#emma and ray told him EXACTLY what they wanted and he's still having a hard time
sleepyhouzuki · 1 year
Norman being the smartest dude to ever be in Gracefield and one of the smartest people in probably the world but when he goes into the aisle where menstrual products are his mind goes blank
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 65
Chapter 65: “The Secret Garden”
I'm so used to seeing GP in black & white because of how often I read through the upcoming chapters, so whenever I do see artwork of Emma and her time here at the hunting ground I’m literally blown away by all the bright colors. 
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Back during ch61, Yuugo realized that Emma is the one who decides the plan based on Ray’s knowledge and though I did comment about how that dynamic works really well for them, I also brought up how both kids can function just fine on their own. The reason for that is because they pick up the other’s main role during their time apart. Without Ray, we see how Emma has slowed down and started to analyze her situation (at least it seems more clear to me now anyways).
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Emma has always been praised as the more physically fit one out of the fullscore trio (and probably all the GF kids), so the fact that Violet is able to shake her off and get Emma lose sight of her for a little bit is kinda impressive.
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The way they have him reaching outside of the panel for her is pretty neat. Really stresses how desperate he was trying to save her.
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Thank you geezer for saving my boy but you’re lucky you didn’t break his damn back with that slam.
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I have an endless list of reasons why I wanted to see these arcs animated but add Ray’s rage to it too. All that anger, desperation and panic in his voice.. I wanna hear it so badly. It would be such a switch up from the usual calm and collected boy we’re used to.
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All the times I skim through these chapters, why am I only remembering now that Yuugo & his family didn’t journey to A08-63 right away? I guess they weren’t too bothered with WM’s instructions with trying to change the world, but aahh, now I wish we could’ve seen more of those couple months of them just chilling out in the bunker.
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Oh huzzah, now you wanna be nice. Emma’s little speech warmed up your lonely heart a bit huh?
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Here we start to see the role reversal thing with Ray now making final decisions. Sure it leans on his vow from ch38 of protecting his family, but him choosing to go after Emma despite all the things Yuugo just told him about the poachers and the hunting ground is something he doesn’t need to think twice about. It’s a reckless move but hey, that’s exactly how Emma usually functions.
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How did Violet know she had the pen? Did she randomly dig around Emma’s pockets looking for it? And she must’ve had her own normal pen on hand to right this message considering the WM pens don’t have any ink, yeah? And Emma slept through all this happening? I’m strangely baffled by it all.
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What would have the scary GP music sounded like?? Aahh no doubt that Obata would’ve definitely nailed the chilling yet anxiety filled atmosphere of this place. I forget when or where I tossed out this thought of mine, but I still think it would’ve been pretty bittersweet if it was a very rushed/distorted version of Leslie’s song. Sweet because we’d hear that iconic melody again but bitter because ooohh just imagine what the demons could’ve done to that poor lad to get that song.
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Favorite panel/moment:
The absolute fury on Ray’s face lives rent free in my head.. like I have flipped through this story on countless occasions and I have a hard time picking out another moment where we see Ray get this insanely hell-bent on anything. He is just so incredibly pissed off at Yuugo’s schemes but also at himself for not being quick enough to grab Emma. This also contributes to him now calling the shots because no matter what Yuugo tells him, Ray’s beyond adamant in saving Emma no matter the danger to himself.
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TPN (2019/05/01)
"ACHOOOOO!" Emma sneezed suddenly, making her boyfriend's jump in surprise.
It was about 7 in the evening and they were just taking a bath to try and relax. Norman was to the left, Emma in the middle and ray to the right.
Emma laughed loudly as she stared at Ray who's face just got covered in bubbles thanks to her sneezing.
Norman covered his mouth to hide his chuckles and Ray was trembling with anger.
"EMMMA!!!!" Emma screamed as Ray shoved her head under the water, she thrashed around. Ray had an evil grin on his face.
"Come on, Ray it was an accident." Norman told him with a smile, removing Ray's hands from Emma's head so Emma could come up for air.
She panted loudly and leaned towards Norman. "Ray is scary..." She whispered loudly.
"Oh shut it." Ray snapped, leaning back against the wall after removing most of the bubbles from his face.
They really over filled the bathtub, bubbles were EVERYWHERE (thanks to Emma who insisted on using five bottles of bubble bath) and thanks to their trashing around they'd have to clean up the water that spilled out.
Norman looked around with a frown, and then gasped when he looked over at the counter. "Guys..." He weakly pointed.
The other two looked over and their eyes widened to see they had left the soap, along with their other cleaning supplies, over on the counter.
They glanced at each other in silence.
"So who's getting out to grab our stuff?"
Emma looked down in defeat as she held up paper. The two boys played scissors and smirked.
"What did we tell you about strategy Emma? At this rate, you'll never beat us at chess." Ray told her with a grin.
Emma just pouted childishly and stood up out of the tub, she carefully got out and grabbed the stuff, shivering cause it was cold. She sat the basket down next to the tub and then got back in, sighing happily at how warm the water was.
"In rock-paper-scissors, you've gotta think about the kind of opponent you're facing." Norman commented.
"Huh? Isn't it all just guessing randomly?" Emma frowned.
Ray shook his head. "People who are more open will naturally choose paper, just like how people who are naturally reserved will pick rock. We knew you'd pick paper so we chose scissors, it's simple really." He explained with a shrug.
Emma sighed loudly. "You make it sound so easy." She grabbed a rubber ducky from the basket and placed it in the tub.
"That's cause it is, you know, for intelligent people." Ray smirked.
"Rayyy!" Emma whined, looking at him with a big pout. Norman laughed.
Sighing a little, Norman ran his hand through Emma's hair, making her smile and lean into his touch. "You know he doesn't mean it Emma, he's just teasing you, right Ray?"
"Yeah yeah." Ray rolled his eyes.
Ray frowned a little as he glanced at Norman and Emma, they were smiling and cuddling like usual.
He'd be lying if he said it didn't bother him.
Sometimes he found himself wondering why they picked him. Why did they want him in their lives? What did he have that they wanted so badly?
Was it really okay for him to be here with them?...
"Ray?" Ray snapped out of his thoughts and glanced at  Norman and Emma, they both looked concern.
Emma looked down a little but still kept eye contact. "You...have that scary face again...like the one you had before you tried to...at that bridge..." She trailed off shakily.
This made him tense up a little. He didn't like to think about that time...
Swallowing hard, Ray forced a smile and pet Emma on the head. "I'm alright...thanks."
"Ray, what did we say about lying about our feelings?" Norman snapped.
"...Do it?"
Emma pouted in annoyance. "Ray!"
"Fine fine. I was just wondering why exactly I'm here I guess...you guys seem perfectly happy, I don't really give anything to the relationship." Ray admitted with a small sigh.
Norman's eyes narrowed. "Ray, we will ALWAYS need you by our side."
"So don't you dare try anything crazy, cause we'll just come after you." Emma gripped Ray's hand tightly. His eyes widened.
"Don't be stupid! Don't you dare ever do something like that! Everything I do is for you two!" Ray snapped, glaring at them both.
Norman smiled a little. "Ray, I know you love us very much. So why can't you believe that we love you too?" 
Ray paused at this, and glanced down. "...It's just not that easy."
Suddenly, Emma grabbed Ray's face in her hands, making him stare at her closely.
"Ray is very important to us! So Ray has to stay with us forever! That's final!" She snapped rather childishly. 
Norman nodded with a smile. "I agree, whether you like it or not, you're stuck with us."
Ray stared at the two of them in shock, before a small smile formed on his face. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you guys?"
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elizabeethan · 3 years
Steal Away: 2 / 5
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When a bank robbery with his brother goes horribly wrong, Killian Jones learns to heal with the help of a fiery blonde who happened to get caught in the crosshairs.
A Modern AU
Based loosely on the movie Hell Or High Water (and so I tag @captainswanmoviemarathon)
Read on Ao3
Read The Rest
Read my Other Stuff
A/N: So this was supposed to be a one shot, but it’s, like, 24k words so I thought it would be best to split it up. I’m probably going to post one part a night for the next week or so, though.
This part is rated T as well, mostly for language and car sickness :) (I’ll let you know when we get to M hehehe)
thank you as usual to @the-darkdragonfly​, @donteattheappleshook​ and @xhookswenchx for letting me ramble about this for weeks, and to Kay for beta-ing <3
It happens quickly. 
 Her sense of humor, her taste in music, the adorable way she snorts when he hits a pothole while she’s sleeping… it’s impossible for him to avoid the feelings that stir in him. It’s almost embarrassing, the speed at which he begins to recognize his feelings, but it’s not as if he plans on sharing them at any point. 
 The fact is… he likes her. She’s cute, and funny, and undeniably sexy, and he knows that if she wasn’t here, he probably wouldn’t be either. He would’ve been arrested right off the bat, or shot in the bank himself, or drowning in a bottle of rum beside his brother’s grave. If it wasn’t for Emma Swan and her insistence to stay in his life, he wouldn’t be on his way to Maine to pick up the only remaining person in his life who means something.  
 Although, perhaps that isn’t true, because after a day on the road, he’s discovered that she’s starting to mean something, too. 
 He doesn’t know enough about her to dignify a crush, but he also isn’t stupid. He knows that he’s infatuated with her. He knows that he’s finding it hard to keep his gaze off of her. He knows that her stunning green eyes play off of the gold of her skin and her hair in such a way that makes his heart race. He knows that, based solely on what she’s told him so far, he’s desperate to know more. 
 She doesn't have a family. She spent much of her childhood homeless and running away from abusive foster placements. She was abandoned as an infant, left in the woods at only a few hours old. She’s been through hell and back, and she still manages a blinding smile.
 Her ex boyfriend is the reason she’s here with him, he thinks. She says that he screwed her over and that she wants nothing more than to get away from him and from the place that reminds her of him, and Killian thinks this all happened at a rather convenient time for her. She told him yesterday, when he was panicking over his brother’s demise, that she could tell that he was there in that bank for a good reason, and he’s taken to assuming that she has a good reason to assume that. 
 They hardly know each other, and yet he feels as though he’s known her his whole life. He knows so little about her, and yet, he can read her like she’s an open book. The term kindred spirits feels naive, and yet, that’s exactly what they are. 
 “Are we gonna stop in Chicago?” she asks excitedly as she watches the Welcome to Illinois sign pass them by. 
 “Definitely not,” he laughs. “It’s far too north for where we’re headed.” 
 “What, and Maine isn’t?” she snorts, shaking her head and pointing out a bird that flies by. “What’s up there, anyway?” 
Immediately, his heart starts racing and his palms start sweating at the thought of telling her the true reason for their trip. It dawns on him that, when they arrive, he would have to tell her anyway, lest he abandon her in town before he arrives at the lawyer’s office. 
 Of course, Emma has experienced her fair share of abandonment at this point in her life, and while he hardly knows her and shouldn’t care, he wouldn’t dare contribute to the trauma that comes with the feeling of being left behind and forgotten. 
 Bloody hell. 
 “You don’t have to tell me,” she says after a long moment of silence. 
 He clears his throat, drawing his focus back to the highway before him. “It’s alright, love. I just… it’s a sore subject, I suppose.” 
 “We share a lot of those,” she jokes, smirking at him and making his heart race. More gently, she reasons, “which means you should know by now that I won’t judge you.” 
 “Aye,” he agrees immediately, because he does know that. “Aye, you’re right. It’s, um… my child.” 
 He catches her balking, her jaw dropping and then snapping shut in quick succession before he needs to focus back on the road. “You have a kid?” 
 With a nod, his grip on the steering wheel tightens. This vehicle is better than the last, the clutch not sticking like the one in the truck had, but it’s so small and cramped that he doubts they’ll be able to sleep comfortably in these seats tonight. He’d best pull over soon so that they can find a place to sleep. “I do,” he confirms. “A daughter. She’s eight.” 
 “How old are you?” she asks in shock. 
 He narrows his eyes, shifting his gaze to her briefly and suspiciously asking, “how old are you?”
 “I asked you first,” she says seriously, as if she truly doesn't want to disclose her age, and he begins to panic. She looks old enough, but the potential that he’s just kidnapped a minor on top of everything else begins to assault his thoughts. 
 “Please just tell me I didn’t kidnap you,” he begs, his heart racing. 
 “No,” she rolls her eyes. “I’m 23, and much more mature than you.” 
 With a sound that’s somewhere between a snort and a sigh of relief, he nods. “Aye, love. I’m sure you are.”
 She sits in silence, staring at him expectantly, and he knows that it drives her mad when he smirks and begins to laugh. “Don’t be stupid! Just tell me how old you are!” 
 “I’m… I’m 31.”
 “Oh,” she says, chuckling beside him. “So you’re not that much of a cradle robber. Just a regular old bank robber.” 
 “Oy!” he shouts in offense, staring at her in shock. “Sensitive subject. And what makes you think I’m trying to rob your... cradle?”
 She snorts and shakes her head. “Please. I saw the way you were staring at my ass at that last rest stop.” 
 She could’ve chosen a more opportune time to say that, perhaps when he wasn’t taking a sip of coffee. It’s rather uncomfortable coming up his nose. “Love,” he says through a cough. “I’m not— that is, I meant not to—”
 “It’s fine, Killian,” she tells him, giggling softly and playfully. “A girl likes to feel flattered, especially a girl who feels like a—”
 Her jaw snaps shut and her eyes grow wide, the emerald catching the rays of the sun and throwing glints of gold. “Like a what, darling?”
 “Like… um, like I could eat everything on the menu at McDonalds. Is it time to stop yet?”
 “No,” he laughs, although he finds that he struggles to say no to her and mean it, even after such little time, and he indicates his intent to change lanes and moves towards an exit. “We only stopped for breakfast a few hours ago.”
 “Well, I’m starving,” she tells him, shooting him a soft smile. “And if I don’t stretch my legs in a minute, they’re gonna fall off.” 
 “You need to stretch your legs? Your feet are currently on top of my dashboard. Is that not enough of a stretch?”
 “Your dashboard? I’m pretty sure I witnessed you stealing this car.”
 “From a scrapyard,” he mumbles, giving her a shy smile as he exits the highway. “What do you want for lunch? Or should I say brunch? It’s barely eleven.”
 “We crossed time zones, you ass.”
 “What do you want?” he laughs. 
 She hums playfully, pretending to ponder his question seriously and says, “a prime rib, cooked medium rare, with a side of garlic mashed potatoes. Caramelized onion and mushroom sauce on the steak. And some green beans, for balance.” 
 Shaking his head and laughing along with her, he says, “chicken nuggets and fries it is, darling.”
 “You need to pull over,” she says suddenly, breaking almost an hour of silence between them during which he was certain she was asleep. After their early lunch, he decided to keep driving, anticipating that she would take over in a few hours. 
 “Emma,” he sighs, “we only just stopped two hours ago.”
 “I’m not asking,” she demands. “I’m telling you that if you don’t pull over,” she puts her hand over her mouth, her retching and gagging preventing her from saying anything more. 
 “Jesus,” he mumbles as he pulls into the breakdown lane, barely stopped and still in gear when she thrusts the door open and loses her lunch all over the ground. He can’t ask her if she’s alright because she hasn’t stopped vomiting, so he checks his side mirror and opens his door, walking around the front of the car to meet her. He stands behind the door and places his hand in her hair, massaging her scalp as she shudders violently. “I didn’t realize you were prone to car sickness.” 
 She groans, shaking her head and resting it against the window at her side. “I think your driving has gotten worse.”
 He hums, continuing his ministrations on her scalp as she catches her breath. “Was it the chicken, love? I knew that stuff was crap.”
 “No, it’s your crap driving.”
 “Do you want to take over, then?”
 “No, I want to sleep.”
 “Come on out and get some fresh air, would you?” She whimpers as he pulls the door open a bit more, and he takes her hand to help her out and around her sick. “It’s alright, love, come here.”
 She breathes deeply as she stands, and only remains in front of him for a moment before she falls forward against his chest and into his arms. “Sorry,” she whispers into his sweatshirts wrapping her arms around his waist and holding herself close to him. “For delaying the trip.”
 “You needn’t worry about that, love,” he soothes, and he focuses on moving his hands along her back and hair in the same way she had his. “A few moments while you find your bearings won’t hurt. Are you alright?”
 She nods against him, a sound coming from her throat that makes him squeeze her tighter. He can’t stop himself from pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, the need to comfort her interrupting any reasonable thoughts in his head. She whispers, “yeah,” so softly that he kisses her again. 
 “During lunch I found a small campground that takes cash. It’s only another few hours; can you make it that far? We can use the tent and the camping mat instead of sleeping in the car.”
 “Luxurious,” she jokes softly, maintaining her firm embrace around his middle. “That sounds perfect.”
 She’s relentless in her jokes at his expense as he struggles with the tent. It’s dusk, and there’s a decent canopy of trees above him, and, as she points out often, he’s getting old. He struggles to see the small pieces and determine what goes where, and she’s hardly any help as she sits in the car laughing at him as she claims to be recovering from another spell of car sickness. 
 “You could try helping me, you know,” he finally mumbles as the structure collapses again and he’s met with her symphonic laughter. 
 “Need a newer pair of eyes, Captain?” she asks in good humor, standing and bounding towards him confidently. It’s almost miraculous how quickly she’s recovered, and yet her nausea seems to keep coming back. 
 “Very funny, love. Come and tell me where E connects to G.”
 It’s impossible to ignore the way the full moon shines against her hair, almost white in the dim light of the night sky. The gentle waves flow freely as she releases the tie from around her locks, rubbing her palms over her face as she settles into the warm cocoon of the sleeping bag. She gives him a soft, gentle smile as he zips the tent’s opening securely shut, taking his place upon the ground between her and the door. “Where’s yours?” she asks, gesturing down at her sleeping bag and camping mat.
 He shrugs and then nods towards her. “Someone stole it.” 
 Her eyes widen in surprised embarrassment and she asks, “this is yours? What about-- weren’t you and… I mean…” 
 Smiling as he lies down on his back, he turns his head to face her and says, “I was meant to travel alone, actually.”
 Just as he thinks she’s about to match his position and lie back herself, she stirs and begins tugging on the sleeping bag until she’s out of it. She shakes it out in front of herself to straighten it and then feels around in the dark for the zipper, pulling it around the puffy fabric until it’s fully open before her. Turning towards him, she gives him another soft smile and dramatically opens it like a parachute, draping it over the both of them. “There you go,” she says with finality. “We can share.” 
 “You don’t have to do that, love. It’s summer anyway.” 
 “We’re sleeping outside, and you're taking a second, unexpected person on your trip across the country, who also happens to frequently demand pit stops. The least I can do is share your sleeping bag with you.” 
 “Well… thank you, lass. That’s very kind of you.” 
 “I just can’t part with the mat, sorry. The ground is way too hard.”
 He laughs as he turns to his side, silently agreeing with her that the ground is mighty firm as he grimaces. “You can’t spare it for an old man with old bones?” 
 She shrugs, laughing softly as well as she rolls to her side to face him head on. “You're not that old.” 
 “So I'm only young when it suits you?” 
 “I didn’t say you were young.”
 He hasn’t laughed this much in years. Before he met her, he hadn’t been so close to a woman in almost a decade. He’s forgotten how soothing the gentle touch of another can be, and he’s been hard pressed to ignore how especially soothing she is, in particular. “You do have quite the sense of humor, love.” 
 “All in good fun,” she smiles. He catches her gaze shooting down at the hem of the old sleeping bag, her fingers fiddling with some thread that has pulled away from its place. “Will you tell me something?” she asks in a whisper. 
 “What is it?” 
 She clears her throat nervously, continuing to avert her eyes from his, and asks, “will you tell me about your daughter?” 
 With a hum and a sad smile, he bites his bottom lip and nods, the memories of his love flooding back into his mind, as if he’s ever been able to prevent them. “Alice,” he says. “She’s just turned eight a few months ago. I missed her birthday.” 
 “Why? What happened?” 
 He notes the way that her fingers continue to play at the loose threads, and he matches her actions just beside her. “I was with my mother; she was dying and had no one else while Liam was in jail. I wanted to bring Alice with me, but… her mother wouldn’t allow it.” 
 “I’m sorry,” she says immediately. He hears a rustle against the mat her head lies on and lifts his own gaze to meet hers. 
 “Thank you.” 
 “When did you see her last, then?” 
 He gulps over the lump in his throat. “It’s been well over a year.”
 She sighs, and he doesn’t think he imagines the minute amount of space that she closes between them. “You must miss her terribly.”
 “Aye, I do. Everyday.”
 “Is there… I mean, is there a reason it’s been so long? I’m not trying to judge you, I’m sorry, I just—“
 “It’s alright, love,” he interrupts, noting the sudden shift in her demeanor as she realizes the nature of her question. “Her mother was rather… controlling, I suppose. I believe she used drugs and alcohol for much of Alice’s early life. I don’t have any reason to believe she used during her pregnancy, but I cared for Alice from birth when Eloise fell off the wagon. I even named her, after my ailing mother. But a few years later, she got clean and started to take over. She took Alice to live with her; became upset when I came around. And eventually, the way she would scream at me when I tried to visit made Alice upset, so I stopped coming around as much.” 
 She’s quiet for a moment, and he wonders if he’s taken things a bit too far. If he’s opened up to her too much. He fears this for what feels like an eternity as she lies beside him, her warm breath washing over his nose as he thinks the worst. That he’s upset her, that he’s offended her, that he’s made her think of the trauma of being abandoned herself as he describes the way he abandoned his own daughter. And his fears are confirmed when she sniffles softly before him and moves her fingers from the frayed threads to her eyes, wiping tears away. 
 “Emma,” he whispers into the darkness, “I’m sor--”
 “That’s so terrible,” she interrupts sadly, and he bows his head in shame, knowing already that his actions are deplorable. Until she whispers, “I’m so sorry.” 
 “Sorry… for what?” he asks in shock, speaking almost at full volume, a contrast to their whispering tones. 
 “You just--” she sniffs once more, “--it’s obvious how badly you want to be in your daughter’s life, and you haven’t been able to. That’s got to be the worst feeling… I can’t even imagine not being allowed to…”
 Clearing his throat, he takes a risk by reaching before himself to wipe a tear from her soft cheek with his thumb, almost desperate to comfort her as she has him the entire time he’s known her. “It’s alright, love,” he whispers. “I’m going to get her back, with your help. I wouldn’t be here, on my way to her, if it weren’t for you.” 
 She sniffles and laughs at the same time, adorably embarrassed at the sound that escapes her, and asks, “what’s changed now? With you and her mom?” 
 “She died,” he answers simply. If she had begun to relax slightly into his hand, she stiffens at his words. “She relapsed, mixed drugs and alcohol… her body couldn’t handle it.” 
 “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “That must’ve been hard, too.” 
 “Not much,” he answers too quickly. She draws her brows together in question and he continues, “I’m sad for Alice; she’s lost her mother. But she never really had her much. Eloise was never a very devout mother. It always seemed like she was in it for the image, or only when it suited her. I don’t think she ever really wanted a child.” 
 Emma nods gently, the small gap between them getting smaller when a gust of wind shakes the tent and she slides closer to him. “Was she, I mean, was Alice a surprise?” 
 “Oh, aye, very much so,” he laughs softly. “El and I weren’t ever a couple, we just met at a bar and… well, we were only together once. It was sort of a low point for me.” 
 “I get that,” she nods again. “Sleeping with the wrong person, I mean. Not that… I mean, not that Alice was a mistake or anything, of course.” 
 “I know what you mean,” he consoles in a whisper as she again worries that she’s offended him. She should know that she couldn’t possibly say the wrong thing, because despite how short of a time he’s known her, he knows that she can do no wrong in his eyes. 
 “Will you tell me about her? Like… What was it like when she was a baby? Was it very hard?” 
 He hums and nods, agreeing, “it was hard, yes; I was mostly alone. But it was so worth it.” 
 “It was?” she asks softly, almost insecurely and making him narrow his eyes in thought. 
 She hasn’t told him anything, but he isn’t a fool. He means every word of what he says to her next, and says it in hopes that he can give her solace. “Aye. As hard as life has been, I wouldn't change anything because it’s how I got Alice.” 
 In a move that surprises him almost as much as it doesn’t, she moves as close to him as she can and tucks her head into his chest, just below his chin, and wraps her arm around his waist. “That’s a good point,” she murmurs into his sweatshirt.
 “Are you alright, love?” he asks, accepting her into his embrace and letting his hand run along the length of her spine over her own sweatshirt. He reminds himself that he doesn’t truly know her, so he can’t assume that this isn’t like her, but it feels profound. 
 She nods against his chest, pulling herself impossibly closer as she seems to seek more warmth and a firmer embrace. “It’s weird,” she starts, her voice muffled. “I barely know you, but it feels like you're my friend.” 
 “I am your friend,” he agrees with a smile. “And you’re mine. I told you I wouldn’t be here without you.” 
 “I wouldn’t either.” 
 “Of course not. I’ve been driving most of the way.” 
 She snorts, nuzzling her nose into the crook between his neck and his shoulder and squeezing around his waist. “Yeah, that’s why I’ve been puking nonstop.” 
 “Would you like to drive tomorrow, then?” he laughs. 
 “Alright. We’ll need to leave quite early. Just another two days to go, I think.”
 “Okay,” she yawns, falling asleep in his arms feeling, he hopes, as safe as he does.
@courtorderedcake​​​ @kmomof4​​​ @stahlop​​​ @klynn-stormz​​​ @laschatzi @emelizabeth88​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​ @kday426​​​ @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story​​​ @captain-emmajones​​​ @gingerpolyglot​​​ @ebcaver​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​ @teamhook @superchocovian​​​ @itsfabianadocarmo​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​ @gingerchangeling​​​ @jrob64​​​ @onceratheart18​​​ @xhookswenchx​​ @winterbaby89​​​ @swampmedusa​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​​ @dancingnancyy​​​ @love-with-you-i-have-everything​​​ @shireness-says @snowbellewells​​​​ @hollyethecurious​​ @ouatpost @daxx04​​​ @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook​​​​ @therooksshiningknight @eeteeaytay​​​​ @xsajx​​ @itsfridaysomewhere​​​​ @alexa-fangirl-forever​​​​ @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight​​ @qualitycoffeethings​​ @rapunzelsghosts @spaceconveyor
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ransomedrogue · 4 years
Tales of Woe - Scenes from S1
oops, meant to get this out before Monday but minor delay due to editing! 
this week - a scene to start the episode and one to end it...
Weller's emotional rollercoaster of a day started before the previous one had even ended - with a phone call just before midnight.
He hadn't been home all that long after wrapping up the Gibson case when his cell began to ring and he saw that it was an agent from Jane's detail. That alone flicked at his anxiety, making him flash back to the fear he'd experienced seeing her crashed car. Then, when the agent started describing what had happened at the safe house, Weller's blood pressure instantly shot through the roof and he almost walked out the door in just his PJs before he realized he needed to bring his badge and gun.
Rushing to the scene, Weller only managed to resist breaking numerous driving laws by constantly reminding himself that Jane hadn't sustained any serious injuries and was currently chaperoned by multiple FBI agents and cops. Yet he was still much too aware that those same agents had just let a guy sneak into her safe house and it was entirely possible that she would already be dead if that had been the man's goal.
Ice cold dread ran through Kurt at that thought. He could have lost her again, so soon after finding her. Even if they hadn't tested her DNA yet, he was sure that she was Taylor, somehow brought back to him after twenty-five years away.
Pulling up to the scene at an unreasonable pace, Weller saw that it was already getting busy with more agents arriving and the coroner showing up to deal with the body. He flashed his badge to get past the yellow tape and immediately started scanning until he saw Jane sitting on the couch, scowling at the paramedic trying to look into her eyes with a penlight.
"Ma'am, you've been hit hard enough to lose a tooth and your pupils are still dilated. I really recommend that you come to the hospital and get examined by a doctor."
Instead of arguing with the EMT, Jane saw that Weller was approaching and gave him an exasperated look. And suddenly he was transported back to a moment forgotten for so long that he hadn't known that it was still there.
In his memory Kurt was nine and crouching in front of an annoyed four-year-old, doing his best to put antiseptic on her scraped knees as she rolled her eyes at him and complained.
"It's not even bleeding, Kurt," she'd groaned, desperate to get back to the game they'd been playing. "You're such a worrywart."
Weller remembered the internal pressure he'd felt, babysitting his wild little neighbour. It had been a responsibility he took pride in and he'd hated having to tell Emma that Taylor had hurt herself again, attempting some stunt. Or, even worse, explaining that he'd stepped on Taylor's hand, causing her to fall from the tree. Not that Emma had ever blamed him for any of the bruises and cuts; instead, she'd always reassured him that it was all part of an active childhood. Still, he'd been the older one, the one in charge. So he'd always felt like it was his fault if Taylor hurt herself, no matter what anyone else said.
Looking at Jane now, he felt exactly the same way. He obviously couldn't protect her, not even with the power of the FBI behind him. And failing in his duty made him angry and anxious; overprotective to the extreme.
Kurt flashed his badge and told the paramedic that he could go, explaining that he would deal with Jane and make her see a doctor. The EMT exhaled in relief as he walked away from his stubborn patient and Weller took the man's place, standing in front of Jane, who was still seated on the couch.
She looked tired yet agitated, sitting there holding her swollen cheek. He could see that it was already bruising and Weller internally flinched as he imagined her getting hit hard enough to knock out a tooth.
"I knew him," she said immediately. "He's the man from my target training memory. The one that was outside the building before we almost got blown up. He knows me and he was following me. We have to find out who he is."
"Whoa, Jane," Weller replied, crouching down to look at her more closely. "Slow down. We will do everything we can to find out who that guy was and how he's connected to you. And I do want to know exactly what happened here. But first, tell me are you okay?"
Jane looked a little startled by his question, as if she'd completely forgotten about everything else while fixating on the dead man in her safe house. Then she glanced down at her hand on her cheek and wrinkled her nose.
"My face hurts. But otherwise I'm fine," she muttered.
"You still have to get checked out by a doctor," Weller said. "He must have hit you really hard."
Jane brought her hand down from off her jaw and gave him an irritated look.
"It's been a long day, Weller," she groaned. "I really don't want to go to the hospital."
Weller flashed back to earlier that day, having the same argument with her after she'd crashed the SUV. He'd pretty much guilted her into it then. But right now Jane sounded so tired and on edge that he didn't want to battle with her.
Yet it was clear she needed to see a doctor and at least get some x-rays of her jaw. So Kurt thought the issue through until he arrived at a solution that could placate both of them, even taking the time to figure out how best to present it to his recalcitrant patient.
"Well, you can't stay here," Weller finally said. "It's a crime scene now. We'll find you a safer place."
"And you need to be cleared by a doctor before you can come back out in the field with us," he added. "That's standard protocol."
Jane's frown deepened and she exhaled wearily. Weller could hear that he'd chosen the right selling point - she was desperate to stay involved with the case and be out on missions with the team.
"So either I take you to the hospital right now or you pack up some stuff and we go to the NYO. You can sleep in the medical bay until the doctor gets there in the morning to check you out."
Jane gave him a long look that indicated she knew exactly what he was doing. Yet, for once, she didn't argue, just giving him a tired shake of her head instead.
"Okay, I'll see the doctor at the NYO," she sighed.
Weller held back a grin at her begrudging response and offered her his hand. Jane gave it a long suspicious look before grasping it and letting him pull her up to her feet.
The drive to the NYO was silent, even though Kurt was full of questions. He desperately wanted to know everything that had happened that night but knew that it wasn't the right time to ask. Jane was quiet and obviously still shaken from what had happened; so Weller decided to leave his questions for the morning, after she'd been seen by a doctor.
As they neared the office, Kurt glanced over at Jane once more. He had thought her silence was due to her own head being full of questions too, or continued stubbornness about getting medically checked out. But it turned out that she'd just fallen asleep now that all the adrenaline had fled her system, her head lolled back against the headrest so the bird tattoo was perfectly exposed.
He had never before met such a vibrant, tenacious woman. And even though he had no proof yet, Weller knew in his bones that she was Taylor. He'd gotten her back; been given a second chance. And this time, he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her.
Again he glanced over at his sleeping charge, feeling a warm tickle spread through him as he realized how relaxed she now looked. All the tenseness she'd been wearing at the crime scene was gone as she murmured inaudibly and leaned in his direction.
Weller resisted the urge to reach over and brush a wayward strand of hair out of her face, forcing himself to focus on the road. Yet he still found himself looking to his right far too often, as if his eyes were magnetically drawn to her.
It was impossible but he believed it with every cell in his body.
She was Jane and she was Taylor.
And most of all, she was his to protect.
Jane's emotional rollercoaster of a day ended with two solid answers; yet her head was still full of questions as she stood there, clinging onto Weller's arm.
After all that arguing with Weller and Agent Reade's open questioning of her role in the investigation, it had been a major relief to be told by Mayfair that they had all supported her being armed and part of the team. Jane was sure that Weller had pulled rank with his agents to get that kind of unanimity but she hadn't even had time to really thank him for backing her before Patterson showed up and gave them the other, unbelievable, news.
She was Taylor Shaw. Weller's neighbour, who had disappeared without a trace twenty-five years ago.
Jane stared at him and he stared right back. She watched a wave of joy pass through Weller's expressive blue eyes and felt his elation ripple down her spine as well. Not only had they finally found out something concrete about her, it tied her intricately with Kurt and explained his name being tattooed on her back.
For a moment Jane wondered if it was normal, how much Weller could make her feel. She'd spent most of the day being furious with him for keeping secrets and refusing to let her participate fully out in the field. But then he'd insisted on going with her to the hospital, despite Agent Reade's vocal objections. Which had paradoxically made her feel both protected and nervous, because it was clear that Reade had touched on the truth.
Then, as soon as they were in danger, he had given her a gun without hesitation, fully trusting her to watch his back. Which had been a good thing, considering how close he'd gotten to having a full round of ammunition pumped into him, point blank. Even as it was, Jane had almost been too late - she'd seen the gunman's trigger finger moving just as she shot him dead.
The relief she'd felt seeing Weller alive was as fierce as any emotion she'd experienced yet. And then there had been a whole new set of feelings after he told her he thought she was his childhood friend, the little girl who went missing when he was ten. That revelation had finally put the entire day into perspective, completely flipping her understanding of his behaviour.
The argument with Mayfair. His sudden overprotectiveness. His blow up when she disobeyed his order and put herself in danger.
Weller had been under such immense personal pressure. She wondered how long he'd been thinking of her as Taylor. Clearly it had been influencing his actions all day.
Jane flushed a bit remembering how furious she'd been with him during his tirade about protecting her. At least she wasn't angry with him anymore. That hadn't felt good at all.
So much was running through her mind that Jane suddenly realized they'd been standing there for ages, just holding on to each other and staring silently. Patterson had left somewhere along the way and it now was just the two of them, with the mind-blowing piece of information hanging between them.
Weller's eyes were still teeming with an emotion she couldn't quite identify. She could see that he was fighting to contain himself now that his suspicion had been confirmed.
Jane flashed back to him telling her that she could trust him, that he'd been looking for her all his life. It made her feel warm and a bit tingly, to be to closely tied to Weller. But there was also pressure to being the girl he'd sought for so long - to mean so much to a man she barely knew, a man who already made her feel everything so strongly.
"Are you okay?" he asked, finally finding his voice.
"Yeah," she replied slowly. "It's just… how is this even possible?"
Weller shook his head, a look of wonder still in his eyes.
"I don't know," he said.
"But we will figure it out. We're going to find out what happened to you."
He sounded so sure but Jane was realizing that getting answers had only opened up an onslaught of new questions. If anything, being Weller's childhood neighbour made the whole situation even more confusing and implausible. Also, what had Casey meant by Orion? Was that a clue to where she'd been taken after being kidnapped at age five?
The wave of questions was about to engulf her when Jane felt a squeeze on her elbow and remembered that Weller's hand was still on her arm. Looking up at him, she suddenly felt drained from everything that had occurred in the past day. She'd barely gotten any sleep after the attack at her safe house and then had an extremely emotionally and physically taxing day.
"Hey," he said, studying her closely. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Jane shook her head. She needed some time to think before she asked him any more questions.
"Okay then, how about some food?"
She furrowed her brow at him, confused by the abrupt change in topic. But Weller was just giving her his usual warm concerned look, like he hadn't said anything out of the ordinary.
"I bet you haven't eaten all day," he added. "It's been over twelve hours."
Food was the last thought on her mind, especially after such an intense day. But, thinking about it, she realized that he was right on both counts. And then, precisely at that moment, as if her body was in collusion with Weller, Jane's stomach growled.
Weller grinned at her and Jane swore she even saw a twinkle in his eye as he slipped his hand down her arm until his fingers were entwined with hers.
"Well, that settles that," he said. "Let's go get something to eat."
"Weller," Jane muttered, unsure about his proposition. Going to a restaurant with Weller sounded both enticing and nerve-wracking. Especially with everything that had happened between them that day.
"It's fine, I'll order in later."
"No," he replied sternly. "We're going together and I'll take you to your new safe house after. We won't talk about any of this until tomorrow. But I want to make sure you eat some real food."
Jane's instinct was to argue and push off his concern. But then she remembered the sadness in his eyes as he'd told her about his little neighbour, how he'd been there the night she was taken.
Weller wanted to protect her. And as much as it was sometimes irritating, it also made her feel safer knowing that he was looking out for her so fervently. So maybe it was okay to let him care a bit too much, especially when it felt so good to have his fingers laced between hers.
"Okay," she sighed, giving his hand a squeeze.
She didn't yet know what to say, or how she felt about being his missing girl. But Jane did want him to understand how she was grateful for everything he'd done for her already and for how much he cared.
"Thank you," she finally said, offering him a timid smile. "For everything."
"I'm so glad you found me."
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19 (habits) with saeran and its hurt/comfort? 👀
Yusssss I love those
Habits (Saeran hurt/comfort) also a bit smutt bc I needed it I'm sorry I felt so bad and I needed to spoil muh baby
TW: mentions of abuse and self harm (not explicitly and it isn't the extreme kind though!)
You had been living with Saeran for a whole month now, and you couldn't be happier. You had managed to get the twins reunited again, and you solved the whole issue with the cult and RFA. Saeran was finally free.
Still, even though there were good times, there were bad times too. Saeran had spent most of his life in an abusive home, and afterwards was held in a place that did even more damage this mental health, and even if everything was solved, it still took time for him to be able to control his temper or ignore the sudden mood swings that would come.
Even if he managed to merge his two personalities together, sometimes Saeran came out, and sometimes it was Ray. It mostly depended on the situation.
Saeran wasn't one to easily get angry though, and he was really good at controlling his temper. Yet, sometimes he couldn't help but feel this anger inside, this hatred. And then he would scold himself for feeling that way, and he'd be back in the habit of calling himself so many awful things. Not only that, but sometimes he'd punch a wall, or tear at his hair, or just grip his arm so hard he'd end up bleeding.
But he was working on it.
One morning you had woken up to Saeran happily cooking you breakfast, and you smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips, making him blush.
Still, Saeran looked at you with a surprised expression when he saw you didn't go and sit beside him.
"Y/N?" He asked.
"Sorry Saeran, but I told you yesterday that I had something to do in the morning and so I couldn't eat with you. Still thank you for the food, could you please put it in the microwave so I can heat it up later?" You said.
Saeran frowned though. "I don't remember you telling me anything about that, I thought we were going to spend the day together."
"I know, but they suddenly called in at work, there's this new guy who keeps making mistakes and he really fucked up this time. But I'll be home as soon as possible!" You said as you made yourself a cup of coffee. Saeran sat quietly for a few minutes and then looked up at you.
"Well can't you leave it to Jihae and Emma? You've been working every single day ever since we moved in. Can't you work at home?"
You sighed. "Saeran, we've talked about this. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to fulfill my promise today, but I swear I'll make it up to you!"
"That's what you said last time...." Saeran mumbled, and you stopped in your tracks.
"This time I promise I'll do it-"
"Well this is the fifth time you've said that. Listen Y/N, I don't exactly know if there's anything going on with the house, or with me or us, but you've been gone the whole time."
"Yes working! It's not like I'm super hyped up about it either, stop talking as if I'm doing this on purpose or something! I'm just trying to provide for us."
"Yeah but before it wasn't like this." He stood up and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Whatever, fine. Go to work."
"Why are you suddenly so irritated that I'm going to work?"
"It's not that, it's just that spending time with you is really important to me and I feel like..."
"Like what Saeran?" You glared.
He looked at the ground. "Nevermind, I don't want to fight."
"No, no please finish the sentence. Like what?"
He stood quiet for a bit and then said, looking at you. "Like you don't really care anymore."
"Excuse me?"
"Every single day it's work, work, work, and everytime I want to just spend a few hours with you you always seem to have something come up. It wasn't like this before."
"Saeran I just got promoted, I have to show that I was worth it. I can't just put everything on hold because you feel lonely!"
"Wow, thank you, I love hearing that the love of my life actually cares about work more than me." He said sarcastically, and your eyes widened.
"Oh, I'm sorry for wanting to PROVIDE for us, Saeran, I'm just trying to help! Seriously I can't stay by your side every single hour of the day, you're not a child! And work is important!"
"Well then if work is so important then why don't you just go and start a relationship with it. You seem to be in love with it. In fact, why don't you just go and never come back!"
Now the both of you were yelling, and you felt so...so mad. You had never seen Saeran this angry before and that only made it worse.
"Maybe I will! You'd like thaytright!? For me to just leave and not turn around!"
"Yes, in fact, you're right! I don't need to be around you the whole time, I can take care of myself, in fact, I don't even need you anymore, so just leave! Maybe then I'll be truly happy for once!"
You stiffened. "You aren't happy here?"
Saeran crossed his arms and gave you that familiar cold glare you had seen in Mint Eye all those months ago.
"No. Why would I be happy with an idiot like you? All you've been doing is ingnoring me and trying to avoid me."
"Saeran I....ugh, you're just- you're impossible sometimes!!! Just because I'm busy doesn't mean I don't care! And I hate that, I hate that every time I look the other way for a bit you get sad and mad, it's so tiring, you're tiring, so don't blame me for wanting to go and spend some time by myself for once!!"
Saeran flinched, but you were too mad to stop. "Why can't you think of that for once, I mean, you aren't even making sense! Why did you think I moved in with you?!"
"Oh I don't know, maybe because of pity and to make yourself feel better. That's the only reason you've been doing anything at all, every single action you do it's to make yourself feel as if you're important, as if you actually matter in this world, and that's why sometimes you get into stupid shit, because you're thinking of being the 'good charitable one' and head into problems without thinking. And now you're doing it with that thing at work, you saw that I was getting better so now you got to hop on to the next problem to give your worthless life some meaning." He snarled. "You-" then Saeran stopped. He was pacing around the room and turned to look at you to say something else, but then he saw tears were streaming down your face and he just...he felt so many emotions at once. He felt...mad to see you cry. And he felt....guilty. You had been the first one to call him tiring, and he just lost control at that moment. His immediate reaction was to insult you, to try and cause you the same pain.
Saeran quickly moved towards you and tried to touch your cheek, to make you look up.tl him. "I'm...I'm sorry Y/N I-"
Then, as if on reflect you slapped his hand away and glared. "Don't....just...don't..."
You grabbed your purse and keys and left the kitchen, leaving Saeran all alone.
He looked at his hand. You had never....never done something like that before. It wasn't as strong as when his mother would do it, in fact it didn't even physically hurt him. But he felt his heart break as he realized what the two of you had done.
He had said things...awful things. The two of you. And he had regretted them immediately.
Saeran felt his eyes water and tried to wipe them.
Don't cry, don't cry. You're not weak. Weak people cry and you're not weak.
Still, he couldn't help the sob that came out of his mouth and he paced around the room, gripping his hair. Then he quickly went to the bathroom to look at himself, to try and calm down.
He looked at his reflection. His hair was now messy, and his eyes red. He had been crying non-stop. Still, he glared at the person he saw in the mirror.
He hated it. He gripped his hands so hard. He didn't know what to do, he wanted to scream, to take it out on someone like he usually did, or to take it out on... himself.
You idiot, you goddamn idiot. You've ruined everything, this is your fault all your fault. Now they're... they're going to leave and it's because they finally saw that you weren't worth it, you are never worth it you stupid, stupid weakling.
He sobbed and then felt the anger inside of him suddenly take over, and he punched the mirror.
"DAMMIT!!" He cried, as he held his now bleeding hand and sat on the toilet.
You idiot! You abdolute idiot, why, why?! You're nothing you're worthless why why?! You don't deserve happiness you don't deserve anything nice in this world, why don't you just shrivel up and die you worthless bug.
He gripped his hair as memories of what his mother would say to him came back, of what Rika used to tell him all the time. Then he also remembered the cold look in your face and panted, feeling as if he wasn't able to breathe anymore. God what should he do? You were never going to forgive him, and you were right.
He was tiring. He wasn't worth your time, your love. Yeah...he wasn't worth it, he doesn't deserve you...maybe it'd be better if he....if he...-
He suddenly jumped up from the toilet and snapped his head to look at the where the sound came from. You were standing in the doorway, your hair messy and your eyes red from crying. Saeran felt his heart break once again.
The two of you stood in silence for what seemed like hours, until you walked over to Saeran.
He held his breath, getting prepared to hear you saying you wanted it to end, that you didn't love him anymore. But...you didn't say anything of the sort. He gasped as he felt you wrap your arms around him in a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry Saeran." You cried, and it was suddenly as if something inside him moved, something that finally made him break. He gripped you tightly and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you Y/N, I love you, I love you so much." He mumbled as he felt the tears freely fall from his eyes this time. The two of you hugged each other, tightly, whispering so many words of love, of comfort. You ran your fingers through his hair as you whispered how much you loved him, how much he meant to you and you kept apologizing for what you said over and over again, while Saeran did the same.
At one point Saeran gently pushed you away and cupped your cheek, making you look up at him. Then he kissed you.
It was a messy, desperate kiss, the two of you still crying and sobbing and saying even more I love you's until you couldn't talk anymore.
When you pulled away you looked at Saeran, and then you noticed the bathroom mirror and gasped, immediately taking his hand to check it.
"Saeran..." You sobbed, as you looked at his bloody knuckles.
"I'm sorry...I got...I got a bit carried away...."
You shook your head and made him sit down on the toilet while you grabbed some towles and opened the sink, getting them wet. Then you knelt in front of Saeran and gently cleaned his hand.
Saeran bit his lip, trying to stop more tears from falling. He felt so bad, about telling you to leave, that you didn't matter, he felt so mad that he let his anger get the best of him.
And even after he said that....you came back. And you were taking care of him.
He can't remember the last time someone took care of his wounds like that for him. Last time he got hurt it was at mint eye, and you weren't even there yet. And now, he felt so grateful, so lucky to have you here.
As soon as you finished cleaning his knuckles you grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips, kissing them.
"Saeran...I'm really sorry. I should've...I should have never said said that. You...you are everything to me and I love you so much...I honestly don't know what I would do without you and...I'm sorry I've been away. I was...I was just so nervous about this new step in our life and I...I dont know, I panicked. I'm really sorry." You said, looking at the ground.
Saeran lifted your chin with his hand, and then he helped you stand up, so you'd be straddling him. Then, he leaned his forehead against yours and gave you a small smile.
"I'm sorry too. I know that you've been....so stressed lately. I'm really sorry for being selfish and only thinking about myself. I...I seemed to forget that a relationship is a two way street. And I'm supposed to also spoil you and smother you."
"And you do Saeran...you're...you're the best boyfriend ever. I love you."
"I love you too."
"And... I'll be more honest from now on...about my feelings and I won't try to run away. I'm...I'm going to be someone that also gives everything to you, just like you do to me."
The two of you smiled, and Saeran tangled his fingers in your hair pulling you towards him, kissing you again. This time the kiss was slow and tender, the two of you taking your time. Then, Saeran kissed your cheek, your neck, and made his way down to your chest, unbuttoning your shirt. Every kiss he gave you was his promise to you, to always love you and cherish you.
You helped him take off your shirt and you gripped his hair, gasping as he nipped and sucked, and kissed.
Eventually you stood up and took both of your clothes off, leading him to the shower. You could see he was about to put on the cold water, probably out of habit from doing it for so long, but you grabbed his hand and turned it so the water was warm. He looked at you confused for a second, but then you pulled his face down to kiss him once again.
He pushed you against the wall, and you gasped as he bit your neck and moved his hands to grab your hips.
Eventually the whole place got hot, and you wrapped your arms around Saeran as he slowly inserted himself inside you.
"Are you alright?" He whispered in your ear, and you nodded, making him look at you.
"I love you so much Saeran. I'm all yours, and I will always be. I promise I'll never leave you." Saeran's eyes widened and you gasped as you felt him suddenly move, his lips quickly against yours.
"I....I'm yours too. Forever, and ever, and I promise that I will always love you and stay by your side. I love you, I love you so much.....I love you...."
That night the two of you laid cuddling in your bed, the covers against your bare skin. As you looked at the man sleeping beside you, you couldn't help but smile.
You loved him so much.
Every couple fights, and everyone has both good and bad days, but you wouldn't let that get in the way of your relationship. You had made a promise that day to always be with him, and you swore you would fulfill it.
You kissed him and held him closer to your body, finally letting yourself relax with the person you love the most in the world.
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shot-tothestars · 4 years
Before you go.
Guess who just wrote a fic??? Me!!! Yup it took me 3 days to finish a 1168 words one-shot but welp...I’m not good with angst :’) (but I’m proud of this so :3) The title is just because this song by Lewis Capaldi inspired me a lot (listening to it in my dad’s car and imagining all the angsty scenes) 
Hope you like it!!!
Summary:"He wishes he had noticed sooner. For the first time, he encounters a problem he can't solve. It's Ray after all."
Fandom: The Promised Neverland/ Yakusoku no Neverland
Pairing: (you could say) Norman x Ray 
Type: Angst, canon divergence
Arc: Paradise Hideout arc!/ King of paradise arc!
Warnings: Mention of suicide and mild spoilers (if you haven’t read the manga this won’t make sense to you XD)
Who would have said the sweet Astrid would write angst? To be honest... this my sec fic of this two, the other is in my notebook, is fluff and it would never see the light of tumblr :)
"So, where is he?"
Her eyes darken and he really doesn't want to listen to what his brain is screaming at him.
"Norman I..."
Tears appear on her green eyes.
. . .
His eyes open up. The first thing he distinguishes is a white ceiling. He notices that his body is in a resting position (almost as if he had just woken up) and decides to stay like that for a few minutes, trying to avoid the dizziness that he would surely have had otherwise. Instead, Norman decides to take a look at his surroundings by moving his head gently and the couple of beds beside him, the mahogany wood flooring,and the infantile drawings that are hanging on the milky white walls set all the alarms on his brain because, without knowing how, he's back at that place that still gives him nightmares almost two years later.
How is he back at Grace Field House?
Quickly, his brain gets out of the shock and starts reasoning as usual. He gets to the conclusion that he must be dreaming (at least until the place starts to turn into the night terrors he is accustomed to). He sits down,grateful that he isn't experiencing any whirling sensation, and since he knows that none of what he is seeing is actually real, decides to let go a bit of his nerves, still paying attention to everything around him but with a more curious than afraid instinct. He starts to wander through the place. He can't say he hates it here, the house brings him fond moments that he refuses to see as lies. Still, he can no longer call it a home (even though he wishes he could). Staring at the old childish drawings that make him smile melancholic, the perfect made up beds that, in some bizarre way, he had missed and the "nut-brown" door, he sighs with a mixture of comfort and sadness, not knowing why he feels this way, and then decides to explore some more, maybe if this was those "lucid dreams" mama once told him about he could stop pretending for a bit (it had been so long since the last time he had the possibility to do something so carefree).
He quickly finds himself in front of the library's door he has spent so many afternoons in. He can't say he was expecting something when he opened the door and that figure was so connected to the place that the few minutes he took to approach him, take a seat next to him and give a quick look at what the boy was reading were passed without him noticing what was actually happening.
The moment his brain finally realized the situation, he almost choked on his own breath and instinctively got a few inches away, his fight or flight reflexes as active as ever.
The other gave a little chuckle and looked at him, amused.
"Why so scared? Have you seen a ghost?" His eyes sparkled charmly "Or was it just your reflex? To be honest, I thought it was impossible for you to get paler, Nor-"
He can feel hot tears running through his face, he's probably ruining the other's shirt and the whole stoic facade he has been working so hard to perfect doesn't really matter anymore.
Ray's alive here and that's all that matters.
"Don't be stupid" He gives little rubs at his back, awkward to comfort but trying his best. "You know the truth"
"I don't really care" he buries his face in the other's shoulder "let me be like this for a bit more, please"
He hears a little hum as response, a hand patting his head while the gentle strokes in his back continue.
Feeling protected was something he had missed for so long without knowing. His heart wrenches, his mind keeps trying to make him accept the truth, but he doesn't want it right now. Norman feels tired, has been feeling that way for what seemed like an eternity (even though it had just been two years) Asking himself questions he couldn't really answer, taking a role no twelve year old should, doing things that he could say his body was in a better condition than his soul. Being able to finally be comforted was, to say the least, nice.
"Why did you do that?"
"Do what exactly?"
"You know what I'm talking about, idiot"
"And I'm pretty sure you still don't want to admit the answer, idiot"
His heart gets heavier with that sentence.
He remembers discovering Ray's secret place, where he had hidden all he would need for his plan to work out. At a quick glance and with the knowledge he had, it was easy to figure out what the boy had been planning for so long. He remembers how his own lips let a soft smile, he wouldn't let him die, that was for sure, if the dumbass wanted to die, he would make sure to show him a million reasons to live, each for whatever reason Ray had for desiring to end with his life.
He, for the first time, had encountered a problem he couldn't solve. It was Ray after all.
"Was there something I could have said to change your mind?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"If only I had-"
He feels the hug being broken and a hot sensation in his cheek. Those dark green eyes covered by tears as well.
"Stop right there, I thought you were a genius, Norman" He can't look at him anymore, his voice hurts too much already. "Not some stupid with a it-was-my-fault complex, don't you dare to think it was or else..."
"You were hurting and I couldn't do anything!" His throat hurts, and his eyes are swollen but he feels strong enough. "I can't even tell for how long you had been like that and I was supposed to be your best friend!"
He can't control anything, not even his body. He feels so useless, what type of friend he was? How could he be called a genius if he couldn't even discern how much Ray hated himself, to the point of...
"That's because you two make it all better" The tone sounds so soft and broken he is forced to look at his face. He is smiling. "All the moments I had with you and Emma were the best in my poor excuse of a life."
He's about to open his mouth, but decides to keep it shut instead. There is a soft smile on his lips even though tears keep running down. He wanted to ask more questions, he wanted to make him realize how wrong he was for wanting to go so soon, he wanted so many things.
"It's already too late" He's opening the library's door. "It was nice to see you again, Norman. Tell the other idiot it wasn't her fault either. She's starting to annoy my "Eternal rest" and I want to enjoy it, you know"
The room starts to fade out.
"I'm looking forward to meet you two again."
"I couldn't Norman I-" She starts sobbing uncontrollably and he waits for the worst. "He's gone."
If you read this let me tell you you are my hero <3, I would give you a cookie but I don’t have my phone so :’( anyways, THANKS FOR READING!!! <3<3
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bizlawgal · 4 years
I'll share one too 🤭. So years after arriving the human world emma and norman are making out in norman's room and emma gets all horny and she doesn't know what's that and she tells norman and norman is kinda the same but then he wants to explain it to her so she makes a conscious decision to keep going or stop, but emma just wants do other stuff 😏🤭😂.
This is a rather mild take to the prompt since it wasn’t explicitly stated by anon that it’d be hot and heavy hahaha. 
Post-Canon Noremma being playful.
“You’re too loud, Emma.”
A hushed giggle escaped her. “I-I can’t help it! You’re tickling me!”
“I’m not trying to.”
“But your kisses do!”
They momentarily froze when they heard footsteps ascending the stairwell. It was adjacent to where Norman’s room was, and if Emma wouldn’t stop giggling and squirming on his lap, it wouldn’t take a genius to assume what they were doing within the four corners of it.
The sound of footsteps fainted in his hearing, and Norman could only release an exhale of relief.
“This is too reckless, Emma. It’s becoming harder to explain why you’re always wasting your time in my room when you could accompany the others to the market, you know.” Norman’s mouth twitched as he tried to explain their current predicament. 
Emma frowned. “But Gilda wants me to stay at home and take care of the kids.”
“And this is how you’re taking care of the kids?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ray said he’ll keep an eye on them and told me to keep you company instead!” she said proudly.
Norman pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. 
Of course! Ray would take the opportunity to give them ample time to get to know each other. Even though everyone happily shared stories from their life back in Grace Field, she mostly enjoyed listening to Norman’s version of their childhood.
Which was the main reason why she always wasted her time in his room despite the enormous pile of tasks on his plate. It never bothered Norman one bit.
This initiative paved way for Emma and Norman to be inseparable once again.  Just like how they were years ago in that orphanage.
A little too inseparable, if one might say.
No one knew who instigated the first move or how it even happened to begin with. 
It was one of the usual days where Norman had to finish a report when Emma decided to drop by unannounced. One minute they were laughing about one of Emma’s recklessness as a child, the next she was on top of him, straddling his hips. Her arms were around his shoulders, while his hands were roaming everywhere.
The first time they allowed their emotions to do the talking, they pretended it never happened.
But when she moaned for the second time, they knew it was futile to cease whatever they had going on.
From then on, instead of sharing stories, they shared intense kisses.
And right now, it was exactly what they were sharing while she was seated on his lap.
“What —” his breathing is ragged against the uncertainty of the question beneath his tongue. “What are we doing, Emma?”
When she only stared at him, he took it upon himself to continue his inquiry. “I-is this what they call going through... puberty?” Norman averted his gaze rather doubtful. 
It certainly wasn’t puberty doing this to him. He had known what his feelings were for her before he even understood the concept of it.
It was difficult crossing the bridge of confession when she no longer held memories of him  —  memories that dated back when they were still ignorant children back in that orphanage. 
He was careful not to cross any boundaries that she might regret since he knew all too well what her mere touch could do to him. 
And lip-locking with her for the last few weeks wasn’t helping his sanity any longer.
Emma looked taken aback. Clearly, she had the same question in mind.
“Hmm, is it?” she said bashfully, tossing her vision away from his. “I don’t know. When we first kissed, I-I immediately thought this was something I always wanted to do with you. It felt... like that. I think something’s wrong with me.”
Norman continued to stare at her, completely stunned this time. He schooled his composure before answering. “I think something’s wrong with me, too. The only difference between us is that I think I know why I like doing this with you.”
“Really?!” she inquired, a little flustered. “Why?”
He wasn’t going to outright tell her he was maddeningly in love with her.
That conversation was saved for a later time.
Norman smiled coyly, evading the question. “How about we try finding out why you like doing this with me first?”
Emma narrowed her eyes at him. Something indiscernible crossed his face just now and she wanted so badly to know what it was.
If he was keeping a deadly secret, then she’d just have to force it out of him.
“I think I know just how,” she said before standing up and pulling him towards the silken mattress of his bed.
“What are you planning, Emma?” Norman eyed her skeptically, not allowing himself to be dragged on the bed. It was hard to move around with her in his room given the remaining restraint he had. 
Emma feigned a pout. “We both want to know why I like doing this with you, right? How about we do something other than kissing?”
A sensual smile formed on her lips, and the gesture forced Norman to swallow hard at the sight of her.
“Come on, Norman. Don’t you want to know it with me?” she tugged on the sleeve of his coat, lips pursed.
Norman drew a sharp inhale as he allowed his walls to come crumbling down.
There was no way he could resist her.
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To Serve and Protect - Chapter 7 (Complete!)
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SUMMARY: Detective Killian Jones has been investigating a stalker-turned-murderer for months by the time he goes home from the bar with Emma Swan. But when he thinks he sees the very man in question outside her apartment, can he separate his feelings for her and his need to keep her safe?
TRIGGERS: everything you’d expect in a teen-rated serial killer fic: mentions of violence and death, with some physical violence/whump. as always, if you need me to discuss this further for you to be comfortable, message me
(a/n): HEY GUESS WHAT completed stories come with new art and this story is DONE baby. thanks for your patience with this one. you’re all incredible.
Prologue // Ch. 1 // Ch. 2 // Ch. 3 // Ch. 4 // Ch. 5 // Ch. 6 // Ch. 7 on AO3
Her knuckles against the half-open door are soft, almost as soft as her voice when she says, “Hey, Killian," and her sigh is one of relief when she sees Killian is by himself, with the sheriff nowhere to be seen. 
Good. She doesn’t think she could face both of them together right now. 
Shutting the door behind her, she tries her hardest to smile at him, knowing that it probably isn’t as believable as she wants it to be. The smile that Killian has for her, though, is nothing but genuine, even with the tense air between them. Because of course he's still happy to see her, even though she stormed off earlier that morning.
"Hello, Swan," he says, extending his uninjured hand out towards her.
"Listen, Killian," she says, filling the space between them at the same time Killian says, "Look, about what happened."
She hopes this smile is more genuine than the last. "Can I? Please?"
He nods.
Leaning to sit on the edge of the bed beside him, she takes a deep breath, but looks everywhere in the room except his face. It’s not the first time she’s bared her heart to Killian Jones in the few short weeks since she met him at her brothers’ bar, but something about what she has to tell him now seems particularly difficult, and looking into his deep blue eyes — eyes that have been nothing but sincere to her since that first night at the bar — will only make it worse. "I can't — I'm not sure why you did what you did, but you know what? I talked to David and realized that I don't really care. Why you thought that hiding Neal's death from me was the best option, I'm not sure, but I know that's why you did it. And I appreciate it. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, really, and no matter how angry I am about this, it doesn’t come anywhere close to how thankful I am for everything else you’ve done since the moment I met you, really.” Finally, she allows herself to look at his face, right into those damn blue eyes, and his soft smile cuts right into the deepest part of her. She turns her gaze away again, but tightens her grip on his hand. “I don’t even want to think about what could have happened to me if you weren’t so adamant about protecting me, what Felix could have done, what Neal almost certainly would have done.” 
“Hey,” he says softly, letting go of her hand only to reach up and rest his palm against her cheek. “You don’t have to think about that. You don’t have to worry about anything. I understand why you were upset with me, and in hindsight, I’ve realized that I would have felt the same. You deserved to know about Mr. Gold, I should have told you, but—” 
“There’s nothing we can do about that now. If we… if we can move past this, I’d be more than content.” 
He smiles, and it’s one that she can’t help but return. “Deal.” 
She doesn’t know what else to say, what else needs to be said, so instead, she acts, leaning to fill the space between them and press her lips against his. It’s soft, between her worrying that she’ll hurt him and his being caught off-guard — and doesn’t last long, cut short by a soft knock behind her followed immediately by the creaking of the door as it swings open. 
“Good news, Mr. Jones,” Dr. Whale says, bounding into the room without looking up from his clipboard, closely followed by Graham and Henry. “Between the x-rays and your strength tests from this morning, I see no need to keep you here any longer. Usually we’d be more worried about nerve damage in your hand from an injury like this one, but…” He shrugs, a sly smile on his face as if it’s not the third time he’s made that joke since Killian's arrival. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.” 
“Yes, ha, ha,” Killian responds dryly, lifting his uncovered blunted arm a few inches for emphasis.  
Whale ignores his comment, eyes back on the clipboard. “I’m going to want to see you next week to check on the healing progress, but other than that, you’re free to go, detective, unless you have any questions.” 
Killian shakes his head. “Thank you, doctor.” 
Whale nods, but it’s Graham who speaks up. “I’ll have Henry give you two a ride back to Emma's apartment.” 
“Can I just have the cruiser? You and young Mills can go to the station together, and Emma and I can just—” 
“Wait, I don’t—” Dr. Whale cuts in, suddenly interested in their conversation. “I’m not sure I feel comfortable with you driving until we’re sure you have full use of that arm, Jones.” 
But Killian just shakes his head, laughing softly under his breath. “I haven’t used my left hand to drive for almost ten years now, so I can’t imagine it will be a problem now.” 
Whale thinks on this for a moment, his eyebrows making a low V on his forehead. The room sits in a still anticipatory silence for a moment. And then he nods, and Killian releases a breath he had no reason to be holding. “Yeah. Okay.” 
So Killian turns back to Graham. “So? What do you think, sheriff?” The corner of his lips tick up in a momentary smile, knowing the most direct way into Graham's heart is by calling him sheriff. 
Graham, however, isn’t the one that responds. Instead, it’s Henry, his hands on his hips. “Bet you’re glad he — how did you word it, Jones? — sicced the rookie on you, or else you wouldn't even have a squad car.” But his facade fails, a slight smile working its way across his face. 
It’s contagious, spreading first to Killian and then Graham, who wraps his arm around the young man’s shoulders. “Come on, rookie,” he says with a laugh. “Give the detective your keys and we can head out of here.” 
Henry rolls his eyes, his smile only growing, but reaches into the pocket of his pants, pulling out the keys to the cruiser, which he tosses to Emma. 
“I’ll call you later to check in, Jones,” Graham says, then leaves the room, his arm still wrapped around Henry’s shoulders. 
After a moment, Whale clears his throat, then nods. “As I said, I’ll send a nurse in with your discharge paperwork.” And then he, too, turns on his heel and leaves them in the hospital room. 
With a sigh, Emma turns to Killian, holding the keys up in front of her. “Let’s get ready to get you out of here and go home” she says with a smile. 
He responds with a smile of his own, Emma notices something in his expression, something that she hasn’t noticed since that first night, since talking to him outside the bar: an air of freedom, of happiness, not masked with worry or concern or the hardness of his need to protect her. It’s a genuine smile, something she never realized had disappeared after those first few conversations. 
But it’s back, a weight lifted off of his shoulders and a light returned into his bright eyes. She hopes it stays around for a very long time.
-- -- -- -- 
Killian’s never been a fan of silence, for as long as he can remember. That’s part of the reason he’s been drawn to the sea, he believes: it’s never silent, even at its calmest, and is always able to distract him from even the most gnawing thought. 
So the silence that fills the car on their way back to Emma’s apartment, which he’s sure others would find calming, has the opposite effect on him. His left foot is bouncing against the floor of the car, his fingers drumming against the steering wheel, and his mind running a mile a minute — riddled with questions and worries, all surrounding his relationship with Emma. 
He has so many questions for her, so many loose ends that he wants to tie up, hopefully in a clean, perfect bow. Even if that first night had nothing to do with the stalker, their relationship became one of necessity, and that’s not something that he can easily overlook. He steals a glance at her in the passenger seat, just for a moment, and the pounding of his heart slows slightly when he notices just how calm and content she looks, a soft smile on her face as she scrolls through something on her cell phone. He needs to know that she still reciprocates his feelings, feelings that are still very real and very potent to him. He still feels drawn to her, just as he did that first night — just as he has every time he’s looked at her, thought about her, been near her since then. 
But the words won’t come. As much as he hates silence, he can’t bring himself to break it. So he doesn’t. 
She does, though at first, it’s not with her words, but with her stomach, which growls loud enough for him to hear over the engine before she speaks. “Can we, uh, get something to eat?” 
At first, he’s speechless. This is, by far, the furthest thing from his reeling mind, but once he starts thinking about it, he realizes just how hungry he is, also. 
“Somewhere other than Granny’s, though,” she adds. “If we go to Granny’s, everyone will want to talk to us, know what happened, and I don’t think…” 
She trails off, but Killian takes over: “I certainly don’t have the energy for that right now.” 
She turns to him, a soft smile on her face, and he returns it after a quick glance. “Exactly.” A beat passes, both of them hoping for an answer to come from the other. 
Another beat passes. 
The problem with small towns, Killian says to himself. 
“What about the bar? They’re technically open for lunch, though no one ever really comes around until after the work day is over.” 
“Perfect,” Killian responds, flicking on the turn signal to change their route to their new destination. 
And it is, really. When they walk in, the cruiser parked in Emma’s spot outside her apartment building, they find only James behind the bar, putting away a few racks of dishes, and Mulan sitting on one of the barstools, a book held open in front of her. They both start at the sound of the bell over the door, though, and Killian is immediately set on edge by the two of them turning their attention to him — and can’t even imagine how uncomfortable he would have been at Granny’s. 
“Can we, uh, get lunch?” Emma asks, her voice quiet. At first, Killian’s not even sure that James heard her over the sound of the television behind him, though when James does finally nod his head, Killian realizes he must just be asking himself what the hell they’re doing there. 
“I’ll be right over,” Mulan says, but makes no move to get off the barstool, her attention even going back to the pages of the book in front of her. 
Not that Killian minds in the least. He doesn’t want anyone’s attention on him, not even the waitress serving them lunch, not even someone like Mulan who he knows is smart enough to not ask them about what happened when they're so obviously trying to avoid nosy people. 
“Thanks,” Emma says back, her voice no louder than before, but James speaks up as she moves to walk to her usual secluded corner seat. 
“Everything alright?” 
It’s an innocent enough question, really, even though Killian has no idea just how much James knows about the events of the past day. He must know enough. 
Emma stops in her tracks for just a moment, turning her attention up to her brother before returning it to the rough wooden floorboards, and then takes another step. “Just need a place to grab something to eat that’s not full of people, you know?”
Though Emma misses it, Killian notices the soft, brotherly smile that crosses James’ expression for a moment, one that takes his mind back to his own brother, even momentarily: it is the smile of someone happy to be able to help, even if they do so by simply leaving them alone. “Let me know if you need anything.” 
Emma nods to herself, missing this moment of genuine care on her brother’s face, and then slides into the booth.
He has so many questions for her, questions about everything he's learned over the past day, questions about whether she reciprocates the feelings he feels so strongly — but the question that he hears leave his mouth is, "So I guess you're not as close to James as you are David, then?"
Immediately, he can tell this is also far from any of the questions Emma expected him to ask, her brow deeply furrowed when she turns her eyes up to him briefly. But she answers it anyway. "It was like that from the start, from when I first came to live with them. James was part of the popular crowd, one of the cool kids, and I… I didn't even have any friends. But David was much more welcoming, much more open, and we just started to get along much better from the very beginning. It's never changed.”
Killian nods, thinking again of Liam. Liam was both David and James at once: Killian's best friend most days, spending all of their time at home with one another — but once they got to school, it would be as if Killian didn't exist. The four years between them limited the amount of time they spent in the same areas in school, but when Liam was around his friends, Killian always felt like he was a different person. The older Killian got, the better their off-homestead relationship became, especially after the passing of their mother, which brought them much closer, only for Liam to leave for college, and leave Killian behind.
“You have a brother, right?” she asks into the silence of the bar. 
“Had,” he snaps, much harsher than he means to, so he clears his throat and says it again. “Had. He died in the military. Almost ten years ago now.” 
The change on her face is immediate, realizing that what she hoped would be a simple, light conversation is far from her expectation. 
“Sorry,” she mumbles before turning her attention towards Mulan, who approaches their table. 
“Hey,” she says, searching her pockets for a pen, unaware of the awkward moment she has just walked into the middle of. “Kitchen’s not fully open yet, but James said to just order what you want and he’ll make sure it gets done for you.” 
Emma manages a half-smile, probably thankful for Mulan’s interruption of their conversation. “Thanks. I’ll just have a water for now. And a, uh, chicken sandwich with a basket of onion rings.” 
Mulan scratches a few things into her order pad, then turns to Killian. “That sounds perfect, actually,” he says, but keeps his attention turned towards the table. With a nod, Mulan walks away, and he can feel Emma’s eyes set on him. He’s angry with himself, upset that he let himself get angry with her — and embarrassed, more than anything else, really. He wants to look up at her, to let her know that his anger has everything to do with himself and nothing to do with her. Wants to smile at her, ease her fears — but he can do none of it, can’t even bring himself to look up from the dark spot on the table that's become the point of his focus. 
Until she changes the subject:  ˆ¨”Thank you for all you’ve done.” Her voice is soft, but caring, and in the silence that follows, he is finally able to raise his eyes to her. 
He even musters the energy to smile, a difficult task when every fiber of his being is torn between being angry at himself or hyper focused on the memory of Liam that popped into his head unexpectedly. “Of course, love. I’ve only done what I promised to do from the start.” 
She shakes her head. “No, it’s been much more than that. You’ve been — you haven’t just—” She takes a moment to find the words, and the least he can do is give her that moment. “You promised to protect me, and you certainly did that. But it’s so much more than that. You’ve cared about me in a way… in a way that no one has done, for as long as I can remember. That’ s more important to me than anything else.” 
“We need to talk about this, Emma. Talk about us.” It’s not the right response for the moment, changes the mood of everything immediately, but it slips through his teeth nonetheless, and it takes everything he has not to physically reach between them and try to pull the words back. She doesn’t respond, either because she can’t, or because she’s trying to gather her own words, but he continues anyway: “I know what my feelings are, but for as long as we’ve been together, it’s been out of necessity, and if you don’t — if you’ve changed your mind about—” but Emma stops him, reaching across the table to take his hand. 
“How many times do I have to tell you, Jones? I want to be with you. If I didn’t, I would have changed our situation long ago. I wanted to be with you the first night I met you in this very corner, and that hasn’t changed, no matter the necessity.” 
This time, he doesn’t think he could stop the smile forming on his lips if he tried. “Good,” he whispers, turning his hand under hers so he can lace his fingers through hers. “We’re in agreement then.” 
A comfortable silence settles around them, the music from the bar’s speakers calming Killian’s mind. It’s different than the silence from the car in every way, even if Killian still has things he wants to know about her. But sitting across from her in their corner booth, holding her hand and humming along with the music, is enough for him in the moment. 
For once, they are not in a hurry. There is no shadow lingering over their relationship, no threat of danger quickening the beat of his heart. 
There is only them, him and Emma, and all the time — and glasses of rum, and picnics in the park, and baskets of onion rings — in the world.
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kmomof4 · 4 years
Going Home Ch2 of Somewhere Out There 3A Canon Divergence
I’ve wanted to continue this canon divergence for a while and I’m so thrilled to be sharing it with you all now! This fic wouldn’t have been possible without the INVALUABLE eyes, insight, questions, and cheering of @thisonesatellite. Thank you so much, my friend!!! I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!
Ch Summary: After True Love’s Kiss works in bringing back Emma and Henry’s memories, CS and Henry return home to the Enchanted Forest.
Rating: For this chapter, G. For the entire fic, M (smut)
Words: 2500 of 5300 total
Tags: 3A Canon Divergence
Ch1 | Ao3 chapter link | Ao3 fic link
Tag List: @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @snowbellewells @stahlop @resident-of-storybrooke @jennjenn615 @kingofmyheart14 @profdanglaisstuff @branlovestowrite @thisonesatellite @ultraluckycatnd @flslp87 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @let-it-raines @shireness-says @kymbersmith-90 @darkcolinodonorgasm @bethacaciakay @searchingwardrobes @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @aprilqueen84 @qualitycoffeethings @superchocovian @artistic-writer @donteattheappleshook @doodlelolly0910 @seriouslyhooked @tiganasummertree @lfh1226-linda @nikkiemms @xsajx @klynn-stormz
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
The Jolly Roger cut smoothly across the crystal clear water, swiftly approaching the castle of Snow White and Prince Charming. Emma felt a thrill of excitement skitter down her spine as she beheld the flawless edifice for the first time. Memories of her first trip to the Enchanted Forest paraded themselves across her mind’s eye, the ruins of the castle she was born in, as well as her mother’s tears when faced with its destruction.
But this morning, with the sun rising over the mountains that surrounded her parents castle, the exterior nearly blinded her. The rays reflected off the white stone and turrets she remembered her mother talking about after they returned home from their Enchanted Forest adventure until her vision was positively dazzled. Her family and the other inhabitants of the place of her birth had obviously worked hard to rebuild in the year that they’d been back here. Or maybe Regina had simply waved her hand to restore the castle to its former glory.
They had left New York forever the next day after spending that Saturday packing up what they wanted to take with them and taking care of all the loose ends that would have been left had they simply disappeared. They arrived two days later at the familiar rocky coast of what had once been Storybrooke to find nothing but unblemished forest and sea birds. Poor Henry looked like he was about to cry, and she had to admit that she was having trouble hiding her own tears as well. She’d been careful, she thought, about getting her hopes up, but seeing with her own eyes no trace of Storybrooke, she realized just how much she had come to think of the small town as home and just how disappointed she was that it wasn’t there. Killian helped dispel the melancholy that had enveloped them by taking them both in his arms and assuring them that he would get them home to their family. They changed course, back toward New York until they found and fell through the portal that would take them home.
A feeling of peace, of home settled over her for the first time in her life. All her life she’d been shuffled from place to place, group home to foster home and back again. And even as an adult, the longest she’d stayed anywhere was Tallahassee. But with her pirate and son behind her, she looked over her shoulder to see Killian leaving Henry at the helm and begin making his way toward her, and the rest of her family ahead of her, living in a fairy tale castle to boot, she had never felt so content.
Strong arms circled around her waist and clasped over her middle. She covered his hands with her own as he nuzzled into her neck, placing a tender kiss right behind her ear. “What are you thinking, Swan?” he murmured.
She turned in his arms and raised up onto her toes to kiss him. “Just how much this feels like home. Neal told me, years ago, that home was the place that when you left, you just missed it. Obviously I never missed the Enchanted Forest. I’d never lived here. And going back to where Storybrooke had been made me realize how very much I missed my family.” She looked up at him through her lashes. “Missed you. Even if I didn’t remember.”
Killian smiled down at her. “Aye, Love. We missed you, too.” He gathered her in his arms and hugged her tightly for a few moments before he gave her a chaste kiss and released her, turning back toward the helm. She watched as he took over from Henry and her son started towards her.
“So, what do you think, Mom?” he queried as he leaned against the gunwale.
She smiled at him. “I think we’re home. And I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to see our family again.”
“Agreed,” he said, staring at the castle that was growing ever closer. Just a few minutes later, they were able to make out the dock at the back of the castle. Emma couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that there didn’t appear to be anyone to meet them. Wouldn’t someone have seen them coming from the towers of the palace?
Killian carefully brought the Jolly into berth as Henry secured the ship to the dock. Just as they were making their way down the gangplank, the Blue Fairy appeared before them. She gave a small bow before speaking.
“Thank you, Captain,” she began, “for bringing the Savior home.” Suddenly, the fairy pulled a small vial out of mid-air, uncorked it, and tossed its contents onto Emma.
Emma was frozen in place. Fear gripped her as she heard Killian and Henry shout, Killian drawing his sword in her defense, Henry’s face a mask of shock and dismay. Before Killian could reach the fairy, she waved her wand and a blue cloud of magic enveloped her and the magical being. Moments later, she found herself in a dark cave lit only by torch light. It took a few moments before she could see well enough to realize it was the same cave prison that Killian had left her in before she and her mother had made it back to Storybrooke. Only this time, it was the Blue Fairy on the other side of the bars, not her True Love and Cora. Emma lunged at the bars.
“What are you doing?” she shouted.
Emma stared at the fairy, stunned. She looked sad, apologetic almost, for her actions, at the state Emma found herself in. She rattled the bars in anger. “Answer me! What have you done? Where are my parents?”
“Your parents are fine, Your Highness.” Emma huffed at the fairy’s use of her title.
“Why are you calling me “Your Highness” if you’ve put me in this dungeon?” Her sarcasm wasn’t lost on her captor.
“Because you are still the Princess in this land, and I’m truly sorry to have to do this.” And with that enigmatic statement, the Blue Fairy disappeared. Emma shook the bars before her again and shouted as loudly as she could. There was no response. She turned and looked around, trying to think of anything that she could possibly do to get out. Trying to use magic was useless. She at least remembered that much from her previous imprisonment. The light from the torch just outside the cell reflected off of something lodged into a crevice in the rock wall. Walking over to it, she saw it was a small mirror. Pulling it out, the glass was suddenly filled with a purple smoke before a dark skinned, kindly, ageless face appeared.
“Hello, Savior,” he greeted her.
Emma couldn’t keep the shocked surprise out of her voice. “Who are you? How do you know who I am?”
“Who I am doesn’t matter, Savior, but yes, I know exactly who you are, Emma Swan,” he intoned. “And I also know what the Blue Fairy is doing.”
It took Emma a moment to absorb what he just said. “You do? Why?” she asked, “She is supposed to be one of my parents closest friends and advisors. Why would she do this?”
His bottomless brown eyes grew sad as he answered her. “I have watched the Blue Fairy for many years, since long before you were born. She has forsaken her duty of protecting your family. It is my responsibility to rein her in, to deprive her of the source of her power and now that she is back in a realm with magic, I am able to do so.”
“Are you taking her magic?” Emma queried.
The man smiled enigmatically. “When she realized that her magic was weakening, she sent Killian to bring you home.”
“She gave me the dream so that I would recognize Killian when he got there,” she breathed. “She repositioned Cygnus, both here and in my world, so that he could find me.”
He nodded slowly. “Indeed.”
Emma looked back at the bars. “Can you help me get out of here?”  
“I cannot help you escape beyond what I’ve already done. You have the means at your disposal. Good luck, Savior.” Magic began to swirl in the mirror.
“Wait,” Emma cried, “Who are you?”
“I am Merlin. Don’t you know me?” he answered with a smile before he disappeared in a swirl of smoke.
Emma stared at the glass before her, not knowing what to do. She remembered what Rumplestiltskin had told her when they had all returned from New York after she found Neal. That magic was not an intellectual endeavor. She had to feel it. Squaring her shoulders, taking a deep breath, and shutting her eyes, she thought of Killian and Henry and how much she loved them and wanted to be with them again.
She opened her eyes again to see her two favorite people smiling at her. Her own face broke into a grin. “Swan,” Killian cried, “Are you alright? Where are you?”
“I’m below the castle in the dungeon. In Rumple’s cell,” she explained. “Where’s Mom and Dad? And Regina?”
“We’re here, Emma,” her mother called. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re alright,” she exclaimed, pushing her way into the mirror’s glass. Her eyes filled with tears. “I can’t believe you’re really here! And that Blue would do this!”
“Merlin gave me this mirror so we could communicate. She’s trying to steal my magic because he’s been draining hers for her failure in upholding her duty to our family.”
Snow’s face was an “O” of shocked disbelief. Regina appeared in the mirror. “So what do we do?” she asked. “We obviously can’t trust the Blue Fairy anymore.”
“Merlin said that I have the tools at my disposal. I figured out what to do with the mirror. But maybe, my magic too? That’s a tool, isn’t it? Mom, Cora said that even Rumplestiltskin couldn’t escape this prison. Why? What’s so special about it?”
“We had it specially constructed and magically protected so that he could never escape. Only light and dark magic combined can weaken the enchantment.”
They turned their eyes upon Regina. “Two sides of the same coin,” Emma whispered. “Regina, you attack from outside the prison, I attack from inside. That would do it, right?”
Regina’s eyebrows rose. “It should. But what about Blue? Where is she? How do we neutralize her?”
“Regina!” Snow scolded.
Regina rolled her eyes. “I’m not talking about killing her. Just neutralizing her. Taking her magic, making her unable to fight us.”
“She disappeared. I have no idea where she is. But, if she’s wanting my magic, I would assume that she won’t be gone long.”
“Maybe she’s gone to collect some kind of vessel to contain your magic in, Love,” Killian speculated.
“In that case, we need to get Emma out of there.” Emma nearly burst into tears when she heard her father in the background.
Emma wiped at her eyes furiously as Regina, Killian, Henry, and her parents all appeared before her on the other side of the bars. Emma ran for the bars trying to reach and touch all of them at once.
“Okay, okay,” Charming shouted. “The reunion will have to wait until after Emma’s free. On the count of three. One, two, three!”
Emma stepped back and held up her hands sending a stream of magic at the bars that Regina matched on the other side. White and Dark magic met and sparks flew. Emma could see her family shielding their eyes against the clash of magic and, she’d be honest, if she wasn’t one of the magic wielders, she’d be doing the same. The heat and the power that coursed through her was like nothing that she’d ever known and she was suddenly aware of why the people around her had believed in her so much and for so long. Suddenly, Killian was there, at a hole in the bars big enough for her to climb through.
At that moment, Blue appeared. Quick as an adder strike, Regina shot the fairy with a blast of dark magic, knocking her back into the cell where she had imprisoned Emma. She appeared stunned as Regina shouted, “Seal the bars, Miss Swan!”
“Do it, Mom!”
Emma shot another blast of magic at the bars, making them whole again. Regina cast a binding spell both on Blue and the cell as realization dawned on their former friend and ally.
“No!” she cried.
Snow and Charming stepped forward. “Yes. You have betrayed us in the worst possible way, Blue,” Charming said, his face hard as stone. “For that, you deserve banishment and death. However, in gratitude for your part in bringing Emma home to us, your life will not end by our hand. Once your magic is gone, you will age like the rest of us. You will remain behind bars until death sets you free. This is your punishment for the crimes against our family.” He turned to his wife, who nodded in agreement with his sentence.  
Blue looked from face to face, hoping to find some glimmer of regret, a sliver of affinity in anyone’s eyes, anything that she could try to manipulate to her advantage. There was none. She bowed her head as the family turned from her in her prison and walked away.
The jubilant group emerged into the sunshine. Henry was immediately gathered in Regina’s arms, where he was overjoyed to hug his adoptive mother just as tightly as she was hugging him. Emma found herself gathered in the arms of her parents, tears flowing freely as she felt her father’s hand on the back of her head. Pulling back, astonished, Emma looked down at her mother’s very pregnant belly. It hadn’t even registered in all the action of the last few minutes until Snow gathered her close in a hug that was a year in the making. More tears spilled as Emma expressed her joy at the impending birth of her brother or sister.
Finally pulling out of her parents embrace, Emma reached out for Killian. “Mom, Dad,” she began, smiling affectionately at her True Love, “Killian brought me, brought us, home.” He took her hand, a gentle smile on his face, as she turned back toward her parents.
“We know, sweetheart,” David told her. “When Killian and Henry appeared, he was just able to tell us what happened and how he got to you. Then you appeared in the mirror.”
“Did he tell you about True Love’s Kiss bringing back my and Henry’s memories?”
David’s grin split his face. “Yes, he did. And I, we, couldn’t be happier,” he said, looking at his wife.
“We will plan an engagement and welcome home ball at once,” she exclaimed, green eyes gleaming with excitement.
Emma turned resigned and amused eyes upon her pirate. “Welcome home, Love,” he said, before leaning down and capturing her lips with his own.
“Yep, I guess I am,” she agreed.
Looking around at the faces of the people who loved her, she knew that she was home. Exactly where she wanted to be.
The End
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chidoroki · 4 years
TPN ch181
(spoilers! AAAHHhhaha..my children!)
Okay, so remember in my last review when I said I was impressed how Ray, Gilda and Phil managed to narrow down where Emma might be in the matter of a couple months? Well, I take it back because it hasnt been just a few months, it's been two damn years! Oh my god, I can't imagine how hard it must've been for everyone, especially our two boys, to search for so long without even getting on single clue about Emma's whereabouts. Some of the children still doubt whether she's alive or actually in this world with them or not.
(image limit, so imagine the panels of the Goldy Pond kids discussing the lack of clues and Thoma and Lani doubting the reward again)
Thankfully, Gilda gets the idea to search in forbidden zones which is where we see her, Ray and Phil. Speaking of which, oh my poor boy. This is the longest Ray has been without Emma by his side. I thought the one month after Goldy Pond was hard enough on him, but two whole years? Damn, I can't imagine the stress and anxiety he's been experiencing. He's still so frustrated too and gets so close to Emma without even realizing it. Then, surprisingly, his beloved family steps in to help? The people he personally couldn't save now come together to help him save the one person who originally saved his life. Like, hello?? I love this! Conny, who was another sibling he had to use in order to put his initial escape plan in motion to save Emma and Norman's lives, is now assisting him in saving Emma from being alone. Yuugo, who knows firsthand how important Emma is to Ray and how close they are. Isabella, knowing her son kept his promise as he's always set out to do whatever it takes to protect his entire family. The fact that Ray's lost family members can feel how strong his bond with Emma is and they jump in to help reconnect the two of them again.. just, wow. It may be all the rayemma week feels getting to me but that's like a damn soulmate occurrence if i ever saw one!
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The two unknowingly pass each other again but thanks to Emma conveniently losing her necklace and finding it with perfect timing, they all finally encounter each other. Everyone expresses their complete shock and relief that they had finally found Emma, and while I am happy they their search ended up a success, the mood changes fairly quickly due to our girls lost memories. She hasnt the slightest idea who "Emma" is, who these people are or why they're so excited to see her. The kids wonder if they have the right girl, as they take notice of Emma's bare neck.
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One look at the necklace in her hand though and Ray finally puts the pieces together. Honestly, I'm not at all surprised he's the one to figure out the true reward, as Ray has been very perceptive since the beginning. He's also always been openly honest and blunt when things get serious, so naturally he's the one who has to let everyone know this because while it's a sad truth no one wants to hear, or even believe, they all need to realize it, including Emma. Even Ray has trouble coming to terms with the sacrifice Emma made. He understands how hard it must have been for Emma to accept the heavy price of her forgetting the family she loves so deeply and he looks so broken when he realizes that. He must be feeling so guilty that he couldn't have been there with her when she made the new promise. He still puts the blame on himself and he's so upset that his failure lead Emma to live in a world alone without the family she cares for more than anything.
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I wasn't too satisfied last chapter when demon god told us the real reward and Emma's response was a simple "okay," so I'm grateful we learned more about the conversation now in this chapter. She really did want to live her family. She even knew some of them might get mad at her for keeping a secret. She says it's a selfish request, for her to place such a heavy burden on herself, but what mattered to her back then upon accepting the reward is what has always mattered to her, and that's her family's happiness and safety. It wasn't just her loved one either, but for all the demons and cattle children. This girl truly has a heart of gold and demon god himself is left surprised. Of course I wish she didn't think she was being selfish since everyone did agree to follow her as their leader but aahh.. my poor girl.
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Spoiling the very end now, but we dont get one last fullscore trio hug. Of course that upsets me since I thought it would've made such a perfect ending, but it makes sense now given how everyone's reunion with Emma happened. While their happiness and relief is completely understandable after searching two years and finally finding Emma, they overreact and this visibly freaks her out. Come on guys, last time I said to gently remind her of her past, not bombard her right away. Having a ton of strangers surround you and tell you such outlandish things is quite jarring. I'm glad she takes the chance to listen to everyone, but she just doesnt know these people well enough to suddenly hug them. I imagined a hug would've happened upon her recalling some of her memories somehow and feeling relived that she met the two boys she often once dreamt about, but oh well.
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Norman takes this time to step in and ease some of the tension, saying how happy he is that Emma's alive and even reiterating some of the things he said to her during his shipment scene. While this chapter soon shows how well the escapees have adapted to the human world and changed, it also puts an emphasis on the boy's true personalities that they showed since the very beginning. I've already mentioned above how Ray stayed true to himself, about him being open and honest to the others with the truth and even his own feelings. With Norman, I don't know the word for him really, but his speech about their family and his feelings remind me of ch1/ep1 where we see him trying to calm Emma down after seeing what they did at the gate. He stayed by her side and remained hopeful even though he was just as scared. Right now, I get the same vibes. He's just as upset as their family upon learning Emma lost her memories, but he still wants her to be apart of their family.
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Although it seems like a very rushed way of tying up loose ends, I'm happy to hear about how well the children have been adapting in the human world. They're attending school and following their passions. They all look so happy! The entire Lambda crew is healthy and Cislo even has a prosthetic leg! The medicine made from Adam's dna was successful and also helped those children from the mass production farms. Mike Ratri and the clan are actually being helpful and trustworthy. I absolutely love Norman's comment about Ayshe not killing him! It really makes me smile and I assume that means she's forgiven him.. maybe. Her dogs were indeed able to cross over to the human world too and now there's even more! Chris is finally awake! They seriously have to fill the poor boy in on so much news though.
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I get it. It took the entire story for me to understand but now I get Norman's intense feelings. He's been infatuated by this girl since childhood. He told us/Ray his feelings at age 11 then "gave his life" to give her a better chance at survival. He kept living just for the slight possibly to see her again. After almost two years, they reunite, only for about a week or two before they all cross over into the human world and Emma is no where to be seen. Another two years pass and while they all find her, she's almost a completely difference person. Yet Norman's feelings remain so sincere for her that he accepts this new Emma. He lets her know that the bright future she wished for came true. (me? speaking of noremma? even im surprised)
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Her head might not have the slightest idea who these people are, but her heart surely remembers! Emma's feelings for her family were so strong that they persisted throughout these entire two years, even after she stopped having those dreams about them. Deep down, and without even realizing it, she loves them so much that it makes her cry.
“Why am I... Even though I don't know them. Though I don't know anything. Though I can't remember. Why... Does it feel warm, but also so painful in my heart? I wanted to see you.”
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Seeing everyone else get emotional and expressing their feelings to her right back and having all of them accept this new Emma.. yeah, that has me in tears! Demon god truly underestimated these kids and how deep their love for each other went. Emma's family was never going to give up looking for her because, thanks to her influence, they also didn't believe anything was impossible. “Screw destiny” indeed! (also we never did learn the old dude's name or Emma's new one hm? odd.)
Did Emma get her memories back? No. Did Ray pat her head again so I could die from nostalgia? No, because I'm still here. Did we get a fullscore hug like I originally hoped? No, sadly. The ending isn't picture perfect but honestly, this is still okay. Our precious girl is finally reunited with her family again. Most importantly, they're alive. The trio are teenagers about 15/16 years old now, which amazing since they once believed they wouldn't see a day past the age of 12. Yet here they are, living happy and free in the human world without fear and killing, which is exactly what Emma wished for.
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I can't believe the manga is truly finished. It feels like it all went by so quick, but perhaps that's only because I haven't been in the fandom as long as others, like if you've been here since the manga started then I applaud you and can't imagine how sad this must be after four years. The anime is what caught my attention and my love for this series only grew when I jumped into the manga right after season one ended. I must have binged all available chapters at the time in like three days, all the way up to ch129. Since then I've waited patiently week after week to see how this suspenseful story would pan out for out lovable and very large cast of characters. Each new twist and cliffhanger made my brain crazy and stressed me out but it was so great to experience them with everyone.
Also, big thanks to all of you who share your comments on these reviews of mine! Even though I started writing them pretty late into the story and at the most stressful time, it was great to hear so much feedback and experience the exciting finish with everyone. The manga may have ended, but don't let that make the fandom quiet! We still have future manga volume releases to look forward to, the live-action movie that is still set for this December along with a live-action series that was also recently announced. Most importantly, season two of the anime is still scheduled for January 2021! You can bet I'll do reactions for each episode as I normally do with other anime! The series still has so much more content to give us, especially if the anime continues to recieve future seasons over the upcoming years, so of course I'll give my thoughts on all that I can.
I give all my thanks and appreciation to Shirai & Demizu for such a wonderful and suspenseful story, for all the memorable characters and the stunning artwork. The series has truly become my favorite. That's right, I said it! My favorite. TPN has taken over Black Lagoon as my favorite series. (Revy can still keep her spot as my favorite character but I'll be damned if Ray isn't a really really close second.)
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TPN (2019/10/18)
Norman remembers when he first started binding. He developed early and it showed clearly. Part of him vaguely remembers the other girls in the locker room arguing over who had the biggest chest, and who had already started their periods. This was back in a time when he was still called Nora.
The girls were confused as to why he was so flat, until he took off his shirt and they saw his binder. The looks of disgust were still clear in his mind, and he remembers being shoved and hitting his head on one of the lockers.
He had to go to the nurse that day.
Part of Norman couldn't really be mad about it, he knew they just didn't understand. They didn't realize how strange it felt to have the wrong body.
But still, that incident made him nervous, scared of what would happen if he tried to take off his shirt again.
And yet here he was, years later, in his bedroom with his partners getting ready to...for the first time.
"Guys...I know you said you'd love me no matter what but...I-I understand if you want to um...take that back..." Norman told them nervously, his fingers fidgeting.
Emma pouted childishly. "Normannn! We'd never take that back. I know you're nervous about your body for some reason but whatever it is that you're so scared about, I promise we won't turn you away."
Ray smirked a little. "Exactly, this might surprise you, but when we fell in love with you it wasn't based on appearance, even if you are hot." 
Sometimes Norman felt a little jealous of Ray, he had the body Norman always dreamed of having.
"...Alright..." Norman swallowed the lump in his throat and hesitantly pulled his shirt off, already feeling uncomfortable as they stared at him. His anxiety was making it hard to breath, along with his binder.
Emma and Ray were staring him down and it was making him very nervous, he just wanted them to say SOMETHING.
"What were you so worried about?" Emma questioned suddenly, making him jump a little.
"Huh?" His eyes widened.
Ray raised an eyebrow. "Please don't tell me you've been freaking out about this because you thought we'd actually care about the binder."
Norman looked down in shame. "Not the binder...more like what's under the binder...I-I'm a boy...but..." He trailed off.
"...Norman," Emma placed her hand on Norman's gently. "We know that. You don't have to convince us, this isn't something you should have to convince anybody of. Even if other people are dummies who don't get it, we know the truth. You're our boyfriend and we love you." She grinned brightly.
"And if anyone ever gives you shit for this, they'll have to deal with us." Ray smirked.
Tears welled up in Norman's eyes, he began to tremble.
"Ah- shit. No no no no no, don't cry- God no, stop!" Ray panicked, unsure of what to do next. He looked at Emma for guidance.
"Norman...please don't cry..." Emma whispered softly, petting him on the head.
He tried to stop, he really did. But the tears just kept coming. He couldn't remember the last person who had accepted him like this, not even his own parents.
He wrapped his arms around the two and hugged them tightly, and they returned the favor.
0 notes
allmybiasneedtostop · 5 years
Dead Girl Walking
Pairing: Reader x St. Van
Type: Smut 18+ (but make it musical)
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: This is based on the musical Heathers and on the number Dead Girl Walking. Changing some names cause why not diversity. DON’T BREAK INTO ANYBODY’S ROOM TO FUCK THIS IS FICTION OK?! Also shits all over the place cause it is in the song...
Moodboard made by the lovely (😂😉) @lovely-kpopp-blog​
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It is closing onto midnight, yet you are outside thinking of what had happened at the party. The Heathers set up this plan to hurt Emma Martinez your friend. Sure she was chubby and has a weird obsession over Ray Patil, the star quarterback in school but she was still your friend. And Ray was a nice kid back in the day but now he along with the Heathers; Chan, Mckingly, and Smith, are part of the “it” crowd.** **
They dressed up a pig piňata as Emma and were going to have her wack it. You’ve been feeling guilty for helping with the plan, so you yanked the piňata out of the Heathers grasp and chuck it to the pool.
This did not please Heather Mckingly, and the Demon Queen put out that Monday morning that you were deleted from the “it” crowd.
Now you are walking around thinking of how you were going to either fix this or get away from it. You could change your name and go to Seattle, it is getting popular these days. But you don't have a car or a motorcycle for-
The only person who you know who has a motorcycle is Van, the new guy. (His real name is Geumhyuk Lee but most call him Van cause that's all he wears.) It might be all in your head but it seems like the both of you have some sort of connection. You might even say you may have a crush on him.
One time you were making a convenience store run for the Heathers. Things kept slipping and dropping. For how skinny they are you were surprised at the amount of snacks they wanted.
“Need any help?” You turned to see Van behind you giggling.
“Uh yeah sure” You quickly handed him a bag of chips, gum, and candy, hoping that you are able to suppress the blush that was trying to rise up to you cheeks. Even though he was dressed simply with a black tee, jeans, and a denim jacket he looked really good.
You guys talked while waiting in line. Now you know that his family is military and that's why he doesn't really get close to many people. Also he loves reading and beaches. Sadly you guys weren't anywhere near one.
You are just walking aimlessly when you see Van from a window stripping down. And man homeboy is RIPPED. Not only that but he has tattoos that just made you water. Well at least you can spend the next thirty hours getting freaky with him.
Seeing the light turn off, you climb the tree next to his room. Before Heathers can punch your clock, you snap off his window lock.
You crawl inside taking note on how bare his room is. Not that it was empty but that there isn't anything on the walls. There are clothes thrown around, books, some CDs and what not.
Sitting beside him on the bed you tap him awake.
"What are you doing in my room?!" Is the first thing he asks when he stirs.
You get on top of him legs on either side of him. "I'm sorry I woke you up. I decided that I should ride you till you can't anymore." With every few words you kiss his neck going down. "At the party Heather said I have to go." You kiss down his torso sucking here and there. "So now you are my last meal on death row." Licking your lips you see his tented boxers.
You pull them down to free his now hard dick. "Can I?"
"God yes please" You lick his shaft from base to tip earning a deep groan from him. Giving you a boost of confidence you wrap your lips around his tip. Getting used to having a dick in your mouth, you slowly took on more and more of it till you nose is touching the base.
Once you start bobbing your head you feel his hand grip your hair tight, making you even more turned on. You swirl your tongue around him.
"Oh fuck, you have no idea how many times I've imagined you doing exactly this." He pulls you off of him and starts making out with you. As Van is distracting you he rips your button down off. He takes off both your blazer and the shirt off. Even as you're grinding down on him he can feel how wet you are through your panties. Thinking about how he can't have you waiting, he makes quick work with your bra, skirt and underwear.
Taking you by surprise he flips you on your back and starts kissing down your now naked body. Once he reaches where you most want him to touch you the bastard starts teasing you. He kisses around your core. Van also bites and kisses your thighs. Seeing him between your legs is hot and all but you are starting to get antsy.
Out of nowhere you feel a finger penetrate you. His finger curls inside of you as your toes curl against the sheets. Van wraps his lips around your clit sucking hard. You arch your back and your hands entangled through his hair.
Van takes a look at you humming at the sight. Your head is thrown back, mouth agape, love bites forming all over your body. He only dreamed of having you withering like this. Now he's dream is coming true and it's so much better as a reality.
He adds another finger, feeling you clench around them gets him more turned on. He was about to wrap his hands around himself, when you pull him up.
Growling you tell him "Put it in me right now!"
You flip him over you that you're on top again before you could do anything else he stops you.
"Wait are you sure? I don't have condoms right now."
"Look Van, I'm horny, pissed, and on the pill. Now I'm pretty sure you know the drill, right?" With that you sink down on him, both of you moaning at the sensation.
Once you got used to the feeling of his cock inside of you, you start to grind against him. His hands gripping your sides helping you keep pace. "Remember how you told me you were numb?"
"I can't agree, to me Van, you're beautiful." You grab his face and kiss him.
Once you pull apart, with stars in his eyes, he asks, "Can I ask, how did you find my address?"
"Luck, I looked up to see you through the window."
After a bit of letting you ride him, he starts thrusting into you, causing you to yelp. He starts to thrust into you hard. Euphoria starts to coil inside of you with every thrust.
"Fuck me harder please. Make me forget everything."
"I will baby, I will." You didn't think possible but he went even harder. With one final thrust he sent you over the edge. You fall on to him trying to regain your breath.
"Wait Van you didn't came yet..."
"I will in a bit. And don't call me Van just say my name."
"Yeah just like that." He flips you on your back again. "Ready? Cause we're going all night if we can."
Even though you weren't you nodded yes. His thrust started slow and deep. Van's- no Geumhyuk's lips found yours. He took your hands and pin them in one of his. You arch into him. His lips move from your mouth to your neck, soft mews escape your lips.
"Geumhyuk please just don't hold back, I need it har-" the snap of his hips made you lose your train of thought. The biting and sucking, him marking you made your head swim. Every moan that reaches his ears encourages him to harder. Still sensitive from the first orgasm it did not take long for ecstasy to coil and burn inside of you again.
Before you came he pulls out and flips you on all fours. You couldn't complain about the emptiness, when he thrust into you again. From this position his dick feels different. Geumhyuk also is going harder and faster, making your eyes roll back in pleasure.
"Geu- Geumhyuk fuck, more give me more please! Pull my hair, slap me please!" Your hands grip on to the mattress.
"Damn babe I think you ripped my mattress, for that you'll. Have. To. Pay." He punctuated every word with a hard thrust making you tear up. His hand comes to your throat and pulls you up your upper back to his chest. His other hand reaches in between your legs. Needing something to hold you grab his wrist.
"Touch me there, right there Geumhyuk I, I'm gonna cum again"
"I'm gonna cum too"
He feels your body spasm and your pussy clench around him.
"Ssss ow!" Lost in the feeling you scratch his arms. Biting down on your neck, grunting, he comes inside of you.
He sees you fall on to his bed panting, sweat glistening from your body, and cum starting to seep out your cunt.
Geumhyuk gets up and grabs a box of tissues to help you clean up.
After clean up he asks you "So what happened at the big Homecoming party that brought you here?"
Snuggling up to him you answer "I'll tell you in the morning but right now I want to sleep, goodnight" you peck his cheek.
"Goodnight, angel"
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grade-a-masochist · 5 years
Do y'all ever think about why, exactly, the ED was changed from Zettai Zetsumei to Lamp so suddenly? I do. A lot. It's almost unhealthy. But I have a—theory, of sorts. It'll all seem very random at first, but hear me out!
Okay, so first, to understand all the shit I'm about to blabber, we first need to understand what zettai zetsumei means. I looked it up after the third episode and discovered a little bit of info on the Japanese phrase. It means "to be in a desperate situation" or in a situation in which, no matter what you do, whatever move you make will only be more detrimental to you. This is typically used in chess; a stalemate of sorts.
So, considering the whole first season of Yakusoku no Neverland is one huge game of chess between Isabella, Ray, Norman and Emma, this makes sense. Especially if you consider how Shirai once made a point of showing that Emma, Norman and Ray have never won a game of chess against Isabella. Not until the end, at least. Then, they won the greatest game. But not without some sacrifices, which is when my theory really kicks in.
After discovering the secret behind the house, Emma and Norman are slowly, slowly caught between the sword and the wall. Mama and later Krone are hunting them at every turn, restricting them from any planning. Even Ray turns out to have "betrayed" them, even if he was aiming to keep them alive. They were caught in a desperate situation, with no visible or possible escape. And the situation only got more desperate at the end of episode nine.
Emma's leg was broken, their plan was defeated, Krone (their one ally) was dead and Norman was being sent to the slaughterhouse. They were doomed. There was no way to get out of this. No matter what they did, even when they devised a strategy to save Norman, a way for their escape to be possible in due time, they would only make their situation worse. Norman gives into their plan and desires—
But they were still caught in zettai zetsumei.
Norman, as we all know, rejects their plan despite initially lying and pretending to go along with it. He will not risk the escape or their safety, simply so he can "selfishly" continue to live on. Norman practically ships himself out to keep them alive, leaving behind a whole fucking legacy. He completely orchestrated the final escape, leaving Emma with instructions, and leaving the rest up to her. She had to take the reins from then on, making choices and adapting and leading.
And then, right after Norman dies—
Lamp kicks in.
Because they are no longer caught in zettai zetsumei. Their only options before Norman's death were:
His escape, which would lead to more difficult conditions for their escape.
His shipment, resulting in his death and them having to give up.
That was it. Those were their only options. Both were more detrimental to them. They needed to make a choice, but no matter what they did, they would be losing to Isabella. One offered a stunted possibility while the other offered, theoretically, none.
But Norman turned that around, all on his own.
He secretly carried out a further investigation than they had originally planned, leaving Emma his last will—plans for their escape. He devoted his last day and all his efforts into giving her a way out for everyone. He made sure Ray would not die at his own hand for petty revenge. He made sure they did not give up. But he sacrificed his own life.
Willingly, Norman walked up to the chessboard and knocked down his own piece. He let himself be sacrificed so the game could go on, deciding on the worst case scenario for himself, on the worst loss for them all. He died and "gave Isabella what she wanted" .
Except he didn't.
Because while she was convinced his demise had finally destroyed Emma and Ray's spirits, razed their wills to the ground; they only rose back stronger. Norman did exactly as he told Emma and Ray he would. He allowed the demons and Mama to take his life, but he allowed them to take nothing else.
And so, he took them out of zettai zetsumei. He made that detrimental move and made the best of it, despite his blood being spilled to do so.
He forcefully broke the tunnel open so they could see the light at the end of it.
That's why Lamp comes after he's shipped out. Because, thanks to him and his sacrifice, they are no longer in a desperate, helpless situation.
There is hope. It may be hard, but it's no longer impossible. He made sure of that. Emma made sure of that.
So, after that dramatic AF ending to my theory; would it be pushing too much to say I think Lamp is sang from Ray's point of view, while Zettai Zetsumei is sang from Norman's? (And Touch Off from Emma's?)
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 52
Chapter Summary - Danielle gets her results from her x-ray, and Paul tells her a little more of how his life is going. After their talk, however, he decides to check something out for himself.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously
I am sure this sort of conversation goes against doctor/patient lines, but hell, it's fiction, who cares.
And yes, I know Danielle is being childish, but darn it, she can be, she's human!!!!
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @lys-syl @youcantcatchafallingstar
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
“As you suspected, there is only a tiny fracture.” Paul pointed it out to Danielle on the x-ray.
“A small brace to take care of it for a couple of weeks, diffene for the swelling and pain and no excessive movement, so no cycling or excessive paperwork.” he smiled looking down at her. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just depressing my holidays are to be spent with this,” she held up her arm, which had just been put in the restricting brace. “are you sure you can’t let me home?”
“I can’t risk you being concussed and alone. Are you sure I can’t call anyone to let you loose?”
“No.” Danielle sighed sadly. “It’s just me.”
“Danni, I know you probably don’t want to tell me anything too personal but are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” she gave a small smile. “What time are you off?”
“A half-hour ago.” He answered, sitting on the side of the bed.
“Then why the fuck are you still here?” she scoffed.
“I will go in a minute, I just said I would wait to give you your results.”
“Thank you, now run.”
“I will in a few, I am waiting for someone.”
“It’s not Charles is it?” she eyed him warily.
Paul shook his head, “No, it’s…” he cleared his throat. “Lucia.”
“Ah, the famous Lucia, I can’t wait to see her.” Paul stared at her. “Well she meets Charles’ approval, I have to admit, I am thinking Grecian Goddess, tall, blonde, angelic, cherubs around her like a halo.” she laughed.
Paul rolled his eyes. “She and I are seeing each other now.”
“Good, I am happy for you.”
“We are getting married in February.”
Danielle frowned at him before she realised the reason for such a rush in their relationship. “How far along is she?” He looked at her, “you are not one to rush in, so…”
“Six weeks.” The grin on his face told her a lot.
“Congratulations, on both fronts,” Danielle smiled genuinely. “I can see you are actually happy.”
“I am, and nervous, terrified and Jesus, I dunno.” he rubbed his hands over his face.
Danielle patted his shoulder. “I can only imagine. But you are happy, and that is all that matters, Is that why you are moving to Surrey?”
“Yes. You know, I was in London not too long ago with her, back in October and I bumped into Diana’s son, he went insane, he thought I was cheating on you.” Danielle smiled. “I genuinely thought he was going to use the fact we were no longer together to try and ask you out. How are Diana and Emma?”
“Good, I think. I haven’t seen them really with work.” Danielle stated truthfully, but her brow furrowed.
Paul looked at her for a moment. “What is it? I know you don’t realise it Danni, but I actually know you enough to know you are upset about something.”
“Please stop asking me that.” she groaned. “I am just not overly happy being in here tonight for nothing.”
“Understandable.” He nodded, deciding not to push too much. “So. that job you’re doing these days, is it what you wanted?”
“It is.” She nodded. “It’s hard, but I like it.”
“Good. I’m glad that much is going well for you.”
“I’m doing well on most fronts.” Danielle smiled. “I mean, I wouldn’t say no to more money in my bank account, but overall, doing pretty good, except, of course, you imprisoning me here.”
“A tad dramatic, Danni,” He chuckled.
“I’m sorry, will you be stuck in here for the day tomorrow…”
“I’m working,” he retorted with a shrug.
“If you had let me finish, I would have added the word unnecessarily. I am fine.”
“Not getting out,” he repeated.
Danielle was about to retort again when she saw a beautiful blonde woman looking around the emergency room, “That has to be Lucia.”
Paul looked at the woman, who immediately recognised him but waved and stayed where she was, so he indicated for her to come forward. “Am I interrupting?” she asked, her accent showing a hint of a continental European country, Danielle guessed the Netherlands.
“No, actually, I was just talking to Danielle while waiting for you. Lucia, this is Danielle Hughes, Danielle, this is my fiance, Lucia Hawkins.” Paul introduced.
“I would shake your hand, but mine is on bed rest.” Danielle smiled kindly, “Paul was just singing your praises, and congratulations on your wedding, you must be excited.”
Lucia frowned for a moment before her eye caught the small cuts and bruises that littered Danielle’s arm and then her splinted hand. “Ouch, that looks fun. Yes, we are, it is so overwhelming some days.”
“A week out from it, Sarah and I forced Emma to take a weekend break to a spa, it did her the world of good, demand it of your bridesmaids, they’re obliged to pay too,” she winked.
“I may actually do that.” Lucia smiled, seemingly surprised by Danielle. “Sorry, it is just a little odd.”
“How do you think I feel?” Danielle laughed, “This jerk is forcing me in for the night with a suspected concussion.”
“You have no one looking after you,” he argued. “Don’t mind her, she is just pigheaded.” he dismissed, Danielle just glared at him. “I’m just glad you have no food to throw at me.”
“Speaking of which, tell the nurse to feed me on my arrival to my ward, I haven’t eaten since lunch,” she ordered.
“You are exactly as I imagined you would be.” Lucia smiled. “Paul told me of your ambition, you do not achieve such things with a shy demeanour, though more jovial than I had expected.”
Danielle just smirked. “Contrary to some people’s beliefs, I am not a mindless barbarian. Now drag your fiance out of here, no doubt you wish to enjoy Christmas Eve together. Have a great time and congratulations with everything, I truly wish you both the best. I have to say, Paul, I am so happy for you, really, I am. You deserve it.”
“Thank you, Danni, I’m sorry you’re stuck here.”
She simply shrugged. “What can you do? It’s not like I had anywhere else to be.”
“Yeah, honestly I thought after everything, Diana’s son would have said something to you, he seemed so…” Paul paused, looking at the small hint of Danielle’s lips curling up in a small for a moment. “Well, it’s not my business.” he cleared his throat. “Goodnight Danielle, if you are not showing signs tomorrow, they may leave you home.”
“Unlikely, but we can always hope. Safe journey to you both and Merry Christmas.” she waved as they left the emergency room for Paul to sign out and for them to leave. When they left, Danielle lay down on the bed and curled up on herself. She was glad that Paul was getting the life he had wanted, with a woman that clearly had time for him, but seeing them together made her think of what he had said regarding Tom and made her feel lonely again.
“Should we call the police?” Sarah asked, looking at her watch, at ten at night, everyone was terrified as to where Danielle was.
“We are not related to her,” Emma commented.
“Mum is her neighbour, you’re her best friend and Tom is her boyfriend, I think it is safe to say that we are the closest thing to a family Danielle has at all, much less here in Britain.” her older sister argued. “Is Tom still over there?”
“He won’t leave. He’s scared she’ll return if he’s not there.” Jack informed them. He was about to say something else when there was a knock at the door, silence filled the room as Sarah rose to her feet and walked to the door. Answering it, she came face to face with a man she did not know. “Can I help you?”
“Is Diana here, by any chance?”
“Mum?” Sarah called behind her.
Emma and Diana rushed to the door, recognising the man, they looked at him in terror. “Why are you here?” Emma demanded.
“I’m sorry, I know this is odd, but I was working this evening, and one of my patients was Danni.”
“Elle is in the hospital?” Emma shrieked in shock.
Diana began to breathe deeply “Is she alright?”
“Injured wrist, scratches and bruises, but overall fine, she is being kept in for the night because of a suspected concussion.”
“Did she ask you to tell us? That is so good of you Paul.” Diana smiled. “Emma, go to Danielle’s, Tom needs to hear this.” Emma rushed out the door to tell her brother.
“No, actually, she told me you were not home at present,” Paul stated awkwardly.
“Why would she say that?” Sarah asked in bewilderment.
“I am not sure, but she seems somewhat downtrodden, so I said I would check since I recalled you saying, Diana, that you have everyone to yours for Christmas. She is only being kept in because she stated she had no one to return home with, and we could not risk her by herself.”
“But Tom was going to stay over with her tonight, she knew that surely,” Diana commented, shaking her head.
No one got a chance to say anymore before Tom rushed in the door, his face telling of his turmoil in his worry for Danielle, his eyes red and watery, showing he had been crying. “Where is she, is she alright?” He demanded from Paul.
“She is fine, just a small fracture to the wrist,” he answered, shocked by Tom’s reaction, when his face calmed again, that too was noted. “She just cannot be released to be home alone.”
“Why did she not call?”
“I am not sure, she gave the impression there was no one to call.”
“Can I collect her?”
“She needs to be in the care of a very close friend or family, I thought perhaps Diana could…”
“I am close, yes, but surely Tom could bring her home, they are, after all, living together, technically speaking.”
“That’s not strictly true,” Tom argued.
“Girlfriends do not tend to stay over for more than two weeks Tom and not be at least referred to as somewhat cohabiting.” His mother commented.
“If that is true, if you are together, once she confirms it, you can bring her home, she seems convinced her Christmas is doomed to be in hospital,” Paul informed him.
“Get my keys,” Tom ordered, not caring who answered his request. “I’ll have her home in the hour.”
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piperemerald · 5 years
Excerpt from chapter six of Declining the Queen’s Gambit 
Ray was getting used to life in the bunker. There were so many of them now, but the space was big enough for them to live comfortably. Everyone understood that this wasn’t permanent, but for now it was home and for now they had a lot they needed to accomplish.
Still, having time to breathe and relax just a bit was odd. Seeing all of these kids who had nearly had their lives snatched away from them smiling and laughing was odd. It was reassuring. No one here had forgotten how to be happy.
It was late. Living underground meant that they didn’t have to keep up with the sky’s clock, but they had decided it was smarter to do so. At least five of them would always stay awake in the control room keeping watch on the outside. Ray didn’t expect an attack any time soon, but they were better safe than sorry. None of them had made it this far just to get lazy.
Tonight he wasn’t on watch duty. He just wasn’t all that good at going to sleep. They’d spent the day planning their next move, and he was supposed to be relaxing now. He wasn’t exactly the opposite of relaxed. There weren’t anxieties and fears of the world above them pressed down around him, he just wasn’t tired.
So he was walking around the underground building that had become their home. Most of the lights were off, but his eyes had already adjusted to the shadows. Without thinking, his feet took him to where he always went when everyone else was asleep and his brain was far from that: the library.
The collection of books here felt different than the one in Grace Field. Ray supposed they didn’t have the guise of being only for the purpose of education and entertainment. This place and these books seemed to know they were knowledge gathered together to ensure the survival of anyone who was smart enough to make it here.
As he approached the door, he could see the light was still on. He was going to have to lecture some of the kids on wasting their electricity. Ray pushed the door open as quietly as he could. As he did so, he heard the very soft sound of a sob quickly being cut off.
She was the first thing he saw when he looked at the room, leaning against one of the shelves with her hand covering her own mouth. She hadn’t had enough time to wipe the tears from her face, though. At first Ray didn’t say anything. He just closed the door and sat down next to her.
For a little bit, silence hung in the air between them. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched her try to soak up the tears with the end of her shirt. The action didn’t do much, though. Her eyes didn’t seem to understand how desperately she wanted to stop crying.
“Emma,” Ray finally spoke. He kept his voice soft, even though he knew he didn’t have too whisper in fear of waking anyone else in the bunker. The closed door would drown out whatever was being said in here.
“I’m fine.” It sounded like she could barely get the words out.
“Don’t lie to me,” he turned to face her now.
She was still crying, but him calling her bluff seemed to startle her. They didn’t do this, they didn’t talk about how hard it was to keep everything together. Slipping was dangerous and they were there to keep each other strong.
“What happened?” He reached forward before he could think better of it and smoothed her hair out of her face. He needed her to feel that he was here. He needed her to see that.
“Nothing,” she uttered.
“I mean, nothing set it off,” she closed her eyes. “I was just thinking about how nice it is that we’re all here and happy.”
“Yeah?” Ray prompted.
“And he’s not.” She didn’t have to say anymore. They both knew what set the weight in her chest. They both carried it all of the time, but there were always moments where it felt heavier.
“I wish he was,” Ray didn’t know what else to say.
“Yeah,” Emma nodded. “Me too.”
It hurt to see her like this. It hurt to see the person who could so easily put a smile on everyone else’s faces barely be able to hold herself together. It hurt to know that she had to face the pain too.
Ray stood up. He could feel Emma’s eyes following him questioningly, but she didn’t ask what he was doing. He walked to the record player that he had told Don more than once should not be kept in the library. They only had a few records, only a few songs that some of the kids liked to play and sing along to. Ray placed the happiest one on the record player and put the needle at the start.
“You’re gonna wake everyone up,” Emma all but shouted when the music started to fill the space.
“They’re all the way down the hall,” Ray shrugged her off.
If anything he’d wake up Lucas or Yuugo—who both slept the lightest and stayed in the room closest to the library—but right now he couldn’t bring himself to care if they walked in on this.
“What are you doing?” Emma hissed.
Instead of answering Ray took her hands in his and pulled her to her feet. He didn’t let go once she was standing. He took a moment to distinguish the beat within the music and then started swaying the both of them along with it.
“Are you trying to get me to dance?” Emma looked flabbergasted. She hadn’t seemed to realize her tears had stopped.
“Maybe,” Ray smirked. He twirled her under his arm. She went along with it, letting out a loud and not at all pained laugh.
“You’re really bad at this,” she informed him.
He was already fully aware. He remembered the times they used to dance around to music back at Grace Field, but despite their whining he’d never let Emma or Norman pull him along. He didn’t know how some of the other kids were able to follow tunes with their bodies and make it look like something elegant. But he wasn’t trying to look graceful right now. He was trying to make Emma smile.
“Then show me,” he challenged.
“Okay.” The shock morphed into something a little closer to determination, and the next thing Ray knew he was the one being twirled around.
“Why am I the girl now?” He protested.
“Because,” Emma giggled.
Ray didn’t argue anymore. The light was back in her eyes, he could see it clearly now. He was glad for that. He realized he would probably do anything to keep it there.
But when the record had played it’s length and the music came to a stop, Ray suddenly found himself very aware of the fact that she was still standing in his arms. Her smile hadn’t always made his heart beat a little faster, and being this close to her had never made him feel uneasy before.
There was a word for this. Ray really didn’t want to think about what it was.
“Thanks,” her smile was a little sadder now. “I think I needed that.”
“I did too,” he meant this. He just hadn’t realized what it was going to cost him.
Read full fic here
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