#elise charles
week-of-wonders · 1 year
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Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc (2017) / Jeannette, l'enfance de Jeanne d'Arc
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unkillable-gays · 4 months
The way Charles has his little Rude Boy thing going on, and Edwin chastises him for being impulsive, but EDWIN is the one who gets in trouble with the Cat King, and he's the one who gets Crystal in trouble with Jenny for all the noise he's making...like Charles is actually way more polite and considerate than Edwin in most situations?? Does he know? Does Charles know he's a gentle sweetheart?
(This isn't Edwin hate, I love him, but he is kind of a dick, it must be said.)
Like I think part of the misdirection is purposeful because he wants to think of himself as tough and cool, but I think he also just doesn't see how kind he really is! He's always the one trying to convince Edwin to take on questionable cases because someone needs help, he's the one who tries to comfort strangers who are scared or confused.
I don't like that he separates them into "brains and brawn" because it discounts how clever and knowledgeable he is, but I get that Edwin is better at research and is more cautious and calculating. But if Edwin is the brains I don't think Charles is the brawn. I think he's the heart.
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cippicat · 2 months
What happened to Arno Victor Dorian after the events of Unity and Dead Kings ?
Following Elise's death at the end of Assassin's Creed Unity, Arno falls into a deep depression, finding little to live for.
He is also no longer part of the French Brotherhood.
In the DLC "Dead Kings", Arno is contacted by Marquis de Sade, who tasks him with finding a manuscript in the tomb of Louis IX.
Reluctantly, Arno agrees to this mission, and travels to Saint Denis to find the manuscript. During his search, Arno meets a young thief named Leon.
While the two work together, Leon's perspective on the world starts to break through Arno's grief, slowly showing him that there is more to live than the tragedies he's faced in his past.
What happened after Dead King is in the O.Bowden's novel.
I don't like his novels.
I will not summarise Oliver Bowden's novel.
But in the final chapters Arno found Elise's journal, and also Jennifer Scott Kenway's letters, where Elise requested him to seek unity for the two Orders.
It didn't go well obviously.
Arno rejoined the French assassins but we don't know when or how.
I have few theories:
Arno was extremely talented as an Assassin and his skills were too valuables
The Brotherhood forgive him after Germain's death and the rescue of the sword of Eden
The french assassins saw Napoleon's increasing influence over France and they need Arno to keep an eye on him. They became allies even though Napoleon's ideas were closer to those of the Templars.
Over the years, Arno earned the rank of Master Assassin and eventually the rank of Mentor (but he wasn't a bureaucrat as Mirabeau).
He took Leon under his wing and adopted him. At first Leon was wary of calling him "Father".
Arno presumably got married and had other children, as he is directly related to Callum Lynch, the protagonist of the Assassin's Creed movie*. Arno made a brief appearance in the movie.
He named one of his children Charles (or Charlotte) after his father and another François (or Françoise) after Monsieur de la Serre.
Did Arno and Ratonhnhaké:ton ever met ? (Reminder: Ratonhnhaké:ton is only twelve years older than Arno)
I think that Ratonhnhaké:ton became aware of Arno's actions during the French Revolution. They may have exchanged letters but they never met in person (and Connor had a big family to took care of and a very sweet daughter who was gifted by the spirits).
Did Arno find out who killed his father?
He knew about Shay but he didn't hunt him down because revenge only leads to a bad path (and probably he thought that Shay was already dead which could be true).
Did Arno met Ethan Frye? Yes, it's possible due to the proximity of the French and english's brotherhood. Arno should be around 65/70 yo (if he was still alive).
We don't know when or how Arno died because Ubisoft never gave us answers (again)
I think that Arno passed away before the birth of the Frye twins, in 1847.
*I have a theory:
AC Unity should have been the gateway to a new present with Callum Lynch (and his ancestors like Aguilar de Nerha) as a new protagonist. But the movie has been a complete disaster so Ubisoft abandoned the idea.
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acgames · 7 months
The fact that in Versailles Shay Cormac passes by small Elisè and Arno playing, while moments later due to his actions one of these kids becomes a traumatised orphan, who later in their life develops serious drinking problem and their life will be changed forever is, not gonna lie, haunting my day to day existance...
P.S. Also all this situation is made worse to me by the fact that calculating the canon timeline Shay most likely was a father on his own at this point.... Let that sink in...
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nicascurls · 1 year
Chucky BTS Photos I love Part 18/?
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Yes, this is basically just an appreciation post for Fiona as Charles Lee Ray. I love that she was in platform shoes to make her taller.
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JACKPOT ! (2024)
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Dans un futur proche, une Grand Lottery est organisée dans l’État de Californie, en proie à de nombreuses difficultés financières. Cette loterie bien particulière offre la possibilité à chacun d'empocher la cagnotte s'il parvient à tuer le gagnant avant le coucher du soleil. Fraîchement arrivée à Los Angeles, Katie se retrouve accidentellement avec le ticket gagnant. Elle va devoir collaborer avec un certain Noel pour survivre et pouvoir ainsi toucher son prix de plusieurs milliards de dollars.
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dailyf1 · 2 years
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some highlights from the 2023 F1 BAHRAIN GRAND PRIX
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teecupangel · 2 years
What if Desmond is reborned in Unity as Elise's or Arno's baby brother?
Oh, oh. I can think of 3 main ideas we can play with.
Now, before anything, we’ll set up some rules that all ideas must adhere to (all of which came from the premise of every Yew Branch I’ve written):
Desmond remembers his life as Desmond Miles
Desmond will have his ancestors’ memories and skills but those memories will be vague
With that out of the way, let’s get to how Desmond could screw up AC Unity’s plotline:
1 Desmond is reborn as Arno’s baby brother and he grows up with Arno.
I think that Arno would be a responsible older brother, maybe kinda like how Ezio was with Petruccio.
Considering it’s only them, Charles would have definitely emphasized to Arno that Desmond’s safety is his responsibility.
Arno’s protectiveness would definitely go through the roof once it became clear that Desmond is a bit of a ‘strange child’ while Desmond is half-exasperated and half-delighted because his new family is definitely leagues better than William Miles and his wife.
There’s no way in hell Arno would leave Desmond alone to play with Élise while they’re waiting for Charles.
Not to mention, Desmond would definitely try to act like the big brother and say ‘go, I’ll wait for father’ and that would only make Arno want to stay with Desmond because that’s what a good big brother would do.
In this scenario, I can see Élise joining them instead, playing where the Dorian brothers are waiting and, when Charles comes to pick them up, he would recognize Élise and maybe they’d even escort her back to her father.
Now, this is where things can go either way. Even before Versailles, Desmond would have realized that Charles is an Assassin which meant that he would definitely be paranoid, using his Eagle Vision every so often. In this scenario, either Desmond sees Shay approaching and warns Charles OR he’s too late and he and Arno see Shay kill Charles.
And that’s where we will have two different routes we can take:
1.a Charles Lives and Arno and Desmond become Assassins under his tutelage
In this scenario, Arno and Desmond would have a brotherly relationship similar to Federico and Ezio with Desmond being the ‘Federico’ and Arno being the ‘Ezio’.
Charles’ main task in the Brotherhood is to travel around the world and, now, it’s to protect the precursor box that the Assassins gave to him.
This means that Arno and Desmond would be raised on the road and seas, maybe even on the run and hiding from Shay Cormac who will definitely be looking for them.
And then everything comes to a head when they returned to Paris to help the Brotherhood as the sociopolitical unrest in France starts to boil over.
In this scenario, Arno and Desmond would probably remember Élise but there would be no messy love story between Arno and Élise. They would be one-time playmates turned wary allies as Élise would be trying to find who killed her father and the brothers would have the same goal because Élise’s father had been close to finalizing a truce between the Assassins and his more moderate Templars.
Bellec may or may not betray the Brotherhood. If he does, it would be Charles that would stand against him (with the help of his sons).
Shay would probably make an appearance in Paris later on because he learns Charles is there.
Desmond would be with Arno and Élise when they fight Germain and Élise won’t die. Whether Arno and Élise would actually end up together though… hhhmmm… I’ll leave it to you, nonny.
1.b Charles dies and the de la Serre takes the Dorian brothers in
Desmond would definitely find out that the de la Serres are Templars. It might take a few years, he’d probably spend a year or two grieving Charles’ death and being there for Arno, but he’ll definitely find out.
During that time, Arno would develop a crush on Élise.
Once Desmond is sure that they’re Templars, Desmond would be faced with two choices: stay with the de la Serre who have been nothing but kind to them (although they do tend to be treated like servants at times too but that’s fine) or he gets Arno to run away with him and try to live on their own
If Desmond tells Arno they should run away, Arno would say no because he likes the de la Serre and he doesn’t understand why Desmond would want to leave. At this point, it’s either Arno would tell the de la Serre Desmond’s plan and Desmond would run away alone (leaving Arno) or Desmond finds a way to get Arno to agree to leave with him.
Staying with the de la Serre will also complicate things
1.b.1 Desmond stays with the de la Serre
If he stays with the de la Serre, it would be more of “I wanna see what the Templars are planning” than any gratitude he might feel for the de la Serres.
He won’t stop Arno from getting close to Élise.
The de la Serres would probably not realize Desmond is spying on them and Desmond would know when Élise has started her Templar training. That’s when Desmond would advise Arno to be careful.
Arno would think that Desmond doesn’t approve of Élise and they would start their whole secret relationship.
Either Desmond doesn’t find out because he’s busy trying to spy and not getting caught or he knows about it but doesn’t say he knows because he wants to honor his brother’s choice.
Monsieur de la Serre still dies and the plot of Unity kicks off with Desmond and Arno becoming Assassins.
Arno wants to find out who killed Monsieur de la Serre, Desmond is just there to make sure Arno doesn’t do anything really dumb.
Bellec still betrays the Brotherhood and Desmond is the one to kill him.
Germain still happens but Élise lives in the end.
1.b.2.a Desmond and Arno run away together
If they successfully run away, Desmond would use his Eagle Vision to find the Assassins. Either they find the Parisian HQ first and get taken in by the council (maybe even Mirabeau?) OR Bellec finds them first and he takes them in.
If they grew up with Bellec as their foster father, there’s a high chance that Desmond would be able to stop Bellec from betraying the Brotherhood later (through the power looovvee logic and reasoning).
They get trained as Assassins and when AC Unity kicks off, they’d be part of a 4 member squad and perhaps even in charge of de la Serre’s death (which was given to them because of their history).
Élise and Arno would have a bitter ex kind of vibe in their relationship and Desmond gets caught in it, along the lines of ‘he chose you instead of me’ or ‘I left her for you’ and their squad will tease that it’s like a fucked up loved triangle between Arno, his biological brother, and his foster sister (all said in jest, of course).
1.b.2.b Desmond runs away alone
If Desmond runs away alone, he would be the only one that gets taken in and raised as an Assassin.
He’d always check on Arno but never show his face.
Arno, on the other hand, would feel absolutely guilty for what he’s done. He’ll try to run away too to try and find Desmond but he’d get caught every time.
At this point, either de la Serre gets into contact with Mirabeau to talk about Arno or, and this is the more dramatic route that would definitely make everything messier, Élise gets Arno to be trained as a Templar, maybe even whisper to Arno that they can look for Desmond as Templars.
Élise’s party in AC Unity will now be a party for both Arno and Élise as they are inducted into the Templar Order.
AC Unity plot happens with Arno and Élise working together as Templars while Desmond takes over Arno’s parts in the game.
This would definitely have a kind of ‘Abel-Cain’ setup between Arno and Desmond with Desmond being the ‘Cain’ as he doesn’t trust the Templars and Arno is torn between his loyalty to the de la Serre and his brotherly love for Desmond.
Might even come to blows with “You left me.” “Well… you made it clear who was your real family is back then.”
2. Desmond is Arno’s half-brother, born after their mother left Charles and Arno
In this scenario, I think it would be interesting if Desmond meets Arno when he joins the Parisian Brotherhood (maybe after their mother’s death and she tells Desmond the truth on her deathbed?).
Depending on their age gap, Desmond could join the Brotherhood during AC Unity’s main game plot OR during Dead Kings DLC.
2.a Desmond meets his half-brother during Unity’s main game
Desmond would act more like Arno’s partner during missions. They won’t have any familial bonds so there are a lot of awkward talks and sometimes they just ignore their familial ties and act more like two colleagues trying to get to know one another.
There will be bonding moments of course but things will come to head after Desmond tells Arno that he’s too focused on Élise. The two of them will have their 3rd act break up at this point.
Desmond would be the one to find Arno drunk after Élise ‘dumps’ him. There might be a one-sided fistfight as well because they’re both idiots.
This is the scenario where Élise living has the lowest percentage, not because Desmond would let her die (of course not) but because there’s a possibility that Desmond wouldn’t even know what Arno and Élise were planning until it’s too late.
2.b Desmond meets his half-brother in Dead Kings
In this scenario, Desmond would be a ‘novice’ tasked to retrieve the missing Arno Dorian
Dead Kings still happens although with additional bonding moments between Arno and Desmond
Their relationship will be more: Desmond is the exasperated assistant of a grieving/brooding Arno
They will also bond over the death of loved ones (in this case, Desmond would probably relate because he still feels the pain of Maria’s death)
Léon gets adopted by Desmond. He likes to call Desmond and Arno his brothers.
And finally:
3. Desmond gets reborn as Élise’s younger brother
This is honestly going to messy, might even be messier than Desmond running away without Arno plot (probably).
First of all: Desmond won’t run away from the de la Serre because they love him and he loves them. He also won’t realize that he’s been born into a Templar family until it’s too late and he already loves them too much to betray them.
Depending on the age gap between him and Élise, he could either be there when Charles Dorian dies and plays with Arno too or he meets Arno after Arno becomes a ward of the de la Serre.
Regardless, here is the plot point that I kinda don’t want to do but, at the same time, I kinda want to just for the sheer unnecessary soap opera level drama it would add to the mix: a Love Triangle between Arno, Élise and Desmond.
To be more exact: Arno having a bi-crisis of epic proportions because he develops a crush on both Élise and Desmond growing up.
Desmond is oblivious to it, Élise is not.
At this point, either we go down the love triangle route OR Élise would do an ‘I want my beloved to be happy’ and be Arno’s wing woman.
Either way, Desmond would develop feelings for Arno as well which he would mistake for just ‘fondness’ because Arno reminds Desmond a lot of Ezio.
Desmond learns that their father is hoping to finalize a truce with the Assassins and he supports it because he loves his father and he still remembers how much Connor had wished he and Haytham could have found some common ground (until Haytham fucked that up and Connor was too angry to even try again).
Desmond and Élise get inducted at the same time and their father dies.
This is where AC Unity’s plot starts to get messy because, to Desmond, this isn’t about Assassins and Templars right now.
This is revenge. He’s the calm one to Élise’s hot-headedness and Arno is taken in for the ride because… well… Arno’s a dumbass who fell in love with a Templar(s).
And now Bellec thinks Arno is being corrupted by the two de la Serres
Élise won’t die in this one. There’s no way in hell Desmond would let that happen.
Pairing-wise, it could honestly go with Arno x Élise, Arno x Desmond or Desmond x Arno x Élise XD
Plot points that will happen regardless of which idea we go for:
Desmond’s skills will compare him a lot to his older sibling (Arno or Élise). There’s gonna be feelings of inferiority going on, that’s for sure.
If Bellec raises Desmond and Arno, he would be kind of a hardass but he would be ‘loyal’ to them. Even if he goes through with his plan to betray the Brotherhood, he would probably let either Dorians kill him because he can’t kill them even if he tries.
Desmond is the best recruiter of the Assassins. He will refuse to do any recruiting as a Templar.
Desmond would be super sus of Germain. He might not know what a Sage is but he knows something is giving him the heebie-jeebies whenever he’s near Germain.
Germain would have a hard time hitting Desmond with the Sword of Eden for some reason. (probably related to the device Desmond activated)
Desmond will definitely try to contact Connor one way or another. Whether he is successful in finding Connor though is up in the air.
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i could cry. i could seriously fucking cry.
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Here’s another Parallel between; ChildsPlay2 , ChuckySeason2 & Seed of Chucky ( even though it’s Glen.)
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Death Wish (2018) will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on on November 28 via Shout Studios. The action-thriller is a reimagining of Michael Winner’s 1974 classic.
Eli Roth (Hostel, Cabin Fever) directs from a script by Joe Carnahan (The Grey, The A-Team), based on the original novel by Brian Garfield. Bruce Willis, Vincent D'Onofrio, Elisabeth Shue, Camila Morrone, Dean Norris, and Kimberly Elise star.
Special features are in progress and will be announced at a later date.
Dr. Paul Kersey (Bruce Willis) is a surgeon who sees only the aftermath of his city's violence as it's rushed into his ER … until his wife (Elisabeth Shue) and college-age daughter (Camila Morrone) are viciously attacked in their suburban home. With the police overloaded with crimes, Paul, burning for revenge, hunts for his family's assailants to deliver justice. As the anonymous slayings of criminals grab the media's attention, the city wonders if this deadly avenger is a guardian angel or a grim reaper.
Pre-order Death Wish.
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unkillable-gays · 3 months
It's very bizarre that they have the whole scene of Emma (little Victorian ghost girl) asking for the boys' help, and Edwin negotiating with her, just to never mention her again!
I get that it was partly just to establish how they normally do business at their agency, before it all gets disrupted. But she's also the only reason any of us meet Crystal at all, and that anything in the show happens!
Emma is established to be manipulative and tight-fisted, but she's still willing to shell out...something to have them help Crystal, which would indicate that she cares about her. But we never see the two of them reunited, even though I'd imagine the boys wouldn't be able to collect payment until after they've solved her case.
Not to mention!!! Emma KNOWS Crystal! (Even if only a little!) When Crystal's memory is erased, and she's despairing not knowing anything about herself, why doesn't she, OR one of the boys, seek Emma out to ask her about Crystal's background?
AND none of Crystal's reclaimed memories contain any trace of Emma! Given that they both seemed to be "mean girls", they could've gotten up to some fun hijinks together! Did the writers just forget about her?
idk... I get that Emma was just a plot device, but it seems like it would've left far fewer questions open to just have her say, "some freaky psychic is acting crazy and terrorizing me/other ghosts, " rather than "please help my good friend 🥺"
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leqclerc · 1 year
he can't get to top of the driver standings, but we can get him to the top of the charts. This is blowing my mind
No fr this is so crazy 😭 Never thought I'd see the day. Like he's really just casually trending in the charts alongside established artists like Ed Sheeran or Calvin Harris. Our little racer boy Charles who has a piano and a dream 😭😭😭 This really shows how much of a dedicated following he has. 10 million+ followers on Instagram is difficult to visualize, but then you see him casually hitting #1s and #2s on iTunes charts within 24-48 hours of release and it really just blows your mind. And the fact that he's working with an actual management company and he's got that whole music production set-up at home heavily implies there's more to come. In that pic Joris shared about three weeks ago he was working on a track called Dancing P5 so 👀
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halfmouse · 2 years
Hi there lil puffball babies hi girls with accessories on the sides of their heads hi blue guys with big eyes that kick butt but can’t swim hi there girls in pigtails hi mice that play instruments hi kids with colorful clothes hi there characters that fit into these weirdly specific but beautiful categories!
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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It's got a good soundtrack as well
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bonniehooper · 2 years
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My Top 20 Favorite TV Shows - #11: The Good Wife
Show Premiered: September 22nd, 2009
Show Ended: May 8th, 2016
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