flandrepudding · 1 year
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study of my elizabat doll. 1 hour
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via-the-ghoul · 2 years
No one asked but here’s concepts for a Monster High fighting game
The starting roster consists of Frankie, Draculaura, Clawdeen, Lagoona, Cleo, Deuce, Ghoulia, and Jackson/Holt. From there, you can unlock Abby, Spectra, Clawd, Heath, Opperetta, and Toralei. However, similarly to Multiverus, updates with new characters are semi frequent.
Frankie’s electric powers are a lot more noticeable like in Gen3
Jackson/Holt are a two in one fighter like Pyra/Mthra. Holt attacks with his hot beats and Jackson uses math or something idk
Draculaura’s moveset doesn’t have any bite-y moves to reflect her status as a vegetarian, she mostly just hits people with her umbrella. Elizabat, however, does bite people
Clawdeen and all other werewolves’ final smash is them entering a superpowered wolf form that they become for about 20 seconds
Cleo is a mage type fighter who uses her idols to curse others. Also when she’s added Nefera is literally just her fucking echo fighter.
There’s a Haunted High stage that’s very low gravity. However, Principal Reverant is a stage hazard, and she’ll try to hit you with detention chains, which will heavily weight you down if they hit you. Unlike in canon, they affect everyone for fairness reasons, but they are worse on ghost characters.
Kiyomi is a Kirby-esc character, being able to mimic the faces of her opponents, as a reference to actual Noppera-bō lore
Vandala has one of those “alt costume that is literally just another character” skins, said character being Dayna
Toralei does too, with Meowlody and Purrsephone
In at least one of her moves Skelita throws bones at you. They aren’t her bones. We don’t know who’s bones they are.
Oppretta’s final smash is her screaming really loud
Astranova’s is hitting the stage with a comet
The lore as to why they’re in a fighting game is that Ghoulia thought it would be fun to make a fighting game with people she knows in real life and they let her do that. That is literally the lore.
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sugaryuniverse · 1 year
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elizabat !
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Elizabat writing to Dracula: I have given the vampires heart to someone we both trust with our lives
The man they both trust with their lives:
Hexiciah Steam: *puts the heart into his teenage robot daughter*
Hexiciah steam: *lets her sign up for the most dangerous monster sport*
Hexiciah steam: *gives her modifications to be better at the sport*
Hexiciah steam: *watches her get dismantled and all her parts get scattered*
Hexiciah steam: … well no better time than the present to go on a long and mysterious journey
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moon-arts02 · 6 months
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Blood Moon - Elizabatt
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annie-lang-azurlany · 10 months
Rövid lista azokról a különleges helyekről, időkről és alkalmakról, ahol a Vámpír: A Maszkabál 5. kiadásának fordítása készült
A fordításon 2022 júniusában kezdtem dolgozni, a nyári napforduló napján, a délegyházi Oázis Naturista Kempingben. Épp itt nyaraltam a családommal, amikor jött a hír, hogy én kaptam meg a munkát, úgyhogy gyorsan előszedtem a laptopomat, és ünneplésképpen le is fordítottam az első pár oldalt, Mina levelét a gyermekéhez. Aztán rágyújtottam egy cigire; egy darabig elröhögcséltünk rajta, hogy milyen ironikus, hogy a naturisták jelmondata az, hogy “Süssön rád a Nap!”, aztán elmentünk úszni egyet.
2022 júliusában elmentünk a lengyelországi Bolków-ba, a Castle Party nevű goth fesztiválra. Úgy terveztem, hogy ebben a négy napban nem dolgozom, de azért magammal vittem kinyomtatva a klánleírásokat, hátha mégis feltámad bennem a munkakedv. Hát, ott, a lengyel erdő mélyén, egy romos várban Kaelan Mikla-t, Lacuna Coil-t, Nitzer Ebb-et, és Devil’s Trade-et hallgatva fel is támadt. Amíg reggelente a kempingben mindenki még részegen, vagy már másnaposan hevert szerteszét, én kockásfüzetbe írtam a Toreadorok klándiszciplínáit. (Itthon, amikor begépeltem, szerencsére volt lehetőségem kijavítani a felfokozott hangulatból fakadó helyesírási hibáimat.)
A barátaimmal közösen igazgatunk egy underground goth / szerepjátékos klubot, az ElizaBAT-et, ahol rendszeresen vannak házibuli hangulatú goth bulik, irodalmi estek és szerepjátékos alkalmak. Amikor túl fényesen sütött a nap, általában ide vonultam le dolgozni. Gondolom, egyértelmű, hogy miért volt előnyös a hely hangulata a kreatív folyamat szempontjából; de a legjobb mégis az volt, hogy bármelyik adott pillanatban volt körülöttem legalább 2-3 olyan ember, aki járatos volt a VtM világában, és azonnal ugrottak segíteni, ha valami kérdésem volt (többek között a RollPlayerből ismert Kobura, aki a klub egyik fő embere).
A munka alatt folyamatosan benne voltam több krónikában is, hogy így is minél jobban megértsem a játék működését, és úgy fordítsam le a dolgokat, hogy pontosan és könnyen érthető legyen a játékmenet. Az egyik ilyen krónikánk a Vault 51-ben folyt, szóval itt is fordítottam néhány oldalt. Egy másik játék az Alfa Shelter discord-szerverén, ami ugyan nem egy fizikai hely, de nem akarom kihagyni. (Mármint az Alfa Shelternek fizikai helye is van, de ott még nem volt szerencsém járni, csak a szerverükön).
Különösen vicces helyszín volt az albérletünk konyhája. Az egyik játékmechanikai elem, a “boon” fordításával már szenvedtem egy ideje, mert semmi nem hangzott elég jól. Aztán egy szombat este, buliból hazajőve, azt láttam, hogy a hűtőnkre fel van téve mágnessel egy Agatha nevű karakter boon-ja – a lakótársam, Virág ugyanis hatalmas LARP-os, és a legutóbbi játékában is használták ezt a mechanikát. Szerencsére ő se aludt még, szóval azonmód, szombat hajnali háromkor kifaggattam, hogy nevezték ezt a fogalmat a LARP-on a magyar játékosok.
És végül, az a helyszín, ahonnan ez az egész zsibvásár ered; ahol megszületett a vámpírmítosz, ami aztán inspirálta az angol romantikus irodalmat, ami aztán kihatott a 80-as évek popkultúrájára, amiből aztán egyenesen következett a VtM létezése: Erdély. Várost nézni, kirándulni (és bulizni) mentünk Kolozsvárra két barátnőmmel, de úgy gondoltam, hogy vétek lenne kihagyni ezt az alkalmat, hogy itt, Drakula otthonában is dolgozhatssak a könyvön. Úgyhogy a nyaralás második napján, miután hazaértünk az ebédből (pizza volt, a romániaiak iszonyat jó pizzákat csinálnak), de még mielőtt elindultunk a kolozsvári melegbárba az esti buliba, félrevonultam az AirBnB erkélyére, és a málló falú panelházak árnyékában még lefordítottam pár oldalt.
Végül a könyvet 2023. június 13-án fejeztem be, az ElizaBAT-ben. Aznap filmest volt, valamelyik horrorfilmet néztük volna; ilyenkor általában én ülök a pultban, és dolgozom a könyvön, a többiek pedig beszélgetnek, iszogatnak, míg el nem kezdődik a vetítés. Aztán egyszercsak azt vettem észre, hogy a pdf elfogyott. Görgetek lefelé, de nincs tovább. Alig akartam elhinni, hogy csaknem napra pontosan egy év után vége. Lecsuktam a laptopot, felálltam, és minden jelenlévőt meghívtam egy vodkára ünneplésképp.
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iceyvampir · 7 months
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🎨 【Elizabeth Lynix】 Elizabat (121)
➾ Drew my OC Elizabeth AKA Elizabat Sleeping in her bat form ❆
🗓 Date: October 7th, 2023
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atticusthecatticus · 7 months
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lyllaotterofhalfworld · 11 months
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It's her! :0
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paeonie-s · 2 years
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funniest conversation ive ever had
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isorottatime · 8 months
im gonna fulfil my childhood dream of having a monster high doll
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via-the-ghoul · 1 year
Probably not gonna write this since it’s a death fic but I have this fic idea in my head where for some reason Elizabat. Dies.
And since the Vampire Heart is her heart, the pressure is put on Robecca to find the next queen while dealing with the emotional angst of her girlfriend fucking dying.
So it’s like, a murder mystery/we need to find the next queen/shit my girlfriend died/and the prom’s tomorrow
But again, probably not gonna write it since it’s an Elizabat death fic so
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seananmcguire · 1 year
Cat pics? Dr. Coda Elizabat says 😋
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Oh the little tongue! A+ blep.
(As a reminder, I DO NOT WANT additional cat pics. I'm still trying to clear out my inbox so I can get back to the Birthday. PLEASE NO MORE CATS. This picture pre-dates this warning.)
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recents · 2 months
i was tagged by @aztarion for WIP wednesday!!!!
lately my writing is like. cartoonishly bad? and i havent been writing much lately?
anyway here is a durgestarion thing! well— sol is my durge kind of but he has some stuff in his backstory that contradicts canon durge, although it’s not important for this scene :D
i tag, no pressure: @nikomedes @elizabats @teamtadpole @murderkitten666 @switchfromlegionfx @princeofmadness54
“But we should head back. If the others were to see us like this, they’d think…”
Astarion grins lazily up at him from where he’s buried his head in Sol’s chest. Sol can just see his fangs. “Oh? What would they think?”
Sol’s face feels like there should be smoke coming off of it. It’s not really fair, he thinks. Banter has a rhythm to it that feels to Sol like he must have had centuries of practice with it; friendly or flirtatious, it’s all the same. The difference is, Sol truly isn’t trying, when Astarion clearly is. It’s clear once you’ve known him for a day or two that this doesn’t come naturally to Astarion. Sol bets the man spent last night storyboarding this exact scene in his head, workshopping his own lines, sketching out what he thought Sol might say (aw, has he been on his mind?), mentally mapping all the different paths the conversation might take; if he says A, I’ll say this, if he says B, I’ll say this. Nothing is ever off the dome with this guy. 
And because of that, once you know him a little, get a feel for the direction he’s pulling things in, it’s very easy for anyone a little more improvisational to dance right out of the track he’s laid down. Hipcheck him into his own head-high house of cards. Just to watch him blink as they rain down around him. Just for the half-second when that carefully constructed facial expression freezes in place while the mind behind it recalibrates. Just because it’s cute.
But the thing is, none of that matters, really, when it comes to who has the upper hand, because Astarion doesn’t play games he won’t win, even if you refuse to play. He had you before the first bell rang. You want him bad. He knows exactly how much. The cleverest rabbit is still a rabbit, the clumsiest wolf still a wolf. You’re going to end up in his teeth either way.
An old bard’s prayer: may I never be beautiful and know it.
“Probably that we’re fucking,” says Sol with a pleasant grin.
Astarion does blink. “Well, we still have time to prove them right, retrospectively.”
“I– fuck you,” says Astarion, but not without a short, utterly unflattering bark of laughter that feels spontaneous and unintentional and even real, and does some very silly, floppy things to the general sensation of gravity in Sol’s chest. Astarion pulls away, takes a single half-step back, lingering just barely at the border of Sol’s personal space. The spell is broken, but Astarion looks amused, like he’s reappraising him. “You have some nerve, you know that?”
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spiritually-a-blorb · 7 months
so here are some headcannons/movie ideas beacuse we deserve movies like the originals
- If Elizabat had died, Draculara would have actually been the Vampire Queen
- On that note, I think the Vampire's Heart picks two candidates, and whoever is best suited for ruling will be the one the Heart chooses to follow, so if one dies, the Heart just follows to the other person
- In a stipulation included in the contract Clawdeen signed, the one chosen in the competition would inherit Monatella Ghostier's company and fortune if she were to die, making it more believable that she was "passing on" her company.
- Clawdeen now owns a fashion company, long story short, and she collabs with Jinafire and Skelita to help make fashion designs for the company. Everything else is taken care of until Clawdeen is of age
- Lagoona runs a swim team that tries to unite saltwater and freshwater monsters, along with Gil. She also helps monsters get over their fears.
- Ghoulia runs a quiz bowl and mathlete team! Her and Frankie are some of the star members, along with Jackson Hyde and Heath!
- Speaking of Heath, I feel like he gets surprisingly good grades, and knows a lot of random facts
- Frankie plays volleyball! She's pretty good at it, actually. one of her main reasons was she wants to improve her strength in limbs, since Frankenstein's are typically really strong monsters. Plus, she wants to get stronger so her limbs don't keep flying off whenever she falls. The fearleading team is good for some of that, but volleyball gives her stamina and concentration, since her limbs are more prone to flying off when she's tired.
- Abby loves making traditional food for her friends, along with ice cream and desserts. She specializes in colder dishes, like cold soup and other things served cold, but she's good at everything, really.
- She knows exactly what temperature the food is when she touches it, and it works with any object, really.
- Cleo offers to show the girls around Egypt and the Pyramids, and they learn that Cleo caught the attention of the next Pharaoh, and he funds a lot of her shopping. She dosen't know how to feel, since she loves Deuce, but she also feels obligated to the Pharaoh.
- If this was a movie, the lesson would be about toxic couples, and how Cleo goes back to Deuce because she shouldn't be obligated to date the Pharaoh because he buys her stuff. It also features Deuce not feeling good enough against the Pharaoh, and Cleo showing that she loves him for him, not what he provides.
- It would be kinda similar to Boo York, but since it already happened, he would be grappling with an issue that's already been "resolved". It would show that some issues take time to heal, and even then, they might not fully heal.
- All of the girls would've slayed at Just Dance and we should've gotten an episode or movie about friendly competition to teach kids to be good sports.
- The movie would focus on a schoolwide competition, and show different ways to be kind to your opponent and the people being unkind, how to spot it, and how to stop it. They showed that a little in the rollerblading movie, but I think it would be good to focus on it more
- Frankie being non-binary in the reboot is actually really cool, and that is now canon thank you. It would be a good lesson on how people can struggle with dysphoria and would just be really cool to focus on that on a movie, like how she discovered it, her friends being supportive, the whole coming out experience.
- Spectra grows up to be the new principal of the ghost school. She brings good quality education to the school, and causes major reform in ghost society and how they view other monsters.
- Abby always has candy in her purse for her ghoulfriends
- whenever the girls go out to eat, they always pick a place with vegetarian options for Draculaura
- Clawdeen almost got expelled for fighting students when she was younger. They insulted her friends and family and she went nuts. To this day students are scared of her. But she's a lot calmer now, and prefers to solve her problems with words. Get her mad enough though, and she will start swinging.
- Draculaura is a pacifist!
- Ghoulia has little plants growing on her body. She's a reanimated corpse, so her body is stuck in a rotting phase, it just dosen't rot anymore. It rots slowly until she's barely skin on bones, and then she fades into the dirt and decomposes. (That's how zombies die.) Anyways! she's just rotted enough to support moss/fungus life, and she loves her plant children
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moon-arts02 · 6 months
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