ellabswilliamson · 27 days
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Don't mind me, just making EllAbs in this super cute picrew
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ellabswilliamson · 3 months
Since you're accepting requests, can I pls ask something like this
Jesse and Fem!reader are dating, and in one of the times she's at home with him, she goes to the bathroom. When she comes back, she catches jesse saying sweet nothings to reader's puppy and playing with the dog. And reader gets emotional because she realizes she just got the softest dad for her pets. Jesse laughs when he realizes she's crying about something so silly like that. All very domestic and comfy, i know🫣
Jesse x Fem!Reader Request
Domestic fluff, fluff, Jesse x Fem!Reader, date night au, sfw, happy ending.
Words: 2,642
(( This was super cute to write, and I had a lot of fun doing it! I do hope you enjoy it!!! And thank you for the request! ))
Summary: As you're getting ready for date night with Jesse, you realize how perfect he is for you.
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A year. You almost couldn't believe it.
It had been a whole year since you and Jesse decided to make your relationship official. A year since he'd nervously asked you to dance at the fall harvest festival held in Jackson and whispered the question in your ear during one of the slow dances. You don't know how the time passed by so quickly, but you were thankful for the year of memories made beside the man you loved.
Tonight was your one-year anniversary, and Jesse told you he has an incredible night planned for the both of you, though he's refused to mention anything that may spoil the anticipation. Your brain had been spinning all week trying to figure out what was in store, but alas, Jesse was the stupid, adorable rock that wouldn't budge, and all of your guesses were met with the same "I'm not gonna tell you, you just have to be patient," calmly chuckled out.
As excited as you were, you were also a little anxious, not having a single clue what the surprise was. You'd even tried to get any little slip of info from your mutual friends, like Dina, Ellie, and even Jesse's parents, but it seemed that he had sworn them to secrecy. Alas, the evening was finally here, and you decided to busy yourself getting ready, rather than worry about it. As you walked to get a towel from the hall closet, a small bark startled you from your thoughts. As your four-legged friend padded toward you, you smiled, bending down to pet her. She licked your hand a few times, causing you to giggle. "Hi, Daisy. I know, I shouldn't worry so much." the dog responded with one more hand lick, setting her chin on your knee. "How about you come hang out with me while I get ready, hm? Then we'll get your dinner ready." Daisy looked like she was processing what you said, then without another word, padded her way down the hall and entered your room, leaving you in the dust. You chuckled to yourself, figuring that was all the response you needed from her. You followed her back into your room, where you found her laying in her bed on the floor just beside yours. "Ok, give me time to shower, then you can be the audience of my one-person fashion show," you said to Daisy as you headed for the bathroom.
Twenty minutes later, you were freshly showered, dried, hair fixed up, and after some small grooming tweaks in the bathroom mirror, it was time to pick out an outfit for the evening. Only trouble was, since Jesse had kept the planned events of the evening a secret, you weren't sure how to appropriately dress for the evening. Would it be a formal occasion? Something casual with their friends? A small, intimate evening out where a balance of formal and casual would be acceptable? Since Jesse wasn't here to pick you up just yet, you couldn't get his opinion, so it was all up to you. After a few minutes of sifting through your drawers and closet, you found two outfits that you thought would be perfect, but now you had to decide the final one. Decisions, decisions…
Your first choice was a casual button-up blouse. It was tan with red and pink flower print scattered across the fabric, had long sleeves, so it would be perfect for a cooler Autumn night, and since it was a button-up, the neckline would be adjustable. The top would be paired with your favorite (and most comfortable) pair of jeans and finished off with a brown belt to match. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was cute and would work for a nice, casual, celebratory evening out. Best part is it wouldn't restrict any dancing or other physical activities throughout the evening.
The second outfit was a bit more showy, but would be perfect for a more formal evening. It was a sundress in a pale seafoam color with white dots patterned all over it. The neckline dipped into a perfect length vee with the fabric overlaying itself to create ripples for depth and texture, around the waist was strips of the fabric sewn to the sides so that you could pull the dress tighter if need be, and once tied it created a lovely bow in the front. The dress was about mid-shin length, and was made with slits up the side of either leg, the slits stopping just above mid-thigh. Enough so that if you struck a pose or crossed your legs, your legs would peak out, but it wasn't showy enough to be deemed inappropriate to wear in public. The material was fairly light, and with spaghetti straps instead of any kind of sleeve, you knew it might be a little chilly to wear on a Fall evening like this, but then you thought it would be a perfect excuse to steal Jesse's tan denim jacket that he loved to wear, which also happened to be your favorite jacket of his.
(Whichever outfit you pick, choice 1 being the casual outfit and choice 2 being the more formal outfit, slightly effects Jesse's reaction to seeing you. After making your choice, please continue reading the numbered paragraph matching the outfit choice)
(Choice 1: The casual blouse and jeans) You decide to go with the blouse and jeans. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was cute little outfit, and you knew Jesse would think it was cute because he's the one who bought it for you. You thought about how it was late September. The weather should be reasonable, but you knew the nights get chilly, so this would be perfect for the evening. It was also easy to move in, in case there's a hike or horseback riding or dancing in store for you. Either way, it was sure to be a good choice!
You we're just trying to decide which pair of shoes to wear, when you heard a knock at the front door. "Coming!" you called out as you made your way through the house to the door. A quick safety check through the peephole confirmed your suspicion of who your visitor was, and with a not-so-subtle grin, you pulled open the door to great the love of your life. "Hey, baby, how's it going?" You happily greeted him. Jesse was easy on the eyes. Tall, fit, dark shaggy hair and a 5'o'Clock shadow that he'd been trying to grow out for the last couple weeks. You met his warm, brown eyes and caught a glimpse of his smile and a wave of love washed over you. How'd you ever get so lucky?
"Hi, Hon, it's good to see you," Jesse greeted back as his smile widened and he leaned in for a hug and a quick but tender kiss. "You look great!" He took a step back, admiring your casual outfit, and his wide smile broke into a bright grin. "You're wearing the blouse I got you! I was right: I knew it would look perfect on you," The bright grin across his face and the look of admiration in his eyes told you he loved your look. "And it'll be comfortable for tonight's plans."
(the rest of the story is the same regardless of your previous choice. Please skip to the Orange line below to continue!)
(Choice 2: The light-weather sundress) You decided on the cute seafoam sundress. Sure, it wasn't exactly what you would call a fall-weather dress, but the weather in Jackson usually stayed at reasonable temperatures well into October, and if worse came to worse, you'd just use a nip in the air as an ploy for snagging Jesse's jacket in the most subtle of ways. It was a win-win either way!
You we're just trying to decide which pair of shoes to wear, when you heard a knock at the front door. "Coming!" you called out as you made your way through the house to the door. A quick safety check through the peephole confirmed your suspicion of who your visitor was, and with a not-so-subtle grin, you pulled open the door to great the love of your life. "Hey, baby, how's it going?" You happily greeted him. Jesse was easy on the eyes. Tall, fit, dark shaggy hair and a 5'o'Clock shadow that he'd been trying to grow out for the last couple weeks. You met his warm, brown eyes and caught a glimpse of his smile and a wave of love washed over you. How'd you ever get so lucky?
"Hi, Hon, it's good to see you," Jesse greeted back as his smile widened and he leaned in for a hug and a quick but tender kiss. "You look great!" He took a step back, admiring your ensemble, and his wide smile melted into a look of awe.
"What? If there something wrong with my outfit?" You asked, assuming you may have gotten a stain on the dress, but when you looked down, you found that the dress was spotless. Well, unless you counted the white dots in the pattern.
"No, totally the opposite. I've just never seen you in this dress before... it looks perfect on you!" The bright grin across his face and the look of admiration in his eyes told you he loved your look. "Although, it might be a little chilly... are you prepared for that?"
A small, mischievous smile spread across your face. "Of course I am! If I get chilly, I'll just have to use your jacket to keep warm," You tried to assume an innocent expression, even though you knew he could see right through your intentions.
Jesse let out the laugh that bubbled up in reaction to your terrible innocent expression. You always loved Jesse's laugh. "Real subtle, babe. Fine, you can steal it for just one night, but only because I don't want to have to change tonight's plans."
(the rest of the story is the same regardless of your previous choice. Please skip to the Orange line below to continue!)
(Read here to continue and finish the fic!)
"And what sort of plans would those be, hm?" You asked innocently, wrapping your hands around Jesse's waist in a casual embrace.
He let out a soft chuckle. He figured you were going to ask. "You're very cute, but as I've said, its a surprise. Just bear with me another hour and you'll see for yourself." He tucked a small piece of hair behind your left ear, planting a gentle smooch on your forehead.
You gave a fake pout before relenting with a sigh. "Fine, you win this one. But only because I can't resist your handsome face." With a small smile, you leaned in to give him a peck on the lips.
"I'll count myself lucky then," He leaned in to meet your kiss. "You almost ready? I've got the saddlebags all packed, so we can head out at any time."
"Oh, so we're going somewhere?" you grinned. Maybe he'd slip up and tell you after all.
"Yes, we have to go for a little ride, but your surprise is at the end of our adventure. That's all you're gettin' out of me. Now, come on, it's almost sunset."
You released his waist, giving a little smile. "Yes, love. Give me a few minutes, and I'll be ready to go." With that, you walked back to your room, leaving him in the living room to wait. As you entered your room, your pup, Daisy got off her bed and trotted down the hallway. Though you'd only had Daisy for six months, she was obsessed with Jesse and always had to say hi when he came over.
Five minutes later, you'd picked out a lovely pair of boots that complimented your outfit, grabbed any last minutes little things you may need for the evening, and made your way down the hall to meet Jesse in the living room. As you approached the end of the hall, you heard someone using babytalk, and the voice sounded very similar to Jesse's. You quietly crept to the end of the hall to see what would prompt him to use such a silly tone that you'd never heard before, and stopped to grin as you saw Jesse sitting criss-cross on the floor, showering Daisy with pets galore. "You're just a pwetty widdle babygirl, yes you are! Ooh, I'm gonna get you! Bwahh! Yeah, you looove the tummy pets, huh? What a sweet girl!" He praised the pup with his babytalk as he tackled her tummy with tickles and pets. You giggled softly to yourself. Yeah, Jesse was perfect for you, and it seemed Daisy agreed, since she didn't let just anyone touch her tummy like that. Your eyes got misty as you realized how perfect Jesse was for you, and that he'd be good to Daisy as well. You stepped out into the living room just in time to hear his last little comments.
"Yeah, you're gonna be so big and strong one day! You'll be the envy of the town. Everyone will wish they had a pup like you," He praised the pup while rubbing her ears. He noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, and immediately jumped up as he made eye contact with you. "Oh, h-hey, you're back!" He stood awkwardly, looking from you, to Daisy and back. "Not sure how much of that you heard... But let's pretend you heard none of it," He blushed, chuckling shyly. His cool-guy persona was shattered now, but it didn't make a difference to you. You already knew Jesse was a softie at heart.
You smiled, chuckling with him, before moving closer to pull him into a hug, hoping he wouldn't noticed your teary-eyed expression. "Oh, Jesse, you're so serious, sometimes. I love you, you know?"
He chuckled awkwardly again, but flashed you a soft look and smile before noticing the threat of tears in your eyes. "Are you alright, babe? You look like you've been crying." He asked, concerned about what made you sad.
Wiping away the bit of mirth from your eyes, you nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. Just seeing you being so kind and sweet to Daisy made me realize I definitely made the right choice. I just...really love and appreciate you, Jess. I hope you don't think I take you for granted." You said, hoping your voice didn't sound too sad.
"Hey," he chuckled, pulling you into a tight hug. Some might think you're silly for crying over something like that, but he knew you were being serious. "I'm happy to have both of you in my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the world, I hope you know that." He gently guided your face to his, using his thumb and finger to guide your chin toward him. "I think it's sweet, how fully you love. And I hope I never take that for granted. I love you, too, you know." He reassured you, punctuating his last sentence with a long, tender kiss.
"Thank you. It's also so refreshing seeing that soft side of you. Why don't I see that more often?"
He blushed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's easier to be taken seriously in my line of work if I'm the cool, no-nonsense guy. Guess it's hard to let go, sometimes."
You gave a soft chuckle, hugging him again. "It's ok, your secret's safe with me."
"Good. You're sworn to secrecy, by the way. Daisy doesn't want people to know that she secretly loves belly rubs."
"Of course, Love. I wouldn't want daisy to be embarrassed." You agreed, taking a second to enjoy this moment. This was going to be the perfect evening, and a perfect beginning to the years ahead of both of you.
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ellabswilliamson · 4 months
About Me/DNI **Please Read**:
First & foremost, this blog is a SAFESPACE for poc, lgbtq+ & people with disabilities! In this house we love & respect our trans family, support BLM & are anti-genocide/pro-Palestine!!! Hate against minorities & human rights will not be tolerated here! This user is also anti-ai when it comes to art/writing.
🇵🇸🇵🇸 Donate to the UNWRA 🇵🇸 FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Transphobes/Transmedicalists, Homophobes, TERFs, Zionists, neo-nazis/nazis, Trads DO NOT INTERACT!!! You/your messages will be blocked/deleted on the spot. You have no voice or stage here.
Also DNI if you're a minor! (Anyone under the age of 18). If you're a minor I'm blocking you. No offense meant. This is a blog with mature content sometimes & that is my boundary.
Also will block you if you follow me & have a default tumblr blog. By that I mean a blog with no posts, no header image, no icon, no blog title and/or no blog description! I understand some of you guys are just on this website to absorb media, and that's fine, but if I can't tell the difference between you or a bot, I'm blocking. If you want to avoid that, customize at least some aspect of your blog!
Tags & Triggers: I'll do my best to tag any sensitive content, such as 18+ content (will tag as #18+ & #wfsc (warning for sexual/suggestive/sensitive content), gore (#gore for anything depicting blood or injuries), flashing lights (#flashing, #flashing lights), etc. Please send me an ask if there's anything specific you need tagged and I'll do my best to tag accordingly! Non-TLoU content is tagged #not tlou, original posts are tagged #my thoughts, my original art is tagged #sketchbook, any writing I put out will be tagged #journal. Will update this if need be.
Now that the DNI/content warning portion is out of the way, onto the introductions!
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Hello & welcome! This is my The Last of Us side blog where I post art, ramble about characters & spam-reblog about the game. I draw sometimes and rarely write, but have been trying to get back into it.
You can call me whatever (use any nickname you want. If I don't like it I'll tell you). I'm a 26y/o genderqueer autistic/adhd butch lesbian. I answer to any pronouns (they/she/he/it/zie/etc.) but use they for myself. If you have any questions about me, my headcanons or just want to ramble yourself, feel free to send an ask! I love talking about my hyperfixations with people, so don't be shy!
You're always welcome to request/suggest random doodles or small one-shots, but I won't promise that means I'll do all of them. I also take art commissions, so lmk if you have any questions about that!
I believe that's all, for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy yourself here! Love you guys 💙
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ellabswilliamson · 3 months
https://www.tumblr.com/ellabswilliamson/752954842960527360/since-youre-accepting-requests-can-i-pls-ask?source=share ARE U SERIOUS😭 dude this is actually so adorable wtf, I was expecting something good but being this great??? I love how you build first a setting to the thing instead of just jumping right away into the plot, and I love the details about jackson and their relationship. And the part when reader get to chose her clothes-💖 (btw I had read both, even if I chose the sundress🫣 i mean, you wrote for me, of course I will read every single word haha)
Anyways, thank you very much💖I love it, and you really wrote jesse very in a very accurate (and lovely) way!! Really captured the sofie and cool guy personality he was in the games
Aw thank you so much Anon!!! 🥰 and I'm really happy you think it turned out so well! I definitely didnt mean to write as much as I did (I thought I'd only write like maybe 1000 words, if that 💀) but it just kept flowing and before I knew it i was too invested to give something too short lol.
I'm also relieved to hear that I wrote Jesse well. He's so underrated and deserved so much better than the fate he got in the game, but we also didn't see a lot of him, so i was worried he'd feel OOC 😅 The interactive bit came cause i couldnt decide what to pick (im personally not very fashion-centric) and I know some readers cant always relate to how generic theyre written, so i felt like it was an easy detail to help you connect with the character more. It was my first time ever doing that, so hopefully it didnt feel too clunky or messy! I also wanted to keep details about the worldbuilding vague enough that you could envision it as either the canon jackson or a modern irl version of jackson, but still have enough little details to add to it. Very relieved that it worked well!
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