#either it’s more your festival or parfum
youwerelikeanangel · 2 years
literally hoping maneskins “big as earth” news is a parfum (1d style announcement) ✌🏻🫥
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moonshinemusings · 2 years
TF 141 + friends during Christmas headcanons (with s/o included) (Pt.2)
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Warnings: none
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you enjoy these <3
Alejandro Vargas
• Doesn't like the cold, if he could he'd stay inside until it turned warmer again
• He thinks snow is beautiful, but only when he doesn't get any on himself or his stuff. Loves watching it snowing from inside the house though
• Despite that, one of his favourite holidays is still Christmas, because family means everything to him and every year he can celebrate with everyone he loves
• Traditions mean a lot to him, so that's another big factor
• He's a talented cook, so most of the food will be either put on the table by him, or he's going to encourage you to help him/make your own traditional dishes so you can enjoy both
• One of his love languages is also cooking for you, so it's beneficial for the both of you lol
• He's cheeky and likes hanging mistletoes over doors, hoping you two will step under them at the same time
• Likes lighting candles - even scented ones - while bunking down with blankets and reading, listening to soft Christmas music or just relaxing together after a long day
• You can't help but tease him when he puts on multiple layers before going out because he looks bulkier than usual, but somehow he pulls even that look off
• Has an angelic voice when he sings Christmas songs, and when he softly plays his guitar while humming them.. that's truly heavenly
• He's willing to wear silly hats, deer antlers or ugly sweaters even to work, but they always tease him
• That's fine though, he just makes everyone wear something silly too
• He also has matching sweaters with Rudy (like the ones with half of a deer on each or something similar)
• He always makes sure his brothers can get home to celebrate the holidays with their families. Usually him and Rudy are the only ones left at base during the last few days with a few stand-bye guys
• The festive mood around the base is never prohibited because he knows the men will still focus on their jobs at hand. He lets them hang ornaments, make small decorations and joke around
• They also have a small plastic tree that they put up in the main quarters every year. As Colonel, he gets to put the star on the top every time without fail
• He pays attention to either leave small gifts for his men or let them get away with more than usual and let them off the hook more
• Family celebrations include: meeting a bunch of relatives (many kids too), swapping meaningful presents, trying traditional dishes and drinking home made liquor and similar alcoholic drinks
• His family is really welcoming, but if you don't want to spend Christmas with them that's okay with him
• He might get upset about that at first, but eventually he's going to understand if you reason with him
• His presents are never something big in physical means, but they are always very thoughtful and heartwarming. Some examples include real silver earrings, matching scarves with your initials sewn on them (you got the A.V. one and he got yours), your favourite choice of drink with a new parfume you liked at the shop etc.
• He doesn't expect anything in return, but if he gets something he's really going to cherish it
• His lips tend to get chapped during the cold weather, so you should give him a nice flavoured chapstick. He's going to use it 100% and you will have the luck to see his lips all plump and soft, tasting like fruits or something similarly pleasant
• He loves Christmas fairs and will always make time to go and enjoy them, preferably with you by his side (and with some hot drinks)
• Don't make him watch shitty movies because he's going to complain the entire time and it won't be a good experience
• There are a few movies he likes though, because they always watch them as a family tradition
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Rodolfo Parra
• Constant victim of Rudolf jokes, especially from Soap
• He swears he has seen Santa when he was like 5 and he never forgot about it
• Him and Alejandro usually write cards for their brothers and sometimes even their families
• He likes giving several smaller gifts rather than a big one. They are always leading up to the most important one, like following the calendar you will get 5 presents every day before Christmas, then one on that day
• Often gets emotional when receiving them though, it always makes him feel loved and appreciated
• They always celebrate together with Alejandro and their families, they have been since they were little. He won't get mad if you don't want to spend these days with them, but he's going to miss you from next to him
• Doesn't trust candles because they are a fire hazard, but he likes Christmas lights
• A pro at wrapping presents, he usually even signs them with a little heart following his name. He always finds adorable wrapping papers too
• He likes matching clothes, so naturally he's going to wear ugly sweaters with you. Bonus points if you find ones that are actually cute
• Makes gingerbread cookies of everyone on the team and gets all pouty when they get their head chomped off (khm Alejandro)
• He's a good cook, so at Christmas he's usually in the kitchen making dishes. He's more than happy to let you help and introduce you to his favourite meals
• Like the sneaky little shit he is, he's going to sneak small notes everywhere and watch you have various reactions. They will containt Christmas themed jokes or pick up lines and all of them are going to be horrible. They will be things like "I must be a snowflake, because I’ve fallen for you" or "What happens when Santa Claus gets stuck in a chimney? He gets Claustrophobia!"
• Loves cheesy Christmas songs and movies, even the really bad ones. He likes romantic movies and the holidays, so those two combined can make him really happy
• He still puts his boots out all the time because he forgets himself. It's adorable how bashful he becomes about it when he realizes though
• Will play with you in the snow, but he's usually the one to pay attention and warn you when you two are starting to get soaked and too cold
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• One of his favourite seasons is winter. He's used to the cold since he grew up in a generally chilly country so it never bothers him too much. It even reminds him of fond memories and his home
• Loves winter sports like ice skaing and skiing, altough he's not the best at them. He enjoys them though, falling down and everything
• He is the type to just sit and watch the snow falling for hours. He loves being buried under warm blankets, preferably with you in his arms while you two watch the snow and tell stories to each other
• König is generally warm, like a personal furnace, so cuddling with him is always amazing. But it's even better during winter, when you two are outside and you can just snuggle into his side to keep you warm
• He grew up with a lot of traditions and he'd be very happy to introduce you to them if yours aren't the same
• His family is pretty small, but they are really welcoming. If you decide to join him during the holidays, he's going to be overjoyed
• Often he forgets himself and stays outside for too long, usually without the proper clothing. His hands become freezing cold, his nose and face get a red tint and his lips turn a lighter shade. He looks cute like that, especially when he gets inside and realizes how cold he really is
• Always makes sure you get a present that you will like. He's stressing over the right one for weeks before Christmas, and only calms truly down when you reassure him that you love it when he gives it to you
• He gets really emotional if you gift him something in return. It's a further indication that you appreciate and love him and he's going to be overflown with positive emotions
• Loves hot chocolate, especially if you put marshmallows in it and cinnamon on top
• Now that I mentioned it, he loves everything that's cinnamon flavoured. He's also a big fan of Christmas candy
• He's going to wear a Santa hat around the house 24/7, but he will switch to deer antlers if you ask him to
• Loves cooking together with you. He's pretty good in the kitchen, and being able to cook with you gives him all the domestic feelings
• You can bet if you have a pet, he's going to spoil them and give them presents too
• It's laughable how easily he can reach the top of the Christmas tree, so you never have to worry about putting the star up
• Similar with the lights and mistletoes
• He gets super shy when you two end up under a mistletoe. His face gets all red and he stutters over words, but always gives you a sweet kiss
• Speaking of, kisses that taste like cinnamon and Christmas candy.. yeah <3
• He loves decorating, and often gets so into it, that you have to remind him that he's going to have to take them off when the holiday is over too. He always gets embarrassed, but you don't mind
• He likes seeing the city with all the lights up and such, but he'd rather stay at home with you, enjoying the holidays just the two of you. He doesn't like crowds anyways
• Every year you two take a picture of you at Christmas night, all dressed up with the tree in the background. All of these get put into frames and they all stand on top of the fireplace
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• The type of guy to find something positive in everything, so he enjoys the cold and snow to an extent
• Absolutely demolishes you in snowball fights, you have no chance of winning, only if he lets you
• He gets cold easily though, so you will see him wearing multiple layers with beanies and scarves on top
• He always acts like it doesn't bother him, but it's hilarious seeing him freezing and still being stubborn
• He doesn't really have traditions, only a few things other people do too (decorating the tree etc.)
• He's glad to join you in celebrating though, he loves seeing you happy and he'd do anything to bring you joy
• Cheesy presents that always come from his heart, even if they seem silly at first
• He's a little clumsy in the kitchen, but he'd love to assist you in cooking or to help with anything he can
• He adores Christmas cookies and sweets, if you don't pay attention he's going to eat them the very day you made them
• Willing to wear silly sweaters and similar for you, but only because the others can't see. He doesn't want to listen to all the teasing, even though he'd do the same to them
• He will sit down with you to watch bad Christmas movies, but he's going to constantly make fun of it and make you laugh. Honestly, he's going to be way funnier than whatever movie you're watching
• He likes sitting on the porch with a hot drink, having you by his side, just quietly existing together. He appreciates the calm moments the holiday day offs give him with you
• Sing cheesy Christmas songs to him please, he's going to get shy and bashful. After he gets through that, he's going to sing to you too though, putting how whole heart into it
• Somehow he always gets dumb ornaments to put on the tree (a dinosaur for example)
• They often get together during these times with Farah and he'd love to have you by his side
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Farah Karim
• It doesn't get too cold where she lives and snow is also rare. If you take her to your home country and there is snow, she's going to be mesmerized though
• She's not the best cook, but when it comes to baking she's a pro. She always decorates gingerbread cookies in a really cute way too
• She likes singing Christmas songs with you, dancing in the kitchen while making the dishes
• She's good at giving heartfelt presents, even when sometimes she doubts herself about it
• You two totally have matching PJs, at least one pair if not more
• The holidays are for family, and she'd be happy to invite you to their gatherings
• You two often end up slightly drunk on the couch while criticising bad movies and just having the time of your lives
• She just overall enjoys spending time with you, the holiday vibes are just a bonus really
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If you don't like the holidays (personal reasons or otherwise) or don't have anyone to spend them with, all of these guys are more than willing to be by your side. They are happy to take you to their family gatherings or to their teams, and they would never force you to celebrate something you wouldn't want to. They will always make sure you are comfortable with their ideas and their top priority will be your happiness :)
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hargrove-mayfields · 4 years
You’ve Set my Soul to Dreaming  Pt. 1
Christmas has always been Steve Harrington’s time to shine. 
It wasn’t that it was his favorite time of year; darkness falling at 5pm bummed him out, and the heat in his house was never good enough to stand up to the freezing, unpredictable Hawkins weather. Overall, he preferred the spring, when the sun was warm and the breeze was cool and the flowers were blooming. 
But festivity, that suited him well, and, probably more than anything, so did giving people things. In the non-physical sense, he always gave his all to ensure that everyone around him was happy. 
Whether that was a good character trait or a flaw on his part he had yet to decide, but nobody could say that Steve Harrington was selfish. Sometimes it felt like he gave so much away that there wasn’t even much of him left at all, so much as just who he tried to be for his friends, for his parents.
Literally though, he was the best at presents too. Maybe it was the unlimited bank account, or just the fact that he was so considerate, but everyone always loved what he bought, or made, in the case of the few exes who’d refused material possessions over a heartfelt, handmade gift. (ugh) 
That’s why, every year, he couldn’t help but buy as many presents as possible. For his mum, his friends, though the supply of those was getting rather sparse recently, the kids he babysat, their parents, the neighbors, the house keepers, his teachers, pretty much just anybody who he could possibly think of a reason to give them something got an expensive little novelty in hopes that he'd get to see their grateful reaction.
Sometimes he wondered if they just faked it to make him feel better about himself, but he kept doing it anyhow because it did make him feel better about himself, thank you very much. 
Especially because recently, there was a lot going on to feel not so good about.
This would mark the tenth year in a row that his parents flew out to the tropics, where it didn’t snow or reach temperatures even half as cold as Indiana, and that’d been fine and dandy for a while, since before, he was living in the childish daydream being home alone, and after that he’d always had someone to spend it with.
But this year, this year he’d be all alone, in his mansion big enough for half of the city’s population to fit inside, and he’d been feeling pretty lousy about it since they informed him of the trip in early December. 
That and the fact that he’d almost been killed a handful of times literally a month ago didn’t bode too well for his Christmas spirit. 
Steve Harrington didn’t back down from a little hardship though, so what if he was plagued by a sense of crippling loneliness and nightmares bad enough to keep him awake for days on end, that just wouldn't be enough to keep him from rising to the occasion. 
‘Tis the season to shove aside all that troubles you and put the needs of others before your own right? 
So the morning of the fifteenth, the last day before winter break, Steve does as he always does and ditches his books, opting to instead stuff his backpack full of presents. 
They’re wrapped terribly, he’s never been too good with his hands, and recently they’ve started to shake when he gets too nervous, so it’s kind of, lumpy, wrinkled, way too much wrapping paper on tiny boxes, but he’s happy with it. Even if he stabbed himself with the scissors about a million times and got tape in his hair trying to get them wrapped. 
Another of Steve’s holiday trademarks is ugly sweaters. He has exactly twenty five of them, one for every day leading up to Christmas, and he wears them religiously. 
These aren’t just any old tacky sweaters either, they’re homemade, the ugliest of the ugly. 
His gramma had done basically nothing but knit in her free time, so when she heard that her grandbaby wanted a Christmas sweater and couldn’t find one that wasn’t made out of wool, (side bar, he was extremely allergic, like, life-threateningly so) she made him enough to last him the entire month of December up to Christmas Day. 
Thank heavens she was terrible with sizes, so they all still fit if not just a little snugly even about 10 years after she made them. By now they were somewhat faded and pilled and riddled with loose threads, but they were soft as all hell and one of a kind, so he didn’t bother with replacing them. 
This particular morning he’d chosen a white sweater embroidered with tiny versions of his childhood poodle Charlie in her little Christmas hat, the first his gramma did without a pattern, and his absolute favorite. 
Maybe everyone else though it was dumb how into the whole thing he got, but nothing made him happier than pulling up to the school in a sweater from ‘74 with a bag full of overpriced knickknacks. 
Steve started his day by giving Jonathan and Nancy their gifts in the cafeteria before the first bell rang, since they wouldn’t all three see each other again throughout the rest of the day, and he could barely contain his excitement. 
Watching his friends carefully pull apart the crummy wrap job he’d done was probably one of the best feelings ever, in his opinion. Or maybe it was just the knowing that he’d put a thoughtful effort into making other people happy combined with the fact that he was using all that hoarded wealth that went towards nothing but funding his parents trips to bring someone a gift that would mean more to them than those wasteful luxuries. 
Whatever it was that compelled him so, it was enough that he had to stuff his hands in his pockets and bite his tongue to keep from making a fool of himself in front of the whole school while he waited for Nancy and Jonathan to open their presents. 
This year he’d reined the budget in a little, since last Christmas he’d gone just a little bit overboard with a $300 camera for Jonathan and a necklace and a ring for Nancy that cost him a 7th of his (very expensive) car payment. He still probably spent more than was considered normal, just not enough that his parents would notice the huge sum of money missing this time.
They didn’t have a whole lot of time before the bell would ring and they would split off to their respective classes, but it was enough that Steve got to see their reactions and revel in the hug Nancy gave him on behalf of the both of them. 
He’d opted to get Jonathan a bag for the camera he’d gotten him last year, since you never know when something could happen to it, and before he even had it all the way unwrapped, Jonathan was getting his camera out of the bag he already used to put it in the new one. 
Nancy got a bag this year too, but hers was a fancy designer thing he’d picked out of a catalog meant for his mother. He figured she’d need it for when she went off to college, or got the journalist job she’d been telling him about for a year and a half. 
Heading off for first period, he already felt the swell of pride that comes with the season, and he could not wait to hand out the rest. 
Perhaps another of his favorite parts was that, giving people things was the secret to saving his reputation when he was the way he was. 
Everyone knew Steve Harrington was the “up to no good” type, who bought weed off of the shady guys camping out at parties, and got in your daughters panties just to promptly break her heart, and who fails all of his classes and barely scrapes by in high school. 
But then he shows up in a hand knitted sweater and with a candy cane between his lips to spread his Christmas cheer, and suddenly all is forgiven, and he is transformed into the sweet Harrington boy who always gave the most thoughtful gifts. 
First on the list was Mrs. Click, the history teacher he’d been stuck with since sophomore year. 
History was by far his worst subject, and Mrs Click wasn’t the type to make sure you understood before she sprung a pass or fail pop quiz, so he’d failed her class twice. 
Even with how stupid she had to think he was, the bright smile on her bitter old face when he handed over the little box with a large Givenchy brooch inside meant that he’d earned his redemption for the third year in a row. 
Next was the tie-pin for Mr. Cook, the Spanish teacher, a little golden thing that had cost him more than he’d like to admit and earned him a pat on the back. He was good enough at remembering what he had to know in Spanish, but reading and speaking it? He might as well have been completely illiterate. 
His pronunciations were so poor that even the chunky ruby inlay was almost not enough to save face, but in the end his ego got its booster anyhow. 
The rest of the day went on like that: a bottle of Mon Parfum for Miss Foster, the English teacher, a SoundBand for the coach, a gift card to the most expensive store he could think of for Mrs.  Hall, and so and so forth, each giving him that same rush of confidence, a sense that he was doing something important until he was practically floating through the halls. 
By seventh period math, he’s only got two gifts left. A fancy pen set for Mr. Butler, and the other, well, the other one is for Billy Hargrove. 
Billy Hargrove who, only about a month ago, had beat his stupid face in and gave him a concussion he still wasn’t quite over, and who definitely wasn’t going to give him that giddy joy he usually got from giving gifts, but he still felt like he needed to extend a holly branch. 
Because the way he saw it, Billy couldn’t take all the blame for what went down, so why shouldn’t he be the one to try to apologize, be the bigger person and earn Billy’s respect through his shopping abilities like he did with everyone else. 
He knows it’s kind of poorly thought out, maybe even completely crazy to try to make a peace offering to a boy who could practically be called his bully, but he’s still not anticipating the fact that, when he walks down the third row of desks and holds out the little box wrapped in red paper for the other boy to take, Billy just sort of stares at him. 
Shaking it a little, like he’s trying to get the attention of a cat with a bag of treats, Steve sets the box down on Billy’s desk and retreats to his own seat a few aisles over. 
That’s where it stays until about halfway through the period, which is just a free day anyways, no 75 year old man in his right mind would make a room full of teenagers do algebra on the last day before Christmas break, when Billy finally leans forward and snatches the gift box off the polished surface.
Steve could try to pretend he’s not staring, vibrating in anticipation of Billy’s reaction to the gift, a silver zippo with Venetian engraving, but he’s caught when Billy, having dumped the lighter out of the box and into his hand, turning it over a few times, turns to look at him. 
There’s a look on his face that’s a cross between confusion and surprise and something unreadable, like maybe he’s trying to tell Steve with just a look that this was a mistake, and he’s going to kick his ass again as soon as the bell rings, but in a way he still thinks it’s worth it. 
Because Steve Harrington does not have enemies, no matter how many toes he steps on and things he does wrong, and maybe Billy won’t accept a fancy lighter as an apology, but at least he’ll know that he tried to make peace. 
Even after he turns his attention to the gossip circle running in front of him, Steve can feel Billy’s eyes on him. It’s borderline creepy, in Steve’s own opinion, but he supposes he can understand it. 
He might have been a little more grateful and not so stalkerish were he in the same situation, but, potato potahto. 
As soon as the bell rings Billy’s out of there like a bat out of hell. He’s up out of his seat before anyone else, halfway out the door and tossing a crumpled ball of red paper in the trash before the rest of the class could even blink. 
At first, Steve isn’t even sure that Billy didn’t throw the whole zippo away, but he sees it catch the light from where it’s held tight in Billy’s fist just before he disappears through the doorway completely. 
The fact that the lighter wasn’t in the bottom of the trash can was a good sign, but, this still didn’t bode all that well for a Christmas truce.
Read also on ao3
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thebeautybunny · 6 years
The 5 Best Foundations for Oily Skin
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Ahh, the joys of having oily skin!!!!!!! 🙃 That notable shiny forehead/nose duo that makes its inevitable debut at approximately 2 pm (sometimes earlier, depending on just HOW oil-prone you are). If you're anything like me, you're makeup can go from sexy to sloppy within the span of an hour. While having oily skin is beneficial in the long run (it holds anti-aging properties and reduces wrinkles, so your older self will thank you!) , it can be annoying when it slips and slides your foundation around, I totally get that. That is why I have comprised a list of my all-time favorite MUST-HAVE foundations that will last through even the oiliest of faces! Mama Chiyo understands your issue boo, and she's here to help. Keep reading to discover the best foundations for oily skin types. 
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This foundation has surprised me from the day we first met. I was working at Sephora when I took home a sample of this baby and tested it out in a photoshoot. I was so awestruck at how beautifully this foundation photographed! I was shooting on a hot summer day with no air conditioning in my house, yet this managed to stay put through the sweat and oil. I bought the full version of this foundation, but quickly forgot about it as my foundation collection grew rapidly. One night when filming a makeup tutorial I decided to use it and thought, WAIT, WHY DID I EVER STOP?! This foundation is exactly what it's named: luminous, weightless, and lasts all day. Although it's considered luminous, you can add a mattifying primer for that extra barrier to protect from getting super oily. I give this baby 10 out of 10 hearts! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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Pictured: wearing the Nars All Day Luminous Weightless Foundation
INGREDIENTS:  Scarlet Spiderling Root Extract: Reduces discoloration over time to create a brighter, more even skin tone, while also diminishing the appearance of future dark spots. Vitamins A, C, and E: Deliver antioxidant benefits to help protect the skin.
Click here to purchase this foundation
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This foundation is pretty thicc, so if you're going for a more light coverage look, you can use a large stippling face brush to apply it, instead of a beauty blender. This foundation makes my skin look immaculate. Even though it's too dark for me now, I can still wear it by mixing it with one of my lighter foundations, and it mixes perfectly for me! I give this one 8 out of 10 hearts, only because it can feel heavy if you go full coverage with it. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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Pictured: wearing the Cover FX Power Play Foundation
INGREDIENTS:  Alteromonas Ferment Filtrate: Helps defend against pollution and environmental stressors. Trio of Ultra-fine Powders: Invisibly control shine and weightlessly blur pores for an airbrushed effect.
Click here to purchase this foundation
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Okay, let's be real here- who DOESN'T f*ck with Fenty Beauty?! Rihanna is killing it in the makeup game right now and that's undeniable. I remember when this product launched and I got my hands on this foundation. It's so good that I'm literally almost done with my 3rd bottle, LOL 😭 keep going back for more. To be honest, this is hands-down my favorite foundation of the bunch. Almost instantly after applying it, you can see the formula mattifying into your face, it almost dries down to a powder-like texture. It literally makes your face look facetuned, lol. AND, FOR A HIGH-END FOUNDATION, IT'S AFFORDABLE!! (God bless you, Rihanna. We forever stan.) My only problem with it is that if you use a silicone primer with it, you actually end up looking more oily later on in the day. I would stick with just using a mattifying primer or even just a moisturizer, but for me it just doesn't work well with silicone-based primers. Overall, I give it 9 out of 10 hearts! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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pictured: wearing the Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Foundation
INGREDIENTS:  Free of parabens and phthalates. Water, Dimethicone, Talc, Peg-10 Dimethicone, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Polypropylene, Isododecane, Cetyl Peg/Ppg-10/1 Dimethicone, Nylon-12, Hdi/Trimethylol Hexyllactone Crosspolymer, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Chloride, Hydrogen Dimethicone, Glycerin, Magnesium Sulfate, Sodium Dehydroacetate, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Aluminum Hydroxide, Methicone, Benzoic Acid, Dehydroacetic Acid, Propylene Carbonate, Ethylhexylglycerin, Parfum/Fragrance, Silica, Biosaccharide Gum-4, Ananas Sativus (Pineapple) Fruit Extract, Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit Extract, Paullinia Cupana Seed Extract, Potassium Sorbate, Sorbic Acid.
Click here to purchase this foundation
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If you're looking for something really long-lasting, then this. is. IT. GURL. Once you apply this foundation, it ain't going anywhere. It even has its own special makeup remover that you can purchase separately! It stays put honey. If you are looking for something that is sweatproof, swimproof, and sexproof, then look no more! (trust me, it has passed all tests. Lol) As much as I love this foundation, when you apply it initially it looks a bit dull, because it is SO mattifying. It's not until your oils come in that it begins to appear more luminous, so keep that in mind when putting it on! You might want to use a luminating primer base like I do to get that extra glowing-from-within look. I give it 8.5 hearts babyyyy 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💕
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pictured: wearing the Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation
INGREDIENTS:  Free of fragrance. Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, PEG/PPG-18/18 Dimethicone, Butylene Glycol, Tribehenin, Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Magnesium Sulfate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Methicone, Laureth-7, Xanthan Gum, Alumina, Sodium Dehydroacetate, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Cellulose Gum, Propylene Carbonate, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-Di-Butyl Hydroxyhydrocinnamate, Phenoxyethanol. May Contain: Iron Oxides, Mica, Titanium Dioxide.
Click here to purchase this foundation
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Before I get into the review, I would just like to clarify that NO foundation, no matter how good it is, should ever be worn for 24 hours. Wtf, thinking about a foundation being worn for that long is making me break out🤢LMAO. But does this foundation have the *potential* to last for 24 hours? .....erm, no. Not quite. But I did wear it for 10 hours at Hard Summer music festival last summer, and it lasted the whole day! And if it can last throughout an entire music festival in 100-degree weather, then it’s good enough for me. For it's price, this drugstore foundation is the definition of getting the most bang for your buck. Upon applying it you can definitely tell that it's full coverage, but looks SO good as a light-coverage foundation as well!!!!! It applies the best with a damp beauty blender and keeps the shiny forehead/nose duo away. My only issue with it is that it emphasizes my pores, so I always pair it with a pore-minimizing primer. If price is your biggest concern, I would recommend grabbing this gal from either Walmart or Target! It earns 8 out of 10 hearts. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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pictured: wearing the L’Oreal Infallible Total Cover 24hr Foundation
INGREDIENTS:  Aqua / Water, Dimethicone, Glycerine, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate / Sodium Acryloyldimethyl, Taurate Copolymer, Dimethicone, Crosspolymer, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Phenoxyethanol, Disodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Triethanolamine, Salicylic Acid, Aluminum Hydroxide, Sorbitan Isostearate, Polysorbate. May Contain: CI 77891 / Titanium Dioxide, CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499 / Iron Oxides.
Click here to purchase this foundation
That concludes this list of what I consider to be the BEST foundations of oily skin, but...it's not just about me! I want to know what foundations YOU love and would recommend for all the oily skin babes out there to try. Let me know in my ask box!
 As always, thanks for reading y'all! Stay beautiful.
~xoxo Chiyo 💋
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cstesttaken · 7 years
7 High-??????????????Protein Foods that Aid Weight Loss
Weekend Wonderings: Can we use powdered panthenol in oil bas
01-01-2017 21:57
Giorgio Armani Si Eau de Toilette Miniature Perfume
Si Eau de Toilette by Giorgio ArmaniWomen Edt MiniatureSì Eau De Toilette is a delicate and light interpretation of Sì for the modern woman. It was ...
01-01-2017 21:57
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy Gold Couture Tester Perfume
Viva la Juicy Gold Couture by Juicy CoutureWomen Edp TesterViva la Juicy Gold Couture is a decadent rendition of Viva la Juicy that indulges the sens ...
01-01-2017 21:57
Lanvin Me L'eau Tester Perfume
Lanvin Me L\'Eau by LanvinWomen Edt Tester Lanvin Me L\'Eau fragrance is lighter, more luminous and fresh than the original. It is an enticing fragr ...
01-01-2017 21:57
Le Male Essence de Parfum Miniature Perfume
Le Male Essence de Parfum by Jean Paul GaultierMen Edp Miniature Le Male Essence de Parfumby Jean Paul Gaultier was introduced in 2016. The original ...
01-01-2017 21:57
The Best Under-$20 Deep Conditioners for Dry, Curly Hair
Curly hair is like a needy, fussy house plant. It requires constant moisture, a temperate climate, and some sweet words of encouragement, and then eve ...
01-01-2017 21:34
31 So-Pretty Hairstyle Ideas to Copy This Month
We know, we know: You’re probably not going to get out of bed for most of the day, and if by some miracle you make it out the door, you’re sure as ...
01-01-2017 21:34
Snap Out Of Sunday Sadness Six Fix: New Year’s Edition
If you\'re reading this, you managed to successfully make it out of the Year Of The Dumpster Fire (2016). Congratulations! Here\'s to a new beginning ...
01-01-2017 21:34
My Favourite Blogs of 2016
Let me first start off by saying Happy New Year to every single one of my readers. I really hope 2017 is a happy and healthy one for you and for my f ...
01-01-2017 21:33
Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Instant Action Lift Treatment R
Hi everyone, Estee Lauder resilience line focuses on firming, sculpting and vanishing any signs of ageing. This product promises to deliver youthful v ...
01-01-2017 21:32
CoverGirl Punch Colorlicious Oh Sugar! Lip Balm Review
Hello people, I am a lip balm lover and like lip balms which impart a natural-looking glossy tint to my lips. Everyone has those “no makeup days” ...
01-01-2017 21:32
Palmolive Body Butter Strawberry Fresh Exfoliating Body Wash
Body Type: Dry Hello, beauties! Today I am going to share my views about Palmolive Body Butter Strawberry Fresh Exfoliating Body Wash. Let?s get into ...
01-01-2017 21:32
8 Must-Know Tips for Parting Your Hair Right
By Chanchala Bose Hi dearies, Parting your hair is extremely important. And, you won?t believe this but parting your hair right will take off years f ...
01-01-2017 21:32
My New Year’s Resolutions & Goal Setting Tips
I just love starting 2017 with a post that’s stuffed to the brim with clichés – so here we go. Firstly, I hope you all had a fun and safe Ne ...
01-01-2017 21:32
How To Not Give Up in 2017
I thought about lots of different titles for this post, one of which was Just Keep Going, but then I […;]The post How To Not Give Up in 2017 appeared ...
01-01-2017 21:32
The Fragrance Shop Discovery Club – Find Your Signatur
The Fragrance Shop is one of the best places to shop for perfumes and fragrances as they always have good […;]The post The Fragrance Shop Discovery C ...
01-01-2017 21:32
New Year Beauty Resolutions You Need To Make!
A new year is just around the corner, and with the new year comes the perfect chance to switch up […;]The post New Year Beauty Resolutions You Need T ...
01-01-2017 21:32
Happy NY My Loves!!!
Happy New Year Everyone 💗💗💗💗 can you guys believe it's 2017!! A photo posted by Huda Kattan (@hudabeauty) on Dec 31, 2016 at 11:53pm P ...
01-01-2017 21:31
Sarah Jessica Parker Stash Eau de Parfum Review
I wanted to kick start the New Year with a new fragrance; a scent that would remind of all the optimism, hopes and dreams, held for the coming month ...
01-01-2017 21:31
Happy New Year + 2017 Beauty Goals
Happy New Year! There’s no denying 2016 was filled with ups and downs. When I think about the biggest highlights of my year, I can look back on cel ...
01-01-2017 21:31
CK Eternity for Men Tester Perfume
CK Eternity for Men by Calvin KleinMen Edt TesterEternity launched by the design house of Calvin Klein in 1990. It is classified as a refreshing, spic ...
31-12-2016 22:02
Paul Smith Rose Romantic Edition Tester Perfume
Paul Smith Rose Romantic Edition by Paul SmithWomen Edt Tester The new edition for 2016, Paul Smith Rose Romantic Edition, retains the feminine flor ...
31-12-2016 22:02
Hugo Boss The Scent Tester Perfume
Boss The Scent by Hugo BossMen Edt TesterHugo Boss has unveiled its latest masculine fragrance, ?Boss The Scent,? revealing a new side of the Boss man ...
31-12-2016 22:02
Salvatore Ferragamo Signorina Eleganza Mini Perfume Set
Signorina Eleganza by Salvatore FerragamoWomen Edp SetSignorina Eleganza is a rich and velvety fragrance that celebrates the most refined and gracefu ...
31-12-2016 22:02
Flower by Kenzo L'Eau Originelle Tester Perfume
Flower by Kenzo L\'Eau Originelle by KenzoWomen Edt Tester FlowerByKenzo L\'Eau Originelle is a feminine perfume by Kenzo. The scent was launched in ...
31-12-2016 22:02
The 7 Best Drugstore Foundations for Dry Skin
If you have dry skin, you know how it can sometimes feel like you?re throwing moisture into a bottomless well. You can layer on the thickest, richest ...
31-12-2016 21:40
ColourPop Moment of Weekness Ultra Matte Lip Collection
ColourPop have totally blown up this year and everyone talking about them. I have a ColourPop haul coming very soon with the items I purchased during ...
31-12-2016 21:32
Wayne Goss Brush #08 Review
Hello gorgeous gals, I truly believe that tools can make or break a look. The right ones can make it and can even ensure that the not-so-great product ...
31-12-2016 21:31
My Favourite Products From 2016
Hello, Beauties! Today is the last day of 2016 and hope you had a great year. I have kind of a mixed opinion about this 2016. I had few goals of which ...
31-12-2016 21:31
Maybelline The Rock Nudes Palette Review
Hello peeps, After the “Nudes” and the “Blush Nudes” palettes, Maybelline has recently launched a new palette and has named it “Rock Nudes.â ...
31-12-2016 21:31
Revlon PhotoReady Prime + Anti-Shine Balm – Clear Revi
Skin type: Oily skin. Hi Lovelies, I have an oily skin and my constant attempt is to hold a matt polish on my face. Thankfully, it is not ?too? oily, ...
31-12-2016 21:31
Payment Reminder for December 2016
Hello wonderful writers As you all know that we have changed our payment format from weekly to monthly now. You may read more about it HERE. Importan ...
31-12-2016 21:31
The Body Shop Strawberry Eau De Toilette Review
Hello everyone, Hope you all are doing great and enjoying the festive season and the food. Today, I will be reviewing strawberry perfume by The Body S ...
31-12-2016 21:31
MUA Matte Liquid Eyeliner – Black Review
Hello IMBBians, Eyeliners have the power to add a drama to your eyes. You can either create a daily look or draw wings and turn gorgeous! Liquid liner ...
31-12-2016 21:31
LOLA Makeup – An Introduction & Review
When it comes to makeup, I’m a big believer that you don’t need to spend a fortune to look good. […;]The post LOLA Makeup – An Introduction & R ...
31-12-2016 21:31
The Maybelline 24K Nudes Eyeshadow Palette, and a HAPPY NEW
Wearing Maybelline The 24K Nudes Eyeshadow Palette. Maybelline?s The 24K Nudes Eyeshadow Palette has 12 dazzling colors infused with metallic gold ...
31-12-2016 21:30
Make Up For Ever Pro Light Fusion Highlighters in 01 and 02
Wearing Make Up For Ever Pro Light Fusion Highlighter in 02 on my upper cheekbones and down the bridge of my nose (P.S. Big hair don?t care) Serious ...
31-12-2016 21:30
The post NEW YEAR’S EVE, 2017…; EMILY RUHL appeared first on Beauty Is Boring. The post NEW YEAR’S EVE, 2017…; EMILY RUHL appeared first on Beau ...
31-12-2016 21:30
A Very Cool Personal Announcement
Dear SITG beauty fans, I’ve got some pretty amazing news to share with you today ? I am moving to Zurich, Switzerland. Literally, as we speak I am s ...
31-12-2016 21:30
Looking back on 2016
At the end of the year I like to make a general overview of the blogging year. You know the classics: most read posts, my favourite posts I wrote and ...
30-12-2016 21:58
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