#emphasis on try i think i wasnt very successful
totentnz · 6 months
thinking about redoing my bg!v and making her durge....
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desire-mona · 6 months
Could I ask for a mini ramble on why Keating is your favourite character? Poised with a notebook and pen to take down notes haha
so like. keating; let's talk about that
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we desperately need to acknowledge that keating is an amazing man right down to his core. he is so passionate about living life in a way that makes him feel fulfilled that he makes it his main goal to teach others how to do the same.
he experienced the same exact thing as the poets, remember, the movie makes a big deal of how nothing at welton changes. he had the same exact oppressive environment growing up as they did, so he knew exactly how to connect to these boys.
every single one of his peers and superiors fully believed that neil's death was keatings fault, and actively shunned him for it. not a singular person that wasnt a Teenager in his community understood what he was trying to do. welton painted the narrative that keating taught these insane useless lessons about breaking the rules BUT NEED! I! REMIND! YOU! HE MADE A PRETTY BIG EMPHASIS ON THE FACT THAT U GOTTA BE SMART ABT IT! he called out charlie for the call from god thing for a reason!!
another crazy devastating thing abt keating + neils death is the fact that neil was understanding exactly what carpe diem mean's IMMEDIATELY. AND WAS ACTING ON IT!! he pursued things that he knew would make him happy and fulfilled in the long run, he knew what he wanted to do with his life and he took the first opportunity to get it. the exact fucking definition of seizing the day. keating was REACHING THIS KID SO WELL!! HE WAS UNDERSTANDING EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS SAYING!!! AND THEN!!! AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!
so imagine this. you grow up in the most rigid, boring, unchanging environment and decide fuck it, im gonna Do Something for Myself for Once. you start to think oh, this is actually kinda sick, doing things that make me happy. you escape the environment that aims to essentially make these Children into what their idea of successful is. (quick reminder that there are actual children also attending welton. like kids. like 9 year olds n shit.) you actually chase after every opportunity to be what your idea of successful is, and were so passionate about that way of living that you learned how to teach others how to do it. and also poetry and stuff.
so youre doing exactly that, you finally got to a point where youre doing exactly what you wanna do, and teaching these kids in a situation just like yours. and its going SO WELL! there's this one kid who just GETS IT and is doing it flawlessly and then - oh !
keating is my personal description of raw devastation. all of who you are and what you wanted to be is in shambles because of something that isnt your fault. but almost everyone around you thinks it is your fault. and we're just gonna move on from that? thats it? thats the end of the story? no more keating after that?????? downright evil. more people gotta talk about this wonderful man!!!!!
also very sorry if this makes no sense, im quite high. but also shameless self promo pls interact with my ask blog @ask-captain-keating bc i lob running it. pleags. ily for asking this btw!!!!
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haato-no-ace · 2 years
Hello! Can i have a seperate headcanons for Idia, Leona , Kalim & Malleus? (i dont know if my request is romantic) where the boys find out grimm accidentally spilled that reader like them or has crush on the boys but reader force themselves to stop crushing on them, the reason reader thinks the boys wasnt interested on relationship and also reader thinks wasn't was not fit for them cuz they're not noble or royality, just a magicless human. What they might the boys react?
Leona, Kalim, Idia, & Malleus + GN!Reader
In which Reader had a crush on them, and they find out.
Relationship type unspecified, other Genre unspecified, general Headcanons
I've classified your request as 'other'! Meaning it's up to your interpretation on how you want to view it. I kept everything pretty open-ended, ehe.
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Leona was a bit surprised; he's aware he's an asshole, and he knows that you know that.
Not really surprised you stopped having a crush on him, and he thinks your argument is sound. However, he does say that it doesn't really who he, Leona, marries, since he's only the second prince. If being not-king did him any favors, it meant he didn't have to marry for political reasons or while thinking about them.
Definitely uses that knowledge of your past crush to tease you a little bit.
"Come on, didn't ya used to have a crush on me? Can't ya make me a sandwich because ya love me so much?"
Kalim was very surprised and flattered! He didn't know you had a crush on him at all!
When he finds out the reason, he's sad and disappointed. His family is just related to royalty, he's not a royal himself! Plus, there's a popular story back home of an ordinary homeless, poor boy marrying the sultan's daughter!
He's not trying to convince you to like him back again, he's just being very honest! He'll respect your wishes, but it makes him upset that you thought he'd care about status.
"It makes me happy you liked me, at least! I like you a lot too! Uh, not like in the crush way or anything! Just like, um...haha!"
Idia froze up like a popsicle when he heard you liked him! Emphasis on liked. Past tense. He can work with that. (His hair is uber-pink.)
He's not sure whether to take offense or be proud of the reason you chose to drop your crush on him. He knows he's pretty cool but also no, he's not??? Besides, every classic, successful love story is usually about a commoner falling in love with someone of higher status than them, right? At least that's how it is in Idia's otomes, light novels, and mangas.
Otherwise, he does avoid you for a bit just out of sheer embarrassment and anxiety. He's flattered and a bit happy you think of him as husbando material.
"Eh. Huh. What? WHAT? T-There's no way [Y/N] likes me. LIKED me. There's no way!...N-no, don't look at me! Stop looking at my hair!"
Malleus was mildly shocked. You loved him? You didn't loathe him or find him scary? Difficult to be around? Interesting...
He's not too upset that you stopped. In fact, he found your reasoning very sound. He does say that, given time, you would make the perfect noble like him, if you got the proper education.
Nevertheless, he is flattered! He doesn't tease you or give you grief over it. To both of you, it's just something that's happened and passed. Things simply passing, like time, is something Malleus is used to.
"A liking to me? Well, I'm flattered, [Y/N]. This doesn't change our relationship, right? ...Good, I don't want it to change."
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raccoonhearteyes · 4 years
I kind of need to vent and am sort of looking for advice? Sorry if this is long. I've been with this girl for almost 7 years and I was totally head over heels for her; major emphasis on was. I started realizing that maybe she wasnt really the one for me, maybe 2 years after we moved in together? Before we moved in together she would get mad at really small things that kind of would ruin her day and just let it affect her to the point where I'd get very little to no responses 1/?
No matter how persistent I was she would give me small answers. I figured that was fine because its whatever she's having a rough day or I dont know the full story. It never bothered me, until we moved in together. After we moved in together everything was fine and it seemed like everything was going good. No issues no arguments nothing really out of the ordinary. We even got a cat together. Maybe a year and a halfish after we moved in she started getting irritated at everything I do 2/?
Like I mean everything I did somehow I fucked it up. I always cook dinner despite both of us having similar work schedules, maybe an hour difference between when we leave and get home. I've never had a problem doing it. Every so often she'll help and I'm fine with that, but when she watches me, like, cut the veges or something I get told I'm doing it wrong. Like how am I cutting zucchini wrong?? It almost always ends up with me asking her if she wants to do it and she just kind of  3/?
She just kind of gets mad and doesnt talk to me, like dude its veges? Anyway it happens with a lot of things. If I forget to make coffee on the weekend if I'm up for her it becomes "why didnt you make coffee?" "Oh sorry I forgot I can do it now though" "no it's fine I can do it" "are you sure? I dont mind doing it if you're yoing to take a shower or something?" "No" and that's the end of it. But then she wont talk to me the rest of the day no matter my efforts 4/?
Whenever she has a not so great day at work and she vents to me I always ask if she wants me to just listen or if she wants advice. Anytime I do that she just gives me a look like I'm supposed to know that answer and then she just says "nevermind" and sort of just doesnt talk to me the rest of the day. I always try to act like everything's fine and carry on having normal conversations with her but she puts zero effort into it 5/?
Another thing is shes kind of hypocritical? Theres times where I'll do something and she doesnt like it so I stop doing it. It's not a big deal if it bothered you then I'm sorry I'll stop it. Most of the time when that happens she doesnt talk to me for a few hours, but she'll also do what I did a few weeks later. Like let's say I was holding the cat up to her to let the cat sniff her and it was bothering her, a few days later she'll do the same thing but if I ask her to stop 5/?
It becomes a whole ordeal and she doesn't stop doing it and then I get annoyed at her and she always goes "why are you so sensi?" Like I get that I did it first but I stopped when you asked me to. When it comes to grocery shopping its the same thing. I always decide what to have for dinner or what to cook for lunch and I'm out of ideas so I always ask her. She just shrugs and says "whatever I dont know what you want" 6/?
Whenever I confront her about it she just sort of isolates herself in our room and only comes out when shes hungry or thirsty or has to use the bathroom. That's usually the end of it and it never gets brought up again even if I try to talk about it. They're not real arguments it's just shit she doesnt want to deal with. She always confides in me and tells me that shes depressed or anxious etc but anytime I try to talk about things I get brushed off 7/?
It gets kind of annoying because I can't talk about my feelings to her about work without being told "sounds like a you problem". If I let her know a friend is coming over it becomes "I'm just going to hide in the room or go out" they're her friends too. We met through mutual friends. Theres times and days where she'll only ever acknowledge the cat and not spare a glance at me and it really fucke with my head  and starts to get to me 8/?
Theres some topics that are absolutely taboo to bring up when I want to talk about them but shes totally fine to bring them up as she pleases and that's the only time we can talk about it. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking on eggshells whenever I talk to her about certain things. I dont know it iust bothers me and I really don't think I'm in love with her anymore but I dont know how to tell her or any of my friends sorry this was long hope they all went through 9/9
Oof. That’s definitely a tough spot to be in. I’ve been in similar situations. The bottom line is this: successful relationships rely on good communication. It seems like you’re willing to talk and change to accommodate her needs, but she will not do the same for you, and instead blames you for everything. Been there. It sucks, and whether you realize it or not, is an incredibly manipulative tactic. You are actively trying to fix it, and she’s not letting you, nor is she doing anything to fix it on her end. Yet you somehow feel like it’s your fault?
Leaving long relationships is really hard, but it sounds like you don’t love her as much as you used to because of how she has treated you. Your options are 1) Be honest with her. Tell her that you aren’t happy, and tell her that if things do not change, you don’t see a future with her. This might give her an ‘oh shit’ realization, or more realistically, she’ll stick with her current pattern and blame you. 2) Just end it now. If you’re confident nothing is going to change (seems like you have a few years of data), you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your own happiness. Be ready for the ending to be somewhat ugly. If she blames you for all problems now, that narrative is not going to change once the relationship is over (and she’ll likely make you feel guilty for “bailing” on her).
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Breaking the Girl- One Shot Part 1
April 1990, Los Angeles
I felt a little bit hungover, while I was driving through Sunset in my Cadillac. Thank god it is a convertible, so I at least got some fresh air. But I had to stop at  a gas station, before I got to the Mansion in Laurel Canyon. I needed a Coke and cigarettes. When I found one and got out of my car, I wasn't sure about leaving all my stuff in the open car, especially my bass. Oh well, I had to rush anyway, so I quickly grabbed a cold can of coke and a pack of Marlboros. While lighting  myself a cigarette up and continuing driving towards Laurel Canyon, i was thinking about last night. Having a really successful gig. Whenever I was playing the bass, I could shut myself off from the world, almost like meditating. The traffic wasn't that mad, cause it was pretty early on a Sunday, most of Los Angeles probably had a hungover too and stayed at home. Arriving at the mansion, I checked myself in the rearview mirror. Well I managed to not look that destroyed as I thought. The only thing I had to fix were my bangs, but that was a work of seconds. Thankfully I had straight hair, so I went a couple times through it with my hands and it was fine. Then I grabbed my bass and the rest of the stuff and walked up to the mansion. Anthony was standing outside of the entrance, smoking a cigarette. 
“Hey, there you are!” he said hugging me. 
“Am I the last one?” I asked, lighting myself another cigarette up.
He just laughed.
“No don't worry! Actually you are pretty on time. The crew is setting up our instruments” 
I looked at the mansion, while smoking.
“Whoo, this is really impressive!” I said
Anthony nod
“Yeah it really is. If you like you can set up your room already!” he suggested.
I threw the cigarette on the ground.
“Yes I think I need to get my shit in one room. Is there anything available?” I asked picking up my stuff.
“Come on I will show you!” Anthony said, walking in.
He showed me his room first. It was really big, with many windows. His mic was already set up in the corner.
“Pretty nice Anthony!” I said
“Isnt it? I can sing and record all of my songs here, while looking outside, seeing the beauty of LA.” he said proudly.
“Oh this sounds so cheesy!” i said, teasing him.
He laughed
“Ah, there we have the attitude again. I really missed you!” he said, teasing me too, while trying to hug me.
“Hahaha, get off my back Kiedis! Show me my room instead!” I said
So I got my room between Anthonys and Fleas. It wasnt that big as Anthonys, but bigger then my apartment. I put down my bass and the rest of my baggage, then threw myself on the bed. I sighed
“This is my new home for the next months!” I said. He now laid next to me, always did this to annoy me. 
“Where is John´s room?” I asked staring at the ceiling.
“You´re looking at it!” he laughed.
“So right above me! Okay now I know that, too.
Silence entered. After a couple of minutes, Anthony asked me
“Uhm, you still date the guy, you know after we broke up?”
That question, to be honest made me uncomfortable. For the record, me and Anthony had just a fling, while they were touring for Mothers Milk.Nothing serious at all, but for some reason he kept asking me after, which guy I was dating.
“Hell no! I am single as fuck for a while now and I love it to be honest.” I said, as I felt how this gave him hope.
“Anthony, don´t even think about it now!” I said, while he came closer.
“Just kidding girl, calm down!” he said. 
I knew deep inside he wasn't kidding. I got up, cause this was getting uncomfortable for me.
“Lets look for the rest, shall we?” 
“Yeah sure!” Anthony just said. You could feel, he expected another reaction from me, but I swore to myself that I won't let him seduce me again. Seeing Flea, with his daughter Clara, just put a smile on my face again. Me and Flea always bonded, not only because of the bass playing but he simply is a wonderful human being and actually my best friend. We hugged each other and it was another feeling, then hugging Anthony.
“So good to see you again Flea!” I said smiling all over my face.
“Yeah this makes me really happy! he said, lifting Clara up. Say hello Clara!”
“Hiiiii!” she said in that cute little voice. I squeezed her little cheeks. She just looked like a mini me of Flea.
Music came from upstairs. John probably was upstairs already. Couple of minutes later, he came down, with a bottle of juice in his hand. I didn't recognize him at first, cause last time I saw him, he had that red mohawk.
“John, what happened to your hair man?” I said running my hand over his head.
He smiled at me.
“Do you like it?” he asked me, expectantly 
“ I love it!” I answered. 
“Thanks, I really appreciate it!” he said, barely looking at me. John really changed since Mothers Milk, I had the feeling he was more introvert now. To be honest I liked that and sensed how Anthony was bit of jealous, while I complimented John.
“I heard you have your room above mine! Let me see it man!” I said, wanting to escape Anthony for a while. John guided me upstairs, his room looked like he already lived there for months. He only had a mattress instead of a bed. There were books and records all over the place, also it seemed that he painted.
“Since when do you paint John?” I asked, looking at all the colors and stuff.
“Ahh, you know I recently started it again. Its a good alternative to playing music.” he said, while handing me over a joint.
“Want some?” he asked, lighting it up.
“Sure, why not!” I said, taking it.
We went on the rooftop , which was right in front of his room. There we sat down. I really enjoyed smoking pot with John, also loved the calmer version of him. When they toured for Mothers Milk, he was very cocky and crazy, not that I didn't like that, but now he seems more mature to me.
Johns P.O.V
I always had a thing for her. But now that she is here again, it really struck me. She looks beautiful then ever, with her very short bangs and her black hair. Also the fact, that she can wear a pair of skater shorts and a cropped band shirt and look like a nymphet, to me.I tried not gaze too long at her, so that she didn't notice me.
“So, you're still playing the bass?” I asked her.
She looked at me with her deep brown eyes, smiling.
“Ya of course, couldn't think my life without music anymore !”
This is what connected me most with her, her deep passion with music.
“Well, then you should show me some riffs later on?” I asked her
“Of course, lets jam together.” she said, while my heart raced, making me really happy.
“Ahh, i see you found our flower child up here?” Anthony said, standing at the window of my room.
I could see how it bothered him, Anthony calling him like that. That was really mean. I know it was a way of joking around, like that `Greenie` thing back in Mothers Milk era, but now obviously it really hurt John.
“Yeah I found John!” I said, with emphasis on his real name. Hoping Anthony would get, that it annoyed me.
I think Anthony got it, he always knew when I was pissed at him.
“Alright, lets do some sound check, see you downstairs.” he said, looking especially at me.
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isaacathom · 7 years
lunala is such a gorgeou s- hold the fuck up. guzma???? gUZ- WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED. well alright then. well uh. my point was lunala is really pretty. but ok two folk just fell outta the sky because necrozmas spider senses tingled and it just tore a hole in time space in order to fuck up lunala so anyway thats three cutscenes in rapid succession. actually wait no thats 4 full model cutscenes in rapid succession, each broken up by brief ‘in game’ model cutscenes instead. absolutely wild
holy shit. heyyyy its ub assembly. oh god this music is banging
OH!!! i see why they have hau with hala instead of. wherever hau was in sumo. because they played up the aspect of his relationship with hala and how that affected his goals. so since we actually kinda resolved that bit earlier in aether paradise, hau is now, rather than trying to be hala or beat hala, is HELPING hala. so after aether, he returned home. at least, thats how im reading it. i think thats a really nice touch!! it makes sense with that greater emphasis on his development.
also i almost one shot necrozma with oceanic operatta. am i meant to capture it??? it didnt actually attack me back??? but according to the wiki its ‘location’ is mt lanakila which is not here. am i capturing it or not. my pokeball disappeared from the top corner so i dont THINK so????? oup theres the attack maybe i just dodged it last time. ok i owned necrozma. absolutely rocked em.
you people are wild. if you have solgaleo, why did we need lunala. oh god its gonna be gyro powered because i cant change it to be the circle pad until after this first ride, fuck, nintendo whyyyyyy
oH MY GOD I LOOK ADORABLE in that cute little suit!!! wait so because im on moon do i have to suse solgaleo the whole time or will it switch to lunala after i beat necrozma?
uhhh so where the fcuck am i now. cool alright so i didnt get to the white one. which ones the fucking white one???? none of the ones i passed looked white. they all looked like, blue and red and yellow and rainbow and shit. so unless by ‘white’ we mean ‘rainbow’ i didnt fucking see shit? i also despise the gyro controls and i think whatever fucking moron made them the default is an absolute cunt.
can i go change the controls now before i lose my fucking mind? cheers.
WHICH ONE IS THE WHITE ONE!!!!!! how far away is it. how many times do i have to fucking give in this stupid hard to control minigame to find necrozma.
OOPS there it fucking is. you slut.
‘be careful, people of alola’ zossie im a single individual
ok that just looks weird. actually yknow what it looks like? reshiram. i remember people thinking that reshiram and zekrom looked weird. and heres this absolute wild man in ultra necrozma.
oh god it can speak english. oH GOD WHATS WITH ITS EYES. oh fuck its lvl 60 now. oh no. oh dear. thats not good. ive finally been outleveled. fuck they nearly one shot my primarina :( oh dear. oh dear me. what type is this. i dont actually know what type necrozma is. psychic dr- fuck i coulda owned him with my fairy move. oh jeez. ohhhh jeeeezzzzzzz. ‘it wasnt very effective’ ‘byron fainted’ uhuh alright. gOD HES SO /FAST/ STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP STOP DOING THAT. STOP BEING SO FUCKING FAST. STOP DOING THAT. I CANT EVEN /TOUCH/ YOU BECAUSE YOU KEEP ONE SHOTTING MY SLOW POKEMON TURN ONE. STOOOOOOPPPPPPP. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH god i hate this. this is awful.
there we fucking go. fuck you necrozma. you cunt. fuck em. you ruined the resolution of lillies side plot lol. cause like.... whats gonna cause lusamine to change her mind now??? like oh yea cool i beat necrozma, but that shouldnt change lusamines mind about her daughter. because her daughter, in uh, broad terms, didnt do a whole lot. i mean she did, because if not for her, i wouldnt be doing this, but like, yknow.
*walks out of the warp hole* i lived bitch
oh yea ok sure she just goes ‘yea i guess you were kinda right about all that stuff’. LILLIE AGREES. she gets the shit. she knows im the change in this town.
sooo are they close again or is she only agreeing to go back to paradise in order to help lunala? oh seeya guzma. OH they spoke while i was off fighting for my life. nah thats fair. its a bit... of a cop out, really, but fair.
also Oh boy this is going to be an interesting trial
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atomickrakatoa · 7 years
Episode 7 - “And I have no idea what a Willa is.” -Chips
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I guess Liana voted me? how odd. Colin voted Nicholas I presume but uh me and Quillynn lived which is all that matters tbh! Im happy that we get to live another round I was scared(pumpkin)
Colin, from the grave
fuck these hoes
So.. I survived tribal! I'm super happy that we were able to get out Colin, as much as I love him as a person and would have wanted to work with him under different circumstances it was the only thing that made sense. Basically Bryce and I put ourselves in a position where we were the swing votes between Colin leaving and Nicholas leaving. Although there were benefits with both options, we knew that Colin would be harder to convince to also vote out Liana if we lose again, and we feel safer (for now) with Nicholas. At this point I feel great, I don't want to sound cocky, but I now just don't see either Bryce or I leaving before merge! 
Hello Dads and lovers! I don't have too much to say about the game, except the tea is that i'm ready af to merge. The fastest way to kill me is to make me go to tribal on this tribe. Chips hates me, Jay O knows about my friend group premade, and Kelsey is inact af. Zach and I want to convince Kelsey to vote with us, but umm basically i'm going to pressure him into playing some advantage. I'm going to make him king of paranoia and tbh it won't be hard. Also i'm an actual slut for letter # like i crave it. So thanks hosts!
hi my tribe is gonna lose this challenge xx
**Malam loses immunity**
We got 2nd in immunity thats iconic. but im afraid ppl will see me as a threat but like.... I had to score since quillynn and liana did nothing and nicholas wasnt on much.Im just happy we won and are one step closer to merging where i can try to meet back up with bryan!
So me and trixie fought our hardest but we still weren’t able to win. EMPHASIS ON ME AND TRIXIE AND NOT OUR ACTUAL FUCKING TRIBE! THESE BITCHES DIDNT DO JACK SHIT! I was talking to trixie about it, how we are fighting the hardest when we aren’t even the ones at risk and they don’t even care. But the votes are probably going to be heading towards Willa.
WE WON IMMUNITY! WIG! I expect Trixie to use her idol that I provided her... my impact. I shouldn;t have, and I kind of regret it but I don't. It's weird. I want merge to come pleASEeee
One step closer to merge! My team of icons won immunity again! Although, to be honest I didn't really try or participate, because I would rather us go to tribal again. We have the numbers on our tribe to vote out Liana and I want to do that before we get to merge and she just acts as Chips' double vote advantage. 
My tribe loves going to tribal apparently! We’ve lost/come close to losing every single challenge that I’m praying to the furby gods for a mercy merge. 

Being a villain, naturally I have satan on my side. Although I had described zachary rae as being an angel, he’s more akin to a devil because he’s left me a gift that I don’t know what to do with yet. I feel like I have Bryan and Christian down to vote Willa. Willa, on the other hand, thinks we’re going to vote Christian and is “willing” to go to rocks, which is a big fat lie imo. I feel like he’s going to try and flip the heroes on me, and I’m hoping they won’t listen. After all, I do a lot more for my tribe than he does. 

I’m always worried something will happen, and I don’t wanna be that fool who plays the idol when unneeded, but I also don’t wanna be the bigger fool who goes out while holding one. help
I'm being voted off is this necessary 
Alright, so the challenge was the one where you get letters and then you make words from them. In general, I'm pretty decent at it... but also I never have any time online for that sort of challenge so I saw if I could sit out... and I did. http://imgur.com/dYxDGuG.gif And then I wasn't added to the chat or whatever so I was kinda in the dark about our team's score (which is odd, because I believe that in the show when they sit out they are still at the challenge) but I was hoping that we could be successful and not have tribal. Then the results were posted and our team was number one! So no tribal! And the marshmallow tribe is going to tribal... https://68.media.tumblr.com/744c19eadd3d19f73b4dfece4e0ae798/tumblr_olvj861Lu01u2ragso1_500.gif On that tribe are Bryan, Christian, Trixie, and Willa! Bryan I'd like to stay because I think he's most likely to work with me in a situation where we are reunited. Christian is here and there, but would likely stick with me as well. Trixie is basically QuilLynn so if she were to go it wouldn't be bad for me. And I have no idea what a Willa is.
I hope Bryan plays his idol
I don't know why Willa doesn't like me, when I've never spoken to him or even played a game with him. Unless he friends with someone in the community that hates me lolol. I lowkey feel like he has an idol, and I'm gonna get idoled out. But I guess we will see. If I do go tonight, I'm not mad about it. It is what it is. But once confessionals are released, Willa feel free to tell me why you have it out for me. Ctfu 
I'm so glad we won because if we proved anything the last tribal, it's that this tribe is a mess.
I just got out of work ahhhhhhh!!!! Anyways im super happy my tribe pulled out a win because i did NOTHING in the last challenge. I've worked for the last 4 days so i was either at work or tired af during the challenge. Hopefully (!!!!) That changes and i can start pulling my weight.
**Willa is voted out, round 8 begins**
Lol at Willa thinking we were going to rocks when in actuality he was going
The sitch is that once again; the foxy lady gets to stay~! I feel very grateful that I was able to stay out of tribal the last week. This streak of safety is sooooooo nice to rely on and now...we're heading into the top TWELVE of the competition! I can't say I ever saw myself making it to this stage of the game and gosh...merge can't be far away! At this point, I just want to break away from this sort of "tribe" game and I just want to get started on playing in the final traction of the competition! You know what? I DESERVE to make it to the end and, at the very least, I deserve to FIGHT for it. On this tribe, I do believe I've tightened my relationship with Dana as well as with Chips. And if I do have to vote someone off, I'm quite comfortable switching over with the villains to eliminate Jay as I trust him less than Zach. I just...I feel CONFIDENT! I feel so ready to keep going! I'm filled with excitement and I just wanna- I want to be in the heat of it again soon enough! I said this earlier, but they're going to have to rip and TEAR me away from the crown and I'm pumped to fight for it! Send home the next hooker already, I'm raring to go! And THAT'S all there is to it~! But who are you pointing at? -Kelsey V Mikaelson #TeamIBelieveInYall #TeamBEES #RIPColin #RIPWilla
**Malam loses immunity again**
JKNFCDBEJLWBFCHJLBWEHJCLBHWJBC I GOT FIRST PLACE AND THEY BOTH GOT LAST!! THIS IS SOO DAMN FRUSTRATING!!! but i dont want to vote out Christian or trixie. Christian has been loyal to me. and trixie is so nice. i have my idol and i want to use it but i also dont. im afraid trixie might flip christian on me. and thats scary. 
kisses we safe xx kay now i'm expecting trixie to idol, considering i think bryan/christian are friends. whom will she vote? idk?
I kind of feel really good on my tribe. I do want merge though cause I think it may get more interesting. It's kind of bitter sweet because A) It's SUPER boring tribal wise rn, but that's because of B) my ass ain't going to tribal - and i wanna keep it like that!
We won immunity (well second place but w/e we’re safe!) that means we’ve probably made it to merge which I’m super excited about! We still have Liana, but her joining up with chips might make her and more importantly chips easy targets. I like them both but see 0% chance of us working together in this game at this point so they’ll definetly be the first people that i’ll be wanting to take a shot at. 
Ok so. Christian thinks I’m voting trixie. And trixie thinks I’m voting Christian. Or there is this epic blindside coming. But I’m leaning more towards keeping trixie. I can def count on Christian to be a loyal goat but I know trixie has the skill to be able to make big moves with me.
Um liana ditching last second was scary but we won so im happy. Malam keeps losing so its awk LOL. But im happy me and quil are safe with nicholas
Haha, Malam sucks. Enjoy tribal!
I'm pretty sure I'm gone tonight lol. There's not much to say, considering there's only three of us left on our tribe. Everything is just open I guess. 
VL DR: Trixie is such a troll. I was wondering why she never goes on video chat. But i know now. She is one of the trolls from that shitty animated movie so called trolls. 
**Christian is voted out and round 9 begins!**
0 notes