#eloise bridgerton x
greengableslover · 3 months
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BRIDGERTON (2020 - ) | s03 ep07 'JOINING OF HANDS'
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redroses07 · 4 months
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should i make a part 2?
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aftgmostly · 4 months
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Now those, are facts
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ophelieverse · 6 months
Ready to defend Penelope Featherington from all of you haters:
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notholaenas · 4 months
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romancing miss bridgerton
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commonanomaly · 4 months
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just make them girlfriends pls n thx
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misandriste · 4 months
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peneloise + gazing longingly at each other
BRIDGERTON, season 3 part 1
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butcharondir · 3 months
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im sorry but also im not
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love-filter · 4 months
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It has been one of the most magical working experiences of my entire life and career. I have loved every second working with Jessica Madsen. I think she's made from heaven. — CLAUDIA JESSIE on working with Jessica Madsen, Bridgerton BTS.
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hattersarts · 3 months
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listen, the milf affair that is going to develop from bridgerton season 3 in like 15 years time is craaaaaazzzzyy.
gobsmacked by the eloise subtext of getting a lesbianbestfriend crush on your closest friend and finally working out by learning WHAT the feelings were that were happening to her when colin announced his and pen's engagement. shes gonna go to scotland and start having very messy situationships with women and then go travelling and each time she comes back to the ton shes going to be the very cool aunt to pen and colin's kids and work out how to get over childhood crush on pen and then pens going to kiss her and stuff is going to explode
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frost-queen · 1 year
Till it bites you back // part 3 (Male!Reader x Eloise Bridgerton)
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia,  @elllie-does-the-posts, @alex--awesome--22, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @imagines-by-her, @vviolynn, @melsunshine,  @evilcr0ne, @czarinera, @god-titan, @thethreeeyed-raven, @svrootles, @milo890, @anonymous-cat-21, @luvinyouwasred123, @cluelessteam
Summary: Deeply invested in finding out who Lady Whistledown is partner Eloise and you up. With each second spend together the emotions of love swell up till it makes both parties hunker for a love undescribable [Part 1] [ part 2] [ part 4]
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Standing at the sideline of the danceroom, you were observing those on the sideline. You gaze resting a few moments on a lady in soft blue. Her expression saddened as she stared at the dancers. The long yearning on her face as a stake to the heart. Reaching in your pocket, you took out a little brown leather notebook held close with a cord. The pencil followed as you started scribbling observations down. Some movement caught your eye whilst writing, making you look briefly up.
In the blink of an eye you saw a lady make her way over to you. Her dazzling dress kept approaching as it distracted you in blinks. Before she could open her mouth and speak she got greeted by Claude. The right hand of the prince. He held his gloved hand gently up to her by his waist with a shake of his head. The lady stared dumbfound back at him seeing you scribble further behind him.
Without looking back at you, spoke Claude. – “Occupied.” – with the warmest most faked polite smile. The lady left with disappointment. Claude returned to his place near you, but not too close. You observed another lady in a soft pink dress, pearls around her neck. After watching for some moments, you wrote some things down again. Shutting the notebook you approached Claude. Claude stepped side-ways aside to maintain his distance from you as formal as it should be.
“I feel as if I am getting close Claude.” – you exclaimed tugging the notebook in your inside pocket once more. – “My observations are becoming more accurate.” – you continued as Claude turned briefly towards you. – “Your royal highness if I may.” – he started with a bow. With a wave of your hand you ordered for him to do so, occupied with looking around. Claude cleared his throat gently. – “I…don’t get me wrong, but should you not focus on finding a fiancé? A wife?” – he changed wording knowing it was your mother’s dearest wish and here you were at the side-line having ordered Claude to keep every woman at bay.
Dismissing them as you are otherwise engaged. You quirked an eyebrow up, turning to him. – “I do not require to dance to find a possible suitor.” – you told him. Claude bowed his head letting you know he stepped down. Apologizing for overstepping his position. – “Au contraire, Claude I am practically engaged.” – you continued making the poor man gulp in surprise. – “Your Royal Highness, when?” – he asked as you went to completely ignore him.
Caught by a beauty in the midst of the crowd. – “Miss Eloise!” – you called out raising your hand up for her to notice you. Eloise, the fresh breath of air caught had noticed you, smiling widely. Claude looked baffled and puzzled at the lady as you made your way through the crowd towards her.
A few curious heads turned seeing the prince hasten himself through the crowd to reach the Bridgerton girl. Eloise met up with you halfway. – “Your Royal Highness.” – she started wanting to bow as you took her by the wrist, pulling her away from the midst of the crowd. Eloise let you drag her away, seeing a puzzled Benedict glance her way before he was out of sight. By the walls behind a line-up of chattering girls came you to a stop with her. – “Your royal Highness.” – Eloise repeated taking her bow before you now.
It made you chuckle out of breath from surpassing every soul in the ballroom. – “Miss Eloise for our quest of the identity of Lady Whistle.” – you told her grabbing for your notebook. You pulled it out as Eloise’s eyes widened. – “I believe I have become close.” – you continued resting your hand on the cover. – “You… you used a notebook?” – Eloise asked both confused and curious. – “Oui.” – you said proudly only upon seeing her puzzled, you weren’t sure if it was a positive matter.
“Should I have not?” – you asked her, embracing the notebook with your hands, pulling it close to your chest. Your sudden saddened reaction startled Eloise. – “No!” – she blurted out making you look even sadder at her. – “No… I meant…no… I didn’t mean it like that.” – she explained in a haste. – “I am lost…” – you said sighing deep. – “English… I will never understand.” – you mumbled to yourself. At this point it felt as if the world was caving in on you. Nothing made sense. Her reaction to you carrying a notebook felt like a foreign language.
Eloise grabbed you by your elbows, smiling sweetly to make you meet up with her gaze. – “I think it is rather sweet.” – she said lifting your spirit a bit up. – “You… you do?” – asking her to be sure. – “Oui.” – Eloise responded with a little bounce of her feet. Her sweet reaction made you almost want to kiss her. Just by the way of her cuteness and her attempt to speak French. Your language by birth. It moved you to see her put some effort in it. To have the patience and explain herself better when you do not follow.
“What are your findings.” – she said with a little flinch feeling herself get flustered from staring in your gaze. Clearing your throat you opened your notebook. – “Well…” – you began as Eloise came standing close to you. – “I have observed a number of ladies standing on the side.” – you continued feeling a presence close to you. You only had to turn your head slightly to the side to see her face peek over your shoulder into your notebook.
Her eyes darted from your notes to you, staring closely up to each other. – “You… you have a beautiful handwriting.” – she whispered catching herself stare slightly down to your lips. – “As are you…” – you whispered back caught in a stare. Aware of what you just said, you quickly changed your words. – “As is yours.” – you corrected with a nervous clearance of your throat.
Eloise set herself down on her heels laughing. – “My handwriting is terrible. Poorly readable if I say so myself.” – she joked as it made you laugh as well. – “I do not believe a single one of it.” – you chuckled out. Hearing your heart thump loud against your chest, you moved the notebook up to hide the flush in your cheeks. – “You see I…” – you began needing to steady your voice. – “I have taken notes off numerous ladies, yet only seven of them I believe might be Whistledown.” – you informed her. – “May I see that list?” – she asked, you nodded and gave it to her.
Eloise started reading the names out loud that you had listed underneath as possible gossip writers. – “Lady Margaret Price, Miss Agatha Fletcher, Miss Eden Grace. Lady Phryne Fenton, Miss Penelope Featherington.” – Eloise suddenly stopped. – “You… you know her?” – you asked her. – “Yes, she is my dearest friend. How come you think of her?” – she questioned making you pull your shoulders up. – “I never see her dance and she always roams the walls, sliding across the proportions of the room.
I meant no harm with including your friend. I did not know I was merely making a conclusion of finding out the identity.” – you explained with desperation as you hoped it wouldn’t mean losing her. Eloise shook her head. – “It is alright. It is true she rarely dances…” – Eloise said the intensity of her voice wandering off. You plucked your notebook out of her hands. – “I shall exclude her from the list.” – you said out loud already taking out your pencil. – “No!” – Eloise called out putting you to a stop. – “You shouldn’t do that. We must be thorough as partners.”
Her choice of words made you grin foolishly. – “Now we must find a way to be certain.” – she thought as you had a sudden idea. – “Miss Eloise.” – you said tapping her shoulder for attention. – “If you could… we could watch Lady Price. I know for a fact where she will be tomorrow midday. If…if you are not otherwise engaged… I thought perhaps we could…” – saying it out loud it seemed rather foolish now. Eloise’s eyes widened in a cute surprise.
“You want to stalk Lady Price with me?” – she said lowly hoping she had heard you correctly. You could only smile sheepishly at her for the dumbest idea you had yet presented her with. Of course she was going to decline. A midday alone with you, unchaperoned. She was no fool. Perhaps you were. You still needed to get rid of Claude then if this would set foot. It was a foolish idea, thinking you could spend more time with her alone. It was just when you were around her, you couldn’t think rationally.
Certainly when those lovely doe eyes stared right back at you. How her enthusiasm and close manners made your heart beat as ever loudly. – “Why not.” – Eloise spoke making you stare in shock at her. – “What a good idea your Royal Highness.” – she expressed. Smiling proudly you were so glorified by the feeling of her approvement. You leaned a bit closer to her to whisper. – “Meet me tomorrow at noon at the market.”
It was almost an agony to get rid of Claude. He insisted upon following your every move. You had tried lying to him that you require solitude in the garden. Solitude he would be happy to give you within reach of his sight. Getting slightly annoyed you almost had to shout at him to be gone. Finally you were able to get rid of him as your mother required a moment with him. You saw the chance, winked at Liana to keep your little escape a secret and left.
Disguised as a regular man, you waited by the market for Miss Eloise. Suddenly smiling you saw her approach. Her hair down in such elegance it made you swallow hard. The blue cloak over her shoulders giving her a graceful disguise. – “Your Ro…” – she started wanting to bow as you quickly grabbed her by the shoulders, pressing her against your chest for a hug. – “It is Y/n here Eloise. Common Y/n.” – you whispered in her ear with a nervous chuckle.
Eloise’s eyes stood wide slightly panicking at the loud thumping of her heart, hoping you wouldn’t hear it. You let go of her, looking nervous around. – “Alright common Y/n.” – she said smiling. If there was any fluster inside of her, she hid it well. – “Where do we find this Lady Price?” – she asked getting on the tips of her toes to overlook the market.
“There.” – you said motioning with your head. Indeed Lady Price stepped out of her carriage. It made Eloise turn around hoping she wouldn’t see her. You took Eloise’s hand laying it over your arm. – “What do you require dear, some fruits? Flowers? Cattle?” – you suggested seeing the slight panic in her eyes. It made you laugh loud. Eloise chuckling sheepishly back. You glanced over your shoulder watching as to where Lady Price would go. She went to pass by some fruit markets. Pulling Eloise with you, you went after her on a distance.
Eloise and you stood by the fruit booth next to hers. You pretended to look for fruit, picking one up to smell for a second. – “I didn’t know Lady Price did this by herself. You would think she has maids buying fruit for her.” – Eloise whispered to you. – “Perhaps she only trusts her own judgement on fruit?” – you responded making Eloise quirk her eyebrow up. Her expression made you laugh loud.
Your laughter caught Lady Price’s attention as Eloise, and you freaked out. Eloise turned her back to the lady, picking up a watermelon to hold up in front of your face. She waited till Lady Price stopped looking and went on. You came peeking from behind the watermelon with a smile. – “A good choice dear.” – you joked. Eloise lowered the watermelon. – “I don’t think it is ripe yet, dearest.” – she responded putting it back down. Both of you smiled at the little charade going on. – “Not ripe? My fruit is the ripest!” – The owner shouted upon hearing her. Eloise and you wouldn’t have ears for it.
Gazing at each other, you came to her side, walking off with her. You were so lost in her eyes, you barely noticed Lady Price moving on. – “Wait, where is she?” – you said out loud, looking around desperately. – “There!” – Eloise called out. Before you knew it she grabbed your hand, pulling you with her. She started running with you over the market towards the house Lady Price went in. Eloise and you came at the house as she pulled you down behind some sacks of flour.
Crouched she and you crawled a bit closer to an open window to hear word of her conversation. Eloise was narrowing her eyes a bit to focus her hearing on the conversation. What she did made you form a smile. If you could burn her image on your sight, you would be happy if her face was the only thing you could see. Her very existence radiant to you. If one were to ask who your muse was, it was her. Every second spend in her company was uplifting.
The longer you were, the harder it was to say goodbye to her. At this point you never wanted to say goodbye to her. Wanting to have her stuck to you. Heart beating loudly for her, you leaned a bit closer to her. A grave urge to be close to her. A tingle in your lips, restless hands that needed contact with her hands. As clear as day, you wanted her. You weren’t aware of your surroundings anymore. Luckily Eloise was.
She heard the door open startling her. Her body flinched as she turned round, wrapped her arms around you and dropped down with you. You fell on your back, Eloise laying on top of you. Her eyes squeezed shut as you felt her muscles pull together around you to stay hidden. Hoping you wouldn’t be seen. Hearing footsteps fade away, Eloise waited a few minutes before getting up. The moment she got up, you were boiling hot.
If it was possible, there would be steam coming out of your ears. This was the closest she had ever been to you. – “Y/n.” – she said pulling you to sit up by your hand. You needed a second to recover from that. Eloise looked behind her. – “She left. Let us go inside and see what she was doing in there.” – Eloise got up as you had to scramble yourself to your feet. Following her, you went inside. Eloise barged in loudly announcing her presence as you remained on the background. 
It took her one observation to understand what kind of house this was. – “Yes?” – a man with round glasses said curious. – “Nothing.” – she replied waving her hand. The owner went back to fill his cabinets. – “Who knew she sought out potions.” – she said smiley. – “I mean if it means becoming numb to hearing Cressida’s annoying voice I would jump at the opportunity of whatever intoxicating concoction he has in those bottles.”
Suddenly aware of you staring dreamily at her, she felt flustered. – “What?” – she asked moving her head a bit back. – “I am so in love with you.” – you confessed unable to keep it to yourself. Eloise smiled shyly away. The shop owner cleared his throat to announce for you to leave if you weren’t buying anything. Eloise and you went outside, making sure no one had seen you come from that house. Imagine the papers. His Royal highness and Miss Eloise Bridgerton seen unchaperoned in search of intoxicating herbs to numb the brain.
It would be scandalous. Eloise and you left the market. – “I believe we can take her off the list.” – Eloise said as you nodded. – “Y/n.” – she said making your flutter at how easy your name rolled off her tongue. – “I… cannot describe what my body experiences but I like it somehow. I never thought I was capable of feeling it, but I do.” – she confessed as you took both her hands.
Keeping an eye on her, you kissed her hands with care and love. Eloise smiled moving her hands so that she was now holding yours. Letting her thumb stroke your hands. Eventually Eloise and you parted as the time spend away from home was starting to get suspicious. You parted with her, knowing you would soon be with her again either to continue your search for Lady Whistledown’s identity or at another ball.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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capitanpoops · 4 months
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cressida fighting her demons (lesbianism)
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stuffingbuttsandshit · 3 months
Benedict kissing Colin and Colin just being there accepting it with no reaction tells me that this happens more often than shown, and I can just imagine Anthony and Benedict just kissing their little brother incessantly just to annoy him and Colin just sitting there not being able to do anything but accept it makes my heart melt
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when-sanpape-arts · 4 months
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more creloise doodles before S3 part 2 implodes them forever.
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thebluemallet · 3 months
Portia may not have always been the best mother, but she was the only one who noticed and brought attention to the fact that Penelope wrote terrible things about herself in Whistledown once she learned the truth.
Someone should write a fic where that is brought to Colin and Eloise's attention by someone else and they both have that "oh shit!" moment.
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notholaenas · 4 months
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sweet thing
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