#elias x yukiya
m1ster1e · 1 year
Just a cute little thing I noticed in his route but don't look if you don't wanna spoil his route!
I didn't ever notice that Randy's/Serge's wand is so ADORABLE?
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Like it kinda looks like sprinkles or confetti or something and omg I can't get over how cute he is constantly.
Had to put a disclaimer because of the reference of Serge
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ozalysss · 11 months
Ça te dérangerai si je débarque dans ta messagerie ou discord plutôt? C'est pas facile de question en question xD
Oh j'ai voulu essayer wizardess mais je suis un peut perdu parce que si je me souviens bien il y a des saisons différentes donc je savais pas qui choisir! Je suis super contente qu'il y ai un esprit de found family
Pour Ikemen Sengoku je sais toujours pas qui choisir mais je pense réessayer le jeu en jouant avec celui qui a été envoyé dans le passé avec nous
Oh les jeux mobiles effacé... Je jouais a Scarlet fate avant j'étais trop déçu! Le pire c'est que quelqu'un avait fait une version emulateur pc mais elle n'est plus en ligne donc je peux pas lui demander comment faire marcher le jeu :/
J'ai aimé code realize aussi! Collar x malice j'ai juste aimé celle de Mineo (comme mon autre blog le montre lol) mais en jeu que je veux essayer je veux tellement essayer Magic Kyun renaissance, les perso sont trop mimi dans l'anime
Sur console cupid Parasite est sur le point de devenir un favoris et il y a aussi une pote qui veut trop que j'essaie taiali
Mais sinon hors jeu japonais et juste "dating Sims" dans le style manga je suis trop a fond sur our life, j'aime tellement cet anime
Pas de soucis !! J'avoue que c'est plus pratique je te passerai mon discord dans tes messages.
Oui ça peut faire peur de voir toutes les saisons quand tu commences le jeu mais fis-toi d'abord à la première saison avec Elias, Yukiya, Luca et Joel (Joel a été ma première route j'ai bcp aimé pour ma première impression).
Ah mince, j'aurai trop voulu jouer car c'est les mêmes développeurs que le jeu et anime Hiiro no Kakera...
J'ai aussi joué à la demo de Our Life c'était hyper beau !!
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My ship
My strongest ship so far is Caesar Raphael x Alfonse Goldstein for Wizardess Heart. My next ones are Caesar Raphael  x Lucious Duller, Hiro Tachibana x Zeus Brundle, Elias Goldstein x Yukiya Reizen, Joel Crawford x Lars Lagrene. Last on the list is Elias Goldstein x Luca Orlem, I used to like that ship a lot more.
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shall-we-imagine · 2 years
Crime and Tea (SigurdxReader AU)
Hii I’m alive-ish lmao
genre: murder mystery, romance, comedy
“I hope you enjoy your stay, my lady.” Her butler bows slightly.
“I can already tell I’ll love it here; it’s so cozy!” Her eyes fail to commit to a single spot for longer than a second, excited to take in every detail of the small room.
“It’s rather humble in comparison to what you’ve grown used to, but since the train is the only way to the kingdom of light, this was the best I could find. My apologies.” He bows once more.
Her eyebrows furrow, but before any light hearted response could escape her, she realizes the reason for Sigurd’s elevated formality. The door to her room is still open, and there were innocent passersby and gossiping eavesdroppers alike. All are within earshot and are equally likely to assume a suspicious relationship between her and her butler.
She clears her throat, “I suppose this will do. You’re dismissed.”
Sigurd manages a small smile -one she happily returns- then bows and exists her room, not forgetting to slide her door shut.
(Y/N) huffs. She knows being so close to the royal family comes at a price, and it was worth it for the most part, but sometimes she wished she didn’t have to try so hard not to be the topic of interest amongst people, especially not because of such ‘scandal’. Sometimes she just wanted to spend time with Sigurd without it being ‘wrong’.
“Well, there’s always tea time, I suppose.” She smiles to herself.
In the meantime, (Y/N) seats herself by the window, patiently waiting for the scenery before her to change.
Shortly after she began losing interest in the repeating rows of trees rushing past the window, she hears a soft knock on the door.
“Come in.” She withholds her excitement in case the person behind the door isn’t who she anticipates.
A grin forms on her face at the sight of the dark haired man. She could tell he barely held back a smile too, but he made sure to close the door first, giving them the closest thing to privacy they could get on a train.
“It’s time for your tea break, Miss Queen’s personal detective.” Sigurd grins, “I suppose this could count as a celebratory tea break too.”
“Yes!!” She cheers, partially for her recruitment and partially just for hot tea and hot man. She was indeed a woman of simple needs.
The butler places a cup of hot green tea on the coffee table in front of her, “It’s the one you requested.”
Her face lights up; she clasps the warm cup, eager to take in a brew from a faraway land. She was ready to point out microscopic differences in the aroma and flavor of the tea, and Sigurd was ready to listen.
“Will you join me?”
It may appear as a question, but Sigurd knew this was a request- an order even.
“Anything for you, my lady.” He seats himself opposite to her.
“You know you can just say (Y/N), right? No one can hear us anyway.” The train had been enough of a nuisance to convince her it was impossible for anyone to overhear even if they tried.
“Well, aren’t you my lady even if people aren’t listening?” He gives an almost innocent smile. She knows that fucker did it on purpose.
The tea felt no hotter than her cheeks at the moment. “I- uh, well…”
Sigurd chuckles, “How’s the tea?”
“Oh, the tea!” Relief and excitement lead the way, “The smell is already so relaxing!”
“Indeed, it is.” His words accidentally seemed sarcastic, considering he picks that moment to pour himself some coffee.
She pays him no mind and finally takes her first sip. She takes a few moments to analyze the novel taste, “I love it!”
“Really?” Sigurd encourages a more detailed answer.
“It’s very different from what I’m used to; it doesn’t even taste like green tea, but it’s good.” She takes another sip.
“I wonder if it’s a mistranslation…” Sigurd takes a sip of his coffee.
“Hmm…I suppose it could be.” She ponders for a moment then shrugs, “You should try it anyway; it’s good.”
(Y/N) slides the cup towards him, and he gently picks up the ceramic floral cup almost like gripping it too much would break it. Well, the contrast between the size of the cup and the size of his hands made it very feasible.
She catches herself smiling at the thought and immediately tries to bring her attention back to the tea; the blush creeping up on her is obviously nonexistent, and she won’t acknowledge it.
“It really does taste nice. The flavor isn’t as bitter as usual green tea, which I like.”
“Don’t you like coffee?”
“Well, coffee makes bitterness taste better than green tea does; sue me.” He flicks his wrist dismissively.
She giggles, “I think you’re just biased.”
“Me? I’m never biased.”
“That’s a lie.” She smirks.
He observes her features for a few seconds before choosing violence. Or choosing to embarrass her- same thing, really.
“You’re right. I am biased sometimes- mostly when it comes to a certain person.” He waits for the flustered expression he adores so much.
There it is. He doesn’t prevent the smugness from showing on his face.
“You sound especially flirty today.” She mumbles, avoiding eye contact.
“Hmm?” She isn’t about to repeat herself, but he chooses to play dumb still.
“Nothing.” She sips her tea, “I heard Prince Caesar’s wedding was called off.”
As innocent as the statement sounds, Sigurd has gotten used to her subtle ways of asking for more information. Gossip is an integral part of tea breaks, after all.
His smile widens, “It was.”
She traces the rim of the now empty cup, “Why’s that?”
A sly aura surrounds the handsome man before her, as he leans in closer. His voice quieter than a whisper, he warns, “You’ve merely heard of this from the talk around town, and it’s not from a reliable source…”
“I’ve only heard of the wedding cancellation; that’s all I know.” Smiling, she assures her butler he won’t be getting executed for spreading this private information outside the palace. Well, not because of her at least.
She shudders at the image of Sigurd’s head rolling away from the guillotine for sharing the palace’s secrets, but she anticipates his next statement anyway.
“Good girl.” He whispers.
She instinctively pulls away from him, blushing furiously. The implications behind the simple words were glaringly obvious to her, yet he maintained the calm, innocent smile. Was she the one misinterpreting his signals? No, he’s certainly messing with her on purpose.
“Well, if you stay all the way over there, people might hear, and this is top secret.” He beckons for her to come closer to him; she hesitantly complies.
“The wedding was called off simply because…” Sigurd pauses for dramatic effect, as he does, “the groom wasn’t there.”
“What?!” She gasps, pulling away from him in shock, “Is he missing? Are they searching for him?”
Sigurd smirks. This is one of the main reasons he loves bringing her all the gossip: her reactions. He enjoys all her cute expressions and shocked remarks.
“Well, not exactly.” He pulls her by her arm, bringing his lips back to her ear, “Prince Caesar wasn’t kidnapped; rather, he was robbed.”
“Robbed?” She furrows her eyebrows, her head tilted towards Sigurd as if the answer would be written on his face.
“Of his heart, yes.” He pouts, pressing a palm to his chest.
Her eyes widen, “He was having an affai-”
Sigurd’s hand flies over her mouth, “Ssshh! You’re too loud!” he lets out a light laugh.
Just when she thought that was the most shocking part, Sigurd leans back in with the rest of his story.
“So, on the night before the wedding, he took off with his lover- who, by the way, is suspected to be a lowborn, but no one is fully sure of his identity yet.” Sigurd spills the rest of the details, “And that’s why the wedding had to be called off, but since the king and queen are ashamed their son took off with a lower class man, they don’t know if they’ll even call for an investigation to try to find him. I doubt the prince would come back on his own either.”
Her hand remains covering her gaping mouth, “Is this really the right time to visit the queen?”
“Well, they haven’t retracted their invitation, soo… would be a bit rude not to show up.” He shrugs, “Plus, at least we’ll go to the festival you wanted to visit for a while now.”
“You’re right; I can’t wait.” Her attention temporarily shifted from Prince Caesar; however, she couldn’t help but wonder how he’s doing. She’s never met him before, but she heard he’s a kind soul. “Still, I hope the prince is safe and happy with his lover.” She sighs.
“I trust the prince has a good survival plan.” He smiles reassuringly.
She opens her mouth to respond, but loud screams freeze time for a few seconds, as they try to make sense of it. “What was that?” she croaks.
“I- I don’t know.” His troubled expression fails to ease her nerves.
“We have to check.” She rushes towards the door, but Sigurd grips her arm.
“Stay behind me.” His pleading eyes bore into her, “Please.”
She doesn’t argue; she wanted to get to the source of the screams as soon as possible, even if it meant she doesn’t insist she can safely lead the way, and that she’s capable of taking care of herself. It wasn’t the time.
He takes a deep breath before carefully sliding the door open. He peeks outside, making sure it’s safe for them to walk out. “Stay close.” He instructs.
She almost pushes past him impatiently, but she forces herself to nod and match Sigurd’s -too slow for her liking- pace.
“Sigurd, you’re too slow.” She hisses.
“I’m sorry I don’t want us to be ambushed.” He retorts.
“Do you wanna make it to the front page for being the rudest butler?”
“I won’t let the fame get to my head; don’t you worry.”
She was once again interrupted before mustering a reply. “Wait.” Sigurd’s arm barricades the path to the next cart, aka the source of the screams.
“What is it?” She stands on the tip of her toes, trying to take a peek past his shoulders.
“A body.” He slowly allows her through.
“A…body..?” Her eyes frantically scan the scene in front of her.
“Everyone move out the way; this is an order.” She whips out her badge, showing it the circle of people who slowly make way for her.
The newly promoted detective squats down next to the body, silently cursing this new position that lead her to a murder case in less than a day.
Something catches her attention, and she tugs on the unconscious man’s unbuttoned collar, revealing bruises around his neck. “He was strangled…” She states.
“None of you saw anything?” She turns to face the crowd, only now noticing a bunch of familiar faces among them.
“The lights went out; no one could see anything.” One of said familiar faces speaks quietly.
“Gu- Er..Sir Brighton,” The formality tasted weird in her mouth, since the two were close friends, but she pushes through, “the lights seemed to be fine in my room; was it only this cart?”
“Seems like it.”
Another joins in, “My room was fine too. It seems the murderer knew what they were doing.” Luca, one of the very known noblemen, walks closer to the body casually. She saw through his cool attitude; this man is thrilled to be witnessing a murder. She cringes.
“He could still be alive.” A blonde man steps closer, “Can I check?”
The man is certainly a Goldstein, but she couldn’t quite tell which of the brothers. Regardless, they’re all well versed in medicine, so she had no problem trusting any of them.
“Yes, please.” Her next step had been finding a doctor for that exact reason, but the doctor seemed to find her first.
“I’m sorry, Miss Hart, but I don’t think he made it…” The blonde apologizes and steps back, a grim look on his face.
“Took you no time at all, Goldstein.” Luca interjects, “Almost like you already knew he’s dead.”
There was no point in considering the possibility; Luca Orlem’s hobbies consist mainly of flattering and disturbing anything that breathes- that includes accusing his friend of murder for fun of course.
On the bright side, she now knows which Goldstein this is (by relying on Sigurd’s description of their relationship)
“Shut up, Orlem.” Elias mutters.
“Well, he’s not entirely wrong; everyone here is a suspect.” A man spoke, “Even you, Miss Hart.” It may have been disgust or just distrust, but the way he spoke brought everyone at least some discomfort. But he was right.
“You’re right.” She replies quietly, glancing at her butler near the door. He’s the only one, apart from herself of course, that she could confirm wasn’t near the body when it happened.
Her train of thoughts was cut off when she noticed he was frantically trying to tell her something.
Azusa Kuze!!, Sigurd mouths while aggressively pointing at the man.
Azusa Kuze?! Her eyes widen. Did the case just solve itself by this man’s presence? No, she’s a professional. She won’t make assumptions; he may be a very shady individual with a couple of accusations pointing right at him to no avail, but that doesn’t make him the murderer. Not yet at least.
She will, however, keep her eye on him.
She mouths a thank you to her butler before redirecting her attention to the body.
“Nobody touch or move the body.” She orders, “Anyone that does as much as come near the body will be convicted for tampering with evidence.”
She stands up, “As Mr. Kuze stated previously, everyone here is a suspect; therefore, for your own safety, don’t put too much trust in your surroundings and avoid being isolated from the crowds. I’ll send someone to guard the electric-”
Her heart drops.
The lights went out before she could send someone to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Fear spread like wildfire: screams and rushing footsteps (loud enough to cover up another murder) took over the cart.
“Stop! everybody stay quiet and stay still!” She yells sternly, but no matter how many times she yells for them to quit making it easy for the culprit, her voice was drowned out by all the fearful passengers.
It couldn’t have been longer than like 30 seconds, but the desperation and fear stretched these seconds to minutes, and in her mind, this was enough time for more victims or even an escape- what is she gonna do?! She might as well just bury herself alive right this second and be forever remembered as the failure of a detective she is.
The light coming back almost suffocated her; she wanted to feel relieved, but she was scared to see the aftermath of her incompetence.
Nervously, she begins scanning the now awfully quiet cart; everyone is collectively holding their breath, searching for the new body.
“Everyone’s alive…?” Uncertainty kept her voice a whisper.
“Seems like it.” Guy responds.
She almost lets out a sigh of relief.
“Where’s the body?” A man bursts into the cart.
“Zeus, can we not do this?” A dark haired man follows behind.
She recognized the two problems approaching her, but a bigger, far more serious problem stuck out like a sore thumb. Where is the body?
Her eyes scan the crowd circling her for the missing culprit, but everyone was right there- Azusa Kuze included. It wasn’t enough time for someone to leave the cart, hide the body, and come back; this served as proof there may be more than one criminal on board after all.
“Mr. Curtis, please go make sure nobody manages to mess with the power again- quick before they do it again.” She orders, “No one else enters or leaves this cart; this includes you Mr. Brundle and, of course, your butler.”
Sigurd bows before exiting the cart.
“You can’t tell me what to do!” Zeus steps forward.
She raises her badge, “As a matter of fact, I can. Unless you’d like to be the main suspect on a murder case.”
“Main suspect?! I wasn’t even here for it!”
“Do you have any proof?” She raises an eyebrow and awaits his response or rather the lack thereof.
“Hiro was with me; we were at the bar.” He crosses his arm, “And I’d like to go back, since there is no body after all.”
His butler rolls his eyes, “You’ll get us beheaded, Brundle; let’s just wait till this is over.” He drags Zeus to the side.
“No- I don’t- ugh- fine.” Everyone watches as Zeus slowly gives in.
Nada turns around to face the other side, “Now…I wanna hear everybody’s alibi.”
She points to the person on her far right, “You. Where were you before and during the power outage?”
He wasn’t someone she recognizes, and she wished Sigurd was here to help guide her with his unending knowledge of everybody’s backstory, but here she was anyway.
“Just…sitting here…” The man spoke quietly.
Right. It’s a train; everyone can just say that. What was she expecting?
“Did you notice anyone suspicious?”
His eyes- well, eye, technically, considering the other was covered by an eye patch- shift towards Luca, “No…” He mumbles, looking back at the detective.
His hesitation hadn’t escaped her.
“Are you sure?”
He nods.
“Well, did you notice any strange behavior by Mr…” she trails off.
“Qing. Mr. Qing.” Azusa finishes her sentence.
“Yeah, Mr. Qing, did you notice him acting a little strange?”
“I don’t know him, so I suppose not.”
“You claim to have just been sitting there, yet you’ve noticed absolutely nothing in your surroundings.” She knew it was entirely possible, but for now, everyone is a suspect, and she was to treat it that way. Plus, she’d learned it firsthand that people are a lot more likely to throw others under the bus if they think it keeps others from pointing fingers at them.
His stare was the most blank she’d ever seen, “Yes.”
“Can anyone confirm you never left your seat?”
“Yes, I was with Yukiya the whole time.” The Goldstein interjects.
“It wasn’t your turn to speak, Mr. Goldstein.”
“Sorry.” His head hangs low.
Her gaze shifts back to Yukiya- his permanently blank stare unchanged.
Her vision slowly pans over to the next suspect. Vincent Knight. He’s a pretty famous merchant; his presence made the most sense to her, since the festival brought all types of buyers and sellers to the kingdom of Light. He’s more likely not the culprit, but she has to be sure.
“Mr. Knight.” She directs his attention to her.
“Miss Hart.” His flirtatious gaze brings color to her cheeks.
She clears her throat, “What were you doing before and during the power outage?”
“I was asleep.” He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.
“You were also right next to Glenn…” A familiar voice mumbles. Joel Crawford. She knew Joel since childhood, and he wasn’t one to start a fight, so his accusation came as a bit of a shock to her.
“What are you trying to say, kid?” Annoyance displayed itself openly on his features.
“I’m saying you’re too calm for someone whose friend just got murdered.”
“And that makes me a murderer?!” His voice got louder.
“Hey!” She needed to regain control over the situation, “No one is accusing anyone; we’re all on the same team here.”
“I’d say it’s quite the opposite, really. I don’t trust any of you.” Zeus seemed to find this the best moment to share his totally asked for opinion.
“Oh, but you’re so trustworthy.” Azusa replies sarcastically.
“You wanna say that again, fuckface?!” Before Zeus could reach his target, his butler drags him by his arm further away.
Before Azusa could test Zeus’s willingness to cooperate with his butler, there was another power outage.
Fear struck (Y/N)’s heart. Is Sigurd okay? Did the murderer(s) get to him?
No, she has to focus- keep everyone safe. Sigurd will be fine.
However, even more so than last time, screams and footsteps cover up the sound of all possible crimes, and nothing she says changes anything.
Her eyes water helplessly. Someone is gonna die, and she can’t stop it.
The light comes back on.
“Vincent!” A woman screams.
(Y/N)’s heart felt heavy in her chest. She failed to save another person, and unless she finds the culprit, there could be more to come.
“Everyone, stay back!” She approaches the body. Why did the method change this time? Why was he stabbed rather than choked to death? Was the murderer trying to be quicker? Were they getting less confident in their abilities? Doesn’t that mean Vincent could still be alive? It hasn’t been long enough for him to bleed to death, but…
Her eyes told a different story. There he was, very much dead.
Still, after silently observing his lifeless face, she turns to the professional, “Mr. Goldstein?”
He nods and rushes to her side.
He eagerly checks for any signs of life, alas, he shakes his head. “We lost him.”
What? This makes no sense.
Maybe Elias was lying.
Did Elias kill them?
Who was his partner in crime? Luca Orlem? Is his dislike for the charismatic nobleman a trick to repel suspicions?
Just then, her eyes fell on an item in Vincent’s open bag.
A fucking flashlight.
If he had a flashlight all this time, why didn’t he use it?
Nada grabs the flashlight. There’s no way he had a working flashlight in his bag, right?
However, with a simple click, a beam of light circles Elias.
Why didn’t he use it? It’s almost like he was trying to get murdered!
Nada pulls out a shotgun and aims it at Vincent.
“W-what are you doing?!” His accomplice leaps in front of him.
“Step aside, Goldstein, you’ll get your turn after.”
Luca takes a seemingly hesitant step forward, “But…he’s already dead; why waste a bullet?”
Ha! They’re telling on themselves at this point.
“Step aside, both of you. Unless you wanna get shot.” She warns.
“Please, put the gun down; he’s dead. Why do you wanna shoot him?” Elias pleads.
Nada sighs before forcefully pushing past the two equally guilty men. She was gonna deal with them, but she had to prove her theory first.
“There’s no reason this man would have a flashlight and not use it, unless…” She grabs his hair, lifting his head up to face her.
“Unless…?” Zeus asks.
She presses her gun below his chin. “Unless he doesn’t want the killer to get caught.”
“Why would he help the killer?” Hiro stared at her like she was insane, but so did everyone else.
“Because this is not a murder…this is an escape.” She cocks her gun.
His eyes shoot open, “Please” he breathes out.
She grabs him by his collar, pulling him into a chokehold and turning to face the other two.
“Get down.” She points her gun at Vincent’s head. Luca and Elias comply.
“Miss Hart, please, let me explain.” Elias’s voice was shaky.
Everyone was frozen in place until Zeus seemed to break free from the trance. “Are you guys insane?! Tell her the truth! Now!”
The lights go off.
This time, she was ready. She pushes Vincent to the ground and shines the flashlight at the 3 culprits.
That’s when she saw it. The door to the cart Zeus and his butler came through was opening ever so slowly. Nada aims her gun at the entrance.
Sigurd walks in, holding a cake.
“Oh, dear, what happened?” He chuckles nervously.
The lights come back on.
“Surprise?” Vincent hesitantly pushes himself off the floor, followed by Elias and Luca.
“I- what?”
“Congrats on the recruitment.” Joel punches her shoulder lightly.
“Yeah, we’re all happy for you.” Glenn peeks through the open door with a smile. He’s alive?
“What’s going on?”
“We really got you good, huh?” Zeus laughs.
“Should’ve seen your face!” Hiro adds.
“Was this all a prank?”
“Damn, you really are slow; let’s eat cake!” Zeus approaches Sigurd.
“I still can’t believe you planned all of this.” Nada sheepishly takes a bite out of her cake, “I really thought people were dying; I thought you died!”
Sigurd chuckles. “Worry not, my lady,” He brings her hand to his lips, “I’ll always be here by your side.”
“I- of course you will! It’s your job!” She pulls her hand back in embarrassment.
“Yes, yes, it is.” He smirks, “But, I wanna be by your side in other ways too.”
“What ways?”
Sigurd leans into her, his hot breath on her neck, “I’ll show you when we get to the hotel; how about it, hmm?”
“I- yes, sounds good!” She pushes him away shyly.
Yet on the inside, she couldn’t wait to get to that hotel…
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45654757899987 · 4 years
I want to give a thanks to everyone who is helping my promotional spread because getting just that specific post is really important to me but for now have season one wh x funko pop! @wizardessfleur​
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swordsmanofsweets · 4 years
Update + some new stuff I thought up!
Howdy ny'all! I know it's been forever since I've posted anything, it's been a rough year for me, and the past few weeks haven't been any easier and I lost motivation to do anything I enjoy really. But! I'm trying to pick myself back up again with a weekend off and being home alone to just do what I want! I've been playing Pokémon Yellow again recently, and that led me into a convo I had with my very good friend @youkaiangel, what would the WH characters be like as Pokémon trainers? So this was the only thing I could actually write, so here is the Wizardess Heart x Pokémon crossover that literally all of 2 people asked for! I plan on doing every season, along with some side/support characters and my OCs! But to make it easier on the eyes, I'll do one season at a time, in chronological order, so here are the Season 1 boys as Pokémon trainers!
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Whimsicott / Jellicent / Sylveon
Elias is about as studious as they come, knowing type advantages and weaknesses, what moves bring out the best in his Pokémon, how they all complement one another in battle. The more I think about it, the more I see Elias with a support team. All three of his Pokémon are great at setting up for each other, given all the moves they could possibly learn between them. Also, given the fact that his father is a gym leader, he and his brothers had access to many resources to get the best of everything they could possibly get their hands on. Eevee was Elias’ first ‘mon, so it’s no wonder it evolved into Sylveon so quickly. It has slept by Elias’ side from the day they met. Can you imagine an adorable little Eevee curled up next to a just as adorable little Elias? 🥺
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Lycanroc (Dusk form) / Azumarill / Leavanny
What else can be said about this soft, nature-loving boy? Just look at the Pokémon he’s raised! I don’t picture Yukiya to like battling his Pokémon (unless it’s for fun or absolutely necessary), I think of him supporting them if they want to do something like compete in Pokémon contests or something like that. His starter ‘mon was Azurill, who evolves into Marill when its friendship level with its trainer is maxed out. Can you imagine the look on little Yukiya’s face when he saw that tiny ball of fluff look up at him and squeak as it recognized him as its trainer? Are you crying as you’re picturing it too? No? Just me? Okay, moving on! 😅
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Umbreon / Raichu / Hydreigon
I tried to find the best Pokémon for Luca that suits what I know about him, and these three were the best that came to mind. Kinda overdid it on the dark types, huh? Lol, Umbreon is that powerful and dependable type, Hydreigon is that other powerful dark/dragon type (gee, I wonder what made me think of a dragon 🤔), and Raichu is there for added cuteness! As the Academy’s most knowledgeable man on campus on all the latest gossip, who else is gonna help him find the information? Only the world’s most adorable electric mouse ever! Pikachu was Luca’s first ‘mon, and can I just say does it love to tease the crap out of Elias’ Sylveon 🤭
Well, that's what I think of our season 1 boys as trainers. Yes, Walter is a gym leader, are you even surprised? This was actually a lot of fun to do, mixes two fandoms I have delved myself into for quite some time, and honestly just makes me really happy. I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned for the next season of WH characters as Pokémon trainers! Let me know what you think in the comments and/or feel free to reblog with your thoughts! 😸
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misstartrekandel · 4 years
I really want to write a Randy or Vincent fic. Its not gonna happen. But it would be cool.
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yeetmeintothe-abyss · 5 years
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His smile is incredible.
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miss-shiota · 5 years
Elias, trying to flirt: do you come here often?
Yukiya: this is my room.
Yukiya: and you're my roommate.
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becky-s-stuff · 7 years
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Lulias commission for @scienceisnoteverything​! Go and check her page! <3
Chrismas Commission Info HERE
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calwh7 · 7 years
Shadows of the past
series of Klaus x Liz oneshots/drabbles - Part 1
Not really feeling this one, sorry if you get offended that Liz smokes in this one but it does kinda tie in with some character development of hers. Really don’t like this one so I’ll probably work on my other oneshot of the class assignment because I think I’m doing okay with that one.
The halls were packed full of people and carts carrying mail, something that rarely happened in my department. My department was pretty elite, most employees of the ministry didn't even know it existed. But today was the day that my boss decided that it would be fun for us to work with the other departments of the Ministry of Magic. Ugh, I just hope I can avoid Klaus. Incase you are wondering, my department focuses on changing the past. We are all time travellers you see. It's little things we change though but they can eventually become huge. I primarily focus on changing the lives of dark wizards and witches. Making them all good and stuff. I also forgot to mention that I am head of the department, that means I'm the one informing the new comers. Walking down the corridor I popped a cigarette in my mouth, igniting it as I squeeze my way through. I could see the door to the auditorium up ahead, better I go outside for a few minutes before entering. I take long drags and admire myself in the glass reflection of a window. I had cut my hair a bit shorter, it's now in a bob. That's what the hair lady said anyway. Oh crap, I'm probably going to see Klaus today. I'll probably have to talk to him, teach him! I wasn't ready for this. He's most likely forgot about me, what could 13 days do to him anyway? I still love him, I hope he doesn't get to much of a shock when he sees me though.
Scraping my cigarette end against the wall, I disposed of it and headed for the auditorium. Waving to my colleagues I walk through customs, through the doorway and to my desk. I shared the desk with 2 others. I place my briefcase I was holding onto the polished oak and clear my throat. Great, they’re all male. "Good morning, boys. My name is Liz, but you'll all call me Miss Hart. From now on, I'm you're boss. Let's start off straight, how many of you can actually time travel using a natural gift?" No hands went up. "How many of you can travel using a turner?" 43 out of 67. Not too bad. "Well, at the end of this meeting I'd like those that put there hand up to register with me and those who hadn't register with Ian-" I pointed towards him. "This work will be dangerous, you'll get a proper briefing tomorrow before you go into training. 6 o'clock sharp. Any questions, you can ask now" Holy shit! Thousands of hands went up. "Yeah you?" I pointed to a brown haired lad. "How far have you gone back?" His curious gaze was met with other onlookers. "79 AD, anyone else?" A loud chorus of ooh and ahh filled the auditorium. "When will we be able to jump that far?" I heard a voice in the audience. "Most likely never" "What were you doing there?" A young boy with a bright face inquired. "I was in Misenum, near Pompeii and Herculaneum during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. I was a servant to Fleet Commander Pliny the Elder and I had to steal an alchemy book from his nephew during the eruptions of 79 AD. I was successful and now we don't have another dark wizard on our hands" I smiled at everyone's enthusiasm. "Unfortunately I now have to leave you all. I will see you tomorrow morning, before I go I want to register the people I mentioned before and Ian will do the same" I picked up a registering paper and pen from my suitcase and the boys all made a neat line in front of my desk. "Name, age, month and year of birth and state of residence please" I asked the first man politely. "Charlie John Bennet, aged 26, born 22nd March. Current residence of apartment 46 of Whiteside street, Gedonelune City" I scribbled down the names as fast as I could.
The last name I received caught me off guard. "Klaus Goldstein, aged 28, born 26th January. State of residence is Goldstein Manor, Gedonelune City" I hesitantly looked up and met his gaze, piercing purple eyes bore deep into mine. “Ahh, yes, umm, sorry. I’ll go write that down” I was in such a fluster that I dropped my pen in front of Klaus. He picked it up and handed it to me in one swift move. “You really ought to be more careful, Miss Hart” Klaus smirked back at me, turning me slightly red. God, how could I of missed out on this?! I took the pen from him, accidentally brushing against his hand with my own. In that moment I felt like holding his hand and kissing him like we had done all those years back. Well, judging by his behaviour I think he still recognises me. “I’ll visit you in your office later tonight” Klaus whispered so him and I could only hear. I visibly blushed back at him. Waving at his back, he turned around and when he reached the doorway he winked at me. Ohh! Now that was sexy! I could see that he had changed a little. Maybe he has just gotten to be a little womaniser or maybe he’s just getting more flirtatious around his love interests. Wait, am I still one of them? Well of course Liz, he just said that he’d meet you later in your office. “The great Liz Hart embarrassed by a Goldstein? Pretty funny if you ask me” Ian giggled away to himself. “Oh shut up Ian”
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derpujoizu · 7 years
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Why do I ship them they don't get along well lmao
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The Ruined King, chapter 3
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(Credit to @ghostnightbride​ for the materials for the banner!)
Pairing: Felix x Liz
Summary: Hawkeye is once again moving through Gedonelune, and it looks like their aim is on the heart of the Dragonkin Ruins. It looks like we’ll need the help of the three Reciters to solve this mystery!
Previous: Chapter 2
First: Chapter 1
Contains spoilers for the Melody of Awakening spinoff!
Emerging through the forest, a decrepit gate and cracked window frames greeted us.
'It's strange,' I thought, 'I must have been here a thousand times before, but it's different now.' Different to be visiting it with actual Dragonkins. 'What must this have been like when it was in its prime?'
I stole a glance over at Felix's face, gazing up at the ruins. Sadness and surprise flashed across his face. "This is.. What has become of us?"
"..We should get going."
"Can I ask an awkward question?" Lacan's voice broke through the silence as we walked.
"What is it, Lacan?"
"Um.. what are your names? I know Liz, I remember you, and I know Hugo and Mischa, since they've come round for tea. But the rest of you.. I mean, I know that we met before, but it was all kind of a blur back then.”
Oh, right. Just because we knew his story didn't mean that he knew anything about us.
"I.. probably should have asked about that as well,” Felix admitted.
"What? Lacan, I can understand, but you Felix.. You don't even know our names?!"
Felix met Zeus with a blank stare. "..Why would I? You were just pains in my side."
"Well, I suppose there's no harm in introducing ourselves again," Caesar said with a laugh. "I'm Caesar Raphael."
"The loud mouth is Zeus," Hugo said, glancing over his shoulder.
"Ah, I wondered who that was!" Lacan said. “Hugo's always talking about you!” Felix nodded.
"Hey!” Zeus shot a dirty look at Hugo.
One by one, they introduced themselves. "I'm Yukiya; this is Seth."
"I'm Elias Goldstein; Alfonse here is my eldest brother."
"Elias was the other one who defeated Drago," I said.
"Ah, I do know of the Goldsteins," Felix mused.
"..Yeah, you broke into our laboratory," Alfonse said.
Lacan gave him a confused look, but Felix coughed. "..Moving on. What about your merchant friend? The one who had Twilight?"
"Oh, Hisoka?" I wasn't expecting him to remember him. "He's not with us right now; I think that he's in Queensblade right now."
"You certainly have a lot of friends.." Felix muttered. In the back of my mind, he almost sounded wistful.
I shivered as we walked deep into the ruins. I'd been down here in the ruins before, but it never got any less creepy to visit them. As we walked, I noticed that some of the others seemed to be slowing down.
Lucious, Zeus, and Hiro seemed to linger behind us. Shu, on the other hand, was even more lively, chirping happily as he flew behind us.
Even Felix seemed a little unnerved. 'I wonder what this is like for him.'
"So, how do we know Hawkeye will be headed to these ruins?" Caesar asked, trailing behind Willem.
"There are certain treasures that the humans entrusted to us long ago," Willem said. "Though we were sealed away, they should still be buried deep enough that they shouldn't have been found by the humans.”
Caesar sighed. "I wonder if Hawkeye's already gotten there by now. They did get a bit of a headstart on us.”
"Who cares?" Zeus said, grinning from ear to ear. "If they've gotten the jewels or whatever, I'll just summon something big and scary to fight them off! Maybe I'll summon Vulcanaux!"
"You will not!” Zeus jumped as Felix walked up to him, his voice as cold as ice. “If you were to summon a creature like Vulcanaux here, you would bring this place down on top of us. I will not allow you to destroy this sacred place!”
Zeus recoiled as though burnt. "Sorry.."
Felix turned away, walking past him; I hurried after him. I heard the others muttering to Zeus. “Nice going, genius..”
The eeiry feeling continued as we went deeper down the halls. Shu flew ahead of us, happily chirping as we explored the halls.
'It almost feels like.. someone is watching me.' I glanced over my shoulder, but I didn't see anyone. 'I don't know why this place gives me such creeps..'
I looked at the walls. Even if it was growing darker, I could make out intricate carvings on the walls. I was so focused on the walls, I wasn't looking where I was going, and my foot caught on a loose tile-
And suddenly found strong arms catching me. I looked up into green, green eyes.
"..Watch your step," Felix said, helping me to my feet.
"Right." I stood up, though I couldn't understand why my heart was racing so much.
“I'm sure that we've come down this way before.” Lacan peeked his head down the branching pathway.
“No, I'm sure that that way is connected to the Labyrinth,” Willem said with a sigh.
“Don't ask me, you're the ones who always came down here.”
It was a strange sight, seeing the three powerful Dragonkin bickering over something like directions. But a noise echoed through the halls- a stomach growling.
“..It's probably been a fair few hours since we set out,” Willem said gently. “Perhaps this would be a good time to stop and eat?”
We all took seat around the hall, pulling out our lunches.
"I brought some cookies for everyone!" I said. With the Reciters, our group was larger than normal, so I'd made sure to bake more than usual. I had made little bags for everyone.
"Cookies?" Their expressions lit up as they took the bags.
"Here," I passed out the bags. I pulled Shu close to me. "I've got some treats for you too, Shu." He happily chirped as he nibbled on the treats. I patted his head.
'So adorable..'
I noticed Felix gazing at us curiously. He had seemed to like cookies before when we had been at the Night Cafe together. “Would you like some too, Felix?”
“I suppose.” He hesitantly took one of the cookies, nibbling on it.
"Willem's been introducing us to all sorts of wonderful foods," Lacan said happily. "I can't believe we've never tried them before!"
"I have to thank Liz,” Willem said sweetly. “She's taught me a lot of the recipes."
“Hey, Felix, there's something that I wanted to ask you.” He looked up at me from his cookie. “I noticed there's a lot of carvings and writings on the walls. Do you know what it says?”
He sat up a little straighter. “Yes, actually, the three of us were the ones who put the carvings in. It was our job to transcribe the history of the Dragonkin upon these walls.”
“So then the Reciters are like the historians of the Dragonkin?” I asked.
“I'm sure you could find a lot of records on these walls,” Willem said.
“My favorite story was about our friendship with the Night Kingdom,” Lacan said. “I think that should be somewhere around here.”
“You have records of that?” Lucious said, his eyes lighting up. “I want to see!”
The others pitched in their questions, asking about the various tales on the walls. And I could see Felix's eyes light up as he answered their questions.
In the end, we agreed to split up into three groups, each group following one of the Reciters down the various paths. Hugo, Zeus, Shu, and I followed Felix down the hall.
As we walked, the terrain of the ruins grew rougher. Even Felix and Zeus seemed to be struggling. 'I never thought that I'd see him struggle like this..'
And once again, we came to a branching path. “Should we split up again?”
“That won't be necessary,” he said coolly. “We shouldn't be far from the heart of the ruins now; I can send a few mini dragons to scout ahead.” As he spoke, he clasped his hands together, darkness pouring out of them and taking the form of two minidragons. They quickly scampered on the path ahead of us.
“Do you just have like minidragons that you can carry with you everywhere? You don't even need to summon them?” Zeus asked.
“Not quite. The power of Nightmare is the power to create out of shadows; what form that takes, whether it be minidragons, shadows, or a magical beast is up to me.”
“That would explain a lot.” I remembered the various magical beasts he had sent us before. Even a kraken.
“..Felix?” Felix glanced over at Zeus, who looked strangely sheepish for him. “I'm sorry about  what I said before. About summoning the Vulcanaux earlier, I wasn't thinking about what this place meant to you.”
“Hmm.” It seemed like his expression softened. “I suppose this place must have always been a ruin in your time.”
“This place must hold a lot of memories for you,” I said.
“..Most of my memories of this place are of the battles that raged here."
"Battles?" I shivered.
"Many of them, tearing this place to ruins," he said, his gazing turning to the walls. The eeiry feeling was only starting to grow. "Those dragged into the dark." Okay that wasn't helping-" I can still hear-"
"Eep!" All eyes fell on me, and I quickly covered my mouth.
Felix looked at me, his eyes wide in surprise. "I.."
"..My apologies," he said after a moment. "Perhaps it would be best to stop there." I nodded.
"Thank you," I said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Something feels off in this place."
"There are places we've built that are more pleasant than this," Felix said wistfully. "During the war, the Dragonkin built a city deep beneath the earth, using crystals to light their path."
Wait, that sounded awfully familiar! "Are you talking about the Illusionary Town?"
"Have you been there?"
"Yes, we visited there when we were searching for the Star Sapphire! It was so beautiful.. Well, except for the part where we got chased by a winged man throwing feathers at us."
"Winged man.. winged man.." Felix muttered under his breath. "Are you talking about Ventus?"
"You knew him?!" But one look at Felix's face, and he burst into laughter. "Hey!"
"No, I have no idea who you're talking about," he said. "Perhaps a trap laid by the Dragonkins who made the town."
"Who knew he could laugh like that?"
"Look, there it is."
Shu stopped before a set of intricately carved doors.
Felix smirked. "Trust that a dragon of light would be able to find the temple's heart," he said. "The Gem of Light should be just beyond there."
"Can we go in there and just wait for the others?" Zeus asked.
"There's a reason it hasn't been disturbed yet; it is locked to Lacan's magic alone. Only he will be able to unlock it. I'll send the signal." He pulled down his hood, his horns starting to glow black.
"And now we wait," Zeus said, sitting down.
Felix turned to me with a smile. "I think if you look close enough, you can find a Ratatoskr in the designs.”
"Hree?" Shu flew up to the doors, examining them with such intensity that I couldn't help but laugh a little.
I took a closer look myself; indeed, there were many dragons carved through the door. "Ah, I found you!" Sure enough, there was a four winged dragon, brightly singing his little song. Shu cooed in happiness.
I noticed another carving in the door, of a dragon much larger than the rest.. one that I'd seen carvings of all of my life. "Felix," I said, "is this.."
"Hugo, the Dragon of Time." Even Hugo examined the door more closely.
"Did you know him?"
"Somewhat. Though why he trusted the humans.." His expression softened, then went blank.
"Does this have something to do with him?"
"We'll explain everything when we get inside," Felix said.
After a little while, I heard chatter; Willem appeared with Elias, Alfonse, and Yukiya.
"Wow, so you're telling me that you went back, after all of that?" Voices boomed round the corner. I looked up to see Lacan leading the way; Lucious was strolling at his side, Hiro and Caesar trailing behind.
"Ah!" He beamed as he came up to us. "Lucious was just telling me about your adventure in the Labyrinth, and how you all freed him and Felix!"
"That's one way of telling it."
"Lacan, will you do the honors?"
"Of course." Lacan walked up to the door, his horns glowing with light. In a moment, the doors parted, revealing the hidden chamber.
My breath hitched as we stepped inside. The chamber was set up like a throne room. A bright light shown from the center of the room.
"May I?" Lacan nodded; I carefully walked to the center, shielding my eyes from its glow.
The light was coming from a brilliant diamond, shining as bright as the sun; it looked to be about the size of a pomegranate. "This is.."
"The Gem of Light," Felix said. "The humans entrusted us with it, and we've kept it in here ever since."
"Will you tell us what's going on now?" The three reciters shared a look, stepping close to each other.
"The founders of Gedonelune crafted six gems, one for each element," Willem said. "Three of them were entrusted to the Dragonkin and buried within our land. Even when war was waged, we buried them so deep in our temples that the humans couldn't find them."
"What about the other three gems?"
"I believe they were entrusted to Gedonelune's noble families," Felix said. The noble families of Gedonelune?
"Oh!" Alfonse's eyes widened. "I've heard about those!"
"It is said there is a secret place, known only to the royal family, where the six gems are brought together," Willem said. "But if that should ever happen.."
And a voice spoke up from behind us, a voice that sent chills down my spine, "Then the Dragon of Time will be awakened once more."
Lucious: It was really interesting to hear about the history of the Dragonkin from them. I had no idea their history was so closely intertwined with ours.
Caesar: Did Lacan tell you about the history of the Night Kingdom?
Lucious: Yes! Apparently, our times were so close that some of our history got mixed up with theirs. Who would've thought?
Caesar: Oh, so you're as old as dirt just like them.
Lucious: ..Listen here!
Caesar: Uh-oh, looks like it's time for me to get out of here. Next time, Ruined Battle.
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A thing
I’m going to do a thing soon on my blog, not yet though... also it is going to good though... hopefully people will be willing to do this with me! I’m going to be doing small fanfics for the Wizardess Heart boys yes they will be all male x male one’s. So you might see Albert x Klaus, Caesar x Alfonse, Luca x Elias, Vincent x Joel, even some Elias x Yukiya!
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wizardessfleur · 4 years
*phew* finished hiro x vincent and elias x yukiya Steaming Love’s stories..
tbh i didnt liked the stories so far.. she was pushed to do a scoop for free... and the only lores were:
repeated academy weather lore
Hinomoto’s fencing with weird frog pose
hot spring with pretty rainbow sparkles because “magic”
now I will read klaus x zeus stories...
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swordsmanofsweets · 4 years
Hi! I wonder how many ships you have for your 3 ocs 🤔
Thanks for the ask, Nitia!
Selene is my main OC, so naturally I ship her with my fave boys. My OTP is Selene x Hiro, but I do ship her with Serge, Yukiya, Elias, Klaus, Sigurd, for a brief moment in time with Zeus, and Albert. I liked all of these partnerships because I felt each of their personalities and traits all seemed to help support and bring out the best of each other. 😊
I ship Alice with Luca and Luca only. Their personalities are very similar and very different at the same time. She may be mischievous but she's very caring, she sees through Luca's bullshit and she doesn't tolerate it. She also has an interesting relationship with someone else that Luca is not meant to know, but 🤷🏾‍♀️
Reiko I'm still unsure of who I ship her with, maybe Glenn because he is a guardian mage, maybe Rex because of his own sense of justice, maybe Vincent because he's a Knight, she might even be bicurious 🤔 I'm not sure yet, but when I find out, hopefully I can make a decent story for her! ❤️
Thank you for taking the time out to ask me about my OCs! I appreciate it!
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