444names · 2 years
the entire gnomish and old norse dictionaries + modern pokemon
Abrander Actip Adista Aditr Ainnes Alethwienn Andinpross Andwand Anterg Aptass Archar Argass Asgareles Atched Atting Augrave Aursama Axuar Bacef Baider Bangafa Barchendar Bascr Bashell Bavalhyrt Beand Beaprom Beaths Bedhwe Behaligrib Beharbish Beiðfeig Belish Belmsyllan Bentert Benthan Bethingla Bjoin Bjótt Bjóttoxhof Bjǫðush Blishiono Bouderess Bramoos Brasird Bratve Breitmon Brifan Brion Brjarkite Brosi Brout Brufficur Bráðiaskr Brúniða Bullu Byrragr Bǫmland Bȳliskálps Cacke Caillgoll Calfr Cannr Cardi Carefjǫld Caveðr Ceareydong Celege Chala Chant Chion Cimptuga Cined Cinni Clandistr Cling Cliðr Cocer Comptir Conja Conjurey Contere Conth Corsommorn Corvar Cowava Crastunk Creck Criess Culless Culureed Curma Cuthertálf Cwatessiat Cwayfa Dambey Darviting Dasingr Decile Delygða Derst Disol Djafa Dollir Drewearly Dridersa Ductr Dueta Dýrse Eakompa Eardhrin Eaukaðr Eggbúið Eglingrati Elsta Eltice Emeyfi Enchourr Encla Etass Eveði Exhoort Exposs Fandepingr Fative Feencelama Fendi Fessing Fiellous Fingnath Finnis Firtain Fjǫluffic Flingladon Floalmr Flogin Flooctog Formfood Forta Forthmaðr Forða Foulni Freng Frill Fringulge Froun Frous Fræða Fréttyper Furdy Fǫgglóta Gafty Gaing Galeing Ganiga Gante Gaskabœrr Genna Ginuðnar Giole Glace Glann Glkillhögu Gorin Gotingin Grangr Grepiel Gunidly Gætunum Gísaur Góðarnack Habir Hafagon Haftarasg Harcynjoll Hargappon Hargjarowl Healbeloat Hearinn Hearnity Heatefna Heilve Hemir Hereacklín Herecit Hereyrka Herly Himda Hingriki Hiseed Hitneed Hlarthern Hluch Hoptin Horde Horinn Hortmed Hotna Hoxedings Hrunter Huggja Hunce Hundal Hungs Hveiks Hárfræ Hættera Hótailly Hǫssibunde Hǫtver Iketrigg Imiticeft Inesons Ingaga Ingreim Joilmaith Joldne Kamed Karmray Katrigam Keder Kennart Kidmuck Kverlest Kvæti Laged Lakard Landamr Landunty Lante Lattion Lauke Laule Lavelese Leack Lecture Leeti Lemought Leyjaskend Lided Liendech Lienn Ljórtoostr Lockweve Luird Lægrons Lögmár Lönnaft Lúfre Lútaldr Lútirds Lǫndi Mabite Maineth Mainstas Malamlaðr Mallr Manamr Mandis Marfaloth Marfrove Maroalt Memewston Mensint Mersinn Midaush Midor Mildri Mimbladle Mingja Mingsǫkord Minutly Miseection Miðabod Miðir Mjǫlm Munfigati Munlant Mórði Mødhræs Nanzincon Neconte Neybow Niraug Njumpt Njöldne Nobow Noinja Norence Norski Nought Numan Nying Nábúfa Nálmenchla Nøktion Nǫsup Opecte Operja Opers Oustell Ovely Pedisles Pethice Peyllance Pillints Pritr Proldr Promfurnef Pupthyrk Quidfiðja Ramar Rebak Rection Reepang Regile Reigarbir Reiðirðr Rendioness Renscoger Rente Rettavy Reyfadihow Reyðja Rossity Rothory Ruðgá Rítty Sachi Saild Sappr Sarek Saustragi Selft Serna Seteðka Shaldry Shand Shingu Skiðja Slank Slannest Sling Sloate Sneve Sombratr Sounnroom Sourtwegin Spensc Spentnatch Speow Speri Spron Starl Stfully Stoen Streakapon Styggr Stœkron Suill Sunniri Sunpord Sunty Surdamunch Surench Surlight Svaxerlunn Svest Swobay Swornoul Sændaver Sætkistr Síðity Sögla Sýnix Sǫkkr Tesemp Thersefogr Theytionli Thfulr Thier Thora Thratves Thuget Thugsmíkaf Tomaðr Tossole Trani Transkr Treves Twits Tyrskros Tákarsta Tænisimann Tíðentrair Ummantled Undbuight Ungue Useass Valdr Vales Valiki Vallowl Vancione Vandir Vandsrénna Vanger Vargja Velts Verlǫgbúi Vexcom Vidow Vulauter Víkip Vítiga Waing Walre Wanphy Warms Weebrounk Weimr Whance Whatisk Whences Whokhag Wirstæng Wistarbeld Witing Woopeandr Woothed Woronsa Ykiell Ykkad Ykkit Ábystickr Álfringern Ásbationt Áttrianmen Ófroðor Ógallibi Útraðr Ýztraws Œxlay Ǫrðask
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elriell · 4 years
It bothers me so much that Nesta thinks of Elain as a dog :/
I didn’t like it either but I honestly think this was a major low moment and I think it is pretty clear that she doesn’t feel that way truly, she was angry and feeling alone. She has been Elain’s biggest defender I don’t think we should brush that under the rug because of a low point.
“Nesta was wrong, Cassian realized, to think Elain as loyal and loving as a dog. Elain saw every single thing Nesta had done, and understood why.”
I love that we got this line, because it is so true, Elain gets so much flack, for being kind and understanding. And it baffles me, she has always cared for Nesta and taken the time to see beyond the surface. Neither are perfect but that is what makes them interesting.
I can’t wait to see them grow and heal in Elain’s book, because I for one did not get closure in Nesta’s!
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suiiiika · 5 years
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醤油ラーメン 500円 #elsta #南大沢 #町中華 #yummy #ramen #instafood #foodporn #tokyo #lunch #japanesefood #japan #elsta東京 #ワンコインランチ #リトルチャイナ #八王子 #孤独のグルメ #絶メシ #醤油ラーメン #ラーメン (リトルチャイナ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B83B9nFgp06/?igshid=h356kw0o5s74
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ravenkult · 3 years
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Elsta Tikklekins by Niko Gesell https://www.artstation.com/artwork/R326YE
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salted-caramel-tea · 3 years
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gretabergth · 4 years
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Græni maðurinn.
Olía á striga. Stærð: 65x65
Nokkur orð um Græna manninn.
Að skynja tíðni og orku jarðarinnar, uppgötva heima sem alltaf hafa verið til. Að ganga inn um dyr vídda þar sem álfar og vættir búa. Náttúruverurunar komu fyrst og eiga landið, við erum aðeins gestir í stuttan tíma. Allt þetta er tengt okkur og þráir að hjálpa mannkynininu. Útivist og göngur gefur heilun og heilbrigði. Innsæi eykst, sköpun og vellíðan. Þegar Græni maðurinn minnir á sig þá er áríðandi að efla náttúruvernd, sem er einmitt núna og hefði mátt gerast fyrr. Ég var á ferðalagi þegar ég safnaði steinum uppúr Syðri-Hvammsá fyrir ofan Kirkjuhvamm, Hvammstanga. þessi dásamlegi og fyrir mér „heilagi staður“ gaf mér þessa Líbarítsteina þar sem ég sá þessi andlit, laufin, dýrin og dýrðar jarðarlitina. Árið 2014 var Haraldur Erlendsson, geðlæknir, sem þá var Yfirlæknir á Heilsustofnun í Hveragerði, og er ég sýndi honum nýju myndirnar mínar þá var ekki aftursnúið er hann sagði; „Þetta er Græni maðurinn“. Þá fór í gang rannsóknarvinna og lestur um þetta aldagamla tákn um náttúruvernd. Haraldur segir; Hann er Óðinn, Tré, Sumar, Innri maður og Miðsúla hvers manns og Tjáning hans. Náttúran hefur verið yndi manna alla tíð. Trúin á vitundina í náttúrunni hefur staðið okkur svo nærri og birst í trúrarhefðum annara landa t.d. Pan í Grikklandi og á Norðurlöndum í Skógarguðnum Óðni en hans tákn er Heimstréð; Askur Yggdrasill. Í kirkjum víða í Evrópu má sjá táknmynd manns með grænum laufum og stundum vaxa greinar út um munn hans sem er tilvísun til vorsins, endursköpunar lífsins. Í Hveragerði, Eden, var stillt upp andliti hans í inngangi gróðurhússins. Hér á landi var Græni maðurinn í kirkjum landsins til 1700: Elsta kirkja landsins Grafarkirkja á Höfðaströnd, Hólar í Hjaltadal, Laufás í Eyjafiði, Helgafellskirkja Snæfellsnesi. Ég vitna í Harald, Erlu Stefáns og einnig mann sem hefur rannsakað og skrifað um Græna manninn og það er Karl Smári Hreinsson, leiðsögumaður. 
(Sjá Tímarit.is: Lesbók Mbl: Andlitið í laufinu. Heima er Best 9 tbl. 59.árg. 2009 og Heima er Best 3.tbl. 63.árg. 2013)
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coronaislandpromo · 4 years
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|| Get to know HELEN PARR who’s FORTY-THREE years old and works as a GYMNASTICS COACH in town. She is from CORONA and is often times mistaken for CHRISTINA HENDRICKS while others say she reminds them of ELSTA GIRL from THE INCREDIBLES. ||
As a young girl, Helen was obsessed with gymnastics. She was one of the most flexible girls on the team and always dreamed of making it big. But like with most everyone else with those type of dreams, it never happened. Because taking her talents anywhere other than the island would be too dangerous. She couldn’t risk anyone finding out about what she could actually do. So when her long-time sweetheart proposed to her, she decided it was time to settle down and focus on the other dream she’s always had: having a family.
Now, her two oldest kids are out of the house and after having been a full time mom for the last twenty-some years, Helen realized it was time to figure out something new for her life. And what better way to do that than by bringing her first love back into her life? Gymnastics was her life for so long that it just felt natural picking it back up and becoming a coach for the local gym.
POWERS UPDATE: She was born with the ability to stretch out her body as if it were made of elastic.
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naeturblom · 4 years
non-binary in Icelandic
I have translated this article from @nonbinaryiceland about gender-neutral pronouns. If you are learning Icelandic (like me) and want to learn more it is pretty helpful! I’m working on some other stuff related to this. All mistakes are my own, please correct them.
ég hef útlagði þessi blaðagrein frá @nonbinaryiceland um ókynbundið fornöfn. ef þú ert að læra íslensku (eins og ég) og vill að læra meira, hún er mjög hjálpleg. ég er að vinna á suma aðra hluti eins og þetta. öll mistökin eru mín, leiðrétta þau, takk (ef viltu).
1. Non-binary fólk notar ýmiss konar fornöfn.//Non-binary people use many different pronouns.
2. Sum okkar erum mjög sátt við að nota annað hvort ‘hann’ eða ‘hún’; sum okkar viljum að það sé reglulega skipt á milli ‘hann’ eða ‘hún’ fornafna; enn önnur viljum við nota ókynbundin fornöfn.//Some of use are very comfortable with using one of either ‘hann (he)’ or ‘hún (she)’; some of us want to regularly switch between ‘hann’ or ‘hún’; still others want to use gender-neutral/genderless pronouns.
3. Það er nánast ómögulegt að ætla sér að giska á fornöfn non-binary fólks, og því er besta lausnin alltaf að spyrja hvert og eitt okkar!//It is very nearly impossible to try and guess the pronouns of non-binary people, and it is always best to ask us which ones.
Ókynbundin fornöfn//Genderless Pronouns 1. Þessi fornöfn eru nýtilkomin í íslenskt tungumál, en þau hafa þróast meðal non-binary fólks sem finnst óþægilegt þegar kynbundin fornöfn (þ.e. ‘hann’ eða ‘hún’) eru notuð fyrir þau, en vilja þar á móti ekki láta kalla sig ‘það*’, þar sem það er ópersónulegt og er almennt frekar notað um hluti en fólk, nema þá í niðrandi samhengi.//These pronouns are emerging in the Icelandic language, and they are emerging among non-binary people who feel uncomfortable when gendered pronouns (such as ‘hann’ or ‘hún’) are used for them, but they don’t want to call themselves ‘það (it)’, because it is impersonal and is usually used for things rather than people.
2. Þar sem non-binary fólk kemur úr ólíkustu áttum hefur ekki verið almenn samstaða með hvaða fornöfn séu best, rétt eins og á öðrum tungumálum.//Because non-binary people come from different experiences, they don’t have to always be in agreement as to which pronouns is best, just like in other languages.
3. Upp hafa sprottið ýmsar útgáfur, en þær sem eru best þekktar eru ‘hán’ (hán/hán/háni/háns), ‘hín’ (hín/hín/híni/híns), ‘hé’ (hé/hé/hé/hés) og ‘þau’ (þau/þau/þeim/þeirra).//Several versions have sprung up, but those which are best known are hán/háni/háns, hín/híni/híns, hé/hé/hés, and þau/þeim/þeirra.
Á öðrum tungumálum//In other languages 1. Á ensku, rétt eins og á íslensku, eru ýmis mismunandi fornöfn í gangi.//In English, just like Icelandic, there are many different pronouns in use.
2. Vegna útbreiðslu tungumálsins væri erfitt að komast saman á um aðeins eitt fornafn til þess að nota, en sum þeirra hafa þó verið til lengur en önnur.//Because of difficulties in the spread of language, it would be difficult to decide on only one pronoun to use, but some have been around longer than others. 
3. Það elsta og best þekkta (og auk þess það eina sem er þegar til í orðabókum) er einfaldlega ‘they’.//The oldest and most well-known (and in addition, it is also the one that has already gone in the dictionary) is singular ‘they’.
4. Oftast er þetta fornafn notað sem þriðja persóna fleirtölu, en það er þó algerlega rétt að nota í eintölu ef kyn manneskjunnar sem vísað er til er óþekkt - sbr.//Often this pronouns is used in the third-person plural, but it is still completley correct to use in the singular if the gender of the person who is the subject is unknown.
‘I need to go to a doctor; I hope they’ll be able to help me’. 
5. Önnur fornöfn eru, m.a., ‘zie’ (zie/hir/hir/hirs), ‘spivak’ (ey/em/eir/eirs), ‘xe’ (xe/xem/xyr/xyrs).//Other pronouns are, amongst other things, zie/hir/hirs, ‘spivak’ ey/em/eirs, xe/xem/xyrs.
6. Auðveldlega er hægt að finna lista yfir fleiri tilnefningar á netinu með því að leita að “gender neutral pronoun” eða “non-binary pronoun”.//It is easily possible to find a list of more nominations on the internet by searching for “Gender-Neutral Pronouns” or “Non-binary pronouns”.//Sweden formally approved the pronoun ‘hen’ in the year 2014 and it is now in official word-lists.
7. Svíþjóð samþykkti formlega fornafnið ‘hen’ (hen/hen/henom/hens) sem ókynbundið fornafn árið 2014 og er það í opinberum orðalistum núna. 
8. Sumir non-binary svíar nota líka fornafnið ‘den’ (den/den/den/dens) sem myndi þýðast sem ‘það (kvk. eða kk.)’.//Some non-binary swedes also use the pronouns den/den/dens which translates more to ‘it’ (masculine or feminine).
9. Noregur hefur að einhverju leyti notað fornafnið ‘hin’ en uppástungur hafa komið upp um að taka upp ‘hen’ frá sænskunni.//Norway has in some parts used the pronoun ‘hin’ but the proposal has come up to take  up the use of Swedish ‘hen’.
10. Finnska er ekki með neinn mun milli þriðju persónu fornafna, þ.e. sama fornafnið - ‘hän’ - er notað yfir bæði kk. og kvk.//Finnish does not use any third-person pronouns, there is the same pronoun -hän- used for both masculine and feminine.
En hvaða fornafn á ég að nota ef ég get ekki spurt?//But what pronouns do i use if i don’t get to ask? 1. Ef þú ert að tala um einstakling sem þú veist að er non-binary, en ert ekki viss um hvaða fornöfn manneskjan vill helst að séu notuð er það oftast í lagi að nota eitthvert ókynbundnu fornafnanna þar til þú getur spurt að því persónulega.//If you are talking about someone who you know is non-binary but aren’t sure which pronouns the person wants most to be used, it is usually ok to use any gender less pronoun until you get to ask them
2. Flest fólk sem notar ókynbundin fornöfn, þó þau eigi sér venjulega eitt uppáhalds, kippir sér ekki mikið upp við það þó annað ókyndbundið fornafn sé notað (undantekningin hér væri ‘það’, sem mörgum líkar illa við*). //Most people who use gender neutral pronouns, though they don’t usually have just one favorite, don’t take much after it and will still use a different gender-neutral pronoun (the exception here would be það, which many people take issue with).
3. Ef þú ert að tala um einstakling en veist ekki hvernig sá skilgreinir sig flækist málið aðeins, og fer mikið eftir persónulegum aðstæðum.//If you are talking about a person but don’t know how they refer to themself/what language they define themself with, it depends a lot on personal circumstances.
4. Það er því ekki hægt að segja að neitt eitt svar sé rétt hér, og langbest er að spyrja manneskjuna.//It is not possible to say that just one answer is right here, and the very best is to ask the person.
5. Þangað til væri samt t.d. hægt að víxla milli mismunandi persónufornafna svo þú festist ekki í að nota eitthvað eitt ákveðið.//Until then it would, for example, be possible to switch between many personal pronouns so you don’t determine to use something for certain.
1. Sumir non-binary einstaklingar vilja hins vegar nota ‘það’, og finnst það ekki niðurlægjandi.//Some non-binary people want they way used to be ‘það’ and don’t find it dehumanizing.
2. Ákveðin endurheimting hefur einnig verið á þessu fornafni, rétt eins og endurheimting orðsins ‘hinsegin’ sem var upphaflega eingöngu notað í niðrandi merkingu.//There has also certainly been a reclamatiuon of this pronoiun, much like the reclaimation of the word ‘hinsegin (Queer).
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incredimama · 5 years
Get to know HELEN PARR who’s FORTY-THREE years old and works as a GYMNASTICS COACH in town. She is from CORONA and is often times mistaken for CHRISTINA HENDRICKS while others say she reminds them of ELSTA GIRL from THE INCREDIBLES. 
helen comes from a conservative household. her father was a workaholic and sole provider while her mother was a stay at home mom. it was only natural when she got pregnant with violet that she'd stay at home and raise the kids.
being born with the ability to stretch like elastic wasn't easy on her mother. she was taught from the time she understood that she had to hide it. it wasn't normal and it was difficult but helen learned quickly.
helen began gymnastics at a young age and being so flexible made it easy. of course she never gave 100% but even 50% won her a number of medals and trophies which she treasures 'til this day.
gymnastics was her life, she ate, slept, and breathed the sport. the day she had to give it up was one of the saddest of her life. giving up something she loved to start a family was both the easiest and hardest decision of her life but she doesn't regret it one bit.
helen loves children. she has a soft spot for them all, even those who aren't her own. she's known to help out when needed whether it be providing food, hand me down clothes, or even a roof over their heads.
she might be a sweet, nice mom but she is in no way a pushover. she can be very blunt and short tempered when pushed. harm her kids in any way and you'll find out just how skilled of a fighter she is.
she's been a pta member and involved with her kids extracurriculars from the time they started school. with dash and violet in college, she's found herself with extra time since jack is the only child at home. going back to gymnastics was something she'd wanted for a long time. coaching has been a dream come true.
she loves pinterest.
besides gymnastics, she used to be a cheerleader in high school.
married bob straight out of high school.
kanga is her best friend and has been her entire life.
she loves cooking but is much better at baking and bake sales are her favorite.
very active and can fight.
adds the in front of everything ie: the twitter, the youtube, etc.
shes got CAKES, instabaddies wish they were her.
everything and anything.
pick up violet and dash thanks.
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pizzarcasm · 5 years
Du glaubst an Gott, doch glaubt Gott auch an dich? Sei dein eigener Schöpfer, schalt' dein' Kopf an und sprich Gib Leben, wie Licht, Du hast dein Leben im Griff Der Typ im Spiegel grinst und meint: Gelegentlich nicht Keine Strategie, entschieden Gegenwehr zu leisten Ich kann nicht mehr, als ein paar Nebelkerzen schmeissen Das Erwähnenswerte streifen und gut verpacken Du meinst, du müsstest kriechen, um Fuß zu fassen, ich hab Stur Gas gegeben und war gut am schaffen all die Jahre Von jeder meiner Kopfgeburten bleibt 'ne kleine Narbe Ma ehrlich, es kam die Zeit, da bemerkt' ich Je mehr ich weiß, wovon ich rede, desto schweigsamer werd' ich Wie von selbst
Laut gedacht - Prezident feat. Elsta
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444names · 2 years
nord names from tes
Aderav Adfeakir Admilder Aert Aggunir Akundirfar Alak Alarn Aldar Alfans Alfbeidir Alkaolgra Aloda Alrunki Alunwen Anarr Anbothalia Anhil Anth Arkeli Asgof Askar Asolliana Asorring Asti Astiss Aumet Axomurneer Balda Barda Barr Baxreterik Beald Beggingi Bekeimir Beld Beli Benskar Betedde Beth Bethur Bithormiss Bjardid Bjorsird Blen Blild Bolfunbir Bolsormis Bonar Bookiren Boonda Boornow Braamildra Brald Brear Brer Brigudarfa Brikfyr Brisildi Brolsina Brydind Bryngurek Budi Burek Cair Cald Casingbann Clofen Colverfide Crald Cuth Cuthund Dalna Dramvaul Drawn Dreygg Dror Drus Dryn Dulforold Dulted Eebroki Eild Eldsen Elheirstor Ellis Elsta Eoratsuf Eousighna Eovjor Erand Ernir Evbalendri Faival Fald Faleggen Fantid Feimfar Felsbald Fenk Fenterenor Fismiissen Fjoryk Fjronten Fjur Fogogar Fralfa Fralthyr Framidra Fran Fravirric Frek Frikuraar Fris Frody Frold Fromjordr Fryti Gald Gamthelhel Gasim Geidaged Geir Gelar Geran Geseek Gjair Gjald Gjard Glornsen Gogensen Greslid Grettar Grikot Grinn Griryn Grud Gruddall Grukilbous Grund Gryr Guna Gund Gunte Hadmild Haerg Haerr Haflun Hagar Hagbasgilf Haggi Haicen Hais Haistind Haka Hakgritta Haldera Hamda Hami Hammear Hanahlold Hang Hant Harana Harre Harsenssen Hawn Hear Hedvily Heird Heis Held Helgrig Heonjot Herirgte Herna Hesaeld Heteraer Hethagna Hever Hiard Hild Hildya Hitridver Hjrord Hlawyn Hloghild Hloricals Hlorkelst Hold Holgris Holkber Hondharth Horedla Horn Horr Hostal Hrodda Hroduaf Hrogvir Hrollialee Hrong Hrotlenew Hrow Hulf Hurluf Hylliongik Igria Ilsmisga Imund Inaen Inda Inforvid Ingann Ingeig Ingeirir Ingrom Ings Ingva Inhanirs Inluf Iond Iridda Irkbjerd Ithon Iverelin Jaddrageif Jaki Jalree Janssen Jarir Jold Jolline Jorarn Jorm Jurfar Jurgun Kaggolf Kaink Kalug Keren Kidic Kine Kjarvnild Kjotrich Kjyr Klar Kliel Kluchir Knar Knia Kniliven Knorbjarn Kornelf Korthrold Krar Larverde Leidir Leir Lesen Leser Lingmir Llyn Lodvidorn Loesayed Lofgrik Lolke Longma Looki Loomblar Lophakjen Loren Lottdi Loutild Loven Lundsen Maespen Major Mald Malgalafri Mand Mard Marf Mattgared Mell Melm Mettra Midar Mojel Mojislas Mord Mormk Morn Mrakur Mund Murganjolf Nedir Odmunn Okarn Okursilwyn Olgryn Orke Orsenka Otheatna Otrik Ottanart Otter Otterwin Outlen Pack Pactebrin Perd Pred Preyd Quik Rackma Rarne Reekasgir Riksen Rist Rita Roda Rorsen Rothi Rowelfgra Runnadming Saels Saith Satumeta Sayrn Sens Siblosry Sida Sifital Sifmojader Sigguddrya Sigvar Singthel Sinnijar Siorala Sirte Sistood Skaing Skarfallf Sker Skjolfarn Skjorod Skorgaruuf Skorneld Skyr Skyrrowle Sling Smik Snorvin Sojand Sokheorlar Solfr Solva Solvoder Sombar Sonierth Soreka Sorm Sorna Sornor Sorra Spettera Stedd Stia Stild Stlardorke Stmoond Svald Sverd Svodilf Svonefte Svyddar Swoot Taggarfail Tald Thall Thals Tharnski Thary Thdregond Thel Thita Thokord Thona Thond Thorkemar Thron Thunfeld Thwif Timda Tolk Tonathjold Tood Tormun Tornir Trecammenk Tred Triren Triss Tsigulreda Turgren Twind Twindritr Tysvarfarr Ugnikgrek Ulde Uldsen Ulen Ulgeld Ulher Ulra Unlafrid Urne Utild Valda Valfrym Valvek Varjolfinu Veid Vildse Vilget Vilvalfhil Virdi Vireydir Voinna Voretir Vorn Vunda Vunrater Wicenr Wingeiron Woridan Wulreir Wult Yirke Yoldenrid Yollorleim Yramla Yrki
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"Das täglich Brot und Spiele - Koks und Huren"
- Elsta
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crazycrusadevoid · 7 years
Frozen halls of hogwarts
Chapter 2 the womping Willow
“jack.” Elsa yelled. He walked closer to then and flipped his hair. “TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACK FROST” said jack Spedicy. “Jack no more. You broke elises hart. She trusted you and you hert her.” Said Anna. “WHY ARE YEE HERE?” Marida said. “No wait guys. Hold on. I still love him!” Elsa. “WHAT?” Gasped merida. “WHat?” Half gasped Ana. “What?” Speaked jackline. “WOAH” said jack. “Just listen you guys. I forgave him like forever ago.” Elsa said. “You guys broke up 2 hours ago.” Ana said looking at her wizard sister. “CONFIDENCE IS KEY, IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT.” Jack Smith says. Maria stared gawkingly at jack smithe and between Elsta. Ana smiled nervously and said. “Guys maybe we should go sit by the fire. I’m cold. Ah geeze the sorting ceremony took so long. Let’s go eat at the tables cause huffle puff is the best house.” Anna said nervously. “Bloody hell!” Said Ronald who was also there. Elsa yelled. “Shut the hell up, shut the hell up you cunt!”. “AHEH” Dumbledore says iconicly.
To be continued…..
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kristabella · 4 years
Еще одна моя защита для дома, квартиры. Руны в ставе: Отила + Альгиз + Það elsta malruna letur h и b - дом и семья под защитой от негатива, стихий и злой маги
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dangerofmusic · 5 years
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https://dangerofmusic.com/2019/11/06/luminarie-a-bologna-cesare-cremonini-dopo-lucio-dalla/ @cesarecremonini @cesarecremonini_fanpage @cesarecremoninifanpage #cesarecremonini #cesarecremoninifanpage #luminarie #bologna #luminariebologna (presso Roma) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ide-elsta/?igshid=1lnqwlysnxv29
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dnblines · 4 years
Elsta - Murky Selections Volume 2
320kbps, 61mins
Elsta – Murky Selections Volume 2 was originally published on Drum and Basslines
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