#ehehehehehe [is writing fic again]
chiropteracupola · 1 year
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got my heart right pierced by a pin!
[flintlock fortress is, as always, a collaboration with @dxppercxdxver]
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Hii! how are you doing?
I love your fics so much, your writing skills are AWESOME!!😍
May I request Itafushi (JJK) for the Candy Heart Valentine Event? Lee Itadori and Ler Megumi with prompts "Miss You", "Say Yes", "Hug" and "Love Bug" please?
You can take your time to write this, or even decline, I would totally understand! (you maybe have a lot of other requests already hehe or if the prompts are too complicated you could choose for which one you write!)
I hope you have a nice day/evening/night and have a good time writing more awesome stuff!💞💜
Heyo friend! Aww, you are too sweet! I appreciate the kind words! I'm not gonna lie- this one got a bit angsty; but I hope you like it all the same! :D
CW: Angst
Hug: "I just want a hug!" + Miss you: "When's the last time you smiled?" + Love bug: "What's so funny?" + Say Yes: "Hey what are you- give that back!"
“No.” Megumi didn’t look up. He had a feeling whatever Itadori was about to ask would be dumb. “Ask someone else.”
When no reply came, he looked up. His heart sank immediately seeing the wounded expression Itadori wore. “Shit-I didn’t- I thought-” Megumi swallowed, turning to face him properly. “Sorry. What is it, Yuji?”
“It’s just- well..” The other teen seemed to lose his nerve, letting out a bitter laugh as he scratched at his nose. “It’s nothing. Really- sorry for bothering you-”
“No. Don’t do that.” Megumi got up, crossing the room and sitting down beside him. “Don’t shut down on me. I’m sorry- I shouldn’t have cut you off. That was wrong of me. Now..” Megumi took his shoulder, making him meet his eye. “What’s wrong?”
Itadori seemed to tense up, lips flattening in a sad line as he blinked rapidly. “I just..I just really want a hug right now.”
As if Megumi couldn’t feel any worse. Nodding, he pulled the other boy into him, fisting his jacket as Itadori let out a muffled sob. “I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.”
“N-no, it’s not yo-you. I’m ju-ust having a da-ay.” Itadori seemed to cling to him, his grip not much different from a child’s. “It’s been a ba-ad day…
Megumi hummed, closing his eyes as let his friend cry against him. He wasn’t good with words, so he simply held onto him until the tears stopped falling and his breaths began to regulate. 
“Feel better?” He asked after a while. When Itadori nodded, a thought crossed his mind.
When was the last time you smiled?
“Itadori…do you want me to do the thing?” It sounded so dumb out loud, but he knew his friend would understand what he meant. After a moment, Itadori nodded again.
“Okay. Tell me when to stop, alright?” Megumi gently wormed his fingers along Itadori’s ribs, keeping his touch gentle but firm. It took a few minutes, but eventually he felt the pink haired teen shaking for an entirely new reason.
Then he was giggling, a soft choked sound that stayed low and warm in Megumi’s ear as he carried on with his gentle presses. “G-Gooohohohohms!”
“What? What’s so funny?” He relaxed, happy to hear Yuji laughing. “I’m just hugging you, aren’t I? Surely it can’t be that funny.”
“Ehehehehehe! Yoohohohu’re a dohoohork!” Yuji snorted, leaning back and catching Megumi’s hands. “Oohohkay, ohohkay..thaahnk you.” He smiled, a small tired one, but a smile all the same. “ I neheheded that. Thanks, Gooms.”
“Hm-yeah, sure.” Why’d he have to look at him like that? Megumi averted his gaze as his cheeks burned, growing hotter when Yuji laughed once more. “Don’t mention it-”
Just then, the door opened- Nobara waltzing in with a flourish. “I need this! Thanks!” She called, snagging the nearest manga and running out the door. Megumi blinked a few times, then…
“Hey, what are you- give that back!” He called after her, shooting to his feet and taking chase while Yuji howled in mirth, ever amused by his friend’s antics.
Well- if it made up for the shitty day he was having, Megumi could forgive it.
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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riririnnnn · 26 days
Hello! I've wanted to ask this for a long time, but I wanted to say first that I really like your content here on Tumblr and that I'm a fan of yours from a Latin country. (cough cough Anitta-)
But back to the question, I wanted to know if you are ok and if you still intend to update your fics on quotev... I hope this isn't touching on some sensitive topic and that you see this little message or at least understand it, my English it's sucks.😭
Fan? ehehehehehe.
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And well...
[Warning: Long angry rant]
Oh how dearly I'm longing to update my books, but this:
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THIS MF— #$#****##$€
Ahem, sorry for my behaviour.
So, in very simple words, I have gotten stuck on the book mentioned above. I wouldn't exactly call it a writer's block—I have all the ideas needed for the chapter I'm currently writing, and, in fact, I have all the ideas ready for the next chapter too, but I just can't find the flow, you know.
If you have observed enough, then you know that I tend to divide a chapter into, at least, three parts and I have never had any trouble in it.. until now. The parts just don't seem to connect. Because of which I have changed the plot 5 times: Shidou to Nanase to Aryu to Aryu again to Karasu!
And it's just so frustrating when things don't fit the way I want which in turn kind of demotivates me from writing further.
You may say that I should focus on another book, which is 100% right, but the frustration remains itching me behind the back of mind and irritates me even more! That's why I have pinned that book, so that it's the first thing I see in my published section and hence I get motivated to write, but opposite to my expectations, it has annoyed me even more!
I'm halfway through the chapter though:
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Just 7 more pages to write!
The next book to be updated is most likely Purr-fect Striker since it's halfway done too:
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After that, it's Wannabe, I guess:
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Rest of the books need some minor rewriting—The Chosen One [God AU] will be republished again because of ✨reasons✨ I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me.
Also, I would surely leave a note if I were to completely abandon writing. I have like 9 more books in drafts, so I'll publish them all before leaving in case anyone likes the idea/plot and wants to adopt them.
(A lil secret between you and me) These two are the ones that may get published next:
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May take a few months or, at least, will remain in my drafts until most of my published fanfic have 50+ pages each.
That's all, I guess.
I don't say this often, but I'm grateful af for my reader base. You guys are so wholesome and patient with me. Thank you so much!
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And your English is perfect! Just like you <3
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cloudburst-ink · 2 years
Hi Corvus!! 3 and 12, if you're still taking AO3 wrapped questions? 😊
Hello friend! I most certainly am!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I think I am so far most proud of Desperate Measures. As with many things I write, it was an amusing idea that turned into an amusing little fic, and it was only ever supposed to be something small. Now it's already novel-length and we've still got some more chapters to go!!
Aside from that obvious answer though, I think maybe my upcoming one shot that will be expanding on Servant of Dawn. I think that idea has a lot of potential and thanks to some DMs with a Discord and fandom friend, I may be using it as the template for my first publicly released original work. We shall see!!!
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Ehehehehehe you've activated my trap card!
That's a joke... kind of.
You see, back in the day, when I was part of the Shadowhunters fandom (now I'm not too active there), I had SO MANY WIPs that I actually used a Kanban board to manage it all.
Now, I'm someone who generates... a LOT of creative ideas. I mean, a LOT. So when I started keeping them all stored in a pretty little database on Notion and organizing them by status, it looked really cool. And it was also super overwhelming.
This resulted in complete artistic burnout for like... well over a year. During which I created pretty much nothing.
Granted, the burnout was not solely contributable to that, but it definitely didn't help.
KinnPorsche has pulled me out of that burnout and brought me back with a vengeance, but I don't want to make that mistake again. So I actually actively refuse to keep todo lists for creative endeavors any more, much to the chagrin and frustration of many of my peers.
I figure that if something is important enough or interesting enough to me, I'll remember it again later.
So, with that in mind, I know that both Desperate Measures and Simple Little Secrets will probably bleed into the new year. After that, there may or may not be another trade or collab with @staykimchay, we shall see. We've mentioned one but as we all know now, I'm a troublemaker who refuses to keep lists. 😇
And, hopefully, I'd like to get moving on publishing something original. It will be gay and magical and hopefully a bit sexy, and that's all I've really got nailed down for it so far.
That's all I've got off the top of my little head. Thanks so much for asking! 🥰
For anyone curious, here's a link to the original questions. 🖤
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
If the rivetra anon sees this...
BRO I accidentally made levi and Petra happy LMFAO CUZ I THOUGHT wouldn't it be painful to have them actually plan their wedding and then she gets kidnapped before they even have the chance to go through with it?
But then I realised, levi would actually look for her and he'd find her a lot sooner than the four years we'd planned so it wouldn't really hurt that much
SO NOW IM TRYING TO BREAK THEM UP AGAIN LMFAO skfbdksfjdj any ideas? Nat isn't there to get between them anymore (where's a homewrecker when u need one AHAHA)
maybe levi doesn't think to look for her in the underground and it takes him 4 years to find her????? But Levi's smart, literally the first place he'd look for would be the underground sjdbfjdnndnfjr
TW: mention of rape and prostitution in a very small and deleted paragraph below
what if he does find her sooner (a few months later) but she ahem got a rough client which caused her to lose their child and levi just finds her lying in a pool of her blood in some abandoned apartment in the underground, actually it can be the same apartment he was in with his mom when he was little eheheheheh
Lmao I just keep making it worse
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naeevin · 2 years
For the fanfic ask!
3. I just really love your Kuvira so much. Her pride, her arrogance, her overwhelming assurance in herself and what she wants, but fighting herself on what she thinks she deserves. Good shit!
6. I vividly remember reading Mid Summer's Rain. I was supposed to be working but was on tumblr instead 💀 i saw a repost of it and gave a read, and I was so enthralled, i felt everything in it, I was so captivated by Opal's vulnerability and how you were narrating it. For the first time in a looong time I though about opal and kuvira all day! It was so refreshing.
7. The last line from ch 2 of Early Afternoon's Dawn. The confidence of Opal's love--that really got me. So damn good.
8. Your descriptions are so fucking fantastic, especially emotions. I mean, I'll just be laying there and feel every.single.thing your character is too--it's intense in the best way. You're so talented with it!
9. IYEK, of course, when the time is right! The last few chapters have been so intense and so cathartic. I need to know what Opal is dealing with 👀
3. The best character you've written for :
Thank you!! 🥺 It’s honestly a big challenge for me to write Kuvira because she is a complex character and the lack of content regarding some important aspects of her life during the show just makes it even harder because it gives more space to imagination (which is a good thing) but also makes me wonder if she would actually say or do some things (and the answer is almost always no lol) but it’s funny to at least try to translate the person she could also be (in my mind) into an alternative universe!
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics:
Ahhhhhh 😭😭😭 being able to inspire with my lilo fics it’s honestly one of the most fulfilling satisfaction i feel from posting. Mid summer rain first part in particular, holds a lot of meaning to me and knowing it could bring some kind of relief and comfort, or made you think about Kuvira and Opal again after long time just makes me super happy!!
7. What made me the most emotional after reading:
I have to admit i was kinda emotional too while writing that part, i’m glad it came out like that, not too cheesy but somehow close to what I imagine Opal would feel. 🙈
8. What I like the most about your writing:
Thank you so muchhh😭😭😭 i’m striving to improve as much as i can and your encouragement not only as reader but also as the writer you are yourself, is a super boost❤️!!! I appreciate it 🥰
9. A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting:
Eheheheheh i started to work on the new chapters again even if at first was a bit difficult to me, (as you know), because I really don’t want to write the end of this story. I’m very attached to it but i’m also very excited to be able to work on it again! I just need to fill it with the final part, a magical touch from my editor✨and it’ll be ready to be read ❤️!!
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
IT WAS SK FUCKING HOT, I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT ANYMORE (I'm never able to, probably because I'm not straight lmao)
It was so incredible, I love it so much 🥹🥹
I didn't expect the smut part because I didn't see the warnings about that (I only saw the ones about ptsd and all) I guess I'm blind lmao
But it's okay, I really love it and it's one of my fantasties <3
Anyways, I love you and I love your writings and stories
(I'm trying to reblog the chapter but my application clashes when I try to 💔 I tried with other posts and it works, I'll try again later 😭)
✨️ anon
Eheheheheh thank you so much!!! I'm so glad to know you liked the new chapter!!
Thank you so much for reading!!
(and oh no!! It's probably due to the length of the fic, but hopefully it fixes itself!)
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adorkablenerd · 4 years
My Little Lee
Got inspo to write from a discord server I’m in that is super chaotic and full of amazing people that I love!!!  This is ler!Rantaro fic with Lee!Ouma!  Hope y’all enjoy 💕 As always completely sfw and obviously includes tickling lol
Words: 1182 
Kokichi came back to his and Rantaro’s house after a long day of work, tired, and annoyed.  As soon as he stepped through the door, he saw his lover on the couch waiting for him.
“Hey Kokichi,”  He smiled at his boyfriend and waited for him to get his shoes off to join him on the couch,”How was work?”  
Kokichi groaned and cuddled up to Rantaro, putting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his neck.  “Sucked.  Even more than usual.”  Rantaro frowned at the purple haired boys discontent.  Luckily he knew just how to cheer his boyfriend up.  He slipped his hands under Kokichi’s shirt and lightly traced his sides, being as gentle as possible.  Despite barely touching him, the smaller boy let out small giggles, not bothering to hold them in.
“Mhehehehe Rantarohohooo”  He let out a small whine, but didn’t move or try to stop the hands that were now slowly moving to his ribs.  As his hands loved up, he leaned his head down to whisper in Ouma’s ear.
“I know you like this babe, don’t try to deny it~”  Kokichi felt his face heat up, but he couldn’t say the green haired boy was wrong.  As fingers traced his ribs, his laugh rose in pitch, leaving adorable giggling to fill the room.
“Rantaharohohohooo, nehehehehe plehehehehease”  His words trailed off into more giggling, and Rantaro couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at how cute his boyfriend was.
“Hmm?  Please what?  Please tickle you more?  I can do that easily, especially with how ticklish you are.  It’s so cute~”  Kokichi’s face grew brighter, laughter yet again rising, as the light traces of Rantaro’s dexterous fingers continued up his ribs.  When he reached the top ribs of the giggling boy, he moved his fingers back and forth, tracing the top rib.
“Ehehehehehe nahahahaha pleheheheee”  His giggling persisted, still not asking for it to stop.
“Aww~  Are you a little ticklish right here, hmm?  Does it tickle tickle tickle?”  Kokichi couldn’t even form words anymore, he just nodded his head and laughed into Rantaro’s shoulder.  With arms still around his boyfriend’s neck, his underarms were completely vulnerable.  Rantaro slipped two fingers into the center and lightly scratched.  
“AAHAHA R-Rantaroohohoho EEHeheheee”  The change from fingers to nails causing the volume of his voice to rise, arms shaking in an attempt to keep them up on Rantaro’s neck.  
“Ooh even more ticklish here!  How adorable, you’re not even moving your arms down.  A good effort, but I wonder how long it will last~ Ah!  I know, why don’t we make it a game! If you can keep your arms up, then we can go to the bakery down the street, and you can pick out any desert you like!  Deal? ”  Kokichi could hear the smirk in his lover’s voice, anticipation flooding his senses.  Despite this, he nodded his head, sealing their deal.  A third finger joined in tickling, Rantaro still keeping it light.  
“W-Wahahahahahait!  Nahahahahaha, noho fahair”  He refused to lose this game they were playing and kept his arms up.  Unfortunately for him, Rantaro wasn’t going to lose either.  His last two fingers joined at the same time, digging in a bit harder, though not too hard.  
“Still holding in there, my little lee?  It’s so cute, how hard you try.”  Kokichi could barely take it, and Rantaro’s teasing was almost worse than the tickling itself.  
“NAHAhahahaha!  Noooohoho RanTAHArohohooo!”  His arms began to shake even more, but he still wouldn’t let go.  Rantaro lowered his other hand down to Kokichi’s waist and softly kneaded the sides of his belly, as his other hand continued.  Feeling the hand on his waist, Kokichi dropped his arms, but still didn’t try to grab Rantaro’s hands.  
“NOHOHOHOOO! THAHAT’S NOHOHOT FAHAIIR!”  Kokichi’s giggles turned into full laugh, Rantaro snickered at his boyfriend’s complaining.  
“Aww, did someone lose?  That’s too bad,” Rantaro faked a pouting face, a smirk returning right after.  “Guess that means I won!  Hmm, but what should be my reward?”  As he was talking, both Kokichi’s sides were being squeezed, with Kokichi squirming side to side.
“Youhuhuhu gehet nothihihing cus yu ch-cheheatEHED!”  Rantaro’s hands went faster hearing his boyfriend’s accusations.
“Cheated?  I didn’t know that there were rules?  I never said I would stay in one spot, I just said you had to keep your arms up.  So please, tell me how I cheated.”  Kokichi’s hiccuping laughter continued as the sides of his tummy were squeezed.
“IHIHIHI CA-CAHAHAHAN’T AHAHAHA!”  Kokichi could barely get any words out with how much it tickled.  Rantaro of course knew this and used it to his advantage.
“See!  You can’t think of any because I didn’t!  Now for my reward.  Hmm, how about I tickle your worst spot for 5 minutes?”  Kokichi’s eyes widened and he started struggling to get away, but Rantaro held him there.  
“Don’t worry, I was only joking.”  He chuckled at Kokichi’s reaction and moved him so his back was pressed against Rantaro’s front.  He leaned his head down and whispered in Kokichi’s ear,”Just one minute, and I’ll be gentle~”  He blew a puff of air into Kokichi’s ear, making him let out a squeak.
“NONONO Plehease, not thaaaat!”  Kokichi tried to squirm, but it got him nowhere.  Rantaro lowered his hands down to Kokichi’s hips and left them right hovering over him.  
“Are you ready?”  Kokichi shook his head back and forth,”Too bad, three~”
His hands slowly descended.
They were right above him now, so close it was like he could feel them.”
“Nohohohoho pleeease!”  Kokichi tried to plead, though the excitement was still clear in his voice.  
“Ooonee~”  His hands settled onto Kokichi’s hips. 
“Ehehehehe nooohoho!”  Kokichi couldn’t help but giggle in anticipation, already squirming.
“Tickle tickle tickle~”  Rantaro’s hands squeezed at the smaller boys hips, and his head leaned down to blow small raspberries on his neck.  Kokichi let out a shriek and broke into loud high pitch laughter.  
“GAHAHAHAHA RAHAHAHAHANAHAHAHAHA!”  Kokichi was in a tickling hell, or heaven since he didn’t seem to mind as much as he said he did.  
“Just a bit longer my little lee~”  Kokichi’s face was as red as could be.  The tickling, the teasing, and that nickname combined were a deadly attack.  Tears started to fall down his cheeks, no longer able to form words, he accepted his fate and laughed until the minute was up.  
“Okay!”  Rantaro suddenly stopped, lightly rubbing Kokichi’s belly, firm enough so that it wouldn’t tickle.  Kokichi melted into a pile of leftover giggles, curling up into Rantaro’s chest.
“You feel better?”  Rantaro asked him comfortingly, running his hand through Kokichi’s hair.
“Yeah.  Thank you.”  His voice was slightly muffled from his face still being pressed to Rantaro’s shirt .
“If you want we can still go to the bakery.”  Rantaro knew Kokichi was going to lose, but he also knew he loved a challenge.
“Later.  Want to stay here for now.”
“Okay”  They stayed like that for a while, then walked down to the bakery and got some sweets.  
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astroninaaa · 3 years
Okay a few names of the Fake Fic titles
-Take you down with me.
- Tyrants Falls. New player rolls.
-We are the Brave.
-A book, a word, a lie.
-How far we've come.
-A Brave New World.
-Stolen Humanity.
-What is the cost of lies?
-I promise you, brother, the sun will shine on us again.
[Man i have fun writing this all down man. Anyway i am happy i participate on it.]
Sincerely by
Politics anon.
take you down with me c!schlatt/c!quackity fic ehehehehehe
tyrant falls. new player rolls. :]] c!techno burning bridges <3
we are the brave og l'manburg bonding fic :[[
a book, a word, a lie c!ranboo angst
how far we've come c!clingy duo heartfelt talk
a brave new world c!clingy duo starting again fic!!!
stolen humanity c!dream redemption arc
what is the cost of lies? c!ranboo new l'manburg fic. maybe about his feelings on being outed as a "traitor"
i promise you, brother, the sun will shine on us again c!sam dies because of the egg and c!hannah has feelings about it that not even the egg can hide. he was her best friend
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souichioneshots · 3 years
OMG I JUST FINISHED THE SECOND PART OF THE FIC AND MMM ITS SO GOODD HHHHH, I probably will reread this tomorrow though,cause its like 00:30 right now and my brain is barely functioning to be able to graps everything BUT ALSO I LIVE FOR THE DETAILS IN FICS THOO, IT ADDS SO MUCH TO THE PORN SO DONT WORRY DUDEEE, ALSO YOUR WRITTING MAKES IT VERRY ENJOYABLE- thank you once again for blessing us with so much Souichi content i worship you as our leader of the fucked up Souichi fanclub lmaoooo shsh 💕
LOOOOOLLLL I’m very glad that you liked it!!
It’s 2:45am here so my brain is also melting lol
Please do tell me what you think if you ever get the chance to reread it (if your opinion changes that is lol)
Writing detail is honestly very fun but takes a very long timeeeeeeeeee
I’ll try to do mixes from now on!! 🥴😵‍💫
EHEHEHEHE thank you for recognizing me as the leader of the fucked up Souichi fan club🥴✌️🥴🥴✌️ it’s an honor and a dream cum true🤤
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
Moderation Taught Different (Big Windup)
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*shimmies in with bonus fic* Heyo! Guess who's having a great time watching Big Windup? This girl! I'm still writing the Hamada fic, but in the meantime here's some lee!Mihashi because the world needs more and I'm here to deliver!
@intheticklecloset BANG! >:D hehehehe take that!
Summary: Mihashi is overtraining again and Abe's had it up to HERE. Time for a new approach to teach Nishiura's pitcher the importance of breaks.
“You're doing it again.”
Mihashi nearly stumbled off his portable mound, face flushing with guilt when he dared to meet Abe’s glare. “W-What, no I um…w-what?”
“You’re overworking yourself. I told you to stop practicing at home!”
“I’m not-”
“Or between classes!”
Oof. Got him. Mihashi shrank into himself, eyes wet as he tugged on his glove. “I’m sorry-”
“Nope, I don’t wanna hear it!” Abe was on him in seconds, gripping his shoulders with enough force to not hurt but make him look up. “You keep apologizing but never follow through! Don’t you know what will happen if you keep overworking yourself?”
“I-erm-I-” The pitcher shook like a leaf, eyes wide as he looked anywhere but Abe, stammering so much it came off more gibberish.
Patience, Abe. The catcher reminded himself. He took a breath, realizing his aggression wasn’t helping either of them.
“Look- if you overwork yourself in practice, you run the risk of exhaustion. If you’re exhausted, you can get sick or injured, and then you can’t play.” The mention of that possibility startled Mihashi right out of his gibberish state, giving him a new sense of panic. “And if you can’t play, I have to catch for Hanai. Do you want that to happen?”
“N-No! No, I want to pitch with you!”
“Then you. Need. To. Stop.” Abe reached out, jabbing him repeatedly in the gut with each word. “Take. A. Break. Mihashi!”
“Ehe! Ehehehehehe, A-Ahahabe!” The younger boy giggled, doubling over at each prod. “Yohoohu’re tihihickling mehehehe!”
“Yeah, that’s kind of the point?” Suddenly moved by the new development, Abe switched from prodding to clawing, his free hand pulling Mihashi over by his uniform. “Somehow I doubt you’re gonna listen to me if I only scold you.”
“Ihiihihi’m lihihihiihstening! I’m lihihihihiistening, plehahahhhase!” Mihashi giggled like a child, legs giving out at the constant tickling. One slip and he tumbled off his wooden perch, falling into Abe’s arms with a yelp.
Captured and detained.
“Well would you look at this?” The catcher sounded far too smug for Mihashi’s liking, adjusting his grip so he was holding him, fingers pressing into his sides. “The consequences of overworking yourself! You can’t even stand up straight, can you?”
“Ahehahahahahaha! Ahahahahahhahabe! Ahhahahhahbe, yohohohoohohu’re behehheehehheing mehehehehehhehahahhahan!” Mihashi could barely make out the words through his giggle fits, the sound and frequency increasing as new spots were prodded and pinched. He tried to push the taller boy away, but his muscles lacked any strength. Perhaps he was overdoing it?
Worry about that later- right now he was gonna die!
“Mean? Wooooooow!” Abe scoffed, fighting the urge to laugh as Mihashi squeaked against him, cheeks pink and smiling big. “I show some kindness and this is how you repay me? By calling me mean? That won’t do.” With a sneaky grin, he slid his hands up to Mihashi’s armpits, pressing in once.
“AHEHAHAHAHA!” The pitcher let out a shriek, nearly falling to the ground as he arched at the touch. “AHEHAHAHHAHAHBE NOOOHOOHOHT THEHEHEHEHHERE!”
“Too ticklish?” Abe lowered his hands back to the center of his ribs, shaking his head with a chuckle. “Man, Mihashi, for such a quiet guy, you’ve got one loud laugh.”
The pitcher made a pitiful whining noise through his giggle fits, curling further into himself until he was a ball on the ground, kicking and squirming beneath Abe’s pinching fingers. Tears of mirth welled in his eyes, but he made no efforts to get away. “Ahehehahahahahahahhaha! Ahahahahahhabe plhehahhahahhahse!”
“Hehe, look at you- a giggly mess.” Abe snickered before finally relenting, pulling his hands back as Mihashi curled up. “Now- are you gonna keep practicing when you’re not supposed to?”
“Ahehehe..hehhehe..m-mahahybe? EHEHEEK OOHOHOKAY OHOHOKAY I WOOHOHOHN’T!” Mihashi squealed when fingers dug into his armpits once more. “I PROHOHOHOMISE!”
“That’s what I thought you said.”
Thanks for reading!
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inkykeiji · 3 years
hellooooo clari bear !!!!!!! it’s so nice to your back again!!! i cant believe ur from canada,, i’m from australia and oddly enuf americans have always told me australians are the hot version of canadians, temperature wise at least i think eheheheh..... i also hate the summer bc i have a personal deep rooted hatred for sweating,, how can i look cute 24/7 if i’m drenched in my own sweat that isn’t even dabi’s???? also do you imagine the bmb and touya-nii series to be based in japan or somewhere else? do you think that reader would ever be jealous that she wasn’t touya-nii’s first??? and i noticed that for your picrew pictures always have cat ears, is there a reason why or is it just cute? cat ears seem so fitting for u bc u seem so cute and precious bby!! much like an adorable kitten! :3 i’m awfully sorry if i’m asking too many questions along with how long dis whole thing is, i really hope i don’t overwhelm u!! i’m currently writing this whilst watching a boring movie in cinemas and i’m so thankful i have u to focus on instead!!!!!! as always, this made my whole week so much brighter !!!!!!!!! <33333333 thank u for being ur amazingly magical self clari bby !!!!!!!!!!!! have a lovely week too, stay healthy and have fun with w ur boyfren b!!!!! :*))))
ps: dear god i have u to distract me this movie is making me want to gauge out my eyeballs oml :/
lots n lots n lots of love,
hi teddy!!!! <33
yes ehehe born n raised!! LMFAO i love that ahahahaha but i too really dislike the heat >.> although tbh i’m looking forward to summer just to be able to go outside and go on hikes again!!
yes, all of my fics are based in japan!! hmm that’s a good question!!! tbh not really; she’s extremely submissive and passive and thrives on others taking control and making decisions for her; if anything she’d just be possessive and jealous over the fact that other people HAVE gotten to fuck him before, if that makes sense??? but not necessarily over the concept of virginity itself and definitely nowhere NEAR how jealous he is that he wasn’t HERS ahahahaha.
EHEHEHEHEHE it’s because i am a kitty girl of course!!! aw thank you so much 🥺🥺 yes yes yes i am a lil babie kitty (^・ェ・^) & no no omg don’t apologize at all!! i love answering them, it’s so much fun just to chat with you!!! i don’t mind at all ehehe 🥰 LMAOOOOO nooooo naughty teddy don’t text during movies!!! ahahaha i’m so sorry it was boring tho, what movie was it??? i’m a massive cinephile so i’m just v curious ehehe <3 m’sorry i’m just getting to this now, tho!!!
aw pls teddy you’re so so soooooo sweet ilysm 🥺🥺 thank YOU for such beautiful n kind messages, i appreciate them so much!!! i will bb thank you <33333
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r4bbitdragon · 3 years
Either archival photos or or are you disappointed, for the fic ask
eheheheHeHE…. good stuff good stuff…
archival photos my beloved <3 obv it helps that it’s recent work but i am So happy with how the dynamics came together in that one.
i think banjo’s role in this is so funny and it’s that. tsukasa doesn’t realize that his body language can be rather transparent, and thus barely notes it in his own pov. so when banjo calls him out for seeming unsure. It Was Very Obvious To Tell bc of how sus tsukasa looked. anyways when i write tsukasa pov (if it happens again) feel free to imagine tsukasa’s body language being funnier then noted at any given time.
or are you disappointed? is such a bitter little morsel huh. well it was nice to express it~
this was from aruto’s perspective but i kind of consider him a rude little man in it. making the assumption that fuwa would be back at aims, offering to do rider stuff on his own rather then help yua undo the damage to her brain chip he caused… (lol maybe he doesn’t have the skills do that directly but he has Resources.) cmon, man. he kinda needs to actually talk to these people and get a clue
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@captain-amoruca tagged me in a writing meme!
The rules are as follows. Go to page 7 (paragraph 7, if not that long) of your WIP then go to the 7th line, share 7 lines and tag 7 more writers to continue the challenge. 
Ehehehehehe...I have too many WIPs. 
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I’ll do two for ya.  An old WIP and a new one.
A snippet from Charlie Lock, which, incidentally, is ALMOST ready to be updated. (within the next week, I hope)
“It wasn’t a dream,” he says, before he can stop his mouth from forming the words.  
Oh, fuck.  Oh, Jesus.  Bucky wasn’t having a nightmare.  He was remembering. That really happened, Steve really tried to take him out of there and…
Tony sits back, reeling.  He knew the timeline Bucky gave was off, anyone who could count days on a calendar did, but a man whose memories were zapped out of his brain at every opportunity was bound to be a bit unreliable.  He didn’t think anything of it, and neither did Natasha.”
And a bonus from a much newer WIP, Nacht und Nebel (aka the Vampire!Bucky and Priest!Steve fic):
“It takes James a second to realize he’d asked his question in Romanian.  The priest is easy on the eyes, to the point that it’s distracting him.  The need cramps in his belly a second later, though, and he remembers that no one is attractive enough to cost him a meal.  Nothing is worth that torment.
He says it again, in French this time.  “Êtes-vous un d'entre eux?” (are you one of them?)
The priest risks a glance back at the other man, who’s frozen on the ground, cowering behind him.  He meets James’s eyes a moment later, very certain.
This is as good a time as any to say that I’m going to spend the summer trying to finish some of my older WIPs.  No new Bangs or Fests until I get those out of the way.  I’m looking at you, Charlie Lock, T.F.W.C, and Monachopsis.  I don’t think for a second I’ll finish Monachopsis but I certainly hope to make progress.  The other two are nearing the end, believe it or not, so I really want to finish those by October.  Yell at me.  Like, seriously.  Do it.
I don’t have enough friends on here to tag, honestly, but excited that someone tagged me.  Much love, @captain-amoruca - you’re gorgeous btw, wicked makeup tutorials, and your RBB fic is on my list to read (as with all things, I am behind...)!
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schnaf · 7 years
I'm gonna say FC Augsburg (obviously) but if you already have it asked, then Germany NT :D
I just had them :D soooo Germany NT it is :D
is my favourite: .... BASTI. (I refuse to accept certain decisions)
i like the most when it comes to the appearance: Erik Durm (let’s see how long it takes until I pick someone who’s actually playing for the NT right now)
i would play a prank on: Neuer \o/
i would get drunk with: KIMMICH. Because I watch the NT games with a friend and we pick a player from each team and I always pick Kimmich and when the commentator says his name, we drink. Soooo Kimmich already made me verrry drunk \o/
i would choose for my partner if i got an invitation for a wedding: Basti ♥
i could just cuddle all day long: Leon Goretzka. Because behind all the hipster-ness he’s a shy dude and he needs a small person who protects him.
i would ask for an advice if i had problems: Basti (Denial, whats that, I don’t know her)
i would bake cookies for: Max Meyer because he’d love it, I suppose
i would read a fanfic about: Again, it depends on the author but I’d expect something nice if it includes Goretzka or/and Meyer
i would write a fanfic about: Well, I wrote about a few of them and I’m going to write about Neuer, Müller, Goretzka, Brandt, Meyer, Basti, Hummels aaaand Kramer soon. Also, I’m writing a fic about Erik Durm right now.
thank you ♥
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Random Minecraft world update you didn’t ask for but it was going great, I had a cute lil world then my cousin called me on discord and I told him abt it then he just constantly was like “Kaz, invite me.. just let me play, I won’t even play near you in the world” so I invited him only for him to force me to expand my little hut, kill my cows and put farms everywhere....
I just wanted to have a cute little hut and a little garden and some animals .. but he did give me flowers to decorate so that was nice but he also almost drowned me in lava so that was not nice.
Also, if reader plays games on her phone or something handheld, Touya is absolutely laying behind her with his head on her shoulder and his hand under her(it’s his) shirt with a hand on the titty.
If Touya plays games, I know he has the whole 3monitor set up and all that and he lets reader sit in his lap and while he plays and just kinda keeps his chin on her shoulder. He also will lowkey bite her if he dies.
-fluffy anon(this was a little long for absolutely no reason. Also, apologize for any spelling errors I may have made. AND MAY I SAY, I just loved all of the Christmas fics. They were just *chefs kiss* and I will be sending a separate ask just to gush over them)
TECHNICALLY FLUFFY, technically i did ask for an update ehehehehehe so i’m v glad u came n gave me one!!! okay okay responding to this + your other beautiful message under the cut!! <33
KILL MY COWS AND PUT FARMS EVERYWHERE AHAHAHAHAHAHA oh fluffy i’m so so sorry but this had me howling ehehehehehe
ALSO DROWNED ME IN LAVA SO THAT WAS NOT NICE LMAO PLEASE PLEASE THAT’S AWFUL BUT IT’S SO FUNNY I CAN’T STOP GIGGLING well gosh at least he gave you some flowers for your efforts ahahaha
omg pleaseeeee that’s the cutest thing ever 🥺🥺 but YES like, aaaah maybe this is because it’s something my boyfriend and i do a lot but i love the idea of a couple just kinda chilling with each other but doing their own thing at the same time??? like just enjoying each other’s company and being close without actually speaking etc!! my touya’s also very uhhhh TOUCHY when it comes to the reader—like i wouldn’t say he’s a touchy person but he’s very physically clingy when it comes to her (especially if he’s having a bad day :( SPEAKING OF WHICH IM REALLY HOPING TO GET TO YOUR OTHER ASK TONIGHT but i wanna write some hawks first ehehehe). waaah i’m rambling MY POINT IS, yes absolutely, she’d be all cuddled up against him, maybe even on her side between his leg with her head on his chest while she plays, and he’s busy reading, or doing some sort of business on his phone, or watching a film etc. they just like to be close 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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WAAAAAAAAHHH FLUFFY PLEASE YOUR MESSAGE LEGITIMATELY BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES I’M SO !!!!!!! aaaah thank you so, so, SO much 🥺🥺🥺 <333333 your words are so kind and lovely and i appreciate them more than i can tell you!! eeee ehehe i’m so glad to hear that you like the way i characterize the two of them!! i just see natsuo and touya as SUCH fucking menaces together and as i’ve said a million times, i really do see natsuo as someone who looks up to and loves his older brother very very much. i haven’t mentioned this anywhere in the series yet but i kinda LOVE the idea of natsuo actually working with touya n having yakuza ties too ehehe
my favourite thing about the relationship between natsuo and touya tho, is that at the end of the day touya is still the boss. natsuo’s mean and scummy self really comes out when he’s fucking the reader, but the moment he’s about to cum suddenly he’s whiny and he needs his big brother’s permission <33
i’m so relieved to hear that it felt tense!!! sometimes, as the author, i have difficulty telling if it’s hitting the way i want it to, since the idea’s been bouncing around in my head for so long etc, so your feedback is very important to me!!
YES ehehe in case u couldn’t tell, deserve was the key word throughout this entire series. not only does shouto bring it up a few times, but fuyumi also brings it up to her mother and it kinda compounds that idea that everyone around them can see how unhealthy this relationship is, plus the fact that they’ve known touya for a lot longer than the reader has, and they’ve been there to watch the way this relationship has progressed, the way this relationship has almost infected the reader in a way. BUT!! but, rei does play favourites juuuuust a little bit, and the reason why touya’s words at the sink cut so deep for shouto is because they’re true. he is her favourite. she very clearly has a soft spot for him (like, this is even mentioned in day one where fuyumi’s like omfg touya always gets what he wants 🙄🙄)
AAAAAAH touya’s breakdown is personally my favourite bit out of the whole series and i was so excited to write it n share it with you guys!!! i was so happy to finally get to explore that side of him, and i think his vulnerability really does attest to the amount of (v twisted + unhealthy) love he has for the reader!
THANK YOU I WORKED FOREVER ON THIS STUPID AESTHETIC LAST NIGHT IT STOLE THE WHOLE DAMN NIGHT FROM ME BUT I’M VERY HAPPY WITH HOW IT LOOKS EHEHE and like, as much as i loved the christmas aesthetic, it was the biggest pain in my ass when it came to adding anything anywhere, because tumblr was quite fussy with the amount of lines in the masterlist especially >.>
good god i really rambled here ehehehe but thank you again for such beautiful words!!!! and thank you for giving me a space to just ramble about my own work aaah
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