#embarrassing as that'd be
violent138 · 1 month
I kind of like the idea that at the highest levels of the U.S. government, FBI, whatever, they are fully aware of who each member of the Batfam is and have dossiers that could fill libraries detailing their crimes and whatnot. Furthermore, they have filled Bruce Wayne in on this fact and told him that while he does net-positive things as a Gotham-exclusive vigilante and member of the Justice League (the government is more than happy to let a billionaire pay for that), they have no reason to come after him. In fact, the Feds are exhausted with Gotham and dealing with all the problems it brings.
However, they're very clear that if they wanted to, they could put him and his kids away, or force them into working for the government.
Bruce is entirely unsurprised by this, and it's just another chess move in the long-brewing cold war where the Bats routinely destroy/delegitimize evidence/hack them/gather counter-intelligence and blackmail and the Feds continue their reconnaissance, rebuild their case, and put up heavy opposition to any Batfamily members or allies entering government office.
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spirk-trek · 4 months
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pov: you're about to die in the gayest way imaginable
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strqyr · 6 months
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sorry for doubling up but i think i actually prefer this simpler panel version with some slight fixes cos there were things that midnight me was not annoyed by but a morning me is lmao
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bobalegsanji · 1 month
Me 🤝 Being in love with the most traumatised one piece characters
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avisisisis · 11 days
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argentinian spider-oc !! :D
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canisalbus · 11 months
wait ive been reading some of these asks. do machete & vasco have a written out story? or comic? i havent seen any links on your page for something like that (unless I'm looking over em :"D) but I'd love to read/hear more if so!
Hh sorry, they have lots of story stuff planned out but it's all just rattling around in my head, there's no comic, written fiction, lore depository or anything substantial that I could direct you to. I mostly just design characters for my own enjoyment and then put them in little imaginary situations because it's a fun and inspiring thing to do.
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mushtoons · 5 months
Can we see more of Truppy?
hope u mean tpuppy! cuz thats what we doodled 💕 but we haven't really fleshed it out yet so here are silly doodles of tpup and the bbs 💕
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nervocat · 5 months
Guys, High Cloud Quintet or just Blade himself (and maybe Dan Heng) and the song How To Be Me by Ren X Chinchilla (two separate people).. at least hear me out or entertain my idea and listen to the song!!
It's a good song either way tho 🤷‍♂️
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incomingalbatross · 6 months
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calling myself out instead of going to bed
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hidengifs · 7 months
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Riki & Ramon's Odd Jobs
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abouttofillhisshoes · 26 days
today i learned that you can in fact forget how to ride a bike xx
my flatmate's in her worried mother era i feel like a wounded soldier in ww2 france thats just lost a leg
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vermillioncrown · 11 months
@hummingbirdstuffsblog replied to your post “what are the most important qualities for you in...”:
"ZYX was the closest thing they had to a friend" was?!!as in no more?!!!bro i have been saving up the updates for a rainy day(lol) but now i am scared🥺 i will come to cry shortly in a while i guess..
​LMAO I only say 'was' because of their current breakup state
Look, look--for those that are afraid (and don't you guys trust me? 🥺)
They will be friends again. It's a difficult time and place for them to live in and be friends and not have clashes given fundamental differences in who they are. We just need a little life-threatening, a bit of war, something something to make people re-prioritize feelings, yeah?
(damn i really want to get into jzx's pov on all of this because hahahahaha)
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knightofgreatrenown · 6 months
hey wait, precept 40 talks about obeying no law but your own, yet you expect others to follow your precepts verbatim. isn’t that hypocritical? or am I reading incorrectly
...I am in disbelief.
I go on this meticulous, intricate, well-crafted explanation on why Precept Forty does not apply to my own Precepts, and you turn around and ask me the same question that fool did? Were you not listening?
Hmph! You should have paid more attention! I will not repeat myself again!
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
i want to hear renren's most embarrassing childhood story and to tease him about it for as long as we live
✦゜ANSWERED: Getting his childhood proposal shut down
I don't think he's done majorly embarrassing since he normally keeps to himself and only does things that encompass you. The most embarrassing thing I think he'd do would be mistaking the random lady at the supermarket as his mother and almost going home with her ^^;
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elemental-plane · 4 months
if tide & bone ep 3 isn't the episode lightkeeper nokari gets paid for dealing with this circle's bullshit we need a 4th episode
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nyxronomicon · 2 months
I'm at a conference and there's this boomer guy that was trying to embarrass me and he tried to do it with vulgar language and I was completely unphased... like obviously I'm not gonna tell him I run a porn blog on tumblr dot com but sir I've read nastier shit in the content warnings of my mutuals fics, you're gonna have to do a lot better than that
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