pawnshopsouls · 2 years
“Salem, hey Salem. I gotta tell you a secret. Well actually it’s not really a secret. Cos everybody knows. Except you, everybody knows except you.
Being stabbed, is really bad for you.”
The guardian-turned-Eliksni growled as he looked up at the pilot and pressed one of his hands to his wound.
"Really?" He asked flatly. "No kiddin', I had no idea. I'll have teh tell all my friends on the battlefield, 'hey everybody! Stop stabbin' each other, it's not good fer yeh!'"
He gave a chuff and shook his head. "Some wounds yeh can't avoid, fella. Gettin' stabbed when yer gettin' mobbed is one a' them."
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noxsylvania · 2 years
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Salem "Mothman" Graves is one of four protagonists of Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia. Beloved local radio show host of Adderdeen's own Nightwatch, a morning show dedicated to documenting and informing the public on the supernatural phenomena often found in Adderdeen, but the true purpose of it being to dissuade average citizens from seeking out such dangerous things. Outside of his job at the radio station, Salem is also a mortician, monster hunter, and part time cryptid. Ten years ago, Salem wasn't actually known as the Mothman, but after a truly bizarre and still unexplainable death of the forest spirit Astrogagoth, this is the form Salem finds himself in. Being half human and half spirit, Salem has an ability to take human form, something most spirits are incapable of. He uses his power as a spirit to defend humans and magical beings alike from the malevolent monsters that would wish them harm. However before he is a guardian of humans, beasts, and spirits, he is the guardian of his little sister Rian.
Lazarus Volaan, the ONLY video game OC that made her way onto this poll! Lazarus is known as Young Wolf, Slayer of Oryx, Hero of the the Red War, you get the picture. More importantly, she's the leader of Fireteam Ophiuchus, a group consisted of guardians, eliksni, and mortals alike to create a pretty mismatched group dedicated to fighting back against the enemies of humanity. Prior to her death, Lazarus was a corsair in the Dreaming City who left with many other awoken to aid humanity after the Collapse. She managed to befriend a couple members of the House of Devils against all odds, but was eventually cut down by House of Kings. Lazarus may not be the same person she was in life, but she's managed to reconnect with some of those old friends. Always by her side is her trusty Ghost, Howl, who might be a little anxious about how quickly his Guardian picked up wielding Darkness, but with growing distrust for the Traveler, would rather but his faith in her than a god who would abandon them.
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theseverence · 2 years
As much as he hates anything and anyone House Judgement and he’s glad the House doesn’t exist anymore, keeping in touch with Variks sometimes paid off. And maybe it will, now, too.
He hates Europa but he figured that meeting under Varik’s eye is better than somewhere else. Wrapped up in a blanket and his thick coat, Pirriks waits for Yventriz to show up, he and his guard stuffed in a small, adjacent room. She got the message, that he’s sure of, but he can’t tell if he’s early or if she’s late.
Ephrik sits with Variks, far more curious about old tales than sitting with her father and listening to him complaining about the cold, and she’s the one to welcome Yventriz when she finally shows up. Seeing Salem makes her nervous and she hopes he doesn’t bring up them knowing each other, but she bows slightly to the Eliksni in charge anyway.
“Thank you, for coming.My father is waiting.” She gestures to the other room, from which a grumpy ‘Finally!’ can be heard.
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unlikelyandco · 2 years
@pawnshopsouls asked:
A message came in from a new coms line, one that hadn't been used before as a familiar voice quavered over the line. The new light from the Eliksni encampment.
"Hey, this is uh, Salem 217 contactin' Vanguard guardian Nemo--jeez I hope this is the right line. Ah, some stuff has happened and I-I was wonderin' if that invitation teh the city was still open."
Salem's voice quivered as he tried to swallow his nerves. "Anyways, uh, call me back on this line. I'll be waitin' fer yer response."
With that, he ended the message and hoped the awoken guardian was still as open to him as she was when they first met.
“Hey --- Salem!” Nemo comes though almost immediately after his transmission ends, though the signal is slightly choppy. Cosmic interference isn’t doing it any favors.
“Of -- course, it is --. What’s --- on? -- you want -- meet up?” The concern is clear in her voice despite the poor connection. Something really must have happened for the Warlock to finally think about the invitation, and she was hoping it wasn’t anything bad. Too bad, at least.
“I’m in --- Dreaming City, but I can ---- over. --- tell me a place.”
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mantleoflight · 1 year
//Sooo I got to talking to @flowers-of-io about Salem as a Skifflight and his connection to Rikkis, his adopted eliksni brother, who died during season of Plunder, was revived as a Scorn as a personal/psychological warfare on Salem during Season of the Seraph, and later entombed on Europa
//They asked if he was brought back as an Eliksni Exo and I said I didn’t know since by the time he died, the DeepStone Crypt was already destroyed.
//But considering all of what Praksis got out of Braytech, it could have been a move by Eramis to try and swing Salem to their side or at least get him out of the way
//either way, I’m considering making Rikkis a side character and/or possibly an Exo eliksni but we’ll see!
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breakneckpeixe · 2 years
A folded parcel waits for Peixe with the postmaster, wrapped in white paper with blue twine; a tin of cookies with it. Inside the parcel was a broad, green scarf with gold trim and raddled at its ends. Sewn onto its front were looping Eliksni letters in gold fabric, the phrase “Dawning friend” glinting on its surface.
With it was a letter, though it’s handwriting was far less neat than the gift. “Happy Dawning Peixe! I didn’t know where to find ya so I put it where I thought you’d find it. I hope it keeps you warm—Happy Dawning! —Salem217
Peixe makes a sound on a frequency normally only accesable to shriekers.
"Oh, look!" she exclaims, wrapping it around her neck. "Chips, look! Oh it's so soft and warm! OH It's even in House Light font!"
She's not quite vibrating with happiness, but she's close.
"It looks good on you." Chips says. "Even your colors."
Peixe opens the tin of cookies, offering him one.
"You go ahead." Her ghost says.
Peixe smiles, munching on one.
"What should I get Salem?"
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sundanceofapache · 2 years
Stoat hummed as he looked along the spines of Baribus' collection of books. The man liked books and Stoat enjoyed that his hunter had good, less violent hobbies. However, the perusal of his risen's library halted when he detected a spike in paracausal activity... in the Eliksni Quarter. Dread hit him like a cartoon anvil.
Mathafew was over there. He didn't know why but he knew the boy had been pestering Salem and later his father to accompany them on adventures and missions. Had he lost his temper with someone? Had someone decided that like, the warlock, Salem, to finally put him in his place?
"Baribus?" he called, trying not to sound urgent.
"What is it Stoat?" the hunter called, leaning out of his doorway on a chair with a violin and some clear polish on his knee.
"It's Mathafew," Stoat replied, losing a bit of his nerve. "Something's happened and… from what I can detect, he's somewhere down in the Eliksni Quarter."
Baribus' gave an almost pained look, the look of a father wondering if his son is ever going to spend five minutes and not be in trouble. "Alright," the man said, setting his violin and polish on the desk as he stood up from his seat. "Alright. Let me get this put away and we'll go fetch him."
It wasn't long before Baribus was out again, his hood up, weapons holstered, and a tired sign on his lips. At Stoat's beckoning, the hunter made his way through the city and down to the Eliksni quarter. With a few glances around, the dark-haired guardian frowned and looked over at his ghost.
"I don't see him anywhere," Baribus reported, looking around. "Are you sure he's here."
"Oh, he's here," Stoat assured him. "He's definitely here."
In the Eliksni quarter of the city, in The Spider's throne room to be exact, a dim ghost shell had lit back up. The glowing eye of it was scarlet and at the light blinked into existence the shell began rotating as it looked around.
Mathafew blinked himself awake and realized that he was hanging upside down. He looked around the room at the hanging rugs and carpets, the drapes and dim lights. There was no sign of the fog-creature. Then again there was no sign of anyone, the room and dais were empty. That gave him some time to at least try to figure out what was going on, at least. He turned to try to figure out why, exactly, he was suspended from the ceiling and saw the clusters of empty ghost shells.
Really though it was what he wasn't seeing that began sending the half-awoken into a panic. It was a lack of body. No torso, no arms or legs, no clothes no nothing! He couldn't feel anything either! No racing heart or harsh breathing as panic flooded into him. There wasn't anything!
"Help!" His voice came out with an electronic buzz and that reminder brought back the conversation, the threat, from the fog-creature. "No! Help!" Moving around was making him swing pendulously on the end of the string until it snapped and sent him sailing across the large room. Mathafew's metal baseball-sized body crashed onto the dirt floor. He bounced and the room spun wildly again, he hit the ground a second time and now the room was a swirl as he rolled out onto the street.
By the time he came to a stop again Mathafew was certain that if he could be nauseous, he would be. The world just kept on spinning even though he was certain he was done moving.
"Dad?" He called, first quietly and then louder, "Dad?! Stoat?!" He strained to feel something with the metal body but there wasn't real sensation there, just the vague impression of a hard surface. He tried reaching with his mind but couldn't tell if his abilities were gone - back with his body perhaps - or if it was his panic keeping him from making contact. The small spherical ghost shivered.
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aurea-fide · 2 years
Salem was on edge, distracted with his new fate and station. So when Jorvek spoke, he did what came naturally.
“No, I tell yeh I’m fine. I—“ the vandal turned and stopped short, eyes wide as saucers. “Jorvekkel!” His head was bowed in an instant and he would have taken a knee if there had been enough space. Instead he raised his free hand in humble supplication.
“Fergive me, my kel, I didn’t recognize you. I have been trying to avoid being conspicuous and… failing. Forgive my rudeness. I did not mean to offend.” —Vandal!Salem
There were many eliksni who knew who he was before and who he was now. But not many new of his house, of the life he made for his people. So the respect title made him pause and stare for a moment.
It wasn't the tone of respect. It was, the notice.
He frowns a moment behind his mask trying to place the voice and the sound of the others voice. "Whats your, name?" He rasps memory not great nor was it working well for him right now.
But something was bugging him about this eliksni. He obviously knew them. Or, rather, they obviously met.
Part of Onyx?
Had to be. They were the only ones who knew he was a Kell after all.
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birdly-vagabond · 5 years
You have a lot of characters! What are their pronouns so I get them right? You used both They and He for Valentine and wanted to make sure I don't misgender your characters
((I suppose so! I’m gonna make an updated Masterlist and profile for all of them, haha. For now here’s a quick rundown of my characters and what they use!
Avian-4: Male, he/him. Exo Warlock. Bisexual
Salem-13: Male, he/him. Exo Hunter. Pansexual
Valentine-7: Non-Binary, He/They. Exo(former hunter) Bisexual
Jesper-9: Male, he/him. Exo Titan. ???/Asexual
Dakis: Male, he/him. Eliksni. ???/??? ))
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pawnshopsouls · 1 year
//Found an old Destiny thread with Eliksni!Salem and now I’m thinking about him being on a ship that’s overrun and just defending the younger dregs *viciously*
//He’d fight until he couldn’t and then try to make a deal to keep the youngsters alive
//Hhhh goodness knows how that’ll turn out!
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pawnshopsouls · 2 years
//been thinking about the Infinite Forest and how the Vex might try to find/make new ways of analyzing and simulating Light and other Paracausal forces
//One of these ways is actually capturing a light user and putting them through tests that are less like the obstacle courses they put you through on Nessus and more like putting the mind through alt!realities to see how your light would respond.
//With this line of thought, they could theoretically put the mind of the lightbearer through the tests while studying their Light & Body's reaction and behavior. (Something like the Matrix except the lightbearer lives multiple lives until that timeline/test ends)
//So the question is—what would happen if that did happen to a Lightbearer? And what if that lightbearer got out? What would things be like for them being like Failsafe and living so many lives in the time it took to rescue them?
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pawnshopsouls · 1 year
//Read a thing on Eramis and aaaaa ;x;
//it makes me think about Salem during the previous seasons, and how his Eliksni foster brother, Rikis, was likely killed during Season of Plunder, the body of this self-sacrificing idiot being lost in the fray.
//Then during Season if the Seraph, he resurfaced as a scorn lieutenant specifically to mess up Salem who spends half the fight yelling, crying out to Rikis, who doesn’t remember or recognize him. And then the other half, trying desperately to find another way to deal with him before finally killing him.
//his deaths don’t last long, as Scorn are Dark Ether… death doesn’t come easy… and he continues to return until Salem is joined by Bonely for a final match, in which he defeats Rikks and is guided through a Clerci cleansing ceremony by Bonely. With Bonely’s help, Rikis’ body was cleansed and Salem was able to put him to rest.
//Aughhhhhh Salem would be so raw after SotS, I think seeing the Traveler come to fight might be one of his only comforts: that the traveler came.
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pawnshopsouls · 2 years
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A voice crackles over open comms as the warlock opens a broadcast to all his fellows in the city.
“My fellow Guardians,” Salem began, his eyes gazing over the City. “Today, we have been given a mighty blow. Not only by the loss of our warsats and our Warmind, but by something we never thought would happen in our lifetimes. The Traveler leaving. We’ve been told by the Speakers of old about the Traveler’s nature, that it comes, it helps, it leaves. But nobody expected it to choose it’s time today…”
He paused and lifted his head to the sky.
“Guardians, I need yeh teh do somethin’… two things, actually, fer me ‘n’ everyone around. There’s a lot of us who… aren’t doin’ too well with the Traveler’s choice. Who’ve lost courage seein’ it leave our City… I need yeh teh check in on those yeh know ‘n’ make sure they’re okay. Next… I want yeh teh pick out the songs that give yeh courage, give yeh comfort, that give yeh what yeh need in times like these, and broadcast ‘em. Let them be heard throughout the airwaves for anyone who might be listening. Let the air ring with our courage, our comfort, and our resolve teh fight for our right teh live.
“To our Eliksni ‘n’ Cabal brothers ‘n’ sisters in arms, give ear to songs ‘n’ sing the songs a’ bravery of yer people. Let them all be heard ‘n’ know we will not surrender, we will not give up, ‘n’ that even through this night, we will stand with each other. We are not alone in this and we will not let each other be alone in it either.”
As he finished, Salem turned, gave a nod to his ghost, and began to sing to the first song of courage.
((Feel free to reblog with your muse’s songs of comfort and encouragement!))
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pawnshopsouls · 1 year
What is each of the muses favorite hobby?
Salem's favorite hobby is actually music! He sings as he works, whether he's caring for graves and tombs at home in his boneorchard or doing patrols, bounties, and working with the Eliksni Shatter-star crew. His music reflects the sound of his soul and the tone of his emotions. He hums when he's idle, he sings when he's grieving, he even does monastic song-prayers when in places of spiritual awe or reverence. I's something he does and carries with him always!
Bonely's favorite hobby is actually is actually a mystery because he has so many. He likes reading, cooking, baseball, comic books, but I think his favorite hobby might actually simply be reading. He likes to read all kinds of stuff - things he can learn from, things that entertain, things he just finds interesting! He's not the usual academic book worm, no. He's a guy who makes time to take a pitstop and read between jobs.
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pawnshopsouls · 1 year
//Catch me remembering Salem’s dark age verse where he woke up in the same situation as the Skifflight verse and what all he got up to as an Old Light—fighting war lords, guarding and maintaining a mountain pass, dealing with certain houses of Eliksni during the wars, the treaties and attempts at peace he would make.
//guy was doing insane healing stuffs with his wells and how precisely he can control them.
//Gosh I’d love to see what he might do meeting other old lights in the dark ages like Saint, Saladin, Zavala, and Shaxx.
//I’ve also been thinking of him and how he would try to interpret light, especially that if the Traveler’s shard near the EDZ.
//he’d try to find a way to communicate through the light. “Traveler’s Braille” or “Traveler’s Morse” he’d call it and experiment in trying to communicate in either “braille” or Morse to the Traveler.
//because honestly, he’d want to communicate so much. He’d want to know the Traveler, know if it had a plan if it had guidance or if it was just there to watch, if all it could do was watch. He’d want to know and probably come to see the Speaker just to see if he’s on the right track. Idk but oh boy, it’d be an interesting plot hook to explore!
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mantleoflight · 1 year
is there a muse that you wish gets more attention? , 9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters? , 14. which muse has the most aus or verses? , 17. do your muses get along with each other?
1. Darius. Darius Lieur. Do you know how much story is packed into this guy? I only found out about Xivu Arath, Osiris, and his history with the Wrathborn during Season of the Seraph. But in exploring the lore tabs and stuff on it to get a better idea of what the heck the Wrathborn were and how to implement them storywise, I got into the idea of Darius (my originally SW character) being part of that whole shebang. Mix that with the idea of "forced evolution" from reading Hive Stuff to get to know Xivu Arath, and some "Wish Dragon Scorn "Good Wish Gone Very Wrong" shenanigans that ties him with Baribus, you've got A TINDER BOX of amazing adventures just WAITING to be explored!!!
9. Tbh each one of my characters is a facet of me that I wanted to explore that then just grew up into their own characters. Salem-217 and Echo-17 are legitimately my reactions to the game put into guardian shape. Darius is the enthusiastic action hero who tries to be cool like his original SW!verse ( @mando-of-esverr ) but tends to get too caught up in what's going on to manage it. Kesivik came from the idea of "What if an Eliksni befriended a ghost and how would that improve their technology?" and Yyventriz was honestly and legitimately 100% the embodiment of my thoughts and reaction to Eramis in Beyond Light.
Ravah and Ember tho actually came from a Beta.Character.AI story about a ghost accidentally raising a hive instead of the human they were aiming for and have been made into neat DnDestiny characters bc of it. XP
14. I think that's tie between Echo, Darius, and Yyventriz actually. I need to write out everyone's verses to make sure tho. ><;;
17. SOME OF THEM DO! Not Yyventriz tho. The only one of my muses Yyventriz gets along with is Kesivik. Salem gets along sort of with Echo and Darius (though they ae more acquaintances to him than anything ). Echo's very clam-shelly recently so she's been really detached, and Darius is just here for a good time. I mean, yeah he's still struggling in making friends and connections in a world of Familiar Strangers (he came from a bad-end!timeline so he's trying not to weird anyone out), but out of all my muses, he's probably the one to get along with everyone the best. Ravah's a little too young to know but he's a good enough guy for a hive.
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