starkhousesource · 5 years
Just discovered your tumblr page and would love to know the source of your post where Kit Harington explains Jon's mindset when he sheaths his sword and retreats. I would like to see interview in its entirety. Thanks!
Hey! I actually linked the source on the gifset at the end, but it’s in a little (x) at the end so perhaps you didn’t see it. You can find the full interview here :)
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
I know you've professed your love for Richard I and I've clicked on your tags of past postings but many of the links back are now broken. I always think of the line from the '95 Sense & Sensibility movie - Margaret is reeling of the kings of England "Good King Richard, Bad King John" While I know he led crusades and performed admirably in battle; considering how little time he spent there before and during his reign, was he, in fact a "good king" for England and its people?
(If you want to find my old Richard posts. my tag is here. Heh.)
Honestly, one of the things I love best about Richard is that he was so complicated. It is very, very rare to find a historical figure conveyed to us so vividly through the limited and biased nature of primary sources, and when you read them, you can understand why his contemporaries found him so striking and controversial (as he still is today, obviously) and generally larger than life. As I said in my answer to the John ask, the Plantagenets were almost all incredibly talented, dynamic, colorful, driven people, and they were likewise almost always just as flawed as they were gifted. That is rich stuff for both a historian and a novelist to explore (hence why they’ve become such popular subject) and yet it often gets flattened and used to paint a simplistic black-and-white portrait. I love Richard because there is so much depth and interest and complexity that comes through just in terms of what people wrote about him, and which must have been so much more in what he was like in real life (if definitely not pleasant at times, especially if you were on his bad side).
As for the basic question of whether Richard was a good king for England, it is inextricably tied up with his status as a crusader. In the nineteenth century, when the British Empire was at its height and going overseas and colonizing the “savages” was cool, Richard was treated as the perfect idealized king, pinnacle of chivalry and nineteenth-century Victorian values, etc. It was not an accurate picture of him, and nor was the twentieth-century reaction to that image, which became about pointing at the crusades as the epitome of fanatical religious violence (which we supposedly don’t do anymore, to which I say HA and also LOL) and in turn framing Richard as the embodiment of that mindset, he was unworthy of his heroic status, Look How Bad He Actually Was, we are smarter than ye olde dumb people now, etc etc. I have never seen any medieval figure attract the same kind of lightning-rod controversy that Richard does, and so much made of his personal flaws – which were not terribly different from that of any king of the period, and in some places much more admirable. It is also absolutely tied to the debate around his sexuality, and good old-fashioned Straight Historian homophobia. So you have this project of people trying to deconstruct Richard’s heroic image, while insisting that our violence against Muslims is super different from the crusading era’s violence against Muslims, while also insisting (as I’ve written about) that either Richard was a good king because he was straight, or a bad king because he was gay. So yes.
The comparison is especially interesting because the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin and his forces in October 1187 was twelfth century Western Europe’s 9/11. It was that shocking and marked that much of an upheaval of/violation of the homeland. The Christian kingdom of Jerusalem had been established after the successful (and extremely bloody) capture of the city in 1099, at the end of the First Crusade. To have it fall back to the Muslims (especially after the West had ignored the Frankish settlers’ calls for help for decades, and then were shocked when the kingdom was conquered, kind of like how we repeatedly ignored intelligence warnings about 9/11 and then were shocked when it happened) was a watershed moment for medieval Christendom. George W. Bush had something like 90%-95% public support for bombing Afghanistan after 9/11; support for the Third Crusade, which was called as a direct result of Jerusalem’s fall, was at similar levels. 
Richard going on crusade soon after he was crowned is framed as him haring off on some personal religious vendetta and leaving England behind (often from English-nationalist historians whose view on Richard’s success or failure focus very myopically on England), but the fact was, the entire leadership of Western Europe was going on crusade – Richard, Philip II of France, most of the French territorial lords, the Italian city-states, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, etc. Richard’s father, Henry II, had sworn a crusade vow before his death (although it was doubtful he ever intended to go). This was not a thing which anyone was opting out of, and was part of the entire accepted paradigm of political leadership (similarly, one might remark, to the Western world banding together for the “war on terror.”) England WANTED Richard to go on crusade, and they remained, on the whole, incredibly supportive of him while he was away, especially while John and Philip II (who came in for all kinds of criticism for leaving the crusade early) were making trouble. Richard was doing the right thing, in their view, by going on this expedition, and that was what they wanted their king to be doing.
Of course, Richard’s capture by Henry Hohenstaufen on the way home from the Holy Land, and subsequent very expensive ransom, is pointed to as another example of Richard “costing England.” (Funnily, the people who gripe about this don’t often discuss that Louis IX of France was captured TWICE on his crusades and cost his kingdom even more money to free him – again, this becomes something that somehow only Richard did wrong.) Richard also had to recapture the territory that Philip II had pilfered while he was away, and since those two had an extremely personal rivalry, this became an ongoing war. Again – all medieval kings, including literally every king of England through the Hanovers, were engaged in various land maneuvering and attempts to defend or expand their territory, but this again becomes only Richard’s fault. 
It is true that Richard does not seem to have been terribly personally fond of England (and likewise, the English nationalist historians clutch their pearls over this, because not liking England is a terrible crime in their eyes) but there is no indication that he treated it differently or ignored it altogether. He was very lucky to have his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was an incredibly shrewd political operator, and played a major role in governance especially while he was away. But the fact is, Richard wasn’t in England during the latter half of his reign because England didn’t need him there. He had set up the advisory council that more or less managed to run the place, and mostly counted on England to provide him money to fund his defense of his French lands against Philip. England did this fairly well, if not without several inventive stunts on Richard’s part, so that was its overall use. Richard’s premier title was obviously king of England; all his French territories were technically subordinate to Philip, which was a constant sticking point, so England was the association and the rank that was the most important to be emphasized. And since the one constant throughout all of English history has been hating the French, if Richard was sitting on his ass at home while the French were trying to steal his stuff, this would not have made him at all popular. Indeed, one of the major criticisms of John was that he could not defend the English crown’s incredibly important, wealthy, and prestigious French territories as well as Richard had, and ended up losing nearly all of them to Philip. 
This ties into the fact that successful medieval kingship had something of a recognizable political/diplomatic/statecraft element to it, especially in the later medieval era, but was still first and foremost about being a soldier, defending territory, and defeating enemies. You could disqualify someone from the throne by blinding them so they couldn’t fight or lead armies, as in fact happened fairly often (especially among the Byzantines). Richard, whatever else he was, was a hella good soldier and strategist who beat nearly everyone who tried to match wits with him, and this was what made John and Jane Q. Medieval Public think, hey this guy is a good king. Richard remained popular in his own day, by and large, because of his prestige as a crusader and his talent on the battlefield. His financial exactions, to be sure, were not as popular, but no tax, ever, in the history of anywhere has been appreciated by the public. So regardless of whether we look at his rule and say that he was a good or bad king, England at the time did not view him any more unfavorably than any of their other rulers, and oftentimes much more favorably (and certainly more than John).
Frankly, I love Richard because of that color and vibrance and talent and controversy and strengths and flaws that are so easily visible around him. He was a crusader who approached the project from a thoroughly pragmatic, rather than religious, perspective (which ended up biting him in the ass). He consistently punished those responsible for riots against the Jews, which were a major and unfortunate part of crusading fever, and in 1194 made a law protecting them, which literally nobody else in Europe was doing. He went to the Holy Land as part of the twelfth-century War on Terror and then announced he liked the Muslims better than his scheming and self-serving Christian allies. He and Saladin admired the hell out of each other, he called Saladin’s brother al-Adil (known as Saif al-Din or Saphadin) “my brother and my friend,” he cultivated numerous high-level Muslim diplomatic contacts, including al-Mashtuq, a commander of Saladin’s whom he had once held as a prisoner, and which ended up with al-Mashtuq arguing on Richard’s behalf during treaty negotiations. He was a six-foot-four (or thereabouts) redhead who swore like a sailor; he would have been literally larger than life when the average guy was five-foot-eight. He had an absolutely wicked sense of black humor. He was queer (gay or bisexual, and you can fight me on this.) He was clever and flawed and violent and educated (he spoke at least three languages and probably more, and wrote songs and poetry) and nobody who met him EVER forgot the experience. As I said, he comes through in the primary sources in a way that very few figures ever do, and we get such a clear and compelling picture of him as a result.
I have actually applied to give a paper at next year’s International Medieval Congress about Richard, and how modern treatments of him and his personal character (especially said queerness) is directly tied to our memory of the crusades, our institutionalized homophobia and view of crusading masculinities, our discomfort with the project of a “war on terror” against the Muslims in various ways, and our determination to insist that We’re Not Like Those There Fanatics Back Then In Ye Olde Dark Ages. The Straight Historians and the academy in general have done all kinds of things with him that they haven’t with other kings, and while in one sense it’s to be expected with someone whose legend has acquired such stature, in another it really needs to be looked at and challenged, and that is what I have become so interested in doing.
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thesschesthair · 5 years
The S.S.Chest Hair’s Throwback Thursday
So this weekend was obviously full of flailing and chatting, but with it came a lot of nostalgia.
So here’s a bunch of gems i’ve loved over the years that I feel deserve a shoutout 
We build these walls to watch them fall - jadeddiva When they return to Storybrooke, Hook stays. (Pre-3x10)
You give me love - ForPony39 An unexpected evening in the company of a pirate. Well, it's one way for Emma to spend a Saturday night. Fourth installment of the You Give Me... series!
A guide on how to woo - Tadpole24 Killian learns the art of Valentine's day, but does not learn the art of subtlety. My submission for the CS Secret Valentine on Tumblr.
Actions not words - jadeddiva Future fic, with the baby steps in Killian and Emma's tentative relationship.
Deeply loved - Emn1936 Robin hunkered down beside her and pressed the tips of his fingers against the pulse point in the pirate's neck. Lifting his gaze to the others, he gave a mournful shake of his head. "Nooo," Emma keened and rocking forward, she pressed her ear over the finger-shaped bruises covering Hook's bare chest, frantically listening for the reassuring sound of his heartbeat.
So for once in my life - jadeddiva Killian Jones, Emma Swan, and the rocky road to a relationship. Post 3x22, speculation for Season 4.
New Normal - captainkillianhjones He didn't remember anything. He didn't remember her. And that was what hurt the most. Just when she thought she could pack up and leave, shit hits the fan. Canon divergence from 3x20. Cursed!Killian
(Just give me) one perfect moment - Emn1936 The road to true love is never easy.
These days of dust - Leca B So she closed her eyes, ran a finger across the brochure at the bus station and came up with Storybrooke, Maine. She held on to Henry, tried to crush the memories of borrowed motel rooms and maps and broken promises. She'd waited long enough in Tallahassee. She hopped on a bus and they were off to the start of the rest of their lives. Modern Day AU. Emma doesn't give Henry up.
Fear of falling - Montana Rosalie Killian is forced to give his daughter up for adoption. Emma is the one who ends up adopting her.
Scratching the surface - Msgenevieve447 She's not looking at his mouth. She's looking through thirty-year old town records. She's definitely not looking at Killian Jones' mouth and thinking of the last time he'd kissed her. Inspired by the way those two adorable idiots were making eyes at each other in the Sheriff's station at the start of 405.
Twenty-Five hours to sunrise - Daughter of the Black The hours and days and events that find Emma Swan and Killian Jones being drawn together during the Christmas season. CaptainSwan set AU & Post S3. Entirely fluff-ridden fic. [Holiday Fic 2014]
Writer’s block - Gusenitsa Killian Jones has a way with words. Or he used to... but after the accident things weren't the same. When he fires his editor the publishing company sends him someone new to determine if his career can be salvaged or if he's a lost cause..."No one uses the word malfeasance! Damn it Killian, are you drunk again?" 
Jail and bail - AthenaScarlet After getting arrested, Killian Jones needed someone to bail him out of jail. He just didn't expect his bail bondsman to be an attractive woman. Now he has to deal with the humiliation of being an accidental criminal and the rejection from a woman who has stolen his heart.
Provocateur - Swaggercaptain Criminal Minds AU - Emma and Killian are partners in a BAU unit, but behind the innuendos and good-natured quips lays a dangerous game of cloak and dagger. When all is said and done and the perpetrator is put away, how deep does their partnership go? 
The very thought of you - Karindalynn Emma/ Hook AU- Emma and Killian start a relationship over text messages and chaos ensues...lots of mistaken identity/sassy exchanges. They meet and go on an adventure against Gold, mess (in a playful way) with each other and you know, try not to get themselves murdered. Humour, adventure, romance and well... Even Victor...Funny, different. 
Better together - Effulgentcolours Based on this tumblr prompt: "i'm so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt- actually nevermind i agree, that shirt is horrendous!"
Someone like you - Seastarved But what happens after the end of the story? What happens when the heroes lose and the villains win and nobody at all is happy? Perhaps you write a new ending. Perhaps the story goes on. (Canon Divergence from the Season 4 finale)
Prairie Lullaby - ooshka Western historical AU. In a bid to secure a more settled life for herself and her son, Emma Swan travels to Kansas as the mail-order bride of Liam Jones. Her dreams of a peaceful life are shattered when she finds herself married to his brother Killian, a man who appears to offer her anything but the quiet life she'd dreamed of. Where will this not-so-happy-ending take them?
Separate Lives - Lenfaz Set after 3x20 "Kansas". After saving the town one more time, Emma decided to return to New York, leaving her past behind. Three years later, she realizes that might be not have been the best decision.
Fast Friends - Randomsquare Our heroes have returned from their successful rescue mission from Neverland. The Charmings have thrown a celebratory bash, and all of Storybrooke is invited. But not everyone is having a good time. And as life returns to what passes for normal in Storybrooke, there is always another dreaded gathering in the offing. What are two loners to do? Captain Swan. Canon Divergence.
Q and A - Msgenevieve447 She's allowed to ask him as many questions as she likes. He's an open book as far as she's concerned, he tells her. There's just one catch. After she's done, he's allowed to ask her one question. Only one, but she must answer truthfully. What could possibly go wrong?
Blown fuses - Laschatzi Killian Jones is at the airport, on his way to his vacation, when he stumbles over a boy looking for his mother; their start is not smooth. As fate will have it, they have rented neighor beach houses on Cape Cod. Emma Swan is not amused.
Openheart - Midwestwind Once upon a time in Brooklyn, NY, there lived a community of fairy tale characters known as Storybrooke. Through the use of magic they have protected their secret community from the mundane world.Sheriff Emma Swan protects them from each other.(a the wolf among us au.)
A one-time thing (and other untruths) - Weezlywrites (read any of her works) "She supposes the reason she tells him is the same reason she kept his phone number after all those weeks." Pregnancy has a way of throwing a wrench in one's plans.
Harsh realms - Randomsquare Crime reporter, Emma Swan's star is on the rise. So when she is suddenly fired in a "corporate restructuring", she doesn't take it all that well. Cue the drinking. The daytime TV. The unexpected offer to man the phones of her brother's best friend's floundering PI firm. With rent past due, and options limited, Emma agrees. How hard could working for Killian Jones be? CS Modern AU.
Days of future’s past - Optomisticgirl While the residents of Storybrooke are dealing with the Snow Queen two new comers appear, themselves Hell bent on ending the Snow Queen's destruction. Why are they here? What is their connection to the various residents of Storybrooke? Why is destroying the Snow Queen so important to their future?Series
Strangeness & charm - Bluestoplights Killian Jones is a pirate captain down on his luck after a falling out with the Evil Queen. Emma Swan just found out she is the Savior. Their shared goals bring them on an epic quest to liberate the kingdom once and for all. It's a lot easier said than done.
There are loads that i’m missing that are on the tip of my memory but I just can’t find or can’t remember enough of and i’m kicking myself!!!
But enjoy these for the meantime!!
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ineffablecolors · 5 years
CS Fic Rec Monday
So, I haven’t had the time to do this in awhile but I’m gonna stick with my theme-based rec lists. This week:
Fics that are always at the back of my mind.
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Summoning Love by @bleebug [AO3 for easy access to all parts] - Recently I’ve started thinking that either disaster witch Emma has put a spell on me or demon Killian has possessed me (wouldn’t that be nice) because I literally constantly remember this fic out of the blue and just sigh wistfully and go re-read it and sacrifice a virgin or two in the hopes of more. What is even worse(better) the artwork that goes along with it is so freaking amazing!! I had it as my phone home screen for ages and I need to put it back cuz it’s definitely the favourite one I’ve had. It’s just... @bleebug is the full package and so is this verse and I don’t think I’ve managed to even scratch the surface of how much I love witch!Emma/demon!Killian.
Pay It Forward by @acrobat-elle [AO3] - Listen, I think I should be given some sort of award for holding on until my second #csfrm to mention this one. I mean it’s beautiful and so damn real and just so... ugh, so realistic and brutally honest. But really, I don’t think I can really properly explain why I love this fic so much. I feel like I have decided that it will forever be my precious on and so it shall be.
Deeply Loved by @emn1936 (anyone know if they are on tumblr?) - So a few months ago I put a search post out for this fic because I keep losing it (worry not, it is now in my favs on ff.net where it belongs) and I keep remembering it and wanting to reread it. And when I say keep remembering and rereading I mostly mean the whole scene between Killian and Emma at Granny’s. Guys, you know I like my man being treated like he deserves but what I love equally as much is when Emma acknowledges when she hasn’t done that and makes amends and ugh, that scene in his room at Granny’s where she is kneeling by his chair is searing into my mind forever.
Cassé, Retrouvé, Sauvé by @killian-whump - if you do whump at all, you gotta do this whump!! It has it all - the physical torture, the psychological trauma, the shame and humiliation, the hurt and comfort, the rescue and recovery. Just... ughhh! It’s both a fantastic Killian whump piece but also a fantastic CS piece and I think about that scene where Killian is first found and rescued probably more often than is strictly healthy. But I won’t tell, if you don’t.
OK, this last one is both a rec and a search because I cannot stop thinking about it but I also cannot find it (I’ve been trying for the last hour, I’ve scoured @killian-whump and @sherlockianwhovian‘s blogs :D).  It’s very firmly in the whump category - Killian is rescued and brought to the hospital but Emma shows up there he doesn’t want to see her and freaks out at the very mention of her name. After scouring his captors’ records they figure out that they made him think that he saw Emma and Henry being killed in front of him and... I can give more details for anyone willing to get the literally gory details. I think it was a 3-parter and ugh, someone please?
thank you so much to @wyntereyez and @hollyethecurious for opening my eyes! I’m such an idiot. of course it would be @killian-whump. I scoured your “hospital” tag but completely forgot to look in “mental hospital”. please, excuse my blunder, love!
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justadram · 5 years
Starting off by saying that I love Sansa but I’ve had a question about her eating away at me for a little while and coming into focus after 8x04. Undoubtedly she is the most politically smart Stark. She learned to play the game from Cersei and Littlefinger. Arya tells Jon in 8x01 that Sansa is protecting the family. But I’m wondering if protecting her siblings is really her endgame. Or is regaining/retaining control of Winterfell and the North her primary concern? Going back to S6, she tells Jon that “a monster has our home and our brother; we have to save them both.” But just prior to the battle she quickly writes Rickon off as a lost cause. She’s right, of course; she knew all along that Ramsey was never going to let a trueborn Stark son live. But she uses the idea of saving Rickon from the get-go to motivate Jon to raise an army and challenge Ramsey. Why? Because just getting Winterfell wouldn’t be enough motivation for a just back from the dead Jon?
This season she is barely able to focus on anything other than what Dany’s presence means and how Dany on the throne is a threat to Northern independence. And then in 8x04 she tells Tyrion that she doesn’t want Jon to go south because bad things happen to the men in her family when they do so; but in the next breath, she is spilling the secret of who Jon really is; planting the seeds for Jon to take the throne and, thereby, consigning him to a lifetime in the southern vipers’ pit that is Kings Landing if he survives the battle. So, I’m left to wonder about what is really driving her. Is it protecting the actual members of the Stark family or is it protecting the Stark claim to Winterfell and control of the North? It makes sense. She lost control of her life for so many years that the lure of the power that comes with being Lady of Winterfell would be strong. But as someone who writes Sansa so beautifully, I’d love your thoughts.   --@emn1936
First, thank you. I love Sansa. But in writing her, I know with certainty show!Sansa is not book!Sansa. She has no sweetness, very little warmth for anyone outside her family, no feminine charm. In the books, she can’t help but feel sorry for and help people, even though she’s been put through the wringer and everyone is a potential threat. Not so here. We have to focus on things like feeding the people or letting them inside the walls to get any hint of what book!Sansa would be like as a leader, and it’s kind of weak sauce.
Sophie does a good job of making her less robot-y, but D&D have pigeon-holed Sansa. She’s a manipulator. (Which would be fine if she’d been schooled by Petyr, while retaining her other qualities at least for a time. People shouldn’t KNOW they’re at odds with her, but everyone damn well does.) She’s the person who needles another main character, who withholds information, and triumphs, but ends up looking a bit like an ass. It’s her and Jon leading up to battle of the bastards, her and Arya leading up to the murdering of Petyr, and this season she was at odds with Dany. She could very well end up right and get everything she wants. But, she already looks like an ass to a wide segment of the audience thanks to swearing and then waiting a beat to tell Tyrion about Jon.
You can explain her motivations. Or try. Within the context of what I know of book!Sansa, I can defend her actions with a little mental gymnastics. But, for a large part of the audience, this is only going to come off as the bitchy manipulations of a (pretty) woman. It helps explain why she’s so disliked, and while I love her, I can see why she’s perceived a certain way on the show.
tldr; There are fandom theories that attempted to explain motivations, tension, onscreen chemistry, and inconsistent tone, and they’ve basically all been proven wrong? The writing isn’t that complex. I know that’s unpopular to say--is it still? D&D are out for the gotcha moment! In swoops the army of the Vale, when our hero is about to die--gotcha! But how does that gotcha make Sansa look? D&D doesn’t care. Additionally, they have a general problem writing women. They’re of a type. Tomboy, Bitchy Manipulator, Crazy... Is Sansa trying to preserve her family or make a grasp for power? Just so long as she’s at odds with those around her, so the audience knows how tricksy and difficult and changed she is since she was abused, her motivation doesn’t really matter and can change to suit their needs. She’s smart (and usually right as a result) and I think they admire her! But her character suffers mightily from their inability to write three dimensional female characters outside their types.
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shady-swan-jones · 7 years
I know this may be totally impossible but can you rec some of your favorite AO3 authors? Thanks xx
you only want AO3 authors? okay, straight from my bookmarks/subscription page
fardareismai or @asthewheelwills
PawShapedHeart aka @pawshapedheart
eirabach aka @mahstatins
tagalonglovers aka @thebravestprincess
Philyra aka @somanyfandomssolittletime
phthalo aka @peglegsjones
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Rare Pairs: Kirk/Uhura
It’s Okay, It’s Okay, It’s Okay by dragon_rider (T)
Can You Save Me From this World Of Mine..... by dragon_rider (T)
Worth The Wait by circ_bamboo (Explicit)  (one of the best fics out there)
A Ceremony Of Ashes by Medie (T)
That Wasn’t In the Contract by DizzyDrea (T) (Accidental Alien Marriage trope. Delightful)
Northern Cities Vowel Shift by Betty (T)
Home by Syrus (M, Features generous doses of Spones and really sweet Kirk/Uhura)
Jim Kirk’s Guide To Life As A Starfleet Captain by proudbestie18 (T)
Anniversary Waltz by emn1936 (M) (This is better than a lot of the major ship fics I’ve read. Incredibly powerful.)
Something Wonderful by Maliam (orphan_account) (G)
Five Times Nyota Uhura Kissed James Kirk by Valyria (T)
The Tamed Beast by RainbowSheltie (T)
scars shine silver in startlight by karikes (T)
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rssspockuhura · 7 years
Dirty Laundry
Warning: Some M/M works might show up here because the Spock/Uhura tag is used in ref to S/U as a side pairing, past pairing, etc. Solution. Read at your own risk.
Author: emn1936 Star Trek: 2009 English, Rated: K+ Drama/General Characters: J. Kirk, OC Chapters: 4, Words: 14,479, Reviews: 23, Rated: K+, Complete
She murmured to her guest for a few moments in a patter meant to put him at ease before the on-air interview began. The entire Federation was salivating to get a good look at the young captain and hear his story. via FanFiction.Net: Star Trek: 2009, Last Updated https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10323829/1/Dirty-Laundry Remember to check out the Spuhura fanworks community on livejournal. Follow rssspockuhura for Spock/Uhura fanworks from around the web.
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
Hilary, thanks for your response to my question re: Richard I. I enjoyed and appreciated your analysis of why he was a popular and yes, good king, doing what the people of those times expected from their king which can seem counterintuitive to a modern audience. Today we expect our kings/leaders to be present in their country; in medieval times, as you explained, apparently not so much. Thanks again.
You’re welcome! (Also I love talking about Richard, heh. Or medieval history things in general, but especially him. So yes.) And since from 1066-1204, the kings of England were also the dukes of Normandy (and other French possessions after Henry II became king in 1154), it was just expected that they would spend at least half of their time out of the kingdom, and most of them never stayed in one place for more than a few weeks at a time. Kings were mobile; they traveled, the court traveled with them, they went from place to place, they held Christmas or Easter ceremonies at a different castle/city every year (though some of them, like William I, had a more fixed schedule for these celebrations). So yes, residency in the kingdom was by no means expected or required, and didn’t start to change at all until post-1204, when the loss of Normandy meant that the kings of England had to stay in England more often. Henry III in fact did this, and got into a lot of trouble with his barons, just as his father John had, but his son, Edward I (aka Longshanks) spent multiple years away on crusade as well, as well as extended campaigns in Wales and Scotland. Edward II and Edward III had multiple foreign (read: French) wars (especially Edward III), and so did Henry IV and Henry V. Hell, I would say the idea of the king/queen only being in England didn’t get remotely customary until the Tudors. The political structure before then simply did not favor a sedentary monarch who couldn’t travel to the various sites of power, since it involved a considerable amount of personal authority.
So no, Richard not being in England is not necessarily reflective of him doing things differently from his peers. As noted, England wanted him to go on crusade, and then expected him to defend his French lands from Philip II (as indeed he did). There’s also the fact that Richard died in pretty much a freak accident, in April 1199, a few weeks after he’d agreed to a five-year truce with Philip (who knows if that would have been upheld, but they had both pretty much fought themselves out, and Richard had secured everything he wanted – in fact, if he hadn’t died and had ruled for another 10-15 years, the entire face of English political history could conceivably look much different, since John’s reign was of course the source of Magna Carta). So if he was done with fighting in France for a time, he probably would have gone back to England at least at some point, though he kept his main residence at Les Andelys in Normandy. We just don’t know what he would have done if his reign had not been occupied with crusading and then Philip, and he and Philip had far too much of a personal rivalry for them ever not to fight.
Anyway, the point is, Richard not being in England is nothing unusual for the time, and is of course truncated by his untimely death. But he was popular/legendary in his own time (at least after he ascended to the throne, as the constant rebellions of Henry II’s sons had worn everybody the fuck out), and while our standards of what constitutes a good king have obviously changed, the particular discourse/debate around Richard doesn’t involve any action or evidence that can’t be applied to any of his peers. And indeed, his exploits were viewed by and large quite favorably by his subjects and contemporaries, so yes.
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thesschesthair · 7 years
Do you have any fic recommendations that haven't received the recognition you think they should? Or, alternatively, any recommendations for stories you've read more than once? I'm currently caught up on my personal to read list and looking for new stories, especially with the news that shall not be mentioned. AU is preferable!
Hey nonny!
Ahh I feel ya. i’m gonna try and list up some older works, ones that may have been forgotten or unheard of. Most my fic faves have either been lost or deleted and i’m absolutely useless at keeping track.
I love so many fics out there and majority of them I see get recced quite often, so i’m going to list the gems I haven’t seen so far.
But i’m gonna pull some from my ffnet faves list and hopefully some from memory. 
I’m useless at tumblr URL’s so apologies for not tagging names, i’m just going to list the FFNET names.
We build these walls to watch them fall by Jadeddiva - Post Neverland, and i love it. 
He deserves by Revenessa - A nice angsty one shot.
You give me love by ForPony39 - This is the 4th instalment of a fantastic little series called ‘you give me’ i’d definitely tell you to check them all out. S3 based.
A guide on how to Woo by Tadpole24 - A little valentines fic I love.
Actions not words by Jadeddiva - The love I have for this story… my gosh.
Lovestoned by Moirariordan - Sex pollen hits Storybrooke! It’s funny, it’s sweet & it’s really worth reading!! 
Read between the lines by ofprincessesandpiratesandheroes - Some angst during Kansas
The favor by Madj - A ‘what’s your number’ modern AU. 
Welcome to the 21st century captain hook by Alqalunte - A cute little bit about Hook getting a phone in s4. Captain charming and captain cobra too.
Deeply loved by Emn1936 - The s3 battle with Zelena goes differently. It’s very angsty.
New normal by captainkillianhjones - Canon divergence from 3x20. Cursed Killian/Amnesia. Angsty. 
(Just give me) one perfect moment by emn1936 - Post Neverland where Emma and Killian are secretly seeing one another. Much angst, very good. 
H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is Other Peoples’ Parents by Las-Botas - Modern AU. Emma’s a girl’s hockey coach and Killian’s a single dad. 
These days of dust by leca B - An AU where Emma keeps Henry. no magic or curses. I have such a massive love for this story. it’s so beautifully written and really touches my heart. If you haven’t given this a try yet, please do so.
Twenty-Five hours to sunrise by Daughter of the black - Technically a christmas fic but can be read at any time. I really love this one. it’s fun and really enjoyable. Canon divergence post S3 where the kiss didn’t happen. 
Stories at a bar by nitefang - A series of moments between Killian and the Charmings. Post S3 CD. 
The very thought of you by Karindalynn - Modern AU. This was one of the first Modern AU’s I dipped into and i’ve never regretted it. It’s got everything. Action, humour, romance- it’s great.
Someone like you by seastarved - S4 finale canon divergence. This story absolutely breaks my heart. Deckhand hook…. enough said. 
Fast friends by randomsquare - Post Neverland canon divergence. I love this one!
As real as you want it to be by always-been-a-pirate - Modern teachers AU. One of my favourites. Read it!
The shorter story by bluestoplights - S2 canon divergence. it’s so juicy!!! And totally what I wish would have happened. 
Alive again by rebeccaV - season 1 with cursed Killian as a shy waiter at Granny’s. 
Always meant to be (just friends) by mona001 - This is probably my absolute favourite friends to lovers fic of all time. The angst, the love, the pining - you feel it all so much. It’s absolutely beautiful. 
Breaking the hinges by piratesails - modern neighbours AU. This one is still in progress but it’s definitely worth reading. I have such a soft spot for this one.
Some sort of neighborly by shipping-goggles - Neighbours AU. This one is so great!
This is all I have for now and if i’ve forgotten any i’m so so sorry. I’m trying my hardest to dig through the archives. 
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Rare Pair fics involving Uhura
The Lady Or The Doctor by seashadows (rated E)
The Further I Slide by betweenthebliss (rated M)
Nice Day To Start Again by mardia (rated G)
He Makes Her Laugh by plasticineking (rated T) 
Yet To Come by Turtle_Goose (rated T)
Anniversary Waltz by emn1936 (rated M) AMAZING!!!!!!
Home by Syrus (rated M) Main pairing is Spones, but the Kirk/Uhura chapters are gorgeous and give me major FEELS 
Northern Cities Vowel Shift by Betty (rated T)
That Wasn’t In The Contract by DizzyDrea (rated T) (another fave)
a ceremony of ashes by medie (rated T)
Can you save me from this world of mine... by dragon_rider (rated T)
“Worth the Wait” by circ_bamboo (rated E) (I love how hard Jim works to show Uhura he really cares about her)
Studley Do-Right by TheWatcherObserves (rated T) Very funny. Pregnant, telepathic, Uhura is making Jim even more horny than usual)
Jim’s Captain In Shining Armor by JaneyKatherineHummingbird (rated T) (Yes, this is one I wrote. I couldn’t resist.)
Something Wonderful by Maliam (rated G)
Five Times Nyota Uhura Kissed Jim Kirk by Valyria (rated T) (The one that got me into this ship)
Sorry for the lack of Scotty/Uhura, but in AOS they’re mostly used as a token background ship in Spirk fics, sadly, and I’m not going to list that. If someone has given them their own actual story, I’d love to read it!!
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rssspockuhura · 7 years
Dirty Laundry
Warning: Some M/M works might show up here because the Spock/Uhura tag is used in ref to S/U as a side pairing, past pairing, etc. Solution. Read at your own risk.
Author: emn1936 Star Trek: 2009 English, Rated: K+ Drama/General Characters: J. Kirk, OC Chapters: 3, Words: 9,875, Reviews: 16, Rated: K+, In-Progress
She murmured to her guest for a few moments in a patter meant to put him at ease before the on-air interview began. The entire Federation was salivating to get a good look at the young captain and hear his story. via FanFiction.Net: Star Trek: 2009, Last Updated https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10323829/1/Dirty-Laundry Remember to check out the Spuhura fanworks community on livejournal. Follow rssspockuhura for Spock/Uhura fanworks from around the web.
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qqueenofhades · 9 years
I'm taking heart in your thoughtful analysis, the fact that someone associated w/the show tweeted "hang in there Hook fans" and that one spoiler is that someone reveals to Killian that it's not Emma with whom he should be angry. Your wisdom and the trail of breadcrumbs is leading me to believe we will heave a sigh of relief (through tears) by the end of next week's ep.
i haven’t seen that tweet -- do you happen to know who it was by?
but that said, i just... don’t really have any doubt about how this arc has to end. i have not watched this show for as long as i have for them to suddenly change everything they do and value and construct. yes, last night’s episode was brutal and it was meant to put us in severe pain and be afraid for the finale -- it succeeded very well at that. but i also said it was going to do just that.
so trust me, i get feeling broken. i couldn’t sleep last night and i could barely eat or concentrate today because this dumb episode was consuming my thoughts. but then i actually watched it, and wrote a long ass meta that i think is my best for the season, and considered everything that i know and believe alike about cs and 5b and ouat in general, and i feel a lot better.
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