alexisdrawstrash · 3 years
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whens the crossover short, pixar
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
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A/N: since I don’t/didn’t write nearly enough for him. *sigh* that’s all I’m going to say on that. My spring prompts were intentionally supposed to be fluff but…
WARNINGS; mentions of mental health, drug habits, some fluff, language, and dark times! Sad times!
Using: #11. fresh baked bread + #12. Walk in the woods from the spring OTP prompt list.
Track listened to while writing?
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They always say you don’t have enough time in the world. Most usually think the opposite and unconsciously live life like it’s any other day, that it’s limitless yet it’s anything but. For the last week it felt like there was just something weighing on your chest and your gut was telling you that time was running out. You tried to blame it on your clinical depression but this was different.
At the start of the new week you started to pay attention to everything more. How everyone in the house was on the go, you always at the bakery at the crack of dawn, preparing breads and pastries with your small crew for the morning rush, Letty doing instacart and showing up whenever she wanted or whenever her piece of shit boyfriend decided to pick her up, and with Coco…he was always on call. To you it just felt like none of you were spending enough time together lately and you wanted to change that.
Well…you attempted to.
The electric dough mixer down at the bakery decided to break after just spending $800+ on it a month ago—thankfully you had warranty on it so another one was being shipped out to you free of charge while the delivery service took the broken one off your hands. Bad news? It was on delay since apparently all the bakers wanted this dough maker so you had to wait two weeks for it. Which also means!! You all had to use your hands more, since there were only three available table top mixers.
“If the work becomes too much, just shut down for a few days, mamita. You deserve it.” Johnny suggested one night, the both of you sitting on your bed as he rubbed at your shoulders.
You leaned into his touch, reaching one hand up to rest against his hand, “Only if you take a break from the club.”
“…we’re not doin’ that tit for tat shit. And I already took a long enough break, don’t you think?” He stopped massaging you for a moment.
Sighing you answered, “yeah against your will, we all know you’re dealing with a disease.”
“Let’s,” he started to raise his voice and lowered his tone and softened his touch, “not go that route tonight. It was just a suggestion, you’re clearly stressed out and could use a break. And I’m trying to get back on track so it sounds like we all gotta do what’s best for us.”
You hummed, too exhausted to argue with your boyfriend for the night and slowly moved from his grasp. Coco’s intense eyes watched your entire being as you slid over to your side of the bed, reached into your night stand to tie your headscarf over your hair.
“Okay.” You finalized, reaching to toss the covers back as you rested underneath them with a yawn.
The man watched you for a moment before he got off the bed to flip off the light switch. Once beside you, he tangled your legs together and pressed his forehead in between your shoulder blades. Once you felt that you began to slowly close your eyes until he asked, “is it though?”
“I’m willing to spend time with not only you but letty. Our family. We have to find balance for each other here and you don’t want to call your health condition what it is…fine. You only want to share that at meetings? Oh-kay . We’ll do that your way but that’s part of life, we have to make time for each other. So…y’all let me know when we can fit into our busy schedule’s.” You mumbled, “goodnight.”
Johnny huffed out a breath against your back but tightened a hold on your waist for the night.
It was a Wednesday when Coco told you Marcus encouraged him and others to head out to Oakland this weekend and of course he took that opportunity. Coco could see that you were disappointed that he would be leaving and Letty seemed indifferent since she could always find something else to get into. Although the both of you shared deep conversations (only when Letty felt like being vulnerable that is) you knew that half of that was for show.
Although you knew this trip was for good measure, you had that sinking feeling sitting in your gut again. You were tight smiles as Coco talked about how good this would be to honor their fallen brothers yet you couldn’t help but to feel selfish about it.
“What’s your weekend, plans?” Coco asked, as he shifted you from the mirror as you finished twisting a section of your hair into a final knot.
He shuffled through drawers.
Pressing your tongue into your cheek, you breathed out a laugh and exited the bathroom. Coco shortly followed after you, tossing a arched tattooed leg up onto your bed to moisturize.
“What’s up your ass, huh?”
Your eyebrows raised as you glanced at him from over your phone. Facing your body in his direction, you turned your eyes into slits, “did our conversation two days ago not mean anything to you?”
The long haired man furrowed his brows, “you mean everything to me, you’re basically the other side of my heart, so yeah any conversation means something.”
Chewing on your bottom lip you deeply inhaled at that. You’d be a fool if you said those words didn’t make butterflies float around in your belly but you were more of a actions kinda person. Talking about the fairytales were always peaceful and it was always tough to get there but lately it felt like you were getting off track again.
Everything was becoming a routine rather than a necessity.
“So…you’re going to Oakland.”
He dipped his head, “I’ll be back early Sunday morning. You know it’s for a good reason.”
“Which I get…but it doesn’t feel right. Why can’t you honor your brothers here? Close to home instead.” You softly said.
Coco moved around the bed to plop down beside you, “‘Cause Marcus saw what efforts I’ve been putting in for this club. He trusts me to go out there and bond with another charter by paying our respects to something we share in common, the lost of family. I can’t pass that up. I know you understand that, right?”
“Of course I understand,” you huffed, “it’s a given when you get involved with someone in a risk taking club but sometimes I just wish you would put this family first too…what if you lose us?”
Instantly coco gripped your hand, getting you to meet his gaze. “Hey, I don’t ever want to hear you talk about that possibility. I don’t want to go back to that thought either, I had enough of that shit back on the mm.”
He searched your eyes which held worry in them. With his free hand he gripped your chin and ran his thumb gently over your brown skin, “I hear you though. As long as I got you and you got me, that’ll never be a lost. I even got plans for the both us tomorrow…oh yeah, I forgot to mention you’re taking a personal day from the shop.”
Coco watched as your frame brightened, almost like that special flower that needs the night to grow, at the news; despite the darkening bags that sat underneath your eyes. It was your turn to grip Coco’s now bare shoulder, “where are we going, johnny?”
“It’s a surprise, mamita. You better rest up.” He leaned forward to press a kiss to your cheek.
“How do you expect me to sleep when you just told me I get to spend time with my best friends tomorrow?”
Coco laughed pinching your chin, “you’re so fucken cute, mamita. I’m just happy that I can make a piece of my heart happy too.”
Pressing your lips to his, you pulled back while knuzzling your bulbous nose against his crooked pointed one.
“…Think you can help put me to sleep?” You questioned, caressing a finger against his bare waist.
His famous lopsided smile appeared on his lips, “I’d be honored to.” Before he pounced on you.
Letty wasn’t home by the time the two of you headed out. He sent her the address and told her to meet the two of you there if she wanted to be part of this moment and she sarcastically sent back some emojis in her typical teenage fashion. The two of you rode out of santo padre for at least half an hour and stopped on the side of the road, just for coco to blind fold you.
“So I know this is one of your kinks and everything bro but um, couldn’t we have discussed this before? I’m still trying to hold onto these lash extensions considering that money’s tight.” You responded, trying to loosen the hold on the back of your dome.
One thing about Johnny Cruz? The man was definitely heavy handed.
“We’re another ten minutes out, it won’t be that long. You can handle it, I promise.”
“I guess…” you trailed off, turning your head to where the passenger window would be.
You convinced your long time boyfriend that taking your car over his bike would be best, just in case Letty wanted to ride back home with you two. If you would have known you’d be off-roading a bit you would have saved your sweet Hyundai hatchback the trouble. Your eyes went wide as you felt the car rocking from side to side and thought you were on the verge of a car accident but Coco’s laughs and squeeze to your thigh gave some reassurance.
Once the car was in park, you sighed touching your chest before fumbling to unbuckle yourself from the car. Coco assisted you out of the car and stood in front of you to take the blind fold off.
Flinching at the partly cloudy sunlight you glanced around the man to see nothing but huge trees, dirt, and the smell of evergreen.
“Where are we?”
He didn’t answer your question, reaching forward to grip your hand, “Want to go for a mini hike?”
“Is that why you wanted me to wear these itchy ass gym pants?”
His free hand slid down your side before reaching backwards to give it a nice smack, “yeah…they’re also my favorite on you.” He winked while you shoved him back playfully.
“Nah, I just wanted you to be comfortable and enjoy the view. C’mon.” He led the way, intertwining his hands with yours.
The walk through the woods made the both of you feel at ease, despite you being clueless on the area ,you felt safe with the guy you’ve known since you were seventeen and it blew your mind to still be standing here after everything the both of you went through.
It truly was a blessing.
You felt yourself wanting to be closer and pulled yourself underneath his arm as you slowly walked through the woods, simply enjoying each other’s company. After a moment you found yourself looking up, feeling much smaller underneath the trees that stood above the both of you. You were chilly underneath the spring air and coco always felt cold but the weight of him surely blocked that feeling out. A white butterfly flew by your eyes, pulling you from the sky while the birds chirped along with each step you both took.
Once you approached a white bridge, you stopped to peer out at the lake to your right.
“…what you think?” Coco asked after a moment of white noise.
Blinking you looked at him, “there’s swans here?”
“Huh? Oh yeah they’re were fuckin’ annoying the last time I came out here so don’t get too excited about ‘em, they might turn up missing.” The braided-haired man glared at the green water while you snorted at the irritation on his face, “but I wasn’t talking about that. I’m talking about the house.”
The what?
Coco easily picked up the confusion on your face and lifted his chin in the direction of the said house that sat over and back from the water.
“Let’s go.” He smiled at your speechlessness and tugged you over the bridge and down a slope and over to what appeared to be a deep- red single family home.
Your eyes kept wandering around, the large plot of dirt that covered the driveway had you in awe. Even if you could afford multiple cars, it would take plenty to fill this lot but any parties hosted here you were sure everyone could fit here…as soon as you figured out another route to get here that is.
“That makeshift garage over there that Gilly fucked up, we can store the bikes and of course your car there, especially when we get those sandstorms.” Coco casually said before carrying on to the white picket fence that boarded the home.
He undid the latch before leading you into the front yard. A white door contrasted against the darker tone of the house and another covered by a Spanish lace black steel security door. There were large and medium sized windows on each corner of the house and to your left a white gated area (which also seemed to hold a chicken coop behind?) followed by a pathway in between.
“Want to head in?”
“Johnny…don’t play with me.” You started with a inhale, “what is this?”
He lifted his shoulders nonchalantly, “A house. Our house if you want it to be.”
Clenching your eyes shut you shook your head, “we can’t possibly afford this. How much is this? Is it renting or to purchase?”
“It’s ours mamita.” He pressed, gripping your forearms, “don’t stress, I got us. Remember months ago you said we needed our own space to grow together and it’s bigger than what we have now.”
Yes you liked the idea of having something new for the three of you, to grow better. It may have been what you needed but the both of you knew Johnny wasn’t the best when it came to money and that was before the dr*g habit swerved in.
“It’s got enough space for us, two bedrooms until leticia actually means what she says when she wants to get the fuck out, and two bathrooms. Our own laundry area, more storage space, a extra living space, our own lake.” He listed with his fingers.
You interrupted, “what is this madness, Florida?”
Coco snorted as he continued, “and the kitchen? I know you’re gonna love it. Me, Gilly, and Creeper just finished the floors the other day. Mind you it still needs a shit ton of work but I’m down to do it for us, you know?”
Your silence was beginning to make Coco anxious as his hold on your hand became fingers linked with yours instead.
“Take me inside then, show me what we’re working with.” You waved him forward.
It was his turn to beam at you as he gripped both sides of your face to kiss you. Smiling into the kiss, he gripped your hand and fished his jean pockets to find the key. As you stepped into the home you always kept in mind that the living situations here always required dim lighting since majority of the homes were built in the 1950’s and up. You were met with tile floors with a rug rolled off to the side, you weren’t sure what this open space was truly meant for but it could work for what it seemed like it was made for, a nice entrance way: coat racks, benches to put your shoes on your way out, large mirror against one wall, a runner on the floor, a large circle table with a floral arrangement, with possibly a nice light feature installed to brighten it up.
Excitement began to show on your face as you briefly touched the walls.
“This was originally a dining area? The kitchen is up to the right and the living room is right across from it.” Coco explained, “listen to me sounding like a preppy ass real estate agent.”
“If you were, maybe my room would be even bigger.” A voice called out making the man roll his eyes.
Easily recognizing the voice you followed it, glancing over at the carpeted living room which had a wood oven tucked in the corner, you entered the kitchen instead to find Letty leaning against the counter. The counters were on the lighter side, tan and looked fairly new. Your eyes immediately went to the floor and you were in love. Clasping your hands together you looked back at Coco who causally shrugged his shoulders.
“You did this?!”
“Mostly, yeah. The refurbishing the cabinets were a real pain in my ass though.” He commented.
“You did that!” You looked over at the white fridge, “I apologize to you Nene but as long as it works I don’t really care!”
Letty snorted as she also looked over at the fridge herself and then went over to the oven, “so what’s the verdict, y/n?”
“Oh I want it. It’s going to be a commute to work once we actually live in this but it’s a new beginning and I think we all need it.” You answered, still looking around, moving to peek at the indoor porch area?
“Are you sure?” Coco asked.
You stared out the window located in the indoor porch and felt a smile appear on your lips as you thought about the new memories that will be made here. Spinning on your heels you kept that smile on your lips as you held your arms out and tossed them around Coco’s neck.
“I still need the details about how this all went down but I’m too happy right now to worry about it.”
“Good,” he pecked your lips, “I don’t want you to worry about a thing anymore.”
“I love you, Johnny.”
“I love you too, even when you’re being all gushy and shit.” He smiled down at your lips which you smacked with a roll of your eyes.
“Alright enough of this romance shit, let’s eat this over baked bread which coco wanted me to bring here for you. Don’t worry before you even ask, yes it’s fresh…I think y/n!” Letty shoved her way in between you two; holding a charcuterie board?
Shaking your head at the girl you peaked down at the board spotting some type of cheese you wouldn’t be eating, grapes, salami, and your favorite: pumpernickel bread waiting for you.
“Did you call this over baked bread, leticia?” You pulled a large piece apart and shoved it into your mouth as the girl nodded, “it’s supposed to look like this. Just extra melanin to it, nothing wrong with that.”
“Well when you put it that way, of course not.”
“This is one my top favorite breads. Keeps you full since it’s heavy, slightly on the sweet side and made with sourdough and ground rye. Originally from Germany too.” You summarized as you held out the other piece to share with Johnny who tossed it into his mouth.
Letty widened her eyes and spun away, “and here I thought I dropped out of school.”
“Yeah…we’re gonna discuss that soon too.” Coco addressed, making the girl slightly frown at him but said nothing more, not sure if she really believed that.
You felt your own brows raise at that statement but the smile of your face out-beat it. You went over to the counter touching the material before grabbing another piece of bread.
“Did you show y/n the haunted part of the house, coco?” Letty grinned, lightly elbowing you.
Choking a bit, you peered at Coco who glared at his daughter who bit back a laugh.
“It’s not haunted.”
“Gilly thinks it is too.” Letty added, “it’s definitely eerie. You’ll see what I’m talking about soon, I’m sure.”
“Uh uh, now I don’t want to finish that part of the tour. I told y’all my grams is a preacher and she always told us any evil can latch onto you and that’s the last thing I need.” You did a cross motion over your chest.
Letty hummed, “isn’t your dad also a pro-golfer? Damn girl you should have brought a club with you then.”
“Letty shut the—stop talking! She’s kidding, matter of fact we’ll all go and see it’s not even that bad. We got to walk through there to get to the laundry room anyways.” Coco waved you along but you weren’t budging. 
Coco sucked his teeth and charged over to the both of you, grabbing the both of you and going out the other door which led back to the front yard. Down the first narrow pathway you went—against your will, which led to another wooden gate leaving coco to unlatch that as well before turning to the right which led to the supposed haunted area. You spotted a light switch to the right of the house and cautiously stepped forward with Letty’s arm holding onto yours.
Coco was up ahead, sliding some doors open to show what would be the laundry area. When he looked back at the two of you, he sucked his teeth.
“Could you two move any slower?!”
“Hey!” You called out, “I’m putting my faith in my girl here…this area is giving Jason voorhees.”
Letty exclaimed, “see!”
Once you got next to the man, you stood in silence for a bit eyeing the laundry area and slightly nodded your head before leaning towards the dark haired man.
“Ki Ki Ki, ma ah ma.” You muttered the famous theme song making Coco pull his body away from you in pure annoyance, while you and Letty both shared a laugh.
“Alright then,” Coco sniffed before he latched onto your wrist.
Oh no.
“Wait!” You pleaded, “I don’t think I should be man handled right now, I just ate. Can we do this a little bit later when my bread digests?”
Coco shifted his eyes, thinking about it. “No. you’ve been talking shit so it’s two strikes and you’re out.”
‘That’s not really how it works…’ you thought.
“What did I do?! I didn’t say anything negative, just that it’s giving Florida and camp crystal lake combined! You need to talk to your daughter and her smart mouth. I love our new home because it’s ours! I’m super thankful. So whatever idea you got stirring in your Scorpio brain just forget it, let’s finish the tour, papi.” You attempted to plead your case but there was no going back when you became coco’s target.
He latched onto your thighs and flipped you over his shoulders with ease. Letty followed after the both of you, phone out recording the whole ordeal as Coco wrestled you to ground and legit sat on you.
“Johnny!” You screamed, “Get off me! You’re getting grass in my hair.”
“You got those Bantu shits in you’re fine,” He dismissed, “Letty get the hose.”
“I think the fuck not.” You mumbled as your self-defense class skills came in handy as you wrestled with the man you loved.
Now sitting on coco’s chest, you scrambled as he bucked to get you off him. Letty tossed you the hose and now it was your choice to turn it on and when no water flowed through, you frowned.
“Ha! The water hasn’t been turned on yet but I could always throw your ass into the lake out back.” He explained.
“And you’ll never see me again if you do.” You rolled your neck down at the man.
Coco kissed his teeth, “you ain’t goin’ nowhere, you’re mine.”
“You promise?”
“Obviously. I’m letting that perfect ass crush our heart right now for nothing.” Coco slightly wheezed, making you roll your eyes as you leaned over to kiss his lips.
That’s when he flipped you two over, but you didn’t seem to mind as much with his tongue fighting for entrance pass your lips and him hitching your legs up and over his hips.
“Ugh! I thought we were gonna get a beat down but it looks like it’s headed The Kim k and Ray J route so I’m outta here, gotta cut the cameras!” Letty scowled going back to her phone while you laughed and you were pretty sure Coco flipped her the bird.
He muttered against your lips, “ours is better anyways, much better! Those two don’t even know what a true masterpiece is.”
“Johnny, shut up!” You covered his mouth while he winked at you and Letty scrunched up her lips as she went back inside and far away from you two.
He laughed, pecking your lips again but not without lightly nipping your bottom lip before he moved to sit beside you. He searched his jeans for a cigarette as you rested your head in his lap.
“Tell the truth, you like it, you love it, or you not feelin’ it?” He said around the stick in his mouth.
Which you snatched from him and lightly tugged on one of his pigtails to grasp his attention, “I love it, you said it’s ours. Its home and you’re here which is where I want to be so it gets a stamp of approval from me. Also I see so much potential here so I’m sold, that’s all.”
“Way to narrow it down, simp.” He teased.
“Just had to be clear.”
You gasped while he winked at you.
That whole day played in your mind constantly after you got the worst news of your life. It was forever embedded into your mind along with lifelong memories that bled into your brain. It was too painful right now but it wouldn’t stop even when you closed your eyes, he was there. His voice, his touch, his longing stare…except this time he wouldn’t be coming back and you didn’t know how to stomach that. First you were incredibly sad but more angry than anything and that only amplified once you caught angel fucking Reyes zipping up his pants inside of your house.
It didn’t take long for you to peek and see Letty curled up on a arm chair staring blankly at the tv, for you to go into full attack mode.
“Y/n.” The taller thick bearded man started, raising his hands in surrender, “it’s not—
You clenched onto a golf club by the door and dropped everything else you had in your hands. All you saw was black as you began to frantically take deep breaths, “For as long as I’ve known you, I didn’t think you could stoop this got damn low. You are a shit stain and I’m gonna swing until your big ass head deflates!”
The amount of fear that actually appeared in Angel’s eyes was evident as he began scrambling around the house while you banshee screamed; swinging everything in sight, hoping it would catch your supposed “old friend” on his way out.
“Y/n!” Letty yelled, “stop!”
“Don’t you look at her and don’t you dare come by here again, you hear me?! I’ll kill you! And I hope Johnny haunts you even after your death.” You managed to catch a nice swing to his shoulder as Angel struggled to get the door open.
He yelped, “Ow, fuck! That hurt!”
“Get the fuck out of our house!” You got another hit to his lower back as he finally got out of the house.
With one last chuck, the club left a dent in the front door. Panting you turned to Letty who eyed you, unsure what to do.
“The hell was that?!”
Your eyes flicked up to the girl who almost straightened up at your appearance. It was almost sinister with the way you stared at her, holding your hands out as you slowly backed away from the clueless teen. Stumbling into the bathroom, you locked yourself in there and turned on the shower. Struggling to get a grip you held onto the counter for a moment, your head was pulsating and it was getting harder to breathe. Snatching a towel off the rack, you dropped to the floor and curled up into a position and pressed the towel to your mouth as you let out some screams which quickly turned to sobs.
Letty sat right by the door, head in her hands as she could faintly hear you in pain. It would now just be the two of you picking up the pieces to be each other’s person now. The common denominator would always be Johnny Cruz but Letty always felt like her time was limited with him, she’ll always think about the what if’s but at least she knew what she had. No doubt it sucked and it would always hurt but at least she still had you. She hoped that gave her dad—her coco some peace in his final moments.
Time is not always on your side but sanguinely you conquer it with the life that you choose.
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Continue along with my spring anthology prompts here.
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purpleowl666 · 3 years
No fr, why this btches give me the same poly energy? 🤨
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419 notes · View notes
anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
After Hours I: Johnny “Coco” Cruz
Mayans MC Masterlist 
word count: 914
description: Inspired by After Hours by The Weeknd
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Thought I almost died in my dream again (baby, almost died)
Fightin' for my life, I couldn't breathe again
Coco jolted awake shaking and covered in sweat from another nightmare a few nights ago when he saw his life flash before his eyes. A run had gone wrong which ended up with Coco pushed onto his knees as a gun was shoved into his mouth, he never prayed so hard before that night especially since he still regretted the way things ended between you two and wanted a second chance to make things right with you.
I'm fallin' in too deep (oh)
Without you, don't wanna sleep (fallin' in)
'Cause my heart belongs to you
I'll risk it all for you
I want you next to me
Whenever things got too heavy with the club Coco could count on you being there for him no questions asked even if you wanted to ask them. He hardly slept before you came into his life but that all changed when you started staying over, he got used to your peacefully almost dead-like presence beside him every night.
Coco knew from the moment he laid eyes on you that you were it for you and would do anything to make you happy. God, he missed you so much right now and wished that you were here beside him to help him instead of at your friend's house.
This time, I'll never leave
I wanna share babies
Protection, we won't need
Your body next to me
Is just a memory
Before he broke up with you, you two had talked about starting a family of your own as you both thought you were ready for that next step in your relationship but once again Coco let his insecurities get the best of him so he went out and did something he regrets more than anything.
He looked over at the side of the bed where you used to sleep and let out a disappointed sigh, he missed you more than anything. He missed the way your body automatically curled into his whenever he came home late at night, he missed waking up to having your hair all over him, he missed the way that you would reach for him in the middle of the night when you couldn't sleep, but most of all, he missed those early morning/late night talks that you two used to have.
I'm fallin' in too deep, oh
Without you, I can't sleep
It's on me, all on me, oh
Talk to me, without you I can't breathe
My darkest hours
Coco couldn't sleep without you here beside him and he had no one to blame for that but himself.  This is the worst insomnia that he ever experienced, He needed you here with him so badly, but he got scared and insecure about his future with you and instead of talking to you like he promised, he pushed you away so that it would be easier for you to leave him.
Girl, I felt so alone inside of this crowded room
Different girls on the floor, distracting my thoughts of you
I turned into the man I used to be, to be
Put myself to sleep
Just so I can get closer to you inside my dreams
Didn't wanna wake up 'less you were beside me
A week after he ended things with you, Coco went back to his old ways of hooking up with a different girl every night in hopes that he would stop thinking about you but that was no use because every time he closed his eyes, you were there and there. So now he was drinking himself to sleep because that was the only time he saw you and didn't plan on waking up until you were there beside him.
I just wanted to call you and say, and say
Oh, baby, where are you now when I need you most?
I'd give it all just to hold you close
Sorry that I broke your heart, your heart
A few nights later he still wasn't sleeping so he grabbed his phone unlocked it staring at your face smiling back at him before he went to his contacts and pulled your name up. He sat there with his finger hovering over the call button debating whether or not he should call you before just deciding to.
The phone rang a few times where he prepared himself just in case you actually picked up the phone but he figured you wouldn't since you had answered any of his calls or texts since you two had broken up. He was kinda disappointed when it went to your voicemail but decided to pour his heart out to you.
"I know you hate me right now but I just need you to know that I love you more than anything baby and how sorry I am for breaking your heart. I was scared that you would wake up one day and realize that you deserve so much better than me because you honestly do, I'm not good enough for you. I just wanted you to know that I may be an ass 95% of the time but I love you more than anything and would do anything to see you smile even if that means living without you, I hate that your not here beside me anymore. I just miss you so much Amour." He says as the tears streamed down his face.
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diioonysus · 3 years
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european folklore | creatures ii
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ingeniousmindoftune · 2 years
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You, Me, & Whiskey…| scene 1.
Description: This is part one of possibly three. This is how you and Coco come to meet before the get together.
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    A Queen knows no limits. A Queen doesn’t need a man to make her feel whole. A Queen is a Queen no matter what throne she sits upon. That’s Y/n. Every where she turned or stride she had the attention of any one that stood in her way, she held her head high with a bounce and stride of a woman of power. And she was. She was a woman of power. A woman of intelligence and integrity. Up until she Met Coco Cruz, she was fine getting by without a man. She didn’t need one. She was good with a occasional hook-up or her rose vibrator and sex toys, she was good with that. Certainly getting involved with the Mayans was the last thing she wanted. But, her family was in their debt. So any time a Mayan needed help, she had to run and stand in ovation.
Obispo “Bishop” Lasa. The man who saved your father’s life all those years ago. Now, you and your family was in his debt. There was never a no to be said to Bishop, if there was- No one had ever lived long enough to tell.  “Baby girl.”
    You slightly rolled your eyes, “Hi, Bishop. How can I help you?” You had to admit, it was always weird how he was always around, but him showing up to your office was not okay. “One of my people got into some shit and I need you to handle it, we can get into the small talks later.” You shook your head at him, you were tired of doing illegal shit. “What did he do?” He shrugged, “Doesn’t matter, just need you going and finding me a judge to make sure that this all goes away.” You shook your head deeply, sitting back against your chair folding your arms on your stomach. “You really are something. When will I ever be free of you and your shady business?” He just chuckled, standing to his feet. “I expect you to be at the clubhouse this afternoon with the Judges information.”
You shook your head. “It won’t work like that, I can assure you.. I’ll be able to get whomever off but, It would have to be done.. My way. What did this person do?” 
    “The whole point is to not fully get you involved, Y/N.” Despite what you thought, Bishop really did care for you and he cared what happened to you. Maybe for his own selfish gang or maybe because he had a fling with your mother in the past. Who knows. What was true was... He did care about you, genuinely. “I’m already in deep with you, Bishop. Here you are in my place of business. You already know its hard being a black woman in this world. I am the only black woman in this law firm. I do not need to be seen with a damn Mayan, but here you are.. Here. In my office asking me to corrupt a judge. And myself.” He shook his head. “He murdered someone, can you get him off or are we going to have a problem?” Bishop questions. You scoff shaking  your head and shook your feet in anger. “OK, but this is the last time I will represent you. I’m a defense attorney, yes. But not for criminals, Bishop. This ends here, this debt, it ends here.”
He chuckled. “It doesn't work like that, babygirl.”
   “I don’t care how it works.” You lean forward, looking at the man whom you once feared in his eyes. The fear all went out the window, why? Because he was sitting here asking you to go against your integrity but it is what it is. You would do what needed to be done. But, you were done. He stood to his feet. “You will do what needs to be done. Like it or not, you represent us. I don’t pay you what I pay you for nothing. I’ll see you at the clubhouse.” Slamming down your laptop, you jumped from the sound. He made his exit of the room, Your heart beats fast. Your chest heaves up and down, shaking your head you stood to your feet. There was knocking at the door. “WHAT!” You shout, “Um, Excuse me?” Your best friend, and boss Angela questions as she sticks her head in the door.
You sighed. “Angela, my apologies. How can I help you?” 
   “Since when you associate with biker gangs?” She folds her arms looking at you with her arms folded, you shook your head. “He had some legal questions, is all and wants me to discuss some business, I haven’t decided if I’m going to take the case and as far as I know, they aren’t in any illegal crimes. I’m just going to see what its about.” She nods her head slowly, “Okay well, whatever you decide, I trust your decision. Not just because you are my partner in this firm but also because you’ve never given me a reason to doubt you nor taken a case that will jeopardize the reputation of this firm.” You caught what she was trying to tell you. “I’ll make sure that this doesn't come back on the firm.”
Angela gives you one last nod before making her exit. 
    “Okay.” You sighed deeply, gathering everything you needed, Placing your laptop into its holder, you made your way out your office. Big city girl like yourself, you went from a small town of Santo Padre. Where you were used to being surrounded by not so many black folk. You were raised by a single mother after your father died. You never met your father, unfortunately . But once you became grown, you moved out here not too far from Santo Padre, but as far as you could get. It takes four hours to get from this big city to there. “Angela, I will be out of reach for a few days but, I will return on Monday.” You spoke as you peep your head into her office.
Before she could say another word, you made your way to the elevator, getting on the elevator you hit the button for the garage floor.
    Your entire ride to your border town-home town Santo Padre, you sighed. You looked back at the packed bags that were on your back seat of your 2022 Shelby Cobra. You always had a thing for muscle cars and anything with a loud engine, growing up, it was one of the reasons you fell for your ex, whom was a rival turned Allie of the Mayans. You thought once you left Santo, you would never look back again. Bikers only brought back bad memories, you used to run with a biker gang back in the day. But, after your ex died, you just never looked back. Slamming your car door as you pulled up to the club house, dressed in some sweats and a sexy crop top that hugged your breast just right. “Are you lost, sweetheart?” One of the bikers questioned her as he undressed you with his eyes. You rolled your eyes. “You can let Bishop know that Y/n is here for him.” You glanced at his bike. It was newer then the last time you saw, You walked over to it running your hand over it. “Hey you can’t touch that.” You snapped your neck to the direction of the talking seeing a tall, slim male. He had tattoos all over his body, his hair was fairly long. “Huh?”
“Don’t worry, Coco.” Bishop says to him, the guy who was talking to me just nodded his head. “My bad.”
He dropped his head, going to walk away. You found him intriguing, He was quiet. He seemed to stick to himself. But you knew the quiet ones was always the ones you needed to stay clear of. “Actually, Coco.. Come here.” Bishop told him. The coco character made his way over, you looked him over. “Coco?” You chuckled lightly, he shook his head. “El Coco.” He answers, You continued looking him over. You couldn’t help but wonder about him. “Should I ask why they call you El coco?” He chuckled, you smiled. “Good, you two are getting aquatinted. Let’s discuss business. Come.” Bishop led you inside the club house, you sighed deeply sitting down.
  “So, you killed her? It wasn’t self defense?” You questioned Johnny.
He shrugged. “No.” You were aggravated, Bishop was asking you to let a cold blooded murderer off scot-free. You just couldn’t see yourself doing this. “So, you going to help me or what?” Johnny asks you. You weren’t too proud of what you were about to do, but you weren’t exactly a innocent either, you’ve done a lot in your past- when your name was different. “If I do this, I have to defend you here. I can’t afford this getting back to my firm.” You looked him in the eyes. “Why? I’m innocent.” He smirked. “That’s what you’re paying me to say but we both know.. you aren’t.” Coco took in your appearance, he found you to be beautiful but what he liked most about you was the way you carried yourself. the way you talked. and the way you walked. “What a girl like you got goin’ with men like Bishop and me?”
    “What’s men like you?” You brush your hand over your arm
He chuckled. “I’m sitting here telling you about a crime I just committed, one of many, and you still not understanding what I mean by it?” You chuckle, shaking your head. “Guess not.” You folded your arms. “Bishop was a friend of my fathers’. I’m just helping him out but this will be a one and a lifetime thing. You shouldn't have a problem with staying in the woods and it would be best that you keep from criminal activities until this case is closed.” He shook his head, “No, see. Can't do that, miss ma'am. Imma do me, you just make sure I don’t go down for this.”
     “Johnny, you have to tru-”
He shouts. “No.” You were taken back by his sudden outburst, shaking your head, he looked you in the eyes. “My bad.” He sighs running his fingers through his hair. “It’s okay but do not raise your voice at me again.” You told him. Shaking your head, you listened as he muttered something under his breath. 
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“It’s late.” You teased, sitting at the bar next to him. He sniffed, turning his attention to you than back at the bottle of beer he had. You didn’t know what it was about him that made you want to talk and figure out why he was so sad. His eyes was sad, he just seemed sad. “This woman, who was she to you?” You questioned.
   He turned his attention to you. He sucks his teeth, waving the bartender over for something stronger. “Trust me. Its best that you don’t know.” You ordered a glass of Jack Daniel. Thanking the bartender. “What you know about the hard shit?” He teases changing the subject. “I’m no prude.” You laugh softly, looking at him. He chuckled lightly. “Guess not,” He moves a seat over, “How come I never seen you around?” You shrugged. “Moved away when I was eighteen and just never looked back. And I never really was in this particular circle. The Mayans.” He nods his head slow. “Ah,” He raised his hand to the bartender asking for another bottle of Jack. He had his eyes set on you, but was too shy to flat out say it. Plus after hearing what he had just done to his mother, he would assume that you wouldn’t want to have nothing more than just a lawyer-client conversation. “Just know what I did was justified.” He tells you.
“Doesn’t matter, I’m paid to do a job. So, You’ll get off.” You down the glass. It’s been a minute since you got out and let loose. You spent so many times being in your studio apartment alone looking at court docs or in the court room defending people accused of crimes, you’d believe they didn’t commit.
    Nodding his head, he slightly brushed the side of his face. “You seem tense, you should get loose.” He tells you. You scoff and laugh. “Excuse me?” He downed another drink, he inches his body just close enough to you, he looked you in the eyes, You stopped twirling your finger around the top of your glass, looking in his eyes. “You’re tense. I saw that from the moment I laid eyes on you, when the last time you got some dick in you?” You scolded him, throwing your drink in his face storming out the bar. He chuckled running his hand down his face. He licked his lip. “Another one.” He got under your skin, enough. Coco was sweet, quiet but he was also misunderstood, a little strange but also forward... he ran his hand down his face. He waited another minute before making his way out the bar, seeing you pacing outside your car. You didn’t understand why you were still here but you were. 
“Car trouble?” He smirks, holding his hands behind his back slightly leaning forward. You slapped him, and that slap turned into a kiss. An insane kiss. He kissed you back wrapping his arm around your waist, he backs you up against your car, you didn't know was it his bad boy charm or the fact that you hadn’t had none in a while, but you were wet, he places you on the hood of your car as the kiss became more intense. He reaches down unbuttoning the button down blouse you had on now, you came to your senses, slapping his hand away and his face. “Stop. We can't do this.” You pushed him off, running over to the driver side of your car. “Wait!” You got in, your hands shaking as you tried to start up the car. Your heart beated a mile a minute, sped off that parking lot so fast... You weren’t easy and you were going to make him work for it.
Part two on the way. I hope this wasn't too bad. This is my first time writing for Coco Cruz be nice :)
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 El Coco
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Many Spanish parents spook their children by cautioning them about El Coco, a monster who snatches children away if they misbehave or refuse to sleep. Its origins come from a man named Francisco Ortega (El Moruno) who was sick with tuberculosis in the early 20th century. He solicited help from a Curandera, who recommended he drink the blood of children. Ortega subsequently kidnapped a child named Bernardo in a cloth bag. Today, El Coco is said to still roam the streets with a black cloth bag, seeking disobedient children. Parents warn their children of El Coco using the popular rhyme,
“Duermete niño, duermete ya, que viene El Coco y te comerá.”
In English it's: “Sleep child, sleep now, or else the Coco will come and eat you.”
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obsessedrandomness · 2 years
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danyper · 3 years
I made this drawing for a mural that I am going to put in my bedroom with my favorite villains and my OC.
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ap-kinda-lit · 3 years
Macabre Latin-American Legends
1. La Llorona (Mexico)
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La Llorona (aka, the Weeping Woman) is one of the best known ghost legends of Hispanic origin. Like many legends, there are various differing origin stories behind her, but they all center around the same thing: a young, beautiful mother whose spirit roams the land of the living in search of her deceased children, wailing non-stop and crying out, "Aye, mis hijos!" ("Oh, my children!"). She is most commonly sighted in urban areas, rivers or lakes, and highways. Although many agree that la Llorona's legend has deep roots in Mexican territory and has been around prior to the Spanish Conquest, her story has great significance in just about all Hispanic/Latin countries. People from all over the globe have claimed to have seen the spirit of la Llorona or heard her cries. La Llorona is a tragic figure but is also feared. Many who have grown up hearing her story remember her as a childhood bogeyman. From generation to generation, elders have warned youngsters to respect adults and not stay out after dark or wander near bodies of water, because if they do otherwise they will become targets to la Llorona. It is said that if la Llorona encounters a lone child, she will abduct them and drown them to take the place of her lost children, hence adults and children being very wary of her.
2. El Silbón (Venezuela, Columbia)
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The Whistler is a tall, thin man who wears a large hat. Just like la Llorona, his origin story is retold in a number of variations. But in each version of it, he is the wandering lost soul of a young man who committed the horrible crime of killing his own father. As punishment for his patricide, he was tied to a post and his bare back was lashed repeatedly then had a pack of vicious dogs sicced on him. He was also forced to carry a sack containing his father's bones over his destroyed back and was condemned to do so for all eternity. El Silbón got his moniker from his habit of whistling one particular tune constantly. This tune he whistles lets people know he's present and acts as an omen of impending death. He's usually non-discriminate with his victims but he's been said to sometimes prey on womanizers and drunks. With drunks, he sucks the alcohol out of their navels like a vampire; with womanizers, he violently tears them apart and and takes their bones to put them into the sack containing his father's and other victims' bones. Fortunately, el Silbón can be warded off and his death curse can be prevented. All that is required to do this is the mere sound of a dog barking or a whip, either of which will scare him off.
This is what El Silbón's whistle sounds like:
3. El Coco (Portugal, Galicia, Spain, Mexico)
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El Coco is a bogeyman-type, shape-shifting monster who preys on misbehaving children. If a child stays up past their bedtime or disobey their parents, el Coco will come and abduct and devour them. It dwells under beds and in closets or just about any part of a room shrouded in darkness. Some versions say that el Coco was once a man but became the kidnapping, child-eating monster. One version is that he became ill with tuberculosis in a time where it was a death sentence so he turned to drinking children's blood to cure himself but ended up transforming into the monster he is known as now.
4. Chupacabra (Puerto Rico, Mexico, America)
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El Chupacabra is one of the most famous cryptids in the world. The creature is a vampiric predator that attacks livestock and sucks them dry of their blood. It is described as having glowing red eyes and being canine-like or as a reptilian humanoid. Chupacabra attacks and sightings have been reported all over, from the United States to Chile (sometimes even in Europe and parts of Asia).
5. Nueve Veces Veronica (Spain, Mexico)
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Nueve Veces Veronica is a spiritual ritual similar to Bloody Mary. The ritual includes a pair of scissors, a red ribbon/string, a Bible, and takes place in a dark room with a mirror. The entity summoned in this game is none other than the spirit of a girl named Veronica. She will act as a fortune-teller, but if a person taking part in the game doesn't take her seriously, she will kill them. This game surrounding Veronica is said to be her punishment. She was once a teenage girl who played the exact same game with some friends one night. Veronica made the terrible mistake of not taking the ritual seriously and, as a result, the scissors used in the ritual went flying through the air and stabbed Veronica in the neck. Her friends ran to get help and when they returned they found Veronica lying in a pool of blood, one hand holding the Bible and the other grasping the scissors embedded in her neck.
6. La Pisadeira (Brazil)
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A creepy hag with claws and red eyes who preys on people who go to bed with a full stomach. La Pisadeira creeps into their bedroom and is able to climb onto her intended victim's chest as they are induced with sleep paralysis. She does nothing but sit on the immobilized victim's chest and bask in their sheer terror, which she feeds off of and becomes stronger with. Sometimes the victim will survive the encounter only to be visited by her again and reliving to the experience, but sometimes she will instead suffocate them to death.
7. La Sayona (Venezuela)
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La Sayona is a fearsome spirit who appears as an attractive woman and targets unfaithful men. She was once a beautiful woman who was married with a baby boy. She liked to go swimming in a nearby lake and it was there she attracted the admiration of a man. The man was so taken with her that he hatched a scheme to get her to himself. He told her that her husband was cheating on her...with her mother. She was so angered by this allegation that she went home and killed her husband and baby then attacked her mother with a machete. With her dying breath, the mother professed there was no affair going on and she cursed her daughter to become a supernatural entity that lived to take revenge on those who are unfaithful to their partners. La Sayona will roam on highways or jungles where work is being done and when she encounters a lustful man she will seduce him, get him alone, then reveal her true colors and attack. She will either turn into an animal and tear off their genitals or give them an STD that will cause their genitals to shrink and blister, indicating to their wives or girlfriends that they have been unfaithful.
8. Maria Angula (Ecuador)
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Maria Angula was the daughter of a Cayambe landowner and she loved to gossip, which often got her into trouble. She spent so much time gossiping that she didn't learn how to cook. So, when she married and her husband would ask for a meal, she faced a problem. Maria went to her neighbor, Dona Mercedes, who was an excellent cook, and she told her how to make certain recipes. When Maria did what she was told, she would pass it off as her own and acted as if she knew what her neighbor was talking about when she explained recipes to her. Dona Mercedes became fed up with Maria's arrogance and ingratitude and decided to teach her a lesson. When Maria came to her for help yet again, Dona Mercedes took advantage of the girl's ignorance. Maria's husband had requested a meal that consisted of a Puzun (stomach) from a goat but Dona Mercedes told Maria that a Puzun from a human was tastier. Mercedes told Maria what to do, thus Maria went to the cemetery that night and looked for the most recently buried coffin there. Then, she dug it up, opened it, and cut out the deceased's stomach and took it home to cook it exactly as Dona Mercedes had directed. Like Dona Mercedes had said, her husband loved the meal Maria had cooked. That night, after the married couple went to bed and fell asleep, Maria awoke to a bony specter that demanded its guts back from her. When it didn't get what it requested, it dragged Maria out from her bed and took her away into the night, never to be seen or heard from again.
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
After Hours II: Johnny ‘Coco’ Cruz
Mayans MC Masterlist 
word count: 647
description: Part Two to After Hours, where you and Coco finally talk <3
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You woke up and saw you had a message from a missed call from Coco, this was the first time you had heard from him in three weeks since you two ended things. You took a deep breath before playing the message wondering what he wanted.
"I know you hate me right now but I just need you to know that I love you more than anything baby and how sorry I am for breaking your heart. I was scared that you would wake up one day and realize that you deserve so much better than me because you honestly do, I'm not good enough for you. I just wanted you to know that I may be an ass 95% of the time but I love you more than anything and would do anything to see you smile even if that means living without you, I hate that you're not here beside me anymore. I just miss you so much Amour." He says.
When the message finished playing you were in full-on tears, you hated hearing Coco so insecure so broken. He was and still is everything to you despite everything he had done to you. You grabbed your slides throwing them on your feet before making your way to your car. You needed to see him.
You pulled into the driveway next to his bike and slowly made your way towards the front door, debating whether or not you should be here.  You raised your fist and knocked on the door a few times before you heard the sound of his footsteps coming closer to the door.  
A few minutes later, he opens the door and you saw how bad he looked, his hair was messy, his breath reeked of some type of stronger alcohol and his eyes were bloodshot. You walked a few steps over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist hating to see him like this.
"Sorry for not calling, I got your voicemail and needed to come to see you." You said squeezing him as tightly as possible while he ran a hand up and down your back.
"Don't apologize, I didn't expect to hear from you at all." He said quietly into your hair.
"Why did you do it, Johnny? I thought you were excited for our future together, I don't understand what happened." You said into his chest.
"I wish I could blame some other factor other than I got insecure about our future and just pushed you away before you could hurt me." He said making you pull away from him.
"What do you mean hurt you? I would never do that you." You asked him confused at what he was saying.
"Amour I was afraid you were gonna wake up one day and realize how much better that you could do than someone like me and I thought if I hurt you first then I would save myself the heartache but in the end, I ended up hurting myself more, I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me." He said grabbing your hand.
"You're a fucking moron Johnny but I still understand where you were from, I just wished you would've talked to me about these concerns instead of hurting me because I would've told you how much you do make me happy and safe, and how sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you and everything you've given me." You said.
"Please don't cry sweetheart, your gonna make me feel even worst than I already do. " He said wiping his tears with his thumbs.
"You should I love you more than anything, what more do I need to do to show you that your it for me? Because I'll do it." You asked through tears looking up at him.
"Just give me another chance to make things right." He said pressing a kiss to your lips.  
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perdiendo-la-nocion · 2 years
El último pétalo me dijo que todavía hay chance🥀
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yelenadelova · 3 years
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Coco, my beloved.
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aaaaagaronia · 3 years
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tfw you eat the kids
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fuzzychildchopshop · 2 years
Luchadores All Together by emlepe95
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swanpit · 3 years
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