teaveetamer · 2 years
Oh, okay anon. Again, as someone with a heavily Jewish family and a lot of exposure to antisemitic violence and hate, here's my thoughts. My interpretation of this post isn't that she was saying "this fictional thing is exactly like the Holocaust" or trying to use Jewish people as a "gotcha!" in an argument about anime characters. I percieved it as her pointing out the logical fallacy with implying "if members of a genocided group of people survived, it must not be a genocide." Clearly that is not how anyone arguing in good faith understands genocide, which is clearly demonstrated by how we think about this very well known, real world example.
On a personal level, I saw the anon as engaging in rhetoric that, yes, is also used by neo-Nazis to advance antisemitic agendas. Holocaust denial isn't just insisting that it never happened, it can also involve denying the severity of what happened. And that's not to say that I believe anon in question is antisemitic, but it's still terrifying because I have experienced that kind of rhetoric and it deeply concerns me to see people using it in any context. So while I don't necessarily approve of invoking the Holocaust in relation to fictional happenings, I also perceived this as OP saying the quiet part out loud about the logic anon was using.
This post also did not particularly ping my radar because I know for a fact that the OP of that post has engaged in a lot of behavior that supports real life Jewish people, including calling out antisemitic people/talking points and advocating for her uni to provide kosher options for Jewish students (previously they had been excluded despite the university providing for the dietary needs of other religious students). Which I suppose you might not know if the post just crossed your dash, so fair play. I understand your concern. Doing some real life activism doesn't make you immune to saying something out of line or offending people (even if that's not how I perceived it). However, if you want any further discussion on it then please take it to them.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
I'd read ya stuff. electricprincess96 made an epic post on rewriting Pokemon SWSH with sports fixing. And honestly, New Orleans sounds perfect for Partitio's yeehaw mannerisms.
I've written lengthy pieces like that that somewhat resemble fanfic, like my two-part headcanon for how Diarmuid/Tristan might work in an FE4 remake or my Ferdibert-does-Wicked idea. I do need to be practical though; I'm already in the early stages of working on an Octopath video, intended for next weekend, and unfortunately the needs of my YouTube channel are always going to take precedence because of the dreaded algorithm.
As for the bit about Partitio...I'm not really sure how to take that. His accent appears closest to a Texas accent, which would sound wildly out of place in New Orleans and would indeed be a subject of mockery here in the same way that the Anglo Southern accent (the "Dixie"/"Deep South" accent) sounds foreign and silly to us despite the relative geographic proximity. Also, we know from the game itself that Partitio is in fact one of those clueless country types who needs to have concepts like newspapers, business cards, and bank checks explained to him, and how could one not find that comical? I can see a bit of New Orleans in New Delsta, particularly with its seedy underworld, but I don't think that's enough to base a fic on.
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extremepineapple2 · 5 years
4, 8 and 9
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Hmm… Byleth and Jeritza. It’s popular at least in the sense that it got talked about quite a lot when the news dropped about it being an option. I don’t know if it’s more popular than Byleth and Linhardt, if it is, that’s kind of sad. I honestly don’t get being attracted to serial killers - or wanting Byleth to be. The most popular M/M option for Byleth right now is probably Yuri, rightfully so IMO.
Another - I’d say Ignatz and Lysithea. This one doesn’t actually get talked about aside from what I’m about to say, which is Lysithea was being a mega bitch in their supports.8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*I wouldn’t call it hate towards me precisely, but I did get some heated asks regarding the thing about all of the M/M options for Byleth being so-called “twinks” or “femmes.” There were some asks sent to me that spoke of “twinks” and “breeders” negatively IIRC. I got the impression that someone was venting to me.I did answer most of those asks, so if you look in the fe3h gaycourse tag you can find them.All of the actual hate I’ve ever received was off anon. One example was being called some kind of slur or something similar because I didn’t agree with the idea fire emblem/three houses was trying to send a message to players that masculine gays don’t exist or aren’t valid.
That post easily generated the most amount of controversy on my blog so far.
As a refresher/short summary of my opinion on this:
I think having a variety of different guys for M/M options is ideal (including types I don’t personally care for, like ojiisans or bodybuilders)
however, if there isn’t a wide variety, then that isn’t the developers necessarily insulting the kind of guys that weren’t options or the guys who like those kinds of guys.
An important piece of context is that in the vast majority of games with M/M options for western english players (aka the people I was interacting with/talking about), either all of the options are masculine guys (who are often ripped) or there’s a variety of different guys. All femme guys almost never happens in those games. So FETH having supposedly all “femme/twink” options (the only one I’d call that is Yuri) is not the end of the world.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why? 
Three Houses:
I dislike pretty much ever aspect of Edelgard, for reasons I’ve discussed before. The few things I like: her very handsome pre-skip outfit, her voice, her battle pose. I can’t take her post-skip outfit seriously, she looks like a shitty cartoon villain.
The slithers are awful in general and boring as shit. There’s nothing interesting about them. Generic evil people. I liked Kronya’s design but she lasted 5 seconds. Also see Metodey.
Randolph’s “I’m invading Garreg Mach to protect my family” goes to show how unintelligent he is.
Hana: Nasty to Corrin and several other characters in their supports. It’s like a worse version of Lysithea with even less reason to be prickly.
Nyx: I could be misremembering, but I heard she’s an example of some localization changes. I heard she was changed to basically being a cranky grandma. See Hana for reasons I dislike her.
Inigo/Lazlow/Soleil: In general I have a tendency to dislike the characters who are super horny for girls. When some class is added to the mix as with Virion or Lorenz, I can enjoy them. I’ll also say that skirt chaser characters tend to be a lot more interesting in my opinion when they aren’t talking to girls (or aren’t talking about girls) - see Sylvain and Felix, Virion and Libra, Inigo and Gerome, etc. This lets them break out of their trope a bit and let’s see you what there’s behind it.
Nina: I don’t remember anything interesting about her, she just seemed to be an example of an annoying yaoi fangirl. Hopefully there’s much more to her but… that’s what I remember.
Validar: The generic evil villain. I think perhaps Awakening had most well-rounded cast for me out of the three.
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nanigma · 5 years
2, 5, and 6
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Already explained Dimiclaude.
Dimivain, although not sure if it qualifies as popular. Like Dimiclaude, I just don’t see any romantic tension. It does have a shared history and support over, but that one just more heavily establishes them as bros imo. I can only really see them getting it on as the bread slices of a Felix sandwich.   
HildaxMarianne, very cute and supportive, but I prefer shipping them with Claude and Ignaz respectively.
Doropetra, again, nothing to do with the ship. I just prefer Dorothea with Manuela (please don’t call the fandom police). 
5 and 6 were already answered here and here
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arielseaworth · 5 years
electricprincess96 replied to your post “By the time the hue and cry went up, [Baela] was halfway across...”
Could also be the symbolism of the fact Baela was currently Aegon III heir which meant while the regents never named her Princess of Dragonstone she WAS technically Princess of Dragonstone in all but name. Maybe it was to send a message to the Regents that she was a member of the Royal Family AND the current heir and she wouldn't let them treat her the way they have.
Ohhhh that’s a really great reason! It makes a lot more sense than my speculation :D :D
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burr-ell · 2 years
after three hopes it really does seem like the writers consider the agarthan and nabatean factions about equally severe, since 3/6 routes have you fulfil the agarthan plan to remove the church (cf/sb/gw) and 3/6 have you fulfil the nabatean plan to root out the agarthans (ss/am/ag) - the fact they made an agarthan the player and let you kill sothis/byleth permanently in this game kinda cements this idea.
I can see your perspective, nonnie, and I'm definitely frustrated by Fodlanverse's disinterest in really examining the Nabatean/Agarthan conflict, but I think it's important to look at how those things are framed.
For one thing, we actually have 7 routes to look at: Scarlet Blaze, Crimson Flower, Silver Snow, Azure Gleam, Azure Moon, Golden Wildfire, and Verdant Wind. Four of them end with the Agarthans being destroyed and the Nabateans surviving, and in all of them this is presented positively. It's worth noting that the one route in canon where the Nabateans are destroyed first is the only one that ends at night with the characters surrounded by flames, and perhaps the most unambiguously positive and hopeful ending—Verdant Wind—has the Agarthans and Nemesis destroyed while the characters are bathed in sunlight. (@electricprincess96 has a really good meta on lighting in 3H for more thoughts on this.) And on Crimson Flower, where you do an ethnic cleansing of the Nabateans, the ensuing war against the Agarthans is implied to have been long and bloody; on Verdant Wind, where you side with the Nabateans and learn the full truth, it's over with the last stand at Derdriu. I think the writers handled the conflict too ambiguously at times, mostly so the Waifu Du Jour™ doesn't look bad for siding with the mole man Proud Boys, but if you look purely at how it's framed in canon, it seems clear whose side they're ultimately on.
Hopes, meanwhile, is mitigated to me by the fact that it's pretty clearly a bad end by series standards. Fire Emblem games are, historically, about fighting a war to achieve peace, and iirc all of Hopes' endings are basically "and then the continent was plunged into perpetual war :)". For its faults, Hopes doesn't appear to be framing any of the paths as a 'golden route' or even an especially good one—and why would it? The last thing Intsys wants to do is to retroactively declare its most popular, best-selling game to be pointless.
(While FEH isn't the best metric, it's still worth noting that Rhea is portrayed entirely sympathetically there, while the two playable Agarthans are not. Summer Rhea is supportive and kind to Byleth and wants the students to have fun at the beach, and Halloween Rhea doesn't understand how to cause mischief but wants to enjoy the harvest festival all the same and laments how Seteth would think her outfit is inappropriate. Intsys had a golden opportunity to use CF!Rhea for her fallen alt...and they didn't; they used SS!Rhea instead and went out of their way to say that she wasn't a victim of dragon degeneration and that there's hope for her. Meanwhile, Solon and Kronya are unambiguously the same card-carrying villains they were in-game. FEH has its problems, but those choices are still deliberate, and that should tell us something.)
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Title: Crimson love and Hand Hugs
Pairing: Idol! yoongi x reader
Warnings: smut, fluff, soft love making, lots of hand holding, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks)
Rating: 18 and over
Yoongi gift drabble 3 of 3 for @electricprincess96
Permanent Tag List: @mochilicious-yoongi​ @heyimtavia​
“I’m on my way jagi. Sorry practice ran so long. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with my new look however, at least I hope you will.” Yoongi chuckles on the phone. “I’m sure I’ll love it. I’ve missed you all day, so hurry back. I'll be here waiting. Let yourself in.” “Ok. See you soon.” He hangs up and you lie in bed, butterflies in your stomach in anticipation of his arrival.
Soon enough you hear your front door open and you lift your head up off your pillow. “Yoongi?” You call. “It’s me,” He pushes the door to your bedroom open, slipping from his heavy coat, “Did I wake you?” “No I wasn’t sleeping. I was waiting for you. Let me grab you a water.” You jump out of bed and hurry past him, smiling to yourself when you see his eyes trail up and down your body in your small sleep shorts and tight tank.
You emerge with a bottle of water and hand it to him. “Well?” You question. “Well?” He swallows back the water. “You look the same to me.” You place your hands on your hips, checking out your handsome man. He smirks, handing you the opened water bottle. You begin to drink from it as he removes his bucket hat, ruffling his locks with his hand to reveal his newly dyed burgundy hair. Your eyes pop open and you drop the water bottle to the ground, spilling water everywhere.
Yoongi laughs nervously. “You hate it?” “Oh no! No, no! I love it. It’s so…. It’s really…. Um hot.” You stutter, moving towards him and digging your fingers into his hair. It’s still as soft as ever. He groans when you dig the pads of your fingertips into his scalp. “I love it.” You whisper against his pout, kissing him softly when he grips your hips. He wastes no time deepening the kiss, exploring your mouth with his tongue. You moan lustfully into his mouth, tugging at his newly dyed locks.
“I remembered how much you love the color.” He recalls, breaking the kiss to lift you off your feet. He wraps your legs around his hips and walks over to the bed, lying you on your back. He nestles himself comfortably between your thighs, taking your mouth into a soft but commanding kiss. He begins to rotate his hips, pressing his growing erection into your warmth. He nips and suckles at your bottom lip, moving down to your neck to leave a perfect red mark on your flesh. “I love you.” He says against your flesh. “I love you too.” You moan, thrusting your hips forward when he grips your full breast, kneading at the heavy mound.
You reach down between you both, shoving your hand into his sweats to grip his long full length. He hisses at your touch, fucking into your palm slowly. “I missed you so much today. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. How much I love you.” He confesses breathlessly. “Oh, Yoongi. I love you so much. I missed you so much today too." He soon pulls down the thin strap of your tank, revealing your pert nipple, bringing his kiss swollen lips down to plant a kiss on it.
You bite your bottom lip watching him, his tongue dipping out of his mouth to swirl around your hardened bud. He looks up at you, a smirk plastered across his face as he wraps his large hand around the flesh of your tit, suckling and tugging at your nipple. You moan out loud, releasing his cock from lack of concentration. “Oh Yoongi!” You cry out. He releases your now soaked mound, making his way over to tease and suck on the other breast.
He works his magic with his tongue, your moans his prize. He soon releases this breast, standing up to remove his shirt. He looks down at you and smiles. “You’re so beautiful.” You smile wide, feeling yourself blush. He glides his hands up your thighs, gripping your hips tightly before tucking his slender fingers into the waistband of your shorts and bringing them down. You bite your lip, spreading your legs wide for him. He swallows hard at the sight of your glistening core, taking off his pants and underwear. “Please.” You beg, needy for his cock as you watch him stroke himself, using his own pre-cum to aid his hand.
“Move up more.” He whispers, nodding his head upwards. You push yourself upwards on the bed, Yoongi climbs up, hovering over you. He plants a soft kiss on your pout, his tongue trailing along your bottom lip to gain access. You smile slightly, opening your mouth for him, moaning as he wastes no time commanding your tongue with his. You hitch your hips upwards, his tip pushing through your slit with ease, tickling at your clit. “Oh God, please, I need you inside me. I want you so bad.” You moan. “I want you too jagi.” Yoongi chuckles into your neck, planting soft kisses onto your flesh. He soon kisses your shoulder, down your arm, and into your palm, interlocking your finger together.
He brings your linked hands above your head, using his free hand to moisten his manhood with your slick before aligning it with your entrance. He enters you slowly, the feeling of his every ridge and vein being engulfed by your warmth causing the both of you to cry out in unison. “I love you so much jagi. I love making love to you, being inside you. You feel so good wrapped around me.” He whispers, breathlessly into your ear, rotating his hips gently into yours. You loved this side of him. His gentle side. You loved the hot sexy, commanding side of Yoongi but there was something about the softer side of him that made you melt.
He took his time, squeezing your hand as he carefully made love to you. His length massaging every nerve ending deep inside of you. You clenched your walls down around him, gripping tightly around his cock, pulling a strained moan from him. “Fuck jagi. That’s… not playing…... fair.” He grunts, picking up his pace in retaliation. “Yes, Yoongi, faster. Just like that.” You gasp, feeling him push further into you, his tip grazing against your G-spot. “Wrap your legs tighter around my waist.” He directs, readjusting himself between your thighs. You bring your free hand up to push his drenched freshly dyed locks out of his eyes, gripping his hips with your legs. “You like my hair?” “I love it baby.” You confess, tightening your grip around his hand.
He kisses you softly, bringing his free hand up to rub his thumb over your lip. He gives you a naughty grin. “Ready to cum jagi?” He asks. You nod quickly, clenching around him once more. He grips your face gently, bring his first two fingers to your lips. “Open.” He pants. You do as your told, opening your mouth and sucking on his digits when he places them on your tongue. He moans softly at the feeling, removing them from your mouth and bringing them down between your bodies. You cry out when he places his fingers on either side of your clit, moving them up and down around your swollen bud. “Ahh, Yoongi, don’t stop.”
“I won’t jagi. Not until you cum on my cock.” Your toes curl when Yoongi begins to hasten his pace, his cock pushing further inside you together in combination with him alternating his fingers over, around, and beside your hardened bud, working you quickly to your climax. Your body begins to tremble and your interlocked hands tighten. “That’s it’s jagi, let go. Give it to me.” He groans, keeping up his delightful assault on your core. “Fuck, Yoongi. I… fuck…oh my…. I think I’m gonna... fuck!” You stutter, so overcome by the explosive orgasm that washes over your body. Your eyes tighten and you immediately feel your climax shoot out and create an even slicker environment between yourself and Yoongi. “Shit baby. Shit, shit, shit.” Yoongi chants, crying out. His climax soon filling your walls. He staggers a moment and then begins to pump into you again. “I love you. I love you so much.” He pants. “I love you too.” You begin to kiss his cheek and temple, pushing his hair from his forehead to place a kiss there also. He smirks, “I’ll dye my hair this color more often if it makes you squirt like that.” “Oh hush!” You giggle, kissing him deeply. “Hey,” You whisper over his lips, “You ever gonna let my hand go?” You both look up at your intertwined digits. “Never.” He shakes his head. “Promise?” “Promise.” He kisses you softly, tightening his grip in confirmation of his promise.
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grogv · 3 years
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fire emblem: three houses: caspilda (for @electricprincess96)
❝ caspar and hilda, under no pressure to inherit any noble titles, spent the early years of peace after the war traveling. they journeyed to every corner of Fódlan, and even ventured abroad now and again. caspar's antics caused endless entertainment for hilda, who loved to stand by and watch him fight or squirm his way out of trouble. eventually, their free-spirited adventure was called to an end by hilda's brother, holst, who offered caspar a position as a knight in service of house goneril. caspar accepted, and before long, he and hilda were married. the couple raised many children, and were said to have a notoriously lively household. ❞
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lochnessies · 3 years
do you have recommendations for other blogs that love rhea? other than you my dash is pretty lacking in rhea density
hmm off the top of my head i can think of @electricprincess96 @cethleanns @azuregard @garlandgerard and @selfshipsuccubus. if i missed anybody that others might know feel free to tag them or reblog it yourself if you fit the criteria
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
Some good posts to look at once you’ve finished all the routes are:
Rhea/Edelgard and Lighting by electricprincess96 about light symbolism in game (mentions all routes)
Rewrite for GD and VW: If Claude’s Route was More Focused on his Character by butwhatifidothis
Biases, Buddhism, and Byleth — How Three Houses Uses Eastern Elements to Tell a Western Fantasy by ezralahm (this is the one about symbolism that didn’t translate well in the west)
Thanks for sharing!
I'll tag this so I can refind it once I'm finished. Just from the titles, they look really interesting.
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ssibal-vi-xvii · 3 years
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@adventuresinwonderlust @electricprincess96 @mooniyooni 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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teaveetamer · 3 years
@electricprincess96 We knew she was coming and yet goddamn it’s better than I expected
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whitediamondfairy · 3 years
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It’s my birthday month and the game knows it ~
Also @electricprincess96 look WHO caaaaaame!!
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
i have read a similar post about silver snow and crimson flower both being represented by flowers. it may have been @electricprincess96 or @lochnessies that wrote it? i know princess wrote the meta about 3h and light, but i do recall someone talking about white flowers being used in nabatean designs
Yeah, those posts were eventually brought up in the post! (since I let this ask sit for long enough... sorry stan 😭)
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randomnameless · 3 years
To your latest Adrestia post, don't you think that, in way, post CF destroys Adrestia as what it used to be? Given how Edel wants to be the last Hresvelg and they killed Seiros, without Willy (his line) and Seiros, this Adrestia is not Adrestia anymore?
Oh, and happy new year btw!
Thanks, happy new year to you too (and to y'all who are reading this!).
Are you talking about the might makes right post?
Given how FE always plays with the Mandate and has some history with a "rightful heir" or someone coming from "Family X" ascend to the throne - I think this was made on purpose?
Granted, in every route, there is no Hresvelg left (even if Ferdie has ominous lines but then it's completely shattered by "muh ideals"), so Adrestia dies even if Rhea is still around in AM/SS.
Specifically with CF... The irony is hilarious, for someone who wanted to return the world to what it used to be and MAGA (because the two losers are mere offshoots)... Adrestia dies.
There is no benevolent dynasty (again, the benevolent dynasty, in FE, is supposed to be a good thing. Even if Granvalle was corrupted to the core, Seliph becoming its King because of Deedee's Naga Blood is supposed to be a good thing!) and no "divine intervention" or "mythical beings" to help humans anymore.
"Muhritocracy" means we return to a cycle of the strong trampling on the weak and the suffering of people without any status (i.e. merit) in Fodlan.
I was wrong, it's not a return to Nemesis's days (since Seiros the Warrior popped up) - but worse, it's a timeline where Nabateans and Sothis won't even be able to pop up and help humans anymore. CF's final cutscene is jarring, @electricprincess96 made a post about Light in the game : CF ends in darkness. Fodlan is fucked.
You might even spin CF as an alternate AU : What would have happened to Fodlan if Nemesis won in Tailtean?
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gascon-en-exil · 3 years
stop attacking my friend
I assume you either are or are talking about red-zora. I don’t particularly care either way, but good to know that when it’s plainly demonstrated that you/your friend attacked me last year you have no defense but to illogically spin things around.
@nilsh13 and @electricprincess96 may find this interesting, given recent events.
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