#emison family
emisonpolls · 2 months
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karouvas · 4 months
Hi! 👋 for the ask game: Alison Dilaurentis for 2 and 7? And PLL (fandom) for 6 and 8?
...how I would have chosen to change their story from canon.One option would be to not bring her back and instead keep her as a figure haunting the narrative, if I did bring her back I would want her redemption arc to be written differently, in that I would want her to stay Alison and have her sharp edges through that arc. A part of her arc could be thinking that she had to entirely change, but the narrative would be critical of the whole Madonna-whore idea that got applied to her there instead of endorsing it. I also would have written her coming to terms with her bisexuality differently, like in a way that actually used the word bisexual and didn’t treat Emily as Ali’s *exception* in a sense (whether or not Emison was endgame, there’s a good chance I would keep that just do it differently than s6-7 Emison but I could also go with an Arison or Monison endgame depending).
the scene that I think adds depth to their character or the relationship this character has with someone.: the Christmas episode isn’t my favorite but I do love / think it adds a lot to Ali’s character that her move was to make those girls she bullied into liar copies. It also feels very in conversation with the s1 spalison scene where Spencer asks where/who Ali would be without them, as opposed to them without her? The type of Ali and the liars content I enjoy <3.
which is my favorite platonic or familial relationship in this world.
Hanna and Ashley’s relationship is really lovely and definitely the one I feel the most warmth/fondness for but in terms of just *interest* and intensity of feeling The Hastings family dynamics are my favorite. If I had to pick one dynamic maybe Spencer and Jason or Spencer and Melissa both are fascinating.
...a quote from it that means a lot to me.
“There have been monsters under my bed for so long that when they’re not there, I have to create them.” Is a Spencer quote / moment that really sticks with me.
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jaggedwolf · 5 months
pll rewatch 1x09-1x10
tornado warnings and glamping, we've arrived at the end of Season 1A!
two kinds of people the night before the SATS: (1) Spencer, Hanna, and Aria quasi-studying and bantering at Spencer's place (2) Emily, very distraught and muddy, runs into her bedroom, apparently only owning one pair of sneakers
"Emily, very distraught" is the subheading of 1x09
Spencer does not want to be thought of as scary, which is very funny of her
also very funny is Hanna trying to push Aria/Noel by asking Aria if she doesn't want "someone you can scratch n sniff"
A underlines GREAT EXPECTATIONS in the text they send to Emily, just to make sure Emily understands it's a book reference
When Emily lies to Wilden that she was with the girls studying the previous night, Aria is the one to back Emily up while Hanna and Spencer look confused
did A solely send Spencer the text SEEMS LIKE YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE EMILY? is A also responsible for the way Spencer is about Emily?? though we'll also get a non-A example of that later this season....
Mentions of Rosewood specifically being in Delaware County, which tracks
oh god why is Aria singing I had no memory of this, at least we immediately go into an Emison flashback
Ali really does flirt/toy with Emily via quoting Great Expectations lmao - Ali's finished the book by this point, Emily hasn't
Every Ezria scene remains terrible, and I laughed at Aria dramatically saying "you told me at homecoming you got a haircut for me!"
flashback!Emily is such a pushover and holds herself smaller too, you understand why the other liars are so shocked whenever she gets snappy with them
Alison was as a awful in the locker room flashback as I remember. Poor poor Emily, not even getting the meager dignity of running away from her humiliation
Emily's letter to Alison that Wilden grabs wasn't a love letter, but a letter expressing how angry she was with the way Alison treated her. Can't underestimate Emily's anger, even back then.
Forgot Veronica's lumpectomy reveal was in this episode
Spencer is so shaken by that, naturally, but also by the fact that her mom never told anyone in the family. such is life in The Last Dynasty of Rosewood
Veronica approves of Alex btw
Pan to Lucas's muddy shoes, DUN DUN DUN
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look this town is too fancy for any teen to not own multiple pairs of shoes. okay, maybe one teen, but we haven't met him yet.
Spencer getting groomed by creepy field hockey coach Ian is the flashback she's seemed the most bullyable in, with Ali taunting her about it (was Ali's reaction jealousy, given what we learn later?)
I know that field hockey team was cursed freshman year, we'll come back to that later
every other episode Spencer turns to a member of her family and goes "do you still love me/can you tell me the truth?" and they are always like UGH FINE I GUESS IF I HAVE TO
this episode it's Melissa's turn, as Spencer tries to set up Melissa/Ian again to make up for her sins that aren't really her sins
the FBI...are here....
i have no memory of this, i guess Veronica successfully scared Wilden away
the FBI also believe in talking to minors and showing them creepy videos without their guardians present
god how much money do Mona's parents make, looking at this glamping party
you can tell I'm an adult on this rewatch because I'm also saying Ashley, I know you want as little to change for Hanna as possible, but maybe the two of you should downsize from this giant-ass house to an apartment, given the financial situation?
Hanna is really trying to be a good kid ;_; she's still selling off her stuff, she refuses going shopping with Mona and even tries to beg off skipping school because Ashley disapproves
the other three have their parental complexes (oh boy @ emily almost coming out to her dad while her mom stares at the photos A sent of Emily and Maya kissing) but none of them are as of yet concerned about being a financial burden
and then Ashley robs an old lady. Ashley, you're gonna have to launder that cash!
Aria has an honest conversation with Ella about Aria's reaction to the Alison wearing Toby's sweater news - they do strike me as a mother-daughter pair that would be very open with each other, if it hadn't been for BYRON MONTGOMERY and EZRA FITZ
Speaking of Toby, my boy's PR continues to be the worst. He's officially wanted for Alison's murder, creepily rises from the backseat of Emily's BEAUTIFUL TOYOTA, and then scurries off into the woods before getting arrested at The Church (is it Sean's dad's church?)
Did one of the girls call the cops on him? Unclear
Emily and Maya cuddling on the bed but I'm worried that they were wearing shoes while doing so. SMH what kind of Asian household is this.
Forget Emily running in with muddy shoes, Pam Fields has so much to clean as it is, no one's running into her house with any shoes, I reject canon on this.
Spencer is so, so happy to be hunting down clues to A, she would love an escape room. It's enrichment for her.
Sparia vibes beginning to rise these episodes, with Aria going "A little" to Spencer whiningly asking if she's scary and also going "You're a freak and I love you" about Spencer remembering the exact number of steps to where they found the Alison bracelet
My favourite A message of these episodes was: YOU'RE AS IN THE DARK AS JENNA. LOOKING FOR ME IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES.
no one can be normal about the blind girl. who is incredibly not-normal about her step-brother. that's the rosewood ouroboros for ya.
Spencer repeatedly mutters "looking for me in all the wrong places" while making a smore and the unnamed girl next to gives her the best wtf look.
Sorry Spencer, all other kids definitely think you are scary. Probably your teachers too.
Aria's dedication to wearing her hat even under the CAMP MONA hoodie: respect it.
Aria kissing Ezra again: do not respect it
Hanna had to see that too, Hanna did not ask to see all her friends kissing! She's minding her own business when this happens
And then she gets hit by a fucking car for her trouble, literally rolling across the top of it
Hope the Marins health insurance isn't shit.
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
uno reverse pll for the ask game!
favorite male character: Wayne. No other man deserves this spot.
favorite female character: Emison tie baby!
least favorite character: Tie between Wren (News of Alex killing him was music to my ears) Wilden (Charlotte just doing God’s work here.). Shout out to Jason, Ezra, and Jessica (but Jason isn’t a guy I think about a lot and I think Ezra and Jessica would be great if made villains)
prettiest character: Emaria tie.
funniest character: Hanna gives me life.
favorite season: S6!
favorite episode: 6x10!
favorite romantic ship: Emison
favorite family ship: Emily and Pam
favorite friend ship: Paily! Not meant to last but they were still good to each other!
worst ship: I have a personal vendetta against Jaria because people gonna go hate on Ezria THEN ship her with the guy who filmed CP yeah NOOOOO
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pretty little liars for the ask game :)
ooh, i never get pll questions :)
favourite male character: caleb rivers
favourite female character: hanna marin my beloved
least favourite character: ugh paige
prettiest character: emily fields (the shay crush is strong)
funniest character: hanna marin
favourite season: six i think? i need to rewatch but I really like the time jump
favourite episode: idk... maybe choose or lose i think?
favourite romantic ship: surprise surprise it's haleb
favourite family ship: emily and wayne or aria and ella
favourite friend ship: hanna and emily or hanna and aria
worst ship: paily... or emison... or ezria lol
send me a show/series/film :)
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thats-immortality · 6 years
25 Days of Emison
Day #13
Matching Christmas Sweaters
“Girls! Hurry up! Your mom is going to be home any minute,” Emily called up the stairs to her twins.
“We’re coming!” Lily yelled down to Emily.
“Come here, Wayne,” Emily said, bending down to pick up the grabby 2-year-old from where he was playing on the floor. She quickly helped him stand up and straightened out his clothes.
Alison had been having a particularly bad day at work. She was dealing with a bunch of attitude ridden teenagers who just wanted to end start their Christmas break. She had had a disgustingly long department meeting that really made her consider ripping out her own eyelashes. And a mountain of paperwork and papers to grade before the semesters end. 
Emily knew immediately that she needed to do something to cheer Alison up, and she had just the plan. She had been waiting until Christmas morning for this particular surprise, but it was as good a time as any. She’d grabbed the boxes from the attic and dispersed them accordingly to the family, instructed the girls to go upstairs at once and get changed.
Emily quickly ran around the house and plugged in all the lights and the tree. She already had a fire lit in their living room and Christmas music playing all throughout the house, all waiting for Alison’s arrival.
The twins came barreling down the stairs a few moments later, looking adorable as ever. Especially with their added Santa hats.
“Good idea girls! Why didn’t I think of that?” Emily said.
“Here,” Grace said, “We grabbed the rest.”
“You two are the best,” Emily said, putting Wayne’s on.
A few seconds later, they heard the beep of a car locking.
“Come on, everyone get ready!” Emily said. Everyone getting into position in front of the fire.
“Hello?” Alison called from the front door, “Where is everyone?”
“In here, Mommy!” Lily yelled, giggling excitedly.
Alison crossed into the living room and immediately burst out into laughter.
“What’s all this?” she asked, crossing over to take a look at everyone. She first spotted Emily’s red Christmas sweater. In white embroidered letters it said “Santa Mama.” And all three kids had matching sweaters that all said “Santa Baby” on them.
“Well,” Emily said, crossing over to Alison, “we knew you weren’t having the best day at work, so we wanted to surprise you. I’ve had these for weeks.”
“This is amazing. You are amazing,” Alison said, wrapping her arms around Emily’s waist and kissing her soundly.
“Here, mommy!” Grace said, walking over and holding up another red sweater.
“Is this one mine?” Alison asked.
“Yeah!” Lily said, “Go put it on!”
Alison opened the sweater, hers said “Santa Mommy.”
“These are awesome! I’ll be right back.”
A few moments later, Alison came back all changed into her new sweater, and joined Emily and the kids on the floor where they were sitting by the fire.
“You really like it?” Emily asked, moving a chunk of hair from Alison’s face.
“Are you kidding? I love it. And you. Thank you for always doing the most ridiculous things to make me laugh,” Alison said, grabbing hold of Emily’s hand and giving it a squeeze.
“I promised you I always would,” Emily said, leaning in to give Alison a quick kiss.
“Don’t forget your hat, mommy!” Grace said.
“How could I ever?” Alison said, quickly putting on her Santa hat, officially matching the rest of the 
“Come on,” Emily said, reaching for her phone, “Let’s take a photo!”
She quickly leaned it up against a stack of books on their coffee table and started the timer. The whole family grouped together and put on their best smiles. This quickly became one of their all time favorite photos, and a new Christmas tradition they’d have for many, many years to come.
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soul-music-is-life · 6 years
Hi! I saw your post about cosplay! And I was wondering if you could write a prompt of Alison and Emily coming home to find the twins dressed their little brother as stitch? Any way I love you and hope you have a great week!!!!! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
Here’s to you having a lovely weekend. Love back at you.
It was their first night out in months. It should have been a grand celebration, a time to let loose. Emily DiLaurentis-Fields had planned the quiet intimate night for her wife, the mother of her three children. First they had taken a moonlit walk together, connecting, just the two of them without the constant interruption of their daughters and baby boy. The quiet was almost unnerving. They weren’t used to not having kids around.
After their walk they had taken a canoe ride under the stars. And to top off the night Emily had secured a spot at one of the town’s hottest restaurants that usually required a two week waiting period to get in. Afterwards she had a few more things planned. The whole night was supposed to be relaxing. But she noticed that Alison seemed anything but relaxed. 
Alison was holding her tension in her shoulders. The blonde mama bear had a reason to be nervous. It was the twins first time alone with their baby brother. They were thirteen and responsible. Well, Lily was responsible. But even so, Alison found her mind littered with questions. Had they made sure all of the toxic cleaning supplies were locked up? Did Lily and Grace know the number to poison control? Had they locked all the doors and windows? Did the girls know where the fire extinguisher was in case of an emergency? What if the baby put something in his mouth and choked on it? Were all the scissors put away? Were all the electrical outlets covered? What if their son got scared and wanted his mommies? What if he needed something and they weren’t there?
Everything that could possibly go wrong was going on through her head. Fires, floods, the end of the earth. The pensive look on her face coupled with the fact that she had twirled a huge lump of pasta on to her fork and was still mindlessly spinning the utensil gave her away. 
“Alison, they’re fine.” Emily put her hand on top of Alison’s, stilling her motions. “The girls watch him all the time when we’re home. And Aria promised to look in on them from time to time.”
“I know.” Alison sighed. “It’s just…” She paused, her lips pursed.
“You miss them.” Emily smiled softly.
Alison nodded, shying away, like she was embarrassed to admit she had become one of those helicopter moms. Emily curled her fingers into Alison’s palm.
“I miss them, too.” She squeezed Alison’s hand. Not having their son with them made her feel a longing emptiness. But she knew her daughters were taking care of him.
“What do you think they’re doing right now?” Alison asked.
Emily glanced at her watch. If she knew her daughters they were up to no good. They were probably drawing all over their little brother’s face and gluing fake eyebrows on him and feeding him a bunch of sugar so they could watch him toddle around on a sugar high with a bucket on his head.
“They’re probably reading him a bedtime story.” Emily tried to keep a straight face. She didn’t want to give Alison any other ideas of what could go wrong.
“We should call them to check in.” Alison bit down on her lip.
“Sweetie, relax.” Emily rubbed Alison’s hand. “He’s a tough kid. He can handle a few hours with his big sisters. We made him durable.” She assured her. “Remember when he started walking?”
“My back still hurts from squatting down and following him around everywhere.” Alison nodded with a quiet laugh. She’d referred to that time as “The Hunchback phase” because she spent all of her time hunched over him.
“And do you remember what happened when he fell and hit his head on the coffee table?” Emily asked.
“Besides my heart attack?” Alison asked sarcastically. If Emily was trying to make her feel better about leaving their baby alone she was not succeeding.
“He got right back up and kept going. He didn’t shed one tear. And do you remember why?”
Alison stopped to think about it. Once the heavy fear and her panic had subsided that day she had seen something beautiful.
“Because Lily and Grace were right there to encourage him to get back up and try again.” Alison spoke fondly of her daughters.
“They’re good girls, Ali. They’ll take care of him.”
“Yeah.” Alison rolled her palm up to meet Emily’s hand on top of hers. She smiled at her.
She wordlessly slipped her hand away from Emily’s and then went back to her dinner. Emily watched her for a few minutes. The blonde seemed more at ease, but her thoughts were still distant. Her gaze was on her food, but her mind was on their son. Alison noticed that Emily had stopped eating. She glanced up at her.
“Everything okay?” Alison asked.
“Let’s go home.” Emily reached down and pulled her napkin away from her lap. She put it on the table.
“Really?” Alison’s face lit up. Her excitement wavered for a second. “Oh, but Em, you planned this whole night…”
“The goal of this night was to make you happy,” Emily said, knowing that nothing on earth would make her wife happier than seeing their son before he went to bed. “Let’s go see our babies. I know they make you smile.”
“This is why I love you so much.” Alison leaned over the table and kissed her. Her wife knew her so well.
Emily paid the check and then drove home. Alison watched the clock the whole time, wondering if they would make it home before their son fell asleep. Alison had worked herself up so much that she expected a loud chaotic scene with screaming and things on fire when she walked through the door. Instead, they walked into the living room to find a few floor puzzles laid out, a coloring book and crayons sitting on the table, and the TV on low volume.
Their daughters were curled up on the couch with their baby brother. Grace was on one end, her head against the crook of the couch and her feet stretched out over the ottoman. Lily was on the other end, her feet plopped on top of Grace’s legs. They were both asleep. Their little brother was sandwiched between them leaning against Lily, his cheek resting against her side. His bright alert eyes were full of excitement over seeing his moms.
He climbed down off of the couch, pulling what looked to be a blue blanket down with him. When his feet touched the floor they saw that it wasn’t a blanket he had wrapped around his body. The blue hood over his head had bright pink ears outlined by blue wool. The onesie costume was covering his entire body from head to toe.
“Hi, baby.” Alison said softly as he wobbled on his feet to get over to his moms.
“Did you tire your sisters out?” Emily chuckled.
“Sissies sleeping.” He put his chubby little finger against his lips and shushed his moms. He stopped at Alison’s feet and looked up at her. “Hi, Mama.”
Alison thought her heart might melt at the sight of him. The only thing she could see around the face of his costume were his eyes and his smile. His rosy red cheeks puffed out when he grinned up at his mothers.
“Aw, look at you all dressed up like a…blue little koala.” Alison kneeled down and picked him up. He kissed her nose, full open mouth, licking her with his tongue, because he was still learning how to kiss.
“Please tell me you’re joking. You don’t know who he is supposed to be?” Emily raised a single brow at Alison.
“He’s mama’s little koala bear.” Alison nuzzled his face with her nose. She didn’t care that he’d slobbered all over her. He giggled.
“He’s Stitch. From Lilo and Stitch.” Emily laughed.
“I never saw that one.”
“You what? I’m contacting a divorce attorney. I don’t even know who you are.” Emily teased her.
“Hi, mommy.” He reached for Emily. Alison leaned over so he could hug Emily’s neck. He curled his neck and pushed against Emily’s shoulder.
“Hi, sweet boy.” Emily kissed the top of his soft head.
He pulled up and looked at Emily and then back at Alison. He looked at his sleeping sisters on the couch. He started squirming in Alison’s arms.
“Down, mama.” He demanded. 
Alison put him down and he turned away from them. He took a few steps and started to stumble, but put his hands out on the ground before he hit the floor. His butt was up in the air, a little lump for a tail sticking straight up as he moved forward. He got back to his feet and then walked back over to the couch. He reached up and put his hands against Lily’s thigh and shook her.
“Wiwo.” He curled his little fingers against her pants and tugged on them. It took Alison and Emily a minute to realize he was trying to say “Lilo.” Not Lily, but Lilo.
“Hmm? What’s wrong, buddy?” Lily yawned. She opened her eyes and stretched.
“Mommies home.” He climbed up on the couch, jostling Grace awake as well.
The girls both turned and faced their mothers. Lily and Grace looked at one another nervously. Had they really dozed off when they were supposed to be keeping an eye on their little brother?
“Grace, you fell asleep?” Lily was quick to throw her sister under the bus.
“I thought you were watching him!” Grace frowned.
Emily and Alison looked at one another, amused. They decided to let the girls sweat it out for a little bit.
“We…um…” Lily chuckled nervously, pulling her brother into her lap. “Smile, wave, be cute.” She whispered to him.
He giggled. Alison and Emily still didn’t say anything.
“Okay, admittedly this looks bad.” Grace smiled nervously.
It was Emily who finally broke.
“Nothing is on fire. Your brother is still alive.” She walked over to the girls. She squeezed on to the couch between them. “I think we can call this one a win.” She laughed.
Grace and Lily breathed a sigh of relief.
“What have you party animals been up to tonight?” Alison pushed her way in next to Emily.
“Oh, you know. Keg stands. Beer pong. Drugs and rock and roll. The norm.” Lily leaned in and snorted against her little brother’s cheek to make him laugh.
He squealed out a string of giggles. All of the girls smiled.
“Do you like his outfit?” Grace questioned. “We’ve been saving it for a special occasion. We thought tonight was fitting since it was all about family time. The Lilo and Stitch way.”
“Your mother doesn’t know who Lilo and Stitch are.” Emily smiled crookedly at Alison.
Grace looked at Alison. Her jaw dropped.
“I will disown you, mother.”
“I’m offended.” Lily added, looking at the toddler on her lap. “Tell mom what we learned tonight, little man.”
“Ohana,” he said, crawling into Emily’s lap. He looked up at Alison.
“It means family.” Grace clarified. She leaned over and took her brother’s hands, moving them up and down, making him laugh. “And family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten, right?”
“Ohana!” He exclaimed a little more enthusiastically. He bounced in Emily’s lap, glancing back at Lily, then looking at Grace. “I love you sissies and mommies.”
“We love you, too, Sammy.” Grace leaned across Alison’s lap and placed a kiss on her little brother’s forehead.
The day Samuel Wayne DiLaurentis-Fields had been born he had stolen every single one of their hearts. He was so loved. And he knew it.
Emily and Alison glanced at one another, their hearts completely full. Alison leaned in and placed a kiss on Emily’s lips. She mouthed a silent “I love you” to her wife. She was so thankful they were sharing this moment. All Emily had wanted to do was make this night special for Alison. It turns out, everything they needed to make it special was right at home.
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Dilaurentis-Fields: Failure
Grace emerged from the locker room, her hair still matted from the ice cold shower she had inflicted upon herself to erase the stench of defeat. The water was slowly seeping into her oversized hoodie, causing the empty gym to feel a lot colder. She stood at the scorers table trying to imagine that less than an hour ago the place had been packed with at least a thousand screaming fans. All that was left were abandoned soda cups and candy wrappers that the cleaning crew would no doubt be picking up before the end of the night. She glanced up at the rafters, mentally, she erased the state banner she had envisioned hanging in that very spot, her heart sank as she acknowledged her failure.
"This isn't how it was supposed to end," she thought to herself. She wanted to cry, but honestly what would that do. The buzzer had sounded and it had taken everything she had to not crumple to the ground. Everyone had come up to her and congratulated her on a great game. "You'll get them next time." "You guys did awesome." "Don't worry, there's always next year." The words ringing falsely in her ears.
She could feel the anger course through her veins. She hadn't put in all that work to come up empty handed. She kicked the basketball across the court and slammed the bleacher with her fist before finally falling to the floor. The ball sailed across the gym, bounced harmlessly off the wall before it settled underneath the basket. She stared at it, hot tears running down her cheeks, she didn't care if anyone saw, "What did they know anyways," she said to herself.
Emily watched her daughter slowly shed her tough exterior. She had seen how beaten she had looked at the end of the game but she had kept that shell intact. Emily knew what that felt like, to have to smile and let everyone comfort you even though none of it would help. To have to stay composed and seem like it didn't faze you, when in reality the outcome was so devastating that all you wanted to do was just curl up and disappear for awhile.
She wanted to hug her and tell her everything would be okay, but she knew that it wouldn't change anything. Grace just needed time to process that sometimes things aren't meant to be regardless of how much work you put in. Sometimes it's not about effort or you, it just isn't enough. Emily grimaced at that thought. Her daughter learning this lesson was one she had hoped to put off for as long as possible.
Grace sniffed. She knew she shouldn't feel sorry for herself, it was just a stupid game, but she had spent countless hours working towards this moment. They were one game away from the big game, they just needed this win and they could make it to the state championship - the big leagues. This was a chance to play on a bigger stage with scouts and thousands more watching, it could be her lead in to getting a scholarship, or better yet, getting an offer to play overseas. Everything had been riding on this game, and just like that it was all over.
Grace pulled her knees tightly against her chest, her heels digging into the floor as she leaned against the bleacher, Emily quietly lowered herself to the hardwood floor and placed her arm loosely atop the bleacher behind Grace's lanky frame. She didn't say anything, she just sat comfortably waiting for her daughter to acknowledge her.
Grace sat rigid, staring vacantly at the gym doors. She wasn't sure what her mom expected her to do. She muttered, "This sucks." Emily stroked her daughter's hair as she simply replied, "Yah, it does." Grace leaned into her mom, she started to feel tired, all the anger and disappointment sapping every ounce of her energy, her voice broke as she spoke, "Now what?"
Emily shrugged before replying, "You're the only one who can answer that." Grace could feel the anger in her voice as she spat out, "I sucked. I should just quit." Emily countered, "You have been better, and you've never quit before."
Grace looked her mom squarely in the eye, "I choked when it mattered, what's to say I won't next time around?" Emily's eyes softened as she chose her words carefully, "Yes you did, however how will you ever rise up if you never give yourself the opportunity?"
Grace scowled, "You know mom, most people wouldn't tell their daughter they suck." Emily smiled down at her daughter, before correcting her, "I never said you sucked, I said you choked."
Grace could feel the tears of shame well up, Emily brushed them away, "You caved under pressure, everybody does, it's normal. Now what you do after is what matters."
Grace whispered feebly, "What kind of person would I be if I quit?" Emily shrugged, "I don't know, but if you do we will find out."
Grace thought about it for a second before asking, "You wouldn't stop me?"
Emily shook her head, "If you truly believe you should quit then I would support what you choose." Grace opened her mouth to say something, Emily raised her hand, motioning for her to keep silent as she continued, "However, if you did, it means that you believe the work you put in before was for nothing and not worth the effort to try again. Life's tough, you know that."
Grace stared at her hands before slowly nodding in agreement. She whispered, "I really sucked though." Emily smiled tenderly at her daughter, before lightly teasing, "Look on the bright side, if you decide to stick to it, you will definitely be better and all you would have to do is show up."
Grace nudged her mom before pointing out, "Wow, there is something seriously wrong with your parenting skills. Most moms would be like you were good and next time you'll be awesome," Grace rolled her eyes before exclaiming, "Not my mom."
Emily feigned a hurt look before reminding her, "I am sure your other mom will say those things as soon as you get home, as will your grandmother, and your aunts, plus don't forget your friends and your brother and sister. I highly doubt you need me to tell you that you are awesome. You know you are, you just don’t see that right now."
Emily gave her a reassuring hug, before adding, "It may not feel like it, but it will get better." Grace sniffed, she knew her mom was right but she didn't want to feel better, not yet at least.
As if Emily could read her every move, she leaned over and whispered, "Nothing wrong with sulking for awhile." Grace sat in her mom's embrace, normally she would back away because after all her mom was a teacher and they were in school, but she didn't care. At this moment in time, she knew she needed her mom and she was just fine with that.
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iwanttodrownin · 7 years
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Emison, Lily and Grace
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annoyingvoidzombie · 7 years
It's so sad that Peter Hastings with all his mess gets to live while the real, honest good father- Wayne Fildes doesn't even got the chance to walk with Em down the aisle or even known Grace and Lily.
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jadeakagay · 7 years
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social media au
↳ emison + instagram
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emily: if lily and grace never wake up on a beach in florida half-naked, i’ve done my job
alison: our job
emily: right, i’ve done our job
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karouvas · 4 months
emison, nationalism, time loops
(For the send me a ☕️ + topic ask game)
Emison — I generally like them, not without caveats but the parts of it that are good (by good I mean the more messed up parts) are really good and compelling to me! Have said before that *peak* Emison era to me is 4b-5a. The era when Emily has just learned Ali is alive and is reckoning with all her different complicated feelings about her, trying to tell herself she’s over Ali but then repeatedly acting in ways that prove how much of a simp for her she still is (things like “You always saw the best version of me” “I don’t see that anymore” *proceeds to go to the kissing rock* *gives Paige lengthy speech about how she’s finally over Alison* *stashes money for Alison, meets her in abandoned warehouses and makes sure to dress hot before*) I eat that kind of dichotomy up in general for my ships! And there was great work for Emily as a character there to me, in having a space for her anger and also her messy feelings, and because Alison is now alive but not concretely *back* the writing was still fun and ambiguous regarding her morality, how much of her was real and how much was either performance or the liars in this case Emily specifically projecting onto her.  … And 5a there was really good longing and pining and again, just enough emotional nuance to keep things interesting. The flashbacks in s1-3 are overall good for them too / I enjoy the whole character is haunted by their first love with who they had miscommunications with and the ambiguity will haunt them forever and influence all their future relationships thing so yes I was mostly a fan, but that mid season arc was what really gave me *feels*. And then the show just never did anything interesting again… In general I’ve been vocal about the fact that I almost never like storylines about pregnancy and raising kids for chars and dynamics I like unless the writing does A Lot of work to convince me to like it… so you can imagine that I was Not A Fan of one that was incredibly lazy with a side of bodily autonomy violation (that is never addressed as such…*sigh*) coupled with other issues I have with misogyny and homophobia in pll (and racism too regarding Emily) and how the way *canon era* Emison was ultimately done played into a lot of said issues. Then the perfectionists wise on a watsonian level it’s not that I necessarily hate the divorce, especially since I’m on record as often advocating for divorce for ships I like <3 but the lack of Emily actually being present robs that of the character work potential it could have for both of them, and then on a Doylist level I do Hate the implication that They’re the toxic horrible relationship that can’t be sustained while Ezria and even then other het relationships that aren’t as insidious but still had major problems are totally fine to be together 4 evah *barf*.
So basically the sum of my Emison feelings is that I do like them, aside from maybe Emaya they’re my favorite canon pll ship, but it is one of those ships where I feel a lot of what I like and find interesting about them either wasn’t intentional or wasn’t a priority when it came to the writing. The Emison I would have written >>>. But I do appreciate when the show was aiming for more than a typical cookie cutter wlw ship with them, and I side eye some wholly negative takes on them that dismiss that and why it would appeal to sapphic fans over it not being purely wholesome and sweet.
Nationalism — I don’t think I have any groundbreaking takes on nationalism as a concept, I think the best use of it is advocating for a country’s freedom/independence so it’s not really a useful sentiment for countries like the U.S. or UK etc. that are already recognized / have political power and are more likely to pose harm to ones that don’t and are founded partially on colonialism. My pov on it is as someone who’s a U.S. citizen / born there but spends a fair amount of time in Pakistan because it’s where my family is from but also I obviously have privilege to be mobile in terms of traveling which many don’t … so I guess my stance is as a concept in general nationalism can be neutral or a good thing but for a U.S. context it’s more likely to be negative for the world in general.  
Time Loop — I generally like time loop stories I think they can be really fascinating, I don’t think I actively seek out time loop media but when it turns up in something I like I’ll be excited for it! Some favorites of mine are “Life Serial” the Buffy episode very on brand of me to insert Buffy into the conversation but I think it’s such an underrated episode… and I love “As I Have Always Been” the Agents of SHIELD episode it’s probably in my top 2 for the entire show. SYFY’s The Magicians is a show partially founded on time loops and I enjoy how it plays with / uses them a lot I even enjoy the Margo and Eliot time loop ep in s5 despite really disliking a lot of what’s going on in that last season. And Russian Doll s1 was great I really need to get around to watching s2…. for someone who blogs a lot about tv I am actually very bad at watching things sometimes :/. But there’s a lot of popular time loop media I haven’t seen and/or have no interest in. 
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angiemaq · 5 years
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Pretty Little Liars (2010)
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crazychicke · 5 years
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dedicated to my bestie @EmisonHeaven on twitter
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theshaymitchitblog · 6 years
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