#electronic money
emoneynetwork · 4 months
The Future of Finance: RWA Blockchain and Its Transformative Potential
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Blockchain technology has revolutionized numerous sectors, including finance, supply chain, and healthcare. One of the latest innovations in this space is the concept of Real World Assets (RWA) on blockchain. This article explores RWA blockchain, regulated blockchain, layer one blockchain, e-money tokens blockchain, MiCA-compliant blockchain, zk proof blockchain, and RWA launchpad. We will delve into these technologies' benefits, challenges, and future potential.
What is RWA Blockchain?
RWA blockchain refers to tokenising real-world assets such as real estate, commodities, and securities on a blockchain. This process involves creating digital tokens representing ownership of these assets, making them tradable on blockchain platforms. The primary advantage of the RWA blockchain is that it brings liquidity to otherwise illiquid assets, enabling easier and faster transactions.
Advantages of RWA Blockchain
Increased Liquidity: Tokenizing real-world assets allows them to be traded on blockchain platforms, thus enhancing their liquidity.
Fractional Ownership: Investors can purchase fractions of high-value assets, making it easier for retail investors to participate in markets previously dominated by institutional players.
Transparency and Security: Blockchain technology ensures transparency and security in transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and enhancing trust among participants.
Understanding Layer 1 Blockchain
Layer one blockchain refers to the base layer of a blockchain network that handles the primary functions of transaction processing and consensus. Examples of layer-one blockchains include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. These blockchains are responsible for the security and decentralization of the network.
Key Features of Layer One Blockchain
Decentralization: Layer 1 blockchains operate on a decentralized network of nodes, ensuring no single entity has control over the entire network.
Security: Layer 1 blockchains provide a high level of security through consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS).
Scalability Challenges: One of the main challenges faced by layer one blockchains is scalability. As the number of transactions increases, the network can become congested, leading to slower transaction times and higher fees.
The Role of Regulated Blockchain
Regulated blockchains are blockchain networks that comply with regulatory standards set by governments and financial authorities. These blockchains aim to provide the benefits of blockchain technology while ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.
Benefits of Regulated Blockchain
Compliance: Ensures that the blockchain operates within the legal framework, reducing the risk of regulatory actions.
Trust: Regulated blockchains can enhance trust among users, investors, and regulators.
Integration with Traditional Finance: By adhering to regulatory standards, regulated blockchains can more easily integrate with traditional financial systems.
E-Money Tokens Blockchain
E-money tokens are digital representations of fiat currency issued on a blockchain. These tokens are backed by traditional currency and can be used for transactions and payments in a similar manner to fiat money.
Advantages of E-Money Tokens Blockchain
Stability: E-money tokens are typically pegged to fiat currency, providing stability compared to other cryptocurrencies.
Efficiency: Transactions with e-money tokens can be processed quickly and with lower fees compared to traditional banking systems.
Regulatory Compliance: E-money tokens often comply with regulatory standards, making them a viable option for businesses and consumers.
MiCA Compliant Blockchain
Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) is a regulatory framework proposed by the European Union to provide legal certainty and consumer protection in the cryptocurrency market. MiCA-compliant blockchains adhere to these regulations, ensuring that they operate within the EU's legal framework.
Importance of MiCA Compliance
Legal Certainty: Provides a clear regulatory environment for blockchain projects and investors.
Consumer Protection: Ensures that consumers are protected from fraudulent activities and market manipulation.
Market Stability: Aims to create a stable and well-regulated market for crypto-assets.
Real World Assets (RWA)
Real-world assets (RWA) are physical or tangible assets that have been tokenized and brought onto a blockchain. These can include real estate, art, commodities, and more.
Benefits of Tokenizing Real-World Assets
Accessibility: Makes high-value assets accessible to a broader range of investors.
Liquidity: Enhances liquidity by enabling fractional ownership and easier trading.
Transparency: Provides a transparent and immutable record of ownership and transactions.
ZK Proof Blockchain
Zero-knowledge (ZK) proof is a cryptographic method that allows one party to prove to another that a statement is true without revealing any information beyond the validity of the statement. ZK-proof blockchain utilizes this method to enhance privacy and security.
Applications of ZK Proof Blockchain
Privacy: Enables private transactions without revealing the details of the transaction to the network.
Security: Provides a high level of security by ensuring that transactions are valid without exposing sensitive information.
Scalability: Scalability can be improved by reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed and stored on the blockchain.
The Concept of RWA Launchpad
RWA launchpads facilitate the tokenization and issuance of real-world assets on a blockchain. These platforms provide the necessary tools and infrastructure for asset owners to create and manage digital tokens representing their assets.
Benefits of RWA Launchpads
Ease of Use: Simplifies the tokenising of real-world assets, making it accessible to asset owners.
Funding Opportunities: Provides a new avenue for raising capital by issuing tokens to investors.
Market Access: Opens up new markets and investment opportunities for both asset owners and investors.
The integration of blockchain technology with real-world assets is transforming the financial landscape. RWA blockchain, regulated blockchain, layer one blockchain, e-money tokens blockchain, MiCA compliant blockchain, zk proof blockchain, and RWA launchpads are at the forefront of this transformation. These technologies offer increased liquidity, enhanced security, and regulatory compliance, making them attractive options for businesses and investors.
How Can E Money Network Help You with Blockchain Technology?
E Money Network offers comprehensive solutions to leverage blockchain technology, including developing and managing blockchain payment platforms, e-money tokens, MiCA compliance, and zk-proof security features. By utilizing our expertise, businesses can enhance their financial operations, ensure regulatory compliance, and explore new investment opportunities through RWA launchpads.
Q1: What is the RWA blockchain?
RWA blockchain refers to the tokenization of real-world assets on a blockchain, allowing them to be traded more quickly and efficiently.
Q2: What is a layer one blockchain?
A layer one blockchain is the base layer of a blockchain network responsible for transaction processing and consensus. Examples include Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Q3: Why is regulated blockchain important?
Regulated blockchains comply with legal standards, ensuring trust, compliance, and integration with traditional financial systems.
Q4: What are e-money tokens?
E-money tokens are digital representations of fiat currency on a blockchain, providing stability, efficiency, and regulatory compliance.
Q5: How does ZK-proof blockchain work?
ZK-proof blockchain uses cryptographic methods to prove the validity of transactions without revealing sensitive information, enhancing privacy and security.
Q6: What is an RWA launchpad?
An RWA launchpad is a platform that facilitates the tokenization and issuance of real-world assets on a blockchain, simplifying the process for asset owners and providing new investment opportunities.
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sszk · 4 months
今日12:15ごろから15:30ごろにわたって、PayPayが利用できないという障害がありました。これまでにも同様の障害は度々発生していましたが、今回は平日のランチタイムを直撃する形となったため、影響を受けた人も多いのではないでしょうか。私は自宅にいたので特に問題ありませんでしたが、たまたまこの時間帯にアプリを起動したところ、ネットワークに接続できないというようなエラーとなりました。 ユーザーの端末側はオフライン状態でもプリペイドならチャージされている金額分、ポストペイなら5万円まで(金額はユーザーにより異なるかもしれません)は支払えるようになっているようですが、今回のような障害では店舗側がユーザーのバーコードを読み取るタイプではどうしようもないのではないかと思います。また、オフラインでの利用が可能なことを知らずに利用を断るケースもあったかもしれません。 しかしオフラインで使えるとはいえ…
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Meatspace twiddling
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me next weekend (Mar 30/31) in ANAHEIM at WONDERCON, then in Boston with Randall "XKCD" Munroe (Apr 11), then Providence (Apr 12), and beyond!
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"Enshittification" isn't just a way of describing the symptoms of platform decay: it's also a theory of the mechanism of decay – the means by which platforms get shittier and shittier until they are a giant pile of shit.
I call that mechanism "twiddling": this is the ability of digital services to alter their business-logic – the prices they charge, the payouts they offer, the particulars of the deal – from instant to instant, for each user, continuously:
Contrary to Big Tech's own boasting about its operations, the tricks that tech firms play to siphon value away from business customers and end-users aren't very sophisticated. They're crude gimmicks, like offering a higher per-hour wage to Uber drivers whom the algorithm judges to be picky about which rides they'll clock in for, and then lowering the wage by small increments as a way of lulling the driver into gradually accepting a permanent lower rate:
This is a simple trick. The difference is that tech platforms like Uber can play it over and over, and very quickly. There's plenty of wage-stealing scumbag bosses who'd have loved to have shaved pennies off their workers' paychecks, then added a few cents back in if a worker cried foul, then started shaving the pennies again. The thing that stopped those bosses was the bottleneck of payroll clerks, who couldn't make the changes fast enough.
Uber plays crude tricks – like claiming that a driver isn't an employee because the control is mediated through an app – and then piles more crude tricks on top – this algorithmic wage discrimination gambit.
Have you ever watched a shell-game performed very slowly?
It's a series of very simple gimmicks, performed very quickly and smoothly. Computers are very quick and very smooth. The quickness of the hand deceives the eye: do crude tricks with superhuman speed and they'll seem sophisticated.
The one bright spot in the Great Enshittening that we're living through is that many firms are not sufficiently digitized to to these crude tricks very quickly. Take grocery stores: they can get up to a lot of the same tricks as Amazon – for example, they can charge suppliers for placement on the most prominent, easiest-to-reach shelves, reorganizing your shopping based on which companies pay the biggest bribes, rather than offering the best products and prices.
But Amazon takes this to a whole different level – beyond simply organizing their product pages based on payola, they do this for search. You ask Amazon, "What's your cheapest batteries?" and it lies to you. If you click the first link in a search-results page, you'll pay 29% more than you would if you got the best product – a product that is, on average, 17 places down on the results page. Amazon makes $38b/year taking bribes to lie to you:
Amazon can do more than that. Thanks to its digital nature, it can continuously reprice its offerings – indeed, it can simply make up each price displayed on every product at the instant you look at it – based on its surveillance data about you, estimating your willingness to pay. For sellers, Amazon can continuously re-weight the likelihood that a given product will be shown to a customer based on the seller's willingness to discount their products, even to the point where they go out of business:
Twiddling, in other words, lets digital services honeycomb their servers with sneaky wormholes that let them siphon value away from one kind of platform user and give it to another (as when Apple silently began spying on Iphone owners to create profiles for advertisers), or to themselves.
But hard-goods businesses struggle to do this kind of twiddling. Not for lack of desire – but for lack of capacity. Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon Fresh – an online grocery store – can change prices and layout millions of times per day, at effectively zero cost. Jeff Bezos, owner of Whole Foods – a brick-and-mortar grocer – needs a army of teenagers on rollerskates with pricing guns to achieve a fraction of this agility.
So hard-goods businesses are somewhat enshittification-resistant. It's not that their owners are more interested in the welfare of their customers, workers and suppliers – they merely lack the capacity to continuously rejigger the way their business runs.
Well, about that.
Grocers have been experimenting with "electronic shelf labels" in order to do "dynamic pricing" – that means that prices change quickly, in response to circumstances:
This doesn't have to be bad! As @planetmoney points out, it's a little weird that grocers don't discount milk whose sell-by date is drawing near. That milk is worth less to shoppers, because they have to use it more quickly lest it expire. Instead of marking down the price of perishable goods – day-old lettuce, yesterday's bread, etc – grocers put them on the shelves next to fresher, more valuable products, leading to billions of dollars' worth of food-waste and and unimaginable quantities of methane-producing, planet-cooking landfill.
In Norway, ESLs are pretty well established and – at least according to Planet Money's reporting – they are used exclusively to offer discounts in order to reduce waste. They make everyone better off.
But towards the end of the story, they note that Norway's grocery sector – which alters prices up to 2,000 times per day – has been accused of using ESLs to rig prices, hiking them and blaming them on pandemic supply-chain problems and loose monetary policy. Greedflation, in other words.
Greedflation is rampant in the grocery sector, all around the world. Remember when the price of eggs doubled and they blamed in on bird-flu, even as the CEO of the one company that owns every egg brand you've ever heard of boasted about how he could hike prices and suckers would just pay it?
In Canada, grocers rigged the price of bread, the most Les-Mis-ass form of corporate crime you can imagine (do you want guillotines, Galen Weston? Because this is how you get guillotines):
EU grocers – another highly concentrated industry – also collude to rig prices:
Which is all to say that while these companies don't have to use the twiddling capabilities that come with ESLs to enshittify their stores, we'd be pretty fucking naive to assume that they won't.
And here's the bad news: US grocers like Whole Foods (owned by Amazon, the company that wrote the enshittification playbook) are already experimenting with ESLs. So is Alberstons/Safeway, the massive, inbred conglomerate that has already demonstrated its passion for using twiddling to fuck over their workers:
Economists love "price discrimination" – where prices change based on circumstance, trying to match the perfect price with the perfect customer. On paper, that sounds plausible: if I need a quart of milk for a recipe I'm making tonight and I get a 50% discount on some about-to-expire 2%, then everyone's better off. I get a discount and the grocer gets some money for milk they'd have to throw away at the end of the day.
But these elegant, self-licking ice-cream cones only emerge if the corporation offering the deal is constrained. Perhaps they're constrained by competition – the fear that you'll go elsewhere. Or perhaps they're constrained by regulation – the fear that they'll be punished if they use twiddling-tech to cheat you.
The grocery sector, dominated by a cartel of massive companies that routinely collude to rip us off, is not constrained by competition. And for years, regulators let them get away with ripping us off (though finally that might be changing):
For neoclassical economists, the answer to all this is "caveat emptor" – let the buyer beware. If you want to make sure that ESLs are only used to offer you discounts and not to gouge prices, all you need to do is note the price of everything you buy, every time you buy it, and triple-check it every time you go back to the grocery store. Just be eternally vigilant!
Thing is, the one thing computers are much better at than humans is vigilance. With ESLs and other twiddling mechanisms, you're a fish on a hook, and the seller is tireless in giving you a little more slack, then a little less, until you finally drop your guard.
Economists desperately want these elegant models to work, but "efficient market hypothesis" is a brain-worm that always turns into apologetics for fraud. Dynamic markets sound like a good idea, but they are catnip for cheaters. "Just be eternally vigilant" is miserable advice, and no way to live your life:
In his brilliant novel Spook Country, @GreatDismal describes augmented reality as "cyberspace everting" – that is, turning inside-out:
The extrusion of twiddling technology from digital platforms into the physical world isn't cyberspace everting so much as it is cyberspace prolapsing.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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stellawolfearts · 2 months
i cant get a kindle for fanfiction i need to save my money.
i cant get a kindle for fanfiction i need to save my money.
i cant get a kindle for fanfiction i need to save my money.
i cant get a kindle for fanfiction i need to save my money.
i cant get a kindle for fanfiction i need to save my money.
i cant get a kindle for fanfiction i need to save my money.
i cant get a kindle for fanfiction i need to save my money.
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stewykablooey · 1 year
sorry to use your inbox as word vomit but do you ever think about how kendall is stewy's little buddy like that's his best friend from 3rd grade the friend stewy has always been taller than i mean he saw kendall's first kiss his first grey hair the first person kendall was willingly vulnerable with and i think it all shows in this teeny little gif with kendall's little nod and stewy's. everything. anyway how was your day
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not enough cigarette emojis in the fucking world to respond to this with
yeah i do think i do fucking think about it i think about how kendall literally trusts stewy with his life and its not even a conscious thing he doesnt even think about it he doesn’t even realize it its not a decision he made its not even a good thing but of course he does of course its ‘stewy my company is in debt :(‘ and ‘stewy that was really hard :(‘ and ‘stewy theres a piece of paper with my name on it :(‘ because its stewy. its stewy. ‘dad its stewy you guys have met like a million times’ it’s literally stewy he’s been there the whole time kendall is nodding with total trust and responds in complete honesty ‘im twin track im dead but im alive’ because why wouldn’t he!! its stewy!! you know me!! you know my flaws!!! and i dont even care!! kendall who’s obsessed with peoples perception of him doesnt even caaare if stewy knows his flaws because its STEWY. his best friend of 30 years his third oldest friend stewy hosseini. it’s literally. stewy.
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
headcanons behind fic: Chay's allowance and KimChay zero baht dates mentioned in long & short
Kim chokes trying not to laugh. “Seriously Angel?” Chay looks at him, lips pulled into a pouty moue like what? “You only take me out on zero baht dates, but you’ll pay people to draw us as cats?” Chay sniffs primly. “I only use my allowance for education and fine art,” he says, haughty.
Korn giving Porsche and Chay a large allowance comes up in a lot of my fics I think, because I see him giving all of his sons and his wards a large allowance. And for once, it's not actually a part of his usual manipulation and control tactics.
(Well. It's not not about manipulation and control, because everything Korn does involves manipulation and control. Korn absolutely monitors their accounts and purchases, not to mention he's absolutely the sort of person to always have a mental ledger of favors given and owed for everyone, especially family.)
However, he doesn't need to control any of the boys' finances to have control over them and he's so present over all of them that giving them access to their own money (vs having them request it from him directly) doesn't give him any more advantage over them or could even run counter to it.
No, I see Korn giving all the boys a hefty allowance as a personal push back against the ghost of his father.
We don't know anything about grandpa Theerapanyakul beyond the fact that Gun invoked his name while yelling at Korn and the mere comparison of them rattled Korn more than the literal gun war happening in his own home. Of all the terrible fathers in this series, the grandpa takes the cake apparently!
Alongside Korn's deep-seated control issues, he also has this weird...thing where he really, really wants to be seen as a caretaker and good provider. He never outright denies his sons and is seemingly very supportive of them-- Khun was allowed to fall back and be taken care of, Kim was allowed to live separately to become a musician, he paid off judges in the name of Kinn's childhood dream, later he supports Kinn and Porsche's relationship-- and the whole fucked thing with Nampheung and the narrative he's constructed around him taking care of her. Even Korn's relationship with Gun is a little bit weird given how much he talks about competition. Like, he desperately wants to be seen as a good provider and caretaker, he just also can't stop being Korn and has that stupid-ass metaphor with the knife and the apple. It's a very crunchy contradiction.
Anyways, Korn's issues aside, I see Korn giving his sons and later wards personal allowances as a part of his personal image of himself as a good provider.
And Porsche and Chay hate it.
(Porsche reminds Chay they're very grateful. Chay mutters where was this help when Porsche took out an informal loan too young. Porsche hisses and whips his head around for any walls that are listening.)
Chay mostly just tries to ignore the supposed pile of money apparently just...sitting there, for him, and spend no differently than how he usually would (it doesn't feel real, digital money is never real to him). However, after so many years of Porsche sacrificing to save money for his needs and future, Chay can't bring himself to ignore the account completely when it comes to things like school or food. He never actually looks at his account, he mostly just squeezes his eyes shut whenever he uses his card for essentials and waits for the system to deny him, except it never does. That does not make Chay feel any better about the situation.
The only time Chay's close to breaking his "no treats" stance is shortly after he and Kim get together. Chay wants so badly to treat Kim to something really special, but. Money. He frets. He makes a pros and cons list. He paces. He has an entire argument with himself in the mirror. He angsts. He takes one look at Kim's happy face over a candlelight dinner and decides fuck it, that's a guy he's going to spoil to the moon and back, stupid blood money allowance be damned.
Except, as established, Chay's never looked at his actual account, so he goes to Cash the accountant to see what his options are for spoiling dates. Like, he's been paying his tuition and the card always goes through at the grocer or noodle house, and Korn does keep telling him his school allowance includes some extra spending money, but Chay wants to spoil Kim. A band they like will be on tour in Bangkok around Kim's birthday, Chay's gunning for special VIP tickets and some extra money for merch and dinner. Surely stupid rich mafia has plenty of money to spare for that.
Chay: would I, uh, be able to get a little extra money? tickets are 3000 but they're for a really special occasion and-
Cash, thinking about Kinn's 3000 dollar helicopter tickets: I don't care, let me just pull up your account details
Chay: thank you so much 🥺
Then Cash turns his screen around to ask Chay how much money he needs and. That is. A lot of money. So many digits. The decimal certainly in the wrong spot. Then Chay looks to the top of the corner and nearly screams because that's his name on the account, what the fuck?
Cash: Khun Korn said to have enough money to cover your tuition
Chay: [does not point out the initial balance was 3x his four year tuition]
Chay...leaves. He thinks. He doesn't know how he got from Cash's office to his room but his next stop is his bed to scream into his pillow until his throat hurts. Fucking rich people.
In protest, Chay takes Kim out the next evening on a zero baht date. They walk along whatever part of the river's nearest to their university to watch the sunset, have to jump a fence and duck two railings to even find a private sitting space away from any other river goers. The view's passable at best, at least free of most industry stuff thanks to the proximity to school but hardly the most inspiring. Chay spreads out his flannel for them to sit on, and feeds Kim dry packet ramen and stale shrimp chips he got free from a university event. He didn't even buy a drink, they survive off a mostly full bottle of grape soda Chay stole off a friend.
(It's a magical evening for Kim, obviously. Ferreting out little hidden spaces hand-in-hand with Chay, enjoying the nighttime air curled together, eating terrible cheap food that somehow tastes good? This is DOING things to him. He will be bringing a guitar and minimum two water bottles with him next time tho.)
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badsciencejokes · 6 months
I am pleased to announce the Bad Science Jokes grant presented by Orion Technical College! We are helping people go back to school locally in Davenport, IA, and AROUND THE U.S., with their online classes.
🚨   $100,000 in total tuition assistance for 100 eligible students !  🚨 
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🖱️Learn more by clicking here (or go to Orion.edu/BSJgrant ). It will take you to a #BadScienceJokes landing page. Fill out the form and someone from Orion Technical College will contact you soon to answer any questions you may have! All information you submit will only be seen by Orion Technical College staff.
Please share and let your friends know about the new Bad Science Jokes grant from Orion Technical College! 
⏰Next start date is April 8th!
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captainmvf · 10 months
electronents 👉👈🥺
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He’s Genderfluid, Bisexual, AND has six partners??!!??
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i-scavenger · 4 months
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Cassette deck found in a dumpster enclosure.
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paranoidgemsbok · 23 days
i maintain its stupid as fuck that online banks just dont work on weekends. money is still moving around you just wont show me or acknowledge it
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nicolascageisagoth · 11 months
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Everyone talks about it so excitingly. This magazine is out on 16 November 2023.
It’s a fully-updated 148 page edition "Ultimate Music Guide to Depeche Mode" (£11.99)
Strange to see the cover from early 2000s. It would be logical to choose smth from the last photo sessions with Fletcher in their current age if they wanted to take them three.
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spilladabalia · 3 months
The Flying Lizards - Money
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patiann345 · 2 months
Watching the situation with EA doing a fuckton of updates in a like. 5 days because their latest pack broke TS4 in.. A HUGE VARIETY OF WAYS from player to player. Jesus christ man. and then some of you guys still wanna pay for new packs?? What??? I can't make anyone buy or not buy anything but... C'mon, put your money to better use! Half of that content should've been base-game anyway, but instead gets cut up and sold across multiple packs to milk money out of people,, and it clearly works because I'm seeing people nab packs during the sale even while the game is in an unplayable state for a lot of players.
It's so sad because I was kinda excited for the 10-year anniversary next month. But seeing the state it's in rn, how frustrated people are seeing their game break down and (god forbid) their saves get completely wiped, seeing the very convenient sale for packs go up right as the community sends in complaints that the game won't load properly or they can't use CAS or this and that etc etc,,,
I'm never paying for another pack again. I feel crap that I ever did in the first place. If it ain't 100% off, I'm not getting it.
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jaythelay · 1 month
Oh my god guess what EA is further normalizing for us all to deal with?
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You read that righ- 2 EDITIONS THAT
For $150, you can get the lush Rook's Coffer edition,
Guess what this edition doesn't come with:
the game.
Like, at all
"-comes in a collector's box containing a metal poster, a Dragon Age notebook, and a steelbook case for the game. More accurately, that is a steelbook case for the game that is not included with this edition. So add $60 or $70 to every edition here, assuming you actually want to play the video game. "
Finally, publisher Dark Horse has assembled a lovely-looking artbook for Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and it has three editions of its own, because of course it does
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moleshow · 2 months
well. like. you can't buy hot food. you can't pay at a restaurant with it.
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kicksnscribs · 2 months
man they fired another coworker today based on his "attendance points" in the latest string of firing at my job and i've discovered something deadass scummy going on in that fucking store,
they've been targeting anybody who's been making 16.00+/hr [you know, that pay that they offered during the start of the pandemic?] and basically either bullying them or getting them on some of the stupidest charges in order to justify firing them.
Naturally they cant file for unemployment [due to them bascailly failing to perform their duty or w/e] but whats even worse is the fact that they actively refuse to transfer anybody to a new department or store. They will make up anything to justify not transferring anyone unless you are like a super ass kisser and its the single most scummy, underhanded shit i've ever seen in my entire career of working retail.
I know i'm on the chopping block next since i make close to 17.00/hr and also they have been acting moreso like assholes to me so on top of having to stress about a metric fuck ton of work i now have to find the means to get another job.
Which means more money to spend on getting a decent interview fit and a hairstylist bc i've been hiding my hair under a silk cap for a while now...
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