#election 2079
samaya-samachar · 2 years
क्षेत्र नं १ प्रदेशसभा (२) मा भारी मतान्तरले नेमकिपाका गोसाइँ विजयी
भक्तपुर क्षेत्र नं १ प्रदेशसभा ९२० मा नेपाल मजदूर किसान पार्टीका उम्मेदवार सुरेन्द्रराज गोसाइँ विजयी हुनुभएको छ । भक्तपुरको खरिपाटीस्थित नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरणको सभाकक्षमा आज सम्पन्न मतगणनाको अन्तिमपरिणाम अनुसार उहाँ २९ हजार सात सय चार मत ल्याएर विजयी हुनुभएकामा निकटतम प्रतिद्वन्द्वी गठबन्धनतर्फका नेपाली कांग्रेसका पवन भुजुले तीन हजार एक सय ६१ मत प्राप्त गर्नुभयो । मुख्य निर्वाचन अधिकृत…
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gothalokhabar · 2 years
प्रतिनिधिसभा समानुपातिक: काँग्रेस र एमालेले चार लाख कटाए
प्रतिनिधिसभा समानुपातिक: काँग्रेस र एमालेले चार लाख कटाए
काठमाडौँ, ८ मङ्सिर । प्रतिनिधिसभा समानुपातिकतर्फ नेकपा (एमाले) ले चार लाख मतभन्दा बढी मत ल्याएको छ । निर्वाचन आयोगले अद्यावधिक गरेको तथ्याङ्कअनुसार एमालेले चार लाख ५२ हजार सात सय ३०मत प्राप्त गरेको छ । त्यसैगरी नेपाली कांग्रेसले चार लाख १६ हजार एकसय ८४ मत ल्याएको छ । अहिलेसम्म राष्ट्रिय स्वतन्त्र पार्टी दुई लाख ३४ हजार सातसय ४७ मतसहित तेस्रो स्थानमा रहेको छ । नेकपा (माओवादी केन्द्र) ले एक लाख ९२…
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aggravateddurian · 11 months
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Babe, Wake Up! New Chorus OC just dropped!
This is my last post of the day, I swear. I've just been putting a lot of hours into Chorus and new OCs at the moment.
You're probably already familiar with Val (seen here in her 2079 Chorus guise, per her new lore), but have a look at the cutie to the right. That's Chet Reid, and he's Val's boyfriend in this timeline.
Full Name: Chet DeShea Reid Date of Birth: 17 March 2048 Affiliation: NUSA (former), NUS Army (former), Afterlife Mercs
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Quick Chet Facts:
Chet identifies as straight. Val is his third actual relationship.
Chet was born in Ohio and moved to Night City after leaving the NUS Army.
Chet served in the Unification War. He is not proud of his service with the NUS Army.
Chet holds a special emnity for Rosalind Myers, whom he blames for the death of his friends.
Chet trained as a sniper in the Army. He claims to be the best sniper of any living Afterlife Merc.
Chet and Val met when they were hired for the same gig.
Chet has a sister, Monique, who he hasn't heard from in five years.
Full lore below the Blackwall
Chet Lore:
Chet DeShea Reid was born in Dayton, Ohio, in March 2048. His parents served in the NUS Aerospace Force, and were stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB. Chet surprised his parents by enlisting in the NUS Army in 2066 as a 19D Cavalry Scout. He was assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division (The First Team) based in Oklahoma. He primarily did border enforcement work.
Specialist Reid fought during the Unification War in 2069-2070. He earned numerous commendations and was promoted to Sergeant. He was recommended for promotion to Staff Sergeant, but elected to leave the Army in 2072 and move to the only place he knew that the NUSA didn't have its grubby mitts was Night City. Chet entered the only occupation he knew the second he arrived in Night City - Solo.
He proclaims to be the best sniper of any Afterlife Merc, and to be fair, he may be right. He keeps his girlfriend covered from behind the scope of his Nekomata, while she goes in and turns the enemy from single homogenous entities to so much cauterised sashimi. With their optical sensors linked, Chet can literally shoot the enemy through walls, so long as either he, Val or his customised Wyvern drone have eyes on.
His relationship with Valerie Ocampo-Gonzalez began in 2074. The pair met when they were hired by Regina Jones to kill a notorious Maelstrom ganger who terrorised the wrong victim, kidnapping a rich corpo's daughter and borging her out, before releasing the borderline cyberpsychotic 19-year-old high school graduate into the middle of Japantown, naked, afraid and high on just about every drug Maelstrom had access to.
The pair hit it off, and soon they were living together in an apartment in Megabuilding H10, about a level above V's apartment. While Chet had passing contact with V, they never really spoke, let alone knew that the other was an edgerunner. By 2079, he and his girlfriend of five years (by that point) were fairly well-known in the Afterlife, and had fallen into the scopes of Nightowl, a mid-league fixer who primarily organised jobs in and around Santo Domingo, succeeding Muamar 'El Capitan' Reyes, who became a 'used' car salesman.
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ashmitasapkota · 1 year
Political Campaign Strategy of Gokul Baskota
-a political leader of Nepal
Gokul Baskota is a Nepali politician. He belongs to the political party CPN UML. He served as Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Nepal and is currently serving as the member of House of Representatives elected from Kavrepalanchok-2, province number 3 for the second term. He was born on August 29, 1970 on Kavrepalanchok district. He has spent his childhood in Kavrepalanchok. Later in his teenage days, his father shifted to Kathmandu.
Gokul Baskota is frequently known for his uncharacteristically brash attitude, using derogatory language towards political opponents, and remarks for attacking the free press. An audio clip of Baskota bargaining for 700 million in bribes with an agent of a Swiss company based on Kathmandu over the procurement of security printing for government was leaked to media outlets. He was accused of demanding Rs 700 million bribe in exchange for a contract to print e-passports in Nepal. He subsequently resigned from his ministerial position. He has opened the way for fair investigation. No any proof of guilty has found on him. Then, he shortly filed a defamation lawsuit against Mr. Vijay Mishra.
He has win the election held on Mansir-4, 2079 BS and been elected as a member of House of Representatives from Kavrepalanchok-2. He has received 45,345 votes. He beat his nearest rival Shiva Prasad Humagain of the Nepali Congress by 5,863 votes. He has been re-elected here 2nd time.
What makes him re-elected?
Many outsiders thinks, after such the blame against him of 700 million how can he again win the election. But us the residents of Kavrepalanchok-2 has eye witnessed his followers inside the Kavre and very sure of his victory again as well. The main reason most people liked him here is his truth specking capability. He appeared in media as a fighter. Every time the opponents backbite him, he faces it with weight in speech. He is a kind of manipulator as well. He knows what the people needs. He fights with the words of opponent in a funny way. So that the people don’t take much grudge on him.
Apart from this, many constructive work has been done after he elected as house of representative in kavrepalanchok. Hospital is going on under construction. Roads here are being pitched. People has got the sufficient facility of education and water supply and many more.
Beside this, he has good ability to attract the media and its audience. He has utilized the local media during the political campaign before election. He clearly knows that it is very important to utilize the local media for attracting the local audience. He knows local media works effectively in political campaigning rather the national media in his case. Because many common people listens the local media because they have more concerns in local issues rather than in national issues. Baskota has used the local media of Kavrepalanchok district to convey his messages to the audience of Kavre district.
He even reach at each one’s home and convey his messages to the voters. He mostly talks about his previous activities during the political campaign. He convey the voters that if he will again win, he will work for the betterment of Kaveli like he has done before. His good sense of humor and direct specking behavior also helps in influencing the voters. This is because most people prefer humor and direct specking person.
From all the above discussions, it is clearly known that Gokul Baskota effectively use the local media as a political campaign tool.
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lncmai · 8 months
Digital Citizenship: Navigating a Complex Landscape
Digital citizens, as defined by Lu et al. (2023), engage in networked participatory behaviors, encompassing individual, policy, political, and social participation. It emphasizes equality in knowledge transmission, promoting responsible behavior, ethical awareness, and empathy (Jessenia et al. 2020). Initially centered on norms, digital citizenship has evolved into online engagement, with citizens actively responding to public issues, especially through social media (Jones & Mitchell 2016). Twitter, a powerful platform, plays a pivotal role in citizen engagement, shaping public discourse with hashtags like #gop, #gop2012, and #republicanprimary during the 2012 US elections (Campos-Domínguez 2017).
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The Evolving Notion of Digital Citizenship
The concept of digital citizenship is crucial in the rapidly evolving online landscape, blending traditional citizenship values with the digital realm (Oyedemi 2018). It expands traditional citizenship principles, focusing on accountability, moral conduct, and public participation, fostering a sense of shared responsibility within the digital space. Multifaceted in nature, digital citizenship involves staying secure online, understanding threats, using technology responsibly, and educating individuals for conscious digital navigation (Christensen, Biseth & Huang 2021).
Platform Studies, Hashtag Publics, and Political Participation
Platform studies delve into the technological and cultural aspects of digital platforms, exploring how they integrate into our lives (Neto & Chiarini 2022). Hashtag publics, emerging from social media, serve as dynamic spaces for activism and communication around shared interests. Political participation in the digital age extends beyond traditional boundaries, encompassing staying informed, active discourse, and using platforms to advocate for social and political issues.
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Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Citizenship
While digital citizenship encapsulates safety, education, platform dynamics, hashtag activism, and political participation, it faces challenges from competitors, economic fluctuations, and changing consumer preferences. However, embracing these complexities with awareness and accountability fosters a supportive, active online community in the digital age. This intricate web of digital citizenship principles navigates the diverse ways individuals engage with the internet, creating a roadmap for responsible online conduct
Campos-Domínguez, E 2017, ‘Twitter Y La Comunicación Política’, El Profesional De La Información, vol. 26, no. 5, p. 785.
Christensen, IR, Biseth, H & Huang, L 2021, ‘Developing Digital Citizenship and Civic Engagement through Social Media Use in Nordic Schools’, Northern Lights on Civic and Citizenship Education, pp. 65–92, viewed 4 February 2024, <https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-66788-7_4#citeas>.
Jessenia, N, Dalila, V, Barredo Ibáñez, D & Pérez Lagos, C 2020, ‘Digital Citizenship and Participation through Twitter: the Case of Provincial Capital Municipalities in Ecuador (2009–2019)’, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 681–692.
Jones, LM & Mitchell, KJ 2016, “Defining and measuring youth digital citizenship,” New media & society, vol. 18, no. 9, SAGE Publications, London, England, pp. 2063–2079.
Lu, H, Fu, K, Liu, X & Hu, W 2023, ‘Digital Citizen Participation of College students: Reality and Optimization Path’, Problems of Education in the 21st Century, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 244–257.
Neto, S & Chiarini, T 2022, ‘The Platformization of Science: Towards a Scientific Digital Platform Taxonomy’, Minerva, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 1–29, viewed 4 February 2024, <https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11024-022-09477-6>.
Oyedemi, TD 2018, ‘The Theory of Digital Citizenship’, Handbook of Communication for Development and Social Change, pp. 1–19, viewed 4 February 2024, <https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-10-7035-8_124-1>.
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phataisle · 8 months
W5: Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement
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Digital citizens refer to individuals or groups who utilize digital technology for the purpose of engaging in networked participatory behaviours (Lu et al. 2023). It involves four interconnected elements: individual, policy, political, and social participation (Lu et al. 2023). Digital citizens imply equality in transmitting and receiving knowledge (Jessenia et al. 2020), regardless of factors that might cause exclusion such as gender, age, and social and economic status. Digital citizenship is briefly defined as the norms of responsible behaviour considering the use of technology by digital citizens such as ethical awareness, empathy, and responsibility (Mossberger, Tolbert & McNeal 2007). But nowadays, digital citizenship has evolved into a form of online engagement and participation through appropriate communication and decision-making processes (M Jones & J Mitchell 2016). One of the characteristics of digital citizenship is the high level of activity in responding to public issues by citizens, especially through social media (Mulyono et al. 2023). The citizen’s participation in public issues refers to the term “engagement” which is understood to include social capital, civic engagement, and political participation (Skoric et al. 2016). Social media therefore serves as a key tool to boost citizen engagement through communication, discussion, and the coordination of public and social activities (Warren, Sulaiman & Jaafar 2014).
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Twitter exemplifies a powerful platform for citizen engagement and political communication tools (Campos-Domínguez 2017). Research suggests its potential to increase voter engagement, as evidenced in the 2010 UK elections, the 2012 US presidential elections, and the 2013 Italian elections (Murthy 2015). Notably, the 2012 US elections saw Twitter abuzz with hashtags like #gop, #gop2012, and #republicanprimary, demonstrating its role in shaping public discourse.
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While Twitter serves as a valuable tool for political campaigns, debates, crowdsourcing, and information verification, it also presents challenges. Its speed, immediacy, and hashtag-driven nature can facilitate the spread of misinformation, rumours, and even verbal violence(Oh, Eom & Rao 2015). Research suggests its potential for opinion-building, democratic development, and even limited media freedom in regions where voting rights are restricted. However, the 2016 US election saw Twitter potentially contribute to decreased approval ratings for Trump, possibly due to a "backlash" effect from moderate voters against his unique Twitter behavior (Bursztyn, Egorov & Fiorin 2020). Trump's prolific tweeting differed from other candidates in tone, content, and hashtag usage. Notably, his tweets often included disinformation and distrustful narratives. His signature #MAGA hashtag fostered a community of followers who readily spread his messages, further amplified by media coverage, creating a self-reinforcing cycle.
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Reference list
Bursztyn, L, Egorov, G & Fiorin, S 2020, ‘From Extreme to Mainstream: the Erosion of Social Norms’, American Economic Review, vol. 110, no. 11, pp. 3522–3548.
Campos-Domínguez, E 2017, ‘Twitter Y La Comunicación Política’, El Profesional De La Información, vol. 26, no. 5, p. 785.
Jessenia, N, Dalila, V, Barredo Ibáñez, D & Pérez Lagos, C 2020, ‘Digital Citizenship and Participation through Twitter: the Case of Provincial Capital Municipalities in Ecuador (2009–2019)’, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 681–692.
Lu, H, Fu, K, Liu, X & Hu, W 2023, ‘Digital Citizen Participation of College students: Reality and Optimization Path’, Problems of Education in the 21st Century, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 244–257.
M Jones, L & J Mitchell, K 2016, ‘Defining and Measuring Youth Digital Citizenship’, New Media & Society, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 2063–2079.
Mossberger, K, Tolbert, CJ & McNeal, RS 2007, Digital Citizenship, The MIT Press.
Mulyono, B, Affandi, I, Suryadi, K & Darmawan, C 2023, ‘Online Civic Engagement through Social media: an Analysis of Twitter Big Data’, Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, vol. 42, no. 1.
Murthy, D 2015, ‘Twitter and elections: Are tweets, predictive, reactive, or a Form of buzz?’, Information, Communication & Society, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 816–831.
Oh, O, Eom, C & Rao, HR 2015, ‘Research Note—Role of Social Media in Social Change: an Analysis of Collective Sense Making during the 2011 Egypt Revolution’, Information Systems Research, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 210–223.
Skoric, MM, Zhu, Q, Goh, D & Pang, N 2016, ‘Social Media and Citizen engagement: a meta-analytic Review’, New Media & Society, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 1817–1839.
Warren, AM, Sulaiman, A & Jaafar, NI 2014, ‘Social Media Effects on Fostering Online Civic Engagement and Building Citizen Trust and Trust in Institutions’, Government Information Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 291–301.
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blackdogdrafts · 1 year
“what am I?
some sort of teetotaler? and
who am I? some person who knows
what that means?”
the mayor’s most popular retort
we took the kids to watch him
speak at his re-election rally
at the start
his middle son DJ’d
playing all of
Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music
the kids were ecstatic
we’re all big fans of Lou Reed
the mayor took the stage
dressed in his signature jacket
tiger striped and stitched
my wife designed it
inspired by a dream she had
the mayor giving up his train seat
for a blind woman holding two cats
our town doesn’t have trains
but we do have a cat problem
last year the mayor
razed the wild cat sanctuary
the mayor and his son hugged
prayed and left the stage together
the mayor’s oldest son
was scheduled to appear next
an update on the animal crossing
over the local highway but
was a victim of a hit and run
a puma drunk driving a Camry
most took it as an intermission
these things happen often
we took the kids to the concessions
and met the mayor’s new wife
she’s known for hosting
the town’s American Idol and
her new restaurant
“Our Mayor’s
Mayor’s Mayoral Wife’s
Major Grill”
the kids got chicken sandwiches
buns swapped for doughnuts
the mayor’s wife’s specialty
word around town was
the mayor remarried too soon
still in love with his first wife
the one who hates trains
and loves cats and has the
word record for most canned goods
I’m getting to it
then rubber smoke
and the sound of engines and growls
the local cat biker gang
coming to protest the
groundbreaking of the city zoo
the mayor stumbled onto stage
holding whiskey and a Bible
interrupting his youngest son
who had just taken the stage
for a special event on yo-yos
grabbed the mic and said
“the cats are coming!”
before disappearing into the wings
and then
what happens next
what I told you
the last time I saw my family
the biker gang
their name impossible to pronounce
just yowls and hisses
kidnapped almost everyone that day
leaving myself the mayor’s wife
and his least liked son
to surrender the mayor to them
or else
so that’s why I’m here
I don’t know if you guys
deal with mass kidnappings
perpetuated by a biker gang
composed of wild cats but
the mayor has disappeared
and we need help
before you ask
that stuff about
the mayor being a teetotaler
and his refusal to use dictionaries
our town has
a strong literary tradition
you know
we did The Moth before anyone else
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thakurbabanews · 2 years
बधाई दिने बेला श्रद्धाञ्जली दिनुपर्ने कस्तो दिन
बधाई दिने बेला श्रद्धाञ्जली दिनुपर्ने कस्तो दिन
सुर्खेत- दैलेख सडक खण्डकाे कपासे नजिकै बाेलेर जीप दुर्घटना भएकाे छ । वीरेन्द्रनगर नगरपालिका १४ रातानाङ्गलामा रहेकाे माैसमी राडरकाे मर्मतमा सकेर वीरेन्द्रनगरतर्फ फर्किदै गरेकाे जल तथा माैसम विज्ञान कार्यालय काेहलपुर बाँकेकाे गाडी कपासेदेखी माथि माेडमा दुर्घटनामा परेकाे हाे । बा १ झ ८७८४ नम्बरको बोलेरो जीपमा सडकबाट करिव २० मिटर तल खसेकाे छ र दुर्घटनामा एक जनाकाे मृत्यु भएकाे साथै दुर्घटनामा चार…
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aarthikhub · 2 years
निर्वाचनको पछिल्लो मतपरिणाम:कहाँ कति मतपरिणाम।
निर्वाचनको पछिल्लो मतपरिणाम:कहाँ कति मतपरिणाम।
स्थानीय तह निर्वाचन २०७९को शुक्रबार भएको निर्वाचनको मतपरिणाम आउने क्रम जारी छ । पाँच दलको गठबन्धनको प्रमुख दल नेपाली कांग्रेसले मत परिणामको पछिल्लो चरणमा अग्रता फराकिलो बनाउँदै लगेको छ । कांग्रेसलाई यसभन्दा पहिला दुई तिहाई (२०७४ मा एमालेले २ सय ९८ विजयी भएर) सरकारको नेतृत्व गरेको पार्टी नेकपा एमालेले पछ्याइरहेको छ । यो समाचार तयार पार्दासम्मको परिणाम अनुसार कांग्रेसले २ सय ५५ स्थानीय तहमा अग्रता…
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samaya-samachar · 2 years
काठमाडौँ–५ मा प्रदीपले जित्ने पक्का
काठमाडौँ निर्वाचन क्षेत्र नं ५ मा नेपाली कांग्रेसले अग्रता कायम गरेको छ । चौबीस हजार नौ सय मतगणना हुँदा कांग्रेसका उम्मेदवार प्रदीप पौडेलले आठ हजार दुई सय २० मत प्राप्त गर्नुभएको छ । प्रतिद्वन्द्वी नेकपा (एमाले)का उम्मेदवार ईश्वर पोखरेलले पाँच हजार छ सय ८२ मत प्राप्त गर्नुभएको छ । पौडेल र पोखरेलको मतान्तर दुई हजार पाँच सय ३८ रहेको निर्वाचन अधिकृत रितबहादुर पुलामी मगरले जानकारी दिनुभयो । यस…
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higherlimitstrek · 2 years
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Congratulations! Newly Elected Executive Committee of Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN). We wish you all for your successful tenure & Best wishes. I believe the new team will bring positive changes on development of mountain tourism. Gopal Shrestha Managing Director & Higher Limits Trek & Expedition Pvt. Ltd. Family #taan #election #2079 #newteam #hlt #higherlimitstrek #trekking #agencies #association https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch1y1LLoS4H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jakephamm · 4 years
Digital Citizenship in relations to politics
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Last week, I have touched on the importance of Tumblr as a modern digital community and how it affects the current flow of society in terms of communications and social identities. This week I will discuss the terms ‘digital citizenship’ and its effect on politics.
According to Jones and Michell (2016), digital citizenship can be defined as the use of technology to gain information to interact and engage with society through online platforms. Similar to traditional citizenship, digital citizenship refers to essential understandings of the digital world such as online safety, digital responsibilities as well as digital health and wellbeing.
Since the introduction of social media, the election process, as well as related political activities, change differently, Bennett (2012) refers to the shift between traditional politics to digital politics as the election process, participation patterns and political identities had been dramatically changed in recent years. The relationship between social media platforms and politics is significantly recognized as politicians from all around the around are building their image upon their personal social media profile, this includes Twitter. Twitter is the most common platform that politicians use to run their online campaigns with highly professional PR strategies in order to successfully develop their personal reputation and image. Social media has never been as powerful of a tool as it is today, highly active profile individuals such as Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton can result in the public’s concentration, making them the center of any political discussion. This can result in both positive or negative consequences depends on their intention, attracting enough attention from the public will produce constant interest in the figure themselves.
As powerful as the social media platforms, Rambukkana (2016) proposed the development of hashtag is also noticeable and significant due to the critical public sphere and digital politics engagement. I am not a big fan of politics but there are quite some popular hashtags in politics category such as #auspol or #scomo. By all means, the hashtag allows the reader to have a better look at ongoing conversation about “Australian politics”. In the election process, whether politician wants to gain support from the public or demolish their opponents, they can use hashtags as a tool to effectively boost their reputation as well as downgrade their opponent to ensure the advantages compared to their opponents.
Bennett, W 2012, ’The Personalization of Politics’, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 644, no. 1, pp. 20-39.
Jones L, & Mitchell, K, 2016, ‘Defining and measuring youth digital citizenship’, New Media & Society, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 2063-2079.
Rambukkana, N 2016 Hashtag Publics. New York: Peter Lang.
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dotnepal · 2 years
Myadi Police Vacancy 2079 | Myadi Police Job for Election
Myadi Police Vacancy 2079 | Myadi Police Job for Election
Myadi Police Vacancy 2079 | Myadi Police Job for Election Nepal Police Nepal Police announces vacancy for the 100000 (One Lakh) Myadi police for the election purpose at the Federal and Province and level election. Interested candidates shall apply in the District Police office of All the districts of Nepal. Myadi Police Job in Nepal     Deadline: 6 Ashoj 2079     Job Title Vacant Number Job…
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thetailofathought · 2 years
Night Bus
While travelling in the deluxe night buses in Nepal, the biggest dillemma has to be choosing between the aisle seat and the window seat; the aisle seat gives you a better view of the south Indian action movie that will keep you entertained until asleep while the window seat gives you the view and de facto power over the wind meter. The romantic in me wouldn't like this but the view and the wind does get a little so-so post the twilight hours, prior to the twilight hours, the Nagdhunga oralo's traffic is no fun to watch.
Being able to enjoy the aisle seat is quite a break: as a woman traveling in public vehicles in Kathmandu aisle seats can be a nightmare, exposing you to sex-hungry perverts hovering-brushing-pressing their pelvic region against your shoulders ( in that order if opportunity allows them) because that somehow seems pleasurable to an average Nepali man.
This time as I travel to my hometown in the eastern terai of Nepal for the local level elections, the aisle seat seem to have another perk: its exposing nature allows you to eavesdrop on the traffic of stories passing along the aisle. For example, now I know that the bus fare for a fighter 'bhale' (rooster) is as much as that of a human, reason being if they die, the bus will have to cover double it's market price; care is expensive.
Returning to the aisle conversation: in today's travel, there's a seat that give a better view of the TV, the aisle itself. You see I am accompanied by another kind of fighter 'bhales' too, men, who have taken up the challenge of reaching their constituencies by laying on the aisle, in stools, crates, bags, and everything else that could serve the function of a seat, even the floor. Regardless the fear of men, me and my seat partner offered to share our seat with a lean guy which he happily accepted. I think we fell asleep, soon, to the hoo-haa of the fight sequences in the movie along with which the fighter bhales chanting "Vote k ma? Mudha ma" (Vote For? -Stool)
Perhaps, care IS expensive for transport companies and government alike.
- 28th Baisakh 2079
travelling home during Local Level Elections.
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thakurbabanews · 2 years
र्‍यापर जि बब विवाद ?
र्‍यापर जि बब विवाद ?
आफ्नै आमाबाबु विरुद्ध जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयमा उजुरी दिएपछि र्‍यापर सुदिप भण्डारी उर्फ जि बब यतिबेला विवादमा छन्।परिवारसँग भएको विवादपछि आज उनले पत्रकार सम्मेलनको आयोजना गर्दै रिह्याब सेन्टरमा फर्किने बताए। स्वस्थ हुनका लागि आफू रिह्याबमा फर्कने बताएपनि उनले अब आमाबुबासँग भने बस्न नसक्ने बताए। जिबबका आमाबाबुले यसअघि छोरा ड्रग दुव्र्यशनीमा फसेको तथा एनटीएफले कब्जामा राखेको भन्दै मिडियामा गुनासो…
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aarthikhub · 2 years
देशभर स्थानिय तह निर्वाचन २०७९ को मतदान शुरु।
देशभर स्थानिय तह निर्वाचन २०७९ को मतदान शुरु।
स्थानीय तहतहको निर्वाचन अन्तरगत शुक्रवार बिहानबाट मतदान शुर�� भएको छ । बिहान सात बजेदेखि नै देशैभर मतदान शुरु भएको निर्वाचन आयोगले बताएको छ । मतदान बिहान ७ बजेबाट शुरु भएर साँझ ५ बजेसम्म जारी हुनेछ । आयोगका अनुसार आगामी पाँच वर्षका लागि मुलुकभरका ६ महानगरपालिका, ११ उपमहानगरपालिका, २७६ नगरपालिका र ४६० गाउँपालिका गरी ७५३ ओटा स्थानीय तह र ६ हजार ७४३ ओटा वडाका ३५ हजार २२१ जनप्रतिनिध चयन गर्न मतदान…
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