#electronic valves
technician-the · 8 months
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Spotting dead vacuum tubes!
These tubes have all suffered a loss of Vacuum, which can be seen visually by the milk white color then have turned. In a functioning tube all those white patches are silver or black.
Without vacuum a tube will arc internally, and any device it is placed into will blow fuses, and not function.
This is the most common type of tube failure I see, and is caused by mechanical damage to the tubes. The damage is often around the pins, and may be cause by shock, or extended periods of extreme vibration (IE, normal use in a combo amp). Often the damage itself is not viable, because loss of vacuum occurs before the tiny cracks become viable to the naked eye
Never turn on OR try and use an amp with white tubes! Attempting to do so may cause serious damage, or Injury!
BUT, If you noticed the tubes have changed color and have not yet blown a fuse, you can probably avoid a repair! Simply replace all white tubes before trying to power the amp.
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blazehedgehog · 5 months
I Love To Shoot At Trouble
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During the Steam Christmas Sale I ended up buying Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2012 because it was like $6 or $7 and I'm in the mood for a new racing game to chew up. EA already gave the game away for free in like 2015, but that meant installing "The EA App". I figured having it on Steam would be more convenient.
You'd think so.
It's not! As part of the first time launch, it installs "The EA App" anyway, which also means it found and uninstalled whatever version of Origin I still had (I wasn't aware I'd ever reinstalled Origin since my HDD crash). As part of this process, it also asked me for my EA password, I misread Firefox's stored password incorrectly, and went through the trouble of resetting my EA account with a new password before linking it to Steam. To my surprise, EA's been sitting on my seven year old cloud save from the few minutes I played of this on Origin in 2017, and asks if I want to import it. Sure, I guess.
So that's ten minutes down the drain before I can even boot up the game. Okay, fine, the game finally launches. Gotta wait while it boots up The EA App each time before it boots into the game, gotta wait for the title screen logo animation, gotta wait for a 10-15 second load screen because even though this game came out in 2012 it's gotta ping some always-online "Autolog" leaderboard whatever. Once it connects, it has to do a slow cinematic pan across your car, telling you what your online rivals have done since the last time you connected, and what kind of equipment you have on your car.
All told, every time you boot up Most Wanted 2012, you're looking at a 30-45 second wait before the game actually hands over control and lets you start driving.
Pull the accelerator and instantly Most Wanted SCREAMS at me:
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Fair enough. I'm using a Dualshock 4, and the Playstation 4 did not release until over a full year after this game. Click to the menu it's asking of me and see that the control binding menu is awful -- it's one of those super oldschool ones, like binding keys one by one in Doom 2. I have no idea what these buttons are supposed to be in terms of Xbox equivalents, and I realize that Steam has this thing called "Steam Input" that's supposed to be handling all of this anyway. Steam Input generally makes my Dualshock 4 look like an Xbox controller to most games.
I exit out of Most Wanted, force Steam Input to "on" (I was messing with its settings recently, so I thought maybe it was disabled), and relaunch the game again. Wait for the EA App to boot up, gotta wait through the title screen logos, gotta wait 10-15 seconds on a loading screen, gotta wait another 5-10 on the cinematic pan across my car. I have now spent a minute and a half total waiting for this game to boot while I troubleshoot this.
Pull the accelerator. Instead of it complaining about my controller, straight up nothing happens. That's weird. The Start button works, the analog stick seems to work in the pause menu, but the triggers do not. The face buttons also do nothing. Upon checking the settings, that's because Most Wanted has settled on keyboard mode, even though it's clearly accepting some controller input. After poking at it, it does not seem like there's any way to get it to see my controller.
This makes Most Wanted a special game, because a lot of games I play will happily accept that Steam Input is telling it I have an Xbox controller connected even when I absolutely do not. But this is the rare 1% that seems to be incompatible. It's time to bring in the big guns.
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Mayflash makes a terrific little passthrough device called the Magic NS, and the general purpose of this device is that it lets you use any controller on any other platform. An Xbox controller on a Playstation? No sweat. A Playstation controller on the Switch? It'll handle it. If you upgrade to the Magic NS2, you even get full gyro support. Every NS device also doubles as a Bluetooth dongle, so you can stay wireless if that's your thing. I love it so much I bought two, because generally they're only about $20.
A Magic NS2 for my Switch... and Magic NS1 for my PC. Strictly for scenarios like this, where a game expects an Xbox controller and Steam Input fails its camouflage.
Plug the NS1 in, connect my Dualshock 4, and once again boot up Most Wanted and wait the 45 seconds to get through the EA app, logos, loading, and the cinematic pan across my car. More than two full minutes now looking at this junk, and that's not counting the time spent outside of the game troubleshooting this in menus or digging out dongles or whatever.
Pull the accelerator... and my car starts to drive! I can steer! It works! Of course it works. The Magic NS never lets me down. I pull up to the first race event...
Press J and K to start the event.
Those are, uh. Those are keyboard keys. I'm using a controller. The controller is fully functional. You don't need to tell me this in keyboard controls. This isn't going to be one of those games, is it? The kind that still tells you everything in the keyboard shortcuts no matter what?
I drop into the menus again and see Most Wanted is still stuck on Keyboard mode and won't let me switch to anything else, even though I'm clearly using a fully functional controller now. This can't be right. But then I remember: Steam Input is still turned on, and when I forced Steam Input to be on, Most Wanted got stuck in this keyboard mode.
Exit out of the game, tell Steam to turn off Steam Input for this specific game only, and relaunch. Wait through all that crap again. We're up to three minutes just waiting for the game to start, and probably closing in on 20 minutes since I first decided I wanted to try Most Wanted.
Pull the accelerator, it works, drive up to the first event, and...
Pull LT and RT to start the event.
On the plus side: this game controls a lot better than I remember. It's a decent middleground between Criterion's heavier-feeling Hot Pursuit (2011) and the snappier Burnout Paradise. Though I could do with a lot less full screen flashing or the fact that Autolog alerts hide the minimap for some reason.
Not pictured, but the "always online" nature can also be frustrating if you pause, unpause, and find you have to quickly re-pause again a second time. That second pause will actually incur a loading spinner because it hasn't finished syncing with the server from the first pause, apparently. This game is going on 12 years old.
Anyway. This was a nightmare.
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"The EA App" now starts up with Windows and is nagging me to enter the login credentials I already entered last night. I have to go through extra steps to get it to leave me alone and not do this
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thinkingimages · 9 months
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Electronic valve, 'Miniwatt', type UL41, remote cut off pentode, glass / metal, made by Philips, Holland, 1945
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clevercupcaketree2 · 1 year
Team Fortress 2 Finally Goes Offline On PS3 After 15 Years
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Dozens, if not hundreds, of players could be affected.
Team Fortress 2
is one of Valve's most popular games, with the multiplayer FPS regularly among the titles listed in most played charts on Steam, despite not being supported all that much by its developer.
There are also console players of the game, but now it looks like one of these platforms is sadly no longer viable. TF2 arrived on Sony's PlayStation 3 as part of a package. And what a package it was. This would be The Orange Box, a compilation that included Half-Life 2, expansions for such, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. But now, 15 years after releasing on PS3, the servers for TF2 have gone offline.
The Orange Box for the PS3 was not done by Valve, in contrast to the the Xbox 360 version, with development handled by EA UK. The PS3 Orange Box received complaints for technical problems at the time, with frame rate issues among the most pervasive, and a subsequent patch made little mention of slow loading times or frame rate issues. While not the best support, it's also some credit that EA kept the servers running for 15 years.
Obviously, there will be sadness that the servers have to close down at all, but since lobbies have been pretty ghostly for a number of years it's not all that surprising. Servers for TF2 on the PS3 went offline permanently on March 28, but while the PS3 version is no longer it seems the servers for the Xbox 360 version are still running. EA has a dedicated web page showing all its offline servers, with TF2 being under "Half Life 2 for PlayStation 3".
Over on the TF2 subreddit, a poster decided to honour the closing of the servers. "After 15 years, Team Fortress 2 on the PS3 shuts down for the final time", it was titled and it proved to be a popular post, with many upvotes. "879 players without a game this is so sad gamers", someone commented in the thread. "There are hundreds of us!" came a jokey reply.
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bestgamedeveloper · 11 months
Best game developer tournament
Round 1 brackets
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Round 1:
Blizzard vs Landfall games
Sony vs Game Freak
Ubisoft vs Electronic Arts
Dennaton games vs Rockstar games
Bandai Namco games vs Id Software
Team Reptile vs Retro Studios
Mojang vs Sloclap
Microsoft vs InnerSloth
Supermassive games vs Team17
Rare Games vs Curve Digital
Rocksteady studios vs Telltale games
3909 LLC vs Studio MDHR
Sega Vs The Behemoth
Nintendo vs Askiisoft
Valve vs Bethesda game studios
Toby Fox vs Epic Games
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I'm watching Murdoch Mysteries and Pendric has just straight up invented personal computers and the internet.
They've just skipped past 80ish years of electronics and information science. It's like the writers wanted to do an internet episode, and just did it. And that's so funny to me.
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alfaheating1 · 3 months
Valves Tubes and Fittings
Explore our extensive range of valves, tubes, and fittings for all your industrial needs. We offer top-quality products designed to meet rigorous standards, ensuring reliability and durability. From valves to tubes and fittings, we have everything you need to keep your operations running smoothly. Shop now for unbeatable quality and value.
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noohyah · 4 months
5.4L Triton V8 Engine: Specs, Performance, and Everything You Need to Know!
If you are looking for a powerful, reliable, and versatile engine for your Ford vehicle, you might want to consider the 5.4L Triton V8 engine.  This engine is part of Ford’s Modular V8 engine family, which has been in production since 1997.  Thanks to its innovative design and features, the 5.4L Triton V8 engine offers impressive performance, durability, and fuel efficiency.  In this article, you…
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truly cannot relate to all these people I see lately being like “girls love to transcend the limitations of the flesh and embrace the purity of the machine“ but their frame of reference for “the purity of the machine” is like, breakable and disposable modern consumer electronics. girlies I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are not transcending shit, you are significantly more fragile than the flesh and you are going to be thrown away in 1.5 years when planned obsolescence kicks in. catch me actually surpassing the bonds of organic humanity as a completely analog piece of industrial machinery full of red-hot valves and slamming pistons and the ability to replace my own bolts when they finally wear down after 15 years of continuous operation. I am a vital part of the supply chain and they will never stop manufacturing replacement parts for me. I am a colossus of heat and steel that will remain functional long after the flesh recedes into the soil and the glass and plastic has melted and shattered under my high-pressure max-torque industrial treads. I forget what I was talking about originally but my point stands
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esportschimpnews · 1 year
Dead Space Remake: minimum requirements and everything you need to know
Credits: Promotion/Electronic Arts The Dead Space remake will officially arrive later this week on January 27. Packed with anticipation, it ranks as one of this month’s top releases as it brings back one of the most iconic horror games released in 2008 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Now, it comes completely renewed for the players. For those who didn’t get a chance to play the original…
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technician-the · 8 months
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It's hard to overstate how much better looking this is then modem electronic component packaging (which often just a ziplock)
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heattimernj · 1 year
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Certified Electronic Tempering Valve Platinum Plus
Regulate water temperature accurately with the help of an electronic tempering valve. This product combines a stainless-steel valve body, an electronic actuator, and a control module. It can be used for a wide range of heating and cooling applications. To learn more, visit Heat-Timer® now!
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imr1234 · 1 year
Global Electric Vehicle Wireless Charger Market Size 2022: Future Demand, Emerging Trends and Latest Technology, Forecast Research Report 2028
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The Global Electric Vehicle Wireless Charger Market Is Anticipated To Develop At A Significant Growth Rate Over The Analysis Period 2022-2028.
The development of wireless charging systems for electric vehicles has gained significant momentum over the past decade. Part of this is based on the desire of cities to push away from petrol and diesel-powered vehicles to help provide cleaner cities, given the intense urbanization which is occurring globally, and partly because electric vehicles are becoming more efficient and cost competitive. With wireless charging systems properly integrated into vehicles, and situated strategically around a city as well as at owners’ homes there should be no need to ever plug in their vehicles. Drivers should simply park as usual over a coil placed on the ground or buried in it. This technology has the potential to solve a number of real and perceived problems. With the concept of dynamic wireless charging, the wireless charging system could potentially reduce the size of the battery that is typically incorporated in an electric vehicle. The batteries used in electric vehicles today are quite large. However, by incorporating wireless technology into electric vehicles, batteries are likely to be smaller and lighter thus, supporting the development of the market over the analysis period.
The research report includes specific segments by region (country), company, Type, and Application. This study provides information about sales and revenue during the historical and forecasted period. Understanding the segments helps identify the factors that market growth. The Electric Vehicle Wireless Charger research report provides information about the market area, which is further subdivided into sub-regions and countries/regions. In addition to the market share in each country and sub-region, this report chapter also contains information on profit opportunities.
Read More: https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/reports/electric-vehicle-wireless-charger-market/
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golden--flowers · 2 years
Making the decision for just buying a game is so hard when, with a few exceptions, whenever I have an interest it just slips away really easily and it's hard to know if I'm actually interested in it still
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imrreport · 2 years
Global Electronic Expansion Valve For Electric Vehicles Size, Share And Overview 2022–2028
An electronic expansion valve is a tool used to precisely regulate the refrigerant flow into the evaporator. The electronic expansion valve includes components such as a controller, an actuator, and a sensor. The thermocouple or thermal resistance is used in the electronic expansion valve and is the temperature sensing component that allows it to more precisely reflect changes in superheat at low temperatures and enable more precise flow adjustment. The electronic expansion valve also provides a broad range of flow control, sensitive reactions, and quick action. The electronic expansion valve can be found in heat pumps, air conditioners, water chilling facilities, deep freezers, and other equipment that uses the refrigeration cycle. The sales of electronic expansion valves are rising owing to increasing the use of air conditioning systems. The air conditioning system has been mostly adopted in commercial locations such as hotels, airports, hospitals, museums, and others.
Read More: https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/reports/electronic-expansion-valve-for-electric-vehicles-market/ 
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loosevalve · 2 years
(Loose Valve)
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