#elain's book is a banger
nyxreads · 8 months
So what do you think the next book will be about? We know it will be about Elain, but how do you see it going? What will be the main storylines? I am curious about what everyone is thinking.
Hello anon, sorry this kinda took me long to answer and honestly I am lazy and can't explain articulately what's in my mind but I'm gonna link you to some theories/analysis (based on canon) that I truly loved and agreed on about Elain and her upcoming book:
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
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Elain had always been gentle and sweet — and I had considered it a different sort of strength. A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind. She had always been so full of light.
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violetasteracademic · 2 months
My Two Cents on the People Magazine Article (and Elriel coming home!)
I'm sure this has already been dissected to death and I am potentially late to the game here (I only just saw the article this morning!) but I would like to share some thoughts and insight!
While by no means am I saying this to claim I am *the* expert of all experts, I would like to share that my background and previous career was in entertainment. My twenties were spent in Los Angeles, and (some of you other current or previous LA/New Yorker's may identify with this) you really learn how the sausage gets made and exactly how much money, planning, and prep goes into what we are meant to perceive as "natural." I don't mean to take the shine off of it! Just sharing my experiences. I can't share everything because some of my friends were under NDA's at the time of their employment, so I'll just give a brief overview.
Example: Late Night talk shows and many other major "live" productions that have "live" interviews are, well, not actually live. They typically film in the early afternoon even if they are set designed to look like its nighttime. And while it is in front of a "live" audience, the audience is instructed on when to clap, when to laugh, ect. This is because the interview has already been planned out, and questions approved ahead of time. This is why, even though it seems totally fresh, there are things the "host" received ahead of time. For example, all of the baby pictures and sweet photos of Sarah and Josh and then all of the staged "walking and talking photos" for the MASSIVE Today Show interview and article. And yes, this is the article where we got this absolute banger:
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That "felt" like a live interview followed up with a giant article to accompany it, but was actually a full on pre-planned production. Seriously massive for Sarah. And if there's time, you can even do multiple takes and use the best shot for the "live" show. I've seen people comment on thinking Sarah seemed "not excited" in that interview and she was worried HoFaS would bomb, but I'm telling you guys, I don't think she has ever that much pressure or "lights, camera, action" on her before compared to her usual casual "chat" style interviews. Babes was nervous, and she crushed it.
Now to breakdown the new People Magazine article:
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This article is being presented as "Everything You Need to Know" aka "we are your trusted resource on all things Sarah J. Mass."
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People Magazine, while serving as your "trusted resource" for the world of ACOTAR, would not say the protagonists of ACOTAR are the sisters for zero reason whatsoever. What's interesting is both Lucien and Azriel get small nods, but very little otherwise and zero mention of the ship. Just Elain, baybee dolls. This further cements that this designed to portray the Archeron sisters as the leads of the series.
Now, taking a look at the author of this article to see if she specializes in anything, she really doesn't. Miss ma'am writes about everything under the sun!
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She also did the Ultimate Guide to Emily Henry's books. (Major Emily Henry Stan over here. Who is dying for Funny Story to come out?!)
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This is a Northwestern University journalism grad who has been with People for a few years. She certainly understands what it is that needs to come from these articles, and that is interest, clicks, money, and trust.
There is simply no reason for major networks like Today and People to invest in these thorough and in depth articles and interviews, on screen and on page, with Sarah and continue to hint towards Elain or questioning the mating bond if it will serve no purpose in improving their reputation or generating interest in the plot of the books. That is simply not how this works, and is antithetical to keeping the gears of these machines well oiled and functioning as intended.
If you read this whole thing, wow! You are an MVP. With nothing but respect to you all, I'm not sure how long I will keep this post up or how much I am willing to talk about my time in LA. I unfortunately had some experiences I am still recovering from and already feel a bit anxious putting this much information about myself out there. But for those who catch it, I hope you enjoy and can feel comforted that this is all a part of the plan. There's a reason you see repeats of themes and conversations in all her articles. It's because they are pre-planned and executed with the goal of reputation and selling books in mind.
*** Thanks to Sara Anne (@SaraAnneReads on Tiktok) who shared her insight from working on the marketing team for a magazine in 2019 that adverts have to share if an article is paid for in someway, no matter how small. Thus I have removed my statement on *this* article potentially being part of their paid marketing budget, as there is no indicator of that on the article itself which is required by law.
However, this could be what is called "Earned Media" where a marketing/publicity rep for SJM and/or Bloomsbury *could* have reached out to people magazine and basically said hey, if you want to write about this, we have an announcement coming up soon so it could be relevant and worth talking about. To which the rep for People would say to the rep for SJM, hey, thank you so much for the heads up. There is no exchange of goods or currency and no promise verbally or in writing to do the article so the ethics stay above board, but all parties benefit from earned media. Sarah's team has now earned additional buzz for the upcoming story, and a news outlet has articles out on a trending topic. However, earned media does not have to be disclosed and therefore we have NO way of knowing if this occurred here or not!
She also shared with me People's statement of integrity where People state's their high standard for ethical practices and journalistic credibility and accountability. (I mean we know they are the kings and queens of "a reliable source close to the individual," but still)
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She also caught with her eagle eye that Bloomsbury explicitly states the detailed marketing plan once books are announced, including details like year-long social media campaign, arc readers, ECT. So with Sarah already posting about the next ACOTAR, we can safely assert that is part of the existing laid out marketing plan, and assume additional articles surrounding ACOTAR are all to further generate buzz.
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Analysis: Elain's book announcement is coming SOON and marketing is already underway!
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writtenonreceipts · 6 months
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a/n: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays @howlingcaptaincommando!  It’s been a delight getting to know you these few weeks, thanks for putting up with my insanity and I hope you enjoy this messy, slightly chaotic thing…I'm sorry you got stuck with me. Considering all the bangers being released already and then there's this...
thank you to @acotargiftexchange for organizing this event again! <3<3<3
Warnings: none (except it’s me so you’ve gotta put up with that) ~10k words
We’re All Waiting On A Dream
Elain Archeron had never done well with winter.
It was an unfortunate truth that no matter what she did—it never changed.
She could fill her house with plants and flowers, she could open all the blinds of the small coffee shop where she worked, she could bake her favorite bread and dessert every day of the week.  But nothing could replace the sunlight of a new spring day or the deep unyielding warmth of the summer sun.
It was only mid-November and she was already craving when the sun would return.  Already, she’d planned just how she would spend those first few warm days of the season and none of them involved being indoors, cold, or sitting around at home.  She was going to travel and make the best of summer.
She just had to wait six months.
The lingering light of afternoon spilled through the front windows of the shop, splashing across the worn hardwood floors.  It was barely four-thirty and already the sun was sneaking lower into the horizon.  In just a few more minutes, it would sink behind the nearest buildings and shadows would replace those gentle strips of light.
It was unavoidable, so Elain made the best of it as she swept around the shop and adjusted the lamps that would soon do a majority of the lighting for the night.  The dark oak flooring was nicked and scuffed from the wear and tear over the years.  If Elain wasn’t mistaken it was the same flooring from when the shop was first built.  One of these days she would try and restore the shabby wood, knowing that with a bit of sanding and new stain, the floors would gleam with new life.  The project, with as much work as it would be, sounded fun.  Another activity to wait to complete though.
For now, she continued her usual tasks as she straightened the small reading couch in one corner and collected a bit of trash that someone left behind.  There usually wasn’t much cleaning to do even as a coffee shop.  They were tucked down a small alleyway on main street, nestled beside the antiques boutique, only the locals ever really knew where to find them.  And on nights like this, things usually remained relaxed and slow.
Really, though—she didn’t mind.  These were the nights she enjoyed most.  The quiet ones.  The easy ones.  The shop had long been her solace, even back in school when she’d just been a patron.  Even when the winter months dragged on and on, she’d found that this place with its shelves of books and the homey atmosphere were welcoming and helped lighten her mind.  It was the kind of the shop where nothing chaotic ever—
The front door jangled open with a frenzy that nearly toppled the bell along the top rail.  A gust of winter air swept through the shop, nibbling at Elain’s exposed ankles.  She spun around just in time to see a tall man dressed in a pair of neat, black pants and deep green sweater enter the shop.  His long red hair hung loose down his shoulders; his warm tanned skin complimented by the colors of his sweater.  He was too handsome for his own good, looking far too confident and sure of himself.  None of which was helped by the smirk that curled his full lips. 
“Elain.” he greeted as soon as he saw her.
Lucien Vanserra.  
Even after all this time of knowing him, she never quite knew what to think of him.  He had a way of taking the peaceable moments and turning them right on their head.  No matter what happened, whenever or wherever Lucien was—there was certainly a bit of mischief to follow.
He was by himself tonight which wasn’t too much of an anomaly.  Often, he was with one of his old college friends, Jurian.  The two of them were well known for rambunctious energy and very little restraint.  Elain had shared several classes with the two of them all through university, ended up in the same study groups, and now was subject to them coming into the shop just about every day.
She supposed she shouldn’t complain too much.  Between college and the two of them were how she met one of her closest friends, Vassa, who was also currently dating Jurian.  Or they were just sleeping together.  Elain wasn’t too sure of the details but knew better than to ask else she face Vassa’s wrath and own probing questions.
Lucien himself was impossible to know, Elain had long ago decided.  He could be an arrogant smartass while all at the same time—an idiot.  The fact that he was the most attractive man Elain had ever seen didn’t help much either. 
“Lucien.”  Much to her chagrin she often was at a loss for words when they came face to face.  She’d always been flustered by him, not that she’d ever admit it.  It was that disarming smile of his she was sure.
Lucien glanced around the empty shop. “Slow night?”
“It was,” Elain said, arching a brow.  Just because he flustered her didn’t mean she had to like him.
Lucien only grinned as he approached the register.  He was too comfortable here, Elain decided.  Especially with that confidence he always seemed to walk with.  She shouldn’t judge him for that.  He was always here at the shop these days, mostly because it was the only quiet space on the downtown strip.  Though, Elain had no idea what he was doing, only that it kept him busy.  He almost always had a computer before him taking care of some sort of work.  If he wasn’t going over documents, he was on the phone in quiet but urgent conversations.  She hadn’t worked up the courage to ask him what it was he did for work, worried that it would open some unknown door that she couldn’t shut if she got in too deep.
She left off cleaning and went behind the counter already putting his usual order in.  He always got the same thing no matter the time of day, no matter the time of year.  She hadn’t meant to memorize it, but when she was always here working and he was always coming in—it was impossible not to do.
“Do you want your usual order?” The words slipped out before she could stop them.  She only realized her mistake upon looking up to find Lucien cocking an eyebrow.
“Keeping tabs on my habits, Elain?” He looked far too pleased at that fact, that smile of his rising just a tick.
“Hard not to when you’re always here,” she said, drily. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“Nope.” he replied cheerfully.
Lucien really was a hard person to get to know, to understand, really.  Elain had decided that back at university.  His personality was so charming that he often received more attention than most.  His good looks certainly helped too.  Elain didn’t know if calling him a flirt was right or not, but his silver tongue often made her wonder if she’d ever experienced the real Lucien Vanserra.  Even worse was, she sometimes wanted to know the real him.
He only chuckled at her sardonic look. “The usual is great.  With an extra bagel, if you could?”
Elain took his payment and handed back the thick black credit card. “I’ll bring it out to you in a few.”
As she moved to get started on his drink—an iced vanilla latte with caramel—he remained at the counter, leaning against the solid granite.  He did this every so often, trying to strike up a conversation with her.  It was usually the stuff of nonsense that ranged from what she thought about pineapple on pizza to who keeps breaking into local zoos and releasing animals from their cages in the middle of the night.
He was immediately offended when she told him pineapple was acceptable as a pizza topping.  In fact, she didn’t see him for three days after that confession.  Though she didn’t think it really had anything to do with her and more on the lines of the mysterious work he was always up to.
“You’re always here, Elain,” Lucien said.  “Don’t you ever get a break?”
Elain scoffed at the question. “I can’t afford time off.  I’ve got bills to pay.”
School hadn’t been cheap and she still was not working in her major.  A fact she would rather not think about.
“Jurian and I are going to a basketball game next week,” he said, “you should come.”
It wasn’t the first time he’d endeavored to invite her out.  Just a few weeks ago there’d been a party thrown by Lucien’s older brother.  It was supposedly one of the best parties of the year, including New Years.  
Though, Elain wasn’t sure what counted as best party of the year considering all the times Lucien and Jurian had thrown dorm parties involving ranking Mario Cart avatars and how best to optimize playing the game to goldfish racing.
Elain didn’t bother to learn about the second activity.
“Can’t,” she said.  She pulled two toasted bagels from the toaster and wrapped them up with a tube of cream cheese. “Someone’s gotta run the shop.”
It was true.  Alis had stopped trying to hire anyone new because Elain always insisted on picking up shifts.  Sure there was Nuala or Ceridwen who also rotated on shifts, but Elain preferred to be working.
Lucien frowned, just barely, at her answer before he accepted the bagels and finished drink from her. “Alright, it’s an open invitation though.” 
He continued to eye her curiously for a minute longer before finally turning and heading to his usual table in the back corner of the shop.
Elain couldn't help but watch as he settled into his seat before turning back to her workstation to clean up after herself.  A small pang echoed in her chest but she didn’t quite know how to identify the emotion behind it.
It wasn’t as though she wanted to be a recluse.  Ever since leaving school, things hadn’t gone her way.  Jobs kept turning her down.  Her student loans were piling up.  Most of her friends had moved away.  Not to mention her relationship with her sisters was rocky at best.  Their mother’s death hadn’t helped matters either.  In all honesty, the distraction of always being at work was nice.  She was exhausted by the time she got home and almost always immediately fell asleep and didn’t have to think about anything else other than keeping herself (and plants) alive.
She used to be the going out type.  Used to love the social scene.  It got harder though when dad’s health was declining.  And then the Grayson matter.
Something needed to change.  She knew that.  Just a small little switch to flick and then maybe she’d feel a little bit better about where she was in life.  Every time she thought about what that change could be, however, her mind only let her consider all the disastrous and unfortunate outcomes that would inevitably occur.
Which was why Tinder had long since gone dormant on her phone.
It was with these thoughts in mind that Elain was startled to attention by the door of the shop thudding open again.
“Where on earth have you been!”
Elain froze at the voice.  She’d just settled in to run an inventory of supplies on the computer when her sister chose that moment to enter the shop.
Nesta Archeron entered the shop like a whirlwind.  A chaotic, well put together whirlwind that hardly, if ever, touched down.  She was constantly involved with one event or another, specifically to please her fiancé, or she was trying to keep her own career afloat (made nearly impossible because Thomas was an ass).  There was no easy way to describe Nesta.  Especially not when she hardly offered anything of herself in return.  Elain loved her sister, truly she did, but sometimes the woman could be rather intense.  
Her blonde hair was swept back in half-do, tendrils of hair framing her sharp features and emphasizing the startling silver of her eyes.  The neutral tones of her make-up only emphasized her striking beauty and highlighted the determined way she was looking at Elain.
“I’ve been here,” Elain said, slightly amused as she typed into the computer. “All day.  My job is rather annoying like that.”
Nesta rolled her eyes, unamused and stalked the rest of the way to the register, her high heeled shoes clicked lightly on the floor, her black dress and sleek jacket indicating it had been a please the fiancé sort of day and not one to have to herself.  She set her purse, some designer that Elain didn’t recognize, on the counter and leaned forward with a frown.
“You missed the dress fitting,” Nesta said.
Elain nodded. “Just like I told you I would.  There was no one to take my shift and I wasn’t about to close shop in the middle of the day.”
Elain had tried explaining this to her sister before, but since it was an inconvenience for her, Nesta had forgotten it.  Alright.  That was unfair.  Nesta did have quite a bit of stress as she was trying to plan a wedding with a useless fiancé.  And said useless fiancé was having Nesta take over quite a bit of his own business duties.
Anytime Elain tried talking to her sister about it, Nesta shut down and changed the topic entirely.
“I know,” Nesta sighed, brushing stray strands of hair out of her face.  A look of genuine apology flashed in her eyes.  “I know.  I’m sorry, but it was the only time that worked and you know how important this is for Thomas.  But I really needed you at the fitting, Elain.  Everything has to go perfectly.” 
Flinching inwardly, Elain held back a sigh.  On Saturday, her soon to be brother-in-law was to be honored as the new vice-president of his company…doing something of some import.  All because of the work Nesta herself had done.
In any case, Elain would be expected to attend because the more people there in support of Thomas the better he came off to his boss.  Though, if he were being promoted his boss must already think highly of him.  (It was all very convoluted to Elain.)
Then came the fact that Thomas did not like her.  And she didn’t like him, so really it all worked out that way.  But Elain liked her sister.  She wanted to support her sister.  And now she was roped into a hoity toity gala.  She’d have to shave.  Everywhere.
“Nesta,” Elain said patiently, “I am more than happy to support Thomas,” who knew she was an excellent liar? – “and I will be there.  Buy the dress as is and I can have Vassa alter it for me.  She’s good like that.”
Vassa would laugh her ass off is what she would do, but Elain wouldn’t tell Nesta that.
Nesta blinked, a mild look of panic seizing her face.  “Does Vassa know anything about sewing?”
“Sure,” Elain shrugged. “How hard could it be?”
“Nesta.” Elain reached out and patted her sister’s hand. “The dress fit perfectly the first time I tried it on, three weeks isn’t going to make much of a difference.” 
“Alright.  You’re right.” Nesta sighed, slouching even further into the counter.  Elain had no doubt her sister was counting down the moment to when she could kick her heels off into a corner and not look at them for at least twenty-four hours.  “I won’t worry about the dress.  But, I do need to know who you’re bringing.”
“Bringing?” Elain repeated. An icy feeling started spreading through her.  Oh no.  Oh no.  She hadn’t prepared for this.
“Yes bringing, you can't come alone Elain,” Nesta said. She gave Elain a look as this was the most obvious thing.  “There will be cameras and Thomas’s boss will be there too.”
Why Elain should care about Thomas’s boss, she had no idea.  Why anyone would care about her being there, she had no idea.  And she said as much.
“Who cares if I have a date?” She demanded. “I am a grown woman. I don't have to bring anyone.  I don’t think anyone will want to stamp my picture on whatever new pamphlet the company puts out next year.”
Nesta’s own panic spread across her face. “Please, Elain.  I know it’s a little ridiculous, but it has to go perfectly. I know someone I can ask for you, Thomas has a friend—”
Elain blanched.
“No, no I have someone.  I have someone…a boy. A boyfriend. I have one.” Elain spoke before she even knew what she was saying. She was digging her own grave but her brain hadn't caught up to that fact.
“You have a boyfriend?” Nesta snapped to attention at the words.  Her blue eyes narrowed in on Elain. “Why haven't I heard about him? What's his name, where did he study? Family?”
She really had to think before she spoke.  This was not going to end well.  Elain gaped at her sister trying hard to think of an answer.  How much could she make up before Nesta caught on?  Could she fabricate the perfect gentleman only to have him break her heart on the night of the event?  Or would that be too dramatic and detract from Thomas?
Elain pulled herself together as best she could. “This is why I didn't say anything because I knew you would do this, Nesta.”
“Honestly Elain, if you’re just going to make up a story--” Nesta was already pulling out her phone and selecting a number in her contacts.
“Lucien.”  Elain blurted out the first name that came to mind. “Lucien Vanserra.  That’s who he is. And he's right here. Lucein!”
At the very direct sound of his name, Lucien looked up from his coffee and laptop with a bite of bagel making its way to his mouth.  It was the first time she had ever seen him caught off guard.  It was rather unfortunate that she didn't have time to appreciate it properly. 
Lucien recovered from whatever shock he was facing or he was just that good at reading a situation because he set down his bagel and in a few loping steps he was back out the counter, his grin back in place.
“Elain.” As always, he appeared perfectly agreeable, his casual business wear only emphasizing how put together he was.  Whether he’d overheard what Elain and her sister had been talking about, she couldn’t tell.  She just hoped he was as good an actor as he always seemed to be.
Especially given the fact that Nesta was scrutinizing him in overtime.
“This is the boyfriend?” Nesta asked, her words slow as if she herself needed to make sense of them too.
Lucien glanced at Elain with a rather bemused expression.  She gave him as pleading a look as she could while Nesta continued her assessment.
When Lucien nodded discreetly at her, Elain felt a small bit of relief.  She wouldn’t trust it for long though.
“Lucien Vanserra,” he said.  He extended a hand to Nesta who paused for a moment before accepting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.  Elain talks about you all the time.”
Nesta didn’t answer immediately.  As with everything, she took great care in analyzing everything about a situation.
“Vanserra,” Nesta repeated.  She had a thing about names and people and appearances.  Vanserra must have been a decent enough name because Nesta raised her chin slightly, a slow smile working at one corner of her mouth. “She hasn’t mentioned you before.”
Unperturbed, Lucien adopted his casual ease and laughed. “Considering how long it took for her to pay me any attention, I’m not surprised.”
His words sent an unbidden flush over Elain’s skin even as she glared at him.  She didn’t exactly know what to make of his words either.  Either he was very good at lying on the spot (concerning) or there was a pinch of truth to his words (also concerning).
“Well,” Nesta said. She turned back to Elain abruptly.  “Saturday.  The event starts at seven, I expect you to be there at six-thirty.  Six-thirty, Elain.”
“I will be there,” Elain said, Nesta gave her a look. “We will be there.”
The only thing that saved Elain from further humiliation by her own doing was Nesta’s phone buzzing with an incoming call.
Nesta only ignored it long enough to raise a single brow to Lucien. “Black tie.”
It wasn’t until the door of the shop clicked shut that Elain let out a rather unfeminine groan and nearly collapsed across the work counter.  What had she just gotten herself into? 
“So,” Lucien said, his voice growing closer as he filled the space Nesta vacated.  Elain looked up to him leaning across the space to get closer to her. “When did we start dating?”
Elain felt her cheeks flush deeper.  Oh hell, what had she done?
Huffing out a breath she straightened and ran her hands through her hair. She fixed Lucien with as menacing a look as she could while he kept grinning.
“What was I supposed to do?  She was going to set me up with someone from her fiancé’s work.  I’ve seen a majority of those men, no good options.”  Elain knew she was rambling in desperation, but she couldn’t help it.  Thankfully the embarrassment of the past ten minutes hadn’t set in yet.  That was one miracle she’d accept.
“Hm,” Lucien hummed, “I do see your dilemma.  This is a rather interesting choice of action though, all the same.”
Groaning, Elain started pacing behind the counter. “It’s fine.  I can make up a dramatic break-up story within the next three days.  That’ll fix this. Oh, no.  It won’t because she knows your name, she’ll find you.  I could fake an illness?  Except I used that the last time there was one of these events.”
This was turning out to be not very good.  
Elain stopped and looked at him. “I am so sorry. This is going to be a nightmare.”
“Ah, Elain, what you don’t know about me is that I was born for mischief and mayhem.  Just ask my mother, she has an entire photo album dedicated to the destruction I caused as a child.”
“I don’t think this is helping,” she said, slightly horrified.
He flashed her a smile. “Oh but it will help.  I can promise a night full of fun, you’ll hardly even realize you’re at a…where are we going?”
“A work party for her fiancé’s marketing company,” Elain explained, crinkling her nose as she remembered the rather mundane and boring job Thomas had. “He just landed an account for drills and is being promoted.”
“Why the hell would anyone—” Lucien cut himself off with a wave of his hand— “doesn’t matter.  The point still stands that I can guarantee a fun night.”
“Can you hold a conversation about drills?”
“No but I do know magic.”
“Absolutely not.”
The two stared at each other for a long moment.
Lucien spoke first. “It’d be hilarious.  Get you out of any more of these events.”
A startled laugh escaped her.  She couldn’t help it.  There was just something in the way he spoke and the sincerity that he held that just seemed funny.  At her first bubble of laughter, Lucien joined in.  
“C’mon, Elain, consider it a practice run,” he said.
“Practice run?” Elain repeated.
“Sure,” Lucien shrugged. “When you come to the basketball game with Jurian and I.  Vassa can come.”
His eyes sparked with a mix of humor and…hope?
Elain approached the counter again, still not believing that he was agreeing to this.  Even with a little bit of insistence to his own favor.  In all honesty, she wasn’t entirely sure why he was so interested in her.  In school she’d been a bit intense in her studies and hadn’t left much room from friendships or other relationships for that matter.  But he’d always been there on the edge of her sights.  A nuisance sure, but there all the same.  And there weren’t a lot of people she could say the same of.
“You have a suit and tie?” she asked.  He nodded. “You’re okay with pretending to be my boyfriend?” Another nod. “You won’t let this be a thing that you hold over my head?”
“Elain,” Lucien said.  A bit of the humor left his voice and he straightened. “Consider it a favor among friends.  You don’t even have to go watch basketball.  I want to help you out.”
She worried her lip, still not completely convinced.  But she knew what would happen if she showed up alone and knew that Nesta would laud it over her for the rest of their lives.
“Alright,” she agreed. “Lucien Vanserra, would you please be my fake boyfriend?”
His russet eyes sparked.  “Elain Archeron, it would be my pleasure.”
On Saturday evening, Elain found herself trying to control her sanity.  It was not going very well.
“Would you hold still?” Vassa muttered for yet another time.  She stabbed Elain’s shoulder with a bobby pin. “We’re almost done.”
Elain squirmed again.  Usually, she didn’t mind sitting still and being pampered.  Hell, she loved it.  Getting dressed up and looking her best was something she missed being able to do.  It had been the one thing she was looking forward to about the night.  After so long of being so shut in, having a night to just be and have fun?  If it weren’t for the mess of dealing with Thomas (and now a forced fake relationship) she wouldn’t have given her sister such a hard time.  
As it was, she was still nervous.  
Maybe it was being out among people again?  No, she’d always loved people and making new friends.  It had to be Lucien.  It had to be the idea of getting closer to him even for a night.  She had no idea why.  It was just Lucien.  
But the closer the clock ticked to six, the more her stomach flopped.
Vassa tugged hard on Elain’s hair.
Elain glared through the mirror at her friend who ignored her.  It hadn’t taken very much pleading to enlist her friends help in preparing for this stupid party.  Mostly just a promised girl’s night out. Though, after Elain had explained what had happened and who she would be going with and the entirety of the fake boyfriend situation—Vassa had found no issue in helping Elain out.
Once she’d stopped laughing of course.
“This is going to be a disaster,” Elain muttered.  She wrung her hands together as she stared at their reflections. “I should have just put my foot down and told Nesta no.”
“Since when has telling Nesta no ever worked out, Elain?” Vassa replied.  She shoved another bobby pin into place causing Elain to wince. “Besides, Lucien is fun.  Do you remember in school when he hired a mariachi band to follow the dean around?”
That, admittedly, had been hilarious.  There was also the time Lucien and Jurian had built a giant outdoor water slide on the hottest day of the year.  Complete with a water balloon fight afterwards.  If there was one thing to say about Lucien it was that he enjoyed having a good time.
“And he’s good looking,” Vassa added.
“Vassa,” Elain sighed.
“He comes into your shop a lot too,” Vassa said.  She cocked her head to one side through the mirror, a small smile on her lips.
Elain’s glare went ignored.  Again.
After another few minutes, Vassa hummed happily and patted Elain’s head.
“There,” she said. “I think that looks good.”
It really did.  
While Elain could often manage on her own to make herself look flawless and put together—she’d needed a bit more confidence for that night.  And who else could she ask for help than Vassa?  
Most of her hair still flowed down her back in loose curls, but the rest was pulled up in a twisting braid.  It all came together with the carefully applied make-up Elain had done.  
“Thanks,” Elain said.  She touched a few places in her hair out of habit.  Everything was perfect though.
“You’re gonna look great,” Vassa said.  Her smile was infectious as she leaned in for a quick hug.  “Let's get you in your dress.  He’ll be here any minute.”
Elain’s stomach flopped again.  She really wasn’t going to get out of this was she?  And yet there was a small part of her that asked if she really wanted to.  
It had been ages since she’d had a fun night out.  Even if it was to go to an event for Thomas of all people—Elain was just eager for fun.  And she was going with Lucien.  Lucien who actually made Elain smile.  And he’d never pressured her in all the little flirtations he’d thrown her way.  He’d remained respectful and even kept his distance when she’d silently begged for it.  Not that he’d known what was going in in her life, but her relationship with Grayson had been a joke.  It’s what had led to her slipping away from her usual outgoing self…
Elain banished the thoughts away.  She couldn’t be thinking about this.
She hurried after Vassa and down the hall to her room.
She hadn’t been able to get any help with making extra modifications to the gown, but she wasn’t worried.  She’d never had an issue with finding things that fit easily.  Both Nesta and Feyre hated her for it, but Elain had never been more grateful than she was that night.
Vassa was already pulling the dress from its coverings, revealing the floor length fabric.  If there was one thing Elain could trust Nesta in, it was her fashion sense.
The dress was a pale purple made of a light chiffon fabric.  There was a little bit of rouching at the sides with a draped neckline.  Elian’s favorite part about the dress though were the sheer flutter sleeves.  It might be a little impractical with the chill weather, but she didn’t care.
She couldn’t help the small smile as she examined the dress.  Yes.  She was more than a little excited to wear it.  She hurried and stripped from her leggings and tank top before shimming into the dress.  The other good thing was that she didn’t have to mess with a strapless bra and could get away with what she usually wore.
She waited as Vassa zipped her in and brushed out any wrinkles or funny lines in the fabric.
Vassa hummed in amusement as she circled Elain once. “Your breasts look amazing.”
Elain smacked her friend on the arm and turned to the full-length mirror propped up in the corner of her room.  Indeed, her breasts looked amazing.  The dress was of a silky material that clung to Elain’s usually nonexistent curves.  The sweetheart neckline dipped a bit lower than she expected, showing off more of her neck and collarbones.  The soft purple color complimented her lighter complexion and the rich brown undertones of her hair.  She didn’t look washed out or haunted—she looked like herself.  Happy.
“Damn,” Elain sighed. “I was hoping I’d look terrible.  Nesta wouldn’t blame me for not showing up if I looked like a cow.”
Vassa snorted a laugh. “Please, Elain.  You’d look good in anything.”
Elain bit her lip and gave a half spin, watching the fabric twist with her movements. “I don’t know if I have a jacket that will match.  It’s too cold to go without something.”
“I’ve got just the thing,” Vassa said before disappearing to her own room.
As soon as she vanished, there was a knock at the front door and Elain froze.  Hell.  It was already time, wasn’t it?
She took a long breath, flattening her hands over her stomach.  She could do this.  It was going to be fun and easy.  Lucien after all had agreed to no pressure, they were simply friends.  She stared into her own eyes, gave a sharp nod and hurried down the hall to the small entry way of the apartment.  She took one more steadying breath as she pulled the door open.  
There, looking impeccable in a neat, black suit and perfectly knotted tie was Lucien.  His hair was unfortunately pulled back into a low hanging tail, Elain always liked seeing it loose.  The suit fit him well, emphasizing his muscular build well.  He looked good.  He’d always been handsome with his tall figure and strong jaw, but tonight felt different.
Elain knew she was staring, but she couldn’t help it.  The only solace she took in that was the way Lucien was taking her in.  His gaze flicked from her dress to her face and she swore his mouth parted just a bit.  Now he was just putting on a show.
“Lucien,” she said, trying desperately to untangle her tongue. “You clean up well.”
That had to be the stupidest thing she could have said.  Hell in handbasket, what was wrong with her?
Still, that familiar smile of his returned and a glint sparked in his rich russet eyes. “I could say the same about you, Elain.”
The way he said her name sent a shiver racing down her spine.  Another thing she didn’t know how to reconcile.  Because if she were being honest, she was surprised he’d shown up at all.  He easily could have text a brief can’t make it text and really, could she have blamed him?  She cleared her throat, hands wringing together nervously.  She had no idea what was wrong with her—she didn’t get nervous, especially not around Lucien Vanserra of all people.
 “I almost thought you didn’t own a tie,” she added, falling back to what she knew--sarcasm. “You always say they’re too restricting.”
Lucien rolled his eyes.  “Until I started working for my brother.  Apparently, I have to be professional nowadays.” 
“Poor Lucien,” Elain sighed, “has to join the real world with the rest of us.”
“It’s terrible,” he agreed.
Before either of them could say anything else, Vassa gave a shout of triumph from down the hall.
“I found it!” With the rapid pattering of bare feet, Vassa careened from her room and down to the entryway of the apartment.  Her red hair pitched violently to one side from the confines of her bun.  She waved a stylish jacket at Elain as she approached. “It will match perfectly, Nesta won’t have to gouge your eyes out.”
Elain accepted the jacket. “Thanks, Vassa.”
“Of course,” Vassa said.  She then flashed Lucien an appraising look. “Hello Vanserra.”
Lucien accepted Vassa’s scrutiny with grace, only continuing to smile with that charming grin of his. “Vassa, nice to see you again.”
Despite her earlier words of approval of him--Vassa continued to eye him suspiciously.  
“I have a list of rules that should be adhered to,” she began.
“No you do not,” Elain said.  She brushed past Vassa and gave her a quick hug.  “We’re late.  Thank-you for your help.”
She grabbed Lucien’s arm and ushered him out the door as quickly as possible.   
“Don’t do anything illegal, I don’t have bail money!” Vassa shouted after them.  
Elain let the door click shut without calling back a response.  It was easier that way.  Especially when there was no guarantee what Vassa would say next.  Sometimes her filter was a hit and miss.  
“She’s always such a delight,” Lucien commented as they got on the elevator.
Elain snorted a laugh. “Oh, yeah.  She teeters on the edge of unsuspecting sweetheart to raging terror real quick.”
Once you got to know Vassa, to understand her nuances and her habits--she maintained the questionable reputation but with a bit more trust and care on your part.  Truly, Elain didn’t know where she would be without her friend.
“Didn’t she stage a revolution of frogs from the Biology Department on campus?” Lucien asked.
“It was very well organized,” Elain admitted.  She did not, however, remind Lucien that she had been right beside Vassa in running said revolution.
Despite Lucien’s protests, Elain insisted she drive.  Mostly for that semblance of control that she felt was slipping away from her.  She was far too nervous that she needed to be for the night.  Which was ridiculous considering this would turn out to be the most boring night imaginable.  No matter what Nesta insisted.
“Isn’t this the car you had back in school?” Lucien asked as Elain pulled out onto the highway.  “How is it still running?”
True, Elain’s small two-door car had quite a few years on her and the air conditioning didn’t work, but it was a good car.  She said as much.
“She’s reliable and all of her issues are easily fixed,” Elain said. She paused. “Well, that’s mostly because the stereo is really good and the speakers drown out any annoying sound.”
“Right, so what you’re telling me is that I could possibly die tonight?”
“You’re the one who insisted on helping me out,” Elain replied.  She smiled then, allowing the small levity of the moment to potentially ease her nerves.  When she glanced at Lucien, she found him watching her, a look of amusement in his eyes.
She turned back to the road and tried to ignore the way her heart fluttered at just having him here.  It was stupid really.  Just a response to being grateful he’d volunteered to this hairbrained idea.
“So,” Lucien began after a few minutes of silence, “how long have we been dating?”
“Is this really necessary?” she asked, the flutters picking up pace at his words.
“We’ve got to have a background Elain,” Lucien insisted, “can’t have anyone poking holes in this plot.  What would your sister say?”
Elain paused only a beat. “That I could have tried harder.”
“Exactly, now.  How long have we been dating?” he asked.
Elain wondered if she should be concerned by his enthusiasm about this. “Just a few months. Nothing elaborate.” 
“A few months and already willing to send me to the throes of your family?  You must really like me then.”
Elain glared while Lucien laughed.  It continued from there with them establishing details of how best they could pull this off.  Mostly, they leaned on their college days to fill in any details of how they met and things like that.  There wouldn’t be much lying involved since they’d shared so many classes right up until the division into their specific degrees. But Elain couldn’t help but laugh as he insisted it would work out fine.
“Please, Lucien,” she said as she pulled into the event center, where there was a line waiting for the valet. “You hated me back then, how’s anyone going to believe this?” 
“You think I hated you?” Lucien asked, genuine concern flashing in his eyes.
Elain’s lips parted, though she didn’t know how to reply.  She started to speak when a soft knock on her window indicated the valet was ready for them.
Glad for the interruption, she scrambled out of the car.  The young man dressed in a starched red vest was kind enough to help her out of the dinky little car.  And he didn’t even give her a side-eyed glance at the pathetic nature of her car.  That was nice.
She was still smoothing out her dress when Lucien came around the car and offered up his arm for her.
“Thanks,” she murmured, accepting the offer.  If she were being honest, she needed the support of someone beside her for this.  It had been a while since she’d come out to an event like this.  Ever since her messy break-up with Grayson, she just hadn’t been up to going out.  
And she loved parties.  Truly, before Grayson, this would have been the highlight of her night, her week.  But after everything the man had put her through, Elain felt more than a bit of unease run through her.  Insecurities she’s felt throughout her relationship resurfaced.  She needed this night to prove to herself, and Nesta, that she was fine.  She was more than fine.  She was back to her usual self.  She was moving on.  She was—
“Elain,” Lucien said from beside her, his finger squeezing her arm just enough to be reassuring, “I can hear you overthinking this.”
She made a non-committal noise and let Lucien lead them up to the entrance doors behind another couple.
“It’s fine,” she assured him. “Really it is, all Nesta needs is to see me, then we can go find the caterer and beg for free food while hiding in the kitchen.”
“We can do that?” he asked, sounding intrigued by the idea. “I thought you’d jump at the opportunity to be at an event like this.”
“Usually I would,” Elain admitted, she shrugged delicately.  “I just can’t help but think something will go wrong with the night.  Or the dress.  Nesta wanted me to get it professionally altered but I didn’t have time, or money.  But Nesta likes being in control of things like this, I guess.”  She paused.  “I have cash stuffed in my bra; I am not beneath offering bribes.  We could be out of here in five minutes if we wanted.”
“Elain,” Lucien said softly as a woman offered to take their coats, “you’re freaking out.”
“If I were freaking out, you’d know it,” Elain replied. “I am merely over explaining everything to give me less time to worry about everything else.”
They entered the main hall of the center that had been completely transformed from the last time Elain had been here for a coffee expo for work.  Instead of standard tables and plain rugs, there was open space intermixed with tall glass tables and softly glowing lights.  It actually looked like an important event and some hoax.   
“Here she comes,” Elain said, spotting her sister immediately.  
Nesta strode toward them with purposeful steps.  The dress clung to her curves from the chest to her waist before billowing out around her hips.  The dark blue fabric was inlaid with beads that caught in the light, offering a little softness to the otherwise intimidating dress.  Though, there was no one else who could have pulled it off then Nesta.  She’d twisted her hair into a coronet of braids with beaded pins to match the dress. 
Elain couldn’t help but fidget with her dress.  Nesta had always been strikingly beautiful not only with her looks, but she was tall and well portioned in all the right places she should have been.  Elain had never felt the same about herself.  Oh, she’d been called lovely and pretty on many occasions, but here and now she felt like nothing in comparison to her sister.
A hand rested at the small of her back and Lucien leaned in to her side. “You look beautiful, Elain.  And if your sister doesn’t think so, she’s insane.”
The simple words caused heat to rise in Elain’s cheeks and she found herself staring into Lucien’s eyes.  Bright, russet eyes that had flecks of gold spinning amid the darker shades.  The certainty with which he spoke surprised her more than anything.
“Elain!” Nesta called out in a cheery voice that belied how stressed out she actually was.  Nesta was never cheerful.  Elain could swear she could see the whites of her sister’s eyes even from ten feet away. “There you are.”
“Nesta,” Elain greeted as her sister approached. 
Nesta pulled Elain into a tight hug, shocking considering how touch averse the eldest Archeron could be.  Elain accepted it for the good will gesture it was.
When she pulled back, Nesta smiled softly.  “You do look lovely.  The dress turned out perfect.”
“Thank-you,” Elain murmured.
Nesta gave her arm another squeeze before turning to look Lucien over.  She nodded once tightly.  “Well.  I’m glad you’re both here.  It’s going to be a good night.  Thomas’ boss is over there with the red tie, don’t look!  Red tie, silver hair.  Do not talk to him unless you promise to behave.”
“I’m twenty-five, Nesta,” Elain said, “I know how to behave in social situations.”
Nesta fixed her with a signature unamused glare just as Lucien spoke up.
“Does that mean no magic tricks?” He leaned in into Elain. “I practiced and everything.”
“Absolutely not.” Nesta gaped at him.
Elain barely managed to hold back her grin. “Oh, but he’s actually really good, Nesta. Doesn’t even need an assistant or anything.”
That got a warning finger waggled in both of their faces.
“Absolutely no shenanigans,” she said, “do I made myself clear?”
A spare glance at Lucien told Elain he was trying, and failing to appear chastened.
“We’ll go occupy ourselves,” Elain said, “don’t worry so much.”
That was probably the last thing Nesta wanted to hear.  But Elain only smiled brightly and grabbed Lucien’s hand, pulling him with her.
“We’ll be over here!”
“Not doing magic.”
Elain smacked Lucien on the chest.  He didn’t even bother to hide his laugh.
“Behave!” Nesta hissed.  She spun on her heel to return to Thomas’ side where he was regaling his boss with what must have been a truly miserable story about the lint stuck to his tie.
“C’mon,” Elain said, one hand still gripping Lucien’s. “I think there’s an open bar.”
Together, they slipped through the throngs of people that continued to arrive.  Elain recognized a few from various parties she’d been forced to attend on other occasions.  How she’d gained such notoriety for herself was a bit concerning.  Both for her sake and Nesta’s, seeing as how Nesta would insist on determining a contingency plan to explain Elain’s antics to whoever may listen.
 The plan would have to explain away Lucien now too as Elain was forced to introduce her boyfriend over and over.  
After nearly fifteen minutes of socializing with people Elain barely even knew--they managed to break free to the tables standing at the ready for a casual setting of drinks and hor-d'oeuvres brought around by waitstaff in black and white uniforms.
“Why don’t you get a table,” Lucien suggested, “I’ll get us some drinks.”
“Sure,” Elain agreed.
She watched him as he disappeared into the small crowd near the bar.  It was strange being here with him.  Having him as her date and acting like this was the most normal thing to occur.  She didn’t really understand why he’d agreed to this plan—helping her.  Well, if only to swindle another date out of her.  But this certainly was an elaborate way to get what he wanted.
She managed to find a few open chairs at a back table, not that she minded.  To have a little bit of isolation away from the awkward small talk of Thomas’ company was preferable.
Though, just as she moved to go claim the seats, a hand grabbed her elbow.  Elain spun around to come face to face with the one person she’d been hoping to avoid.
“Grayson,” Elain said, trying her best not to appear utterly taken aback by his appearance.  She’d known he was going to be here.  Had planned for it really, she’d just hoped he wouldn’t have actually tried to talk to her.
They’d dated for a year, the relationship ending only a few months ago now.  Nesta had introduced them at an event just like this.  Grayson worked in just one department over from Thomas.  It was the perfect situation, Nesta had insisted, and Grayson had always been a respectable prospect.  
But everything promptly fell apart when Elain had suggested going back to get her master’s and maybe even doctorate.  The news hadn’t settled well with Grayson who only wanted a perfect nuclear family and a perfect wife to be waiting for him at home.
She drew away from him even as he tried stepping in closer.
“Elain, it’s good to see you.” Grayson had a standard profile, nothing truly remarkable in his looks, though he did have a good nose.  His brown hair was neatly styled back, cut in a perfect standard haircut. “I didn’t think you would be here.”
“I’m supporting my sister and her fiance,” Elain said.  
She’d spent the better part of the last few months not necessarily getting over him—rather the way he made her feel.  She hadn’t been happy with the thought of simply coming home and doing nothing with her life.  While she wanted a family and wanted kids, she knew there was more she wanted to do with her life first.  Grayson had tried to make her regret all those things.  He’d stifled her, guilted her, done all the things that made her question who she really was.
There had been enough time wasted over him that she wasn’t interested in wasting even more.
She tried slipping past him. “I should go, I have—”
Grayson was too quick for her.  He stepped in front of her again, hand already reaching for her.
“We should talk, get caught up,” he insisted.
Elain could only stare.  He’d been so insistent about a clean break that he hadn’t even bothered to return any of the things she’d left at his apartment.  Only to pop up in her DMs a few months later to “check-up.”  She didn’t need this.  Or want this.
“No,” she said.  “You don’t actually want that, Gray.  And I certainly don’t.”
The grip on her arm tightened as a dark look flashed in his pale eyes.  He’d never liked being told no.  Some would say that was what made him good at his job.  Elain would say that was the real reason why she was happy with their break-up.
“Everything alright, Elain?”
Never had that voice sent so much relief spiraling through her.  Behind Grayson, Lucien had returned, drinks in hand.  But he wasn’t looking at Elain.  His attention rested solely on Grayson who slowly turned to assess the new arrival.
To Grayson’s credit, he didn’t balk at the sight of Lucien.  Even though Lucien was several inches taller with a stronger build.  Grayson had always been on the leaner side.  But with the dark look in his eyes and the way he stood, nearly towering over the bother of them—Lucien was not someone to be easily ignored.
“She’s fine,” Grayson answered before Elain had the chance.
Lucien quirked a single eyebrow and finally looked at Elain.  He still had that hard look in his eyes, but Elain knew that razor thin line between anger and control had nothing to do with her.
“Is everything alright, Elain?” he asked again.
“Fine,” Elain replied, rather proud that she was able to keep her voice even. “I was just telling Grayson that you were waiting for me.”
This time as Elain pulled away, Grayson let her go.  She was able to skirt around him and to Lucien without any fanfare.  As it was, they’d drawn a few eyes of other attendees.
“Elain,” Grayson began.  But Elain had no desire to hear what else he had to say.
“My boyfriend and I were leaving,” she said promptly.
Then with a bit more force than she intended, she managed to drag Lucien away from the growing scene.  It was a shame, she really wanted to dance at least a little bit.
She didn’t stop until they were through a small side door that led out into an empty hallway.  It was blissfully quiet and several degrees cooler than in the event room.  
“That,’ she said, “was just what I wanted to avoid.”
Lucien said nothing, only handing her a glass of champagne.  Elain accepted it gratefully.  While she’d never much cared for the taste, she needed something that would maybe settle her nerves.  Because everything inside of her was feeling spun on its head.
After she drowned the first glass, Lucien held out the second which she took too.
“Are you sure you're alright?” he asked again.  He didn’t try to reach out to her or comfort her in any other way.  Which Elain was grateful for.  The adrenaline still snapping through her would likely have made her do something stupid.
“Yeah,” she said.  She took another sip of champagne before shaking her head. “He’s just an ass and I should have done a better job at avoiding him.”
“Ex?” he confirmed.
“I didn’t even like him that much,” Elain admitted.  
She took a step down the blackened hallway that had only one emergency light burning in the distance.  A sheer glass wall looked out into a small garden walkway between two different parts of the center.  Most of the foliage was beginning to bloom with bright green leaves dancing in a small breeze that rustled outside.
Elain turned back to Lucien and smiled softly. “Sorry.  I promised an easy night out, not stacked with drama.  Thank-you though, for showing up when you did.”
“What are fake boyfriends for?” Lucien joked, returning her smile. “Did you know he’d be here?”
“I figured,” Elain said, “Nesta had Thomas introduce us.  And It was fine for a while…until it wasn’t.  I think she was going to try and set me up with him again tonight, just so I wouldn’t show up alone.”
Elain smiled softly.  She didn’t blame her sister, not really.  She hadn’t told anyone except Vassa the real reason behind her and Gray’s break-up.  She just didn’t think Nesta would understand.  Her sister had always had so much control over her own life that Elain felt if she admitted to her own insecurities…it would almost be a failure in and of itself.
“And I didn’t want that,” Elain said.  She set the second champagne glass down on a side table that had been left out in the hall. And then because it seemed like the best thing to do, she apologized again. “I’m sorry.”
“Elain,” Lucien said, stepping towards her. “You have nothing to apologize for.  Hell, you got roped into this whole night against your will.”
“Sometimes it’s just easier to go along with Nesta,” Elain said with a wane smile.  “I know she just wants this to be a good night for Thomas and she’s doing her best but…”
Lucien didn’t let her finish her sentence.  He took her hand in one of his large ones, immediately engulfing her in warmth.
He began pulling her down the hall, away from the party.
“What?  Where are we going?” Elain asked.
Lucien only flashed a mischievous smile, the overhead lights catching in the deep umber of his eyes.  He led them to an emergency exit that took them outside to the cool night air.  After the stress of running into Grayson, the fresh air felt wonderful to Elain.  Even if the overhead clouds threatened rain, she loved the feeling of being outside.
After a few yards they reached the valet stand once again.  The same workers as before eyed them with a mix of amusement and wariness.
“We’ll need our car back,” Lucien informed them, passing a tip over as he spoke.  He then turned to Elain. “Wait here, I’ll get your coat.  I’d rather not have Vassa plot my murder.”
He shucked off his own jacket in the meantime and draped it over her shoulders before dashing off back to the event center.  Elain could only stare after him.  Was he seriously suggesting they leave early?  Elain could already picture the face Nesta would be making once she realized they were gone.  And the texts she’d receive.
But she knew even if she’d tried to object to Lucien, he would ignore her and insist playing a little hooky never hurt anyone.  It wasn’t long at all when he returned with her coat.
“What are we doing?” Elain asked as they swapped coats back. 
“There’s an ice cream place just down the street,” Lucien said, “best pecan praline in the city.  None of the food in there was interesting anyways, no bacon and no shrimp.  I checked.”
Elain’s sad little car puttered into view, coming to a stop just before them.  The valet got out, holding the door open.
“Ah-ah,” Lucien said, blocking Elain before she could get in. “You had two glasses of champagne.”
“One and a half,” she argued.
“Close enough.” He had the gall to wink at her before escorting her around to the passenger side. “Relax, Elain.”
She scowled at him, but ultimately knew he was right.  She shouldn’t be driving even if she thought she was fine.  Instead, she glared at him the entire time that he got into the driver’s seat and made a big show of adjusting just about everything he could think of.
“Damn, Elain, you’re short.”
“Vassa’s not the only one who can plot a murder you know,” she grumbled.
Not at all concerned by the mild threat, Lucien drove them the short distance to the small ice cream shop he’d mentioned.  Two oversized cups later they were back sitting in the parking lot with the car heater running while they watched the traffic in the distance.
“Nesta’s going to kill me,” Elain mused as she tasted her helping of pecan praline.  Which admittedly was the best she’d ever had.
“Just tell her it’s part of my famous magic act,” Lucien said, “the Now you see me, Now you don’t addition.”
Elain snorted. “Hm, I do always love a good disappearing act.”
“See?  Magic’s not all bad.”
Elain shook her head, trying not to give him the satisfaction of a laugh.  He must have sensed her straining efforts because he nudged her with his elbow.
“It’s alright admitting you were wrong, natural even.” He took a spoonful of his own ice cream--rocky road���and nodded to her. “Though, perfectionist that you are, I know how hard that is for you.”
“I’m not a perfectionist!” 
“Several hours’ worth of arguing in study rooms suggest otherwise.”
“Saying you’re going to wing it on an assignment worth thirty percent or our grade is irresponsible and ridiculous,” she told him.  A few of their shared assignments had been rather difficult to get through considering both of their different study approaches.  
“I still scored as well as you did,” he reminded her.
Rolling her eyes, Elain ate more ice cream. “But you never hated me?”
The words from earlier still lingered in the back of her mind and with everything else that had happened that night, she hadn’t really been able to puzzle them out.
“No,” Lucien said, “you were never someone I could hate.”
Elain watched him for a moment, considering her words.  She’d never really imagined herself here, eating ice cream while dressed in formal wear with someone she’d once rivaled with.  Someone she hadn’t seen completely.
“I know nothing about basketball,” she informed him, “so that game you’re planning on taking me to could turn into a disaster.  You’ll have to keep me well stocked with garlic fries and lemonade.”
“Whatever you say, Elain.”
Thanks for reading y’all I hope you enjoyed it!  I have the vaguest of vague ideas for a nessian spin off, but who knows… anyways, love y’all and Merry Christmas <3
Tumblr is still throwing fits about my tag lists and I can’t do an extended tag list of people.  So, if you’d reblog I would really appreciate it! 
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emmafreakecreations · 4 months
My utter disappointment with Nessain
So this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile and before CC3 came out so while this is more of me venting my frustration of how they could have worked based on acomaf and acowar but now I never want these two together based what I have seen from people saying what happened in CC3. (And I am fully on the Eris ship) I will say this now, I probably will never read CC series I don't think I have the patience to sit through a 800 page book with a writing style that's not my cup of tea (or the time if I'm being honest) but I have been watching cari can read's videos on these books just so I know things just in case stuff from this series is brought up in acotar now the CC and acotar are connected.
These two just made sense in my head:
Lady Death 🤝 Lord of Bloodshed
A diplomat and a general
A woman who can be prickly on the outside, but a caring, loving person on the inside- a man who is a loving himbo on the outside but a calculating thorough strategist on the inside.
both of them have lots of self-loathing because ✨trauma✨
and yes they got off to a bad start but like there's so many book couples out there that didn't have good first impressions so I waved that away
And I thought Cassian failing to keep his promise to protect Nesta and Elain would be something for Cassian to struggle with
That Cassian's loyalties to the IC and his weird relationship with Mor would be an obstacle for him in his journey to be with Nesta. Nesta and Cassian would get in a big fight about it. Nesta basically saying that "I am your mate why are you not putting me first!" Cassian would learn to get past his weird relationship with Mor.
Both of them learn self-love; Nesta from making friends that are not the IC (gwyn and emerie). Cassian maybe from his mother who is not dead (idk remember if and when his being dead was established). And then they are ready to accept love from each other because they learned to love themselves first.
Cassian had inner monologs noticing how traumatized Nesta was and sympathized with her because he went through the same thing.
They have some of the greatest lines in this whole series:
"I have no regrets in my life, but this. That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta. I will find you again in the next world – the next life. And we will have that time. I promise."
the one about him trying to protect her in ACOMAF that for the life me I can't find for some reason
those lines-wasted
One of the few scenes I thought was well written in acosf was when Nesta and Cassian visited the cabin and Nesta talks about her feelings and past and Cassian just listens.
I also thought the solstice scene where he gives her the magical mp3 player was a good scene
But every other scene in this book is shit and not good relationship development
and then to make things worse I read wings and embers after acosf and it made me mad!
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svartalfhild · 1 year
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag
Tagged by @late-nite-scholar to complete this "get to know the author" tag game. Thank you~!
Tagging: @wayfaring-rune, @celamity, @boxingcleverrr, @mxphanes
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
Just one? Well shit, that's tough. I have so many ideas percolating in my noodle, both in terms of writing and art.
Let's see...aside from my current ongoing march of ESO fic which is very likely to continue through the rest of the year, I do have a cyberpunk novel I've been wanting to continue working on. It's currently titled Ars Voltaica, and it's set in Detroit about a hundred years from now. It's about a young woman fresh out of college who gets into a corporate sponsored debt relief program in which she has to sign a contract to work in the data entry department of said corporation for five years and also live entirely on their campus. While she's there, she becomes privy to some information she shouldn't know and oops! suddenly she has to flee for her life. And that's just the beginning! There's a lot of stuff to do with androids in there. One of the central characters, the personal assistant of the corporate boss, is an android, and he's got wild shit going on with him. A lot of my motivation for this story comes out of me being mightily salty about how bad Detroit: Become Human is lol.
Anyway! In terms of art, the main thing on the docket is doing the final player character portrait for my DnD group. He's a Fallen Aasimar Conquest Paladin who's getting his holy power from Bane but doesn't realize it yet. He's played by my friend Jim.
2) Rec a book!
Aw shit I'm not the reader I used to be, and unfortunately I've disliked more of the books I've read lately than I've liked. I can always go back to reccing the Starlight & Shadows trilogy by Elaine Cunningham for the DnD novel inclined who want to read about a drow other than Drizzt or Jarlaxle who is also a lady. The story actually explains why drow magic works on the surface when it didn't used to. Also a good series if you're a fan of fancy wizard/scruffy barbarian romances.
3) Rec a fic! (outside your character tag)
Once again, I'm not the reader I used to be, but every now and again, when I'm thinking about my love for Perc'ahlia from Campaign 1 of Critical Role, I remember AFK: a critrole MMO AU and how fucking good it was, both in concept and execution. The premise is that the characters are living in the modern world and all know each other through playing an MMO together.
4) Rec music!
Kill the Alarm's album Fire Away is nothing but bangers (especially the title song) and tastes of distilled 2008 to me. Been listening to those songs for a looooong time.
Eva Under Fire's cover of Separate Ways fucking slaps and it's been in heavy rotation lately.
5) Share one piece of advice!
Let me share a writing secret from your friendly neighbourhood linguist: in fiction, grammar is your bitch, and anyone who tells you different is trying to sell something. Obviously it's good to know grammar rules, and a certain amount of obeying those rules is necessary for coherent and clear communication, but everything after that is fair game. You can have your characters speak in run-on sentences, because people do that all the time in real life, and it doesn't even always sound awkward. You. Can. Put. Periods. In. Improper. Places. You know why? Because bending and breaking the rules can convey something that following the rules can't. Think of the way people convey tone and cadence in their posts online or in texts. You can totally do some of those tricks in your writing to get the vibe you want, especially in dialogue.
Related: "don't split your infinitives" and "never end a sentence with a preposition" are fake rules literally made up by some asshole scholars during the Renaissance because they thought English needed to be more like Latin. Don't pay any mind to that shit. You can quote me on that.
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mediocrebiscuit · 2 years
Crack theory//crack theory born of anti argument//ramble//rant//musings
Theres this one anti argument, that frequently makes the rounds. The one where people claim that Azriel only views Elain as “a sex toy” or more politely “he desires her bc she’s canonically one of the most beautiful” (bc he didn’t fall to his knees and profess his undying love to a super pissed/stressed Rhys.) Now, there are heaps of thoughtful debunks for this argument, and as I am obviously pro elriel, I agree with them. They make the most sense to me. However, I can’t fault (the more polite antis) for raising the query of “well why didn’t he take that opportunity to say..something?? Nice or affirming..” and..yeah, I think that’s a pretty valid question, tbh. Whilst I do agree with my fellow pros, that the BC isn’t the place for any such declaration(s), as it is simply that — a bonus chapter (and one that only one book store, in one country, in one language had access to 🤨) again, I can’t fault the query. It’s valid. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Now for some blasphemy. I think SJM in regards to ACOTAR, and more relevantly SF was lazy. I don’t think SF was approached with care or adequate research. Frankly, I think it was a damn mess. In particular the bonus chapter, I’d like to think that it was perhaps intentional..but it was also attached to SF, so I dunno 😅😅
So, ah, anyway when I was first reading the books. Specifically ACOWAR, I and many other readers clocked the potential for a swan lake retelling in future books. There are quite a few thoroughly explored theories with many sound arguments made! I won’t pretend to be on that level, bc I simply am not..but!
I’d like to humbly raise - The Swan Princess, 1994. We know Maas loves Disney, we know she watches cartoons, and then plots and thinks and starts series from them. I think it could also potentially play into the afore mentioned anti elriel argument. Bc whilst I personally don’t think Az professing his love is something that needed to be there, to ya know, build tension and plot for the next book and stuff.. that anti argument makes me think of something that could ultimately be pro elriel and incorporate the themes of Swan lake (specifically a cartoon movie from the 90s😂)
The Swan Princess incorporates: miscommunication, “forbidden” romance, transfiguration, magic, evil sorcerer, shape shifting, “wrong girl”, tragedy, the power of friendship and love, HEA.. 👀👀
As a side note! The movie is great. It’s filled with banger lines and songs. I’d recommend it 😂🤪Maybe I’ll make a few gif centred posts. Maybe I won’t, we’ll see 🧐😂
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lidiacervos · 3 years
I honestly thought it was just me who was annoyed by how the acotar fandom as a whole excludes us, it's annoying sometimes when we keep getting pushed aside especially because we've been here since day 1 also isn’t ironic how the same thing that's happening to us as a ship is happening to Elain and Lucien in the books but you know what when we finally get our happy ending and time to shine they all won't know what hit them and that includes the characters Elain and Lucien themselves, I can't wait for them to shock people, so just calm, our time will come, and when it comes, I guarantee you that I won't shut up for nothing the aggressiveness in me and the other eluciens ,that I know has been hiding will come out in full force to the point where people will be surprised that we were the same calm eluciens who were in the acotar fandom before and best believe we will come with a banger.
I totally understand that everyone is talking about e/riel and gwynriel right now because of acosf. I am also guilty of sometimes focusing more on gwynriel, even though elucien is my #1, just because we’ve learned so much about Gwyn and I think that book is next. It doesn’t feel fair to be excluded though when your ship is still one of the main 3 left that could be getting a book
I think you’re right and a lot of it has to do with the fact that Elain and Lucien have been put in a stasis and people interpret that as they won’t happen
I definitely feel a lot of readers who have already counted elucien out will end up loving their story and feel silly for some assumptions they’ve made
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the-resurrection-3d · 3 years
so what was ever good about acotar anyway?
For some reason, I’ve been very tempted to reread ACOTAR lately, and so I’m going to just make a quick list of what I remember specifically endearing the book to me back when I first read it in 2016 so we can compare notes later. This will, however, also include some retroactive criticisms now that we’re four years on from ACOWAR ruining everything forever. 
Twigger warnings for discussions of abuse, csa and neglect, as well as me using my complimentary R Slur Pass.
For some context: 
>Be 18yr me in 2016. 
>Be in your first semester at college. 
>Be so fed up with YA romance that you avoid books just for hinting at them in the summary. 
>Be also brainstorming a series with your roommate called The Cuckmaster Saga. 
This is probably going to sound embarrassing, but I’m being completely sincere when I say that part of why this book excited me was simply the novelty of finding a YA romance book that I liked. 
I’d fallen out hard with YA in general by this point in my life, partially because of a string of fairy tale “retellings” that clearly gave zero fucks about the source material beyond using the iconography in its marketing. Folklore had been my special interest for a while, and my excitement for the series and all its little extra niche references coincided with finally getting to study folklore in a true academic setting.
Which leads me to point one:
I love the idea of combining BatB and the Tam Lin ballad. I know some people have complained about this, but honestly, I enjoyed finding a retelling that mimicked the mix-and-match structuring of a lot of folktales. ACOTAR isn’t even the messiest or least coherent mash-up by a huge margin. Unfortunately, this aspect of the series severely lessened as it went along — remember when we all thought ACOWAR was going to be a Snow White retelling and then there was just one scene with poisoned apples? Lmao.
[If anyone wants an author who does YA mash-ups that are actually YA, I’d recommend Rosamund Hodge, whose books are always interesting in their sheer weirdness even when the story itself slightly falters. I mean, I wrote a whole 20-page thesis on her Red Riding Hood/Maiden Without Hands retelling and still didn’t cover everything I had thoughts on. (Tragically, however, I must inform you all that she is a Catholic Reylo. Rest in pepperoni.)]
It is fucking hilarious in retrospect that SJM clearly knows a bunch of different folktales and folkloric creatures but thinks it’s believable for shadowsinger powers to have no theorized origin “even [in] the rich lore of the warrior-people” (ACOFAS 65). Bro fuck outta here. 
But this leads into point two — Feyre and her family. It’s very obvious that SJM based Nesta and Elain’s dynamic with Feyre off the common folktale trope of having the youngest sibling be the only competent person in the room (and Katniss Everdeen). I thought it was honestly a lot of fun to see this trope done with some interiority; you can practically hear Feyre seethe about what useless hoes her sisters are between every line. I genuinely giggled through these parts on my initial readthrough. 
I’ve seen some people complain that Nesta and Elain’s behaviors aren’t realistic in this situation, but au contraire! Nesta and Elain’s actions in book one are (...almost) perfectly realistic. Without revealing too much, my grandmother grew up in poverty with a few older sisters, and yet my great-grandmother would make her do all the work and constantly force her to give up her possessions (like her car) to the older sisters whenever they wanted them. Even to this day, when they’re all in their 70s and 80s, one of these sisters still relies on my grandma to do basic shit like balancing her checkbooks. I’ve also observed similar dynamics play out plenty of times between an adult child and an overindulgent parent, with people literally ruining their lives and bodies all for the sake of sitting at home all day buying furry porn off the internet. 
Nesta and Elain are basically the psychology of this type of person split in two — Elain the soft, delicate, perpetually victimized front they put on for the world, and Nesta the ice-cold, bitter, and aggressive bitch they truly are. 
Honestly, the only thing I would change about this set-up is either keep Ma Archeron alive or give Papa Archeron more personality than a plank of damp wood. What’s truly missing here is a parental figure enforcing this fucked up dynamic — I don’t remember it being clear that Feyre’s always had this role, just that she took it on after her mom’s death. Making it clear that Feyre’s always been forced to be this way — alongside giving the mom more characterization — would have gone a long way towards making this dynamic feel more realized and less like the narrative using trauma and pity as a shortcut towards reader engagement. 
Then again, that would require SJM to have a female villain in this series who isn’t a rapist, and quotes I’ve seen floating around from ACOSF make it pretty clear SJM doesn’t know same-gender sexual abuse even exists. 
Point Three (or rather 2B): Feyre realizing she doesn’t have to hang around her family just because she feels obligated to love them was a fucking banger. I loved it so much; having a story, especially a YA story, that showed you aren’t obligated to love a family that treats you like shit was so special to me. Especially since I was also leaving my family for the first time, and going home to visit them every other weekend felt like being hit point-blank with a Psyduck blast. 
Thankfully, my relationship with my family has gotten a lot better, but I’m still really disappointed that Nesta and Elain were forced back into the story, rather than them reaching out to Feyre and making amends because they wanted to do better.  The closest we got to this was the revelation that Nesta almost made it to the Border by herself after Feyre was taken, which was definitely badass, but also unfortunately the only Nesta scene I’ve liked in this entire fucking series. If SJM was going to force Feyre to regress into being Nesta and Elain’s tardwrangler again, then she should have followed up on Amren’s line in ACOWAR that Feyre treats Nesta and Elain the way Tamlin treated her. 
“I asked them to help once—and look what happened. I won’t risk them again.”
Amren snorted. “You sound exactly like Tamlin.”
[. . .] and I said, “She’s right.”  (169-170). 
But I’m sure everyone who’s read ACOSF knows how well that’s going. 
Point Four: the femindhjdfhfdh I can’t even write that with a straight face. I mean let’s be real, I too enjoy seeing female characters I like become queens and all that other stuff, but it was clear to me even on my initial reading of ACOMAF that it was all shallow and designed to help delineate good guys from bad guys without much in the way of nuance. It certainly took me out of the experience a little, but at least it ties into the books’ themes of recovering from abuse and shacking up with a Certified Women Respecter. 
My actual point four: Truthfully I only bought this series for the meme of having the first shitty love interest getting cucked in the second book. ACOWAR gave me some complicated feelings on Tamlin, and I honestly think he should have just stopped appearing in the series after that — BUT, having him be dragged back in once per book just to call him a cuck and cockslap him around a little bit is fucking hilarious. Pointless! But hilarious.
I also think that this kind of arc is a great critique of the standard “happily ever after,” acknowledging that in real life, you’re much more likely to just pass from one abusive household to another because you don’t know what healthy love, communication, and boundaries are. (Arguably many folktales are the fantasies of women who are well aware of this reality but want to imagine a world that’s otherwise). I definitely have a lot of problems with SJM’s claims of “sex positivity,” but acknowledging that Feylin used sex as a means of avoiding communication was another great touch.
I wish that this whole King of Hybern shit was completely cut just to focus on these themes more; it’s very clear SJM only included it because fantasy series = BIG EPIC WORLD-ENDING STAKES!! I've read maybe ten pages of Throne of Glass, so I can't speak for how she handles epic fantasy there, but I know for me and a lot of other stans, the Hybern plot had licherally nothing to do with what we liked and connected to in these books. 
But I must soften here, because I totally empathize with feeling like big stakes are “necessary” for a fantasy story and that no one would want to read your books without them. YA fantasy is the reason why TV Tropes coined the term “romantic plot tumor,” after all. (Source: I’m making shit up.) 
What else… what else… uhhhhh. I think that might be it, at least for substantial things I don’t have to qualify too much. I of course have plenty of little things I used to like but have now been tainted because ACOWAR ruined everything forever and ACOFAS danced on the graves (such as how I liked Lucien but everyone in the books shits on him now to the point it’s stopped being funny). But this post is too long anyway.
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sensei-aishitemasu · 7 years
2017 Black-Owned Gift Guide!
It’s that time again! This Black Friday, try and support a Black-owned business for all your gift-giving needs. For last years gift guide, click here. For the 2015 gift guide, click here.
Similar to 2016, I kept every individual item listed under $100! Click on the links to be taken to the websites in order to peruse more yourselves. 
[And as always, this guide has been split into categories to make it easier to get through, but feel free to mix and match for the person in your life that fits all of (or none of!) these categories!]
Gift Guide 2017 Items
For the Homebody:
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Concept Forty-Seven ANNET WEELINK Placemat - Barbados (Set of 4), $30
Concept Forty-Seven Gray and Blue Woven Textile with Citrus Yellow Pillow, $28
Concept Forty-Seven Dauville Small Bowl - Gold, $20
Lettie Gooch JUNE'S - BOY SMELLS CANDLE, $29
Harlem Heirloom Grapefruit Candle, $32
The Jungalow 2X3 Kilim Orange & White Stripe Rug, $56
The Jungalow Botanicals On Blush Insulated Water Bottle, $45
The Jungalow Bohemian Vibes Art Print, $40
The Jungalow Berber Bowl, $32
The Jungalow Bedside Carafe with Cup, $30
The Jungalow Anika Bowls, $20
For the Foodie:
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Gullah Girl Tea in Mint Lemongrass, $7
Bounty & Full ‘The Truth’ Habanero Hot Sauce, $5
Bounty & Full Cranberry Mandarin Jam, $5.99
Essie Spice Essential Sauce Collection, $38
For the Beauty Guru:
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Harlem Soap in Spearmint & Orange, $6
Hunny Bunny Rose Clay Soap, $5
Hunny Bunny Rose Clay Facial Mask, $6
Hunny Bunny Rose Clay Lip Balm, $2
BeeLux Goods Bad Gal Bamboo Banger Bubble Bath, $14
Beelux Goods Lust Highlighter, $10
BeeLux Goods Mojito Shampoo Detox Bar, $10
BeeLux Goods Juicy Fruit Bath Bomb, $10
Natty Naturals Oral Mouth Rinse, $15
Natty Naturals Herbal Tooth Powder, $15
Plain Jane Beauty Sheer Translucent Powder, $26
Plain Jane Coconut Water Setting Mist, $25
Plain Jane Time To Prime Makeup Primer, $22
Plain Jane Micellar Water Eye Makeup Remover, $14
Elo Perfect Sugar Scrub for Lips, $17
Elo Watermelon Coconut Lip Balm, $13
Eden BodyWorks Peppermint Tea Tree Shampoo, $8.99
Eden BodyWorks Peppermint Tea Tree Conditioner, $8.99
Eden BodyWorks Peppermint Tea Tree Hair Oil, $8.99
Brown Butter Beauty Pumpkin Seed Hair & Body Oil, $16
Brown Butter Beauty Herbal Rich Hair Oil, $10
Foxie Cosmetics Caffeine + Vitamin C Eye Cream, $48
Foxie Cosmetics Moroccan Argan Serum, $25
Foxie Cosmetics Coconut + Vanilla Bath Soak, $20
Foxie Cosmetics Everything Zen Face Mist, $16
Foxie Cosmetics Konjac Facial Puff Sponge, $13.50
vee + co apothecary ‘wanderlust’ aromatherapy roller, $20
For the Fashionable:
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Chris Cardi Roxy Unisex Carry-All Clutch (Camo), $45.03
Adorned By Chi ‘Alien From Outerspace’ Crop Top, $31
Adorned By Chi ‘Alien From Outerspace’ Hat, $30
Philadelphia Printworks James Baldwin Tote, $25
Orchids & Spice Berry 2-Pocket Pinafore, $40
Orchids & Spice Hayden Blush Fluffy Jacket, $55
Orchids & Spice Kemi Bralette, $29.50 
Orchids & Spice Isabel Drawstring Crossbody Taupe, $48
Tree Fairfax Cognac Half Moon Leather Waistbag, $86.25
Tree Fairfax Honey Half Moon Leather Hip Bag, $86.25
Joe Freshgoods ‘Don’t Be Mad In NY’ Tee, $30
PeaceImages Tawa Necklaces, $26
PeaceImages Camay Necklace, $37
PeaceImages Sterling Silver Knuckle Ring, $22
Deami Footwear ‘The Chisholm,’ $79
For the Bookworm:
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The Jungalow Abstract Face Bookends, $95
The Jungalow Botanical Notebook Trio, $25
‘Nought & Crosses’ by Malorie Blackman, $16.76
‘The Tipping Point’ by Malcolm Gladwell, $9.24
‘Jackie Ormes: The First African American Woman Cartoonist’ by Nancy Goldstein, $36.49
‘The Ebony Cookbook: Date With A Dish’ by Freda DeKnight, $32.99
‘Iola Leroy’ by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, $12.43
‘A Taste of Power’ by Elaine Brown, $14.36
‘Child of the Dark’ by Carolina Maria de Jesus, $7.69
And of course, my own book!
For the Kids:
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Yummy Spoonfuls Chicken Broccoli Bites, pricing available in stores
Coolie Classic Knapsack in Green, $50
AFRO-BETS Book of Black Heroes From A-Z, $11.18
Beija Flor Naturals Cocoa Mango Buttercream, $18
Mielle Organics Children’s Hair & Health Vitamins, $9.99
Honey Child & Co ‘The Fun Tee,’ $10
Swimma Swimming Caps for Big Hair, $15.38
For Men:
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Solo Noir All Natural Starter Kit, $34.99
A Life Well Dressed Gray Pocket Square, $20
Talley & Twine Red Canvas Chronograph Watch, $99
Chris Cardi H. St. Clubhouse Cap in Cranberry, $39.03
Chris Cardi LS No Crew Tee, $49.03
Chris Cardi H. St. Sweat Shorts, $65.03
Sole Rebels ‘The Surge TopUP’ in Blue, $95
BeeLux Beard Oil, $20
BeeLux True Grit Shower Gel, $16
Scotch Porter ‘Fresh Meat’ Masculine Wipes, $5
For The Technologically Savvy:
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Khristian A. Howell FCL Chic Black Phone Case, $39.99
Khristian A. Howell Deuces Phone Case, $39.99
Adorned By Chi ‘I Hate Everything’ iPhone Case, $25.95
Joe Freshgoods ‘Happy Life’ Phone Case, $15
The Colour Polka Dot iPhone Case, $32.54
Dual Citizen iPad Case, $35
Puku Portable Charger, $49
Puku G8 Headphones, $25
For Cards, Invitations, and Gift Wrap:
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‘Happy Holidays’ Card by Debra Cartwright, $8.95
‘Happy Holidays Babe’ Card by Debra Cartwright, $8.95
‘Make A Wish’ Card by Justina Blakeney
Khristian A. Howell Rosy Holiday Card Set, $20
Khristian A. Howell ‘Rosy’ Holiday Gift Wrap Sheets, $8.50
Khristian A. Howell Buffalo Plaid Gift Wrap Sheets in Evergreen, $8.50
Khristian A. Howell Blush Color Capsule Wrapping Sheets, $8.50
I Paint In Heels Holiday Card 2017 ‘Lovely Ladies,’ $25
I Paint In Heels Assorted Pack of Holiday Cards, $32
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