#elieen stevens
djsadbean · 7 months
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WordGirl / Adventure Time / Strawberry Shortcake collections are now up! 🌟💖 look at my interests, boy.
By popular demand from the last worg shop update, bundles are now an option for this drop! And it's at a lil discount too heh :] ✨
my shop! 💛
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melodythebunny · 1 year
Have to go to work now but first some doodles!
Wg medieval au ofc!
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Two brains teaching princess Becky to dance. Basically the force field episode but different.
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Steven being flirty silly
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And random ball scene. Ran out of room to add in elieen, victoria, rose and rex.
Au by @drtwobrainsstuff / @chaoticerisstuff , @ninjastormhawkkat , @spaaceeboyy. @liloskull343 , and i
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evenstevensranked · 6 years
#9: Season 3, Episode 22 - “Leavin’ Stevens”
It’s the series finale!! Eileen is projected the winner of a major election for Congress, which means the Stevens family will be moving to Washington D.C. immediately. Pretty big deal. Our beloved characters must say goodbye to each other forever, but Louis can’t bring himself to move across the country without telling Tawny how he really feels about her. 
Let’s talk about why this cinematic plotline would’ve made an infinitely better DCOM than The Even Stevens Movie. 
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This one opens with the Stevens family huddled together in the living room, anxiously awaiting the results of Eileen’s election. Riiiiight as the news reporter is about to announce the winner, Beans appears out of nowhere, grabs the remote and changes the channel to... Toon Disney?! They show a legit clip of Teamo Supremo (remember that show?! LOL) instead of some fake cartoon or something which is kinda cool. Granted, it’s a Disney cartoon, so they had the right to use it no problem -- but still! That show premiered in 2002 so I’m sure they threw that clip in there to promote it somehow. Otherwise, it’s just sorta funny to think Toon Disney and ABC (Disney Channel sister stations) exist in the Even Stevens-verse. 
Beans, being the nuisance that he is, throws the remote into a skinny vase thing so Ren is forced to ~magically~ change the channel back manually. 
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Remember when you could change the channel with buttons on the actual TV? Good times. If you lose the remote these days, you’re pretty much screwed. 
Thankfully, they turn back in time to catch the results: EILEEN WON! It cuts to her giving a little press conference outside where she announces that the entire family will be moving to Washington D.C. immediately so that she can get to work right away. This is insane news to Louis since he apparently had no idea that Congress was in Washington or that the whole family would need to move there if Eileen were to win. 
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It cuts to a very depressed Louis at school cleaning out his locker. Tom and Twitty are with him and Twitty is seemingly in denial about the whole situation, explaining that nothing’s going to change and that a few 14-year-olds can hop a flight to D.C., hang out with Louis and be home by dinner time easy peasy! Tom brings them back to reality by calling them “poor delusional fools” and it’s great. Tawny shows up and it’s time for “Romeo to bid farewell to his Juliet” (Tom’s words.) Oh, man. The rom-com drama kicks in here and I can’t get enough of it. 
I’m guessing that this moment is the actual very last time they’re ever going to see each other?!?! So, the two of them are incredibly freaking awkward trying to say their goodbyes. I mean, how do you say goodbye forever to one of your best friends who is also obviously your crush in, like.. 30 seconds? They’re stammering and dancing around the idea of simply saying “I’m gonna miss you!” So, what do they do? They end up completely avoiding the situation by talking about how they’re going to miss the school cafe’s chili fries instead of each other. Clearly, that is not the last thing either of them wanted to say. As frustrating as this scene is, it’s pretty hilarious. Louis is all “I’m really gonna miss... y.......ahh... c..hili.... fries on Wednesday!” and Tawny just awkwardly goes along with it, “Yeah. I love those... They’re great.” HAHAHA. They proceed to engage in what’s gotta be up there as one of the most uncomfortable hugs of all time:
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One thing this show consistently nails is middle school awkwardness. Louis & Tawny are lightyears ahead of me and my old crush though. He was moving to Deleware at the end of 8th grade and we didn’t even say goodbye to each other at ALL at graduation, omg. We just avoided each other entirely. The worst part is that we were side-by-side PARTNERS for the graduation march and we didn’t even speak to each other. The level of immaturity and awkwardness is unparalleled.... 
It cuts to Ren talking with Ruby and Monique who are also getting emotional over Ren’s impending departure. (“What are we gonna do without her?!”) Basically, the two of them are completely incapable of organizing their own lives and need Ren’s constant guidance. One of their biggest concerns is that the three of them previously waited 6 hours in line for Peachbox tickets and now they can’t go to the concert together. First of all.... WHAT OR WHO THE HECK IS PEACHBOX? For some reason, I’ve always imagined a knockoff Matchbox Twenty band simply because of the “box” connection lol. Buuuut, I’m gonna guess that it’s just a music festival or something. It’s not important in the grand scheme of things here.
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We see Louis and Twitty walking home from school together and it’s a very somber stroll. Twitty says “I know you’re not the most romantic guy in the world (I BEG TO DIFFER, TWITTY!!!) but, do you really want the last thing you talk about with Tawny to be chili fries?” Obviously, Louis says no, but its too late! There’s nothing he can do at this point! Twitty dramatically says “No, it’s never too late...” and just WALKS AWAY!!!! Did he leave Louis in the dust?! Was that the last thing they said to each other?! What?! Did Louis and Twitty’s epic friendship just... end on a cryptic note for dramatic effect? Why am I just realizing this?
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I’m laughing at the idea of this being their final exchange. “It’s never too late. Peace out, cub scout.”
Twitty’s dramatic last words kick Louis into rom-com leading man overdrive. As soon as he gets home, he sits down and starts recording a videotape for Tawny so that he can say everything he wasn’t able to in person. (See cover photo.) Oh, my lord. This is incredible. He starts off by saying that he’ll already be 2,797 miles away (he looked it up) in Washington by the time she sees the tape. “I didn’t want the last thing we talked about to be chili fries. So that’s why I’m doing this -- this tape, ya know? To tell you how I really feel...” And Shia is already hitting it outta the god damn park with his acting. The scene cuts after that, so we don’t get to hear the rest. Gotta keep us on our toes!
Louis meets up with Tom later and gives him the tape, instructing -- or rather, threatening -- him to personally deliver it to Tawny... OR ELSE. 
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“Tom, I’m entrusting you with this tape. Okay? So, if anybody else -- besides Tawny -- gets their hands on this... I will personally track you down and make you pay. You hear what I’m saying?”
There’s a little subplot with Donnie and Coach Tugnut, as well. Every character’s plot in this episode revolves around the Stevens family moving, which is kinda cool. We get to see how the potential change affects all of them! Coach Tugnut was planning on training Donnie for the Olympics, so he nearly has a heart attack when he finds out he’s moving. Steve decides to call his boss, Mr. Kupchack, and cuss him out because he thinks he’s never going to see him again. (Bad idea.) Louis has the Tawny situation. Ren has her friends. And of course, Eileen’s whole career is being uprooted. 
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Tugnut ultimately decides to uproot his life as well and drive all the way to Washington to continue Donnie’s training. There’s a pretty great final ~adult joke~ here. Tugnut says he talked it over with his wife, Tammy, and they agreed that a little break could be good. He explains that Tammy is busy with her own life, which includes working the night shift at Romano’s Pizza. But, Donnie’s like.. “Uh, Coach... Romano’s Pizza closed, like... 2 years ago” -- Insinuating that Tammy’s been cheating at night. “I’m sure there’s a logical explanation!” Tugnut concludes. Wow. I like this joke, though. It’s subtle and smart. 
Right as Steve is fervently insulting his boss over the phone, Eileen comes running into the living room in a tizzy. She turns on the TV and calls for the entire family to come watch. In a “stunning and dramatic reversal,” a recount snatched victory away from Eileen and gave the congressional seat to some guy Charles Nuck. 
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Louis: “My tape!” Ren: “My friends!” Steve: “My job!” Donnie: “My coach!” Eileen: “My seeeeat!”
You can always count on Tom Virtue to go overboard with his performance. To be fair, Steve knows that he totally just lost his job. Soo...
So, yeah! We’re only 9 minutes into the episode and The Stevens family is no longer moving! Wexler is so elated to have Ren back, he’s all “I’d be lost without you!” -- Literally no one can live a productive life without Ren Stevens I guess. He does a little happy dance down the hallway but then stops in his tracks in horror when he sees Louis moving back into his locker. “Noooo!” HAHAHA. 
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“WHYYYYYY?!” -- I just really wanted to include this screenshot. Notice how Louis is unpacking a giant thing of syrup! Leftover from Lumberjack Club, I presume? 
Twitty stops by and Louis is in damage control mode. “I have a problem. I did the worst thing I could possibly do.” Twitty says “Dude, everyone gets gas climbing the rope in gym, it’s okay.” HAHA! For some reason I never really noticed that line before. It’s great. Of course, Louis explains that he gave Tawny a tape telling her how he really feels. Twitty asks how bad it is and if he dropped the “L-Bomb.” (“Did ya tell Tawny that you loved her?”) And Louis is officially freaking out. OHHHHHH MYYYY GODDDDDD. Scenes like this make me think that Even Stevens was more of a ~bro show~ kinda. I wonder if guys across the country related to this or not. 
Ren’s little ~storyline within the storyline~ could’ve been a lot better. As usual, she got the short end of the stick for her final hurrah in the series. She ends up finding a replacement of herself for Ruby and Monique named Denise who is seriously controlling and super creepy. After they find out the Stevens are no longer moving, Monique and Ruby really don’t want to go to the concert with Denise anymore. So Ren eventually finds replacements for Ruby and Monique as well so the three doppelgangers can go together instead. It’s trippy. And that’s pretty much it. 
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Louis talks to Tawny later that day and finds out that Tom already delivered the tape. Yikes! Tawny doesn’t know what's on the tape though and doesn’t think much of it either. She’s assuming that it’s probably a nature special or Doris’ 40th birthday. And Louis quickly interjects “Good party! That was a good--” and awkwardly cuts himself off. Shia’s phrasing. It’s so good. I laughed pretty hard. Anyway, Louis is officially on a mission to retrieve the tape before she has a chance to watch it and calls Beans for help. Beans is at school when Louis calls his cell phone, and um... Beans is 8 years old. Why does he have a cell phone in 2002? Also, he should be in 3rd grade. Does this look like 3rd grade to you?!
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That teacher is reading a baby storybook to them. This never seemed right to me lol. Also, that super tall kid in the middle is at least 11 years old. Come on now. ALSO they make a point to show that every kid in the class has a cell phone, too. Perhaps this show was simply ahead of its time AGAIN, showing us that soon technology will consume all of our lives at every age. 8 year olds have iPhones nowadays.
To sum it up, Louis has Beans climb into Tawny’s bedroom window to steal the tape back. This is the only episode where we see Tawny’s bedroom and much like the part of her house we saw in Thin Ice, it suits her personality perfectly and I love it. 
Louis is relieved to have the tape back, but once he gets home he notices the tape is actually labeled “To: Louis.” OHHHHHHHH BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! HEREEEE WEEEE GOOOOO! I’ll let you watch this truly iconic and emotionally taxing scene play out for yourself:
Can you say SOULMATES?! What are the odds they’d both decide to confess their feelings via videotape? Well, besides it being an uber romantic plot device lol. 
The episode ends with Louis and Tawny at their lockers, smirking knowingly at each other because they know they’re in love now lol. It’s precious. It’s still a little awkward because it’s like “ok, we love each other or whatever... now what?” So, in true Louis & Tawny fashion Louis says “Soooo... I hear they’re having chili fries at lunch today.” And Tawny whispers “Cool. I love chili fries.” The two of them laugh at how well they know each other and walk off hand and hand into the sunset. All is right with the world. 
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How sweet are they?! Seriously one of the most underrated pairings everrrrr. Tawny’s jeans though. I never understood the 2000s fashion trend that was distressed markings on the BUTTCHEEKS of pants! It looks absolutely terrible.
The final minute bit is Tugnut crying “DonnnieeeeEE!” all alone at the Washington monument lol. 
This is probably the most cinematic episode of Even Stevens. This thing plays out like a freaking movie. Honestly, if they fleshed out the plot a little more and added a few twists and turns that I can’t think of because I’m not a screenwriter -- I firmly believe this would've made for a better and more satisfying DCOM than The Even Stevens Movie. They could've ended the series with an episode built around a wacky plot like the vacation, (I mean, the dismal and beyond outlandish In Ren We Trust was the series’ penultimate episode so that wouldn't be a stretch...) and then have an original movie with heart and a story rooted in the characters. Am I alone here, or? Having the series end with Louis and Tawny getting together and then barely interacting in The Even Stevens Movie always pissed me off. The bit with the videotapes could totally compete with any blockbuster romance film, tbh. MOVIES end with characters finally getting together and it's the big, satisfying moment. Ending a SERIES like that, and then not doing anything with it in the big finale film is just frustrating. I wanted to see what became of Louis and Tawny: The Couple. 
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This 8-second scene of them in the chair is the extent of their interaction in the movie. Along with two “right next to papa” lines from Louis, which Tawny sorta reacts apathetically/sarcastically to. That’s literally it. 
I’ve mentioned before that people tend to write-off Even Stevens as nothing but a wacky show to watch if you want to turn your brain off. But, there’s so much heart here and great characters that are overlooked! Having such a crazy movie for the big ending just solidified that Even Stevens = Dumb and wacky TV show, in the memories of many. Which is perhaps the reason why the show isn’t remembered as widely or fondly in comparison to other live action Disney shows of the era. This could also contribute to its underratedness. It’s just not the DCOM we deserved. Even I remember thinking “this looks stupid” when I first saw the promo trailer for the movie as a kid. But this series finale episode felt more like a movie to me than the DCOM ever did! It almost seems like it was intended to be a film but they cut out a bunch of it. It feels really rushed. One minute the Stevens are moving and the next they’re not. There’s so much more tension and emotion that could’ve been built if the idea of them moving lasted longer than 8 minutes, haha. Idk. This just feels like a plot that deserves more than 21 minutes to unfold and breathe. 
I kinda adore this episode. To this day it still manages to squeeze a lil’ tear outta me. I really can’t stress enough how sublime Shia’s acting on the tape to Tawny is. If the scene was longer, it could totally rival his romantic monologue in Disturbia (which some people have performed for acting auditions!!!) I wanna see people do a “Louis Stevens monologue” for auditions, man! lol. The day I see a modern Disney kid pull this sort of scene off with the same level of maturity will be the day hell freezes over. I love that Shia gave his all to this role. Even though ES was “just a Disney show” he treated the material with the weight it deserved and I really appreciate that. It’s what helps make Even Stevens more than “just a Disney show” and why it’s still great, if not better, in 2018. 
This episode makes my Top 10 because, like I said, it has such a movie feel to it and one of the strongest/most engaging plotlines in the entire series. I might’ve ranked this one even higher if Ren had a better final plot. They could’ve had a double romance dilemma with Ren and Larry getting together as well or at least a cute moment where they finally end their rivalry, but nooooooooo! The pressure of moving forced Louis & Tawny to confront their feelings, they could’ve done the same thing with Ren and Larry. If this episode had a Ren/Larry subplot of any kind it would probably be my #1 lololol. The episode does have a lot going for it and so much potential though. I had to put it in the single-digits.
The Louis/Tawny content here is OBVIOUSLY of the highest quality. Hands down the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen on the Disney Channel at least. The videotape(s) is like a grand gesture, but also small and intimate at the same time. Per-fect. The acting is especially great here, from both Shia and Margo. I mean, these performances could stand up against any "adult” comedy TV show, heck.. they’re probably better honestly. They’re seriously killin’ the game and they’re both 16/17 years old here. So underrated. Even Stevens deserved to be picked up by a major network. Imagine what it might’ve been like on ABC, CBS, or NBC? Dang. It’d be the cult classic it deserves to be today.
Thanks for reading!!
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nccaus · 2 years
WordGirl Ghost AU
A.K.A. Fairly Haunted/Haunted Fair City au
So in this au Becky is an almost normal human girl, almost, minus the fact the Fair City is haunted and she's the only one who can see the ghost. The Ghost are all the Villains from the show who died in different time periods.
there's no over arching plot but there is a few major events to this au.
Becky convinces Violet and Scoops she can see ghost (this is after school accidentally captures Tobey on camera), this leads to Scoops carrying an old camcorder from like 2014 with nigh vision, and Violet a silver pocket mirror, these allow them to see the ghost too.
despite being warned against is the trio enters the old manor that's inhabited by Miss Power who was not happy to say the least, the three made it out mostly ok, but Becky got hit on the head with something and ended up with an eyebrow scar because watch me give her one in every AU.
another kid that can see ghost, Rex comes to town (I think he's a foster kid taken in by the Botsfords here) Becky and Rex get along really well in this au because "holy crap now I'm not the only one that can see ghost in this town.
the ghost villains do move on at various points
so the characters themselves (the living)
Becky: a mostly normal human girl minus the fact she can see ghost, unlike Canon!Becky who does everything in her power to keep people from learning her identity Haunted!Becky is constantly trying to convince everyone that she's not crazy and can see ghost. she's also way more tired and way more done with everyone's bs, this mostly just results in her being more annoyed/tired/and sassy than her canon counterpart. found family with like two dozen ghost. (also a big fan of the goosebumps series).
Violet: she was the most willing to believe Becky and supported her about the ghost thing despite there still being some level of disbelief at first, due to the ghost making the town colder she ended up borrowing a jacket that belongs to Becky and has yet to return it.
Scoops: he was more skeptical of Becky's claims at first until being faced with visual evidence. The ghost like to tease him a lot because of this, especially Tobey who is basically a cat towards Scoops (as in pushing glasses off the table).
the three kinda have a thing helping the ghost and also trying to keep them from causing too much trouble.
TJ: brief mention of him, he thinks his sister is crazy about seeing ghost, everyone knows the town is haunted but seeing ghost? no way. (he does kind of believe her)
Rex: as mentioned before he can also see ghost and is a foster kid in the Botsford home.
The Dead
Steven/Two-Brains: the two have a more noticeable Jekyll and Hyde thing going on actually switching from one to the other, Steven is chaotic but chill and is basically dad, and Two-Brains is chaotic in general and likes scaring people cause ghost. Both halves have a good relationship with Becky. he died in 1886 and haunts an abandoned warehouse.
Tobey: Tobey is way nicer in this au, he's more like a cat. Tobey ran alcohol in the prohibition and died in 1934 and the age of 13, robots were not a thing until after his death but he still ended up really liking them so he haunts the scrapyard making robots from whatever he can find, unlike in canon they're small robots, often made from soup cans. he hasn't seen him mom since the 1930's, he misses her a lot. he's a poltergeist.
Victoria: still as boastful as ever she died in in 1956 and the age of 15 after setting her house on fire, biggest difference here is she's an arsonist with a lighter collection. she haunts the biggest toy store in town. Also really likes video games.
Eileen: Elieen died a year after Victoria at the age of 15, the two were friend in life and the afterlife, she haunts one of the other toy stores in town.
Maria: she was human before dying in this au, something to do with electricity causing her to be an electrical ghost in death, she is baby and haunts a third toy store.
Mr.Big and Leslie: Mr.Big is from the cold war era and Leslie died at some point in the 1980's. The two haunt an office floor together.
Invisibill and BLHG: Invisibill died in the 1920's and loves swing music, he haunts an apartment alone for awhile, BLHG died sometime between the 1970's and the 1980's, he ends up haunting a different apartment until Invisibill asks him if he wants to haunt a place together. everyone was surprised to find out they weren't already haunting a place together. Invisibill can be visible to anyone at anytime he chooses.
LRW: she's just a tired ghost haunting the copier shop she died in in the 1960's really.
Chuck: he died sometime in the 1990's, he either haunts and sandwich shop or his old house, I'm not sure yet.
The Butcher: he haunts a meat processing factory.
Granny May: she's just upset she died of old age.
(sorry these got a bit short still trying to figure everyone out, including those who are missing from the list)
HuggyFace: a circus monkey who just traveled around for years until befriending a young Becky who could see him, she seemed a bit old to see ghost, most kids stopped around the ages of 4, and she was 5, he stayed in case it was something bad, haunting the attic, turns out the kid could just see ghost in general, he continued to stay though because he liked it there.
Miss Power: she's a ghost that's about 1000 years old, the mansion she haunts being made from pieces of the home she originally haunted long ago, she's every powerful and scares the other ghost, she can't leave the property the mansion is on but is still a danger, the mansion is very off limits and the living and dead warn against going there.
Miscellaneous notes
most of the ghost really like post modern jukebox.
all the ghost have some ability similar to their cannon counterpart.
haunting a place together is basically ghost talk for "being together/dating" (this is part of why everyone was shocked Invisibill and BLHG weren't haunting a place together). the ghost see sharing clothes long term as the equivalent of this and end up thinking the Becky and Violet are a couple, they have to explain that that is not the case (some ghost continue to have their doubts)
this started as a ParaNorman au and became this, i really like this au.
this is more of a rule than anything but like, don't ship the ghost kids and the living kids in this au, the living are going to get older and that's just awkward and weird.
the ghost can eat if the food is left out as an offering, Becky finds out about this through Chuck who misses eating sandwiches, so she starts regularly leaving offerings.
ghost can be seen by anyone when they're covered in water
the ghost are very touch starved and Becky along with seeing ghost can touch them, so this is another reason everyone is attached to her in this au.
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my fav thing about the new voices is that Crow has a rocky relationship with BOTH Leo and Sora, of which are both voiced by Elieen.
It’s like no matter what dimension Crow lands in, Elieen Stevens will show up to torment him
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marumigamer · 7 years
That sounds... Really intricate! So where does Elieen fit in? And more about ZND! Is it like a Steven universe fusion or are they separate in one body? Ah all of this is super interesting!
Eileen is herself. I just separated the manga in that point. She will fight my dragon queen, Elementia, the one who trained Acnologia, and she will turn blind after that fight.ZND's fusion looks like a single person which hair is pink who turns black, has one eye green and one black (if I don't remember wrong, Natsu's eyes are dark green). They talk with their voices and think separately if necessary.Their father is so proud of them.
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Wild Child.
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djsadbean · 2 years
i was talking about this in the worg server the other day but i literally cant stop thinking about this teacher steven au (its super long ehehe):
so imagine an au where two brains becomes steven again and now he has to decide what to do with his new life, though very messed up from the few years of being the city’s most dangerous villain. he can’t go back to being a professor bc his position got filled in his absence so while waiting for another position to open up, he decides to take up a job teaching at the high school (becky’s high school!!)
so now he’s a 10th grade science teacher (biology but he does incorporate chemistry for fun) and he’s trying to do his best but obviously some staff and parents don’t trust him at all bc of his past. he has to prove to them and himself that he’s a good guy and can be trusted to be a beacon of good for the city again.
so like during parent teacher conferences, some parents give him a hard time but his students stand up for him and like him a lot (tho the villain kids still cause trouble of course). he does things like dedicate a lot of time for before school and after school tutoring, making sure to help his students actually understand things and not just do well for tests bc that’s useless irl, and doing a lot of extra things for them to make sure they have at least one person in their lives that cares about their well being (cough cough victoria)...
this also opens the door for him to be a mentor again for becky but now he can be a mentor to even more students! i also really like the idea that he has to accompany his homeroom class to the pep rallies and he literally has no idea whats going on like “what the heck is a touchdown... perhaps sit down and lets study.............” also steven on lunch duty is fun like his students will try to get him to sit with them and when he obviously cant, they go to him and talk to him about whatever (i used to do this with teachers i liked LOL).
and imagine the TERROR that steven is grocery shopping and maybe beckys friend group (including tobey, victoria, and elieen of course ^^) is shopping for a sleepover meal they wanna make like dinner and snacks. and they see him and they immediately approach him and start talking about what theyre doing on that quiet friday evening LOL theyre so excited to tell him about how what theyve learned in class is helping them in the kitchen. he gets super overwhelmed but is very proud of them xD
idk teacher steven is so special to me (ALSO HE DRESSES LIKE THE PRETTY STEVIE DRAWING I POSTED TODAY during picture day, parent teacher confrences, fancy field trips, etc. he’s so PRETTY WAAAHHHHHHH)
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Wg undertale au
Blu - frisk
Becky - chara
squeaky - flowey
chase - asriel
 Brent - sans
chuck - Papyrus  
Miss.power - undyne 
joe - gaster
Calvin - jerry
Amazing rope guy - alphys
the exposition guy or leslie - napstablook
apollo/janus - goner kid
Athena - muffet
Steven - asgore 
Carrie - toriel 
either, mr.big, lrw, Seymour Orlando smooth, or beau handsome - mettaton
Steve mcclean - woushu (I'm if I spelled that monster right but ye-)
Invisibill - temmies
Maria - monster kid
elieen, rex, scoops, violet, tobey, victoria as the six souls
Bob/ captain huggy face - annoying dog
idea formed with @chaoticerisstuff
Athena, joe, janus/Apollo - @drtwobrainsstuff
Chase -@ninjastormhawkkat
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