#egtw spoilers
mareastrorum · 4 months
My favorite thing about the set for this fireside chat is that there is absolutely no real flame anywhere.
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utilitycaster · 11 months
I think a minor but valuable strength of Candela Obscura's chapter 2 is that it's run by the game designer who then proceeds to kill multiple characters from the Quickstart Guide and wreck several locations as well. Particularly given that Rowan and Spenser talked about wanting to leave room in the world for GMs to make a story for their table, this feels apt.
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essektheylyss · 2 years
What's dunamis, in your words? For the uninitiated
So, with apologies for watering down an already watered down scientific metaphor, there's an anecdote that comes up a lot if you read any sort of pop science books on quantum theory or physics, wherein a professor burns a sheet of paper and tells a class, "All of the information on the paper still exists in the ashes," because in theory, quantum information cannot be destroyed. This analogy is super metaphorical, generally referring to the idea that, for example, anything that gets pulled into a black hole is not in fact lost, it's just beyond our reach, with the understanding that "information" is a highly broad term applied to many, many things and in this realm of physics it has a very particular meaning that most people do not consider when they hear the word 'information,' but this isn't a semiotics lecture.
Anyway, as such, it gets completely misconstrued as the idea of quite literally being able to reconstruct whatever notes or ideas were recorded on that paper, which is not accurate in real world physics. Information as ideas and concepts are not recorded in subatomic particles, at least not in anyway we can access or reconstruct.
However... it could be true in an arcane system, if you wanted it to, cuz why not! And given dunamis's impact on probability, and pulling from alternate timelines and potential, as well as the fact that consecution suggests souls are held within a beacon and then put back into a newly-born body, I'm essentially of the mind that dunamis could take the place of those subatomic particles and, when manipulated in the arcane sense, can be used to essentially reconstruct conceptual information of the universe. (That's the very basic idea, anyway, and I'm just using this for fic fodder, but if you are interested in wading through a very introspective chunk of fic for more, it's mostly in here.)
Which is just slightly to the left (and essentially could be a next possible conjecture) of what Caleb described.
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Amongst other things, I watched the Q&A for the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Matt and Marisha did at the peak of the lockdown in the US.
Now, I was starting Critical Role myself at the time, and while when I was on Tumblr I was careful to blacklist the tags, some posts made it through at the time, including the ones about this particular event. So I knew I was in for a ride.
I didn't expect, though, the SHEER CHAOS of seeing two grown-ass adults trying to do a stream while fighting their own fireplace.
This was - and I hope remains all my life - the best intermission card I've ever seen :
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ludinusdaleth · 3 months
Fun New Facts/Details About Artagan From His Comic Series
(spoilers for the tales of exandria ii: artagan comic run! this was such a (fey)wild ride to read 💚)
-this is the second comic to feature artagan with freckles & extremely expressive ears, and also portrays him with catlike eyes. he can also grow a tuft of a chin-beard! my bearded artagan agenda wins
-we know from egtw that artagan was originally banished from exandria for creating a cult around a whale carcass. we learn in this comic series he named said whale fucking mister demeanor.
-he has been to fey court 4,012 times, by his approximation
-if this wasnt a more blatantly obvious fact than "the sky is blue": artagan is bi/pan. but cannot in any capacity keep up any relationship.
-the first mortal he ever met and befriended was a human named gol. at first gol thought he was an angel or savior but by the end he felt artagan was a curse from the nine hells, for all the chaos & discord he wrought on his village, turning them against each other via pranks and then. whale carcassing
-want to know why arti hates the theatre? good news, we now know! he used to adore the stage before a few fae put on a play mocking his entire life. he interrupted, threw a fit, and said he'd improv his role, but was boo'ed for interrupting the show. so. he set the stage on fire. yes there was a kill count. no he does not care
-he has a unique relationship to keyleth. she's still pissed at him for killing vax, but she is the only one in the fey court hearings he trusts to help him escape - and she does, as artagan points out she owes him for vilya. she drags him through (literal) mud about his actions and does not hold back on how disgusting she thinks he is, but she snaps him into near-clarity, and she's surprised but accepts that humility.
-the term Jestie is canon. i win!
-this isnt a new fact but god. jester & arti love each other so much.
-keyleth & jester band together and are the only two to defend artagan in court, keyleth even going against vox machina's judgement. both acknowledge he has (indirectly) saved the world and shown kindness to them, and jester insists that he is changing (and artagan thinks, he is. he really, really tried to be good, for them. "oh, gals. i may not have always done good, but... those times, i really did. for them, i did."
-sammanar & elmenore are astounded anyone would defend artagan, but lower his sentence, from eternal imprisonment...
to mortality.
the end of the fourth & final issue stated to be continued at the end, so we'll see where this goes! i have only a rough idea where in the timeline this series takes place, post campaign 2, but this is definitely a new development i am curious to see if permanent. even in echoes of the solstice i think that canon can fit somewhat if we stretch it but i really dont know when this mortal stretch begins or maybe ends! either way, he's presently utterly terrified.
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rowletraine · 1 year
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Elgghinn was one of the PCs from a relatively short-lived Wildemount campaign I started at home during the height of the pandemic, when we were all stuck in one house with not much to do.
One of my players ended up making a GoO warlock whose backstory involved being chased from home by her traditionalist family, who, in this case, just so happened to be high ranking members of the Children of Malice, based in the Kryn city of Asarius.
That player also just happened to be my parent (they/she), so I guess the tree doesn't grow too far from the apple that fell from it. Gurdi would be proud.
To elaborate on the little snippet of anecdote there, we were playing the Tides of Retribution adventure out of the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, because my family likes pirates. (EGtW SPOILERS AHEAD!)
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Ok, so midway through the adventure, after the party board the Wavechaser and escape the sinking of Isle Flora, there is an option for them to be waylaid by Concord navy en route to Sharkfeather Abyss, which is how the party usually learns that Three Earrings and her crew are pirates.
The battle itself was a swashbuckling affair between two ships on the high seas, classic Pirates of the Caribbean shit, the good stuff. It was a real blast getting to play with the hazardous conditions and letting the players use their environment against the enemy.
Well, it was.
From my session summary of that game:
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So, lesson learned -- never give your players level 1 bonus feats. Drow High Magic is an evil, evil thing in the hands of a level 2 warlock.
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mumblingtealeaves · 4 years
What if Essek and Verin in Aeor. I can clown around as a treat...
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For Tourist’s Guide to Wildemount @tgtw-project : The rocky volcanic soil of the Dwendalian Empire’s Kamordah area is an ideal environment for grapevines, and its vineyards are among the top wine producers in Wildemount.
[i.d.: Four posters for various Kamordah wines.
1st image - Poster for Lionett Vineyards' Purple Cinder Wine in shades of red-violet and gold, featuring a photo of the bottle with a roaring lion superimposed in the background. Poster text reads, "Purple Cinder: Experience Kamordah's finest. A medium-bodied red wine, Lionett Vineyards' Purple Cinder boasts a jammy, candied-fruit flavour with the spicy tobacco finish that has become synonymous with Kamordah wines."
2nd image - Poster for Wagner & Waltz's Emerald Embrace Green Wine in shades of green and gold. An Art Nouveau-style image of a smiling, dark-skinned woman in a flowing green dress holding a wine bottle and wreathed in a halo of grapes and grape leaves. The image is framed in gold with a hazy background of mountains and pines.
3rd image - Poster for Stassman's Thistle Branch Dark Blood Red Wine, featuring a dark, greyscale photo of the bottle and an empty glass surrounded by twisted grapevines. The bottle's deep violet logo is the only full-colour portion of the photo. Poster text reads, "Drink like a king - Dark. Bold. Luxurious. Stassman's Thistle Branch: The drink of royalty."
4th image - Poster for Errenath Family Private Wish Red Wine in shades of deep blue-violet, featuring a stylized image of the bottle in the foreground. Behind the bottle is an image of rolling hills silhouetted against a starry night sky. Two tiny figures are seated on the nearest hill, one with an arm raised to point out a large shooting star. Poster text reads, "Errenath Family Fine Wines - Private Wish Red Wine: Like a dream come true."
End i.d.]
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slayerscake · 3 years
have you heard about anyone sending in a question about the blue domes they found in aeor? i just remembered them now and am kicking myself for not remembering before the submission form closed
If your talking about those domes where people were frozen in time, the answer is in the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. Basically it was a defense system of Aeor and those people are frozen in time until someone either breaks the dome (there are a few ways to do that) or finds a way to turn off the domes.
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disasterdolphin · 5 years
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God bless Mathew Mercer for giving us some representation in our d&d games.
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jonthethinker · 4 years
To start the new year, I’m thinking a lot about how much of a shame it is that Yasha never got to properly meet Shakaste. I think they’d have a lot to talk about.
If you just went by what the Mighty Nein know of him, he almost feels designed to be Yasha’s role model. A fellow worshiper of the storm, although it’s not clear to me that it’s Kord in particular, he appears to spend most of his time seeking out the hopeless and ensnared, those who find themselves in chains, and doing whatever must be done to break them free.
He’s calm and patient by nature, and considering what Yasha has been through, that makes for the perfect sort of counselor to suit her particular needs. No doubt after years of his work, he’s seen countless souls march a similar path to Yasha. And then on top of those qualities of wisdom and experience, he’s got a whole sky full of charm, enough to make even Yasha feel comfortable enough to open up.
If you take into account what we learn about him and his organization in the Explorer’s Guide to Wildmount, he fits the bill of potential mentor even better. The Golden Grin is a band of freedom loving folk committed to keeping the spirit of heroism alive in the people of Exandria, whether through tale, song, or deed. From the shadows, they stand against Tyranny in all its forms, and are a hidden bulwark against the forces that say an individual can’t make a difference.
From what I’ve read from other people in the community, the future they imagine for Yasha is one in which she just sort of tags along with Beauregard, keeping her out of the wrong sort of trouble and supporting her in her endeavors as an Expositor.
But what if she was an equal partner in that venture? What if she were inspired by Shakaste and the Grin? She could work with Beau to uncover the dark underbelly of Wildmount, seeking out those in chains much like her own and freeing them from their binds, and doling out justice upon the people who placed them there.
Beau gets to do what I feel she is destined to do: expose the powerful who grease the wheels of oppression and tyranny. I don’t have to think hard to remember one of the many times Beau has stood up for people’s ability to make their own choices, and it certainly seems like this is an ax she has had to grind the entire campaign. Is it hard to imagine she would love the idea of traveling across the continent with Yasha, working with her to ensure everyone has that right? I don’t think so.
With the pandemic on top of his already jam-packed schedule, it seems unlikely Khary Payton will be making an appearance on Critical Role anytime soon. But when I think of the possibilities of this particular interaction, my heart aches for would could have been. And as any decent member of a fandom would do, it is my responsibility to make sure your heart aches, too.
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yfere · 4 years
Behold! My Foolproof Plan on Caleb becoming Archmage of Antiquities (why? to tear corruption out from the inside of course)
So, when Assembly mages die, their seats open up, and current members can make recommendations and cast votes to determine what mage takes the next seat. If Caleb went for it, I am very confident on his and the M9′s collective ability to get him that seat with a probable 5 vote victory, by fivethirtyeight standards.
Some general notes: Caleb isn’t an annex and doesn’t have strong ties to any existing member (meaning he looks like he could conceivably ally with anyone), he has a great deal of political power and connections to leverage with the dynasty, as well as connections to the cobalt soul, the tal-dorei council through allura, and yussa of the menagerie coast (and if he wants to go there, the gentleman as well). He has popular appeal and would look good as someone who helped bring the war to a close--a war that, at the time of the peace talks, it looked like the Empire was about to lose. He is positioned well and has the expertise to continue Vess’ research. Most importantly, Caleb has a band of highly capable immediate allies/mercenaries in the Mighty Nein. The play is to make himself and the Mighty Nein appear as an easily manipulated tool, with simple desires.
The vote breakdown:
Vote one in favor: Trent Ikithon, Archmage of Civil Influence
Narratively, this is....fun. Trent is probably the most likely to recommend Caleb in the first place. I doubt he’d resist a chance to dig his claws back into Caleb. If he’s successful? He has a two vote majority at all times, and can wield a great deal of additional power through Caleb as a puppet seat. Trent may pull a vote for Caleb to fuck with Caleb, fuck with Astrid, and fuck with the Assembly at large.
Vote two in favor: Martinet Ludinus Da’leth, Archmage of Domestic Protections
This is a guy who hated Vess, and would probably be only too happy to do favors to her murderers. Based on information from TEGTW, this is a man who hates the Kryn (probably still has that going on) and desperately wants information on their weaknesses. Caleb and co, given their connection to the Dynasty, could be the perfect spies on his behalf. Additionally, I think Caleb may have made a good impression for coming off so stridently as an Empire patriot during the party when they spoke. It’s likely he thinks Caleb’s desires could be as simple as getting revenge on Trent, which would make gaining Caleb’s alliance with a vote a good bet for him.
Vote three in favor: Master Doolan Tversky, Archmage of Dysology 
Like Vess, this is a woman primarily interested in her research. She also has a bone to pick with the Cobalt Soul for refusing her access to their library (for her unsavory research methods). Beau and Caleb could team up and get that overturned in exchange for a vote--making Tversky the strongest vote for Caleb if they play their cards right. Beau would need to pitch to the Cobalt Reserve that the exchange for Tversky’s access would be her own access, through Caleb, on Assembly insider business. (of course this is also what makes Beau a potential hindrance to the campaign as a whole--the Assembly doesn’t want the Soul spying on them). Should this fail, Beau could offer to be a back door for research that Tversky wants, or the M9 can engage in the same beast-hunting business the Myriad and the Gentleman have been doing on her behalf. Conceivably, they could threaten to dry up her line of beast-hunting in Zadash through the Gentleman, but this is a far riskier move. We want Caleb to get votes based on potential benefits, not blackmail.
Vote four in favor: Lord Athesias Uludan, Archmage of Diplomatic Union. 
This is a vote that will probably go with whatever side would be for or against Caleb. But, the M9 did help him flex during peace talks, and I believe he also would have a vested interest in the M9′s connections and influence within the Dynasty.
Vote five in favor: Headmaster Oremid Hass, Archmage of Cultivation
This vote is more on the basis of his friendly relationship with the M9 so far. He doesn't have any goals or motivations I think the M9 can specifically exploit for a vote, but they're on good enough terms I think he'd go in their favor if it came down to it.
The two remaining votes come from Headmaster Zivan Margolin, Archmage of Conscription and Baroness Jenna Iresor, Archmage of Industry. In the case of Margolin, while he’s the one who put Caleb on the Scourger track of study, I don’t see any particular reasons he would be for or against Caleb’s installment. He also doesn’t appear to have any special interests or vices to exploit--the key is just not to antagonize him. With Iresor, she also has no reason to be particularly for or against Caleb. I doubt the M9 will end up spending enough time with her to discover her secret, and even if they did it would be extremely unwise to attempt to blackmail her with it.
And there you have it! Archmage Widogast 2020
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fjord-mustang · 5 years
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Moon's haunted.
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minky-for-short · 4 years
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Realistically, their relationship is probably nothing like this, but I can dream.
Also, Verin is the “Big Little Brother” trope and nothing can change my mind.
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bluebirdsongs16 · 3 years
Because the weekend is apparently for processing what's happening in CR, I have some thoughts on the Luxon religion and Essek because when am I not thinking about that floaty purple elf based on what we've learned from Aeor.
However this is the most thought I've given to this subject ever and haven't fully read up on the beacon stuff in EGTW, so I could very well be missing some things both from past CR episodes and the book.
So if the Aeorian tinkering with beacons is heretical to the Luxon faith, has the Kryn government just buried that information whenever they've come across the evidence on past delves? They must have, right?
Also the Kryn are conducting Luxon missionary efforts across Eiselcross. So if they're trying to spread their faith at the same time they're aware of evidence of its falseness on the same continent, that's um. Interesting, to say the least. Could very well be part of the reason for Essek's disillusionment (in addition to the blocking of arcane research efforts on the beacons, of course).
Speaking of Essek, if control of information is part of the reason the Kryn are at Aeor, it would make sense to send the Shadowhand* there to oversee those efforts, no? If the Bright Queen knew the full extent of Essek's glaring conflict of interest, she probably wouldn't have approved the assignment. But for a Shadowhand without Essek's hang-ups about the study of dunamancy, the post makes sense.
Because of Essek's particular views on the Luxon faith, if he goes back to Rosohna with the knowledge & evidence he possesses and there is truly a government conspiracy cover-up of the beacons' origin, he might very well have Luxon inquisitors after him in addition to the Bright Queen coming after him for his treason.
*Assuming control of information is a responsibility that falls under the Shadowhand's mantle (pun intended). WE STILL DON'T KNOW. However my headcanon until someone of the Nein actually talks to Essek about his job pls I'm begging you is that the Shadowhand does oversee control of information, espionage efforts, and is probably the head of the Lens too.
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sockablock · 4 years
still thinking about Archmage Yussa “everyone knows he’s a dragon” Erenis and Baroness Jenna “secretly a changeling in hiding” Iresor sitting across the table from each other at a Cerberus function and just making the most aggressive eye contact
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