#embry call x oc imagine
Wildest dreams, pt. 21
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Summary: As seasons change, so does their relationship.
Warnings: angst, fluff, sexual innuendos, swearing
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
Time seemed to pass by. For some, it moved quickly as the raindrop crashing from the sky onto the ground. For others, time seemed to be standing still.
Paul had never been happier. His eyes are bright, so full of light Y/N brought into his life and he didn’t dare question the lack of nightmares now. At first, he worried they’d return with a vengeance, but as days turned into weeks and weeks trickled into months, the nightmares became an afterthought neatly tucked at the back of his mind.
Things with Y/N were perfect; at the two month mark, she moved in with him though they had dinner with her dad twice a week. Paul didn’t mind it, in fact he relished in the father-son relationship they’ve built, becoming another stitch on his old wounds.
Within a month of moving in together, they’ve turned the house upside down repainting it, changing some of the decor. It brought so much work his way, to the whole pack if he’s being honest. Y/N had a way to manipulate each of the guys without anyone truly noticing it until they’re halfway painting the living room and at that point they could only admire her wit. The imprints would gather as well, the actual work turning more into a group art project and he enjoyed every moment of it.
Paul loves the Sunday picnics at the beach, the Tuesday dinners he makes for her after which they binge the latest series Y/N heard is worthwhile, driving her to work while singing at the top of their lungs, slow dancing on the porch, kissing in the shower, making her scream his name long into the night, waking up to the smell of Y/N making pancakes almost as much as her smile whenever he’d wrap his arms around her waist in their kitchen.
That felt so good – sharing his life with someone who loves him so deeply and he can’t believe that all those years filled with uncertainty, suffering and hopelessness have come down to this. Once a lost boy had grown into a man with so much love in his heart that’s pouring out of every pore and for once he’s calm, inside and out.
Almost a year after imprinting, Paul hadn’t shifted in a long while. Most wolves don’t shift after having met their imprints unless there’s danger on horizon. The younger ones have taken over patrols again, allowing the older members of the pack to lay their responsibilities to rest for now. It’ll take a few more years before he’s able to see the difference, before he can start aging properly, but it will happen and he’s no longer appalled by the sentiment of growing old. Falling in love with Y/N and their life made that happen – he’s craving it.
And yet he can still feel something’s not right. She’s happy, he’s certain of it, but something broke in her the day he returned from his fishing trip.
Jacob left the same day and it’s impossible to ignore the sadness lingering in her eyes since then.
Y/N felt her heart chip like porcelain as Jacob walked out of her life for the second time now. When she learned of the pack and their secrets, part of her thought it meant she can have her best friends back and nothing needed to change. They’d find a way to pick up the pieces and carry on, create new memories and forge a new kind of friendship – the one that lasts through the best and worst of times.
“So you just…abandon everything to go back to wherever the hell she is?” Y/N snaps at Jacob.
“My imprint needs me”, Jacob sighs. “We may not be a romantic match like you and Paul, but when she needs me I can’t ignore her call.”
Snorting in disgust, Y/N shakes her head. “It’s slavery.”
“It’s imprinting”, Jacob reminds her.
Swallowing thickly, she nods. “When will you come back?”
“I don’t know.”
“I need better than that”, she grumbles. “I don’t care who she is, you’re MY best friend.” Taking his hands in hers, Y/N’s bottom lip quivers. When she speaks, her voice is quiet, shaky. “I just got you back.”
“You don’t want to hear this, but it’s the best thing for us.”
“How can you say that?” She narrows her eyes at him. “Whatever issues we have, we can solve them together but if you go now…it’s high school all over again.”
“You’ll be okay”, Jacob tell her.
“No, I won’t”, she chokes back a sob. “You’re the only one who knows me.”
“Paul is your imprint”, Jacob grimaces, “and while I’m not particularly delighted by it, he loves you.” Letting out a weak sigh, Jacob trains his eyes on their intertwined hands. “He’s loved you quite a long time and it’s time for you to let him in.”
Shaking her head, she sniffles. “It’s not the same. You’ve been with me since as long as I can remember.”
“So was Paul”, Jacob reminds her. “You just didn’t pay him any attention.”
Closing her eyes, she lets a tear crumble her poise. “If I loved you the way you want me to, would you have stayed?”
Blinking fast, Jacob smiles meekly. “I don’t think that would have helped. I’d be itching to come back sooner, that’s for sure.”
“Would she even let you come back?”
“I hate that you’re shackled to a preteen and her whims.”
Forcing a smile, Jacob shrugs. “It’ll do us good to be apart a bit…let the emotions settle.” Licking his lips, he locks his gaze onto her. “I’ll do a better job at burying these feelings for both our sakes.”
“You’ll call, won’t you?”
“And text you every day.”
Nodding, she lets out a shuddered breath pass her shaky lips. “You better.”
“I promise.” He pulls his hands back to his lap, and Y/N’s eyebrows furrow. She isn’t ready to let him go just yet.
“Don’t make promises you might be unable to keep.” Y/N warns and he leans in, cupping her face with his now free hands. “You made me promises before and I ended up alone for a decade.”
“Things are different now”, his nose brushes hers and he pulls back. “I’ll come back.”
“If you don’t, I’ll be raising an army to destroy your little clan” she remarks.
“Except you can’t hurt her without killing me”, Jacob quips.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N grimaces. “I don’t like these wolf rules.”
“Neither do I”, Jacob musses, leaning his forehead on hers.
Both of them know how intimate this moment is, how wrongly it can be interpreted. If anyone walked in on them now, there would be hell to pay. How can you explain a love like this? Even underneath the feelings Jacob unearthed, his love for Y/N is indescribable. It’s as if she’s the soil from which he grows, as if he’s the sky in which she shines – they’ve always been inseparable – platonic soulmates she called it before and he agrees. Even without an imprint bond, they’re soulmates.
Another year passed by, Y/N’s heart a little lighter now. While work has been stressful, she always looked forward to seeing Paul leaned on his truck in the parking lot. He’d smile and kiss her hungrily before asking about her day. Sometimes he’d have a rose hidden behind his back, other times take out if his day was exhausting as hers, making sure neither would have to cook that night.
Looking over at him, she could notice a few light wrinkles when he’d crinkle his eyes. Running the back of her index finger across his cheek, she’d elicit a worried look from her beloved. Somehow, the imprint bond seemed stronger despite him not shifting in nearly two years now.
“What’s wrong, my beautiful dove?”
Inhaling sharply, she shrugs it off. “Nothing, just in awe of you.”
“I know I’m gorgeous, but I felt that”, Paul glances at her. “I felt the way your heart ached for a moment there.”
“It’s kind of annoying how easily you can dissect what I’m feeling.”
“Imprint perk”, he winks.
Huffing, she furrows her eyebrows. “I’m not sure it is.”
“What do you mean”, he lowers the volume on the radio.
“Don’t you ever get bored of feeling my feelings? Does it never affect you negatively?”
“Well, I could do without the PMS”, Paul snickers and she scowls at him.
“Be serious!”
“I am”, he insists. “I’m not burdened by it. It helps me make sure you’re alright. Sometimes I react, other times I let you come to me. It’s not science, but I’m trying to be respectful just like I know you’re being respectful by letting me make my own choices.”
“Are you thanking me for not enslaving you like Renesmee has done so with Jacob?”
“Is that why you’re mad?” Paul frowns. “When’s the last time you heard from him?”
“A few months now”, she admits. “He promised he’d be around and now all I get are a few texts from time to time.”
“Want me to call him?”
Chuckling, she shakes her head. “I don’t need you to rough him up. I just wish I knew what was going on. Last I heard the Volturi were messing with them again.”
Paul falls silent. His hands grip the steering wheel tighter, his jaw clenching.
“Do you know something I don’t?” Y/N turns in her seat, her eyes focusing on her imprint. He’s anxious and he’s almost shaking and it’s the first time in a long time she’s seen him struggling to keep shifting at bay.
“Paul?” She calls his name, her hand resting over his white knuckled one. “Breathe”, she says sternly, rubbing his knuckles gently. “BREATHE”, she repeats louder and Paul blinks, finally breaking out of his trance.
Huffing, he shakes his head as if to clear the fog before sniffling, glancing at her hand recoiling from his once she realizes he’s not going to shift.
Y/N didn’t talk for the rest of the drive and neither did Paul.
Once inside the house, she turns to him with uncertainty. Placing a hand over her chest, she lets out a heavy sigh. Staring at his back, she speaks.
“Do you feel that?”
Without skipping a beat, Paul nods. “I’m sorry.”
“You scared the crap out of me”, she states.
“I know.”
“We could have crashed”, she reminds him.
“I know.”
“What if you shifted in the car?”
“I know.”
“If you know, tell me what the fuck was that?” She steps in front of him. “Why did me mentioning Volturi make you freeze up?”
Licking his lips, Paul rubs his forehead. “I don’t think you’d want to know.”
“I sure as hell do!”
“What did Jacob tell you about them?” Paul raises his eyebrows.
Swallowing thickly, she leans on the counter. “That they’re vampire royalty and they hate the Cullens and especially his imprint. That they tried to wage war against them but failed.”
“Did he also mention the pack was standing with the Cullens because of his imprint?”
Nodding faintly, she waited for Paul to continue.
“One of their so called family members has the power to see the future.”
Paul nods. “She saw me die in that clearing that day.”
Y/N felt her heart stop with his words.
“Leah, Seth too. I’m pretty sure most of us would be dead now.”
“And hearing the Volturi are back in the game reminded you of that” Y/N realizes. “What happens if they come back here?”
“Depends”, Paul pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m sure they’d like the pack gone, but their main concern are the Cullens.”
“So as long as they’re gone, you are safe?” She raises her eyebrows in concern, looking at him with a childlike fear in her eyes, simmering with anger over all the traumatic events her Paul had to go through.
Walking toward her, his hands rest on her hips before he pulls her closer to his chest. “We”, he corrects her. “We are safe. Maybe that’s why Jacob cooled on communications.”
Wrapping her arms around Paul, Y/N couldn’t find comfort in any of it. Somewhere out there is a royal family of immortal beings that crave revenge and they would see her entire world burn for amusement.
How can she ever forget that and live a normal life?
What has Jacob gotten himself into?
For the next year, Y/N worried. It’s become the only constant in her life. Paul couldn’t help but worry too – not just about the Volturi, but about Y/N. He noticed her researching the cold ones as well as many myths and legends surrounding creatures even he didn’t believe were real. 
He watched her smile but it didn’t always reach her eyes.
Jacob called her for her birthday, it was brief and even then she didn’t seem to pay mind to it. Something else stirred in her heart and their conversation opened a door that let raging fire inside of her. Paul’s not exactly sure what her goal is – does the research help or make it worse, but he started researching with her. Instead of Tuesday binge watching shows, they read books on the supernatural creatures.
Paul made sure she didn’t completely close up. He had the other imprints take her out, even going as far as asking Embry to breathe some life into her.
“Did you die?”
“What?” Embry’s eyes widen at her question, nearly choking on his milkshake.
“In Alice’s vision”, she clarifies.
“I didn’t ask. It’s not something I wanted to know.”
“Why not?”
“Because that future where everyone went to battle wasn’t real and it wouldn’t come true.” Embry frowns. “Why are you obsessing over this?”
“Is that what Paul called it?”
“No”, Embry tries but her unyielding stare saw right through him. He could never lie to her. “Maybe.”
“I’m not obsessing. I’m arming myself with information.”
“What can you do with said information?” Embry raises his brows. “You’re human and I know you hate hearing that, but if shit goes down, you’ll be far from here. Paul would make sure of it and I would too.”
Shaking her head, she bites her lower lip. “You guys have no concerns then? It doesn’t keep you awake wondering if those things will come back to eradicate your kind?”
“Sometimes”, Embry shrugs before reaching across the table for her hand. “But I can’t dwell on what ifs and forget to live my life. I hope you remember that too. We are not at war, there is no imminent danger looming over our heads, but you do have a loving boyfriend who is terrified about your sudden shift in behavior.”
Inhaling sharply, she turns to the window. “I’m scared something will happen and I’ll be a useless lawn ornament.”
“Best thing you could ever do when these things happen is stay safe. There’s nothing worse for a wolf to lose an imprint and Paul would rather die than risk your life.”
“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”
It felt easier to breathe after her conversation with Embry. What helped was also him asking her for ideas on proposing to Daisy. In a few days, she was sipping champagne with the rest of the pack, watching her high school crush propose to his soulmate and she couldn’t help but lean into Paul more. Her arm wrapped around his waist, pulled up to his side the entire night.
Swaying lightly to music, her eyes sparkled when she’d look up at him, her smile growing wider whenever she’d see him looking back.
“I love the white shirt”, she steps in front of him, hands on his shoulders. “You look very handsome in it.”
“I always look handsome”, Paul grins, “but I’ll accept it makes me handsomer.”
Chuckling, she wonders if that’s even a word while standing on her tiptoes to peck his jaw. “You smell nice too.”
“It’s the perfume you got me.”
“Awe”, she wraps her arms around his neck, barely keeping her toes on the ground, “You wore it for meee!”
“And you’re a bit drunk”, he smirks. “I kinda like it.”
“Cause I’m ditsy when drunk?”
“I was going to say carefree”, Paul states, an air of sadness behind his words. It’s been a while since he saw her so happy, so light and free…just flirting and enjoying the night.
Resting her head on his chest, she begins to sway to the music and he follows. “I’m sorry I worry you.”
“I like worrying about you”, Paul kisses the top of her head. “But I love when you’re happy more.”
“I don’t want you to die”, she looks up at him, eyes brimming with tears.
“And I won’t”, he places a hand on her cheek. “We’re not in danger. I haven’t even shifted in the past...two and a half years.”
“I’ve noticed”, she smiles weakly, running her fingertips under his left eye. “It means you’re catching up to me.”
“A little ahead of you. I’ve got a few years of wisdom over you, don’t you remember?”
Snorting, she nods. “I’m dating an older man.”
“You’re living with an older man”, he reminds her.
“And one day we’ll get married and have a few kids”, she begins.
“When the kids go off to college, we will travel more and when we turn grey and see the world, we will spend time reading on the porch while sipping on your damned teas”, Paul continued.
“Oh you love my tea”, she beams.
“I really fucking do”, Paul captures her lips effortlessly, pulling her closer until there’s nothing between them – not even air.
Her fingers tangle in his shoulder length hair and he can’t help the light moan passing his lips, breaking the kiss. Smug, her lips spread in a grin, watching him bite his lower lip.
“You unravel me way too easily”, Paul admits defeat.
“I just know what you love.”
“You’re at the top of that list.”
“Mhmm”, her eyes light up as her lips near his. “And you’re at the top of mine.”
And they lived in bliss. For a while. At the four year mark, Paul got down on one knee during a Sunday picnic. The weather seemed to despise his idea of a romantic afternoon for the skies seemed to rapture above them when Y/N agreed to marry him without a shred of doubt in her mind or heart.
Perhaps the weather should have been a warning of things to come. After all, nature knows things we do not and on that day, it was screaming at Paul and Y/N.
Unfortunately, those screams fell on deaf ears of a pair in love who were blind to the rest of the world and the dangers that indeed lurked in the depths of the forests surrounding their reserve.
The same night, while Y/N slept soundly in their bed, Paul had awakened in cold sweat. His eyes wide, mouth open, Paul struggled to breathe, grabbing at his throat desperately, still feeling the pain of what this night brought - a rather familiar nightmare.
Tags: @the-chaotic-cow​ @xxxjaexxx​ @captainrogers-19​ @bexloxl​ @llovergirlll​ @adaydreamaway08​ @sunsetevergreen​ @volturiwolf​ @twihard08​ @galacticstxrdust​ @sorrow-and-bliss​ @ireadthensuetheauthors​ @missxmarvelous​ @locokoca​ @unstablekay​ @makhaia​ @venusdelaroix​ @avadakadabra93​ @tearsforhan​ @a-marie-a​ @lendeluxe​ @seagulls-corner​ @jdbxws​ @jakesullys-bitch​ @rottenstyx​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @dreamerwasfound​ @convolutings​ @rachelccollier​ @thingfromlove​ @jennyamanda8​ @havecourage-darling​ @luvr-exe​ @alittlejudgemental​ @turningtoclown​ @vikingsheart12​ @emptydoorsandpaintedwindows​ @marvelmenarebeautiful​ @bringmethe-world​​ @alitaar​ @sugasthreedollarkookie​ @chloe-skywalker​ @heyheyheyggg​ @feral-ratatattat-king​ @queereddie​ @fandomrulesall-blog​ @queenotaku27​ @dcgoddess​ @lilac-crown​ @small-town-wayward-daughter​ @yourqueentp​ @boreddemigodd​ @dracoswifeandlokispet​ @felinegrate​ @savagejane1​ @lunajay33​ @gtfoana​ @hpboysslut2707​ 
244 notes · View notes
samblackblog · 2 years
7. Tempest
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Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: angst, anger/fighting, kind of smutty but not really, slow burn
A/N: How long has it been? Honestly no clue. Thank you so much for the continued support, even in my absence. I don't want to make excuses for the lack of updates but, this story is far from over and I will be updating more regularly. I'm recently out of hospital after losing all mobility so I'm relearning to use my hands so typing is hard, due to this updates will be slow (although faster compared to the wait between this chapter and the previous!) There are likely to be grammatical errors to due to this. I've tried correcting them all - bare with me.
also couldn't decide on a GIF, send me a better one and I'll replace it but maybe also might give another reward.
I've created a TAGLIST add your name if you wish to get updates
← Chapter 6 ▪️ Chapter 8→
His answer echoes through every corner of your brain, exciting your heart once again, as you walk hand in hand to the edge of the forest and stare out at the house. The feeling lasted but fleetingly as dread overwhelmed the senses. Paul staying for dinner would mean meeting the parents and you’re not entirely sure you’re mentally prepared for the event. Infact, you’re not sure you ever would be. A squeeze to your hand brings your attention back to the present moment. 
“I think I can handle parents” he teases with a second reassuring squeeze of the hand. You stare up at him, confusement present on your features. 
“How did you know I was thinking-”
“Call it an educated guess,” he laughs as light twinkles in his eye. “Besides, I wouldn’t have said yes if I wasn’t prepared for the inevitability of meeting family.” 
“At least one of us is prepared” you joke, exhaling deeply. Before another word could be spoken you started towards the house, giving him a small tug on the arm to follow so you couldn’t talk yourself out of it. Quick like a plaster was your mantra as you marched through the quagmire that had developed in the afternoon rain. Only briefly do you brace yourself for the onslaught of questions and then begrudgingly drag your feet up the stairs of the back porch. Relief washes over you at the sight of the empty kitchen as you push through the back door of the house, but it is short-lived as your mother makes an appearance in the archway that connects to the living room. 
“Thought I heard someone” she sounds cheery as she moves to give you a hug. She gives a tight squeeze and then takes your face in her hands and looks deep into your eyes “how are you feeling sweetie?” She continues to inspect your face, for any clues as to what's going on in your mind. 
“I’m good mum” you take her hands in yours and remove them from your face to give her a sweet smile. She accepts your answer, content that everything seemed well as she busies herself with the kettle on the stove as it starts to whistle. “In fact, I was wondering if perhaps… well, it’s just that…” the words start to stick in your throat as you realise this was the first time you were bringing a guy home. “Is it okay if I have a friend over to eat?”
“Honey, you know it is-”
“We don't even have to eat them.” Frank’s voice takes you by surprise as you turn to see him in the archway, his arms folded as he winks at you. 
“Frank!” Your mother scolds, earning a chuckle from him. “Is it Sarah?” Your mother looks up from pouring the boiling kettle water into her mug as she asks the question. 
“More likely to be the man who’s loitering outback” once again Frank surprises you as your mother’s face screws up into a questioning stare. You start to open your mouth to question him but Frank once again beats you to it “Who is the young man then?”. He’s got his official tough guy voice on, the one you’ve only heard a handful of times when he’s answered a work call. “Wouldn’t be the same one that brought you home unwell and drugged up from that party?” Your mother’s mouth drops open as you completely ignore Frank’s questioning and rush to the door as a feeling of loneliness spreads through your chest. Paul’s back disappears into the treeline you both had emerged from only minutes ago. The emptiness that engulfs you rips through painfully as it threatens never to be replaced by joy or happiness again. It commands your feet to run, splashing muddy water at your body as you slog through the mire. The shouts of Frank from the porch are nothing but white noise as the panic rises through you, cascading through your body in waves of numbness. 
“Don’t go!” you try to shout but it comes out as a croaky whisper. “Don’t go!” you find your voice and start yelling at the top of your lungs as you come to halt in the growing darkness of the forest. “Paul?” you cry out, desperate for his presence to return. The darkness inside is swallowing you whole, not even the rustle of the bushes and the pounding of feet is enough to drag you from its depths and make you run. Instead you watch, numb and unmoving as a beast charges you.  
You wake sitting bolt upright. Sweat beading across your forehead and running in rivulets down your temple. Hair sticks to the dampness created by the all to vivid dream. Your eyes scour your room searching for that beast in the morning light that creeps through the drawn curtains. After a few minutes you calm yourself and lay back down in the damp sheets, thinking over the events of the dream. Being in the forest, alone with Paul, the steamy kiss that felt so real you could almost feel it lingering on your lips; the echo of a ghost. You lay for a while trying to fall back asleep but feeling too deeply distracted. In a mood you force yourself up from bed, pulling yesterday’s clothes on which had been discarded in a heap on the floor. You make your way downstairs to grab some breakfast, knowing you should eat but finding the contents of the cupboard totally uninspiring so settle for a coffee. You lean against the kitchen counters sipping the hot brown liquid trying your hardest to fight the urge to get in the car and drive back to the reservation.
“What would you say you idiot?” You muse aloud, trying to convince yourself not to do it. “‘Oh, I’m back because I can’t stop thinking about you and a steamy kiss that never happened.’ no, I can’t…” you laugh at yourself while the memory of how close you’d come to kissing in the cabin pops up in your memory. You start busying yourself by washing up your mother and Frank’s breakfast dishes, looking out the kitchen window at the back yard, noting how unlike a quagmire it currently is and not at all like the dream when your eyes register a shape in the distant treeline. The breath in your lungs catches followed by a sharp inhale. The great beast is a dark grey brown in colour, blending in with the surroundings. You would have completely missed the creature if it wasn’t for the familiar feeling that licked at you and drew attention to its presence. Your view of the outside world is temporarily blocked by the kitchen wall as you move from the window to the door. Disappointment hits hard as you stand in the cold morning air on the porch, looking at nothing but trees. 
You jump, startled by the clear ringing of the doorbell as it sounds around the house. With a sense of elation and the sound of drumming feet you race through the house to swing the front door open, hoping it’s him. 
“Sarah?” You couldn’t hide the shock and annoyance at your friend being on the other side. 
“Could sound a little less displeased!” She jokes barging her way into the house. You shake your head, realising you’d been rude and try to clear all thoughts of Paul away. You can’t help but smile at your friend as she makes herself comfortable in the kitchen, readying two mugs for coffee. The idea of making the drink causes the realisation to hit that Sarah should be at work. “What’s up?” She questions after spotting the look on your face in the window reflection. 
“Shouldn’t you be at work?” You prop yourself against the door frame awaiting an answer. 
“You’re one to talk!” She glares in a half joking way but you detect an undertone of seriousness. “Not that you have a job anymore anyway…” she trails off leaving you straining to hear. 
“Sorry?” You squeak out. Sarah busies herself moving the drinks to the kitchen table with an awkwardness as if suddenly uncomfortable in her own skin. Her bum plonks down onto a chair and she forces herself to take a sip of the far too hot liquid, you know she’s burnt herself as her face screws up in pain. 
“Look,” she starts trying to piece together what to tell you. “It’s not for me to say” she tries to blow it off which earns her an eyebrow raise from you. “It’s really not my place-”
“Well you made it your place” you snap. “Tell me what happened to my job, please.” Your patience was running thin now. Sarah drums her fingers into the table top before finally speaking. 
“The diner is currently closed, so there’s that aspect” she looks up at you from beneath her lashes, resentment etching her features that she was finding hard to hide. The diner being closed answered why Sarah wasn’t at work today.
“I’m sensing there's more to this” you probe while taking the chair opposite. 
Sarah responds by ironically rolling her eyes “Well the only difference between our situations is mine’s temporary. Benny sees it as your fault, he’s mad-”
“At what?” You sit forward leaning on the table, eyes wide, wanting to know what your boss thought was your fault. “Why have I lost my job?” You start to shout.
“I totally agree that Benny deserved what he got, he was being a total ass, but Paul should have gone easy-” 
You didn’t wait to hear what Paul had done. The gnawing feeling in your gut was all you needed to send you flying through the room, wasting no time in grabbing your shoes and keys. Sarah grabs your shoulder as she turns you to face her. She can see the wildness tearing through your eyes as fury rises. “Confronting him isn’t a good idea, surely what happened to Benny is enough for you to see how dangerous his temper can be-”
“His temper?!” You almost laugh, “Maybe he should be afraid of mine,” you almost snarl “Mine most certainly is match for any mans and if he thinks i’m going to roll over and let him-” 
“Geeze okay, I’m coming. You’ll need all the backup you can get.” Sarah pushes aside her feeling of unease and the urge to say I told you so, wishing you’d left Paul alone when she warned you, and follows hot on your heels out the house. 
Sarah actually ends up driving as her head is much clearer than yours. You pay little attention to the journey, focusing only on what you’re going to say. The desire to hold your ground floods your veins and drives your instincts, so much so that when the car pulls up in front of the familiar cabin you immediately jump from the vehicle and head towards a track on the opposite side of the clearing. Sarah’s voice calls after you from the driver's side of the car but it goes unheard as you march to the thumping of your heart in your ears. Emily, who had been preoccupied inside the cabin, heard the commotion caused by Sarah and appeared in the entrance way in time to see you trudging off towards where she knew the boys to be. Sarah and Emily share a brief worried glance before rushing to follow. 
The sound of your feet slapping against the earth barely registers as you start running. Despite not knowing where you’re headed, you know it’s towards him. Explaining the feeling inside would be almost impossible; it’s deep, magnetic, instinctual. It’s like a moth to a flame, but also so much more than that. You’d have to experience it to know properly. A sweat starts to break out on your forehead or so you think, until the wetness starts feeling heavier and cold and realise it’s the start of rain. Not caring about getting wet, you carry on with your fast pace, putting some distance between you and the girls. Eventually the path you took emerges on the edge of a beach, the transition in terrain striking you as odd. The mud trail just stops and turns to sand, a few grass patches sporadically placed here and there. The sound of crashing waves dulls any other noise there might have been and for a brief moment you feel calm as you step out onto the beach and take a deep breath of sea air. If it wasn’t for the radar inside going off alerting you to his presence closing in, you would happily stay here and enjoy the scene. A familiar gnawing sets in as butterflies swim around your tummy. The ones you get every time he’s nearby, closing your eyes you can almost imagine the warmth of him as he wraps arms around you and the scent that sends heat rushing through your veins. It’s almost powerful enough to sweep aside the anger. 
You turn your attention to look up at the wide stretch of beach. Far off in the distance you believe you can make out shapes, or is it that feeling which confirms he’s there? One foot at a time you trudge through the sand that grows ever wetter by the second as the skies open even more. What was soft rain starts to pound down and run in rivlets down your face, soaking everything it touches. It drips from the tip of your nose and snakes its way down the neck of your top. Soon shivers set in so you wrap your arms around your torso to conserve heat. After five minutes the shapes in the distances have grown exponentially, you could make out their faces. It helped that they were moving towards you, probably heading to the cabin to seek sanctuary from the deluge. You stop moving since he’s coming towards you, not wanting to waste energy. A strong wind blows in off the sea and whips your hair around your face in a tangle of wet matts. Desperately you try to pull it off your damp skin and become increasingly frustrated. The frustration builds until it pushes you over the edge. It forces you to march up to the group, closing the last few metres. Paul stands in the middle, the smile that had etched his features dispurses as he registers your emotions. In hindsight this next move probably wasn’t the best decision, but you’re cold, soaked and quite frankly, fed up. Planting your feet into the sand you muster all the strength you can before shoving Paul in the chest. To say it catches him off guard is an understatement. It was so unpredictable it actually knocked him back a step or two. If he’d landed flat on his arse you’d have been happier but you think your point got across, loud and clear. To be extra sure, you allow yourself to shove him again, this time though he doesn’t budge. His hands shoot out to grab yours, stabilising your body, stopping any further movement to attack him. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” you shouted through gritted chattering teeth, rain flying as your hot breath steams against the cold air. Paul’s breaths come in ragged sharp inhalations as he tries to remain calm. He releases the pressure on your wrists but doesn’t let go. “Let go of me,” you try to wriggle free from his restraints. 
“What’s wrong with me?” he questions in response to the outburst, “What’s wrong with you?”. It wasn’t meant to sound harsh and judgemental, he really was concerned about you and whatever had caused this, but you took it the wrong way.
“You have no right, none whatsoever.” You hurl at him without actually knowing the full extent of the events. “Stay away from me.” This time he allows you to pull free from his grip, the force of which sends you stumbling. Quicker than what felt humanly possible he grabs your waist to stop you from falling. “Get off me!” Your voice grates hoarsely through your throat, as you give him one final shove. His silence irritates you, but perhaps it’s for the best. Walking away would be so much easier. Turning away from him sends pangs of guilt and hurt through your chest, as if you were physically tearing yourself apart. The feeling soon dissipates as he breaks silence.
“We’re not done here.” His voice bounces off the air sending waves of electricity over your skin. The hairs on your arm raise in response and the air in your lungs catches. It’s a tone of dominance hinting at a silent command to stay. Immediately you stop in your tracks. You should feel even more irate but the anger has been replaced by intrigue. Butterflies once again swarm your tummy as you bite back the lump in your throat. It’s the biggest betrayal, your heart beating your mind in this tug-of-war. Turning on your heel you catch the briefest of glances between the other guys as if they were sharing a silent conversation. Without giving you or Paul another glance they all carry on, their voices trail off into the distance but can be heard laughing and joking around for sometime. He waits, with the rain battering down on you both, until they’re out of earshot to speak again. You hadn’t noticed until now that he was once again shirtless, the rain running in perfect streams over his carved muscles. Despite the weather, heat rushes to your cheeks flushing them a pale pink colour as all kinds of thoughts sweep over your mind. You have to force yourself to look him in the eye to concentrate on the matter at hand. You see his mouth moving but struggle to hear the words over the sound of the rising winds. Forcefully you whip your head in an attempt to move hair off your face, the pressure of the wind growing stronger as it blasts you in the side. A glance at the sea reveals giant crashing waves pounding into the shoreline and despite being only the middle of the day, the sun hides behind sullen grey clouds, resembling late evening more than anything. You hug yourself as the cold really sets in, your bones feeling painful as they rattle inside. 
“Come with me” you hear him this time as he shouts from beside you, his face mere inches from your ear. Having not noticed him move closer, this takes you by surprise. He looks down at you with all traces of anger removed and his features once again soft. He unhooks your hand from your side causing a gasp to release from you at the contact. The heat that radiates from him brings you back to life, you move to cling onto his arm. He wastes no time in leading you off the beach. Instead of heading to the trail that leads to the cabin he takes one that crops up sooner. You enter denser woodland following a less used pathway, neither one of you uttering a word but you’re silently thankful as the tree canopy protects you from the worst of the rain. The wind follows you, creating eerie noises as the trees groan under the pressure. Paul leads the way, his hand still enclosed over yours. You watch his back, the way the muscles contract with use. You can tell from the way his neck is tense that he's clenching, the tension between you undeniable. Thinking it was best to talk before arriving back at the cabin you try to break the silence by speaking his name. Whether it went unheard or deliberately ignored you had no clue. Silently you both march on until the trees grow thinner and a clearing starts to form. Soon you realise it was more than that; a meadow, sodden and now very much boggy, with long grasses scattered here and there. Although the rain was at its thickest, you could just about make out a cabin at the far end. Unlike Emily’s this one was not lit up, making it feel cold and unloved. If it wasn’t for the fact Paul acknowledged your apprehension with a gentle reassuring hand squeeze, you may have run in the opposite direction. Squelching through the mud you soon find yourself looking up at the two story building as it grows closer. From afar it had appeared to be small in size, and despite being smaller than a house, was substantial in comparison to Emily’s. Paul wastes no time in pushing open the front door, which you noted had not been locked. Upon closer inspection you realise the door doesn’t even have a lock. You push the door shut behind you, fighting against the wind but eventually winning, and find yourself in gloom. Instinctively you reach for a lightswitch. Finding one and giving it a flick you discover it doesn’t work.
“The power lines need reconnecting,” his voice breaks through the silence of the house as he appears from a different room carrying an LED Lantern. It casts a small warm glow as he walks around the main room, turning on a few more lanterns which reveal a sparsely furnished lounge-diner. Dust sheets cover the sofas and remnants of kitchen counters cling to the far wall. Sadness fills your heart at the realisation of what you see. 
“Do you-” you bite back the lump that rises in your throat. “Do you live here?” you question.
“Sometimes” He shrugs, not wanting to open up. Who can blame him, not even an hour ago you’d hurled insults and physically attacked him. “You must be freezing” he changes subject and gestures for you to follow him through to the other room. Your surprise is evident at how different this room appeared to be. From the massive king sized bed standing in the centre and the chest of drawers, you knew it was a bedroom, but the cleanliness and orderly state didn’t match with the ramshackle, almost derelict appearance of the rest of the cabin. The walls had been freshly plastered and curtains hung from the windows. The bed had been left unmade which indicated he did live here. Another lantern turns on from within another doorway which reveals a large but plain bathroom. You stand dumbfounded in the middle of the room while Paul busies himself. You hear taps turning and the rushing of water before he comes back into view. 
“The water’s on and there’s a clean towel…” he trails off. 
Not knowing quite what to say and sensing the tension was still hanging thick, you thank him and enter the bathroom. Annoyingly you find there’s no door to the bathroom, but a quick peek showed that Paul was nowhere in sight. Stripping your wet clothes off seemed okay until it came to our trousers, which decided they wanted to cling to you. After wrestling with them for sometime you were finally free. The shower was fitted onto a tiled wall with a drain in the concrete floor, obviously the idea was for a wet room. Gingerly you turned the shower tap and jumped back as cold water hits you. With no sign of the water heating up you pluck up the courage to submerge yourself beneath it, managing to hold back the shriek that desperately tried clawing its way out. At least you could wash off the rain, somehow you always felt like rain was sticky. Soon you were exiting the cold water stream and wrapping a towel around your goosebump covered body. You quickly dried hoping that would warm you, but it didn’t. 
It dawned on you that your clothes were soaking and wouldn’t easily go back on. Securing the towel tightly around your body you peer into the bedroom again not knowing what to do. Lightning crashes outside, temporarily casting the room in pale blue light and causing you to jump. The shriek you’d kept at bay earlier finally makes an appearance. Thunder rumbles in the distance confirming this storm was far from done. Footsteps entering the room brings your focus back to reality, your eyes travelling to find him. 
“You okay?” he eyes you worriedly.
“Lightning caught me by surprise,” your hands hold the towel with a white knuckle grip, afraid it would fall and expose everything. Sensing your awkwardness Paul diverts his gaze. 
“I got you some dry clothes, they’ll be big on you but they’ll be warm.” he explains, moving over to the bed where a folded pile waits for you. 
“Thank you.” It’s barely audible above the noises from outside but he manages to hear. 
“Yeah well, least I could do.” he tells you nonchalantly, as if it meant nothing. He leaves you alone as he heads into the bathroom. Instantly you hear the shower and a blush creeps to your cheeks at how he obviously doesn’t care if you see anything. Not wanting to be indecent you move further into the bedroom and grab the clothes, you sift your way through them finding a long sleeve top, sweater and a pair of his underwear. You feel embarrassed as you slide your legs through the boxer shorts but know it’s better than nothing and are reassured by the thought that they probably look like regular shorts as they’re so big on you. The shower shuts off in the bathroom alerting you that soon you’d have company. Quickly you pull the top over your head followed by the sweater, which honestly was long enough to be a dress - not to mention hide the boxers! Your hair was a matted mess half covering your face, you squeeze as much water out of it using the towel before trying to run your fingers through it not wanting to look like a mess, especially when you sensed the fight from earlier would resume at some point. Feeling as though you looked half decent you sat down on the edge of the bed facing away from the bathroom towards the window. It had grown increasingly dark outside, between that and the rain you couldn’t make out much so resorted to staring at your hands in your lap. 
Feet pad across the room behind you followed by the sound of drawers opening. For all you know he could be completely naked but you give in to temptation and glance. Your cheeks flush again as you take in the sight of Paul in nothing but boxers, an identical pair to those you have on. Feeling bad, you avert your eyes but not before he registered your gaze on his back and the change in your mood which floods his senses. As much as he’d kill to entertain the thoughts presently burrowing into your brain, he can’t ignore what happened earlier. Your words had stung. He leans back on the drawers, hands gripping the surface. He studies you for a second, watches as you bring your legs up towards your chest and plant your feet precariously on the bed frame. Protectively your arms wrap around your legs. He knows how vulnerable you feel right now so decides to take a gentle approach. 
“Talk to me” he prompts, trying to coax out of you what had happened. 
“Or you tell me” you throw back, sounding rather childish. Your chin comes to rest on your knees in defeat. You take a deep breath in, Paul’s scent overwhelms you as it lingers on the clothes, and you decide being angry is exhausting.  “Tell me why I lost my job.” You mumble. 
“Son of a bitch” you hear him sigh. Turning your head slightly, you see him rub his eyes in frustration. “I can’t believe…” Your eyes bore into him and in response his grip on the furniture tightens. There's a sound of creaking wood, aside from that of the wind on the building, your eyes widen in shock at the realisation. You jump up and find yourself walking towards him with your gaze fixated on his hand. He releases it as you grab his fingers, pulling them towards you for closer inspection. 
“What the hell… how?” you look at the wooden drawers and sure enough there’s a split running along the top. Surely his hand would be hurting. “I don’t understand-”
“Your boss needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.” If you were anyone else he’d have snatched his hand away, but he liked the softness of your skin on his. More importantly he liked your concern for him. He hadn’t exactly believed you wanted him to stay away but your words had caused a wound, which did seem to be healing itself in your presence. Despite wanting to know what had happened to your job, you didn't press for information. It appeared Paul was more than willing to share, perhaps it was the calming feeling you were flooding his senses with or the fact that your touch was bringing down his tough exterior, but right now he couldn’t refuse you anything. 
“He was going around saying you couldn’t handle your drink, that underage drinking should be punished and some bullshit about you getting off because of your stepfather.” The words start tumbling from his mouth as he becomes distracted with the hand on his. He flips the roles, taking yours in his gigantic palm, tracing circles over the back with his thumb. He won’t look you in the eyes as he continues. “Told him to mind his business, that he had no clue what was going on but he didn’t like that. He never really liked me but especially not after I punched him.”
“You what?” your mouth drops, “No wonder I’m fired!” Your voice rises as you realise this will get back to Frank and it sure as hell will look like it was done on your behalf. A groan escapes your lips. 
“He deserved it, that’s all you need to know.”
“All I need to know?” you scoff, “Don’t presume to know what I do or don’t need to know” you try to scold but it comes across too gently.
“Trust me,” he finally looks you in the eye, not once breaking the hand contact. “Don’t make me repeat some of the awful things that the bastard said '' his jaw clenched tightly whilst his eyes dilated, filling you with sadness. He’s hurting just as much as you and although you’re more than capable of handling your own battles, he doesn’t know that. “I feel very protective of you” he says softly, as if reading the thoughts you were having. His eyes are trained on your face, trying to read how you had taken that information but all of a sudden you have the best poker face anyone has ever had. For the first time, Paul couldn’t read the situation and it frustrated him to no end. 
You close off the last few inches that had separated you from each other. His grip on your hand tightens as he feels your body against his and the change in your scent, which suddenly gives your intentions away. You reach up on tiptoes in order to level the playing field, if Paul hadn’t been leaning on the drawers he’d be towering above you. Gingerly you bring your face to his, your breath hitching as excitement courses through you. You don’t hesitate too long, afraid the nerves will get the best of you. Quickly you place a chaste kiss upon his lips before retreating. You look up at him before bursting into laughter and bury your head in his chest. 
“Sorry, that was meant to be so much more but I… I’ve never… I don’t know… I just wanted that not to be lame and it so was…” you mumble against his chest, trying to hide the embarrassment you feel. The laughter had surprised him, temporarily making him think he’d missed the punchline of a joke, or that perhaps he was the joke. Within seconds it dawned on him and he finally understood. He knew you were different to any of the other girls he’d been with, the biggest of those differences being that you two were destined for each other; his mate, his imprint. The other, less noticeable, difference was in your scent. An undertone that was delicate yet addictive, which had been driving him crazy trying to work out. Finally he understands. It may have gone unspoken but you know he’s worked it out from the way he delicately holds you and pushes the hair from your face to how he lowers his face to the crook of your neck and takes a deep breath in. 
“It’s okay,” He whispers reassuringly, “There’s nothing to be sorry about.” The effect of his breath hitting your neck drives you crazy. Tingles traverse your spine and it takes every ounce of control not to let your knees buckle. Your fingers grip his thumb tightly in an attempt to keep you grounded but it doesn’t work. Short rapid breaths leave your mouth as you turn your face to his, causing his heart to thump in his chest as he tries to remain still. He gives in a little, moving just enough to allow him to see into your eyes. Your nose brushes his chin as you move up once more to tip toes, your hand which was free comes to rest on his abdomen for extra support. You become aware that his hand is on your hips to keep you flush to him, so that you can feel his rock hard muscles and the way they move. You only break eye contact briefly as you glance at his lips. You know he’s watching every move intently but this time it doesn’t bother you, doesn’t make you nervous or shy. Instead it boosts you, knowing he wants this just as much by the way you can feel the pound of his heart. You make the connection, your soft lips meeting his with the lightest of touches. It quickly deepens as you grow used to the feeling of Paul against you, leaving you craving more of him. Your mouth moves against his as your hand travels to his neck releasing his thumb, allowing him the use of that hand to steady you as you reach up higher on your toes. The grip on your waist tightens as pressure hits your hip bone which encourages you as it sends electricity raging through the nerves. If it wasn’t for your ribs, your heart may have broken free of your body due to the pace it was currently keeping. A pain enters your lungs as if they were on fire causing you to break the kiss. You suck air in greedily as you remember how vital it was for survival. 
“Don’t forget to breathe” he whispers, also breathless. Briefly he touches his forehead to yours as you sink back down onto your feet, fighting the lightheadedness. It doesn’t take long for his face to refind the crook of your neck and place a kiss on your collar bone. Behind his neck your fingers lace into his hair as he places kisses along your jaw before finding your lips once more. You're ready for his assault and welcome it as you suck in his lower lip, instincts taking over completely as your fingers grip tightly in his hair, eliciting a soft moan from him that resonates through you. His hands release themselves from your waist and find the hemline of the jumper on your thigh, his fingers graze over your skin and leave goosebumps in their wake as they travel higher. You move your thighs tighter together upon instinct, as pressure builds, but also as a silent warning for him to leave there well alone. Paul, being a decent guy, had other ideas anyway, his hands roamed further than your thighs and came to reside on your back, the skin on skin contact sending more shivers up your spine and a gasp from your mouth. His mouth once again travels back to the crook of your neck. Here your scent is sweetest and he can feel the beat of your pulse travelling your jugular. He smiles against your skin as he revels in the idea that he caused this effect on you. You hadn’t noticed the slight graze on your skin from stubble earlier but now, as you're left anticipating his next move, you’re aware of everything. His breath is hot and heavy like yours but perhaps better regulated and you can’t help but wonder why he’s smiling, all thoughts are soon banished as he plants a kiss, the graze of stubble making your eyes flutter at the sensation. You whisper his name and in response his hand moves to your waist, letting cold air touch your skin as the movement stirs the jumper. It all adds to the pleasure. You want his hands to travel further up, to feel his touch on your breasts, but he’s holding back. Instead he starts littering more kisses along your neck before sighing. 
Oh god. Why’s he sighing? What’s wrong? You start questioning everything, getting inside your own head. 
“Why did I give you a jumper?” He lets out a little chuckle as he leaves a kiss by the neckline of the fabric, unable to go any further. You respond with an involuntary whine at the thought of not feeling his mouth continuing it’s decent. Hearing the noise escape your lips stirs something in Paul that makes him grip your hips so tight it makes you gasp, which doesn’t help his control in this moment. He forces himself to go slowly as he once again goes back to that sweet spot, fueled by primal instinct. You’re his and he wants everyone to know it. He places one final gentle kiss before attaching his lips in a suction over your soft skin. To his delight you let out a moan as he continues to suck at the spot. After a minute he gives up his position and leans away from you, taking in your appearance. You're staring up at him with big doey eyes and lips swollen and parted. His hands slide out from the jumper and move to the neckline, pulling the material aside for optimal viewing. A wicked smile dances across his lips before his hands move to find yours and hold them, giving them a squeeze as a blush creeps onto your features. 
“You okay?” He asks, bringing one of your hands to his lips and placing a kiss on top. As you come back to reality the events flood back in and you start to over analyse, wondering how stupid you must have sounded moaning or if you did anything incorrectly. “Hey,” he snaps you away from your thoughts “Stop” he whispers and places a kiss on your forehead before asking “Do you overthink everything?” You feel his mouth move into a smile as he teases you. 
“Yes” you say through a shaky breath, not yet fully recovered. You swallow to regain yourself “something you’ll have to get used to” you try to match his joky tone but he manages to turn it serious once more. 
“I look forward to it.”
@britty443 @superheavymetalunicorn @yepimthatperson @punkmccqll @krispypotato @the-chaotic-cow @forkscult @navs-bhat @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx @kytootana @lendeluxe @grcgrace @hallecarey1 @lilbluewave @alwayshave-faith @convolutings @vendylewin @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @yoongitoo
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wolfpackss · 1 month
I’m so sorry for not giving an update sooner but a lot of things have happened in the time I’ve been away..
So I’ve been at rehabilitation for my leg, that after the accident wasn’t willing to work for a full hundred percent so I’ve been working on that..
Butttttt while I was there I found out I was pregnant and I gave birth to a healthy happy little girl who’s made my entire life with her bubbly personality.
I’m fully committed to go back to writing and finishing requests!
Please send some requests to get me going..
I’m also adding people to write for! So stay tuned for that!
Thank you all for the well wishess and again I’m so sorry for not responding sooner!
Love, Liara!
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honeykngdom · 10 months
𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢 | 𝚎. 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 | 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗
Pairing: Embry Call x Original Character Summary: Join Ainsley and Embry as they embark on a journey where they are forced to question everything they thought they knew, and embrace the pain that is inevitable to avoid in love. An imprint story. Self-discovery. Angst and romance. Word Count: 5.2k Warnings: N/A Taglist: @leilaniers - message / comment if you'd like to be tagged in new chapters (or for Embry content in general)! prev. chapter
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Several weeks went by like that. Once a week, I would tell Embry that I was heading to work but would detour to the Cullen household instead. Alice and I would often coordinate together to make sure that Jacob and Renesmee weren’t in the area before I showed up. Keeping them in the dark for now still seemed like it was our best option – Jacob wouldn’t be able to withhold it from Embry even if he wanted to. In between working at the diner and helping Maddox push the boundaries of his control, I spent every ounce of my free time with Embry and the boys. 
So many parts of me felt guilty for lying to him – especially when he had been putting forward more effort to fit into my life. 
The pair of us visited home once every other week to have breakfast or dinner with my family. Embry and the pack spent more time trying including my brothers, which helped integrate them into the pack in their own unique way. It was nice to have Travis part of the mix now, but I still worried that he might get hurt. Understandably so, Sam still had reservations when it came to some of the younger members, but as long as we kept it within the main ranks, he seemed satisfied. With the tension growing thicker between the pack and the obvious need to find the nomads, everyone’s control had not been the greatest. Jacob and Embry had gotten into it a few times, even Seth and Quil were more on edge. 
I asked a few times about his mother – she had remarried and moved off the reservation to Tacoma. Had a second child now that Embry was independent and a man of his own. For the most part, Embry didn’t speak much about her. Part of me found it incredibly sad; Quil had explained that Tiffany had been incredibly upset and scared during their teen years when the pack first began phasing. Unlike Billy and Sue, Tiffany had no idea about the tribe’s legends, or that there was any possibility they may hold any semblance of truth. Embry was never able to tell Tiffany the truth about what was going on, and the distance put a heavy strain on their relationship. 
“When’s the last time he went to see her?” 
Quil shrugged, “Not really sure. Christmas a couple years ago, maybe?” 
Vague, but that was Quil. Sure, it wasn’t my place to meddle, but Embry had given me such a hard time about maintaining a relationship with my own mother that I thought it was a little hypocritical that he hardly maintained one with his own.
Christmas came and went; Embry opted to ‘gift’ me quite a few things, including an actual coffee machine for his kitchen, as well as a pretty white gold chain with a sterling crescent moon cut out. We spent most of our time together on his new couch (which he purchased a few days after he attempted to sleep on the loveseat following my initial run in with Maddox) wrapped in each other's arms with the fireplace going.
Each week, Maddox would return to the Cullen’s with more accurate locations on the safehouses for any vampire Garrett turned, making a total of five by the time the new year had come. Edward would inform Jacob regarding their locations, trying to make it seem as though Alice had seen it in a vision while following the female nomad – Jacob would bring the news home to the others; they then tore through each house one by one tear and destroyed whatever nomad kept residence. 
I tried not to think about it too much. If I got too caught up in the semantics, things always got bad. 
There were only three nomads that remained, apart from Maddox. The closer the pack got to taking out the threat, the more uneasy things began to feel at home. Emily was nearing six months into her second pregnancy – bloated and hormonal as ever, causing quite a bit of strain on the pack's eating habits as she was more tired and more hungry. She cared less about feeding everyone else, moreso intent on getting food into her own belly. With no definitive place to gather at, the pack had dispersed their separate ways and only saw each other twice a week as opposed to every day.
Jared and Kim’s wedding was right around the corner, so the pair had been hellbent on having Embry and I help them with the finishing touches. Kim and I spent many late nights and early mornings camping out in Embry and Jacob’s living room, making sure we had a final head count on those invited to the wedding. 
When it was mentioned that I was still waiting on the Cullen’s to RSVP, I made sure Kim knew I would have Jacob ask to confirm. We were two weeks into January now – Jacob’s birthday had finally come around. Being the first of his friends to turn twenty-five was a big deal for him, and so the group had collectively pulled together what they were sure was the ultimate birthday experience. After what appeared to be a heart-felt dinner celebration, the boys prompted Jacob into a blindfold and carried him out to Paul’s truck 
“We’re taking him to a strip club.” Jared said casually, pulling out a wad of bills larger than I had ever laid eyes on. 
“A strip club.” I repeated, watching Paul nod excitedly. 
“We did this for my birthday last year – lots of lap dances, lots of booze –” 
“I see.” I shared a knowing look with Kim, the pair returning to their post-food comatose on Embry’s couch. Kim had agreed to stay the night with me, knowing the boys would not be home until the early hours of the morning and much to everyone’s dismay, Maddox was still unaccounted for. 
The idea that a vampire that had previous connections with his imprint was still out made Embry a little uneasy – the longer the pack went without catching his scent, the more erratic he became. I was being babysat as per Embry’s instruction – the only person that knew of Maddox’s whereabouts apart from myself was Trenton. 
Speaking of.
“Are you bringing my brothers?” I asked, shrugging my arms into the sleeves of Embry’s heather gray hoodie. 
“Hell yeah,” Jared laughed. “Travis was the one who really pushed for it.”
“That’s because Travis is lonely and miserable while the rest of us have hot as fuck girlfriends.” Embry cooed as he joined us in the living room, leaning over the back of the couch to press his mouth against mine. He enticed a quiet hum from my chest when he sucked on my lower lip. 
“Be nice.” I mumbled against his lips, smiling nonetheless. 
When the men left for the evening, Kim and I sat curled up on our respective sides of the couch, scrolling through our phones. Undoubtedly, Jared messaged Kim just as quickly as Embry messaged me. We spent what appeared to be well over an hour in silence before I lazily pulled the remote from the coffee table and flipped on the television. 
“I can’t believe I’m going to be a wife.” Kim said into the quiet room suddenly.
I blinked slowly, shifting my eyes to look over at her. She sat upright, eyes wide with a sort of fear. I was sure this was where I was supposed to say something soothing and reassuring but honestly, I couldn’t believe it either. 
Kim and Jared were the least serious couple of the group – which made them the best sort of couple to me. Watching them crack jokes and pull pranks on each other was my favourite pastime – but I knew how marriages worked. They pulled some people apart. And I wanted to believe that wouldn’t happen to them, but I knew there was a chance. Nothing was impossible.
“I can’t believe you’re marrying Jared.” I retorted, turning my attention back to the television. “He’s an adult, male version of Claire –”
“Exactly!” Kim huffed, shaking her head. “Ains, what am I gonna do? I can’t be a wife, I barely know how to cook.”
“Doesn’t Jared?”
“Then you don’t have to cook.” I said simply. 
Kim deadpanned, mouth slightly ajar as I pulled the wrapper off another holiday mint and popped it into my mouth. “How can you say that?”
I shrugged, shoving my hands into the pocket in the front of the hoodie. “Embry does all the cooking.”
“You don’t help?”
I rolled my eyes, flipping onto my back. “Of course I will help. I just don’t do the cooking – I clean, I do laundry, I wash dishes. I help Emb and Jake make sure the property tax is paid on time and that bills are kept up with – that sort of thing. You’re already doing most of that on your own, anyway.”
Kim let it all process, chewing on her lower lip. “I don’t want to live with a boy. He’s so messy!”
I could only laugh. “It’s less scary than you think, though I’m not the one with a ring on her finger.” 
“Easy for you to say – Embry makes more money than Jared does. You’re both sitting on a nice, fluffy cushion of savings, and have the luxury of personal space. Jared’s losing his shit and can barely afford the place he has now.” 
“What’s wrong with Jared’s place?” 
Kim rubbed her face with her tired hands. “He lives in a very small, very tight one bedroom apartment. We’re both going to be stuck in a very cramped area for a solid year before we can even think about moving out.”
“It won’t be so bad –”
“Embry and Jacob have this entire two story house, Ains. That’s not exactly something people making ends meet have the luxury of owning. You’re already doing better than most people in their thirties.”
I tried to process that information. It hadn’t fully dawned on me that Embry and I were better off than most of their brothers – and hadn’t realized that Kim and Jared were digging themselves a hole. They were one foot in the door to being in debt, and I was stressing out about not having any spending money after paying off next year's tuition.
“Then why get married right now?”
Kim sighed loudly, shaking her head again, this time with a smile that screamed ‘isn’t it obvious?’. “Because I love him.” 
“Okay,” I lamented, sitting up, “and he loves you. And that isn’t going to change – in twenty years from now, you’ll still love him and he’ll still love you.” 
“Stop being right,” Kim grumbled, pushing my shoulders so that I fell back into the couch, “can you make a stupid decision so the rest of us don’t feel so brain dead?”
I forced a smile. “I’m already making plenty of bad decisions, Kim.” Just none that you can know about. 
Jacob nestled into his corner of the couch, watching as Rosalie ran her fingers through Renesmee’s hair; the trio had been cooped up in the Cullen household all morning. Fork’s was covered under a near constant stream of storm clouds that had yet to let up long enough for him to return home on terms that Nessie deemed ‘safe’. He chalked it up to her wanting some more time with him – which he was always willing to give. In the last seven years, she had grown into quite the remarkable individual. While being incredibly strange to the others in her life, she had a charm that Jacob was certain would bring her sunshine even on the dreariest of days. 
Bella and Jacob spent many conversations discussing what they considered appropriate in regards to his relationship with Renesmee. Jacob agreed that it seemed beyond normal to expect anything other than a friendship from her daughter. Regardless of what the Elders might have believed, Jake couldn’t see past the babyface. There was a small part of him that didn’t sit well at the thought of trying to pursue a romantic relationship with her; he genuinely feared there might be a day when Renesemee asked for more, and he wouldn’t be able to refuse. That his genes wouldn’t allow him — they had taken so much autonomy from his as it was. 
Instead, Jacob made a vow to be the shoulder to cry on when boys attempted to break her big heart. He would be her best friend and protector – and he would love her unconditionally and always think of her safety and comfortability above all else. He was perfectly content watching over what he considered his family. But that was where it ended – there was nothing romantic about it, or to come of it. He needed to be sure of it, so much so that no one had referred to Renesmee as his ‘imprint’ since her first few months of life. 
Small pale fingers touched his knee, pulling his sight into a tunnel before images played in fast-forward: circling glimpses of Ainsley and Emily, along with the unspoken question of their well-being led Jacob to believe that Nessie missed the reservation, and had not felt wanted or welcome since Thanksgiving. The last Nessie had heard from Ainsley was a few weeks ago, just before Christmas. She had gotten a phone call, asking where the Cullen’s resided, mentioning something about wanting to come see her – to apologize. 
Ainsley had never shown up. 
Jacob had apologized for his cousin's ignorance many times – tried to explain on multiple occasions that Ainsley just hadn’t known about anything. Despite that knowledge, Edward and Bella still believed it would be better if Renesmee remained on their side of the border. 
This resulted in Jacob’s absence at home – which he soon realized was putting strain on the rest of the pack. Everyone withdrew into their own personal lives again, just when things were finally beginning to look normal. It was so nice, having everyone together all the time. He remembered a time when he hated spending every waking second with a group of rowdy, immature boys but he longed for those days all the time now. The only reason why they had fallen back into old habits was because of Ainsley and Embry – a sort of means to help her feel inclusive. Especially after Embry’s shitshow. 
It appeared as though Ainsley was tougher than everyone gave her credit for. She handled Embry’s temper like a champ, dutifully stepping up to the plate when the others fell short. Acted as a mother hen whenever Emily couldn’t be bothered to scold or bake for the group. But even that had become daunting. In between working and trying to keep up with everyone in her life – the pack and her own family, Jacob could see the strain and exhaustion in Ainsley’s eyes. 
Things would’ve been different now, he’d tell himself. If he could just bring Nessie back to the reservation, if they’d just let him, he could pull everyone back together again. 
He offered his best friend a sad smile, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a tight squeeze. “I’m sure you’ll see them soon.” He promised. 
“C’mon, Ness,” Rose said quietly, urging her to stand, “let’s get you something to eat.” 
“What about me?” Jacob complained, watching Nessie disappear into the kitchen. 
Rosalie looked over her shoulder, the corner of her mouth upturned in an exhausted smile. “You can fend for yourself, Jacob. You’re no stranger to our kitchen.”
The wolf scoffed, turning his attention back to the television mounted to the wall. The news was muted, the screen split between the terrors that were turning Seattle upside down for the second time this decade, along with whatever college basketball game was playing in the local area. From his peripheral vision, Jake caught the figure of a stranger trudging up the driveway. 
It wasn’t until said visitor started taking the steps at the front door two at a time that Jacob stood and rushed down the stairs. Obscene anger and rage filled his body, a searing heat bubbling at the surface. The part of him that needed to ensure Renesmee’s safety overtook his judgement. The scent filled the room before the door had even had a chance to open – Jacob’s hands pressed flat against their shoulders and shoved them hard, sending the body flying back a few several feet. 
The man’s response was automatic: cold hands gripped his throat tightly, the growl rising from somewhere deep within both their chests. The sounds clashed together, so different but with the same underlying warning. Jacob clenched his fist around one of the vampire's wrists, pulling roughly with a loud snarl, twisting the figure away. Just as quickly, Jacob found himself being hoisted up – not by much – before his body came crashing down on the cement of the stairs, the brick crumbling under his weight and the sheer force of the impact. Jacob heaved in air, desperately trying to breath around the vice grip on his throat; it wasn’t until he really looked at the intruder that he stopped struggling. 
His face was smooth except for the slight stubble that permanently resided on his lower face. His hair fell in loose waves, framing his squared jaw in that sort of subtly perfect way. Every fiber in Jacob’s body, every vein screamed in protest as his scent overwhelmed him. Over some time, he had grown accustomed to the stench of the Cullen’s, but his was different. 
Familiar, but different.
Jacob thought back, trying to pinpoint where he had picked up on the scent before. Jasper was pulling the man – Maddox, as he called himself – away from Jacob’s limp body, his mind swirling when Renesmee placed her hands on his shoulders, worry and anxiety filling his mind. 
Jacob shut his eyes tightly, shaking his head quickly as though to clear her thoughts from his head. He had definitely caught this scent before. Not from patrol. Not from a local bar. Not from the diner – 
The diner. 
His eyes shot open, frame bolting forward as quickly as he could manage, tremor rolling down his spine as he collided with the nomad’s body and sent him backwards again – this time far enough that he disappeared momentarily into the underbrush of the forest. 
“What’s he doing here?” Jacob growled.
Maddox stood slowly, readjusting his jacket, amber eyes locked on Jacob’s heaving frame. “Control your guard dog, would you?” He muttered to Jasper, picking a leaf out of his hair. 
“I thought you said you didn’t know where the nomads were.” Jacob accused with heavy disappointment, looking down at Renesmee. She shrugged under the weight of his gaze, seeming just as confused as Jacob.
“He’s not the problem, Jake.” Jasper said quickly, holding out one hand as a means of halting Jacob from moving forward. “He came to Carlisle for help. That’s all we’re trying to do.” 
“Yeah, expand the family a little more, it’s not like you’re big enough already.” Jacob spat, pulling his lips back over his teeth. “It’s not like the large quantity hasn’t already put enough strain on us before. What’s a few more kids, huh?”
“Jacob …”
“There are seventeen of us,” he growled, taking a step to the side, “half of them are trying to stop it from happening again, some of them left altogether, and the rest of us are trying to settle down and start our lives.”
“We didn’t turn him –”
“This wasn’t part of the agreement.” Chief Jacob was slowly starting to break out of shell. Very rarely did Jacob like being the alpha – more so settled into the role because Sam had made a definitive decision to leave it behind. It had been two years since Sam had last phased – two years until the night the nomads crossed onto their land. No one was entirely certain how long it would take to break the bond – Sam stopped after expecting his first child, but now would have to start all over again. 
Not exactly the stress Emily needed. 
“Jacob.” The wolf tensed, halting his feet from moving as Carlisle came down past the ruins of the stairs and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Allow us to explain. Please.” 
After an hour of arguments and several hand tremors, Jacob was finally seated in the living room, watching Maddox carefully. So, he had sought out help for control. So, he didn’t want to be a vampire. So, he didn’t anticipate all of the downfalls to being an immortal bloodsucking killer – what a shocker. That didn’t excuse that Jacob couldn't trust his loyalty. 
“And no one knows?” He asked again, squinting his eyes at Maddox. 
The vampire’s facial features remained smooth and even, his head tilting to the side, “None of the dogs know, no.”
“Would you stop calling us that?”
“Would you stop trying to find a loophole so you can kill me?” Maddox asked angrily, leaning forward with his knuckles on his knees. 
Jacob growled inwardly, pulling his eyes away from Maddox. Nessie sat on the other side of the couch, her legs folded under her, her arms wrapped around one of the throw pillows. He could see the wheels in her tiny, brilliant mind turning. She was trying to piece it all together, trying to pinpoint exactly what fit and didn’t. What was a lie and what was the truth. 
“Speak your mind, kiddo.” Jacob encouraged, folding his arms across his broad chest. 
She shook her head, gnawing on her lower lip – a human Bella trait she had picked up in the last few years – and sighed. “It doesn’t add up.” Renesmee was looking at Maddox now, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “How did you find us? We’re not exactly easily accessible.” 
His amber eyes darted up from the frayed string of his shirt to meet her eyes. He took a few moments before he responded. “I had an inside friend help.” 
Renesmee’s brows pulled together in frustration, letting out a petulant sigh. “We do have a lot of friends …” She mused to herself, still working to fit two and two together. 
“Give it up.” Maddox suggested angrily, pushing himself up out of the recliner. 
Jacob shot him a look in warning. “We’re just trying to piece it together –”
His voice boomed, overpowering Jacob’s easily. “Trust me when I say that you, of all people, do not want to know.” There was a certainty to his look. The way his eyes hardened in a definitive way. The way that halted the conversation. Jacob knew that look – Jacob had mastered that look. 
“What do you mean ‘me of all people?” Apparently Jacob was going to play Paul today – asking useless questions, taking personal offense to the nomads words. 
“It’s just in your best interest to not know, that’s all.”
“Oh, bullshit.” Jacob bit back, rising to his own two feet. “If you want an in with this family, you’re going to have to get used to letting me in, bloodsucker.”
“I don’t owe you anything.” Maddox laughed, tucking his hair behind his ears. “Cute that you think so.” 
“Jake –”
“Dude, you seriously need to start talking or I’m going to find a loophole –”
“Jake, stop it –”
“-- and I’m going to rip your head off –”
“Jacob, enough –”
“-- and deliver it on a silver platter to my brothers –”
“What?” His voice boomed, eyes glowering over to where Renesmee sat, watching the pair anxiously.
She licked her lips, looking over at Carlisle before she looked past Jacob to Maddox. She took a deep breath, and then sighed. “Ainsley brought him here.” 
Jacob’s face contorted, his brows pulling together and up, confusion littering his face. “What? No she didn’t.”
“Think about it.”
“I know Ains, okay? She wouldn’t help this scumbag –” Jacob paused. 
His thoughts snapped back to the afternoon that started the mad-leech hunt. The night before the babyshower. The night Ainsley had come home reeking of one of the leeches, the night Trent had muttered something about how she had tolerated sitting with a scumbag. 
“Maddox.” He whispered quietly, the last of the puzzle pieces falling together. He lifted his eyes to meet the vampire’s, his face crumpling as guilt registered across the other's face. “She brought you here.”
“I asked her to.” 
“Why?” Jacob pressed.
Maddox blinked, “Because this isn’t for me. What they’re doing – to innocent people – isn’t me. I came here to learn control, Ainsley helps a lot with that.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Jacob said, holding a hand up, “she helps?”
“Yes, she does.” Carlisle conceded from the archway, leaning against the wood with his shoulder. “It appears as though the personal human tie he had with Ainsley helps keep him grounded. We’ve made incredible progress in the last few weeks – far more than Jasper was comfortable with in his first few years of this lifestyle.” 
Jacob felt his heart sink, the realization hitting him that he was going to be the one to tell Embry.
Tell Embry that his imprint was lying to him. 
Tell Embry that his imprint was hiding one of the nomads.
Hiding the nomad Embry wanted dead the most. The one he spent nights envisioning, the one he had torn to shreds in his mind over and over again – 
“Why did you tell me this?” He asked angrily at no one in particular. “Do you know what this is going to do? Do you know what’s going to happen now?”
“You can’t say anything –” Maddox started, reaching for Jacob’s arm.
“The fuck I can’t.” He growled, glaring at the pale fingers. “I have an obligation. I’m an alpha to a pack that can read my fucking mind, I literally have no way of withholding this.” 
Maddox froze, slight terror sinking into his features. “If they know –”
“They’ll cross the border and come for you. And I won’t be able to stop them.” Jacob finished angrily, nostrils flaring. “You’re directly linked to one of their imprints, that makes you a bigger threat than the rest.”
“I’m not killing anybody!”
“Ainsley isn’t just anybody.”
“I’m well aware.” Maddox spat in return, his face quickly shifting. “I wouldn’t hurt her.” 
“Won’t stop Embry from trying to sink his teeth into you.” 
“Right – the whole soulmate thing –”
“Do not,” he growled, letting out his breath in a big huff. “Imprinting is more than some soulmate. Especially to Embry, alright? This is his person. She is everything to him – if not being able to kill you doesn’t kill him, knowing she lied to protect you will.” 
Maddox stopped, his vision pulling into the middle before images flashed through his mind. Renesmee’s warm hand touched his chest, forcing visuals into his mind. The sensation ran over his body, the chilling vibration that was accompanied by the pounding in his skull. 
Ainsley’s bright, cheery smile took up the majority of the images, along with a man. He was tall and tanned, and appeared to look very much like Jacob. His hair was short and nearly buzzed, his frame was thinner than Jacob’s, and certainly just as tall. Together, Ainsley and Embry looked like a match-made in heaven; she fit perfectly under his chin, fit perfectly in his arms. Her arms draped over his shoulders and around his neck, the intensity of what appeared to be an innocent display of affection made Maddox feel as though he were intruding on a personal moment. 
Renesmee was showing him exactly what it meant to be an imprint – showing him exactly what kind of bond was at stake. What Ainsley was at risk of losing. 
In the next set of images, she showed Embry’s frame convulsing, his bones shifting in slo-mo, his body exploding out of pure rage into something nearly ten times his original size. 
It showed Ainsley hunched over another's arm, emptying the contents of her stomach onto the floor. 
Maddox had to pull away, taking a few steps out of reach. He struggled for breath he didn’t really need, thinking about the importance this relationship might have actually been to her – and how he had forced her into a corner to help him, just so he could possibly stick around, just so he could see her again. 
“Please,” he said finally, looking at Jacob with desperation, “please don’t say anything.”
I sat on one of the couches in the basement, eyes glued to the television as Travis and Trenton argued back and forth on pizza toppings for their dinner, prolonging our dart game far longer than necessary. TJ had been called up to Seattle for investigations, while Jennie worked double shifts to cover the incoming trauma’s. The collapse of all the dominos linking all pieces of our family had both Trent and I on edge – hence the current ongoing battle between my brothers. 
“Oh my god,” I cried, rolling my neck. “Just pick something already, I’m starving!” 
“Just let Ains pick something!” Travis growled, ripping the pamphlet out of Trent’s hands. 
“Uh, no,” he laughed once, taking the menu back, “she likes shit like chicken on her pizza – I don’t fucking think so.” 
“What’s wrong with chicken?”
“It doesn’t belong on pizza – that’s what’s wrong with chicken!”
I rubbed my temples, blowing out my breath slowly. Each passing day I spent confined in my parents house made me more irritated and miserable. The boys had not stopped fighting, Embry became more preoccupied as the pack circled in on the final safehouse Alice and Edward had provided. In an effort to ease his mind, Leah had asked that Trent keep an eye on me. 
Of course I had objected, but that didn’t seem to matter much, seeing as I was (essentially) moved home. 
Once food had been ordered, and I stuffed my face with my share, I retired to my bedroom. I flipped the lock on my knob, sighing as I leaned my back against the door. I had half-expected Embry to be settled into my bed, instead the room sat empty and cold. 
I wandered to where my phone had been plugged in, scrolling through the notifications. Two messages from Embry. 
Won’t see you 2night. Jake needs me to cover his shift. 
Sleep tight xoxo
I smiled to myself, pulling the phone to my chest as I collapsed onto the bed. Iyah looked up from the floor, tilting his head to the side in question. “For one night.” I nodded, laughing when the puppy happily joined me on the mattress, circling into his place in the corner. “Just don’t tell Embry, kay?”  
The dog huffed in response, enticing another giggle from me. I scratched behind his ear, pressing a kiss to his muzzle before I rolled onto my back. 
I wondered what Jacob was up to – being as responsible as he was, it wasn’t like him to pass along his duties to anyone else. Especially not Embry. That was moreso what Seth was for, being in his prime. I ripped my hair tie from my head, stretching my legs out as the moon casted the shadows of the treetops into my room.
From somewhere in the distance, I could hear a wolf howl.
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mychemicalimagines · 1 year
Everything Changed-Embry Call-Chapter 7
Summary: A couple months before her junior year in high school finishes, something happened to the once normal Hayley Uley. Myth turns into reality. Not just for her, but for her older brother, Sam, as well. They have to drop everything they once knew for something they thought was only in bed time stories. Will things finally start looking up for once after this ‘blessing-in-disguise’?
Warnings: Cussing, Paranormal, Supernatural, Angst, Love, Bella-Bashing, Possible Smut (Please read Authors Note in Chapter 1 for Age Explanation)
Words: 3,912
A/N: Here’s another chapter! I hope you enjoy! Comments are golden:]
To Be Tagged: Comment, Message Me, Submit an Ask or Tag Yourself in My Bio!
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Third Person POV
Jacob pulls into the Uley driveway with Bella still on the back of his bike. They went straight there after leaving Forks High School, knowing that Hayley has to change before hanging with the pack. He also wanted Bella to see his friends before they go off on their own. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Bella asks, taking off the helmet. “I'm a vampire girl, remember?”
Before he can answer, Hayley pulls into her normal parking spot nearby. Almost immediately, Jared, Paul, Embry and Quil pile out of the house, shoving the last pieces of their chicken wings down their throats. The Beta rolls her eyes as she gets out of her truck. 
“You guys couldn’t wait for me?” She walks toward them.
“Of course not! We’re growing wolves!” Paul smirks at her, taking another bite of his wing.
“What am I, chopped liver?” She shakes her head, stopping beside her boyfriend. “Where’s Kim?”
“She couldn’t skip. She had a project to present today.” Jared says, shrugging, despite missing her.
Bella and Jake get off his bike and take a couple steps toward them.
“Well, look who’s back.” Embry says, wrapping his arm around his imprint, looking at the leech-lover.
“What up, Bella?” Quil says, grinning.
“Quil, you too?” She asks, shocked.
“Yep. Finally made the pack.” He smiles, glancing at Embry and Hayley. “I’m glad you’re here, Bella. Maybe we can get a break from Jake’s obsessive inner monologue.”
“I wish Bella would call.” Paul speaks up, mimicking Jacob.
“I wish Bella wouldn’t call.” Jared chimes in.
“Maybe I should call Bella.” Embry smirks.
“Maybe I should call Bella and hang up.” Quil adds.
“Alright, you can shut up now.” Jake says, rubbing the back of his head.
Bella smiles as the pack laughs, a few of the guys pushing each other while Embry steps back with Hayley. Sam and Emily exit the house, grin on her face as she sees the pale face girl in front of her. 
“Bella!” She says, moving to hug her. “I was wondering when we’d see your face around here again.”
The younger girl hugs back, smiling softly, whispering a soft, ‘same here’. When they pull away, Emily steps back next to her fiancée who wraps an arm around her, giving Bella a pleasant nod hello.
“Sam, we good?” Jacob speaks up, looking toward his Alpha.
“We’re good. She won’t be getting through our line anytime soon.” He answers. 
There's a small awkward silence which Hayley decides to break.
“Alright, I’m gonna change and meet you boys on the beach.” She says, turning to her boyfriend.
The rest of the pack, minus Sam, Emily, Hayley, Embry and Jacob rush into the trees, laughing and ad-libbing their own macho challenges, excited for a day on the beach. Bella watches as Hayley and Embry whisper to one another, looking deep into each other’s eyes. Their connection is deeply intimate. Bella bites her lip and looks away as soon as their lips touch, allowing them to have their moment. 
Her eyes land on Sam and Emily, who are doing almost the same thing. Between these two couples, she can tell they’re madly in love. Deep down she knows her relationship with Edward is nowhere near as passionate as these two couples right in front of her. For now, she’ll hope that it will one day.
Sam and Embry rush into the trees while Hayley and Emily walk inside the house, leaving Jacob and Bella alone. 
“Come on. We can go back to my house.” 
They pair silently go back to his house, Bella not wanting to bring up what she wants to talk about until she knows she’s far away from the pack. 
“So, uh, is Quil the only new pack member?” She asks, glancing at her best friend.
“No. Seth Clearwater, Harry’s son, also phased. He’s only fifteen. One of the youngest we’ve had. Sam keeps him home studying, but he’s chomping at the bit.” He answers, pushing his bike toward his garage. “I’m just glad it wasn’t Leah.”
“Come on, don’t be such a guy.” Bella rolls her eyes.
“No, it’s not a chick thing.” He shakes his head. “Hayley is in the pack, you know. It’s more of a triangle thing. We would have to live with a Leah, Sam, Emily pain-fest. Wolf telepathy, remember?”
“So, Sam dumps Leah for Emily?” She raises an eyebrow as she stops before the door.
“It wasn’t like that.” He says, looking toward her. “Sam hates himself for hurting Leah. But, Emily was The One.”
“Yeah, I guess it sort of chooses you sometimes.” She says, thinking of her boyfriend.
“It’s more than some crush, Bella.” He sighs. “Sam imprinted on Emily. Like how Jared imprinted on Kim and Hayley and Embry imprinted on each other.”
“Do I even want to know what that is?” Bella asks, watching him as he begins to walk into the garage.
She follows behind him, leaning against another bike as he pushes the kick-stand down, thinking of how to explain this to her.
“Imprinting on someone is like…” He pauses, remembering Sam, Jared and Embry’s words. “Like when you see her, everything changes. All of a sudden, it’s not gravity holding you to the planet.”
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About ten minutes away on the beach, Hayley runs onto the sand, rushing straight toward her boyfriend. 
“It’s her. Nothing else matters.” Jacob continues, remembering moments his best friend and Beta have had.
 Embry turns around and catches his imprint, picking her up slightly. She laughs, wrapping her arms around his neck as he swings her in a small circle.
“You would do anything…Be anything for her…” His voice softening slightly.
Hayley puts her feet down on the sand, keeping her arms around her boyfriend’s neck. He grins and leans his forehead against her own, looking deep into her eyes, a smile appearing on her as she looks into his.
“It sounds like you know the feeling.” Bella says, watching him. “Have you…imprinted on someone?”
“You’d know if I had.” He shakes his head slightly before looking at his bike. “I just have a direct line to Sam, Jared and Embry’s thoughts.”
Embry leans down and gently presses his lips to Hayley’s, allowing the always flowing sparks fly through them once again. They quickly break from the kiss when a soccer ball hits Hayley in the leg. 
“Break it up, lovers.” Paul calls out. “Ley, you’re on my team! I ain’t losing this time!”
“Then I get Embry!” Quil yells out, wanting at least one of his best friends.
The couple laugh and shake their heads before looking at one another. 
“I guess we’re split this time.” She says with a smirk. 
“Oh, you’re going down!” He grins, smacking her butt softly before taking off down the beach toward his best friend. 
She gasps and runs after him, giggling as she does. For the next two hours, the pack kicks the soccer ball around, trying to score a goal. Sam, Embry and Quil on one team while Jared, Paul and Hayley are on the other. Despite all of Embry and Sam’s sabotage on Hayley, the teams end up tied. Emily showed up half way through with food for them, causing a small break, but they’re right back at it before long. 
“Ley!!” Paul calls her name, kicking the ball toward her.
She stops the ball with the inside of her left foot, before kicking it down the beach, alternating between each foot. Embry quickly runs up behind her and wraps her by the waist, picking her up causing her to squeal loudly. Emily laughs from the blanket she put down, far enough away she doesn’t get hurt by the ball.
“Quil! Get it!” Embry yells out, holding his girlfriend back.
Before his best friend can get a chance to get the ball, she kicks it as hard as she can from her boyfriend's arms, directly toward Jared who scores the winning goal.
“Yeah!”  Paul cheers, jumping in the air, throwing his fists up.
“How?!” Quil falls to his knees in the sand.
“Is that even legal?” Sam asks, looking toward his fiancée. “Ref! What do you think?”
“In my expert opinion…” She grins, pausing for suspense. “It’s a goal!”
“Hell yeah!” Hayley throws up a fist as her boyfriend puts her back down. 
“Not fair!” Embry shakes his head, smiling. 
“It’s not fair you two kept picking on our best player!” Jared calls out, walking toward them after grabbing the ball. 
“Oh, it’s totally fair!” Sam laughs. 
“Ehhh…” Emily smirks slightly.
“HA!” Hayley laughs. “Emily for the win!”
“Em! You’re supposed to be on my side!” Sam calls out, running toward her.
She squeals and jumps up from the blanket, taking off straight toward the Beta of the pack.
“I got you, Em.” Hayley wraps her arms around Emily, both giggling.
“Oh, no!” Their Alpha laughs. “What am I gonna do? My sister is hiding my woman…”
He grins at his pack members who know exactly what he’s thinking, without their wolf mind-link. Suddenly, all the males are running toward them causing them to squeal and run down the beach, laughing as they go.
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After the fun and exciting week, Hayley knew something was going to happen. The other shoe finally dropped as some would say. After patrolling all night, she thought she was going to have a decent nap then have an amazing date with her boyfriend…but nothing ever goes her way. Not even an hour into her sleep, Jacob calls her, knowing her brother was on his own patrol. 
Apparently some of Bella’s items have gone missing and Edward smelled an unknown vampire in her bedroom. Hayley sighs to herself before rushing to Forks, knowing where the Chief of Police lives. She walks up to the house, yawning softly. She knows she could have sent someone else to be with Jacob but her and Sam are the two that can make decisions.
Sam can overthrow her since he’s Alpha but 99.99% of the time, he follows her decision, knowing she knows what she’s doing and has everyone’s best interest when she decides something.
“What’s going on?” She asks, stopping next to her pack member, glancing at Bella and Edward who are standing a few feet away from them.
“Edward smelled some random vampire in Bella’s bedroom so we’re going to patrol outside her house from now on…” Jake starts but Hayley raises her hand to stop him.
“We’re going to what?” She bites her lip, stopping herself from yelling at him.
“We’re going to be patrolling here now.” He says, raising an eyebrow.
“Since when, Jacob?” She asks, watching him. “Did you talk to Sam about this?”
“No. But that’s why you’re here.”
“We already have to patrol extra due to the red-head, now we have to extend back to Forks…again?”
“Just Bella’s house. We have to protect her.” He says, crossing his arms.
Hayley shakes her head and thinks for a moment. If this vampire is in Forks, innocent people could get hurt. Not just his leech-lover.
“Hey.” Edward speaks up, looking at the Beta.
“Just shut up, leech. You’re lucky I’m even considering talking to my brother about this.” She glares at him before looking at her pack mate. “Alright. Let’s go investigate and I’ll call Sam.”
“Thank you, Hay.” Jacob says before leading her to the door. “Bella, can you show Hayley to your room?”
She nods, thankful for the Beta right now. Edward starts to follow them, but the female pack member shakes her head.
“You stay here. You can contaminate the stank with your own.” She says, turning around to walk into the house.
The trio walk inside, straight to the human’s bedroom. Both Hayley and Jake sniff around the room, finding a different scent than the Cullen’s near her desk and closet. The Beta sighs and pulls her phone out of her pocket, calling her brother. He should be off patrol and Quil should have taken his place.
“Hay? Is everything okay?” He answers. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“Yeah.” She sighs. “So, a leech has been in Bella’s bedroom.”
“She’s dating one. Of course…”
“No. Like, an unknown leech. It’s not the red-head and it’s not a Cullen. Jake wants us to start patrolling here to make sure that she’s safe.”
She can tell he rolled his eyes by the way he sighed in her ear. 
“The only reason I’m considering it is because if it’s been in her room, it can be anywhere. He could have hurt the Chief.” She continues, not wanting him to immediately dismiss her.
After a moment, he finally speaks. “Alright. Starting tonight we’ll start patrolling two on the rez and two at Bella’s.”
“Thanks, Sam.”
“Don’t thank me, Hayley. You’re right. Chief’s a good guy and he’s innocent in this. Don’t want him hurt.” He sighs. “Come home and get to sleep. I’ll have Jake and Paul have tonight so you and Embry can have that date.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.” 
She hangs up and looks at Jake, who nods, already knowing what his Alpha had said.
“I appreciate it, you guys.” Bella says, looking between the pack members.
The Beta shrugs. “Not like we haven’t done shit like this before.”
She immediately turns around and walks out of the room, wanting to leave the house. Edward, who has been staring at the house, rushes toward the front door when his girlfriend exits.
“Whoever it was, he left his stink behind.” Hayley says, looking at the mind-reader. “It’ll be hard to miss when we cross it again.”
“We’ll handle it from here.” Jake says, continuing from his Beta’s words.
“We don’t need you to handle anything. Or anyone.” Edward shakes his head.
Jacob steps forward so he’s chest to chest with the vampire, glaring at him.
“I could care less what you need.”
“Alright, we’re done here.” Edward snaps.
“No, you’re done here.” He says, as if he had the best comeback ever.
Bella moves between them, wanting to keep the peace.
“Stop, I’m tired of this. From now on I’m Switzerland, okay.” She pushes on their chests but since they’re both supernatural beings, neither move. “Stop. Hayley, help.”
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“All I’m going to say is I could care less what the leech has to say. Or you for that matter, Bella.” She says, stepping forward when Bella moves to push them apart, this time they actually move due to her strength. “Jacob, you need to back down. Now. The only reason I’m agreeing to this, with my brother too, is for the Chief. He’s got no idea what’s going on. He can’t help who his daughter quote un-quote ‘falls in love with’. You made your bed, Bella. You lie in it. You too, Jake.” She glances between them, her tone short. “But Chief Swan is innocent and I’ll be damned if y’all do anything to let him get hurt.”
“But, the pack…” Jake starts.
Hayley growls and holds her hand up. “Don’t give me that shit, Jacob Black. Don’t act like you actually care about the pack. You just want to keep your little leech loving girl here safe. And you don’t care who you hurt in the process. Otherwise you’d have never snuck off and all but told her about the stuff you knew you weren’t supposed to.”
Before Jake can say another word, she turns and glares up at the tall, lanky vampire. Her inner wolf wanting to get at him, but she’s keeping at bay, minus the venom in her voice.
“As for you,” She pokes his chest. “We’re Spirit Warriors. This is what we’re made for. To kill vampires like you, so we can handle it. If you would like to help, great! If not, stay the hell out of my way. I don’t like you. I don’t trust you. And you may have charmed Bella with your ways, but you ain’t going to get me too. You may be a ‘vegetarian’ but you’re still a cold blooded killer at heart, and when it comes down to it, you’ll only care about getting what you want. No matter who you hurt in the process. It’s your kind that got a damn good man killed. A respected, loved, sweet man. And I won't let you hurt one of his best friends too just so your ego can be stroked. You and your family are already on thin ice for getting Harry killed. And that ice cracked when you almost stepped onto our land. And, so help me, if you don’t want to help, and you do get in my way, I will personally be the one to rip you limb from limb. Not my brother. Not Jacob. Not my imprint. Not one of the big burly guys. But me. And I’ll enjoy it too.”
Edward swallows the little bit of venom that built up in his throat, slightly terrified of the younger woman. Bella, nervous by the speech by the pack member, steps forward, wanting to ease the tension.
“So, are you willing to at least try to work together?” She glances between the men.
Neither men move. Despite both knowing exactly what Hayley was talking about, neither of them want to admit they’re wrong but Edward, wanting to be the bigger man, licks his lip and nods. Jacob blows air out of his nose and nods with him.
“Great. We’re almost on the same page.” Hayley rolls her eyes.
“Alright, so you need to coordinate.” Bella speaks up again, looking between the three of them now. “You know, schedules and stuff.”
The men look away from each other, not wanting to speak so the Beta throws her hands up.
“Goddamn it, you guys.” She snaps. “The pack will take nights. Sam already said Jacob and Paul will start tonight.”
“Will days work for your family?” Bella asks, looking at the vampire who just nods. “Good. See? How hard was that?”
Hayley rolls her eyes and turns around, walking back toward the forest, wanting to go home.
“Hay? Where are you going?” Jake raises an eyebrow.
“I had work last night and only slept an hour due to this bullshit so I’m going home.” She calls back, never stopping her steps.
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After all the shifters got used to their new patrol schedules for both the res and Forks, Billy decided to host a bonfire. A La Push Pack Bonfire consists of a couple things. They go to the beach and the pack members grab tons of wood to burn while using the larger pieces of wood for seats. Emily and Hayley cook all day so there is a small buffet for everyone to have before Billy tells the legends to the new pack members.
In this case it would be Seth and Quil. The council members decided amongst themselves, with the help of Sam and Hayley, that Bella should be there for this bonfire as well. She has her own part in the legends now since she decided that after graduation she was going to be…changed in another area. The pack can’t do anything about it.
It’s not their choice to make, as long as it’s not in Forks or La Push, they have no say. All they can do is tell her how the shifters came to be. Hayley, having already heard the legends multiple times, still loves hearing them. It always feels like the very first time when she and Sam sat in the Black’s backyard with the council.
She smiles to herself as she mixes the potato salad. Despite being a shifter, she doesn’t hear her imprints footsteps as he enters the kitchen. He watches his girlfriend and Emily talk amongst themselves for a moment before Emily turns around to grab a plate. She jumps and puts her hand on her chest, but before she can speak, Embry puts his finger to his lips. 
She raises an eyebrow but nods, confused on what the shifter is going to do. He slowly walks toward his girlfriend, hoping she doesn’t move. Hayley, concentrating hard on the potato salad, jumps when warm arms wrap around her waist.
“Embry!” She laughs, shaking her head. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“That was the plan.” He chuckles, holding her close. 
Emily smiles and grabs a few of the already finished foods before taking them to the car, allowing them to have a moment. She knows they’ve rarely seen each other lately due to the amount of shifts they’ve had to cover. She’s lucky she got to see Sam during the day and most of the night. Hayley turns around in her boyfriend’s arms and grins. 
“Well, hello, Mr. Call.” She wraps her arms around his neck. 
“Hello, Miss Uley. Do you come here often?” He teases, bending slightly to place his hands on her ass.
In a quick movement, he lifts her up and places her on the counter, making sure not to bother the potato salad. Since she never had the ‘wolf growth spurt’, Embry is over a foot taller than her so that is the reason he’s always lifting her up. With her on the counter, she’s now a little taller than him but not by much. 
“Hmmm, I come here every few days.” She jokes before moving her hand to his neck, pulling him in for a passionate kiss.
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He happily returns it, pulling her closer, allowing her legs to wrap around his waist. The couple have only been together for a few months but it seems like they’ve been dating for years. Especially with all the supernatural things happening, with him phasing and all of the red-head drama going on. 
They’re so madly in love but neither want to say it first, thinking it would be too early in their relationship. They pull away, gasping softly for air before Hayley leans down to put her forehead against his. 
“Wow, Mr. Call. I better not tell my boyfriend about that.” She teases softly, biting her lip. 
He playfully growls and pulls her in for another kiss but before it can get any more passionate, a small cat call is heard from the back door. They pull away and look over his shoulder toward the noise. 
“Well, well, well…” Paul smirks, crossing his arms before leaning against the door. “Maybe I should call in Sam to see what his little sister is doing in the kitchen.”
“Oh, please! Like he’s never done this with his girl. Shouldn’t you be doing my laundry or something, Paul?”
Rolling her eyes as she speaks, Hayley grabs a wooden spoon out of the container on the counter next to her. She throws it as hard as she can, causing the shifter to laugh and run out of the house. Embry shakes his head and puts his forehead against her shoulder, mumbling to her.
“We can never have a few minutes to ourselves.”
“Nope.” She says, playing with his slightly growing hair. 
He sighs through his nose, before standing straight. He presses a quick but passionate kiss to her lips before helping her down from the counter. 
“I’ll see you later. I have a Lahote to beat up.” 
She smiles as she watches him run from the house toward the beach, knowing that’s where their other pack member will be. Turning back around, she grabs the foil and covers the bowl she was previously working on.
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randomwriting-misc · 2 years
Endangered | Chapter Fourteen
Paul Lahote x OFC
Endangered Masterlist
Summary: Vampires and wolves are not the only supernatural creatures to walk the earth, and they are certainly not the only ones in Forks, Washington when Charlotte Annabeth Swan, “Anna”, moves in with her uncle after the unfortunate demise of her parents.
Some may misidentify her as a witch, but that’s fine, she would rather them think that anyway. But the Volturi know the truth, and they are closing in on her.
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The slamming of the front door makes me jump from in the kitchen, dropping the lid to a pot with a loud clang. Sauce for the pasta currently that’s cooling in a colander bubbles up and splashes on the counter as I curse under my breath.  Looking around the corner, I see Bella looking back at me with hard eyes.
“Uh, hello?” I say confused, “Everything okay?” Bella pauses for a moment, her eyes shifting from the ground back to my eyes a few times.
“Yeah,” she says sharply, turning around, but just as she goes to take a step, she spins back to face me, “Actually no… are you okay?”
I shake my head back, caught off guard by her question. I turn off the heat to the stove to give her my full attention.
“Me? I’m fine Bells. What’s going on?”
“I saw Paul today, with Sam.”
I notice her voice is strained, and it just feeds my confusion. Bella had never really met Paul, and she didn’t express any interest in doing so. It probably should have stung, the fact she had an interest in my life, but she had no interest in anything for months. I was used to her callousness.
“Oh? Okay? They hang out pretty frequently. I’m not surprised you saw them together.” I cross my arms over my chest, not liking the tone of this conversation.
“Exactly,” Bella pauses again, before taking a deep breath. “Jacob thinks they are up to something bad, and they are intimidating him trying to get him involved in whatever they are doing. Are they… are they pressuring you too?”
“Bella, what are you talking about?” I ask, she was talking fast, and I don’t understand what she was trying to say.
“Did they make you drop Jake? Are they threatening you to not talk to him?” Bella doesn’t look me in the eyes when she asks as she shifts her weight back and forth on her feet.
I must take a deep breath, counting in and out to calm myself before responding.
“You are way off base, Bella. I didn’t drop Jacob,” I say, keeping my voice level.
“He said he never sees you anymore because Paul is possessive.”
“Paul is not the problem in this equation. Jacob doesn’t like them, which is fine, but he took it out on me. The only time Paul has ever gotten between us is when Jacob called me a whore.”
My voice is getting a little louder, even if I don’t mean it to. I can feel myself getting protective of Paul, angry Bella would accuse him of anything like that.
“And even then, I’ve forgiven Jacob, even after he has put a wall between us,” I add on.
“They are in a gang Anna, of course, he doesn’t want to be involved,” Bella says, her voice meeting mine.  She’s matched my posture now, arms crossed and defiant. Bella is protective of Jacob now too it seems.
A dry laugh rips from my throat, “Oh, that’s rich. A gang? Seriously?”
“Yes! And Jacob told me about Paul, how he’s violent and he’s dangerous. Maybe you shouldn’t be around them.”
I clench my fists tight and bite down, I can feel my magic bubbling up inside me and it takes a lot of concentration to push it back down.
“Okay, this” I gesture between us, “has gone too far. You are one to talk about being around dangerous people Bella. Especially with your history. I am dangerous, or did you forget that other things still exist, even without the vampires around?” I choke out, still straining with frustration.
“It’s not the same,” Bella whispers, her shoulders rounding as she pulls in on herself. I know I’ve hit a nerve.
“It is! You’ve never even met him and here you are spouting bullshit about my boyfriend. Who, in fact, is one of the most caring and loving people I’ve ever met. I realize that Jacob is your whole world now, but don’t bring his imaginary problems into my life.”
“So, Jacob is just lying?” She scoffs in disbelief.
I sigh, “Jacob just doesn’t understand.”
“Then explain to him and to me.”
“There’s nothing to explain! They aren’t in a gang Bella. That’s such a horrible rumor. Most of them are teenagers. Sam is a good person and hey look up to him. Why is that so hard to believe?”
If Bella has a response, she doesn’t give it to me, but the silence is loud enough.
“Can’t you just trust me?” I plead.
She bites her lips and stares at the floor.
“Promise?” She sighs.
“I promise.”
She nods and bolts out of the kitchen and to the stairs, and I know I’ve probably made her upset. Sighing, I pinch the bridge of my nose.
“I’m sorry Bella,” I call out after her, walking to the base of the stairs. When she turns back to look at me from the top, she just shrugs before responding.
“I’m sorry too.”
I can’t tell if she’s sorry for what she said or if I don’t believe her about Jacob’s accusations.
“Paul!” I shriek as he grabs me around the waist from behind, spinning me around.  
“This is cheating!” I yell, clutching the football to my chest. The waves are crashing on the shore, and the rest of the pack are yelling behind us. Sam yelling at me to hold on, Embry shouting at Paul to get the ball.
“Is not cheating, it’s strategy,” he laughs, grabbing the end of the ball. I grip harder but am laughing too much to hold on.  
“You’re just mad that Sam picked me to be on his team because I can throw a football better than you!”  
“Those are fighting words, baby girl,” he says as the football finally is ripped from my hands, but Paul gently sets me down and presses a chaste kiss on my lips before running back to Embry. Rolling my eyes, I call to them that I’m taking a break. Sam calls Jared away from the food to take my place.
I walk from the beach to the bathrooms, but on the way, I stop at my Jeep, checking my phone for anything from Charlie.
Missed Call – Billy
Missed Call – Billy
Missed Call – Jake  
Missed Call – Jake  
Missed Call – Billy  
Missed Call – Jake  
Missed Call – Jake  
“Oh shit,” I say, calling Jacob back.
Jacob doesn’t pick up right away. I call Billy but there’s again no answer.  
I’m frantically looking for my keys in my pocket when my phone rings again.  
“Hello? Jake? Is everything okay?” I gasp out.
“Anna.... something is wrong,” His voice is shaky and tired, he sounds scared.  
“Jacob, where are you?”  
“I’m in the woods somewhere. I... I don’t know. Everything hurts Anna, I don’t know what happened?”  
The shift.  
“Stay on the phone with me okay, I’m gonna get you help.” I run to the beach, screaming Sam and Paul’s name. Paul is already looking at me, I feel confusion and worry coming from him. They are too far down the beach for me to tell them, so I yell it into their minds.  
Jacob shifted, he’s alone and scared and in the woods. Please go find him.  
They all flinch at the force of the intrusion, and I follow it with an apology.
On it, I hear from Sam.  
We’ll find him, Jared responds.  
“Jake, someone is coming to get you, okay? Talk to me until they get there?”
“Who, Jake does it matter? I want you to be safe.”
Anger laces in his voice, “Is it Sam? Did you tell Sam and Paul?”
“Jake…” my voice breaks, “Don’t do this, I just want you to be safe.”
“Fucking of course,” he growls. I hear his hard breathing and he yells out before the phone goes dead.
I stare down at my phone, and I don’t notice the tears streaming down my face until one falls onto the screen.
Jake has shifted, and now he’s going to know the truth. About everything. He will have to shoulder the burden of the danger and secrets. He’s going to find out about Bella and the Cullens. He’s going to find out about me.
Paul’s familiar hands find the side of my face and bring my attention to him. I hadn’t even noticed him run up to me.  
“Hey,” he whispers.
“Hi,” I whisper back.
“It’s going to be okay. Let’s go to Billy’s.”
“You aren’t going with them?” I ask, voice cracking.
“Sam, Embry, and Jared are. I’m taking Emily home and you to Billy’s with me. Jacob isn’t the fondest of me, we thought it was best he sees Embry first.”
“Does Billy know?”
“I called him while you are on the phone with Jacob.”
I nod and he puts an arm around me, walking me back to the Jeep where Emily is already in the back seat. Paul helps me into the passenger seat, and Emily lays a comforting hand on my shoulder.
It’s a silent drive, interrupted only by my sniffles, trying to hold back any more tears.
It works until we pull into Billy’s driveway, and I see he’s waiting for us, a solemn look on his face.
“Anna,” he sighs, his face looking a little less crestfallen as I hug him.
“I’m so sorry I missed your call.”
“It’s okay,” he says and nods once at Paul, “Let’s go inside.”
I can’t seem to sit still and am making coffee in the kitchen as Paul and Billy sit at the table, waiting for news. It’s familiar here. I know where the mugs, the coffee machine, and even the good coffee Billy hides from Jacob all are. For a while, this place felt like a safe place. Now, I just feel like an intruder.
I set three mugs on the table with some creamer.
“No sugar?” Billy asks, trying to lighten the mood.  
I give him a halfhearted smile, “Not unless you want to hear another lecture from Jake.”  
“Fair point,” he says with a small smile.  
Paul's hand sneaks into mine under the table, giving me a reassuring squeeze.  
“Do you know what happened?” I whisper.  
Billy nods. “He came home last night furious and wouldn’t tell me why. This morning he was still upset, and I asked what was wrong. He blew up. Apparently, something happened last night with Bella.
He ran outside and broke the back door off its hinges. I had to go around from the front, but by the time I got back there, he was too far for me to stop him. I heard,” Billy pauses with a sharp intake of breath, “screaming. I saw him run off into the woods, still normal, but I knew it was going to happen.”
Paul looks at the back door and squeezes my hand once more before letting go and standing up.
“I can take a look at the door, try to get it up for now until we can replace it. Got any tools?” He asks.
“Out in the shed,” Billy replies, “Thank you, Paul.”
Paul nods and gives me a reassuring look before heading outside. It doesn’t take him long to locate them and start patching the broken door frame
“I’m sorry Billy, maybe if I had answered...” I look down, committing the wood grain pattern of the table to memory, unable to look at him.
“Sweetheart, it’s not your fault.”
“Maybe, but he’s only 16. They are shifting younger and faster. Embry just shifted last month. When I met Paul, he had already been living with this for over a year. He had accepted it. Jake still has to go through that.”
“He won’t be alone.”
“Yeah, but will he be upset at us for not telling him the truth?”
“He may be, but it’s not like you had a choice, Anna.”
“You’re being very kind to be for someone who arguably left your son to his own devices. I’m so sorry about it all.”
“Jacob is very stubborn. I saw how you tried, and how he was unaccepting of your newfound relationships. I also know you still care for him, and that he’s going to need you now more than ever. It’s me you should be apologizing to you, for the fallout that will inevitably fall on your shoulders between Jake and Bella.”
Bella. Another person was about to get ripped away from her, and she won’t even know it isn't his fault.
“Oh god,” I whisper, leaning back into the chair with a thud.
Billy nods.
“What are we going to tell her?”
“You don’t have to say anything. I’ll think of something, dear.”
I open my mouth to respond but Paul interrupts me as he walks back through the door.
“They found him.”
I am steadily wearing down the floorboards in Billy’s living room with how much I am pacing. I feel Paul’s eyes follow me every step of the way.
“This is a bad idea,” he grumbles.
“I don’t care,” I respond. It had been hours since Sam had found Jacob. It took a while to calm him down, and even longer to give him the introductory spiel. They were now on their way here. Billy was out on the porch, eager to see his son.
“He has no control over his shifts Anna. I’m not letting you get hurt.”
“Jacob wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Not on purpose he wouldn’t.”
I stop in my tracks and face him. His shoulders are tense, and his arms are crossed tightly against his chest. His hard eyes stare into mine as his brow furrows for the hundredth time today. I soften my demeanor as I look him over and recognize the worry in his eyes. With a sigh, I take a step toward him, and his arms fall instantly to let me hug him. I lay my head on his chest as he holds me close.
“I have to see him,” I whisper.
“I know, but I don’t have to like it.”
“I love you so much.”
“I love you more.”
“Impossible,” I mumble into his chest. I feel him shake with a laugh before he tilts my head gently up with his hand, laying a sweet kiss on my lips.
“Can we at least go outside? I want to be able to protect you if anything goes wrong, and not destroy Billy’s house in the process,” he whispers, his eyes not wavering from mine.
“You know I can defend myself, right?”
“I do know that, but I can’t help it wanted to do it just as well.”
A surge of longing and protectiveness hits me right in the heart, and I have to hold on to him to not stumble back.
Paul feels his emotions so deeply sometimes that it quite literally sweeps me on my feet despite trying his best not to overwhelm me with them.
I smile up at him.
“Yeah baby, we can go outside.” I move my hands up to the nape of his neck and run my hands through his hair. It’s getting a little long, and I know I’ll be sad when he inevitably cuts it again.
Paul holds my waist as he kisses me again, slightly dipping me backward. It makes me laugh through the kiss.
“There’s that smile,” he whispers into my ear, “I hate seeing you so upset.”
Before I can respond, he’s grabbing my hand and guides me to the back porch with Billy. It’s just in time too, as four shirtless bodies step out of the tree line.
Jacob looks defeated, shoulders slumped and head down. I can tell that he’s had to borrow a pair of shorts from one of them, probably Embry or Jared. They were a bit too tight on him.
When he looks up and sees me, I feel like all the air is sucked out of my lungs. I search his face for any sign of anger or betrayal, but all I see is relief as he starts walking faster toward me.
I step off the porch, and Jacob runs the rest of the way to meet me. He crushes me in a hug, and a tear escapes down my face.
“Anna,” he chokes out, “I… I don’t understand. I’m so sor-“
I shush him, interrupting his sentence.
“I’m so happy your safe,” I say.
Jacob pulls back and suddenly realizes everyone is trying their best not to look at us. His eyes glance toward Paul and then back to me, his eyes widen, and he takes a step back.
“Ah, so they mentioned the imprinting thing huh?”
He nods, “They did, and I know now how much of a dick I was being.”
I shrugged, “How could you have known?” I look back to Billy, “You should probably go talk to your dad, he’s been worried.”
With a nod, Jacob walks up to meet his dad with slight hesitation.
Sam steps beside me, “He’ll be okay, Anna. We got him.”
“I know, I do. It’s just never going to be easy knowing what you all have to go through sometimes.”
“You go through it too kid. I’m sure you’ve dealt with stuff like this your whole life.”
“Yeah, but it somehow makes it easier, ya know? The danger, the supernatural, it’s kinda status quo. For you, everything changed in a matter of moments.”
Sam takes a minute to think about my words.
“They did, for better or for worse. At least these guys won’t be alone,” he says solemnly. Before I can reply, he starts again.
“Oh, and we didn’t tell him anything other than Paul imprinted on you. We figured anything would be something you would want to tell him about.”
“Thanks, Sam.”
He nods before going off to join the pack, now including Jacob, surrounding Billy, talking about what’s next.
I watch them all with a sad smile. I don’t when they all started to feel like my boys, but they do. I love them all, and my heart can’t help but crack at the boys, who now must shoulder the responsibility of keeping so many safe, with no recognition.
Something is gnawing at me though, and I can’t seem to let it go. If the Cullen’s are gone, and the vampire sightings are seemingly just one particular woman, why are the shifts happening at this rate? The thought leaves a knot in my stomach.
Something is going on.
Taglist:  @abaker74 @adaydreamaway08 @forkscult @eat-cake @sapphireplums @xcastawayherosx @smol-scream @sunsetevergreen @swidkid @capswife​ @sorrow-has-a-place-here​ @alm0501​ @curadopordeus​ @hey-you-therexo @flacalatke
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snarkwrites · 3 years
ssw | embry call ; let me take care of you.
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As I said yesterday... I’m going to break down the list of prompts I originally intended to use for just one one-shot into a few different ones for this because I just felt like the first one flowed so well using only the one... This is the second part to the one shot I posted yesterday. And there will be at least a few more parts after this. I can’t say when they’ll be coming, but I can say they will be coming eventually.
Again, same as yesterday.. I am not a medical professional. Nor have I ever had amnesia of any kind. I’m trying my best with this, so apologies if it doesn’t seem realistic or whatever...If it matters/bothers anyone, that is.
Question though.. Would anyone be interested in at least one part of this being written in his point of view? Because I feel like it’d be interesting to write that way... It’d be third person..
Taken from [ here ] or [ here ]. The prompt used for inspiration here was obviously, Let me take care of you.
Twilight / Embry Call x Imprint!OFC, Merisa.
[ he looks down. she looks up. ] 
amnesia tw, vague injuries mentioned tw, just gonna say her current soon to be ex boyfriend is an actual piece of garbage so.. yeah.. Sexual tension. Beyond all these, there’s not really anything else I can think of.
@kyleoreillysknee​  is the only one currently on my Twilight taglist. If you see this and you’d like to be tagged also, add yourself to the doc below or lmk. It’ll make me super happy.
[ faq | request rules | sfw masterlist | tag list doc ]
The phone rang, shattering the silence and my train of thought. Okay, so it wasn’t a train of thought because I was more or less staring out the window of my grandmother’s living room and watching Embry Call work on my grandmother’s old car out in the driveway, but.. The phone was a distraction I didn’t want.
I grumbled when it didn’t go quiet. And after a few more seconds I’d had all I could take of the high pitched sound in all it’s annoying glory. I sprang up from the couch gingerly, grabbing up the remote to pause the true crime documentary I’d been engrossed in about Richard Ramirez and I hobbled into the kitchen, wincing every step of the way.
A scowl filled my face and I tensed up just as soon as I picked up and I heard Greg on the other end of the line. Upon hearing his voice, all sorts of unpleasant memories came rushing back. It was too much. 
“What, Greg?” I snapped. Impatient. Peering out my grandma’s living room window. Biting my bottom lip as I watched Embry tug the stained tank top he was wearing up over his head and wipe at sweat on his forehead with it before tossing it on the concrete slab next to his open toolbox.
“I asked you a question.” Greg cleared his throat expectantly.
Is it bad that I was so caught up in watching Embry do mechanic things outside that I didn’t even attempt to make an effort to listen to a damn word Greg said? Because this is exactly what happened.
“I wasn’t listening.”
Greg gave an annoyed huff at my honest answer and I rolled my eyes. Grumbling. The crackle of static over the phone line breaking through for a second or two. Whether I asked for him to repeat himself or not didn’t matter at all because Greg went on and asked his question again anyway.
“I said don’t you think you should be planning to return to Seattle soon? You were only supposed to be gone for a few days. It’s been nearly four weeks.” Greg stated. Pausing for a minute to grumble to himself about how this was typical of me, telling him one thing and then doing something entirely different.
And I snapped.
“Does the fact that I nearly died three and a half weeks ago just not mean anything to you at all or..?” I snarled, going quiet for a second or two. Determined to stay calm. But exploding felt so damn satisfying. It was hard to resist. I got the feeling that I spent 90 percent of my time around Greg biting my tongue and that had me wondering why. What did this guy have that kept me with him? The more I wondered about it, the harder it was to come up with any real sort of answer.
“Sorry. I should know better than to ask questions I already know the answer to.” I apologized. In my own petty way, of course.
Greg took my apology as sincerity and he sighed. Disappointed, obviously because I wasn’t there to tend to his every stupid whim. “I’m sorry too, it’s just.. I told you we had plans. You know how important this weekend is to me and the fact that you’re not even trying to come back… I’m just disappointed, sweetheart. That’s all.”
,, well excuse the fuck out of me for grieving. excuse me for loving my mother enough to want to go to her funeral. Excuse me for nearly dying and needing to heal and getting in the way of your precious plans,asshole.” I wanted to say it so badly that I had to bite the insides of my cheeks and ball my hands into fists just to keep it in. I sighed. “Instead of making this harder than it has to be, you could actually be a caring boyfriend and come to make sure I’m okay… I mean.. I am dealing with memory loss and injuries...”
Surprise, surprise. He suddenly had a thousand excuses as to why he couldn’t -and wouldn’t, just do that. And my stomach churned. Did he even give a shit? Why was I still wasting my time? Why had I even bothered answering the phone in the first place this time?
I made up my mind right then. As soon as I got off the phone with him, I was going to block him on all socials. I was going to block his number on my cell phone. And if I saw his name on my grandmother’s caller ID when the phone rang, I was just going to walk out of the room.
“I’ve gotta go.” I muttered. Before Greg could say anything else,  I hung up the phone angrily. Slamming it down on it’s cradle.
From the doorway, Embry cleared his throat and stepped into the living room. “Trouble in paradise?”
“If that’s what paradise is I’d hate to imagine hell.” I flopped back on the couch dramatically. Wincing when yes, it still hurts to move certain ways. Or too much at once. 
Embry sat down in my grandmother’s recliner. Staring intently at the television which was paused on the clubhouse scene from Dirty Dancing.
I grabbed my cell phone from the end table and did exactly what I made up my mind to do. Blocking Greg on every single one of my socials. And out of pettiness, I changed my relationship status on Instagram to single.
He’d never even bothered to change his, if memory serves. Why had I changed mine?
There was still so much I had left to fill in as far as my memory gaps, but it was coming back in leaps and bounds. Something told me that the last thing I needed to have done was return to Seattle. Otherwise, I might not have ever remembered or  even realized to begin with, what kind of man I was involved with because I’m pretty sure that Greg wouldn’t have started to really show his true self.
He’d done a pretty fair job of hiding just how controlling and easily irritated by the slightest inconvenience he really was so far, I mean, I hadn’t dropped his ass.
I smirked in satisfaction as I put down my phone. 
I happened to glance over at Embry to find him staring at me. Like he wanted to say something or he was lost in thought. Before I could help myself, I was staring right back. Getting pulled into the depths of his eyes. Eventually dropping my gaze down. Lingering on his mouth when he licked his lips.
I couldn’t stop staring. This was starting to become habit whenever he was around. Especially if he wasn’t paying attention so I knew I could stare to my hearts content and get away with it.
I stood and cleared my throat. “I’m gonna go get myself some lemonade. Do you want anything?” I asked as I walked over to the doorway leading into the kitchen.
“If there are any more bottled waters?” Embry asked hopefully. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. And as soon as I was in the kitchen, I leaned against the fridge. Fanning myself with one of my grandmother’s magazines that happened to be sitting on the counter.
After I managed to pull myself together just a little bit, I grabbed a bottled water for Embry and I poured myself a glass of lemonade. And when I turned to walk back into the living room, I found myself body to body with Embry as he stepped into the doorway between the two rooms.
My thighs clenched just a little at the way it felt to be pressed against him. Hard muscles against my own softness. For a second, when I opened my mouth to tell him I’d gotten his water like he asked for, the words hung in my throat.
Finally, I managed to get it out. “Your water, sir.” I held out the water bottle to him and after holding it against the back of his neck for a few seconds, he uncapped it, practically swallowing down half the bottle in one gulp.
Eyes locked on me the entire time. I know this because I’ll be damned if I could stop staring at him either. I tried. And failed.
He cleared his throat.
“Oh, right.. You probably wanted to wash your hands…” I stepped out of the doorway, pouting to myself a little because the second physical contact was broken, I missed the feel of his body against mine.
He walked over to the sink. Turning it on. Washing his hands. And I happened to notice he had a few busted knuckles.
“You need those sanitized. C’mere.” I nodded to the stool on the other side of the counter. Embry shrugged. Muttered that it wasn’t a big deal.
“It’s called infection setting in. And it can happen.” I insisted, nodding to the stool again. When he shook his head and took another sip of water and calmly insisted that he was fine, I shook my head and hobbled over. Grabbing hold of the hand that wasn’t injured. Leading him to the stool. “Sit.”
“Okay, alright. You know, you’re a lot bossier than I remember.” Embry muttered, gazing down at me. Even sitting down he was still taller. Bigger.
I stuck out my tongue at him. “If it keeps you from getting a nasty infection in your hand, I’ll take it.” I muttered. My gaze settling on him. Instantly getting sucked right back into those deep brown eyes and lost.
After a second or two of both of us staring at each other yet again, I cleared my throat. “I should go find the first aid kit.”
“It’s under the sink.” Embry answered quietly. I bit my lip. Nodding as I muttered mostly to myself, “Under the sink.” and turned away to get it.
“You don’t have to do this. I’m telling you, it’s fine. I deal with this all the time. Kind of happens when you work at a garage, Merisa…” Embry trailed off as I glanced back at him and stated in a firmer tone, “Let me take care of you, okay?”
I grabbed the bottle of peroxide and a rag. Sitting on the stool adjacent to his. Grabbing hold of his hand and placing it in my lap.
“You have tiny hands.” Embry muttered, almost sounding dazed. I glanced up at him through a curtain of hair as it fell right into my face because I bent my head just a little to see his hand better. I swallowed hard. Trying not to think of how good it felt to have his hand in mine. Or on my body.
When I exhaled, it was shaky.
That had me raising a brow.
If this man had one tenth of a clue just what he stirred up in me, I swear to God…
He jumped as the peroxide made contact with the open wounds, bubbling and fizzing as it cleaned the wounds out. 
A memory came back to me… I was younger. Probably around five. My grandmother sat on the stool Embry currently sat on and I sat on the stool I was currently sitting on. My leg was in her lap and she was dabbing some red liquid on it that burned like the fire of ten thousand hells. I was crying and trying to jerk my leg away, but my grandma just held onto it. And when she finished, she leaned in… Blowing gently on my injured knee. 
As the bubbling started to slow down, I raised Embry’s hand, leaning down. Blowing on the knuckles a little. Glancing up at him and teasing playfully, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“I’ve felt worse.” he finally mumbled after we’d been locked in a quiet staredown for what felt like minutes instead of seconds. 
It sank in that I was still holding onto his hand. And he wasn’t making an effort to pull his hand away, either.
My grandmother cleared her throat from the doorway and smirked at the two of us playfully as she came in, sitting groceries on the counter. “Am I interrupting something, Merisa?”
“No, not at all.” I answered. Smiling. Letting go of Embry’s hand as my cheeks burned. I felt like a teenager just walked in on by her parents.
Embry slid off the stool and brushed his hands over his jeans. “I need to get back to it.” he muttered. Hurrying out of the house. As soon as the screen door banged shut behind him, I let out a ragged breath. Fanning myself with the magazine again.
Trying to ignore the look I was getting from my grandmother.
When she couldn’t resist any longer, she spoke up. “He’s single.. If you’re wondering.”
“Grandma!” I laughed out, shaking my head. My gaze lingering on the window. Fixed on him.
My grandmother spoke up again. “It’s been so nice having you here, Mermaid… It’ll be a shame to see you go.”
Before I really stopped to think about it, I replied “ Honestly? I’m tempted to stay.”
My grandmother pulled me into a tight hug. Smiling at me as the hug broke. “I won’t stop you. The decision is yours.”
I nodded. Waiting until she was in the other room with one of her soap operas going full blast before I wandered back over to the window that faced where Embry currently was outside. Staring out at him with my fingertips pressed against the glass.
I thought he’d caught me one time because he stopped what he was doing beneath the hood of the car to glance around the yard. I moved away from the window quickly, shaking my head and laughing at myself about it.
I’ll repeat. If Embry Call had one tenth of a clue the effect he had on me...
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a-vild-bluemyrtle · 3 years
Lucky Night | Embry Call x OC
Fandom: Twilight - Wolfpack
MC: Embry Call - Quil Ateara - OC
Requested: yes!! Anonymous asked: can you please write anything to do with Embry!!
Here you go, I hope you like it! <3
Twilight Wolfpack Masterlist
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Lucky night
“Em, my sweetest boy, friend of a lifetime, best friend for the eterni- “
“Cut it off. What the hell do you want Quil?” Embry interrupted him brutally. When Quil started a phone call in that way, it meant one thing, that Embry was fucked, completely fuckety-fucked.
“I matched with some- “
“But you didn’t even hear everyth- “
“I said no, Quil.”
“EMBRY! Listen to me, she’s hot.”
“Embry, you won’t ruin my weekend of wild sex just because you’re stupid! You’re coming”.
“In what language do you want me to say it? Spanish… NO!”
“Embry, man”.
“No, I won’t be your sideman for your 100th date of this month, you sick little wolf whore”.
And then the phone call ended.
Embry couldn’t recall all the blind double dates he had to go to because Quil matched with someone on Tinder. Seriously, that guy matched with every living thing, and poor Embry he was the side companion who always had to settle for the boring side girl who didn’t want to be there too.
How many times he and the “other” girl had to sit there, in a restaurant or a bakery or a cafe and watch the lovebirds say stupid things. And it went over and over and over again since Quil was not interested in going out with the same girl twice.
“Why should I waste time with the same girl if one day I’ll meet my imprint. Until then, this boy here just wants to have fun”, he said while downloading that damn app on his phone.
He was not entirely wrong though, Embry had to admit, but he couldn’t imagine that his old friend would have become a womanizer.
How many girls could have been interested in Quil?
Apparently, a lot. But like, really a lot.
But this time, oh this time Embry wouldn’t have let Quil convince him. Going on another blind date with another side girl was out of the question, he would have rather spent his Saturday night playing video games with the pack than go out with Quil again.
How Embry ended up in Quil’s car on that Saturday evening, though, was a mystery.
“Damn me! This is the last time, Quil, clear?” he shouted, while his best friend was grinning.
“You are incapable of saying no, Em. I could ask you to jump out of the car now and you’d do it.”.
“Ok, this is absolutely wrong. I would rather punch you out of this stupid car. And once this nightmare ends, I’ll surely punch you in the face. Multiple times”.
“Yeah, yeah, sure buddy”.
Embry spent the entire ride to Port Angeles promising himself to not end in Quil’s trap ever again.
After 30 minutes of Quil singing RED (Taylor Swift’s version) on a loop, they finally arrived at the pub where this blind double date was supposed to happen.
Quil and Embry couldn’t show more different emotions, the first one was excited and was already thinking about his dessert while the other one… well, Embry’s face showed it all.
“Stop being a buzzkill and smile, if this goes wrong, I’ll kill you”. Quil whispered while they were heading to the entrance.
The pub was full of people, all laughing and drinking and chitchatting about different things. The two friends could distinctly hear anything that every person was saying in that place.
Wolf hearing, you know.
Embry rolled his eyes, already preparing himself for another boring night.
“They were supposed to be here already”.
Embry frowned.
“So, they’re not here?”
“I cannot see them anywhere”, Quil replied, with a worried tone of voice.
On Embry’s face, a little sarcastic smirk started to appear.
“Would it be possible that this girl just dumped you?”
“Nah, man, she was so into me! It’s impossible!”
“There’s a little pitch in your voice, man. You’re not fooling me”. Embry said, before bursting into a thunderous laugh and patting his best friend on his shoulders.
It was the first time that someone dumped Quil on a Tinder double date and the guy was almost destroyed.
“A-Ah, it can’t be. It’s impossible”, he said, taking his phone out of the pocket and looking for her number. He tried to call her, but the voice mail kept going.
“She ghosted and dumped you the same night, nice job!” Embry continued, laughing again.
Quil clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes.
“Fuck, she really dump-ghosted me. I wasn’t expecting that”.
And you could see it in his eyes that he really was expecting something completely opposite to what was happening.
“Come on, it’s not the end of the world.” His best friend said, handing him a beer.
“yeah no, but I lost my fucking bet! I own Paul 50 bucks”.
“And you own me a Frozen yoghurt”.
“I really need to explain to you how betting works, again. Kim is better than you at this.” Quil said, bumping his shoulder into his best friend’s one.
“Come on, let’s get out of here. I hate the smell of all these hormones”, continued Embry with a disgusted expression.
The two wolves immediately headed to the exit, Embry still patting Quil on his shoulder and Quil sighing again and again. His ego was hurt, a lot. But he knew that there was nothing that a night spent playing video games with Embry and Jake couldn’t heal.
“Quil? Is that you?” a warm and trembling female voice asked. It came from behind.
Embry and Quil turned at the same time, curious to know who that tiny voice belonged to.
It was a short girl, russet skin and long straight hair. She was covered in an oversized teddy coat because for humans, that night was an extremely cold one.
“Ariel?” Quil asked, getting closer to her. It was dark in the parking lot and even wolf-eyes couldn’t see that girl clearly.
“Yes! It’s me, I’m so sorry my car broke, and my phone… well it’s gone too”, she said taking a few steps forward, just the ones that were needed for the two boys to see her face completely.
And that moment, Embry’s body completely froze. Time and space were not the same anymore, nothing mattered, nor Quil and his stupid double dates or the videogames or his inability to bet. He stood there, looking at the small girl like she was a bright fallen star or even better, a goddess that came down on Earth only for him.
That was the only time Embry was truly happy to have accepted Quil’s forced invitation to a date.
“Are you ok, Ariel? What happened?” Quil asked her, getting really close to her.
Maybe a little bit too close according to Embry’s new jealousy.
“My car stopped in the middle of nowhere and my phone fell from my purse, I was only able to call a taxi to come here. I’m sorry to be so late”. She was indeed really sorry, her voice and her body could tell, and Embry was slowly dying inside because no, she could not be sad, not under his watch.
“Oh, it’s ok, no worries! Are you alone? Where’s your friend?”
“Last minute change of plans, I’m sorry again”.
“No worries at all, my friend Embry her…”
It took Quil only one quick look to understand what happened. He looked at Embry, and then at Ariel and then at Embry again.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” He shouted, not believing to his own eyes. It was all just a stupid joke, he was sure.
Was he?
Was it really just a joke?
“Is everything ok, is your friend ok?” Ariel asked, getting closer to Embry.
“Hi, I’m Ariel,” she said to him, raising her face to meet his gaze. “I’m sorry you had to wait here with Quil for me”.
Embry had to collect all his remaining strength to articulate a sentence that had a meaning. Her eyes were so mesmerizing, and he could have gladly spent the rest of the night looking into them.
He smiled at her.
“Ah no worries, everything is fine. We’re happy you’re safe and sound”, he said with his warmest tone and husky voice.
“Were you going home? I probably wasted your time”, Ariel said – her attention growing more and more on Embry that she almost forgot she was there to see Quil.
“Actually… no. Quil owns me a frozen yoghurt and we were going to get some. Want to join?”
“I would love to”.
Quil and Ariel replied at the same time.
“Perfect”, Embry replied back, moving to his side to show her where their car was.
In the meantime, Quil was there a few steps away from the two newly lovebirds, looking at them with an angry expression.
How could it be possible? She was supposed to be his date. Not Embry’s fucking imprint.
Embry glanced at him, smirking.
“You coming?” he asked Quil while opening the passenger door for Ariel, and helping her sit in the car.
Quil growled and covered in a few seconds the distance from the car. He opened the driver’s door, but Embry immediately stopped him.
“Wrong door, man”.
Quil growled again. “You own me this”, he whispered.
“I know”, Embry grinned.
And he meant it.
Embry really owned Quil everything from that night on.
Who would have known that for the first time he would have been the main character instead of his best friend?
Apparently, fate did.
The same fate that let Ariel’s car break in the middle of nowhere.
That nowhere being the Quileute’s reservation borders, precisely.
What were the odds?
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everlesslahote1 · 3 years
'Heat' Embry Call (Requested smut)
“Could you do an Embry Call x reader smut?? You can write about anything that comes to you 😁”
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I can! Im sorry this is late but I will do light smut if that's okay with you, enjoy lovely being. Thank you❤.
Embry Call x Fem!Reader
(warning: Light smut)
Embry and Quil were on patrol for the night as requested from Sam.
It was the middle of heat season and Embry was really feeling his, hard.
For Quill, not so much only because his imprint was a child so he didnt have those feelings during heat , same for Jacob.
But For Sam, Paul, Jared, & Embry. It was hell on earth especially when they couldnt touch their imprint right away.
'Bry i get it- well not really but i dont want to see my friend who i see as a sister naked in my head' Quils voice spoke.
He must have been to deep in thought.
Embrys wolf huffed.
Quil was teasing the younger wolf repeatedly for the last 3 hours, not giving him a break though.
Embry didnt even really care, he just wanted his girlfriend.
'Its hard...' Embry said.
'We got 10 minutes then you can go home lover boy'
Embry was sweet, everyone knew that side of him but only his imprint knew the dominated side of him.
The pack steady teases Embry about his sex life but little did they know he could make Y/n shake like a earthquake in just 4mins.
He had kinks, not a lot though and his imprint loved all of them.
Whether it was him tying her hands to the bed, overstimulating her or making her look in the mirror as he railed her.
He wanted to know her body inside and out, no matter how long it took.
She loved any and everything they did behind closed doors because she knew nobody knew them like eachother.
To the eye Y/n was a 5'1 , innocent, loveable girl who most couldnt believe was 18.
Embry was the 19 year old quiet wolf, never snapped, never rude... Just a pure sweet heart with a tiny smile always on his face.
So NOBODY could imagine what happens with them other then cuddling.
'Times up'
As soon as Embry heard Jareds voice speak those two words, his large wolf took off sprinting towards y/n house.
Y/n stepped out of her shower and rapped a towel around her small frame.
She had got a warning call about mating season being on high from Kim , Emily, & Rachel not to long ago.
Kim said it could be a long night if she let it be & tried to explain what was happening with Jared.
Y/n just hung up because she didnt want a image of anything Jared had going on.
The small girl heard a small thud in her room and knew it was her wolf.
No matter how many times she tells Embry to go through her front door , he always ended up on the tree next to her room window.
He says it gives him a late night adventure other then patrol and to let him be cool.
She walked in her room to find Embry laying back on her bed staring at the ceiling and looking uneasy like something was bothering him.
"Em... You okay?" She asked softly.
Embry was okay mentally, he was happy to be there.
He just couldnt get over his rock hard member and it bothered him that it seems like she's a sex toy.
"Your not..." Y/n said kind of hoping it had nothing to do with a fight or something he had with the boys.
Because when they fight, Emily's whole house is a completely different environment.
One time before Quil imprinted, he made a really snarky comment about y/n being sexy.
Embry having the feelings that he had for the young girl, shifted almost immediately sending Quill into protective mode also shifting.
After Sam and Paul calmed the situation down for weeks Embry and Quil did not speak to each other unless it was about Patrol.
They didnt sit at the same table, stand near each other, joke around, nothing.
Embry didn't feel they needed to.
It took quill to apologize first for everything to go back to normal.
Y/n walked to her bed and laid next to him not thinking about her being in just a towel.
They've have had sex before, he has seen her body.
So she didnt think it would have a affect on him.
"...whats up butter cup" she said poking his chin.
Embry sat up to talk to his lover but when he saw that she was only in a towel he instantly growled under his breath and turned on his side so that he was laying face down to her bed.
"Embry Call, what is the matter with you" Y/n said frowning her face up.
In a blink of an eye Embry stood over Y/n and had his large hand rapped gently around her neck.
"You want to know whats wrong with me" he said in a horse voice.
"My heat is on fire right now princess" he said as he inched closer to her face.
"And you in a towel is really making it hard for me to not fuck you where you stand"
Y/n sat there looking up at the tall boy in shock that those words even came out of her wolfs mouth.
Emrby groaned lowly which caused butterflies in the young girl belly.
Without another thought Y/n sprung toward Embry and latch her lips on to his.
Sparks linked between the two lovers as Embry picked her up and glently layed her on her back.
At this moment he wasn't really thinking of her as a sex toy, he just wanted to hear her say his name.
The wolf ran his hand under her thigh, sending chills through her whole body.
Lets just say they had a longgggg night :)
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runwithwolvcs · 2 years
You Know I'm No Good - twenty three
Warnings: Sexual Content, possible hints at sexual harassment
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pack secrets
Tallulah remembered falling asleep in the morning sun in the comforting arms of her imprint but was Now waking up alone on the couch, one of the throw blankets keeps her warm rather than the arms she fell asleep in.
From what she could see from behind the curtains, the sun was still shining. A rarity in the pacific northwest during this time of year. The incessant feeling of energy she had felt early this morning had subsided, but she could help but fear that it would come back.Thinking back to the sunrise conversation between her and Paul, she knew Paul would understand if she finished her art portfolio and submitted it, he practically has to with the imprint. With the help of Mrs. Culstee, she could switch to photography. Something Tallulah dabbled in back in Seattle. Besides, just because she would be finishing it, doesn’t mean she has to go. Tallulah just doesn't want to regret not trying.
Tallulah dragged herself up and off the couch before making her way to Paul's bedroom. She could hear the showering running as she reached the open door and considered how she could make it up to her imprint for waking him up so early, and leaving him with a hardon.
Peeling her sweater off of her body, she tossed it on the floor, walking towards the shut bathroom door. While trying to convince herself she was doing this for him, and not for a selfish reason. Though, he wouldn't mind if she was selfish with him.
Tallulah couldn't stop her mind from wandering if he was like this with Rachel. Her sisters having both said they were on and off for so many years, she couldn't understand why.
Before opening the bathroom door, she stripped herself of her shorts and panties, as well as the small tank top she had on underneath her sweater. Kicking them to the corner of the room.
She opened the door and quickly stepped in, confidence taking over her anxious personna from earlier that morning. Tallulah sucked her lip into between her teeth at the outline of the muscular man in the steamy glass shower.
His back was towards her, but she knew that her presence wasn’t unnoticed. Opening the shower door, she cautiously stepped into the steam filled shower, wary of slipping. Placing her hand on the small of Paul's wet back caused him to look over his shoulder at the much smaller girl.
“Hey,” she said with a grin.
Paul turned away from the stream of water that he was under to face Tallulah, a cocky grin on his face as he noticed her nakedness, “Hey, sleeping beauty.”
His head dipped down to place a kiss to her lips, running his hands from the tops of her shoulders to her lower back just above her ass, “What's up?”
Tallulah shook her head no, “I felt bad for earlier, so I wanted to make it up to you.” she said, reaching her arms up to lace her hands around his neck, her bare chest pressed against his wet one, “If that's okay with you?”
“Yeah? How so?”
“Well..” she trailed off, unlacing her hands, “I was thinking I could start with this…” she said, running her hands down his abdomen as she dropped to her knees in front of him. His semi-hard length at her eye level. Tallulah grabbed him with one hand, the other placed on his thigh to keep her steady as she began to pump his length slowly. Her small hand could just wrap around the width of him.
“Lu..” Paul groaned and she looked up at him through her eyelashes, the water from the still flowing shower head was slowly dampening her own body from what it could reach from behind Paul's large body.
With a grin, she leaned back onto her heels, before licking from the base of his cock to the very tip, her hand following up and then back down as she focused her attention on the tip. . Licking any precum that had begun to leak, and then wrapping her lips around the tip, suckling lightly.
Paul's hand found its way to the back of her head, tangling in her hair as he used all the self control he had to not thrust forward as she teased him with her tongue.
The first blowjob she gave, Tallulah nearly threw up. She was uncomfortable the entire time and basically let the guy use her. The last blowjob she gave was the catalyst to several events that would lead to her arrival in La Push. She was never in control while on her knees for guys who only really saw her as a body. Something to use for their benefit. Giving Paul a blow job was never something she felt like she had to do with him, and in this moment, the first time she's wrapped her lips around him, she was in control. Every moan, every tightening grip of his hand in her hair, was because of her actions, not his. Tallulah revelled in this feeling.
Bobbing her head until his tip hit the back of her throat, using her tongue on the underside of length to provide that extra sense of pleasure before pulling all the way back and repeating it again and again, until she felt like gagging, the constriction of her throat gripping his cock like a vice inciting a groan from her lover. As she pulled back again, stroking him sensually, he tilted her head upwards by her hair. She licked her lips and looked at him in confusion.
“As much as I enjoy your pretty mouth around my cock, we need to stop.” he said, his voice was rough. The type of gravelly it only gets when he’s needy.
Pouting her saliva-covered lips, she asks, “Why?”
Paul pulls Tallulah up by her forearms to her feet, looking into her dark eyes before saying, “Because I’d rather cum in you, than down your throat.” Causing the younger girl to grin like the Cheshire cat. Jackpot. This was the selfish moment she was looking for. “Turn around, Lu.”
She obeyed him, turning and placing her hands on the glass wall of the shower. She was so wet already just from the thought of him taking her against the stream covered wall that she knew as soon as she spread her legs and checked, that he could get at least two fingers in her. She moaned at the thought.
Paul pulled her hips towards him and she spread her legs enough to give him access, she bit her lip at the feeling of his index finger wiping through her slick folds, “Someone likes being on their knees..” he taunts.
“Only for you,” Tallulah moaned out, the feeling of the tip of his cock lining up with her opening, sending her into a tizzy.
Paul placed a hand on her shoulder, the other on her waist, “Oh yeah? Tell me more..”
Tallulah opened her mouth to reply but before any words could form, Paul had slammed his hips into hers, hard and fast.
A high pitched moan being the only thing her vocal cords could produce. He continued pulling out slowly, before slamming right back in, Tallulah clenching her walls around him every time, the two imprint and the imprintee in a collective state of bliss.
Removing his hand from her shoulder, Paul reached forward and placed his hand on the one Tallulah had on the glass wall to support herself as he picked up the pace, his hand on her hip the only thing keeping her standing at this point, as the roughnesss in which he was fucking her, had turned her legs to jelly.
“I can’t.. I’m gonna..”Tallulah couldnt even form a coherent sentence in the midst of being relentlessly fucked, the only she thing she could focus on was the pressure building in her core, with each thrust into her she became more and more winded before completely letting go. Her free hand going to clutch the hand Paul had gripping her hip as her legs began to shake, all the air leaving her lungs in pure ecstasy.
The older boy didn’t let up at her obvious release, chasing his own high. He wasn’t far behind, considering the immense friction Tallulahs climax had caused, her core practically gripping him with every thrust. Bottoming out and releasing into her with a low groan into her ear, his arm leaving her hip to wrap around her waist to keep her from dropping to her knees. Placing small, feathered kisses along her shoulder.
“You okay, Lu?” he asked gently, the girl's breathing still heavy.
“I gotta blue ball you more often.” she joked, leaning her head against the glass wall.
Sitting on the counter in the bathroom, Tallulah was braiding her now wet, clean hair into two braids with just a Pauls large shirt to cover her body. Her legs were already beginning to ache, but the aftercare her imprint gave her was more than anything she could’ve asked for. Soapy hands delicately washed her body, as she used him as a crutch to stay standing. His fingers lather her hair with shampoo and conditioner. As well as the endless intimate kiss, and little nothings that would never be repeated outside of the glass encased shower.
After they had turned off the water and each dried off, Tallulah had slipped on Pauls shirt as he went into the bedroom; she could vaguely hear him on the phone but paid it no mind as she continued her hair.
“The sun is still shining, Lu.” Paul said as he entered the bathroom. She perked up seeing him in the mirror, he was wearing his normal cutoff shorts, sans t shirt but it's the soft small that graced his lips that made the butterflies in her stomach flutter.
Tallulah hummed in response, matching his smile as he walked towards the counter.
“We are going to the beach, it's finally warm enough for the pack to get together outdoors.”
She looked at him in confusion, “You're a walking heater, why does warmth matter.”
Paul chuckled and pressed a kiss to her hairline, “It matters because you, and every other imprint, are not.”
“I don’t have anything to wear to the beach here.” Tallulah pointed out. She Had snuck into her dad's house when she knew everyone would be gone to pack a duffel of clothes so that she didn’t need to continue stealing Pauls, but not once did she think about bringing beach attire.
“I’ve got you covered. Or, Kim does.” he assured.
Kim? Who’s Kim?, she thought to herself, and before she could ask outloud her question was answered
“Jared’s girlfriend, and imprint.”
Tallulah nodded her head in response. Another imprint.
“They should be here any minute so please, throw some shorts on.” he nearly pleaded with the eighteen year old, causing her to grin.
“What? Don't you like my outfit?” she asked, hoping off the counter and doing a small twirl.
“I love it, but I don't want to share this, share you, with anyone else.” he spoke positively while grabbing her waist and pulling her to him, “Please, Lu.”
She groaned before saying, “If I must,” just as the doorbell rang.
“Paul said you were small, which was really no help, you know? Like small to him versus small to me, are two completely different things. So, I've got a couple of things that should fit and if not, they are adjustable.” she rambled before looking over Tallulah, “You are really small. Does he feed you? Because I swear..”
“He feeds me, but thanks.” Tallulah cut her off
“Here, try this one.” Kim said, completely changing the subject and handing Tallulah a bright red bikini top. “ The straps are adjustable and the cup sizes are smaller.”
Tallulah nodded, not sure if she should be offended or grateful, “I'll be right back..”
Heading towards the bathroom, she shut the door softly before turning towards the mirror. Even in Paul's large, overflowing t-shirt you could tell she had nothing going on. She couldn't help but compare herself to Kim. She looked like a woman, and Tally looked, well, like a kid.
Peeling off the shirt, revealing her naked chest and quickly tying the red straps around her neck, before the ones that go around her midsection. The cup lay flat across her chest, doing nothing to accentuate her breasts but at least it didn't look like she was playing dress up in her mothers closet.
She cringed at her reflection, the ridges from her ribs visible and her collar bones jutting out made her look gaunt. She never worried about her appearance around Paul, he never gave her reason to. Ever since she met him, his eyes only ever held curiosity or like she held the sun in the palm of her hands. But now, she was here, talking herself up to go out and face Kim.
Placing her hand on the doorknob she slowly opened before stepping out, her arms wrapped around her midsection as she looked at the older girl, “I think it might be too big.”
Kim shook her head, “You look great, and the great thing about this one is, you can adjust these, “ she said, stepping towards Tally, reaching out and cinching the cups of the bikini to make them slightly smaller. “There you go.”
She reached into her bag, and pulled out the matching bottoms and held them up, “these should fit.”
“Honestly, Kim, I don’t think I’ll need those. I don’t plan on swimming, it’s not really my thing.” she said as an excuse, knowing that those bikini bottoms wouldn’t fit even if she magically gained five pound in the next ten seconds.
“Oh, okay, yeah.” she said putting them back in her bag, “I’ll let you finish getting dressed and then we can head out. Hopefully the boys haven’t started pigging out downstairs”
Tallulah smiled, as genuinely as she could, “Thanks, I really appreciate this.”
“Any time, Tal”
Tallulah and Paul had arrived at the beach with Jared and Kim in the late afternoon, being the last four to arrive, Paul began to chauffeur his imprint around introducing her to anyone she hadn’t already met, including Seth and his imprint Jade, who was only a year older than her.
It was weird being around the other imprints, they were so lovey dovey with each other. Like they were soulmates who were meant to fall in love.
She didn’t really feel that with Paul, she was attracted to him yes, but underneath that she still didn’t know enough about him to really love him.
Majority of the group split off from cliff jumping, but Paul and Tallulah stayed back with Seth and Jade.
She learned that Jade was going to community college in Forks, but planned to transition to a four year college afterwards, Seth beaming with pride as she explained her plans. She hoped Paul would look at her the same way if she chose to pursue anything away from the reservation.
She now found herself next to the fire, her tshirt had been ditched, much to Paul's dismay at the little bikini top Kim had let her borrow. But between the fire and the three 108 degree boys sitting near her, she was hot.
Embry was explaining to her what he described as pack secrets, including the Cullens, who used to live in Forks. Paul had wandered off to talk to Sam, leaving her and Embry to chat while the two boys across from them stuffed their faces with smores.
“Pack mind?” she asked, it sounds like something out of a tv show.
“Yeah it’s cool, we can hear and see each other's thoughts while we patrol.” Embry said to her before asking, “Pauls never told you any of this?”
She shook her head, “He doesn’t tell me much about pack stuff.”
“Pauls the worst when it comes to the pack link,” Colin mentioned from across from her and she looked at him confused, prompting him to continue, “He likes to block all of us out so we can’t see what he’s thinking. It’s even worse now that he’s imprinted.”
Brady nudged the younger boy with his elbow, and snicker, “Yeah, except for that one day.”
Embry stiffened beside her, “Brady, drop it.”
Tallulah looked at Embry, his eyes were narrowed and fists clenched. She looked back to Brady and Collin who both had knowing smirks on their faces, “What are you talking about?”
“Embry, it’s fine. It’s not like there was much to look at anyways. You’re still hot though.” Brady said, almost tauntingly. “Does it bug you knowing that you weren’t Paul's type before he imprinted on you?”
“Let’s go, Tallulah.” Embry spoke, moving to get off the log they were both sitting on, but Tallulah couldn’t take her eyes off of Brady.
“I mean, of the two girls we’ve seen naked in Paul's mind, you definitely take the cake for hottest moans,” Collin added, to which Brady agreed.
Tallulahs head whipped towards Embry, looking for an explanation, “Naked? What are they talking about?”
The grimace on his face spoke volumes, “This would be better coming from Paul.”
“Yeah, well, if he was going to tell me, he would’ve by now.” she argued.
“Pack mind, we were doing a double and he was thinking about you, y’know, naked or whatever and it slipped into everyone else's heads.” Embry spoke quietly.
Tallulah was at a loss for words. She didn’t know what to think, or feel, but she did know that when she found Paul it wasn’t going to be pretty.
She looked around the beach from her spot beside Embry, by the time she spotted him he was already looking at her concerned. The imprint bond strong off between them that he could tell when she was off, and she was. She looked away from him just as he began walking to where she was sitting with the boys, and turned to Embry.
“Everyone saw?” she asked quietly and he nodded in response.
“He told us to never mention it but this idiot over here has a death wish.” Embry said, tilting his head in Brady’s direction.
“Hey, no hate, but you know, if he wants to let out a round two I wouldn’t be opposed to viewing.” Brady cackled and Tallulah lunged towards him only to be stopped by Embrys arms around her waist. She felt hot with anger, she’s only felt like this once before and she didn’t know if she wanted to scream or cry.
“What’s going on?” that gruff voice that she knows all too well asked, she looked up to see him illuminated by the fire, but his eyes were fixated on Embry’s hold around her waist, before meeting her eyes with a raised eyebrow, “Embry?”
“Just talking about how hot your girlfriend is, “Collin interrupted before Embry could say anything.
Causing both Embry and Paul to let out warning growls.
“I’m not his girlfriend.” Tallulah pointed out before standing up, “And I have school tomorrow, can we go?”
The young girl didn’t wait for a response before hugging Embry goodbye, inciting another growl from her imprint causing her to roll her eyes.
She walked with Paul, saying goodbye to the rest of the pack before heading to his car, grabbing his hand before he could get in, “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, Lu?”
“Does it bug you that I don't really have boobs?” she questioned sarcastically.
“What are you talking about,” he asked with a chuckle and Tallulah wanted to roll her eyes again.
“Well Brady said, of the two girls he’s seen naked in your mind, I don’t have much to look at. So I guess I was just wondering if you felt the same.” she said, dropping his hand and crossing her arms, a knowing look washing over his face.
“Come on, Lu, don’t shut down on me.” Paul said as he entered his bedroom. She had been silent the entire ride home, and when he went to kiss her lips she turned her head from him. Clearly not happy.
“I'm not shutting down, Paul. I can’t be upset?” she said with the shake of her head. Grabbing clothes from the drawer he had cleared out for her but stopping in her tracks, she didn’t want to change in front of him anymore.
“It was a mistake on my part, but it’s not a big deal! I wasn’t the first to think about my imprint in, you know, a private moment, and I won’t be the last. Okay? I’ve seen way worse from Jared than what Colin and Brady saw of you.”
“So that makes it okay? I’m just supposed to be fine with people I don’t want seeing me naked, seeing me naked because you said it’s not a big deal?” Tallulah scoffed.
“Baby,,” he tried, clearly losing this battle with his imprint.
“Don’t ‘baby’ me!” her voice raising, she felt like a little kid. Arguing about why she was right in this scenario to someone who would never truly understand it.
“Tallulah, come on! They’re my brothers! It's not like some stranger saw you in my head.” he tried to justify.
“They’re strangers to me!” she yelled back, grabbing a pillow from his bed and walking towards the door, the air too thick to stay in his room any longer, “Embry would understand why I’m upset.”
“Where are you going?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. The comment about Embry definitely stung him more than she had meant it to.
“To sleep on the couch.” she stated plainly, exiting the room. Tallulah didn’t need to look at his face to know that he was hurt, she felt it but that didn’t matter in that moment because the only thing she could think about was how dirty she felt.
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the-twi-light-zone · 2 years
The Sun and the Moon
Chapter 7
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WARNING, this chapter may trigger some people, there are mentions of suicide in this chapter. Please read at your own comfort and know that you can always talk to someone, even me, if you need too. 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6,
Waking up in her armchair Anna slowly gets up laying her blanket on the seat and continuing to grab her tennis shoes. Walking out of the empty house she goes to her truck and starts heading to the reservation again. Planning on stopping at Quil’s home first so they could go to the beach or to Jacobs.
Arriving at Quil’s she walks up only to ring and knock with no answer. Anna ponders what to do when she gets to her truck, sending a quick text to both boys. The beach, she finally decided would be good to go to for the time being. Driving in silence she ponders if she’s hungry or not, should she stop and get something or just wait until she eventually goes home.
Anna finally makes it to the beach and watches the waves for a few minutes occasionally glancing up at the cliffs then to her phone. Deciding she’d had enough waiting she stands and goes to make her way to the cliffs. Hoping to find another form of entertainment along the way since neither Jake nor Quil will answer their phone. 
Finding no entertainment at the cliffs Anna sits there for hours staring out at the vast ocean watching and feeling the beating waves below her dangling feet. The cold leaving here numb and eventually forcing her to leave an head for her truck and then home.
Arriving at home Anna is greeted by Bella and Charlie arguing, catching the last of Bella’s words to Charlie a wide eye Anna walks onto the scene. While Bella pushes past Anna, Charlie looks stunned and finally snaps out of it to look to Anna. Charlie grabs her by her shoulders, “ Anna please, I need you to go with your sister, she’s leaving and I need you to make sure she doesn’t get hurt driving this late. She’s too emotional right now.” Anna nods while staring into his teary eyes seeing how broken Bella’s words made him. “I’ll go, dad are you okay?” Anna’s voice  leads Charlie to nod his head.
Jogging outside Anna goes over to the passenger door of the truck just as Bella puts the truck in reverse. Pulling the door open Anna hops in and slams the door closed, moving to get comfortable in her seat, Bella slams on the breaks throwing Anna forward into the dash. “Get out Anna, you’re not going with me.” Bella’s voice is hard already set in her ways. “Bella, come on dad asked me to go with you. You can’t drive all night! When you get tired I can drive wherever you need to go.” Anna tried to reason, but this only seemed to make Bella more angry than she was.
“Anna get out of my truck, get out of my life! I wish you were never born, you’ve only ever made our lives worse, my parents would still be together if it wasn’t for you! So just get out!” Bella’s voice gets louder as she spoke and turned into an eventual yell. Anna’s stare turns blank, her brain slowing down ears ringing from shock. Turning away from Bella she slips out of the truck shutting the door and watching as Bella peels out of the drive and onto the street. Seeing something in the darkness jump out to Bella’s truck, Anna could have swore it looked like two human shapes.
No longer seeing her tail lights Anna looks back to the front door to find Charlie gone, no longer looking on at where his daughter’s truck once sat. Looking from the door to the woods she decides on where she would want to be. In a house that no one seems to want her in or where no one could complain of her existence. Deciding on the later she slowly makes her way to the edge of the trees and breaks into a sprint once she makes it past the first wave of dense trees. 
Flying through the familiar path she slowly but surly finds her way to the open clearing, stumbling when she breaks the tree line. Panting Anna falls to her knees tears coming out of her eyes and down her cheeks. sitting in silence Anna goes through a series of thoughts, sadness, anger, depression, and thoughts of ending all the pain. How much easier thing would be if she just ended it here in the cold of the night. 
Standing she begins walking farther into the trees deciding to explore farther than her small clearing she decided to practice on. Eventually breaking through the trees she comes face to face with a red headed woman standing ten feet in front of her. Eyes a shocking deep red color and paler than white itself. “Sorry didn’t know anyone else was out here.” Anna says turning around only to run into a cold pale chest. 
“Oh I don’t think you’ll be any trouble, we were hoping to run into you.” A dark venomous voice seeps from the dirty blonde man who grabs her at a miraculous speed and hauls her off at an even faster rate. Feeling sick when they stop she is thrown into the ground heaving for the breath knocked out of her. She tries to stand vertigo keeping her stationed, feeling a boot land into her side she yelps when she is flipped and eventually crushed by said boot of the vile man. 
“Your sister left behind a sweet delicious surprise, you know your school really needs better security. Two sisters, thought to be twins huh.... I don’t smell it you smell different. Like a witch if I've ever smelled one don’t you think Victoria?” The man says crouched down gripping her jaw hard feeling the bruise already forming under her skin. Struggling Anna attempts to break his hold only for the man to grip her face harder to the point bone starts to feel the tension. “Stop please, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Anna starts to beg and whimpers from the pain beginning to think her jaw might break.
“James, stop we need her to be able to speak, although screaming would be fine.” The red head says crouching next to the two of us and cackling with the man James. Shaking I begin to wait for the inevitable to happen for these two twisted people to kill me. Closing my eyes I open them to be met with wolves appearing behind the two. Gasping at the size of them, the unnatural largeness of them. My gasp makes the James and the red head turn to look, both immediately standing and James making a move to grab for me. I shriek and the next thing I know the forest is blurring by.
The sick feeling from before returns as I’m suddenly thrown and start rolling across the forest floor only to hit a tree with my abdomen. Gasping for breath I roll over and move my arms to brace my body to stand. Panting with pain I stumble into an eventual run away from the crashing and growling behind me in the woods. Running blindly I stumble and trip on nearly everything in my path. Flying into a clearing I beeline for the other side only to scream as one of the large wolves flies past me towards where the other ones went. 
Pushing my body to its limit I cross the clearing and into more dark forest, tripping I find myself hoping that the ground would eat me whole. My abdomen straining in pain and nearly making me throw up from the agony of trying to stand again. I hear the huff of a nose smelling and the fear of it being one of the wolves brings me to my feet as stumble for a fallen log and throw myself into a decaying side. Shaking I put my hand to my mouth to try and cover the loud sound of my breaths and the sounds of foot fall bring something closer. Looking out my eyes widen when the see a massive wolf stop outside the log I’m hiding in. 
Eyes wide and shaking the wolf begins to shift? Bones popping and shifting, fur turning to skin, I gasp in horror as I see Paul come into view. Naked but Paul, I watch his pull shorts on. Paul whips around at my gasp seeing my scared eyes, cursing he jogs closer. I whimper and attempt to scoot away, Paul grabs my legs and I jerk trying to get away. “Let me go! Stop! Paul!” I yell out as Paul pulls me out and into his large frame I beat at his chest. “Stop, Anna I need to get you to Emily’s, stop.” Paul says yanking me into his body further and starts running fast through the forest. 
Burying my head in his chest and wrapping my arms around him I start crying again, afraid. Paul eventually slows down to a walk and I hear wooden planks under his feet and more come up behind him. Paul moves to set me down and I cling to his form crying out in fright. “Anna let go, we need to look you over.” Paul says trying to untangle my arms from around him. Another set of arms comes to help and I sob as they are eventually successful in doing so my ears start to ring. My eyes find Paul’s and I start babbling out pleas, nonsense spewing out that even I can’t comprehend. 
Sam and Embry come into view and a woman I have never met before. I eventually realize my fingers are clasped tightly around Paul's arms and my ears are no longer ringing. I hear the woman ask what happened to Sam and a response along the line of bloodsuckers and the Cullen’s are gone. Paul speaks to me then, “Anna, I need you to let us look you over, you took a hard tumble.” I nod my head loosening my hold on his arms. Paul goes to move and I grasp at him not wanting to let him go, Paul sighs and moves to sit on my left side making me let go of his arm with my right hand. Paul moves his arm to wrap around my back and I scoot closer keeping my body flush to his. 
The woman moves closer to kneel in front of me, I stiffen when she places her hands on my knees. “I’m Emily, Sam’s fiancé. Anna can I take a look at our stomach?” The woman now known as Emily waits for the nod of my head to reach for the bottom of my shirt slowly lifting. She inhales sharply upon looking at my skin and immediately looks to Sam. “She needs to go to the hospital, she could be bleeding internally!” Emily pulls my shirt down and it is then that my body’s pain catches up to me again pain slamming into my abdomen full force. I cry out and reach for Paul again, who swiftly picks me up and is out the door without another word. 
Emily is the one driving and Paul has me with him in the back seat, the last thing I see as I pass out is the look of concern and Paul’s mouth moving trying to say something to me or Emily I won’t know. Black nothing welcomes me as my head sags into Paul’s chest. 
Sorry for being inactive so long, I was having trouble bringing myself to write for a while. 
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
Can I request edward cullen x reader with prompts '14 & 19' from the angst column?
Years Later - Edward Cullen
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Edward Cullen x Female!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Edward were together before he met Bella. They always knew there was a soulmate out there but that didn’t stop them. Then he met Bella.
AN: @kyn-lyn54-blog hope I did it well 😊. Sorry if it’s short.
Warnings: Angst
Y/N and Edward always told each other that what they had wasn’t permanent since they knew they were each other’s mates.
Y/N would never admit it but she was in love with him. She knew he still loved her but not as the same way as he loved Bella Swan.
Y/N knew this but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt when he met Bella Swan. Everyone in the family loved except for Rosalie and that made her a little jealous.
When Y/N confronted him about he was confused and said “You.... you never had a problem with it before” relating to your relationship when she decided to end it.
The reason why she ended is because she knew that something would happen between them and she would rather leave him the find out something happened behind her back.
Then not only weeks later was Y/N meeting her. Carlise and Esme insisted you come to make her feel comfortable. But she just rolled her eyes and went down stairs and looked at the ground with a pout.
Y/N was luckily she never introduced herself to Y/N since she really didn’t want to talk to them.
That Y/N decided she wanted to leave not wanting to see the new couple. Rosalie didn’t want her to leave since they were like real life sisters. They told each other everything.
Y/N told her that she couldn’t stay because of Edward and his new girlfriend. Even though Rosalie was sad she understood.
Y/N went to New York and spent some time there having the time of her life. Rosalie and Emmett would always call to check to make sure she was okay. And Y/N heard about Victoria and her little new born army. Y/N knew this girl would bring trouble to this family but didn’t say anything.
Then she got an invention to Bella Swan and Edward Cullen wedding.
Y/N didn’t understand why she got invited to a wedding to her exes wedding. She declined at first but then Rosalie convinced her to come back for everyone else except for Edward.
Y/N thought about for a few hours then decided she would go. But would try to ignore Edward even though that would be hard since it was his wedding.
When She got there she was first greeted by Rose and Emmett who gave her the biggest of hugs. Then she was greeted by Jasper she knew that Alice was probably with Bella but wasn’t angered by it. Then lastly she was greeted by Carlise and Esme who gave soft hugs and sympathy smiles.
The wedding was the next day and hadn’t spoken to Edward or Bella which made her incredibly happy.
While Y/N was staring into the forest loving the nature since she was in New York and hadn’t seen stuff like this in a while, heard a cough behind her. She ripped her gaze away from the trees and saw the groom standing.
“Edward,” Y/N grumbled and was about to snap at him but she didn’t want to make a scene. “I’m happy for you,” She smile putting on a fake smile.
“You haven’t talked to me since you came home,” Edward pointed out.
“And I’m not your girlfriend,” Y/N snapped quietly while glaring at her ex.
“I know you still love me,” Edward quipped while looking at his ex. Even though he was with Bella he still cares for Y/N.
“I do,” Y/N admitted with a sad smile on her face as she looked sadly at him. “But I’ll get over it and find someone who loves me and only me,” Y/N whispered.
“You broke up with me,” Edward pointed out with a little anger in his voice.
“I did because I knew eventually you would end up with her and I’d rather break up then get cheated on,” Y/N seethed anger coursing through her veins. She knew she broke up with them but she saw the connection between them and didn’t want to get her heart broken even more.
“Y/N-“ Edward started to talkie but was interrupted by Y/N.
“You better get back to your bride I don’t think she likes us talking,” Y/N fumed with anger in her eyes. Edward looked behind to see Bella looking at them when he turned around he saw Y/N walking away he then walked towards his bride.
While Y/N walked around she wondered when she would meet her mate. Carlise said everyone had one so where was hers.
Esme always reassured her that when the time was ready it would happen. And that kept sane. She knew someone was out there for her just her. And she couldn’t wait to meet him/her.
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dumbasscorn · 3 years
Exothermic - chapter sixteen
Amalthea vs the Wolves Den
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"I'm sorry-- the fucking what? Did you say vampire? Vampire girl? Bella, what the fuck do you be doing around here that people call you that? Vampire girl!"
previous chapter
1,298 words
═ ∘♡༉∘ ═
The car was filled with a somber silence, drizzles of rain splattered onto the windshield only to be wiped away.
Amalthea tore her eyes away from the racing drops of rain, "So, are we just not gonna talk about the dudes who got a bit mad, turned into giant ass wolves, and almost caused my cousin to die?"
Bella nudged her cousin on the elbow, signaling for the girl to shut her mouth. Thea whispered under her breath to the brunette, "No, I'm serious. The fuck happened to normal fist fighting!" The only reply she got was another nudge and silence.
Another minute passed before Amalthea opened her mouth yet again, "Bella I know we almost, you know, passed away- but we got to go back to Uncle Charlie's if I got to do Uley's part. Haven't even started on mine, was kinda hoping I could bribe him into doing it." Bella, skin still quite pale, pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.
Embry and Jared sniggered as the girl muttered, thinking the wolves couldn't possibly listen in.
Embry pulled Bella's truck toward a tiny, weathered house. From the back, Jared jumped out and opened the passenger door. Both girls stayed unbudgingly still. Amalthea fearing how vulnerable not having the protection of the vehicle made the both of them, and Bella fearing for Jacob's fate.
Embry turned toward Jared, "Pay up. She didn't puke." Annoyed, the boy handed the other five bucks. "Told you she was tough! She runs with bloodsuckers."
'Bella runs with mosquitoes? The hell she doin' that for?' Amalthea thought, apprehensively looking at her worried cousin from the side of her eyes.
"Wait-- we should go back, make sure that Jacob's okay."
Jared cut in on her worries, "I hope Paul gets some teeth in him. Serves him right."
Thea had the decency to look affronted as Bella snapped her head toward the boy with squinted eyes.
"No way. Jake's a natural. Did you see the way he phased on the fly? Five bucks Paul doesn't touch him." Embry spoke, easing Bella's worries. Jared retorted back with agreeance.
The shape shifters noticed the girls hadn't moved at all, "Come on in. We won't bite." Embry spoke, grinning at the two.
Jared quipped back, "Speak for yourself."
Bella gently shoved Amalthea out, who was very much still hesitant on leaving her spot. Warily, the girls climbed out of the car and joined the waiting boys.
Embry stopped the Swan pair, "Oh, hey, about Emily - Sam's fiancé- try not to stare. Bugs Sam."
Responses of "Why would I stare--" and "Whatever man," were cut off as the shape shifters entered the house.
Hesitantly, Bella entered behind Jared and Embry, Amalthea following timidly behind her, trying to perfect her brave face. A woman was seen standing at a counter, taking freshly made muffins out of the tin. Long, black hair draped over the side of her face, "You guys hungry? Like I have to ask...."
The young woman looked toward the quartet, showcasing the three scars running from her hairline down to her chin. Quickly glancing at the lines that pulled down the woman's eye and twisted the corner of her mouth, Amalthea subtly admired the deep scars.
'Guess it's time to add facial scars to the list of things I find hot!' Thea silently thought, the voice in her mind sighing.
Amalthea's attention was broken from her thoughts when the woman spoke again, "who's this?" questioning Jared and Embry, who were beelining for the warm muffins.
Jared went for a muffin, "Bella Swan and her cousin. Who else?"
"Jesus fuck, I have a name!" Thea muttered, looking to the beautiful woman in front of her, "The cousin's name is Amalthea Swan."
A loud bang was heard from the small back yard of the house, followed by a yelp of pain. Emily pretended like the sound wasn't heard, keeping her attention on Bella.
"So you're the vampire girl."
"I'm sorry-- the fucking what? Did you say vampire? Vampire girl? Bella, what the fuck do you be doing around here that people call you that? Vampire girl!" Amalthea was absolutely appalled, confusion masquerading her fear. Both women ignored the girl and her anxious rambling.
'If shape-shifting, big ass wolves exist, who's to say vampires can't?' Thea suddenly felt a bit light headed at the idea, missing Bella's response to the woman.
"Werewolves? I'm just engaged to one. But these animals--" Emily slapped Embry's hand as she spoke, "Save some for your brothers."
It was as if the gravity of the situation finally set in. Amalthea paled and stood pin straight, with her back to the wall next to the entrance. Anxiety of all the unknown caused for her to close up. As Thea was struggling to stop trembling, Bella cautiously toed toward the counter, eyes peeled on the door for any sight of Jacob.
Thea felt buzzing in her ears, mind beginning to muddle with unpleasant thoughts and eyes never straying from her dirty shoes. She just wanted to go back to Charlie's. None of this would be happening if they just stayed at Charlie's. Breaths began to feel harder to catch, as if she just ran a mile. A weight felt like it resided in her chest and would never move again. She'd never have been in this situation- which Bella is dealing with shockingly well, may she add!- if she didn't try to see Uley. Thea wondered if he knew that his brother was a giant wolf in his spare time.
The deep, gruff voice that belonged to Sam Uley caused for her to jump in shock, heart stopping quickly just before picking back up its rapid pace again.
The man spoke from the door way, "Because there are bad things here." He walked toward Emily, "And they're getting worse."
'Whatever the fuck that means!' Thea took to cracking her knuckles, trying to calm herself down before having an actual panic attack, using techniques the guidance counseling sessions that she was forced to attend had taught her. People around the girl conversing worked as white noise to the loud thoughts that refused to leave her brain. The panic was incessant and  embarrassing, considering how unaffected Bella seemed to be.
Thea looked back up from the floor when two more people walked into the small house, laughing and jabbing at one another. She watched as her cousin took a breath of relief, Jared and Embry looking over the boys in search of injury. A scar was healing on Paul's arm, leading to Jared rolling his eyes.
Amalthea watched as Bella walked toward Jacob, eyes widening in fear that Bella might leave her alone in a house where every single person was a stranger. Well, that was until a tall - and seemingly buffer than before - teen walked in from the backyard.
Hearing a dramatic intake of breath, all eyes turned to the teenager who arrived. His eyes were trained on the small, very pale girl hiding against a wall.
"Oh my god, Mal! My bestie, I've missed you! Where have you been-- wait no where have I been. I was gonna break and tell you everything anyway," a hand slapped Trevor Uley's head, though not deterring him from prancing toward the girl, "The first time you called I almost cried. Honest! Did you go to Jackson's game? Shit, I hope so." The boy took to whispering, knowing the shifters could still hear him, "Stalker wouldn't let me go." He rolled his eyes, opening his arms for Thea to give him a hug.
Little did Trevor know at the moment, his presence felt like a saving grace to the girl. Thea knew he wouldn't ditch on her like Bella would. Apparently, he missed her too much to do so.
═ ∘♡༉∘ ═
Longer chapter today! Nearly 1,300 words!
How's your weekend going so far? I really am not looking forward to school again on monday, it is a STRUGGLE
The support for the series lately is so cool and it makes me smile, thank you for reading
Trevor!!!! How do you think Thea is going to react?
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honeykngdom · 11 months
𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢 | 𝚎.𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 | 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗
Pairing: Embry Call x Original Character Summary: Join Ainsley and Embry as they embark on a journey where they are forced to question everything they thought they knew, and embrace the pain that is inevitable to avoid in love. An imprint story. Self-discovery. Angst and romance. Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: Not much going on here; just cute lil heart to heart and some awkward family convos. prev. chapter | next chapter
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Embry followed Sam back into the house with his hands shoved into the deep pockets of the shorts Sam had brought out to him. Embry hadn’t had an outburst like that in a really long time, and he was beside himself at his carelessness – what with the imprints in the room. 
Upon entering the home again, he looked over to where Emily sat at the table with a steaming mug between her hands. “I’m so sorry, Em –”
“Don’t you worry about it, I’m alright.” The woman smiled, moving to hug his large frame in her small arms when he bent down to her level.
Seth and Quil looked up from the table across from them. “Your girl's a mess, dude.” Quil whispered, looking towards the stairs. On cue, Embry could hear Ainsley empty the contents of her stomach into the toilet; he grimaced, looking down at the floor with shame. He definitely felt like the biggest piece of shit for multiple different reasons. This wasn’t how he had wanted to tell her, or how he wanted her to find out.
His intention had been to start with the stories, and talk about how the pack first started. How he had originally given it up to keep that part dormant for his own sake, and was willing to leave it behind for her. How he had only phased again because there were two rogue vampires in the Peninsula, frequently stopping by Forks to feast on the innocent and young, and he was helping his pack. He was doing his duty as a protector of the reservation. 
Instead, Ainsley had witnessed the wrong side of the beast. And according to the heaving that echoed upstairs, she was absolutely sickened by it. 
Embry took the stairs two at a time before stopping just outside the bathroom door. His fingers touched the knob gently, hesitant, before opening the door slowly. Ainsley was seated on the floor with her back pressed to the tub and her knees pulled to her chest. Her swollen eyes lazily drifted up to meet him, “Hi.” She croaked, doubling over in pain. 
“Honey,” his voice broke, and the shifter dropped to the floor in front of his imprint. “I’m sorry, I should’ve said something sooner.”
“What?” She cleared her throat. “About turning into a giant dog?” 
“Wolf,” he corrected, pulling the wet face cloth from her lap to dab her forehead gently, “but yes. It wasn’t right to keep that from you – Edward’s right, it’s safer if you know.” 
She sat in silence for a few moments, breathing deeply through her nose to try to calm her stomach. He wanted to pull her into his arms, he wanted to press kisses to her forehead and soothe her worries but he knew he couldn’t do anything until she said it was okay. Knowing he could lose his temper at any moment had her mortified, he was sure. 
“Ainsley .. the way I feel about you is crazy.”
“You got the crazy part right.” She spat, leaning her head away from the cloth to glare at him. 
“Just hear me out.”
“Embry –”
“You don’t understand,” he started, the words tumbling past his lips before he had the chance to even filter through his thoughts. “I have waited nine years for you. Specifically you – not just any connection, or any relationship. And nine years might not seem like a long time, but it is painfully long when you know that the possibility of that epic love exists. Having an imprint was all I have ever wanted, and everyone thinks I’m absolutely mad because of it but I don’t care what they think.”
Embry felt as though he were going to break. He was sure she could see the tears brimming in his eyes, and could hear the desperation in his voice. She couldn’t leave him, right? This is what they were for – he belonged to her. 
“Embry,” She started, closing her eyes tightly, “I don’t know if I’m cut out for this.”
“You are.” He promised, this time he moved quickly, pulling her into his lap and securing his arms around her. “I’m still me.” 
She shook her head vehemently. “That wasn’t you.” 
“I’ve been having a hard time,” he sighed, pressing his face into her neck, “keeping my anger in check since I started phasing again. It’s even more difficult now that I have more reason to give into my genetic instincts by having you in my life.” 
“But … why do it? Again?” She asked, her body rigid in his hands. 
“It’s part of my job. I made an oath to protect this tribe, but we haven’t had any real threats come through to our land in years. So, when one showed up I didn’t have a choice. I have an obligation.” 
“When were you going to tell me?” Ainsley demanded, pulling him back so she could watch his face. 
“Tonight. I told you earlier that if you had any questions, I would answer them. All of them. I was going to tell you everything.” 
Ainsley watched his face, checking for any sort of indication he was lying about that. “Tell me now.” 
Embry stopped for a moment, mouth ajar for a short two seconds before he nodded once curtly. “Not here. Not when they’re being nosey.” 
Ainsley looked over his shoulder to the open door, wondering just how much the others could hear. Embry watched her nod her head slightly in defeat. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Once I was showered and wore a fresh change of clothing, I sat in the center of Embry’s bed with my feet tucked under my bottom while I waited for him to join me. Jacob agreed to go check in on Renesemee for the night, allotting the two of us some privacy to sort through what happened this evening. I already started thinking of a list of questions to ask Embry – many of them had to do with what exactly I was dealing with, others played into the more curious nature in me. 
Embry entered the dimly lit room with a towel wrapped around his waist. He wasted no time pulling a pair of boxers on when he saw me waiting patiently, and slipped under the covers beside my legs, propping his head up with the palm of his hand. 
“Go for it.” Embry said once was comfortable.
“Okay,” I moved a little so I was facing him more directly, “what are you?”
“Not a … werewolf?” God, it felt so insane to even say out loud in conversation.
Embry shrugged. “You could say that, but I’m still pretty convinced that’s not exactly what we are. But we have nothing that proves otherwise.”
I nodded. “And when did you … become this?”
“When I was fifteen.” I leaned back a bit, surprised by his answer. Fifteen was so young – I was worried about school dances and math homework, and he was morphing into a giant wolf and killing other mythical creatures. Speaking of –
“What dangers are you protecting the tribe from?”
Embry paused, falling onto his back to exhale a loud sigh. “Mostly vampires.” He said quietly, watching me for my reaction. “Cold ones, as we like to call them – or leeches. That one’s just Paul’s personal favourite.” 
“Vampire’s are real?”
He nodded once, resting a hand on his stomach. “Unfortunately. They’re the reason why we turn in the first place. The ‘magic’ in us awakens when they’re near and threatening our people – that’s why there’s so many of us now. The Cullen’s kind of brought out more of us by taking up permanent residency in Forks. We’re the largest pack the tribe has ever heard of.” 
“Cullen's? Like, Renesmee’s parents?”
Embry nodded again. “Bella was human when she met Edward. But she wanted to be just like him, and she wanted to be changed. Jacob all but had a fit over it, too. Tore the pack apart – literally, there were two packs for a while –”
“Bella got pregnant during her honeymoon with Edward,” seeing my expression, Embry held a hand up, “please, don’t ask me how, I don’t even like thinking about it all too much. When she came back, Jacob lost his shit. We had never dealt with or heard of anything like that. The fetus wasn’t something we were comfortable with, and we didn’t know if it’d be like Edward, except worse. Unable to control its thirst.”
“Renesmee ...” I said quietly, looking at my hands. 
“We were going to kill her,” he stated simply, “while Bella was still pregnant. Jacob took a stand to Sam and broke ties – being the rightful alpha and all had its perks, I guess. 
Even after Jacob imprinted and everything had settled, the packs were never the same. After Sam and Emily got married, he wanted to step away from this life with Jacob stepping up to the alpha role. The pack gravitated towards him. Now he’s the alpha, but Sam still has the best strategies, so they work as a team.” 
“Sam calls the shots, Jacob just dishes them out?”
“Mhm. I ran patrols and stuck with them until I was twenty-two. I had decided that being like this was starting to get the best of me, and that it was easier to control my emotions and keep them under wraps if I didn’t give into the animal.” He turned his head to look at me. “We won’t age unless we stop. It takes a lot of self-restraint and discipline to walk away from something like this. Sam and I are the only two that had reason to do it. He wanted to grow old with Emily - and I just wanted to feel normal again.
I never wanted this. When I first turned, I remembered thinking it was the best thing that could’ve happened. Sure, I was isolated and alone and scared to shit, but being the wolf made me feel powerful and strong. Like I had finally found my purpose.” 
“So, what’s the issue?”
“It’s not the same,” he started, fingers reaching forward to run across my bare thigh. “I mean, I feel just as powerful as before. I’m just as strong, just as lethal and deadly and terrifying, but it’s not just me anymore. I used to think I found my calling in life, that I finally found my reason for being here. Until I saw you,” he sighed, letting his eyes close, “you’re so feisty and stubborn. The way you placed your hand on your hip, the way your hair fell out of place, the way your chest was flushed pink. That very moment when I first saw you, it cleared everything I thought I knew about myself out of my mind. I literally had no idea who I had become, but I knew it wasn’t a man you could love. And I wanted to be someone you could love.
Everything shifted into place. When it happened, I hadn’t even known exactly what it was until Jared and I spoke around the fire. The others absolutely hate the idea of it for the most part. Being out of your own body, losing who you are for someone that could still leave you seemed like another hopeless and empty promise. It’s a complete loss of autonomy – creating a bond with another person, having them be the center of the fucking universe seemed like such a disgusting notion, until it isn’t. Take Paul and Jacob, for example. I was so confident I would never be like the others, that nobody had been hand picked for me.”
I blinked. From the way he spoke, I could tell that Embry meant it when he said he had longed for this … imprint connection. But, from my slow understanding, this entire process seemed to strip them of their ability to choose. I swallowed thickly, “But?”
“Then I saw you. And I understood it – all of it. I felt the pull and switch in gravity, I felt the need and longing. I thought I was going insane for a while, thinking about where you were or what you were thinking. You looked so uncomfortable that night, watching everyone else get along, and I just wanted to know you. I wanted to be selfish and pull you away, I wanted to hear you talk all night. 
So, I pulled soccer together. I begged everyone to come, just to make it less awkward for you. The first time I knew I had imprinted on you was the first night when I held your hands in the Jeep. The second time was when I looked over and saw you curled up in my blanket on the beach, talking with Emily and Kim and Collin. By then, I was certain that if anyone could break me or ruin me, it would be you. It took seventy-two hours for the reality of the situation to sink in, and I haven’t looked back since.” 
“Embry,” I interrupted, shaking my head, “I … that’s a lot. I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck with me because of some stupid bond.” That didn’t sound like love; that sounded like obligation. And a weird one, at that. 
Embry’s face hardened, “This isn’t some bond or fate telling me I’m stuck with one person for the rest of my life because my genetics say so. We could’ve been friends, and just friends. I was prepared to just be that. But the genuine feelings and attraction I have for you? They’re magnified by this bond. I remember Seth and Quil making comments about your eyes and lips, and wanting to strangle them both and hang them from their ankles.” 
“Emb,” I groaned, “those are your brothers.” 
“You’re the light of my life.” He said simply, “I need you and I want you. I have spent countless nights waiting for some sort of freedom from the darkness that binds me to this fucking curse we pretend is a gift, and you’re exactly what I’ve been waiting for. You were hand picked by destiny for me. And I’ll be damned if I let you slip right through my fingers.” 
I felt it was only appropriate that I entwined our fingers together, holding them high enough so we could both see. “I don’t think you should worry for now.” 
Embry seemed to consider this. “Really?” 
I nodded slowly: I was sure this was the right decision. He would never hurt me, or his brothers. He hadn’t lost his temper over Jacob – he had lost it over Edward. 
The vampire.
And Bella, who was also a vampire. 
And Renesmee – who was a half-vampire?
I needed to distract myself from the vampires and concepts of imprinting – just for a while. The longer I pondered too long on either subject, the more uneasy I felt. One part in fear, one part in insecurity. 
“Tell me more. What’s it like?”
“Being a wolf, or being me?”
I contemplated. “Both.”
“It’s like this, I just get a little extra benefit. Speed, better hearing, faster reflexes. As a wolf, we communicate through our thoughts, and it’s not really something that’s easily controlled. It’s a really vulnerable position to be in. Apart from that, our bodies kicked into overdrive when we changed. A fever set in that never quite went away, we grew several inches, all the muscle in our bodies hardened and became more permanent and solid.”
“Is that why you’re so warm? It’s a wolf thing?” 
“It’s also why I eat so much. I burn the calories off too quickly.” 
“And here I thought you were trying to fatten me up with all those carbs.” I teased, shimmying closer to his side. “So … you turn now. Which means what, exactly?”
“There’s another threat. Two new vampires. The Cullen’s have never seen them, and none of us recollect their faces.” Embry rolled onto his side, pulling me close. “That’s why I wanted to keep you out of all of this. To save you from worrying the way the other imprints do. The less you know, the less shitty I feel for lying about picking up double shifts –”
“Wait, wait, wait,” I held up a hand, pulling back to get a full look at his face, “you lied about work?” 
“Did you really think I was working fifteen-plus hours in a factory, Ains?” When I blinked blankly, he chuckled. “I was running patrol. The only reason I run mornings is because Jake knows I actually work overnight.”
“But you’re here when I get up?” I said, more to myself than to him. 
“I come home after work-work and sleep for like .. two hours and then I leave again. And I don’t work-work every night – the nights I have off, Jacob usually has me pull a double on this end of town. So, I slip out after you pass out and come home before you notice I left.” 
“You leave me?” 
Embry frowned. “I never want to. But it’s almost over. Soon you’ll have so much free time with me, you’ll get sick of me.” 
I chewed on my lip, contemplating his words. “Impossible.” 
Embry appraised me cautiously before he gently pressed his lips against mine, sealing my worries away. We remained like that, lips parting briefly so that tongues could collide, getting lost in the heat and fire that coursed through our veins. 
“So, you’re really okay with this?” He asked breathlessly when we parted for air, pressing his forehead to mine. 
“I will be.” I tried, caressing his cheek with my free hand. I hope so.
Embry let his eyes fall shut, a sort of relief washing over his strained face as he pressed his mouth to mine again, “Honey, I love you.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
My mind wandered aimlessly as I drove through the winding roads leading back to La Push. I had a job at a diner in Forks, and had finally compromised on sleeping at home every other week (Embry would sneak in for snuggles, not that Jennie ever knew). I made a point to talk to Trenton about Leah – he had started to fall into the same absent pattern I had: staying out late, sneaking out, not being home for long periods of time. 
Jennie had called a family meeting; despite her children being old enough to take care of themselves, she still felt the need to mother us as though we were five. Travis, being the middle and favoured child, sat in his place across from me with a smug smirk. For once the meeting wasn’t about him. 
It had started off with the usual: be home for a family dinner once a week, keep in touch, etcetera. By the end, Jennie was all but in tears, asking Trenton and I if we were doing drugs. Point blank, placed two small cylinders on the table and requested we provide urine samples. At first, I thought Jennie was joking. It wasn’t until she placed her hands on her hips that I understood the severity of the situation – my mother really thought I was chasing highs. 
“They’re not getting high,” Travis jumped in, “they’re getting laid. And I know he has condoms,” he pointed to Trenton, finger guns blazing. “But I have no idea if Embry wraps his di–”
“Alright,” I said loudly, hard eyes cutting through my brother's skull, “enough.” 
“What, you don’t think I can’t hear when he’s visiting?”
I recoiled in disgust, completely mortified as Trenton leaned forward, “Dude, you listen?” 
“She’s not exactly quiet –”
“Okay! Enough!” TJ clapped, pushing away from the table. “This was obviously a waste of time – Jennie, baby, they’re just being kids.” 
I felt the heat rising in my chest and neck, eyes pressed shut tightly as I tried to push the thoughts away – Travis sleeping on the opposite side of the wall, able to hear everything. Much to my dismay, my moans weren’t the worst thing he could possibly hear during the nights Embry came to visit. Too much private information we shared, many of them his secrets. 
I pushed my meal around that night, not having much of an appetite. I was sure my mother would have plenty more to say when the boys retreated to the basement – I purposely stuck around to help with the dishes in awkward silence. 
Just as I was about to give up and retire for the evening, knowing Embry was likely already half-naked and warming up my bed, my mother started the Keurig and turned to me expectantly. She did not look impressed. 
“Sex is really not the worst thing I could be doing.” I said finally, defeated and tired. I fell back into my chair at the dining table, watching Jennie with weary eyes as she took her seat across from me. 
It was silent for another two minutes - and I thought about trying to convince her I would do better, but decided against it. I would be twenty-one in the new year, and was fully capable of being involved in a sexually active relationship without Jennie – 
“Does he hit you?”
I reared my thoughts back to the present, snapping my eyes up off the tabletop to glance at my mother. I almost couldn’t think of anything to say, but was most definitely concerned about Embry and his inability to shut people out. God, I hoped he was now. 
“Ains, baby,” she whispered, leaning forward on the table, “you can tell me.” 
“What?” I shook my head, pulling my knees up to my chest. “No, Embry definitely doesn’t hit me, mom.” 
“Then what is it?” She asked, looking defeated. “I don’t get it. You’re never home, you never want to be home. You’re always with him, or them.” 
I failed to see the issue with any of this. “So, I made friends? What’s the big deal?”
“It’s just not you.” Jennie knew many things about me; I loved my education more than anything, I loved all animals and I certainly loved my alone time. 
“I don’t know,” I started, looking down at my hands. “I’m just comfortable with him. He doesn’t physically drain the energy out of me the way everyone else does – when I’m with him, it’s like I know what it’s like to be normal.”
“You are normal –”
“I’m not,” I laughed, shaking my head. “People suck the life right out of me, they leave me tired and frustrated and anxious. When he’s around, it all goes away. He’s my solitude.” 
“That’s not healthy. Codependency is an ugly thing.” 
“I’m not codependent, mom, I’m just ...” I sighed. I never liked saying the words out loud to anyone but him. I had never known this emotion before, never had the luxury of being with someone that tolerated me enough to let me really grasp onto the idea of how beautiful love could be. Saying it to other people made me feel naive, like I didn’t have the right to say it at all. 
“In love?”
I looked at Jennie. I wanted to nod, but I also felt as though my mother would smile in such a way that said, ‘Oh, honey, you don’t know what love truly is.’ That she would undermine what Embry had built in me, the confidence he gave me. I lifted my chin and shrugged, “I told you that you didn’t need to worry about me.” 
“You’re having unprotected sex.” She snapped, leaning forward on the table again. “You will not make me a grandmother before I’m forty-five. I expect that out of Travis, but not you.” 
“Mom –”
“I get it, Ains. You’re not my baby anymore, or at least you’re trying very hard not to be. I know you’re anxious and ready for the real world, living in your boyfriends house, zero responsibilities –”
“I do have a job now.” 
“- staying out all night and partying with his friends –”
“Jacob is part of ‘his friends.’”
“But I promise you, it gets old real quick.”
I dropped my hands onto the table, this time looking a little harder at my mother. “Why can’t you just support my relationship with him?”
“I do.”
“No, you don’t. Because if you did, this conversation wouldn’t have started with the assumption I’m being forced to stay in this relationship. You’re trying to convince me this isn’t what’s best for me, or what’s good for me. So, what is it? What’s so wrong with him?” 
Jennie sighed, looking at me with sad eyes, “Because when I look at him, I see your father.” 
I skewered my face, “Doug wasn’t an abusive piece of shit.” 
“No, Ainsley. He wasn’t.” She nodded in agreement, looking down at the table, her voice dropping barely above a whisper. “I look at you and Embry together and I think about what I had with him. The love I had for him. But when he left me, I thought I was going to die. I wanted to.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is that I don’t want you to get too attached to him. Just because he was the first to stay, doesn’t mean he’s the one.”  Fate would say otherwise, I wanted to say. My sex life was none of my mother’s concern. Embry was not going to leave me like my father had.
He loved me.
He belonged to me.
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mychemicalimagines · 1 year
I have some chapters i can post of Embry! That’s why i’m asking lol
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hey!! I love your writing!! I was wondering if u could write and embry call x reader in which reader is denying the imprint and it takes jacob to come and talk to reader bout how badly embrys taking it? Ty
“Y/N, you really need to talk to Embry. Please.” Jacob Black, the almighty Alpha of his pack, is on his knees in front of you and you could have laughed if his expression wasn’t so pitiful. “At least...just talk to him. Please, he’s taking it so badly. He won’t patrol. He won’t come to pack meetings. He won’t even eat or drink unless we physically put food and drink into his mouth.”
“Perhaps he should have thought of that before forcing his soul connection rubbish onto me then. He could have controlled himself.” You have no sympathy for Embry Call. After all, he was the one who had imprinted on you and thus ruined your life as you had to break up with your wonderful (now ex) boyfriend because apparently he didn’t need to know the secret that was a bunch of teenage boys (okay, and one girl) turning into giant wolves to fight vampires. And then you’d had to deal with your ex’s vile comments about how you’re hanging around a bunch of shirtless guys all the time.
Jacob rakes a hand through his hair, or what’s left of it. You will never understand how shorter hair translates to shorter fur. What if they chose to instead only cut some parts of their hair and leave other parts long? “Please just...see him first. And talk to him. After all, he’s the one who imprinted on you.” Are those tears in his eyes? Wow. So, you agree and soon enough you find yourself standing opposite Embry Call, also known as the idiot who chose to inflict his eternal devotion upon someone who didn’t ask for it.
“No. I didn’t choose to imprint on you.” Oh, did you speak out loud? Whoopsy daisy. Well then, if he didn’t choose, he can certainly choose to either retract this stupid imprint or choose someone else who could perhaps actually like the fact that they are now supernaturally bonded with a bloody werewolf who craves their company all the time and can’t live without you, or some sort of obsessive cliche like that. Why was it considered romantic? “But please. I promise I’m not going to do anything you don’t want to. Just...let me see you once in a while...please? Would that be okay?”
Wait, wasn’t he the same person who said that he had to do whatever you wanted? You look him in the eye and you note the bags beneath his own desperate eyes, filled with tears he frantically tries to blink away. The way his chin quivers and his lips tremble. And sure, you don’t want to date this guy, but you don’t want to be the cause of so much grief, forced by some weird spiritual magic or not.
So you agree. You never knew what it was going to bring you, this agreement.
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