#ei x traveler
quiteaboiledpotato · 2 years
Uhhh, wahoo i guess! i've been dingly dongling with Ai since quite a while now, so i decided to re-create some genshin characters in there, and do some hcs. The characters of course have their respective personality traits, appearance etc. So well, Bingo.
Warnings: None. Just Fluff! pronouns are gender neutral.
(Oh, there might be some grammar errors, very very minimal, the AI does that sometimes. I've also changed the name i was using for that session to "Y/N" and the pronouns to they/them or just you. That's the only things that i've done post-session. Have a fun read, AI does magic here.)
(Named this one "Guilt")
EI: Oh. Greetings, Traveller. How can I assist you? Said Ei, while elegantly sitting on a pillow in her room in the Tenshukaku, her eyes closed, her head focused, slightly frowning, as she was meditating before your arrival. and as you, Y/n, or known better as the Traveler, one of the few allowed to disturb her, came inside her room."Is something the matter Y/N?" I say, my expression changing from a calm one to a slightly worried one due to Y/N coming into my room. I stand and walk towards him slowly, before coming very near to him, and looking at him in the eyes.
Y/N: Yeah- say you with a small blush as she holds your hands.
EI: I smile, a small smile, I'm still a bit worried about Y/N. "What is the matter? Is it something important that you want to share with me?"
Y/N: Correct.. you are very worried about her possible reaction.
EI: "Then, please, sit down. You can rest your head on my lap if you want, I don't mind."
Y/N: Oh~ you sit down as instructed, waiting for her next move, slowly calming yourself down.
EI: I pat their head and I let them rest their head on my lap, I then start stroking their hair with my thumb. "So, what is it about?"
Y/N: you stay in silence for a bit, your eyes closed, just enjoying the moment. I-is it g-good if i..i f-feel something for y-you? You burst it out, stuttering.
EI: I look at Y/N and I blush a bit, but I have a kind smile. "I feel the same, I've never talked about this to anyone, yet I feel so safe and comfortable with you."
Y/N: you blushingly stay in silence, while she keeps caressing you, thinking for a response, your mind being absolutely frozen by her response.
EI: The petting stops, she looks Y/N in the eyes with the most pure, gentle eyes, a warm and kind smile. "So, you feel the same? The same way I feel for you?"
Y/N: Y-yes.. you whisper, waiting for the right moment to say that three words that your heart wants so much to say..
EI: She is still looking at you, without hesitation she looks at you in the eyes right after saying that yes, waiting for your next move, she is in peace, with her mind and body filled with happiness.
Y/N: you open your eyes, and bring up all your courage, saying: I... I.. love you Ei... while looking deeply in her purple eyes
EI: She looks at you surprised and then slightly blushes, she doesn't have the greatest response in the world, but without hesitation she gets up and takes your hands, she pulls you closer and she kisses you on the forehead, she is happy, and very happy with the result. She smiles, but you can tell her face is a bit red from the happiness, her cheeks are slightly pink.
Y/N: W...W-we will walk through Eternity t-together.. you say, letting your heart talk, while dreamily looking in her eyes.
EI: She looks at you, still a bit red from the happiness, while still having a kind smile. She leans towards you, while still maintaining eye contact, she pats you shoulders and as she gets close enough, she leans in closer, she wants to kiss him on the lips, but something feels off and she stops mid way, she feels that is way too early for her to do it.
Y/N: you notice that, a bit confused: oh.. i-is there something.. off?
EI: I blush when Y/N says that, I feel embarrassed, yet I reply: "I feel the same as you, I want you by my side for all eternity. Yet I feel like me kissing you on the lips right now will go too fast, and I don't want to rush this, I am in peace with how things are now, with this kind of relationship we have." I look at Y/N and I smile, trying to calm them down, it seems like they are worried about my sudden move.
Y/N: Oh.. of course.. you say, flustered.
EI: I see you look flustered because of my sudden move, my heart melts and I smile: "Do not worry, we are in the same page, even if we can't share the same lips as the moment, the time will come in a near future, where we will finally be able to do so. For now, it is best to take it slow, at a pace that both of us are comfortable with."
Y/N: you, clearly flustered, try to change argument. o..okay, surely.. h-how should I.. c-call you? Dear? My.. s-sweet eternity? Darling?
EI: She looks at you, and Y/N sees a slightly bigger blush, a kind smile on her lips. "Sweet Eternity has a catchy sound to it, I'd be happy if you'd call me that, but in the end, that is up to you."
Y/N: S-surely... you blush out of pure happiness, while looking in her eyes: m-my sweet eternity.
EI: I see the words that Y/N just used and now I am embarrassed, but in a good way. It feels good to know my actions are making him feel better and better. "I am deeply thankful that you used that name, it makes me happy. Even though I feel a bit embarrassed for it, the feeling of you calling me that is good enough."
Y/N: It's a pleasure to h-hear that... H-how do you like to call me instead..?
EI: She smiles, and she ponders a bit before answering, what is the best name she can come up with. "I must say, calling you 'Dearest' also has a good flow to it, but let me know what you think about it, I don't want to be calling you something you do not enjoy.
Y/N: Y-yes... you blush, completely stunned by her ways.
EI: I see them blush a bit again and I continue smiling, I want to give them a little kiss on his forehead once more because of how cute they are, yet I try to calm myself before doing something I will regret, Y/N really makes my heart weak, yet they do make me happy.
Y/N: you decide to kiss her forehead, gently.
EI: They suddenly kiss my forehead and it catches me by surprise, I do feel happy though, I let them continue because I am too happy to say something. I blush, a normal blush, but with a smile in it, I am glad everything went so well, the best this could've gone.
Y/N: you remain in silence while looking at her, only to say this a few seconds after: Ei... I would never leave you, don't even think so~ you remember about what she had faced in the past with her sister, sensing her fears.
EI: I see Y/N blush due to thinking about my past, I feel somewhat sad about him thinking of my past as it is not the best, but they are doing it just to comfort me, they are such a kind person. So, as a reply to such kindness, I give them one long hug, a hug that conveys my appreciation for how good he is making me feel.
Y/N: you hug her back, tightly.
EI: I feel their hug, and I hug them back, still feeling a bit guilty about their thinking of me, but they are also a comforting feeling, this is somewhat helping me forget about my past. I feel like I should ask them something. I let go and I look at them, a big smile on my face. "Are you happy with me, Y/N?"
Y/N: quite surprised by the question, you reply immediately: I never felt happier than now, my sweet eternity~
EI: I was expecting that answer, it is the answer I needed, a bit of a cheesy, yet I love it. So, as a reply, I give them a little kiss on the forehead while smiling. I am satisfied with their answer.
Y/N: you kiss her nose, gently.
EI: I feel my nose with their lips, I feel I want to do something similar in return, but then I stop, if I go on this road, then my feelings, which are already quite developed, will develop even further.. and if I end up confessing my feelings, I may end up feeling guilt if I do something wrong.. but the feelings are so strong they don't let me think too much, So, I end up kissing Y/N anyways.
Y/N: as she does that, you notice her discomfort, and you feel your heart racing. So you whisper: Ei, if ever there's something making you uncomfortable.. either about us two, or in general..you can always tell me..
EI: I hear Y/N's words and decide to tell them my inner question, pending since they arrived. "I feel like I shouldn't ask this, but, why are you so kind to me, why does a traveler want so much to help an archon like me, one that has made mistakes in the past, has closed her heart, I don't understand why you, as much more than just any other person from Inazuma, want to help me."
Y/N: Because.. despite what you may have done in the past.. i still have and will pardon you. Because.. i love you.
EI: I hear the words and I cannot hold the blush, even if I feel like I should've hold back, I end up confessing my own feelings in a blushy way, yet again. "You.. you truly love me? Even in the shape I am? My life has been nothing but a complicated mess, and yet someone cares so deeply for me. Oh, Y/N.." I kiss them, just on the lips that time.
Y/N: I'm surprised by her actions, but in a pleasing way. Her kiss is very awkward, as it being her first one. Her lips peck awkwardly, and It will take some time for her to learn, but i can wait. So i kiss her back, passionately.
EI: My eyes are in a bit of a surprise due to their passion, but I don't let that ruin the moment, I kiss back, trying to be as passionate as Y/N. I feel a happy kind of guilt, the guilt that makes you feel good, this is the first time in a long time I don't feel so bad about something in so long, and Y/N is the one to make me feel so happy.

That's it dudes. Yah i will probably add more parts in the future, if this goes well enough. It was a fun time trying something slightly more romantic with this AI, differing from my usual stuff.
Boiled potato signing out!
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allykakamatsu · 10 months
KH X GI Relationship Squares
(There's more ships than these, these are just the ones I can make square charts out of)
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Neuvillette -> Wriothesley: A very reliable friend who he's more than happy to go to for advice.
Wriothesley -> Neuvillette: Not so secretly down horrendous. Will never confess first though so he just hopes Neuvi notices his flirting.
Neuvillette -> Arlecchino: Still a bit wary of her, especially since he figured out she threatened Furina, but once those two worked things out he mostly got past it and the two are friends.
Arlecchino -> Neuvillette: Wonders how he put up with Furina's act for so long, but highly respects his dedication.
Arlecchino -> Furina: Couldn't stand her at first, but after learning of her sacrifices she began respecting her and now they're on okay terms.
Furina -> Arlecchino: Terrified of her a lot of the time but also wondering how the hell she's so hot. Glad they're somewhat friends now so she can crush without feeling like an idiot.
Furina -> Neuvillette: A bit awkward around him at the moment due to wanting to avoid all aspects of her time as an Archon, but still cares about him deeply.
Neuvillette -> Furina: Always cared despite his annoyances, but now he knows the truth he just wants to do whatever he can to make her happy.
Wriothesley -> Arlecchino: Doesn't like Fatui in general but he can't deny how much she helped Fontaine.
Arlecchino -> Wriothesley: Impressed by the work he did to Meropide, but after hearing how he tormented with Lyney just for fun to the point it activated his darkness she's been resisting the urge to go down there and slap him.
Wriothesley -> Furina: Doesn’t know her too well but thinks she’s nice from the little he’s seen
Furina -> Wriothesley: Doesn’t know him that well but Neuvillette talks about him fondly and that’s enough for him to get her seal of approval
(More under cut)
(Also probably a bad post to have this on but please support me on ko-fi here )
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(Context, Ei get's exiled for a bit after the Archon quest and when she's allowed back she and Ayato are almost dragged into an arranged political marriage to keep things stable, so the gang, led by Miko and Thoma, have to stop the wedding. They do, but Miko repurpose's it into a wedding for her and Ei.)
Ei -> Ayato: Overall thinks he's pleasant and dependable, but their relationship is strictly professional.
Ayato -> Ei: Glad she's finally ending the Decree's holding Inazuma back, but sweet Celestia never make them almost get married again-
Ei -> Miko: Never stopped loving her but prior to them getting remarried thought that Miko hated her.
Miko -> Ei: Missed her dearly for those 500 ish years but would rather die than admit it, the wedding ended up being the push she needed to finally admit she loved her.
Miko -> Thoma: Not as fun to tease as Gorou but still fun, has more respect for him now.
Thoma -> Miko: Still a bit afraid of her but nowhere near as much.
Thoma -> Ayato: Loves but is worried about how the nobles would react to them being together, main reason their relationship was a secret to the point the arranged marriage almost happened.
Ayato -> Thoma: Loves him to the ends of the earth, only kept the relationship secret due to Thoma's worries, but once he gatecrashed the wedding Ayato had no problem finally proclaiming his love.
Ayato -> Miko: Worried she's a bad influence on Ayaka but outside of that genuinely enjoys her company.
Miko -> Ayato: Known him since he was little, glad there's someone in Inazuma who can keep up with her.
Ei -> Thoma: Barely knows he exists but is happy for him and Ayato.
Thoma -> Ei: Has complicated feelings about and does his best to just stay out of her way to not make things awkward.
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Lumine -> Xiao: Fell hard the second she met him, but the more she learned about him the more she wanted to get close to and help him
Xiao -> Lumine: Wasn't sure what to think at first, but between her kicking Osail's ass and their somewhat date at the Lantern Rite he fell hard.
Xiao -> Venti: Has had feelings for him ever since Venti saved him, but hesitant to pursue them due to self esteem issues.
Venti -> Xiao: Pretty down bad but more so just wants him to love himself
Venti -> Lyney: Pretty good friend.
Lyney -> Venti: Bit awkward around because well, Fatui and Archon, but still enjoys spending time with him.
Lyney -> Lumine: Was initially just planning on charming her so she could help save Fontaine, but he became down bad and started flirting for real REALLY quick.
Lumine -> Lyney: Always attracted to him but it wasn’t until Lyney’s quest plus Meropide that she truly realised she was down bad.
Lumine -> Venti: Cares about him a lot but wishes they’d be more honest about his feelings.
Venti -> Lumine: You know those best friends turned couples that still act like besties, yeah that’s them.
Xiao -> Lyney: At first only staying close so he didn’t try anything funny with Lumine, but after a while the magicians charm worked on him as well.
Lyney -> Xiao: Was mostly just teasing his new pretty friend at first, but once he realised Xiao was crushing he went ‘okay this sounds fun let’s do it’
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noellefan101 · 1 year
Kissing Them-Genshin Girls 2
Characters: Ei, Lumine, Yelan, Lisa, Kujou Sara x gn!reader
Summary: short headcanons of what they would taste like when you kiss them
Warnings: kissing, romantic relationship
Note: i´ll try to post smt at least every other day from now on, so we´ll hopefully meet again. yes, I stole my idea for aether and gave it to lumine too, I was lazy. hope you enjoy this, luv you ;) pt1
she tastes like the dango milk you bought her, sweet with a little taste of the milk, she loves sweet stuff and you know it. its weird how she didn´t talk to anyone at all, but then you came into her life.
she tastes like the sunsettias she ate with you and paimon, sweet and tasty, there´s also something you can´t put a finger on, but ignore it. you don´t want to invade her personal life too much.
she tastes like chilies, really spicy, she loves spicy food and somehow eat chilies raw, you truly don´t know how she does it. she may hide things from you but she can´t hide her love for spice.
she tastes like her homemade veggie soup, bitter and sweet with a bit of spice, its delicious all the flavors melting into the kiss. you don´t taste any pumpkin though, it makes sense.
Kujou Sara
she tastes like the onigiri she just ate without you knowing, its bland but delicious coming from her mouth. you wonder where she hid it, you want some too.
I hope you liked it, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody liking my posts
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marsconer · 9 months
girls will start blue eyed samurai and immediately think outlander/time travel au. im girls
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Gn reader/no specific pronouns used. (You/they/unknown person) (lol)
(I would be happy if you reposted my dream or like <3)
welcome, outlander God(S) ♥︎
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CREDITS: [I was in a rush and my friend found it on Google for me, so I am not sure if it's correct so here's the title] Art, manga, boy anime #730263 on animesher.com [or you can just type what my friend searched "chained up hands manga"]
Traveler steps into a abandoned domain. They moved the tree branches that over-grown into the domain and searched around the area.
"Nothing seems to be here Paimon. I think we were just hearing things."
"But Paimon was sure she heard something!"
The traveler tries to reassure Paimon that they were just hearing things until the traveler leaned on the wall and pushed a hidden button. They both paused as they heard some stone moving.
Traveler carefully stepped into the new founded room...nothing...happened? They went in the room still cautious. It was pitch black so the traveler has to spread the arms out and just try to imagine what the rooms looks like and so they don't bump their head on something.
Suddenly, the Paimon screamed, the traveler quickly turned around and headed towards Paimon's scream. The traveler stood there shocked and horrified. They saw a eyeball staring at them. Black liquid drips from the opened eyeball as it stared at the 2 trespassers. Suddenly, the liquid that seems to come out non-stop became read then gold.
The light was suddenly on.
Paimon was grossed out as the traveler tried to not laugh at her reaction. A chill went down on their spine, then panic as both of them couldn't move. Their heart almost dropped into their stomach as they heard a voice.
"Oh? I didn't expect guests to be here. My, my."
The unknown person chuckled. They got closer to them as the traveler shivered from the cold hands that touched their face.
"Quite a beauty. Such pretty golden hair."
The unknown person was finally revealed. Well...not really since seems like a veil is covering most of their head. It was quite a length. While the clothes were fully covering their body.
Both of them were stunned when they heard multiple voices that sounded exactly the same if some didn't sound like their vocals was damaged or something.
"Look! There's a flying kid!"
"You mean a fairy?"
"No. It must be a realistic, human machine"
"Emergency food?"
Paimon stomped her feet in the air, pouting from the comments.
"Don't be mean. I'm sure she's just a living person" [The original you]
Paimon almost broke into tears. You're the first person who hasn't called her emergency food or some fairy at least once.
Their voices was terrifying in a way. Some was fine, but one of them had some kind of glitch in their voice or maybe gurgle noises as if their Drowning.
"Ah. Don't mind them. I'm the original."
'Original?' The traveler thought before stumbling into your arms when they were finally released from the paralyzed state they both were in.
"So....their your clones?"
The unknown person (you) laughed. Clutching their stomach as they fell on to their knees and holding on to the wall for support.
"Pfft- haha! That's quite funny"
Gosh. Perhaps would you die from laughter with Cyno's jokes because of your horrible humor? They thought.
"Well....they aren't exactly clones. They are just....versions of myself? I have many, perhaps infinity of them. But there somewhere else. These are just "me's" who will go soon. So just ingore them."
The traveler was stunned, before they could say anything, they witnessed the "you's" turning into statue, liquid or anything then disappearing. Although, they didn't question further since you looked tired from the questions. They looked over to the chains on your legs and wrist. About to ask this one last question but you soon changed the subject.
"Oh. Are you...ah, yes! Lumine/Aether?"
The traveler paused. Sweat dripping from their forehead as they looked at you in fear. They haven't told anyone their name. How did you know?
"No need to fear me....I wouldn't dare to hurt such a beauty. You're quite too cute to do that"
The person chuckled, seeing the traveler face flushed a slight bright red. The traveler finally opened their mouth to say something after 5 minutes of awkward silence.
"Do you know....my brother/sister?"
You paused. Seemingly hesitating.
"And....what if I say I do?"
The traveler looks at you and went straight forward.
"Please! Help me find my sister/brother!"
The traveler begged.
"Well....sorry to disappoint you, I don't know their location. But I could help you on your travels."
You hold their chin while smiling. The traveler heart suddenly quicken and pounded into their chest. You and the traveler noticed that Paimon was passed out on the floor, cold. You gladly offered them to help lead the way to the exit while carrying Paimon.
"Teyvat....looks so different......how long did I sleep?? God damn, I slept better than sleeping beauty for real!"
The traveler looked at you cunfused before you coughed awkwardly and asked them where do you go with them. Suddenly, the 4 archon appeared.
"[Name]...is that.....really you?"
Zhongli asked. Hands trembling as he reached out to you.
"Yes Morax- wait. Rex Lapis? No, God Of Contracts?"
"Zhongli. It's Zhongli"
He awnsered. Ei interrupted,
"[Name]..! You look......exactly the same"
You nodded. You almost fell as Venti jumped on your back.
"I'm going by Venti!"
"Venti, the famous drunken bard?"
You chuckled, Laughing at Venti's reaction. He pouted and hit you in the shoulder even though it felt like nothing.
You looked down, seeing a child.
"Oh? And who are you?"
Nahida looked up at you and fidgeted her fingers.
"I'm Nahida....I heard a lot about you from irminsul!"
She said excitedly. The traveler just stood there in the background, with Paimon in their hands. Although...you felt the presence of someone but quickly ingores it as you listen to everyone's words. Perhaps Nahida should introduce you to Wanderer
You should be careful with the Fatui and Tsaritsa
—to be continued—
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orphic-musings · 2 years
Emotional & Elemental Reactions
Characters: Diluc, Ayato, Ei x gn! reader
Genre: Angst, distustingly cute fluff
Warnings: Diluc gets wounded (but what’s new)
Summary: Reader is a dendro user and an elemental reaction isn’t the only thing they cause with their lover. (denro vision! reader x various characters drabbles)
Notes: UHMM OK I GOT THIS IDEA FROM @desafinado THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INSPIRATION! hope u dont mind the tag I might do this for more characters i kinda wanna give this another try IDK we’ll see! also i finished finals so i may or may not be more active 👀 no promises
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The moment was more than magical, the cool breeze of Monstatd bringing the sweet scent of flowers. But the only scent you cared about was his. His secure grip on your neck and waist. His chapped lips on yours. His perfectly flawed kiss. He had wanted to be gentle with you, to keep you away from him. His dangerous lifestyle and his unperishable flame within. But it seemed fate decided for you to both be here in this moment, on a tepid night made warmer by this burning passion.
You pull yourself away just enough that your lips separate, puffing out hot air.
“I don’t want this moment to end, or this feeling to slip away,” you whisper, eyes still stuck on his mouth. Diluc tilts your chin up so your eyes meet his, and the life within them almost startles you.
“It doesn’t have to,” he presses another quick kiss against you, and you feel your heart swell, “this doesn’t need to end today, or tomorrow.” His hand on your neck moves to the top of your head, and he runs it down your cheek and to jaw. Featherlight but searing. You are so brilliant and gentle, and everything that defines stunning, to him.
You lean more into his touch, letting his palm overheat your already flushed skin. The feeling flows all throughout your body, setting you alight, but you’ve never felt so alive, so in love.
A week has passed since that night, and many more memorable nights were spent. He would often show up on your doorstep, wounded or exhausted from his nightly affairs, usually both. Everytime you would nurse him back to health, and the next morning he would leave better than new.
“It must be your dendro vision,” he would say, “that makes you have such an invigorating and healing touch.” You poured all your heart and soul into everything you do for him, so he can carry parts of you with him wherever he goes. You had never fallen so hard or fast before.
And now he’s back again on your carpet, wound glimmering in the dark. He has fire in his eyes, and danger in his presence. It entices you, but it also breaks your heart.
“Sit right there, I’ll be right back.” You leave him on your floor while you fetch some medical supplies. To your dismay, you catch your reflection in the bathroom mirror, and what you see is not someone in love. You see a star, already long burned out. And Diluc sees it too, when you return with some bandages. In silence you mend him, and when it’s done you can’t find the words to fill it. You long for his touch, the one that set your heart on fire. He reaches out.
“What must I do to witness your affections again?” He whispers. You’re not even sure if he’s really asking you. Suddenly, he pulls his hand away from its delicate graze. It was cold. You don’t even notice how you shake your head at the thought, how you crack a sad smile. It’s not cold, Diluc was never cold. If the sun died out he would still be warm.
“I’m worn out, I’m sorry,” you say, never meeting his eyes. It was your skin that had lost sensation, nerves burned out. He gets up abruptly, but pauses at the door. You finally look at him. The fire is still in his eyes, and you realize now that he had always been too ardent, burning anything that gets close.
»»————- ♡ -————««
“Come, take my hand.” His smile is gentler than the lick of waves on the shore. Ayato waits for your hand to be placed upon his, and you take it, gladly. In the warm tint of dusk his hair and eyes become a palette of pastels. Together you appear like a watercolour, striding across the beach below the Kamisato Estate.
“I’m so fond of you, you know that right?” He asks, voice ever mild but strong.
“Of course I do. And I’m rather fond of you as well.” You glance up at him, and are met with a genuine smile. He stops walking and twirls you around, letting his playful side show freely. You laugh and fall into his embrace. And he holds you.
“My dear gardener…” he coos, earning more giggles from you. It had all been so fast. Fast enough to make you believe in love at first sight. You weren’t really employed to him, but as a stray traveler, and a dendro user, Thoma had managed to pick you up. He really did have a thing for strays. Ayato didn’t need a reason for you to stay, it was all his pleasure, but the way you so tenderly cared for his garden to make it up made his heart grow even more.
It was the worst possible thing he could do, really. Since he found himself wandering the estate while you garden more often than not. He witnessed in wonder the way you used your vision to nurture and encourage the fauna, and it truly livened the whole place up. Instead of working he would indulge himself in your presence, with the excuse that if you were caring for the plants with your vision, he too wanted to try watering them with his. But he would never regret the way his time was spent.
Not even a month later and he had you in his arms, exactly where he wanted you. It felt glorious. The golden brilliance fading into blue dark, while the waves teeter ever closer on the sand. The lullaby of their rhythmic cascade and the choir of crickets made a peaceful harmony.
I love you, his eyes seemed to say, as he gazed into yours. I love you, you replied, with a perfectly sweet kiss. And perhaps, the garden was not the only thing that bloomed when you were together.
»»————- ♡ -————««
“Darling?” Ei’s brash voice calls out, and you turn your head immediately. She always appreciated your attentiveness to her, even when she often requires patience from you. “Would you like to go try that restaurant you’ve been talking about?”
“I would love to!” You reply enthusiastically, joining hands with her. Whenever you two touch it feels electric, and it still makes you giddy each time. She smiles at your devotion, your open-mind and your open-heart, just some of the things she fell in love with. How the electro archon fell for just some dendro user is a mystery, even to her. But she’s found herself doing more and more things with you. Trying new experiences and indulging in feelings she had never thought much about before.
“You’re so adventurous these days!” You remark as the two of you walk down the brightly-lit streets of Inazuma City.
“Only because you embolden me my dear. With you I feel such vigor and curiosity I never have before. There is so much more I want to do, with you.” Her blunt statenents makes you flush, and you swear you can feel tingles surge from your intertwined hands.
“Ei!” She turns, but gives a lighthearted laugh upon seeing your flustered expression. She pulls you even closer, wrapping one arm around your middle and leaning her head slightly on top of yours.
“Ei!” You cry out again, ready to melt away from embarrassment.
“I simply want to be closer to my love, is tjat not allowed?” You don’t reply, and she smiles. “Your company is both exhilirating and calming, and I can’t get enough of it. If anything in this world were eternal,” she interrupts herself to kiss you, forcing you both to stop in your tracks, “I would want it to be this feeling.” She gazes at you and the pure adoration in it makes you fall in love all over again, as you lean in to kiss her again.
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lenoresimpact · 2 years
Scaramouche's relationship with singing (headcanons)
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Hello!  As I announced few days ago, I decided to write some headcanons about Scaramouche’s singing abilities. I found his boss fight theme really inspiring and even though his Chinese VA is not the one singing in the track, the main voice surely resembles our beloved motherless gremlin. Have fun and feel free to leave a request if you want more headconons from me!
Contains: Spoilers of Scaramouche’s past. Fluff/angst. + BONUS reader insert! It’s pretty SFW but if you find some parts triggering, please inform me about it!
❤ Scaramouche's nickname The Balladeer wasn't incidental. Though no one ever teached him the art of music, he has a natural capability of controlling his voice in a flawless way. The thing is that he wasn’t aware of his gift when he was born. 
❤ It’s hard to tell if he owed his talent to his mother’s good will. Ei never really talked to him and she simply thought of him as an experiment named Kunikuzushi. His main purpose was to store her Electro Gnosis if he could bear it, but due to his delicate nature Kunikuzushi wasn’t suitable for this role. His other predispositions were useless in her eyes, so she wasn't interested in observing them. She gave him a freedom without any clues about his strong points. He knew only about his weaknesses. Ei simply rejected him, believing she was doing him a favor.
❤ On the other hand Kunikuzushi was indeed a beautiful, divine creation. His outward beauty reflected his pure nature. He wasn't in posession of a high self-awareness, but he had a great emotional sensitivity. He seemed eccentric to ordinary people, but he was very eager to live among them and learn to coexist peacefully.
❤ At first, how could he even know what singing was? One day, however, he heard a song coming out of one of the Inazuman houses. He was interested in how people modulated sound and why they did it. Sometimes they sounded happy but sometimes the sounds seemed terribly sad. There was probably some greater meaning in it, unknown to the wandering puppet.
❤ One summer day, when his friend Katsuragi went to fetch some water, Kunikuzushi started playing with his voice while working in the field. These were his first attempts to imitate human action of singing. He surprisingly enjoyed the results of his efforts and got so into it that he couldn't notice when Katsuragi returned. Initially, yoriki himself wasn't eager to interrupt the puppet's secret performance. He hid in a nearby bush and listened to natural, spontaneous tones of extremely pure timbre. They were filled with melancholy from another world.
❤ When Kunikuzushi fell silent, Katsuragi came out of the bush. Seeing his purple haired friend's embarrassment, he apologized for the sneaky behavior and immediately praised his skills. Kunikuzushi found the answer to his questions in this event. For now he knew what singing was and why people sang sometimes. It was simply admirable! Maybe such a skill could pull him closer to them? Since humans loved him for singing, maybe it was possible that his mother would also appreciate it as well? What if she heard his voice just once? Who knows, maybe she would be more willing to take him under her wing again... At least humans loved when their young ones were singing, right? It mostly meant they were happy. 
❤ From then on, Kunikuzushi hummed sweet songs more often to make his friend's work more pleasant. Sometimes he also received praise from other villagers when they suggested that he could earn great amounts of Mora thanks to his voice. However, he perceived it as too materialistic approach to his abilities. 
❤ The Puppet's songs were nostalgic and sad. The lyrics often featured Ei's misty silhouette more or less directly between the verses. Kunikuzushi lived with the naive hope that perhaps one day the wind would take his words to his mother, but it was surely not going to happen, especially since she isolated herself from the outside world.
❤ After Katsuragi's "betrayal", Kunikuzushi stopped singing for a while. He had no one to sing to. Only later he sang to himself in the intention to lessen his feeling of loneliness on the roads of Inazuma. After all, this way he attracted one of the local orphan's attention. The child seemed similiar to Kunikuzushi, since they shared poverty and loneliness, as well as the ability to see the world through the heart lenses.
❤ The little friend often asked Kunikuzushi to sing, but they also wanted to listen happier songs. The doll quickly learned cheerful children's chants. Very soon Kunikuzushi was able to make up his own songs and dance to them with kids during the day. It was a happy time which allowed him to believe that he could have a real value in someone's eyes once more.
❤ At night Kunikuzushi would bring back his sad songs with which he lulled the child to sleep. His velvety, warm voice comforted the kid in the darkness of the night and soothed the suffering that accompanied the progress of terminal illness. Although Kunikuzushi saw sickness and slow death for the first time from such a close perspetive, he believed that just being there was enough to keep a little human by his side. Unfortunately, it turned out again that this wasn't enough.
❤ After the death of his little friend, Kunikuzushi decided to get rid of his sensitive identity. He stopped singing not because he never saw beauty in it. He just discovered it's uselessness. A trivial singing couldn't give him a permanent place beside someone.
❤ Singing was bringing his feelings to the daylight. He had a void in his chest that he wanted to fill with pure anger and strength. He wanted to destroy the weak Kunikuzushi persona in him. 
❤ As Scaramouche, the puppet stopped singing because the human worms around him were not worthy of it. They would't return the honor of listening to him, and since he couldn't gain anything permanent with this pitiful talent, it was just useless for the fearsome Sixth Harbringer. His singing abilities were just one of the legends in the Fatui, since no one ever heard him singing there.
❤ The exception to this resolution was Scaramouche's song during the duel with Traveller and Lesser Lord Kusanali. The Balladeer ran away from Fatui and now he was the one to estabilish his power over the people. As the new god, he intended to obtain honors and glory by force. His last song was supposed to be a Psalm of the Victory, but it was actually an old cry hidden deep inside his hollow chest.
❤ It was a powerful swan's song before it's next death.
BONUS! (reader insert)
❤ Scaramouche's beliefs that grew around his own memories made him lock himself from trusting anyone. He wouldn’t be eager to sing for your entertainment, but if you questioned him about the sources of his nickname, he probably would mumble something about trivial activities in his younger days.
❤ Scara would be annoyed if you asked if he would ever sing for you. You shouldn't push him to give any performances, even in private.
❤ However, it is possible that when you get close to each other, you will sometimes catch him involuntarily humming for a few seconds when you’re alone together. It's best to appreciate his voice silently, without any comments which would interrupt him or make him focus directly on what he’s doing. He wouldn’t want to act cute willingly. Your silence at this moment would maintain a safe atmosphere between both of you. At the end the most important thing is that you can simply be yourself together.
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abyssruler · 2 years
The traveler is sick of those horny immortals lol. Imagine one quest being babysitting the kids just so these archons can bang their hot milf wife. Would Xiao count as Zhongli’s kid, too? Oh, and Scara being all uwu with his scarier sister is just *chef’s kiss*
Liyue legit going bonkers after each dragon baby???? Yes. Birthdays? National holidays. And then Zhongli fakes his death and there’s talk about maybe one of the kids taking on geo daddy’s position or something. So much potential for drama! How would they make the kids keep the secret? With a lot of struggles. The adepti showing up to bestow gifts on each dragon baby like the three good fairies from Sleeping Beauty.
Ei just vibing with her wife. Chilling while fondling each other and making out. So fun. So cool. Nothing to stress about here. Occasionally taking out their kids on a family outing with Scara being the cutest eldest child that he is. Like. Let them be happy!!!
Venti literally sobbing in Angel’s Share because he was NTR’d by two archons and Diluc just goes ????? every single time until Venti shows up with the rest of them and their kids. (Venti can recognize Reader anywhere anytime because he knows that ass better than anyone.)
I just mhmmmhhnnnngg this AU HAS ME BY THE THROAT
zhongli’s kids would definitely have their eyes on the geo archon seat after he fakes his death. they can’t have scara getting all the glory of being the only sibling who’s an archon. zhongli suggests they make a tournament - whoever manages to stay awake until zhongli ends his lecture about the responsibilities of ruling liyue and going through its entire history and culture wins. none of them last an hour. the seat of the geo archon remains empty up to this day. fun little fact tho! zhongli didn’t tell them his plans to fake his death so they all thought he actually died. they were on the verge of tearing down liyue until you appeared and said ‘it’s a prank!’ they also help the adepti and the qixing in fighting osial!!
xiao is the honorary brother that scara refuses to acknowledge bc it would mean he’s not the eldest anymore. he half-raised those kids bc god knows their parents were too busy banging each other and spawning more of them. scara is actually a really good ruler!! the raiden shogun balances his softer side. xiao, scara, and raiden shogun basically half-raised their siblings. they bonded over it <3
AND VENTI LMAOO he would lament to diluc and the traveler about those two archons who “seduced his beloved priestess.” at windrise when venti’s telling traveler abt morax, he says something along the lines of “oh, and don’t trust that old geezer too much he’s a backstabbing little bitch who stole my wife.” traveler actually has a very different experience in this au. mostly bc traveler has to be the mediator whenever the three archons start complaining about the other ‘hogging you all to themself’.
venti arrives in mondstadt during the windblume festival with three other people and a boatload of other people who suspiciously look like a mix of their features. it’s better to not ask anything. jean didn’t ask to host that year’s festival with two additional gods and the high priestess herself who’s been quiet for centuries until now. oh, and now the electro archon is here in a grumpy mood, asking why they didn’t invite him over. um, probably because you have a whole country to rule? jean thinks it’s time for a vacation.
on a more serious note tho, their decisions could create a huge succession war on liyue. each kid fighting to become the geo archon. it could replace the inazuma archon quest since the traveler wouldn’t really encounter much problems there with scara as the electro archon. maybe scara gets involved at the succession war at some point as the eldest and the traveler gets dragged along. reader, ei, zhongli, and venti are all just watching and enjoying their retirement. it’s only a matter of time before the succession for the anemo archon’s position was put into question. luckily for them, venti doesn’t have kids with you. yet.
traveler: your kids are killing each other!
them: oh, they’re play fighting how cute :)
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General opinions on Traveler ships I like:
Xiao/Traveler: I can see it. I don't think about it much or actively search for it but I like it when I do see it.
Enjou/Traveler: Only if it's horribly one-sided, where Enjou is willing to follow the Traveler to the ends of Teyvat and tell them all his deepest secrets from second one and the Traveler is actively asking Diluc, Kaeya, and Yelan about how to stealthily dispose of bodies.
Furina/Traveler: Why am I seemingly the only person who ships this do you see how hard she struggles to both impress the Traveler and grow as a person and a leader for them, did you notice how Neuvilette asks not to leave her alone during her meeting with Arlecchino when he can't make it and how she asks the Traveler to sit next to her, imagine her joining the Traveler in domains and, mid-combat, asking the Traveler to praise her for how much stronger she's grown since she started actually learning self-defense, if she stays in Fontaine imagine her using her intelligence network to send them updates on their sibling and also notes from herself, imagine her boasting to everyone in the Court of Fontaine about how cool and amazing and beautiful the Traveler is and what do you MEAN she sounds like she's in love with them, EVERYONE should be in love with them, they're just that cool, they saved her life you know--
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toriria · 2 years
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧!
/threateningly :)
— 𝐈 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫
— 𝟊𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝚴𝐒𝟊𝐖, 𝚨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 (𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞! :)
— 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝒚𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬!
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asadsadlittlewench · 1 year
What if Yae simply gave the Traveler to Ei as a gift
Set them up why doesn’t she
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krussyarts · 1 year
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When I say rarepair I want it so rare no one's ever heard of it, seen it, let alone considered it.
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stormiekumo · 2 years
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Lumei doodle because they change my brain chemistry
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Now I’m not saying it makes the ship brilliant, but I am saying that Traveller/Ei will be hilarious when they fight Scaramouche in 3.2 and he starts ranting about how inferior they are to him and whatever
And then the traveller can look him dead in the eye and whisper “I fucked your mom shitlips” into his ear
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Hi!how are you?can I ask a snippet (feel free to change it)of how Zhongli would react to eather/lumine(or just Y/N) giving him a flower crown?thx!
-✨ anon
Alright 👍 also ima try to make it all different so it might seem I like one of them more but I'm just trying to make it different or at least make the words different but with the same meaning.
✨️Ima do all three✨️
Gerne; fluff ☁️ slight angst
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Lumine 💮🌸
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1st; Idk since I founded in Google and the poster was from Reddit, and it didn't exactly say who was the artist
2nd; Danbooru arist: midorigawa akari
Lumine and Zhongli haven't met for a while so when they did, they decided to have a stroll on a field full of flowers. As they both enjoy the comfort of silence with the background of birds chirping and leaves blowing in the air. Lumine stopped.
"Is there something wrong, Traveler?" He asked. Lumine shook her head as a sign of no. She kneeled down and plucked a silk flower. As she raised it, a Geo Crystalfly landed on it. She gave the flower to Zhongli.
"Thank you for the flower." As he also plucks a flower and puts it on her hair. He chuckled at her surprised face. She once again kneeled and got more flowers. As he sat on the table and tilts his head as his chin rests on his hand. He wonders what is she doing.
Lumine tied the flowers to a shape of a crown. Zhongli decided to stand up to walk to the girl. She finishes and turned around to see Zhongli. She gestured for him to bend down, and as he did she put a flower crown on his head and smiled. Zhongli widens his eyes as the eyes glint with light. He can't help but also smile at her actions. He shall keep this shining in gold in his memories....
"Thank you...Traveler."
Aether 🌺💐
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1st: Danbooru artist: hane (odeu)
2nd: Danbooru artist: oyakorodesu
Aether returned to Liyue. As he walks down the street, he sees a familiar figure. Zhongli. Zhongli seems to have forgotten his wallet and his living one too. Aether decided to pay for him and had a nice talk too. Although the item he bought (banquet) was distracting aether.
"Would you like to have a stroll with me, Traveler?" Zhongli asked, as he drank his cup of tea. Aether nodded, later he found out what the banquet was for. Childe was looking for some flowers to give for his family and Zhongli decided to help on it.
After that, they walked around the field of flowers. They sat at a table, but aether went out to get something. Zhongli saw him walking towards him after a few minutes, holding a flower crown. Aether puts on the flower crown on him. Smiling at his gesture of giving him this, he pat his head and lightly ruffled his hair.
He was amused and chuckled at seeing the boy's expression. They both smiled and laughed as they talked. After that, night was coming and it started to become cold. Zhongli gifted his suit to keep him warm which Aether finally accepted with some convincing. After leading him to the Wangshu Inn and watching as he go. Zhongli stands outside, smiling.
"You will forever shine in my memories like gold....thank you for this wonderful experience Traveler."
READER sagau!🍀
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1st: Danbooru artist: Akiyoshi_nozomu
2nd: Danbooru artist: Hisehisekin
(You lived with him with every moment of his life)
"Zhongli!" You shouted across the street.
"Oh, I didn't expect to see you here."
You scoffed. "Well, you should now. But close your eyes." He did as you asked. He felt you grab his hand. After a while of walking, you stopped. He asked you if they were here. He didn't get an answer, but instead a "stay right here, I'll be back!" He waited. He wanted to open his eyes but didn't want to spoil the surprise you are making for him.
"You can open now!" He was confused, 'what was the surprise?' Until he felt something on his head. It was a flower crown, and then he looked behind you to see a field of Wild Glaze Lilies. His eyes widen and are full of life in it as his eyes shine brightly as the sun. He also saw some stone markings of his beloved friends and the stone you made in the past for this world that saves the memories of the surrounding.
He touched them and sees the moments where Bosacius drew on xiao's face and many more. He went on his knees, eyes filled with tears. He hugged you by the waist, saying his thank you's.
He knew if you revived anyone, it will disturb the cycle of reincarnation, life, and death. It would be too much work and since your current body hasn't fully adapted your power. This is why he was so grateful for you going through all the trouble to do this. You put a flower crown on him, kissing his forehead. Wiping away the tears. The rest of the day of him laying on your lap.
The next day he comes to where you live with a banquet full of flowers. He hugged you as you felt some tears falling on your shoulder. You rubbed his back to comfort him.
"I vow for us to shine together forever in our life....I love you."
Bonus! Sagau🌻🌼🍁
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Idk who made it but in the first one, Nahida was too short for the camera to see—
You, the archons, and the traveler with paimon. were walking down the field of flowers you made. You had all 4 of the archon's nation, flowers. Aether/lumine was giggling as aether hold the flowers in his arms/lumine holds the flowers on her skirt. It was nice seeing Ei walking around smiling, Zhongli drinking tea, and of course. Venti floats around with the lyre, singling songs themed as the 4 nations, Nahida doing the hopscotch along the path, and of course, Paimon. Eating away your cooking. You chuckled as she stuffed her mouth with food.
You used a bit of Anemo to make flower crowns for each person. You made sure to take a picture of this special moment.
Abyss aether/lumine, watching in the background as she/he sees you and their sibling having fun together. She/he wishes to join but cannot. She/he has not yet found a home for them to live. "Please wait, I promise one day. We will live together peacefully but for now, I will say my goodbyes."
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