#emma frost rp
psigem · 5 months
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HOW DID I SURVIVE THE APOCALYPTIC FIRE? indie, low-activity writing blog for EMMA GRACE FROST of marvel comics X-MEN FRANCHISE. by MAVIS ( ²⁹ ⁻ ˢʰᵉ/ʰᵉʳ ⁻ ᵉˢᵗ ) I SIMPLY REFUSED TO FEEL THE FLAMES
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nextlevelpromo · 1 year
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We are a Marvel and DC roleplay where characters lead ordinary lives and interact virtually through a new game called "The New Era: Legends Rising" on a device called the VENTURA, the evolutionary new VR Gaming experience. With it, games come to life with its patented technology, and now you can experience the world of gaming on a whole other level via all the senses. The world of superheroes has never been experienced like this before.
> 18+ Discord Server > Modern/Slice-of-life AU w/ virtual canon-inspired elements > Seeking both DC and Marvel charas~! Most Wanted: Sam Wilson, Jessica Drew, Bobbi Morse, Pietro Maximoff, Miles Morales, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Donna Troy, Barbara Gordon, Rachel Roth
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convergencepromos · 2 years
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CONVERGENCEFM  is  an  interactive  18+  semi-appless  marvel  roleplay  with  regular  plot  drops,  events,  friendly  &  welcoming  members  and  more. we  currently  have  5-6  spaces  for  variants  and  other  comic  characters  to  join  us  due  to  an  upcoming  plot  drop,  so  don't  miss  out  !!
when  the  world  of  the  x-men  collapsed,  they  travelled through the multiverse to earth 199999, the world of the mcu.  now,  the  x-men  and  the  heroes  of  this  new  world  have  to  work  together  to  ensure  that  this  world  continues  on  where  theirs  could  not.  but  more  portals  are  beginning  to  open,  releasing  characters  from  other  universes...  including  those  who  were,  in  this  new  world,  dead.
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thebesttelepath · 16 days
Darling, how were you always fainting?
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worldscollide-rp · 2 months
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Here are some peeps from Marvel the members of Worlds Collide are dying to see! Those bolded are ones more wanted than others. Feel free to come check us out at any time! ❤️
Aaron Davis (Prowler)
Jean-Paul Beaubier (Northstar)
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier (Aurora)
Lorna Dane (Polaris)
Miles Morales (Spider-Man)
Patrick Mulligan
Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk)
Jean Grey (Phoenix/Marvel Girl)
Emma Frost
Flash Thompson
Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
Natasha Romanov (Black Widow)
Sam Wilson (Falcon)
Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat)
Roberto da Costa (Sunspot)
Rhodey (War Machine)
Hank Pym
Logan Howlett (Wolverine)
Bruce Banner (Hulk)
Charles Xavier (Professor X)
Anna Marie (Rogue)
an 18+ multifandom rp set on earth-1589. the SRA has passed, and the tension between civilians and enhanced beings has begun to rise. amidst the chaos, people begin appearing and disappearing all across the country, some of them from a completely different universe.
the worlds are colliding.
mn. | taken. | plot. | banned. | discord.
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themultiverseheroines · 5 months
Open Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Emma Frost was once an enemy of the X-Men when she was part of the Hellfire, who were looking to turn Jean Grey against the X-Men and use her Phoenix powers. However, after what happened to her allies and being saved by the X-Men, she decided to join them. She earned their trust and became a teacher.
A strong ally to the group who look to help build a good relationship between Mutants and humans. A task that was not so simple. But Emma still sided with the group. And is now looking to team with your muse on a secret mission.
"Charles is unaware of this, but Scott and Jean know about it. We're going to sneak into an anti-Mutant camp and look to free the Mutants inside. We'll bring them to safety and hopefully Erik will be able to take them in. Without retaliation against the humans."
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
@reanimatedmuses [ FROM HERE ]
Holding her diamond form, she guards her own mind around this one. ( Of course, this means she can't read HIS mind in this form either, but c'est la vie ) She's going to have a looooooong nap when she gets home after this. At least he can't read her mind this way, and she is hard to shove around with the extra er, girth.
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"Hm. Quite the attitude considering you haven't shown YOUR true form yet. It's almost as if you are appalled or ashamed by it...Of course, not all power forms are as extravagant as they are deadly as mine, but we cope." She cants her head slightly, and blinks her cold, diamond-formed eyes. "I tell you what...we'll make a bet. If you can stun me with your power, I'll find for you whomever you wish...even someone you thought impossible to find."
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untoldtalesrp · 1 year
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"I did a lot of things," Laura confessed to the three-dimensional generated enemies. "Stealing babies wasn't one of them!" Then again, she knew her words would fall upon deaf ears. These thugs weren't real. Whatever this room had managed to conjure wasn't real either. She believed the threat these thugs posed wasn't a real challenge to her either. What Scott Summer was thinking? He knew she was the clone of Wolverine. Dispatching them was an easy business. He knew she was capable of ending them without much trouble. So, Cyclops compelled X-23 to think all of this was some form of a trial that didn't test her combat abilities.
As the first two thugs approached, Laura pushed the back of her boot into the knee of one of her aggressors. Bones snapped. All of this seemed real, although it wasn't. Read More Here.
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xprojectrpg · 2 days
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Moment of Awesome - Emma Frost/The White Queen: Concerned about strangeness impacting the resident psis, Arthur Centino interviews Emma and gets a shameful confession.
Arthur's polite smile broke into an answering grin as Emma spoke. "I have to say, your accent is superb — clothing for our thoughts." He lengthened his own vowels at the end, drawing his voice closer to Emma's own. "You've got more upper crust, there, though? Boardroom aristocracy. Hint of Boston at the edges. Fabulous indeed."
The blond man waved that off, getting back to business. His eyes shone with good humor. "My goal here is to learn what's normal for you before jumping into what might have been different lately. Sounds like you're describing what Haller would call," and he reflexively switched accents again to something closer to Jim's holmesian logic, "standard telepathic projection and manipulation." He put a hand to his chin in thought. "So let's get to it. Has anything been different within the last three months? Flares, expected growth, not coming as easily as normal?"
"Standard telepathic projection and manipulation in the way Cartier makes standard jewellery, yes," replied Emma, smiling. "None of the more exotic flavourings like technopathy or psychometry. As for changes. . . None that I've noticed particularly. I haven't been in the Mansion much, I admit, and from your email it sounds like you think that's where any changes might manifest? I mean," Emma leaned back in her chair, "I did unexpectedly turn into organic diamond during a spectacularly traumatic event, so I'm willing to consider more deeply if you have parameters to work within?"
He nodded over his notes, but extended a hand. "Psychometry here," and he gave his fingers a wiggle, "I just discovered I had it last year, but it's a good example — I've been putting my own memories onto objects without knowing it. There are at least ten others experiencing power issues — just the psis — but the common part does seem to be being at or around the Mansion." Arthur tried to give an honest smile. "There's no clear through-line or objective yet. When's the last time you were at the Mansion?"
Emma shrugged. “I’ve flitted in and out; a few hours here or there over the last few weeks.” She frowned suddenly, tapped a diamond fingernail on the desk. “When you’re talking differences in powers. . . would you be talking about a shift in my telepathy? Or is there any suggestion of suddenly using an. . . associated power.” She shook her head slightly and sighed. “Let me be terribly blunt about the whole thing; is there a possibility I could be suffering from telekinesis?”
This got his interest. Arthur raised both eyebrows and leaned in just a little. "Please, tell me more about 'suffering from telekinesis.' I've never had to worry about it."
Emma made a moue. “It’s so. . . tacky,” she sighed. “All these telepaths going round and developing telekinesis. Like lifting things with your mind isn’t just turning your brain into a brute force machine. Telekinesis isn’t elegant, Arthur.” She sighed again, this one deep and positively heart-rending. “I assumed one of the others was pranking me.”
"If it helps," he offered with an extended hand, not close enough to touch, "Everyone else is likely too preoccupied to have noticed. TK does seem," and there was the slow consideration of carefully chosen words here, "common paired with telepathy. Are we talking big things," and the man spread his arms to helpfully mime lifting a heavy object, "or smaller?" His gesture tightened, as if he was trying to indicate the shape of a racketball.
“Pieces of paper,” replied Emma. “Small items falling over behind me, that kind of thing. The kind of thing that might be a sudden unexpected gust of wind, or dust, or a sudden unexpected burst of TK, all of which are available to residents here. Ugh,” said Emma, somehow managing to make the word sound impossibly elegant. “Adrienne once told me she saw a few of my bedside trinkets floating beside me when she came in to wake me up. The thing is, Mr Centino,” said Emma, almost but not quite accusatory, “I absolutely refuse to be telekinetic. My mind is a scalpel, not a bulldozer. If I need to lift heavy objects, I have my own methods.” And for a moment, her skin rippled into diamond form and then back again.
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deitysmuses · 9 days
i'm not just going to sit idly by and watch. - Scott @ Emma
"Scott, you've got to this about this rationally." Emma warned, stepping up and placing her hand on his shoulder. "If we do this without a proper plan...we could lose more than we already have. We've got to get be smart about this, think about the angles and work out a strategy without risking our team." Emma added, taking the time to sit down at the computer, pulling up different blueprints and information brackets.
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spiderben2011 · 2 months
Closed RP w/@a-den-of-demons
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Emma Frost is all alone at the X-Mansion. She knew most of everyone left for vacation and to spend time with family. Storm would be returning soon, but Emma was on her own for now. She was using this time to relax and read some book.
While unaware that someone was popping by to the mansion. She heard a knock on the door and begins heading downstairs to answer the door.
She opens it and smiled when she saw who it is. "Well, well, if it isn't She-Hulk boy toy. What brings you here?~"
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positivelybeastly · 13 days
Welcome to the first Installment of
Goat’s Gremlin Gibber-Jabber
(Hell yeah alliteration)
Hi, I’m currently at work at the moment but I’m on a break now and I wanted to share my thoughts because I got to about an issue in the 20s of astonishing X-Men. I believe the last issue that I read before my Internet decided to say no more, had Kitty saying it’s not like it’s written in stone, flash cutting over to it actually being written in stone.
The reason why I mentioned my work is because my mind tends to wander a lot because it’s a very muscle memory job rather than using brain power, so it wanders and you know I’m currently on the thought train of feline Hank as discussed earlier.
BUT I was just noticing a thing of the similarities in 97 with astonishing X-Men especially the portion with Emma Frost. because it really depends on the material with her secondary mutation of how it occurs. and with Astonishing X-Men there’s that moment where it’s revealed Cassandra nova I believe, altered her to have that sort of secondary mutation because of the genocide on Genosha. It’s not EXACTLY the same in 97 but her secondary mutation wasn’t a thing in the og series till 97.
Cuase there was the genocide on Genosha and there’s Emma being one survivor with her secondary mutation popping up and, that kind of makes me think “oh is there a possibility that we may see feline Hank animated” is it like a possibility because in that storyline if there’s any sort of connection to that storyline which I might be reading into too much but I can only hope it’s just the possibility that we may be able to see him like that.
Cause yknow I was talking about him in his feline form to my rp group and A lot of them did not know about that.I had to explain that and that’s the reason why I did my thing on my blog because of my love for feline Hank.
Cause initially I had noticed that when they introduced Trish Tilby. I knew about her after my initial watch so when I went back I really realized who the reporter was because she kind of slipped out of my mind immediately name wise, but realizing that because she had the thing with breaking up with him, and I don’t like her for that, but whatever. It just lead me to go, “Oh that was the first clue on a possibly feline Hank.”
I really hope it is but then reading astonishing X-Men. I see that connection with Emma and it makes Hope even more that we get to see him animated. I just MMMM feline hank.
Hope you enjoyed my extreme ramble that was mostly Speech to Text cause I had to get it out of my mind immediately else I’d lose it.
Goat’s Gremlin Gibber-Jabber is an S-tier name for a recurring segment, I'm here for this.
So, the secondary mutation is absolutely on the cards, because secondary mutations, as introduced, can just happen.
The two best known instances are Emma Frost's, as you mentioned, and Hank McCoy's, and they happened extremely close to one another - and despite what Cassandra Nova claimed, she had nothing to do with Emma's secondary mutation. Emma's mutation happened out of luck and trauma and pressure.
And it happened . . .
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Notice the little blue fella to the right of Professor X in the comic panels? Yeah, Hank is already in his feline form by this point. '97 has already started adapting storylines, directly quoted, outright lifted panels, from the stories where Hank is feline. He's absolutely on the board.
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So, the question then becomes, well, what triggered Hank's secondary mutation?
Uh. Well.
He nearly died.
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Now, granted, Sage is not in play in '97, so her ability to jumpstart mutations isn't on the playing field, but frankly, it isn't really required, as demonstrated by Emma. You don't need anyone to trigger a secondary mutation, it will just happen by itself - when the right situation arises.
So, literally all we need is for Hank to die, and come back to life.
. . . Which, you know, cheery thought. But it also means that the '97 team can just do it - honestly, I was watching Hank get the living shit beaten out of him during the first part of Tolerance is Extinction like, oh, is he gonna pop? Is he gonna pop? It's on the board now. We're adapting these storylines.
All it takes is for someone on the writing team to take enough of an interest, to want to dive further into Hank's character and develop him.
I'm also heartened to see that you've fallen as in love with feline Hank as I have! He's honestly the version of Hank that I have the most experience with, the one that I grew up reading in the comics, and the sheer amount of depth and complexity inherent in his character, the wild bipolar swings between chattering wit and utter despair, the bon mots and the dumb jokes, the dysmorphia and the bleeding heart, it's such a potent stew of a character that I really do wish it had just been his permanent status quo going forward.
Thank you for the ramble, it was honestly a joy to read. <3
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nextlevelpromo · 1 year
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We are a Marvel and DC roleplay where characters lead ordinary lives and interact virtually through a new game called "The New Era: Legends Rising" on a device called the VENTURA, the evolutionary new VR Gaming experience. With it, games come to life with its patented technology, and now you can experience the world of gaming on a whole other level via all the senses. The world of superheroes has never been experienced like this before.
> 18+ Discord Server > Modern/Slice-of-life AU w/ virtual canon-inspired elements > Seeking both DC and Marvel charas~! Most Wanted: Sam Wilson, Jessica Drew, Bobbi Morse, Pietro Maximoff, Miles Morales, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Donna Troy, Barbara Gordon, Rachel Roth
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convergencepromos · 2 years
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CONVERGENCEFM  is  an  interactive  18+  semi-appless  marvel  roleplay  with  regular  plot  drops,  events,  friendly  &  welcoming  members  and  more.  we  currently have 5-6 spaces for non-mcu characters to join us due to an upcoming plot drop, so don't miss out !!  when  the  world  of  the  x-men  collapsed,  they  came  to  the  world  of  the  mcu  in  order  to  save  them  from  the  same  fate.  now,  the  x-men  and  the  heroes  of  this  new  world  have  to  work  together  to  ensure  that  this  world  continues  on  where  theirs  could  not.  as  more  portals  open,  releasing  characters  from  other  universes,  there  can  no  longer  be  a  them  and  us…  only  togetherness.  everybody  must  fight  if  they  want  to  survive.
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thebesttelepath · 10 days
*Scott has turned about the size of your middle finger and is sitting on the couch eating a grape that is a third the size of him*
Scott, darling? How ever did you get so small?
*She sat down on the couch, looking down at him.*
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uprisingpr · 16 days
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Scott Summers - sometimes known as the boy scout himself, leader of the X-Men, he's just trying to do right in a screwed up world that gets a little harder every day.
(up)rising is an au marvel civil war rp, where the superhuman registration act is being debated by congress and is on the cusp of passing—and tensions in the broader superhuman community have never been higher. the legislation divides the world as people begin to take sides; driving friends and allies apart. BOARD // CANON LIST // GUIDEBOOK
(note - Jean Grey, Alex Summers, Emma Frost, AND Logan Howlett already in play!)
(art credit here)
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