#emperor izar
aquarii-if · 5 months
Ngl, i thought the mystery RO would be the creepy emperor because that would've been messed up. But an inventer that's incredibly full of themselves? You surprised me.
I'll take it!!
Lmao most important person in the universe.
please, not Izar. 😭😭 ??? is the farthest I'll go for red-flag ro's. I swear, no matter how many red flags ??? has, Izar has them tenfold. There's no way I could write a romance with him without it being incredibly abusive or out-of-character. At least ??? is willing to self-reflect and work on themself for the greater good.
??? is such a complex character, lol. The invention they made is actually really helpful and important to both Chronoian and Aquariian societies and the reason behind making it is very noble, it's just the way they use said technology during the story that makes them dangerous.
Izar, on the other hand, has no justification for how he acts, he's just power-hungry. 💀
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albywritesfiction · 8 months
Been writing the ~clandestine~ meeting between MC and Ædric, here’s the current placeholder for the Dark Prince’s physical description 🤭
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And I know some of y’all would agree with me when you see the manhwa character who looks the closest to what I imagine Ædric would look like, which is . . .
Izar Arman from Ten Ways to Get Dumped by a Tyrant! Specifically in Episode 14 😄
If you swap out his red eyes for violet ones and his pale skin for the golden brown I mentioned in the character color palettes, then he’s pretty much Ædric 🤭
(Thank goodness he’s not a male lead because I - I mean - fans can simp to their heart’s content 🤭)
(Also I love the sibling dynamic between him and the female lead 😆)
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The Creators of the Dimensional Rift
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"What lies in a full separation of time and reality..."
"From anything in the universe. There is another dimension... That cannot be entered by a god's will and power..."
"The grand library... Where only the strangest tales are ever to be written down by none whoever could think of. This was the home by the head herself known as the... 'The Author'..."
"However she was not alone in this grand place... This grand yet strangest place was home... To them are known as a the 'Creators'. Chosen to create more of the oddest tales that the author allows them to continue with free will."
"The left side of the the grand library, is the home of the creators of the resurrection lifespan of humanity."
"This right side of the grand library, is home of the creators of the seventh rift."
"The Center of the Library... Is where the Author lies within resting and watching as the shelves grow bigger and bigger. And is also where the eternal 'Cycle of Insanity' and it's heart from it's Creator is kept under the Author's watching."
"These tales only existed here..."
"And so will it's Insanity and Abnormality."
Within the Right side of the Library, only the seven creators who had mastered as created the Dimensional Rift Border as known to be the far masters to all seven countries... Who are made by their own creations, including the citizens as well.
There are seven though more who share the same titled as the 'Creator' within this side of the library who are still present at this day and year....
(The Other OCs in the same pictures are followed by Order, and the OCs are )
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"The Six Dragons of the Island of Enchantment."
The Creators of the Island of Enchantment. And the masters who created of the half-myth race.
By their own blood and will, all five of them ruled which each based of the unwanted four lands connected to another by a circle while the fifth one stayed in the middle.
Currently they still rules by their own within the past and the present timeline, for they can be in the library or in their own countries watching.
Creator Name/s Reveal:
Emperor of Crystalsle: Aibek Izar
Emperor of Springfield: Kalhar Keldan
Emperor of Summerville: Donovan Sargon
Empress of Autumntown: Cerriwen Demeter
Empress of Wintergreen: Blanche Demetria
Fun Facts about the Six Dragons:
All five of them are married.
Aibek is the eldest, Kalhar as the second, Donovan as the third, Cerriwen as the fourth, then Blanche as the youngest.
All five of them have different sexualities.
Though as Aibek who is the eldest he is fair with his siblings with respect, including his wife, his children and in-laws.
All five of the siblings share the same title as the Creator of the Island of Enchantment.
Though they are still the rulers, they are fair with their creations/citizens, for their wanting of peace.
Cerriwen and Donovan have daily bickerings, Kalhar and Blanche are sometimes chill but with seriousness. Aibek is fine with his siblings chaos.
Anger of each of the five shall not be tested at once.
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"The Demoness Empress."
The Sole Creator of the Dungeon Inkhell. The Mistress who created the Demon-Type Race.
By her own will of cruelest of her hands, created a land that can only existed underground deeper than any hellspawn than anything else that can be known of.
Is currently watching her work within the Grand Library, while the current ruler reigns upon the deadish city within the bloody cage.
Creator Name Reveal: Audrina Enyo
Fun Facts about the Demoness Empress:
Apparently, she is also married to another Creator in the Resurrection Side, who happens to be her husband.
If looks can kill, so will her own appearance. She doesn't care about the amount of attention she received.
Her own Sexuality? Can fuck with anything. Do not test it at her. (Her husband has full access with it)
Despite her brutality towards her citizens/creations in Dungeon Inkhell, she doesn't mind letting them to know what having a heart is to their destined partners.
Silent is her pure death presence within her own hell.
Also has two children (who are born genderless) after her marriage, but treats them with patience as a mother.
||She can expose her tits thanks to some of her clothes, do not mind it||
"The Glass Statue."
The Sole Creator of the Kingdom of Priamonia. The Mistress who created the gem curse known as the 'Eternity of Greed'.
By her eyes that shines through as the brightest, created a land where only her creations can have access to the curse and can inflict it to one another, a curse that can never be broken by another spell.
Is currently watching her work within the Grand Library, while the current rulers who rules upon the kingdom that shines through her own mirror.
Creator Name Reveal: Onya Tanzanite
Fun Facts about the Glass Statue:
Is also married like the rest of her fellow creators, has a husband who is in the Resurrection Side.
Her sexuality is rather hard to guess, but doesn't have a preference.
Well isn't humanish if you notice it. Well is beautiful as a gem or glass statue, despite that she can walk and talk as a being itself.
Never gets angry.. But becomes more greedier for the eyes.
||She doesn't have eyes, she has glass sockets for her eyes but they are see through if you look closer at her like a mirror.||
Oddly... She doesn't shatter. No one knows how or why.
||As the creator of the 'Eternity of Greed' She collects eyes and turn them into gem or glass balls. Consider that she loves them as she gets them.||
Despite her blindness (as in greed) citizens/creations. She doesn't mind if they get accepted as a whole worth it of a price for a living than it's own wealth.
She is definitely beautiful to make you cover your eyes.
Has a son that she's has taught them of proper mannerisms.
"The Blood-lusted Beast."
The Sole Creator of the Revoltion City. The Mastee who created the Inner Beast Race.
By his silent words of his lips and fingers, created a land where only the dangerous of the largest beasts can only be tamed or roamed freely within.
Like the rest, he is also watching his work from the Library as he watches some of the main heading of the clans ruling over the city, being the untameable and wild.
Creator Name Reveal: Sverre Gryphon
Fun Facts about the Blood-lusted Beast:
Has a husband and is also married, like the rest. His husband is also in the resurrection side as well.
His sexuality? Never has known it but doesn't have preferences on any gender.
Is not very humanish from the first glance of course, doesn't look even the slightest human within the flesh and bone.
He controls very aspect of every single of the blood-lusted creatures in Revoltion City, the tamed and the untamed.
The Main Master of any based Assassination. Do not try and test it with him.
Can meter up the control and power of each contracted blood creature and towards their master, such as the mind control and further more. Which it includes their venom within them as well.
Towards their out of controlled creations/citizens within his work. The word tame and control is welcome if anyone had tried to.
Their growl and it's sound when angered? Honey just run.
Has a daughter but is a bit rebellious.
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"The Solarian Twins."
The two Creators of the Themyscira Empire. The twins who created the Cresteria Race.
By a separation of the two light of both day and night through both of the sun and the moon, created a land above the clouds where heaven cannot be there at all.
Just like the Dragons, they can both still rule by their own within the past and the present timeline, for both can be in the library or in their own country watching, though they mostly stayed within the library.
Creator Name/s Reveal:
Sunlight of the Celestial: Aelius Caelus
Moonlight of the Abyssal: Aruna Caelus
Fun Facts about the Solarian Twins:
They both hold the same title as the Creators of their work.
Both of them are single (but has different preferences on based their sexuality apparently)
Who is the eldest one between them? Actually both of them are, so not one of them are the youngest even if they are twins.
The facial looks of both are mysterious as they are but different as the creators, the Sun gains appreciation while the Moon gains respecting.
The Sun has a quiet personality while the Moon has a calm personality. But both are mostly intimidating as they should be.
Despite both of their strictly up-put towards their citizens/creations, they wouldn't mind letting them to have a feeling of happiness on anything.
Whenever the sun is in a bad mood, the moon would calm them down without making a fuss. But the roles can reversed.
"The Wandering Willow."
The Sole Creator of the Land of Wisteriana. The Mistress who created the Forest Whisperling Race.
By the sounds of her softish voice and gaze, created a forest land where the wanderers wander around within the mystical woods, whether to be lost or finding a place to stay for long.
Like some of the creators, she still rules rule by their own within the past and the present timeline, for both can be in the library or in their own country watching through the spirit oak tree, though she mostly watches within the library much more.
Creator Name Reveal: Lila Freesia
Fun Facts about the Wandering Willow:
Is also Single like some of the creators (but can be considered bi or les)
Her persona is quite difficult to read but is quiet but mostly holds her curiosity towards anything else that catches her eye.
Beautiful Singer... Like a creature luring you to a demise.
||Due to an amount of hearing of her songs, she collects ears so no one can hear the soft music||
||The Flowers on her hair whom they are ascessories are dangerous to touch, do not do it||
Has an unlike of an anger... Do not test her ok?
Despite her wandered to get lost creations/citizen, she wouldn't mind letting them to find a new place to call it a home to stay.
Can create tons of flowers, but rather the most strangest ones yet to see to be grown.
"The Silent Curator."
The Sole Creator of the Glowndia Isle. The Master who created the Angel-Type Race.
By his blessings bestowed upon his wings and words. Created a land upon the clouds which heaven cannot at the highest heights of the skies.
Is currently watching his work within the Grand Library, while the current rulers reigns upon the holy city within the orders or the bible.
Creator Name Reveal: Benedict Emmanuel
Fun Facts about the Silent Curator:
Is also married like some of the creators, so he has a wife(who is born genderless).
Due to his silent yet strong cold behavior he is hard to read on a certain basis with the other creators.
Looks respectfully and mostly a normal way but a bit different as a creator within his work.
Of course, ||holiness and a bible with him on rare days.||
Similar to Demon Empress, the silence around him is also his death presence. Though much more on the heaven kind than hell.
Despite his strictness with his creations/citizens, he doesn't mind letting them have the experience of freedom within their cages.
His words and sentences are much ||bibled-related|| so yeah, he can cuss a bad word for once but not daily.
Has a daughter but she tends to be clingy around him or his wife at any day and time.
If you're expecting more, such as the resurrection side, the cycle of insanity, and the main author.
Please wait for a later date as the author gets her rest. :3
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taeko222 · 1 year
Animals Life
Azure Public Academy
Building 1 of Fun
Laakshi Amara | Age: 18 | Height: 157cm | Gender: Female | Homo Sapiens (Human) | First Captain
Alaia Aaliyah | Age: 18 | Height: 160cm | Gender: Female | Serval | Second Captain
Rani Cara | Age: 18 | Height: 162cm | Gender: Female | Caracal | Helper
Clement Runar | Age: 18 | Height: 172cm | Gender: Male | Common Raccoon | Detective
Paz Pyla | Age: 18 | Height: 165cm | Gender: Female | Fennec Fox | Detective
Lennon Honey | Age: 18 | Height: 167cm | Gender: Male | Yellow-crested Cockatoo | Artist
Nudgee Abheek | Age: 18 | Height: 169cm | Gender: Male | Tree Frog | Idk his family works at the farm…
Building 2 of Cooking
Kunal Astella | Age: 18 | Height 180cm | Gender: Male | American Flamingo | First Captain | 3rd Son of the Astella Family
Esme Kaipo | Age: 18 | Height: 185cm | Gender: Female | Bergman’s Bear | Second Captain | Member of Heart to Minus
Elska Kaipo | Age: 18 | Height: 183cm | Gender: Female | Kodiak Bear | Member of Heart to Minus
Eros Kaipo | Age: 18 | Height: 176cm | Gender: Female | Ussari Brown Bear (Ezo Brown Bear) | Leader of Heart to Minus
Just wanted to let you know that Eros is the cousin of Esme & Elska and you want to know why do they have the same name. Because Esme & Elska mothers were siblings too…
Kurt Ezrah | Age: 18 | Height: 175cm | Gender: Male | Rock Dove | Helper
Asra Latifa | Age: 18 | Height: 175cm | Gender: Female | Passenger Pigeon | Helper (mostly)
Lyron Alto | Age: 18 | Height: 170 | Gender: Male | Royal Penguin | Former Leader of LPS (Life PenguinS)
Ellis Emine | Age: 18 | Height: 184cm | Gender: Female | Emperor Penguin | Leader of LPS (Life PenguinS)
Rockwell Izar | Age: 18 | Height: 173cm | Gender: Male | Rockhopper Penguin | Member of LPS (Life PenguinS)
Ami Aria | Age: 18 | Height: 163cm | Gender: Female | Gentoo Penguin | Member of LPS (Life PenguinS)
Alop Suha | Age: 18 | Height: 163cm | Gender: Female | Humboldt Penguin | Member of LPS (Life PenguinS)
Malika Shanti | Age: 18 | Height: 173cm | Gender: Female | Margay | Manager of LPS (Life PenguinS)
Gul Astella | Age: 18 | Height: 180cm | Gender: Male | American Flamingo (Yellow, not real!) | 3rd Son of the Astella Family
Kunal & Gul are Twins (Kunal is the Oldest and Gul is the Youngest)
Varda Astella | Age: 18 | Height: 182cm | Gender: Female | Chilean Flamingo | 1st Daughter of the Astella Family
Roseo Astella | Age: 18 | Height: 182cm | Gender: Male | Greater Flamingo | 2nd Son of the Astella Family
Rosanna Astella | Age: 18 | Height: 171cm | Gender: Female | Andean Flamingo | 5th Daughter of the Astella Family
Loxi Astella | Age: 18 | Height: 176cm | Gender: Female | James’s Flamingo | 4th Daughter of the Astella Family
Rozanne Astella | Age: 18 | Height: 164cm | Gender: Male | Lesser Flamingo | 6th Son of the Astella
Building 3 of Training
Tigran Dhin | Age: 18 | Height: 189cm | Gender: Male | Bengal Tiger | First Captain
Syleus Naz | Age: 18 | Height: 180cm | Gender: Male | Capuchin Monkey | Second Captain
Leo Lynwen | Age: 18 | Height: 184cm | Gender: Transgender | Lion | Helper
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tc-doherty · 2 years
Find the Word Tag 3/3
Tagged by @memento-morri-writes thanks!!
Fight - Second Chances
“Mahesha!” Izare cried.
In one smooth movement he tossed his bow carelessly aside and lunged with his sword. It slid home, digging deep into the beast’s side.
The beast squealed in rage and whirled to face this new annoyance.
Mahesha had fallen – when had that happened? – and now his hands scrabbled in the snow, looking for anything he could find. He forgot, in that moment, that haltiat do not commit violence. They do not fight. It didn’t matter. Izare was in danger. A sizeable rock came loose, and he threw it, hitting the beast on the shoulder. It turned again, slightly.
Enough for Izare to pull back his sword. Enough for him to shove the blade into the beast’s unprotected throat.
Hot blood gushed onto the snow, onto Izare and the nearby trees, but it wasn’t enough to stop something with a boar’s tenacity.
There was no roar now, no squeal or snarl.
It turned like lightning, head titled. It snapped its head up tusk first.
Izare didn’t scream, but Mahesha did, without being aware.
Tired - Temitope
Sigrid arranged herself gracefully into the same chair she'd used before. "The ring was taken by the captain of the Royal guard, who was complicit in Emperor Lyov's plot to assassinate my family." She sighed. "I'm sure he can't be far. There is no trick, no monsters, just a traitor and a thief."
Sigrid was staring at the floor, looking very tired and very sad. Temitope said, "I'll get it back for you. The ring, and whatever else is next. I didn't understand at first, but now I think I know why you want them."
"Oh do you?" Sigrid asked without looking up.
"It's not just a way to get what you want, or even keepsakes, is it?" Asked Temitope, although she already knew the answer. "These are some of your kingdoms treasures. I keep forgetting that you're a princess too, or a queen."
Sigrid did look up at that, and smiled. "You're the only one who ever seems to."
"Maybe because I never really thought of myself as a princess either, until I became a prince," Temitope said. "I always knew one of my sisters would become queen, and I would just be me. But they're married into other kingdoms now, so I'm all there is and I have to start thinking of myself as a princess. Or prince."
Fall - Magic Black as Knight
The guard that he chose was more inviting, open to attack. But Clovis hadn't started studying the sword yesterday, he wouldn't fall for such an obvious trap.
Clovis was as careful and conscientious in his sword fighting as he was in anything else. He knew little enough about Iskandar's style, and wasn't the type to rush into something. He waited patiently, waiting for Iskandar to reveal something by making the first move.
Iskandar seemed to understand what he was doing, because he suddenly grinned. "Okay," he said. The guard he had chosen was one that could go from defense to offense with ease, and now Iskandar did so, lashing out at Clovis with a downward diagonal cut.
It was not a feint clearly, there was nothing subtle about the attack. The only surprising information to be gleaned was found when Clovis parried it. And that was only the sheer strength with which Iskandar could swing his sword. He was not only taller than Clovis, with a longer reach to match, he was also physically stronger, could put more force behind his swings.
But sword fighting was not necessarily about strength, and it wasn't the first time Clovis had fought such an opponent. Although the force of their blades coming together jarred his hand, he wasn't worried. The parry Clovis had done pushed Iskandar's sword out of the way, and as soon as his own sword was free, he thrust straight at Iskandar's chest.
High - Celestials 2: The Fairy
Rena worked on making over a pile of clothing that had already been made over several times before, cutting Myca’s worn clothing down for Madena, and Madena’s clothing down for herself. Despite her age, she was the best with cloth, like Madena was the best with plants, and Rothe was best with his hands. He was working too, carving a fork from a bit of scrap wood gleaned from the lumber yard he worked at.
They would be the only family in the building with a complete set of utensils. Rothe grumbled about the work, on top of everything else, but there were some things Myca insisted on.
Rothe blew on the fork to clear the shavings off of it and examined his work. “I didn’t see you touching her,” he said. “She burnt like fire. Best to leave her where she fell.” He lowered his knife and looked over at her. “Give up on that forest, Ren. You know Myca’ll hate it if she finds out. You know what she says.”
Rena jumped up, spilling clothing everywhere. “I’m just trying to help! If I can make it right then we won’t be hungry not ever again and we’ll have a place to live and,” she balled up her fists and glared at her brother, “and no one will ever look rude at us not ever again! It’ll be safe.”
Rothe’s eyes flashed a brighter red, as they always did when he got angry. He got angry faster than ever these days. Angry or not, he kept his voice low, so as not to be overheard by the passengers on the street. “Rena! You know what Myca says! We gotta stay low-like. You think them high and mighty Celestials will like that forest? And they’re not gonna care about a ravvie like you even if you are a kid. Dark magic ain’t never been tolerated here. I helped you but you gotta quit.”
Tagging @jess-p-edits @emilyoracle @talesofsorrowandofruin @sleepyowlwrites
The theme for this one is…please pick 5 words that have to do with time and show me where you’ve used them! For example, midnight, noon, sunrise…
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cospinol · 3 years
sorry for a third ask but tagdiving i confirmed my suspicions that aua empire is the empire of prizes place. i love being right. feel free to indulge in some lore drops though!! if you are inclined
AAAAAAAAA THAT’S RIGHT empire of prizes is a few centuries before hbtw but basically abt the specific brand of unification project that eventually led to the rulers it has circa hbtw!
It does feature in later hbtw too just bc its rulers refuse to be left out of the big conflict that’s brewing largely b/w south realm and izar empire at that point, bc those are their two Big Rivals (aside from dai which it’s always been the aua impulse to subjugate, tho never really successfully). Izar is their direct neighbour/obvious rival but their beef w/ the south realm is more specific + stems from the fact that the first Tasier emperor was actually the younger brother of one of Aua’s first emperors, who struck out on his own and basically cut a trail thru dai until he hit the shallow sea (the south realm is currently much diminished but it did just about span dai back then)… aua still sees the south realm as its technical Right but has never successfully ruled it or anything
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aquarii-if · 7 months
I loved the demo!!! This concept is so cool, I love stories with demigods, Gods or celestial beings~ I hope you are taking care of your health!!
My favorite parent is Sirius so far. He gives such a girl daddy vibes(??), I don't know, just a really chill parent, and one with the best reaction is game IMHO. Donati is so funny, I read in a late ask that the parent will be someone with some sort of influence, so I imagine he is looking at a really good house/apartment complex and being like: how can you live like this, sweetie? Are u this poor???
Anatole gave me such an Idia (from twisted worndeland) vibes, I just want to protect him and help him through life, for real.
So far, I just have a stronger opinion about the God parents, but Amare is the funniest of the bunch. He just freaking out ♡
One thing that I would like to ask, though, is why we can't ask the God parents about the reason they don't want to fight with the Emperor's orders head on. Like they are gods, and the emperor is just a mortal(?)
Thank you for your ask. ♥️
Well, simply put, the gods are very strong, and a war with the Emperor could easily end both galaxies entirely. Not to mention that I'm sure the Milky Way would be affected in some way too, explosions in space are huge and can travel very far.
But also, the gods are very different people. While they are family and will do anything to protect each other, they often get into disagreements.
While some gods, like Sirius and Mahina, would LOVE to start a war with Emperor Izar, other gods, like Alula and Aurora, do not want to start a war and want to avoid it entirely.
The Aquariians are also against a war, or at least their queen is, and it's not like the Aquariians could sit out on a war happening in the galaxy right next to them with their own gods being involved as well.
So yeah, there are many factors on why a war between the Mitans, the Virrians, and the Gods is such a controversial topic at this point. Everyone disagrees with each other on something, whether it’s the reason of why a war should happen, or how the war should go, there's a lot of debate on the topic between the three parties.
Very interesting ask, by the way! The reason I didn't add it as an option is mostly because I want the focus to be on Aquarii itself for now, and MC being a demigod. But as we move through the chapters MC will learn more about Izar since he's obviously a pretty huge part of the story. I hope this cleared things up for you, though. 😊
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aquarii-if · 5 months
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Izar stands at the wall-length window behind his throne, overlooking the wide city of Yhada. He watches the millions of Chronian citizens milling about, some are obviously tourists, taking pictures in front of whatever they happen upon that's slightly interesting, much to the local's disapproval as they find their regular routes suddenly blocked by inconsiderate people.
It's astonishing to him, how mundane their lives are. Izar spends every second of his days busying himself with upcoming wars, politics, and all other duties that come with being an Emperor of a galaxy as big as Chronos. Meanwhile, they get to live their lives on easy mode, and yet they complain they don't have enough money, or food, or clothes, or entertainment.
Such ungrateful peasants, if you ask him.
Izar sighs, shaking his head as he turns back to the front of the throne room, planning to walk to his office to continue on with the work he's already late on. He practically jumps out of his skin when he sees the main source of his migraines staring up at him with a smug grin on their face.
"Planning to mope in front of the window all day? I'm sure your rivals would appreciate the distraction." They tease, their grin only growing wider as they watch Izar subconsciously roll his eyes.
"Why are you here? I believe I assigned a very important task for you to complete." Izar reminds them.
They step to the side, moving to stand directly in front of the window next to him. "Yeah, and I feel incredibly offended by that."
Izar raises an eyebrow as they swivel to look back at him, their eyebrows furrowed. "You dared to give me such a task on the most important day of the year?"
Izar crosses his arms, towering over the little insolence as he speaks. "It's May, nothing interesting happens in May."
"Oh, I didn't realize my birthday was so boring!" They sneer.
Izar suppresses a groan. "In what world is that the most important day of the year?"
"This one, obviously. Because I'm the most important person in the galaxy. Look outside, and try to find one person who doesn't depend on my inventions." They mimic the Emperor's stance, a triumphant grin on their face as they watch Izar sigh.
Sometimes, Izar really wishes the inventor of [REDACTED] was literally anybody else. But he'd rather not waste his time arguing with them. "I see. Then, I shall delay the task for another day. You can begin working on it tomorrow, enjoy your day off."
He turns, expecting this conversation to be over. But as always, he puts too much faith in the annoying idiot behind him. "Um, excuse me? That's not enough!"
Izar stops in his tracks, his hands balling into fists at his sides as he tries to keep his voice steady. "What do you mean?"
"I deserve a better apology than that!" When Izar turns, they're standing with their hands on their hips, glaring up at him so harshly that if looks could kill, he'd be incinerated. "You'll announce to everyone in the city that it's my birthday and that they're all invited to the birthday party, which will be held in the ballroom."
The noise that comes out of Izar's mouth when he hears this cannot be described. This commoner dares to demand him to offer up his castle for such a useless practice that is a birthday party. He should send them to the dungeon this instant, but of course, he is not that lucky.
Instead, he decides to handle this in a more mature manner. "I cannot fit the entire galaxy of Chronos into my ballroom. It's big, but not big enough to hold that many people."
They roll their eyes, scoffing. "Fine, then I shall invite only the most influential and actually interesting people to the party. But I still want the announcement."
Izar cannot believe that he is about to agree to this. He is the Emperor of Chronos, the gods themselves fear him, the Queen of Aquarii fears him, this brat should be put on death row for their disrespect. But they're the only person in the galaxies who can help him with his predicament, and at this point in their exchange, they already know enough about him that they could easily force him to abdicate the throne.
So, instead, he nods, letting out a long sigh. "Give me a moment to get everything ready, and I'll notify you once the announcement is out and the venue is finished."
They nod, the smug grin returning to their face. "It was a pleasure to see you this morning, my Lord. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for me."
Oh, don't worry, little brat, Izar cannot wait either.
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aquarii-if · 6 months
May I have some facts about the Mastermind?
Thank you for your ask.♥️
Ahhh! I love writing about ???, I can’t wait for you all to meet them, I hate them but they’re so fun to write, haha. I’ll try not to spoil!
They only work with Emperor Izar because they hate the gods and humans and they have similar goals involving the gods and MC. But if MC didn’t exist, Izar would not have been the Emperor of Chronos for this long.
Despite being incredibly cocky and self-absorbed, they’re actually kind of a loser. Maybe that’s a strong word, but I mean, if they weren’t such genius, most Mitans and Virrians would hate them.
Despite hating humans, they do see the species as a valuable asset, and if given the chance, they would extend their services to recruit humans. Their reasons for doing this, however, are not at all for humanity’s benefit.
They do a damn good job at hiding their nefarious actions from the public. They’ve even managed to slip under the god’s radar. Except for the one god they forgot to care about. 
Despite being much more powerful than them, Roux is so terrified of ??? that even the mention of them will send him running. 
There are many different ways ??? can go through character development. However, they will never be entirely good. There’s always one part of them that will want to be mischievous and cause harm to others, but luckily, they can find their outlet through mindless teasing and just being an annoyance to others around them.
One downside to the MC having to deal with them is that they're so famous and well-loved, and MC is well, not. One wrong move and MC can make both galaxies hate them even more.
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