#eldr losing their mind
eldrbraus · 2 years
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HELLO???????? HELLO??????????? HEWWOOOOOO?????????????
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petratherrock · 2 months
What was it like for Cardan sitting around with The Roach, The Ghost, The Bomb and Jude in TCP? Drinking while discussing the plan to take over the crown
Like, Jude said she felt weird that she and Cardan are conversing as if they've been buddies for years, she notes that he does have his caring side (this is in the event after the bloody coronation before the final real coronation) and she keeps getting surprised by how Cardan also has emotions other than being a jerk (esp after witnessing Balekin punishing Cardan)
She's been so into trying to fit in into Faerie and thinking she has to best Cardan to find her place she never considered him having emotions (or that he was never really his enemy before) lol
But like
What was it like for Cardan? Suddenly this mortal girl he had been losing his mind over for who knows how long, of whom he's been crushing hard on is talking to him and opening up to him and he her (Jude would never own up to that tho lol), and he's seeing all these sides to her that he'd never know of if he just remained Cardan the jerk prince who wanted her dead to her
The dynamics here is
Jude : enemies to lovers
Cardan : enemies to crush to lovers
What was in his mind in that bit when they were lying on the ground and he inadvertently reached to touch her ear? Or when Jude told him that Valerian seeked her out at her house to kill her? Or when she told him, she was angry most of the time because if she wasn't, then she had to feel fear?
He told Jude all he saw prior to that was a mortal girl who got the parental love that he wanted from king Eldred, and he, like Jude was actually wrong because while Jude was loved and cared by Madoc, she was still stolen from the mortal world and basically adopted by her mother's killer, that she had to learn to survive in his world
Of all my favourite bits (other than the Court of Shadows bits, I love them), the parts where Jude finds out stuff about Cardan is very interesting to me
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imaginelovewrite · 1 month
A price for peace part one
The messenger was trembling from head to toe. It was a miracle they had neither shit their pants or piss in them out of fear. I stared at the letter, my hands shaking in rage. The messenger opened their mouth to speak, only to stop short and say “I’m sorry.” Before they prostrate on the ground groveling, I had that effect on people.
I’m a huge redcap with a thirst for blood and a well-earned reputation for killing millions of fae. I stared at the letter again, my frown and displeasure growing. “What is this?” I asked the messenger who was sobbing and from the smell coming out of them had pissed their pants. “A-a-a message from the king my lord.” I wrinkle my nose. I probably should tone down my glare, the messenger looked seconds away from dying out of fright. I read the message.
To the Grand General Madoc,
You are summoned by the high king, Bring your ward Jude Duarte as well. As a king, I wish to reward you.
King Eldred
He wanted Jude to come. That’s where I found fault in it. Jude, my sweet little girl. He wanted my precious Jude to come to Hollow Hall. I crumbled the paper in my hands and began laughing. It was a bitter laugh. The messenger took one look at me and passed out. I really should cool down the bloodlust erupting from me.
The high king wishes to reward me. Ha! If he wished to reward me he would not need to summon my daughter. Little Jude who was now a woman of Seventeen. I sigh, Many times have I caught a fae look at her with lusts. The promise of my sword kept them away. Even the high king dared not touch her, though he seemed to look at her with desire and lust as well.
Besides, he already had one mortal lover, two, and rumors would grow that the king was controlled by humans. Normally he couldn’t afford to make either Jude or Taryn his consort. But I had just won for elfhame the undersea itself. Millennials had passed and neither Elfhame nor the undersea bested each other. Centuries had passed and I never won a war with the sea. That was until I learned about mortal technology.
Jude had grown an interest in mortal history. Especially human warfare. So as to humor my child I set her up with a human tutor.
Of course the tutor knew about faeries. He was one with the sight. He took one look at my mortal daughter and lust filled his eyes. My sword however kept him away. It always did.
Jude was a fastidious learner. Her eyes growing big. At 16 she grew interested in mortal technology. How to make it so fae could touch it.
I humored her with it. But one of her inventions had worked. It was that particular invention, that only a human could forge that help defeat the undersea.
She had given it to me when we were again at war with the sea. It was for some petty reason between Eldred and Orlaugh.
It was over a stream. Orlaugh and Eldred continued to argue and disagree over it, until eventually war broke down. I found the reason petty, but the thought of dipping my cap in undersea blood. It made my mouth salivate.
My family came to bid me farewell, when Jude gave me a trinket. She gave a shy smile and said, “It might help.”
We were neck and neck with the undersea when I remembered the trinket Jude gave me. It was a metal container. I didn’t think much when I threw it to the sea. I just wanted to tell Jude I used it. I threw it at the sea, and an explosion came about.
My men and I looked in horror as creatures of the undersea began having their skin peeled out. Their arms removed from their bodies. Their eyes taken apart.
I took one look as the undersea itself was severely decimated in numbers. Orlaugh screamed. But it was clear in this battle she lost the war. She had no choice but to pledge loyalty to Eldred, to be a part of the greenbriar kingdom. It was that or lose everything. I could still remember the look of utter hatred and rage the sea queen gave me.
I also remembered the troubled look the king gave me. I paid it no mind. But a full moon had not passed since then and the king summons me.
He summons me to make my daughter his whore. I grit my teeth. The messenger wakes up, takes one look at me and begins sobbing. I roll my eyes at the man.
Orianna having heard the messenger’s cry, comes to the room. She takes one look at the messenger and then takes one look at me. “What happened?” Her looks seems to say. I wish I could lie and say nothing. I instead give the messenger a glare. The poor messenger seems to have given up his ghost.
Orianna, seeing that she would get no answer from me, and certainly no answer from the fairing idiot the king sent, took the paper from my hands. I looked at her in surprise. “What? I learned long ago in this family you have to let go of some propriety in order to be in the know.” I have to admit I’m both impressed and aroused by her boldness.
She looks at the letter. “The king has summoned you.” She says, voice a mere whisper. I nod. “He has asked for Jude.” Orianna says again. Again I nod.
Orianna sobs. “She’s just a girl.” No doubt Orianna remembers when she was given to the king. “We’re not going.” I say.
Orianna shakes her head a sad smile on her face. “We cannot refuse the king.” I scoff. “Like the king can order me right now.” Orianna shakes her head. “We can refuse a boon by saying Jude is too young and inexperienced to be a consort, it is an insult, but one the king can forgive.” I sigh, taking my wife’s hand. I know she’s right. I just hate that she is.
The messenger dressed in green seems to be trying to crawl away. I call out to him. The man makes a face stating please don’t kill me. “Tell the king well he there.” Orianna squeezes my hand. I must be emitting blood lusts. Because the messenger again fainted.
I shake my head. “The king really needs to get braver messengers.” Orianna just calls a servant to resurrect the poor man.
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Madoc falling for Oriana - part I - The Wedding (the TFOTA FANFIC)
She was much younger than him – in fact, young enough to be his daughter. For jaded courtiers, always thirsty for amusement, their sumptuous wedding reception was just one more occasion to celebrate. Oriana, attired in her splendid gown, shining like mother-of-pearl, made a truly beautiful bride – gently flushed, petite and serene, she provided a sharp contrast with her stern-faced, awe-inspiring, sturdy betrothed. The folks were full of wonder how came  King Eldred’s former consort, a lady in her 120th year,  looked like a fair maiden, sweet, innocent and slightly terrified she was about to become a woman. But for Oriana’s swollen belly, piercing through mellow folds of her robe, the faerie woman could have been easily taken for a chaste young girl, who had never been with a man before. Her pregnancy, however, was a subject of persistent rumors as well as a matter of levity in the High Court. It was long known General Madoc intended to remarry, yet no one suspected the redcap who had dishonored his house, making a mortal his bride, would have the gall to court one of the High King’s former mistresses. And yet the lovely lady had not only agreed to become his wife, but also let him taste her charms before they even tied the proverbial knot. Faerie nobles might have had considered themselves witty end percipient, but none of them came close to learning the truth about Oriana and a baby in her womb.
During the Beilager there was no end to singing really dirty songs, meaningful glances and pointed remarks about the grand general’s fierce affection to his bride and fruits of love the newlyweds were about to gather soon. Sitting in his marriage bed with a beautiful woman by his side Madoc felt like an idiot and wished this farce was over. A crowd of faeries, gathered in his chamber was visibly astir and agitated – after all it is not every day you see the fearsome grand general, one of the most powerful warriors of Elfhame, perching in the sheets with a laurel crown on his brow. Corner of his eye, the redcap glanced at his bride. Oriana was enduring this nightmarish spectacle with dignity, as if she was an actual princess. While he was just clenching his fists, wishing all the noble guests dropped dead. A jolt of sharp pain drove Madoc’s heart through when he was looking at a dainty woman sitting by his side. Earlier that day, when the grand general had taken his lady in his arms and carried her across the threshold of his house, he had felt as if he had been holding a child. Oriana was small, fragile and very likely not to survive giving birth, yet nevertheless she had a courage to chance her arm and, if the need be, give lose her life for Liriope’s son. Her attitude essentially didn’t differ much from simple philosophy of a soldier. But for trembling corners of Oriana’s mouth, the redcap’s bride looked like the happiest woman in the entire Elfhame. As if reading her husband’s mind, the fairy lady batted her eyelashes and lowered her gaze. Se seemed ashamed and full of anticipation.
“An exceptional actress,” – The Grand General thought, not without bitter irony, “Or perhaps all of them have to be good actresses, shapeshifters or something of that sort, if they want to survive in the High Court?” – He wondered.
“They have all gone, my lord,” – Madoc’s musing was interrupted by sweet, yet unusually high-pitched voice. He didn’t know when exactly had Oriana settled between his parted legs.
“Do you intend to…?” – She asked softly, pressing this ridiculously tiny hand of hers against his bare chest. The grand general looked at his wife’s face – there wasn’t even a shadow of fear or disgust in her almond-shaped, pink eyes, full of immense sadness and resignation. Madoc glanced at a woman, again and vehemently shook his head, then stood up, picked one of his shirts from his mahogany closet and carefully wrapped her in it. Oriana shivered.
“Don’t worry, I am not going to force myself on you. Your body belongs only to you, and all I need from you is your loyalty,” – He whispered and knelt before his wife, taking her hands in his. “Shh, what’s wrong with you?” – the redcap asked, anxiously looking at tears, welling in her eyes.  “Everything’s fine, hear me? Why are you crying? Did I offend you?” – Madoc insisted. Oriana shook her head. “Then why are you crying?”
“I was told you always take what you want, not even bothering with asking for permission,” – She gasped.
“And that’s why you’re crying?” – The redcap frowned. “Have I let you down?” -He added ironically. “One never knows what do you, females want! Sometimes your fantasies are truly sick, as it turns out!” -Madoc exclaimed impatiently. Oriana cringed and sobbed again. “Come on, easy. I just said that, because I’m simply surprised a woman like you could dream of…” “You’re mistaken, my lord,” – the fairy lady said with dignity. The Grand General looked at his wife, startled.
“Well, what's all this about, then?”
“I’m just so relieved, my lord. They may say you’re a bloodthirsty monster, but I know in your heart of hearts, you’re  a very good man.”
“I guess you’re an only person who thinks so, Oriana, and I am afraid you might be wrong,” -Madoc uttered a heavy sigh. “But you can be sure I never touched a woman without her consent. You’re safe with me,” – He promised, picked himself up and left the bedroom. Like or not, the Grand General of Elfhame spent his wedding night curled up in the armchair in his study.
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emospritelet · 3 years
Homecoming - chapter 26
Last time, they had sex :)
Here's what happened next
The room was warm and dimly-lit, the candles having been snuffed some time ago and the only light coming from the oil lamp and the glowing embers of the dying fire. Ogilvy held Belle close against his chest, her head nestled over his heart and her fingers trailing over his skin. Having her in his arms again was exquisite, and he turned his head, pressing his nose to the top of her head and breathing in the scent of her.
“That was remarkable,” she said quietly, and he smiled, pressing his lips to her hair.
“Is it always like that?” she asked. “Is it always so wonderful?”
His smile grew.
“I don’t usually cry quite so much,” he said. “But being with you is always special. No matter the circumstances.”
“Well, that’s very encouraging.”
She kissed his chest, nose nuzzling his nipple.
“Everything I’ve read on the subject somehow failed to convey quite how - intimate - it would be,” she added, and his smile grew.
“You’ve read extensively, then?” he asked, and she giggled.
“As much as I can,” she said. “There seems to be a general conspiracy to prevent women finding out about such things. No doubt for our own good, as they see it.”
“Well, given that women are intelligent and rational creatures, I much prefer to let them discover things for themselves,” he said, and she pushed up on one elbow, raising her chin as she met his eyes.
“Most people would consider you rather eccentric, Tristan Ogilvy,” she said.
“Oh, they do,” he remarked. “For which I’m exceedingly thankful.”
She giggled again, nestling against his chest.
“I have to say I agree with you, though,” she said. “I always prefer some knowledge to none at all.”
“You don’t subscribe to the notion that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, then?”
“Only when accompanied by an arrogant refusal to listen to those who know better,” she said lightly. “I don’t think either applies in this instance.”
Ogilvy chuckled.
“In that case, you may find some works in my library to be of interest,” he said.
“Hmm.” Her fingers delicately traced a path over his chest, and she glanced up at him. “I feel that knowledge gained through practical experience may also be very beneficial.”
Her eyes were gleaming, and he laughed, kissing her again.
“I’m happy to encourage your study in this area, in that case.”
Belle bit her lip in amusement, glancing away as she blushed. She felt relaxed and content, a warm and heavy feeling that made it hard to stop smiling. The feeling of bliss at being joined with him was ever-present, and their bodies were sticky with heat, slippery with perspiration where they were pressed together. She was eager to experience more, to experiment with touch and taste and lose herself in sensation, but she had read that men needed to rest after, and she was content to limit her curiosity to the exploration of his body. Her fingers caressed the firm planes of his chest, stroking down over his softer belly, learning the feel of him. She traced the path of the scar on his right side, following the curve upwards, and raised her eyes to his.
“How did you get this?” she asked, and he pulled a face.
“A Rùsgadh demon,” he said. “Long claws and nasty tempers. I got careless.”
Her eyes widened a little, and her hand slipped lower, running over his hip and feeling the knotted scar tissue on his thigh. It felt like a burn, and a serious one.
“And this?”
“A fire demon,” he said. “Hadn’t seen one since the tenth century, in Northumberland. The locals called them Villi-Eldr back then. Very destructive, especially in populated areas, so when Doc foresaw a nest hatching, we knew we had to stop it.”
“This feels like it hurt a lot,” she observed, fingers still caressing him, and he chuckled.
“I threw myself into the river to put out the fire,” he said. “Not sure which was worse, the burn on my leg or the week I spent trying to get the river out of my system.”
“Such an exciting life,” she said, sliding the hand back up to his belly, and he sighed.
“I suppose I’ve seen a lot of the world,” he said. “I’ve seen things that most people think are figments of a fevered mind.”
“It must be interesting,” she said, pushing up a little and folding her arms across his chest. “Dangerous, though, I imagine.”
He smiled at that.
“There have been a few near misses in recent years,” he confessed. “We’re both getting old, and it was always harder to deal with these things with only two. We’ve missed you.”
“Does that mean you’ll be expecting me to assist with your fight against the forces of darkness?” she asked, grinning. “It might be difficult, given that I remember nothing of our past.”
“Give Doc a week and he’ll be planning our next trip,” he said, in a wry tone. “Besides, given your thirst for knowledge, I’m sure it won’t take you long to master the basics. I almost pity whatever we come up against.”
She smiled, leaning in to kiss him with a soft pull of lips before settling back, chin pushed into her folded arms.
“How is it that you can remember, and I can’t?” she asked, and he smiled faintly.
“Part of the magic of our bond,” he said. “Three stones used in the ritual that bound us together in the first place. We use them to wake each other.”
“With magic?”
She was aware that she still sounded a little sceptical, and Ogilvy gave her a small grin that suggested he could hear it in her tone.
“When we get home, I’ll show you a little magic,” he said. “I’ll even teach you some.”
That was an intriguing prospect, but she decided to leave it for the moment.
“Tell me more about the stones,” she said.
“The Seer gave them to each of us in the original ritual,” he said. “We carried them in the early years, hung around our necks in leather bags. Later, when we found someone with the skill to work with metal, we had them set in rings. Ordinarily we’d have all three. Doc and I have ours”—he held up his hand, the moonstone gleaming in its thick gold band—”but we haven’t found yours.”
Belle could feel her brow crease in contemplation as she thought over what he had said.
“How do you manage to find them in each life?” she asked. “I don’t wish to be morbid, but presumably if you die, something happens to your bodies, and to your belongings.”
“So unless you know where and when you’ll be born again,” she went on. “I imagine you’d have to make some sort of arrangement regarding the rings. A hiding place for them. Somewhere no one else would think to look. Perhaps - oh, I don't know, perhaps a sacred space of some sort.”
He was eyeing her with a look of pride, and it made her want to blush.
“You’re quite right,” he agreed. “Doc always decides on a place to store the rings. As he’s born with his memories, he remembers where we put them, and can go and retrieve them.”
“And is he always right?” she asked. “Does he always remember?”
Ogilvy pulled a face.
“There have been a few occasions where you or I haven’t had time to hide our own rings in the agreed spot before - well, before the end,” he acknowledged. “In those times, he’s had to rely on his Sight to guide him.”
“What if someone else were to find them first?”
“I’ve thought about that myself,” he admitted. “I have to confess that in the past I’ve worried that with the rate of development in this country, the hiding place might be discovered. It would be a poor show if the rings were placed in some museum or other.”
Belle grinned at that, wriggling a little against his side as she got more comfortable.
“He would have to become some sort of professor of antiquities rather than history in general,” she suggested. “Curator of the museum with access to the collection.”
He laughed.
“The alternative would be an audacious burglary, I suppose,” he said, and Belle giggled.
“Do you have any idea where my stone is?” she asked, and he sighed.
“I haven’t seen it since the fourteenth century,” he said simply. “Except in that painting of Elizabeth Willoughby.”
“The necklace,” she whispered. “That was the stone, wasn’t it? Is - is that why Elizabeth remembered? She knew there was something strange about the stone even before she got her memories back, I think.”
“I don’t think it was the stone,” he said. “At least not on its own. We had to use the stones together in the past to wake each other, but the Seer told me that she woke you - woke Elizabeth, I mean. She gave Elizabeth her memories, but I’m not clear on how that was done.”
“No. Nor I.” She thought for a moment. “There was nothing in the journal to explain it.”
"A pity."
There was a moment of silence. His gaze was far away, and she wondered what he was thinking about.
"Would you like to read the journal?" she asked.
Ogilvy seemed to hesitate, lips parted, eyes staring up at the canopy. He turned his head towards her, and that sorrowful look was back in his eyes again, the memory of ancient heartache.
"I'm not sure," he admitted. "Part of me wants to have that connection, to know what you went through without me, and another part of me knows how painful the reading of it will be."
"I think I understand," she said slowly, and his eyes seemed to search her face.
"Would you like me to read it?" he asked gently, and she bit her lip.
"I think so," she said. "But - perhaps when I get my memories back. If I do, I mean."
“Then we must find the way,” he said. “The Seer said she could return your memories to you, as she did before, but that there would be a price.”
“What sort of price?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know,” he said gravely. “Nor did she. She told me that waking you in this life would affect us in the next, but as to how...” He lifted a hand to indicate his ignorance.
“That could be any number of things."
“And she was unable to even hint at what the price may be?”
“Not at this time,” he said. “She said she would think on it. She will come to us when the time is right. We must hope she has a clearer idea of the price at that time, so that we - so that you - can make an informed decision.”
“And she can return my memories?” asked Belle. “All of them?”
“All of them,” he confirmed. “If you want that, of course.”
Belle was silent for a moment, thinking. Memories of other lives, stretching back thousands of years. How wonderful that must be. And how painful. There must be grief and loss from all those lives. How do they bear it? How will I?
“You don’t have to,” he added. “It’s your choice.”
She pursed her lips.
“But - don’t you want me to remember?” she asked. “Everything, I mean. Everything we did together, the lives we shared...”
Ogilvy smiled faintly. There was an air of sadness about him, a sense of despondency.
“What I want is immaterial,” he said. “There is pain as well as pleasure in the memories. I won’t force them on you. It’s your choice, just as it always has been.”
There was a look in his eyes she couldn’t fully interpret, but she could sense heartbreak and loss, and she wanted to shudder. Whatever he is thinking of, it can’t be pleasant.
“I shall consider it,” she said. “It seems moot at present, given that we don’t know how.”
“True enough,” he agreed. “And there is time for you to think it over. It may be months or even years before the Seer comes to us.”
He nodded, and there was silence for a moment. Belle shifted against his side a little, thinking over what he had told her. One of the candle flames was guttering, sending out pulses of light and making shadows dance and flicker on the walls, and she watched the light shift on his features, his eyes dark pits.
“The Seer,” she said slowly. “Who is she?”
Ogilvy chuckled, running a hand through his hair.
“I wish I knew,” he said dryly. “Back in the days before we were first joined, there were whispers amongst the tribe that she was one of the fair folk. She certainly looks no different today than she did back then, so perhaps she is something other than human. One who walks between the worlds. Perhaps not. Perhaps she’s like us. Returning in every life, the same spirit in the same form, over and over.”
“And she has - magic?”
“Yes,” he said. “She has magic. And the Sight. The ability to see what will be. Just as Doc does. Though perhaps with a somewhat wider and more impersonal perspective.”
“I - I’m not sure I understand.”
“Doc has visions of the future concerning us, those to whom we’re close, and the dark forces we fight,” he explained. “The Seer’s gaze is cast a little wider. Across the earth as a whole. She saw that we would be needed to fight the darkness for the good of all.”
“How did she know it would be us specifically?” she asked.
“She didn’t,” he said simply. “Or at least, if she did, she didn’t let on. The only one she chose was Doc. It was part of the ritual. The rest of the tribe chose me, and I chose you.”
“And what was my choice?” She shifted again, body sliding against his, and he smiled.
“You chose to be bound to me,” he said. “That was part of the ritual too. You had to give yourself to me of your own free will.”
“Well, thank goodness for that, at least,” she remarked.
There was silence for a moment. His fingers were gently stroking the curve of her waist. Her mind was reeling, a thousand questions bubbling up from within.
“Why did you choose me?” she asked, and he sighed.
“The Seer of my own tribe told me I had to leave,” he said. “Told me that the future depended on it. She told me I was destined to be one of the three, with the old man and the maiden. I was to look for a girl, and that I would know her when I saw her. And so I wandered, until I found your tribe. Until I saw you.”
“And did you know?” she asked, and he smiled.
“Yes,” he whispered. “The first time I laid eyes on you, I knew. I just had to wait for you to choose me.”
“Did you ever think perhaps I wouldn’t?” she asked. Ogilvy chuckled.
“I think you found me insufferably arrogant at times, so yes, there was always a seed of doubt there,” he said.
“That doesn’t sound like you,” she observed, and he sighed.
“I lost a great deal of my sense of worth in the lives without you,” he said. “And some of my rage. I used to snarl and bite at the world when I wasn’t simply cursing the gods for parting us. Mostly I’m just tired now.”
Belle chewed her lip, wanting to kiss some of the self-assurance back into him.
“And - and before that?” she asked. “Back when we first met? Did you really worry that I wouldn’t choose you?”
The smile was back on his face, this time somewhat rueful.
“I wasn’t lying about the arrogance,” he said. “But it was more a question of whether you would choose another before the time came. As the beautiful chief’s daughter you could have had your pick.”
“The chief’s daughter, indeed.” She swatted his chest playfully. “Upstart!”
He burst out laughing.
“Yes, I was certainly that,” he agreed. “But I spent years fretting that perhaps I was wrong, and that at any moment you would choose one of the handsome hunters that were sniffing around your father’s fire. It was a relief when you agreed, and I found that the Seer had spoken truly.”
“Foresight sounds like a dreadful burden,” she observed, and he laughed again.
“Oh, indeed. And it’s far from infallible,” he said. “Having the visions doesn’t always let Doc interpret them properly, for example. Sometimes he just knows what’s coming. Sometimes it’s all interpreting signs and portents and digging through old books to work it out.”
“Sounds equally frustrating and fascinating.”
“I think you’ll enjoy it.”
“I don’t doubt it for a moment,” she said, pushing up a little. “All these things I thought were myths and children’s tales. Magic and portents and ancient power. So many new things to learn. And here I thought I’d arrived on your doorstep to be a governess!”
He was watching her with a tiny, amused smile and a soft look in his eyes.
“Marry me,” he whispered, and she pursed her lips, trying not to smile.
“Well, I suppose I really ought to,” she observed. “Certainly if we want to do that again. Which I very much do.”
She giggled, and he grinned.
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes,” she said decidedly. “I shall marry you. Oh, but let’s make it a small wedding. And almost scandalously quick. I rather like sharing a bed with you and I have no desire to wait weeks to do it again.”
He laughed.
“Yes, I’d prefer it if Mrs Wolfe didn’t walk out in protest,” he remarked. “She finds some of the aspects of my lifestyle unsettling enough, I daresay. I think carnal relations whilst unmarried may just tip her over the edge.”
Belle giggled, snuggling against his side.
“Soon, then,” she said. “How soon do you think we could do it?”
“I’d need to make some enquiries, but I believe the shortest time would be seven days.” His fingers were caressing the skin of her waist again, gently stroking. “I think I have to get a licence. Otherwise it’s three weeks.”
“So, at least a week from now.” She chewed her lip thoughtfully. “In that case, we really ought to make the most of tonight, don’t you think?”
He smiled, turning on his side, and his hand gently cupped her cheek as he kissed her. She opened her mouth with a contented noise, her hand sliding around his waist and up his back, her body shifting closer until she was pressed against him. His tongue gently stroked hers and she moaned a little, enjoying the heat of his body, the squash of flesh as they pressed together and his fingers pushing through her hair.
He pulled his mouth from hers, kissing down her neck and sending shivers through her, and she let her head roll back against the pillows, body arching upwards as he moved lower. The feel of his mouth on her nipple made her let out a tiny cry, fingers running up over his shoulders to tangle in his hair. The ends were damp where they had lain against the nape of his neck, his skin hot to the touch, and she closed her eyes, losing herself in the soft pull of his lips.
His hand slid between her legs, gently stroking, and she gasped as he touched sensitive skin, fingers sliding through flesh already slippery with their fluids. One finger gently pushed inside her, and Belle moaned, eyes closed, skin tingling. She could feel the soft, wet sweep of his tongue on her nipple, the scrape of his stubble against her breast, the hard length of the finger inside her and the friction of his hand against the sensitive bud at the top of her cleft. It was making something deep within her belly coil and tighten, her limbs stiffening. He let the nipple slip from his mouth, kissing upwards, nose nuzzling at her neck before his tongue swept up its length to her ear. The sensation made her shiver, and she moaned again, pushing against his hand, eager for the pleasure he could give her.
“Please, my love!” she whispered. “I need you!”
She felt him smile against her neck, and the finger gently slipped out of her, his hand reaching down between them. He shifted, his weight pressing down on her, and she felt the hardness of him push up against her. She licked her lips, her breathing rapid, heart thudding in her chest, and her hands slipped to his shoulders, feeling the firm heat of his skin. He met her eyes, gaze locked onto hers as he slowly sank into her, and Belle let out a tiny cry, lifting her hips to meet him, knees sliding up to let him push deeper. Her hands lifted, stroking over his cheeks and pushing into his hair, soft and damp against her fingers. His hands rose up to cup her cheeks, fingers gently stroking strands of hair back from her face, and he bent to kiss her as he began to move, his lips soft and wet against hers.
Belle closed her eyes, lips parted, listening to her own shallow breathing, in time with his, and the low creak of the bed beneath her. She inhaled the scent of him, a faint hint of the cologne he had been wearing and his own musk, the slightly acrid scent from the fire and the warm wax from the burning candles. She could feel the hard length of him inside her, the low groan that rumbled through him, and the heat and wetness where their bodies joined. Pleasure was rising within her, a wave of pressure that set her tingling, quick and hot, as though sparks were dancing across her skin. She clung to him, gripping his shoulders, her legs wrapping around him as their pace quickened and her body grew taut. A moan started deep within her chest, growing in pitch until she broke with a cry, pushing up against him, feeling him pulse inside her as he let out a low groan of pleasure, his arms sliding around her and hugging her tight.
She clung to him as the wave of bliss washed over her, soaking into her skin and leaving her drained. Falling back against the pillows, she tried to gulp in air, her chest heaving, and he slowed his movements, pushing up on his elbows to gaze down at her with a tiny, wicked little grin.
“Are you well?” he asked, and Belle tried to catch her breath, nodding.
“Oh, we are most certainly getting married!” she gasped, and he burst out laughing, kissing her again as he rolled onto his side and pulled her close.
Ogilvy had always been a light sleeper, when he could sleep at all, and staying in other people’s houses only made his insomnia worse. He had nonetheless managed the best night’s sleep he had had in what felt like years, and he woke reluctantly, dragged from his slumber by a faint clanking. After a moment of confusion he recognised it as the sound of fire irons being carried into the room. There was the sound of a sharp intake of breath, and Ogilvy raised his head, meeting the eyes of a young scullery maid with very curly red hair and rapidly flushing cheeks. She squeaked and promptly turned her back, bending to lay the fire, and he settled back down with a grin. No doubt she had been told to simply ignore anything improper she might see, and to go about her chores unless the guests said otherwise. She was probably new. He suspected Lady Ella’s seasoned servants had seen far worse in their time.
Belle was nestled in his arms, her back to his chest, and the bed was far too warm and comfortable to want to move. He lay dozing as the maid finished the fire, listening to the crackle and snap of the wood kindling. The door closed quietly as she left, and he smiled, leaning in to press his lips to Belle’s shoulder. She inhaled deeply, stretching her legs, and he kissed along her shoulder and up her neck, hearing a low hum of contentment.
“Good morning,” he murmured.
“Good morning to you,” she said sleepily. “What time is it?”
“Early,” he said. “I thought perhaps you might want to go back to your room before the rest of the house wakes up.”
“Mm.” Belle turned onto her back, running her hands over her face. “Good idea. I wouldn’t want the children to wonder where I am.”
She turned to face him, looking beautifully dishevelled, her eyes heavy and her cheeks pink. He leaned in to kiss her, an arm sliding around her waist and pulling her close against him, and she moaned in pleasure, opening her mouth as he pushed her onto her back. The kiss deepened, and he felt himself start to swell once more as his hand cupped her breast. Belle pulled her mouth from his.
“I really should go back to my room,” she said breathlessly. “But if you continue to do that I shall be forced to stay here for the remainder of the morning.”
Ogilvy chuckled, kissing her neck once more before pushing up on his elbows.
“I believe we have a train to catch,” he said. “More’s the pity. I fear we’ll have to be more circumspect at home.”
“A seven day wait once we obtain a marriage licence, you said?” she remarked, pursing her lips. “I must say that Parliament really has no consideration for a woman’s needs.”
“When has it ever?” he quipped.
She made a noise of agreement, kissing him once more before shuffling out from beneath him and throwing back the covers. He rolled onto his back, enjoying the sight of her as she hurried around the room, scooping up her nightdress and shawl and pulling them on.
“The servants came in to light the fire,” she observed. “Well. I suppose we were never going to be able to keep it a secret, were we?”
“You said they’re discreet.”
“Oh, indeed they are,” she said, running fingers through her hair in a futile attempt to tame it. “But that doesn’t mean Lady Ella won’t hear everything from them.”
Ogilvy grunted in amusement. He would have expected no less.
“Let’s try and get back to London before she starts planning the wedding herself,” he remarked, and she giggled, tugging the shawl around her shoulders.
“I should go,” she said, and put her head to the side. “I shall see you at breakfast. I for one have an excellent appetite this morning.”
A blush and a smirk, and she was gone, hurrying out of the door and closing it behind her. Ogilvy lay back against the pillows with a contented sigh, hands behind his head. Life was very nearly perfect.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
If you're up to date with my posts, then you know what's about to happen.
I've read the books, WE'VE ALL READ THE BOOKS, but this is a somewhat fun switch-a-roo.
Expect a BUNCH of changes that I'll try justifying, especially painful ones, so bear with me🙏
I'm starting with the first book for obvious reasons
Like before, we start in the mortal world with Ashley Duarte(yes, human!Cardan's last name is Duarte, but like I said, bear with me) making tacos in the kitchen while one of the MANY dogs and other animals wait for her to drop some food. Baby boy Cardan and his older half-sister Rhyia are watching some human stuff, maybe Looney Tunes or old Mickey Mouse cartoons, when the door is knocked on, which alerts the animals and wakes a half asleep Cardan; Rhyia does not wake up.
Cardan answers it and finds a cloaked Madoc at the door. Rather than ask who he is or call for his mother, he stares at this man, who kneels and asks as evenly as possible if his mother is home.
Cardan slams the door in his face, which prompts Ashley to ask why he did so.
Madoc BANGS on the door and shouts, "Asha!" and Ashley pales as she realizes who is at the door.
She demands Cardan to go upstairs as Madoc kicks the door open and walks inside, giving the same speech as the original, that Balekin told him she'd ran away with his daughter, that she killed a woman who was just as pregnant as her, that she ran away and married some lowly farm hand and blacksmith. He thought it was a lie, but nope. Here she stands.
Asha(which is her real name) is deeply ashamed at his words, and tries to pull Cardan away; an angry Madoc is an unstable Madoc.
Like before, Justin rushes in to save his family, but ends up getting kebabbed with his wife.
Rhyia does wake up to see both and Madoc spills the tea that she's his and needs to pack her bags because they're leaving, and Cardan's coming with.
Cardan, despite being seven, is outraged and tries to kick Madoc into oblivion with no avail. Rhyia, however, swears that she'll never love a monster like Madoc, who simply scoffs and tells her to wrangle the human and gather her things in half an hour, because they're leaving for Faerie.
Reluctantly, they do and they never see the mortal world again for a very long time.
Jump to the present day as Cardan, a now seventeen year old human heart throb, is getting prim and proper for a revel. His hair is getting styled nice, he's in a nice suit, he's wearing a cool belt that makes him look like he has a tail, and has ear cuffs that make his ears look pointed like a faerie.
He also has rowan berries on his wrist, because he doesn't want the necklace to be easy to see as a lot of his shirts show his chest.
He's dolled up and meets Locke, his brother that came around when Madoc married Oriana and had Oak. The two did not get along, at first, but they began to tolerate each ither as they realized they were the only humans in Faerie that were gentry kids.
Locke is more of a bard or a poet, always seen with a little book, and doesn't wear the same stuff Cardan does, so no pointed ear cuffs for him. He's also more accustomed to Faerie, being good with half truths and minor deception. He's on good terms with both Madoc and Oriana.
Cardan, however, is not on good terms with either of them, as he has tried multiple times to leave Faerie, with and without Rhyia with him, and every time ended with Madoc outside scowling at him and leading him back to his room. Still has that 'no kill' rule, but he's better with sneaking and a sword, having been able to lighten his steps so he could sneak past Madoc and his guards whenever he tried to leave. He's not bad with a sword, but he still has a lot to learn, being 17 and all. When he doesn't have a sword in his hands, he has an animal in them, i.e. a foal, a dog, or, at one point, a skunk that was calm enough to not spray him. Yeah, animal lover that can hold his own.
The two exchange banter and Locke shows show rare excitement for this revel, saying the two will have the time of their lives. Locke, who isn't as close with her, wonders where Rhyia is, but Cardan reveals she's not attending, instead going to visit some friends in the mortal world.
Her funeral as the boys saddle up with Oriana amd Madic and go to the revel.
Similar events occur, like Oriana telling the boys to be careful, Madoc talking to Dain and Balekin, and Locke leading Cardan through the revel so they can have a good time.
IT GOES DOWNHILL WHEN THE GREENBRIAR TWINS AND THEIR FRIENDS ARRIVE. Jude, her older sister Taryn, and their friends, Edir, a bard that can sing and play anyone under the table, Valerian, who's a sadist, and Nicasia, the princess of the Undersea.
Jude and Taryn may have the same face and body, but don't be fooled, Jude has horns, always wears a sword, and will slap you in a dress and then set it on fire without a second’s hesitation. Taryn, however, always has a bunch of flowers in her hair, always wears a dress, and uses words as her weapon. Did you know that she broke on of the most boisterous men in Faerie qith nothing but her words? True story. Edir is the guy that keeps them both in check, an order of Balekin's, which we'll learn later. He is also more of Jude's friend and Taryn's bed buddy, in SFW terms. Nicasia is Jude's friend, like FRIEND, and Valerian is the same, really, just more of an ass now that he has more even targets.
Everyone bows to these guys, even Cardan and a smirking Locke. That smirk vanishes when Taryn winks at Cardan, who Jude GLARES AT.
Locke feels the same way, cinfused and angry, but no time to think in it because Valerian storms toward a confused Cardan and grabs him by the collar, snarling that he can play dress up and make believe all he wants because it won't hide his plain hair or round ears or barn dog smell, so he shouldn't even bother.
Valerian throws him back and Locke rounds on Cardan, asking him what the hell that was between him and Taryn. Cardan brushes him off, as it was just a wink, not a lap dance. Before they can REALLY go at it, crying draws their attention and see that Jude just pincushioned someone who didn't bow, said someone nkw having a hole in their stomach and a slash across their torso. Taryn is annoyed, Nicasia and Valerian are trying not to laugh, and Edir, who's embarassed, is scolding Jude for losing it at a revel.
Jump to after the revel and the day of school. The boys do indeed get dirt kicked on their food, but instead of 'make me,' Cardan snaps, 'TRY me,' because Nicasia asks if he's as filthy as other human boys. Locke talks him down, but Valerian, kicking more dirt and even throwing some IN Cardan's face, asks if the two qould like them for friends.
Locke apologizes for Cardan, but Jude commands he prove it by dropping out of the tournament, it'll be less embarrassing than getting his ass beaten in front of everyone.
Nicasia spots one of the ear cuffs and pulls it off, asking if he stole it. Big mistake because the cuff burns her hand, as it is iron and iron hurts Faeries.
Cardan smirks and the group leaves, Locke scolding him for being stupid.
Later, at dinnner, after talk of Dain's coronation, Cardan, despite some minor objection from Rhyia, asks Madoc a question: May he please have a green sash for the tournament? Why? He would like to be a knight, please and thank you. Madoc chikes on his wine, Locke coughs to hide a laugh, Rhyia winces, and Oriana os shicked into silence.
Madoc gives it to him straight: he's not bad with a sword, he's good on his feet,and he's the best damned rider that anyone's ever seen, but no. He cannot compete for knighthood, on the count of being the furthest thing from a killer imaginable and just being in over his head.
Cardan protests that he can do just fine, but Madoc warns him to stop before he gets himself thrown in a dungeon instead if his room until the coronation of prince Dain.
Cardan relinquishes and we get the salt prank like before, except Locke is pissed beyond all reason at his foster brother. Cardan doesn't mind until he's grabbed by Edir and Valerian, Locke being pulled by the hair by Jude and both are thrown in the river, which has Nixies in it.
Thier supplies get yeeted, Locke gets pulled out by Valerian and is made to kiss Jude on the lips and both her horns, but, when asked, Cardan does not give up, vowing that he will never give up, which makes Jude laugh and the group leave.
Locke and Cardan walk home, get some baths, and go to bed, except they go to the mortal world with Rhyia and meet her friends Vivienne and Heather at the mall. Vivienne apologizes for Jude's behavior, and we learn that Rhyia is planning to leave Faerie, and is probably going alone.
The boys return and endure a lesson, but Jude pushes Locke's buttons, so Cardan pushes her into a tree. Challenge accepted.
TOURNAMENT TIME!! Cardan fairs wellin that Valerian is lazy, Edir is out of shape, and Jude got cocky, so he wins.
Jude fumes at him, later grabbing him by the tail on his belt amd demanding he beg for her forgiveness. He does... NOT! And spits in her face that she may push him down, but he'll pull her down with him, and it will hurt her like hell.
Taryn approaches him and expresses interest in him, saying that she once took both Edir and Nicasia from Jude because people just like a sensitive girl.
She leaves and the tournament eventually ends, which leads Cardan to return hime and meet Dain, who requested one of Madoc's people to tell Cardan one of Eldred's children had come for a visit.
Dain and Cardan get talking and Dain offers him something that isn't knighthood: spying. Plus one wish.
Cardan knows what he wants: to not be controled.
Granted, but Dain can still control him and the fruits of Faerie will still effect him.
Screwy, but deal, he's a spy now
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three: The Midday Vision
Word Count 2.9k
Warnings: angst, mentions of physical harm
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A week has gone by and you have been watching Daario's movements like a dragon stalking its prey. Hvitserk laughs at you for it but this is your people's lives at stake here, and you will watch him until you leave Wessex. Until that day, he will be under your radar. Ivar has been sending letters back and forth since the day you got to England, but you have only written him twice. So that is what you will do today, write to your beloved while Hvitserk takes on your responsibilities for an hour or so. 
Hvitserk "He is probably worried sick-"
"I know, I know. It just has slipped my mind. I feel horrible!"
Hvitserk "I am sure that he is fine, kitten. I will watch Daario while you write your letters. Come find me when you are done, yes?"
"Of course."
Hvitserk "Good," he kisses your lips before taking a step back, "I love you." 
"I love you too." And then he shut the door behind him and left you to your thoughts. 
You gathered your writing instruments and sat down at your table. You thought of what to say and how to say it for a good while before you actually put your pen to the parchment. Eventually, you took a deep breath and began to write:
Dear Ivar, 
Please forgive me for not writing back sooner, my priorities have been taking up my time and writing has just left my mind. I have taken your advice and have been watching Daario's every move and as of now, he has been staying true to his word. He has been kind and gentle to my people, he has been teaching the young to fight, and has been guiding people in my village. Hvitserk has changed his opinion on the man, which puts my mind at ease quite a bit. I hope that you have been well, my love. I miss you dearly. I plan to be home by the weeks end, if not sooner. I love you Ivar, see you soon my king.
Yours, Y/n.
You hurried your way down the stairs to reach your letter carrier and he left with great haste. You smile as you look behind you to see your dragon's. You walk your way to Ryuu, Neith and Eldr, and you sit down beside them all.
"I miss your daddy, y'know." Eldr scuffs some heat out of his mouth. "What?! I do. This is the longest I have ever gone without seeing Ivar." Eldr places his head down by your feet, for you to feel some comfort. "We will go home soon, my loves. Just one more day or so, I just need to make absolutely sure-"
Daario "That what..?" You jolt up and look behind you, "that I won't burn this place to the ground."
"I'm sorry-"
Daario "No, don't be. If you weren't watching me like a hawk, then you would not be a good queen. I respect you Y/n."
"Thank you."
Daario "So, you really talk to them do you?"
"Of course I do. They understand me and I understand them."
Daario "Oh yeah? Are they talking now-"
"I know that you must find it absurd but-"
Daario "Not at all. I am just trying to understand this whole dragon thing. Before I met you, I thought that dragon's were a myth."
You giggle, "Well as you can see, they are very much real."
Daario chuckles, "Yes they are."
"So mainly it is all psychological. When I look into their eyes, I can tell what they are saying."
Daario "That is a true gift."
"Mmm," you look up at Neith, "I got to raise them, that is the true gift."
Daario "I swear, you are the most selfless person I have ever met. Especially given the fact that you rule over two kingdoms."
"Thank you, but I only rule over Wessex. My husband rules Kattegat."
Daario "I am confused."
"I only feel that I rule over England, I do not feel like I rule over Kattegat."
Daario "Well in that case, I am more than grateful to lead by your side in England, my queen."
"Well technically-"
Daario "I know, you won't be here.." you nod, "but it's still a nice thought to think about." You pause but you feel a pair of familiar hands grab the small of your back.
Hvitserk "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for the two of you."
"Sorry Hvitserk, Daario was just asking me about my dragon's."
Hvitserk "Oh yeah? They are incredible aren't they?"
Daario "Truly. I guess I should go and check on everyone. It was lovely talking to you."
"You as well Naharis.." you watch him walk away and join your people at one of your homes. 
Hvitserk "He got a little too close there..for my liking."
"Flirting, but he is a man Hvitserk. He can't help himself."
Hvitserk "I warned him not to ever-"
"I believe you. But look at me," he looks away from Daario and down into your eyes, "We are going home soon, and he will be far away from all of us, okay?"
Hvitserk sighs, "Fine."
"I don't wish for your day to be ruined over a little flirt."
Hvitserk "It's not, kit..I just don't like when people look at you like you are a meal. It infuriates me. After all you've been through, I find it my life's duty to protect you." You pull him in for a warm yet hard embrace and hold him close for a while.
"You do protect me Hvitserk. You keep me safe and warm..and loved." He smiles, "Ever since the day we met, you've kept me safe. But once our daughter is here, I need you to protect her more than me."
Hvitserk "I-"
"Promise me Hvitserk." He loses eye contact, "Our daughter's life comes first. No matter what, you keep our daughter safe."
Hvitserk "I swear it, Y/n. But that does not mean that I won't not protect you."
"Of course it doesn't. But if there ever comes a day where it is between me or our daughter to save, save our little girl." Hvitserk looks away to hide his tear that was falling from his eyelid. He quickly wipes it away and clears his throat before looking back at you. 
Hvitserk "I will." You smile and nod, "But let us pray to the gods that there will never come a day where I have to save only one of you.."
"Yes. Now, let us have a good day today."
Hvitserk "With you, it's always a good day."
Back in Kattegat:
Ivar has been having sleepless nights without you in his arms. He has been worrying nonstop, waiting for you to write back to him. He has gone to Ubbe, asking for his guidance but he has been brushing him off and telling him, "she's with Hvitserk, she is fine." He knows that is a fact, but he also knows that something could have happened to the both of you. So he waits and waits for your letter to arrive. As he waits, he sits on his throne, motionless. When all of a sudden, he hears none other than his own brother scream out his name from outside those double doors. He is in a panic that he crawls his way to the doors instead of walking to them. He looks around and does not see his brother so to save time, he gets into his carriage and commands his horse to ride to the noise. When he finds Ubbe, he is sitting on the ground with tears in his eyes.
Ivar "Ubbe, what is it?!"
Ubbe "It is Y/n. Something is going to happen to her-"
Ivar "What are you talking about?"
Ubbe "A vision Ivar. I had a vision-"
Ivar "A vision..during the day?"
Ubbe "Yes, brother. We both know that that has never happened to us before."
Ivar "Tell me.."
Ubbe "There is this woman. I could see her like I am seeing you right now. She goes into their chambers Ivar.." Ivar's eyes start to water as he anticipates what he is about to say next. "She takes Hvitserk's dagger and.." Torvi's eyes are red from crying, as she looks up at Ivar.
Ivar "And what?"
Ubbe "She kills them both." Ivar's tears overflow now. "She goes to the extent of slitting her belly..Ivar. She kills all of them."
Ivar "I, how..what?" He is in shock and he cannot truly make out what to say.
Ubbe "We need to go Ivar, we are losing the sun!"
Ivar "Did you see her face?"
Ubbe "Wha-yes! Ivar we need to go! If we wait any longer, we won't make it by nightfall!" Ivar does not waste anymore time before he rides out of Kattegat, heading straight to you. Ubbe hurries his men to join him while Torvi takes over Kattegat. 
Torvi "Come on boys..please save them..please save them." She says over and over as she cries, fearing that they will not make it to England in time.
Ivar looks up at the sky as he forces his horse to run like the wind, seeing the sun fade away and into the horizon. He fears that he will be too late and he would see his family gone, right in front of his eyes. He knew by the sound of his brother's screams that it had to deal with his wife. Why else would he scream? Why else would he be on his knees, crying? You are loved, Hvitserk is loved, and your unborn child is loved so much that the thought of losing you three is bone chilling. 
Ivar "Come on...COME ON!" He continues to hit his horse but the horse is physically incapable of going any faster but he cannot help himself. He is out of breath, even though he is not the one running. His heart is already in pain with the picture in his mind of how horrible it would be to witness such a scene. 
Ubbe "We're not going to make it, brother!" He shouted from his horse that is racing beside his carriage.
Ivar "We are going to make it!" He shouted back at him. His voice cracking from the sadness he is trying to hide. If anyone has to be strong, it is him. And he will be strong, and he will make it. He has too.
Wessex England:
As the sun settled behind your kingdom and below the hills surrounding it, you felt the sense of unease. So as a gut instinct, you stay very close to Hvitserk. Practically joint at his hip. Daario notices your change in behavior and immediately goes on high alert. 
Hvitserk "Y/n, are you alright? You seem frightened."
"I have this unnerving feeling."
Hvitserk "Tell me what you are feeling."
"I have this sickening feeling and almost an electrical pain going across my belly.."
Hvitserk "What?!"
"I already looked, there is nothing there."
Hvitserk "Is sh-"
"She's still kicking..yes."
Hvitserk "Then why are you feeling this?"
"I am not sure. I just feel like something is coming. I just don't know what."
Hvitserk "I don't want you out of my sight, do you hear me?"
"I'm not going anywhere, you asked what was wrong so I was not going to hide what I have been feeling since the sun went down." 
Hvitserk "Well, I believe you Y/n. I'm not going to let anything happen to you-"
Hvitserk "What?"
"I was just telling you if it ever came down to me or our daughter, save our daughter."
Hvitserk "She is still in your womb, kitten...so right now, I am watching over you."
"What did I ever do to deserve such a protector?"
Hvitserk "Just you being you. Anyone who meets you loves you Y/n. Everyone who meets you wishes to protect you."
"Why? I don't understand that. I am just an normal person-"
Hvitserk "It is because you have been through so much trauma that you did not deserve, everyone is aware and wishes to give you a new and safe life. And you are far from normal Y/n. You are a mother of dragons, how is that normal?" He bursts out laughing and so do you.
"I guess you are right. I love you, you know that."
Hvitserk "Of course I do."
"Good." You rest your head on his shoulder and rest your mind. That is until you hear a woman shout behind you. Hvitserk takes out his sword and so do the guards that are around you at all times. You find Daario holding a woman by her mouth, keeping her silent. 
"Daario! What is the meaning of this!?"
Daario "She was going to kill you!" He holds up the dagger that she had in her hand. You walk up to her, to conform Daario's own words.
"Is this true?" She does not answer at first, but she nods because her mouth is still covered by Daario's large hand. You look up at him, confused. "But why did you wish to harm your queen?" She forces Daario's hand off of her mouth and Hvitserk holds his sword up to her throat.
Hvitserk "Try anything, and you'll meet your precious God in the matter of seconds."
"I am unarmed-" she said.
Daario "Yeah, you are now-"
"What was your reason?!"
"You should not be queen! Any spawn of your fathers will destroy this kingdom and its people. This kingdom needs new blood, new reigns..not you." She said with a straight face. 
"I am sorry that you feel that way. But I am nothing like my father. I love my people and I love my kingdom, I would never do anything to put it in jeopardy."
"Funny, that is what your father used to say-"
"I burned my father alive." She takes a step back. "I am not my father. I got rid of my father. I am aware of what he has done, who he has killed..I am also aware of everything that he has done to me, to which I think that you have no idea about." She does not respond, "So do not kill someone who is trying to save her kingdom. Do not kill someone who loves her people."
"..I..I am sorry." She finally said, but before you could answer, you hear horses coming from behind you and by your gate. 
Hvitserk "Get behind me." Daario lets go of the girl and gets beside Hvitserk to guard you. Your dragon's fly to the top of your palace to get a clear shot if you demand them to kill. 
"Wh-is that..Ivar!?" Hvitserk puts away his sword and sighs out of relief to see his brother's instead of a whole unexpected army. "What is he doing here?" You walk up to your husbands carriage, confused.
"Ivar, what are you-" he pulls you into his chest, stopping you from talking. He is shaking and he is sobbing. 
Ivar "I made it..oh gods, I made it."
"You knew?..How did you-"
Ubbe "Hey sis." And then it clicked, he must have had a vision. 
"What did you see Ubbe?"
Ubbe "I saw that woman," he points to the woman that is being held back by Daario, "come into your chambers and kill the three of you."
"Our chambers..but it just happened?"
Ubbe nods, "Sometimes visions are not exact, but they show the true fate of the one's that you love."
Ivar "So this is the woman."
"Ivar-" He does not listen to you. He makes his way passing his brother and grabbing the woman by her throat, shoving her up against the wall of your palace.
"..please..don't kill me.." she tries to get out. 
Ivar "If you ever try to kill my wife, my brother..and my unborn child again, I will crucify you..do you understand me?" She cries out, agreeing and pleading for her life. "The only reason why your neck is not broken is because my wife is behind me. And I know that she would not wish to see you die. She has too good of a heart."
"I am so sorry, my queen." You do not respond, only stare. "Please forgive me. I was not thinking, I was only remembering all that your father put my family through!"
"Understood, Ivar..let her go." He lets go over her throat and she runs to you, kneeling her your feet. 
"Please..forgive me. I am truly sorry!" She said, crying and shouting for forgiveness.
"Please stand." She does so and you take her hands in yours, "I forgive you. But I need you to think before you act. If Daario was not here to stop you, me and my child would be dead by your impulse. Think before you act and only act if you have facts and knowledge on the person you wish to kill."
"My queen, I am so-"
"I have already told you that you have been forgiven. I will give you a second chance, please do not fail me."
"Yes, my queen."
"Go to your mother." She runs away and rejoins her mother and siblings. You look in front of you and see Ivar, Hvitserk and Daario shocked but proud. 
"Hello..my beloved." He couldn't help himself from giggling.
Ivar "Hello, my sweetheart."
@hvitserkmarcosource @heavenly1927 @saldelys @youbloodymadgenius @ivarsgoddess @conaionaru @readsalot73 @a-mess-of-fandoms @houseoftoomanyfandoms @dreamycream17 @nevlahhh @krissydclayton93
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lissy-strata · 5 years
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You’re minding your own business in England when SUDDENLY ALIENS.
Picture: A shot of Eldred arguing with Radnor, then cuts to a distant shot of an Ice Warrior appearing over a hill, then cuts to the storeroom on the moon where Kelly and Jamie are waiting for Zoe and Phipps.
Infotext: A lady was driving along West Heath Road, where the filming was taking place. Guess what she saw looming towards her over the heath... The chock made her lose control of her car, and she drove straight into a tree. There are several versions of that story. According to another, the Ice Warrior was leaning against a tree smoking a cifarette, and the distracted lady driver ran into the back of the car ahead of her, not a tree. 
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inkandpapermagic · 5 years
Queen of Nothing: In-depth Theories and Analysis of loose ends and plot threads from TCP and TWK that still need to be addressed
    I had too much time on my hands on a summer afternoon, and since I just finished a reread of The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King, I wanted to get my thoughts together (I also am an English major and I’m starved for some literary analysis, yo). This series has so many cool prophecies and mysteries and there’s a ton of plot threads needing to be tied up in The Queen of Nothing. So, I chose a few of my favorites to over-think on.
Justin and Eva, the dumb kids who started this mess 
Justin and Eva, y’all. Justin and Eva. Ever since Jude saw her mother in the Lake of Masks, I have been dying to know the real story about these two. Jude doesn’t seem to be that curious, but during her entire conversation with Asha, I was screaming internally for Jude to shut up and let the woman talk about this mysterious pair. I could personally read an entire novel about them alone (Holly, if you’re reading this, please please please can we make some kind of faerie bargain about this?). 
In any case, there’s so many unanswered questions about Justin and Eva. I’m just going to dive right in, starting with Justin. He seems like a pretty straightforward guy-- dude just wanted to make swords. Like, really wanted to make swords. Justin was probably that kid in high school who played Dungeons and Dragons 24/7 and set the school on fire during wood shop class. He is a fictional, real-life Gendry Baratheon, and according to Taryn in The Lost Sisters, he sold his swords on Ebay.The only real hint we get that Justin may have been more than Eva’s hunky mortal baby daddy is what we hear from Grimsen: 
“Then I told him I would give him one of my secrets: He could learn the practice of a hundred years in a single day… if only he would part with something he didn’t want to lose.”
“And did he make the bargain?” I ask.
He appears delighted. “Oh, wouldn’t you like to know?”
Will we find out Justin’s bargain? I personally think he took it-- and lost his life.
Then there’s Eva, who we hear a lot about but know very little. We know that she had an idea of who her daughter would become-- but sadly, she was a bit misguided. 
“...do you know what the hag said? That Eva’s child was destined to be a greater weapon than Justin could ever forge.” 
    Of course, Eva thought this was Vivi, and Asha speculates that this prophecy might have influenced Eva’s decision to flee to the mortal world. But we don’t know that, or really anything about why she decided to leave, a fact Jude bemoans to Cardan.
“There are so many questions I wish I could ask my mom… why she married Madoc,” I say. “Whether she loved him and why she left him and whether she was happy in the human world. Whether she actually murdered someone and hid her body in the burnt remains of Madoc’s original stronghold.”
    Of course, Asha knows-- “...one or both of them killed a woman and burned the body to hide your mother’s disappearance from Madoc. I could tell you about that. I could tell you how it happened--” but she’s not telling without a reward. 
    While I can’t even begin to guess who that woman could be, I do think that Jude will consider her mother’s fate as she struggles with her own relationship with Cardan. It’s something Taryn struggled with, too, in The Lost Sisters. I also still like the theory I’ve seen floating around here that Cardan and Jude somehow end up in the mortal world together, permanently-- wouldn’t that bring things full circle. 
    Jude, Oriana, Jude’s bad life choices, and Oriana’s disapproval of Jude’s bad life choices 
    Speaking of crazy kids in love-- the subject of lovers, specifically those of the High King, is something that is explored very early on, in the first half of The Cruel Prince. Through the story of Liriope, we can understand that being the High King’s lover is a dangerous job. And since we know early on that Jude is attracted to Cardan, we’re worried for her. But it’s Oriana who inadvertadly imparts wisdom onto Jude about what she’s getting herself into. Oriana mistakenly thinks Jude is Dain’s lover, and their conversation, which at first seems throwaway and out of place, really intrigues me. First, Oriana admits she was Eldred’s lover, and tells Jude the story of Liriope. Then, she wraps up that story with a moral: 
“Hear me, Jude. It is no easy thing to be the lover of the High King. It is to always be in danger. It is to always be a pawn.” Then shit starts to get weird. Oriana says to Jude:
“If you go to Prince Dain despite my warning, if he gets his heir on you, tell no one before you tell me. Swear it on your mother’s grave.” 
    Jude, of course, swears, thinking she won’t have a problem keeping that vow. But why was that included at all? Just to show that Oriana is paranoid and crazy?
    I don’t think Jude will necessarily be having Cardan’s baby or anything like that. But I do think that Oriana’s lesson will come back to her, just as it did when she watched Eldred’s lover be murdered at the coronation. Jude has already become somewhat of a pawn-- after all, Orlagh abducted her, and Cardan bargained to get her back. And that was when she was only a seneschal. When Faerie finds out that she has become the Queen, who knows what might happen to her? 
    As for how her vow to Oriana fits into that-- I think that perhaps she will go to Oriana for help with something else. Maybe to tell her about their marriage, or ask her for advice, or even for revenge. Who knows? What I do know is that Oriana will not be having any of Jude’s nonsense. 
    “I want to tell you so many lies”-- are Jude and Cardan actually married? 
And now that we’re on the subject of lovers, let’s talk about those marriage vows. 
What really bugs me about this is that when they married, Cardan didn’t know that Jude had killed Balekin. So he had no plans to send her away when they married. Which makes me think that, in his mind, he really thought that he could crown Jude and they could rule together. The act of exiling her was just a frantic chess move to get her off the board so that Orlagh wouldn’t kill her outright. I’ve read and reread that scene, and I still come off with the impression that he was sincere. And that supposed sincerity is what brings me to the marriage vows, specifically Cardan’s. He goes first, which means that he dictates the terms of the vow:
“I, Cardan, son of Eldred, High King of Elfhame, take you, Jude Duarte, mortal ward of Madoc, to be my bride and my queen. Let us be wed until we wish for it to be otherwise and the crown has passed from our hands.” 
“Until we wish for it to be otherwise.” In her own vows, Jude puts it a little more simply: 
“Let us be wed until we don’t want to be and the crown has passed from our hands.” 
    This is interesting. If this rule holds true, than Cardan’s supposed betrayal of Jude would dictate that, if they’re truly at odds, that they technically aren’t married anymore since they supposedly hate each other. 
    Yet I think that, deep down, they both still wish they were married to the other. In that case, even though I’m sure they’ll pretend to be angry at each other, the marriage remains because they both secretly wish to remain married. 
The mermaids are out to get us 
Finally, I want to look at a little prophecy that takes place near the beginning of The Wicked King, but whose words I believe basically foreshadow the events of the entire book. 
“Spurn the sea once, we will have your blood,
Spurn the sea twice, we will have your clay, 
Spurn the sea thrice, your crown will away.” 
I think it’s safe to say that the “blood” was the drops of blood spilled when Nicasia accidentally hit Cardan while he was in bed. The clay, of course, is Jude, daughter of clay. I’ve seen several people on Tumblr discuss these theories and I definitely think that all makes sense. It’s the third line that interests me. But first, let’s go back to the Cardan’s final act of The Wicked King, when he exiles Jude. 
“Until and unless she is pardoned by the crown.” 
It all comes back to that line, doesn’t it? The general consensus is the Jude is the crown, and she can pardon herself. So how does this tie into the Undersea’s prophecy? 
Jude is exiled for killing Balekin, the ambassador to the Undersea. As a result, Cardan sends her away to the mortal world. 
“Spurn the sea thrice, your crown will away.” 
So, in conclusion, I believe that through a clever bit of wordplay, all three components of the Undersea prohpecy have come true-- in this case, because the crown, Jude, has been sent away in retaliation for her crime against the Undersea. 
        Queen Jude (doesn’t that sound amazing?)
There is one thing we can be sure of-- Jude Duarte will be queen of Faerie. After all, Baphen saw it in his stars: 
“The stars say this is a time of great upheavel,” says Baphen. “I see a new monarch coming, but whether that’s a sign of Cardan deposed or Orlagh overturned or NIcasia made queen, I cannot say.”
If you made it this far, thanks for sticking with me! I can’t contribute cool fanart but I can give you theories haha. 
And in short, this is me every day until November 19th: 
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dbaydenny · 5 years
The Striving Pen
Putrid poems pressed
into minds wanting magic
disturb the milieu
we must strive against losing
searchers still seeking
when resonance escapes us
lovers never touch our words.
D W Eldred
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10holmes · 6 years
Cardan POV set after the Wicked King Ending
Alright guys... I’ve also fallen prey to Holly Black’s superb writing style and imagination and finished TWK way too fast and too soon and my heart is still raw from that f****** ending and cliffhanger...
As a way to cope, I, therefore, wrote a little fic about Cardan’s POV after this certain event at the end....
Cardan had no recollection of how he made it back to the palace and into his rooms. Of how he'd departed from the place where he had probably made the wisest choice for the future of his kingdom and his dangerous heart but also possibly the biggest mistake of his immortal life.
What had his final words to Orlagh been? Where had she and Nicasia departed too? Had he called in a meeting with the remaining Living Council to discuss how to proceed with Madoc and the army he'd so treacherously stolen from him?
He couldn't remember. All he saw, thinking back, was Jude.
How she'd been dragged down from her horse.
How she'd stared at him after he had announced her punishment – first in shock and disbelief, then with utter loathing and incomprehension, the impact of his betrayal clearly written in the wet and angry gleam of her eyes.
He heard her voice crying out to him that she was his queen and that he couldn't do that. And he heard the assembled Fae laughing at that preposterous claim.
He would have liked to strangle every one of them for their impertinence. He would have liked to make it clear that Jude, in fact, was his queen and there would never be another, that they should accept her as ruler or else face the consequences of their shared wrath.
But he couldn't have done that. He had had to follow through with his plan: He had had to laugh at her as well.
He had had to exile her.
Make her hate him in the process but at least keep her safe from herself and any further stupid actions on her part. Keep her safe from Fairy and any injuries and near deaths it would bring her.
He could not cope with her being hurt, much less with her being dead – not after what happened to her with Orlagh in the Undersea.
When the truce had been called and he finally got to see Jude again, after the most agonizing month of his existence, he had been chilled to the bone – as if he had just risen from the ice-cold depths of the Undersea himself.
Jude had looked like a wraith – pale as snow, lips cracked and blue, her beautiful eyes dull and sunken. And she had lost so much weight. One month and she looked like she had been starving for years.
That image would forever be burned into his memories. It would forever haunt his nightmares. It already had for the last three nights – when he'd tossed and turned and got no rest, his thoughts always returning to Jude and how she was doing, whether she was alright, what he could do to make sure something like this would never happen to her again.
Especially now that it was even more imperative than ever to keep her safe, with Madoc on the lose, intent on putting her in her place, at best, and getting rid of her as worst case scenario. Now, that Madoc had truly accepted her as his equal and was bound to treat her as such...
Yesterday evening he'd finally come up with a semi-decent plan, and Jude had given him just the perfect opportunity to enact it...
It was a small prize to pay really, sending her away from his side – in a way, letting her go. Cardan was prepared to suffer this new kind of heartache that came with losing her and her possibly hating him for real and forever after this. As long as it meant she'd be safe and alive.
And she would be safe with Vivi and Oak in the Mortal World while he took care of Madoc, the Undersea and anyone who still opposed him.
And he would strengthen his reign, too. Become a king worthy of fairy. Equal to Eldred, if not better than his father. He finally realized what it meant to rule. He finally accepted the lot that Jude had dealt him.
At first he had been so angry with her and furious about their bargain, and swore to himself that he would make her pay for playing him like that. But during the shared five months of their reign he had had plenty time to think and realized two things:
He didn't mind Jude holding the strings as much as he'd at first thought – except for some instances when she would drive him crazy with her little, uncalled for insecurities and trust issues. Then again he was amazed that she was cunning and strategic enough to think of almost every loophole and that her decisions and running the kingdom was rather formidable at that.
But he also, secondly, realized, that it couldn't go on like that and he had to finally grow up and pull the strings himself. That month in which Jude was gone had proven it and he never wanted to feel as helpless and lost as he had felt that first week without her ever again. And to become the king Fairy needed Jude had to go as well. At least for a little while.
Once all that was done, and he also deemed Fairy safe again, he would pardon Jude and welcome her back.
If she forgave him and just felt relieved for being welcomed back all would be well.
If she came back simmering with rage and bent on revenge, unable to forgive him, he would be fine with that too. He would learn to cope with her hatred. He had done it once before after all.
But that was before they'd crossed that one fateful line. Before he was no longer able to tell her how much he hated her because that had turned into a lie. Before seeing Jude and even just thinking about her had begun to make his heart feel like a butterfly trapped in his rib cage.
He certainly could not go back to a time before. Not after he'd tasted her lips – sweeter than the Everapple – not after he'd seen and got to know every bare inch of her and found it more beautiful than any of the Folk could ever be. Not after he had made that most sacred and ostentatious of vows in making her his wife – his queen.
It actually was a bit ironic how Jude – a master of strategy and deceit and lies – was unable to notice when she was made a pawn of one. First the Ghost – now Cardan himself – and both times Jude had just accepted the deception but not thought an inch further.
It was probably testament to his reputation as the cruel and capricious prince and his inability to just have told her about his true feelings, when he still could have, that she immediately accepted him discarding her so roughly and seemingly without caring in the least. That she though it to be an act of revenge and getting back at her for his brother's death and that stupid bargain... Despite what had clearly happened between them. Despite him making her queen. Making her his equal. She still couldn't see.
Truth be told: He had been a bit cross with her for killing his brother, even though he'd implored her not to, and then had not told him the truth although he had thought they were past secrets and finally trusting each other. At least he had trusted her... when he had mistaken Taryn for her...
It still nettled him.
He didn't know how he could have made such a grievous mistake. Taryn and Jude might be twins but to him they couldn't look more different. He should have recognized her to be Taryn, even with some of the poison still in his system. The antidote had already been working...
But his mind had clearly not...
Still, it didn't make any sense... or maybe he just didn't want to admit how stupid he had been to even trust Jude enough to be able to make that mistake. Maybe it was in that moment that he had realized loving her was a weakness in more than one aspect. That he actually needed to be rid of her...
Not only made it Jude vulnerable to attacks that were meant for him or to get her out of the way. She could also get hurt, thinking that she had to protect him and give her life for his as High King. The latter just owing to Oak still not being ready to take the throne of course– not because of certain feelings on her part... No, she had made it clear that she didn't reciprocate the feelings he so obviously had for her.
But it, also, made him vulnerable because Jude meant too much to him. Because he didn't want to see her hurt or dead. Because she could be used as leverage again. Because he could, in a bad moment, fall for a deceit of Taryn’s again and he wanted to make sure she was the only twin around and that there was no one there to confuse her with...
And he, moreover, feared that, as much as Jude might be able to hold her ground, at some point or against a certain someone she would not be able to compete...
What had happened in the Undersea had already proven that she was not invincible and still annoyingly mortal and fragile...
Jude burned too bright and if she didn't look out – which she, frustratingly enough, didn't – her candle would burn away to nothing too soon, and it was now his mandate to make sure her candle burned a lot longer than her careless, stupidly fearless demeanor allowed for...
In the mortal world she could first of all get back her strength and, secondly, learn to re-evaluate her life and, hopefully, when she came back, she would understand all this...
Someone cleared their throat behind him.
Cardan was cut out of his thoughts and reveries and turned towards the sound. It was the Bomb – Lilliver. “You summoned me, my High King?” she said and eyed him with concern.
Cardan took a second to collect himself and then remembered why he'd asked her to his side: “Yes, Lilliver, I have an important task for you. I trust you to go about it diligently and as discretely as possible...”
Lilliever throwned: “What is it? Why do you sound like it's going to be possibly awful and / or dangerous?”
“In a way it is”, Cardan huffed a small laugh, “I want you to watch over Jude. Look that she's safe, that she's doing well. Report to me every day. But don't engage her! – She mustn't know that you're there! That's why it is a rather difficult task – should she find out you're there, she could possibly react a bit harshly. But I'm only assuming this... She could also be fine with discovering you – she likes you, after all... Anyway, should you be discovered by her at some point, don't tell her who sent you! Understood?”
“Alright,” Lilliver just replied and bowed, a task was a task and she would go about it immediately, not questioning it. With that she turned and left the room, leaving Cardan too his own devices yet again.
Cardan sighed and set out to call in a meeting with the Living Council. He hardened his heart and concealed his true feelings as he was used to doing and began his work: He had a kingdom to run.
Thanks for reading! I might even continue this... After all I have to somehow make it through 2019 till QoN.....
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Every one of my theories about the  ending for The Queen of Nothing point to Jude killing: Or Madoc; Or Cardan; Or Talyn.
“I curse you,” Valerian whispers. “I curse you. Three times, I curse you. As you've murdered me, may your hands always be stained with blood. May death be your only companion. May you-"
[TCP, TWK, TLS, TWK Deleted scenes SPOILERS]
Ok, when the TQN's sinopse got out, I changed my mind. I am being dramatic, I thought, TFOTA will end just fine. And then the cover got out and I panicked again. Now, let's panic together.
Why Madoc?
There is a possibility that Madoc forces Jude to choose. After the coronation cerimone in TCP's chap. 20 Madoc began to talking with Talyn and Jude about chose your family over pretty boys. In TWK he asks if Jude will really chose Cardan over the family many times - directly and indirectly.
TCP, Chap 23 (This is me translating my book Pt-br to English, then it may be different from a book in the original language.)
"And if your sister is right and you know where Prince Cardan is, give it to me. [...] It's charming in a way, and it's also smart, but nothing worth protecting."
TWK, Chap 7
“Oh, I’m angry, daughter, but I am also curious.” He makes a dismissive gesture toward the Palace of Elfhame. “Is this really what you wanted? Him?”
TWK Chap 27
“You would really choose that over your own family?” he sneers, his gaze going to Cardan before cutting back to me.
Madoc is the one how rase her. Educated her. The father is a representation of whom we must overcome in the quest to become adults.
Madoc to Jude, Chap. 21, TWK:
“At last, I finally understand. Orlagh and the Undersea we will vanquish together. But when they are gone, it will be us staring across a chessboard at each other. And when I best you, I will make sure I do it as thoroughly as I would any opponent who has shown themselves to be my equal.”
Madoc  don’t accept very well be defeated by her.  I don’t think he wants to be overcome by his daughter. Sometimes I think, that he will never accept. That he will always continue try to overcome her.
TWK deleted scenes - Madoc POV:
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I do not think He wants to be overcome by His daughter. Sometimes I think, that he will never accept. That he will always continue try to overcome her.
Why Cardan?
Madoc, about Cardan, in TWK:
“Do you know why Eldred had no interest in his youngest son? Baphen saw ill fortune in his stars from the moment of his birth.”
Lady Acha, to Jude, in TWK:
“A There was a hag who came across Madoc’s land when your mother was pregnant with Vivienne. The hag was given to prophecy and divined futures in eggshells. And do you know what the hag said? That Eva’s child was destined to be a greater weapon than Justin could ever forge .” 
Ill fortune was seen in Cardan stars the day he was born. Something that made Dain throw away - for outside the castle - Cardan, made Lady Asha don’t see value in take cary her son or conquer his affection, made Eldred let all this happen to Cardan and see his like a failuer.
TWK, Chap 26
“When my father sent me away, at first I tried to prove that I was nothing like he thought me. But when that didn’t work, I tried to be exactly what he believed I was instead. If he thought I was bad, I would be worse. If he thought I was cruel, I would be horrifying. I would live down to his every expectation."
So I believed this ill fortune was something like Cardan is not supoused to be High King or the Greenbriars will end or Elfhames kindom will fall. 
Cardan in TWK Delet Scenes:
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And a hag once said the Eva’s baby will be the greater weapon Justin ever forge. So it’s Jude or Talyn. Not Vivi.  Maybe it’s Jude. She is the protagonist. She is the sister we see like a warior.
I talked about this in this post: ‘The Wicked King: Spoilers, Conclusions and Teory’ But I will talk a little more.
Eva probably dropped Madoc and pretended to be dead because she thought Vivi would be a weapon and Madoc would use their daughter - Madoc created Oak and was going to use him, so Eva was probably right - But when she tried to escape the prophecy, she made the prophecy come true. Justin ‘forge’ Jude e Taryn. They are Eva’s baby. 
Balekin said to Madoc about Eva be still alive because he knew about the prophecy.  I think he and Lady Asha were close (maybe that's why he welcomed Cardan into his house). Lady Asha was Eva ‘friend’, maybe she was there when the hag said the profecy.
When Jude opened her door and see Madoc asked “Whose child is that? Yours? His?” and Eva replied “No one’s. She is no one’s child.”
Eva didn’t want to say that Jude was her child with Justin.
Madoc adopted the twins not just because of honor and responsibility, he wanted to use them.
Madoc insist that Jude return to his side, maybe because he believe that Jude is the great  weapon.
Oriana never felt comfortable in letting Oak with Jude, maybe she knew that Jude can be dangerous for Faerie princes or for the Greennbriars.
And, Jude’s personal feelings and thoughts.
“I am going to keep on defying you. I am going to shame you with my defiance. You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing. You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this is the least of what I can do.” 
TCP, Jude to the boy who she liked a little.
“If you hurt me, I wouldn't cry. I would hurt you back.”
Why Talyn?
For this theory is essential that the reader know and believe the second theory is true. While the reader is thinking Jude is the great weapon, They are distracted like in a magic trick.
Taryn could be the great weapon
Madoc wanted to teach at least one of us his trade—the art of war. I am sure he hoped for Vivi. But it was you who wanted to learn. You who had the real affinity. You who kept at it when he knocked you down. You used to say that I was good. That I learned the moves easily. But I didn’t want to know them. I hated the idea I might have to know them.
It is said in TLS and, I think also in TCP, that Taryn has always learned more easily than Jude to how to handle weapons. But Taryn had no interest and Jude wanted to get close to Madoc, to be loved by him. So Taryn might be the great weapon.
But we also have to think about whether the great weapon needs to be a good fighter or whether it's not just prejudice on our part.
Taryn is dangerous even though she is a figure of passivity.
If Taylin will be the fall of Cardan. Once more time Jude have to choose betewn her family and Cardan. (Usually I would be against choose the boy, but Jude's family really sucks, so...)
Taryn is Jude’s nemesis. Nemesis are sometimes represented by us. They have our face, but they are our worst version. You're your worst enemy kind of thing. (Watch scott pilgrim vs the world, if you do not believe me.)
TWK, Chap 4, Jude about Taryn:
She is a mirror, reflecting someone I could have been but am not.
Talyn is someone who Jude could have been if she had made diferent choices. They are not the same. They had the same fear, but different solutions. The twins are afraid to never find a place in Fairy in the beginning of TFOTA.
We’d been raised like the children of the Gentry, but we weren’t. We were mortals and we had no fixed future in Faerie. You were wondering about your place here, just like I was.
So, they are the same.
But diferently, because when Jude had Cardan under her power in TCP, chap 25, and she thought about kill him, she thought:
If I kill him, I won't have to feel like this anymore. [...] This is weakness, to put fear above ambition, above family, above love, but it feels good. 
But in TCP, chap , Cardan’s group - I’m not callling they friends -  throw the twins in the river, Taryn choose her fear over support her sister.
“Twin sister,” Cardan said, turning to me. “I have a most generous offer for you. Climb up the bank and kiss me on both my cheeks. Once that’s done, so long as you don’t defend your sister by word or deed, I won’t hold you accountable for her defiance. Now, isn’t that a good bargain?” 
When Taryn left The Evil Quartet to infer Jude's life, Taryn choose her fear over support Jude.
When Taryn proposed to Locke after Locke had play with Jude, Taryn choose her fear over support Jude again.
So Defeat Talyn is choose herself over her sister way of thinking, and is defeat what is worst in herself, defeat the one she do not want be.
I'll come to a conclusion about Jude killing or not someone she really loves after read The Modern Faerie Tales.  Maybe she does not have to kill anyone, only to defeat.
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Costa Blanca Bowls Roundup - 20 Oct 18 has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/10/20/costa-blanca-bowls-roundup-20-oct-18/
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Costa Blanca Bowls Roundup - 20 Oct 18
A  Double Six proves unlucky for El Cid at Monte Mar By Paul Trunchion Sitting top of the league with 2 wins El Cid travelled to Monte Mar hoping to build on their good start to the Winter League. Out of 90 ends El Cid won 50 which should result in a win but dropping a 6 on two tight games proved very costly. Over the 5 Rinks Monte Mar took 3 wins pipping El Cid by 1 shot for shot difference and resulting in a 8-4 defeat. Stars for El Cid were the two all ladies teams of Betty Anderson, Geraldine Scutt, Hazel Brown and Yvonne Briden with a 20-11 win and Ros Dingle, Shirley Payne, Anita Randall and Pat Metcalfe winning 18 – 13.  Well done to Monte Mar and must do better for El Cid. Next week sees El Cid back on the coach to Greenlands. Stewart Beattie AWAY SUCCESS FOR THE SWORDS! Good day for the Swords again on Monday, travelling to Finca Guila and coming away with 8-2 win (80 shots to 47)and a win on the Challenger Rink. In the scoring rinks best result went to Alan Hall, Jim Sissens and Ian Brown romping away to a 31-6 win. Wins also for Betty Anderson, Hazel Brown and Jill Glastonbury 20-14 and John Carr, Clive Bidel and Paul Whitmee 18-11. In the last scoring rink Pat Coburn, Paul Trunchion and Alan Ferrand were all square in to the 16th end, holding 3 to go ahead in the 16th only to see Finca’s Marjorie Parnham fire and take the jack back for 3 shots. No way back sadly and they lost 16-11. Big win for the Challengers, Dave Forret, Stuart Branch (who says this will no doubt surprise and please all his UK Mainland bowling friends!) with Stewart Beattie taking the game 27-12. Our Friendly losing out 18-11 on the ever challenging Rink 1! Next weeks match is now on Tuesday afternoon and sees the Swords take on BBC Tigers at El Cid. COME ON THE SWORDS! COUNTRY BOWLS CLUB Country Bowls ‘Cubs’ headed out to La Siesta for their second game of the season and for many of the team their first away league game. After a shaky start on all but one rink the newly formed ‘Cubs’ started their comeback. Winning 10 – 2 against the ‘Silvers’ with 4 rinks winning in a nail biting finish and the one loss that went to the last end. A very proud moment for the club and the team captain after a hugely successful summer programme introducing new players to the sport. The ‘Geckos’ in the B division finished with a 6 – 6 draw against San Luis ‘Leopards’ and the ‘Flamingos’ on Monday got off to a great start beating Emerald Isle ‘Saturns’ with a score of 8-4. All in all a positive start to the season for Country Bowls. For any information on Country Bowls please ring 966191552/635086742 or e-mail [email protected] . Additionally visit our website www.countrybowlsmurcia.com for our regularly updated news. El Rancho Bowls Club Monday found two of our teams playing each other in the Voyager league, the Palominos being the home team, playing the Raiders. The Raiders proved to be the stronger team on the day 4 rinks with the other drawn, but the scores were close on most of the rinks, so all had to battle for the win, a great scenario for a morning’s fun. In the afternoon the Pintos were at Quesada playing the Rubies and had a good afternoons bowling, great company and a good result. Taking 3 rinks and drawing one, a fine end to an away fixture, a good start to the league. Friday morning found the Rangers playing host to Vistabella Conquistadors, playing very well to take full advantage of the home mat in taking the rinks by 4 to 1 and the overall shot by a good margin. Ngaio Baldwin, Pete Baldwin and Malc Elmore 33-14. Kay Griffith, Gary Dunstone and Brian Taylor 13-16. Dolly Ford, Ann Abbott and David Wright 31-05. Ron Edwards, John Richards and Mike Ager 27-09. Lesley day, Janet Wright and Bob Day 17-15. In the afternoon The Broncos were at home to the Horadada Royals, also having a good win, taking 4 rinks to Royal’s 1 and the overall shots by a reasonable margin.Jan Bright, Peter Bagwell and Jean Bagwell 20-13. Graham day, Sheila Cox and Mike Cox 24-9. Ann C Taylor, Denise Morgan and Keith Longshaw 16-15. Brian Harris, Bob Easthope and Rob Clark 17-15. Barbara Jones, Pam Harris and Geoff Jones 10-19. Meanwhile the Mustangs were at Emerald Isle playing the Cavaliers, whilst we came away with just the one rink, we had fun though the bowling was a little challenging. For further membership information contact Carolyn Harris on 966774316 or at [email protected]. Or Brian Taylor on 9654077093 or at [email protected] Emerald Isle Bowls Club  ELWYN MORRIS Sat the Emerald Isle ladies played San Miguel ladies and the home team took the spoils by 3-2 and an aggregate of 85-78, the winners were M Riley M Whitelock C Parsons M Willicott  16-15, C Thomas B Doran J Westall 24-13, M Elliott B Eldred P Rhodes 17-13. Good game followed by a good meal, well done Ladies Sunday we had our annual visit from the St James Gate boys playing for The Perpetual SUN Trophy (who named it that) and the visitors came out on top with a clean sweep 4-0, so The Gate take the trophy back from the Isle, for another year. We also had some Yorkshire crown green bowlers over and they won their two games. Mind you they would be used to the conditions endured during game, maybe that gave them the edge, but well done all four of you. Monday saw the Titans play at home against La Siesta Apollos. The Titans won 10-2 aggregate 109-67 the winners were D Jones G Odell J Smyth 33-16, M Riley M Veale M Odell 22-7, D Rhodes K Jolliffe  D Gerrard 21-16  S Johnson P Coffey I Brewster 18-12 The Neptunes were at home against the E I Moonrakers and they came out on top by 9-3 aggregate of 111-81. Winners were M Whitelock J Westall C Warner  25-10, R Adams L Vincent H Rhodes 25-16, C Ayling S Wickens  D Donovan 23-16, B Doran C Thomas M Thomas  drew 21-21. For the Moonrakers winners L Harris G Ponsford P Dix 23-14,L Burns T Dix E Bennett drew 21-21 The Saturns travelled to Country Bowls Flamingos and the home team won the game by 8-4 aggregate 106-73 winners were J Elliott G Smith R Ede 24-16, R Andrews S Adams J Mulloy 19-16 Wed took the Emerald Isle to San Miguel in the Winter and the home team were the winners 10-2 aggregate 78-75, winning rink was D Rhodes C Smyth M Odell C Lindgren 26-8 Friday the Cavaliers played El Rancho at home and they won 10-2 aggregate of 120-66 winners were B Kavanagh P Coffey S Kavanagh 32-7, P Rhodes J Pooley AMS 25-9, B Taylor C Smyth C Lindgren 26-5  S Johnson R White I Brewster 31-22 The Claymores travelled to San Luis Lions and the home team won 10-2 aggregate 66-111 Winners were M Whitelock C Parsons M Stacey 22-!9 The Outlaws played at home against Vistabella Swingers and won 8-4 aggregate 84-82 winners were L Harris G Ponsford P Dix 23-12, I Hughes D Close P Willicott 17-14, J Close T Dix EBennett 17-16 The Roundheads travelled to Greenlands Elms, beaten 10-2, aggregate 64-119, winners were D Martin R Andrews J Mulloy 22-14 Greenlands Bowls Club In the Voyager Division The Chestnuts were at home to Vistabella Buggies. Final scores were - Total shots for - 67. total shots against - 91. Points for - 2. points against - 10. Winning rink was..........Derek Hart, Brian White, skip John Newell. 19 shots to 14. After this match it was the turn of our other two teams from the Discovery Division, The Maples being the Away team and the Sycamores the home team. Final score was - total shots for - 76. total shots against 116. Points for - 2. Points against - 10 Winning team for the Sycamores - Phil Lockley, Mary Lockley, skip Mel Brown. - 28 shots to 18. Winning rinks for the Maples - Sally Cordell, Roy Cordell, skip Dave Webb. - 20 shots to 9.  Avril Toozer, Joe Ridley, skip Diane Ridley. - 24 shots to 19.  Janet Webb, Derek Toozer, skip John Obrien. - 30 shots to 7.  Linda Hier, Veronica Sale, skip Derek Sale. - 24 shots to 13. On Thursday the club were hosts to Basingstoke B.C. The weather stayed fine and sunny which obviously pleased our visitors There was some very competitive games which resulted in two winning rinks to Basingstoke and four to the hosts. We all sat down to soup and sandwiches after the game, thanks to the owners of Greenlands for providing the meal once again. We look forward to next years visit from the friendly club of Basingstoke. In the Southern League C Div, the Elms were at home to Emerald Isle Roundheads. Final scores ..........Total shots for - 119.  Total shots against - 64. Points for - 10. Points against - 2. Winning rinks - Doreen Watt, Terry Powel, skip Dave Thompson. - 35 shots to 6.  Carol Stobbart, Vic Young, skip John Newell. 24 shots to 10. Margaret Hirst, Jean Thompson, skip Graham Watt. - 20 shots to 13. Dave Field, Neville Pulfer, skip John Dowell. - 26 shots to 13. In the Southern League A Div The Oaks were away to Vistabella Picadores. Final score was ....Total shots for - 91. shots against - 84. Points for - 8. Points against - 4. Winning rinks were - Averil Toozer, Linda Hier, skip John Obrien. - 18 shots to 11. Sally Cordell, Roy Cordell, skip Dave Webb. - 24 shots to 14. Janet Webb, Margaret Dewar, skip Jeff Hier. - 18 shots to 17. Greenlands are accepting new members so if you are new to the game or an existing Player please contact Chris Dewar on tel 698418987 or email [email protected] or you can visit our website https://greenlands-bowls.wixsite.com/greenlandsbowlsclub. Horadada Bowls Club By Irene Graham  This week is the start of the two league matches per week for us and Monday wasn’t a good day at the office for the first match of the Discovery Division.  We were at home to San Miguel Dalmations and after a poor start we found it difficult to keep up to a better side on the day.  However we did have one winning rink and that was:    Irene Graham, Les Davies and Terry Hucknall.  Well played Guys.  The final score was 75 shots for and 95 against, giving us 2 points to San Miguels’s 10. Friday, in the Southern League, wasn’t a great deal better.  We were playing away to El Rancho.  This is not one of our favourite playing venues, it is difficult to adjust to the speed of the green.  In saying that, some of the rinks had very close scores and it could have gone either way.  One rink we only lost by 1 shot and another by 2 shots.  Our 1 winning rink was:  Irene Graham, Alan Miller and Brian Eatough.  This was actually a very good match for us although the final scores don’t show that.  Total shots for 71 to 87 against and the overall points were 2 for Horadada and 10 for El Rancho.  The match was played in a very friendly, sporting manner. Horadada offers a warm welcome to new or experienced bowlers, and provides the necessary equipment.  Our roll-up days for this friendly club are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.  Please contact Fred Trigwell on 659139129 for more information
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To the man that was my forever,
To the man i thought was my forever,
I don't know where to begin ,alls i know is this is my millionth letter i've attempted to write.
I don't even know what i think because everytime i go to write no words seem to suffice what i want to say. I dont think ill ever have the words. Because this isn't how it was supposed to end, this wasn't supposed to end. I wish i had a do over that court day, i couldn't think, i couldn't breathe, but mainly, i couldn't feel. Or maybe i could but it was too much at once. Guilt resides in me and i didnt realize it until i noticed i kept having nightmares. I feel guilty because i didn't get closure didn't get to say my goodbye, explain to you my side of that day on may 5th. SO i guess this is it, My final goodbye. Hopefully you've read it by this far and not thrown it away.
When you first went to jail i didn't know how to feel, i remember when DeDe showed up to your house that night on may 5th. I remember looking out that little corner of the front window that ugly yellowed curtain didn't cover and watching your face. I couldn't tell what was being said. Alls i know is you didn't look happy and any time DeDe came around i got beat after, and after the beating i just took my body couldn't take another slap. Even as i am writing this right now i can feel my heart begin to race rapidly and my hands become clammy as my hands begin to tremble.
I remember my heart climbing up my throat as every second grazed by. I stood there, whole body trembling, i limped to the back door and slowly with my unsteady hand i reach out for the back door screen door and push it opened, i remember hearing the loud click as the hardened plastic on the handle clicked opened, my heart stopped. I closed it and limped back to the front window to see what was going on and you were looking at DeDE i rummaged in the dark for clothes and all i could find was my pink velvet zipper hoodie and your shorts, couldn't find socks couldn't find shoes, no bra and no panties. I took one last glance at what you were doing and limped to the back door.
Demon started whimpering and i tried to calm him. I remember saying goodbye and kissed his head and took one step outside on the cold wet cement steps, i remember slowly walking and took my second step onto the dead grass and landed on a decaying leaf.  I swore it the crunch under my foot was as loud as a buckshot. After that i knew if i didn't run i would be noticed. So i sprinted like my life depended on it, darted through the small brush that i swore was gonna make me collapse, and i furiously searched for houses to knock on . I was on my third house when i looked back and noticed the second one i had knocked on someone emerged from, so i bolted and yelled as loud as my whisper could go undetected and she saved me. She called 911 and assessed me the best she could.
I stayed on the floor rocking back and forth, made her turn off all the lights because i knew you were looking for me. I heard a knock at the door and my heart slammed down my feet i swore it was you. But it was the EMS men. I shed a tear of relief because i was finally safe. They assessed me, took photos, i remember walking to the ambulance and as they pulled off i watched the yellow house get smaller and smaller until i couldn't see it anymore. I spent 5 days in the hospital and was unconscious for 3 of them, doctors said because of how much trauma i undergo that it was too much stress on my body to remain awake. Mom said only time id wake up is when she rotate her head when she rested her head at the foot of my bed and that my body would jolt and id look around.
I saw over 50 different  types of doctors, they moved me out multiple rooms, every time i was wheelchaired, everytime they wheeled me down a hall the halls got silent people started but tried to act as if they weren't. Everyone expressed their apologies and how they are glad you're in jail, i even had a nurse that drove from canada every day to here. Her son was a developer of Roblox, a more childlike version of minecraft. The last day was the hardest for me. I remember putting a hat and the blackest sunglasses i could find to hide my face.
I remember pulling out of the hospital garage and turning onto the main street and feeling the warmth hit my face, mom had the top down and sun radiated of my cheeks. I remember going home and feeling sick to my stomach as i sat on my bed looking around. It didn't feel like home. I stood up and looked outside the window and my gaze was stuck on the Lansing capital, hatred pulsed through my veins and i felt a sudden urge to throw up so i ran to the bathroom but only gagged. I went to splash water on my face but my appearance caught my eye. For the last week anytime i went to the bathroom i kept the lights off because my face make me wanna puke. I gingerly caressed my cheeks making sure to apply no pressure. My eyes were the size of rice, could barely see, for the last 5 days i has lubricant caked between my eyelids because who knew when your eyes swelled shut it would cause them to get dry and irritant. They pumped the highest dosage of morphine in me but nothing relieved the pain. I didn't leave my house for few weeks when i got home. I barely slept because the nightmares made me insomnia. I had to explain to Amelia, my little 9 year old sister why livy's face and body was torn up, she bawled her eyes. Everyday may 5th was stuck on repeat in my mind like a broken record player. It repeats much it began to blur together, until i couldn't hear your voice anymore.
It was June 27th when i miscarried. Days prior i was in and out of the ER trying to get answers as to why i was bleeding so heavily. But i'll never forget the contractions. My water broke and i didnt know what it was, so i laid back down. But the cramps was horrible. I was exhausted when i felt a sudden rush and as i glanced down a darkskinned blood soaked baby was dangling from me, its little arms and fingers, its little head . That fucked me up i couldn't breathe alls i could do was scream. The EMS guys came up to the apt and blood was everywhere, they had me slowly get up and the baby descended from me. They flushed it down the toilet without even calling their supervisor. That tore me apart. You know they had me do 12 different x rays, told me its urgent but i have a high risk of losing the baby?
Firstly i wanna apologize for being boge in the beginning, i wasn't committed to you because in my eyes we were a real thing, looking back we were more real then than we were in our final weeks together. I didn't realize you were giving me a chance then. I didn't realize what i took for granted until you became violent. It's partly my fault you became violent. So this my tell all i guess.
Secondly i wanna start with your cousins, Mike, Eldred , i never met mike before, it was around february when you went to jail for that warrant that you blamed me for because had i been at your house you wouldn't have been driving, i added him along of other relatives because i wanted support, i wanted them to like me, little did i know how bitter your family was. Eldred i met through one of my plugs i we became smoking buddies, it wasn't until he saw my bloodshot eyes when i explained a relationship didn't go as planned and he asked well who and i explained you and he was shocked. We only hung out couple times never did much because he was busy helping people get their cards.
Now mike, i didn't meet him until he started using the gas station by the apartments i use to live at apparently he was apart of a biker group or whatever you call it. I guess it was located down the road from me. That's when i really stopped leaving my house. Transferred to online school because leaving my house isn't safe, not when i had people facebooking me death threats. I didn't officially meet him until prime fest, i was leaving the concert and i saw him with his club dudes i guess you can call them. I saw him and yes, i walked up to them, i had to. I got beat over someone i didn't sleep with i HAD to look them in the face, and his buddy talked to me, as questions, asked what my name was and i didnt want mike to realize it was me so the best fake name i could up with was Olive, i slapped myself inside my head for that. But i had to meet the guy who apparently you thought was better than you. Alls i can say is honestly, he is no way attractive nor a guy id wanna hang with the idea of him being a biker guy is too intimidating enough. Let alone he towers over me.
Lastly,I want to say i'm sorry. I'm sorry i wasn't what we were suppose to be, i'm sorry i could save you, save us, or even save the baby. I'm sorry i didn't stay motivated to finish school or get a job, i just gave up when i moved into your moms. I'm sorry i made decisions in the beginning that were selfish and made you go over the edge. But more importantly, i forgive you, i forgive you not for you but for myself because without forgiveness i'll never be able to spread my wings and grow, i'll never seize the moment because i'll be stuck in fear of what could happen. I hope you learn to forgive me so you can grow and become a better you for your future wife because everyone deserves love. I just pray you become more wise and learn to control yourself, to stop blaming other for your actions, i pray you stay medicated because you shouldn't hear 7 different voices in your head.
But dont think ill forget the love once had, the showers we had, you slipping and almost busting your ass, the Vons Market munchie run, I'll never forget our rooftop blunts and vents or how demon was there for me. But the main reason i'm writing this because i'm closing the door to our horrided story. Im done letting it cower over me, i'm closing every existence to what was us, im letting beauty die.
So this is it Vincent.
My goodbye.
It's better to have been loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
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the-gsos · 7 years
Wizard and Glass Blether
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So I’ve been reading Stephen King’s Dark Tower series since the end of last year, when I decided I needed something to fill the epic fantasy series void while GRR Martin continues to do his ‘asthmatic ant with heavy shopping job’ on the Game of Thrones books.
I’m enjoying the books and the fourth volume, Wizard and Glass, which I’ve finished just recently, is probably my favourite so far, but I’ve got a few more specific thoughts on it that I’d like to share with the two or three of you that have clicked on this link, saw that the article isn’t about Italian football (or Scottish bars + pubs) and somehow, inexplicably decided to keep reading. Warning - it’s going to be pretty spoiler-ific throughout, I don’t really see any way to avoid that, so if you plan to read the books or you ARE reading them and just haven’t got to number four yet, you should probably give this a miss. Oh, and there’s the small matter of the film adaptation that’s released in just over a month’s time, which is apparently going to be followed by a TV series that specifically depicts the events of Wizard and Glass (which will sound like a weird idea to the uninitiated, but W&G is a prequel, y’see), so anyone planning on watching those without ever having read the books should also probably stop reading this.
Huzzah, now that I’ve thinned my readership down to about minus three, let’s begin!
My overall impression was that Wizard and Glass is that rare type of book that’s very good but could have been great if only it hadn’t taken the wrong turn at a few key plot junctions.
(Here, have you noticed that I’m adopting more of a conversational, almost vlogger-ish tone with this article? What was that “so” all about in the first line? Eurgh.)
In the intro that’s printed at the start of each Dark Tower book King talks about his inspiration for the series, how he realised at the age of 19 that he wanted to fuse The Lord of the Rings with the Spaghetti Western, to write “a novel that contained Tolkien’s sense of quest and magic but set against Leone’s almost absurdly majestic Western backdrop”. Now obviously I haven’t read volumes five, six, seven and eight yet, but of the first four books it seems to me that Wizard and Glass is the closest he comes to achieving that vision, albeit it does in many ways pick up the stylistic thread of the first volume, The Gunslinger. The Dark Tower books are a bit of a bewildering mixture of genres and influences, but whereas volumes two and three transport the reader (and characters) back and forth between New York in the sixties, seventies and eighties and dystopian, post-apocalyptic landscapes, one and four are basically Westerns with fantastical elements laced through them.
It’s no secret that King is willing and able to bash out some pretty hefty tomes, with The Stand, It and Under the Dome all clocking in at over 1,000 pages, and going by my extremely amateurish internet research Wizard and Glass is the joint fifth longest novel he’s ever penned (although different editions seem to have different numbers of pages; mine has 840, others have 787). That’s pretty remarkable when you stop and think about it, especially given that A) every other Dark Tower novel up until then had been 500 pages or less, and B) it’s essentially one big flashback, a story told round a campfire by protagonist Roland Deschain to quest companions Jake, Eddie and Susannah. The main plot, the one centred on the four characters I’ve just mentioned, only progresses about two inches forward in this enormous book.
The question is, does it need to be quite so long, and the answer is a pretty resounding no. Again, I must stress that I enjoyed it, the last time I read a book that long it took up six months of my life; this took roughly two, so ol’ Stevie’s obviously doing something right. However there are countless passages about the weather and nature in Mejis - where the tale is set - when one or two would have sufficed. Yes, they add a little atmosphere and help the reader envision Mejis, but they also give you the very strong suspicion that King is stalling for time.
“There followed a week of the sort of weather that makes folk apt to crawl back into bed after lunch…”
“The great storms of autumn were still a month or more distant…”
“Some called the Huntress the last moon of summer, some called it the first of fall…”
SO many chapters begin like this, and it’s particularly frustrating given that King has already assembled a great cast of characters by that point and established tension - of both the sexual and violent kind - between them. It’s almost like he’s written a brilliant script for a play and got all the actors he wanted, but is making them wait in the wings while he obsessively tinkers with the stage design and lighting.
Another bugbear is the teenage love story between Roland and Susan Delgado. King admits in his afterword that he procrastinated with the writing of Wizard and Glass because was “scared to death” of writing that story, and well, you can sort of see why. There isn’t a sock in the world strong enough to withstand the force that your toes curl upward with when reading these scenes, which soar beyond even Attack of the Clones’ Padme and Anakin love scenes on the cringe-ometer.
For example: “He uttered a small moaning sigh directly into her mouth. And as he drew her closer and began to trail kisses down her neck, she felt the stone hardness of him below the buckle of his belt, a slim, warm length which exactly matched the melting she felt in the same place. Those two places were meant for each other, as she was…”
Yeah, you get the picture.
That said, teenage love by its very nature is cloying and sickly sweet, King freely admits this sort of stuff isn’t his bag and there’s no way around it if we’re to fully understand why Roland is still so fixated on Susan so many years later. His relationship with her and the agonising manner in which it ends is the central, formative event of his entire life.
More than anything else though, the main thing stopping Wizard and Glass from ascending into the echelon of fantasy classics is the way the antagonists are dealt with. The Big Coffin Hunters are an undoubtedly brilliant creation. Reynolds and Depape may be slightly thinly sketched, but the physical touches - Reynolds’ long cloak, Depape’s gold-rimmed glasses - are enough to make them memorable, and the ringleader Eldred Jonas is a magnificent villain. Cunning, cold and mean, he’s a character that never loses his aura, even when he strides naked onto a balcony at one point. The scene is set for an almighty showdown between Jonas and Roland, but we don’t get one. Instead both Jonas and Depape are shot down easily and matter-of-factly by Roland out in the desert, and Reynolds escapes, but not to be put to any particular use in the remainder of the story. Part of the thinking behind this is presumably the need to demonstrate just how much of a badass Roland was even at the age of 14, and that’s fair enough. No-one’s expecting or wanting him to die; indeed, given the nature of prequels, we know that he can’t. But surely after establishing all that tension for all of those pages, and crafting such a formidable foe in the shape of Jonas, the reader deserves something a bit more prolonged, a bit less one-sided?
There’s also a hint of a bait and switch to it, as Rhea, the demented but ultimately deadly witch character, comes to the fore and plays a leading role in Susan’s demise. That particularly scene is incredibly well done, and while I don’t want to say that I ‘enjoyed’ reading about an innocent teenage girl being burned at the stake, it certainly lives with you.
One more thing: why do both Cuthbert and Alain survive after Roland has hinted at their demises in his interior monologues in the first three books? Does that mean future volumes will include yet more flashbacks? And would that be an admission that King is struggling to pad out the main plot? In fact, don’t tell me the answer to any of those questions.
Anyway, for all its flaws - which I hopefully  haven’t been too rant-ey about - Wizard and Glass is still a helluva page turner and hasn’t changed my mind about wanting to read the remaining books in the saga. I just wish King had made one or two better decisions when it came to the business end of things. Sort of makes you long for those Choose Your Own Adventure books of your childhood…
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topmediumreaderstop · 7 years
Psychic Reading in Eldred PA 16731
The following article goes into detail about psychic reading in Eldred Pennsylvania 16731. If you have been mulling over whether or not you should get a psychic reading then it might behoove you to learn about the many benefits that a free psychic reading can provide for you. Perhaps you are trying to cope with an overwhelming amount of stress. Maybe you experienced a very specific kind of trauma early in your life. Do you have a phobia or problems with anxiety? Is there a loved one who passed not too long ago and you feel remorse or regret for not repairing your relationship? Are you trying to figure out what you purpose in life is? As you can see there are a great number of questions that a person can have that might make them consider getting a free psychic reading. Some of these questions can be incredibly deep and introspective, dealing with grief or a sense of being or purpose while others could simply just attempt to address more general ponderings about life as a whole. It does not matter what kinds of questions you might have, a quality psychic reading could help you find the answers you are looking for. When you take up a free psychic reading you will be able to tap into the highly refined sensibilities of the professional psychic you are working with. They will help you to focus and concentrate on the things you want; often this is known as the power of intention. The power intention unifies your mind and body into achieving what it wants most and that is the major benefit of a psychic reading.
When you can attune your whole being to acquire that which you want most you are more apt to hear the call of the universe around you as it tries to help you. This longing could be to find spiritual answers or to simply help you find peace with a recent death in the family. There are a couple of other ways that a free psychic reading could help you. In addition to finding great realization in regards to emptiness or questions that you have, many psychics also possess the power to heal. This could come in the form of removing doubt or anxiety in your life or just giving you peace of mind. If you seek the aid of a particularly gifted and well educated psychic they might also give you advice about lifestyle changes you can make (diet and nutrition, exercise and activity, social affairs, etc.) that will help you stay focused on the things you want as well as remain on the track that will take you closer to accomplishing your goals. These are just a couple of ways that a free psychic reading can benefit you. Of course, if it is of no cost to you, then you really have nothing to lose. If you really do have some personal memory blocks are want to relieve your anxiety, this might be the perfect way for you to do so in a risk-free environment.
See More Here: Psychic Reading in Eldred PA 16731
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