#elinor payne
fearsodyssey · 3 months
Alastair is pan (TRUST THE PROCESS: he realizes he doesn’t have a preference after Gavin and him get together)
Gavin has the LONGEST eyelashes you have ever seen. You feel gusts of wind whenever he blinks. He has floated away on multiple occasions.
Isobel is Demi (REASONINGG:developed a crush on both Alastair and Reid after spending time/getting to know them better.)
Gender-fluid Hendry (no thought process behind this your just going to have to trust me 🙏🙏)
Finley’s the type of guy to ask “would you still love me if I was a worm?” And get mad at your answer
Carbry would collect literally anything. He just had shelves lined with little trinkets.
Briony is the second tallest of all the champions (“but finley-“ NO.)
UNO is banned in the Blair household.
Gavin and Alastair adopted a cat that Gavin named Alice so whenever he called the cat or Alastair the both looked up (the cat has its own designated seat at the dinner table)
When Elinor was younger she wanted to be a witch so she practiced her fortune telling skills on Carbry and he couldn’t sleep for DAYS.
I fully believe Briony could beat (OR AT LEAST COME EXTREMELY CLOSE TO BEATING) Gavin in arm wrestling.
After the tournament Reid has and EXTREME amount of piercings (trust me)
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cheffe-cool · 5 months
I would’ve LOVED to see Elinor with The Hammer. That would’ve been so cool.
She would be smashing heads I know it.
It would have been cool to see everyone with their family relics, but she and the hammer most of all.
She so cool
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natromanxoff · 2 years
Queen + Adam Lambert live at the First Direct Arena in Leeds, UK - January 20, 2015
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• The band performs to a crowd of 13,000 in Leeds.
“[…] On Tuesday evening, Lambert performed with gusto and, whilst alluding to Mercury and his influence (Lambert claiming during the performance that without Mercury 'I wouldn't know what I was f**king doing'), did not impersonate the late singer. Rather, he evoked all the characteristics which made Mercury a legendary showman: involving the audience, revelling in the attention and drawing focus to his fellow band members during their solo moments. Yet he still retained his own unique and highly professional manner throughout.
It is evident, 25 years after Mercury's death, that May and Taylor still miss Mercury's presence both as their friend and lead singer, with many tributes paid to him throughout the show. May performed a solo rendition of 'Love of My Life' and encouraged the crowd to participate, as Mercury often did, before the song ended with one of Mercury's performances projected on stage. Taylor later sang a touching rendition of 'These Are the Days of Our Lives' whilst images of the band, excluding the now retired John Deacon, flashed up on screens around the stage.
In many respects, this is what makes Queen great: their ability to perform both crowd pleasing anthems and heartfelt tributes to love and loss. Lambert, who may have outdone Mercury on the effeminacy scale with his performance of 'Killer Queen', also demonstrated his ability to perform in a more sombre yet still appealing fashion whilst singing 'Save Me' and 'Who Wants to Live Forever?'.
Mercury is irreplaceable but Lambert has the voice and the style to ensure his legacy lives on. May and Taylor remain at the top of their game and appeared to be greatly enjoying themselves and, more importantly, so were the audience. Ultimately, it was a flawless performance which sensitively paid tribute to Mercury's legacy. It showed how May and Taylor are still outstanding musicians, truly justifying Lambert's assessment of his two older band mates as 'rock icons'.”
- Elinor Cosgrave, Contactmusic
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By Elliot Mitchell and Danny Payne.
“[…] I Want It All, Radio GaGa, Crazy Little Thing Called Love all fit Lambert's vocals like a glove and as the crowd embraces him his charisma shines through.
But it is when Mercury makes two singing appearances on film singing Love of My Life and a Bohemian Rhapsody duet with the newbie that he completely steals the show from beyond the grave.
It almost unfairly leaves Lambert to cope with the consequences but he cleverly addresses the problem proclaiming “I love him just as much as you guys”.
Inevitably the show concludes with We Are The Champions and Lambert wears a crown – symbolically not quite as big as the one Mercury used to wear – but still a crown.
If The Show Must Go On then this killer Queen will certainly rock you.”
- Paul Jeeves, Express
“There was a point in the first half hour of last night’s two-hour show where I realised my face was hurting. It was then I realised that I’d been grinning non-stop since Brian May started thrashing out the opening chords of “One Vision”. […]”
“[…] Right at the end of the show, Brian May turned the spotlight on Adam, asking “What do you think of the new member?” At least a full minute of rapturous applause rained down. It was great to see, yet again, a stage full of world-class musicians with nothing but respect for one another, selflessly pushing each other forward to take a bow. Sheer class.”
- Mark Gilroy
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By Mark Gilroy.
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By Diana Kat.
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esther-dot · 3 years
Over the last few days I have seen a couple posts about GRRM and his partiality/LOVE for the Sansa snow castle scene. From the figurine having the place of honor in his collection, including it in both volumes of the Art of ASOIAF, etc. It's obvious that he has a strong attachment to this scene & he seems very particular in the way it is represented. I wonder what makes it so significant for him. I know he likes Sansa but I don't have the impression she is his favorite character. Any thoughts?
It’s pretty commonly accepted that Martin’s favorites are Arya and Tyrion. So, yes, what is his deal with Sansa and the snow castle scene?
First, a series of quotes:
"I had a dream that Joffrey would be the one to take the white hart," she said. It had been more of a wish, actually, but it sounded better to call it a dream. Everyone knew that dreams were prophetic. (AGOT, Sansa III)
Yet she knew that beyond them was open country, farms and fields and forests, and beyond that, north and north and north again, stood Winterfell. (AGOT, Sansa VI)
"They tell me you visit the godswood every day. What do you pray for, Sansa?" I pray for Robb's victory and Joffrey's death . . . and for home. For Winterfell. "I pray for an end to the fighting." (ACOK, Sansa III)
They are children, Sansa thought. They are silly little girls, even Elinor. They've never seen a battle, they've never seen a man die, they know nothing. Their dreams were full of songs and stories, the way hers had been before Joffrey cut her father's head off. Sansa pitied them. Sansa envied them. (ASOS, Sansa II)
That was such a sweet dream, Sansa thought drowsily. She had been back in Winterfell, running through the godswood with her Lady. Her father had been there, and her brothers, all of them warm and safe. If only dreaming could make it so . . .(ASOS, Sansa IV)
She had dreamt that she was little, still sharing a bedchamber with her sister Arya. But it was her maid she heard tossing in sleep, not her sister, and this was not Winterfell, but the Eyrie. And I am Alayne Stone, a bastard girl. The room was cold and black, though she was warm beneath the blankets. Dawn had not yet come. Sometimes she dreamed of Ser Ilyn Payne and woke with her heart thumping, but this dream had not been like that. Home. It was a dream of home. The Eyrie was no home. (ASOS, Sansa VII)
A pure world, Sansa thought. I do not belong here. Yet she stepped out all the same. Her boots tore ankle-deep holes into the smooth white surface of the snow, yet made no sound. Sansa drifted past frosted shrubs and thin dark trees, and wondered if she were still dreaming. Drifting snowflakes brushed her face as light as lover's kisses, and melted on her cheeks. At the center of the garden, beside the statue of the weeping woman that lay broken and half-buried on the ground, she turned her face up to the sky and closed her eyes. She could feel the snow on her lashes, taste it on her lips. It was the taste of Winterfell. The taste of innocence. The taste of dreams. (ASOS, Sansa VII)
I didn’t include all the dream/Winterfell quotes, just enough to convey that, from the beginning of the story, Martin has only been taking things away from Sansa, in order to eventually return them to her. She looks at other girls and wishes for their naivete, the innocence that she lost in AGOT, has kept losing ever since, and then, in the snow castle scene, she is given “the taste of innocence” again. She has longed for home ever since it was lost to her, and in this scene, she tastes it: “the taste of dreams” --> “a dream of home.”
Regardless of his personal favorites, Martin has written Sansa as the key to the North (ASOS, Tyrion III), and perhaps her story is that instead of being used to hold the North, she will reclaim it. Although it is very subtle, one might say that the implication of Sansa rebuilding Winterfell in this chapter is…she will be the one to restore House Stark. One might even argue that instead of punishing Sansa, Martin has been opening Sansa’s eyes to reality so that she comes to the realization that dreaming can’t “make it so,” but she can.
Personally, I think Martin loves Sansa, I think he loved her from the beginning when he said this little girl will be given a direwolf and she will groom it, train it, charm it, name it Lady. I think he loved her when he broke her heart, loved her when she was beaten, loved her when she was kind and good in spite of it all.
I think Martin would love the world Sansa believes in at the beginning of the story, and the point was never that she was wrong to believe in it, but that the world is much uglier and wrong and cruel than we know when we are young. He is very clearly disillusioning her as an in-world parallel to disillusioning us, but the story isn’t over, and he loves this scene because it is about giving back what was taken.
He wrote the scene to feel like a dream so it’s a beautiful read, and as a Sansa fan, it’s wonderful to see her in a moment that is so childlike, but I think it’s probably personally meaningful to him because of everything it promises for the future.
The snow castle scene says it is time for dreams to be realized, for the songs are not lies, only, prettier, nicer versions of the truth. I think he’s saying to Sansa (and us), you belong in a pure world, but that world isn’t the world just yet, you have to create it.
Here's the link if anyone missed that post anon mentioned, and one last quote about dreams:
"The wolves will come again," said Jojen solemnly. 
"And how would you be knowing, boy?"
"I dreamed it." 
(ASOS, Bran II)
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markcampbells · 4 years
Horror Movie Tag
Cait / @malionnes tagged me:
Rules: Your favourite characters are stuck in a horror movie! Put 7 characters (from books, movies, tv, whatever) into this randomizer and fill in the blanks to find out which archetype they represent!
the jock: Sara Lance (Caity Lotz, Legends of Tomorrow)
the nerd: Malcolm Bright (Tom Payne, Prodigal Son)
the stoner: Larry Trainor (Matt Bomer, Doom Patrol)
the airhead: Alec Hardy (David Tennant, Broadchurch)
the nice one: Haley James Scott (Bethany Joy Lenz, One Tree Hill)
the killer: Bernard Lowe (Jeffrey Wright, Westworld)
the last one standing: Elinor Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility)
Some of these matches are better than others but I’m laughing because if the last one standing couldn’t be Malcolm or Sara, it probably would be Elinor. CALM AND RATIONAL SAVES THE DAY, BITCHES
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skylightbooks · 6 years
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Late last night we gathered all of the new books that we carry that contain lists of
and created a word cloud of all the names that occur in these books. Here it is in long form:
A'isha bint abi Bakr Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer Abigail Adams Ada Blackjack Ada Lovelace (appears 4 times) Adina De Zavala Aditi Aelfthryth Aethelflaed Agatha Christie Agnodice (appears 3 times) Agontime and the Dahomey Amazons Aine Aisholpan Nurgaiv Ala Alek Wek Alexandra Kollontai Alexis Smith Alfhild (appears 2 times) Alfonsina Strada Alia Muhammad Baker Alice Ball (appears 3 times) Alice Clement Alice Guy-Blache Alice Paul Alicia Alonso Alma Woodsey Thomas Althea Gibson Amal Clooney Amalia Eriksson Amanda Stenberg Amaterasu Amba/Sikhandi Ameenah Gurib-Fakim Amelia Earhart (appears 4 times) Amna Al Haddad Amy Poehler (appears 2 times) Amy Winehouse Ana Lezama de Urinza Ana Nzinga Anais Nin Andamana Andree Peel Angela Davis (appears 3 times) Angela Merkel (appears 2 times) Angela Morley Angela Zhang Angelina Jolie Anita Garibaldi (appears 3 times) Anita Roddick Ann Hamilton Ann Makosinski Anna Atkins Anna May Wong Anna Nicole Smith Anna of Saxony Anna Olga Albertina Brown Anna Politkovskaya Anna Wintour Anna-Marie McLemore Anne Bonny Anne Hutchinson Anne Lister Annette Kellerman (appears 3 times) Annie "Londonderry" Cohen Kopchovsky Annie Edson Taylor Annie Edson Taylor Annie Jump Cannon (appears 3 times) Annie Oakley (appears 2 times) Annie Smith Peck Aphra Behn Aphrodite Arawelo Aretha Franklin Artemis Artemisia Gentileschi (appears 4 times) Artemisis I of Caria Ashley Fiolek Astrid Lindgren Athena Aud the Deep-Minded Audre Lorde Audrey Hepburn Augusta Savage Aung San Suu Kyi (appears 2 times) Azucena Villaflor Babe Zaharias Barbara Bloom Barbara Hillary Barbara Walters Bast Bastardilla Beatrice Ayettey Beatrice Potter Webb Beatrice Vio Beatrix Potter Beatrix Potter Belle Boyd Belva Lockwood Benten Bessie Coleman (appears 2 times) Bessie Stringfield Bettie Page Betty Davis Betty Friedan Beyonce (appears 3 times) Billie Holiday Billie Jean King (appears 3 times) Birute Mary Galdikis Black Mambas Blakissa Chaibou Bonnie Parker Boudicca (appears 3 times) Brenda Chapman Brenda Milner Bridget Riley Brie Larson Brigid of Kildare Brigit Britney Spears Bronte Sisters Buffalo Calf Road Woman (appears 2 times) Buffy Sainte-Marie Calafia Caraboo Carly Rae Jepsen Carmen Amaya Carmen Miranda Carol Burnett Caroline of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel Carrie Bradshaw Carrie Fisher (appears 2 times) Caterina Sforza Catherine Radziwill Catherine the Great (appears 3 times) Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Celia Cruz Chalchiuhtlicue Chang-o Charlotte E Ray Charlotte of Belgium Charlotte of Prussia Cher Cheryl Bridges Chien-Shiung Wu Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (appears 3 times) Chiyome Mochizuki Cholita Climbers Chrissy Teigen Christina   Christina of Sweden Christine de Pizan Christine Jorgensen (appears 2 times) Clara Rockmore Clara Schumann Clara Ward Claudia Ruggerini Clelia Duel Mosher Clemantine Wamariya Clementine Delait Cleopatra (appears 3 times) Coccinelle Coco Chanel (appears 2 times) Constance Markievicz Cora Coralina Coretta Scott King Corrie Ten Boom Courtney Love Coy Mathis Creiddylad Daenerys Targaryen Dahlia Adler Daisy Kadibill Dame Katerina Te Heikoko Mataira Delia Akeley Demeter Dhat al-Himma Dhonielle Clayton Diana Nyad Diana Ross Diana Vreeland (appears 2 times) Dixie Chicks Dolly Parton (appears 2 times) Dolores Huerta Dominique Dawes Dona Ana Lezama de Urinza and Dona Eustaquia de Sonza Dorothy Arzner Dorothy Dandridge Dorothy Thompson Dorothy Vaughan Dr. Eugenie Clark Dr. Jane Goodall (appears 3 times) Durga Edie Sedgwick Edith Garrud Edith Head Edith Wharton Edmonia Lewis Eleanor of Aquitaine Eleanor Roosevelt (appears 3 times) Elena Cornaro Piscopia Elena Piscopia Elinor Smith Elisabeth Bathory Elisabeth of Austria Elizabeth Bisland Elizabeth Blackwell Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Hart Elizabeth I (appears 3 times) Elizabeth Murray Elizabeth Peyton Elizabeth Taylor Elizabeth Warren Elizabeth Zimmermann Elizsabeth Vigee-Lebrun Ella Baker Ella Fitzgerald Ella Hattan Elle Fanning Ellen Degeneres Elsa Schiaparelli Elvira de la Fuente Chaudoir Emily Warren Roebling Emma "Grandma" Gatewood Emma Goldman (appears 2 times) Emma Watson (appears 2 times) Emmeline Pankhurst (appears 3 times) Emmy Noether (appears 3 times) Empress Myeongseong Empress Theodora (appears 2 times) Empress Wu Zetian (appears 2 times) Empress Xi Ling Shi Enheduanna Eniac Programmers Eos Erin Bowman Estanatlehi Ethel Payne Eufrosina Cruz Eustaquia de Souza Eva Peron (appears 3 times) Fadumo Dayib Faith Bandler Fannie Farmer (appears 2 times) Fanny Blankers-Koen Fanny Bullock Workman Fanny Cochrane Smith Fanny Mendelssohn Fatima al-Fihri (appears 3 times) Fe Del Mundo Ferminia Sarras Fiona Banner Fiona Rae Florence Chadwick (appears 2 times) Florence Griffith-Joyner (appears 2 times) Florence Nightingale (appears 4 times) Frances E. W. Harper Frances Glessner Lee Frances Moore Lappe Franziska Freya Frida Kahlo (appears 7 times) Friederike Mandelbaum Funmilayo Ransome Kuti (appears 2 times) Gabriela Brimmer Gabriela Mistral Gae Aulenti Gaia George Sand Georgia "Tiny" Broadwick Georgia O'Keefe (appears 3 times) Gertrude Bell Gerty Cori Gilda Radner Girogina Reid Giusi Nicolini Gladys Bentley Gloria Steinem (appears 3 times) Gloria von Thurn Grace "Granuaile" O'Malley Grace Hopper Grace Jones Grace O'Malley (appears 3 times) Gracia Mendes Nasi Gracie Fields Grimke Sisters Guerrilla Girls Gurinder Chadha Gwen Ifill Gwendolyn Brooks (appears 2 times) Gypsy Rose Lee Hannah Arendt Harriet Beecher Stowe Harriet Tubman (appears 6 times) Hathor Hatshepsut (appears 7 times) Hazel Scott Hecate Hedy Lamarr (appears 5 times) Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Hel Helen Gibson Helen Gurley Brown (appears 2 times) Helen Keller (appears 2 times) Hildegard von Bingen Hillary Rodham Clinton (appears 2 times) Hina Hortense Mancini Hortensia Hsi Wang Mu Huma Abedin Hung Liu Hypatia (appears 4 times) Iara Ida B. Wells (appears 3 times) Ida Lewis Imogen Cunningham Irena Sendler (appears 3 times) Irena Sendlerowa Irene Joliot-Curie Isabel Allende Isabella of France Isabella Stewart Gardner Isadora Duncan (appears 2 times) Isis Iva Toguri D'Aquino Ixchel J.K. Rowling (appears 3 times) Jackie Mitchell Jacqueline and Eileen Nearne Jacquotte Delahaye Jane Austen (appears 2 times) Jane Dieulafoy Jane Mecom Jang-geum Janis Joplin Jayaben Desai Jean Batten Jean Macnamara Jeanne Baret (appears 3 times) Jeanne De Belleville Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Steinkamp Jenny Lewis Jesselyn Radack Jessica Spotswood Jessica Watson Jezebel Jill Tarter Jind Kaur Jingu Joan Bamford Fletcher Joan Beauchamp Procter Joan Jett (appears 2 times) Joan Mitchell Joan of Arc (appears 3 times) Jodie Foster Johanna July Johanna Nordblad Josefina "Joey" Guerrero Josephina van Gorkum Josephine Baker (appears 7 times) Jovita Idar (appears 2 times) Juana Azurduy Judit Polgar Judy Blume Julia Child (appears 2 times) Julia de Burgos Julie "La Maupin" d'Abigny (appears 3 times) Julie Dash Juliette Gordon Low Junko Tabei (appears 4 times) Justa Grata Honoria Ka'ahumanu Kali Kalpana Chawla Karen Carson Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera Kat Von D Kate Bornstein Kate Sheppard Kate Warne Katherine Hepburn Katherine Johnson (appears 2 times) Kathrine Switzer Katia Krafft (appears 2 times) Katie Sandwina Kay Thompson Keiko Fukuda Keumalahayati Kharboucha Khawlah bint al-Azwar Khayzuran Khoudia Diop Khutulun (appears 5 times) Kim Kardashian King Christina of Sweden Kosem Sultan Kristen Stewart Kristin Wig Kuan Yin Kumander Liwayway Kurmanjan Dtaka Lady Godiva Lady Margaret Cavendish Laka Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi (appears 5 times) Lana Del Rey Las Mariposas Laskarina Bouboulina (appears 2 times) Laura Redden Searing Lauren Potter Laverne Cox (appears 2 times) Lee Miller Lella Lombardi Lena Dunham Leo Salonga Leymah Gbowee (appears 2 times) Libby Riddles Lieu Hanh Lil Kim Lili'uokalani Lilian Bland (appears 3 times) Lilith Lillian Boyer Lillian Leitzel Lillian Ngoyi Lillian Riggs Lindsay Lohan Liv Arensen and Ann Bancroft Lorde Lorena Ochoa Lorna Simpson Lorraine Hansberry Lotfia El Nadi Louisa Atkinson Louise Mack Lowri Morgan Lozen (appears 3 times) Lucille Ball Lucrezia Lucy Hicks Anderson Lucy Parsons Luisa Moreno Luo Dengping Lyda Conley Lynda Benglis Ma'at Mackenzi Lee Madam C.J. Walker (appears 3 times) Madame Saqui Madia Comaneci Madonna (appears 3 times) Madres de Plaza de Mayo Mae C. Jemison Mae Emmeline Wirth Mae Jemison (appears 3 times) Mae West Mahalia Jackson Mai Bhago Malala Yousafzai (appears 7 times) Malinche (appears 2 times) Mamie Phipps Clark Manal al-Sharif Marcelite Harris Margaret Margaret "Molly" Tobin Brown Margaret Bourke-White Margaret Cho Margaret Hamilton (appears 2 times) Margaret Hardenbroeck Philipse Margaret Sanger Margaret Thatcher (appears 2 times) Margery Kempe Margherita Hack Marguerite de la Rocque Maria Callas Maria Mitchell Maria Montessori (appears 2 times) Maria Reiche Maria Sibylla Merian Maria Tallchief Maria Vieira da Silva Mariah Carey Marian Anderson Marie Antoinette Marie Chauvet Marie Curie (appears 5 times) Marie Duval Marie Mancini Marie Marvingt Marie Tharp Marieke Nijkamp Marina Abramovic Mariya Oktyabrskaya (appears 2 times) Marjana Marlene Sanders Marta Marta Vieira da Silva Martha Gelhorn Martha Graham Mary Anning (appears 5 times) Mary Blair Mary Bowser (appears 3 times) Mary Edwards Walker (appears 2 times) Mary Eliza Mahoney Mary Fields (appears 2 times) Mary Heilmann Mary Jackson (appears 2 times) Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen Mary Kingsley Mary Kom Mary Lacy Mary Lillian Ellison Mary Pickford Mary Quant Mary Seacole (appears 3 times) Mary Shelley Mary Wollstonecraft (appears 2 times) Maryam Mirzakhani Mata Hari (appears 3 times) Matilda of Canossa Matilda of Tuscany Matilde Montoya Maud Stevens Wagner Maya Angelou (appears 4 times) Maya Gabeira Maya Lin (appears 2 times) Mazu Meg Medina Megan Shepherd Melba Liston Mercedes de Acosta Merritt Moore Meryl Streep Micaela Bastidas Michaela Deprince Michelle Fierro Michelle Obama (appears 3 times) Mildred Burke Miley Cyrus Millo Castro Zaldarriaga Mina Hubbard Minnie Spotted Wolf Mirabal Sisters (appear 2 times) Miriam Makeba (appears 3 times) Missy Elliot Misty Copeland Mochizuki Chiyome Moll Cutpurse Molly Kelly Molly Williams Moremi Ajasoro Murasaki Shikibu (appears 3 times) Nadia Murad Nadine Gordimer Nakano Takeko Nana Asma'u (appears 2 times) Nancy Rubins Nancy Wake (appears 2 times) Naomi Campbell Naziq al-Abid Neerja Bhanot Nefertiti Nell Gwyn Nellie Bly (appears 8 times) Nettie Stevens (appears 2 times) Nichelle Nichols Nicki Minaj Nicole Richie Nina Simone (appears 2 times) Njinga of Angola Njinga of Ndongo Noor Inayat Khan (appears 3 times) Nora Ephron (appears 3 times) Norma Shearer North West Nuwa Nwanyeruwa (appears 2 times) Nyai Loro Kidul Nzinga Nzinga Mbande Octavia E Butler Odetta Olga of Kiev (appears 2 times) Olivia Benson Olympe de Gouges Oprah Winfrey (appears 5 times) Osh-Tisch Oshun Oya Pancho Barnes Paris Hilton Parvati Patti Smith (appears 2 times) Pauline Bonaparte Pauline Leon Peggy Guggenheim (appears 2 times) Pele Petra "Pedro" Herrera Phillis Wheatley Phoolan Devi Phyllis Diller Phyllis Wheatley Pia Fries Pingyang Policarpa "La Pola" Salavarrieta Policarpa Salavarrieta (appears 2 times) Poly Styrene Poorna Malavath Pope Joan Portia De Rossi and Ellen Degeneres Princess Caraboo Princess Diana Princess Sophia Duleep Singh Psyche Pura Belpre Qiu Jin (appears 3 times) Queen Arawelo Queen Bessie Coleman Queen Lili'uokalani (appears 2 times) Queen Nanny of the Maroons (appears 4 times) Quintreman Sisters Rachel Carson (appears 4 times) Rachel Maddow Raden Ajeng Kartini Ran Rani Chennamma Rani Lakshmibai Rani of Jhansi Raven Wilkinson Rebecca Lee Crumpler Rhiannon Rigoberta Menchu Tum Rihanna Rita Levi Montalcini (appears 2 times) Robina Muqimyar Roni Horn Rosa Luxemburg Rosa Parks (appears 4 times) Rosalind Franklin Rosaly Lopes Rose Fortune Rowan Blanchard Roxolana Ruby Nell Bridges (appears 3 times) Rukmini Devi Arundale Rupaul Ruth Bader Ginsburg (appears 3 times) Ruth Harkness Ruth Westheimer Rywka Lipszyc Sadako Sasaki Sally Ride Samantha Christoforetti Sappho (appears 3 times) Sara Farizan Sara Seager Sarah Breedlove Sarah Charlesworth Sarah Winnemucca Saraswati Sarinya Srisakul Sarojini Naidu Sarvenaz Tash Sayyida al-Hurra (appears 2 times) Sekhmet Selda Bagcan Selena Seondeok of Silla (appears 2 times) Serafina Battaglia Serena Williams (appears 4 times) Shajar al-Durr Shamsia Hassani Sharon Ellis Sheryl Crow Sheryl Sandberg Shirely Chisolm (appears 2 times) Shirley Muldowney Shonda Rhimes (appears 2 times) Simone Biles (appears 2 times) Simone de Beauvoir Simone Veil Sister Corita Kent Sita Sky Brown Sofia Ionescu Sofia Perovskaya Sofka Dolgorouky Sojourner Truth (appears 5 times) Solange Sonia Sotomayor (appears 2 times) Sonita Alizadeh (appears 2 times) Sophia Dorothea Sophia Loren Sophie Blanchard Sophie Scholl (appears 3 times) Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (appears 2 times) Sorghaghtani Beki Spider Woman Stacey Lee Stagecoach Mary Fields (appears 2 times) Steffi Graf Stephanie Kwolek Stephanie von Hohenlohe Stevie Nicks Subh Susa La Flesche Picotte Susan B. Anthony Susan La Flesche Picotte Sybil Ludington (appears 3 times) Sybilla Masters Sylvia Earle (appears 3 times) Tallulah Bankhead Tamara de Lempicka Tara Tarabai Shinde Tatterhood Taylor Swift Te Puea Herangi (appears 2 times) Temple Grandin (appears 3 times) Teresita Fernandez Mirabal Sisters Muses Night Witches Shaggs Stateless Thea Foss Therese Clerc Tin Hinan Tina Fey (appears 2 times) TLC Tomoe Gozen (appears 2 times) Tomyris (appears 2 times) Tonya Harding Tove Jansson (appears 2 times) Troop 6000 Trung Sisters Trung Trac and Trung Nhi (appear 2 times together) Tyche Tyler Moore Tyra Banks Ulayya bint al-Mahdi Umm Kulthum Ursula K. LeGuin Ursula Nordstrom Valentina Tereshkova (appears 5 times) Valerie Thomas Vanessa Beecroft Venus Williams (appears 2 times) Victoria Beckham Vija Celmins Viola Davis Viola Desmond Violeta Parra Virginia Apgar Virginia Hall Virginia Woolf (appears 3 times) Vita Sackville-West Vivian Maier Wallada bint al-Mustakfi (appears 2 times) Wang Zhenyi (appears 2 times) Wangari Maathai (appears 3 times) Washington State Suffragists Whina Cooper Willow Smith Wilma Mankiller Wilma Rudolph (appears 3 times) Winona Ryder Wislawa Szymborska Wu Mei Wu Zetian (appears 3 times) Xian Zhang Xochiquetzal Xtabay Yaa Asantewaa (appears 3 times) Yael Yani Tseng Yayoi Kusama Yemoja Yennenga Yeonmi Park Ynes Mexia Yoko Ono Yoshiko Kawashima Yuri Kochiyama Yusra Mardini Zabel Yesayan Zaha Hadid (appears 2 times) Zenobia Zoe Kravitz Zora Neale Hurston (appears 2 times)
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ao3feed-sansaery · 7 years
The Stark's Take On Hogwarts
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2t6v87k
by Katherine_VL
Exploring the different journeys of the Stark children at Hogwarts.
Words: 4129, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Arya Stark, Olenna Tyrell, Talisa Maegyr, Oberyn Martell, Gendry Waters, Grey Worm, Asha Greyjoy, Theon Greyjoy, Tyrion Lannister, Renly Baratheon, Missandei (ASoIaF), Shireen Baratheon, Jojen Reed, Myrcella Baratheon, Jeyne Poole, Meera Reed, Petyr Baelish, Joffrey Baratheon, Viserys III Targaryen, Ramsay Bolton, Margaery Tyrell, Doreah (ASoIaF), Daenerys Targaryen, Robin Arryn, Elinor Tyrell, Jorah Mormont, Podrick Payne, Samwell Tarly, Ygritte (ASoIaF), Tommen Baratheon, Gilly (ASoIaF), Hot Pie (ASoIaF), Loras Tyrell, Trystane Martell, Lancel Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Melisandre of Asshai, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth
Relationships: Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Talisa Maegyr/Robb Stark, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2t6v87k
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motorcollective · 7 years
Listening to this mix while preparing it for release, a story formed in my mind’s eye of a young clubber embarking on a seemingly innocent night out of dancing that takes a strange turn and ends up in odd places. The beat gets murky, surrounded by a thick fog of woozy ambience as the protagonist descends below the dance floor and into some faraway dream. Like a modern, metropolitan take on Alice in Wonderland where the club becomes the rabbit hole.
The beat gradually gets further obscured as dreamy synths creep in and distorted, haunting voices utter incomprehensible phrases and the listener falls backward, deep into an uneasy sonic escapade through electronic marshes and synthetic forests.
Lack (Philip Maier of Maine) is a MOTOR alum having played one of our early parties. His sound has been described as “gritty cathedral expansive new age” and "growth electronics", while it is his techno abstractions that have lent their sound to the MOTOR cadre. With releases on Morphine, Grovl Tapes, Tone Log, Hot Releases, and Angoisse, Lack has future productions in the works for 2MR as well as MOTOR.
MOTOR is excited to welcome Lack back into the fold not only with an upcoming tape but also on the bill for our NYC debut, Wednesday 2/08 at Bossa Nova Civic Club. 
Discalce - Toujours Dub Deepchord - Departure Maggi Payne - Lunar Dusk Lxv - Lk Breaking Secret Boyfriend - Sunny Breeze Annea Lockwood - World Rhythms Lack - Undoing Gaze Voices From The Lake - Dreamscape Generation Paul Demarinis - Forest Bodies Ken Friedman - Melon Medley Swissair - Baggage Claim Elinor Armer - Thaw Choronzon - Current Pril Smiley - Kolyosa Simon Scott - Modena
Download Link: https://soundcloud.com/motor-collective/mtrmx027 Mix Length: 1:19:33
Podcast RSS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/motor-mix-series-motor/id955329106
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ao3feed-gendrya · 7 years
The Stark's Take On Hogwarts
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2tJV06T
by Katherine_VL
Exploring the different journeys of the Stark children at Hogwarts.
Words: 4129, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Arya Stark, Olenna Tyrell, Talisa Maegyr, Oberyn Martell, Gendry Waters, Grey Worm, Asha Greyjoy, Theon Greyjoy, Tyrion Lannister, Renly Baratheon, Missandei (ASoIaF), Shireen Baratheon, Jojen Reed, Myrcella Baratheon, Jeyne Poole, Meera Reed, Petyr Baelish, Joffrey Baratheon, Viserys III Targaryen, Ramsay Bolton, Margaery Tyrell, Doreah (ASoIaF), Daenerys Targaryen, Robin Arryn, Elinor Tyrell, Jorah Mormont, Podrick Payne, Samwell Tarly, Ygritte (ASoIaF), Tommen Baratheon, Gilly (ASoIaF), Hot Pie (ASoIaF), Loras Tyrell, Trystane Martell, Lancel Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Melisandre of Asshai, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth
Relationships: Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Talisa Maegyr/Robb Stark, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2tJV06T
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cheffe-cool · 8 months
Recently the All of us Villains books have consumed my life and I just NEED to talk about it because no one I know has read it.
Spoilers for All of our Demise but
Finley???? He’s so sad??? Carbrey, Elinor, Briony, his close allies ALL DIED.
I was just rereading the first book for the millionth time and came across
“This was not the first time Finley had watched one of his allies die.”
Briony talking about how Finley knelt next to Elinors body, and it hurts so bad knowing she’s next eventually. Personally if I was Finley, I’d never get over any of that DAMN.
I was also recently reading the confrontation with his moms and I just feel so hard for this kid.
Imagine going to your parents in a time of need and they’re like “we didn’t raise you like this! We raised you to murder other teenagers! Shame!” Lowkey funny tho
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Pixel smartphone upgrade highlights Google push into hardware
SAN FRANCISCO, US: Google last week unveiled new versions of its Pixel smartphone, the highlight of a refreshed line aimed at weaving artificial intelligence deeper into modern lives. Click best online smartphone store in california for more info
Google software and artificial intelligence were common threads in the gamut of new devices it unveiled to step up its challenge on the hardware front to rivals such as Apple and Amazon
The new Pixel 2 and larger Pixel 2 XL are the first Google-made phones to be released since the California tech giant announced the acquisition of key segments of Taiwan-based electronics group HTC.
The upgraded smartphones will be available for order as of Wednesday in six countries starting at $649 for five-inch display Pixel 2, and $849 for the six-inch Pixel 2 XL.
The new aluminium-body smartphones along with Google's upgraded connected speakers and new laptop computer all aim to infuse artificial intelligence to make the devices more user-friendly, built around the Google Assistant - the rival to Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana and others.
Google vice president Rick Osterloh said Google's new devices "are simple to use and they anticipate your needs."
Osterloh told the product launch event in San Francisco: "You interact with your devices naturally with your voice or by touching them."
New Google earbuds offer real-time translation feature
SAN FRANCISCO, US: Google on Wednesday introduced new Pixel earbuds that the company says are capable of real-time translation of conversations in different languages...
3 days ago
Google, by bringing in a team of engineers from HTC, aims to emulate the success of Apple iPhones by controlling the hardware as well as the software used in the premium-priced handsets.
The revamped camera in the smartphone retains a single lens but seeks to improve images via "computational photography," an artificial intelligence tool that can enhance pictures.
Analyst Ian Fogg of IHS Markit said in a tweet that the new smartphone "adds incremental improvements on the great v1" while noting that "Google's challenge is to solve production limits which hurt the original."
Fogg said the use of computation to improve images with a single lens "is technically impressive."
Google announced a slimmed down version of its connected speaker called Google Home Mini starting at $49 in the United States, stepping up its challenge to market leader Amazon.
The new Google Home Mini is available for pre-order in the seven countries where the device is offered and will go on sale in stores October 19, the company said.
#EntrepreneurMonth: Persistence propels businesses forward
Sabelo Sibanda and Thulisile Volwana are the founders of Millbug, an electronics manufacturing company, as well as Tuse, an Android app that tackles connectivity issues...
Ilse van den Berg 4 Oct 2017
The new speaker, which responds to voice commands using artificial intelligence, is less than half the price of Google's first generation speaker and makes this "more accessible to more people," said Google hardware designer Isabelle Olsson.
A premium version of the speaker - a $399 Google Home Max unveiled Wednesday - offers more power and audio quality for music aficionados.
The new Google Clips camera - one of the surprises of the event - "looks for smiles (and) moments, because the software is in the camera," said Google product manager Juston Payne.
"It's like having my own photographer shooting and choosing my best moments for me," Payne said of the $249 device.
Another surprise from the event was the wireless Pixel Buds, which can deliver audio from a smartphone and also include the Google Assistant and real-time translation.
A demonstration at the event included a two-way conversation with one person speaking English and the other Swedish.
"The camera and the earbuds were really held up as examples of what the company can do by leveraging the Google Assistant," said Ross Rubin of Reticle Research.
A new Pixelbook laptop was touted as a "high performance" computer powered by its Chrome operating system and designed as a rival to Microsoft's Surface and Apple's iPad Pro.
With a 12.3-inch display, the device is a convertible PC that can be used as a tablet and is sold starting at $999 for US customers.
Amazon beefs up Echo lineup and Alexa skills
SAN FRANCISCO, US: Amazon has unveiled upgrades to its Echo speakers and announced that Alexa smarts will be built into BMW and Mini automobiles by the middle of next year...
28 Sep 2017
Google chief executive Sundar Pichai said the new devices showcase the tech giant's artificial intelligence.
"We've been working hard continuing our shift from a mobile-first to an AI-first world," he said.
"We are working on software and hardware together because that is the best way to drive computing forward."
The launch comes in the wake of Apple's announcement of a new line of iPhones, and Amazon's upgrades to its Echo speakers powered by its Alexa digital assistant
"It is a portfolio designed to take Google into more parts of your life, particularly in your home," Reticle Research analyst Ross Rubin said of the array of devices the internet giant unveiled on Wednesday.
"Amazon is focusing on a range of price points and designs; Google is focusing on a range of experiences."
Source: AFP
Why Starbucks Shut Down Its Online Store
Starbucks has revolutionized food and beverage retailing in the last two years, convincing millions of customers to pay, and even pre-order, with their smartphones. Given Starbucks’ tremendous success, food companies should pay close attention to what the company just did: it just shut down its online store.
How can an online-focused business survive without a website? Starbucks wants its digital efforts to be focused on its mobile app, which will also convince customers to come into the stores instead of sitting at home and surfing the web. Starbucks Executive Chairman Howard Schultz has said that retailers need to become “experiential destinations,” to keep up with the Amazons of the world. That means you have to convince people to get off their butts. “Your product and services, for the most part, cannot be available online and cannot be available on Amazon,” he told investors in April. Instead, the company is urging shoppers to look for Starbucks products in its stores and in grocery aisles.
It’s a bold move, and one that has already caused a bit of a backlash. Starbucks sold flavored syrups online, and when the website went away so did those syrups -- including vanilla and pumpkin spice latte mixes that some customers craved.
Starbucks’ decision is yet another sign that the shift in retail to online buying is not proceeding in an obvious direction. Even as Amazon gobbles market share from traditional retailers, for instance, the company is also opening its own brick and mortar stores, and making a big bet on Whole Foods. Meanwhile, analysts say some companies like Nike may have shifted too quickly into digital sales -- by making its products so easily available online and elsewhere, Nike made them seem less special, they argue.
By forcing customers to actually walk into stores, Starbucks is making it harder for them to casually buy a pound of coffee from home. But in the long run, forcing people to make that extra effort could forge a deeper connection.
Big Picture: Starbucks closed its online store, a striking decision from the leader in online food and beverage retailing. online smartphone store in california
Cash is already pretty much dead in China as the country lives the future of mobile pay right now
Alipay is owned by Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial Services and has 520 million users, according to its international website.
The app is linked to online money market fund Yu'e bao, encouraging users to invest and spend with Alipay. Attractive interest rates of nearly 4 percent or more have turned it into the largest money market fund in the world, with 1.43 trillion yuan ($217 billion) as of the end of June, according to state media reports citing Yu'e bao's manager, Tianhong Asset Management.
"We expect China ePayments to quadruple to Rmb300tn, while eWealthmanagement AUM and eFinancing could triple to Rmb 6.7tn and Rmb 3.5tn by [2021]," Elinor Leung, head of Asia Telecom and Internet Research at CLSA, said in a September 5 report.
"High mobile internet and ecommerce penetration, and an underdeveloped traditional financial market will drive growth," Leung said.
Mobile pay is growing so rapidly in mainland China that as a foreigner I sometimes found it difficult to complete basic transactions without it.
When I tried to pay at a Beijing McDonald's on a late night, the only payment options were China's Union Pay credit card system, Apple Pay or WeChat Pay and Alipay. As an American visitor without a Chinese bank account, I wasn't able to find a way to use those systems and the store clerk wouldn't take my cash.
"Cash is accepted in all McDonald's restaurants across China. After our investigation, we believe this is an isolated case that happened during night shift change, and thus, all cash counters were temporarily closed," a McDonald's China Customer Care Center told me in an email.
Taxis were also nearly impossible to hail in Beijing due to the rise of Didi, a ride-hailing app that bought Uber's China operations in a deal worth $35 billion last summer. Again, Didi was linked through WeChat and I couldn't use it without a Chinese bank account.
When I finally did get a taxi, the driver gave me a fake 50 yuan bill in change. Several stores also claimed three of my 100 yuan bills from a New York money exchange were counterfeit. If I could participate in the cashless society, I would not have lost about $50.
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cheffe-cool · 1 month
Does anyone ever think about Elinors last day alive?
After the fight for the mirror, she would know by the sky that some champion had died, but only after meeting up with Finley would she find out it was Carbrey.
Their relationship is so interesting, (at least on Elinors part) because she knows he must die, but is protective of him in a way that is more than just allies, as being cousins she’d have known him since he was a baby. I wonder if she wanted it to be him and her in the end so that she could kill him herslef, and try to make it as painless as possible, or if she was hoping Finley would do it for her.
Regardless, she would no doubt be enraged upon finding out that not only was he dead but that it was BRIONY who had slain him.
Whom Elinor personally disliked, and who had CLAIMED she wanted all of the champions to live, only to go on to kill the 15 year old herself. No doubt Elinor would realize as well, that his death was largely her own fault, for lying to the boys to pit them on Bri.
In the second book, it is mentioned, while coming to pair the Hammer with the Monastery that a table had been flung into a wall. Finley was certainly angry too, as he believed Briony to have betrayed them, but he hardly seems the type to throw a table in anger. Elinor seems the obvious candidate.
So she returns to The Monastery, after learning the girl she hates has killed her young cousin, probably spends much of the night seething and unable to sleep. In the morning, Finley is led away by the compass rose. We don’t know if he told Elinor if he was leaving or not. If he DID Elinor would probably have demanded to come along to enact her revenge, but he makes her stay.
So she wait in the monastery probably checking on all the champions through the mirror- when she would at some point, likely see a band of three champions coming to kill her. Maybe she would check Finleys location only to see that he’s joined with Briony and has left her alone in the landmark. What can she do besides try to wait them out? Besides change the wards of course, as she knows Gavin can break the old ones.
So she waits, alone and angry in a huge empty monastery, until Isobel lights it up. She’s fumigated out (after a long time, the book notes) to where she will not an hour later- die one of the most brutal deaths in the series.
I don’t really have that much to say about the whole ordeal other than that every character in this duology is horribly sad. Like bro.
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