#empress fuyumi
jardinvrm · 1 year
You know, I'm really curious on what Lloyd and Fuyumi's relationship was like after Hunted, if you could fill me in and tell me more I'd really appreciate it 💗
I am. SOOOO glad someone finally asked me about them
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For starters anon, after Hunted you can say Lloyd pretty much cut Fuyumi off completely from his life, from all the trauma Harumi gave him he obviously needed time to heal and Fuyumi's looks were just reminding him of that pain
Meanwhile Fuyumi desperately begged him not to leave her, abandonment issues kicking in obviously cuz she lost everything because of Harumi but Lloyd believed it was the best for both.. KEYWORD. THOUGHT.
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After coronation (that he didn't attend but saw from afar) he realized how miserable and lonely Fuyumi was, realizing his horrible mistake he immediately tried to reconnect with her
Fuyumi after getting used to people just disappearing from her life decided to just surrender to emptiness.. more like "I won't talk to anyone, I won't speak to anyone, they will be on their own and I'll be on my own."
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Girl is obviously very fucking salty and just so tired of life and betrayal and people leaving her and Lloyd is desperate... they're getting there eventually :/
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asolivera · 1 year
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Visit my twitter:
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nillabean · 10 months
Ono Fuyumi: Emperors and Empresses can take consorts!
Rakushun x Youko shippers: Perfect! Then--
Ono Fuyumi: But two people from different kingdoms can't get married! :)
Rakushun x Youko shippers: *distressed sobbing*
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
❝  if you have to go, you know i will go with you.  ❞
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song of achilles. ( accepting. )
Fuyumi has never hesitated to offer a helping hand to almost anyone. Her soul was the embodiment of light, the purifying power of kindness and determination. A good soul with a wonderful mindset, one who she didn't wish to lose from her life or allow to be tainted by the likes of this world. Hydaelyn chose wisely who to make her the champion to represent light and hope, but Zarina also hated Hydaelyn for that same reason only because she treated Fuyumi as a sister. And what older sister would like to see her younger sister suffer, struggle and despair at what she couldn't do as a person while being weighted down by expectations and views of heroification? A maiden's heart was fragile despite bearing the weight of the world. Perhaps, this was why she felt so overprotective. Not because she deemed Fuyumi weak either mentally or physically but simply because this was how Sokolova showed her care.
A softer glance is cast down 'pon the small Au'Ra as Zarina places her hand on top of the healer's head. It's a tender gesture that not many are allowed to witness from her. Thancred would've teased about this and Y'shtola would chuckle, but Sokolova didn't care about any of them as much as she cared about Fuyumi. The one who always would walk forward without fear or hesitation adored that the healer would always be walking right by her side despite not needing to. It was reassuring, even if it was worrying to her as an older sibling. It made her wonder if Fuyumi was concerned about her disappearing once again without coming back. What transpired in the First certainly left terrible marks.
The Ice Empress cannot deny Fuyumi's words—
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"I know," Zarina's voice comes off softer as well with a smile small yet tender. "That's why I made sure to walk slower for you to catch up with me."
Now, she joked about the other's height, ruffling that pretty dark hair of hers and laughing heartily before lifting her hand and stepping to the side to have a better look at Fuyumi. Zarina's smile was now cheeky and cocky as she placed her hand on her hip, tilting her head to look at her younger sister with an inviting glance. If she would go with her, who is Sokolova to deny the Hero of Eorzea this? They were a family. It was best for them to travel with each other here and there. No way she would leave without saying goodbye or without notifying Fuyumi of her plans. Right now, the Juggernaut knew her place was right by Fuyumi's side.
"I'm going to get groceries from the market. Let's go together. We can talk about what you want to eat today. I heard you found a particularly delicious dessert recipe, so we can look for ingredients, and I can make it for you," it felt sweet, nice, and warm. She did the same with Victor and Aleksey before her exile from Ishgard; the caring older sister was making herself the center of the stage once more instead of the ferocious Juggernaut. "And no, we cannot make extras for the Scions. Maybe for Alphinaud and Alisaie, but others can make their own."
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pommancy · 6 years
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Her iron gaze and then a softer smile, for him, her kirin.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Yandere Royal Gay AU pt 4
Part 1 can be found here.
Part 2 can be found here.
Part 3 can be found here.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
"And then your father threw the biggest tantrum because he wanted to be the "princess in distress" for once rather than the hero." Rei said, as she combed your hair. Everyone besides grandpa Enji were in your room at the Palace. Uncle Natsuo was lying on your bed while Fuyumi went through your closet, tutting at all the "old" clothes (old because you'd only worn them once).
You laughed, looking up at Rei. "No way! Dad became a princess?!"
Natsuo scoffed. "He tried! But Fuyumi started choking him. If dad wasn't there to pry her off, she probably would've killed Dabi- OW! FUYUMI!" Fuyumi smiled after pinching Natsuo's arm. They both began bickering right in front of you.
You giggled watching your uncle and aunty being absolute children. "Can I ask you something?"
Rei hummed, kissing your forehead. "Of course, honey. What do you wanna know?"
"What was it like when dad got his quirk?"
The room fell silent. No one talked about quirks, let alone mention the word in front of you. Mainly because you hadn't developed one.
It's quite an anomaly because Dabi has a very powerful fire quirk, and your mother had a strong water quirk. And yet, neither quirk was passed down to you.
It's not uncommon for people to not have quirks. No. But its quite important for the future Queen of the kingdom, and the only heir of King Dabi to have a quirk. Any quirk at all.
Even though most people get their quirks by the age of 7, the kingdom's subjects say that you're just a "late bloomer". They're very hopeful people.
When none of them spoke, you looked at them with a pout. "Oh come on! It's not like I've asked for a kidney! Please tell me-" you looked at Rei and jutted your bottom lip. "-grandma~"you whined.
She sighed. "Alright. I'll tell you." You huddled up next to her on the bed and she began telling the very fond memory of the day Dabi got his quirk. She'll never forget how proud Enji was when he looked at Dabi's blue flames.
Obviously, you felt the pressure of developing a quirk, but it was your grandpa who you wanted to please the most. Even though Enji has never said anything about quirks, and told you that you're perfect and just as capable of ruling as anyone with quirks, you still felt sad that you'd somehow disappointed him.
Not to mention how guilty you feel for your father. I mean, the whole reason Dabi married your late mother was because Enji forced him to, saying that he'll benefit from having a heir with a powerful quirk. Only for him to end up with you- a quirkless child.
It's another thing that none of them will ever allow you to feel guilty, much less say anything depreciating about yourself. Anyone else who says anything but praises, is simply a traitor to the king and must be executed.
The next day, you wake up early to prepare yourself for your small tradition with Enji- hunting. It's just a small interest that you share with your grandpa; whoever finds the prey first, decides what happens to it. If you find it, it's obviously gonna be going in your royal pet sanctuary. If Enji finds it first, it's gonna be dinner.
"So what's today's target?" You asked Enji, your horse walking next to his and his guards staying behind.
"Its a chicken."
"A chicken? Really?"
Enji grinned. "Its a special kind. It's pink and it lays pink eggs. They're quite exquisite."
"Woah- wait, you've ate one before?"
"Hmm. They were a gift from Empress Momo- how is she doing these days?"
You sighed. "I don't know, I haven't gotten letters from her since she doesn't know I'm here. Which is good, because she sends A LOT of letters."
Enji raised a brow. "Really? What does she say?"
Your face scrunched up in frustration. "Its exhausting. She keeps on inviting me to her Palace but she knows dad won't let me stay for a sleepover! She keeps on trying to bribe me with fancy gowns and jewels, but if I'm being honest, I don't even wanna go there myself, even if dad did let me go."
"Oh. Why is that?"
"I don't know... but I'm not comfortable around her. She stares at me- a lot, and she's very short tempered. She always has been. One time when we were kids, I was playing at her place with Katsuki, but I guess I didn't give her enough attention because the next second she was dragging me out of the room and she pinched me a couple of times before locking me in her closet." You laughed. "Izuku and Tomura had to come and save me. Her mom, Empress Miruko was so embarrassed and she was furious at Momo. I'm sure she got a lecture that day."
"Oh I remember that day. Your grandmother was so mad that someone had dared to hurt her grandchild, she wrote a mean letter to the Empress, threatening war if Momo ever did something like this again." Enji smiled, happy that his wife did the right thing. He was glad that Rei is just as protective of you as he is.
You nodded and smiled along, not wanting to tell Enji that Momo did still get angry and vengeful when things didn't go her way. Only instead of pinching your arm, she now pinches your butt... painfully. Like the last time when she made you dress up into something she said was "traditional clothing of the empress's clan" but felt more like something so revealing that Momo's concubines would wear in bed. Anyways, she had you lie on her bed and pose because she wanted to paint you- and Momo was a very skillful painter. She never let's you see the end results though, simply saying that it's bad and she's going to burn it later.
Anyways, when she was painting you, she slowly started getting irritated because apparently you weren't "still" enough for her. So she stalked over to you and pinched your butt hard enough for you to mewl an apology and promise that you'll do better. She let go with a satisfied look on her face, and you've been avoiding going over to her place since.
You decided not to talk that story to anyone because 1. This is not something you tell your grandparents. Harmless little jokes. You know how protective your family is. 2. As weird as she is, Momo is a good friend. And more than that, she's also a good ruler. You look upto her, like a younger sibling would.
"There!" Enji yelled as he saw the chicken run into the woods. He readied his bow and aimed at it, only for his heart to drop when you walked right in the path of his released arrow.
Fortunately, you catched the arrow with you shield- a new trick you'd learned, something that Dabi and Enji both hated because of the scare it gave them, but neither said anything because its good your reflexes are fast enough to catch an enemy's arrow.
Not that they'd ever let you participate in a war.
While you were busy hunting the pink chicken, Tomura had been called by Rei.
"My Queen, Princess Y/n's servant, Tomura is here-" the guard was cut off by Rei motioning for him to let him in.
"Your Highness." Tomura bowed.
"Tomura. Come, I wanted to talk to you." Rei said as she continued stitching an embroidery for your dress. Tomura walked closer.
"Now, I've heard that there's been... some tension between my son and Y/n. What's that about? And don't leave anything out, I'll know."
So... Tomura told her what had happened. From the prank you pulled by burning all of Keigo's clothes, to Dabi punishing you by giving your dead mother's clothes to Keigo, to being scolded for leaving the castle to visit your mother's grave without informing him.
He told her everything, but Tomura was careful not to tell her about "the proposal". That would not be useful to bring up now.
"I see." Rei sighed, tracing the embroidery that Tomura had done on your dress. She never really was fond of concubines. It's not that Keigo has wronged her somehow, it's just the whole concept of having extramarital affairs and sleeping around with these whores that she hates. Its not a jealousy thing, its just that Rei knows how concubines have the power to easiky drive a wedge in a family, willingly or not.
Its one of the reasons why Rei doesn't visit her Dabi very often. Her son has a harem that he will not disintegrate because she said so, and she simply can't bare to see your sad face when he sleeps around with them. That's why Rei tends to invite you to her palace as often as she can. It's too bad that your father is just as possessive of you and not willing to always send you over to hers.
To be honest, Rei can't believe that Dabi would actually put his bed warmer before you.
"I'll have to talk to him, and don't worry, I won't mention your name." Tomura nodded gratefully, before getting up to leave.
He stopped.
"Thank you. For taking care of Y/n. I hope you will continue to do so."
Tomura gave a reassuring smile. "Till my last breath."
Keigo was straddling Dabi's lap in the throne room when a servant announced Barbarian Bakugo had come. Keigo gave one last kiss to Dabi before shuffling off his lap and standing by the side.
"Let him in."
Katsuki and his fellow barbarians walked inside the throne room and bowed as soon as they wear in front of the King.
"Rise." Dabi rested his head on his hand, looking bored. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Bakugou?" Keigo quietly snickered at the word "pleasure". He knew Dabi didn't like the brash blonde. He was too rough and too loud for them- and for you. He was a barbarian, he simply did not mix well them.
"My King, I brought you some gifts. Just some gems and jewels I got from my... expedition." One of the fellow barbarians brought the chest of jewels to Dabi, who only hummed in partial satisfaction.
"Hmm. And what's that for?" Dabi pointed at the animal behind him.
"Oh these are huskies. I found them in the Arctic. I was gonna kill them and sell their fur, but I thought the Princess would like them instead. And speaking of- where is the Princess?" Katsuki asked, eyes looking around for signs of you, since you'd appear out of thin air if you found an animal in a 1 mile radius.
Keigo finally burst out laughing, and Dabi chuckled a bit as well. Bakugo furrowed his brows as his face reddened. "What?" He didn't understand why they were laughing.
Dabi wiped a fake tear from his eye. "Oh nothing, Bakugo. It's just- I think it's funny you went through all this trouble just to ask where Y/n is. I mean, you only came here because your letters weren't being replied to and you wanted to see whether she's ran away or I've trapped her in the high tower." Dabi smirked as Bakugo's eyes went wide at being caught red handed. "You rarely ever come to see me. So that begs the question-
Are you using me to get to Y/n?"
"No." Bakugou said immediately, a little surprised that he replied without stuttering. "I would never use you, my King. I simply know you hold your daughter the dearest. Pleasing her would please you."
"It would." Dabi replied, eyes still sharp.
"I need your favour to support my clan. You give us support in finance, we give you support in wars. Besides, the princess and I are good enough friends to know our likes and dislikes. If I see something she'll like, I'll bring it. Otherwise she'll wage war on me over a litter of kittens I didn't give her, when she become Queen."
Dabi smiled lazily. "Sounds like my girl." He stood up from his throne. "Y/n is visiting her grandparents. That's why she hasn't been able to answer your letters. She'll return soon, so don't worry."
Bakugo could only watch as Dabi left the throne room, and Keigo began to follow but not before whispering in the blonde's ear.
"I'm only telling you this because you're a good friend of Y/n, and a loyal ally to us- don't think about having any romantic relationship with the Princess. The King will... not support it." Keigo smiled as Bakugo's face showed comprehension of the threat.
"Ah, Keigo. You're back." Dabi said as he signed off on some official documents.
"I am. And with a letter." Keigo waved the envelope with royal seal. "From your mother."
Dabi took the letter from him and broke the seal open hurriedly. It's been a few days since he last heard from you, he's excited to see what you've been up to.
He sat back on his chair while Keigo began pouring him some wine. But when he turned around, instead of seeing joy on Dabi's face, he saw confusion before his face contorted to anger.
"What's wrong?" Keigo inquired, walking over to his lover's side but Dabi stood up and threw the letter down.
"How dare she?" Dabi whispered, disbelief and hurt swirling in his eyes, but fury overpowered any and all feelings. Keigo picked up the letter as Dabi paced back and forth. "How dare she use my mother against me? How dare she tell her lies and portray me as the bad guy?"
Keigo furrowed his brows in confusion. "I don't understand-"
"Y/n told mom about the clothing incident, Keigo! She did it on purpose because she knows mom doesn't approve of you, and she's using her to turn me against you!"
The winged man shook his head. "No, no. Y/n wouldn't do that, you know she isn't one to air our dirty laundry. You know she would never make our problems known to the world-"
"How naive could you possibly be, Keigo?" Dabi said with an apathetic laugh. "She hates you and she hates me. She's stopped calling me "dad", suddenly acting like she's only a royal subject, and the moment she goes to her grandparents, she cries to them about all the "terrible stuff" we've done to her."
Keigo remained silent, its no use talking to Dabi once he's made his mind.
"So what are you gonna do about it? Your mother has asked you to go there and make up with your daughter. I'll start packing your-"
"No. I'll write her a letter. And I'll write one Y/n too."
"So, how does it feel losing to a young girl?" You grinned as you ate dinner.
Enji smiled. "Amazing. Just goes to show what an amazing ruler you'll be one day." He said before putting more food on your plate.
"I'm so proud of you, sweetie!" Rei praised from across the table, before smacking her spoon on Enji's hand. "And I can't believe you'd made her chase a bird, Enji! What if she'd tripped and fell!?"
Enji just nodded along and even gave a small apology just to soothe his wife, giving her palm a kiss, making Rei blush and stop being mad at Enji.
You wished your parents were like this.
Speaking of, a servant came with letters in his hand. He gave most of them to Enji, 3 to Rei, and 1 was addressed to you.
"Oh who's it from?" Rei inquired.
You recognised his seal. "Its from Dad."
Rei and Enji smiled warmly at you. Tomura had told you that Rei was going to try and mend your relationship with your father, even though you initially thought it was a bad idea because you didn't want Dad to think you went and snitched to grandma. But seeing his letter, you suppose perhaps things were going to get better.
"Well go on, darling. Open it! In fact, I got one from him too, so lets open it together." You broke the seal and began reading, as Rei read hers.
But soon, you were both frowning at the words. "What? What's wrong?" Enji asked Rei. "He declined my invitation, said he'll handle things himself." She whispered, Dabi rarely ever declined when Rei invited him. When they both looked at you, you had tears in your eyes.
"Y/n? Doll? Say something, you're worrying us-" but you quickly got up and threw the letter in the fireplace before rushing out of the room as tears fell free from your eyes.
Enji and Rei could only share a worried look as they realise that things between you and Dabi mai have gotten worse.
You'd fled to your room crying your heart out. How could your own father doubt you? How could he think so low of you? Did he really think you'd go to grandma and try to turn her against him? Does he not know you at all?
It's probably his whore who's been spewing shit against me.
But then again, shouldn't your own father be able to defend you? You can only blame Keigo to an extent, because deep down, you know your father isn't one to be easily manipulated.
You quickly wiped your tears when you heard someone knock on your door.
"Come in."
Tomura walked in and bowed. "Princess, should I prepare for your day out tomorrow with Prince Natsuo-"
"No. Pack our stuff. We're going back home tomorrow." You said curtly. Tomura only nodded as he walked over to your closet and began pulling put your clothes, pretending not to notice your dried up tears.
There was a comfortable silence between you two, and even though he was facing away from you, you could feel like Tomura was watching you, yet he didn't ask what was wrong. He always knew not to make you uncomfortable.
"Yes, princess?"
"Grandma and grandpa will be... upset because of our sudden departure. I need you to make up an excuse."
Tomura nodded. "I could say that you have an important guest coming and you need to attend to them."
You hummed. "Yes, that'll be good. Make sure our entourage is ready to leave tomorrow, but don't let word get out that we're leaving. I'll tell grandma and grandpa at breakfast."
"Of course. You need not worry."
You looked at your hands as Tomura swiftly packed your clothes.
"Tomura I-" you quieted down as you didn't know how to explain to him what was happening.
"You don't owe me an explanation, princess." He smiled reassuringly and you let out the breath of relief.
Unbeknownst to you, Tomura knows what has upset you. He's already read your letter before you, and he resealed it when you read it. He's been doing it for years, so it's not that hard.
He doesn't feel guilty about it either. He views it as taking care of you. Its his job to protect you after all.
Even if it means protecting you from your father.
"I'm sorry for cutting our time so short." You said as you hugged your grandparents.
"We underst-" Enji was cut off by Rei.
"Its because of Dabi, isn't it? He's telling you to go back. That- that- that concubine of his must've-"
"We understand." Enji repeated, squeezing Rei's hand. He knows you're covering for Dabi with that "some important guest that needs my attendance" excuse, but he'll play along because he feels like Rei might've made things worse between you two.
They both kissed your cheeks and waved along with half the kingdom (who started to cry at your sudden departure but Enji shut them all up with one dark look) and you boarded the ship. Although you did come to the kingdom by the woods, you decided to return by water since the sea route would be the fastest way home, and speed was something you needed at the moment since Dabi had threatened to drag you back home. That's not what scared you. What scared you was the fact that he'd bring his whore along and then the whole kingdom would see your father places his slut above his daughter. And you simply wouldn't bare the humiliation.
"Where is she?" Dabi asked, pacing around his room as he wondered what new stunt you're trying to pull now. Did you not get his letter? Did you not understand his warning?
Keigo got up from the bed and hugged him from behind. "Dabi~" he kissed his ear. "Calm down. She should be here soon. There's no need to get angry at her-"
"Its been 5 days since I sent her that letter. She should've been here this morning."
"Maybe they're taking breaks along the way-"
"Then they should've been here now! At dinner!"
Keigo sighed. "Maybe she left late from your parents. You know they like to keep her later than usual."
Dabi narrowed his eyes. "Then she should've come up with an excuse. How will she ever rule this kingdom, if she can't even say no to people?"
"Dabi... dont let your anger get the better of you. She's a child, and she left completely pissed with us. I don't think it'll do us any good if we start scolding her for being late the moment she returns." Keigo said, rubbing his hands across Dabi's chest, smiling as he finally calmed down.
"Thank you." Dabi said, kissing the blonde. "How are you so calm though? Usually, it's you who's panicking all around?"
Keigo grinned. "You panicked enough for both of us. Also- I'm very drunk right now. I was way more worried about Y/n, so I drank. And drank, and drank."
Dabi chuckled, letting Keigo pull him back to bed and in for another round.
The entire palace was in shambles the next morning, servants running up and down, guards disappearing into thin air whenever they saw a glimpse of Dabi or Keigo.
Because you still weren't home.
Dabi and Keigo had woken up the next morning, expecting you to be waiting at breakfast for them and giving them loads of hugs and kisses for your time apart, maybe even apologise for being so distant.
Instead, Dabi broke the ceramic plate on the servant's head who informed them you hadn't returned. Fortunately, the poor servant escaped before Dabi threw his knife at him.
Now Dabi and Keigo left for Todoroki Kingdom with an army. Keigo prayed that they'd see you on the way, because if not, they'll have to ride all the way to his parents, and he has a feeling things will not go well there.
They arrived in Todoroki Kingdom by the next day, taking absolutely no breaks or stops, and no one had even seen your or your caravan on the way back.
The people werent expecting their former prince, but they all erupted in cheers at the sight of Dabi. Keigo could practically feel the death stares of the public as he rode behind Dabi. Guess they still hate him here.
But Dabi didn't bother waving to the people this time. No, he rode his horse towards the castle with a dark look on his face, silent fury on his face that screamed not to get in his way.
Enji and Rei were barely able to come to the stairs to greet him, as royal protocol states, but Dabi only walked past them and into the castle, calling your name loudly.
"Dabi- Dabi! What is the meaning of this?!" Rei asked, not impressed that he'd dropped royal protocol and didn't bother greeting them. It's a good thing he towers over her now, or else Rei would've pulled his ear.
"Where is she?" Dabi interrogated. "Where is she hiding? Where is my daughter?!"
Rei and Enji shared a confused look with each other. "I- what do you mean? Y/n left days ago."
Dabi narrowed his eyes. "Really? Then how come no one saw her in the woods going back?"
Rei chuckled. "Why of course they didn't see her! She left by the sea!" Dabi's eyes widened at that.
"What did you say?" Rei didn't understand Dabi's confusion, or the worried look on Enji's face.
"Hey- what's- what's wrong? She boarded the ship, we saw her leave-"
"Rei, the sea is the fastest route back. Y/n should've been back days ago." Rei's face dropped at Enji's explanation.
Dabi all but ran out of the castle, with his parents calling him.
"Wait, let us help-"
"You've done enough!" Dabi yelled as he climbed his horse and raced out of there, Keigo and the army following him.
They soon reached the docks and Dabi began yelling at the merchants to give him their ship. He was gonna find you himself.
Keigo had to physically halt Dabi and ask him what was going on.
And for the first time, he saw fear in Dabi's eyes. "She left by the sea, Keigo." The blonde's own breath hitched. You're 4 days too late. "I'm going after her, maybe- maybe they got lost- or in the middle of a battle with pirates-"
"Dabi, no. No, don't say that. She's fine- Our Y/n is fine. I-" He took a deep breath, clearing his mind. "You're going to check the waters, trace her route back home. I'll go through the woods again, I'll fly! Maybe she decided to take another route. We'll find her, Dabi. Repeat after me."
Dabi nodded. "Yes. We'll find her."
Keigo flew high and low, for hours in the heat and in the rain for any sign of you.
But it was all for naught.
When he returned home, he knew Dabi was back. But when the servants pointed him to the direction of the chapel, he knew bad news was coming from the gloomy looks on everyone's faces.
Keigo could feel his own heart beat as he walked towards the Chapel, the Holy place that he'd never seen Dabi ever come to. It was mostly for you to go, you liked to pray, often for your mother.
God, please don't let her be-
"Dabi?" Keigo's small voice echoed in the empty hall, but it was... haunting to see Dabi on his knees at the altar, his hands joined and head down in prayer.
He walked over to him, and Dabi finally looked up when Keigo placed his hand on his shoulder. "Dabi?" Keigo's heart sank at the sight of him. The King had tears running down his cheeks, his eyes red and hair dishevelled.
"Where... Where is Y/n?"
As beautiful as Dabi's lashes looked heavy with tears, they closed as his eyes scrunched up in pain.
"The ship... it sank." Dabi whispered the last part. "It sank, Keigo. A terrible storm had met them the day they left. The tides rode high, the ship hit something, and in a matter of seconds, the entire thing toppled over."
Keigo could feel his entire world crashing. The worst thing that could've happened- happened, a parents worst nightmare had came to life.
Their child dies.
But perhaps it was an angel, a blessing that made Keigo ask a question.
"Who told you this?"
Dabi looked at him in confusion. "What? I saw the ship wreck with my own eyes, Keigo."
There was a moment of silence.
"Did you see any bodies?"
"Did you see any bodies?"
"No, I didn't find Y/n's-"
"Dabi, did you find any body?" Keigo asked, and Dabi looked only more confused. "Dont you see? How come there were no bodies? No survivors? If there was a storm to come, the Todoroki Kingdom has raised fine sailors, and Enji must've sent Y/n off with the most skilled captain and ship, and he would've definitely been able to not only detect the storm from miles away, but he would've safely maneuvered the ship through the storm too."
Hope began returning in Dabi's eyes. "I bet if we go back to the ship wreck, we won't be able to find any trace of anyone ever getting hurt or any distress. I bet that the only thing missing from the ship would be the small craft boats." Keigo said, watching as Dabi's senses began working again.
"You're right." Dabi said. "You're goddamn right! There were no bodies and no life boats! So they were most likely attacked and taken hostage!"
"Yeah, and you do have a lot of enemies. So you best start working on who has our baby."
Dabi smiled and nodded, kissing the blonde before they both left the chapel with renewed hope and determination.
Even though deep down, they knew this was all just speculation. But for their own sanity, and safety of others, they needed this false sense of hope.
You woke up to the sun hitting your face. All you remember was boarding the ship, then Tomura brought lunch and some special tea, and then your memory is hazy after that. And now you were in a boat.
You looked around and found you were lying in Tomura's lap, his arms securely around you, and your feet were in a maids lap, who was gently massaging them.
You pulled your feet away hastily, which caught everyone's attention. And that's when you saw your boat and two more boats, all filled with your entourage, who were currently bowing at you.
"I- Tomura, what's the meaning of this?" You asked getting off his lap and sitting opposite to him.
"Princess, this is part of the plan. Don't you remember?"
Oh the plan! The plan you'd been formulating for a long time, with letters to Emperor Kai for help and all. The plan to get away from Dabi and his murdering concubine for a while, or longer, until Davi realises your importance and that you've been telling the truth. And if he doesn't and continues to choose Keigo over you, then you're gone indefinitely.
"Of course, I remember. I meant, where are we right now?"
Tomura pointed ahead, where you could see the shore. "We're near. The land is here. Let's get off this boat, and then a brisk walk into the woods, we'll find him."
You nodded and then walked close to him, holding his hand as your knights and servants surrounded you and guarded you.
It was the first time you'd seen cherry blossoms, near the sea, but there were so many around you and it was kind of surreal. It was breathtaking actually, and you tried to take in your surroundings as much as you could. After all, cherry blossoms were your mother's favourite trees. She often talked about them, even asked Dabi if she could plant some, but he refused.
After about 20 minutes, you saw him. You squeezed Tomura's hand.
"Tomura... that's not Emperor Kai."
But Tomura only gave you a reassuring smile, as did the man in front of you. He had an army of knights behind him, all eagerly waiting for the next order.
The man got off his horse and began walking towards you. He stopped when you backed up a bit. That's when Tomura spoke.
"Princess, I introduce you to his royal Highness, King AFO. Your grandfather."
You blacked out for a second.
"W-what?" You looked back and forth between the two men. The more you looked at the king and his army, the more you recognised some familiar elements. Like the colours your mother always wore, or the little flag she kept hidden in her room, only you were able to see it.
"I-" you let out a small gasp before bowing down quickly. How could've you forgotten protocol!?
The King chuckled as he pulled you up by your shoulders, his eyes scanning your face as they memorised your features, his hand gently cupping your cheek.
"You're just like her." His eyes were full of tears, as were yours when you realised he was referring to your mother.
"I- I don't- I don't understand." You furrowed your brows. "If you're my grandfather, then why didn't you ever come to visit? Or even sent a letter?"
He smiled sadly. "I tried to my dear, many times. But your father wouldn't let me. Each time I tried to establish some form of contact with you, he'd put my efforts down. But then he threatened- he threatened to wage war." AFO looked down. "I didn't care about the blood loss that it would cause but I was afraid- I was afraid he'd do something terrible to you, just like he did to my daughter."
Your eyes widened. Did dad actually do that? It's no surprise that he hated your mother and anything associated with her, so he mightve kept you from your maternal grandfather. Hell, the only reason Dabi kept you around was likely because you were his only heir.
"You're all that's left of her." AFO continued. "That's why I sent all of them to look after you. They've all watched you grow, and I was content knowing they kept you safe. Especially with Tomura." He said, referring to your entourage. You looked at all of them. Come to think of it, they all really have been around for as long as you could remember.
"Once Tomura informed me that you wanted a break from your father, I knew I had to reach out to you again. I know you wanted to go to Emperor Kai's, but please give me a chance. Its been more than a decade since I last saw you." AFO pleaded, holding your hands.
"I-" you looked around, and you saw they were all looking at you with hope. You then looked at Tomura, and he nodded, but it was his eyes that spoke.
It's okay, I'll keep you safe.
So you took a deep breath and a small prayer, and looked at the king.
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So, how was this?
Did you guys like the classic angsty move of running away that reader pulled? What are your thoughts on Empress Momo being a sadistic yandere? How will everyone react to reader's absence? Especially Katsuki? Will the parents go insane?
What do you think is gonna happen next?
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
If by the Sun and Moon I Swear
if by the sun and moon i swear by WonderBoy
By Royal Decree: His Imperial Majesty, Yagi Toshinori, and Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Inko, are delighted to announce the engagement of His Highness, Crown Prince Izuku to Lord Todoroki Shouto, youngest son of His Highness, the Prince of Endeavor. This marriage will not only unite two families but the principality of Endeavor with the Empire, strengthening our nations. The marriage will take place in the summer after a formal engagement period.
To strengthen and ensure the lasting effects of the tenuous union of the Endeavor principality and Yuuei empire, an arranged marriage is proposed. Shouto is promptly engaged to a man he has never met before – Crown Prince Izuku of Yuuei. Their first meeting is at the start of their formal two-week engagement period before the wedding, as is customary for arranged marriages. Shouto is determined to want nothing to do with this treaty, relationship, or his future husband - already writing this marriage as good for nothing more than removing him from his father's home. But Izuku begins to tear down Shouto's carefully constructed walls, showing him just how much he cares, and making Shouto fall in love faster than he ever thought possible.
Words: 8125, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Fuyumi, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Background & Cameo Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, implied Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Courting Rituals, Quirks are a Type of Magic, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Todoroki Family Drama, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Found Family, this isn't slow burn the author just can't shut up, TodoDeku Big Bang 2022, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41302677
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aquitainequeen · 3 years
Someone else got to my question, so I'm mixing it up in here. 😂 Top five ~fictional~ royals!
Thanks for the ask! 😊
In no particular order:
1. Pretty much all the monarchs from the Queen's Thief series by Megan Whelan Turner, but I have a particular soft spot for the Queen of Attolia - she who cannot allow herself soft spots, she who poisoned her husband by banking on him eating from her plate and taking her wine cup from her to drink, the same way he would have taken her throne and country...and thus dying from the poison she had laced the wine with, barely letting it touch her own lips.
2. Emperor Gregor Vorbarra from the Vorkosgian Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. The ruler of three planets since he was five years old, he gradually develops throughout the series from an inexperienced young man being used by various factions in his court to outplaying them all and becoming the extremely capable, if burdened, emperor of a militarized feudal space empire...all without losing his mind or his humanity. A favourite quote: "Both of my parents died in political intrigue before I was six years old, a fact you might have researched. Did you think you were dealing with an amateur?"
3. Sabriel and Touchstone from The Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix. Benevolent necromancer queen and warrior berserker king defending their kingdom from the Dead and chaotic Free Magic and, in Touchstone's case, shaving off decades of his life to restore and maintain Charter Magic. Always trying to be there for their children, even when they have to put their royal duties first. So desperately in love with each other.
4. Irulan Corrino from the Dune series by Frank Herbert. Groomed by the Bene Gessiret to be the wife of the Kwisatz Haderach, she ends up married to Paul Atreides in order for him to take her father's throne...while fully aware that he's totally in love with Chani (who's become his concubine) and that Irulan herself has become meaningless and will never bear an Imperial heir. She's also an important historian and her works saturate the books of the main Dune series at least. I love her and I want to protect her.
5. Catherine the Great and Peter III from The Great, created by Tony McNamara. Catherine's trying to overthrow her husband and become the beneficent Empress of Russia, and is having a bit of trouble with it. Peter's a scary man-child who is also strangely compelling and just wants to be loved. They fight crime are immensely fun to watch (and write).
Honourable mentions:
Richard III as written by William Shakespeare. An utter bastard, but by god he's glorious to watch! 'Can I do this, and cannot get a crown? Tut, were it farther off, I'll pluck it down.'
Youko Nakajima from The Twelve Kingdoms by Fuyumi Ono, an ordinary high school student who is dragged into a fantastical world and ends up becoming the queen of one of the world's twelve kingdoms - and, even though her rule is mandated by heaven, she also has to figure out how to actually be a queen.
Padmé Amidala from The Phantom Menace. Fourteen year old monarch of a whole planet, which is actually the norm for Naboo??? Fantastic.
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
If by the Sun and Moon I Swear
if by the sun and moon i swear by WonderBoy
By Royal Decree: His Imperial Majesty, Yagi Toshinori, and Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Inko, are delighted to announce the engagement of His Highness, Crown Prince Izuku to Lord Todoroki Shouto, youngest son of His Highness, the Prince of Endeavor. This marriage will not only unite two families but the principality of Endeavor with the Empire, strengthening our nations. The marriage will take place in the summer after a formal engagement period.
To strengthen and ensure the lasting effects of the tenuous union of the Endeavor principality and Yuuei empire, an arranged marriage is proposed. Shouto is promptly engaged to a man he has never met before – Crown Prince Izuku of Yuuei. Their first meeting is at the start of their formal two-week engagement period before the wedding, as is customary for arranged marriages. Shouto is determined to want nothing to do with this treaty, relationship, or his future husband - already writing this marriage as good for nothing more than removing him from his father's home. But Izuku begins to tear down Shouto's carefully constructed walls, showing him just how much he cares, and making Shouto fall in love faster than he ever thought possible.
Words: 8125, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Fuyumi, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Background & Cameo Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, implied Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Courting Rituals, Quirks are a Type of Magic, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Todoroki Family Drama, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Found Family, this isn't slow burn the author just can't shut up, TodoDeku Big Bang 2022, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41302677
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jardinvrm · 1 year
I heard this audio of this show called Lucifer (I think?) and I immediately thought "omg harumi and fuyumi reunion crystalized" and well... yea
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ao3feed-todoroki · 3 years
MHA Space AU: The Former Crown Prince of Kasai
MHA space AU: The former Crown Prince of Kasai by MagnusL2378
Touya Todoroki had always known that he would be the crown prince of the planet of Kasai in the 7th sector and the eventual ruler/Emperor of the Taiyō furea sector and successor of his fathers immense intergalactic power, but he only remains on planet to protect his siblings from his father's selfish desires because if he absconds then the duty of the crown would fall to one of them and he doesn't want anyone to go through the same gruelling training he'd been put through to be the crown prince. He couldn't bare the thought of one of his kind and gentle siblings who had yet to even pick up a sword, let alone have the forced ruthlessness needed to hold down his father's seat of power in the intergalactic court of elemental systems.
Words: 1671, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Rei, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A, League of Villains, Sensei | All For One, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Eri
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Space, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Crown Prince Touya Todoroki, Emperor Enji Todoroki| Endeavour, Empress Rei Todoroki, Princess Todoroki Fuyumi, Prince Todoroki Shouto, Prince Natsuo Todoroki, Comission Officer Takami Kiego| Hawks, Royal Advisor Aizawa Shouta| Eraserhead, Heir Shigaraki Tomura| Shimura Tenko, Prince Midoriya Izuku, Prince Bakugou Katsuki, Tired Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Angry Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Sad Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs a Hug, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Little Shit, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Mess, Dabi | Todoroki Touya-centric, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is So Done, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Bad at Feelings, BAMF Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Good Older Sibling Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs Therapy, Cute Todoroki Shouto, Oblivious Todoroki Shouto, Sweet Todoroki Shouto, Kid Todoroki Shouto, Teen Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, wars and conflicts, different cultures, intergalactic politics, Crimes & Criminals, Bounty Hunters, Royal Court, underground fighting arenas, intergalactic space Comission(replaces the hero commission)
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37841170
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quirkwizard · 3 years
Hero names I would change and want your thoughts on: Induplicate for Neito, Mega Empress for Itsuka, Poltergeist for Reiko, Sasquatch for Jurota, Twofold for Nirengeki, Longlin for Hiryu, Airhead for Kosei, Shroom for Kinoko, Satyr for Pony, Silver Strife for Tetsutetsu, Growthspurt for Yui, Overgrowth for Ibara (or mayhe Eden), Punchline for Emi, Lab Rat for Nezu, Oracle for Mirai, K-9 for Ryo, Cool Ghost for Mirio (Lemillion sounds so banal), Energizer for Nejire, and Foodsimile for Tamaki.
Been trying to think of better hero names. For Enji, maybe Hellflame? For Ryukyu, maybe Dragoon. For Shinji, I think Root Lord. Gran could be Master Jet. For Tsunagu, i thought of Denim. For Danjuro, I think Sir Rebound. Shishido could be Lionizer. Selkie should go by Sea Lion. Kurogiri could be Shroud Cloud. Spinner could be Ninja Lizard. Kai could be Matter Master. For Mustard, maybe Gasmaster or Toxin. And for Nana, Float Girl is all I got.
Thought of some (possibly) better hero names, so here goes. For Yo, Shakedown. For Dabi, Froze-Inferno (like frozen and inferno). For Himiko, Carmilla (like the vampire). For Tomura, Oblivion. For Mirko, Luna Rabbit. For Camie, Mirage. And for Tsu, Frogger.
Quirk uograde ideas for Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Dabi: Dabi being able to use black ice, but overuse gives him frostbite. Fuyumi using a mix of ice and fire, similar to a comet. And Natsuo using healing flames (like cauterizing wounds) and healing frost (like ice packs). Hero names would be Froze-Inferno (yes, I'm the same guy as earlier), Comet, and maybe Celsius for Natsuo.
What would Mei's hero name be? I thought of Mechanica, but that sounds kinda basic.
No, I don't like any of these or the last names you suggested. These honestly seem like the knockoff names you find on legally distinct toys. Some of them are okay, but most are either generic, aren't any better then the original, or just clunky. Hero names are supposed to represent the hero in some way. They need to be distinct, marketable, and tie back into the character. The most stand examples are the names of Mirio and Enji. Lemillion, a representation of Mirio's desire save as many people as he can, is banal and should be replaced with "Cool Ghost". Endeavor, a reminder of his impossible task to ever match All Might that is a key point in his character, should just be replaced with his Quirk name.
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constellore · 5 years
Title: Land of Yesterday
Based On: Anastasia (the movie and Broadway musical)
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Todoroki Shouto/Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori/Midoriya Inko, Shinsou Hitoshi/Kaminari Denki, Yaoyorozu Momo/Jirou Kyouka, Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako, Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi, Takami Keigo/Dabi, Usagiyama Rumi/Todoroki Fuyumi, Nejire Hadou/Todoroki Natsuo
Description: Eleven years ago, Empress Inko Midoriya and the rest of Russia’s aristocracy were murdered by Inko’s ex-husband, the despicable Hisashi Shigaraki, known in the criminal underworld as All For One.
The Todoroki siblings are running out of money fast, and winter is coming. When they catch wind of a rumor that the young Prince Izuku Midoriya somehow survived All For One’s attack, and, more importantly, that Toshinori Midoriya has offered to pay 500,000 rubles to anyone who can locate his stepson, they decide to “find” the Prince and take him to Paris.
Eleven years ago, Deku was found by the side of a road, a gash on his head and his memories gone.
He’s on a quest to find his missing family. And if four criminals are his best chance to get to Paris, Deku’s going to take it, even if he does have to pretend to be the old emperor’s dead son. He feels bad about it, but not awful, because everyone knows Izuku Midoriya is really dead, no matter what the gossip is.
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forestal-ramblings · 5 years
Okay this week's bnha chapter or " family dinner" ;
We have Enji trying to be a good de and I like the framing of his family problems and the fact that this is a difficult , long process.
Fuyumi rules , queen , empress , best todoroki.
Natsu embodies everyone feelings at an ankward family dinner. Love his teenage who stomps off table moment.
The fact that the only one conscious of normal social conventions is Bakugo is hilarious.
Deku perfect advice.
And of course TOYA !! I love his face , please Lil perfect angel face grows up to be murder fire thrash zombi (or so I hope).
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thessaliah · 5 years
And speaking of female empowerment
To this date, I don’t think any series, show, movie or anything can surpass Twelve Kingdoms on this. It’s rather simple, Fuyumi Ono understands how to write the female characters as, well, people. They are petty, flawed, short-sighted, painful to bear first in all their human and not cartoonish faults that we can see all this reflected in ourselves every day. 
Suzu wallowed on self-pity and was entitled to a “better life” because she suffered honestly a crappy deal (sold off a slave by her family, wind out in another world where she enters in service of a cruel whimsical mistress because she can’t talk the language) until an ill boy who once told her to stop feeling sorry about herself and she bonds with dies on her arms and then clicks her about his advice. Shoukei was hateful, jealous and also owning a victim complex, thinking her misery as the fallen princess of Hou was the only one, unable to see why the people around her hated her and her father, and blamed her misfortune on the convenient rise of a new empress of another kingdom as if it’s tipping the  cosmic scales. Youko/Sekishi was a two-faced, spineless coward who just wanted to fit in, bowed her head and avoid to stand up, she hated to be disliked, she hated to not belong in the society that raised her under strict patriarchy values due to her father, she was demure and obedient but she was also unhappy.
Honestly, when they appeared on page (or screen in the adaptation), I had a knee-jerk reaction and dislike because those flaws were so real that made my programmed self think “Why are these people the heroes?” It felt surreal.
Those young girls struggle with their very realistic flaws, break free and become wonderful people. Suzu and Shoukei as her eventual court ladies and confidants while Youko turns into a brave warrior and empathetic “Glory King” whose kingdom is built on the edict of: “I want the people of Kei to be rulers of their own souls!” Because, girl, that was her arc was about. She became in control of her life, she decided to be kinder, and braver even after she fell apart, and lost to her bitterness, she pulled herself out the abyss and literally faced her inner demons to acknowledge her weakness, every single fault and exclaim she wanted to be stronger.
Yet even after that, she’s capable of making mistakes, because trying to be a good person doesn’t grant her automatically skills to deal with politics. She’s on constant learning and is capable of failure. 
And all this was done without trampling male characters either, which is a common “fauxfeminist” troupe. Most male characters in Twelve Kingdoms are equally explored, though they had their novels (notably En Kingdom and Tai focused on them). They are also wonderful.
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ice-aflame · 6 years
Fuyumi pulled a tarot card!
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You got: The Empress
You are a nurturer — and *probably* find yourself as the mom friend of your group. Generous and genuine, you are someone whom other people can always rely on to make them feel better. You can be empathetic to a fault, though, so be careful that you’re not putting other people’s needs before your own.
Tagged by: (originally stolen from @shcuxo) @lcgerity
Tagging: @createinfinity, @reiofice, @roaringflxmes (I cant remember who’s already done this I’m sorry- so anyone who’d like to do it consider this a tag skdjs)
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