#elio esposito
hestiashand · 1 year
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*throws some oc doodles at you* TAKE THESE
[ ID: six drawings of original characters. in order is jobie an inuk woman, elio a mixed black-italian man, salome a warao teen, rico a taíno man, pablo a chinese-polish person, and lae a khmer woman. they are all full body doodles screenshotted off procreate. END ID. ]
[ ID: six drawings of original characters. first is jobie, an inuk woman with brown skin, freckles, a unibrow and various scars on her right leg. she wears a green jacket, a white tshirt with a mountain range on it, a jean skirt, green sandals and socks and caribou fur earrings. second is is elio, a light skin mixed black and italian man with grown out bleached cornrows and facial hair, moles and pointed ears. he wears an untucked striped blue button up with a gold chained crop top, beige pants and beige dress shoes. third is salome, a warao teen with vitiligo, braids and little lip hair. he wears a yellow tank top, white graphic tee, a blue vest, orange arm warmers, jean shorts, pink tights, yellow leg warmers and red shoes with eyes and teeth. she has a blue bear plush and a link plush chained to her pants, and a flamingo necklace. fourth is rico, a taíno man with brown skin, shoulder length hair and moles. he wears a red and grey striped shirt, a green flannel tied around his waist, jeans, and brown shoes. fifth is pablo, a chinese-polish person with pale skin, eye bags, freckles, a cataract and scar over their eye. they have blue, pink and purple hair in two buns. they wear a yellow and brown collared shirt, a purple dress, a turquoise sweater, gold necklaces, pink tights, multicoloured socks and white shoes. sixth is lae, a khmer woman with brown skin, moles and acne. her bangs cover her eyes and she wears a black long sleeve with red scorpions, red pants with chains, black boots with spikes, and silver necklaces. END ID. ]
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wabisebi · 27 days
Caro Mostro - Teaser Italiano from Lab 80 film on Vimeo.
Regia di Stefano P. Testa Italia, 2023, 16'
Nel 1965 Elio ha diciotto anni e frequenta un collegio rieducativo, lontano dalla famiglia e dagli amici. Durante l’esilio disciplinare riceve numerose lettere dalle persone a lui care, tra le cui righe si legge la storia di un giovane inquieto e sedizioso. Caro Mostro è un collage fatto di sovrapposizioni di parole, immagini, suoni e rumori che rievocano un lontano passato, riportato alla luce da un macabro ritrovamento.
Titolo originale: Caro Mostro Titolo internazionale: Dear Monster Regia: Stefano P. Testa Paese: Italia Durata: 16’ Formato: 2,39:1 Audio: 5.1 Con: Alice Guarente Gabriele Penner Romina Alfieri Stefano P. Spampatti Assistente alla regia: Giulia Esposito Filmati d’archivio: Cinescatti Produzione: Lab 80 film Prodotto da: Stefano P. Testa, Andrea Zanoli Autore del soggetto: Stefano P. Testa Fotografia: Stefano P. Testa Montaggio: Stefano P. Testa Mix del suono: Nicola Gualandris Supervisione al mix: Federico Laini
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Catania Summer Fest: la star internazionale Maluma sarà mercoledì a Villa Bellini e nuovi eventi nel weekend tra musica e teatro
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Catania Summer Fest: la star internazionale Maluma sarà mercoledì a Villa Bellini e nuovi eventi nel weekend tra musica e teatro. La star internazionale Maluma sarà protagonista sul palco di Villa Bellini mercoledì 5 luglio, alle ore 21.30, per la rassegna grandi eventi del cartellone Catania Summer Fest promosso dal Comune. Ad aprire il concerto, che durerà più di 3 ore tra musica ed effetti speciali, il Dj e Producer Angemi, il rapper Boro Boro e Emma Muscat. Oltre 18 milioni di copie vendute nel mondo tra singoli e album, vincitore di un Latin Grammy Award e nove nomination, Maluma ha recentemente ricevuto 8 nomination al Premio Lo Nuestro, a partire da “Pop – Male Artist Of The Year” e “Song Of The Year” per il brano “Cada Quien” con Grupo Firme. L’ultimo album “The Love & Sex Tape” è stato nominato nella categoria Best Album Urbano ai Grammy Awards. I biglietti sono ancora disponibili online su Ticketone e Ticketline e nei punti vendita del circuito Sicilia Ticket e al botteghino di Villa Bellini nel pomeriggio del 5 luglio. Lo spettacolo è inserito nel Wave Summer Music, il Festival itinerante organizzato da Giuseppe Rapisarda Management. Catania Summer Fest prosegue con nuovi appuntamenti anche nei siti storici di Castello Ursino e Palazzo della Cultura. Il maniero di piazza Federico di Svevia mercoledì 5 luglio, alle ore 21, ospiterà lo spettacolo “Federico II. Uno, Nessuno, Centomila”, un racconto per immagini dello stupor mundi di e con Valerio Varnesi, produzione Teatro Stabile di Catania. Il 6 a Palazzo della Cultura, alle ore 21, si esibirà l’Italian Brass Band, diretta da Salvatore Di Stefano, a cura del Conservatorio musicale Vincenzo Bellini. L’ingresso sarà libero. Il 7 sempre all’interno del cortile Platamone alle ore 21, “Il Sogno Di Una Cosa” - liberamente tratto da Pier Paolo Pasolini, con interpreti Elio Germano e Teho Teardo. Contestualmente al Castello Ursino alle ore 20 si terrà il Caffè letterario “La morte di Ivan IL’IC” a cura del Teatro Stabile. Leggerà Emanuela Trovato. Nel weekend protagonista la musica a Palazzo della Cultura con “Lunaria” che vedrà in scena Etta Scollo e il coro del Teatro Massimo Bellini, in programma sabato 8 alle ore 21, al Palazzo della Cultura. Domenica 9 la rassegna estiva del Comune ospita, sempre alle 21, Tony Esposito in Tribal Classic, a cura dell’associazione Greenaccord. Contemporaneamente al Castello Ursino, poco prima alle 20, concerto da camera a cura dell’associazione culturale “Musicale Coro Polifonico Sturm und Drang” e l’orchestra da camera L’Estro Armonico. Ingresso libero.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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andrea-lucchetta · 3 years
Ecco i nomi partecipanti la 3a edizione della Fiera del MiniQuadro con la partecipazione straordinaria del prof Vittorio Sgarbi: Bet Tommaso, Belli Anna Maria, Biagioli Nikla, Biljana Aleksic , Renzo Bolzonella , Daniela Borsoi , Boscaro Alda, Breiksa Ieva Sara, Broggi Anna Maria, Federica Calandra, Carta Vito, Barbara Crimella, Caselli Watson Paolo, Cerchiara Elio, Corcione Sandoval Raffaella, Lina De Demo, Diana Maurizio, Ketty Donà , Lia Esposito, Faccin Antonio, Fuson Andrea, Rosanna Gallina, Gasparini Memi ( Paolo Marcon ) Michela Grassi , Valentina Guadagnucci , Marcos Ferro Gutierrez , Luciani Maria Elena, Ludi Lorenzo, Laura Mandrini, Mannucci Maria Pia, Barbara Marchi, Silvana Marmai , Pino Martello, Francesca Minelli , Muccioli Tatiana, Valentina Negri, l Valentina Ohurtzova , Elisa Perri , Piovesan Giulio, Raiquen Arduini, Pogliani Elisabetta, Sabina Romanin, Sacchi Franca, Marino Salvador, Stefani Anna, Svyatoslav Ryabkyn, Giorgio Valente, Sabrina Zaia , Flavio Zoner
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desysimmer · 5 years
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Juliet’s bachelorette Challenge:
Meet the contestants ✿
Vanessa Esposito by @prismauke
Hugh Miranda by @lotusplum
Sam Jarrett by @thatonebrobo
Hunter Lowell by @pixelchalk
Elio Ander by @unholydevils
Lanah Kamaka by @thesimsters-stories
Lola Collins by @plumgee-bob
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italian-malmostoso · 4 years
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Così, tanto per fare il punto ed evitare qualsiasi fraintendimento   
   Disegni di legge                                                             
Atto Senato n. 3240          XVI Legislatura            
Ratifica ed esecuzione del Trattato che istituisce il Meccanismo europeo di stabilità (MES), con Allegati, fatto a Bruxelles il 2 febbraio 2012                  
         Titolo breve: Ratifica Trattato Meccanismo europeo di stabilità          
Seduta n. 764 del 12 luglio 2012 - Votazione elettronica
            Oggetto: Votazione finale            
L'Assemblea del Senato «vota normalmente per alzata di mano». È quanto detta l'articolo 113 (secondo comma) del Regolamento del Senato. Come specificato nel titolo, le votazioni elencate in questa pagina sono quelle avvenute mediante il dispositivo elettronico. Per tutte le informazioni sui sistemi di voto in vigore in Senato, vedi gli articoli del Regolamento dal 107 al 120 (Capo XIII)
<< Torna all'elenco delle votazioni
Presidente: Emma BONINO
Presenti: 229
In congedo o in missione: 13                
Numero legale: 154                
Maggioranza: 114
Votanti: 227                
Favorevoli: 191
Contrari: 21
Astenuti: 15
Esito: Approvato
Hanno votato a favore:
   ADAMO Marilena,    PD
   AGOSTINI Mauro,    PD
   ALBERTI CASELLATI Maria Elisabetta,    PdL
   ALICATA Bruno,    PdL
   AMATI Silvana,    PD
   AMORUSO Francesco Maria,    PdL
   ANDRIA Alfonso,    PD
   ANTEZZA Maria,    PD
   ARMATO Teresa,    PD
   ASTORE Giuseppe,    Misto
   AUGELLO Andrea,    PdL
   AZZOLLINI Antonio,    PdL
   BAIO Emanuela,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   BALBONI Alberto,    PdL
   BALDINI Massimo,    PdL
   BARBOLINI Giuliano,    PD
   BARELLI Paolo,    PdL
   BASSOLI Fiorenza,    PD
   BASTICO Mariangela,    PD
   BERTUZZI Maria Teresa,    PD
   BETTAMIO Giampaolo,    PdL
   BIANCO Enzo,    PD
   BIANCONI Laura,    PdL
   BIONDELLI Franca,    PD
   BLAZINA Tamara,    PD
   BODEGA Lorenzo,    Misto
   BONFRISCO Anna Cinzia,    PdL
   BOSCETTO Gabriele,    PdL
   BOSONE Daniele,    PD
   BRUNO Franco,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   BUBBICO Filippo,    PD
   BURGARETTA APARO Sebastiano,    PdL
   BUTTI Alessio,    PdL
   CABRAS Antonello,    PD
   CALIENDO Giacomo,    PdL
   CALIGIURI Battista,    PdL
   CARDIELLO Franco,    PdL
   CARLONI Anna Maria,    PD
   CASOLI Francesco,    PdL
   CASSON Felice,    PD
   CASTRO Maurizio,    PdL
   CECCANTI Stefano,    PD
   CERUTI Mauro,    PD
   CHIURAZZI Carlo,    PD
   COMPAGNA Luigi,    PdL
   CONTI Riccardo,    PdL
   CONTINI Barbara,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   COSENTINO Lionello,    PD
   D'ALI' Antonio,    PdL
   DE ANGELIS Candido,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   DE ECCHER Cristano,    PdL
   DE FEO Diana,    PdL
   DE LILLO Stefano,    PdL
   DE LUCA Cristina,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   DE LUCA Vincenzo,    PD
   DE SENA Luigi,    PD
   DEL VECCHIO Mauro,    PD
   DELLA SETA Roberto,    PD
   DI GIACOMO Ulisse,    PdL
   DI GIOVAN PAOLO Roberto,    PD
   DI STEFANO Fabrizio,    PdL
   DIGILIO Egidio,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   DINI Lamberto,    PdL
   DONAGGIO Cecilia,    PD
   D'UBALDO Lucio Alessio,    PD
   ESPOSITO Giuseppe,    PdL
   FASANO Enzo,    PdL
   FAZZONE Claudio,    PdL
   FERRANTE Francesco,    PD
   FOLLINI Marco,    PD
   FONTANA Cinzia Maria,    PD
   FRANCO Vittoria,    PD
   GALPERTI Guido,    PD
   GARAVAGLIA Mariapia,    PD
   GARRAFFA Costantino,    PD
   GASPARRI Maurizio,    PdL
   GENTILE Antonio,    PdL
   GERMONTANI Maria Ida,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   GHEDINI Rita,    PD
   GIARETTA Paolo,    PD
   GIORDANO Basilio,    PdL
   GRAMAZIO Domenico,    PdL
   ICHINO Pietro,    PD
   INCOSTANTE Maria Fortuna,    PD
   IZZO Cosimo,    PdL
   LADU Silvestro,    PdL
   LATORRE Nicola,    PD
   LATRONICO Cosimo,    PdL
   LAURO Raffaele,    PdL
   LEDDI Maria,    PD
   LEGNINI Giovanni,    PD
   LENNA Vanni,    PdL
   LICASTRO SCARDINO Simonetta,    PdL
   LIVI BACCI Massimo,    PD
   LUMIA Giuseppe,    PD
   MAGISTRELLI Marina,    PD
   MARCENARO Pietro,    PD
   MARCUCCI Andrea,    PD
   MARINARO Francesca Maria,    PD
   MARINO Mauro Maria,    PD
   MAZZARACCHIO Salvatore,    PdL
   MAZZUCONI Daniela,    PD
   MENARDI Giuseppe,    CN:GS-SI-PID-IB-FI
   MERCATALI Vidmer,    PD
   MICHELONI Claudio,    PD
   MILANA Riccardo,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   MILONE Giuseppe,    PdL
   MOLINARI Claudio,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   MONACO Francesco,    PD
   MONGIELLO Colomba,    PD
   MORANDO Enrico,    PD
   MORRI Fabrizio,    PD
   MUSI Adriano,    PD
   NEGRI Magda,    PD
   NEROZZI Paolo,    PD
   NESPOLI Vincenzo,    PdL
   NESSA Pasquale,    PdL
   ORSI Franco,    PdL
   PALMA Nitto Francesco,    PdL
   PALMIZIO Elio Massimo,    CN:GS-SI-PID-IB-FI
   PARAVIA Antonio,    PdL
   PASSONI Achille,    PD
   PASTORE Andrea,    PdL
   PEGORER Carlo,    PD
   PERDUCA Marco,    PD
   PERTOLDI Flavio,    PD
   PICCIONI Lorenzo,    PdL
   PICHETTO FRATIN Gilberto,    PdL
   PIGNEDOLI Leana,    PD
   PONTONE Francesco,    PdL
   PORETTI Donatella,    PD
   POSSA Guido,    PdL
   PROCACCI Giovanni,    PD
   RANDAZZO Nino,    PD
   RIZZOTTI Maria,    PdL
   ROILO Giorgio,    PD
   ROSSI Paolo,    PD
   RUSCONI Antonio,    PD
   RUSSO Giacinto,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   RUTELLI Francesco,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   SACCOMANNO Michele,    PdL
   SACCONI Maurizio,    PdL
   SAIA Maurizio,    CN:GS-SI-PID-IB-FI
   SALTAMARTINI Filippo,    PdL
   SANCIU Fedele,    PdL
   SANNA Francesco,    PD
   SANTINI Giacomo,    PdL
   SARO Giuseppe,    PdL
   SARRO Carlo,    PdL
   SCANU Gian Piero,    PD
   SERAFINI Anna Maria,    PD
   SERAFINI Giancarlo,    PdL
   SIBILIA Cosimo,    PdL
   SIRCANA Silvio Emilio,    PD
   SOLIANI Albertina,    PD
   SPEZIALI Vincenzo,    PdL
   STRADIOTTO Marco,    PD
   TANCREDI Paolo,    PdL
   TEDESCO Alberto,    Misto
   TOFANI Oreste,    PdL
   TOMASELLI Salvatore,    PD
   TONINI Giorgio,    PD
   TOTARO Achille,    PdL
   VALDITARA Giuseppe,    Per il Terzo Polo:ApI-FLI
   VALENTINO Giuseppe,    PdL
   VICECONTE Guido,    PdL
   VILLARI Riccardo,    CN:GS-SI-PID-IB-FI
   VIMERCATI Luigi,    PD
   VITALI Walter,    PD
   ZANDA Luigi,    PD
   ZANOLETTI Tomaso,    PdL
Hanno votato contro:
   ADERENTI Irene,    LNP
   BRICOLO Federico,    LNP
   CALDEROLI Roberto,    LNP
   CARUSO Antonino,    PdL
   CASTELLI Roberto,    LNP
   DAVICO Michelino,    LNP
   DIVINA Sergio,    LNP
   FRANCO Paolo,    LNP
   GARAVAGLIA Massimo,    LNP
   LANNUTTI Elio,    IdV
   LEONI Giuseppe,    LNP
   MAZZATORTA Sandro,    LNP
   MONTANI Enrico,    LNP
   MURA Roberto,    LNP
   PITTONI Mario,    LNP
   RIZZI Fabio,    LNP
   TORRI Giovanni,    LNP
   VACCARI Gianvittore,    LNP
   VALLARDI Gianpaolo,    LNP
   VALLI Armando,    LNP
Si sono astenuti:
   ALLEGRINI Laura,    PdL
   ASCIUTTI Franco,    PdL
   BORNACIN Giorgio,    PdL
   CAFORIO Giuseppe,    IdV
   CAMBER Giulio,    PdL
   CARLINO Giuliana,    IdV
   DE TONI Gianpiero,    IdV
   LI GOTTI Luigi,    IdV
   MALAN Lucio,    PdL
   MASCITELLI Alfonso,    IdV
   MESSINA Alfredo,    PdL
   PEDICA Stefano,    IdV
   PISTORIO Giovanni,    Misto
In congedo o in missione:
   BERSELLI Filippo,    PdL
   CHITI Vannino,    PD
   CIAMPI Carlo Azeglio,    Misto
   CIARRAPICO Giuseppe,    PdL
   DELL'UTRI Marcello,    PdL
   GAMBA Pierfrancesco Emilio Romano,    PdL
   MONTI Mario,    Misto
   MORRA Carmelo,    PdL
   MUGNAI Franco,    PdL
   OLIVA Vincenzo,    Misto
   PERA Marcello,    PdL
   SANGALLI Gian Carlo,    PD
   SCIASCIA Salvatore,    PdL
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jinxiaobao · 6 years
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The pain, the stoking, the thrill of someone new, the promise of so much bliss hovering a fingertip away, the fumbling around people I might misread and don't want to lose and must second-guess at every turn, the desperate cunning I bring to everyone I want and crave to be wanted by, the screens I put up as though between me and the world there were not just one but layers of rice-paper sliding doors, the urge to scramble and unscramble what was never really coded in the first place — all these started the summer Oliver came into our house.
Call Me by Your Name — Andre Aciman
this scene always brings tears to my eyes. the combination of joe esposito’s schmaltzy and sweet ballad “lady lady lady” and timothée’s subtle but masterful use of facial expressions—we watch elio flit between curiosity and consideration, recognition and longing, then resignation and sadness—in the span of just a few seconds...it ends me. 
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pastrufazio · 2 years
La china verso cui sta correndo un’umanità sfiancata da due anni di pandemia è tragica. Forse è l’ultimo scivolo verso il nulla. Sono al lavoro forze economiche finanziarie militari ideologiche, tutte legate alla potenza e al suo esercizio. Decenni di disinteresse e trascuratezza hanno allontanato l’uomo dalla riflessione sulla capacità distruttiva dei suoi arsenali atomici.
È arrivato il momento di porre all’ordine del giorno la lotta per evitare la possibile e probabile guerra nucleare. Possibilità e probabilità – concetti diversi anche se suonano simili – che se realizzate non lascerebbero scampo alla vita umana sul pianeta, più ancora dei cambiamenti climatici e della catastrofi che già naturalmente incombono sulla vita.
È venuto il momento di agire. Non possiamo più aspettare che altri decidano se a decidere sono quelli che vogliono la guerra atomica. Proponiamo uno strumento di collegamento tra realtà associative e comunità già attive, mettendo da parte differenze politiche, ideologiche e religiose.
Costruire una carta d’intenti su cui far convergere quante più persone possibili, partendo dalla rete e dai social e usandoli come strumenti di controinformazione e diffusione di notizie a contrasto dell’informazione ufficiale e governativa.
La guerra nucleare è la guerra definitiva, finale. Dopo c’è solo la morte che non si potrà neppure raccontare. Non verranno eretti mausolei, cimiteri, lapidi, non ci saranno più ricordi e l’uomo non ascolterà più l’altro uomo. Ci sarà solo il silenzio e l’inverno atomico. Non vogliamo questo, dobbiamo evitarlo a tutti i costi. La redazione di Sparagmós (Riccardo De Benedetti, Massimiliano Peroni, Dario Biagiotti, Paolo Ciccioli, Pietro Esposito, Corrado Mezzina, Elio Paoloni, Gianluca Rinaldi e Stefano Serafini) è un laboratorio di pensiero aperto alle più varie collaborazioni e ai più diversi indirizzi. Fermo nel rivendicare e nel praticare l'analisi e il giudizio sui temi che attraversano la società pandemica, e ora quella della guerra, senza barriere specialistiche, utilizzando le risorse della riflessione e della cultura umanistica nella quale si radica.
Humankind, exhausted by two years of a pandemic, is sliding down a tragic slope. This may be our last descent into nowhere. Ideological, military, economic, and financial forces linked to the exercise of power are at full steam. Decades of disinterest and neglect have driven human beings away from reflecting on the destructive capacity of our atomic arsenals.
The time has come to fight in order to avoid a possible and probable nuclear war. Possibilities and probabilities are different concepts, even if they sound similar. If realized, they would leave no escape for human life on the planet, even more than climate change and the disasters that already loom over life.
It is time to act. We can no longer wait for somebody else's choice because, otherwise, the decision of those who want atomic warfare will prevail.
We propose putting aside political, ideological, and religious differences and linking already active associations and communities. Let us build a charter that is shareable among as many people as possible. Let us start from the Internet and social networks as tools for counter-information and the dissemination of news to contrast official and government information.
Nuclear war is the ultimate war. After that, there is only death—a death that no one will even be able to tell. No mausoleums, no cemeteries, no tombstones will be built—there will be no more memories, and humans will no longer be able to listen to other humans. There will only be silence amid an atomic winter. We do not want this. We must avoid it at all costs.
The editorial staff of Sparagmós (Riccardo De Benedetti, Massimiliano Peroni, Dario Biagiotti, Paolo Ciccioli, Pietro Esposito, Corrado Mezzina, Elio Paoloni, Gianluca Rinaldi, and Stefano Serafini) is a thinking lab open to the most varied collaborations and ideas. It critically analyzes the issues of the pandemic and war society, refusing any specialist barrier and capitalizing on the humanistic culture where its members belong.
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timotheetea · 7 years
During a conversation about one of Call Me by Your Name’s music cues — Joe Esposito’s addictively cheesy ballad “Lady, Lady, Lady,” which plays as Elio watches Oliver dance with a girl friend — Chalamet went from smiling to choked up in the span of a few seconds. “God, even talking about it now brings tears to my eyes, and I don’t know why,” he said.
Timothée Chalamet to Vulture
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hestiashand · 2 years
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i love this trio sm your honour what
[ ID: a drawing of three individuals standing in front of a light pink background with polka dots. on the left is jobie kalvak, an inuk woman smiling widely and waving. she is missing her ring finger. her hair is long black and straight. she has lots of freckles and crooked teeth. she’s wearing green and red beaded earrings with an antler piece in the centre. she’s wearing a white turtleneck under a green button up sweater with people and two hearts with “dogs” and “family” inside them knitted into the sweater. she’s wearing baggy blue jeans and uggs. in the middle is elio esposito, a mixed black and italian man with golden hair in twists and brown beads on the end. his roots are growing in. he has a few moles, bleached facial hair and is smiling softly. he’s wearing a fuzzy coat over a bright pink shirt that has an opening on his stomach. he’s wearing black leather pants and dark pink shoes with eyes on them and brown socks with stars. his nails are painted brown with pink tips. on the right is barry arnakak, an inuk man with acne and moles on his left (drawings right) side of his face. he has short black hair and is smiling widely and is missing a tooth. he is wearing a baggy blue long sleeve polo and a bright red puffy vest with “barry” stitched on the chest. he’s wearing baggy light khakis and blue white and black running shoes. his hands are in his pockets. END ID. ]
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bogyfactory · 4 years
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I Bisca nascono a Napoli nel novembre 1980 per iniziativa di Giancarlo Coretti, con il nome BiSka assieme al sassofonista e cantante Sergio Maglietta, ad Elio Manzo alla chitarra, ad Amedeo Fogliano al basso, a Bruno Esposito alla batteria, forgiando sonorità tra tribalismo e musica elettronica di stampo no wave, mescolando jazz, funk ed improvvisazione libera[1]. Il nome "BiSka" durerà soltanto pochi mesi per passare poi definitivamente all'appellativo "Bisca". #bisca #biska #napoli #anni80 #vinyl #vinile #record #rarity #bogysrecordstore #bogys50s #99pose #almamegretta #caserta #rocknroll #ska #jazz #funk (presso Bogys Modernariart) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG69XvugCZU/?igshid=yr4fauyf9r0e
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andrea-lucchetta · 3 years
Ecco i nomi partecipanti la 3a edizione della Fiera del MiniQuadro con la partecipazione straordinaria del prof Vittorio Sgarbi: Bet Tommaso, Belli Anna Maria, Biagioli Nikla, Biljana Aleksic , Renzo Bolzonella , Daniela Borsoi , Boscaro Alda, Breiksa Ieva Sara, Broggi Anna Maria, Federica Calandra, Carta Vito, Barbara Crimella, Caselli Watson Paolo, Cerchiara Elio, Corcione Sandoval Raffaella, Lina De Demo, Diana Maurizio, Ketty Donà , Lia Esposito, Faccin Antonio, Fuson Andrea, Rosanna Gallina, Gasparini Memi ( Paolo Marcon ) Michela Grassi , Valentina Guadagnucci , Marcos Ferro Gutierrez , Luciani Maria Elena, Ludi Lorenzo, Laura Mandrini, Mannucci Maria Pia, Barbara Marchi, Silvana Marmai , Pino Martello, Francesca Minelli , Muccioli Tatiana, Valentina Negri, l Valentina Ohurtzova , Elisa Perri , Piovesan Giulio, Raiquen Arduini, Pogliani Elisabetta, Sabina Romanin, Sacchi Franca, Marino Salvador, Stefani Anna, Svyatoslav Ryabkyn, Giorgio Valente, Sabrina Zaia , Flavio Zoner
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whadupcat · 5 years
// Tanz Cie. Gervasi contemporary solo dance piece
+ performance
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pic by Rudolf Sagmeister
A dialogie between the company’s dance language and house, which sets free a wealth of social gestures.
ist durch eine kraftvolle Körpersprache gekennzeichnet - abrupte, dynamische Bewegungen “verkörpern” die unerfüllbare Sehnsucht, aus der eigenen Kontrolle ausbrechen zu können. Bei dem sich ständig wiederholendem Versuch die eigenen Grenzen zu überschreiten, gerät Cat Jimenez in physische Bereiche, die sich letztendlich immer wieder mit einer externen/internen Kontrolle konfrontieren. Maximaler Körpereinsatz bei antreibenden Rhythmen, vor dem Hintergrund einer in Form projizierter Körperschatten allgegenwärtigen Kontrollinstanz, spiegeln Zeit und Geist wieder.
artistic director + choreography: Elio Gervasi performance: Cat Jimenez stage: Vaster Esposito light: Markus Schwarz music: Albert Castello
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theaxtorres · 5 years
Oscars Top 9: Silver screen standouts
Will your choice for Academy Best Picture take home the coveted award this year?
The Academy’s votes are finally in! And while the whole world awaits the awards show this Monday, March 5, Philippine Standard Time, we rounded up this year’s Best Picture nominees and gave a few snapshots and cliffsnotes as to why these bad boys (and girls) deserve the coveted Academy Award nods.
Lady Bird
At first glance, Lady Bird might come off as just another coming-of-age film, but director Greta Gerwig challenges the average tropes, stirring away from the clichés, and splices the story with a humor drenched with the sensitivity of a hard-knock life. The story centers on spunky teenage girl, “Lady Bird” played by Saoirse Ronan, who consistently longs for a future beyond the comfort zone of her family, school, and hometown. Devoid of overly dramatic declarations of love and loss, the film captures the overall concept of being young and growing up. Most importantly, it highlights the relationship of mother and daughter—its repercussions and complexities. All the while, Lady Bird maintains its originality, consistently building on its subtle comedy and drama, and keeping the audience entertained, almost as if certain points of the story were taken from a page of their own diary.
Rating: 3.5 / 5
Get Out
Pushing the creative boundaries of the horror genre, comedian-turned-director Jordan Peele makes his directorial debut with his horror film Get Out and explores a more insidious form of racism that lurks behind even the most sincerest of intentions. Peele breaks this down even more as the audience follows Chris (Daniel Kaluuya), an African American, and his girlfriend Rose (Allison Williams) as she invites him over for a weekend getaway to meet her parents whose warm, fuzzy welcome masks a sinister secret. The film blends satire, comedy, and horror elements so well that it doesn’t lose its focus and keeps to the theme surprisingly well. What’s even more brilliant is how Peele challenges the usual horror tropes without going so far as to parodizing it like Scream or going to more extremes such as the Scary Movie franchise. Get Out may not be as loud as the other nominees, but it can certainly pull a come-from-behind win this year.
Rating: 3 / 5
The Post
In a time when journalism is facing grave threats, Steven Spielberg’s political thriller The Post is nothing but timely. The film focuses on the expose of the Pentagon Papers, documents proving America’s military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967, by The New York Times, followed by The Washington Post. The film squares off Katharine Graham, The Post’s publisher played by Meryl Streep, and Ben Bradlee, The Post’s editor in chief played by Tom Hanks, as they clash their contradictory views on what to make of the expose. With an incredible amount of talent from its ensemble cast alone and the weight of the story they bring, Spielberg’s thriller is paced well—all while maintaining the tension for most of the scenes, putting justice to the struggle journalists face. While The Post may not be a groundbreaking work on its own, the story this film delivers is more relevant than ever.
Rating: 3 / 5 
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri falls no short from delivering hard-hitting, not to mention pain-staking, honesty brought by small-town locals facing a tragedy and consequential bites of revenge. The movie revolves around the actions of protagonist, Mildred Hayes (Frances McDormand) after she sets up three billboards outside her hometown that call out the local authorities for failing to catch the culprit of her daughter’s rape and eventual murder. Under Martin McDonagh’s direction, all the characters’ stories come full circle, with each one contributing their own pains, wits, and strengths to the foundation of the movie. While resonating the familiar chaos between opposing strong personalities, the film consistently compels its audience to puzzle together its intricacies, and in the end, embeds itself as a movie that is hard to forget.
Rating: 4 / 5
Darkest Hour
Exploring the events that transpired at the onset of the Second World War in Western Europe, this war drama film from director Joe Wright presents a closer look at Winston Churchill, Britain’s then Prime Minister who refused to bow to German Nazis. Focused on Churchill’s struggle of whether or not to negotiate with former dictator Adolf Hitler as they advance towards the United Kingdom, the film takes the audience through the push and pull in making tough decisions. While there are considerable narrative flaws and complications throughout the film, Gary Oldman’s rousing and electrifying performance as he “disappears” into the role of the British Prime Minister alone is able to hold the film together and proves that it certainly deserves its Oscar nod.
Rating: 3 / 5
Phantom Thread 
Set in the glitz and glamour of London in the 1950s, Phantom Thread centers on a story of love that deceives its audience with its initial simplicity, but progresses into a choreography of a thrilling and intimate romance. As expected, Reynald Woodcock (Daniel Day-Lewis) delivers a hauntingly powerful performance as a renowned fashion designer lovestruck by waitress Alma Elson (Vicky Krieps). Director Paul Thomas Anderson stitches together pristine visuals and innocent personas, while managing to maintain the messiness of a stubborn romance. Phantom Thread secures its audience with an honest relationship, satisfying the hopeless romantics, but never trapping itself within a cliché.
Rating: 3 / 5
Give it to auteur director Christopher Nolan to take the historical account of the seemingly impossible task of evacuating 400,000 Allied Forces soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk, France during the early campaign of the Second World War and turn it into a riveting, heart-stopping war thriller. In true Nolan fashion, he masterfully weaves a non-linear narrative structure (three timelines moving at three different paces and moment in time) with such audacity and craftsmanship that as these timelines converge in the end, audiences cannot help but be swept away. Nolan creates such a visceral cinematic viewing experience for the audience, all while showcasing his technical prowess and attention to detail. And while Dunkirk may not be a frontrunner in the Best Picture race, Nolan’s tour de force performance as the film’s director may very well land him the recognition he deserves from the Academy.
Rating: 4 / 5
Call Me by Your Name 
Capturing the sensibilities of a coming-of-age film through the lens of queer cinema, Call Me by Your Name provides the audience with a breath of fresh air and a subtle hypnosis from the film’s concept of love and beauty. The film centers on the budding romance between 17-year-old Elio (Timothee Chalamet) and the American scholar working for his father, Oliver (Armie Hammer). Although director Luca Guadagnino follows a slow-paced direction and rests majorly on the dimension of a sultry, rebellious romance, the characters stand out as refreshingly endearing and the story deems itself memorable through its undramatic, but moving approach. No doubt, this movie will tug on the heartstrings of anyone longing for that touch of young love.
Rating: 3 / 5
The Shape of Water 
Guillermo Del Toro’s genius shines through in his ode to the magic of film in The Shape of Water. No stranger to disobedient fairytales, Del Toro produces the perfect mixture of star-crossed lovers and action-packed chases. As a romantic melodrama completely unlike any other, Elisa Esposito (Sally Hawkins) slowly builds an authentic romance with a sea-like creature and faces the perils of a love so unconventional. With each character’s story explicitly given attention, the movie’s coherence and formed camaraderies entrance the audience, almost reeling them into an immersion of the extraordinary events of the movie. What makes Shape of Water stand out from the rest is the utter creativity of each scene; every detail of production and costume design is built to finesse, the script strikes the minds of attentive listeners, and even the mere idea behind a sequence can render you speechless.
Rating: 5 / 5
This year’s Academy Award nominees for Best Picture have been some of the best and more interesting ones within the last three to five years. But with all things considered, this year’s most coveted award could ultimately go to Del Torro’s The Shape of Water. Considered by some critics as one of the frontrunners in the race, Del Torro’s fantasy drama outshines all other competitors with its captivating story executed with such passion and creativity. 
This article was originally published in the Benildean website and was written with EJ Lanuza.
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senzalinea-blog · 7 years
Manlio Santanelli in scena al Teatro Nuovo con: "Il Baciamano"
Manlio Santanelli in scena al Teatro Nuovo con: “Il Baciamano”
Da Venerdì 16 a Domenica 18 febbraio 2018, al Teatro Nuovo sarà possibile assistere allo spettacolo de: “Il baciamano” di Manlio Santanelli.
Le dinamiche feroci dell’incontro-scontro di due mondi in apparenza opposti sullo sfondo della fallimentare rivoluzione napoletana del 1799, costituiscono il fil rouge dello spettacolo, che vede l’attore partenopeo Giovanni Espositoalla sua prima regia.…
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5heclai · 7 years
My 2018 Golden Globes Predictions
{I removed categories that included movies or shows that I haven’t seen yet}
Best Motion Picture
Call Me by Your Name
The Post
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
- Granted I’ve only seen Dunkirk and Three Billboards, I really think Dunkirk has this one in the bag; as well as Christopher Nolan for directing. 
Musical or Comedy
The Disaster Artist
Get Out
The Greatest Showman
I, Tonya
Lady Bird
- Lady Bird is my second choice, and I feel it has a higher chance of winning, although I really want Get Out to win.  
Best Performance in a Motion Picture – Drama
Timothée Chalamet – Call Me by Your Name as Elio Perlman
Daniel Day-Lewis – Phantom Thread as Reynolds Woodcock
Tom Hanks – The Post as Ben Bradlee
Gary Oldman – Darkest Hour as Winston Churchill
Denzel Washington – Roman J. Israel, Esq. as Roman J. Israel
Jessica Chastain – Molly's Game as Molly Bloom
Sally Hawkins – The Shape of Water as Elisa Esposito
Frances McDormand – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri as Mildred Hayes
Meryl Streep – The Post as Kay Graham
Michelle Williams – All the Money in the World as Gail Harris
Best Performance in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy
Steve Carell – Battle of the Sexes as Bobby Riggs
Ansel Elgort – Baby Driver as Baby / Miles
James Franco – The Disaster Artist as Tommy Wiseau
Hugh Jackman – The Greatest Showman as P. T. Barnum
Daniel Kaluuya – Get Out as Chris Washington
Judi Dench – Victoria & Abdul as Queen Victoria
Helen Mirren – The Leisure Seeker as Ella Robina
Margot Robbie – I, Tonya as Tonya Harding
Saoirse Ronan – Lady Bird as Christine "Lady Bird" McPherson
Emma Stone – Battle of the Sexes as Billie Jean King
Best Supporting Performance in a Motion Picture – Drama, Musical or Comedy
Supporting Actor
Willem Dafoe – The Florida Project as Bobby Hicks
Armie Hammer – Call Me by Your Name as Oliver
Richard Jenkins – The Shape of Water as Giles
Christopher Plummer – All the Money in the World as J. Paul Getty
Sam Rockwell – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri as Officer Jason Dixon
Supporting Actress
Mary J. Blige – Mudbound as Florence Jackson
Hong Chau – Downsizing as Ngoc Lan Tran
Allison Janney – I, Tonya as LaVona Golden
Laurie Metcalf – Lady Bird as Marion McPherson
Octavia Spencer – The Shape of Water as Zelda Fuller
Best Director
Guillermo del Toro – The Shape of Water
Martin McDonagh – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Christopher Nolan – Dunkirk
Ridley Scott – All the Money in the World
Steven Spielberg – The Post
Best Screenplay
Guillermo del Toro & Vanessa Taylor – The Shape of Water
Greta Gerwig – Lady Bird
Liz Hannah & Josh Singer – The Post
Martin McDonagh – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Aaron Sorkin – Molly's Game
- Honestly bummed Jordan Peele didn’t get nominated. 
Best Original Score
Carter Burwell – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Alexandre Desplat – The Shape of Water
Jonny Greenwood – Phantom Thread
John Williams – The Post
Hans Zimmer – Dunkirk
Best Original Song
"Home" (Nick Jonas, Justin Tranter, and Nick Monson) – Ferdinand
"Mighty River" (Raphael Saadiq, Mary J. Blige, and Taura Stinson) – Mudbound
"Remember Me" (Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez) – Coco
"The Star" (Mariah Carey and Marc Shaiman) – The Star
"This Is Me" (Benj Pasek and Justin Paul) – The Greatest Showman
Best Animated Feature Film
The Boss Baby
The Breadwinner
Loving Vincent
- They should really just toss the golden globe to the Pixar crew upon their arrival to the ceremony.
Best Series
The Crown
Game of Thrones
The Handmaid's Tale
Stranger Things
This Is Us
Musical or Comedy
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Master of None
Will & Grace
Best Performance in a Television Series – Drama
Jason Bateman – Ozark as Martin "Marty" Byrde
Sterling K. Brown – This Is Us as Randall Pearson
Freddie Highmore – The Good Doctor as Dr. Shaun Murphy
Bob Odenkirk – Better Call Saul as Jimmy McGill
Liev Schreiber – Ray Donovan as Ray Donovan
Best Performance in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy
Anthony Anderson – Black-ish as Andre "Dre" Johnson Sr.
Aziz Ansari – Master of None as Dev Shah
Kevin Bacon – I Love Dick as Dick
William H. Macy – Shameless as Frank Gallagher
Eric McCormack – Will & Grace as Will Truman
Best Supporting Performance in a Series, Miniseries or Television Film
Supporting Actor
David Harbour – Stranger Things as Chief Jim Hopper
Alfred Molina – Feud: Bette and Joan as Robert Aldrich
Alexander Skarsgård – Big Little Lies as Perry Wright
Christian Slater – Mr. Robot as Mr. Robot/Edward Alderson
David Thewlis – Fargo as V.M. Varga
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