#the 4th Dead Trove
nyxreads · 11 months
So what do you think the next book will be about? We know it will be about Elain, but how do you see it going? What will be the main storylines? I am curious about what everyone is thinking.
Hello anon, sorry this kinda took me long to answer and honestly I am lazy and can't explain articulately what's in my mind but I'm gonna link you to some theories/analysis (based on canon) that I truly loved and agreed on about Elain and her upcoming book:
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imsointobooks · 2 years
Theories I love (Part 1):
Being shadow mommy. Coming into her role of priestess and co-leading the valkyries. Late night training sessions with Az and flirting with him and making him blush. Kissing him first. Being besties/ siblings with Rhys. Being close friends with Cass, Lucien and Feyre and of course her girl gang/ soul sisters Nesta and Emerie. Getting to know more about her Autumn Court heritage. Going out into Velaris to explore on her own. Visiting her sister's grave for closure and meeting some of the kids she saved that day. Helping with her immense knowledge and research in finding the 4th Dead Trove and being Az's spy buddy. Getting to explore her nymph heritage. I think Merril is sus but even if she isn't standing up to her. Honestly a maternal, fond relationship with her and Clotho. Nerding it out with Rhys. Getting to know about the mating bond first. Nyx loving her. Awesome kinky bookish idea sex scenes with Az and shadow play and bondage with ribbons. Casual cuddles between her and Az.
Finding his self - worth and self - love. Bat bois bond and fun. Kinky bedroom scenes. Getting touched when he realises others love for him and acceptance of him (because it is there). Getting exasperated with his shadows for being obsessed with Gwyn. Closure with Mor. Babysitting Nyx moments. Him singing. Him crying once in front of people and letting out his emotions. Being the sweetiest and hottest in bed with Gwyn. Late night sparring sessions. Jealousy from Balthazar over Gwyn. Being a protective ass and getting his ass handed to him for trying to be a white knight. Accepting his illyrian heritage and doing his best to make it better. Spy missions for the dead trove. Late night research sessions and stargazing with Gwyn. Beinga mused by her and in awe of how she slays in her Court of Nightmares look. Honestly some funny thoughts about Amren in his head. Being more open with the IC. Craving touch from bis favourite Valkyrie. Shirtless scene. Truthteller scene. Dad style trying to scold his shadows for sneaking of to Gwyn and then Gwyn scolds him for being rude to the adorable minions. A strategy point where he comes up with a really smart solution to a problem. A separate moment with all of the IC members. Becoming friends with Lucien and apologising to him.
Being besties and nerding it out with Gwyn. Azzie and Rhysie moments. Proud and loving dad moments. Competing with Feyre for their child's first word. Providing the chafing with a smirk when Gwynriel's bond clicks. Amren and Rhys friendship. Nesta and Rhys friendship and random gift giving. Teasing Az about Gwyn.
Tough but loving mom moments. Girls night out with her, Gwyn and Nesta. Observing how good Az and Gwyn are together. Her and Nesta being sisters. Her and Mor friendship and helping her out with Emerie. Lucien and her being besties again pleaseeee.
Going to the day court and becoming a courtier. Observing how people behave and using her natural charm to be a diplomat and come into her own. Going to the spring court and seeing it bloom. Possibly becoming its consort with Lucien (because i don't find her much of a High Lady material) and helping others out in it and gardening. Maintaing her friendship and having a closer bond with Nuala and Cerridwen (idk if i spelled that right). Being distant but amicable with her sisters because honestly she's a self-centered sister and idk want their to be some rlly close bond with her and Nesta and Feyre as a resolution. As a person Elain can be cool but family wise she's a Taryn. Not being coddled by the NC and going out to explore likes she wanted to with Lucien. Being friends with the BoE but initially they don't like her she has to earn their friendship and protection. Donning Day Court fashion. Rejecting the mating bond but being with Lucien. Getting jealous of Lucien with someone else. Being a goddamn courtier and helping out and being seen as something more than a pretty face and using her charm and observance. Helping defeat Koschei.
Becoming High Lord of the Spring Court (hell no is Helion dying idc). Getting an apology/ redemption arc from Tamlin for his abuse. Becoming besties with Feyre again. BoE friendship and sass and die for each other style moments. Being a courtier and ambassador. BEING HAPPY AND LOVED. Realising he will not be used by others abd will fight for himself and put himself first. I love his approach towards Elain in every aspect nothing change. I don't want a head over heels love thing more the finding her worthy that is there rn. Closure regarding Jesminda. Dad Helion and baby Lucien moments. Mommy LA and Eris bro moments too. Figuring out his day court powers. Gagging over his dad and mom being lovey-dovey. Being the sassy sarcastic awesome we know he is. Reviving the Spring Court. Helping defeat Koschei. Hanging out with his brother in laws.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Speaking of retellings--I’ve been thinking about Orpheus and Eurydice and what if that is the retelling for Elriel?
There is also a direct connection between Hades and Persephone, when it comes to the story of O&E.
Orpheus decided to descend to Hades by music to see his dead wife. Any other mortal would have died, but Orpheus, being protected by the gods, went to Hades and arrived at the Stygian realm, passing by ghosts and souls of people unknown. He also managed to attract Cerberus, the three-headed dog, with a liking for his music. He presented himself in front of the god of the Greek underworld, Hades and his wife, Persephone.
But what if the story is flipped? And it’s Elain who has to descend to Hel to seek out Azriel, who might be dead or alive or somewhere in between?
I think we have the whole setup for this story already:
They are searching for Hel. Azriel is the first to find Bryce, who is looking for the Prince of Hel, and it’s quite possible that he would be the one to take her there. 
What if he dies? Or is lost? And Elain vows and says ‘I am getting him back’ and descends into Hel herself?
There are so many themes there that are all interconnected--between Azriel’s shadows, him being called ‘Death’, Bryce potentially being the 4th Trove and the Horn (connected to music) inside of her, and Azriel being a shadowSINGER, while a lot of HOSAB and even ACOSF was about the Underworld. If, as many have theorised, the Illyrians were created in Hel as an army of the Princes of Hel to fight the Asteri, there is even more connection between Azriel and the Underworld.
And, how does Lorcan play into this whole thing, he who was guided and protected by Hellas. the god of the Underworld? 
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acourtofthought · 2 years
hey hey. what do u think about the theory that Elain’s book will be about her and Azriel looking for the 4th dead trove, since they assume Elain is the one to find it (being a seer and all that) and it was described as “veiled in shadows” so shadows boy probably will play a part in that
"and several of Feyre's paintings. There were plenty of those on the bottom level too, some in shadow and meant to stay that way"
"Her brown eyes were shadowed despite her words" (Mor's eyes)
"She'd been away frequently lately, and each time she returned, a shadow he couldn't quite place dimmed her eyes." (also Mor).
"Her face veiled in the shadows beneath her pale hood, Clotho sat in silence"
Those are references of "shadows" in the first 77 pages of ACOSF that have nothing to do with Az or his shadows.
"Shadows" is a popular word for SJM and something she loves to use when something, anything at all is not clear or hidden from view. So the fact that the 4th Trove is in shadows doesn't lead me to believe it has anything to do with Az. It simply means that whatever vision Nesta is having at the moment, that specific piece of information is unclear. SJM is letting us know that there's something important right in front of us but she's not going to make it obvious as to what it is. So the best way for her to "hide" the full picture is to put it in shadows or veil it or have it in a mist.
I also find it pretty amusing that anyone is placing Az beside Elain searching for the Trove considering he flat out tells everyone he doesn't think Elain should be anywhere near the Trove. So where are they suddenly getting that the Male who thinks it's too dangerous for her is suddenly going to be her Right-Hand Man when searching for it?
I'm not really sure what part Az will play in the future of the series but I've never felt it would have anything to do with Koschei or the 4th Trove item. To me those storylines are more strongly attached to Lucien, Vassa, Jurian and Elain. I know some like to use Chapter 71 of SF to tie Koschei and Az together but that always read as the plot to draw Cassian to him (to be used against Nesta) and not Az.
"Where is Briallyn?" Azriel demanded.
"I spend so many months preparing for you Koschei crooned, "and you don't even wish to speak with me?"
So people fixate on that and assume it's directed at Az. But the next line is:
"Cassian crossed his arms. "Let Eris go, and then we'll talk."
Az did not address Koschei after the comment of him preparing for months, Cassian did. Which means the comment was never being directed soley at Az. If it were Cassian wouldn't have jumped in and agreed to talk after Eris was released.
Because Koschei then says, "You fell for it rather easily," Koschei went on, "though you took your time making contact. I thought you'd rush in for the kill, brute that you are."
"Brute that you are" is 100% referring to Cassian.
Then Briallyn steps out and says, "I have need of you Lord of Bastards." Cassian could say nothing, couldn't move."
Azriel is allowed to go free with a message to tell Vassa that Koschei is waiting but the entire setup had been about capturing Cassian. If Koschei really had been preparing for Az for months then what exactly was he preparing for? Az was sent free. No harm came to him. He literally was there just to send a message back to Vassa and we know Az doesn't even communicate with Vassa. His messages to the Human Lands are relayed through Lucien or Cassian because it's said that Az isn't a courtier.
Time will tell but I honestly haven't seen anything hinting at Az or Elain ending up on any sort of mission or journey together.
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thejaymo · 2 years
1) Introduction 2) The Technology of Allotment 3) The Technology of Identification 4) The Technology of Deliberation and Decision 5) The Technology of Decree
Tagging ropes
We come now to the lowest of the low technology used in identifying citizens assigned to a particular duty: the ropes, dipped in red paint, that were swung at citizens hanging out down in the Agora when everybody was supposed to be up in the Assembly. 
The "police" who did the swinging were public slaves, held in common by the citizenry, and when they thwapped you with their ropes, you were truly busted: with a big red stripe across your toga, it was no use lingering in the Agora or trying to slink home. You would be fined on sight. Of course, no material traces of this technology survive for display. 
All the elements of the apparatus -- the ropes, the paint, the slaves -- were quite perishable.
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zinniax · 2 years
Nesta Archeron is that bitch
Can we all agree that Nesta is more powerful then even Rhys or even Feyre.
Because the amount of power Nesta already showed before she turned is amazing. She was able to not fall for Tamlins glamour and just her ability to take from the cauldron while being mortal!
Rhys was born with the power- being half fae half Illyrian- them separate have power then together** he of course has power, Feyre had hers given to her by all the high lords, Nesta when she turned into high fae she was all ready gonna inherit some power but my bitch said no imma take more from your bitch ass pot💅
Then a certain death god called her a Queen of Queens
Inmates in the prison heard her name being shouted and knew she was something to fear!
Then toward the ending she made a bargain with the cauldron like not everyone can just simply do that nor can just anyone have the mask,crown, and harp on at the same time let alone use it and come out with everything intact!! Then THE MOTHER saw her as someone worthy and was like I like this girl and let her keep some of her power!!
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juusworld5728 · 4 years
Ivy and Elain Archeron
So I did some research on ivy and the symbolism behind it, and I wanted to share my findings that could lead to parts of Elain’s book and her love interest. This is going to be a long post, so buckle up.
Okay, first thing:
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This is what SJM has said about Elain’s book. She’s done research on ivy, and the reasons as to why? Why is that ivy strangling her? Could she maybe feel strangled by what everyone expects of her and the bond? Well let’s look into what ivy represents...
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Okay, so the first part of bringing shelter to the darkness.. doesn’t that remind you of anyone? Azriel himself doesn’t know where he belongs and his darkness clearly overwhelms him, which brings an interesting parallel:
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-Moving on to the next point, is the life vs death. This could definitely represent the cauldron of the balance of life vs death. There are many ways that this could be represented. Nesta represented death, so Elain might represent life. Azriel represents death and Elain represents life as a balance. It can be looked at through many different perspectives, but generally Elain represents life.
-The next point of the text is ivy representing a search for enlightenment. If Elain is dreaming about it (there’s something else but that’s coming up later), it could represent her journey to truly becoming the person that SHE wants to be. She could be enlightened about a lot of things...
The next point in this post is based on the ivy itself appearing in a cycle
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Winter represents the energy spiraling down and basically anything that belongs with the dark energy and negativity. While, spring represents light and rebirth. This one might be a bit of a stretch, but the Azriel POV occurred on the longest night of the year. this resulted in spiraling emotions and negativity. The spring could represent a possible rekindling between Azriel and Elain behind everyone’s backs at the beginning of the next book which will still be the end of spring. In terms of rebirth, spring was when the Archeron sisters were forced into the cauldron and were essentially reborn. The Archeron sisters’ relationships (Feysand and Nessian) “started” in spring as well, symbolizing the perfect setting.
ALRIGHT MOVING ON..I love this one..
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SJM did say that Elain would have dreams about ivy. Okay, now a lot of you might think of Graysen. However, by the time that she is dreaming of ivy, that is long gone. Not to mention that foretelling means predicting the future. Is Elain possibly having dreams about breaking the mating bond between her and Lucien? From what we can tell so far (we haven’t gotten her POV), she “shrinks” away and loses her boldness around him. 
Guess what Ivy also symbolizes?
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But not just any goddess either. A  Welsh triple goddess, which we know correlates a lot with ToG and the symbolism of threes. I could go on and on about 3 sisters, 3 brothers, 3 death-gods, etc. but I want to talk about the goddess herself and some fun things that I found...
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So she oversees life and death (that could represent the cauldron since it loves her so much). However, what I want to focus on time and destiny. Her seer power (the only one that we know of right now), is directly correlated to the future and visions. A further exploration to her powers and how they function seems vital to her book and how they will help further the plot. Also, she represents destiny...but exactly how? Could it possible be representing choosing your own destiny? Or maybe changing it? Can you see where I’m going with this?
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So Elain’s abilities with “time” aka. her seer powers might be able to further her personal goals. Probably in relation with Elain directly requesting the cauldron to break the mating bond. As far as the purposes to the cause, this could have relations to finding the 4th dead trove or helping with Koschei *cough* Sleeping Beauty *Cough.* The last line is very meaningful to what Elain’s character development might contain. She doesn’t want to be binded to anyone as she’s mentioned SEVERAL times:
“I belong to NO ONE. But my heart belongs to you”
We know that Elain puts other’s happiness and comfort over her own and she bottles everything up. We need to see Elain let go in a sense, and not be bound by guilt, which could be a reason as to why she hasn’t broken the bond (apart from the fact that she needs to break it in her own book). Also, fearing the future could relate to her accepting her powers and learning to control them...
Also something fun to look out for that has to do with the post I made on the meaning of Azriel and Elain’s names:
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In Hebrew, Ivy means god’s gift. This could mean nothing but its also very interesting to me. Ivy symbolizes Elain’s development arc and her character going through some terrible times. Wouldn’t that also symbolize that Azriel’s salvation IS HER and everything she represents?
Last thing...
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Anyways, ivy for the win....
Also, I might make a parallel post on this with Azriel.
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blueiscoool · 3 years
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Ancient Greek Helmet Found in Burial Chamber in Croatia
A very rare bronze Greek-Illyrian war helmet, used in Greece during the time of the Greco-Persian Wars, was recently discovered in a rock-cut tomb in Dalmatia, Croatia.
The form of the iconic open-faced helmet, which archaeologists consider an especially rare find, originated in the Peloponnese during the 8th and 7th centuries BC.
The spectacular find was made recently during the exploration of the cave tomb in Zakotarac, located on the Pelješac peninsula, in southern Dalmatia, Croatia. The tomb was for a Greek warrior buried approximately three centuries later, however, in the 4th century BC.
The rare find, accompanied by many other valuable objects from the era, was discovered within a previously-unknown rock-cut tomb along a hillside near Gradina.
This particular style of helmet, which became the iconic head covering of Greek warriors over the centuries, was first used by the Etruscans and Scythians. It later became known as the Illyrian helmet.
An alternate form of this helmet was also developed in Italy, according to archaeologists who gleaned this information from depictions on ivory relief sculptures. However, this style of helmet became obsolete in most areas of Greece in the early 5th century BC and its common use in Illyria ended by the 4th century BC.
Part of the warrior’s skull appears to be visible from the openings of the helmet, although earth has over the millennia made its way into where the rest of his head would be.
Adding to the importance of the find, archaeologists also discovered a treasure trove of ancient weapons, including spears and knives, in the same Croatian grave.
At least two other people had been buried along with the warrior, including a woman, who was found wearing a bronze bracelet.
According to a report in Archaeology News Network, additional treasures at the gravesite included “fifteen bronze and silver fibulae (clasps), twelve needles, several spiral bronze ornaments and tweezers and several hundred glass paste and amber beads belonging to necklaces.”
The spectacular find was made when archaeologists were working on restoring a damaged burial mound. The rectangular space of the mound measured approximately 3 x 2 meters (9.84 x 6.56 feet).
The body of the warrior had been laid to rest in a west-east direction in the tomb, but unfortunately, his bones were found in a “rather poor condition,” according to the archaeologists.
The tomb dates back to earlier than the nearby colony on Korčula, which is known to have been founded in the late 4th or early 3rd century BC, according to the project coordinator, Dr. Hrvoje Potrebica, from the Department of Archaeology of Zagreb University.
The discovery was made possible after last year’s visit to western Peljesac by a team from Croatia’s Center for Prehistoric Research. In the process of exploring this area, they were able to identify potential archaeological dig sites at the Illyrian Cave Sanctuary at Nakovana, dating back to the 4th to 1st centuries BC.
Priceless objects to accompany the dead in the afterlife
During this reconnaissance, they found grave goods deposited around a stalagmite. Professor Potrebica holds that the fourth century BC Greek-Illyrian helmet “is exceptionally rare” and is one of only about forty such helmets that have ever been found in all of Europe.
Another treasure found in the grave were thirty vases of predominantly Greek origin — although the researchers believe that they had been made by both Attic and Italian workshops.
According to the archeologists, these types of vessels were among the most expensive vases made during that period. Along with these rare discoveries, the researchers were able to pinpoint many other previously unknown sites in Nakovana, Professor Potrebica stated.
The researchers additionally were able to examine another group of prehistoric mounds around the Croatian village of Zakotorac. Following a road that is believed to have been trodden in prehistoric times, they came upon yet another site known as “the Vidohovo spring.”
The archaeologists state that they believe this site will yield yet more treasures, possibly including a shrine, with Dr. Potrebica adding that it holds “enormous potential.”
In 2021, after all the pandemic-related restrictions will be lifted, the archeological team hopes that they will once again be able to return to this site, which will enable them to lace these finds into their proper historical context.
Dr. Potrebica told interviewers that the discovery of the bronze war helmet, along with the other “exceptional finds” on Korcula, are presenting archaeologists with a new understanding of the “importance of the southern Adriatic in the historical dynamics of this part of Europe.”
By Patricia Claus.
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playernumberv · 4 years
Upcoming Games I’m excited for!
What better way to celebrate my love for games than by literally listing down all the games I’m eagerly waiting to play? What better way to cure my disappointment in TLOU2 than to look forward to other games that (hopefully) won’t disappoint? 
So here we go, a list of games that I’m either actively excited to pre-order and play, or at least to keep in mind and await more information about before I decide whether I’ll play it. I hope I didn’t miss out anything, but I’ll edit this post if something comes to mind that I’ve accidentally left out. Several of the games below are multi-platform games that are also releasing on the Xbox, but as I’ve noted in my introductory post, I’m only interested in the Switch and the PlayStation, and hence I’ve opted only to include the consoles I’m interested in below.
Let’s go!
1. Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (N. Switch) - 14 July 2020
After something as dark and miserable as TLOU2, a nice and chill farming simulator may be exactly what I need, even more so because it’s a remake of the first Harvest Moon game I played and loved on the GBA when I was a kid. There’s something about the series that’s incredibly charming and lovable, and I’ve had countless hours of fun on later Harvest Moon (or Story of Seasons) games as well. It’s been several years since the last mainline installment, so I’m eagerly excited for this!
2. Ghosts of Tsushima (PS4) - 17 July 2020
TLOU2 (I just can’t stop talking about this, can I?) has, to be perfectly honest, shaken my faith in games - the one game I thought could never possibly fail me has failed me in the most miserable way possible. But I nevertheless await Ghosts of Tsushima with great enthusiasm, and I hope it will be a more satisfying exclusive. Trailers for the game have looked astoundingly good so far, and an open-world samurai action game simply sounds like a lot of fun, not to mention how absolutely gorgeous the rendition of feudal Japan looks in this game. I don’t expect this to be GOTY-worthy, all I expect is that it’d be a blast to play - and that’s really all I need from this particular title.
3. Marvel’s Avengers (PS4) - 4th September 2020
I’m expecting that this will just be a decent game rather than an excellent one, but I’m prepared to be surprised (and hopefully not disappointed). Really, though, an AAA Avengers game is a must-play for me even if it’s just sub-par. I’m going in with no real expectations - to expect the game to do better than the well-established MCU seems to be a fool’s dream. As long as it’s decent fun, I’ll be content!
4. The Legend Of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV (PS4) - 27th October 2020
Of the remaining games this year, Cold Steel IV is probably the one I’m most hyped for. I love this series - it’s an extremely compelling and fascinating JRPG, with a gigantic cast of characters who are all very, very charming and likeable. I love JRPGs, and I daresay this shines as one of the best JRPG series out there. Cold Steel III was my personal GOTY last year - I don’t believe it was reported to be GOTY in any official outlet, since it’s such a niche game - and I absolutely had a blast on it. It ended on a jaw-dropping cliffhanger that has left me yearning for more ever since, and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Cold Steel IV.
5. Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4/PS5) - 19th November 2020
I think it’s no understatement to say that this is the gaming community’s most anticipated - or should I say, breathtaking - game this year. It’s on this list, but realistically, I probably won’t play it. I get severe motion sickness from first-person games, regrettably. However, CDPR is of such renown that even I cannot ignore this game - I’m closely watching it, and pondering the possibility of enduring literal nausea in order to play this absolutely monumental game. 
6. Bravely Default 2 (N. Switch) - TBA 2020
I think it’s pretty obvious that I’m a huge fan of JRPGs, and I damn near screamed when this was announced for the Switch during The Game Awards 2019. The 3DS is a treasure trove of excellent JRPGs, and ever since the Switch was launched, I’ve been eagerly anticipating Switch versions of many JRPGs I loved on the 3DS. Bravely Default is one such game. Boasting a charming art style, an excellent turn-based battle system, and music so good that one could die for it, Bravely Default is truly a gem in the world of JRPGs. Bravely Default 2 is exactly the kind of game I bought a Nintendo Switch for, and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on this one.
7. Yakuza: Like A Dragon (PS4) - TBA 2020
The Yakuza series is an excellent masterclass in storytelling, but I have mixed feelings about a sequel. Yakuza 6 has wrapped up Kiryu Kazuma’s story to utter perfection, and I’m not sure whether a sequel starring other characters will be quite as charming. That being said, Judgment blew me away with its incredulously well-crafted detective story, so much so that I ended up liking this spinoff more than any Yakuza game. If the same hands that crafted Judgment are making this follow-up to the Yakuza series, I trust the studio to surprise me pleasantly.
8. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales (PS5) - TBA 2020
What more needs to be said, really? Marvel’s Spider-Man is perhaps the most accomplished superhero video-game ever. In a year (2018) of gigantic games such as God Of War and Red Dead Redemption 2, Marvel’s Spider-Man nevertheless stood out with an excellent superhero story written with the joyousness and intensity of a classic Marvel movie, accompanied by well-designed game-play that was a lot of fun. It is a truly generation-defining game, and I absolutely cannot wait to play its follow-up (sort of) on the PS5.
9. Watch Dogs: Legion (PS4/PS5) - TBA 2020
Honestly, I didn’t like the previous games in this series at all. However, the concept behind Legion seems genuinely creative and fresh, and hence I’m willing to give this a chance. Certainly I will not be pre-ordering this, but if it turns out to be decent, I’d surely give this a purchase post-launch.
10. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (PS4/PS5) - TBA 2020
Again, the previous Assassin’s Creed games have been either hits or misses for myself. I’m not much a fan of Ubisoft-style open-world gameplay, although it does the job well enough to make for decent fun. Valhalla looks fascinating based on early trailers, though, so I’m definitely keeping a lookout for it.
11. Kena: Bridge of the Spirits (PS5) - TBA 2020
I don’t know enough about this game to be certain if I’ll be playing it yet, but suffice to say that its announcement trailer really charmed me. I’ll be keeping a lookout for more information about this game for sure.
12. Ys IX: Monstrum Nox (PS4) - TBA 2021
I only got introduced into this series with Ys VIII a few years ago - and what a wonderful game this was! I couldn’t help feeling like I’ve lost out from not being acquainted with this series for so long. Ys VIII took the trope of being “trapped on an island” and executed an amazingly gripping narrative based around this. I remember buying Ys VIII purely because I had nothing better to play, and I was surprised by just how much I enjoyed it. Unsurprisingly, I can’t wait for Adol’s next adventure in Ys IX.
13. Tales of Arise (PS4) - TBA 2021
It’s been 3 years since the last mainline Tales of game (Berseria, which happens to also be my personal favourite in the series), and I’ve eagerly awaited a new installment to this series since then. I love JRPGs with all my heart, and the Tales of series - with its charming skits, endearing characters, and enjoyable storylines - is one of the series I’ve loved for a long time. Regrettably, it was recently announced that Arise would be delayed due to COVID-19, but whenever it does come, you can be damn sure I’m playing it at launch.
14. Horizon Forbidden West (PS5) - TBA 2021
Horizon Zero Dawn is a heavily acclaimed video-game that I personally didn’t enjoy as much. I thought the story was a little dull and couldn’t seem to get into it. Even so? I’m incredibly excited for its sequel. I do hope to be more engrossed by its narrative the next time around, but if nothing else, the game just looks too bloody gorgeous (yes, yes, I’m superficial) for me to not be excited to play it. Good Gods, how do graphics that good even exist!?!? And I even thought that graphics on the PS4 were already absolutely gorgeous! Just give this to me and melt my damn eyes already.
15. Pragmata (PS5) - TBA 2022
This game looked seriously fascinating, not dissimilar to how Death Stranding looked fascinating and intriguing as hell. Again, too little is known about this game for me to have a clear opinion about it, but whatever little we know of Pragmata suggests that this could be an incredibly unique and innovative game, so I’ll be keeping a lookout for more information about this one.
16. Returnal (PS5) - 2020
Another game which I don’t entirely have a clear opinion of yet, but which heavily intrigued me with its announcement trailer. At this point I don’t have much to say about it other than that I’m looking forward to more information about it, so let’s see how this one turns out.
17. Scarlet Nexus (PS5) - TBA
This honestly looks unexpectedly excellent. I love the anime-style graphics in this one, and the game-play looks flashy and entertaining as well, though there’s not much information on its story currently. I’m not quite ready to say that this is a game I’d pre-order yet, but I’m keeping it in my radar since it seems like exactly the type of game I’d love. 
18. Shin Megami Tensei V (N. Switch) - TBA
At this point, it’s a little hard to be hyped for something which I know next to nothing about... but realistically? Come on, it’s Atlus. I waited an eternity for Persona 5 - and look how completely, utterly, and mindblowingly good that turned out. I know without any doubt that I’d be playing this at launch whenever it does release. Given the complete lack of any information on this game, my hype levels are currently rather dormant - but you can be damn sure that I’d explode with hype when Atlus finally gives us some more details about this game.
19. Bayonetta 3 (N. Switch) - TBA
I enjoyed Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2. So I’m going to play Bayonetta 3. That’s... all there is to it, really. I don’t think the games are particularly special or meaningful - they’re just fun. And honestly, that’s all games need to be sometimes. Not every single game needs to be a narrative masterpiece or a phenomenal accomplishment, after all.
20. Untitled The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel (N. Switch) - TBA
BoTW was indeed phenomenal, albeit just a little overrated in my opinion (this is probably where I ought to put up shields against pitchforks). As far as game design goes, this game is truly revolutionary. It’s quite literally breathtaking - the world feels genuinely organic, and there’s a sense of freedom its open world grants that few if any other open world games manage to replicate. I do feel that the game would have been even more compelling had it been accompanied by a stronger narrative (I acknowledge however that story isn’t the point of these games), but regardless, I cannot deny just how good the game design here is. Whenever its sequel comes, it has earned a day-one purchase from me.
21. New Story of Seasons (Probably N. Switch?) - TBA
Nothing is known about this game other than that it exists. For the same reasons that compel me to play Story of Seasons - Friends of Mineral Town, I’d very likely play this game whenever it hits. In fact, part of me is even more excited for this than for the remake. The remake is primarily an enhanced version of an old game, after all - I’m very interested in seeing what new things they bring to table with this one.
22. Project Athia (PS5) - TBA
Since this is a Square Enix title, I predict that we probably wouldn’t be hearing anything about this game for another eight years or so, at which point the actual title of this game would finally be announced as Final Fantasy Re:Birth HD 3.14159, with a change of director to Tetsuya Nomura. Jokes aside, I was blown away by the teaser trailer of this game shown during the PS5 event - in fact, of all the games shown at the event, this was the one that got me the most hyped. A potentially-compelling female protagonist in a gorgeous-looking fantasy world with magic and monsters? Honestly, say no more. I’m pre-ordering this and playing it at launch.......... when it releases in 2050, probably.
23. Project Re Fantasy (???) - TBA
Of the five games I’ve given a 100/100 to, Katsura Hashino was involved in three of them (I know he wasn’t directly involved with Persona 5 Royal, but I think it still counts since he directed Persona 5), so you can imagine just how much I respect this guy’s works - and you can also imagine just how much I love JRPGs in general. We know nothing about this Project other than that it exists, and god knows how many years away this is from release. More importantly, I simply cannot wait to see what Katsura Hashino would do in a fantasy context. The Persona games are fundamentally rooted in magical realism, and Project Re Fantasy marks his first (if I’m not wrong?) foray into a true fantasy world. I simply cannot wait to see what he’s going to do. In fact, the mere fact that Katsura Hashino is in charge of this project is enough to earn my complete trust. I have absolutely no doubt that this game will be phenomenal (then again, I said the same thing for TLOU2 and look how that turned out...).
24. Final Fantasy VII: Remake Part 2 (PS5) - TBA
This isn’t formally announced yet, but we know it’s coming eventually. I very much loved Final Fantasy VII Remake - it wasn’t perfect, but it was really enjoyable despite its flaws (I say this as someone who has not played the original Final Fantasy VII). Being a JRPG fanatic, I think it’s unsurprising that I’d enjoy this, and it’s even less surprising that I’d be painstakingly waiting to see what comes next.
25. Sequel to God Of War (PS5) - TBA
This too isn’t formally announced yet, but it’s also pretty obvious that it’s going to be announced eventually. God Of War is, to understate its excellence, a revolutionary reinvention of the series and the genre. The game-play is quite possibly the best I’ve seen in any action game, and that’s just the icing on the cake with a narrative so thoughtfully written and nuanced. God Of War was generation-defining, and if its sequel builds on this, I have no doubt that its sequel will define the PS5 as well. That being said, my excitement is tempered  by anxiety too. A good start doesn’t guarantee a good follow-up, and it cannot be taken for granted that the sequel will be as good as God Of War is. Only time will tell, only time will tell.
This post ended up being a lot longer than I had planned (I’m out of steam writing this whole chunk of words), but it has been rather therapeutic typing this list out and reminding myself that there’s a lot more to look forward to. Until then!
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vampireadamooc · 6 years
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The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser
Sat 8 Mar 1851  
Page 1-2
Reprinted: From the Glasgow Herald.
Note: Trove Auto-transcriber errors have been corrected, but period spelling was left intact.
[From the "Glasgow Herald."]
Most of our readers are, we dare say, acquainted with the general nature of the vampire superstition, but few of them are in possession of the curious facts out of which that superstition has arisen, and fewer still are probably aware of the terrible consternation which, in the early part of the last century, it caused in Servia and the districts adjacent to Belgrade. It is a most extraordinary idea, that the dead should arise from their graves, and prowl about the country for the purpose of sucking the blood of the living, and yet this is the genuine notion of vampirism. By some writers, the original of the vampire superstition is referred to the habits of a peculiar kind of bat, which, in hot climates, gently fans sleeping persons with its wings, while it bleeds them to death; but from the statement about to be made, it will be evident that this can by no means account for its "rise and progress." In a note to his poem of the "Giaour," Lord Byron says, "The vampire superstition is still general in the Levant. Honest Tournefort tells us a long story which Mr. Southey, in the notes on Thalaba, quotes about these 'Vroucolocha,' as he calls them. The Roman term is 'Vardoulacha.' I recollect a whole family being terrified by the scream of a child, which they imagined must proceed from such a visitation. The Greeks never mention the word without horror."
The best original account that we have seen of the ravages committed rather more than a century ago by the vampires, is contained in the third volume of a scientific publication printed at Paris in the year 1758, and entitled "Bibliotheque de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle" The narrative referred to forms the second division of the sixty-third articles, the title of which is, "Observations Physiques sur l'embrasement de l'air Souterain dans une mine de charbon de terre ; sur les Vampyres, on corps morts accoutums a sucer le sang des vivans." The mode in which the learned author of this article, in the absence of all knowledge of the gases, endeavors to explain the causes of coal-pit explosions, is both ingenious and curious, but has now lost its interest in consequence of subsequent discoveries. His narrative of the ravages of vampirism in Servia is more to our purpose, and we accordingly translate it for the entertainment of our readers. However, the phenomenon may be explained, the facts stated relative to the ruddy healthy-looking condition of the supposed vampire corpses have been fully authenticated. " Our author says—
"In the, village of Kisolva, belonging to the district of Rahon, near Belgrade, a man died named Peter Plogowitz. Two months and a-half after his interment, it happened that, within the space of eight days, nine persons of different ages died, after about twenty-four hours illness, and declared that the said Plogowitz had appeared to them during sleep, and rested upon their bodies, squeezed their neck so hard as to leave them in a dying state. This character of vampirism was confirmed by the widow of the alleged vampire, who declared that her husband had come to her after his death to demand his shoes, upon which she quitted the village, for the purpose of establishing herself elsewhere.
Narratives of this sort are not new in that country, as there is a regular system of vampirism esta-
Continued on Page 2
blished, according to which the accused corpse must be examined, and certain forms be gone through for the purpose of putting an end to its murderous exploits. This, in the instance before us, was done in the presence of the provost of Belgrade, and of the chief priest of Gradisch. The former avers that he discovered in the disinterred carcass all the marks by which the natives, of that country distinguish vampires ; as, 1st, the body had no smell ; 2nd, it was entire, with the exception of the nose, which was a little thinned ; 3rd, the hair had commenced growing as well as the beard; 4th, new nails had been formed in place of the old ones, which had fallen off ; 5th, under the old skin, which was peeling off, and had become whitish, a new skin was growing up ; 6th, the countenance, the hands, the feet, and the whole body, were as fresh and healthy—looking as they could have been during life; 7th, it was remarked, with astonishment, that the mouth was filled with fresh liquid blood, which it was doubted that he had sucked from the bodies of those whom he had killed. Being then convicted of being a wicked vampire, a stake was quickly driven through his heart, from which abundance of blood issued, as well as from his mouth and ears, to say nothing of different effects which were manifested in other parts of the body. Finally, to curb his passion tor running about the country, the corpse was thrown upon at pile of wood, and reduced to ashes.
This fact is confirmed by many others, and particularly by another vampire of Kisolva, who took it into his head to demand food, and who, in effect, ate whatever was given to him. But he too, having committed many murders, was disinterred, when he appeared with his eyes open, his skin of a vermilion color, his respiration natural, but the body at the name time stiff and dead. Dead or not, however, from a dread of some trickery being practiced, he was again killed with blows of stones, and then burnt. But the most important circumstance connected with this second example happened in the year 1728, and related to the case of one Arnold Paule, who, having been tormented by a vampire, had the good fortune to save his life by eating a quantity of earth taken from the vampire's grave, and by rubbing himself with his blood. This, how- ever, did not prevent one of the most distressing consequences attributed to the attacks of vampires, namely, that those who have been sucked themselves regularly suck others in their turn—in other words, that those who, during life, have been passive vampires, become active vampires after death.
In fact, Arnold having been exhumed forty days after his burial, was found to have all the marks of an arch-vampire. Thus, when he was pierced with a stake, according to the ordinary method, the history states that he uttered a frightful yell, as if he had been alive. Several other persons who had died from the effects of vampirism were similarly proceeded against. In the year 1731, vampirism carried off seventeen individuals of different sexes and different ages, within the space of three months, and the chief complaint lay against a young noble man named Milo, who, nine weeks before his death had acted the hobgoblin, for the purpose of seducing the young females of the village. After many researches, it was agreed that all this mischief sprung from poor Arnold, who had been reduced to ashes five years before, as he had sucked not only the four persons whose bodies had been burnt along with his own, but he had also sucked beasts ; and the mischief was, that all who had eaten any portion of those vampire beasts became in course vampires themselves. Milo was one of these persons ; and on the occasion of his examination, the whole grave yard was scrutinized out of 40 bodies which had been interred within a certain period, 17 were found bearing the signs of vampirism. It need not be asked if a long time was spent in going through the established process. It remains only to be remarked, that the fact stated is attested by a great number of individuals of the strictest probity." As to the flat, that in the district mentioned corpses were found exhibiting the singular physical appearances above related, no doubt seems to be entertained. At least, on the testimony of so many and so unexceptionable witnesses, our French philosopher takes the fact as abundantly proved, and then he enters into an elaborate disquisition, in order to account for it upon the principles of natural science.
We need scarcely inform our readers that he very properly rejects the superstition founded upon it. To enter into the details of this argument would not be interesting to the majority of our readers, and we may therefore mention, that to the action of saltpetre he attributes the fluidity and freshness of the blood, and the ruddy color of the skin of the imaginary vampires. We translate the following detached passage, which will give some idea of his theory. Our author says—" From these discoveries" (alluding to certain facts in natural history, previously adduced), " we conclude that the fluidity of the blood in vampires is merely the effect of saltpetre, which had penetrated the pores of these bodies, and that the phenomena which the good priest of Gradisch took for nails and skins falling off and for renewed hairs and beards, were only a very subtle moss of saltpetre, which had been formed as a tissue over the different parts of the body, and which, in proportion as the dead bodies were roughly handled, became detached in form of a skin. The moss on the nails represented the old nails as having fallen from the fingers so much the more naturally, as it was by no means so firm as the skin, in consequence of the exceedingly minute pores of the nails.'  
Here we close our extracts from this curious essay : but we have done enough to call the attention of those who have made physical science their study, to an exceedingly singular phenomenon in the history of the animal economy.
Article identifier http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article101736844
Page identifier http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page9710608
APA citation
THE VAMPIRE SUPERSTITION. (1851, March 8). The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848 - 1859), pp. 1-2. Retrieved February 1, 2019, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article101736844
MLA citation
"THE VAMPIRE SUPERSTITION." The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848 - 1859) 8 March 1851: 1-2. Web. 1 Feb 2019 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article101736844>.
Harvard/Australian citation
1851 'THE VAMPIRE SUPERSTITION.', The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848 - 1859), 8 March, pp. 1-2. , viewed 01 Feb 2019, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article101736844
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imsointobooks · 2 years
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I posted 3,195 times in 2022
15 posts created (0%)
3,180 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 75 of my posts in 2022
#gwynriel - 14 posts
#gwyneth berdara - 11 posts
#acotar - 9 posts
#azriel - 9 posts
#gwyn x azriel - 8 posts
#azriel berdara - 8 posts
#acosf - 6 posts
#nesta archeron - 2 posts
#feyre archeron - 2 posts
#gwynweek2022 - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#imagine the chaos of gwyn adding ingredients to a bowl and hoping for the best while elain desperately tries to make her follow a recipe
My Top Posts in 2022:
Theories I love (Part 1):
Being shadow mommy. Coming into her role of priestess and co-leading the valkyries. Late night training sessions with Az and flirting with him and making him blush. Kissing him first. Being besties/ siblings with Rhys. Being close friends with Cass, Lucien and Feyre and of course her girl gang/ soul sisters Nesta and Emerie. Getting to know more about her Autumn Court heritage. Going out into Velaris to explore on her own. Visiting her sister's grave for closure and meeting some of the kids she saved that day. Helping with her immense knowledge and research in finding the 4th Dead Trove and being Az's spy buddy. Getting to explore her nymph heritage. I think Merril is sus but even if she isn't standing up to her. Honestly a maternal, fond relationship with her and Clotho. Nerding it out with Rhys. Getting to know about the mating bond first. Nyx loving her. Awesome kinky bookish idea sex scenes with Az and shadow play and bondage with ribbons. Casual cuddles between her and Az.
Finding his self - worth and self - love. Bat bois bond and fun. Kinky bedroom scenes. Getting touched when he realises others love for him and acceptance of him (because it is there). Getting exasperated with his shadows for being obsessed with Gwyn. Closure with Mor. Babysitting Nyx moments. Him singing. Him crying once in front of people and letting out his emotions. Being the sweetiest and hottest in bed with Gwyn. Late night sparring sessions. Jealousy from Balthazar over Gwyn. Being a protective ass and getting his ass handed to him for trying to be a white knight. Accepting his illyrian heritage and doing his best to make it better. Spy missions for the dead trove. Late night research sessions and stargazing with Gwyn. Beinga mused by her and in awe of how she slays in her Court of Nightmares look. Honestly some funny thoughts about Amren in his head. Being more open with the IC. Craving touch from bis favourite Valkyrie. Shirtless scene. Truthteller scene. Dad style trying to scold his shadows for sneaking of to Gwyn and then Gwyn scolds him for being rude to the adorable minions. A strategy point where he comes up with a really smart solution to a problem. A separate moment with all of the IC members. Becoming friends with Lucien and apologising to him.
Being besties and nerding it out with Gwyn. Azzie and Rhysie moments. Proud and loving dad moments. Competing with Feyre for their child's first word. Providing the chafing with a smirk when Gwynriel's bond clicks. Amren and Rhys friendship. Nesta and Rhys friendship and random gift giving. Teasing Az about Gwyn.
Tough but loving mom moments. Girls night out with her, Gwyn and Nesta. Observing how good Az and Gwyn are together. Her and Nesta being sisters. Her and Mor friendship and helping her out with Emerie. Lucien and her being besties again pleaseeee.
Going to the day court and becoming a courtier. Observing how people behave and using her natural charm to be a diplomat and come into her own. Going to the spring court and seeing it bloom. Possibly becoming its consort with Lucien (because i don't find her much of a High Lady material) and helping others out in it and gardening. Maintaing her friendship and having a closer bond with Nuala and Cerridwen (idk if i spelled that right). Being distant but amicable with her sisters because honestly she's a self-centered sister and idk want their to be some rlly close bond with her and Nesta and Feyre as a resolution. As a person Elain can be cool but family wise she's a Taryn. Not being coddled by the NC and going out to explore likes she wanted to with Lucien. Being friends with the BoE but initially they don't like her she has to earn their friendship and protection. Donning Day Court fashion. Rejecting the mating bond but being with Lucien. Getting jealous of Lucien with someone else. Being a goddamn courtier and helping out and being seen as something more than a pretty face and using her charm and observance. Helping defeat Koschei.
Becoming High Lord of the Spring Court (hell no is Helion dying idc). Getting an apology/ redemption arc from Tamlin for his abuse. Becoming besties with Feyre again. BoE friendship and sass and die for each other style moments. Being a courtier and ambassador. BEING HAPPY AND LOVED. Realising he will not be used by others abd will fight for himself and put himself first. I love his approach towards Elain in every aspect nothing change. I don't want a head over heels love thing more the finding her worthy that is there rn. Closure regarding Jesminda. Dad Helion and baby Lucien moments. Mommy LA and Eris bro moments too. Figuring out his day court powers. Gagging over his dad and mom being lovey-dovey. Being the sassy sarcastic awesome we know he is. Reviving the Spring Court. Helping defeat Koschei. Hanging out with his brother in laws.
66 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
I have never cared about having followers before, because I never actually found a platform which made me want to be active on it. But it feels really special to see that I have 500 followers. Its a flex in my family😁.
For all its flaws and ship wars, I am so thankful to tumblr for finally giving me an online presence and mutuals I love. This site is so interactive, relatable, genius, talented and soothing and I have all you guys to thank for it!
A special shoutout to some blogs that have been a ray of light in my life the past 2 years.
@bookofmirth Its my biggest flex to tell everyone that an actual literary professor follows me and acknowledges me. I love your opinions, especially in regards with Mor.
@yazthebookish commissions and fact check for all gwynriels
@daevastanner do I even need to say anything? The fanfiction queen and its like talking to Emerie online.
@hellogoodbye14 your fluff is just what I need for a pick me up always
@aelingalathyniusrailme sass and smarts? Writes the hottest Gwyn.
@hlizr50 and @gwynrielsupremacy to fulfilling prompts to perfection and blessing us with writing
@mercurianbisous for giving me all the fanfics and dom Az I never knew I wanted but so needed
@tealnymph24 for being my first close mutual on here
@thebluenickel the one i have bonded with most and for gifting us the canon gwynriel book
@houseofhurricane for making me think and writing intriguing, hot plots
@lucielart , @salteas and @carol-pisarro (someone please tell me their handles😅) the most gorgeous, emotive and stunning art we never deserved but still got thanks to your talent 😍
@broodybatboy , @shadowsingerspriestess and @lady-riel for the cute ficlets and incorrect quotes.
@cascadingmoon and @booknerd87 for the commissions and events and stories, we were kept constantly fed thanks to your efforts.
This is no where close to everyone and I'll keep editing it as people come to my mind but I am so grateful for all of you and my mutuals and the talented writers and artists in this fandom
Love You💋💋
72 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
I actually think that SJM will show part of the book with Azriel pining after Elain but in the way where he believes he likes Elain and wants to be with her, but his actions completely contradict that. Like he is trying to be in love with her because the 3 sister 3 brother logic dictates that and he wants to be in love with someone (desire for mate). But he actually has no idea what loving someone is like so he realises in his character arc that that he's looking for the wrong things.
Basically doing beautiful bestie and love couple type things with Gwyn but not realising that that's the kind of love he's been looking for. And that him wanting Elain is just words and no thoughts or actions. I want to see his notion of love challenged in his character arc. And I honestly don't want Gwyn to be waiting on the sidelines with the knowledge that she's his mate, I honestly want both of them to figure that out only when they are together already.
I think Azriel forms a biased judgement of something in his head and sticks with it despite evidence otherwise.
His family abused him? All Illyrians deserve to die, despite the fact that he knows good ones like Rhys, Cass and Emerie too.
He thinks he's in love with Mor? Doesn't get over her or take the hint even after 500 years that she isn't.
He is a torturer? He's a monster who doesn't deserve anything good, despite having a family who loves him so much.
His brothers found happiness with a mate? He wants a mate despite knowing that his brother's didn't find happiness when they got to know they had a mate but when their mate and they fell in love and chose to be with the other.
His brothers have an Archeron mate? He wnats one too despite the 3rd Archeron already having mate.
He wants to be in love with Elain? He'll try to be with her despite not feeling any love for her and being in love with a teal-eyed Valkyrie instead till she makes it impossible for him to stick to his stupid judgement.
73 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Gwynriel headcannon:
As Gwyn and Azriel's prank war goes on:
Azriel opens his wardrobe one morning to find that all his boxers have been replaced with pale pink thongs with unicorn ears on them, courtesy of Gwyn and the House.
And when he comes up to the dining room for breakfast, Gwyn teasingly calls out, "Won't you show us the ears Az?"
So he promptly takes his shirt off to throw at her and strides over to her and brackets her in the chair with his arms.
And whispers in her ear, " Don't see any do you Gwyneth? I thought going commando might be a better visual for you. Was I right?"
And walks off smugly leaving Gwyn all hot and flustered.
121 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I present to you, Gwyn Berdara's hair!
Tumblr media
✔️ copper
✔️ brown
✔️ glow like molten metal
✔️ redhead
✔️ (future) can take ruby gleam at night with Azriel in their private training sessions 👀👀👀
129 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nikethestatue · 1 year
do you have (or have you read) any theories on the 4th dead trove object?
do you think it will be elain who retrieves it or bryce? or someone else 🤔
My personal theory--and I dont know if people even realize that I was the first person to voice it a year or whatever it's been ago--is that Bryce is the 4th trove. Or rather, Luna's Horn in Bryce.
I know the theory's picked up steam since HOSAB publication.
I stand by it, and now with Bryce actually coming to Prythian it makes even more sense.
I could see Elain recognizing it and 'finding' it within Bryce. Like calls to like and all. We know that the other 3 objects had to be wielded by a Made person. Elain and Nesta are Made--Bryce isn't. Do they have to pair together somehow to make it come to pass and actually use it? Possibly. That's how I see Elain being potentially involved.
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jenniferfaye34 · 4 years
#Giveaway ~ Secrets Of The Treasure King by Terry Ambrose... #books #CozyMystery #readers
Secrets of the Treasure King (Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast) by Terry Ambrose
About Secrets of the Treasure King
Secrets of the Treasure King (Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast) Cozy Mystery 4th in Series Publisher: Satori (April 29, 2020) Print Length: 261 pages Digital ASIN: B085DC4ZVS
The Seaside Cove rumor mill is buzzing about the captain of The Treasure King. He claims to know the location of the San Manuel, a four-hundred-year-old sunken Spanish galleon with a cargo worth millions. And now, he’s dead, the victim of a speargun attack.
When the police ask B&B owner Rick Atwood to consult in the investigation, he has mixed feelings. Consulting for the police is not the problem. He’s done it before. The problem is his eleven-year-old daughter, Alex.
Alex is fearless, precocious, and fueled by a strong sense of girl power. She’s also convinced the cops will never find the killer without her help, so she launches her own investigation—and quickly becomes a candidate for Seaside Cove’s youngest felon.
Now, unless Rick can solve the case with the clues Alex found illegally, his daughter might face charges of breaking-and-entering, the treasure of the San Manuel will be lost to pirates, and a killer could get away with murder.
  About Terry Ambrose
Terry Ambrose has written and published fourteen mysteries. His Seaside Cove Mystery series new releases have risen to the Amazon genre Top 100. In 2014, Con Game, Terry’s second thriller in the License to Lie series received the San Diego Book Awards Best Mystery/Thriller award. Terry also writes the McKenna Trouble in Paradise mysteries and organized an anthology written by bestselling mystery writers to benefit a literacy nonprofit in Hawaii.
Author Links: Website: https://terryambrose.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/suspense.writer LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suspensewriter Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6447968.Terry_Ambrose Twitter: https://twitter.com/suspense_writer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/troubleinparadiseinc/
Purchase Link - Amazon -
a Rafflecopter giveaway TOUR PARTICIPANTS May 12 – I'm Into Books – SPOTLIGHT May 12 – PearlAdaPridham.com - REVIEW May 13 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW, RECIPE May 13 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT May 14 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT May 14 – The Book Decoder – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW May 15 – Baroness' Book Trove – REVIEW May 15 – Here's How It Happened – SPOTLIGHT May 16 – Diane Reviews Books -GUEST POST May 17 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST May 18 – Christy's Cozy Corners - CHARACTER GUEST POST May 18 – Readeropolis – SPOTLIGHT May 19 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT May 19 – My Reading Journeys - REVIEW May 19 – The Journey Back - CHARACTER INTERVIEW May 20 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW May 20 – T's Stuff – SPOTLIGHT May 21 – Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT May 22 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews - REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST May 22 – Reading Is My SuperPower – SPOTLIGHT May 23 – Cassidy's Bookshelves – REVIEW May 23 – ebook Addicts - SPOTLIGHT May 24 – Literary Gold – CHARACTER GUEST POST Have you signed up to be a Tour Host? Click Here Find Details and Sign Up Today!
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golaurax · 6 years
New Emma Goldman Papers Newsletter is out!
Emma Goldman Papers May 2018 newsletter
May Day Mayday
Dear Emmassaries,
May we ask for your help, once again? After we share tantalizing archival tidbits, of course!!
May is Labor History Month, a time for us to recall the laborers, strikers, and organizers whose hard work and sacrifices have shaped our country’s history. We at the Emma Goldman Papers project would like to share with you the stories of a few significant moments from the labor movement and from Emma’s life in the hopes that it will inspire you to continue your support of the work we do in documenting history “from below.”
International Workers’ Day, celebrated May 1st, was initiated in remembrance of Chicago’s Haymarket Affair — the massacre that took place at a rally, on May 4th, 1886, for an 8-hour workday and to protest the recent killing of four striking plant workers. Over a hundred policemen marched up to stop the demonstration when a bomb exploded in Haymarket Square. Casualties, mostly from police bullets, totalled seventy, including seven dead policemen. Although the identity of the bomb thrower was never established, official blame fell on eight of the city’s prominent anarchists, four of whom were hanged the next year. Thereafter, May 1st would be dedicated to the Haymarket martyrs as a day of homage to laboring people everywhere. For Emma, the event was one of the most formative of her time in America (1885-1919), forever altering the course of her life. As she wrote of the tragedy in Living My Life:
“I had a distinct sensation that something new and wonderful had been born in my soul. A great ideal, a burning faith, a determination to dedicate myself to the memory of my martyred comrades, to make their cause my own, to make known to the world their beautiful lives and heroic deaths.”
1886 engraving published in Harper’s Weekly anachronistically depicting the bombing, the riot, and the speeches all occurring simultaneously.
May 1st (1837) is also (approximately) the birth date of Mother Jones, one of the founders of the Industrial Workers of the World, whose ability to organize massive strikes, especially among miners, prompted the government to label her “the most dangerous woman in America” — a moniker bestowed, years later, on Emma Goldman.  
May was a special month in Emma’s life and in the lives of those who were close to her. Her comrade Alexander (Sasha) Berkman was released from prison on 18 May 1906, having served fourteen years for his assassination attempt on industrialist Henry Clay Frick — retribution for the murder, by Pinkerton agents, of striking workers at Frick’s Homestead Steel Mill.
Every year thereafter, Emma and Sasha honored May 18; as she wrote her “Dearest Sash” in 1925:
“19 years ago I left Montreal for Detroit to meet you my own boy released from the hell in Pensylvania. [sic] I can hardly believe it is that long, it seems almost like yesterday. And yet what a terrible 19 years it has been.
Terrible and fascinating, full of struggle and disappointment but also of much joy and many rich experiences. The greatest of joys however is the fact that you have remained in my life, and that our friendship is as fresh and intense as it was many years ago, more mellow and understanding than when we were both young and unreasonable, My heart goes out to you on this our day with deep love and devotion.”
On 18 May 1917, eleven years after Berkman’s release, Emma delivered her speech in opposition to conscription at the Harlem River Casino, urging those in attendance to question forced military service on the very day that the Selective Service Act had been signed into law. This speech — the distorted transcript of which was used as a major piece of evidence in EG’s and AB’s conspiracy trial — ultimately led to their deportation from the United States aboard the USAT Buford.
Upon her death, FDR allowed Emma’s body to return to the US for burial in Waldheim Cemetery in Chicago, close to the monument for the Haymarket martyrs — the source of her spiritual awakening.  
She had died on 14 May 1940, while in exile in Toronto, prompting the British anarchist writer Ethel Mannin to muse:
“Red Emma! A four-square, thick-set, domineering little woman, square-jawed, disconcertingly forthright, irascible, and as relentless in her demands on herself as on others where the revolutionary cause is concerned, and behind that forbidding exterior, a martyr burnt up with the flame of her passion for human liberty, . . loving beauty and peace, though there has been so little time for either in her crowded life; a truly great woman, a great Person, judged by any standard… Her whole life is an example of unfaltering courage and unswerving faith, in the face of persecution and bitter disappointment” (Women and the Revolution).
Recently, we received a notice from the university informing us that we must, once again raise more funds immediately or face eviction at the end of May. So as you contemplate these stories, we ask you to consider making a donation to the Emma Goldman Papers so that we can continue to preserve Emma’s legacy with our final installment of her American story.
Crowdfunding brought in almost $7,000 from an array of donors, many of whom are new to our “Emma’s List.” We also raised over $1,200 directly to our general account. Just another $13,000 will extend Emma’s project through June. Please make your donation today!
Emma Goldman fulfilled the dream etched at the base of monument to the Haymarket martyrs, as expressed by her old friend Harry Weinberger at a memorial held shortly after she died:
Emma Goldman. . . to whom liberty was more important than life itself. . . the story of your life will live as long as stories are told of women and men of courage and idealism.
  A reminder that our treasure trove is free and accessible to all:
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imsointobooks · 3 years
ACOTAR Predictions
ACOTAR 4: Nessian
Introduction to new conflict (Koschei, Dead Trove)
Healing Arc: Nesta Archeron (Valkyrie)
Love Interest Protagonist: Cassian
Accomplished: Killing the human Queen
Connected to conflict: Illyrians
ACOTAR 5: Gwynriel
Continued conflict (Illyrians, Dead Trove)
Healing Arc: Azriel (Dealing with his unresolved childhood issues and their effects on him and self-worth)
Love Interest Protagonist: Gwyneth Berdara
Accomplishes: Finding the 4th Dead Trove
Connected to conflict: Autumn Court (Through Gwyn's heritage)
Novella: Emorie
Continued conflict: Autumn Court
Healing Arc: Morrigan (clearing her past and feeling comfortable to come out)
Love Interest Protagonist: Emerie
Accomplishes: Clearing to readers what happened with Mor & Eris
Connected to conflict: Autumn Court in the present
ACOTAR 6: Elucien
Continued conflict (Autumn Court, Day Court, Vassa)
Healing Arc: Elain Archeron (coming to terms with being Fae and the mating bond, not being coddled and making choices and struggling)
Love Interest Protagonist: Lucien Vanserra
Accomplishes: Defeating Koschei
Novella (maybe): Happily ever after
Accomplishes: Ties up all loose ends and shows future.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Hi, I tried to read acosf but I skimmed most of it I barely understand the important things. Would you be so kind to tell me what I should know to understand the next book? I kinda have knowledge about Nesta's friendship, I think I learned enough of her friends and their trainings and them winning whatsoever. The thing between Elain and Az, well that's where I focused hehe. And then Feyre's pregnancy. I didn't know much about Koschei, the troves and such stuffs. Thank you so much❤
The main thing is the Dread Trove--items that were dipped into the Cauldron long ago and were imbued with extreme powers. There is the Harp, that can slow/stop time, there is the Crown, that basically allows the wearer to control others, and there is the Mask, that allows the wearer to raise an army of the dead.
There is a 4th item that Nesta saw, but it's unknown what it is.
The other important thing we learned is that Made people can Make objects. Nesta Made her sword Ataraxia, and a couple of daggers. Due to the concept of 'like calls to like' it is assumed that all other quests for Trove objects has to be undertaken by a Made person. The items cannot be found or handled by a non-Made person. The only other 2 Made people that we are aware of who are not Nesta, are Elain and Jurian.
Because Nesta was able to kill a Death God (Lanthys) with her sword, it is assumed that koschei could also be taken down by trove object(s).
That's about all for the important stuff.
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