russellmoreton · 5 months
Drawing around the body, 2010 Pencil,cyanotype and ink on paper with astronomical data. by Russell Moreton Via Flickr: russellmoreton.blogspot.co.uk/ independent.academia.edu/RussellMoreton Practitioner using the creative receptiveness of material together with the inclusion of drawing to harbour transits and passages of human presence, vulnerabilities centred around the human condition. My work adopts strategies which articulate a sense of absence and anonymity within the abandonment of the work to its location. I feel drawn to this registering of passage, encounter together with its farewell. The choice of materials gathered together implies a personal geography, with both an emotional and aesthetic sense of locality and place. The performative recording by physical means which renders itself as a trace of human presence, now becomes a vacant territory open for the consideration of others. My work continues to investigate this sense of material response with the performative trace of a human absences. The place-ment of these acts attempts to promote thresholds from which to reflect upon spatial, sociological and psychological conditions and perceptions. Currently working in clay, low fired to produce and promote a fragile vessel. This vessel is installed to act as a dwelling presence reverberating in a resting place. from which work is drawn into the human form to register a surface of absences resulting from past gestures and solitudes. Order and randomness, meticulousness and impulsiveness, drawing excess and graphic reduction are just some of the vibrant, tension-loaded poles that characterize the large-format drawings of the German artist Jorinde Voigt (b. 1977). Her works condense various elements of the cultural environment in the dynamic sequences of strokes, turbulently curving lines, diagrammatic structures, numbers, word fragments and collaged color areas of her drawings – which the passionate cello player refers to as “scores” or “notations”. She systematically analyses pop songs or pieces of classical music, kisses, temperature profiles, an eagle’s flight-path, horizon lines or the color values of individual plants and the contents of philosophical texts. Voigt uses measureable parameters like place, time, or sound volume, and self-defined rules or selected algorithms, and combines these fragments and impressions of reality to produce dynamic relational structures, thus creating a polyphony of different ways of perceiving the world. Jorinde Voigt’s largest solo exhibition to date – which builds a bridge from her early notations, reminiscent of classical conceptual art, to her most recent works that reflect the human desire to fly – traces the development of the specific system of symbols the artist uses to document and orchestrate processes of perception, imagination and thought. Curator: Stephanie Damianitsch Russell Moreton a visual artist uses simple gestures of drawn Human traces gathered and presented amongst natural materials. Exploring themes around the Human condition, vulnerability and abandonment. Materials are employed to further underpin our sense of place and time. The act and gesture of drawing adds a ephemeral mark amongst the materiality and locality of place. Currently using clay to register these themes, installing work Augury Vessel 2010 into Chapel Arts as part of their research residency programme.
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mrs-steve-harrington · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @elder-flower <3 Thank you for tagging me! You're awesome and I really enjoyed reading all your answers. I hope that it helped remind you that you ARE a writer (and a good one at that) despite the creative slump at the moment.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
205 (204 are currently visible, one is waiting for an exchange to reveal)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Stranger Things and The Babysitter and hoping to get back into more Free Guy after taking an anonymous comment a little too personally to the effect of no longer being able to write that fandom without shame
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a place where I feel at home (Stranger Things) (34,455 words) Day Four: Green With Envy (Stranger Things) (2,825 words) it's (not) just food (Stranger Things) (3,016 words) didn't mean to be too much (Stranger Things) (3,663 words) Mystery Spot Misunderstanding (Supernatural) (23,850 words)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! For one, I really do appreciate anyone taking the time to let me know they enjoyed my fic, however they choose to express that (keysmashes, emojis, "I liked this", etc all make me smile). For another, I know a lot of people won't comment at all if they see that the comments don't get replies. Alas, I am human and often forget. Recently I've replied to some comments years after they were left. I should do another replies sprint soon...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably this one: Trust (Free Guy (2021)) (7,755 words) It's a non-con/abusive relationship fic and the end has Keys sort of realizing just how fucked up everything is and realizing he can't even really remember his old friends' faces and yeah. Angsty!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, I've got quite a few happy endings under my belt despite how difficult they are... Wow this was so hard I had to consult a friend. I have fewer happy endings than originally thought. Going with this one, though! a place where I feel at home (Stranger Things) (34,455 words)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on them, no, which sort of surprises me considering what I've posted the last year or more. But also I'm blocked by like half of the fandom so I imagine I wouldn't see much of it myself anyway
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! One of my goals a few years ago was to get more comfortable writing it and I like to think I've managed that. I've even joined the smut4smut exchange multiple times now! As for what kind, um... Non-con is where I'm most comfortable, so quite a bit of that. But also surprisingly some totally consensual stuff, too. A lot more m/f these days, which is NOT easy when you are squicked by basically all the words for lady parts but I do my best to work around it. There's a sprinkling of m/m in there as well, though less so recently!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! Not often, although I think of them a lot. It's not really "crazy", but I think it's a little more out there than my other posted one. can hardly feel the cold with you (1,808 words) It's a Stranger Things/Until Dawn crossover featuring Steve/Mike/Jessica because I hardcore ship Steve/Jessica and Jessica and Mike are soulmates so I couldn't leave him out.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm pretty sure my fics ended up on that one... Idk was it a Russian site? Some site was stealing a bunch of fics and I think I found some of mine there
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I can remember!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I started on one with @urisarang but never quite got past the first part. I'd still like to continue that fic someday but it's hard?? And I like to think our Free Guy series of fics set in the same universe should count!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
It's really hard to say. All time? I don't think I have one. Maybe a Harry Potter ship or two since that's the only fandom I go back to on a regular basis for reading. To write? I guess it's Stoncy. Feels hard to say for sure because I'm really bummed out about the fandom and season 4 and it's made it harder for me to enjoy writing them. But I still love them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
More than I could list here. I have so many, I even found one I forgot existed at all the other day. But for this one, I'll say probably the WIP set after Steve and Nancy were stuck in the Entity's Realm (where they are in Dead by Daylight the game). They're home and safe but Steve is isolating himself because he and Nancy were sleeping together while trapped and he "knows" it never meant anything except finding comfort in the familiar so he needs to stay away so Nancy can be with Jonathan and her family. It also features them both having trouble remembering to eat bc eating wasn't necessary while they were trapped in the other universe. I just reread what I've got last night and love it. But I don't think I'll ever figure out how to continue or finish it :(
16. What are your writing strengths?
Introspection. I am most comfortable writing what's going on in someone's head and like to think I'm good at it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, plot, action, anything that requires thought and/or effort.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't have an opinion, I guess? I don't write anything where it's come up before.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hmm, there are a couple that I really like. Favorite right this minute... Caught between two:
anything (anything) for you (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) (5,373 words)
It's a very self-indulgent stoncy fic where Steve is desperate enough to stay with Nancy that when he proposes that she date them both and she thinks he wants to also date Jonathan, he doesn't correct her. I know I wrote it but man, I love the angst of Steve forcing himself into situations he is super uncomfortable with. Dub-conning himself in a way both Nancy and Jonathan would be very upset about if they knew but for totally different reasons than Steve's convinced himself over.
the devil on my shoulder (The Babysitter (Movies - McG)) (2,740 words)
Years ago, I was determined to write as many words as possible for NaNo. I asked ppl on tumblr to send me prompts to write for them so I would have ideas to work from. This fic came from me taking the chance at tagging my plea with The Babysitter and I'm so glad they sent me the prompt because this might be the fic of mine that I have reread the most maybe aside from the one mentioned above. It started out as a fic where Bee encourages Cole to break the rules to manipulate him into being on her side, but it turned into something a little different than that. I don't know how to put it into words but I just really love it. (Too bad there is not much of a fandom out there for those movies haha)
Tagging: @stevethehousewife @urisarang @tkwritesdumbassassins @readythefanons
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wren-of-the-woods · 1 year
Seven Sentence Sunday Monday!
Rules: Post seven sentences from your WIP. Tag some people who might want to join in.
Many thanks to @elder-flower for tagging me! I was going to wait until Sunday to do this but then I forgot, so here we are. Here's a snippet from my mouse fix-it! :D
“What’s that?” she asked, her voice cautious.
Jaskier frowned. “This is Gordon. Haven’t you met him?”
“No,” said Yennefer with a deepening frown, “What is he?”
“Um,” said Jaskier, “He’s a mouse.”
“No he’s not.”
Tagging @dreamofbecoming @bambirex @samstree @wanderlust-t @flowercrown-bard @bloodsoaked-rainbows and anyone else who feels like it! <3
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flufftober · 2 years
So I just wanted to say ✨🌟💖 thank you so much 💖🌟✨
I don't think I realized til the month actually started what a ridiculous amount of work you're having to do to try and keep up with everyone's fics and art etc. Very sincerely thank you, for this really fun and lovely event!
Thank you so much 🥰 yes, it is a lot of work but we're really thrilled about how many people are participating 😍 we love reblogging all your amazing creations!
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francesanim · 2 months
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More yonderland doodles + Gabriel from Bill the film, cuz she’s a sweetie 💞
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whichwaytofindmyself · 3 months
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Elder blossom smell so sweet, perhaps one day I'll make lemonade in them
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boschintegral-photo · 4 months
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Elder (Sambucus Nigra)
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nordickies · 3 months
Happy Midsummer lovelies <3
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flower-paintings · 11 months
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Flower Vase painted by Jan Brueghel the Elder (1568 - 1625)
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jillraggett · 2 months
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Plant of the Day
Monday 22 July 2024
The only tree seen growing on the abandoned island of Swona, Orkney, was this Sambucus nigra (elder, elderberry) sheltered by a barn. This small native tree develops few branches and has flat sprays of fragrant cream flowers in early summer followed by small black berries.
Jill Raggett
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znnavigator · 10 months
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flower's guro white poppy
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classicalcanvas · 2 months
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Title: Flowers in a Wooden Vessel
Artist: Jan Brueghel the Elder
Date: 1606
Style: Baroque
Genre: Flower Painting
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kristo-flowers · 3 months
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elder bush and flowers
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diioonysus · 1 year
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flowers + art
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iced-flower-pot · 7 months
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Yonderland (2012-2016) | 3.2 - Elders' 11
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boschintegral-photo · 3 months
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Elder (Sambucus Nigra)
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