#egyxos oc
darkcat8 · 1 month
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This is their relationship
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In a nutshell.
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gritsandbrits · 11 months
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Queen Amina concepts
I thought if Kefer ever had a queen she would be someone clever and playful, but also someone calm & collected. Amina isn't without her flaws: she can be vain and selfish! But her journey she learns to be more selfless and that there's greater things than herself. Now for design her theme color is pink, but I made several variants. I know it's not completely accurate but I want her to look regal without overdoing it or crossing over unfortunate territory.
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cloe8810 · 20 hours
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Sirakhet x Anubi
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cryptoknightpatch · 8 months
I tried to make a helmet and braclet for my oc who’s still a work in progress but they have the power to control sand and can sense who they can or can’t trust lol I kinda need some help with making their personality and stuff so if anyone wants to help feel free to message me
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Hi @geluatekurama, I know if this counts as a question, as I like your opinion on how would the Golden Army would react to meet wepwawet and finding out anubi is his brother and would leo react?
OOOOooohhhh I usually don't do this because he is not my OC, and I wanted to make fanart for this one but... someone spilled water on my sketchbook 😭
The first thing would be that some members of the GA would feel threatened because if Wepwawet is Anubis's brother without knowing any other background then it would mean having another shapeshifter to be afraid of...
Leo would be amazed and say ¨just like in the books¨ and Ramses follow with ¨yes, but not that much¨ and the rest of the team be like ¨you knew??¨
If they get to know Wepwawet in a ¨civil¨ manner (if they didn't fight before XD) then I would say that they could get along. Leo could at least ask more about other Gods and how the Shapeshifter works.
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cloud-in-lazure · 7 months
Это ж сколько необычных ритуалов можно провести... 😈🗡
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shimera · 2 years
Guess i wasn't here for a loooong time...... but good news i guess i'm back! so have some of my favorite stuff i've drawn for this time
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(post 1/2)
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I finally finished the sketch for Nilo ■■■■ the First Pharao!!
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He was Kefer and Exaton's dad wild Ra was away doing stuff. And if you wonder about the tatoos, those are actually scars made by the bracelet that was a really bad prototype, but that's not his dead reason...
He died at the age of 37 protecting Kefer and Exaton from... Something... dead god... Something.
It's him! He looks so awesome, like a true warrior, but with a spark of kindness in his eyes.
He had such undeserved fate starting with the bracelet prototype then dying while protecting Kefer and Exaton. I hope he's remembered my others.
Exaton hates Kefer and Ra, but I wonder what does he think about Nilo? Or does he at least remember the man who was like a father for him?
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wolfhowler4000 · 3 years
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My oc for egyxos oneshots
Name: Mira
Age: 22
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egyx0s-brainrot · 2 years
I have an au which has more of the ancient Egyptian god's like Khonshu, Anuket,Heqet,and even Anput.
But in this au. Anuket's daughter, Evalynn marries Exaton and they have a daughter together. And when the rest of the golden army except for Kefer and Ra find out they don't seem to be find of Eva's Daughter , named Dawn. And also Eva is Leo's paternal cousin.
What do you think?
I think...
That you should (if you want to, ofc) tell me more about Evalynn and Dawn, an any other Egyxos oc you have because I freaking love ocs<3333333333
Their story sounds pretty interesting, and I would like to hear more abt it!
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📝 i love hearing about other writer wips!
Yay! Thanks! I have too many WIPS that I am struggling to begin but I’m having a hoot outlining them. 1. Egyxos 3 years later!
Summary: Leo is now a teenager in high school, trying to balance out student life, being an older brother, a social life and being part of the Golden Army in another world. However, things go sideways when one of his teachers is attacked by Anubi wielding a mysterious ancient artifact from a civilization long forgotten. Leo and his allies must race to find the source of Exaton’s new power, as well as unlock the secrets from a civilization long lost to time. And why was Anubi targeting his teacher in the first place?
Egyxos is one of my favorite shows in terms of world-building but I HATED how few arcs there were in terms of character growth! There’s so much potential there and it’s under utilized, so I decided to do a fast-forward in time to after the events in the show. It’s a chance to put the characters through new circumstances as well as expand on the world-building because there are so many questions the show never answered. 
One thing I wished the show had done was give Leo a human ally from Earth. Leo is a kid who is suddenly having to not only deal with the stresses of human life but also being a hero in an entirely different dimension with world-ending consequences. That’s a lot for any kid. Not having anyone on Earth to open up to who can relate to the Earth-side perspective he has would have been hard on him. So I made an OC for him to open up and to step up for him because what do you mean ‘he has to always be available for every problem in Egyxos?’ What do you mean ‘12 years old is a great age to start having to fight in a literal war?”
(TBH I’m super hyped for her to interact with the rest of the cast simply because having a responsible adult confront them on some of their non-sense would be delightful.)
Aaaaaand because I like to make things hard on myself, I decided to re-write some of the characters to better fit into the world, flesh out their backstory or some combination of the two. Leo for example having grown up a bit has a slightly different personality shaped from his experiences, including the fact he struggles to really open up to others. At the same time I reimagined him because why is any descendant of any pharoah white, so that was fun to do. 
Outlining wise I’m actually at 25,000 words of backstory development, arc planning and character personality writing, plus research for the other ancient civilization I want to add in. It’s going to be a bit before I’m really done with the outline, simply because every time I finish one part, it gives me 6 ideas for other arcs. 
2. Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarves OC
I have like 2-3 ocs for Red Shoes, one of them having been re-worked for another WIP I’m having fun with, but basically they’re possible love interests for the rest of the cast of Red Shows besides Merlin and Snow.
Thumbelina as the name implies is the tiny little lady from the story Thumbelina. I found out through a bit of research that originally in the credits after the movie it was going to be Thumbelina, not little Red Riding Hood, who was going to be Arthur’s love interest but in the end I wound up making her Kio’s love interest. She’s not as developed as the other oc I mentioned, but she’s been fun to flesh out. 
What’s been really fun is figuring out what type of personality she’d have after the events in the story because holy smokes does Thumbelina go through the ringer. She literally got kidnapped, nearly forcibly married to a frog, forced to be a bug’s friend before she was ditched, dressed up and then ditched again, almost forced to marry a mole against her will because she was guilt-tripped by a mouse who had saved her, saved by a bird she saved only to be betrayed at the last second by said bird who could have flown her home and instead flies her to the fairy prince who forcibly marries her. Yes the story implies she marries the Prince by choice, but considering what fairies typically do to people who don’t agree with them, I can’t imagine Thumbelina would be thrilled at the idea. Especially since her repeatedly stated goal is to go home to her mother. 
Personality-wise she’s a bright little lady who understandably has severe trust issues around strangers given her incredible streak of bad luck in the past. Her experiences have made her be more observant of her surroundings and quick-minded so as to escape any situation. Plus, because she’s survived so long in the wilds at her diminutive height she’s very knowledgeable about the woods and how to really thrive in a tough situation.  
The other oc is Yvonne the Hunter. There’s a lot of hunters in fairytales to work with so I thought it would be fun for there to be one hell of a good hunter who is not actively trying to be part of fairytales but it keeps falling that way. Also I’m a sucker for a badass female hunter who can kick ass without any hesitation. 
Yvonne is the eldest of 4 kids in a very poor family in the woods. To help support her much younger siblings Yvonne became a hunter, taking on deadly kills and bounties for deep wood beasts that haunted the surrounding mountains. With the added in cash flow she was able to better support her siblings once her parents died, wanting to provide them a good life. 
Currently she has taken on the hunt of a life-time; a dragon attacking the northern lands repeatedly, but completely untrackable. The reward? A king’s favor. Any favor from a king, completely impossible for him to refuse. It’s a chance Yvonne could not pass up (for more than one reason). 
I fluctuated between Arthur and Jack for her and I’m still undecided, because 
a) I’m a sucker for a stern badass and a himbo starting off as rivals and becoming attached.
b) I’m a sucker for a pretty boy falling for a feral hunter. 
so it’s going to be a while before Yvonne or Thumbelina’s stories will be written, though I do have some outlines for them. 
3. The many requests from this inbox!
I’m always working on an ask for this blog, so there’s a lot of WIPs at the moment. 
4. Grace and Alexander
Summary: Lorcia. The country with an army unlike any other. At it’s northern mountain border the empire of Marvansk looms - ever-eager to take the southern fertile lands to feed its expanding population. For centuries they have been at a deadlock, unable to start war without plummeting the entirety of the continent into decades of combat. Grace Tenorio, the head of the legendary Black Brigade, has grown under these circumstances. Never has there been a day where the Lorcian military woman was able to discount the lethal presence of the northern bully. When air pirates raids increase at the the Northern border and invitations from the north to discuss collaboration arrive, she must escort the Foreign Minister deep into enemy territory to find the root of the recent attacks.  Alexander Volkov - the merchant turned leader of the finest pirate hunters the empire has to offer - is a man who seeks redemption for a crime not his own. When a brilliant battle axe of a woman arrives from the south seeking out to hunt the worst of all threats, the two will have to make alliances with an enemy of the opposing land to take down a threat larger than either could have ever assumed. 
I’ve been working on this one for years now. A steampunk adventure/romance with plenty of intrigue, ass-kicking, enemies to lovers, pining, and badassery all around. I try to write a bit of it every now and again with mixed results. It’s more of a personal project than a fandom WIP but who knows? Maybe someday I’ll get it out there. 
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darkcat8 · 2 months
Leo: Hey, Asenath, there's something important I gonna tell you.
Asenath: is the fact your bi?
Leo shock: How did you know?!
Asenath: cousin, I'm dating your old crush, and I've seen how you look at Ihy. Plus, I've had a feeling you were.
Asenath: In all honesty, I was just waiting when out or not you would come out.
Ihy is an oc created by my friend @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal
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gritsandbrits · 11 months
Cringetober Day 12: Niche Interest
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Two of my favorite things: Ancient Egyptian mythology & sentai motifs. They have their flaws but I love them anyways.
I also made a self insett for Mummies Alive: the Pyramid's caretaker Chesney, who wields the amulet of Princess Aida. Her patron is Hathor and I ship her with Rath.
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And to complement her I made a self insert for Egyxos too! A human woman who inherits Isis's power and eventually becomes Kefer's queen.
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cloe8810 · 3 days
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I know this isn't really a ship, considering one of them is my oc,
ship bingo: ramses and wepwawet
I just wanted to see what you think of the ship
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You should make more content of them if you want!
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darkcat8 · 3 months
Did you know that anubis has a wife named anput. Anput is the female counterpart of the god Anubis. She is also a goddess of the seventeenth nome of Upper Egypt. She is also considered the protector of the body of Osiris, the god of the afterlife.
My egyxos version anput was the second in command of the ankh tribe. She was also a shapeshifter and an incredibly skilled huntress, so much so that others thought that anput and anubis would be rivals, but they were actually very close, that is because her and anubis were secretly mates Anubis had loved anput since they were children they were incredibly close. They always hunted together, and anubis always thought anput was a brilliant warrior, and huntress, anput felt the same about anubis. Wepwawet was one of the few who knew about his brother crush and would occasionally tease him about it.
When they came of age, anput became Amunet's second in command as her and anubis started a secret romantic relationship. After a while of them sneaking around, they decided to take the most dangerous mission two warriors like them could ever face, they decided to marry. After they revealed their relationship to their tribe. The tribe had a ceremony that created a bond between both of their souls. After they married, anput became anubis's consort by choice.
Right after isfet released the curse on the tribe and everyone was turning to stone Anput took the book of the dead an send it to Earth so the isfet couldn't get to it right before she turns to stone. Anput turning to stone was one the thing that made anubis turn to the dark side.
Because their souls were bonded, Anput could see through anubis's eyes while being cursed, so she knew about her mate being part of the dark army for a time.
After Anubis renounce the Dark army isfet started to look for book of Dead on Earth, since there one being that knew were it was so isfet decided to release anput from the curse and traps her on earth, trying to force her to find the book only for her to fight him just enough so she could get away. Anput used her power of shapeshifting to make her look like a teenager girl. Because she remembers that wepwawet once said that using the guise of an adolescent was a good way to hide of the Enemy. The only problem is that anput had a scar on her face the isfet gave when she was a child. When shapeshifters have scars and it affects their power to change their appearance.
Anput is incredibly loyal. She is very strong and noble, fearless, intelligent, and compassionate. There are times she can be short tempered. Anput can also be a territorial when it comes to the one she cares for.
Anput has short twin swords as her weapon of choice.
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