#elf gets academic
haldanare · 8 days
i have a new oc: her name is Rhian, shes welsh-japanese, shes ginger, shes butch, she commited fairy war crimes as a teen and her prefered method of expressing her emotions is through the medium of molotov cocktails. and she has a big sword
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wardenassan · 1 year
I gotta learn to draw, I just woke up and my new d&d character is rotating in my head
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tofixtheshadows · 4 months
Hot take: Laios wouldn't actually mind an arranged marriage. Obviously "reluctant royal being pressured into marriage" is very fun for shipping purposes. But I have harlequin blood, so bear with me. Join me on this journey of character theorizing/shipping nonsense that makes it abundantly clear I have a Scrivener document I'm neglecting.
Laios was promised to someone from a young age. He and Falin both were; it's probably how their parents ended up together. They both broke it off by leaving their village, but it didn't seem to be a factor in Laios's own decision. And when Marcille, presumably, asks about his hypothetical love life (bicorn chapter), he not only brings it up readily, but actually seems kind of flattered? lmao
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I love when smug Laios comes out. Underrated factor of Laios's personality for me is how much he enjoys being seen as cool. I think you'd expect Laios to be embarrassed or uneasy over this line of questioning, and the fact that he isn't is fun to me.
So when Yaad and his other old advisors bring up his need for a wife, Laios is ready to go along with it. Not necessarily thrilled by the prospect, but he was raised to think of marriage as a business arrangement you do because it's beneficial for your household/bloodline (as was often the case historically). He's already made the big step to claim a throne, and the idea of becoming village chief after his father seemed to have been vaguely in the back of his head all his life. Besides, if he has to do it anyway, I think he'd take comfort that there was a formalized process for an otherwise socially messy undertaking.
This dovetails neatly with my personal headcanon that Laios is gay but unaware of it. He comes from kind of a repressed culture- or at least I can imagine he does based on context clues- and has spent most of his life being ostracized in one way or another, feeling like he's on the outside of humanity. So he doesn't realize that his lack of attraction to women is unusual- he assumes that nobody really enjoys romance that much. It's not like his own parents married for love. It's just something people play up for stories, right?
It's all tangled up with his fraught desire for human connection and platonic companionship anyway. Meanwhile he's blithely unaware that the things he says about Toshiro are not normal bro things. Oh you'd totally marry Toshiro, Laios? Tell me more.
I see this in Marcille too. Firstly due to her unstable development, which has only recently allowed her to reach maturity (I headcanon her as somewhere between 20-22) and secondly due to her being a half-elf (infertile+a too-long lifespan), I think she has the expectation that she's simply not destined for love. The half-elf character she relates to in her favorite books says as much. So she, too, confuses a genuine lack of heterosexual attraction with the belief that this is just because of her half-elf status distancing her from it. Plus, she spent over a decade as a student/researcher in a nice little sheltered academic bubble, at an all-girls academy populated by adolescents. She's the most sheltered of all the characters: she's only spent the past year in the "real world", and she still focuses all her romantic attention on living vicariously through her favorite characters or her friends (except for Falin, conveniently!).
And Marcille would absolutely want to live vicariously through Laios and his future wife. She would not want him to go through a dispassionate formalized process: she wants her bestie to have a fairytale romance! What is the point of being a heroic king in a mythic castle if you can't even get a love story for the ages out of it?
This would result in a lot of Laios meeting with eligible bachelorettes at Marcille's urging, looking to Kabru for help the entire time and being grilled by Marcille afterwards about what he liked best about each girl. "She had nice, um, teeth?" They're both so close to getting it.
Kabru, meanwhile, is agitating for Yaad and the other advisors not lock the country into a hereditary monarchy, they have the chance to do something radical here, to break away from the systems that the elves and dwarves uphold. At the very least, let Laios marry for love, or formally adopt an heir and name them his successor if he wants, he's already sacrificed enough for the sake of Melini. Don't make him jump through these circus hoops for the chance of some trade agreements, we can get those without a royal marriage. And even if Laios was willing to go along with it, he does look at Kabru like he's his hero for sticking up for him.
The vague unhappiness Kabru feels at the idea of Laios being married off is easy for him to ignore. Kabru didn't actually get better at honoring or even recognizing his own wants just because he's moved past the dungeon. And Laios hasn't gotten the hint about his crush on Toshiro and is still 50/50 on saying casually shocking things, so when he remarks that he doesn't need a wife anyway when he has Kabru, he has no idea why that gets him the looks it does. After all, where he's from, men marry women to run their households, but Laios has castle staff for that, and Kabru is handling the rest?
That comment alone ticks one month off their collective gay awakening countdown.
Anyway. How many repressed gays in their twenties does it take to run a country?
Answer: Yaad can tell you.
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felassan · 2 months
July 22nd DA:TV Game Informer article (their last DA:TV coverage article) on Everything we Know about Bellara - cliff notes:
Bellara is Dalish elf (played by Jee Young Han as we know). There might be more to her than meets the eye
"Now, with two of [the elven] gods on the loose, magic has poured back into the world in a big way"
CC is expansive
Bellara is the first companion we will recruit (Neve and Harding join automatically it seems)
She is a mage, a Veil Jumper (who she represents), quirky, energetic, effervescent, optimistic, bubbly, academic, a tinkerer, an explorer of ancient elven ruins
John Epler wrote her and led her development, and collective team effort from lots of departments brought her to life
The BW team really love her
Gary McKay quote: "I love Bellara, I think she's fantastic. I see people that I know in her and so that's how she really resonates with me. I love the whole tinkerer aspect to her. It was a collective to bring that character to life. It was everything from the writers, to the editors, the animators, to character modelers, to the texturing, to how we light her. I'm really proud of that character."
She is a good choice in combat for both support and elemental combos. She starts out as a support character, but can be built in other ways
She attacks with a bow at range using electrically-charged arrows. She can also cast time-slow and healing spells (she can be built to heal Rook autonomously). She does this by channeling magical energy into her gauntlet
As such she leans into electrical damage
Damage type matters a lot in the strategy and tactics of combat
She can unleash a devastating vortex to pull enemies into an electrical storm (an AOE spell)
She can debuff enemies with the shocked affliction, which makes them take passive damage
Corinne Busche quote: "Oh my goodness, she is amazing. [The Veil Jumpers] investigate the ancient ruins of Arlathan. Everything about her character as a mage leans into that, but she also challenges the kind of archetypal idea of a mage."
The Veil Jumpers journey through Arlathan where the ancient empire used to exist and left a lot of artifacts and magical technology behind when it disappeared
Bellara represents this yearning to find the truth of who the elves were after they lost their magic, immortality and a lot of their history
"they still left a lot of their artifacts and a lot of their, for lack of a better term, magical technology behind"
John Epler quote: "A lot of what they know of their past is based on myth, it's based on rumor. Bellara is a knowledge seeker. She wants to find out what's true, what's not; she wants to find the pieces of who the elves used to be and really understand what their story was, where they came from, as well as figure out where they're going next, and find a future for the elves. And within the context of The Veilguard, she joins the team, first of all, to help stop the gods because Bellara feels at least partially responsible since they are elven gods, but also to maybe find a little bit more of who they used to be. Because again, you're dealing with these elves that were around millennia ago that have now reemerged into the world, and who better to teach her who the elves used to be than them."
Magic's place in the world in DA:TV differs from prior games. In Tevinter and other spaces in DA:TV it's much more present by definition and the lore (though the devs wanted to make sure magic didn't violate previously-established lore rules)
Solas is a "determined and tragic character" who "tends to wallow". [nb, these are quotes from the article]. in contrast, Bellara has seen a lot of tragedy in her backstory (we will see this as we get into her arc), but instead of wallowing, she has forced herself to push past it. "She looks at her regrets, and she tells herself, 'I don't want to feel regret'
John: "Whereas again, Solas tends to wallow in his to a large degree. And it allows us to create a very big differentiation. Part of it is also because Solas is an ancient elf, whereas Bellara is a Dalish elf, but she just sees a problem and wants to solve it. She feels a tremendous amount of responsibility to her people [...] to the Dalish, and to the Veil Jumpers, and that drives her forward. That said, she does have her moments where she has doubt, she has moments where she has a more grim outlook, and there are moments where you realize that some of her sunny, optimistic outlook is kind of a mask that she puts on to hide the fact that she's hurting, she's in pain. But in general, she doesn't see any benefit to wallowing in those regrets."
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avocado-writing · 8 months
omg… could we get an astarion x reader where the reader is gale’s apprentice? she’s extremely studious and focused on her learning of magic (as gale teaches her to be) and because gale took her on as a young girl she’s never had her first kiss (much less her first time) bc she’s been so focused on her academics… mwahahahahah 😈
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notes: reader’s gender isn’t mentioned, but Astarion does call you “little”! (Edit; part 2)
rating: M
words: 1.8k
pairing: astarion x reader
Taglist: bg3 Taglist: @ghosti02art @sadandanxiouswtf @yeethaw13 (let me know if you want to be added!)
“We hope to see you soon!” calls the cashier from behind the desk, waving amicably as you leave with your arms laden with scrolls and books. You manage a smile over your shoulder, no hand free to return the kind gesture.
“I’m sure you will!” you reply. This is true. Gale has probably spent a small fortune at Sorcerous Sundries, and - with the amount of time he’s been spending with Tav recently - supply runs have fallen to you. Not that you particularly mind. It’s nice to get into the city and get away from your mentor and the de facto leader of your group making heart eyes at each other from across the camp. It’s wonderful that he’s found someone (gods know that he deserves it after all that Mystra business) but he doesn’t have to be so bloody nauseating about it.
You wait for a cart to pass, readjust your hold on the pile, and head across the road. You’re so lost in your own thoughts that you don’t hear your name being called for a second and barrel on ahead - it’s only when you become aware of footsteps approaching that you turn.
Astarion isn’t jogging to catch you, exactly. He’s far too precious for that. But he has increased his speed to close the gap, that little smile on his face which you know can only spell trouble.
“Well, fancy running into you, my dear. Isn’t chance a fine thing?” he purrs. You raise an eyebrow.
“What, you fortuitously meeting me at the only store I ever seem to go to?”
He doesn't reply to that, instead putting a hand on his hip and cocking his head.
“It can be dangerous for a little thing like you to walk around a big city alone. Never know who might take advantage.”
He flashes his fangs with his smile, and you swear your cheeks don’t start to burn.
“I know the route back to camp perfectly well…”
“Oh, so you won’t mind if I join you then? Let me help with those books, they seem to be rather precariously perched.”
You take a moment to look him over. He’s got muscle, of course, you’ve seen him with his shirt off at camp, but you’re certain it’s all for show – you are definitely stronger than he is. Being Gale’s glorified pack mule means you have to be. But, suppressing a smile, you press half of your haul into the elf’s waiting arms and chuckle when he stumbles under the unexpected weight.
“You could suggest to your mentor that he gets into a little more light reading,” he mutters, and that makes you laugh properly. He seems pleased with himself for that. Well, more pleased with himself than he usually is, anyway - so you find yourself walking through the city streets with his company. 
And it’s… nice. You’ve never been sure what to make of Astarion. He’s a bit too cunning for your usual taste in companion, but there can be no doubt that he’s competent. He travels the city streets with a familiar ease, and when he goes to turn down an alleyway mid-conversation, you almost follow him without thinking.
“The thing is I’m sure he eats them, but – what are you doing back there? Keep up, I won’t wait for you,” he says, waiting for you. You shuffle awkwardly, and he reads your face without you having to say a word.
“Come now, I’m not going to bite you. Not unless you want me to,” there’s that damned grin again. You harrumph, knowing full well that’s exactly why you hesitated, but not wanting to show weakness in front of him. Nothing that he can use against you. You scuttle along until you make up the distance, and fall back in step.
Soon it’s just the two of you. The city noise dies down and the sound of your boots echoes in tandem with his. He has you completely alone. He could do whatever he wanted with you. You know he wouldn’t, of course, but… you’d be lying if you said the idea didn’t thrill you, just a tiny bit.
Astarion lets out a laugh.
“Your blood’s started pumping faster. Tell me, little mage, is something making your heart pound?”
Oh, right. Vampire. The bastard is uncannily attuned to these things.
“No!” you say, quickly, but there’s not much fire behind it, no real sincerity. His lip quirks. 
“I’ve seen the way you look at me, you know. It’s alright to feel desire. Gale doesn’t seem to take very good care of you, after all…”
That makes you stick your tongue out and gag. You totally ignore the first part of that sentence and spit:
“Eurgh, Gale? Absolutely not! He’s like my brother. We’ve known each other since… well, for as long as I can remember, honestly,” you say. And it’s true. You love him, of course, but not like that. Maybe you’re a bit jealous of Tav but only because they’re taking up so much of his time. You’re desperate to have another magic lesson. It feels like it’s been ages since he’s taught you anything, and you’ve been somewhat demoted to his personal assistant rather than his student. You can’t be too upset, though. He does have that tadpole in his head, so things are probably a lot more pressing to him than teaching you how to properly refine your Fireball spell. 
Astarion sees how introspective you’ve become. You have a habit of chewing on your lip when you’re lost in thought, and he’s become quite partial to it. It’s… sweet. Secretly he’s become quite partial to you. You’re endearing, bullheadedly stubborn, but sincere and enthusiastic. A bright spark in a dark world and he is drawn to you, whether he wants to be or not. 
He’s harbouring something for you, and doesn’t quite want to admit what that might be. So he teases. 
“You really do take up all of your time with studying, don’t you?”
You shrug as much as you can beneath your armful of books. 
“Wouldn’t you, if you had the best tutor around? Wouldn’t you want to learn every single thing you possibly could?”
“All that time squirrelled away over a spell book. I wonder if you’ve ever even been kissed.”
You stop dead. Ah, he thinks. Got you. 
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” you snap, but you know your voice wobbles a little. A bit of a sore spot if you’re honest. Seeing Gale and Tav has made you realise that, actually, maybe there is something you long for. Something more. 
“Ahh, so you haven’t. There’s no shame in that, little mage.”
Your cheeks are burning. You can’t look him in the eye. Thank the gods the two of you are alone, you wouldn’t want anyone to see you so flabbergasted. 
“I’m… you’re…” you struggle to find words to adequately express how you feel. Furious. Embarrassed? A whole tide of things all at once, rooting you to the ground. 
He walks closer. If he was living, you’d be able to feel the heat coming off of him. He puts his pile of books on the top of a part-built wall, then takes yours to do the same. You don’t resist. 
“Would you like to be kissed?”
You manage to drag your eyes up from the ground to meet his gaze, searching it for any hint of insincerity. He is teasing you, a bit, but… his eyes are surprisingly soft. 
He means it. 
And before you can think it over, you nod. 
His lips are soft. Far softer than you expected for a vampire. His kiss gently presses your mouth open, allowing for a lithe and curious swipe of his tongue. You eagerly accept it, voice catching in your throat a little in a half-rendered moan. 
He tastes like mint. It’s fresh. It’s sweet. 
You want more. 
Carefully you put a hand on either one of his biceps, a gentle test of the muscle there. It might be only for show, but it’s firm enough for you to enjoy how it feels in your grip. You sense him smile against your mouth and deepen the kiss, running his fingers up the length of your arm until he can cup your face; grip the back of your head.
When he walks you back to press up against the alleyway wall, you trust him; and when he hooks your collar down with a single long finger, exposing your neck, that half-moan comes back with full force. 
“That’s it,” he sighs, feather-light, “let me hear you, you sweet thing.”
His mouth leaves yours in order to kiss a long line down your jugular. His teeth ghost the skin there, but he never threatens to bite. 
Not unless you want me to. 
You find yourself trusting him absolutely. His tongue flicks against your pulse and you thrust your hips forward inadvertently. It’s an impulse. An instinct. But it has an impact, and you hear Astarion catch his breath just a bit. 
“Where have you been hiding all this?” he asks, gravel filling his voice as you thread your fingers into his hair. 
“Maybe you never gave me a reason to show it to you.”
He seems to like that answer, so when he slips his leg between yours, presses his thigh up to your sex… gods, you start to rock against him without a second thought. 
It’s good. It feels good. Good in a way only your own hands have ever made you feel, late at night, beneath your bedroll with fucking Astarion, Astarion, Astarion running through your head. 
“Look at you. All desperate for me. What do you want me to do, little mage? Where do you want me to touch?”
You take his hand and guide it down your body, yes gods yes to the apex of your legs, and —
Greetings! Hope I’m not catching you at a bad moment, but need those books at camp ASAP. Do let me know when you’ll be back!
Gale’s Sending is like a cold bucket of ice through your body, and you freeze under Astarion’s ministrations. The moment is utterly shattered. A hand on his chest moves him away and he acquiesces, confused but not pushing back. 
“Hello Gale,” you sigh out loud, letting the elf know the reason for the interruption. “Will be back as soon as possible. Not too far from the camp now. Sorry for the delay. Got a little… held up.”
And then you’re just standing there. In an alley. With Astarion. And you feel very silly all of a sudden, very small. Once again your eyes drop to the floor and you start grabbing the books, quickly, anything to distract you from how humiliated you feel. You’re not sure if it’s because you let yourself give into him so easily or if it’s because you didn’t want him to stop — and you’re a bit terrified at how far you’d have let him go. 
“I’ll see you at camp,” you manage to stutter out, before practically running away. 
Astarion watches you go. Your departure stings. 
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amethysts-tavern · 10 months
So I had this random thought about Astarion eavesdropping on a conversation you were having about him. His big elf ears would make it easy for him. And so I present:
“Sweet dreams.”
“You can’t tell him,” you look pleadingly at Karlach. “Pinky-promise me that you won’t say anything to anyone about this.”
“Sure, sure,” she says, dismissing your demand, but offering you her pinky.
“Are you sharing secrets without me?” Gale says, jauntily approaching your tent. “What about?”
“It’s nothing,” you reply, shooting daggers at Karlach.
“Someone,” Karlach looks directly at you, “may have had a racy dream about someone else,” she turns her head to indicate Astarion across camp.
“KARLACH!! You pinky-promised not to tell anyone!”
“I didn’t mention any names!” she retorts in her own defense. All you can do is bury your face in your hands and scream in sheer embarrassment.
“Don’t you worry, your secret is safe with me,” Gale pantomimes zipping his lip. “But tell me, exactly how racy are we talking?” Gale asks, giving you an interested look. “I need to know all the details. Strictly for academic purposes, of course.”
You let out an exasperated whimper as you watch Karlach whisper in Gale’s ear all the horny details you shared with her about your dream. You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks as each moment passes. Gale’s eyes go wide as Karlach nears the end of her sharing.
“Oh… oh! My, my…” Gale exclaims. “Tav! You naughty little creature! I wouldn’t have figured you for the kinky type!” He gives you a wink.
“Please, I’m begging you both. This doesn’t go any further than the three of us,” you’re practically on your knees pleading with them.
“Tav, you’re really embarrassed by this,” Gale finally notices. “Think no more of it. Your secret is safe with us,” Gale gives Karlach a death look to let her know he means business.
“Thank you,” you say, quietly. The flush in your cheeks finally subsiding.
“Come on, Karlach, let’s let Tav have some peace,” the wizard says, grabbing the tiefling to lead her away from your tent.
You watch them go. For all of the frustration they give you, they are good friends. As you turn to enter your tent to get out of sight of your party members, else you die of further embarrassment, you hear another voice calling your name.
“So, Tav, I hear you’ve been having some interesting dreams lately.” Astarion drawls, sauntering over.
You feel your breath catch. You look around camp to find the blabbermouth. Astarion cups your chin and turns your head so that you are looking only at him.
“No one has betrayed you, darling,” his eyes sharp and penetrating. “Elf ears. I heard everything.”
“Everything?” you ask timidly.
“Everything,” he repeats, dropping his voice low, and stepping closer to you, his hands now on your hips, pulling your body up against his. He plants a passionate kiss on your lips, catching you off guard. He sighs contentedly as he releases you and steps back.
“Sweet dreams, Tav,” he says seductively. He flashes you a sultry smile before turning on his heels and heading back to his own tent.
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voidless-screaming · 4 months
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Light hearted NOT seriously thought out Dungeon meshi X Mob psycho 100 crossover AU.
Reigen is the self proclaimed greatest magic user of the century on the Island picking up odd jobs (some in dungeon, some outside of it) performing spells for people. He sells himself as being a old elf thinking it'll gain him more credibility despite being a tall-man.
Although he's a fraud, hes actually researched a lot of magical topics extensively. However, he can only perform the most basic spells himself before getting some extreme mana sickness every time he tries.
Mob is a regular gnome kid and Reigen's apprentice, using magic comes to him quite naturally. However he falls behind in a lot of school work and academic aspects of magic research that Reigen makes up for.
this is a silly AU drawing i made in between being burnt out from college work, please dont come at me too hard for any lore\world building inaccuracies 🙏
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000-pawz · 4 months
" fantasy romance tropes " bnd series masterlist °。⋆⸜ 🪽♡🪄
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coming soon!
a/n: i was listening to dawn in the adan by ichiko aoba and got inspired to start a series! i barely see any fantasy stuff on here and i'm a big lover of it so here this is :3 <3 (p.s. there won't be an order to posting! it'll be random >3<) i tried to put my own spin on these tropes, so i hope you guys look forward to them! <3
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"bloom for me" - sungho x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
angel sungho x human!reader | modern-day au, forbidden love, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
"sungho has been assigned to be your guardian angel, to look after you from afar, and to make sure you stay out of harm's way. the only rules? don't get too close and never interfere with true fate. but when you find yourself in a dark place, unsure of whether life is truly worth living, sungho finds himself unable to simply sit around and watch you fall apart. he wants to show you the light; even if he must sacrifice everything he has even known for it."
"night life stars" - riwoo x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
elf!riwoo x human!reader | old fantasy au, forbidden love, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers
"growing up, you've always been told to never pass the flower field in the woods and to stay far away from elf territory because everyone knows that elves are the most violent creatures in the forest. one summer, a drought spreads throughout your village, and while fetching water from a stream in the woods for your family, you end up slipping and hitting your head on a rock. when you finally wake up, your eyes immediately lock on to a pair of glimmering green ones. eyes that belong to the enemy itself."
"safest sounds"- jaehyun x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
hybrid!jaehyun x human!reader | modern-day au, hybrids & humans, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, strangers to lovers, living together
"after another tiring day at work, you're walking back to your apartment when you hear soft cries coming from an alleyway. with your undeniable curiosity, you go to find the source of sound—and much to your surprise, you find an abandoned hybrid curled up in a ball, shivering from the cold. with a promise to take him to a shelter when the sun rises, you let him come home with you so he can eat and have a warm place to sleep for the night. in the morning, though, you discover that this hybrid has already claimed you as his owner."
"seneca" - taesan x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
magic!taesan x non-magic!reader | modern-day magic, rivals to lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort
"han taesan. the bane of your existence. he's been your academic rival at your boarding school ever since you transferred a few years ago, and you have despised him ever since. on your way home one day, you end up encountering some people looking for trouble. in the blink of an eye, taesan is there to help you get away, but something is off. might it be his glowing hands and eyes? no, no, no. you must only be imagining things... but taesan's threat to keep everything a secret says otherwise."
"dance on the moon" - leehan x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
mermaid!leehan x human!reader | pirate au, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, hidden love
"there's nothing more that you hate than working as a maid on this deck. your captain and crew are worse than scum and you miss home every day, but you must do as they say if you want to survive. one stormy night, the crew catches a mermaid in their net while in the pits of the sea and your captain declares to sell him on the market as soon as they reach land. but when you become tasked to watch over the poor mermaid every night, you end up promising to help him escape back to his home. maybe he could find a way to help you escape too."
"seek for warmth" - woonhak x reader ˚ ⋆。˚
vampire!woonhak x vampire!reader | vampire au, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
"woonhak never asked to be a vampire; he never wanted to live a life he didn't choose and be cursed to live forever. thankfully, there's another fledgling in the coven who sees the light still shining in his undead eyes. you're there with him through the insatiable hunger and the yearning for a past he never had the chance to live, holding his hand through it all. eventually, he begins to find solace in your warmth despite his fingers being cold to the touch."
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secret-smut-sideblog · 4 months
Supine Bound
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Gale x F! Tav
18+ tension, crossed signals, embarrassment, voyeurism (m&f), masturbation (m&f), restraint, body caging, dirty talk, roughness, domGale, oral (m&f), improper use of mage hand, Gale being a menace, some silliness a lil tenderness ayo, porn w/o plot
With Tav believing she's crossed a boundary of intimacy twice with Gale, she invites the wizard to get some retribution...
"Gods, I'm not that short." Tav planted her hands on her hips, giving Gale a mock glare.
"Notice that you had to look up to give me that withering look." The warm tease in his voice making her heart flutter involuntarily.
"Should I call over Halsin to give some input?" She trilled, smiling wider at the narrow in his eyes.
"Oh pish posh," He waved his hand impassively. "That elf is an outlier. It would be academically irresponsible to include him in our data."
"Our data, huh?"
His cheeks flushed the slightest pink.
Tav raised her eyes in memory, giving a puzzled look.
"I don't even remember applying for a grant to fund our research..."
He let out a small bark of laughter, her smile curling triumphantly at making him break first.
"Oh, there is a very neat magic trick people my stature can perform. Wanna see?"
He nodded, giving her an bemused smile.
She leaned down conspiratorially, him following her down. Crouching down quickly, she angled her shoulder under his hips, standing and flipping him onto her back.
"Up you go!" She cheered, bracing the hinge of his hip with one hand. Starting to walk through camp at a jaunty pace.
He laughed loudly, a joyful burst. Going mock limp as she trotted him around their small world.
"Oh, good catch!" Karlach called through a mouthful of apple. "Wizards are slippery! Hold on tight!"
"Ew, why...?" Astarion reeled.
"Guys, I'm trying to make a delivery, do you mind?" Tav huffed, putting a hand on her waist and popping her hip out.
"Of course, of course. Boy deliveries are very time sensitive, don't want him to spoil." Karlach nodded sagely.
Gale's giggle against Tav's back making her bottom lip curl to not smile.
Astarion put down his mending with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Oh! Hells, I've gotta go! He's getting unruly!" Tav's voice spiking in fear as Gale kicked his feet happily.
Tav took very careful steps to the turquoise tent, the night song of insects rising in the reeds. Fire crackling low, cleared plates piled, ready to be river tended.
"And here you are." She crouched down, attempting to ease him by the waist off of her shoulder. Gale only going fully limp.
"Oh... oh! The spell!" Tav cried, letting her body slowly crumple under him. "Gravity! it's getting so heavy!"
He giggled against her as she slid into a heap on the ground. His forehead resting above her shoulder, her arms thrown above her head, staring up at the newly woken stars.
"We're just going to lay like this, huh?" She sighed.
"The spell takes a while to wear off, I'm afraid."
She smiled, letting out a contented breath with the closing of her eyes. Enjoying his weight on her and the slow calm of night for a moment. His arm naturally encircling her head, face turned into her hair. Heart fast and breath slow.
She peeked one eye open, feeling his stare.
"Yes?" She whispered in a playful lilt. Turning her head to look at him.
His wide pupils held her still. A single breath shared between them as his eyes searched her, lips fallen open. Their turned faces unreasonably close, air softened with anticipation. All she would have to do was tilt up.
The haze overrode her better judgment, and she lifted her chin. Lips sliding into his in a soft part.
Her mind caught up with her mouth, pulling back in shock. He had very kindly turned her down twice now, the second time just last night at the tielfing party.
"Oh Gods, I'm so sorry." She rose up on elbows, face heating.
His wide eyes followed her as she stood, chest radiating a gauzy purple under his robe.
"I'm- I'm gonna go." She patted her thighs anxiously. "Sorry, again."
Turning on her heel, she grimaced as she strode away from him.
Gods. Way to take it too far.
Tav paced in angry circles.
"Fuck Mystra."
"You're going to dig a hole in the ground." Shadowheart raised her eyebrow at her rage loop.
"The fuck is her problem?" Tav continued on, waving her arms. "It's not enough to disgrace him, exile him, then leave him to fend for himself with the fucking orb that you know how to fix! Then you ask him to detonate it? Just all casual, no biggie?"
"Darling, we all agree with you." Astarion drawled, leaning back on the log. "But do you know who isn't as convinced?"
He tipped his head towards the distant point of Gale's tent.
"Maybe spew some of that venom where it's needed."
"You're right." Tav slowed, planting her hands on her waist. Taking a huffing breath out.
"I often am." Astarion sighed, flopping back on the length of the log. "And you can convince him to come start dinner. Unless you want to be supped from early tonight."
"Oh, I could start dinner! How hard can it be?"
"Karlach, that's a very kind offer. But let's see about Gale first." Wyll encouraged.
Tav waved her hand in acknowledgment, heading towards the outer loop of camp.
She took several deep breaths, knowing that coming in hot might just dig his feet in farther. Afterall, this was a diety he had devoted his life to, of course he thinks her stupid fucking idea is founded in some wisdom.
Low pulsing violet light emanated from the seat of his closed tent. Tav bit her lip in concern, ears naturally piqued for any sounds of distress. Picking up the sound of muffled hard breathing.
Her hand hovered over the flap of his tent.
If he was suffering, would he even tell any of them?
A pained whine broke her of her apprehension, lifting the opening.
He was laid back on blankets, head angled back. The underside of his jaw, chest arched up. Hand clamped over his mouth, eyes rolled up into his head.
Her wide eyes traveled down where his velvet shirt was bunched up around his ribs. Sleep trousers pushed down to the seat of his thighs. Bare hips writhing and thrusting up into-
His head lifted and caught eyes with her.
"Ah!" She yelped, turning quickly, pressing her back to the tent wall.
She groaned quietly, doubling over and pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes. A fruitless effort, that moving image was embedded for good.
"All the gods above and below, I am so sorry!" She stamped her foot, embarrassment spiking the threat of mortified tears.
There was only a low chuckle and the sounds of rearranging fabric behind her.
"It is not funny." She hissed, ducking her head around to give him an incensed glare. Getting only louder, snorting laughter.
"Cosmically? It's quite funny. Given the subject of my imagining."
Her cheeks heated at that, sure she had misconstrued his meaning.
"This has happened too many times." She sighed, shaking her head.
Ducking back around fully to level her gaze at him. "You need to get even with me."
"Even?" He gave her a confused but warm smile.
"Yes. I've got too many violations under my belt. It's your turn to do something mortifying to me."
"Interesting..." A mischievous smile spread across his face.
"Don't tell me what it is." She held her hand up preemptively. "Just decide and do it when the time is right."
"And nothing is off the table?" His eyes glinted.
"Go wild. I'll do whatever you ask."
Tav immediately wanted to walk that back, but bit the inside of her cheek.
"Excellent. And Tav..."
Her eyes met his.
"Thank you for checking on me. Truly. You're a guiding star in these dark times."
Tav's voice wavered in her throat into a muffled squeak. Giving him a nod instead.
"Goodnight, Gale."
It had been a tenday since their arrangement had been made, and she had fully forgotten about it. Too many events under their collective belts, battles won and grueling progress made towards overtaking Moonrise.
Everyone gathered around the fire, passing bowls and talking around full mouths. Cricket song in the tall grass. The ever-present oppressive air of the Shadowlands lessened just slightly by good company and filled bellies.
Tav had been sitting with their newest addition, Minthara. She naturally stayed back from the gathered camp, but Tav found her conversation very stimulating. She was tough but fair, giving harsh but insightful observations on anything they spoke on.
"What do you think of Gale?" Tav offered, her mortifying displays coming back in a slow creeping blush up her neck.
"The wizard?" Minthara gave that low chuckle she was prone to. "What about him should I find noteworthy? The fool hardy ambition and unconscious death wish is hardly unique to wizards of his caliber."
"Can't argue with that." Tav relented with a sigh. "He's very sweet when you give him the chance. I've grown quite fond of him."
"Yes, that has been obvious." Minthara lifted her glass to her lips, raising one eyebrow at Tav.
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." Tav mock huffed. Giving her a small smile.
"Why haven't you bedded him yet?"
Tav nearly spat out her food, coughing into her hand. Minthara giving her a few solid thumps on the back.
"Thats... that's hardly..."
"You don't strike me as inexperienced. But perhaps I am mistaken." Minthara mused.
"Or perhaps the wizard is. That seems likely, with the way his eyes follow you around camp."
"They do not." Tav grumbled, turning her eyes down.
"I have my own eyes, abbil." Minthara stated. "And they do not deceive me. That lovesick look is unmistakable."
She gave another low chuckle. "He's doing it right now."
Tav raised her eyes just slightly, catching Gale's in her peripheral. Whipping her eyes back towards her Drow friend. Minthara raising both eyebrows now, giving a knowing smirk.
"Either bed the wizard or put him down like a sick dog. It's a kindness to put him out of his misery."
Tav laughed, though she likely wasn't joking.
She reached out to take Minthara's empty bowl, walking up the way to the fire.
"And how was it?" Gale offered, smiling at her as she approached.
"Oh, delicious as always. You truly are magical making a meal with what we scrounge up." Tav set the two empty bowls with the others to be washed, bending over.
A hand ran from thigh up over her backside.
It was over so quickly she wasn't entirely sure she hadn't imagined it. Popping her head up and looking around in a fluster.
Gale raised a confused eyebrow. "You okay? Something bite you?"
"I'm okay, just... ah, nothing." She shook her head. "How are you feeling?"
"Pretty tired, I might turn in early tonight."
Fingers trailed up the curve of her spine, splaying out across her ribs.
She spun around, finding only gnarled trees.
"You know what, maybe I will too. I might not be all there tonight." She turned back to him to level an apologetic look.
"Of course." He smiled graciously. "I'm confident you'll find rest at some point tonight."
"Here's hoping." She sighed. "Have a lovely night, Gale."
"Oh, I will." He made to walk away then paused, turning as if remembering something.
"Thank you for saying I'm sweet. I'm very fond of you too."
Tav could only nod, pink fluster reaching her cheeks.
Tav lay awake in her tent, the damned wizard smothering all other thought. The earnestness of his teasing reaching under her skin.
She pressed her pillow into her face and hit her heels against the ground in frustration. The pool of desire in her pelvis full, heavy and insistent.
She tossed the pillow down at her side and admitted defeat with a sigh. Hand coming down to snake under her waistband. Meeting her already piqued clit, fingers leading down in slow circles. Gathering her pooling slick up over it.
Leaning her head back, she got lost in her own touch. The rising pleasure in her body pulling her along, fingers moving to the unconscious demand. Pushing her sleep pants down to her knees, kicking them the rest of the way off. Letting out a soft moan, fingers working faster. The circling orgasm pulling tighter. All sounds and sights floating away.
Imagining his hands on her, those wide skilled hands. How they would feel climbing her body, grasping and pulling. What the stubble of his beard would feel like between her legs.
The hands splayed along her thighs, pressing them open. Her legs laying flat against her bedroll.
It wasn't until the hands inexplicably didn't dissipate inside her imagination that she opened her eyes.
Gale stared down at her, arms locked out straight, leaning down on her knees.
"Don't stop." He commanded.
"What?" She squeaked, trying to pull back to cover herself, but he wouldn't budge.
"You said I could request anything. We'll, I'm requesting that you don't stop."
She swallowed, the realization of what was about to unfold rising up her already bothered pelvis.
Leaning back, she let her hand return to her center slowly. Her embarrassment making the pleasure she pulled from herself feel even more salacious. Constraining her face in a turn of her head.
"Come now, that's hardly fair." He clicked his tongue, gently pulling her face back to center. "I've been so wanting to see you enjoying yourself."
Her eyes opened into an incredulous glare. Frustration pushing into her arousal, needling her hand faster.
"Well, you've had a funny way of showing it." She huffed.
He got quiet for a moment, then slid both knees onto the inside of her thighs. Leaning up to be level with her, balancing on forearms around her head. His weight holding her legs splayed open.
"I have wanted you so unbearably it has numbed my mind."
His warm voice pulling low into his chest, he continued.
"All of my thoughts have been encircled by you, threading through every tortuous night. My skin hungers for your touch, and no distraction I have tried has soothed the strain."
His face drew ever nearer as he spoke, shoulders lowering him down to her.
"All of your intrusions have proven to have only stoked the flame higher. Much higher."
He was breathing against her lips now, so near it made her eyes flutter up into her lids. The teasing making her feel delirious. Hips starting to writhe fruitlessly against the hold of his knees.
He looked down at her efforts, her stomach twitching in jolts. Her eyes following down, seeing the strain in his trousers above her.
"I want to touch you so terribly." He groaned, eyes lidded. "But I want you to cum first."
She bit back a moan, eyes desperate on his. Feeling like she was going blind with need, bucking her hips.
He leaned forward, cupping the side of her head as he rumbled directly into her ear.
"I cannot resist you much longer. You are so beautiful like this, it's driving me mad. Cum for me, I need you to feel you on my tongue."
She yelped out a moan, his mouth coming down to muffle hers. Her whimpers pushing into his lips. Orgasm crashing over her in high waves, swells rising up through her. He pushed her sleep shirt up to her clavicle. Leaning back to watch her ribcage rise, breasts heaving. Moaning at the sight low in his throat.
She grasped the front of his robes, pulling his face back to hers.
"I came, now please tou-"
His mouth smothered back over hers hungrily. Breathing hard through his nose, gasping against her lips. Pulling up on her waist, her thigh, his hands warm and insistent.
The pull between them was demanding, primal. Tangling and burning with need. Desire barely contained inside of bodies, ready to spill over in a boil.
She tried to reach for his sleep pants but was caught by her wrists, an unknown hand slamming them down pinned above her head.
She looked above and saw a mage hand.
"You bastard, that's what that was." She gasped out when she could get a breath in.
"It is so wonderful to tease you." He chuckled, head starting to lower down her body. Cupping her ribcage reverently as he kissed along her neck, her clavicle. Nose drawing a small circle around her nipple.
"You blush such a heavenly pink." He sighed, kissing along the underside of her breast.
She bit back a moan, coming out as a needy sqeak. Arching her ribcage up to meet his mouth.
"Gods, I want to drink you." He growled, cupping her breast and dragging his tongue up over her peak.
She writhed underneath him, wrists straining against the hand still pinning her down.
He lapped at the hard nub, flicking it with his tongue before enveloping it into his mouth. Undulating his tongue in a warm wave.
Her legs rose up into a curl, groans as quiet as she could manage leaving her. His mouth pulling pleasure from her in winding handfuls. The sensation pushing her hips down into an unconscious rocking, the ache in her pelvis her only driving force.
He cupped both breasts and ran his tongue between them, breathing labored warm air over her skin. A trail of saliva connecting the two peaks.
"Gods, Gale! Please!" She whispered, hips rising in desperation.
"No, I am taking my time with you." He stated, the mage hand tightening on her wrists. Licking up a line on the underside of her breasts, watching the flesh mold to his tongue, then bounce back into place with a satisfied groan.
He finally pulled his cock free of his trousers with a relieved breath, settling back down onto his belly. Reaching under her, taking both of her hips into his hands and pulling them flush to his mouth without warning. Tongue crashing into her clit with a vengeance.
She barely stifled the cry in her throat into a soft whimper. Hips already canting against his jaw.
One of his hands snaked around and pulled up on her pubic bone, giving him full access. Latching onto her clit and undulating his tongue in that same wave. Slurping and suckling, hand shooting out to hold her thighs open as they tried to clamp around his head.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck-" She whined, pelvis trying to twist away. The pleasure so intense it bordered on unbearable. His near delirious enthusiasm rising it tenfold. Grinding his hips in time on the tent floor. Staring up at her, eyes dark with intensity.
She could feel her second orgasm about to unravel her. Arms still pinned above her and legs pinned open beneath her, she had nothing to hold onto but his eyes. Hers straining up in pleasure, realization of how intense this was about to be washing over her.
She begged out under her breath.
"Oh Gods, I need you to gag me or I'm going to scre-"
The mage hand left her wrists and pushed two fingers inside her mouth.
She writhed and jerked, orgasm ripping through her. Tearing through her relentlessly, biting down on the mage fingers to silence herself. The pads of its fingers massaging her tongue while his tongue below still pulled and sucked. Bringing her higher and higher, determined to collapse her entirely. Her hips rising in the same plea to escape, his mouth only rising with her. Chasing her up the bedroll.
"Ah! Stop, stop, stop." She breathed when the overstimulation got too much, a laugh on the edge of her words. Pushing his head back gently.
"Too much?" He hushed, a twinkle in his eyes.
She nodded, body going limp. Puddled out under him, eyes glazed and struggling to focus. Head lolling while her breath tried to gather back in her chest.
He rose back up over her body, palming over himself. Laying on his side, he watched her. Wiping his mouth of her arousal and spreading it over his cock.
She reached out again, but he directed her hand up to his cheek instead.
"Just let me watch you, the image of you like this has been tormenting me."
Her body fallen open, cum dripping down her backside. Too fucked out to feel bashful, she stared back at him with lust blown eyes.
His breath hitched in his chest, free hand running reverently over her hip, her belly. Eyes lost in her in awed desire. Hand pumping faster and faster. Face starting to crumple in pleasure.
Seeing the first telltale twitches of his hips, she shot forward. Pulling him entirely into her mouth and sucking down hard. Bobbing her head and opening her throat.
He collapsed back onto haunches, hips rising in jolts. Hand winding into her hair, crying out against his cupped hand. Tremoring hard as his cum fired in waves down her throat.
Using the last of her strength, she sucked mercilessly. Gripping his hips still as he squirmed. Only when he started whimpering did she release him with a pop of her mouth. Falling back boneless on her bedroll.
"There." She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I have the upper hand again."
He collapsed down next to her. Both their breath a heady miasma around them.
"Oh?" He laughed, voice strained with lost breath. "Do you now?"
"Mm-hmm," She hummed, turning onto her side and flipping him by the waist to wrap around his back.
"Now you've gotta get even with me again." She nuzzled into his back, arms winding around his front. Hands cupping his chest.
He sighed out, body going limp inside her hold. His hands lacing over hers tenderly. Murmuring out something she couldn't catch when her legs cradled up under his.
"What?" She hushed, kissing the curve of his shoulder.
"Hold me. Closer, please."
She wound her arms tighter, palm rising up over the burned circle. Fingers smothering the purple light. His fingers winding into hers desperately. As if he didn't hold on tightly enough, she would drift away from him.
"Shhh.." She pulled one of her hands behind him. Scratching gently along his back.
He tremored at that, going limp again. Bowing his back unconsciously.
She smiled, reminded of a cat. Nearly expecting him to start purring.
His breath slowly evened out, curling up fetal. Her body following him, encircling into his curl. A deep sleep seemed to take him, a soft snore moving in and out of his throat.
"Sweet, sweet man." She sighed, kissing the edge of his jaw. Seeing the side of his mouth curl up in a sleeping smile.
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dawnholde-if · 9 months
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Hello, and thank you for applying to the Dawnholde Institute, located in Solador, Land of Eclipses. We're pleased to offer you acceptance to the Institute as a first-year student. During your time here, you'll strengthen your specialty magic, as well as branch out to other types to diversify your skill set. We boast the top magic programs in the land for students, with fulfilling extracurriculars and a competitive environment designed to help every young mage and magician thrive, as well as students from a variety of backgrounds as a testament to the diversity of our world.
We look forward to your arrival, and hope that your years with us will be filled with enlightenment.
Praise be to the Sun,
Eruless Chromavere, Head of Magical Studies
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You are the firstborn child of the Monarch of the island nation of Sparia, located in the treacherous Sacred Sea. You're set to inherit the throne once the current Monarch has passed on, but you could want nothing less. Becoming the greatest mage in the land is your end goal, so one night you flee to Solador, home to the Dawnholde Institute for the Arcane, the best magic school in the realm. It's been your dream to go there ever since you were young.
Keep your identity hidden to stay out of prying eyes and out of the way of your parent's spies trying to bring you back. Make allies and enemies while keeping up with your studies, join a club (or not), and... fall in love ? That's not part of the plan, but things happen, just don't let it distract you.
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Play as male, female, or nonbinary and choose your pronouns
Decide which magic to specialize in, be it elemental, healing, object manipulation, or a number of any other kinds.
Meet 6 RO's, 3 of which are gender selectable
Take lessons in various magical subjects on your quest for greatness
Academic Rivals to Friends (to Lovers ?)
There is a dragon guy :)
Summon one of 4 familiars
Avoid the drama that plagues all schools
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Name: Finch K. Lorelai
Pronouns: They/Them Heritage: Half-Elf Magical Specialty: Necromancy Year: 2nd Brief Description: Finch comes from a long lineage of necromancers, is widely considered one of the only child prodigies to come out of that field, and possesses the ability to speak to the dead. They're ambitious and your self-proclaimed academic rival. They don't like sharing the top spot and is antagonistic towards you, even more so if they learn your true identity. The lines between disdain and affection are very fine, however, and there's the possibility to sweep their feet out from under them when they least expect it.
Name: Desily Bramblecove
Pronouns: She (default)/They (selectable) Heritage: Faefolk (Pixie) Magical Specialty: Shapeshifting Year: 3rd Brief Description: Desily is a difficult spirit to pin down, often doing what she wants when she wants to. She loves playing hard to get and causing general uproar, then slipping away to let others deal with the aftermath. She's fickle, even for a fae, but obsessive. If you're not careful, you may fall into her grasp without even realizing it. If you so choose to spend time with her, be prepared to partake in any schemes she may cook up.
Name: Merrick Midae
Pronouns: They (default)/He/She (selectable) Heritage: Merfolk (Anglerfish) Magical Specialty: Light Manipulation Year: 1st Brief Description: A shy, not-very-little merperson who came to land to study all manners of magic. A jack of all trades, Merrick is a little good at most magic, but they wanted to learn more about what was beyond the sea. They're not the bravest, but they'd do anything for a close friend. Perhaps they'll take a liking to you.
Name: Caidrith, Ruler of Rime
Pronouns: He (default)/She/They (selectable) Heritage: Draconic Royalty Magical Specialty: Ice and Temperature manipulation Year: 4th Brief Description: Caidrith, or simply Caid, as you know him, is the only person at Dawnholde who knows of your past. Caid is the second-born to the rulers over northern dragonkin. Though his chances of accquiring the throne are low, it's better to be safe than sorry. He enrolled in the school to learn self defense, then stuck around for the people. You've known him since childhood, as your parents often had strategy meetings together. He can be stoic, but you know Caid cares for you, though maybe not in a way you know of.
Name: Rycharde, Knight of the Tainted Lands
Pronouns: He/Him Heritage: Catfolk Magical Specialty: Protection and Healing Year: 3rd Brief Description: Rycharde hails from a plague-ridden kingdom on it's last legs. Catfolk are usually able to use magic due to distant Fae ancestery, but Rycharde has no innate magic. Instead, he draws on the patron deity of his city for his power, making him a magician instead of a mage. He's proud of his failing homeland and devoted to his city, but that's not the only thing he could turn his attention to. After all, temptation is one hell of a motivator.
Name: Cere Quicrow
Pronouns: She/Her Heritage: Manifested Air Elemental (Birdfolk appearance) Magical Specialty: Divination Year: 1st Brief Description: Cere takes the form of a birdfolk, but is a manifested elemental in reality. She takes great pride in her appearance and is quite vain, but hates being the center of attention and keeps to herself. She's flighty and a perfectionist, leaving herself conflicted on what she really wants, be it freedom and impulsive decisions or to finish her "secret project." Maybe she'll let you in on it if you're nice to her?
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beabatiny · 12 days
𓇼 𝐏𝟏𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐜 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𓇼 𓆞 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬 𓆞 𓇼 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬/𝐀𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬/𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𓇼 𓇼 𝐨𝐭𝟔/𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𓇼 𓈒𓏸 Another P1 Member Sends You A Photo Of Your P1 Boyfriend Trend - @vampirehoon ot6 x reader (texts) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Call Me Maybe - @hksool ot6 x reader (texts) 𓈒𓏸 𓆞 Hands Off - @hrts4kyo bf!intak x reader x keeho (one-shot) 𓆞 𓈒𓏸 Hey, It's Me - @nishibons ot6 x reader (texts/thoughts) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 P1harmony And The Coquette Boyfriend Trend - @kisseobie ot6 x reader (reactions) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 P1harmony As your Bestfriends (Them Crushing On You) - @kyosopp ot6 x reader (headcanons) 𓈒𓏸 𓇼 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐡𝐨 𓇼 𓆞 Baby All Mine - @joocomics streamer!keeho x reader (one-shot) 𓆞 𓈒𓏸 Cinnamon Banana Pancakes - @kyufessions bf!keeho x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Close To You - @ldhluvr academic rival!keeho x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓆞 I Told You To Stay Still - @ratedfleur non-idol!keeho x reader (one-shot) 𓆞 𓈒𓏸 Let Me Take Care Of You - @ohmyujins bf!keeho x reader (headcanons) 𓈒𓏸 𓆞 Taking Pictures In The Mirror - @seobslatina non-idol!keeho x reader (one-shot) 𓆞 𓇼 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠 (𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨) 𓇼 𓆞 2Nite - @hrts4kyo non-idol!theo x reader (one-shot) 𓆞 𓆞 Be Better - @348kg non-idol!theo x reader (one-shot) 𓆞 𓈒𓏸 Don't Let Me Lose You - @junhannies non-idol!theo x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Drive Me Crazy - @woobly non-idol!theo x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓆞 I Look At You Like You're Perfect For Me - @lily-blue half-dark elf!theo x reader (one-shot) 𓆞 𓈒𓏸 Kiss It Off Me - @yyawnjun best friend!theo x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸
𓇼 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐣𝐢𝐮𝐧𝐠 𓇼 𓈒𓏸 Are You Jealous - @ksnfangz best friend!jiung x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Backstage Visits - @sxfterhearts idol!jiung x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓆞 Butterflies (2 A.M. Version) - @playerninth non-idol!jiung x reader (one-shot) 𓆞 𓈒𓏸 Cookies, Necklaces And Pigtails - @sxfterhearts non-idol!bf!jiung x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 First Love - @hksool bf!jiung x reader (texts) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Just Sleeping - @blue-jisungs idol!jiung x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓇼 𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐤 𓇼 𓆞 Ace Racer - @sopestvr ace racer!bf!intak x reader (headcanon) 𓆞 𓈒𓏸 Chocolate Cake - @slytherinshua non-idol!intak x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Do Something - @asterr1sk non-idol!intak x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Downpour - @kyufessions non-idol!bf!intak x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 "Frat Boy Energy" - @greenlegsandspam idol!intak x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Untitled - @catboyieejeno bf!intak x reader (headcanons) 𓈒𓏸 𓇼 𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐚 (𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥) 𓇼 𓈒𓏸 At Piece - @sugawhaaa bf!soul x keeho's sister!reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Hair Dye - @soulseobie non-idol!soul x gn!reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 It's A Skill Issue - @random-potat best friend!soul x reader (text) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Let's Get Lost - @kyocakez idol!soul x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Nice To Meet You - @kyocakez non-idol!soul x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Purity And Its Presence In Growth - @sxtvrns idol!soul x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓇼 𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞����𝐛 𓇼 𓈒𓏸 All My Friends Know - @kyocakez non-idol!jongseob x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 A Little Crush - @fullsunstrawberry idol!jongseob x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Dying His Hair - @pinkbeanii non-idol!jongseob x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Fanboy - @fullsunstrawberry idol!jongseob x youtuber!reader (smau series) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 (I Think I) Talk Too Much - @curiousgworge non-idol!jongseob x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸 𓈒𓏸 Jasmine - @kisseobie non-idol!jongseob x reader (one-shot) 𓈒𓏸
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
These days I kind of can't stop thinking about how much I enjoyed the possibility of being from Orzammar in Origins, specifically because just being who you are put so much of the early game in a wholly different context.
Like, a dwarf from Orzammar has, by definition, lived literally under a rock their whole lives!! They've never left the underground, and yes, while that also makes their ignorance of surface squabbles (the mage issue, the Ferelden/Orlais conflict, everything with the city elves and the Dalish, etc.) make a lot of sense, it also comes with so many interesting new angles that I'm honestly so surprised still that I've never really seen it mentioned very often, if at all. (Even though we even get an explicit moment to reflect on it, when leaving with Oghren.)
In Origins, the moment a dwarf first steps out through the gates of Orzammar and begins the game, is a profoundly life-altering experience. Dare I say, even more so than it is for an elf or a human. Because stepping out, for the first time, they are entering an entirely new world, and for the first time, in front of them is a vast expanse of nothing but air.
The end of the prologue, it's not just a fundamental personal change that awaits you, it's also a displacement so complete, that it's absolutely dizzying to even think about.
That first time a dwarf feels the sun on their skin, they are made sun-touched, a surfacer: stripped not only from caste and kin, of identity, but also faith and memory, any favor their ancestors may have still held for them, and any possibility of ever returning, as far as they know. (Aeducan may even have a bitter little chuckle over the irony of how they could very well have just one day before shrugged off the concerns of their surface brethren completely, only to be made one of them now.)
Their whole lives, they had always been able to see the opposite wall of the cave, or at least to know for sure that it's there, along with the miles and miles of unchanging, crystal-littered rock stretching protectively over their heads-- now all of that is gone. There's nothing between them, and the infinite and ever-changing blue, grey, orange, black of the open sky they've never seen, and in the distance, there's no wall-- just glorious, humongous mounds and spires of rock jutting up into the belly of the sky, the likes of which they've only ever seen from the inside.
Orzammar, despite no sunlight ever penetrating that far, is always lit bright, and it's heated by the lava streams and pools below. A dwarf has never known anything colder or warmer, brighter or darker, never seen seasons change... the biting winds and the frequent rains in Ferelden are completely new to them, not to mention the terrifying cracks of thunder that sound like the very Stone over them cracking in two, the bright flashes of lightning illuminating the night for but a moment, or waking in the middle of the night to what sounds like countless fingers pat-pat-patting the tarp of their tent, or the fact that animals -which are varied and plentiful and wholly alien- sometimes just randomly fall into the sky, like the rumors say! They might know academically that with birds, that just sort of tends to happen, but they've never seen one take off!!
Hell, all of surface flora and fauna are completely new to them-- it's likely they've only ever seen a tree or a dog in a picture book. Flowers, they've likely only ever seen as an expensive and frivolous luxury few can afford to have for a while, and even then, they are by necessity brought in removed from their roots, dead, wilting, taken from their natural place... while here, blooms just spring up underfoot willy-nilly, not entirely unlike mushrooms at the home which is not theirs anymore.
And... there must be something organic, something comfortingly animal to the scent of hundreds of warm bodies crammed into a sealed hole in the ground-- which is just gone now. The air is fresh, clean... empty, cold, lonely. No smell of spilled ale, piss, and vomit, no thick scent of the combined breaths and bodies of all their people... no scent of belonging, the air that moves their lungs now is no longer that which has moved those of all they've ever known, and every breath washes more, and more, and more of who they once were from inside their very body.
Being on the surface, it's like being thrust into an alien world, with which all just expects you to be intimately familiar. What do you mean the grass, the bugs, the birds, the leaves are strange? What do you mean you've never eaten leaves from this plant, fruit from this tree, the flesh of this creature you've only ever heard about? They laugh when you avert your eyes from the sky and try not to think about falling into it, or when you startle at the feeling of falling water suddenly hitting your skin, as if that was somehow funny, charming.
The night, which you've never before seen fall, is a comfort from all that endless, boundless seeing- but after the Joining, not even that is a relief.
Because if you're a dwarven Warden, all the dreams you've had in your life have been nightmares.
So you cope. You learn, and adapt, and endure.
Strong and immutable, like the Stone from which you were rent.
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day 2: party - @lautski-week
get it.,, like a..,,.,,, dnd party.,.,.,..,,
i straight up gasped when i realized i could use this as an excuse to talk about my lautski dnd au, so, if ur interested im gonna go feral about it below the cut:
steph: half-elven fighter
solomon lauter is a deeply corrupt, incredibly magical high elven king whose maintained his rule through intense dealings with the pantheon of the lords in black
he married a human woman at some point in his rule and he does love her, at first, just not as much as his power
so when the lords in black make him promise to sacrifice her in the name of some deal, he's sort of upset but... obviously he's gonna do it, she was gonna die before him anyway, it's not like it's a huge deal to let her die a little early, his subjects will think it was a squishy human life span thing, bada bing bada boom, hands clean of the whole affair
BUT.... then his wife gets pregnant and has a Stephanie... which kinda fucks shit up because said Stephanie is still fucking there after his wife has been sacrificed
he hates her, partially because she's a half-elf and partially because of what she represents, and she hates him, which results in her having very few boundaries because he doesn't want to deal with her
she's still a princess, and she's surrounded by high elves who think she's stupid and inferior because she's only a half elf and she has very little magical prowess, so it's not exactly ideal circumstances even with her extra freedoms
so she learns to punch things
because if people are dicks she can't outwit them but she can deck them
eventually the lords in black offer another trade with her dad where he can trade her for extra magic, but mostly it's just a test to prove his loyalty and he is honestly more than happy to get rid of her
except steph gets wind of it (because she's generally close with the kind of people who fucking hate the king/don't get treated with enough respect for people to not gossip around them) and she runs the fuck away
so now she's being chased down by her father who is facing pressure from the libs for not making the sacrifice, all the while experiencing actual respect and freedom for the first time from her party members
pete: teifling warlock-wizard multiclass
so you know that post thats like it's ethically ambiguous but you can hand off any cursed object to a baby? that's pete's whole thing in this kind of
ted, his full human older brother, was a intentional patron of tinky, who hadn't really thought it through and tried to get out of it by making a stupid promise and really just ended up dooming himself and his unborn brother (he felt really bad about it before he disappeared under mysterious circumstances, tho)
pete was born with a warlock pact to tinky (which was pretty obvious when his full human parents created a bright yellow teifling baby)
he hates tinky and is very uncomfortable and upset by the whole thing, so he multi classed into wizard shit when he was, like, eleven
tinky actively attempts to prevent him from gaining levels in wizard
he lies about being only a wizard and has spent years coming up for excuses about why a lot of his 'wizard spells' are very specifically warlock ones if someone asks (literally no one has ever noticed or questioned it)
because he was born with the pact bond tinky's hold over him is way stronger, and if he really submits (when shit gets super bad) tinky can take over his body and puppet him into doing some fucked up violent shit
he is truly treated like SHIT for being a teifling in his home town and it really minimizes a lot of his academic prospects, even though he's so smart, so part of the reason why he's traveling with his party is to try and find a real wizarding academy that will take him
(and one that can maybe help break his pact with tinky)
Ruth: human rouge who desperately wants to be a bard, but she's too nervous to perform and ironically, tragically hiding the fuck out in the shadows comes a lot easier
Richie: firbolg artificer -- he's pretty bad with the magical aspects of anything, but he builds a lot of cool ass machinery to make up for it (even if, god, hes SO upset by how bad he is at magic)
Grace: High Elven Cleric who WILL become a fucked up little warlock to the lords in black eventually (she is from steph's kingdom and followed her when she ran away to 'protect her'. Steph has been trying to shake her this whole time)
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felassan · 2 months
New today on DA:TV from Game Informer - their last DA:TV coverage article -
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''Everything We Know About Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Bellara Lutara by Wesley LeBlanc on Jul 22, 2024 at 02:00 PM "We've reached the end of Game Informer's Dragon Age: The Veilguard cover story coverage as we prepare to launch our next exciting issue. But I still have this one last feature to publish, and it's about Bellara Lutara, the Dalish elf and member of the new Veil Jumpers faction in the game. During my visit to BioWare's Edmonton, Canada, office earlier this year, I checked out the game's expansive character creator, its in medias res prologue, and the first mission after said prologue. Though BioWare released a big look at Veilguard's prologue via a 20-minute gameplay trailer last month, they haven't released much about that subsequent mission, where you meet and recruit your first companion, Bellara. I learned a lot about this character, and knowing I was one of the first outside of the studio to see the mission where you meet her, I spent a chunk of my interviews with the team's leads talking about Bellara. So, for my final feature on Dragon Age: The Veilguard, here's everything I learned about this quirky elven mage."
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"Everything We Learned About Bellara Lutara In Dragon Age: The Veilguard In talking with BioWare's various leads, like game director Corinne Bushce, creative director John Epler (who is personally responsible for writing Bellara and leading her development), and BioWare general manager Gary McKay, it's clear the team has a deep love for this character. She's energetic, effervescent, and academic, and as a companion for combat, she's a character I’m pretty excited to use in my party.  "I love Bellara, I think she's fantastic," McKay tells me. "I see people that I know in her and so that's how she really resonates with me. I love the whole tinkerer aspect to her. It was a collective to bring that character to life. It was everything from the writers, to the editors, the animators, to character modelers, to the texturing, to how we light her. I'm really proud of that character." 
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"Bellara In Combat When I ask Busche about Bellara, she gives me some insight into what I can expect of the mage on the battlefield. And Bellara sounds like an excellent choice for both support and elemental combos.  "Oh my goodness, she is amazing," Busche says. "So, first of all, she is a mage. She is an explorer of ancient Elven ruins. She is an elf herself and a member of the Veil Jumpers faction. They investigate the ancient ruins of Arlathan. Everything about her character as a mage leans into that, but she also challenges the kind of archetypal idea of a mage."  She does that by attacking with a bow at range using electrically charged arrows. But she's also casting spells that slow down time or heal allies and Rook. She does that by challenging magical energy into her gauntlet. Busche says she starts as a support character in combat, thanks to her healing spells, but notes players don't have to build her out that way. She also leans into electrical damage, and "damage type really matters a lot when we get into the strategy and tactics," Busche says.  "You can spec her out in a way where she's unleashing this devastating vortex that pulls in all enemies into an electrical storm. Maybe then we unleash our own [area of effect attack] with all the enemies clumped together," Busche adds. "She can debuff all the enemies with the shocked affliction, where they're taking passive damage. I mentioned she can slow time, she can heal. She is one of the characters that you can build out [to have her] healing spells heal you autonomously, so if you're the kind of player that likes to be on the frontlines [...] Bellara might just be the perfect companion for you." 
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"Bellara's Place In The World Epler, who writes Bellara, tells me about her place in Thedas as an elf and the connection elves have to the magic of the world. He says if you've paid attention to the franchise, you likely already know that elves are historically an oppressed people in the games. Now, with two of their gods on the loose in Veilguard, magic has poured back into the world in a big way.  "She represents the Veil Jumpers," Epler explains. "Now, the Veil Jumpers are a faction that's appeared in the comics before, but otherwise, this is the first time it's appeared in the games, and they are the ones journeying through Arlathan, where the ancient elven empire used to exist and left a lot of artifacts when it disappeared. When the elves fell from immortality thousands of years ago, they still left a lot of their artifacts and a lot of their, for lack of a better term, magical technology behind, and Bellara represents this yearning to find the truth of who the elves were because not only did they lose their magic and their immortality, they lost a lot of their history.  "A lot of what they know of their past is based on myth, it's based on rumor. Bellara is a knowledge seeker. She wants to find out what's true, what's not; she wants to find the pieces of who the elves used to be and really understand what their story was, where they came from, as well as figure out where they're going next, and find a future for the elves. And within the context of The Veilguard, she joins the team, first of all, to help stop the gods because Bellara feels at least partially responsible since they are elven gods, but also to maybe find a little bit more of who they used to be. Because again, you're dealing with these elves that were around millennia ago that have now reemerged into the world, and who better to teach her who the elves used to be than them.""
"A Quick Detour: Magic During my discussion, Epler spoke about magic's place in the world and how it differs in Veilguard from previous Dragon Age games. Here's what he said: "Historically, as you've mentioned, we've been in the south of Thedas and south Thedas is Ferelden, Orlais. Both are fairly still oppressed, they still have circles. Mages are viewed with suspicion, but Tevinter has always been this land where mages rule, mages are in charge, mages make the rules, mages run the show. So what does that look like? And as we've gone through [Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, Dragon Age: Inquisition], magic has become more and more present. And part of that is because Solas has been slowly preparing this ritual for longer than anyone in the Dragon Age universe is really aware of, but also, just going into the spaces where magic is, by definition and by the lore, much, much more present. And it's been fun because, again, we do have rules; we want to make sure we're not violating the lore or violating things we've said before. But it's also, again, that permissiveness of, 'Okay, what is the most interesting way to do this? What's the most interesting way to tell the story? [In] Origins, II, on the Eclipse engine, we could talk about this fantastical magic, but the engine didn't really allow us to show it. For the first time, we're really able to let the visuals speak for themselves and not have to tell the player, 'Trust us, it's spectacular; this magic is really cool.' We can actually show you and let you drink it in.""
"For one of my last questions to Epler, I was curious about the contrast between Bellara, an elven mage who is optimistic and bubbly, and Solas, a determined and tragic character. He indicated there might be more to Bellara than meets the eye."
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""Solas sees himself as the tragic hero," Epler says. "He's not capable of really being happy, he can't let himself be happy, partially because he carries the guilt of what he did bringing the Veil, doing what he did to the world. Whereas Bellara is somebody who has seen tragedy, and as you get into her character arc and get into her backstory, you realize this is a character who has seen a lot of tragedy. But that tragedy, instead of wallowing in it, she's forced herself to push past it. She looks at her regrets, and she tells herself, 'I don't want to feel regret.' "Whereas again, Solas tends to wallow in his to a large degree. And it allows us to create a very big differentiation. Part of it is also because Solas is an ancient elf, whereas Bellara is a Dalish elf, but she just sees a problem and wants to solve it. She feels a tremendous amount of responsibility to her people [...] to the Dalish, and to the Veil Jumpers, and that drives her forward. That said, she does have her moments where she has doubt, she has moments where she has a more grim outlook, and there are moments where you realize that some of her sunny, optimistic outlook is kind of a mask that she puts on to hide the fact that she's hurting, she's in pain. But in general, she doesn't see any benefit to wallowing in those regrets." We learned today that Bellara will be voiced by Jee Young Han, known for her roles in Perry Mason, Unprisoned, and as Sentinel Dax in a previous Bioware game, Anthem. To see the rest of the cast, along with Rook's four voice options, click here." [Editor’s Note: This article has been updated to reflect that Bellara’s last name is Lutare, not Lutara as it previously incorrectly stated] "For more about the game, including exclusive details, interviews, video features, and more, click the Dragon Age: The Veilguard hub button below."
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fuumiku · 9 months
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They’re really interesting foils in many ways. I’ve always thought that Marcille & Mithrun have underrated dynamic potential. Give me the cringefail dungeon lords. Give me the elves with ears-centric metaphorical self-image issues. Give me the academic elites whose deepest strongest desires will always remain unreachable and the only option is to turn to the corrupt forbidden fruit of a demon pact. I am so so normal about Mithrun and Marcille
I wonder if the resemblance between captain Mithrun and general Hagreus aka Marcille’s fave in Dalclan is intentional… They definitely look very alike. It could represent idealization vs reality? Something something the romanticization of elves and their societal drama in their fiction vs a very real and imperfect product of their military system. The canaries certainly aren’t glamorous next to whatever Hagreus is the general of. I feel like she never had the opportunity to notice the resemblance herself bc within seconds of meeting him he was wrestling her on the ground but. If she had… She would so think he should have been his actor in the tallman stage play of Daltian Clan in that new extra comic hehe. I love the little details like Hagreus’ lips being drawn with extra details because they’re full and pretty while Mithrun’s lips are drawn with extra details because they’re chapped lmao.
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This art is all silly and surface level but in my head mithrille is like so dramatic and I make up daltian clan level big plots with them gbdgd. I made a spotify playlist for mithrun if y’all interested, rn it’s mostly centered around cravings that consume and losing yourself and illusions inspired from his time as dungeon lord but it’s branching out. Varied vibes, levels of intensity and degrees of confusion and await you ✨ I would emotionally rant about Chainsaw Man ost lyrics and how they tie in with Mithrun and the winged lion’s relationship but this post is already a monster
I want more of these two please please please pleaseee just one or two interactions in the new canon content coming up… All they ever did was debate philosophy on desires and human self-fulfillment and try to murder each other, please… I never get to gush about them and I can’t shut up so if you want more thoughts I talk about them more below
To get a girl to peacefully accept arrest follow these simple steps: in private, ominously stand above her and forcefully interrogate her, while in public, tell her you’ve met before (untrue and also not a pickup line) and interrogate her with a thin veneer of decorum. If all else fails, threaten and follow through on said threat. My guy needs more than just physical therapy I’m afraid
Sorry if most of these were Marcille-centric with Mithrun standing there looking cool, if I were doing these more from Mithrun’s pov things would be like "She’s a bit much but I guess I don’t mind hanging around her." or "Oh you’re a half-elf? -insert elven supremacist rethoric-" or "I have to keep her from becoming demon stew." immediately followed by "Did someone say demon? Kill kill kill kill kill" since these are set prior to like really knowing another. Then things would be more like "huh she has bad tastes in novels but her magic research is pretty interesting" and "I’m lonely and don’t understand myself— Oh she loves talking about feelings? Oh shi-" That last one is an aspect of why I like Marcille and Mithrun’s potential dynamic lol. She’s very… Emotionally intelligent alongside being impulsive. You think you have no feelings because the world has beaten them out of you? Think again!! Marcille be upon ye! -In a therapy sort of way but mostly in a connecting with people and your own self through interpersonal relationships and talking kinda way. I just think a lively, upbeat, annoying friend way too interested in your personal life would do him good, the canaries are nice but like if Marcille went to prison and was a sort of extra new bunkmate I think that’d be interesting and fun to read is what I’m saying
Unlike Kabru she wants all the useless messy filler of his backstory, eating chips while listening. Like two chibi sets side by side, "me and my fellow canaries, name name and name-" "Hold on that’s too much info we have to compact this" vs "Then we were to sleep on the third floor of the dungeon, which had the look of a mausoleum, and name and name got into a fight over the campfire placement." while Marcille is like uh-huh what next what next while kicking her feet. She thinks of pre-dungeon pompous Mithrun and is like omg you went through a character arc and became better as a person- and then he opens his mouth and she’s like nevermind let’s keep working on that. She would also go "ew ur hair is greasy" and give him a full hair care treatment. What I’m saying is I need them to be forced to spend time in a dungeon together and become besties through a life or death roadtrip
Marcille is insecure about her ears, long, like an elf’s pride should be, but rounder, inelegant. Seeing Mithrun though, the epitome of beauty, with his half-cut ears make it a sillier thought. Not sure if Mithrun is the best person to reconnect with ur elven culture with but it sure is an option Marcille would so appreciate being around someone both cool headed and kind, I genuinely think they’d get along, like not that Senshi isn’t that too most of the time but I think Mithrun would be in a way that’s more refreshing to her. I’d be so curious about them discussing Dalclan, I doubt he’d have read it but she could make him read it, maybe post-canon with the excuse that they’re trying to find him a new hobby hah. He’d tear into the writing and everything but it’d be a fun time, I like to think that it’d make him a bit less prejudiced. Marcille @ Mithrun "👉👈 Soo maybe you don’t know these books they’re pretty recent having come out 50 years ago but…"
I’ve been in a Mithrun phase I want to make and read Mithrun-centric fics and angst so baaad. I razz him a lot here but he’s literally a traumatized military man that became obsessed with revenge due to bad coping and neglects himself in the process idk not much for him going on and some of it is because he has to work on himself, but hey no one’s perfect it all comes from a place of love and relating though I prommy. He’s the one ungodly angsty squeaky toy blorbo with brain damage rep I have don’t take him from me
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 11 months
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SUMMARY: What is better than a simple sleepover party turning into an amazing banging session.
SMUT WARNINGS: Fingering, blowjob, hickeysss , doggy style,cum eating. nothing much but lmk if I missed anything. also, Jungkook has an elf bar. Also please note this contains CHEATING THEMES WHICH I DONT PROMOTE IRL
A/N : A teeny tiny drabble for the sweetest person who requested this I hope I did well<3 lmk if you liked it <3 THIS MY 300 FOLLOWERS SPECIAL, THANKYOU SO MUCH ! 💞💞 ALSo Tumblr works on reblog system please reblog !! Also a simple “it good or it’s great”can make my entire day 💞
Humming at whatever hell Haerin was babbling Mingyu texted Jungkook letting him know he would be in your room after midnight when Haerin was asleep.  
You decided to call Mingyu and Haerin for a sleepover tonight. The four of you hung out at your place to celebrate your Academic award.  
Haerin did her night skincare and some other skincare stuff you gave. “Gyu are you even listening?” Haerin looked in the mirror sighing when she didn't receive any answer from Mingyu.  
On the other hand, you get ready for bed while Jungkook is on his phone, and you wear black lingerie, it had garter attached to your panties with a chocker attached to the bra leaving nothing for the imagination.  
You stood leaning on the bathroom door slightly whistling, looking up at Jungkook gasping, his phone dropping on the sheets. He walks towards you.  
“Oh my god y/n you look like a goddess, dressed up for me baby?” He whispers his hands smoothly inching towards your waist. 
“Do you like it? Bought it yesterday” you say winking at him and biting your lips surpassing a moan when his hands grope your waist tightly, while his lips leave wet kisses on your neck.  
“Really you look perfect baby” Jungkook growls in your neck “Come baby let’s get on the bed yeah?” He says guiding you to the bed sitting against the headboard and having you in between his legs.  
Your head is thrown back when he palms your breasts over the bra pinching on your nipples occasionally “Kook” you moan his name hand going to clutch on his small wisps of hair on the back.  
His fingers slowly inched towards your core first drawing silly patterns on your clothed pussy and then your clit, you let out a sultry moan gasping and twitching in his hold.  
“Stay calm y/n or I’ll stop” Jungkook’s voice now sounded demanding, you spread your legs more when he slaps your inner thigh still teasing you over your panties never giving you what you want.  
“Kook please need it inside me” you whine holding back from twitching in his hold when he pinches your clit. “Hmm gonna give you now” Just as he says he pushes your panties to the side.  
“So wet baby what got you so worked up huh?” Jungkook chuckled going straight towards your clenching core. “That was the prettiest sound i heard baby moan just like that y/n” He coxes when you moan out his name.  
His fingers were now inside you are thrusting inside you and hitting at your g spot “Kook yeah just like that gonna cum” you whine your head on his shoulder while you inch up to kiss his lips.  
“Yeah, go ahead cum baby,” he says his fingers increasing the speed.  
“Does it feel good y/n?” Jungkook asks while you nod instantly soon wetting his fingers with your slick. That’s when you hear your front door opening.  
Black sweatpants hanged low on Mingyu as he almost gulps looking at the site. You are shocked too “Mingyu what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here what if Haerin comes here looking for you?” You Panicked while Jungkook Chuckled , sucking on fingers covered with your slick.  
“Calm down y/n nothing will happen she is a heavy sleeper she won’t wake up until tomorrow, let’s concentrate on you yeah?” Mingyu says inching towards your bed, while you sigh getting up from in between Jungkook's grasp.  
“Missed you Gyu” you whisper near his lips slowly pecking his lips. “Yeah, baby I missed you too,” Mingyu says kissing you back. Jungkook gets up from the bed and grabs his elf bar.  
Mingyu then carefully pushes you onto the bed hovering above you while you giggle at his antics, your hands coming up to grab his biceps which are bulged up. He goes right back to kiss your neck just where Jungkook sucked some hickeys a few minutes ago.  
You looked sideways finding Jungkook smiling at you while you made a “come here” motion with your fingers. “Move gyu she wants me too, gonna give her what she wants, she deserves this after all”Jungkook explains while Mingyu moves away.  
While both of them occasionally teased you with their lips Mingyu's slender fingers now inched towards your wet core. While Jungkook removed your bra sucking in your nipples.  
“Mm gyu, kook enough need your cocks now,” you tell Knocking both the boys out of their worlds “Jungkook you go first, I’ll let her have myself in her mouth,” Mingyu says going towards the headboard while Jungkook helps you to get in position.  
You were now on all fours ,your ass swaying while Jungkook got ready to fuck while your mouth left kitten licks on Mingyu’s red tip swiping away his salty precum.  
“Fuck missed your mouth baby” Mingyu curses above you his hands coming up to make a ponytail of your hair, so it doesn’t get in between. Jungkook now eased into your pussy groaning at the tightness while you whine with Mingyu’s heavy cock inside you.  
“Fuck Jungkook” curses left from all of your mouths. Jungkook thrusted faster making you cum first while Mingyu kept pushing your head more on his length soon cumming in your mouth and breathing heavily.  
“Gonna cum y/n,” Jungkook said his grip tighter on your ass cheeks which is gonna leave it red and swollen, you're sure. While you coax his orgasm to release Jungkook soon cums inside you. His hot cum painting your insides white some dripping down on your sheets.  
“Fuck y/n your pussy always leaves me tiring” Jungkook chuckles feeling tired after his release. You laugh getting up to kiss his lips. “Take a shower yeah kook you did a lot today baby,” you say softly peaking his cheeks.  
Humming his foot pads towards your luxurious bathroom. Your attention is now turned on Mingyu, “You ready baby boy? Gonna leave me a dripping mess too?” You tease him getting him excited as fuck.  
“Oh, hell yeah I swear I won’t let you get on your feet tomorrow” Mingyu chuckles getting on top of you his wet cock now kissing your clit “Get in now baby”you plead almost begging.  
Mingyu goes on with a slow thrust then speeds up his pace getting closer and closer to his release “You did so good y/n, you looked really pretty at the ceremony baby you deserve the award, you deserve everything my baby” Mingyu talks about the event while you thank him with giving a kiss on his lips sucking on them a bit more.  
“Fuck Mingyu …. Right there I’m gonna cum” you cry when hits your g spot. Silently crying you cum on his huge cock while he follows right behind you collapsing on top of you and making small thrusts occasionally.  
“Did good baby, sleep yeah?” Mingyu kisses your forehead removing the messy panties and cleaning you up.  
Sleep overcomes you soon with Jungkook smelling of your body wash he hugs you with your face buried in his naked chest while Mingyu kisses your forehead as a good night and exits your room.  
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I’m so thankful!! 💞
TAGLIST : @jungk97kwife , @kimmingyuswifee , @httpjeonlicious , @meraofc , @stolasisyourparent , @ane102
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