#elvis academy screening
burninlovebutler · 2 years
austin: literally just sitting
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whiskeyswifty · 2 years
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hooked-on-elvis · 6 months
"The first requirement of acting: to believe in what you’re doing"
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It was an odd role in which to make his screen debut, but Elvis gave it his all and tried not to be intimidated by his costars, who included the fine character actress Mildred Dunnock, twice nominated for an Academy Award, as his mother. Critics would pan the novice actor — he was, after all, an easy target — but Dunnock was surprised at his solid performance. “When I came back from making the picture, my friends saw it and said, ‘Why Millie, this boy can act!’ This rather threw me, because I said I had spent twenty-five years trying to learn how to act, and Elvis Presley hadn’t spent twenty-five minutes. So I do not in any way depreciate his value as an actor.”
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The truth was, Dunnock, a fellow southerner, had taken a shine to Elvis, and when he confessed to her that he didn’t really know what to do, how to make the lines ring true, she took it upon herself to coach him. First the former schoolteacher had to educate him in the art of theatrical projection.
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“Elvis would have a line like, ‘Can’t do it, Maw, can’t do it.’ And he would say [it] really pleasant and nice. But I’d tell him to say it like he really meant it. And after a certain number of tries he would finally say [with strong emphasis], ‘I can’t do it, Maw, I can’t do it!’ And Mr. Webb would say, ‘Shoot.’ ” In one of the film’s most crucial scenes, the family was led to believe that the Yankees had killed Clint’s brother. “He really hadn’t been killed,” Dunnock remembered, “but my baby Elvis was upstairs, and I was in the kitchen cooking. There was only one line of dialogue in this scene, and it was mine. All the rest was plain action. I was going to say it firmly, so I rehearsed it and rehearsed it. The lighting men decided what they were going to do, and we sat down and drank Coca-Colas and waited for about two hours.” As Dunnock told the story, the director finally said, “Everything seems ready, so let’s rehearse it one time.” Elvis said, “Yes, sir, Mr. Webb.” Then the director took Elvis through it, saying, “In this scene, the Yankees come by horse up into the backyard, which you can see from your window upstairs. You come down and go to the window and see those Yankees kill your brother. You go to the sideboard, open the drawer, and pull out a gun. You start across that floor to go meet those damn Yankees, and end of scene.” “Yes, sir,” Elvis said confidently. “The Yankees are going to rap on the door,” Webb continued. “I’ll go, ‘Ready, lights, shoot,’ then I’ll make a knocking sound, and that’s your cue to come down those stairs. Understand?” “Yes, sir.” Webb called for action, and rapped out the knock. In Dunnock’s retelling, “Elvis came down those stairs, went to that sideboard, took out that gun, and when I said my line, ‘Put that gun down, son!,’ well, he dropped it right away. Mr. Webb said, ‘Cut! Cut! Oh, my God, what are you doing? You’re supposed to keep on going!’ Elvis said, ‘She told me to put it down.’ ” Most actresses of Dunnock’s caliber would have held her head, livid at having to put up with so inexperienced an actor. But Elvis had gotten to the real mother in her, and she chose to frame his blunder as an asset. “You see, for the first time he heard me. Before, he was just thinking about what he was doing and how he was going about it. It’s a funny story, [but] I also think it’s a story about a beginner who had the first requirement of acting, which is to believe in what you’re doing.”
Excerpt from book "Baby, Let's Play House: Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him" (2010) by Alanna Nash
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Elvis and Mildred Dunnock. Love Me Tender (1956)
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valkaryah · 1 year
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On this day one year ago, Baz Luhrmann's 'ELVIS,' starring Austin Butler, was released. The biopic of Elvis Presley, the “King” of Rock 'N' Roll, went on to become one of the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful films of 2022. For his outstanding portrayal of Elvis Presley, Austin Butler received several nominations from major awards organizations such as the Academy Awards, Golden Globes Awards, Critics' Choice Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, and BAFTA Film Awards, for which he won a BAFTA and a Golden Globe for his performance.
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
🎻You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me🎻
Pairings: Eddie Munson x UndiagnosedAutistic!PlusSize!ViolinPlayer!Orchestra!Harrington!Reader (Goddamn thats a lot)
Plot: When Dustins 15th birthday comes up Eddie is set out on a mission to get Steve to help. Unbeknownst to Eddie, Steve has a younger sister, a very strange, very mean sister. Theres something about her, he needs to understand how she became to be so different from her brother, so hes set out on his next mission to get the answers to his questions.
Summary: Eddie seeks out Steve and is introduced only briefly to you.
Chapter warnings: Practically absent father, slightly abusive mother, unfair treatment between Steve and Reader, Steves kinda mean, swearing, use of Y/N. Read series masterlist for storys warnings, tropes and Reader description, dw they're not major just a few)
Wordcount: 3.7k
A/N: This is the first chapter for You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me, thank you to everybody who voted for a series! This first chapter is short but they'll be longer in the future :)
Love yas!
Check out my other works! Series Masterlist
Next chapter
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Dirty white Rebocks pattered against the gravel as Eddie hopped out of his van and made his way across the fading white lines littering the parking lot outside of Family Video. Looking around at the surrounding businesses littering the industrial area on the outskirts of town. All built with weakening concrete, mustard yellow and cream whites turning darker and blacker with age, just as the video store was. Hints of pink and purple painted the horizon as the sun and heat were starting to ease up from summer 1985 now that September was approaching. 
He was thankful for it as he started wearing his jeans again, leaving his worn down cargo shorts to gather dust under his bed till he had to dig them out again next summer. He had never been a fan of those cargos, but he had trouble finding any other article of clothing that could strife away the scalding temperatures, so he had been stuck constantly pulling at the hem by the waist, forcing them to stop sagging from under his belt, he felt ridiculous walking around in the, hanging off him as if he’d dressed himself in a trash bag, but now he was back in his comfortable skin wearing properly fitted jeans. 
He was on a mission after he’d been told by Mike that this was where the infamous King Steve worked and was given precise instructions on how to approach the subject, instructions which went in one ear and out the other as Eddie fought with the gamestick playing Pacman at the arcade only one day prior.
A greening gold bell rang above his head as he opened the glass door and stepped foot in the building lined with dark brown wooden shelves sporting various movies from a stingy amount of genres, the shelves depicting a confusing maze within the wallpapered walls. Whoever was in charge of planning how to best utilize the space, clearly had no idea what they were doing. 
He shimied around shelves placed too close together and far too close to comfortably open the door, navigating to a counter placed in the middle of the room as You don't have to stay forever, I will understand was heard through the tinny speakers, Elvis Presley's You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me occupied as the only sound in the room. The desk connected to the back wall where a relatively large box television hung silently playing Police Academy 2: Their first assignment. Eddie recognised the faded people moving about the screen but barely remembered the film, he knew he had seen it and from what he could remember he concluded that he was probably laughing his ass off with Gareth, completely out of it as they passed joints back and forth for hours on end.
Having Gareth over so often for weekly sessions was probably the biggest reason as to why his room smelled like skunk whenever someone entered it, smoke attaching to the fibers of his curtains, bed sheets, and clothing all dumped out onto the floor. Had they been at Gareth's house more often he might not get in trouble with his teachers quite as much as he did, being sent to the principal's office to be scolded and threatened with police by a strong whiff of weed lingering on every clothing item he had in his possession. 
The store wasn't exactly busy but stray patrons roamed the isles, selecting movies to gawk at for their perfect little family movie nights or possibly to numb the pain of living in the sleepy town of Hawkins on a friday night, that's what Eddie would do anyway. 
He’d never been close enough to see Steve Harrington in proper, only ever seen him roaming the halls when he attended highschool or picking up Dustin from hellfire but it was undoubtedly him as he laid eyes on a lemon yellow polo shirt fitting tightly over a muscular figure slouched at the counter flipping through some comic with his head resting flat on his palm, even more so certainly judging by the golden brown hair flopping over his eyes, the same hair he overheard girls fawn over as he walked past. Gag. 
Even though he had never even attempted to get to know Steve he still felt a distaste for the man, writing him off the instant he noticed him. Popular, jock, boring, basic and probably a complete asshole just like the rest of the school. He did sometimes find himself wondering how on earth he had managed to befriend Robin Buckley of all people, a grade below him and on the complete opposite side of the social spectrum. He himself knew Robin in passing and from what he had gathered she was far from the type to associate herself with the populars. That was a mystery no one could figure out. 
“Steeeeve” he said in mock excitement throwing his arms out as if he was meeting up with an old friend he hadn't seen for a while. Steve looked up, confusement painting his face as he locked eyes on the metalhead before him. Long brown wavy hair cut into a shag, ripped jeans, ratty band tee with a fading print of a metallica album, softening leather jacket and silver chains and jewelry adorning his body. They were polar opposites. “Do I know you?” he asked unamused. “Funny” Eddie sneered as he sauntered over, placing his hands on the linoleum surface. 
Eddie may not be popular but he would like to think he made himself well known as a town pariah, devils worship, selling drugs, petty criminal, trailer trash and all that. 
“What do you want?” Steve closed his comic which Eddie noticed being Albedo Anthropomorphics issue number 7 as Steve straightened up on the stool, squaring his shoulders to give Eddie his undivided attention. “You're Dustin's babysitter right?” He was intentionally getting on Harrington's nerves, because it didn't matter how annoying he was, he knew Steve would help, despite Mike and Lucas’s warnings. A fact that that was proven as he remembered Dustin ranting about the exact same comic Steve was reading. 
Unamusement turned to disgust as he glared at Eddie. 
“NoO, I am not” he corrected, the second vowel raising in pitch as if correcting a child who he was very impatient with. “Yes you are” Eddie grinned, “Anyway, I need your help” he smirked, slanting his body to the left and cocking out his hip as his firm hand on the counter supported him “And why exactly would I help you?” boredom laced Steve's words as he narrowed his eyes in annoyance. 
“Aren't you supposed to be in customer service?” he gestured towards the fact that Steve was sitting at the checkout counter in a literal store “Show me that customer service smile” his grin widened but in response all he got was a deep scowl. “Anyway” he straightened his back to watch Steve intently “It's Dustin's birthday next friday, he is under the impression that his lovely sweet mother is taking him out to dinner, but in reality he’ll be getting a surprise party” Steve couldn't help but let his scowl ease slightly “-and that's where you come in” Eddie continued as he pointed towards the video store clerk. “-we need some help planning.” 
After some convincing and some very weak pleading from Eddie, Steve gave in although making it very clear the only reason he would endure Eddie's presence was because of Dustin and Dustin alone. His shift ended at 5 pm sharp and informed Eddie he could come by at 5:30 to plan. “But you're not staying past 6:30, I don't want you in my house” he had crossed his arms, eyes staring at Eddie as he scoffed “Relax, I wouldn't want to be surrounded by your mothers ghastly interior for more than an hour at a time anyway.”
And that was where they were now, sat in Steve's kitchen, bickering about the theme of the party as they faced each other at the round table. As expected Eddie had made faint remarks about the previously mentioned interior when he entered the Harrington home, much to Steve's dismay. As Steve began going on a rant about how Eddie was in under no circumstances allowed to bring alcohol Eddie glanced out the window in boredom. But the only thing to entertain him was a round figure walking lazily down the sidewalk, back straight and arms swaying, head held high and confident, so he found his eyes drifting back in to the kitchen and was brought back to the argument at hand. “You think I'm that irresponsible that I would bring Alcohol to a birthday party for a 15 year old?” 
“Oh shut up” Eddie's upper lip curled in displeasure at the accusation.
Steve seemed unbothered when the door clicked and swung on its hinges in the next room over, and continued with his assignment on planning. Taking it upon himself to start writing a shopping list, not yet sure if he trusted Eddie with the responsibility of following through with getting all the things they needed or if he should take care of it himself. 
That same round figure showed up in the open doorway drawing both of the men's attention. Eddie barely got a chance to look at her, only registering her face as she leaned halfway over the threshold with a simple “Yo”. Her face looked slightly annoyed he registered, cupid's bow pulled up almost as if in disgust while a slight furrow showed between her brows. “Hey” Steve returned before she turned promptly and made her way down the hall, he heard as footsteps led her up the stairs and out of earshot. 
“Whoa trouble with the missus?” Eddie chuckled, leaning back in the fancy intricate wooden chair that matched the rest. “What? That's my sister” Steve frowned, a frown similar to yours but more deep set. “Really? You look nothing alike” he marveled, within the few seconds he laid eyes on you he could only distinguish the fact that your hair was a shade darker, and that your body was very clearly the opposite of Steves. His lean form and sleek muscles were obviously something that he had not inherited or something that ran in the family. “All siblings don't look alike you know” Steve breathed as he sat back in his chair, one leg crossing over the other to rest his ankle on his thigh. 
“Why does she look like that then?” it wasn't a comment on your body but on your expression as you appeared by the open frame, Steve had already anticipated the question, he knew it was coming the second you stepped through the door.  “I dunno, she has like a permanent frown, shes fuckin’ unapproachable, hence why she has no friends” Eddie looked surprised as Steve rolled his eyes “Well in school anyway, even if she was approachable shes too i hate everyone to even make an effort” he made bunny eared quotation marks in the air as he described your personality. “Wow, didn't know easy breezy perfect King Stevie ‘The Hair’ Harrington had a sibling so different from him, or well one at all actually” he felt a surge of annoyance at Eddie's words. “She your older sister then?” Steve only rolled his eyes again, you were clearly invisible to everyone around you .“She's a senior at your high school, shouldn't you know everyone by now? Seeing as it's your second year as one?” he felt slightly proud at his jab at the man across from him who'd been getting on his nerves all afternoon. “She is?” Eddie ignored the latter.
“Told you, she's unapproachable, sticks to herself” that was true but he couldn't help feeling slightly sad for you, even if you were in his parallel class he would have hoped at least someone would know who you were, you weren't all that different from Eddie, both weird. “She used to be in band, with Robin” he squinted his eyes slightly to gather information on whether or not Eddie knew who Robin was, he continued when he got a single nod of confirmation “But now she's in some orchestra in New Castle, so she doesn’t like stick around after school” he explained, giving Eddie another reason as to why he had never heard of you. “Her? In orchestra?” from the brief look he had gotten of you, you did not look like some nit picky orchestra person. “Yeah she plays the cello” “The cello?” Eddie asked, utterly baffled. “Yeah the-” he held his hands up by his neck, pulling an invisible bow back and forth “That's a violin man” 
“Yeah whatever” 
The conversation surrounding Steve Harrington's sister and how you were so unlike your brother died there and the topic of Dustin's party was brought up again, to the slight disappointment of Eddie.
“Mm?” was your answer to the knock at your bedroom door, allowing Steve to open it and peep inside, finding you propped up against your headboard, a paperback copy of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote in your hands. “I’m having some people over” he jumped straight to the point, hand resting limply on the doorknob while the other found its place on his hip “For that party planning thing I was telling you about so please don't like, play your weird loser music or that stupid viola.”
“First of all” you sat up to glare at Steve “Elvis Presley is not weird loser music, second it's a violin you dick” you scowled, the frown which Steve said you wore constantly, tightened. “Yeah yeah, just shut up for the evening ok?”
“I was done with practicing but just because of that, I think I might continue” an ill intentioned smirk formed on your lips.
“You are so fucking annoying” he breathed.
“Tell me something I don't know” you rolled your eyes, lying down and turning away from him. Even though you utterly sucked he still had to inform you “We're eating alone tonight by the way, Mom's at the country club playing golf and Dad's staying late at work” 
“Great” you answered sarcastically before Steve shut the door. 
You weren't necessarily complaining, it was a regular occurrence that Charles Harrington stayed late to handle the law firm and you would rather Sharon Harrington was far out of sight when he was. Bad blood simmered between you and your mother, her constant criticism for your behavior, style and eating habits were not something you particularly looked forward to when you came home especially in comparison to Steve who had always been mommy's perfect little boy. 
Eddie, Mike, Lucas, Will and Steve sat strewn across arm chairs and couches in the off white pristine living room of the Harrington residence. They had only just sat down, notebook on the ready for budget planning and fresh coca colas from the fridge in their hands when the undeniable sound of a bow slowly brushing over hard metal strings was heard throughout the house.
The second you heard Steve welcome them in on the Sunday afternoon you got up and kept your promise to continue practicing on your instrument. Steve audibly groaned below you, its volume traveling up the stairs and through your open door only egging you on further as you began playing Symphony n.5 by Beethoven moving your bow up and down the strings. 
Sure Steve had taken on his brotherly duty to play nice and explain the situation for tonight, not that it was any different from any other night, and he was on occasions friendly with you, but that didn't change the fact that he was a fucking ass to you. During your 18 years on this earth Steve had bullied you, pestered you and made your life almost as miserable as your mother did, she claimed it was Steve's way of showing love but you didn't accept that fact as true. You may have, however, if you actually knew what Steve did for you, multiple times he had gotten into fights with classmates to defend your honor, both in his childhood years up until the end of high school, only easing up when he was no longer in contact or around to hear the crude remarks about you. But, you didn't know, so you had no issue with creating a slight hell for him as he did for you. 
With each 8 beats the chord changed and you only increased in strength. “Is that Y/N?” Mike asked as he listened in on you upstairs “You knew he had a sister??” Eddie piped up, turning towards him “You have a sister?” Lucas was shocked “Of course I know he has a sister, doesn't everyone?”
The vigorous strumming and skillful fingerwork slowed to slower notes, slowly building as Steve started to get annoyed, rising from his comfortable seat in the armchair and preparing for battle. “She's gotten really good since I last heard her, damn” Mike awed as Steve brushed past him and out into the hallway, following the sound of shorter notes echoing throughout the house. You were clearly interrupting but Eddie couldn't help but feel amazed at the sounds, so different from the instruments he usually heard in his music or the music he listened to, a whole different genre but from what he gathered you were very good with the violin. He listened in a daze, as if your bow and strings cast him under an enchantment as Steve stormed down the hall and made a loud show of him coming up the stairs, giving you one last chance to back down. You did not. 
Eddie was torn from his enchantment as the music suddenly came to an abrupt hall. 
“Give that back you fucking asshole! That's a ten thousand dollar instrument!” 
He had ripped the fragile maple wood from your hands in anger. 
“I told you not to play it while I had people over!” 
“And I told you I dont give a shit!”
The shouting match had begun.
“Of course you don't! Because all you care about is this stupid fucking thing!”
“Because it's my life! That thing is my whole life! That is my ticket to a degree! Don’t go giving me shit because you’re too fucking stupid to even get in to community college!” you screamed but within an instant your voice softened to an insulting hiss upstairs “You couldn't even pass the PSAT’s at a respectable grade.”
“I would take having a life over whatever your sad excuse for one is anyday! Locked up in your room every waking hour studying, oh unless you're in school where you don't even have the human decency to talk to people or be in any way polite” Steve was no longer shouting but spewing words with pure venom.
“Because they’re all fucking pieces of shit! Who don’t give a flying fuck about anything other than mindless sex, popularity and LYING to themselves that this fucking Hawkins Indiana is the place to be!” he heard you scoff before an exasperated shout “LIKE YOU!”
“And if you're not at school you’re at fucking orchestra practicing for shows-” his voice became firm and short of a temperfull whisper as he interrupted your speech “-who no one ever comes to”. It seemed a shame, your playing had been amazing, from the short snippet he heard you had some intense skills, it must be wasted to play for only a few people.
Eddie couldn't have known that Steve had the urge to throw your precious violin that disturbed his peace every day of the week in to the wall, maybe even thrust it onto the ground and smash it to tiny pieces under his sock clad foot, but a part of him in the back of his mind knew that would both leave you heartbroken and that he would never come back from doing such a cruel thing to you, so instead he tossed the violin onto the soft plush of your bed before storming out with a “Fucking bitch” muttered under his breath and slamming the door behind him. Eddie heard you shout a “Sanctimonious piece of shit!” back at him and then footsteps down the stairs. 
The group scattered around the livingroom sat awkwardly as Steve emerged from the hall and back to them, they didn't know what to do or say and it was clear on their faces. Steve breathed a heavy breath before apologizing “Sorry about her and that you had to hear that” Eddie raised his brows at him as if to say Are you kidding me? Steve saw it and was quick to announce “Trust me, we’re fine, we fight all the time”
Even though you were upset you would not back down, you were quick to retrieve your violin and find its place resting atop your shoulder and under your chin. 
“She's gonna start playing again any second, she's fine” Steve sank back down into plush leather just as the music started up again. He gestured his hand up at the ceiling to prove his point. 
Eddie was experiencing a mixture of feelings, all reeling around his head as you began playing again, a new found interest for the classical genre, sadness for you who had to go through that, anger at Steve for saying such hurtful things but also surprise at how even though you had been insulted so harshly which would have left the girls he knew, granted only a few, crying, you continued playing, as if it didn't bother you. 
And it barely did bother you, Steve was right, you did fight all the time, and through years of bullying from classmates and close family you had become tough, strong, learnt to deal with feelings, push them as far down as your mind would allow you and move on. It was even the moments after the horrible fights that you had learnt to cherish, just as you did when everyone had left for the evening. Steve didn't verbally apologize but you knew he was sorry, and he showed it by becoming your friend again and ordering pizza for dinner, paying with it from his hard earned money (your parents didn't give him allowance since he got a job) and sat with you, watching soap operas on the couch. 
It was a destructive and toxic relationship, being bullied and only fighting back when no parents were around to hear it and then instantly becoming friends, but it was your destructive and toxic relationship.
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soundslikediamonds · 2 years
Rescuer (Part 2)
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Summary: The aftermath of staying at Austin's apartment for the night.
Word Count: 5540
Warnings: small mentions of uncomfortable topic of being followed at night.
Disclaimer: Some things I forgot to mention in part 1: Austin is not a professional actor, but a theatre actor at a local academy. 2. I forgot to say this beforehand, but I don't write smut, like not ever. I don't think I could be any good at it, so I don't write it. Sooooo unfortunately if you were expecting some spicy themes with this fic, or any of my writings...I don't have the confidence in myself and comfortability to the public to write it. Thank you for understanding.
Part 1: https://at.tumblr.com/soundslikediamonds/rescuer-part-1/w44pupakohnm
Taglist: @someonedateme @dre6ming @oh-austin @givemethemaknaes16 (let me know if you want to be tagged for future chapters!)
Thank you all so much for reading, it makes my heart really happy and in honest disbelief just how many of you enjoyed. It encourages me.
I had to take some time off of course as I'm sure you all did after what happened with Lisa Marie. My prayers are with beautiful Riley, the twins, Priscilla, Austin, and the Elvis family. It's so hard, there's so much pain in my core and seeing Austin yesterday at the Critic's Choice was tough. There was a lost look in his eyes. Yet, as the days go on, I pray that we all as we grieve, remain in strength, peace, and comfort during these dire times.
I love you all. 💗
"Alright, here we are." Austin says, opening the door as you step inside. He flickers the light open and you take in everything. It's almost like a studio in itself, some colors and pallets displayed on the walls right next to paintings and vases that are made by pottery is in the shelves. Boxes are stacked next to the back of the living room and a clothing rack is full of costumes. It's safe to say that this place looks and seems a lot like the person Austin is, the man you're starting to know, who's colorful and bright in the midst of greys and blues.
"Manitiscold," Austin mutters in one word as he walks away from where you're standing frozen on the welcome mat. "I'll uh, I'll go turn on the heat." He says, with a small smile and you watch him walk over to the side of the room, next to the kitchen. He presses a few buttons, squinting his eyes in focus at the screen on the wall, before after a beep he turns away, smiling at you.
"Come on, I'll show you to your room." Austin gestures, and you nod.
You're not saying anything. You should say something, it's probably rude in someone's rulebook that you're not speaking, but you can't help it. Between having a man follow you, to a rescuer help you, and then that said rescuer now showing you to where you'll sleep the night, leaves you at a loss for words.
What can you even say?
You can only look at Austin, who, even here in the comfort on his own home, looks nervous as he walks and you follow with hesitant steps. He fidgets with a silver large ring on his ring finger, rolling the mental mindlessly and your heart stops for a second as you do a double take. However, you calm down when realizing that the ring is on his right finger and not his left. It's not that you wouldn't wish for Austin to be married, but you couldn't have any more energy in you if there was a whole lady in this apartment, to which Austin would have to tell your story to. No, this is something you don't want repeating. This is what needs to be blown over by tomorrow when you leave the place anyways. You don't want to bombard him with your own troubles.
The room that you're staying in is petite and cute, and, just like Austin described, has a small desk by the window for office space. You initially had the thought of studying a little bit, since your backpack was with you and you have a morning class tomorrow, but you're so tired and not wanting to do anything else but sleep.
"Is there anything I can get you? Like tea, or coffee, or anything?" Austin's voice causes your droopy eyes to blink up and at him, who's managed to have his jacket unzipped, revealing a grey hoodie.
You shake your head at your rescuer's hospitality. "No thank you. I think I'll just go to sleep, actually." You answer.
Austin looks at you for more then a few seconds, a concerned look on his face, but before he can say anything you plaster what you hope is a 'I'm-okay-you-don't-have-to-worry' smile before you turn to the made bed.
"Thank you for everything. Seriously. I don't know how you repay you." You say.
Austin's eyebrows furrow. "Oh no," he says, shifting the weight from one of his sky scraper legs to the other. "You don't repay me for anything. I didn't do anything emphasized other than the norm of what anyone could do." He says.
You shrug. "Yeah, but...I don't think anyone could do what you did." You debate.
Austin looks down, folding his hands together as his jaw clenches. "Hmm." He hums. Then he looks at you, a light apparent in his eyes.
"I think this is where I'll agree to disagree." He chuckles, now walking to the doorway. "I'll let you settle in, let me know if you need any-"
"Wait, Austin," You start.
With one hand holding the doorknob, Austin freezes in his spot and looks over at you with raised eyebrows. "Yes?" His low voice draws out in slight confusion.
You heave a sigh. He's been everything nice to you since he helped you at the gas station. You know he doesn't want you to repay him with everything, but there's so much guilt in pretending like there is a home or someplace for you to go to after this night. You figure that you owe it to Austin to tell him the truth.
Avoiding his questioning eyes, you start to speak. "You've done so much for me in helping me out, and extending your place to stay the night is just..." Your voice trails off as you shake your head. "I really can't begin to thank you, but I really do thank you for everything, and...well...there may not be something you want me to repay you with, but I owe it to you to tell you that I haven't been very honest with you."
Austin blinks his eyes in confusion, but doesn't say anything, allowing you to continue.
"You were right about me not wanting to go home." You sigh, playing with your hands as a nervous fidget toy. "I don't really have a home. I mean...since last week when my dad kicked me out. I've been having some family complications but I always knew I would leave, but then before I could really plan it things got intense and sure enough I'm arguing with my dad and then he kicks me out and says that he never wants to see me again. Which, is fine, because our relationship hasn't been the best these past few years. But um...I've been okay, I've been staying at an Inn, and one time even at a friend's house, but...it would only be for a place to sleep because I'd be out all day either at class or studying, so then at night when my dad would be at work I'd go back home to get more things, which is what I was doing tonight before that guy followed me. And I'm not even sure why I'm telling you all this but you were so kind to help me and I haven't been honest with you and like, I'm leaving tomorrow morning anyway so there isn't really much point in telling you all this, but I'd just feel so guilty since you're so nice and you have this look in your eyes where you just wanna help me, and-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, it's okay. Breathe." Austin holds his hands up and walks toward you. You take a deep breath, your face sort of flushed by your never ending rant.
"Hey," Austin looks at you. "I'm sorry about you losing your home. That's...I mean, I can't even fathom it." He says.
You're silent. You don't want him to pity you. You're not even sure why you exactly gave him all the details in the first place. You didn't want Austin to feel so bad over something that wasn't even worth it. It's going to be okay. You'll sleep here for the night and then go back to another inn or some cheap motel. You're confident that you can take care of yourself.
Austin's fingers rest on his chin as he now looks at you with a thoughtful expression. It makes you slightly nervous because you don't know what your rescuer is thinking right now and the silence isn't helping.
Finally Austin speaks up. "You know, you can just stay here." He suggests.
"Wait...what?" You blurt out. That's nothing that you're expecting.
"It'll be perfect. I've been wanting a roommate." Austin grins cheekily as he elbows your arm.
I know you can't be taking it that simple.
"Yes I can." Austin chuckles, which makes you look at him.
"Shoot, did I say that out loud?"
Austin laughs in reply before he shrugs. "Seriously, it's no big deal. I'm away all the time for work anyway if it's my presence that you feel would bother you," he smirks and you feel like he's teasing you right now.
"But...you don't even know me." You say softly. "You can't be that accepting of strangers just..."
"Just what?"
"Just...moving in." You say, looking up at his tall figure. "I'd be living with you."
A smile draws on Austin's face as his eyebrows furrow together in a questioning gaze. "Would that be so bad?"
You shrug. "Maybe. I don't know. Surely you see something crazy about all this. You're inviting a stranger in your apartment." You try to argue.
"C'mon, I'd say you're at least an acquaintance."
You shoot Austin a warning look, and then he looks at you with a more of a serious look in his eyes.
"Listen, I'm living lonely. But, it's like I said, if you're really worried about being a disturbance, I leave for work in the morning and come back here at night. I wouldn't even see you." Austin says, shoving his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
Austin is definitely one of the weirdest people you have ever met. He's simple, like an old soul. There's nothing to this whole exchange that he suspects. He doesn't see anything wrong with the idea that someone who he just met at the gas station will crash at his apartment and live with him. There is a part of you that knows that agreeing to this is so absurd. What would your friends think if they got word of what was going on? What would your family even think? You didn't even know this man's last name.
However, at the same time, there is a soft spot that you're starting to have in your heart for Austin. He mentions that he's lonely a lot, and with the sweetness of who he is, you would never wish any amount of loneliness on him. He seems to enjoy your company, and he likes being there for you. Of course, you're mindful of the fact that he did save you from what could have been a terrible disaster but, at the same time, he doesn't have to do everything that he does and yet he seems to want to. He's a wonderful host, making sure that all your needs are met.
Should you do this? Do you actually want to stay with him? Is it safe? Will he be okay? What about your living habits? You've never lived with a man before. What if he finds extra hair in the shower or what if he catches you talking loudly to yourself?
But what if you made a friend in the process? And like, an actual friend who's there for you and wanting to hear you out on things that stress you? Someone who has time for you, and someone you can be there for just as much? You can tell that even with sitting in his car, something sort of clicked with you two. There seemed to be a friendship, someone who you can be yourself with. Someone friendly. Someone considerate. A gentleman. And although you have your fair share of friends, you'd be the first to admit that they're not as much of what would define good friends.
You look at Austin, now thinking about what he said. He'd be working all day and coming back at night. That pushes you to wonder.
"Where do you work?" You ask, looking at him.
"Oh." Austin smiles. "I'm an actor, actually. I work at the theatre academy."
Your eyes widen. You are not expecting that. Austin's shy and nervous yet at the same time, it does explain the reason as to why he was able to hold you and pretend he was your boyfriend at the gas station. He didn't even have to think and boom, he was in character.
A smile draws on your face. "That's so cool! So you work full-time, then, right?" You ask.
Austin nods, smiling as he looks down at the ground. "Full time, yeah. We do a couple of shows every week." He says. "So going back to the moving in thing, I'm in the theatre every other day, so you really don't need to worry about constantly being in my space or something. You can just be here and uh..." Austin's voice trails off as he now points at you.
"Did you say something about you being a student?"
You nod. "Yeah, I'm at the college." You say, then shrug. "So the days I have classes I wouldn't necessarily be here either."
Austin smiles. "Impressive. So looks like no one will be in this place." He laughs, causing you to join in.
"We'll work everything out as we go, with schedules and everything. But is that a yes? To staying here?" Austin's eyes are big and hopeful, like a deer's as he looks at you awaiting your answer.
You can say no, and continue to go to Inns until your money runs out. Or, you could just say yes, at least for right now and see what life has to give the both of you.
You let out a breath before you extend your hand. "You found yourself a roommate." You say, dramatically and Austin laughs shaking your hand.
"Hooray!" He says, smiling brightly.
Austin was technically gone before you woke up the next morning, but you had heard him when the sky was dark at around 5am. Every once in a while, a zipper would zip, hangers would glide against the rack, and footsteps would sound right outside your door. You opened your eyes lazily and let out a low groan, hating to be woken up before your alarm would officially go off. However, you couldn't complain. You were in Austin's apartment. The last thing you would do is tell him that he woke you up as he was getting ready for the day, since this is his apartment and he can do whatever he wants.
You don't get the chance to see him or wish him a good day, and a part of you wants to, but you're exhausted. So you let your eyes close as within seconds there you are drifting back to sleep.
After what seemed to feel like 2 minutes later, your alarm sets off and you actually feel like crying. You don't want to go to class. You just want to stay in bed all day and sleep. You haven't had a good night's rest in a long time. You didn't trust the beds at the inns, but this bed was comfy and as creepy as you may sound, the room smells like Austin as well. In a way it makes sense to say, considering the fact that across from your bed was a closet that was filled with his clothes. He actually offered you to sleep with some of his but in panic you refused and told him you had some clothes in your backpack. You just don't want him to constantly bombard you with such kindness up to the point where you feel like owing him back with everything, which you wouldn't know where to start.
You slowly peel yourself out of bed, telling your mind to allow your body to let you get off the bed. It's a whole process when waking up. If you don't tell yourself to get up, you'll actually never leave. As much as you'd like that, you have class, and you can't afford to be skip out, though tempting, it costs your grades.
While getting ready you obviously can't help but think about what life has brought you from last week up until this point. It's only been a week and everything has changed. You went from an only child living with your angry dad and quiet mom who never did anything to defend you, then became homeless for a week, but your current status as of right now, consists of you eating this amazing breakfast that was kindly left for you by your 'roommate' Austin, a man you just met yesterday.
How is this your life?
The sun shines over your breakfast and you scowl. Okay, of course you love the sun, but between the sun blinding you and the birds chirping it makes you just want to crawl back to bed. You're an early bird because you have to be, not really because you want to be. You wonder if Austin likes mornings where he's up early before the sunrise.
After you eat you shower and then change into a light blue baggy crewneck over white wash jeans. You tie your hair in a low ponytail, leaving some strands out in front of your face. As you stayed alone in the kitchen for breakfast earlier this morning, you took the time to look up the bus route from here to the college You're incredibly lucky, because Austin lives right in front of a bus stop. It doesn't take long for the bus to come and soon you're on your way to campus.
Throughout the day while sitting in class, your mind can't help but think. You're trying to pay attention but those dang blue eyes and soft smile enter your vision, so much so that his name is like a replaying lyric to a song that never leaves your head.
Austin. Austin. Austin. Austin.
It never ends in your mind. You're just thinking about him. You're wondering how he's doing right now, where is he in this exact second and what he's doing at this very moment. Is he onstage? Backstage? Alone? With coworkers? Eating? Drinking?
You tap your pen to your paper in rhythmic motion while your mind flashes back to being in his car just last night. What are the odds, that Austin decided to go to the more expensive gas station and he just so happens to be there when you're in trouble and in needing rescue. Then, he extends his apartment to you to live with him as well as you're trying to figure your life out.
Suddenly, as though a literal light bulb flashes in your head, your eyes widen.
What if you got something for Austin as a thank you gift?
It'd be challenging, for sure. You only met this man less than 24 hours ago and you have no clue about his preferences. But you want to try. He's done so much for you and looked after you already. You'd feel bad if you're unable to give at least a card. Yet at the same time, you don't want to go with just a card.
So what should you give? Flowers, perhaps? Make dinner for when he gets back?
Your elbow rests under your chin as you try to think about just what it is that you'll do. You're settled for getting him something, but what?
Maybe you could bus back to the apartment and go through his things, and see what he likes most?
Yeeeeah, no. That's invasion of privacy.
Fortunately enough for you, you're done your last class at 3:15pm and you can head to the mall which is nearby. You do so, first going to the food court and getting a bite to eat. When that's all finished, you get up, push in your chair, and sweep the contents on the table before placing them in their right disposals. Now the search is on, you have to find something Austin-y.
If only it's as easy as it sounds.
Getting gifts for guys in general is always a challenge. But having to know what a person likes just by the brief interactions you've had over a saving scenario? That's a whole other level up.
You make sure your eyes scan every store that's in this mall. Usually when you did come here, you'd barely pay attention because you always came with intent. Now, you're led to this mall with the mission of spending a few hours and then leaving with something that looks just like Austin, and that alone would require intricate searching.
You stop by the entrance of a sports store, but you aren't even sure what Austin likes. He's got the height of a basketball player, yet the build of a volleyball player. Although there's something about him that can also be drawn to golf. Or maybe he's more of a water guy, like surfing.
"Can I help you with anything?" A male employee suddenly asks and you snap out of your thinking, looking at the worker.
"Oh. No, that's okay."
The man smiles and nods before walking away. You know that no doubt he has to constantly ask people if they need assistance because his job requires it, but he makes sure to leave you and not push you into receiving his help. You're thankful for that, as you don't have the energy for piling pressures.
You stay by the door only a few seconds more as you look at baseball caps, gear, and jerseys. It's all great stuff, but you're just stumped because you actually have no idea what Austin would want, and you don't want to guess things. You want a perfect gift.
You spin on your heel and walk away, now looking for something else. It has to be something that he'd appreciate, something that's his right from the bat. Something that has his name written all over it. You're finally just debating on whether or not you'll cook up a scrumptious meal and just have him eat that when he comes back, but what if he gets hungry on the drive back and orders In-n-out?
You shake your head, now starting to feel frustrated as you go down the escalator yet again. It's hard to try to find what you don't know you're looking for.
Suddenly, just when you're about to give up, a small Gift Shop catches your eye. You walk in, immediately noticing the decor of customized items, which now gives you an idea. Austin's a well-known name. You can have something with his name on it, but what? You walk around the shop, noticing small sets of jewelry with either names or initials. You then see near the back of the store there's houseware items like mugs, chinas, glasses, and ceramics. Next to those sections there are aisles for creativity such as sketchbooks, journals, and frames.
What would Austin get?
A mug, though as beautiful and useful it would be seems like much. A necklace with his name seems like an intimate gift, something that could have so many meanings and confuse the man. You don't even know if he has a partner so you're not going to risk that. A sketchbook would be gorgeous but there's only the problem of not knowing whether or not he can draw.
Your eyes land on the journals and for some strange reason, your brain clicks. There's something about writing, something about it that doesn't have to be select but general. You can see Austin being the type to write things down, and even if he's not one to write his thoughts down, it can be of use for organizing or planning. You look through the sections of names and then find easily in the 'A' section, a medium Taupe shade journal that has the name 'Austin' in cursive lettering. It's beautifully hard cover with full pages and a soft grey ribbon over as a bookmark.
Your hands grab it immediately and you find yourself smiling. It's small, but thoughtful nonetheless. As you buy the journal and leave the store, you see a candle store that's near as well, and you suddenly remember Austin saying something about candles that make him fall asleep. You experiment and buy a Cocoa-Bean flavored candle that you've always liked. You're content with your thank you gift and you start to head to the apartment.
You like studying with music on. Whether in the library with your headphones in, or blasted from your phone, like right now at Austin's apartment. You're sitting on the couch in the living room, in front of a large coffee table, where your textbooks and notes are spread out on top of each other. The reason why you're here and not in your room is that you want to make sure to see Austin's reaction to the gift that awaits him just by the door, so as soon as he gets inside he's greeted with a gift.
You're listening to the chorus of one of your favorite songs, humming along so much so that you don't even notice that the doorknob jangles and Austin is now inside. That it, until you look up from your work and glance to the door and you see a tall familiar figure closing the door behind him and locking it. You smile, lowering the volume down. When you check the time on your phone, it's 11:02pm.
"Hi!" You call out and then Austin turns. He's wearing a black crewneck over blue jeans, and his jacket as well as what looks like a coffee mug is held in his hand. He smiles at you.
"I thought you were a burglar for a second." He says, blowing out a sigh.
You smile. "Yes, of course. I'm the burglar who'd break in houses and study." I say sarcastically and Austin laughs heartily which makes you smile.
"How was the day?" You ask, noticing that as Austin puts up his coat, there's no sight of him noticing the gift bag right at his feet just in front of him.
He rubs his eyes. "Long, but it was great. How was yours?" He asks.
I nod. "Good." You answer.
Austin starts to take off his shoes. "I'm just gonna take a shower and then-" he pauses, his eyes now averting to the gift that's in front of him and you now smile, sitting on the edge of your seat.
Austin looks up at you in confusion. "What's that?" He asks slowly.
You look at the bag and then back at Austin. "A way of saying thank you when there's no other ways to say it." You reply simply.
Much to Austin's surprise he blinks again, reaching down to grab the gift bag. He shakes his head. "You really shouldn't have." He says as he slips into his slippers.
"It's not much," You warn. "I don't know anything of you yet, but hopefully you like it." You say.
Austin gives a small smile. "I'm positive, whatever it is, I'm gonna like it." He reassures you as he walks over to where you are in the living room.
You watch as Austin sits across from you on the other couch, now noticing just how long his legs are.
"What could it be..." He mutters to himself as he now looks down, his tired eyes glistening with a hint of curiousity and excitement.
"Don't expect much." You warn, calling out. Your stomach twists as you anticipate and lean forward in your seat. Somehow all of the happiness from buying your small items is starting to leave you and be replaced with doubt. What if Austin doesn't like it? What if the Cocoa bean smell makes him sick or what if he doesn't like the journal at all? You try to tell yourself that if anything, it's the thought that counts, and you're sure Austin will see it that way too, but you don't know for certain.
What if he actually hates it?
"Seriously, it's not a lot. Like, at all." You repeat. Whether those words are for him or to doubt yourself, you don't know.
Austin ignores you, ruffling through the wrapping paper. He dives in, eyes squinted as his hand goes to the bag and then takes out the cocoa bean waxlight candle. He smiles dropping the bag in his lap and holds it with both hands.
"Oh boy!" Austin smiles from ear-to-ear. He looks at you, his eyes bright and vibrant.
"This is incredible." He brings it to his nose and inhales, closing his eyes for a second before re-opening them. "This smells amazing, thank you so much." He says.
You tilt your head, giving a skeptical look. "Do you like it?"
"Yeah, I like it. I'm gonna light it in my room before I go to sleep tonight." Austin declares, placing the candle next to him on the couch.
"Thank you." He appreciates and then goes back to the bag. You can only watch in silence, choosing not to make a comment. Either Austin really likes the gifts, or he's a really great actor.
Austin goes back to the gift back and this time looks down and doesn't pick anything up blindly. He looks at the journal, a smile on his face before he picks it up and out of the bag.
"No way!" He says, looking at it. His fingers trace the cursive lettering of his name and I smile just seeing how much of a kid he looks like.
"I don't know if you journal or write but I just thought-" You start.
"This is the best gift in the world. I do journal, and I haven't had the chance to get a new one and I finished my previous one a week ago. How'd you even know I needed a knew one?" Austin asks in disbelief, shaking his head with a smile.
You pause. "I...didn't know." You say.
"Well, it was the perfect timing. Thank you so much, you really shouldn't have. Really." Austin says, putting the items back in the bag. He gets up from his seat and lets out a short laugh.
"Man, I can't believe it." He says, before looking at you.
"Is there any chance I can hug you, or something?" Austin asks.
You blink in confusion. You knew that maybe it was possible that Austin would've liked your gifts, but you weren't sure how much until right now, where his face resembles a little boy's getting his favorite toy at Christmastime. You nod, starting to stand as a smile breaks out on your own face.
"Yes, of course." You say, walking around the coffee table and standing to face him.
Austin shoots you a grin and then stretches his arms just as you do, and you hold on to him, just like you did that last night at the gas station. Austin squeezes you, as his long arms wrap around your back and you rest your chin against his shoulder, feeling a slight tickle of his stubble against your neck. You're not that shorter than him, you're above average height by a little, and somehow you find it nicer because your breathing patterns match his and his face is near your face. If you're to look up, you'd be looking right into his eyes, but for now you just enjoy being enveloped like you are in his embrace.
"Thank you so much." Austin says and you start to feel his grip loosen. You depart just at the same time he does, but he stays facing you, his large hands imprinted on your shoulders causing a type of weight but security nonetheless.
"It's not much." You say, and Austin shoots a smile.
"Keep saying that and maybe one day I'll believe you." He says. "But really, I'm so appreciative of this." He says.
You smile at him, looking into his intense eyes. "I'm glad you like them." You say.
You both stay there for a few awkward seconds of not saying anything, just staring at each other. You're not sure what it is, hie height, his smile, his hair, his eyes, how he looks at you, perhaps? You feel your face starting to heat up and your heart is beating a little bit faster than it should be.
You flicker your eyes down, trying to not let Austin catch you so flushed. "Um..." You start, though the words that's supposed to come out betray you and you're left saying nothing.
Austin somehow gets the memo as he finally let's go of your shoulders and takes a step back, flashing a smile. He doesn't seem to notice your red face or heavy breathing.
"I'm gonna go, shower." He excuses himself. You nod, quickly, going back to sit down.
"Did you already eat?" Austin asks, retrieving the gift bag that he left on the couch. He takes the handle and stands with it in his hand.
You nod. "Yes."
"Mm. Okay." Austin mutters before he holds the gift up and looks at you. "Thanks again." He says and you smile at him, watching him leave to his room.
The feeling you now are sitting with makes you confused. You're not sure of how you haven't noticed it the first time you left, maybe because you were panicking about who was following you, but Austin is a very attractive man. If you can manage your feelings and just leave it as so, then living with him will be harmless.
If not, however, which you have a strange feeling your feelings can't be managed, you can only pray for help in the days to come.
How is this your life?
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blurredcolour · 2 years
If You'll Be My Bodyguard | Part Six
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
Summary: The last mad dash through awards season has unfortunate consequences for Austin and you, but against the odds, you still make it to the Academy Awards.
Pairing: Austin Butler x Female Bodyguard Reader
Warnings: Language, Threats of Violence, Ongoing Stalker/Obsession Issues, Reader Has Body Issues, Austin Is Having None Of It, More Screenings, COVID-19 Rapid Test, COVID-19 Infection, Sickness, More Parties, Firearms, Wardrobe Malfunction, Austin and Reader In A Public Washroom Again, Sexual Tension, Innuendos, Rating - T.
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Credit: Julian Ungano
Word Count: 4756
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“…Satan, the great deceiver, has his claws so deeply into your flawed flesh, Butler. Has connvinced you that stealing the soul on Elvis Aaron Presley from his eternal rest for your own gains was a good thing. DECEIVED. Has connvinced you that you are safe with that godless whore by your side, taking my strikes meant for you on her body. DECEIVED. Has connvinced you that I have been stopped now that the unholy cops of Santa Barbara have taken my angel Gabriel from me. DECEIVED. I shall not be stopped until my work is done…”
Though getting a personal mention in the latest letter made your lips twitch into a smirk, you could not help but notice the increased level of rage in her latest missive. The iPad sank onto your knees as your eyes went unfocused, your mind’s eye turning back to reflect on the glimpses you’d managed to catch of the unknown woman, Austin’s threatening stalker, before Austin’s anguish-filled eyes flooded your memory and made you swallow painfully.
You closed the email from Scott containing the scanned copy of the letter and glanced at your watch, wondering how late Shyla would be. Austin’s laughter cascaded down the stairs from where he was partaking in a virtual interview in his bedroom to allow you the main floor to work with Shyla on finally choosing a gown for the Oscars. The schedule had been so hectic that it had not been possible to make time to go to her, and thus she was coming to you with some options today. Another warm laugh reached your ears and made you smile softly.
It had been a good thing, you reflected, that Austin’s father had arrived the night after the incident at the hotel. He had been a comforting and reassuring presence and restored some of Austin’s usual good humour – they had both delighted in the confusion that reigned with two Mr. Butler’s for you to manage at the Screen Actor’s Guild Awards. Austin’s red suit, consisting of three pieces no less, had also seemed like a personal assault on your reaffirmed vow of professionalism. And while it had been a shame that Austin had not taken home the award that night, you could not help but be struck by the growing sense of camaraderie amongst the nominees…and the elder Mr. Butler had also been able to witness his son assisting the leading ladies of Hollywood to the stage, which you were certain filled him with fatherly pride all the same.
Your phone buzzed with a call from the gate, and you quickly answered, pleased to hear Shyla’s rushed greeting mixed with an apology about traffic.
“Come on in, Shyla!” You hit nine on the number pad to unlock the gate and opened the front door to see her pull in, stepping out to help her with a collapsible garment rack and eight garment bags. “This seems like a lot of choices…”
“We have to make sure you look perfect” She grinned, her fashionable, jet-black bob glossy in the afternoon sun.
“You remember that no one is really going to see me, right?” You teased but she was already making her way inside, setting up the rack in the living room.
Following with a shake of your head, you hung the bags on the rack carefully, watching as she eagerly unzipped them to reveal a variety of dresses. They were in neutral shades, as prescribed for the non-talent attendees, but you frowned a little as only half of them had sleeves.
“I know, I know…” She said, immediately reading your face. “Will you please just humour me? I want you to try them all, so we get a really good picture.”
You crinkled your nose but took a slow breath and nodded.
“All right, where do you want me to start?” You tilted your head and took the first one she offered you, a cloud grey scoop neck with thin straps and A-line skirt.
Taking it carefully, you went to change in Austin’s office, which was now essentially your permanent bedroom, and returned to the living room, desperately fighting the urge to wrap your arms around yourself. Shyla tilted her head thoughtfully, walking around you in a circle silently as she took in the full look.
“Well?” You asked hesitantly, not able to see yourself.
“Oh! Oh, come here…” She led you by the shoulders into the powder room where there was a mirror where you could at least see yourself at least from the waist up.
“Oil me up and put me in the ring…Hulk Hogan is here…” You groaned before assuming the ‘most muscular pose’ from body building – your legs spread wide, and your torso bent forward as you flexed and curled your arms inward to show off every exposed inch of muscle on your body. “Whatcha gonna do when Hulkmania runs wild on you?!” You growled in an impersonation of the professional wrestler.
“Betty, darling, I don’t think you’re being very kind to yourself right now…” Austin suddenly appeared, leaning against the door frame with his eyebrows raised.
Shyla, who had been giggling beside you in the tiny room, gasped sharply as you felt heat flush across your face and down your neck.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Butler, did we disturb you?” You immediately straightened, biting your lip.
“No I am finished, and you don’t owe me an apology…” He glanced around the bathroom. “Is this really where you’re doing this? Come on…” He grabbed your hands and pulled you out of the bathroom, Shyla following silently in tow.
He swung by the living room, grabbing the other gowns and easily holding them off the ground as he led you upstairs and down the hall into his dressing room. The last time you had been in here it had been impossibly full of his girlfriend’s clothes but now it felt more spacious with only his things. He hung up the gowns and gently led you by the shoulders to stand in front of a full length mirror before turning on the lights so you had an even better view of how much you hated yourself in this dress. He stepped aside.
“There’s the person you need to apologize to.” He said once you were alone with your reflection, and you looked to him slowly, feeling caught red handed.
“I…” You looked back to your reflection and sighed.
“Have you ever been to the ballet?” Austin asked as he stepped closer and you nodded slowly, puzzled. “And how would you describe a ballerina?”
“Elegant, graceful, beautiful.” You replied easily, without hesitation.
“Have you seen one up close? Their bodies are just as muscular as yours…just because you use yours differently doesn’t negate the fact that you are elegant, graceful, and beautiful yourself.”
The breath shuddered out of your lungs as your eyes flashed to his in the mirror, wide with shock and disbelief.
“Not to mention brave, fearless, intelligent, funny, and a little unpredictable which I thoroughly enjoy. So don’t you dare make fun of your body because this dress looks bad on it…the dress is the problem.” He continued earnestly, blue eyes stubbornly piercing into yours, holding you captive as he cut through all your insecurities as though they were mere paper fictions instead of concrete walls you had constructed around yourself.
You blinked rapidly, ripping your eyes from his gaze forcefully as you tried to hold back the rising tide of emotion, any words you might have spoken congealing in your throat. You felt him squeeze your shoulders reassuringly and sniffed a little, swiping at a few rogue tears.
“So, lets try another dress please…” He looked to Shyla warmly and she quickly introduced herself before offering you the next dress.
You took it quickly, crossing the hall to a larger bathroom to change into a black dress with a smocked waist and balloon sleeves. Taking a few extra moments and a few tissues, you composed yourself before returning to the dressing room where Austin had found a stool for you to step onto, as though you were in a private dress shop. He turned out to be the pickiest of the three of you, rejecting this dress for seeming too casual, and the next with its asymmetrical straps in camel for being too plain.
The fourth dress, a navy chiffon with a plunge neckline with sheer sleeves and full skirt, had you returning to the room with a small smile on your face and a little more confidence. Both Austin and Shyla could see it. Could see that the colour, while neutral, was still stunning, and that confidence looked good on you. You tested the slit, kicking out your leg and doing your utmost to deny the fact that you saw Austin’s adam’s apple bob violently at the sudden appearance of your flesh. Because that did not happen. No.
“I only hesitate with the neckline and…well slippage…I know there’s netting but…”
“Oh!” Shyla’s face lit up. “We have body tape for that!” She pulled a roll from her bag and twirled it between her fingers. “It’s got double-sided adhesive that helps fabric stay exactly where you want it.” She nodded.
“This is definitely the front runner for me…” Austin murmured from beside you and you took another look in the mirror before nodding in agreement.
“Me, too.”
It remained that way, too, despite the other four dresses that Shyla had brought with her. None fit you quite as well as the navy one, nor made you feel the same way either – sleeved and sleeveless alike.
“That settles it then.” You nodded with a sigh of relief, happy to finally have gotten that decision out of the way.
Austin insisted on storing it in the dressing room for you to keep it safe, and helped you and Shyla load the other dresses and garment rack back into her vehicle before she headed out. Standing on the driveway together as the sun began to sink lower in the sky, you turned towards him softly and smiled.
“Thank you, Austin.” You said softly, pressing your lips together as you felt another overwhelming wave of emotion.
“Couldn’t have you saying that garbage about yourself under my roof now, Betty.” He smiled fondly, slinging his arm around your shoulders, leading you inside. “Homemade pizza for dinner?”
You followed him in eagerly, tempted by the sensation that this was a normal night in your normal life…because it felt so right.
The bone-aching fatigue you woke up with that Saturday should have been more of a warning sign. Should have registered in your fatigued brain that something was off, but you simply brushed it off as awards season burn-out and had a little extra caffeine that day. When Austin came down the stairs in his tuxedo-striped pants and long coat to attend the screening that evening, your heart raced fiercely, and you were briefly concerned you had overdone it. This man, the man you were meant to protect, just might be the death of you himself.
And while to the public he appeared himself, and the video they found of him from a newscast as a small boy was adorable, you noticed. Noticed the way that his eyes seemed a little greyer than normal, the way he needed to clear his throat more often, the effort needed to conjure that breathtaking smile, the way his heels dragged a little on the way to the car once the final screening was complete. It should have been cause for celebration, but you were all eager to go home and get to bed.
Everything clicked into place when you awoke the next morning with the sensation that someone had spent the nighttime hours sandblasting your eyes, throat, and sinuses. Your joints, your skin, even the roots of your hair hurt, and despite the heap of blankets on your body you felt the urge to shiver. You forced yourself out of bed, rifling through your bag to find a rapid test kit and performed a throat and nose swab. You managed to limit your sneezes to only eight, a small victory, before leaving the test to marinate, setting a timer as you slid back into the refuge of bed.
The chime of the timer startled you awake, making it obvious you had drifted off, and you stood to look at the test strip, sighing heavily at the clear positive. You took a photo and sent it to Scott before texting Austin.
– Mr. Butler, you should do a rapid test, I am symptomatic and tested positive. I’m so sorry. –
Frowning deeply, you found some cold and flu meds in your kit and took them, sitting back on the bed, blinking as there was a knock at your door.
“Me too, Betty. Come out here I’m making tea…” Came a very stuffy voice through the door.
You pulled on a hoodie and shuffled out, pausing to bend down and scritch Biscuit warmly in greeting, before meeting Austin in the kitchen.
“Don’t apologize for this, either…” He paused to cough into his elbow. “Brendan and Colin both had it a few weeks ago…it’s just our turn I suppose.”
“Did you take something?” You asked, finding a couple of mugs as he got the water boiling, smiling a little as he nodded. “Good.”
“Flavour?” He opened the tea drawer, and you chose your preferred tea, and he did the same.
“Are you hungry at all? Eggs? Soup? Toast?” Even though you were also sick, you still felt a need to take care of him.
“Let’s make eggs and toast because we need to eat…” He nodded and the pair of you shuffled around each other in a silent dance, making food for fuel instead of pleasure, settling onto the couch with blankets and tea.
Biscuit happily nuzzled in between the pair of you as you took turns picking movies and TV shows, easting and drinking as your bodies demanded. You were relieved when Ari tested negative, glad no one else was suffering.
“Honestly, it’s been so non-stop I’m not at all surprised this happened…” He sighed softly and you nodded.
“I had no idea what an insane pace this sort of thing involves…you should get awards just for the trouble of going through it…” You shook your head, grinning as he chuckled, frowning as it devolved into coughing.
As the sun sank lower, you felt his head fall onto your shoulder, heavy with the involuntary nap that overtook him. You smiled fondly and made sure he was tucked in, leaning back against the couch more firmly to brace the pair of you knowing that the soft sighs of his sleeping breath would surely pull you under in short order. You were not expecting, however, to wake enveloped in his arms, tucked under his chin with your bodies stretched out on the couch. You were both on your sides, covered by blankets, with Biscuit curled up at your feet. Austin must have woken up at some point and adjusted the pair of you to be more comfortable.
Because comfortable this was. Heavenly even. You felt so utterly pathetic and unwell and his embrace so warm and soothing, his hands splayed across your back, that you made the deliberate decision to nuzzle back into his chest as though you had never awakened. When you next opened your eyes, he was outside with Biscuit and you crept to your bed, taking the coward’s way out and pretending you never even knew it happened.
The two of you were equally ill and useless the next day, ordering in Thai soup in an attempt to be able to taste what you were eating. By the third day, you started to feel a little better, and the fourth even more so. Day five, the last day of Academy enforced quarantine, you both managed to shake off the last vestiges of infection and plan out the last sprint to the Awards ceremony on Sunday.
“And then I understand that you wanted to travel somewhere following that. Have you made a decision about where?” You tilted your head curiously, sitting on the patio with him and Biscuit, enjoying the sunshine and feeling of a healthy body – something seldom enjoyed unless one had just recovered from something.
“Somewhere warm – tropical even. Far from the usual spots…Honestly, I think I’ll book it on Monday or Tuesday, see where the wind takes me. Everything’s been so planned that I just want to be spontaneous.” He leaned back on his lounge chair and you nodded warmly, hardly blaming him for wanting some agency back in his life. “Besides, you’ll be there, so it’ll be perfect.” He grinned teasingly and you laughed shaking your head, but unable to resist the urge to smooth a bit of your hair tousled by the gentle breeze that day.
The pre-Oscar events seemed just like the dozens of other cocktail parties you’d attended over the past two months, with mostly the same attendees, all desperate to fawn over Austin especially after his illness-mandated absence. Despite being technically recovered, you were still tired when you returned home early Sunday morning and more than a little touched when Marwan offered to do your laundry for the week when he found you loading the washing machine.
You were surprised by the number of stylists who arrived at noon to help Austin prepare for the Academy Awards, only to be informed that half of them were there for you. You narrowed you eyes as he watched them haul you into the spare room, his own gaze filled with glee at having fooled you. After nearly two hours of attention focused solely on you, something that you found utterly overwhelming and perhaps a little embarrassing, you went down to your room to change, moving to grab your undergarments and thigh holster, smiling at the stack of neatly folded laundry on your bed.
Only to blink as the holster and garter lay there right on top. You swore under your breath. In your sleepy haze, you must have put it into the washing machine the night before. Knowing it was handwash only, you inspected it carefully, almost chewing your lip but mercifully remembering it was covered in lipstick. To your eyes, it seemed to be in normal condition, and they slid into place without issue. Sliding your pocket pistol into the holster, you carefully pulled on your dress before finishing the look with comfortable heels and stepped out to meet Austin, waiting in his tuxedo.
“My, my, my…you clean up very nicely.” He smiled warmly, using your real name with an affectionate tone that threatened to turn your knees to jelly.
“Thank you. I suppose you’ll be happy not to put on another tuxedo for a while?” You smiled shyly, your lips morphing into a broad grin as he laughed richly with an enthusiastic nod.
“Truer words…shall we?” He offered his arm, and you took it carefully, corralling the volume of your skirt with your other hand so the pair of you could make it through the doorway.
Out of habit, you headed for the front seat, but Austin grasped your wrist.
“Ah, ah, ah…pretty ladies get to ride in the back.” He grinned and you rolled your eyes.
Across the vehicle, Ari wolf-whistled teasingly.
“Both of you are terrible…” You muttered but complied, gathering your skirts and sliding into the back with Austin.
He grinned at you warmly once he settled into his seat and Ari had pulled out, but you noticed his leg bouncing a little with pent up energy.
“I thought your agent was joining you this evening?” You asked, trying to distract him.
“Hmm? James? Oh yeah, he’s meeting us there, he’ll be with Kate when we’re dropped off…” His fingers reached out, toying a little with the fluffy chiffon of your skirt. “You really did pick the right dress, you know…”
You found yourself smiling shyly, the back of the SUV feeling instantaneously all too intimate.
“Thank you again for your help with that…” You repeated softly and he nodded firmly.
He lapsed into a comfortable silence, watching the scenery pass by the window until it felt like you were suddenly pulling up to the curb just beside the entrance to the red carpet. Austin slid out and jogged around, insisting on helping you out. You were about to step out when you felt something loosen beneath your skirt and quickly reached up the slit in the fabric to find the garter strap had come unclasped.
“Sorry Austin, just a moment.” You muttered, mortified, and he quickly looked aside, throat bobbing with a visible swallow, but continued to shield you with his body as you snapped it back into place.
“Thank you very much, sorry about that.” You said warmly and he took your hand, helping you from the car with a bright smile.
Kate and James were waiting as Austin predicted, Kate exclaiming over your dress and pulling you close, overcome by the celebratory atmosphere of the evening.
You assumed the usual bag and took their personal effects for safe keeping during the red carpet walk. There were a tremendous number of press and fans this time, and it was harder to map your theoretical path towards Austin through the sea of people, but you did your best to remain focused. Whether your face was becoming familiar, or because you were dressed in a way that did not insist upon people ignoring you, you also found a lot of people, talent and non-talent both, greeting and complimenting your look. You missed the particularly heated smolder that the photographers were capturing from Austin as a result.
Nearly three quarters of the way through the gauntlet, you felt the garter strap give again. Felt gravity begin to pull down on the firearm and the thigh holster in turn, with each step you took. You shifted the bag over to that arm, hoping to cover as much of your thigh as possible lest people catch a glimpse of what you were trying to conceal. You clenched your thighs together, trying to take mincing steps, hoping the friction would hold it in the place. The doors to the building were in sight now, you just needed a washroom to dart into and resecure the damned thing.
At last, you were inside the lobby to the theatre and Austin collected his phone and things. You leaned up to whisper in his ear.
“I’m just going to find the washroom, will you be ok?”
He looked at you puzzled, as this was highly unusual for you, but nodded quickly.
“Of course, Betty, I’ll be right here.” He nodded and squeezed your shoulder, watching you shuffle your way into the single-stalled washroom nearby.
You set the bag on the counter and set your heel on the edge of it, tossing back the skirt and hiked the holster back up into place. Lining up the garter strap and clip, you managed to secure it, only to have it pop back open immediately. There was a knock at the door, and you glanced at it, swallowing.
“Just a moment!” You tried not to sound as frustrated as you felt.
“Betty, it’s me.” Austin’s worried tone came through the door.
“I’ll be right out!” You were just about the close the clasp again when the cursed thing disintegrated in your fingers. “Fuck!” You hissed and he knocked more insistently.
“Betty let me in.” He said firmly.
“No! No, I’ll be fine.” You protested stubbornly, even though you had no idea how you were going to solve this one.
“Betty you’re going to open the door or I’m going to break it down and how do you think that will look.” He practically threatened and you huffed wildly at the entire situation, stomping over to unlock the door.
He slipped in quickly, locking it behind him with a look of concern etched on his features.
“Are you ok? You never leave me in public and I’m worried about you…” His eyes quickly scanned your face and he frowned.
“It’s not…” You bit your lip and sighed heavily at the taste of lipstick. “it��s the damned holster, the garter clip has failed, and it won’t stay up without it and everyone is going to see my gun or me yanking at something under my skirt or both if I don’t fix this.” You let out in a rush.
“Ok…ok breathe…” He smiled softly. “I’m glad you’re not sick or hurt. Are you wearing underwear?” Austin asked and your jaw dropped incredulously.
“Yes of course I am!” You replied defensively. “But I don’t see why…”
“Good.” He cut you off. “Can I take a look?” He asked as he sank to his knees before you and your vision quite honestly swam for a moment. You realized more than few seconds had passed and you had yet to reply, so you quickly began to gather your skirt up into your hands.
“Uh huh.” You managed to vocalize, turning your gaze skyward as looking at him in that position made you feel faint.
There was utter silence in the small bathroom, both of you holding your breath, neither of you moving, until suddenly you felt the brush of his fingertips against your thigh as he collected the garter strap between his thumb and forefinger to closely inspect the clasp, making you jump violently.
“Easy there, sorry…” He soothed you, his free hand cupping the back of your thigh, and it was honestly up for debate whether or not that was at all helpful. “Ok, in the bag, I got Kate to pack the nipple…uh...the…uh…the body tape…”
You did not miss the way he stuttered after saying word ‘nipple’ while face to face with the apex of your thighs and it brought you a modicum of smug satisfaction to know that he, too, was struggling in this moment. You put as much fabric as you could into one arm and reached into the bag, blindly groping until you found the roll of tape and passed it to him. There was an absence of touch then, and you clenched your eyes shut as you listened to him open the package before jumping again as his fingers brushed against your tender flesh once more. You felt him put the clasp in place before he cleared his throat.
“I need you to hold that closed for me.” He rasped, the damned fiend.
You reached a hand down to pinch it closed, feeling him wind tape around the strap from below the clasp, over the clasp, and a good deal above the clasp for good measure.
“Does that feel good?” He asked and cleared his throat. “Like it’ll hold?” He clarified.
“Y…yes. I think that’s great thanks…” You nodded and he stood smoothly.
Stepping back, you let your skirts fall before bouncing on your heels a little, nodding quickly.
“Very secure, thank you so much.” You added, speaking to the general vicinity of his chest as his eyes were too overwhelming in normal circumstances, let alone whatever these were.
The grey smudges on the knees of his otherwise perfect black trousers caught your eyes and you hissed.
You quickly grabbed some paper towel and dampened it under the tap, grasping his hip to steady yourself as you swiped the dust and dirt from his knees, nodding once you were satisfied you had erased the evidence of him kneeling in a public washroom. You straightened without thinking, suddenly face-to-face with his chin, his head automatically tilting down, eyes boring into yours.
Time slowed, and existence narrowed to the feel and taste of his breath as tiny puffs of it brushed against your upturned lips just inches from his. Your fingers dug further into his hip, like a ship at anchor in violent seas, and he shifted a fraction closer.
A sharp knock at the door sent you reeling backwards, kick-starting your sluggish heart so it now rabbited at your throat.
“Austin?” You heard Kate’s voice through the door and looked to him with wide eyes. He gave you an equally wide-eyed look in return, mouth opening and closing with things he wanted to say. “Are you in there?”
“On my way, Kate!” He choked out instead and you nodded, cramming yourself into the corner and motioning for him to step out.
The door clicked shut behind him, leaving you standing alone with the bathroom, faced with the nigh impossible task of pulling yourself back together.
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Read Part Seven
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
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Tag List: @littlewhiterose, @austinsvlrslut, @emrysdreams, @slowsweetlove, @xstrengthxinxtragedyx, @shelbygeek, @kingdomforapony, @artlover8992, @eliseinmemphis, @haydensith, @breadsquash, @chimchimjiminie16, @qxiva, @lilsiz
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✨📸🎥 NEW Austin attends Academy screening and Q&A event for Elvis in LA on October 30, 2022.
📸 via @maplenavarro and @/tonymiro on ig
🎥 via @/tonymiro on ig
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wheelscomedyandmore · 5 months
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Happy Birthday to Ann-Margret who turns 83 today!
83-Year-Old Ann-Margret Refuses To Give Up Her Harley.
Ann-Margret has a long list of prestigious accolades, but she's just a biker at heart.
Photo: Ann-Margret cruising on a chopper in 1971
Ann-Margret Olsson (born April 28, 1941), credited as Ann-Margret, is a Swedish-American actress and singer. She has won five Golden Globe Awards and been nominated for two Academy Awards, two Grammy Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and six Emmy Awards, winning in 2010 for a guest role in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
She is known for her roles in Pocketful of Miracles (1961), State Fair (1962), Bye Bye Birdie (1963), Viva Las Vegas (1964), The Cincinnati Kid (1965), Carnal Knowledge (1971), The Train Robbers (1973), Tommy (1975), Magic (1978), The Villain (1979), The Return of the Soldier (1982), Who Will Love My Children? (1983), 52 Pick-Up (1986), Newsies (1992), Grumpy Old Men (1993), Grumpier Old Men (1995), Any Given Sunday (1999), Taxi (2004), The Break-Up (2006) and Going in Style (2017).
Her singing and acting careers span seven decades, starting in 1961. Initially, she was billed as a female version of Elvis Presley. She has a sultry, vibrant contralto voice. She had a Top 20 hit song in 1961 and a charting album in 1964, and she scored a disco hit in 1979. She recorded a critically acclaimed gospel album in 2001 and an album of Christmas songs in 2004. In April 2023, she released her first rock album, Born to be Wild.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 5 months
Kung Fu Elvis Part 3
If you're new to this series, the point of this is to find out which Elvis character is the best fighter given an uninterrupted hand to hand combat styled fight. The goal is to rank each individual Elvis character and then within each tier determine who would win against who.
How I plan on determining this will be by finding each character's age, size and general background. How well a character does in on screen fights will also be considered but analyzed on a case by case basis. Sometimes an Elvis character loses a fight simply because it's a comedy, or due to the low quality stage fighting wins because his opponents are laughably weak.
At the end of the day this is all headcanon as these are all fictional characters. If you disagree with how I rank a character I would love to hear your thoughts on where you would put them.
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Wild in the Country is a movie that doesn't have a particular year. You would have to use the cars seen in the movie to determine when it takes place. Despite the presence of cars from the 40s, you also see a 1961 Chrysler New Yorker. Culturally speaking, you can also tell this is the early 1960s as you have Glenn going to therapy instead of immediately being institutionalized, a black man working with a white attorney showing the progression away from segregation, and college being a somewhat viable option with attendance steadily increasing since 1957. Given that Glenn doesn't have much of a job and has a rough and tumble backstory, it's likely that he isn't getting a full three square meals a day.
Even though I said on some sources, Glenn is stated to be 25, I could see someone make the argument that he's younger. Since no one claimed that he was a bit "too old" to be a college student, I'd say he's about 20/21 years old. Glenn being drunk is a non-issue because I don't see this town as being the type to care about enforcing drinking laws. In fact, Glenn's dad is an alcoholic and his uncle has it readily available which would make it more likely for Glenn to have drank before he turned 21.
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Kissin Cousins relies heavily on the US military wanting land to build an airbase for the sake of national defense. Given that the Cuban Missile Crisis would serve as a big motivator to have a solidified air defense, we can assume this movie takes place a little after October 1962. Josh is an Air Force pilot and since he doesn't have anything on his uniform to suggest he was involved in a war or military intervention, it's fair to say that he's been living comfortably yet still has to be at least somewhat fit. Jodie meanwhile has been living up in the mountains his whole life where everyone lives off the land, so there isn't a lot of room to take in an excessive amount of calories. That also means, given his lifestyle and his work as a wrestler, Jodie by necessity has to stay in shape.
Going off of Josh's rank as a 2nd LT. I would say that he's anywhere between 25-30 years old. He never mentions being involved in Korea so that would make him under 30 in 1963. Given that there's no war, it takes a little longer to be promoted so even if Josh went to the academy and graduated, he'd still need a couple more years to be a commissioned officer. If you're in the Air Force, please correct me on how this worked during the 60s. As for Jodie, I have nothing to go off of. We don't have anything in mountain life that's age based. We can only assume that since Jodie is played by Elvis, he's at least an adult. For simplicity's sake, I'd say he's about the same age as Josh.
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Despite having a somewhat specific timeline, Kid Galahad doesn't have a specific date. What we can assume is that it's after the 1920s since a poster of the real Jack Dempsey fight from 1921 is shown to be really old. Since the movie was filmed in 1961, I wouldn't be surprised if it was thrown in to a be 40th anniversary nod to it. Given that we see a contemporary Lincoln Continental, I would think this takes place throughout 1961. Mushy Callahan exists in this movie's universe is shown to be an older man, indicating that this takes place well after his prime since he retired in the 1930s. Walter being stationed in Okinawa for the army doesn't really give you a specific clue of when it takes place since the US had a persistent military presence in Japan after their surrender in WWII. Walter never mentions a war though, so we can assume that this takes place after Korea yet before the US sent group troops to Vietnam in 1965. We can assume that him being a soldier and a mechanic meant that he's relatively strong and fit.
Walter only has a canonical baptism date of August 14th 1939 in Cream Valley, New York. Given the context clue of his parents dying when he was 14 months old and that he lived with his family in Kentucky since then, we would assume he was baptized before they died. He was baptized by an Irish Catholic priest if he was allowed to marry Rose, an Irish Catholic so that means his parents likely abided by Catholic guidelines that a healthy baby is baptized within a few weeks or months of birth. Therefore, I would assume he was born in 1939 which in 1961 would make him about 22 years old.
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This movie is about as specific as you can get with the time period. The Seattle World's Fair only lasts 6 months from April to October, 1962. We also know that Mike and Danny fly over a potato field. Potatoes can have a variety of planting and harvesting times, but it's common for them to be harvested in August or September. Since the fair isn't overflowing with kids, we can assume most schools have already opened. Sue-Lin's 7 years old so she's old enough to go to school, yet she's able to attend. If we assume that Mr. Ling was saving up money to take Sue-Lin to the fair, he would've had to have been saving money throughout the summer so he can take Sue-Lin right before her schooling starts, so we can assume that this takes place in either August or September, 1962. Mike being a recently destitute crop duster, likely had enough money to eat properly. He would also have to be fit enough to have any chance at becoming a test pilot or an astronaut.
We don't Mike's exact age, but we can make a guess based on certain elements of his life. If he wants to apply to NASA he has to be below the age of 35, have a degree in most commonly engineering, etc. Mike doesn't feel concerned about the age requirement so we assume that he has a few years to wait. We know Mike was in the Army for 3 years and that it takes about 4 years to get a degree in engineering. If we assume Mike did meet that requirement, he likely did it right after he left the Army using his VA benefits. Since the youngest you can be to join the Army is 18, Mike at his youngest finished his degree when he was 25. Since he worked with Danny as a crop duster for 3 years that would make him at least 28. So for simplicity's sake we'll stick with him being 28 years old.
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Glenn might have an age advantage, but he's not at all in a good position to be the best fighter. He's a hot-headed character when he fights and only fought people who were impaired to some degree. He seems to win because of adrenaline and luck. He's similar to Deke from part 1 in that his ability to get proper nutrition is questionable at the very least. Given that he's the young, scrappy and hungry character I don't see him being able to have a long fight. If fact, I can see him being completely unable to win a planned fight. With no motivation to fight as his life isn't on the line, he just wouldn't do that well.
Therefore, Glenn is the worst fighter of this group but that's not an insult. With the exception of Jodie, everyone else has military training. Glenn is still in B tier simply because for the average person, he could beat them in a fight. He just wouldn't stand a chance against the other fighters in this group.
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Josh and Jodie only fight each other. No one won because Azalea and Selena interrupted their fight. If you look at this realistically though, I don't see this as an even match. Josh having military training doesn't really help him if he was in a fight. He's an Air Force pilot so he's very unlikely to face someone one on one. Also he would have a gun which doesn't reflect your physical abilities. Jodie is essentially the strongest man in the whole mountain village. You can't live in the mountains your whole life, with no contact to the outside world, and not develop any type of muscle. The only gun they have is a hunting rifle, so must confrontations likely are settled through physical force. That gives Jodie a lot more experience with physical combat.
Therefore, Josh would be in B tier but above Glenn. Josh in general is more physically fit than Glenn. Simply having better nutrition by being in the Air Force would give Josh more energy. Glenn having the age advantage doesn't help him since he wouldn't have the stamina from lack of nourishment. Jodie on the other hand would be in A tier. Brute strength would be enough to win against the average person which Josh basically is. If you take him being a champion wrestler seriously, I don't see how Jodie could realistically lose against someone like Josh in a purely physical fight. I can't rank him higher because even this is based purely on what I think should happen. The movie just doesn't give us enough to know for sure.
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Walter won every single fight, won against professional opponents, and won against opponents despite being unarmed. Even in the beginning when he had no technique, he still won his practice match against Joey with one punch. As a professional boxer, he's nothing but physically fit. You know that his camp is going to give him nothing but the best. We see him train and even when he's not training he's working with a heavy duty Model T.
Walter is easily the best fighter of this group. A character like Walter is the reason why this project exists. He is what this project is about: finding the best fighter in the ECU in a hand to hand combat, alone, and uninterrupted. Definitely an S tier fighter as he has direct boxing training, has an age advantage, and has never gotten out of shape. The only thing I question is how realistic it is for him to not get knocked out after being punched. The movie is making it sound as if this is some bizarre ability that I simply don't know if it could even exist in real life. I would still put him ahead of Jodie because if we do believe that Walter's ability to not get knocked out is a legit thing that can happen, then Jodie's brute strength is useless. It would be an insanely entertaining match since you just know that Jodie would be fueled by his hatred for losing.
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Mike has only won fights that don't fit my proper criteria. I really think he can win on his own but the movie simply doesn't depict the fights like that. Then again, these are more akin to street fights where things aren't always fair. Adrenaline might play a big role in his fight against Vince, but again Mike being able to maintain a certain level of technique is a sign of skill.
Mike. E is in A tier and I can see him winning some good fights. Despite being a crop duster pilot, Mike being in the Army does give him an advantage. He has to have a bunch of stamina and it shows with him being able to run all over Seattle and still manage to fight Vince. However, without any official solo fights, I can't give him the edge over Jodie. If Jodie being the champion wrestler is a fact, then he would have more canonical solo wins than Mike.
To summarize for this part:
Walter is in S tier.
Jodie is in A tier.
Mike E. is in A tier but below Jodie.
Josh is in B tier.
Glenn is in B tier but below Josh.
Tagging: @karel-in-wonderland, @crash-and-cure, @lynettethemadscientist, @leighpc, @alienelvisobsession,
@seredelgi, @southcarolinawoman, @arrolyn1114, @ash-omalley, @snicks-12,
@freudianslumber, @be-my-ally, @xanatenshi @vintagepresley, @peaceloveelvis,
@tupelomiss, @peskybedtime, @squaggleson, @idk583838, @mercsandmonsters,
@smokeymountainboy and @lookingforrainbows.
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
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words can genuinely not explain the utter level of DISRESPECT this is
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Sending another anon because I didn’t want that last to be too long but comparing Fred Astaire and iconic dancer to people like Mark Zuckerberg, Trump, and Elon Musk in wild. Those 3 mean have literally changed society for the worse Zuckerberg with that Meta bs. Trump and his racist followers and terrible run as president. And Elon musk who is dedicated to letting racist and incels speak freely with no repercussions. Like let’s be serious. Those people deserve to have projects highlighting their stupidity they shared and influenced people with.
Fred Astaire is not problematic to where his wishes should be disregarded for financial gain and some awards. Biopics today are just awards bait. Examples being King Richard and Elvis as of recently. You are almost guaranteed academy attention for biopics. I’m not sayin that’s why Tom specifically attached himself to the project but regardless TO ME it’s off putting and not a good look.
So wait.... You're okay with them making a biopic about Trump, Zuckerberg, and Muskrat, but not these other ppl that ppl actually LIKED? 😅
Anyway, it's sad that you feel that all biopics these days are just "award bait". ("King Richard" and "Elvis" were both very good films btw)
Did you ever think that a lot of those films tend to get award recognition because an actor is literally having to bring someone to life on the big screen in a way that ppl can feel like they knew the individual? Not to mention, many of these ppl had complex lives... some full of drama or hardships, etc. It automatically makes for good storytelling. Like, I'm never going to be upset about any biopic film being brought to the big screen. EVER. If the film is done WELL, why are you upset that it's getting award attention? 🤔 I don't get it.
But anyway.... hey, I can't change your mind on biopics Anon. We all like what we like, I guess. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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hooked-on-elvis · 6 months
okay, hiiii! so ahem, I’m not too sure if you’ve watched elvis’ “stay away, joe,” and if you haven’t you really should. although it’s kinda…iffy, he’s so damn fine in there 😮‍💨🫠
I’m really curious about one of his ladies in the film! Quentin Dean, do you know anything or any info as in if they’ve had a bond, or any outtakes?
She randomly popped into my head after watching the wh0rehouse scene in the ‘68 comeback, bc susan henning lowk looked like her in it?!?! lol I think it’s the bangs or sumthin’
But please and thank you, I gotta know!
Hi, Lexy! I'm so, so sorry for taking so long to answer your question, dear. Thank you for reaching me out for information on Elvis' movies, I feel honored you'd think of me for this, really. If there's something I love to talk about, concerning Elvis' career, this is it, his movies — even if it's not always I am lucky finding satisfying info on them, like in this case. 😣
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I've spent a long, long while trying to find anything about Quentin Dean and her relationship with Elvis during making of Stay Away Joe (that's why I took so long so answer you) - from Youtube videos to movie magazines articles, but unfortunately I still haven't.
Strangely, Quentin Dean retired pretty quick from Hollywood, after only 4 movies done and very few one-episode appearances in some Western TV shows.
Her acting career (TV and movies) lasted from 1967 to 1969, two years, and it's just bizarre since she was nominated for a Golden Globe Awards for Best Supporting Actress due to her first role on the big screen on the Oscar winner movie (Best Picture) 'In the Heat of the Night' (1967). This movie was released the same year Quentin filmed Stay Away Joe with Elvis (filmed from October 9 to November 27, 1967, released on March 8, 1968).
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Quentin Dean prepared for her screen test for the Academy Award Winner movie In The Heat of the Night (1967).
Curiously enough, other than the movies, one of the few TV shows Quentin worked on was The Virginian, created by - guess who! - Charles Marquis Warren, director/producer/screenwriter of Charro! (1969 *updated for minor correction on date -- 'Charro!' was filmed during July and August of 1968 and released in 1969*). Quentin appeared in only one episode of that show, but even so, why would she give up her acting career so fast? She surely had good network in Hollywood... that's just weird. What's worse is that it seems she rarely gave interviews during her acting career and/or denied interviews after retiring from Hollywood, which would explain why her interviews are so hard to find.
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1968. Quentin Dean as Saranora on The Virginian (TV Series, 1962–1971) S7. E1 "The Saddle Warmer".
I really tried to find any interview with her, and there must be some, but with a career as short-lived as hers the journalists' interest for details on her acting career is not that big, therefore there aren't modern articles online (that I have put my eyes on) and the existing vintage 60s printed ones weren't scanned and shared online so far, I suppose. 😣 What a shame!
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I am confident (or just hopeful) there must be some kind of information concerning her work relationship with EP in books specifically dealing with Stay Away Joe making of, such as "Elvis: Behind The Scenes Speedway & Stay Away Joe" by Erik Lorentzen. I haven't read this book yet, unfortunately. I'm so sorry for not being helpful for now, dear. I tried. I wish I knew something. :( If any friend reading this have already read this book and know something helpful, please, feel free to share what you know with our community. ♥
Well, since we're talking about it already, if you ask me I'd say Elvis and Quentin had a pretty good professional relationship but not as close as Elvis and some of his other leading ladies had. This is pure speculation on my part, but I have a reason to think so. This if one of the movies Elvis did (this one and 'Kissin' Cousins', maybe a few others too, not sure) that Priscilla -- as well as some of the wives from the Memphis Mafia guys -- was right there watching Elvis work in the filming set. I'm not implying Elvis would have had any intimate relationship with Quentin if Priscilla hadn't been there on the filming set or anything but, speaking on friendship matters, it makes sense Elvis would have spent more of his time on set, during breaks from filming, with his gang than with the other actors. Not sure but if so, Quentin wouldn't have many opportunities to get better acquaintance of him, I guess she wouldn't have much to say about him as a person because of this.
What I can say is: below is a "behind the scenes" picture [on the right], not a publicity shot for what I've read. Judging from their faces, Elvis and Quentin had fun working together. ✨ I know, I know... this is not specific but this is what I can share for now.
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I'm gonna keep trying to find some information about Quentin's career, and hopefully on her accounts over working in Stay Away Joe. I really wish I could understand why her acting career was so short and what she has done afterwards in her life, so maybe in interviews she shared something about it.
For now, I'm humbly gonna share some of the pictures of Stay Away Joe. And, yes, I've watched it! I've watched all of Elvis' movies.
Stay Away Joe didn't catch my heart at first but little by little it grew on me. Now it is one of my favorite Elvis movies, even tho I still think it's an extremely noisy and a little messy-looking movie too. LOL. Even so it's a good movie... here and there I re-watch it. ♥
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Elvis Presley (Joe Lightcloud), Joan Blondell (Glenda Callahan), and Quentin Dean (Mamie Callahan) in Stay Away Joe (1968)
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And, to make all of us a little happier, our man:
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Stay Away Joe (1968 released, filmed in late 1967)
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highlifestyleindia · 2 years
'Banshees,' 'Fabelmans' get SAG nods
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Steven Spielberg's drama "The Fabelmans" and dark comedy "The Banshees of Inisherin," two big winners at Hollywood's Golden Globes ceremony, were nominated on Wednesday for the top movie honor at the Screen Actors Guild Awards.
 The films will compete for best movie cast with "Women Talking," "Babylon" and "Everything Everywhere All at Once."
 "Banshees" and "Everything Everywhere" led all movie contenders with five SAG nominations each.
Winners will be chosen by members of the SAG-AFTRA acting union. The awards are closely watched because actors form the largest group that will vote for the Academy Awards in March.
 "Banshees," the story of feuding friends on a remote island off the coast of Ireland, received SAG nominations for lead actor Colin Farrell and supporting cast Brendan Gleeson, Barry Keoghan and Kerry Condon.
 The film was named best movie musical or comedy on Tuesday at the Golden Globe awards.
 SAG also nominated Michelle Yeoh for her lead role in dimension-hopping action movie "Everything Everywhere." Her co-stars Ke Huy Quan, Jamie Lee Curtis and Stephanie Hsu also landed nominations.
 "The Fabelmans," the Golden Globe winner for best movie drama, earned a SAG nomination for lead actor Paul Dano. The coming-of-age story was inspired by Spielberg's real life as a teenager facing family strife and anti-Semitism.
 Other movie actors nominated included Austin Butler for "Elvis," Cate Blanchett for "Tar" and Adam Sandler for "Hustle."
 In television categories, "Better Call Saul," "The Crown," "Ozark," "Severance" and "The White Lotus" were nominated for best drama cast.
 The TV comedy cast contenders are "Abbott Elementary," "Barry," "The Bear," "Hacks" and "Only Murders in the Building."
 Awards are scheduled to be handed out at a ceremony in Los Angeles on Feb. 26, two weeks ahead of the Oscars. The show will be streamed live on Netflix Inc's YouTube channel.
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2000sandtoday · 2 years
The Oscars Problem by Cambria Covell
I think, for people that casually watch the Oscars, the ones that are just there to see the fancy clothes or their favorite on screen, there's a funny notion about what the Academy Awards actually are.
People think it's like the People's choice awards where you are voting for YOUR FAVORITE film or YOUR FAVORITE ACTOR. And that's why more often then not people come away from watching the Oscars feeling disappointed.
Especially if the actors are from films people haven't seen. Which is sometimes the case as it was this year I feel.
The Oscars is by no means a show of favoritism although sometimes it does feel like it. The Oscars are an industry award show. It's a way for directors and movie studios to award those they feel are the best examples of the craft of filmmaking. And it's always been this way. It was never meant to be the powerhouse of film study and critique that it became.
Essentially, now, the Oscars is politics. The politics of cinema. Sometimes films have to be nominated because a studio has that much power. See every Disney animated film ever being nominated and usually winning. Sometimes films have to be nominated because the Oscars need seats filled. Or someone to get people to watch.
Ultimately, there are expectations from an Academy Award Best Picture. Or at least that's what the Academy believes. That's why you get a film like All Quiet on The Western Front winning best picture.
That isn't to say that it shouldn't have won. A film that critiques the atrocities of war isn't one you should be pissed about winning (rather, Top Gun: Maverick being nominated let alone winning for something like sound when Elvis was right there and the Top Gun is actively used as a military recruitment vehicle, that should be the one people are mad about but I digress).
If I'd actually known of the films existence prior to the Oscars, which I didn't, I probably would have predicted that as the winner to be completely honest. Just based on the content of the film. War pictures usually win.
The Academy likes films about war. They make a statement without being overtly political other then usually war is bad and they're usually historical which means they are always serious.  They're safe. And they fit what the Academy and the audience expects of an Academy Award movie. Rather than something like Till being nominated which voters would be hesitant to nominate because of the complicated subject matter.
The trouble is studios simply don't make films that fit the Academy Award ideal anymore. Which is why, whereas in years past a sci-fi film wouldn't have been considered, Everything Everywhere All At Once, shook so many people including the Academy. Because it was ACTUAL filmmaking.
Not Sequel Bait. Not Franchise Bullshit. It was one of the few movies nominated this year that was actually A FILM. So if The Academy wants to have more variety at the Oscars of films to choose from they need to encourage the studios to MAKE FUCKING FILMS.
Yes. I swore. No, I'm not sorry about it. But the thing is that a lot of the bullshit practices that have been put in place surrounding the current state of cinema are to the detriment of people that actually work in the industry.
CGI filled blockbusters are easier to invest in for studios because they are sure money makers. If it doesn't make money at the box office, they can make money off of merchandise. And, as I will keep saying, it means they don't have to deal with unions. Which is why the films submitted to the Oscars with film in its current state are going to continue to be mediocre at best unless Hollywood remembers what its good at.
People making things. PEOPLE being the key word here. Invest in your filmmakers. Invest in your screenwriters. Invest in your talent. Invest in your costume designers. Invest in your cinematographers. The film industry is a trade. Teach it so that you can benefit from it.
Start programs that teach people the trades that you are so busy gatekeeping so that people don't have to pay an arm and a leg to get a film education. And maybe if you remember that cinema is about people, and not profit, you won't have to sink million dollar franchises.
Believe in the craft of film, take it seriously, create things that entertain and matter, and people will come back to the movies. I think Elvis proves that even if it didn't win anything. Some people came for the story, others like myself, went for the cinematic experience because I knew the work Baz Lurhmann and his team put into their films and I wanted to see that.
It's the same with Everything Everywhere All At Once. And what Everything Everywhere All At Once and Elvis prove is that people are still interested in films and the process of making films and will show up to the movies just to see that. And I think that's why everyone was invested in them winning.
So, perhaps studios will take note. Either that or the Academy better prepared to change requirements for the award or how the award is voted on.
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pls share your oscars takes
… oh boy.
To be honest, most of my takes/opinions on this years awards can be boiled down to the fact that I believe the Academy gave the awards not to the best performances in each category but rather as a reward for legacy/to fit a narrative.
I’m going to get the take that’s most likely to bring me hate out there first: Best Actor. I want to just make it clear that I love Brendan Fraser and I’m so happy for him because what happened to him was awful. But I don’t think he was the best actor in that category, I don’t think The Whale was the film he should have won an award for, and I do believe he won the award not for what I’m certain was a good performance but because it fit the narrative of his comeback and the Academy knew people were wanting him to win for that reason alone.
Personally, and here is my controversial take, I do think Austin Butler should have won - and I’m not some in love fangirl of either him or Elvis, that’s just how I feel. If you watch clips of the real Elvis performing alongside Austin’s performance… it’s actually scary how accurate his movements/mannerisms are, down to the second. Yeah yeah, the voice and the fact he’s still doing it is funny, but I truly do think he was the standout of the film and the main reason it worked - honestly I’m a huge Baz Luhrmann fan but this film hinged on whoever was playing Elvis Presley, and if the actor playing Elvis was wrong then the film would have never worked.
The other acting Oscar I have a take on is the supporting actress one… listen, I adore Jamie Lee Curtis. She’s an icon, a legend, a Queen. But I do not think she was the best nominee in that category, and it felt more like she was being awarded just because of her history as an actress than for her performance she was nominated for. I haven’t seen the film (EEAAT?) but from what I’ve heard she wasn’t even the best nominee from that film in that category. I’m being serious when I say I rooted for Angela Bassett - people seem to scoff and ignore performances from superhero movies but her performance was astounding, I remember seeing that scene in the cinema from Wakanda Forever and everyone being dead silent, the awe in the cinema screening.
So, to sum the above up: I do think the Academy gives some awards based not who was the best in the category but on fitting a certain narrative or even to prove a point.
I think the Oscars used to actually mean something, but nowadays... to me, it just seems like an outdated award show that for some reason is viewed as above and beyond all the other institutions that give out awards, and often times it feels like they don't actually consider most films apart from biographical ones, ones that are clearly Oscar bait (like The Whale is), and dramas.
For example, let’s be honest, with the rare few exceptions, the Academy doesn’t take fantasy/sci fi/horror seriously at all, especially for the acting categories. Even the Lord of the Rings series, which was very awarded, suffered somewhat; the final LOTR film in 2003/2004 won all eleven Oscars it was nominated for (as is right and proper) but there was apparently shock when the nominations were announced and the only categories it wasn’t nominated for were acting ones. Like… seriously? You’re telling me Sean Astin didn’t deserve even just a nomination for the way he cried over Frodo’s lifeless body, for “I can’t carry it but I can carry you!”, for putting on weight even though he’d worked hard to lose it and his co-stars didn’t have to (I’ve heard Dominic had padding to make him look a little more rotund since he used to be so lanky, not sure if that’s true)?
Horror suffers a lot too because people don’t take it seriously and, to my knowledge, rarely gets nominated or recognised; I remember watching Midsommar and wondering why the fuck Florence Pugh didn’t get nominated for that because her performance - the sobbing brokenly at her family’s deaths, the unsettled facial expressions that are tinged with her being taken in by the cult, etc. I’ve seen a number of heartbreaking or genuinely unsettling performances by actors in horror films that are masterfully done and deserve recognition but don’t get it because of the dismissive-ness towards the genre.
I also think actors using motion capture etc are not given the respect they deserve for their performances by the Academy. Like Andy Serkis… that man spent years crawling around the floor in various suits to bring us Gollum and is a master of performing mocap. Any actor who is able to deliver an amazing performance whilst in a motion capture suit deserves a great deal of praise because they’re literally using their imagination for 97% of their performance. For example, the Avatar movies: I’m honestly astounded whenever I see BTS for either film of the actors because they’re literally in studios in silly suits and cameras attached to helmets pretending there’s other blue aliens or various creatures or environments they’re looking at/interacting with. Performances delivered in motion capture are just as valid and deserving as any other performance.
I think the Academy also has an unfortunate habit of choosing Disney to always win Best Animated Feature - which thankfully was not the case this year, I haven’t seen Del Toro’s Pinocchio though I absolutely want to, but frankly 96% of the time when there’s a Disney film nominated they’ll just choose it because it’s Disney (*cough*Toy Story 4*coughcough*).
Anyway, I kind of went off on a tangent there but still.
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