kkoraki · 3 months
omg i was reading your tags on that gay sanfran post and im so glad someone else deep dived into the oops weird substack articles 😭😭😭
DUDE no kidding it was such a weird rabbit hole because I initially read the OOP and was like “this entire post is phrased in a bizarre way and at a glance I, casual amateur lgbt historian, think at least half this information is incorrect or at the very least inacccurate… but I mostly read lesbian and trans history and my knowledge of SF specific lgbt history is limited to the mid late 20th ct kink community so I might be wrong” so THEN I looked in the reblog comments and found your post correcting one part of the misinfo which reinforced my initial impression so THEN I was like “okay so some of this information for sure is wrong, who is the OOP and what are their credentials” and lo and behold they have NO credentials (that I could find) and a lot of fucking weird substack articles about evopsych and The Jews
and I now 100% believe the post in question was written by AI trying to make a “summary” of the book, maybe with some creative elaboration by the OOP before they slapped it up on twitter to get notes for pride month
(the post in question)
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shiveringsoldier · 3 months
2. What movie do you wish you could unwatch?
Day Zero. It’s one of the worst and most cringe-inducing movies I’ve ever seen. I fast-forwarded through a few scenes and still saw things I wish I could unsee. I want to go back in time and burn all copies of it before human eyes have the chance to see it.
9. Guilty pleasure movie?
Maybe the first Avengers movie? I haven’t watched the whole thing since who knows when, and I’m not sure if I like it enough to consider it a guilty pleasure, but I sometimes revert a bit to my 19-year-old self when I see Tom Hiddleston’s Loki. I like Mark Ruffalo’s take on Bruce Banner, and it has some good humor. I’m beyond fed up with the Marvel machine and refuse to watch any old or new MCU product on principle, but I might begrudgingly admit I have a little fondness for the first Avengers.
11. A genre you can’t stand
In general, I don’t care for heterosexual romantic dramas. I saw In the Mood for Love last year and didn’t love it (I’m sorry), and I’m guessing that if that movie didn’t do it for me then romance movies aren’t for me. I especially hate romance movies that center on cheating. If a character is cheating on their partner, I’m going to hate them, and the movie as a whole is going to be deeply unpleasant to watch.
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legowolas · 7 months
babe you are literlaly my jock bf now like my feed has football on it and im like 🙄yeah my wife likes sports ig
SKAKSKAJA 😭 I'm sorry for putting football on ur dash babe. It will happen again 😔
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lesbianpervinca · 5 days
Somebody just reblogged the Texan Elves post and it has 3018 notes 💀
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clingtomefic · 4 months
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Meet the Daughters McIntyre and Hunnicutt!
(These are headcanons from my 90s AU, Cling to Me)
Left to Right:
Cathy McIntyre (Age 7): Louise's youngest daughter, definitely Trap's, Louise tested to be sure, she couldn't handle round two of the gossip. She's a bottlerocket in a soda can, they enrolled her in cheerleading and gymnastics just so Louise had a chance of getting her to bed on time. She is the Bubbles of this trio, following the girls around and insisting she gets to participate in their secret clubs and Spice Girl skits.
Erin Hunnicutt (Age 10): This is Peg's daughter, the ace student of the group, sardonic and pretty with a short bob to match. She's already playing highschoolers in chess and helps Becky with her math. She's Cathy and Becky's half-sister, and technically Trapper's, though their combined parents are so much less particular about that than the rest of Boston.
Becky, Rebecca, BB McIntyre: Louise's oldest child! The joke is that even though she's BJ's, she's really, really Trapper's. She opens her mouth and Trap comes out, Louise has already caught her sneaking lipstick and short skirts into her backpack to change into once she gets to school. If she goes to school. She just started 6th grade and she's kind of over this whole thing, dad, can you pick her up and take her for coffee instead? This blows. She's still awake when Trap gets home sometimes, reading on the couch. He calls her BB because when she was three, she shot him in the balls with his own bb pistol at the family BBQ. BJ tells that story every chance he gets.
And finally, the WTF? ....Context:
So, BJ and Peg were an RV couple for a few years after he finished med school. He was making up the time to her. They toured the US trying to decide where to settle down, and sampled a few swingers clubs along the way. In Boston, they met Louise and Trap, and the four hit it off famously. BFFWBs, it was a glorious, sexy time for all parties. When Louise ended up pregnant, it was a total cointoss which of them was the father, and Trap was so over the moon to be having a child that he didn't care. Enter Becky!
BJ and Peg helped co-parent Becky in the early years, discovered they loved parenting, and Peg ended up pregnant a year or two later. Again, total cointoss on fatherhood. Things were still going as smoothly as polyamory in 90s would allow.
Then Louise gets pregnant again, and during the course of treatment, her mother finds out Becky isn't Trap's via a slip of the tongue from her doctor about inherited conditions. She assumes the worst, and rather than have a family discussion about it, she shames them via whisper-shout in front of the church congregation one Sunday.
Louise is beyond mortified. The reaction from their family and the rest of the church is AWFUL, it cuts her to the quick, where Trapper is like..."Fuck is it your business? Move on." and just picks a different church. Louise, however, starts getting the rough end of the gossip mill, and Trap's constant exhaustion/absence (Residency sucks) reads as indifference instead of numbness, so she starts to resent him. They spend the next two years soft-breaking up with BJ and Peg trying to do damage control (Trap doesn't want to), and slowly grow toxic with each other. Death of a marriage, in boxes in the basement. Trap's spiraling, drinking heavily by the time Becky's in fifth grade. He loses his job at the hospital, and goes on a bender that night that almost kills him. He realizes something has to change, so he starts looking for jobs in other states. He finds an opening at St. Jude's in Memphis, TN for a thoracic surgeon and jumps on it, moving ahead of the family. Instead of following him, Louise sends divorce papers. The fic starts from there.
@eltonjohndenver @remyfire
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drpierceandmrhyde · 2 years
3,8,10,13,16 ( i feel like i know your answers already ahahdsjdfsdk)
3. Most underrated character
Ginger my beloved. She has such a sweet relationship with Hawkeye and Trapper, and it's a crime that she was dropped back in season 3.
8. Favorite "Hawkeye has a mental breakdown" episode
I'm going to cheat and answer with one from the Henry era and one from the Potter era since they have different approaches to his breakdowns. My favorite from the Henry era is of course "Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde," and my favorite from the Potter era is "Hawk's Nightmare."
10. Unpopular opinion
I don't get the hype for BJ I'm sorry. I think his writing is pretty decent, and I like his development and that the show gradually brings out the worst in him, but I also feel like he's not that special. We just don't know much about his backstory, and it seems like a lot of the widely accepted ~*~fanon~*~ about his backstory was just stolen from Margaret's backstory.
13. Favorite gay Hawkeye moment (you can't say the entire show it's against the mashks rules)
Answered here but also the "You married?" // "Someone's gonna have to get me pregnant first" exchange in "Welcome to Korea" is an all-timer
16. Already answered!
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eltonjohndenver · 3 years
...the urge is back...the urge to change my url.,,.,.,..,,
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ireblongstuff · 3 years
Peggy Carter masterlist
Updated 11/22/23
‘They jump into your care breathless and tell you to keep driving’ by @wokeupinawalnut
Canibus by @marvelousluci
The Date by @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms
It’s cold outside by @wokeupinawalnut
‘I know your thinking about me’ by @megamultifandomtrashposts
Catching the cold by @allfiguredout
Under the Christmas tree by @wokeupinawalnut
Opps by @lilian-maximoff
Words that start with ‘p’ by @melmalone
She knows by @d-dauphinweasley
Late nights by @wokeupinawalnut
Tucking their hair behind their ear by @wokeupinawalnut
Bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go by @wokeupinawalnut
Having a crush on you, despite you being with someone else by @lilian-maximoff
Sharing a dance with Peggy carter would include by @onegayastronaut
“Just kiss already!” by @imagine-mcu
A little faith by @wokeupinawalnut
Stubborn by @blogofamultuideofandoms
Sunday Morning by @can-youimagine
Dancing and Hot Chocolate by @anuntiledmess 
Being Buckys sister who’s a nurse and dating Peggy by @myriadimagines
Honeymoon by @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms
Undercover by @the-fandom-abyss 
Dating Peggy headcanons by @welcometohellweofferimagines
Fate Unkind by @chosigue 
“Oh, no, please continue, this is hilarious” by @hckhoward 
“How am I supposed to focus when you’re looking at me like that?’ by @marvelsdc22 
Eating from each other’s plates + brushing against each other, even if there is enough room by @wokeupinawalnut
whispering to each other + cuddling on the couch by @wokeupinawalnut 
Lovestruck dances by @chosigue 
“I just want to see you happy.” by @statticscribbles 
A place to hide by @ameeelia07 
Peggy Carter Having a Crush On You would include by @writings-of-a-british-fangirl 
‘This is my wife’ by @wokeupinawalnut
Love is Love by @marvel-wlw 
Cleaning Up by @wokeupinawalnut 
Dating Peggy Carter Would Include by @onegayastronaut 
Dating Peggy headcannos by @welcometohellweofferimagines
Angst with a happy ending
Shooting stars by @allfiguredout
Love in the 50′s by @arelyitsherec8
Lesbian in the 40′s by @writseo
You weren’t supposed to love me by @lilian-maximoff
Love is not always easy by @tvseries-writings
“I can’t find them” by @marvelsdc22
“I can’t lie to them” by @marvelsdc22 
“Telling each other I’m here” by @wokeupinawalnut 
“Are you seriously trying to make me jealous?” + “Fuck being friends!” by @marvelsdc22 
Strength by @imkittyjustkitty 
Stairs by @peach-and-bugs 
Telling each other I’m here by @wokeupinawalnut 
The World Against Us by @maximoffcarter 
Morning Rush by @eltonjohndenver 
Two agents in love 2 3 
We’ll meet again by @nyx-aira
In another life by @lilian-maximoff
Dream a little of me by @gayforwandanat
Singovel by @novamirmirsblog 
How they react to you being taken by HYDRA by @moonlit-imagines
“I can’t be with you” by @marvelsdc22
Fears by @the-fandom-abyss 
“I’m dying ”+ “You’re not dying” + “Please Stay” by @marvelsdc22
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shiveringsoldier · 2 years
hawkaye ??
hawk guy :)
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