everyone into what appears to be a Octahedral dimension
(A world created from Yuuta.) Of everyone Leona and Malleus seem to be the only ones who switched bodies.
Chapter Summary:A recollection of the events of the previous two days.
Notes: here's chapter 2
Sorry its so short. I'll make sure chapter 3 comes soon and is very long.
Characters: lilia, Ruggie,Azul, Leona, Malleus, Yuuta aka Yuu (in capture),
Story: Chapter 2
Chaos in the Classroom
The Day before:
"I-- nevermind. Don't do anything I wouldn't do" Malleus commented.
"Right back at you" Leona rolled his eyes waving "Leona" away. Leona grimaced he wasn't sure how he liked this body, even given that he was supposed to be only borrowing it.
Azul watched from the sidelines. "Are they resolving to get along better now that they have something in common like Yuuta-san leaving?" He wondered.
"I wonder what Malleus's unique magic is" Leona thought staring at the pale hand hidden by black gloves.
It was probably something that completely overshadowed his own, like everything else about Malleus.
"Oh great seven what?" Leona snapped forgetting what Lilia said about keeping in their respective characters. Crewel took obvious offense to the response.
"Just because you are clearly salty about having to retake your third school year due to not showing up to the graduation ceremony, and your precious friend leaving, does NOT mean you can be disrespectful to me by not paying attention in class."
"Ah shit." Leona grumbled massaging his temples and knocking over a book.
"Oh fuck" he swore in agitation as the book made a loud this against the floor.
"So you didn't do anything stupid did you?" Malleus asked at lunch.
"Quit pestering me. As if anything could possibly damage your reputation" Leona retorted. His eyes scanning the meal options. He could ask Ruggie but that would be awkward. Asking Sebek.... Egh he'd rather get it himself.
"Leona" stared at the food blankly. As if silently confused about this area of the school cafeteria.
Leona chose to ignore him and grabbed what he read was hot wings. To Malleus's body it smelled appetizing or maybe he was just that hungry.
He felt eyes staring into him but didn't give Malleus the satisfaction of being acknowledged.
"Oh for the love of---" Leona groaned as the ominous staring feeling increased. He grabbed the closest thing to him which happened to be French fries. The ominous feeling went away almost instantly. Leona was tempted to turn around and say something but instead he moved on to the drinks where he could watch without making it obvious.
So naturally Leona had to do a double take when he saw Malleus get a salad.
"Don't say anything about what I'm getting. I didn't say anything about your food" Malleus glared at him.
Leona sat down at a random empty table. Immediately across from him Sebek, Silver, and Lilia sat down as well. 'Do they always--'
His thought was interrupted by "Leona" sitting next to him followed by a confused Ruggie.
That meant there were two empty seats left....
Leona didnt think he could be more confused until he put the hot wing in his mouth. Wasn't it supposed to taste spicy or something?
Eh it was meat so might as well.
Ruggie slid his gaze to Leona who ate his salad without complaint. Malleus ate one chicken leg, and made a face like he had a existential crisis for about ten seconds then it vanished. Lilia observed them both with a vague smile. Like he knew something the others at the table didn't. Sebek looked as though he wanted to ask if Malleus was alright, or if he wanted something else for lunch.
[Unknown Territory]
A figure suspended in midair in a position as though they were laying in a coffin. They wore the NRC uniform and clung to a pitch black stone in their hands. The figure had dark briwn hair that kept movibg slightly as if a gentle breeze was blowing it and every so often the pitch black gem glowed a lime green color.
"I... Won't let you hurt them..."
A staff that looked like a ornate clock minute hand started to swing down. Making a wide arc that seemed to be targeting----
"I won't let you interfere..!" A voice responded angrily.
"Let them stay as they are.... Happy... Even without me..."
"And yet you arranged things so they couldnt stop YOU either. What are you aiming for Yuuta Origami?"
NRC Campus... (Main Street.)
Malleus still in Leona's body walked up the familiar street he'd have to go down to get to the Ramshackle Dorm.
"Why did I come here? Yuuta is gone," he looked dejected.
"Oh my-- are you still fucking whining about that?" Leona in Malleus's body complained walking a few feet behind him.
"They were important to ME!!" Malleus argued.
"Tch!" Leona scowled and leaned against the base of the statue of the Sea Witch. "Fine just don't start crying or any of that shit you pulled last night," he muttered. 
*Chapter 2 End*
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Every time I see the icon for Wildstar on my desktop I just... cringe  ¬_¬
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