mashumiwu · 5 years
Who want's to be in my next au after I finish my hybrid au? I'm thinking of doing a mafia au or wolf au?
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han-seungwoo · 5 years
He just reminds me of Jungwoo too much like how can i not love this boo?
he doesnt rlly remind me of jungwoo but I'm glad u love him!!
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straykidsftw · 5 years
Helllooooo~~~ How are you?
hellooooo!! i’m really good!! just having a sleepover with gracie rn
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moonlightskids · 5 years
Hiiii! I know i requested somethibg a while back, but can I request a enemies to lovers with Minho this time? Thankssss! ~Elite
i’m so sorry this took so long, thank you so much for requesting again and i hope you like it!!
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ateezpresent · 5 years
Aloe Vera and Evergreen please?! 💕💕💕
🌿 Aloe Vera: Ocean, River, or Lake?
ocean all the way,, idk i hate freshwater. and even tho i’m deathly afraid of deep water i love going to the beach!!
🌿 Evergreen: Something that has never failed you...?
ateez has never failed to make me smile uwu!!!
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sandaffodils · 5 years
Hi, I love you ㅠㅠ
❤️🥺hello sweetheart, I love you too
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seoultraveller · 5 years
안녕~~ heh...I'm not as good in Korean...but hello!!
안녕하세요!! Hello!!
Don’t worry about it. My Korean has steadily been going down since 2015 and I always turn into a statue when someone wants me to talk in Korean.
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hongjooong · 5 years
Im curious, what is you favorite kpop group besides ATEEZ?
I’m gonna give you 3 since giving one seems wrong you know lmao but it starts with BTS and then NCT and EXO I follow them the most and my ult biases are all in these groups uwu
send me “what’s your favorite..” asks 💫
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bathtime (for chan's birthday!)
"christopher bang i swear to woojin god, if you don't stop splashing me, i will get out of this tub right now and go to bed!"
chan slowly lowers his hands from where they had been raised to shove more water into your already soaking face, a mask of guilt poorly hiding the mirth dancing in his eyes.
"sorry love," he grins with little actual regret in his voice. you roll your eyes.
"yeah yeah. just pass me that purple bottle next to you."
surrounding you and your boyfriend chan in your tub that is somehow large enough for you both to sit comfortably facing each other is an array of shampoos and body washes, various skin care products, and brightly-colored bath toys.
"i still don't understand why you got all this stuff out," chan says distractedly as his eyes settle on a neon yellow duck toy that he immediately grabs and begins squeezing between his hands, giggling at the squeaky sound the tortured toy emits.
"because it's your birthday and i want to spoil you!" you exclaim, accidentally pouring too much shampoo into your hand as you respond to your boyfriend who is still wholly absorbed in the toy grasped in his hands.
"turn around so i can wash your hair, babe," you giggle as you pluck the duck out of chan's hands to force him to listen to your words.
"hey! give that back!"
water sloshes over the sides of the tub as chan lunges to claim the toy back.
"i will when you let me wash your hair~"
"fine," the (as of today, 22-year-old!) man grumbles, turning around to give you easy access to his mop of silvery brown hair.
despite his earlier complaints, chan immediately relaxes into your touch as you begin to massage the shampoo into his scalp. dazedly, almost as if he were just waking up from a long nap, chan starts to whisper-sing under his breath.
"🎶 rubber ducky you're the one! you make bathtime so much fun~ 🎶"
you giggle at the sheer adorableness of your sweet boyfriend, and the two of you spend another 25 minutes in the bath just splashing washing each other and playing with bath toys.
your activity quickly dies down as the water only grows colder and colder the longer you sit in the tub.
"hey channie," you whisper softly, scooching forward in the tub to rest your damp forehead against chan's own.
"yes my darling?" he nuzzles his nose against yours as he responds just as quiet.
"happy birthday."
lips crash upon lips as you express your love for the man that sits before you in the tub. chan's arms wind around your shoulders and pull you as close to his torso as he can possibly get you without having to strain his neck too much to maintain the contact his plush lips have with yours. you nip at his bottom lip, eliciting a soft moan and allowing you access to slip your tongue into the birthday boy's mouth, deepening the kiss.
you barely even register when chan pulls away, your eyes having slipped closed at some point during your bathtime-make-out session. chan's lips are pink and swollen, and you're sure that yours look the same. you can't help but snicker at the lovestruck haze painted across the only other occupant of the tub's face.
"let's just get out of this water before we turn into prunes," you grin, holding out a hand as you stand up to lift yourself out of the tub to help chan out.
later, both of you dry and clothed and your skincare routines dealt with, you settle under the covers of your shared bed. in the last hour of chan's 22nd birthday, you snuggle into your boyfriend's chest and utter for the last time that night, "happy birthday my love. you have been a bright light shining in my life for so long, and i know i'd be lost in the dark without you. i love you, christopher bang."
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chrisbangs · 5 years
We can be brok together lmao
😭😭 bro i spend close to a 100 dollars a week commuting downtown to get to school I DONT HAVE MONEY FOR A COMEBACK 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 broke squad unite i guess 😭😭
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choiisan · 5 years
All questions ending with 1 💕💕
1. The first kpop song you ever heard?
Love me right by Exo I think!
11. Your favourite co-ed group?
Kard,and I loved Troublemaker and Triple H:((
21. Your 3 favourite kpop songs by male artists?
na na na by Imfact, killing me by ikon, gorgeous by vav, these are my big faves! 💕
31. Do you own any kpop merch?
I dont own any merch, but I would love to get some shirts or something :)
41. How old were you when you first got into kpop?
me calculating for 5 minutes asjsjjd I was 17
61. Favourite 3 iconic moments?
Ateez first win🤧 Hanbin winning songwriter of the year, aaand the comeback stage of wonderland is pretty iconic 🤓
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mashumiwu · 5 years
[Main Masterlist] // [Next]
I walked to my locker where Mia was waiting for me to walk to our 2nd period.
“Did you finish the list we were supposed to do as homework?” She asked. I started at her blankley.
“That was homework?” I asked. She facepalmed.
“You need to stop falling asleep during classes!” She said. I laughed.
“Ok, ok!” I said. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped and looked behind me. “Eh?” I looked behind me as well. There were 2 policemen walking down the hall.
“We are looking for the following people…” One of the policemen said and continued to list the names of many people, some of which I knew little of and some who i didn’t know at all. “…and Park Hwa-Young.” I heard my name get called. I trembled. “Please pack you bags, you’ll be coming with us.” I looked at Mia.
“What’s going on?” She asked, scared.
“I don’t know, but something’s telling me that we won’t see each other for a while…” I said. She sighed and hugged me.
“I want to see you alive soon.” she said. I smiled.
“I want to see you soon too.” I said, as I packed my bag and left, walking out with the group of people who were called. The policemen led us to a big bus, almost like a school bus, but it was white and it didn’t have the words “School Bus” on it. I sat by a boy, who I knew was in my Science class. “Chan….do you know what’s happening?” I asked. He shook his head.
“I dunno….I’m kind of scared too…” He said. I sighed.
“Me too….” I said. I looked at the row next to us. There was a girl who I knew from my homeroom, Yeji , talking to a boy sitting next to her, I did not know, but by the looks of it, Yeji knew him from one of her classes. The bus drove us to some secret buliding outside of the town. There was no other bulidings or houses around it. It was deserted.
“Is this some secret buliding?” Chan asked. I shrugged. The policemen led us off the bus and into the building. We all went into separate rooms where we were given a new “uniform” to wear. They were all white. The only different colours on us were our hair colours and accessories. I walked out to see a girl with turquoise blue hair.
“Hi, I’m Lia and I’ll help you for the day!” She said. She had dark blue eyes with white, moon shaped pupils. She also had small blue angel shaped wings.
“Uh….Lia….what are you?” I asked, still a little confused and shocked.
“Oh! I’m a midnight angel hybrid! This is a place where all hybrids are tested and trained to see if they are dangerous or not. I just got here last month, like you, I didn’t know what was going on until someone explained it to me. After a week or two of being here, your hybrid form should start forming. You’ll never notice until someone says!” She explained.
“Oh….” I said, understanding now. “So that dna test I took….showed that I was kind of a hybrid?” I asked. She nodded.
“You’ll like it here!” She said. She led me to a big cell room filled with other hybrids of all kinds. “This is the social cell. Here you can socialize with more mates.” She explained. I looked around and noticed Chan and Yeji, along with the other boy who sat next to Yeji on the bus. “Go on, I need to catch up woth my other friends anyways.” Lia said. I nodded and walked towards them.
“Hwa-Young!” Yeji said. She hugged me. “Oh my god, I was so scared!” She said.
“I know…this is kind of scary…” I said. Yeji looked back at the boy.
“Hwa-Young, this is Hongjoong, he’s in my 3rd and 4th period classes.” She said. I smiled. “Hongjoong, this is Hwa-Young.” He waved at me.
“I never seen you around at school before?” He said.
“I think we have different classes and stuff…” I said. He nodded. We heard a loud bell go off. I covered my ears from the loud noise. Lia came over to me.
“That was the signal for the end of social cell…I’ll show you to your cell.” She said. I walked with her through a hall. She led me to a big room where 2 other boys were on the bunk beds. They looked up to us. “Yeosang, Jongho, this is Hwa-Young, she’s your new cell mate…” She said. She looked back at me. “Becareful with them, Jongho is very strong and Yeosang can be dangerous if you mess with him too much.” She whispered and walked out of the cell. I heard the door click behind her, locking the door. I sighed and looked back at the boys.
“Hwa-Young?” Jongho said. I looked up at him. He had gray hair with white eyes and gray, x-shaped pupils. “What are you?” He asked.
“Oh uh…I don’t know yet…” I said. I brought my bag over to the single bed left. “What are you?” I asked.
“I’m a ghost witch and Yeosang has two forms, his original one is a vamipre devil and his other one, which he uses when he feels in danger, is some rare scorpion devil….I don’t know how he has two forms, but he doesn’t seem to care…” Jongho shrugged. I hummed. I looked at Yeosang who has been quiet since I got to the cell.
“Uh….do you guys have any advice for me on how to fit in…?” I asked.
“Just don’t mess around too much is all you need to know…” Yeosang said firmly. Jongho nodded.
“Also becareful of the full formed hybrids…they could be dangerous too…” Jongho added. I nodded, taking a mental note. I finished unpacking all my stuff, with a little help from Jongho. “We’ll help you for the rest of the day, right Yeosang hyung?” He looked at Yeosang.
“Sure, whatever…” Yeosang mumbled. Jongho looked back at me.
“Don’t mind him, he’s always like this…” He said. I sighed. He continued to talk with me and explain all the fun things they do here. “It isn’t like normal prison, it’s almost like living a normal life.” He explained. I smiled, knowing that we weren’t in trouble at all. The bell rang again. Jongho stood up. “It’s time for lunch, come on!” He said, helping me off the ground. I followed him to the cafeteria room where there were more hybrids and other people were at. I couldn’t see Chan, Hongjoong, or Yeji there, so I assumed that they had a different lunch. “You want to go sit next to me and my friends?” He asked. I nodded. I brought my lunch and walked with Jongho and Yeosang to a table full with other boys. “Guys, this is Hwa-Young, she’s a new one.” Jongho said.
“Aish…I remeber when I was a new one…” One boy said. “Oh, and my name is Seonghwa!” He said. He had cat ears and small devil wings. He also had two cat tails and light brown eyes. He would have looked normal without his wings, ears, and tails.
“I think we all remember when we were new…remeber when we were all scared?” Another boy said. He had black hair with red highlights. He had gold devil horns, a red halo and small black angel wings. “Im San, by the way.”
“Get ready for the whole story again….” Yeosang rolled his eyes.
“Hi Hwa-Young! I’m Yunho!” Another boy said. He had black hair with one red eye and the other is white. He had red little deer antlers and small white devil wings. I smiled softly.
“I wasn’t scared!” Another boy said crossing his arms, smirking.
“Yes you were Mingi!” Yunho said, throwing an empty carton of milk at him. The boys laughed and I laughed softly. Another boy looked at me. He also had black hair and black eyes with red pupils. He had wolf ears and red devil horns, and red demon wings. He smiled at me.
“Im Wooyoung! And don’t mind Mingi, he’s a coward.” He laughed. I smiled
“How long have you guys stayed here?” I asked, looking at Seonghwa.
“It’s been half a year since we’ve been here…” Seonghwa said. I hummed.
“Do you know when you’re allowed to leave?” I asked. He shrugged.
“They never told us yet…” He said. I sighed. I looked around at the others, who were busy talk and joking around. Yeosang, who hadn’t talked to me since I got to their cell, was talking to all the boys. I looked back at Seonghwa and whispered to him.
“Is Yeosang always quiet whenever a new one comes?” I asked. He shook his head.
“It’s unusual that he isn’t talking to you…” Seonghwa said, peeking over at Yeosang. I looked over at Yeosang too, who was joking and laughing around with Mingi and Yunho. I started to talk and learn more about the boys. They joked around a lot and I laughed along with them, especially when Mingi “accidentally” spilled his water on Jongho and Jongho threatened to flick him in the head. I found out that Jongho was the youngest out of the boys and the strongest. But I also found out that I was younger than Jongho, being 2 months younger.
“Yusss! Respect me!!” He cried and I laughed. The bell rang again and we all went back to our cells. The rest of the day was about the same, talking to Jongho with Yeosang listening and not talking and then at dinner, joking around with the boys. I learned how to like the place I was at. When I get back, I totally I have to tell Mia about this place! As if reading my mind, Jongho looked ar me and shook his head. “You can’t tell anyone about this place!” He said. I looked at him.
“Why?” I asked.
“T-they said h-humans can s-storm this place, and k-kill all of u-us!” He stuttered. I hummed.
“O-ok…” I did not like the idea of getting us killed, at all. “Uh….do we have something after this too?” I asked.
“We have one last social cell to talk to our friends…” He answered. I smuled to myself. I could go find Chan, Yeji, and Hongjoong and ask who their cell mates were. The bell rang for social time. I walked to the cell and went to go find Chan, Yeji, and Hongjoong, who were talking in the back corner of the cell. As I walked to them, I heard the door open to the cell again. I turned around to see a women in a white coat and glasses with two armed police gaurds. Everyone seem to shake and got scared and quickly scrambled to get out of the way. The women came over to us.
“And you must be new?” She asked. I looked at the group and they all nodded slowly.
“Y-yeah…” I said. She smiled.
“Welcome! You’ll like it here!” She said. I smiled weirdly to her.
“Thank you…” I said. “I guess…” I mumbled. She turned around.
“You’ll start your testing tomorrow.” She said and walked out. I looked over at Jongho. He shook his head and I saw fear in his eyes. Suddenly, I heard his voice come into my mind.
‘Don’t fall for it…she’s evil…she’s planning to kill all of us….’
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han-seungwoo · 5 years
Arent we all soft for Seungwoo? I mean he's a literal fluff ball-
I would hope everyone following me loves seungwoo lots otherwise what I post would get very annoying very fast thgkgngkgkgk
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straykidsftw · 5 years
Yes lets talk about how much we love Huang Renjun ~Elite Ji
oh yeS PLEASE i love renjun. i love his little birth mark on his hand. i love his little smile. i love his drawings. i love the little fed up face he does. i love his lil angry energy. i love the way pretends that he hates everyone but really he’s super caring and loves all his members💞💞💞💞💞💞
(just for proof, here’s my photo album):
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cottonchandy · 5 years
You're so sweet ☺️☺️❤❤❤
Aww 🥺 thank you!!🥰 But you’re even sweeter!!💕☺️
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ateazes · 5 years
Aish, bubs, i feel the same most of the time, but remeber were with you and we're here for you when you need us!💗💗
Thank you so much, honestly. I'm 23 years old and don't even have like any friends and still act like a child but I'm glad some of you love me. I cherish it a lot. 💖💖💖
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